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The purpose of this church shall be the proclamation of the Gospel
of Jesus Christ, the administration of the ordinances of the New
Testament, the spiritual growth of its members, and the spread of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world as set forth in Matthew
Section 1— Duties of Members: Members are expected to be
faithful in all spiritual duties essential to the Christian life, to attend
habitually the services of this church, to give regularly to its support
and benevolence, and to share in its organized work.
Section 2— Qualifications: Any person professing faith in Jesus
Christ as personal Lord and Savior, who is in accord with the faith
and practices held by this church, and who assents to its Affirmation
of Faith, may be admitted to membership. The standard of
membership for this church shall be:
i. Testimony and evidence of a genuine experience in
regeneration and a consistent Christian life marked by the
fruit of the Spirit, not the sins of the flesh (John 1:1-13, 3:3-8,
2 Cor 5:17, 1 Peter 1:18-25), (Matt 27:34, Rom 6:4, 8:12-13,
13:13-14, Eph 4:17-32, 5:1-2,15, 2 Tim 1:7, 1 John 1:6-7, 1
Cor 6:9-11, 2 Cor 7:1, Gal 5:19-25, Prov 20:1, 23:29-32, 1
Sam 15:22-23).
ii. Baptism in water by immersion (Matt. 28:19; Acts 10:47;
Romans 6:4).
iii. To fully subscribe to the Tenets of Faith as set forth in the
Constitution and Bylaws, and to fully submit to be governed
by the Constitution and these Bylaws, as they now exist or
are later amended (Amos 3:3, 1 Cor 6:1-8, Phlp 1:27, 2:2).
iv. To be in agreement with, and active support of, the mission,
vision, core values, philosophy of ministry and Pastoral
leadership of this church (Phlp 2:12-14, Heb 13:17).
v. To faithfully participate in the life and ministry of the church
by regular attendance in all services of every kind, by tithing
and giving, and by involvement in a ministry (Heb 10:25,
Mal 3:8-10, 2 Cor 16:1-2, Eph 4:12, 16, James 2:17-18, 26).
vi. Successful completion of whatever teaching, study or
interviews the Board of Pastors deem necessary.
Section 3. Reception of Members
Upon the recommendation of the Board of Pastors and the Board of
Deacons, and the vote of the church, new members will be added to
the membership roll.
i. All applicants for membership shall fill out the application
prepared by the Board of Deacons and the Administrative
Board and submit it to the Lead Pastor or his/her
ii. Applicants for membership shall be interviewed by the Lead
Pastor or his/her representative(s) to determine readiness for
iii. Those transferring from a Southern Baptist church or another
church from a different denomination must have a
recommendation letter from that assembly. The appropriate
leadership personnel from both churches shall communicate
to verify the circumstances of the applicant’s departure from
the previous church and readiness for membership in this
church. No one will be received into membership who has
left another church under questionable circumstances or
under discipline until the matter is biblically resolved to the
satisfaction of their previous Pastor. The Lead Pastor, in
consultation with his associates, the Deacon Board and the
Administrative Board, shall render the final decision. This
standard and process is a fundamental aspect of kingdom
relationships and ministerial ethics.

Section 4. Active Membership

Anyone who fulfils the requirements of Section 1, having been
received according to Section 2, and not having been removed, shall
constitute the active voting membership of this church.
Section 5. Associate Membership:
Associate non-voting membership may be granted by the Board of
Pastors to formerly active members who wish to maintain direct
relationship to this church although presently prevented by
legitimate cause from active attendance and participation.
Section 6. Inactive Membership:
Formerly active members who:
i. no longer meet some qualification in Section 1.
ii. in the opinion of the Board of Pastors have without good
cause for 30 days or more:
a. not attended the services of this church and / or
b. not supported the church with their whole tithe and
iii. Inactive members lose all of the privileges of active
iv. The Board of Pastors in consultation with the Administrative
Board and the Deacon Board may move active members to
inactive status and restore inactive members to active status
at any time.

Section 7— Dismissing of Members: Membership in this church

may be terminated upon recommendation of the Board of Pastors
and the Board of Deacons, and by vote of the church in any
followings ways:
i. By Letter: Members in good standing may, upon application,
be dismissed to unite with some other church designated in
the application. All church letters shall send by the Secretary
of this church to the pastor or Secretary of the church
ii. By Request: If a member wishes to withdraw from the
church, the Board of Deacons shall consider the request and
make the recommendation for such action to the church.
iii. By Removal: Upon recommendation of the Board of
Deacons, the church may order the names of members
dropped from the church roll for any of the following
a. Name having been upon the Inactive Membership
List for six months.
b. For unchristian conduct whereupon they shall cease to
be members of this church and corporation.

Section 8. Transferral of Membership

A letter of transfer, signed by the Lead Pastor and Secretary, shall be
granted upon request. The letter shall be addressed to the Pastor or
Secretary of the receiving church and shall state whether the member
is classified as active or inactive and the overall status of the
departing member.
Section 9 Never-active Roll: During each calendar year, the Church
Secretary, in consultation with the Board of Pastors and the
Diaconate shall review the membership roll of the church, making
necessary recommendations to the Administrative Board for
approval by the church at the Annual Meeting. Any member who has
been absent from the church for a period of 3 months without
manifesting an interest therein by communication with the church,
shall, after reasonable attempts to contact the member in question,
and on the recommendation of the Administrative Board, be placed
on the never-active roll by vote of the church membership. Persons
so carried on the never-active roll shall not be permitted to
participate in church business meetings. Any member in the never-
active roll who wishes may be reinstated by vote of the church
membership, upon the recommendation of the church Secretary, in
consultation with the Board of Pastor and the Diaconate.
Section 10 Removal of Members from the Church Roll: After a
period of at least six months, members on the never-active roll who
have shown no evidence to a return to active membership shall be
removed from the church roll by recommendation to the
Administrative Board, by the church Secretary, in consultation with
the Board Of Pastors, and the Diaconate. Final approval for
consultation shall be made by vote of the church membership at a
Section 11. Revision of Membership Roll
The Lead Pastor and his Associates, in consultation with the
Administrative Board and the Deacon Board, shall at least annually,
and may at any time, revise the membership roll by moving from
active to inactive and never-active, or by removing entirely, the
names of those who have died, transferred, moved, voluntarily
ceased attendance for at least 30 days or 90 days from all services.
Those moved or removed for cause shall be notified by the Secretary
as directed by the Lead Pastor.
Section 12. Discipline of Members: The discipline of this church is
embodied in these Bylaws and in such church policies as may be
adopted from time to time by vote of the church membership. In the
event of the need for discipline of a church member, the Diaconate
shall follow the procedure given by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew
18:15-17 to seek repentance and reconciliation. Such person or
persons will be spoken to by one who has prepared himself with
prayer for the purpose of bringing repentance that would lead to
reconciliation. If the one will not be heard, a second attempt should
be made with one or two more, after much prayer for the purpose of
bringing repentance that would lead to reconciliation. If they will not
be heard, then such a member shall be given an opportunity to
appear before the Diaconate, which, after prayerful consideration,
shall make a recommendation to the Administrative Board for any
disciplinary action. The member shall have the right to appear before
the Administrative Board and to appeal any decision of the
Administrative Board to the Board of Pastor or church members.
The majority of the active church members present and voting shall
be required for dismissal. (Any scandals will be dealt differently).
Section 13. Waiver
Membership in this church shall be granted upon the condition that
suspension or discipline of a member shall not give the suspended or
disciplined member cause for legal action against the church,
Pastors, staff or any member taking part in the suspension or
disciplinary process. The acceptance and continuance of membership
in the church shall be evidence of a waiver by the member of all
rights of action, any cause of action and all claims and demands
against the church, or any member or officer of this church related to
suspension, disciplinary proceedings, or removal from membership
as described in these bylaws. This is an article of religious faith and
practice for this church as a whole and every member in particular.
(1 Cor 6:1-8)
Section 14— Restoration: Any person who has been dismissed
from membership of this church, may, upon evidence of repentance,
and on the recommendation of the Diaconate to the Administrative
Board and the Pastor’s Board, be restored to membership by vote of
the church membership.
Section 1 — Principal Function: The Pastors are responsible for
ensuring that the Administrative Board, the Deacons Board and the
Ministerial Board respect the Bible, the voice of First Haitian Baptist
Church (FHBC) members, the laws of the land, the constitution and
FHBC regulations. They are to be the shepherd of the flock, servants
of God and God’s people, students of the Word, spiritual persons of
prayer, Spirit-filled and Spirit-led leaders who meet all biblical
requirements as Teaching Shepherds and Ruling Elders of this
community of faith (Acts 2:4, 6:3, Rom 12:8, Eph 4:11f, 1 Thess
5:12, 1 Tim 3:1-7, 5:17,22, 2 Tim 4:1-2, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4).
Section 2 — Responsibilities: The Board of Pastors shall overseer
the church and its activities by doing the following:
i. Help the church fulfill its mission and coordinate and
evaluate its work.
ii. Help the church understand its biblical mission and set
iii. Guide the church to write mission statements, vision and core
iv. Coordinate studies on the needs of the church and the
v. Recommend to the church an annual calendar of coordinated
plans for evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, missions,
ministry and worship.
vi. In agreement with the Administrative Board and the Deacon
Board, coordinate the calendar of church activities, special
events and installations.
vii. In agreement with the administrative council and Deacon
Board, evaluate progress and priority use of church
viii. In agreement with the Administrative Board and the Deacon
Board, submit regular reports to the church
ix. Monthly, meet with the church administrator and Deacon
Chairman to evaluate the work of all ministries in the church.
x. Cite the Administrator or the Administrative Council, the
Deacon Chairman or the Deacon Board, or a specific
ministry to appear before the Pastoral Council to report on
their work.
xi. Transform First Haitian Baptist Church and community
through the Bible and purposeful ministries for these
xii. Reserve time for prayer. Express concerns, joys and
observations to God and listen to God's direction for the
leadership and congregation.
xiii. Evaluate the current ministry of the congregation. What
works well? Where are the weaknesses? What are the gaps?
xiv. Learn what life is like for people in your community. Gather
information by being attentive to members, asking questions
and listening carefully.


Section 1 — Lead Pastor’s main function: The Lead Pastor is
responsible for proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. To engage in
pastoral ministries to meet the needs of people in the church and in
the community, and he must sincerely collaborate with the associate
pastors, the Administrator, the members of the administrative Board,
the Deacon Chairman, the Deacon Board members and all other
ministries throughout the church.
Section 2— Responsibilities: The Lead Pastor is the spiritual
overseer of the church and shall direct all of its
activities. He shall faithfully serve the church by doing the
i. Define as a personal behavior guide to the standard required
in I Timothy 3: 1-7 and I Peter 5: 1-4.
ii. Demonstrate leadership for the entire church program by
working wholeheartedly with the associate pastors, the board
of Deacons, the Administrative board, the deacon Chairman
and the church administrator.
iii. Maintain with the associate pastors and the Minister of
Education a regular program of study to enable them to plan
and conduct meaningful religious services.
iv. With the help of the associate pastors and the Deacon Board,
prepare and lead cults, perform ordinances and guide the
church in proclaiming the Gospel to the saints and the
v. With the associate pastors, visit members and prospects and
lead members to a visiting program.
vi. With the support of the associate pastors, oversee the work of
the Administrative Board, the Deacon Board, and the
ministerial Board.
vii. With the help of the associate pastors, give pre-marriage
counseling, professional counseling, family counseling,
bereavement advice, etc., if needed. Advise members in other
viii. With the help of the associate pastors, perform wedding
ceremonies and funeral services.
ix. Work with the associate pastors, the administrator, the
deacon Chairman, the deacons and all other officers in the
exercise of assigned responsibilities. Be available to educate
church members and leaders at all times.
x. Cooperate with and lead the church in cooperation with the
Baptist Association of New Orleans, and the state of the
country. Keep the church informed of developments in the
xi. With the help of the associate pastors and the administrator,
serve as a representative of the Church in civic matters.
xii. With the help of associate pastors and the Minister of
Education, serve as a leader in research to win the lost and
fallen; Show members how to win souls by training them.
xiii. With the help of the associate pastors and the Minister of
Education, plan and promote the periods of evangelism.
Focus on renewing members and redeeming lost ones.
xiv. To serve as moderator of the pastoral council in planning,
organizing, directing, coordinating and evaluating the total
program of the church.


Section 1. Main function: Associate Pastors will assist the Pastor to
oversee the Board and the Ministerial Council. They will pay
attention to the reports received from the Administrative Council and
will help with all the pastoral responsibilities that the pastor
considers necessary or appropriate.
Section 2. Responsibilities:
i. Assist the Lead Pastor in the overall good work of the
church, assist in special projects, and implement specific
tasks commissioned by the pastor generally related to
pastoral activities.
ii. Maintain clear communication channels with the Lead
Pastor, inform him of needs, activities and issues. Also
collect the opinion of the Lead Pastor, his insight and
affirmation related to plans and decisions.
iii. Meet regularly with the Lead Pastor for planning, evaluation
and coordination of church ministries.
iv. Oversee and assist the Administrative Board, the Deacon
Board, and the Ministerial Board in planning, coordinating
and implementing programs related to their areas of
v. Conduct biannual performance reviews of the Administrative
Board, the Deacon Board, and the Ministerial Board based on
the goals and goals of the church program.
vi. Work with the Lead Pastor, the Administrative Board, The
Deacon Board, the the Ministerial Board, and other staff
members in finding new members for officers.
vii. Work with staff and the congregation to achieve the goals of
the church.
viii. Work with the administrator and his staff to develop a global
calendar for the church.
ix. Organize and oversee a program of tours to include
introspection and outreach.
x. Lead a new member program and new Christian orientation.


Section1— Main function: The Administrative Board is responsible
for coordinating and administering activities related to the
Administrative Board and the Ministerial Board. The members of the
administrative Board will schedule meetings, produce reports for the
Board of Pastors and church members, and report back to the pastor
at all times. The Board members will work closely together to
achieve the goals of First Haitian Baptist Church (FHBC). The role
of each member of the Board is to ensure the realization of the vision
of FHBC by receiving tools for the training of leaders and members
of the congregation and that the use of materials and equipment must
guarantee optimization and excellence as God would have done
The Administrative Council shall consist of an administrator, an
assistant administrator, an adviser, a secretary, a social media
director, the chairperson of the Deacon Council, the chairperson of
the finance committee, the Sunday School director, the music
director, and the youth director.
The council may vote to add other members to the Board, but this
decision must be approved by the Board of Pastors and the members
of the church. In addition, any new position created must meet a
need and it must be justified.
Section 2 — Responsibilities:
i. The Administrative Board shall be responsible to help the
Board of Pastors direct the management of both the spiritual
and temporal affairs of the church, subject to the authority of
the church membership, through the Lead Pastor.
ii. The Administrative Board shall approve the annual church
budget, appointment of special committees and ministry
teams, give final approval of the employment and dismissal
of all church employees (with the exception of the Pastors).
iii. All ministry teams, ministry team leaders and auxiliary
organizations shall be responsible to the Administrative
Board through the Administrator.
iv. The Administrative Board and its Administrator shall be
responsible to the Board of Pastors through the Lead Pastors.
v. The Administrative Board shall assist the Board of Pastors
and the church in fulfilling its mission and coordinating and
evaluating its work.
vi. Being servants of God, the Administrative Board will
administer FHBC with justice, discipline and care, as good
managers and fathers, in a spirit of accountability.
vii. By following the constitution and in agreement with the
pastors, create regulations to govern the activities of the
board, the ministerial council, and everything related to
viii. With the support of the Board of Pastors, remove any officer,
worker, or partner who does not comply with the Bible, the
constitution and the Bylaws of FHBC.
ix. Create job descriptions for all members of the Ministerial
x. Vote on all decisions made or presented to FHBC.
xi. As the governing body of FHBC and to fulfill its fiduciary
duties, the board is responsible for:
a. Set up the mission and objectives of FHBC.
b. Select and evaluate the performance of board
c. Plan strategically for FHBC.
d. In agreement with the Board of Deacons, provide
strong fiduciary supervision and financial
e. Raise funds and develop resources.
f. Know the mission, policies, programs and needs of
g. Read, understand, and faithfully follow the Bible, the
constitution and the laws of FHBC.
h. Serve as active advocates and ambassadors for FHBC
and fully commit to identifying and securing the
financial resources and partnerships necessary for
FHBC to advance its mission.

Section 3 — Appeals to the Administrative Board: Any member

of the church may appeal to the Administrative Board, in writing, the
action or decision of any officer, ministry team, or ministry team
leader. It is also the prerogative of any member to appear before the
Leadership Team1 to present an appeal or matter of business by prior
arrangement with the Leader of the Administrative Board.

Do you mean Administrative Board?
Section 4 – Reports: The Administrative Board shall require
reports, in writing, of the activities of all ministry teams, ministry
team leaders and auxiliary organizations at the quarterly business
meetings of the church. They shall in return furnish regular reports to
the Board of Pastors.
Section 5 — Quorum: A quorum of two-thirds of the members of
the Administrative Board must be present for the transaction of any
formal business. A ministry team’s leader may present ministry team
recommendations and reports to the Administrative Board, but may
neither vote, nor counted toward a quorum of the Administrative
Board unless they are an elected member of the Administrative
Section 1—Administrator’s responsibilities: The church
administrator is responsible for managing the affairs of the church
and working with the Lead Pastor and the Associate Pastors, the
Chairman of the Deacon Board and his staff, staff and members of
the church to attain the objectives of the mission of the church. He
must extinguish the church ministry to all members of the church,
the Administrative Board, the Ministerial Board, and the surrounding
community. The administrator shall godly serves FHBC by faithfully
doing the followings:
i. Shall appoint an Assistant Administrator who shall assume
the duties of the Board in his absence.
ii. Use this position to listen and communicate with people of
all ages, work with other ministry leaders, chair meetings,
delegate responsibilities, and follow-up to complete tasks.
iii. The administrator should show a real interest in responding
to the hopes and concerns of people in the community.
iv. Gather and work with the Lead Pastor, Associate Pastors,
Administrative Board, Deacon Board, members of the
Ministerial Board and others to fulfill the church's mission.
v. The administrator should organize an annual planning
meeting for the church vision and ministry objectives.
vi. The administrator should become familiar with the resources
of FHBC.
vii. Prepare and communicate meeting agendas, lead meetings,
monitor implementation, coordinate leadership team
activities, and maintain a healthy and growing spiritual life.
viii. Work with his staff, the finance committee, the council of
deacons, the council of pastors to implement the annual
budget of the church.
ix. Administer church policies and procedures regarding the use
of all FHBC properties and facilities.
x. Participate in weekly visits to hospitals and prospects.
xi. Serve as a legal and commercial resource person.
xii. In agreement with the Council of Deacons, study with the
staff each year the insurance program and recommend the
necessary changes.
xiii. Approve and process purchase requisitions and purchase
xiv. Communicate with the pastor and associate pastors to
understand their hopes and dreams for the congregation and
how their leadership will advance the congregational vision
for the ministry.
xv. Shortly after being elected, the administrator must convene a
meeting of the board to become familiar with, share hopes
and concerns, and begin planning for the year. Engage the
Administrative Council team to begin implementing the
vision of FHBC.
xvi. Work closely with his assistant administrator by seeking his
counsel and his approval before making decisions.

Section 2—The Assistant Administrator’s responsibilities: The

assistant administrator shall work closely with the Administrator to
execute the vision of First Haitian Baptist Church. He shall serve as
the Administrator of the church in the absence of the Administrator.
He shall be the right hand and the most trusted adviser of the
Administrator. The Assistant administrator is responsible to help the
Administrator manage the affairs of the church and work with the
Lead Pastor and the Associate Pastors, the Chairman of the Deacon
Board and his staff, staff and members of the church to attain the
objectives of the mission of the church. Under the leadership of
Administrator, he must extinguish the church ministry to all
members of the church, the Administrative Board, the Ministerial
Board, and the surrounding community.
Section 3— The General Adviser’s responsibilities:
The General Adviser will assist First Haitian Baptist Church in
clearly identifying problems and likely dynamics that prevent it from
establishing and achieving healthy goals. Equally important, the
general counselor should mentor and affirm the Board (which Board
among all), the administrator, and the congregation in the process of
sound decision-making. It must help facilitate dialogue and
understanding so that First Haitian can work together to promote
vital ministries in the community. The General Adviser shall godly
serves FHBC by faithfully doing the followings:
i. To sensitize the Board of Pastors, the Administrative Board,
the Ministerial Board to the needs and opportunities of the
ministry in the church.
ii. Serve as a "sounding board" for the ministerial ideas of
pastors and the administrator.
iii. Keep the Lead Pastor, the Administrator, the Deacon
Chairman informed of potential problems in their respective
Board members and in the congregational relations.
iv. Assist the Board of Pastors and the administrative council to
assess the general status of the church and to suggest ways
for the church to be more effective in its mission.
v. Encourage the Lead Pastor and the Administrator in their
leadership role through prayer and other appropriate means
vi. The General Adviser shall assist the Administrative Board in:
a. Guiding the church and community in the right
b. Discerning the vision of First Haitian
c. Helping manage conflicts
d. Promoting peace and unity among all layers of the

Section 4— The Secretary’s responsibilities

The Secretary is responsible for the administration of the tasks and
functions of the church office in consultation with the daily service
practices of the Administrative Board, the Board of Pastors, the
Deacon Board and the Ministerial Board. The Secretary shall godly
serves FHBC by faithfully doing the followings:
i. Acting as a receptionist in the church office, conducting
phone calls, appointments and guests throughout the church.
ii. Attend meetings of the Church's Administrative Board and
Board of Pastors to record minutes of meetings.
iii. Coordinate the total calendar of Church events and keep
records of administrative forms for all events.
iv. Keep ministry staff, deacons and others informed of ministry
crises or opportunities within the congregation and the
v. Keep church records in collaboration with church
administrators and the church treasurer.
vi. Keep confidential records of departmental staff. Prepare, edit,
and produce all church publications, including church
newsletters, worship newsletters, and faith-based statistics.
vii. Prepare press releases in cooperation with the Lead Pastor
and the general Administrator of the church
viii. Assist the Pastors in the preparation of acts of worship,
events, baptisms and special presentations.
ix. Take and filter all phone calls from ministers.
x. Coordinate and assist in administering departmental
appointment schedules in conjunction with the day-to-day
activities of church offices.
xi. Coordinate and assist in planning travel arrangements and
speaking engagements for departmental staff.
xii. Assist the Church Finance President and the Accounts and
Finance Committee with all reports on the church's budget
and accountability.
xiii. Assist the church administrator in interpreting Church rules
and policies and procedures
xiv. Shall record all members, maintain the church membership
file in consultation with the Deacon Board and conduct
correspondence of the church relating to the receiving and
removing of members as directed by the Deacon Board when
approved by the church
xv. Shall make all official reports required by the church and
denominational affiliations.

Section 5— The Minister of Public Relations’ responsibilities:

The responsibility of the Minister of Public Relations is to gather and
create an internal and external communication system that promotes
First Haitian Baptist Church among members and others. It will help
church members and community members to take an interest in and
participate in the church's activities for the transformation of the
community and the world. The Minister of Public Relations shall
godly serves FHBC by faithfully doing the followings:
i. Show that he is passionate about communicating a clear
message and skills with communication methods: verbal,
written, and electronic.
ii. Listening and communicating with people of all ages, having
the ability to work with leaders from other departmental
groups, expertise in communication, using social media and
sharing knowledge.
iii. Show a real interest in responding to the hopes and concerns
of community members.
iv. Supervise communications from the congregation to its
members and the community, including newsletters and print
and electronic ads, phone contacts, a website, radio spots and
journalism programs.
v. Coordinate contacts between the congregation and
community media. He or she will promote events and
opportunities related to the church.
vi. Collaborate with the Board of Pastors, the Administrative
Board, the Deacon Board and the Ministerial Board to plan
the communication of problems, programs, needs and
successes of the ministry and management histories.
vii. Develop and produce video resources for internal and
external ministry and outreach. Develop regular
communication channels with those responsible for
communication at the church level.
viii. Paving the way for communications using new media
ix. Have relationships with organizations, people and resources
in and beyond the congregation that are involved in religious
broadcasting and communications.
x. Determine within the church and community the
understanding and acceptance of the work of the church.
xi. Develop with department heads a plan for interpreting church
work to the public.

Section 6— The Finance Minister’s responsibilities:

The finance ministry is responsible to the congregation, the church
treasurer and the finance committee for receiving and registering the
funds that enter the treasury of the church. The Finance Minister
shall godly serves FHBC by faithfully doing the followings:
i. Finance Minister Shall be responsible for the convening and
the direction of the Finance Committee.
ii. He Shall appoint a Vice-Chairman who shall assume the
duties of the Board in his absence.
iii. He and his committee Shall prepare an annual Budget for the
Church in consultation of the Board of Deacons. (The
Finance committee in consultation with the Administrative
Board and the Board of Deacons shall establish regulations to
govern the preparation of the budget annually.)
iv. He Shall appoint a Financial Secretary who shall receive
offering envelopes from the treasurer, and shall keep
individual records to donations for all donors and shall issue
receipts for all offerings as matter of course at the end of the
calendar year, or on other occasions by a special request of a
v. He Shall appoint a Treasurer who shall keep a full and
faithful account of all money received and disbursed,
including the purpose of expenditures and income, and shall
submit a Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Report in writing to
the Administrative Board and the Board of Pastors for review
and approval. Upon approval of the Administrative Board
and the Board of Pastors, the treasurer shall present Quarterly
and Annual reports to the church membership for acceptance
at the regular business meetings of the church. The treasurer
shall pay accounts and expend moneys as directed by the
budget and the Board of Deacons.
vi. He Shall appoint a Church Counting Committee which will
be responsible to count all the money received by the church
before submitted them to the treasurer.
vii. He Shall supervise the church Financial Secretary, The
Treasurer and the church counting committee in accordance
with policies and procedures established by the
Administrative Board.
viii. He Shall make available within seven (7) days any records
requested by the Administrative Board, the Board of Pastors
or by vote of the Church membership.
ix. He Shall disburse funds within the limits of the Annual
Budget, unless amended by vote of the church membership.
x. He Shall disburse non-budgeted and designated funds in
keeping with the policies and procedures established by the
Leadership Team, and the Church membership by vote.
xi. He Shall insure that all Corporate, Federal, State, and Local
reporting requirements are met.
xii. He shall Work according to the directives and laws and
procedures proposed by the Congregation and the statutes of
the Church.
xiii. He shall Collect offerings received during worship services at
the end of a service / program, ensuring that more than one
person participates in the collection and counting of the
xiv. He shall make sure that the money is deposited in a bank as
soon as possible after it is received. All deposits must be
made within three (3) days of receipt.
xv. He shall establish a procedure for collecting and recording
money received by methods other than regular offerings,
including money received by mail.
xvi. He shall produce an annual report of all donations received
during a calendar year and mail during the first two weeks of
January of each year.
xvii. He shall be accountable to the congregation through its
designated committees / teams, elected officers, and paid
staff leadership.
xviii. He shall keep accurate records of how money is spent in the
church approved budget.
xix. He shall recommend and maintain appropriate fiscal policies
for the church. Prepare with the treasurer and / or the
financial secretary monthly financial reports of all receipts
and expenses the business meeting.
xx. He shall prepare with the treasurer and / or the financial
secretary monthly financial reports of all receipts and
expenses for business meetings.
xxi. He shall coordinate fiscal and personnel activities with
church staff, committees, and programs.
xxii. He shall provide an annual report of all financial activities
(receipts, disbursements and investments) to the church.
xxiii. He shall assist the audit committee as requested.
xxiv. He shall provide input on unbudgeted items, advise on
budget revisions or adjustments, consider special offers, and
make recommendations regarding these issues to the church.
xxv. He shall advise the church on financial transactions regarding
strength and effect on the church's financial structure and
xxvi. He shall work closely with the Property and Insurance
Committee and other committees involving church funds as

Section 7— The Sunday School Director’s responsibilities

The Sunday School Director is the Chief Administrative Officer of
Sunday School at First Haitian Baptist Church (FHBC). He is
responsible for coordinating the work of all Sunday School classes,
departments, and other Bible study groups with the primary purpose
of Sunday School. He leads the planning, organizing, enlisting and
equipping of leaders and mobilizing members to achieve the goals
and objectives of FHBC. The Sunday School Director shall godly
serves FHBC by faithfully doing the followings:
i. Meet regularly with his team to plan for the Sunday school.
ii. Communicate goals and actions to leaders and participants
and evaluate school progress.
iii. Lead the development of an effective organization that
facilitates the spiritual transformation of saints and people in
the community.
iv. Lead efforts to call service participants and recruit and train
new leaders.
v. Lead needs assessment related to space, budget, Bible
curriculum, supplies and other resources; and recommend the
necessary actions.
vi. Give a positive example to others by living as an authentic
witness of Christ and by becoming fully involved in the life
and ministry of the church
vii. Correlate all programs, plans and activities with the Board of
Pastors and the Administrative Board.
viii. Serve as resource and liaison person for the educational
ix. Plan special emphases in educational programs (i.e.
attendance campaigns, leadership recognition, Preparation
Week, VBS, promotion, etc.).
x. Develop special educational/training projects such as camps,
retreats and seminars.
xi. Lead in regular education program organization planning
xii. Lead in choosing and securing the most suitable educational
and curriculum materials available.

Section 8— The Director of Music’s responsibilities:

The minister of music is responsible to the board of Pastor and the
Administrative Board for the total music ministry of the church. The
Director of Music shall godly serves FHBC by faithfully doing the
i. Direct the planning, organizing, conducting and evaluating of
a comprehensive music program in preparing groups, soloists
and choirs for internal and external ministry.
ii. Work with the Board of Pastors, the Administrative Board,
the Deacon Board, and Ministerial Board on special music
needs in the total church program.
iii. Supervise the work of the music ministry staff.
iv. With the Approval of the Lead Pastor and the Administrator,
enlist and train leaders for the music ministry.
v. Work with the Lead Pastor in selecting music for regular and
special worship services – including weddings, funerals and
special projects.
vi. Monitor the purchasing, maintenance and replacement of all
music-related equipment, supplies and instruments.
vii. Keep informed on music methods, materials, promotion and
viii. Prepare an annual music budget for approval and administer
the budget.
ix. Direct congregational singing at all regularly scheduled
worship services.
x. Plan and arrange an “Order of Service” for worship services.
Section 9— The Youth Director’s responsibilities:
The minister of youth is responsible to the Lead Pastor and the
Administrator for assisting the church in planning, coordinating and
promoting the youth programs of the church, special youth projects,
assignments and events. The Youth Director shall godly serves
FHBC by faithfully doing the followings:
i. Work with the Board of Pastors and the Administrative
Board, appropriate committees and program leaders in
planning, evaluating, and coordinating all youth ministries of
the church.
ii. Conduct special training projects for youth workers.
iii. Advise in the use of program materials, equipment, supplies
and space by youth groups in all church program
iv. Plan and direct youth groups in all church program
v. Plan and direct youth fellowships, retreats and mission trips.
vi. Plan and direct parenting seminars and workshops.
vii. Counsel youth and parents as needed.
viii. Lead in a weekly youth visitation program.
ix. Conduct weekly youth Bible study.
x. Develop relationships with local school officials and be
available to speak and/or visit in the schools.
xi. Remain informed of current trends in youth education
programs and youth culture.
xii. Be alert to win the lost and assist both workers and youth in
reaching the unreached.


Section 1 — Terms:
i. All Administrative Board members, but the Administrator,
shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and shall serve
until their successors assume office. These members shall
have demonstrated mature, spiritual leadership.
ii. The Administrator of the Administrative Board shall be
elected for a term of four (4) years and shall serve until his
successor assumes office. The Administrator shall have
demonstrated impeccable mature, spiritual leadership.

Section 2 — Election:
i. The church shall hold election in November and the elected
leaders shall assume the duties of office on the first day of
ii. A secret ballot is required for all election.


Section 1 — Duties: The Deacon Board shall include women as
well as men. They are charged with the care of the church
body. They shall minister to the physical as well as the
spiritual needs of church members. In consultation with the
Administrative Board, they shall also involve in church
administration. They shall deal with the week to week
ministries of the church. Deacons and Deaconesses shall deal
with social as well as spiritual concerns of FHBC.
They shall represent Christ through the help of the Holy Spirit.
Deacons are set apart for the ministry of mercy, service, and
outreach. Therefore, they must collaborate without any reservations
with the Lead Pastor and his Associates, the Administrator and his
Staff, the Ministerial Board, the members of the church and the
members of the community. They shall godly serve FHBC by
faithfully doing the followings:
i. Regularly participate in one of the regular ministries, as a
manager or member.
ii. Attend church services and church activities.
iii. Be in solidarity with the overall ministry of the church.
iv. Participate in all activities of the body of deacons planned,
except in case of providential impediment.
v. Be available to serve when requested by the Board of Pastors
and the Administrative Board.
vi. Practice personal evangelism of the lost when opportunities
vii. Serve the needy in the community.
viii. Attend beneficial training sessions, as available, unless they
are providentially hindered.
ix. Pray for the Lead Pastor and his associates, for the
Administrator and his staff, for the church workers, for all
church members, and for the community.
x. Be responsible for the spiritual welfare of at least ten (10)
xi. Sustain a strong prayer ministry
xii. Assist the Lead Pastor and his Associates in matters relating
to membership discipline, counseling and grievances.
xiii. Administer and establish policies for the Benevolence Fund.
xiv. Assist the Lead Pastor and his Associates in shepherding the
congregation and shall oversee the spiritual needs of the
church membership and shall establish ministries for the
spiritual care of individual members.
xv. Provide the Church Clerk with information regarding the
church rolls and maintain regular contact with all members of
the church.
xvi. Strive for the unity of the body in all matters including
xvii. With the Lead Pastor and his Associates develop and be
responsible for the observance of Baptism and the Lord’s
xviii. Their caring Ministry must practice in:
a. Assistant to people in need
b. Wisely distributing gifts for benevolence and mission,
and judicious selection of candidates to receive gifts.
c. Visiting people in need.
d. Expressing compassion towards the poor, widowed,
orphaned and foreign through practical expressions of
e. Providing and delivering food to people in need.

Section 2— Choice and Term:

i. The Board of Deacons shall consist of duly elected and
ordained deacons by the church.
ii. The elected deacons shall be chosen from the men and
women members of the church and ordained by the Lead
iii. Each deacon from the Board shall be given a specific duty.
iv. All deacons, but the Deacon Chairman, shall be elected by
the church for a two (2) year term.
v. The Deacon Chairman shall be elected for a three (3) year

Section 3: — Appeals to the Board of Pastors from Decisions of

the Board of Deacons: Any member from the Deacon Board,
aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Deacons, shall first bring
their appeal to the Board of Pastors and then, if necessary, to the
membership at a special meeting of the membership. The decision of
the membership shall be final.
Section 4 — Maintenances:
The Board (of Deacons?) shall receive and hold for the use of the
church all estate, real and personal, which at any time becomes the
property of the church; shall keep the properties in repair, and shall
exercise supervision over all matters relating to the operation and
maintenance of the church property. It shall authorize the payments
of all expenditures incurred for the carrying out of the general work
of the church within the budget. If such expenditures are in excess of
$500.00, and are not items already authorized by the budget, the
church shall be informed, and action taken to protect the property.

Section 4 — Dismissal of Deacons:

Every deacon needs to submit himself and his ideas to other mature
believers who shall hold him accountable. Deacons shall
immediately accountable to their Standing committee Leader who
shall be immediately accountable to the Board of Deacons, the
Administrative Board, and the Board of Pastors who shall be
immediately accountable to the Body, the church. This function shall
be maintained in the spirit of the Scripture. Deacons who do not
maintain these standards of conduct and accountability can be
dismissed from the Diaconate by the Board of Pastors and the
Administrative Board upon the recommendation of the Board of
The duties of the Deacon Chairman include planning deacon
meetings, preparing the agenda, convening meetings and organizing
meetings. The president is elected from among deacons and
deaconesses. The Chairman shall godly serve the Board and FHBC
by doing the followings:
i. Appoint a Vice-Chairman who shall assume the duties of the
Board in his absence.
ii. Be responsible for the convening and the direction of the
Board of Deacons.
iii. Submit regular written reports to the Lead Pastor and the
Administrative Board.
iv. Serve as liaison between the deacons, the Lead Pastor and
his Associates, the administrator and his staff, and the
v. Lead and coordinate the formation of deacons.
vi. Select mentors for new deacons.
vii. Represent the interest of the Deacon Board in the
Administrative Board
viii. Make purchases authorized by the Minister of Finance and
the Administrative Board.
ix. Develop a system to facilitate communication from deacons
to deacons and from deacons to members.
x. Facilitate the presentation of the names of potential new
candidates to the body of deacons.
xi. Help coordinate ministries of the body of deacons and
ensure that those tasks are performed.


Section 1— Responsibilities: The Board of Deacons shall carry out
its work, as far as possible, through Standing Committees which
shall perform such duties as the Board may direct. Through those
Standing Committees, the Deacons shall assist the Lead Pastor and
the congregation in the spiritual nurture and growth of the
congregation. These Standing Committees shall include:
i. The Membership Committee: This committee shall have
supervision of the church roll, the examination of all persons
desiring to unite with the church.
ii. The Worship Committee: This committee, in conjunction
with the Minister of Music and the Lead Pastor, shall
exercise supervision of the church service, music, ushering,
and the administration of the ordinance of Baptism and the
Lord’s Supper.
iii. Mission Committee: This committee, in conjunction with the
Lead Pastor and the Administrator, shall encourage interest
and participation in spreading the Good News, near and
abroad. It shall exercise supervision over special missionary
offerings and shall recommend the Missions Budget to the
Finance Director.
iv. Visitation: This committee, in conjunction with the pastor,
shall visit the sick and needy; cooperate with the Membership
Committee in keeping the church roll; have responsibility for
the supervision of fellowship functions of the church; and
exercise supervision over the Fellowship Fund.
v. Finance and Property Committee: This committee shall
exercise supervision over all financial matters within the
Board (which board?). It shall prepare, on an annual basis,
budget expenditures within the area of the Deacon
Board(s ?).
vi. Other Standing Committees: The Board of Deacons may
appoint such other standing committees, from time to time, as
it may deem advisable. (Before any decision, the Board must
have the approval (including Job description) of the Lead
Pastor and the Administrator)


Section 1: Convening the Board: Following the election of Deacon
Chairman, the winner shall call the ordained deacons to assign
members of the Board to serve as Vice-Chairman and as
chairpersons of all standing Committees, such assignments to be
based upon the individual’s experience and ability. The organization
of the Board shall be completed before the first regular Board
meeting following the Annual Meeting.
Section 2: Meeting of the Board: The Board of Deacons, meeting
monthly, shall separate into Standing Committees. The entire Board
shall then convene and hear reports and recommendations from each
Standing Committee. Only ordained deacons are eligible to vote on
the reports and the recommendations the Board will be submitted to
the Board of Pastors or the Administrative Board. The approval of a
majority of the members of the Board present and voting shall be
necessary before the recommendations of the Board shall submit to
the Board of Pastors or the Administrative Board.
Section 3: Vacancies in Offices: Should any Deacon fail to perform
the duties pertaining to the office for a period of three consecutive
months, the Board is empowered to recommend to the Board of
Pastors, the Administrative Board, and to the Church that the office
be declared vacant.
Section 1 — Ministry Team Leaders and Members: First Haitian
Baptist Church is committed to maintain ongoing ministries and /or
teams that address the following ministry priorities: Worship
Ministry, Benevolent Ministry, Widows Ministry, Visitation
Ministry, Outreach Ministry, Adult Ministry, Children Ministry,
Sickness Ministry, Prayer Ministry, Music Ministry, Women
Ministry, Youth Ministry, Men Ministry, Family Ministry, Welcome
Team, Mission Ministry, Public relation Ministry, New Members
Ministry, Baptism Ministry, Marriage Ministry, Education Ministry,
Evangelism ministry, Discipleship Ministry, Leadership
Development Ministry, Building and Grounds Maintenance
Ministry, and so on.
Section 2 — Appointment of Ministry Team Leaders: It shall be
the responsibility of the Administrative Board and the Deacon Board
in consultation with the Board of Pastors to appoint Team Leaders to
support the ministries of the church.
i. Ministry Team Leaders can be appointed, at any time, by the
Administrative Board or the Deacon Board, with consultation
of the Board of Pastors after prayerful consideration of the
church’s goal, evaluation of the proposed needs to meet,
consideration of fiscal impact of the proposed ministries.
ii. Ministry Team Leaders can be also chosen through an
election system established by the Administrative Board or
the Deacon Board.
iii. Ministry Team Leaders would have the authority to select
team members with the approval of Administrative Board or
the Deacon Board.
iv. Ministry Team Leaders will meet, as a group, with the
Administrator or the Deacon Chairman regularly for direction
and coordination.
v. Ministry Team Leaders shall prepare, on an annual basis,
budget expenditures within their area of responsibility and
submit it to the Finance Committee for consideration.
vi. The Administrator or the Deacon Chairman shall prepare a
job description for each Ministry Team Leader. However,
each job description shall be approved by their respective
vii. Ministry Team Leaders shall present to the Administrative
Board or the Deacon Board for approval, all policy
recommendations pertaining to their area of responsibilities.
viii. The Lead Pastor and his Associates would provide an annual
report to the congregation on the works accomplished by the
Ministry Team Leaders and their team members.
It shall be the responsibility of the Constitutional Board to protect
and help implement the Constitution and the Bylaws of the First
Haitian Baptist Church.
i. The Lead Pastor shall appoint a Chairperson among the
members of the Constitutional Board
ii. The Chairperson of the Board shall appoint the vice-chair and
the secretary, and the other members shall serve as members.
iii. The members of the Constitutional Board shall promote a
better understanding of the Constitution and the Bylaws of
iv. They shall help other Boards write new regulations to support
the smooth operation of the First Haitian Baptist Church
v. They Shall document any violation of the Constitution and
Bylaws, big or small.
vi. The Shall meet regularly with the authorities of FHBC to
report any violation they have observed.
vii. If necessary, they shall cite different Board of the church to
discuss infringement of the Constitution and the Bylaws of
the church and provide the necessary remedy.
viii. After tirelessly fighting and advocating for the full
compliance with the Constitution and Bylaws, the Board has
the right to cite a Board or an officer of any Board before
their Board or the church members to expose their non-
compliance to the rules of law.
ix. The Constitutional Board shall recommend to any Board or
the to the church members the removal from a post of any
repeated violator of the Constitution and Bylaws.
x. They have the right to ask for a meeting with the membership
and the meeting shall be granted to them. In case of
filibustering, the Constitutional Board shall, in any given
Sunday, convene the church to expose the regulations and
propose their remedy.
xi. A member of the Constitutional Board cannot be fired. They
must serve their full term before they can be replaced.
xii. Members of the Constitutional Board have no term limit. The
Board of Pastors, the Administrative Board, the Deacon
Board, can reappoint the same members year after year as
long as they are faithful to their assignment.
xiii. Every year, the church members shall approve by a secret
vote all members of the Constitutional Board even members
that are not new to the Board.


The Administrative Board may appoint a special committee or as
needed to fill a special need or purpose for a reasonable period of
Section 1 — Worship services:
i. Shall be held any day or time as needed to meet the needs of
those we are called to reach.
ii. At least one service of each month shall be set aside for the
observance of the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.
iii. The church shall maintain activities and services during the
week for prayer, praise, testimony, Bible study and outreach.

Section 2 — The Annual Meeting:

i. Shall be held the last week of November.
ii. Shall be convened for the election of officers, approval of the
annual budget, updating membership rolls, and other
appropriate church business.

Section 3: — Meeting:
i. Shall be held each month.
ii. Shall be convened in order to conduct the financial and other
business of the church, and to receive reports from the
Administrative Board, the Board of Deacons, and the Board
of Pastors.
iii. The January meeting shall include the annual financial report
for the previous year.
iv. The October meeting shall include the presentation of the
proposed annual church budget which be approved at the
Annual Meeting in last week of November.

Shouldn’t be called ad hoc committee?
Section 4 — Special Business Meeting: May be called by the Board
of Pastors, the Administrative Board, or The Guardians Board
whenever a special need arises.
Section 1 — Financial Support:
i. Shall be through the regular tithes and free-will offerings of
the members and friends of the church.
ii. Shall be encouraged through ongoing financial emphasis
wherein members are encouraged to pray and commit to the
Lord their support to the budget of the church.

Section 2 — Financial Year: Shall be from January 1 through

December 31.
Section 3 — Budget:
i. At the annual Meeting, the church, after receiving the report
of the Finance Committee, said report having been approved
earlier by the Board of Deacons and the Administrative
Board, shall adopt a unified budget for the ensuing fiscal
ii. The budget shall include all expenditures of the church, and
the sum of all appropriations shall not exceed the income
which is to be reasonably expected.
iii. The budget shall be prepared in five general classifications:
1) The expenditures of the Board of Pastors 2) The
expenditures of Board of Deacons 3) The expenditures of
Administrative Board 4) The Expenditures of the Guardians
Board 5) And the expenditures of the ministries.

Section 4 — Expenditures: Appropriations are to be expended

under the authorization of the Administrator, the Deacon Chairman,
and the Chairman of Finance Committee. (The Approval of the
Administrative Board shall be needed when the expense exceeds
These by-laws may be changed or amended at any business meeting
of the church by a 51% affirmative vote of all members present and
voting provided that:
i. Notice of such proposed change shall be read at a previous
meeting of the church.
ii. Notice from the pulpit is given at least one Sunday morning
and night before voting.


These by-laws, or any portion thereof, may be temporarily
suspended at any regular business meeting, provided two-thirds of
the members present and voting approve of such suspension

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