Multiple-Choice Questions: New Century Mathematics (Second Edition) S3 Question Bank 3A Chapter 3 Percentages (II)

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New Century Mathematics (Second Edition)

S3 Question Bank
3A Chapter 3 Percentages (II)

Multiple-choice Questions

Jeffrey deposits a sum of money in a bank at an interest rate of 5% p.a. If the simple interest
received after 3 years is $1 905, find the principal.
A. $12 700
B. $14 605
C. $28 575
D. $127 000
The answer is A.
Let $P be the principal.
1 905 =
1 905 = 0.15P
P = 12 700
∴ The principal is $12 700.

$18 000 is deposited in a bank at an interest rate of 3.6% p.a. for 4 months. Find the simple interest
A. $216
B. $648
C. $1 296
D. $2 592
The answer is A.
Simple interest received
= $216

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.62

Suki borrowed $360 000 from a bank at a simple interest rate of 8% p.a. If the amount repaid was
twice the principal, find the loan period.
A. 1.25 years
B. 12.5 years
C. 25 years
D. 125 years
The answer is B.
Let T years be the loan period.
360 000(1 + 8%  T) = 360 000  2
1 + 0.08T = 2
0.08T = 1
T = 12.5
∴ The loan period was 12.5 years.

Alternative method:
∵ The amount was twice the principal.
∴ The interest was equal to the principal.
Let T years be the loan period.
360 000 =
1 = 0.08T
T = 12.5
∴ The loan period was 12.5 years.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.63

Joyce deposits $10 000 in a bank at a simple interest rate of 2.5% p.a. Find the time required for
her to get an amount of $11 500.
A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 46 years
D. 60 years
The answer is A.
Let T years be the time required.
11 500 = 10 000(1 + 2.5%  T)
1.15 = 1 + 0.025T
0.15 = 0.025T
∴ The time required is 6 years.

A sum of money is deposited in a bank where simple interest is calculated. If the amount is 2.5
times the principal after 30 years, find the interest rate per annum.
A. 3%
B. 5%
C. 8 %

D. 11 %
The answer is B.
Let $x be the principal and R% be the interest rate per annum.
x(1 + R%  30) = 2.5x
1+ = 2.5
∴ The interest rate is 5% p.a.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.64

A sum of money is deposited in a bank at a simple interest rate of 2% p.a. Find the time required
for the amount to become 1.5 times the principal.
A. 20 years
B. 25 years
C. 50 years
D. 75 years
The answer is B.
Let $x be the principal and T years be the time required.
x(1 + 2%  T) = 1.5x
1 + 0.02T = 1.5
T = 25
∴ The time required is 25 years.

Mary deposited $250 000 in bank A at a simple interest rate of 3% p.a. After 2 years, the amount
received from bank A is deposited in bank B at a simple interest rate of R% p.a. for 1 year. If she
receives interest of $9 010 from bank B, find the value of R.
A. 1.7
B. 3
C. 3.4
D. 6
The answer is C.
Amount received from bank A
= $250 000  (1 + 3%  2)
= $265 000
∴ 9 010 =
R = 3.4

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.65

$60 000 is deposited in a bank at an interest rate of 3.6% p.a. compounded every 2 months. Find
the interest received after a year, correct to the nearest dollar.
A. $2 160
B. $2 193
C. $6 778
D. $14 184
The answer is B.
Interest rate for 2 months = = 0.6%
Taking 2 months as a period,
number of periods in a year = 6
= $60 000  [(1 + 0.6%)6  1]
= $2 193, cor. to the nearest dollar

$98 000 is deposited in a bank at an interest rate of 6% p.a. compounded quarterly. Find the
amount received after 2.5 years, correct to the nearest $10.
A. $101 720
B. $112 700
C. $113 370
D. $113 730
The answer is D.
Interest rate per quarter = = 1.5%
Taking a quarter as a period,
number of periods in 2.5 years = 2.5  4 = 10
Amount received = $98 000  (1 + 1.5%)10
= $113 730, cor. to the nearest $10

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.66

Katy deposits $P in a bank at an interest rate of r% p.a. compounded half-yearly for n years. The
amount received by Katy is
A. $P  (1 + r%  2n).
B. $P  (1 + 0.5r%)n.
C. $P  (1 + 0.5r%)2n.
D. $P  (1 + 2r%)2n.
The answer is C.
Interest rate for half a year = 0.5r%
Taking half a year as a period,
number of periods in n years = 2n
Amount = $P  (1 + 0.5r%)2n

Paul borrows a sum of money from a bank at an interest rate of 9% p.a. compounded yearly. If he
has to repay an amount of $70 000 after 5 years, find the sum of money borrowed.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest dollar.)
A. $12 844
B. $45 075
C. $45 495
D. $107 700
The answer is C.
Let $P be the sum of money borrowed.
70 000 = P(1 + 9%)5
70 000 = P(1.09)5


= 45 495, cor. to the nearest integer

∴ The sum of money borrowed is $45 495.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.67

Mr Chan takes out a loan at an interest rate of 20% p.a. compounded quarterly for 2 years. If he
has to pay interest of $4 000, find the amount he needs to repay.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest dollar.)
A. $8 378
B. $8 619
C. $9 091
D. $12 378
The answer is D.
Let $P be the sum of money borrowed.
Interest rate per quarter = = 5%
Taking a quarter as a period,
number of periods in 2 years = 2  4 = 8
4 000 = P[(1 + 5%)8 – 1]


= 8 377.75, cor. to the nearest 0.01

∴ Amount needed to be repaid = $(8 377.75 + 4 000)
= $12 378, cor. to the nearest dollar

Mr Lee plans to deposit $10 000 in a bank at an interest rate of 12% p.a. for a year. Which of the
following will give Mr Lee the greatest amount?
A. Simple interest is calculated.
B. The interest is compounded monthly.
C. The interest is compounded every 2 months.
D. The interest is compounded quarterly.
The answer is B.
A: Amount = $10 000  (1 + 12%) = $11 200

B: Amount = $10 000  = $11 268, cor. to the nearest dollar

C: Amount = $10 000  = $11 262, cor. to the nearest dollar

D: Amount = $10 000  = $11 255, cor. to the nearest dollar

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.68

∵ $11 200 < $11 255 < $11 262 < $11 268
∴ The bank will give Mr Lee the greatest amount in case B.

The value of a vase increases at a steady rate of 2.4% per year and it is $5 500 now. Find the value
of the vase 3 years ago.
(Give the answer correct to 3 significant figures.)
A. $5 120
B. $5 130
C. $5 370
D. $5 910
The answer is A.
Let $P be the value of the vase 3 years ago.
5 500 = P(1 + 2.4%)3
5 500 = P(1.024)3


= 5 120, cor. to 3 sig. fig.

∴ The value of the vase 3 years ago was $5 120.

The population in a city increases steadily at a rate of 1.7% per quarter. If the population now is
1 150 000, find the population after 6 years.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest 1 000.)
A. 1 272 000
B. 1 273 000
C. 1 707 000
D. 1 723 000
The answer is D.
Taking a quarter as a period,
number of periods in 6 years = 6  4 = 24
Population after 6 years = 1 150 000  (1 + 1.7%)24
= 1 723 000, cor. to the nearest 1 000

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.69

The weight of a puppy increases steadily per month by the growth factor 1.5. If the present weight
of the puppy is 1.8 kg, find the weight of the puppy 2 months later.
A. 1.85 kg
B. 4.05 kg
C. 4.8 kg
D. 11.25 kg
The answer is B.
Weight of the puppy 2 months later
= 1.8  1.52 kg
= 4.05 kg

A watch is bought for $P 5 years ago. The value of the watch increased steadily by 4.6% per year.
If the value of the watch is $16 800 now, find the increase in the value over these 5 years.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest $100.)
A. $3 400
B. $3 900
C. $4 200
D. $4 500
The answer is A.
P(1 + 4.6%)5 = 16 800
P(1.046)5 = 16 800


= 13 417, cor. to the nearest integer

Increase in the value over these 5 years
= $(16 800 – 13 417)
= $3 400, cor. to the nearest $100

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.70

From 2014 onwards, the annual profit of a company increases by 9% per year. What is the
percentage increase in the annual profit of the company from 2014 to 2019?
(Give the answer correct to the nearest 1%.)
A. 36%
B. 41%
C. 45%
D. 54%
The answer is D.
Let $P be the annual profit of the company in 2014.
Number of periods = 2019 – 2014 = 5
Annual profit of the company in 2019 = $P(1 + 9%)5
∴ Percentage increase

= 54%, cor. to the nearest 1%

A farm produced 5 000 apples in 2014. From 2014 to 2016, the number of apples produced
decreased by 40% per year. Find the number of apples produced in 2016.
A. 800
B. 1 800
C. 2 000
D. 3 200
The answer is B.
Number of apples produced in 2016
= 5 000  (1 – 40%)2
= 1 800

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.71

Suppose the volume of water in a reservoir decreases by r% per quarter. If the reservoir stores
V m3 of water at present, then the volume of water in the reservoir after a year is
A. V  (1 − r%) m3.
B. V  (1 − 4r%) m3.
C. V  (1 − 0.25r%)4 m3.
D. V  (1 − r%)4 m3.
The answer is D.
Taking a quarter as a period,
number of periods in a year = 4
∴ Volume of water after a year = V  (1 − r%)4 m3

The decay factor of the number of smartphones sold is 0.4 every year. If 36 000 smartphones are
sold in this year, find the number of smartphones sold two years ago.
A. 5 760
B. 100 000
C. 180 000
D. 225 000
The answer is D.
Let n be the number of smartphones sold two years ago.
n  0.42 = 36 000
0.16n = 36 000
= 225 000
∴ 225 000 smartphones were sold two years ago.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.72

The present value of a photocopier is $28 800 and it depreciates by 6% per year. Find the
depreciation of the photocopier 3 years later.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest $100.)
A. $4 900
B. $5 200
C. $5 900
D. $23 900
The answer is A.
Value of the photocopier 3 years later = $28 800  (1 – 6%)3
= $23 921, cor. to the nearest dollar
Depreciation = $(28 800 – 23 921)
= $4 900, cor. to the nearest $100

After the first release of a portable game player 6 years ago, its price decreased by 20% every 2
years. If the depreciation of the game player is $1 500 now, find the original price of the game
(Give the answer correct to the nearest dollar.)
A. $2 034
B. $2 930
C. $3 074
D. $5 772
The answer is C.
Taking 2 years as a period,
number of periods in 6 years = =3
Let $P be the original price of the game player.
P – P(1 – 20%)3 = 1 500
P(1 – 0.83) = 1 500


= 3 074, cor. to the nearest integer

∴ The original price of the game player was $3 074.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.73

The annual number of tourists to a city was 880 000 two years ago. The annual number of tourists
decreased by 12% one year ago and decreased by a further 20% this year. Find the annual number
of tourists to the city this year.
A. 598 400
B. 619 520
C. 929 280
D. 1 250 000
The answer is B.
Annual number of tourists this year
= 880 000  (1 – 12%)  (1 – 20%)
= 880 000  0.88  0.8
= 619 520

The total cost of a company is composed of rent and labour cost. Last year, the rent was $3 million
and the labour cost was $7 million. This year, the rent increases by 60% and the labour cost
increases by 10%. Find the percentage increase in the total cost.
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 70%
D. 76%
The answer is B.
Original total cost = $(3 + 7) million
= $10 million
New rent = $3  (1 + 60%) million
= $4.8 million
New labour cost = $7  (1 + 10%) million
= $7.7 million
New total cost = $(4.8 + 7.7) million
= $12.5 million
∴ Percentage increase in total cost =
= 25%

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.74

The length and perimeter of a rectangle are 20 cm and 70 cm respectively. If the length increased
by 44% and the width decreased by 25%, find the increase in the area of the rectangle.
A. 24 cm2
B. 57 cm2
C. 80 cm2
D. 112 cm2
The answer is A.
Let x cm be the original width of the rectangle.
2(x + 20) = 70
x + 20 = 35
x = 15
∴ Original area = 20  15 cm2
= 300 cm2
New length = 20  (1 + 44%) cm
= 28.8 cm
New width = 15  (1 – 25%) cm
= 11.25 cm
∴ New area = 28.8  11.25 cm2
= 324 cm2
Increase in area = (324 – 300) cm2
= 24 cm2

Sam’s weight first decreased by 20% due to illness. After recovery, his weight increased by x% to
reach his original weight. Find x.
B. 20
C. 25
D. 80
The answer is C.
Let w kg be his original weight.
His weight after recovery = w(1 – 20%)(1 + x%) kg
= 0.8w(1 + x%) kg

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.75

∴ 0.8w(1 + x%) = w
= 1.25

= 0.25
x = 25

Last year, 45% of the students in a school were female. This year, the number of male students
decreases by 8% and the number of female students increases by 4%. The percentage change in the
total number of students is
A. +1.8%.
B. –1.4%.
C. –2.6%.
D. –4%.
The answer is C.
Let n be the original total number of students.
Original number of female students = n  45%
= 0.45n
Original number of male students = n – 0.45n
= 0.55n
New number of female students = 0.45n(1 + 4%)
= 0.468n
New number of male students = 0.55n(1 – 8%)
= 0.506n
New total number of students = 0.468n + 0.506n
= 0.974n
∴ Percentage change in the total number of students =


© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.76



The figure shows a sector with radius r and angle . If the radius increases by 50% and the angle of
the sector decreases by 40%, then the arc length of the sector
A. decreases by 10%.
B. decreases by 20%.
C. increases by 10%.
D. increases by 35%.
The answer is A.
Original arc length =

New radius = r(1 + 50%)
= 1.5r
New angle of sector =  (1 – 40%)
= 0.6
New arc length =

∴ Percentage change in the arc length =

∴ The arc length of the sector decreases by 10%.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.77

The rateable value of a property is $1 500 000. If the rates percentage charge is 5%, find the rates
payable for a quarter.
A. $18 750
B. $25 000
C. $75 000
D. $225 000
The answer is A.
Rates payable for a quarter =
= $18 750

Mr Tsui paid $6 000 for the rates on his flat 2 years ago. His rates payable has increased by 10%
and then decreased by 6% over the past two years. Find the rateable value of his flat this year.
(Suppose the rates percentage charge is 5%.)
A. $112 800
B. $120 000
C. $124 080
D. $132 000
The answer is C.
Rates payable this year = $6 000  (1 + 10%)  (1 – 6%)
= $6 204
Let $P be the rateable value of his flat this year.
P  5% = 6 204
P  0.05 = 6 204
P = 124 080
∴ The rateable value of his flat this year is $124 080.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.78

The salaries tax rates are as shown in the following table:

Net chargeable income Rate

On the first $40 000 2%
On the next $40 000 7%
On the next $40 000 12%
Remainder 17%

The net chargeable income of Helen is $290 000. Find her salaries tax payable.
A. $5 800
B. $37 300
C. $49 300
D. $69 700
The answer is B.
Net chargeable income
= $290 000
= $(40 000 + 40 000 + 40 000 + 170 000)
Net chargeable income Rate Tax
On the first $40 000 2% $ 800
On the next $40 000 7% $ 2 800
On the next $40 000 12% $ 4 800
Remainder $170 000 17% $28 900
Total tax: $37 300
∴ Her salaries tax payable is $37 300.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.79

The salaries tax rates are as shown in the following table:

Net chargeable income Rate

On the first $40 000 2%
On the next $40 000 7%
On the next $40 000 12%
Remainder 17%

In this financial year, Tom has to pay a salaries tax of $16 560. If his net chargeable income is
greater than $120 000 and he has a total allowance of $100 000, find his annual income.
A. $48 000
B. $168 000
C. $236 560
D. $268 000
The answer is D.
Suppose his net chargeable income is $(120 000 + x).
Tom’s salaries tax payable
= $(40 000  2% + 40 000  7% + 40 000  12% + x  17%)
= $(8 400 + 0.17x)
∴ 8 400 + 0.17x = 16 560
0.17x = 8 160
x = 48 000
Tom’s net chargeable income= $(120 000 + 48 000)
= $168 000
Tom’s annual income = $(168 000 + 100 000)
= $268 000

Mary deposits $15 000 in a bank at an interest rate of 2.5% p.a. Find the simple interest received
after 3 years.
A. $1 125
B. $2 000
C. $3 750
D. $6 000
The answer is A.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.80

Simple interest received = $15 000  2.5%  3
= $1 125

Mrs Lee wants to deposit her retirement pension in a bank for half a year, and she expects to
receive simple interest of $8 250. If the interest rate is 5.5% p.a., how much is her retirement
A. $100 000
B. $150 000
C. $300 000
D. $330 000
The answer is C.
Let $P be her retirement pension.
8 250 = P  5.5% 
8 250 = 0.027 5P
P = 300 000
∴ Her retirement pension is $300 000.

Mr Chan borrows $28 000 from a bank at a simple interest rate of 6% p.a. If Mr. Chan pays back
the amount (loan and interest) 18 months later, how much should he pay?
A. $30 240
B. $30 520
C. $44 818
D. $58 240
The answer is B.

Amount he should pay =

= $30 520

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.81

Winson deposits $30 000 in a bank at a simple interest rate of 3% p.a. After how many years will
the amount become $34 050?
A. 3.5 years
B. 4 years
C. 4.5 years
D. 5 years
The answer is C.
Let N years be the time required.

∴ The amount will become $34 050 after 4.5 years.


Kitty deposits $12 000 in a bank where simple interest is calculated. If she will get an amount of
$12 480 after half a year, what is the interest rate per annum?
A. 4%
B. 6%
C. 8%
D. 10%
The answer is C.
Let r% be the interest rate per annum.

∴ The interest rate is 8% p.a.



© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.82

Miss Lam deposits a sum of money in a bank at a simple interest rate of 4.5% p.a. If the interest
received after 3 years is $5 670, find the sum of money deposited.
A. $60 000
B. $56 700
C. $46 000
D. $42 000
The answer is D.
Let $P be the sum of money deposited.

∴ The sum of money deposited is $42 000.


$15 000 is invested at an interest rate of 8% p.a. for 2 years. Find the amount received if the
interest is compounded yearly.
A. $2 400
B. $2 496
C. $17 400
D. $17 496
The answer is D.
Amount = $15 000  (1 + 8%)2
= $17 496

Miss Lee borrows $5 000 from a bank at an interest rate of 3.6% p.a. compounded monthly. Find
the amount that Miss Lee owes the bank after 3 years, correct to the nearest $10.
A. $5 540
B. $5 560
C. $5 570
D. $5 600
The answer is C.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.83

Interest rate per month = = 0.3%
Taking a month as a period,
number of periods in 3 years = 3  12 = 36
The required amount = $5 000  (1 + 0.3%)36
= $5 570, cor. to the nearest $10

A sum of money is deposited in a bank at an interest rate of 12% p.a. compounded yearly. If the
interest received after 7 years is $6 000, find the principal.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest $1 000.)
A. $3 000
B. $4 000
C. $5 000
D. $6 000
The answer is C.
Let $P be the principal.
P[(1 + 12%)7 – 1] = 6 000


= 5 000, cor. to the nearest 1 000

∴ The principal is $5 000.

Fanny plans to deposit a sum of money in either bank Q or bank R at an interest rate of 2% p.a. for
3 years. Bank Q calculates interest compounded yearly, while bank R calculates simple interest. If
Fanny will earn $151 more interest in bank Q than bank R, find the sum of money that she plans to
A. $115 000
B. $125 000
C. $135 000
D. $155 000
The answer is B.
Let $P be the sum of money that she plans to deposit.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.84

For bank Q, compound interest = $P[(1 + 2%)3 – 1] = $0.061 208P
For bank R, simple interest = $P  2%  3 = $0.06P
∴ 0.061 208P = 151 + 0.06P
0.001 208P = 151
P = 125 000
∴ The sum of money that she plans to deposit is $125 000.

The tutorial fee of a university in 2012 was $40 000. If the tutorial fee increased steadily at a rate
of 20% every year, what was the tutorial fee of the university in 2016?
A. $64 000
B. $69 120
C. $72 000
D. $82 944
The answer is D.
Number of periods = 2016 – 2012 = 4
Tutorial fee of the university in 2016


The number of visitors of an aquarium increases steadily at a rate of 25% every quarter. If the
number of visitors of the aquarium in the first quarter of this year is 30 000, find the number of
visitors of the aquarium in the fourth quarter of next year.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest 1 000.)
A. 45 000
B. 143 000
C. 179 000
D. 224 000
The answer is B.
Taking a quarter as a period,
number of periods = 4 + 3 = 7
Number of visitors of the aquarium in the fourth quarter of next year

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.85

= 30 000  (1 + 25%)7
= , cor. to the nearest 1 000

The present value of a diamond is $62 500. If its value increases steadily at a rate of 12% every 5
years, what will be its value after 20 years?
(Give the answer correct to the nearest $100.)
A. $98 300
B. $110 100
C. $150 000
D. $602 900
The answer is A.
Taking 5 years as a period,
number of periods in 20 years = =4
Value of the diamond after 20 years
= $62 500  (1 + 12%)4
= $98 300, cor. to the nearest $100

The annual number of crimes in a city was 56 000 in 2011. Given that the annual number of crimes
increased steadily at a rate of 5% per year until 2015, find the increase in the annual number of
crimes over these 4 years.
(Give the answer correct to the nearest 100.)
A. 2 800
B. 11 200
C. 12 100
D. 68 100
The answer is C.
Annual number of crimes in 2015 = 56 000  (1 + 5%)4
= 68 068, cor. to the nearest integer
Increase in the annual number of crimes
= 68 068 – 56 000
= 12 100, cor. to the nearest 100

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.86


A cup contains 250 mL of water originally. The volume of water in the cup decreases by 5% every
12 hours. Find the volume of water in the cup after 3 days, correct to the nearest mL.
A. 175 mL
B. 184 mL
C. 213 mL
D. 214 mL
The answer is B.
Taking 12 hours as a period,
number of periods in 3 days = 3  =6
Volume of water in the cup after 3 days
= 250  (1 – 5%)6 mL
= 184 mL, cor. to the nearest mL

In the past 4 years, the depreciation rate of a notebook computer is 30% every year. If the present
value of the notebook computer is $2 401, find its value 4 years ago.
A. $5 000
B. $6 000
C. $9 000
D. $10 000
The answer is D.
Let $P be the value of the notebook computer 4 years ago.

∴ The value of the notebook computer 4 years ago was $10 000.

From 2015, the number of wild leopards decreased by 10% every year. If the number of wild

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.87

leopards was 15 000 in 2015, find the number of wild leopards in 2018.
A. 9 500
B. 10 500
C. 10 935
D. 12 150
The answer is C.
Number of periods = 2018 – 2015 = 3
Number of wild leopards in 2018
= 15 000  (1 – 10%)3

In 2014, the number of students of a school was 600. In 2015, the number of students increased by
15%. But in 2016, the number of students decreased by 20%. Find the number of students of the
school in 2016.
A. 408
B. 552
C. 621
D. 1 104
The answer is B.
Number of students of the school in 2016
= 600  (1 + 15%)  (1 – 20%)
= 600  1.15  0.8

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.88

The value of a second-hand motor bike was $12 000 in May. Its value decreased by 30% per
month from May to July, and then increased by 20% in August. Find the value of the motor bike in
A. $4 224
B. $4 944
C. $7 056
D. $16 224
The answer is C.
Value of the motor bike in August
= $12 000  (1 – 30%)2  (1 + 20%)
= $7 056

When a number first increases by 10% and then decreases by 30%, the result obtained is 770. Find
the original number.
A. 700
B. 800
C. 1 000
D. 1 100
The answer is C.
Let x be the original number.
x(1 + 10%)(1 – 30%) = 770
0.77x = 770
x = 1 000
∴ The original number is 1 000.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.89

A shopkeeper increases the price of a necklace by 40%. Later, he decreases the price of the
necklace by 10%. The final price of the necklace is $2 080 higher than the original price. Find the
original price of the necklace.
A. $7 000
B. $8 000
C. $9 000
D. $10 000
The answer is B.
Let $P be the original price of the necklace.

∴ The original price of the necklace is $8 000.


In which of the following is the new value greater than the original value?
A. A positive value first decreases by 10%, and then increases by 9%.
B. A positive value first decreases by 10%, and then increases by 11%.
C. A positive value first decreases by 9%, and then increases by 9%.
D. A positive value first decreases by 9%, and then increases by 10%.
The answer is D.
For D, let x be the original value.
New value = x(1 – 9%)(1 + 10%)
= x(0.91)(1.1)
= 1.001x > x
∴ The new value in D is greater than the original value.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.90

The renovation cost of a flat is composed of the labour cost ($20 000) and the material cost
($15 000). If the labour cost increases by 10% and the material cost decreases by 25%, what is the
percentage change in the renovation cost of the flat?
A. –15%
B. –5%
C. +5%
D. +15%
The answer is B.
Original renovation cost = $(20 000 + 15 000)
= $35 000
New labour cost = $20 000  (1 + 10%)
= $22 000
New material cost = $15 000  (1 – 25%)
= $11 250
New renovation cost = $(22 000 + 11 250)
= $33 250
∴ Percentage change in the renovation cost


The value of a stamp first decreases by 20% and then increases by 20%. Find the percentage
change in the value of the stamp.
A. –20%
B. –4%
C. 0%
D. +4%

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.91

The answer is B.
Let x be the original value of the stamp.
New value of the stamp
= x(1 – 20%)(1 + 20%)
= x(0.8)(1.2)
= 0.96x
∴ Percentage change in the value of the stamp


Last year, the price of a stock was increased by 90%. But this year, the price is decreased by 45%.
Find the percentage change in the stock price this year as compared to that 2 years ago.
A. –30.5%
B. +30.5%
C. –4.5%
D. +4.5%
The answer is D.
Let $P be the stock price 2 years ago.
Stock price this year
= $P(1 + 90%)(1 – 45%)
= $P(1.9)(0.55)
= $1.045P
∴ Percentage change in the stock price


© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.92

The area of a square picture increases by 44% after enlargement. What is the percentage increase
in the length of each side of the picture after enlargement?
A. 44%
B. 20%
C. 12%
D. 4%
The answer is B.
Let x and y be the original length and new length of each side of the square picture.
New area = original area  (1 + 44%)

∴ Percentage increase in the length of each side of the square picture


Consider d = vt. If the value of v decreases by 14% and the value of t increases by 6%, find the
percentage change in the value of d, correct to the nearest 1%.
A. –9%
B. –7%
C. +7%
D. +9%
The answer is A.
New value of v = v(1 – 14%)
= 0.86v
New value of t = t(1 + 6%)
= 1.06t
New value of d = 0.86v(1.06t)

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.93

= 0.911 6vt
∴ Percentage change in the value of d

= –9%, cor. to the nearest 1%


The number of working hours of William increases by 25%, but his hourly wage decreases by
15%. William’s income
A. increases by 6.67%.
B. increases by 6.25%.
C. decreases by 6.25%.
D. remains unchanged.
The answer is B.
Let n be William’s original number of working hours and $H be his original hourly wage.
Original income = $nH
New number of working hours = n(1 + 25%)
= 1.25n
New hourly wage = $H(1 – 15%)
= $0.85H
New income = $1.25n  0.85H
= $1.062 5nH
Percentage change in the income

= +6.25%
∴ William’s income increases by 6.25%.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.94

As the charge for each unit of electricity increases by 15%, a hotel reduces its electricity
consumption by 20%. Find the percentage change in the electricity charge of the hotel.
A. +8%
B. +2%
C. –2%
D. –8%
The answer is D.
Let $x be the original charge for each unit of electricity and y units be the original electricity
Original electricity charge = $xy
New charge for each unit of electricity = $x(1 + 15%)
= $1.15x
New electricity consumption = y(1 – 20%) units
= 0.8y units
New electricity charge = $0.8y(1.15x)
= $0.92xy
∴ Percentage change in electricity charge


The quarterly rates of a flat in a city is $4 800. If the rateable value of that flat is $480 000, find the
rates percentage charge.
A. 1%
B. 3%
C. 4%
D. 5%

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.95

The answer is C.
Let x% be the rates percentage charge.
= 4 800
120 000x% = 4 800
= 0.04
∴ The rates percentage charge is 4%.

If the owner of a building has to pay $56 000 of rates quarterly and the rates percentage charge is
5%, what is the rateable value of the building?
A. $1 120 000
B. $2 240 000
C. $4 480 000
D. $8 960 000
The answer is C.
Let $P be the rateable value of the building.

∴ The rateable value of the building is $4 480 000.


The rateable value of Mr Leung’s previous flat was $96 000. He moves to a new flat and his
quarterly rates payable for the new flat is $300 more than that of the previous flat. If the rates
percentage charge is 5%, find the rateable value of his new flat.
A. $100 000
B. $120 000
C. $150 000
D. $196 000

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.96

The answer is B.
Rates payable for a quarter on his previous flat

∴ Rates payable for a quarter on his new flat = $(1 200 + 300)
= $1 500
Let $P be the rateable value of his new flat.

= 1 500

P  0.05 = 6 000
P = 120 000
∴ The rateable value of his new flat is $120 000.

The salaries tax rates are as shown in the following table:

Net chargeable income Rate

On the first $40 000 2%
On the next $40 000 7%
On the next $40 000 12%
Remainder 17%

Miss Cheng’s net chargeable income is $62 000. Find Miss Cheng’s salaries tax payable.
A. $1 240
B. $2 340
C. $3 240
D. $4 340
The answer is B.
Net chargeable income = $62 000
= $(40 000 + 22 000)
Net chargeable income Rate Tax
On the first $40 000 2% $ 800
Remainder $22 000 7% $1 540
Total tax: $2 340
∴ Miss Cheng’s salaries tax payable is $2 340.

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.97

The salaries tax rates are as shown in the following table:

Net chargeable income Rate

On the first $40 000 2%
On the next $40 000 7%
On the next $40 000 12%
Remainder 17%

Last year, the net chargeable income of Miss Ngan was $100 000. If her net chargeable income
increases by 10% this year, find the percentage increase in her salaries tax payable this year.
A. 10%
B. 12%
C. 17%
D. 20%
The answer is D.
For last year:
Net chargeable income
= $100 000
= $(40 000 + 40 000 + 20 000)
Net chargeable income Rate Tax
On the first $40 000 2% $ 800
On the next $40 000 7% $2 800
Remainder $20 000 12% $2 400
Total tax: $6 000
For this year:
Net chargable income
= $100 000  (1 + 10%)
= $110 000
= $(40 000 + 40 000 + 30 000)
Net chargeable income Rate Tax
On the first $40 000 2% $ 800
On the next $40 000 7% $2 800
Remainder $30 000 12% $3 600
Total tax: $7 200
∴ Percentage increase in salaries tax payable
= 20%

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.98

The salaries tax rates are as shown in the following table:

Net chargeable income Rate

On the first $40 000 2%
On the next $40 000 7%
On the next $40 000 12%
Remainder 17%

Mr Lee’s net chargeable income is $70 000 and Miss Tsoi’s net chargeable income is 25% more
than Mr Lee’s. By what percentage is Miss Tsoi’s salaries tax payable more than Mr Lee’s?
(Give the answer correct to the nearest 1%.)
A. 45%
B. 55%
C. 65%
D. 75%
The answer is B.
For Mr Lee:
Net chargeable income
= $70 000
= $(40 000 + 30 000)
Net chargeable income Rate Tax
On the first $40 000 2% $ 800
Remainder $30 000 7% $2 100
Total tax: $2 900
For Miss Tsoi:
Net chargable income
= $70 000  (1 + 25%)
= $87 500
= $(40 000 + 40 000 + 7 500)
Net chargeable income Rate Tax
On the first $40 000 2% $ 800
On the next $40 000 7% $2 800
Remainder $7 500 12% $ 900
Total tax: $4 500

∴ The required percentage =

= 55%, cor. to the nearest 1%


© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 3A Chapter 3 Multiple-choice Questions P.99

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