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Table of Contents

Overview of significant change...................................................................................................3

Introduction of salient points, concepts, or theories....................................................................3


Reporting and responding................................................................................................................3

Type and degree of change..........................................................................................................3








Power dynamics, politics, and conflicts.......................................................................................5

Power dynamics.......................................................................................................................5



Relating the experience....................................................................................................................6

Past experience, skills, and knowledge........................................................................................6

Skills or knowledge......................................................................................................................6



Significant internal factors external factors.................................................................................7


Importance of factors...................................................................................................................7

Different perspectives..................................................................................................................7




Deal with significant organizational change................................................................................8


Connection with ideas..................................................................................................................9




Overview of significant change

Woolworths is observed to undergo important restructuring for magnifying customer experience
(Mitchell, 2016). New organizational structure of Woolworths is identified to focus on creation
of many new departments that involved fresh convenience as well as fresh service within the all

Introduction of salient points, concepts, or theories

Restructuring supported the one manager associated concept with ownership to fresh service. It
has led to appropriate replacement of employees and other leaders of organization that managed
separately deli, seafood, and butchery. Many leaders of the organization are founded to deliver
the option of reapplying for non-managerial positions with minimized level of remuneration
(Woolworths Limited, 2016).

I have learned that restructuring procedure of Woolworths has demonstrated the customers
gaining the good support from leadership which focuses to provide the improve services to
customers with improvement in satisfaction level of fluctuating requirements of shopping. This
has been seen that changes in form of layoffs, introduction of departments, and incurrence of
many redundancy obligations that involve fresh service as well as fresh convenience
(Woolworths Limited, 2016).

Reporting and responding

Type and degree of change

This will remain effective to apply the Balogun & Hope Heailey’s typology of change in relation
to present the type and degree of change.

Transformational change applied gradually by inter-related initiatives (Abbott, and Booth, 2014).
In case of Woolworths cultural change has been completed on the basis of restructuring. It has
been achieved over the time.

Restructuring as the change has been undergone in case of Woolworths to realign all ways in
which it works and applied within the many series of steps. It has been accommodated and
occurred incrementally.

Restructuring as the transformational change within the case of Woolworth took place through
simultaneous initiatives on many fronts. This involved the fundamental changes within the
strategy and culture (Anderson, and Anderson, 2010).

Woolworths through restructuring undertook the change through realign the way in which it
operates through many initiatives that applied simultaneously. This represented the rapid change
with no fundamental change in culture.


Socio-cultural forces have forced Woolworths to trigger the change. This has forced the
company to cope up with changing requirements of customers. In relation to meet the customers’
demand of fresh products which is identified to be growing with the exponential rate, drive of
given supermarket in providing the possible services to every customer is kindled (Bolman, and
Deal, 2013).

In relation to ensure the employees are linked with the good understanding about the all products
and services at technical level. This has enabled the company to meet the anticipation of
customers with the well-informed employees at technical level with incorporation of
restructuring within the company.

Power dynamics, politics, and conflicts

Power dynamics
Power dynamics in relation to Woolworths refers that it worked to bring in notice all reasons for
incorporate the necessary change. It provided the employees enough power to bring the change
and meet the all requirements. This created the short time objective to ensure long time survival
(Cameron, and Green, 2004). Overall it incorporated the level of change at permanent level
within the all objectives.

Politics is seen through company as the jungle. Woolworths focuses on power, competition, and
wining over the many scarce resources. Politics in relation to restructure as the change refers to
governing the interest of individual.

In case of any conflict, I will focus to present the practices of open communication which
support to make the environment of right conversation and trust. Open communication will
enable to remain more engaged as well as understand the reason with matters in success of
organization (McCalman, Paton, and Siebert, 2015). I will focus to ensure that everyone
understand the big picture and play the success in organization.

Relating the experience

Past experience
I have experienced the organizational change. Past experiences, skills, and previous knowledge
in relation to organization change have led to influence the thought and feelings. I have worked
within the multinational company Genpact. I have seen the many technical changes within the
company. I have seen one of the effective technical changes which were automation. This has
resulted in movement or termination of employees. It was the organizational change as the major
structuring. This resulted in sweeping the many changes for employees. It was the typical change
which influences the employees through minimization of salary, loss of many advantages,
downwarding within the position of job, relocation to other nation, state, or city (Goolsby, 2016).
I have identified that organizational change as per the restructuring lead to influence the thoughts
and feelings. It have identified that all these were devastating changes to employees specifically
those that supporting to the families. One of the best way in relation to manage the all changes
while keeping the morale up of remaining employees is through conversing with every employee
necessary step and treat the influenced employees with compassion as well as fairness.

Skills or knowledge
I have the important skills or knowledge in relation to deal with the change. I have the
measurement and analysis skills. I have moved to one of the important and reliable new business
process of Genpact. I have worked with the strategic thinking skills to identify the require
learning and anticipate the change which arose within the procedure and work with the important
steps to take and determine the area of change. I have also put the realistic timeline in relation to
enacting everything in smooth way. Effective skills of communication have supported to clarify
what need to manage and plan the practices to keep everything on a right track (Hyam, and Ong.

2016). Communication skills are important to understand the individuals involved within the
change at organizational level. Plan of communication has supported to identify the ongoing
messaging and information which is tailored to employees.

I have founded that management associated concept support to identify the necessary
requirement of change. This has been analyzed that in relation to ensure the success it is
important to focus on the necessary change and make the all things better. Concept of ongoing
messaging as well as information should be tailored to everyone. In relation to ensure top
practices it is effective and important to research in advance and go with long way to ensure and
develop the appropriate approach for meeting the top objectives.


Significant internal factors or external factors

Organizational politics are recognized as the self-service behavior which employees utilize to
improve the possibility of obtaining the positive results within the organizations (Low, 2016). I
have identified that management of the big organization like Genpact sometime leads to
influence the individuals and serve the personal interests without impact on organization itself.
Another factor is recognized as the power dynamic. I have identified that it often leads to
influence the level of interpersonal relations. Power dynamics within the case of organization
refers to look and achieve the particular amount of power within the workplace and different
intentions lead to influence the level of interactions.

Importance of factors
Power dynamics within the organizational change leads to influence the role of employees
(Ryall, and Bramson, 2013). Lack of clear endorsement leads to influence the practices of
business. Open participation is important to ensure level of development with elimination of
organizational politics. Organizational politics can have the objective to sell ideas, influence
others, and achieve the objective with informal and unofficial. It sometime takes place behind the
closed doors.

Different perspectives
Business intelligence refers the approaches and technology in relation to evaluate the information
data (Treadgold, 2015). An individual with good level of knowledge manages the similar
situation through interpret the data and identify the necessary opportunity with application of
strategies. Use of the business architecture is important in relation to identify the
multidimensional view, structure, and relationship. An individual with necessary level of
knowledge can easily resolve the challenge of organizational change through appropriate
structure and practice. Business process management is also important perspective for the
organization in relation to discover, evaluate, improve, measure and automate the procedures of
business to ensure effective organizational change.

In relation to ensure associated management concept it is important to follow the business
architecture. This supports to represent the multidimensional review and structure for the
business. It enables to involve the strategy, abilities, value stream, knowledge of business, and
view of organization. This supports to discover the needs and develop important resolutions by
collaborative effort with cross functional terms and organizational stakeholder. It helps to ensure
the adaptive planning, evolutionary development, regular level of development, and encourage
the flexible response to change.


I have identified that managing the successful organization change leads to improve the morale
among employees and drive the positive group creation and enrichment of job. These leads to
influence directly and positively productivity and quality of work while shortening the cycles of
production and minimizing the level of costs. I have identified that organization change
management enables the organization to maintain the regular state of evolution and facilitate the
general organizational change, allowing employees to remain enough motivated as well as
productive at the time of introduce the new organizational change like new organizational

Deal with significant organizational change

In relation to deal with significant organizational change in future I will focus to create the
guiding coalition. This will support to feel the sense of urgency. It will help to develop the team
with enough level of power to lead and support the change. I will focus to work with the
substantial authority to ensure position, expertise, credibility, and leadership, appropriate skills
of management, and efficiently prove the capabilities of leadership. Enable action through
removing barriers. In relation to empower the employees I will support the change and act as per
the vision. I will work to identify and remove the any obstacles. This will remain effective to
ensure short time wins. Good short term win will support to ensure unambiguous result and
visibility to everyone with clear level of link to effort of change.

In relation to ensure and sustain the acceleration it is important to ensure that changes are
embedded within the business culture and remain enough vulnerable to any resistance as well as
regression (Woolworth Limited, 2012). This is significant to utilize early successes as the
necessary foundation for bigger challenges and revise the systems, structures, and practices
which do not fit the vision of change. I will focus to consolidate and gain the transformation with
vision. Procedure of change will be formed to support and reinvigorate with the effective themes
as well as agents. Institute the change will remain effective with link to change and ensure key
components of culture with appropriate norms of team behavior as well as shared values.

Connection with ideas

In relation to ensure the effective ideas or suggestions it is effective to work with the
management associated concept. This is important to remain motivated with expert concept.
Level of success with right management leads to move from one position to the related often
wider position at usual level. New positions will remain the natural extension for prior work. It
will support to migrate with management of necessary requirements. As the leader of change
management concept I will focus to ensure the right resource for achievement of success and re-
energize the focus within the dramatic fashion.

I have identified that management of organizational change is important to ensure and improve
the morale of employees and drive the positive level of group with enrichment of job. These
influence everything at positive level and work quality while shortening the production cycles.
Organizational change management has supported to ensure facilitation and evolution. I have
learned the perspective that change with regular level of practices and measurement supports to
achieve the right results. This has supported to identify the importance of change at positive level
and negative level.

Abbott, H. and Booth, H. (2014). Foundations for Operating Department Practice: Essential
Theory for Practice.UK: McGraw-Hill Education

Anderson, D. and Anderson, L. (2010). Beyond Change Management: How to Achieve

Breakthrough Results Through Conscious Change Leadership. USA: John Wiley & Sons

Bolman, L. and. Deal, T. (2013). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership.
USA: John Wiley & Sons

Cameron, E. and Green, M.(2004). Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to
the Models, Tools & Techniques of Organizational Change. UK: Kogan Page Publishers

McCalman, J, Paton, R and Siebert, S. (2015). Change Management: A Guide to Effective

Implementation. USA: SAGE

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Ryall, M. and Bramson, A. (2013). Inference and Intervention: Causal Models for Business
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Treadgold, T. (2015). Management mistakes cost Woolworth. [Online] Available from: [Accessed
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