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Trainer‘s Handbook

The purpose of this non-

technical manual is to
provide an educational
resource that should be
a simple but effective
tool for the population
of developing countries
living under the landslide
threat. By: Patrik Meyer

Landslide Hazard Manual 1

The author wants to thank the Fulbright Commission for their financial and logistic support
during the work conducted in Chile. In addition, he wants to thank Professors Mauricio
Serracín, Ramón Verdugo, and Francisco Ferrando from the Universidad de Chile for their
unconditional support.

The author of this manual believes that the value of any work is proportional to its capacity
to improve the living conditions of the less fortunate communities of this planet. Access to
the basic information and education needed to ensure a healthy and safe life is a right of
every human being. It is the duty of those who possess them to actively disseminate them.

Most of the information and graphical material contained in this manual were gathered from
existing works. However, for the sake of keeping the manual as simple as possible the
references to these works were omitted in the text. Please contact the author
( to obtain a copy with full references.

1 BASICS ON LANDSLIDES..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 LANDSLIDE’S DRIVING FORCE.................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 LANDSLIDE SPEED ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 LANDSLIDE MATERIAL ......................................................................................................................... 6
2 LANDSLIDE TYPES .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 SLIDING ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Rotational Failure ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Translational Failure .................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 ROCK FALL AND TOPPLING ................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 Rock Fall ....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Rock Toppling............................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 SPREADING ......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 FAST DEBRIS FLOWS ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 LAHARS (USGS) ................................................................................................................................ 13
3 HOW TO IDENTIFY LANDSLIDE HAZARDS ............................................................................... 15
3.2 ADDITIONAL LANDSLIDE RISK INDICATORS .................................................................................. 17
4 SLOPE DESTABILIZING FACTORS AND LANDSLIDE TRIGGERS .......................................... 19
4.1 SLOPE DESTABILIZING FACTORS ..................................................................................................... 19
4.2 TRIGGERING FACTORS ....................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Intense or Prolonged Rainfall .................................................................................................. 20
4.2.2 Shocks or Vibrations ................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.3 Human Intervention ................................................................................................................... 22
5 HOW TO MINIMIZE LANDSLIDE HAZARDS.............................................................................. 23
5.1 PASSIVE INTERVENTION ................................................................................................................... 23
5.2 ACTIVE PREVENTIVE INTERVENTION ............................................................................................... 23
6 DOS AND DON’TS ................................................................................................................................. 27
6.1 PRIOR TO A POTENTIAL LANDSLIDE DUE TO INTENSE STORMS .................................................... 27
6.2 WHAT TO DO DURING A LANDSLIDE ................................................................................................ 27
6.3 WHAT TO DO AFTER A LANDSLIDE .................................................................................................. 27
6.4 CONSTRUCTION DON’TS .................................................................................................................... 28
7 WORKSHOP TEACHING PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 30
8 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND ANNEXES................................................................................. 31
1 Basics on Landslides

Landslides are rock, earth, or debris flows on slopes due to gravity. They can occur
on any terrain given the right conditions of soil, moisture, and angle of slope.
Integral to the natural process of the earth’s surface geology, landslides serve to
redistribute soil and sediments in a process that can be in abrupt collapses or in
soil creep, slow mud flows, debris flows, earth failures, and slope failures (Figure
1-1). Three distinct physical events occur during a landslide: the initial slope failure,
the subsequent transport, and the final deposition of the slide materials.
Landslides can be triggered by rains, floods, earthquakes, and other natural origin
as well as human-made causes, such as grading, terrain cutting and filling, excessive
development, etc. Because the factors affecting landslides can be geophysical or
human-made, they can occur in developed or undeveloped areas, or any area where
the terrain was altered for roads, houses, utilities, and even for lawns in one’s

Figure 1-1: Different types of landslides.

1.1 Landslide’s Driving Force

The principal driving force for any landslide is the gravitational force (Figure 1-2)
and the tendency to move of this mass will be proportional to the hill slope angle.
The resisting forces preventing the mass from sliding down the slope are inversely

Landslide Hazard Manual 4

proportional to the same hill slope angle and proportional to the friction angle of
the material. As seen in Figure 1-3 the stability of the material resting on a slope
will be reduced with an increased slope angle. In addition, the resisting forces can
be significantly reduced in case of rain or earthquake vibrations.

Figure 1-2: Effect of gravitational forces on a mass.

Figure 1-3: How an increasing slope will cause the sliding of the material on it.

1.2 Landslide Speed

The speed at which the different types of landslides occur varies greatly. From
Figure 1-4 it can be observed that the failure speed of rock falls is much higher
than the one observed in slumps or soil creeping. The speed of the landslide will
make an even more or less avoidable and therefore, more or less risky.

Landslide Hazard Manual 5

Figure 1-4: Relative failure speed for different types of landslides.

1.3 Landslide Material

The type of landslide that will occur in a given location will often depend on the
composition and type of material that makes up the ground near the surface. Table
1 shows the relationship that links the types of movement with the types of

Table 1: Type of landslide depending on the composition of the ground

Coarse Grained Soil Fine Grained Soil
Falls Rock fall Debris fall Earth fall
Topples Rock topple Debris topple Earth topple
Slides Rock slide Debris slide Earth slide
Lateral spreads Rock spread Debris spread Earth spread
Flows Rock flow Debris flow Earth flow
Complex: Combination of two or more types of movement

It is important to distinguish the different types of landslides to be able to

understand how to deal with each of them. In Figure 1-5 a number of similar
landslides are shown. However, the ways to identify and mitigate them are often

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Figure 1-5: Similar but different landslides.

Landslide Hazard Manual 7

2 Landslide Types

As mentioned in the previous chapter, slope movements are defined by the type of
material that the slope is made up and the type of movement that the slope
undergoes. In this handbook only the major types of landslides will be described.

2.1 Sliding
A slide is a downslope movement of a soil or rock mass occurring dominantly along
rupture surfaces undergoing intense shear strain. Movement does not initially occur
simultaneously over the whole of what eventually becomes the landslide.
In slidings the soil mass moves along one or more discrete planes and the movement
can either be rotational or translational (Figures 2-1 a and b). In the rotational
case the failure surface(s) is curved and in the translational failure it is
approximately flat.

Figures 2-1: a) Rotational failure with multiple planes. b) Translational failure.

2.1.1 Rotational Failure

Rotational slides move along a surface of rupture that is curved and concave. If the
surface of rupture is circular the displaced mass may move along the surface with
little internal deformation. Rotational slides occur most frequently in homogeneous
materials. In Figure 2-2 a rotational failure is shown with the descriptive
characteristics of such a failure.

Landslide Hazard Manual 8

Figure 2-2: Rotational failure with defining characteristics.

In Error! Reference source not found. and Figure 2-34 show a rotational and a
slump failure that were rain induced and directly affected residential areas.

Figure 2-3: Rotational failure Figure 2-4: Rain-induced slump failure

2.1.2 Translational Failure

Translational failures occurs when the failure surface is approximately flat or
slightly undulated and the soil mass moves parallel to the surface of the terrain

Landslide Hazard Manual 9

(Figure 2-5). Translational slides generally are relatively shallower than rotational
slides. As translational sliding progresses, the displaced mass may break up and may
start flowing, becoming a debris flow rather than a slide.

Figure 2-5: Cross-section of a translational slope failure.

2.2 Rock Fall and Toppling

Rock falls occur when blocks detached from steep slopes or walls descend freely at
high speed. The two different types of falls considered here are actual rock falls
where the rock units have no contact with the ground for a significant portion of
their displacement, and rock toppling, where the rock base remains constantly in
contact with the ground.

2.2.1 Rock Fall

Rock falls start with the detachment of rock from a steep slope along a surface on
which little or no shear displacement takes place. The material then descends
mainly through the air by falling, bouncing, or rolling. Movement is very rapid to
extremely rapid (David M. Cruden). Rock falls are very common and in most cases
they are easily identifiable as seen in Figure 2-6 and Figure 2-7.

Landslide Hazard Manual 10

Figure 2-6: Sketch of a typical rock fall site.

Figure 2-7: Typical rock fall site

2.2.2 Rock Toppling

Rock toppling occurs when one or more rock units rotate about their base and
collapse (Figure 2-8).

Figure 2-8: Rock toppling process.

Landslide Hazard Manual 11

2.3 Spreading
The term spread describes sudden movements on water-bearing seams of sand or
silt overlain by homogeneous clays or loaded by fills. Lateral spreading occurs when
the soil mass spreads laterally and this spreading comes with tensional cracks in
the soil mass as seen in Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9: Sketch of lateral spreading.

2.4 Fast Debris Flows

Debris flows start on steep slopes—slopes steep enough to make walking difficult.
Once started, however, debris flows can even travel over gently sloping ground.
The most hazardous areas are canyon bottoms, stream channels, areas near the
outlets of canyons, and slopes excavated for buildings and roads.
Debris flows (also referred to as mudslides, mudflows, or debris avalanches)
generally occur during intense rainfall on water saturated soil. They usually start on
steep hillsides as soil slumps or slides that liquefy and accelerate to speeds as
great as 35 miles (56 km) per hour. Multiple debris flows that start high in canyons
commonly funnel into channels. There, they merge, gain volume, and travel long
distances from their source.
Debris flows also begin in swales (depressions at the top of small gullies) on steep
slopes (Figure 2-10), making areas downslope from swales particularly hazardous.
The case of Mt. Huascaran in Peru, 1970 (Figure 2-11), which caused over 20,000
casualties, is a dramatic example of the destruction power of such events.
Road-cuts and other altered or excavated areas of slopes are particularly
susceptible to debris flows. Debris flows and other landslides onto roadways are
common during rainstorms, and often occur during milder rainfall conditions than
those needed for debris flows on natural slopes ( Figure 2-12).
Areas where surface runoff is channeled, such as along roadways and below
culverts, are common sites of debris flows and other landslides.

Landslide Hazard Manual 12

Figure 2-10: Two views of debris flow environments.

Figure 2-11: Mt. Huascaran landslide. Figure 2-12: Debris flow can carry large stones.

2.5 Lahars
Lahars (Figure 2-13) are mudflows or debris flows composed mostly of volcanic
materials on the flanks of a volcano are called lahars. These flows of mud, rock, and
water can rush down valleys and stream channels at speeds of 20 to 40 miles per
hour (32 to 64 km per hour) and can travel more than 50 miles (80 km). Some
lahars contain so much rock debris (60 to 90 percent by weight) that they look like
fast-moving rivers of wet concrete. Close to their source, these flows are powerful
enough to rip up and carry trees, houses, and huge boulders miles downstream.
Farther downstream they entomb everything in their path in mud.
Historically, lahars have been one of the deadliest volcano hazards. They can occur
both during an eruption and when a volcano is quiet. The water that creates lahars
can come from melting snow and ice (especially water from a glacier melted by a
pyroclastic flow or surge), intense rainfall, or the breakout of a summit crater lake.
Large lahars are a potential hazard to many communities downstream from glacier-
clad volcanoes.

Landslide Hazard Manual 13

Figure 2-13: Active volcano with lahar in the front.

Landslide Hazard Manual 14

3 How to Identify Landslide Hazards

The identification and prediction of a landslide is essential to minimize or control

the hazard. Usually this is done using costly procedures as surveying, monitoring, or
soil testing, which are not affordable or feasible in rural regions with almost no
resources. Therefore, simpler, but still effective methods have to be used to
assess the stability of a slope and decide if a given location is safe for
construction. Figure 3-1 shows an overview of some of the morphologic and
structural landslide indicators. Two sources of useful information will be presented
here: terrain morphology and landslide risk indicators.

Figure 3-1: Morphologic and structural landslide indicators.

3.1 Terrain/Morphologic Features Indicating Risk of a Landslide

„ Steep slopes: construction on or at the base of steep slopes has to be done
carefully. As can be seen in Figure 3-2 the driving ground failure forces
increase with increasing slope angle. To build on slopes with slope angles
larger than 25 degrees one has to make sure that the ground is reasonable
stable. This can be done by investigating the neighboring houses and terrain
to see if the area has any landslide history. The inherent stability of a slope

Landslide Hazard Manual 15

will depend on three factors: the soil composition, the slope angle, and the
slope height. Slopes higher than 40 meters and with angles over 30 degrees
should be avoided if possible.

Figure 3-2: An increasing slope angle A also results in an increase of the driving force D.

„ Old landslides/rock fall sites: construction on or near old landslides should

be avoided for two reasons. First, the old landslide can be reactivated, for
example, by heavy rainfall or an earthquake. Second, because another
landslide could occur in the same location as the previous one and slide down
over the old landslide.

Figure 3-3: Sketch and picture of rock fall environment.

„ New cracks or unusual bulges in the ground or street pavements. Cracks in

the ground (Figure 3-4) are indicators that the ground is moving, either
moving slowly (creep) or initiating a landslide. No construction should be done
on or near such terrain without undertaking significant remedial actions
(which are often not feasible).

Landslide Hazard Manual 16

Figure 3-4: Cracks in the ground are indicators that the ground is creeping.

„ Sunken or down-dropped road beds

3.2 Landslide Risk Indicators

„ Ancillary structures such as decks and patios tilting and (or) moving relative
to the main house
„ Tilting or cracking of concrete floors and foundations
„ Soil moving away from foundations
„ Broken water lines and other underground utilities
„ Leaning telephone poles, trees, retaining walls, or fences
„ Offset fence lines or retaining walls
„ Springs, seeps, or saturated ground in areas that have not typically been wet
„ New cracks or unusual bulges in the ground or street pavement
„ Rapid increase in creek water levels, possibly accompanied by increased
turbidity (soil content)
„ Sticking doors and windows, and visible open spaces indicating jambs and
frames out of plumb
„ Sudden decrease in creek water levels though rain is still falling or just
recently stopped

Landslide Hazard Manual 17

Figure 3-5: Bent trees = Creep Figure 3-6: Tilted fences indicate creep.

In most cases in the field there will be a combination of morphological and landslide
risk indicators to be considered.

Landslide Hazard Manual 18

4 Slope Destabilizing Factors and Landslide Triggers
Some slopes are susceptible to landslides whereas others are more stable. Many
factors contribute to the instability of slopes, but the main controlling factors are
the nature of the underlying bedrock and soil, the configuration of the slope, the
geometry of the slope, and ground-water conditions. Independently from the
inherent slope stability, there are a number of human actions that can significantly
reduce it.

4.1 Slope Destabilizing Factors

„ Undercutting of a slope by stream erosion, wave action, glaciers, or human
activity such as road building

Figure 4-1: Roadcuts can destabilize a slope Figure 4-2:Cut-fill has to be done carefully

„ Deforestation and vegetation loss (Figure 4-3) may reduce up to 90% the
stability of some slopes. Poorly planned forest clearing may increase rates of
surface water run-off or ground-water infiltration. Inefficient irrigation or
sewage effluent disposal practices may result in increased ground-water
pressures, which in turn can reduce the stability of rock and sediment.

Figure 4-3: Deforestation of a slope could result in an increased landslide hazard.

Landslide Hazard Manual 19

„ Loading on upper slopes result in an additional load to be carried by the
slope, which could result in its failure (Figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4: Sketch of a rotational slope failure due to additional loading.

„ Lack of sufficient drainage due to a number of civil works will result in high
water content in the soil and destabilizing it.

4.2 Triggering Factors

Landslides can be triggered by gradual processes such as weathering, or by
external mechanisms including: rainfall, shocks or vibrations, and human

4.2.1 Intense or Prolonged Rainfall

Intense or prolonged rainfall rapid snowmelt or sharp fluctuations in ground-water
levels can all trigger a landslide (Figure 4-5). In case of clayey soils, prolonged
rainfall will be the main triggering factor. This is because clayey soils often need
days of rainfall to cause their saturation. Intense rainfall over a short period of
time will, however, not be sufficient to cause their saturation and trigger a
landslide. In the case of residual and granular soils, this is not the case. These soils’
structure allows for relatively rapid drainage and prolonged (not intense) rainfall
does not saturate them. It is intense rainfall that will cause their saturation and
the consequent reduction of frictional forces in the material (due to the increase
in pore pressure), resulting in a potential landslide. For these types of soils the
landslides will either occur during a downpour or shortly thereafter. Hourly rainfall
of more than 40mm is enough to trigger a landslide. With hourly rainfall over 70mm
the landslide hazard becomes severe.

Landslide Hazard Manual 20

Figure 4-5: Rotational landslide triggered by rain.

The two principal reasons why landslides are triggered by rainfall are a rise in pore
pressure in the soil and an increase of the slope weight. As seen in Figure 4-6, once
the soils starts being saturated the frictional forces between the soil particles is
reduced, which in turn will significantly reduce the overall stability of the slope.
Any increase in pore pressure will result in an equal diminution of the effective
stress in the soil, which in turn results in a reduction in the frictional forces.

Figure 4-6: Effect of prolonged or intense rainfall on granular soils.

4.2.2 Shocks or Vibrations

Shocks or vibrations caused by earthquakes (M 3-4 or greater) or construction
activity can loosen granular soils even when they are dry. In conditions where the
soil is saturated, granular or otherwise, even light vibrations can trigger a
rearrangement of the soil particles resulting in a temporary increase of pore
pressure and a reduction of the frictional forces in the material destabilizing the

Landslide Hazard Manual 21

4.2.3 Human Intervention
Landslides may result directly or indirectly from the activities of people. Slope
failures can be triggered by construction activity that undercuts or overloads
dangerous slopes, or that redirects the flow of surface or ground-water.

4.3 Combination of Slope Characteristics and Triggering Factors

for Landslides
In general a landslide occurs due to the combination of the morphological
characteristics of the terrain and some kind of triggering factor. In Table 2 the
most common combinations of slope characteristics and triggering factors are
shown for both dry and wet conditions.
Table 2: Slope characteristics and triggering factors for landslides (F.Ferrando).
Dry -Very steep slopes -Seismicity Localized
Conditions -Highly fractured rocks -Volcanic eruptions - Stone fall and
-Low friction angle of the -Human intervention crumbling
soil -Strong winds - Mud and debris flow
-Permeability of sediments -Human interventions Localized
-Slope angle -Prolonged rainfall - Landslides
Assisted -Thickness of -Intense rainfall
Extended area
by water unconsolidated sediments -Seismicity
- Mud and debris
-Clay content in the subsoil -Accelerated snow melting
-Low roughness of subsoil
- Jokül-laups

Landslide Hazard Manual 22

5 How to Minimize Landslide Hazards

5.1 Passive Intervention

„ Choose a safe location to build your home, away from steep lopes and places
where landslides have occurred in the past
„ Prevent deforestation and vegetation removal
„ Avoid weakening the slope

5.2 Active Preventive Intervention

„ Reforestation: Root systems bind materials together (Figure 5-1) and
plants do both prevent water percolation and take water up out of the slope.

Figure 5-1: Tree roots help holding the different soil layers together and hinder

„ Proper water runoff must be ensured, especially where houses and roads
have disrupted the natural flow patterns. This can be achieved by providing a
proper canalization network.
„ Drainage: good ground drainage is essential to prevent is saturation and
consequent weakening. Drainage is also needed when any kind of civil work,
like retaining walls, has been done. As it can be observed in Figures 5-2 A) &
B) the introduction of drainage ducts

Landslide Hazard Manual 23

Figures 5-2: A) High pore water pressures weaken the ground and push down the
retaining wall; B) By providing proper drainage the pore water pressures are reduced as
well as the forces on the retaining wall.

„ Nets (Figure 5-3) are a common and cost-effective solution. However, it is

still too costly (and technically complicated) to be used in small villages or to
protect private homes.

Figure 5-3: Net used to prevent stone fall on a roadway.

„ Retaining walls efficiently reduce localized landslide hazards, like in the

case where cuts into the slopes are needed to build a house or a road.
However, they have to be used with precaution because they might also
increase the hazard when the soil is not allowed to drain properly. In Figure
5-4 a number of low-cost ways to build retaining walls are shown.

Landslide Hazard Manual 24

Figure 5-4: A number of low-cost retaining walls

In addition, gabions can also effectively replace the more expensive reinforced
concrete retaining walls (Figure 5-5).

Figure 5-5: Retaining wall built with gabions

Landslide Hazard Manual 25

„ Proper construction practice: It is often the case that some landslide
mitigation works are conducted but these are insufficient or not properly
planned. As seen in Figure 5-6 the retaining wall constructed was
insufficient for the earth pressures developed in rainy conditions.

Figure 5-6: Insufficient retaining wall

„ Major civil works: The undertaking of major civil works is mostly not a
feasible solution because of their high cost and technical complexity. In
addition, such works are often unnecessary if the land is properly managed
and its use takes into account the local hazards. The pictures in Figure 5-7
show part of a massive US$50 million landslide mitigation project in
Antofagasta/Chile with a dubious need and performance.

Figure 5-7: Massive landslide mitigation project in Antofagastga, Chile.

Landslide Hazard Manual 26

6 Dos and Don’ts

6.1 Prior to a Potential Landslide due to Intense Storms

„ Stay alert and stay awake! Many debris-flow fatalities occur when people
are sleeping. Listen to a radio for warnings of intense rainfall. Be aware that
intense short bursts of rain may be particularly dangerous, especially after
longer periods of heavy rainfall and damp weather.
„ If you are in areas susceptible to landslides and debris flows, consider
leaving if it is safe to do so.
„ Listen for any unusual sounds that might indicate moving debris, such as
trees cracking or boulders knocking together. A trickle of flowing or falling
mud or debris may precede larger flows. If you are near a stream or channel,
be alert for any sudden increase or decrease in water flow and for a change
from clear to muddy water. Such changes may indicate debris flow activity
upstream, so be prepared to move quickly. Don’t delay! Save yourself, not
your belongings.
„ Contact your local fire, police, or public works department. Local
officials are the best persons able to assess potential danger.
„ Inform affected neighbors. Your neighbors may not be aware of
potential hazards. Advising them of a potential threat may help save lives.
Help neighbors who may need assistance to evacuate.
„ Evacuate. Getting out of the path of a landslide or debris flow is your
best protection.

6.2 What to Do During a Landslide

„ Quickly move out of the path of the landslide or debris flow. Moving
away from the path of the flow to a stable area will reduce your risk.
„ If escape is not possible, curl into a tight ball and protect your head.
A tight ball will provide the best protection for your body.

6.3 What to Do After a Landslide

Landslide Hazard Manual 27

„ Stay away from the slide area. There may be danger of additional
„ Go to the established meeting point and follow instructions by the
assigned responsible person.
„ Check for injured and trapped persons near the slide, without entering
the direct slide area. Direct rescuers to their locations.
„ Help a neighbor who may require special assistance — infants, elderly
people, and people with disabilities. Elderly people and people with
disabilities may require additional assistance. People who care for them or
who have large families may need additional assistance in emergency
„ Listen to local radio or television stations for the latest emergency
„ Watch for flooding, which may occur after a landslide or debris flow.
Floods sometimes follow landslides and debris flows because they may
both be started by the same event.
„ Look for and report broken utility lines to appropriate authorities.
Reporting potential hazards will get the utilities turned off as quickly as
possible, preventing further hazard and injury.
„ Check the building foundation, chimney and surrounding land for damage.
Damage to foundations, chimneys or surrounding land may help you assess
the safety of the area.
„ Replant damaged ground as soon as possible since erosion caused by loss
of ground cover can lead to flash flooding.
„ Seek the advice of a geotechnical expert for evaluating landslide hazards
or designing corrective techniques to reduce landslide risk. A professional
will be able to advise you of the best ways to prevent or reduce landslide
risk, without creating further hazard.

6.4 Construction Don’ts

„ Do not build on or at the base of unstable slopes (Figure 6-1 & Figure 6-2)

Landslide Hazard Manual 28

Figure 6-1: Avoid building under very steep slopes

Figure 6-2: Buildings on a very steep slope… and damaged houses due to slope failure.

„ In or at the base of minor drainage hollows

„ At the base or top of an old fill slope
„ At the base or top of a steep cut slope

Figure 6-3: Slope destabilized by a cut ends up failing.

„ Developed hillsides where leach field septic

„ Minimize the number of trees and vegetation removed from the slope.

Landslide Hazard Manual 29

7 Workshop Teaching Procedure

-Use local examples

-Concentrate on local hazard properties
The one-day workshop will consist of a theoretical and a hands-on session. The
theory will be taught with the help of graphics, pictures, and videos where possible.
It will present the basic shortcomings of how the construction site is currently
chosen (the workshops will have to be modified for different locations) and show
how to improve them. The hands-on session will be used to show them how to
implement the recommended improvements and show them how easy they can be.
The workshops should be run at a village level and organized by local NGOs that
already have an established network in the targeted region and already have the
infrastructure in place to create a grassroots initiative.

Note: These workshops should not be fully free. The community should provide a
donkey (if needed) to transport materials to the village, or a guide, or food. The
NGO could donate the posters.

Landslide Hazard Manual 30

8 Additional Resources and Annexes


Landslide Hazard Manual 31

Landslide Inspection Card

Landslide Hazard Manual 32

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