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Simple Strain


In general terms, strain is a geometric quantity that measures the deformation of a body. There are two
types of strain: normal strain, which characterizes dimensional changes, and shear strain, which describes
distortion (changes in angles).

In a standard tension test, a specimen is placed in the grips of a
testing machine. The grips are designed so that the load applied by
the machine is axial. The testing machine elongates the specimen
at a slow, constant rate until the specimen ruptures. During the test,
continuous readings are taken of the applied load and the
elongation of the gage length. These data are converted to stress and strain. The stress is obtained from
𝜎 = 𝑃/𝐴, where 𝑃 is the load and 𝐴 represents the original cross-sectional area of the specimen. The strain
is computed from 𝜖 = 𝛿/𝐿, where 𝛿 is the elongation between the gage marks and 𝐿 is the original gage
length. These results, which are based on the original area and the original gage length, are referred to as
nominal stress and nominal strain.

As the bar is being stretched, its cross-sectional area becomes smaller and the length between the gage
marks increases. Dividing the load by the actual area of the current area of the specimen, we get the true
stress. Similarly, the true strain is obtained by dividing the elongation 𝛿 by the current gage length.

Plotting the axial stress versus the axial strain gives us the following stress-strain curve:

From the origin to the proportional limit, it shows the

stress-strain diagram to be a straight line. From this, it is
said that the stress exhibits a linear proportion to the
strain. This relation is postulated by Robert Hooke
(Hooke’s Law).

The slope of the straight-line portion on the stress-strain

diagram is the Modulus of Elasticity (E). Hence:

For the strain to be assumed constant and for the average value to be representative of the whole, the
following conditions must be met:
1. Specimen must be of constant cross-section.
2. Material must be homogenous.
3. Load must be axial and constant.

The elastic limit is the point where the material can still return to its original shape when unloaded. Hence,
beyond this, the material is no longer elastic. The permanent, but minimal deformation after the removal of
the load is called permanent set.

The yield point indicates the limit of elastic behavior and the beginning of the plastic behavior. At the yield
point, there is already an appreciable elongation or yielding of the material without any corresponding
increase in load.
“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”
Problem 16: The compound bar containing bronze, aluminum, and steel segments carries the axial loads shown
in the figure. The properties of the segments and the working stresses are listed below. Determine the
maximum allowable value of P if the change in length of the entire bar is limited to 0.08 in, and the working
stresses are not to be exceeded.

Problem 17: The rigid bar AB, attached to two vertical rods as shown is horizontal before the load P is applied.
If the load P is 50 kN, determine the vertical displacement of the midspan.

Problem 18: The aluminum post is reinforced with a brass core. If this assembly supports a resultant axial
compressive load P = 45 kN applied to a rigid cap, determine the normal stress in the aluminum and brass.
(EAL= 70 x 103 MPa, EBR= 105 x 103 MPa).

Problem 19: The rigid block of weight W is supported by three symmetrically

placed rods. The ends of the rods were at the same level before the
block was attached. Determine the largest allowable weight of the
block if the properties of the rods are as listed. Note: 𝜎𝑤 is the
allowable stress.

Material L (mm) A (mm2) E (GPa) 𝝈𝒘 (MPa)

Copper 150 900 120 70
Steel 250 1200 200 140

“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”
Problem 20: Two cables A and B had their both ends attached to each other as shown. Cable A is
10 in long and cable B is 0.5 in longer than cable A; hence making cable B slack. The diameter
of cable A is 0.70 in, while cable B has a diameter of 0.25 in. Find the stresses for both cables
if the system supports a downward force P = 0.15 kip. Use E = 50 psi for both cables.

Problem 21: A rod is composed of three segments and carries the axial loads as shown. Determine
the stress in each material if the walls are rigid. Indicate if C or T. The properties of each segment are given

Problem 22: A round bar of length L tapers uniformly from a diameter d to D at the other end. Determine the
elongation caused by an axial load P.

“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”

Temperature changes cause the body to expand or contract. The amount 𝛿𝑇 is given by:

𝜹𝑻 = 𝜶𝑳𝚫𝑻
where: 𝛼 = coefficient of thermal expansion
𝐿 = gauge length / original length
Δ𝑇 = change in temperature (𝑇𝑓 − 𝑇𝑖 )

If temperature deformation is permitted to occur freely, no load or stress will be induced in the
structure. In some cases where temperature deformation is not permitted, an internal stress is
created. The internal stress created is termed as thermal stress.

Problem 23: The horizontal steel rod, 2.5 m long and 1200 mm2 in cross-
sectional area is secured between two walls as shown. If the rod is stress
free at 20°C, compute the stress when the temperature has dropped to -
20°C. Assume that the (1) the walls are rigid and (2) the walls yield 0.5 mm.
Use α = 11.7 x 10-6 mm/mm°C and E = 200 GPa.

Problem 24: For the assembly shown, determine the stress in each of the two vertical rods if the temperature
rises 40°C after the load at the free end is applied. Neglect deformation and mass of the horizontal bar.

Problem 25: An assemblage is composed of three steel rods of the same diameter. If all the rods are stress free
when the temperature is 10°C, determine the stresses in the members when it is increased by 80°C. Use α
= 11.7 x 10-6 mm/mmC° and E = 200 GPa. Also, indicate the stress if it is in tension (T) or compression (C).

Problem 26: The composite bar shown is firmly attached to unyielding supports. An axial load of 200 kN is applied
at 20°C. Find the stress in each material at 60°C.

“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”
(Generalized Hooke’s Law)

Considering the loaded object shown, there

would be elongation in the longitudinal axis (x)
and contraction in the transverse axes (y & z).
From series of experiments by a French scientist,
Siméon Denis Poisson, he discovered that the
ratio of the transverse strain to the axial strain is
constant for stresses within the proportional limit.
This unit is then called as the Poisson’s ratio (𝜈).

Considering an object loaded multi-axially:

Problem 27: Determine the strain in the x & z axes on the block shown. E = 70 GPa and the Poisson’s
Ratio is 1/3.

Problem 28: From the previous problem, what single force applied along its centroidal x-axis can
produce the same deformation at the z-dimension as the original loading?

Problem 29: A solid cylinder of diameter D and length L carries an axial load P along its longitudinal
axis (x). Determine the change in diameter.
Use: 𝝂 = Poisson’s ratio
E = Modulus of elasticity

“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”

Simple shearing strain (𝜸) is the distortion of

the sides of a body without significantly
changing the lengths of the sides. It is always
expressed in radians as it is the value of the
change in angle on a corner of the element.
Similar to axial strain, within the elastic range,
shear stress is proportional to shear strain.

Problem 30: The plate is deformed into the dashed shape as shown. If in this deformed shape, the
horizontal lines on the plate remain horizontal and do not change their length, determine the a.)
average normal strain along the side AB, and b.) the average shear strain in the plate relative to
the x and y axes.

Problem 31: Two 1.75-in. thick rubber pads are bonded to three steel plates to form a shear mount
as shown. Find the displacement of the middle plate when the 1200-lb load is applied. Consider
the deformation of the rubber only. Use E = 500 psi and 𝜈 = 0.48 for the rubber.

“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”

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