Community Energy Booklet FINAL

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Expected structural changes in the energy system made possible by the increased use of digital tools


December 2018
Friends of the Earth Europe and its members in Spain and Hungary, PRODUCTION
Greenpeace EU, and Energy Cities all contributed to

+32 2893 1000
Friends of the Earth Europe asbl
Rue d’Edimbourg 26 COMMUNITY MARKET
1050 Brussels, Belgium
EU transparency Register no. 9825553393-31 RENEWABLE ENERGY
Friends of the Earth Europe is supported by:


based on a decision of the German Bundestag AND REGIONAL SUPPLY COMPENSATION

Friends of the Earth Europe gratefully acknowledges financial


assistance from the European Commission (LIFE programme),

the European Climate Foundation, and the European Climate TOP TO BOTTOM BOTH DIRECTIONS
Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) PAGE WHAT TO


– who have partially financed this publication.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of DO NEXT CONSUMER
the authors and cannot be regarded as reflecting the position
of any of the funders mentioned above.

This publication is also partially financed by Greenpeace PASSIVE ONLY PAYING ACTIVE, PARTICIPATING IN THE SYSTEM
which is independently funded and does not accept donations
from governments, corporations or political parties, including
from EU institutions.

In a world facing climate emergency, transforming

MOVEMENT FOR fairly towards a fossil-free energy system in Europe has never
been more urgent. Communities across the world are already
feeling the impacts of climate breakdown. Europe, as one of
This booklet is mainly for national and local energy
campaigners across Europe, municipal members, local
environmental groups, members of planned or existing
COMMUNITY the world’s richest regions and the birthplace of the industrial
revolution, has the responsibility to lead the fight to fix it.
energy cooperatives, and active citizens.
It aims to explain what the EU’s new renewable energy
A socially fair energy transformation means putting
RENEWABLE renewable energy into the hands of communities and people
– taking back power from the fossil fuel industry, which has
legislation means. Bringing examples from across Europe,
it shows how the EU legislation can help to remove barriers
consistently blocked action that threatens its own financial to community and citizen renewable energy. Chapter 2

ENERGY interest, at the expense of people and the planet.

All over Europe, the energy revolution is gaining
explains the provisions and new rights for community
and citizen energy. Chapter 3 lays out the implications
for national and local governments. Chapter 4 suggests
momentum. Individuals, communities, cities and local
authorities are at the vanguard of Europe’s energy transition: practical steps and resources for action.
they are increasingly controlling and producing their own
renewable energy, and fostering the transition to fairer,
democratic and decentralised energy. It was citizens who built
Europe’s first wind turbines by joining together in cooperatives
(or ‘renewable energy communities’). THE EU’S
People and communities all over Europe are installing their own
renewable energy projects and energy storage systems, and
taking the lead on insulating homes and buildings. Community IN 2050
energy has the power to achieve an energy transformation
more quickly, fairly and with added social benefits.
The community energy movement has recently received 39% 23%
a boost, in the form of improved EU legislation which newly CAFE

gives communities and individuals the right to generate, store, SMES HOUSEHOLDS
consume and sell their own energy. But these must now be
put into practice in EU Member States.
Community energy production in Europe has huge potential.
1% 37%

A recent study found that half of EU citizens – including local

communities, schools and hospitals – could be producing their
own renewable electricity by 2050, meeting 45% of their energy PUBLIC BUILDINGS CO-OPS
demand.1 Now, building on new EU community and citizen
energy rights, the potential must be fully unleashed, to put 1
The study, performed in 2016 by Dutch consultancy firm CE Delft, evaluates for the first time
Europe on the path to the needed energy transformation. the potential of decentralised power generation across the continent.
4 5
Up until now, citizens who wanted to be involved in
However, the lack of any mention of citizen
involvement in the energy system in EU policies
has left a policy blind spot. Regulation currently

renewable energy production have found little to assist Ecopower is a renewable energy cooperative, lags far behind the growing number of smaller,
them in EU legislation, and have largely only found support or ‘REScoop’, from Belgium. It was established decentralised participants such has households and
in some local and national policies. Thanks to these, by citizens around a kitchen table in Rotselaar in 1991. small businesses, participating in the energy market.

community energy initiatives are becoming prevalent in The origins of the Ecopower story date from 1985 when
some parts of Europe. EU energy market rules were originally designed for
a watermill was bought as part of a co-housing project. large, centralised, multinational energy companies
Yet community energy is still relatively undeveloped in In 2003, following the liberalisation of the electricity peddling in dirty fossil fuels. Until now, they have not

BOOSTING Southern, Central and Eastern Europe, mainly due to a lack

of supportive frameworks, despite strong interest from
communities and local authorities.
market in Belgium, the general assembly voted to
become an energy supplier in the region of Flanders.
acknowledged citizens or communities as distinct
market actors, nor supported fair rules for them.
As renewables have become more market-driven,
Today, the cooperative is both an electricity producer

RENEWABLES This is not to say that the significant changes in EU energy

policy over the past two decades have not provided some
and a supplier operating in Flanders. With its 40 staff
members Ecopower offers over 57,000 citizens the
this blind spot has contributed to effectively forcing
citizens and communities out of the market.
opportunities. The liberalisation of the electricity market opportunity to get a grip on their energy production In Germany in 2014, for instance,
has, for example, made it possible for community-owned and supply. Projects in recent years include the the revision of the EU’s State Aid fixed
renewables projects to start supplying energy to their development of wind turbines, solar and hydropower
- THE SITUATION TODAY (6) members. Earlier directives also encouraged the provision energy production, cogeneration, and a factory where
guidelines for energy resulted in the
removal of feed-in tariffs, instead
of national support measures for renewables, translating wood pellets are produced. Together these installations favouring auctions as a way to support
- NEW EU LAWS AND WHAT into some incentives for some citizens and communities produce about 100 million kWh per year. Through renewables. This has not only resulted
THEY MEAN FOR PEOPLE (10) to set up energy projects. initiatives focused on energy efficiency, Ecopower’s in a significant reduction in the number
members have reduced their electricity consumption by of new registered renewable energy
an average of 50% over the past 10 years. Ecopower also cooperatives, it has all but halted the
enters into direct partnerships with local municipalities number of community-driven
to support economic and social value creation for the projects receiving support.
citizens and the municipality.

6 7

citizens investing in renewable
technologies have been subjected
Sales in terawatt hours, 2015, and Germany’s citizen electricity sales for comparison, 2016 MOVEMENT THAT HAS INVESTED €3.5
to abrupt policy changes and the MILLION TO PRODUCE 6 MILLION KWH
withdrawal of support (sometimes 619 EDF, FRANCE OF GREEN ENERGY
retroactively) at the behest of larger 333 ENGIE, FRANCE
market actors. Set up in 2015 by Som Energia Cooperative, this
262 RWE, GERMANY project welcomes any RES cooperative or collective that
In Spain, for 260 ENEL, ITALY aims to transform the energy model in accordance with
instance, rooftop 245 E.ON, GERMANY sovereignty and democracy principles.
photovoltaic (PV) Generation kWh works like this: each partner gives a
systems were, until free-interest loan to the Cooperative - to be returned
recent government 162 IBERDROLA, SPAIN
by the cooperative year after year - and by doing this,
changes, penalised by 152 CENTRICA, UK gets lower energy bills. Thanks to the cooperative
draconian measures 116 ENBW, GERMANY investments, the household will be paying
to disincentivise electricity at its real cost!
self-consumption in
households. 89 EDISON, ITALY A typical household with an average annual electricity
consumption of 2.400 kWh needs to invest 900€ to
cover 70% of its energy demand for 25 years. Every 100€
81 AXPO, SWITZERLAND contribution is equivalent to 170-200 kWh per year. Since
79 CITIZEN ENERGY, GERMANY the household will be paying the bills at the cost price, it
65 EDP, PORTUGAL will be saving money. After the 25-year period, the initial
investment will be fully recovered.
By using this model, the cooperative is about to reach its
initial goal of 3.5 million euros thanks to 3,600 members
that have invested in it. Out of this, the first solar power
plant for collective self-production has already been put
in place, a 2.160 kW PV plant ready to produce energy
equivalent to 1,300 households
More info:

8 9

• By acting jointly in a building: the directive B) IT PROVIDES RIGHTS FOR CITIZENS

recognises that for the over 40% of Europeans
THEY MEAN FOR PEOPLE living in apartment blocks, acting together to
install renewable technology may be the best IN RENEWABLES
The new Clean Energy Package, agreed
way to benefit from renewable energy.
by the EU in 2018, starting with the revised The REDII contains a core set of enforceable rights
Renewable Energy Directive (REDII), is a game • Through a renewable energy community: to ensure that citizens are protected in investing in
changer for citizens. People, local authorities and SMEs can set renewables. Even governments or private market
up a legal entity in order to collaborate in the participants must guarantee these rights:
Citizens and energy communities across
production of renewable energy. Through an
the EU now have a number of guarantees that • The right to produce, store, consume and sell
energy community, citizens can now generate
ensure they are able to invest in renewables renewable energy;
financial resources in order to provide services
and benefit from the energy transition. • The right not to be unfairly charged for energy
or to meet local needs. The directive also gives
Acknowledgement of their role, support, they produce themselves;
the option for companies to install renewable
and new citizens the right to produce, consume,
energy technologies on private houses.
sell and store renewable energy are all now • The right to access all appropriate energy markets
enshrined in EU law. • Aggregators, a market participant that can pool directly or through a third party;
smaller independent producers together, can
This is a new and important opportunity to • Protection against discriminatory procedures and
help to optimise the use of their installations,
promote people-powered renewables to help certain charges that could dissuade or penalise
and advise them on when it is best to consume,
achieve a 100% renewables future. But what involvement in renewables;
sell or store the generated electricity.
does this mean in practice? • Protection of consumer rights;
• Peer-to-peer trading: This system allows
consumers to trade renewable energy among • The right to access appropriate remuneration or
A) IT ACKNOWLEDGES CITIZENS AND support for engaging in renewables production;
themselves without a middleman, resulting in
COMMUNITIES ARE STAKEHOLDERS IN higher payments and quicker payback periods. • A right to engage in peer-to-peer energy trading or
THE ENERGY SYSTEM energy sharing;
The REDII* contains several new definitions that • A right to access the information that lets citizens
acknowledge different ways that citizens can know how to exercise these rights.
get involved in renewables:
• Individually: People, families and SMEs (small
and medium-sized enterprises) will be able to
install their own renewable energy system on
their roofs or premises.

* EU Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources 2018

10 11


The REDII requires EU Member States to put in COMMUNITY-BASED PROJECTS
place enabling frameworks that support citizens A number of provisions in the REDII are
and communities investing in renewables. designed to make investing in renewable energy
These frameworks need to be based on national projects easier for citizens and communities.
assessments, which in turn give citizens an These include ensuring that citizens and
opportunity to engage with their decision communities only need to go to one place
makers on local opportunities and barriers. for permits, that they can easily submit
The development of these national enabling documentation, that they have access to
frameworks is connected with the national technical information, and that there are shorter,
planning process that EU Member States have clearer waiting times to get projects approved.
to go through in order to communicate to the Furthermore, there are provisions exempting
EU how they will contribute to renewables, smaller projects from the
energy efficiency and greenhouse gas permitting process altogether.
targets. Governments are invited, but not
required, to develop objectives for renewable
energy produced by self-consumers and SCOTLAND’S COMMUNITY ENERGY TARGET
energy communities. This provides a unique As part of its climate and energy strategy, the Scottish
opportunity for citizens to advocate for a Government committed to developing at least 500 MW of
high level target for self-consumption, or for community and locally-owned renewable energy by 2020. This
community ownership. non-binding objective has served as the basis for a number of
supportive policies and financial measures that have been put
in place. Seeing that they would surpass their target early, the
Government updated the target to 1 GW of community and
locally-owned renewable energy by 2020, and 2 GW by 2030.
Furthermore, at least half of all newly-approved renewable
energy projects will need to have some element of shared
ownership with the local community.2


12 13
IMPLICATIONS Now that the final Renewable Energy Directive
(REDII) has been agreed between the European Union
Institutions, the next stage is for EU Member States to ENERGY COMMUNITY’
FOR EU MEMBER begin transposing and revising their national laws to
ensure they are consistent with the new EU legislation.
The definition of ‘renewable energy communities’ in
the REDII is at the heart of the new EU legal framework Throughout 2018, the Dutch government has
While doing so, Member States will also deliver plans
STATES (also called ‘national energy and climate plans’, or
‘NECPs’) to the EU Commission containing objectives,
for community energy, as it determines which types of
community initiatives can benefit from support. Member
been holding dialogues with stakeholders
across the country in order to agree on goals
States will have to define specific legal entities, or forms, for a climate agreement for The Netherlands
policies and measures showing how they aim to meet
that can be considered ‘renewable energy communities’, including the value of local and community
their 2030 renewables, energy efficiency and greenhouse
- A) RENEWABLE ENERGY while complying with the definition that is in the REDII: ownership of renewable energy projects.
gas targets. These will include objectives, policies and
COMMUNITIES (14) measures to support self-consumption and renewable The final agreement contains a non-binding
energy communities. objective stating that all new wind and solar
‘RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMUNITY’ projects should be 50% owned by the local
- B) HOUSEHOLDS (23) These processes provide citizens and civil society
community. The objective will serve as a basis
with two chances to advocate for supportive national MEANS A LEGAL ENTITY: for municipal planning of renewable energy
- C) LOCAL AUTHORITIES (26) policies and legislation, and for governments to promote
(a) which, in accordance with the applicable development and feed into the planning
renewable energy communities and self-consumption.
national law, is based on open and voluntary permission process. This will guarantee that
Both of these processes have deadlines:
participation, is autonomous, and is effectively developers, when seeking permission for new
• By the end of 2019, national governments are controlled by shareholders or members that are projects, talk with communities to understand
expected to deliver finalised plans for their NECPs; located in the proximity of the renewable energy how they want to be involved.
• By 30 June 2021, Member States need to transpose projects that are owned and developed by
the laws (and the citizen energy rights). that legal entity;

It is important to distinguish between A) renewable energy (b) the shareholders or members of which
communities, B) households and C) local authorities - are natural persons, SMEs or local authorities,
which we do for the rest of this chapter. including municipalities;
(c) the primary purpose of which is to provide
environmental, economic or social community
A) RENEWABLE benefits for its shareholders or members or for
the local areas where it operates, rather than
ENERGY COMMUNITIES financial profits;
There are several elements in the REDII that, together,
form the basis for developing national policy and legal
frameworks for renewable energy communities.

14 15

Four key elements should be highlighted:

1) Eligibility to participate: regardless of the form chosen, LEGAL DEFINITION The REDII grants rights to both the energy community and its EU Member States now have to support the
only individuals, local authorities (including municipalities) FOR ENERGY participants. These are automatic and enforceable in law. Once development of renewable energy communities,
or SMEs3 can participate as members. Excluding larger
companies ensures that they are not able to unfairly take
COMMUNITIES the Member State has put in place measures to ensure these by elaborating enabling frameworks. However,
rights can be exercised, they should be stronger and easier to in order to develop them, Member States have
advantage of special rights or treatment. In January 2018, the Greek defend than the policies and measures in enabling frameworks. to assess both the potential for developing
2) Control and democratic decision making: the renewable Parliament voted to pass the energy communities and existing barriers to
energy community must be controlled by members that are first dedicated legislation in RIGHTS FOR CITIZENS their development.
in ‘proximity’ to the renewable energy projects carried out by Europe on community energy.
the community. The definition of ‘proximity’ is determined by Importantly, the legislation Every citizen has the right to participate in a renewable
the Member State. It will be important to make sure it isn’t defines energy communities, energy community without discriminatory conditions, and
defined too narrowly, or it will become a barrier. In addition, who can participate, how must be able to keep their consumer rights. This is important THE UK’S COMMUNITY
the renewable energy community must be ‘autonomous’: they can be established and because as a member of an energy community, they are ENERGY STRATEGY
no individual member (in particular a company or financial operated, and how profits engaging in an economic activity and, as such, they could
institution) can exercise disproportionate influence over may be used. Importantly, be vulnerable to losing energy-related consumer rights. All In early 2014, the UK government
decision-making. the legislation frames energy members should have equal standing within the community released a comprehensive ‘Community
communities as cooperatives itself, meaning that there should be no discriminatory Energy Strategy,’ after an extensive
3) Open and voluntary participation: the community aiming solely to promote a treatment among members. Citizens also have a right to effort by the Government to identify
must be open to all potential members based on non- social economy and innovation, information, awareness raising, guidance and training, and learn about the various actors
discriminatory criteria, and they must be allowed to leave. addressing energy poverty and to help them to exercise their rights. within the community energy sector,
This is to ensure that local citizens are not prevented from promoting energy sustainability, and the specific challenges they face.
joining the community, while also ensuring that they are free generation, storage, self- The Strategy was developed with input
to leave and exercise their choice in the energy market.
consumption, distribution and from a Community Energy Contact
4) An alternative purpose to profit-making: the renewable supply as well as improving Renewable energy communities have the right to engage in Group established by the Government.
energy community must have as its primary aim to provide end-use energy efficiency at the generating, storing, consuming (including self-consuming) The resulting strategy laid out the
its members, or the local community in which it operates, with local and regional level. Profit and selling renewable energy. They also have the right to Government’s priorities and plans
environmental, economic, or social benefits. Members of the making is limited to certain access suitable markets individually or through aggregation. for developing greater support for
community may receive a financial return on investment, but instances. The legislation also community energy in the next years.
Significantly, energy communities now have the right to
the community itself should not be profit-oriented. lays out a number of support share energy. This is a new opportunity, as energy sharing is For more information, see:
measures to help energy still illegal in most countries. As this provision is quite vague,
Many of these are operative principles of cooperatives or communities flourish.
social enterprises.4 As such, the definition provides a unique citizens have the responsibility to come forward with detailed
opportunity to advocate for renewable energy communities proposals (e.g. including virtual net metering, which is currently
to take these types of legal forms so that our energy system possible in Greece; peer-to-peer energy trading, etc.). For this
can work for people and the planet. to be effective, EU Member States need to ensure that grid
operators cooperate with energy communities.
16 4 17

According to the directive, these enabling • Access to finance and information. Since
frameworks have to cover a number of points: many communities do not know where to
start when it comes to technical and financial REVOLVING FUNDS FOR ENERGY ENERGY COMMUNITIES
• Reduction of unjustified regulatory and
administrative barriers. Once identified by
aspects of setting up an energy community, COMMUNITIES: A GROWING TREND BROADENING ACCESS TO
an assessment, unjustified administrative
enabling frameworks should propose ways AROUND EUROPE RENEWABLES FOR ALL LESSONS
of ensuring that these issues are dealt with.
and regulatory barriers to the development
In particular, many communities struggle A growing number of EU countries are
of renewable energy communities must
to fund feasibility studies, which determine beginning to recognise the financing challenges In a number of EU Member States, REScoops
be removed.
whether developing a project is possible. This faced by energy communities. Increasingly, explicitly pursue social aims, such as fighting
• Non-discrimination. Renewable energy is an opportunity for citizens to advocate for they are putting in place revolving funds that energy poverty. They do this by developing
communities must not be discriminated the establishment of funds or investment communities can access in order to finance solidarity schemes to help vulnerable members
against in their activities particularly by other support such as favourable loans, grants, or upfront project development costs (e.g. with their energy bills, by providing services and
market actors (e.g. DSOs or utilities), but also tax reductions for members’ investments. feasibility studies, obtaining permits). These education to their members on reducing their
by governments. funds often come in the form of grant-to-loan consumption, and using revenue from renewable
• Access for citizens that are vulnerable,
schemes in order to limit investment risks for energy generation to improve the living standards
• Fair, proportionate and transparent energy poor, or tenants. Energy communities
communities. Denmark, Scotland, England and of vulnerable and low income households.
licensing and registration procedures. must provide opportunities to ensure that
the Netherlands have all included revolving
When assessing licensing requirements vulnerable and energy-poor households
funds in their plans and policies.
and other rules for renewable energy can participate. Many REScoops also use
communities, Member States must ensure renewables to address energy poverty.
that these do not disproportionately burden Ideally, Member States should put in place
energy communities. specific policies and measures to promote
this, but it will be up to citizens to advocate
• Fair, proportionate, transparent and cost-
for specific ideas.
reflective network and other charges.
Member States must ensure that energy • Collaboration between municipalities
communities’ contributions to network and and cooperatives. Municipalities increasingly
other system costs are fair. These have to be want to set up a cooperative or collaborate
determined through a cost-benefit analysis, with existing energy communities. Local
which provides an opportunity to frame energy authorities are now able to ask for specific
communities in terms of the benefits they regulatory and capacity building support. To
can provide to the energy system and the do this they should also be empowered to put
community. If the national energy regulator in place local measures to support energy
conducts this analysis, it is governed by communities e.g. local planning, financial
specific transparency, participation and policies, or public procurement.
accountability rules.

18 19

In practice, Member States should provide

measures to ensure that energy communities
BETWEEN RENEWABLE SUPPORT SCHEMES can compete for support on an equal footing with
ENERGY COOPERATIVES AND other market participants. Member States will have In Belgium, local authorities can tender out the
The move towards auctions and tenders is
MUNICIPALITIES IN BELGIUM having a clear negative impact on the ability for
considerable discretion over exactly how they do this. development of renewable energy projects on
However, the recitals of the REDII provide people with publicly-owned land. In doing this, they often
Amel and Bülingen (Belgium) are two renewable energy communities to compete for,
options to advocate for, including: integrate policy or development objectives,
municipalities in the German-speaking or access, available renewable energy support
schemes. The REDII addresses this issue • The provision of information, technical and including citizen involvement and public
region of Belgium that decided to start
by requiring EU Member States to take the financial support; acceptance. The tendering criteria may be
up a large wind farm on municipal
specificities of renewable energy communities based on points, or specific criteria that the
property. 60% of the project will be public • Reduction of administrative requirements;
into account when they are developing support authority will take into account when assessing
and owned by the municipalities (30%
schemes. This means that if a Member State • Community-based bidding criteria; and the bids. Here is an example:
Amel and 30% Bülingen). The remaining
40% will be privately owned by two local fails to assess how the design of its support • Tailored bidding windows for renewable Eeklo Tender for local wind development (20 MW)
energy cooperatives: 27% will be owned scheme(s) impact on energy communities, it energy communities. according to provincial wind plan
by Courant d’Air, and 13% by Ecopower. could be subject to legal action.
• Aiming for at least 50% direct participation for
A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will be municipality and local citizens
put in place to accommodate this Public
Public Civic Partnership Partnership. • Contribution of 5,000€/year for each wind
turbine (paid to a community benefit fund)
• Contribution of 5,000€/year for each wind
turbine (paid to the municipality)
• Including social-societal criteria in the public
tender (not only financial criteria)

20 21
Power production and services by energy citizens* per member state

terawatt hours (TWh)

1-50 101-200
51-100 201-300 Individual households also have won new HAVE TO BE REMUNERATED
EU total: 1,558 TWh rights to play an active part in driving Europe’s Believe it or not, it has been quite possible to generate
91 energy transformation. and share power from the solar panel on your roof and
get paid nothing at all. The new EU rules change that.
7 CHARGES They require governments to ensure that, from 2021,
20 25 renewable self-consumers receive a fair payment for
The new REDII says that home production of
UNITED KINGDOM the electricity they sell to the grid. This payment must
9 renewable electricity can be sold with some charges
correspond at least to “the market value of that electricity
applied. However any charges must be non-
171 and which may take into account its long-term value to the
discriminatory and proportionate.
grid, the environment and society”.
This means network charges should only reflect the
49 GERMANY cost of injecting electricity to the grid. Governments
Ensuring the market price is already a big step.
1 73 But governments should even go further, and recognise
will have to report the calculations and assumptions
294 24 the long-term value of self-generated renewable energy
for setting charges and fees openly.
FRANCE to the environment and society when setting the level
This is progress. In many countries, charges - in of payment.
249 particular network charges - are not based on a
21 In the US a methodology has already been used in
true cost-benefit analysis, and often discriminate
Minnesota, Oregon, and Austin, Texas to set the price for
122 disproportionately against home energy production.
privately-produced electricity sold to the grid, and has
8 The Spanish government notoriously put in place a been used to inform policy decisions in California, New
30 ‘sun tax’, which made investing in solar power York and Texas. A recent study, using this approach in


9 unattractive and stifled the solar sector. Europe for the first time, puts the benefits generated
by a small household solar installation in Spain at €440
Community energy advocates have argued that
146 per year net (based on a value of solar of €59/MWh), or
charges and fees should not apply for electricity that
€1.77 billion overall.
In 2050, “Energy Citizens” could 21 is self-produced and consumed at home. The REDII
produce twice as much power as endorses this principle. But it allows governments
nuclear power stations produce now. some exceptions where charges can be imposed:
1. If public schemes are in place to offer effective
*collectives, households, micro and small enterprises, public entities 1 1 support to self-generated renewable energy.
2. From 2026, if installations for electricity
self-generation and consumption exceed 8% of
the total installed electricity capacity.
3. If the installations have capacity greater than 30 kW.
22 23

APARTMENT BLOCKS do pay grid charges for the electricity transfer, ENABLING FRAMEWORK • Ensure prosumers’ non-discriminatory access to
but still it can greatly reduce the bills of those in support schemes for the electricity they feed into
AND ELECTRICITY SHARING need. It is already common practice in the US The REDII obliges governments to put in place an the grid.
40% of people in Europe live in apartments and Australia, yet in Europe, Greece is the only “enabling framework” to facilitate the development of
renewable self-consumption. • Ensure that the system costs they are required
and this proportion is higher for people from country that has adopted it so far.
to pay for electricity they feed into the grid are
low-income backgrounds. The benefits of REDII says governments must base the framework on adequate and balanced.  
participating in the energy transition must be “an assessment of the existing unjustified barriers to, and
available to everyone, not just the wealthy. In establishing a National Enabling Framework for
GREECE: SOCIAL of the potential of, renewable self-consumption in their
renewable self-consumption two considerations
territories and energy networks”.
Renewables have great potential to cut electricity GAINS THROUGH must be taken up by national governments. Firstly,
bills, reduce energy poverty and even contribute ELECTRICITY SHARING Governments are free to choose how they put this the national assessment should be carried out in an
to reducing income inequality. One way this framework in place, but they must follow certain aims objective way, following the correct methodology.
can happen is by making sure that everyone, ‘Virtual net-metering’ could make a similar to the requirements for renewable energy Secondly, all the requirements set out in the REDII
regardless of whether they own or can access a huge difference in combating energy communities. These enabling frameworks have to should be fully reflected.
roof, can participate in the electricity market. poverty in Greece, where well over 50% cover a number of points:
The new directive gives people living of people live in apartment blocks and 4
• Remove obstacles so that everyone can access
in apartments the right to jointly set up out of 10 households are struggling to
renewables for self-consumption.
renewable energy projects. pay energy bills.
• Address financial and regulatory barriers and
Governments should put in place provisions Greenpeace Greece is proposing
incentivise building owners to create opportunities
tailored to the needs of people living in a 10-year social solar programme
for renewables self-consumption.
apartments - taking into consideration factors based on existing Greek energy laws
like the lack of roof space, multiple households on virtual net-metering. This would
sharing the installation, and the fact that many buy households struggling with
are tenants not owners. energy poverty a small PV system
to be installed on their roofs or in a
The REDII also encourages governments to come nearby PV park. This would enable
up with electricity sharing schemes. These can these households to become self-
increase the uptake of distributed solar energy sufficient and stop relying on electricity
by overcoming the problem of roof access or consumption subsidies. Consumers
allowing vulnerable customers to benefit. One benefiting from this programme could
example of an established electricity-sharing reduce their energy bills by €280-315
scheme is ‘virtual net metering’, which allows annually. At only half the cost of the
credits to be assigned to the electricity generated current social tariff programme, social
in one location, and for the credits to be bought, solar is a win-win for the climate, for
sold and/or transferred to the bill of an electricity efficient government spending, and
customer at another location. The consumers reducing energy poverty.

24 25

The district of Steinfurt in Germany

BY 2050 made community energy central to all

Local authorities are proving a key player for its activities after realising that it spent
democratisation of energy. 9,000 local and city authorities
across Europe have committed to ambitious renewable
energy plans through the European Covenant of Mayors.
PEOPLE COULD 1.5 billion euros a year on energy, which
would otherwise have left the region.
Enhancing social cohesion and civic
The new REDII could be a game-changer for local OF THE EU’S ELECTRICITY
consciousness is another powerful driver
authorities to help drive forward Europe’s energy especially in urban settings with weaker
transformation - if they can make full use of its new community ties. Community energy is
provisions. Local authorities both gain legal leverage to also a way to translate aspirations for
support new business models around community control a new solidarity economy, which has
and ownership of renewable energy. And they gain the resonated in municipal elections.
right to participate as shareholders in renewable energy
communities. In Paris, the local authority is
planning to create a cooperative
Involving local authorities can build trust and legitimacy for supplier of renewable energy by 2020
projects, and can link with broader political strategies and In the UK, Nottingham city council
that would foster a win-win partnership
plans for decarbonisation and scaling up of renewables. launched “Robin Hood Energy”, a
between the city and its regions.
not-for-profit energy supplier fully
owned by the local authority. Local authorities also benefit
LOCAL AUTHORITIES AS BENEFICIARIES from the technical expertise of
Cities are also doing this with direct
OF COMMUNITY ENERGY citizen involvement.
energy cooperatives.
Local authorities gain from supporting community In the city of Gent, in Belgium,
Plymouth city council supported the
energy and not only because they deliver renewable the municipality provides support for
launch of an energy community that
energy or efficiency gains. In many EU Member States, citizens to invest in renewable energy
has improved the efficiency of housing
community energy projects also help local authorities to and energy efficiency, and has tasked
stock and helped over 11,000 low-income
tackle fuel poverty. As cooperatively-owned projects are the local cooperative Energent to provide
households. The cooperative helps
often mission- rather than profit-driven, they regularly offer technical assistance to citizens.
households access grants to cancel
more favourable tariffs to vulnerable households while energy debt, receive free and assisted Cities can also benefit from the
reinvesting in energy efficiency. insulation and provides advice on the skillset of energy cooperatives to help
best tariff options. define strategies.
Another strong motivating factor is
generating local value.

26 27
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has In Brussels, three local municipalities

This was notably the case of the Belgian

city of Leuven, which sought the help of the made civic energy a crucial pillar of his have integrated criteria favouring
local Ecopower cooperative to develop its 2050 strategy. With the objective of cooperatives into the awarding of
sustainable climate and energy action plan increasing local solar capacity to 2GW, public contracts.
under the Covenant of Mayors. he has set up a dedicated Community
In the province of Antwerp, a group-
Energy fund. The Mayor also pledged to
Lastly, cities are increasingly experimenting with buying programme helped boost the
supply a quarter of London’s energy from
inclusive and collaborative governance models local solar market, after subsidy cuts
decentralised sources by 2025.
such as participatory budgeting and planning. had caused a deep decline.
Shared energy ownership and decision- As urban planners, local authorities
making is another game changer, as deciding can make sure that new neighbourhood LOCAL AUTHORITIES
on new energy infrastructures and services settlements or large refurbishment
with citizens helps reinvent local democratic projects have a community energy AS PROJECT FACILITATORS
governing systems. dimension. Local authorities are increasingly
becoming direct partners of energy
In Lyon, one the largest urban renewal
LOCAL AUTHORITIES projects in France, the Lyon Confluence
cooperatives, as they act as catalysts
and matchmakers for new projects.
AS POLICY ENABLERS project, will test the new business model
of collective self-consumption from At the pre-development phase, there is no
Local governments have significant influence
rooftop PV systems. shortage of examples of local authorities
when it comes to supporting the growth of
organising targeted workshops and
community-owned and controlled energy. Cities can also play an instrumental
information campaigns to reach out to
role in procuring energy in ways that
During the 2015 Paris COP21 climate the local community, landowners and
offer new market opportunities for
negotiations, hundreds of local governments other key stakeholders.
community energy projects, while
committed to a fully renewable or decarbonised
empowering groups of consumers. This Local authorities are providing access
energy supply by 2050. This ambitious goal will
includes public procurement criteria that to public sites and facilities for new
require large amounts of private capital to be
specifically target community energy renewable projects. Sophisticated tools
mobilised, public support for new installations,
projects or bulk buying schemes that pool are being developed by municipalities to
and innovative local partnerships, all of which
the purchasing power of local households help citizens identify potential locations.
call for increased community involvement.
and businesses.
In this context, European cities are already
adopting concrete policy instruments.

28 29

In Gent, the local authority created a LOCAL AUTHORITIES AS In the German municipality of
solar and heat map to help residents Wolfhagen, citizens own 25% of the
see whether roofs throughout the MUNICIPALITIES AS INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATORS local utility, allowing them to benefit
city are suitable for the installation DRIVERS OF COMMUNITY Where local authorities are involved from the revenues of the renewable
of solar panels and learn about heat ENERGY IN HUNGARY in running utilities, they can play energy plants. But the participation of
demand and supply opportunities. an important role in ensuring that citizens has also had a direct influence
Bristol in the UK, and Freiburg In Hungary, and other countries communities are incorporated. on decision making processes.
in Germany have also developed of Central and Eastern Europe,
In Vienna, the local Stadtwerke Outside of electricity production, cities
instruments of this sort. municipalities are the main drivers of
(electricity provider) launched a creative that are owners of district heating
community energy projects. There are
In Križevci, Croatia, the local programme called “citizens power infrastructures are now looking at
numerous cases of municipality-owned
authority is leasing solar energy plants” in 2012. The model functions crowd-funding options to directly
renewable installations and projects
from a green energy cooperative that through ‘sale and lease-back’. The involve the local community members
involving local residents and schools.
installed panels on the city-owned Stadtwerke encourages citizens to invest in the financing and ownership of
Business Centre. The solar modules Friends of the Earth Hungary is in solar panels on public facilities and distribution networks.
deployed were entirely financed by cooperating with several municipalities sites and leases them back to them with
citizens through a crowd-funding who are considering supporting an annual return (between 1.75% and
campaign. With a total investment community photovoltaic projects as 3.1%) for a minimum of five years. In
of €50,000, the citizens will be repaid the first ‘classical’ renewable energy December 2013, two supermarket chains
from the monthly energy savings communities in Hungary. cooperated with Wien Energie to create
over 10 years, after which the a new model, remunerating citizens
system will be transferred back to through yearly shopping vouchers. In
the city’s ownership. October 2017, the utility extended the
model to co-ownership of e-charging
stations, with a target of deploying
1000 stations by 2020 and paying part
of the yearly remuneration through
supermarket but also public transport,
gas and electricity vouchers.

30 31
WHAT TO The new EU renewable energy law, the REDII, with
its new rights for citizen and community renewable
energy, could unleash a desperately needed
• the deadline for Member States to
• Get together and organise: Talk to your allies and

energy transformation in Europe. All local energy deliver finalised National Energy and get organised with joint campaigning targeting your
communities, households, local authorities and Climate Plans (NECPs) is the end national government officials. Don’t wait until 2021,
SMEs across the European Union now have much of 2019. climate action is needed now.
more legal certainty and clarity.
• the deadline for Member States • Make local voices heard at EU and national level:
But the next steps will be key as governments transposing REDII is 2021. The Ensure relevant information and experiences
- PRACTICAL STEPS (32) transpose the directive and set up their National earlier these rules come into effect, (good and bad) are fed back to the EU institutions
Enabling Frameworks to implement across their the sooner people and communities to ensure a good monitoring and implementation
countries. This is where citizens, local authorities, local
- RESOURCES AND LINKS (34) can start to reap the benefits of of the process.
renewable energy groups, civil society groups and investing in renewables.
others advocating for full implementation come in. • Influence NECPs: EU member states should

PRACTICAL STEPS WE NEED: “support active engagement of local authorities, civil

society organisations, business community, investors,
• every government to transpose any other relevant stakeholders and the general public in
Now you have all the information - what to do with managing the energy transition.” That means national
all citizen energy provisions in
that concretely? governments should go beyond simple consultations
particular those that are optional
such as electricity sharing and and genuinely involve cities and civil society in their
making sure households receive the plans. Make sure your voices and needs are heard
true value of their solar installation. and implemented well.
Governments could also put in place • Exchange and learn across countries: Get together
targets for community energy and with other countries and exchange show cases via
rooftop solar. webinars, study tours or other creative ways.

32 33


The Energy Atlas: Experimental use of blockchains:
Local Energy Communities: a way to bring
‘all Europeans’ along in the energy transition: Dutch climate agreement:
FoE Europe - Ten Steps to a Fossil Free Europe
The benefits of community ownership of booklet:
renewable energy:
ClientEarth – Community Power: Model legal
The potential of energy citizens in the frameworks for citizen-owned renewable energy
European Union:
Local energy ownership: – Report on Business Models
How Foundations Could Use Grants and – Best Practices Report I
Investments to Advance Solar and Storage in
Low-Income Communities: – Best Practices Report II
New models that deliver energy solutions to low-
income customers:

A multi-level governance discussion project: – Starters for new REScoops
Mobilizing European Citizens to Invest in – “The Transition to Energy
Sustainable Energy: Democracy”
FoE Europe -


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