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Golden Olympus Colleges

Oral Communication
Vien Maeren P. Javier

Persuasive Speech
Hello, everyone. My name is Vien Maeren P. Javier and I am going to speaking to you
today about technology effects on us. To begin, technology is important because it makes our life
way easier than before, but the question is does technology helped people to connect or isolate
Let me tell you all a story about a boy who have been for away from his real parents for
twelve years. This boy sells daing to survive for his daily expenses. Until one day, a netizen got
amazed on how the boy sells his products. “I got amazed by his sales talk, he has this loud but
not annoying way of shouting his product. He has a skill when it comes to marketing" said the
netizen “We asked him about his background and according to the boy named Lance he is not
living with his real parents. I decided to post his story on Facebook because I want to help him
and also, I want him to become an inspiration to everyone, that no matter how hard our life is, we
must always choose to find ways to survive and continue our life" That's the statement of the
netizen named Jewel, and you know what is interesting more about this story?
“After a couple of weeks, my cousins told me that the parents of the boy were looking for
him" said Jewel. Since the post of the netizen went viral, the Wish Ko Lang team helped Lance.
They also contact the parents of lance, and according to the interview, they lost lance when he
was eight months old. "The moment that we saw him on that post, we already knew that he is our
long lost son” said the mother of Lance. “I can see my body features on him, and also my blood
tells me that he is my son, and we want to make up with him. We want his forgiveness”
statement of Lance's father. The Wish Ko Lang team helped them, and it is confirmed. They are
Lance's parents.
Imagine how technology help this boy to find his real parents. Because of a Facebook
post, a boy found his way back to his real parents. What if there is no technology? what if there's
no phone exist? Will they be able to find their son?
Technology helps a lot, not just in communication, but also on our daily life as well. It is
not true that technology isolates people because it helps us especially now that we are
experiencing a pandemic. Not all individual are allowed to go out, but because of technology we
are able to connect with other people. We are now having an online class with the use of
technology. It helps us in terms of emergency, for example: The Cagayan Valley flood, many
people were trapped in their houses but because of their mobile devices they were able to ask for
help, in the easiest way. They were able to communicate regardless of their situation. Imagine
how technology helped people to connect. According to Matt Mullenweg, a social media
entrepreneur "Technology is the best when it brings people together" and I could not disagree
with that.

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