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- The word "art" comes from a latin, ars, which means a " crafts or specialized form of skills"
- those person who are involved in art are skilled person.
- Art involves a PLAN. (meaning pinagpaplanuhan ang every art. like ano yung experiences na kine-came-
up ng isang artist)
- Art means using their bare hands to produce something that will be useful to ones day-to-day life.
(crafting, planting, pag-uukit,
- Arts in medieval latin means, " any special form of book-learning such as grammar or logic, magic or
astrology"( sabi ay hindi lang basta basta ang art. meaning hindi lang magbebase palagi sa libro.)
- Craftmanship- those are crafts thatcan be done by skilled person.
- During 18 century, arts has evolved to distinguish between the fine arts and the useful arts.
( fine arts - hindi basta bastang art. ang binabayaran ay time and effort sa paggagawa ng service. )

- art involves of personal experiences and themeaning you give upon on it.
- art looks like a personal opinion about on how we see a particular thing.
- art is universal. (meaning napakalawak ng sakop ng arts.)
> literature is a kind of art. every stories came from our mind. Authors wants to show different
moral lessons from the stories. (Psalms, Kundiman, Folk dances)
- how the dancers do their chore and clothes in folk dances are arts.
> art is not a nature. It is man's expression of his reception of nature/ interpreting nature.
> art involves experience. (it is a process on how to do art.
- In order to know what an art is, we have to sense it, see or hear it, or even touch it.
- art is kown by experiencing. ( so that you can give a nice feedback. for us to be able to
understand what an art is. For us to discover. )

HISTORY OF ART (examples)

- the way we wear our shirts.
- taste in musics.
- movies and stories.
- arts in every museum.
- dance steps.
- how vendor presents their items.

ART APPRECIATION (second meeting) continuattion.


" It takes an artist to make an art"

Art Appreciation as a way of life

JEAN-PAUL SARTRE- a french philosopher who described the role of art as a creativ
* In cultivating an appreciation of art, one should also exercise and develop his taste for things that are
fine and beautiful.
- intelleigent chgoices and decisions in acquiring necessities and luxuries ( mga luho? is a kind of
- knowing what givs better value for time or money while taking aesthetic and practical value.
(no amount of money will save you from calamities)


- think outside the box. (meaning hindi mananatili sa comfort zone. you need to explore)( if you are
creative enough, you have the confidence to try something new)
_ creativity sets apart one artwork from another.( even an art is identical, still it has their own
uniqueness)(mayroon ng kanya-kanyang idea ang every artists)
- it shows ORIGINALITY.
- it takes a lot of research. (u need to lend a lot of time to do your research)(u need to do research to
avoid conflicts)


Where do you think famous writers, painters, and musicians get their ideas? Where do ideas in making
creativity solutions begins?

ALBERT EINSTEIN- a german physicist stated that KNOWLEDGE is actually derived from imagination.
" imagination ias more impportant than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know now and
understand, while imagionation embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and
- it came from imagination of the artists.
when we say imaginative skills, you can create crafts; you can create something new,
- when using imagination, it allows limited creativity.
- in music, imagination of the tone is an art. (imagination > tone/ humming > words > then writing. >
may magandang tugtog and lyrics- bwala artwork yarn)
- Artist use their imagination that gives birth to reality to creation.


Would yoube inspired if you are locked in a white room by yourself?

- mixed of emotions.
- it takes a lot of gestures. one word is not enough to describre the nature of what you really feel.


* An english philosopher who is best kown for his work aesthetics.
* in his publication, The PRINCIPLE OF ARTS he explained that what an artist does to an emotion is not to
induce it, but express it.
* through expressions, he is able to explore his own emotions and at the same time, create something
beautiful out of them.

(POPULAR ART EXPRESSIONS.) - these helps the artist on how they express their arts.
1. SVisual arts- a kind of ast that appeal to the sense of sight and are mainly in nature.
2. Film- refers to the art of putting together succesions of still images in order to create an illusion of
movements. (photgraph, animation)
- can
3.Performance art - a live art that's why it is intagible
4. Poetry Performance -
5. Architecture - making of beautiful buildings.
6. Dance - series of movemoents that follows the rythm of music accompaniment.
7. Literary arts -
8. Theatre art - may live performance.

Elements and principle of Art
- needed for the creation of art

Visual category
a. Line - refers to a point movoing at an identifiable path
- it has legth and direction, width
- 1 dimensional
- has no variation(orientation/direction, shape, thickness)

Different kinds of lines - straight, curved, diagonal, wavy, zigzag, scalloped, dotted, dashed, and spiral.

a. Horinzontal line - normally they are associated with rest or calm

b. Vertical line - used to expressed height
c. Diagonal line - movement or stability
d. Crooked lines - convey violence, conflict, or struggle
e. curved line- used to express softness, grace, flexibility, or even sensuality.

FRANCISCO DE GOYA - a spanish painter. known his prints, master of etched works and use of aquatint

2-3. SHAPE AND FORM - related to each other because they both define the spaces
. Shape - refers to 2D. compose of height and width and 3D (height, weight, depth)
a. Geometric shape
b. Organic shapes - shapes that are those readily and dont have definite size and itsura

4. Space - refers to a feeling of depth or three dimensions.

5. Color - one of the element that enhances the appeal of an artwork.

a. Primary - original colors (blue, red, and yellow)
b. Secondary - (violet, orange, green)
c. Tertiary - from the combination of secondary and primary color (red-violet, blue-violet,
yellow-green, yellow- orange, red- orange, blue- green)

i. Warm colors: yellow - red- violet

ii. Cold colors : Violet - yellow-green.

Properties of colors
a. Hue - the dimension oif colors give sits names.
i. primary,
ii. secondary, and
iii. tertiary

b. Value- refers to the darkness and lightness of colors. refers to the absence or presence of light. Used
by the artists to create illusion.
i. light colors - taken as the source of light in the composition.
ii. Dark colors - the lack or even the absence of light
iii. tint - lighter color than the normal value
iv. shade - darker color than a normal value

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