Competency Test-2021-09-22 1

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Results Competency Test

You consider collaborative & self-reliant

Your got the highest score on the competencies collaborative and self-reliant. Collaborative refers to being attentive to the
wishes and needs of others. You can empathise with someone's situation and feelings and are generally very helpful and
social. Self-reliant refers to preferring to do things without help and working well alone. You prefer to solve problems
yourself and keep a clear overview of situations. A work environment that demands self-reliance and a focus on collaboration
suits you well. Think of jobs such as care assistant, masseur or service technician.

Score per competency

Customer-oriented: 2

Collaborative: 7

Self-reliant: 6

Analytical: 5

Driven: 5

Creative: 5

And now?

You can use the results of this test when applying for a job. For instance, show your skills on your LinkedIn profile or
curriculum vitae (CV). In doing so, you show which in-demand competencies of the future describe you best. But the result of
this competency test can also be used to consider a career switch or when choosing a profession. Soft skills are skills that are
appreciated in many different jobs.

Find the job you love

What kind of work do you enjoy doing? Which jobs match your interests? Take the career test and find the job you love.

Discover your personality

Would you like to know what your scores are on the main dimensions of personality? Take the free Big Five Personality Test
and discover your personality profile. With suitable (work) environment and tips!

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