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TOXICOLOGY PRELIMS ➢ Heart – Digitalis, Oxalic acid

TOXICOLOGY(PRELIM) ➢ Stomach – Antimony, Arsenic

➢ Urinary organs – Cantharides
➢ Uterus – Ergot
• Is any agent capable of producing a ➢ Lungs – Chlorine (gas)
deleterious response in a biological system ➢ Blood – CO
• Any substance that can cause severe organ
Factors that modify the effects of Poisons:
damage or death if ingested, breathed in,
injected into the body or absorbed through 1. Those attributed to the individual
the skin. ➢ Age
➢ Health
Types of Poisoning
➢ Habit
a) Acute poisoning ➢ Sex
b) Chronic poisoning ➢ Sleep
➢ Exhaustion
Legal point of view:
➢ Idiosyncrasy
1. Accidental – poison was taken without ➢ mental / physical state
intention to cause death ➢ condition of the stomach
2. Suicidal – poison was taken voluntarily for ➢ characteristic & amount of the
the purpose of taking his own life stomach content
3. Homicidal – poison was taken willfully, 2. those attributed to the poison
wantonly and with intent to cause death to ➢ physical state / form of poison
the victim ➢ mode of administration
4. Undetermined – the history is hazy as to ➢ size of dose
how the poison was obtained and why it ➢ association with other poisons
was administered (chemical, mechanical)
➢ dilution
Kinds of Poisons:
Classification of Poisons according to:
1) Corrosive poison – one which by contact
chemically causes local destruction of ➢ Origin
tissue. When swallowed, it usually produces ➢ Characteristic effects / properties
nausea, vomiting and local distress. Ex. ➢ Chemical properties
Acids &alkalies ➢ Physiological effects
2) True poison – still poisonous no matter how ➢ Site of action
Highly diluted. Ex. Atropine & strychnine a. According to Origin:
3) Cumulative poison – one which increases • Vegetable- Morphine, Atropine,
suddenly in its intensity of action after slow Aconitine, Nicotine
addition of it. Ex. Ipecac, Calomel, Lead, • Animal – Snake venom, Epinephrine,
Carbon monoxide, Strychnine, Mercury and Insulin
Arsenic • Mineral – Arsenic, Mercury,
Antimony molecule
Some poisons affect certain organs in particular:
• Synthetic – Barbiturates,
➢ Brain – Opium, Barbiturate, Alcohol Antihistamine, Tranquilizers
➢ Spinal cord – Strychnine
➢ Motor system of nerves – Curare
b. According to characteristic effects ➢ Mineral alkalies
1. Corrosive poisons- ex. Mineral acids, ▪ Carbonates &
glacial acetic acid, alkalies Hydroxides of:
a) Irritant – Arsenous acid, ▪ Ammonium
Antimony, Potassium ▪ Potassium
tartrate, Oxalic acid ▪ Sodium
b) Gaseous poisons – Hydrogen II.Organic
sulfide, Chlorine, CO ➢ Volatile organic poisons
2. Systemic poisons act on the nervous ▪ Alcohol
system or upon the heart, liver, ▪ Chloral hydrate
kidneys or lungs with having any ▪ Chloroform
special corrosive or irritant effect ➢ Alkaloids
such as: ▪ Atropine
➢ Strychnine ▪ Brucine
➢ Brucine ▪ Colchicine
➢ Cyanide ➢ Animal poisons
➢ Aconitine ▪ Bee
3. Biological poisons poisoning that ▪ Wasp
may result from ingestion of food ▪ Insect bites
contaminated with dangerous ➢ Organic acids
pathogenic bacteria such as ▪ Acetic acid
➢ Mushrooms ▪ Oxalic acid
➢ Shellfish ▪ Tartaric acid
c. According to chemical properties: ➢ Glycosides
I.Inorganic ▪ Digitoxin
➢ Volatile Non-metallic ▪ Salicin
poisons ▪ Santonin
▪ Bromine ▪ Solanine
▪ Chlorine ➢ Bacterial food poison
▪ Iodine ▪ Toxins
▪ Phosphorous d. According to physiological effects:
▪ Hydrogen sulfide 1) Corrosives
➢ Metallic poisons 2) Irritants – produces irritation and/or
▪ Antimony inflammation of the mucous
▪ Arsenic membrane and characterized by
▪ Barium pain in the abdomen, vomiting and
▪ Copper purging Ex. Arsenic, Croton oil,
▪ Lead Cantharides
▪ Mercury 3) Asphyxiants – exerts their effects by
▪ Silver interfering with the oxidation of the
➢ Mineral acids tissues
▪ Chromic acid 4) Narcotics – produce stupor,
▪ Hydrobromic acid complete or incomplete insensibility
▪ HCL or loss of feeling Ex. Opium, Alcohol,
▪ Nitric acid Heroine
5) Neurotic poison – actions directed Keypoints
specially to the brain and spinal cord • Toxicology is the study of the adverse
6) Tetanics – act directly upon the effects of xenobiotics on living systems
spinal cord producing spasmodic • Toxicology assimilates knowledge and the
and continuous contraction of the techniques from biochemistry, biology,
muscles as a result of stiffness or chemistry, genetics, mathematics,
immobility of the parts to which medicine, pharmacology, physiology, and
they are attached Ex. Strychnine physics
7) Deliriants – act upon the brain as to • Toxicology applies safety evaluation and
disorder the mental faculties and risk assessment to the discipline
produce confusion of will power or
delirium Ex. Atropine HISTORY OF TOXICOLOGY
8) Depressants / Sedatives – agents In all branches of toxicology, scientists
which retard or depress explore the mechanisms by which chemicals
physiological action of an organ Ex. produce adverse effects in biological
Cocaine, Nicotine systems. Activities in these broad subjects
9) Asthenics / Exhaustives – agents complement toxicologic research.
which produce exhaustion and
cause marked loss of vital or Antiquity
muscular power Ex. Hydrocyanic • Knowledge of animal venoms and plant
acid Digitoxin extracts for hunting, warfare, and
e. According to the site of action: assassination presumably predate recorded
1) Local effects – part of the body with history.
which the poison comes in contact • One of the oldest known writings, the Ebers
2) Remote effects – organs at distance Papyrus (circa 1500b.c.), contains
from the part to which poison has information pertaining to many recognized
been applied poisons, including hemlock, aconite,
3) Combined effects – poison is not opium, and metals such as lead, copper,
only localized at the site but also and antimony The Book of Job (circa 1400
affects remote organs b.c.I speaks of poison arrows (Job 6:4)
Numbers in Toxicology: • Hippocrates (circa 400 b.c.) added a
number of poisons and clinical toxicology
• Extremely toxic – 1 mg/kg or less principles pertaining to bioavailability in
• Highly toxic – 1 to 50 mg/kg therapy and overdosage.
• Moderately toxic – 50 to 500 mg/kg • Theophrastus (370–286b.c.), a student of
• Slightly toxic – 0.5 to 5 g/kg Aristotle, included numerous references to
• Practically nontoxic – 5 to 15g/kg poisonous plants in De Historia Plantarum.
• Relatively harmless – more than 15 g/kg • Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the court
of the Roman emperor Nero, made the first
Modes of Death:
attempt at classifying poisons as plant,
• Death beginning at the brain (Coma) animal and mineral in his book De Materia
• Death beginning at the heart (Syncope) Modica, which contains reference to some
• Death beginning at the lungs (Asphyxia) 600 plants
• One legend tells of Roman King Mithridates
VI of Pontus, who was so fearful of poisons
that he regularly ingested a mixture of 36 2. one should make a distinction
ingredients as protection against between the therapeutic and toxic
assassination. On the occasion of his properties of chemicals
imminent capture by enemies, his attempts 3. these properties are sometimes but
to kill himself with poison failed because of not always indistinguishable except
his successful antidote concoction. T is tale by dose, and
leads to use of the word mithridatic as an 4. one can ascertain a degree of
antidote or protective mixture specificity of chemicals and their
• Because poisonings in politics became so therapeutic or toxic effects.
extensive. Sulla issued the Lex Cornelia • These principles led Paracelsus to articulate
(circa 82 b.c.), which appears to be the first the dose-response relation as a bulwark of
law against poisoning and later became a toxicology
regulatory statute directed at careless

Middle Ages Age of Enlightenment

• The writings of Maimonides (Moses ben • Magendie (1783–1885), Orfila (1787–1853),
Maimon, a.d. 1135–1204) included a and Bernard (1813–1878) laid the
treatise on the treatment of poisonings groundwork for pharmacology,
from insects, snakes, and mad dogs experimental therapeutics, and
(Treatise on Poisons and Their Antidotes occupational toxicology.
1198). Maimonides described the subject of • Orfila, a Spanish physician in the French
bioavailability, noting that milk, butter, and court, used autopsy material and chemical
cream could delay intestinal absorption. analysis systematically as legal proof of
• Catherine de Medici tested toxic poisoning. His introduction of this detailed
concoctions, carefully noting the rapidity of type of analysis survives as the
the toxic response (onset of action), the underpinning of forensic toxicology. Orfila
effectiveness of the compound (potency), published a major work devoted expressly
the degree of response of the parts of the to the toxicity of natural agents in 1815.
body (specificity and site of action), and the • Magendie, a physician and experimental
complaints of the victim (clinical signs and physiologist, studied the mechanisms of
symptoms). action of emetineand strychnine. One of
Magendie's more famous students, Claude
Renaissance Bernard, contributed the classic treatise. An
• Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Introduction to the Study of this
Bombastus von Hohenheim- Paracelsus Experimental Medicine
(who called himself Paracelsus) (1493– • German scientists Oswald Schimiedeberg
1541), a physician-alchemist, formulated (1838–1921) and Louis Lewin (1850-1929)
many revolutionary views that remain made many contributions to the science of
integral to the structure of toxicology, toxicology. Schmeideberg trained
pharmacology, and therapeutics today. He approximately 120 students who later
focused on the primary toxic agent as a populated the most important laboratories
chemical entity, and held that: of pharmacology and toxicology throughout
1. experimentation is essential in the the world, Lewin published much of the
examination of responses to early work on the toxicity of
chemicals narcotics,
methanol birth defects, and the publication of Rachel
glycerol Carson's Silent Spring (1962). Attempts to
acrolein understand the effects of chemicals on the
chloroform embryo and fetus and on the environment
as a whole gained momentum. New
20TH CENTURY TOXICOLOGY: THE AWAKENING legislation was passed, and new journals
OF UNDERSTANDING were founded. Cellular and molecular
With the advent of anesthetics and toxicology developed as a subdiscipline, and
disinfectants in the late 1850s, toxicology as risk assessment became a major product of
it is currently understood began. The toxicologic investigation
prevalent use of “patent” medicines led to
several incidents of poisonings from these 21ST CENTURY TOXICOLOGY
medicaments, which, when coupled with • The sequencing of the human genome and
the response to Upton Sinclair's exposé of that of several other organisms has
the meatpacking industry in The Jungle, markedly affected all biological sciences,
culminated in the passage of the Wiley Bill including toxicology. Genetically modifying
in 1906, the first of many U.S. pure food organisms is now common place and those
and drug laws. possessing orthologs of human genes
During the 1890s and early 1900s, the
discovery of radioactivity and the vitamins,
or vital amines,” led to the use of the first
large-scale bioassays (multiple animal INTRODUCTION TO TOXICOLOGY
studies) to determine whether these “new” • Toxicology is the study of the adverse
chemicals were beneficial or harmful to effects of chemicals onliving organisms. A
laboratory animals. toxicologist is trained to examine the
One of the first journals expressly dedicated natureof those effects (including their
to experimental toxicology, Archiv für cellular, biochemical, andmolecular
Toxikologie, began publication in Europe in mechanisms of action) and assess the
1930. T at same year the National Institutes probability oftheir occurrence.
of Health (NIH) was established in the • The varietyof potential adverse effects from
United States. As a response to the tragic the abundant diversity ofchemicals upon
consequences of acute kidney failure after which our society depends often demands
taking sulfanilamide in glycol solutions, the specialization in one area of toxicology.
Copeland bill was passed in 1938.

AFTER WORLD WAR II Different Areas of Toxicology

• The mid-1950s witnessed the strengthening • A mechanistic toxicologist identifies the
of the U.S. FDAS commitment to toxicology cellular, biochemical,and molecular
• Shortly after the Delaney amendment, the mechanisms by which chemicals exert
firstAmerican journal dedicated to toxiceffects on living organisms (see
toxicology, Toxicology and Applied Chapter 3 for a detailed discussion of
Pharmacology mechanisms of toxicity). Mechanistic data
• The 1960s started with the tragic may be usefulin the design and production
thalidomide incident, in which several of safer chemicals and in rationaltherapy for
thousand children were born with serious chemical poisoning and treatment of
disease. In riskassessment, mechanistic data substanceson population dynamics in an
may be very useful in demonstrating that an ecosystem (see Chapter 29).
adverse outcome observed in laboratory • Developmental toxicology is the study of
animals is directly relevant to humans. adverse effects onthe developing organism
Toxicogenomic permits the application of that may result from exposure tochemical
genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and or physical agents before conception (either
metabolomic technologies to identify parent)during prenatal development, or
descriptive and mechanisticinformation postnatally until the time ofpuberty.
that can protect genetically susceptible Teratology is the study of defects induced
individuals from harmful environmental duringdevelopment between conception
exposures, and to customize drugtherapies and birth.
based on their individual genetic makeup. • Reproductive toxicology is the study of the
• A descriptive toxicologist is concerned occurrence ofadverse effects on the male or
directly with toxicitytesting, which provides female reproductive system thatmay result
information for safety evaluation from exposure to chemical or physical
andregulatory requirements. Toxicity tests agents (seeChapter 20)
(described later in thischapter) in
experimental animals are designed to yield Toxicology and Society
in formation that can be used to evaluate • Knowledge about the toxicologic effect of a
risks posed to humans andthe environment compound affectsconsumer products,
by exposure to specific chemicals. drugs, manufacturing processes,
• Regulatory toxicologist has the wastecleanup, regulatory action, civil
responsibility for deciding,on the basis of disputes, and broad policydecisions. The
data provided by descriptive and expanding infuence of toxicology on
mechanistictoxicologists, whether a drug or societalissues is accompanied by the
another chemical poses a sufficiently low responsibility to be increasinglysensitive to
risk to be marketed for a stated purpose. the ethical, legal, and social implications of
• Forensic toxicology is a hybrid of analytic toxicologic research and testing.There are
chemistry and fundamental toxicologic several ethical dilemmas in toxicology.
principles that focuses primarily on First, experience and new
themedicolegal aspects of the harmful discoveries in the biological sciences
effects of chemicals onhumans and animal. havemphasized the need for well-
• Clinical toxicology is concerned with articulated visions of human,animal,
disease caused by oruniquely associated and environmental health.
with toxic substances (see Chapter 32) Second, experience withthe health
• Environmental toxicology focuses on the consequences of exposure to such
impacts of chemical pollutants in the things as lead,asbestos, and tobacco
environment on biological has precipitated many regulatory
organismspecifically studying the impacts of andlegal actions and public policy
chemicals on nonhumanorganisms such as decisions.
fish, birds, terrestrial animals, and plants. Third, we have anincreasingly well-
• Ecotoxicology, a specialized area within defined framework for discussing
environmental toxicology, focuses our socialand ethical responsibilities.
specifically on the impacts of toxic Fourth, all research
involvinghumans or animals must be
conducted in a responsible
Fifth, the uncertainty and biological • Intherapeutics, e.g., each drug produces a
variability inherent in the biological number of effects, butusually only one
sciences requires decision making effect is associated with the primary
with limited or uncertain objectiveof the therapy; all the other effects
information. are referred to as undesirableor side
effects. However, some of these side effects
General Characteristics of the Toxic Response may bedesired for another therapeutic
• Virtually every known chemical has the indication. Some side effects ofdrugs are
potential to produceinjury or death if it is always deleterious to the well-being of
present in a sufficient amount. Table 2- humans.I ese are referred to as the adverse,
1shows the wide spectrum of dosages deleterious, or toxic effectsof the drug
needed to produce deathin 50% of treated
animals (lethal dose 50, LD30). Allergic Reactions
Chemicalsproducing death in microgram • Chemical allergy is an immunologically
doses are often consideredextremely mediated adverse reaction to a chemical
poisonous. Note that measures of acute resulting from previous sensitization to
lethality suchas LDs, may not accurately ref thatchemical or to a structurally similar one.
ect the full spectrum of toxicity,or hazard, • The terms hypersensitivity, allergic
associated with exposure to a chemical. For reaction, and sensitization reaction are
example,some chemicals with low acute used todescribe this situation (see Chapter
toxicity may have carcinogenicor 12). Once sensitization hasoccurred, allergic
teratogenic effects at doses that produce reactions may result from exposure to
no evidence of acutetoxicity. For a given relatively very low doses of chemicals.
chemical, each of the various effects • Importantly, for a given allergic individual,
thatmay occur in a given organism will have allergic reactions are dose-related.
their own doseresponse relationship Sensitizationreactions are sometimes very
severe and may be fatal.Most chemicals
CLASSIFICATION OF TOXIC AGENTS and their metabolic products are not
• The term toxin generallyrefers to toxic sufficiently large to be recognized by the
substances that are produced by biological immune system as a foreign substance and
systems such as plants, animals, fungi, or thus must first combine with an
bacteria. endogenousprotein to form an antigen (or
• The term toxicant is used in speaking of immunogen). Such a molecule iscalled a
toxic substances that are producedby or are hapten.
a by-product of human activities. • The hapten-protein complex (antigen) is
• Toxic agents may beclassified in terms of thencapable of eliciting the formation of
their physical state, chemical stability antibodies. Subsequentexposure to the
orreactivity, general chemical structure, or chemical results in an antigen-antibody
poisoning potential.No single classification inter-action, which provokes the typical
is applicable to the entire spectrum oftoxic manifestations of an allergythat range in
agents and, therefore, a combination of severity from minor skin disturbance to
classificationsis needed to provide the best fatal anaphylactic shock.
characterization of a toxicsubstance.
Reversible versus Irreversible Toxic Effects
• Some toxic effects of chemicals are
reversible, and others areirreversible. If a
Idiosyncratic Reactions chemical produces pathological injury to a
• Chemicalidiosyncrasy refers to a genetically tissue, the ability of that tissue to
determined abnormal reactivity to a regenerate largely determineswhether the
chemical. effect is reversible or irreversible. Liver
• The response observed is tissue hashigh regeneration ability and most
usuallyqualitatively similar to that observed injuries are, therefore,reversible. However,
in all individuals but maytake the form of CNS injury is largely irreversible becauseits
extreme sensitivity to low doses or cells are differentiated and cannot be
extremeinsensitivity to high doses of the replaced. Carcinogenicand teratogenic
chemical. For example, someindividuals are effects of chemicals, once they occur, are
abnormally sensitive to nitrites and other usually considered irreversible toxic effects.
sub-stances capable of oxidizing the iron in
hemoglobin. This produces methemoglobin, Local versus Systemic Toxicity
which is incapable of binding • Local effects occur at the siteof first contact
andtransporting oxygen to tissues. between the biological system and the
Consequently, they may sufferfrom tissue toxicant.
hypoxia after exposure to doses of • In contrast, systemic effects require
methemoglobin-producing chemicals, absorption and distributionof a toxicant
whereas normal individuals would from its entry point to a distant site, at
beunaffected. It is now recognized that which deleterious effects are produced.
many idiosyncratic drugreactions are due to Most substances, except for highly reactive
the interplay between an individual's materials, produce systemic effects. Some
abilityto form a reactive intermediate, materials can produce both effects.
detoxify that intermediate,and/or mount an • Most chemicals that produce systemic
immune response to adducted toxicity usually elicittheir major toxicity in
proteins.Specific genetic polymorphisms in only one or two organs, which are referred
drug-metabolizing enzymes,transporters, or to as the target organs of toxicity of a
receptors are responsible for many of particular chemical.
theseobserved differences. • Paradoxically, the target organ of toxicity is
often not thesite of the highest
Immediate versus Delayed Toxicity concentration of the chemical.Target
• Immediate toxic effects occur or develop organs in order of frequency of
rapidly after a singleadministration of a involvement in systemic toxicity are the
substance CNS;
• Delayed toxic effectsoccur after the lapse the circulatory system;
of some time. Most substances the bloodand hematopoietic system;
produceimmediate toxic effects. However, visceral organs such as the liver,
carcinogenic effects of chemicals usually kidney, and lung; and the skin.
have long latency periods, often 20 to 30 Muscle and bone are seldomtarget
years afterthe initial exposure, before tissues for systemic effects.
tumors are observed in humans.

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