Times of Oman - January 04

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January 4, 2022
1 Jumada Al Thani 1443 AH 6 085010 120010


OF ALGERIAN ENVOY The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism
Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi, implemented a project to install devices
Foreign Minister received here for the detection of meteorites in
yesterday a copy of credentials of Omani skies. The idea was to install
Filali Guenni, Ambassador of the four devices in different locations in the
People’s Democratic Republic of desert in order to detect and track any
Algeria to the Sultanate of Oman. >A5 new meteorite fall. >A2

Founded 1975 . Volume 46 No. 218 | 16 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group




His Majesty Sultan
Haitham Bin Tarik, the
Supreme Commander,
will preside over a
ceremony on 5 January
marking the Annual Day
of Royal Oman Police
(ROP) and the graduation
“We expect to begin of new batches of officers.
The ceremony will be
the payment process held on the military
parade grounds of the
shortly,” says the top Sultan Qaboos Academy
for Police Sciences in the
official involved in Wilayat of Nizwa. — ONA

the process


Times News Service

MUSCAT: A majority of all in-

Sayyid Shihab receives
surance claims made by people
affected by Cyclone Shaheen have
been assessed, a senior official in-
volved in the matter has said.
Saudi Chief of General Staff
Dr Abdurahman Sulaiman Al MUSCAT: His Highness Sayyid
Shahi, the director general of the
Directorate General of Social
Development in the North and
South Al Batinah said in an inter-
plus is the number of claims that are entitled to
Shihab bin Tarik Al Said, Deputy
Prime Minister for Defence Affairs
received at Al Murtafa’a Garrison
yesterday Air Chief Marshal Fayy-
view that the review of files put compensation, with a few still under assessment adh Hamid Al Ruwaili, Chief of the
forth for consideration was in its General Staff of the Armed Forces
final stages. in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
“We are now considering the The two sides exchanged cordial
cases of people who have lodged try of Social Development,” he people’s homes, and washed away conversations and explored points
grievances with us, and are re- added. “However, we have come the property of many others. The of view. They also discussed issues
evaluating their grievance forms,” across some claims that require intense climatic conditions also of common concern. The meeting
he said. “So far we have complet- re-evaluation, as well as others led to the uprooting of electricity was attended by Vice Admiral Ab-
ed a review of almost 95 percent where the forms and details re- and telephone poles, and depos- dullah Khamis Al Ra’eesi, Chief of
of these cases. We expect to begin quires have been submitted on ited debris in the form of rocks Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces
the payment process shortly.” more than one occasion. This has and trees across many key roads, (SAF), and the guest’s accompany-
Al Shahi was speaking to Shabi- caused us to verify whether such impeding traffic to affected areas. ing delegation. — ONA
ba FM, the radio station of Al Sha- claims are eligible for compensa- About OMR200 million has
biba, the sister Arabic publication tion, according to the documents been allocated in the 2022 State
of the Times of Oman. There are which prove their eligibility. We Budget to address the damages
more than 19,000 claims that are need to verify such claims be- caused by Shaheen.
entitled to compensation, with a cause we must make sure that “Oman was recently hit by OMAN WORLD MARKET
few still under assessment. those who truly require compen- tropical cyclone Shaheen, which
“We have faced challenges in
terms of payment and compen-
sation receive it accordingly.” took a toll on the community and
infrastructure of some cities,”
Establishments told Joe Biden assures Oil starts 2022 on
sation, because there were short-
ages in the terms of the number
Cyclone Shaheen battered Oman
said the Ministry of Finance in
their budget report. “However,
to follow COVID norms Ukraine president positive note
1 2 3
of teams responsible for verifying on 3 October, 2021, after inten- with the efforts of government The Ministry of Commerce, United States President Crude oil prices firmed
and investigating the extent of sifying over the Arabian Sea for entities and members of society, Industry and Investment Joe Biden on Sunday on Monday as the market
damages reported,” he said. “Fur- days. It battered the coasts of life has returned to normal.” Promotion called upon assured Ukrainian kicked off 2022 on a
thermore, many of the damages northern Oman, with most of its Because of the devastating im- all commercial and industrial President Volodymyr Zelenskyy positive note with suppliers in
took place within densely popu- impact felt by towns in North Al pact of the cyclone, some of the establishments to abide by the during a phone call that the focus ahead of Tuesday’s Opec+
lated areas, requiring us to expend Batinah. people who wished to claim com- precautionary measures set to US and its allies will “respond meeting, although surging
more efforts towards evaluation. The terrible weather unleashed pensation for damages suffered curb the spread of coronavirus decisively” if Russia invades COVID-19 cases continued
“We addressed such challenges a continuous torrent of rain that have not been able to locate the pandemic and the decisions of Ukraine, according to White to dent the market’s demand
by coordinating with the Minis- caused wadis to overflow, flooded right documents. >A3 the Supreme Committee. >A5 House. >A6 sentiment. >B1


New employee evaluation system

adopted by Ministry of Health
Times News Service The implementation of Ejada
comes under the Royal orders of
MUSCAT: Oman’s Ministry of His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin
Health began rolling out on Sun- Tarik, and concerns improving the
day the new employee evaluation efficiency of the state’s adminis-
system, which takes into consider- trative apparatus.
ation individual performances and Present at the launch of the
efficiency while assigning promo- evaluation programme at the Min-
tions and pay rises to staff. istry of Health were Dr Ahmed bin
The adoption of the system, ti- affiliation, and maintain competi- Mohammed Al Saidi, the Minister
25 tled “Ejada” in Arabic, comes with-
in the framework of Oman Vision
2040, the country’s long-term plan
tiveness,” they added. “This system
will further enhance the return on
investment in human capital. Ad-
of Health, and the Undersecretary
of Administrative, Financial, and
Planning Affairs.
MUSCAT to boost economic diversification, ditionally, Ejada evaluates the per- Also present were a number of
create sustainable employment formance of employees, defining senior ministry officials, and the
opportunities, and good standards their tasks clearly, and establish- Ejada team responsible for roll-
of living for all. ing harmony between the organi- ing out the software. To educate
“The system will contribute to sation and employee’s plan.” ministry employees about how
achieving Oman’s Vision 2040, the new system functions, many
improving the quality of services Benefits workshops have been held for gov-
provided to individuals and insti- Other benefits brought about by ernment staff.
tutions in a way that enhances the the new evaluation system in- Ejada aims to build a culture of
community’s confidence in the in- clude increased transparency in proficiency in job performance,
stitution in providing high quality employee roles, linking incentives and is supervised by the Minis-
healthcare at all levels,” said the and rewards to the quality of work, try of Labour. The system, when
Khor Rori, an
Ministry of Health in a statement.
“The Ejada system will help
teams complete their annual op-
erational plans, enhance employee
and easier follow-ups between
employees and supervisors, par-
ticularly when it comes to perfor-
mance assessments.
fully rolled out, will cover 57
civil units of government infra-
structure, including more than
175,000 employees. >A3
important heritage
reserve in Dhofar A4

PRAYER Dhuhr.............................................12:17pm


TIMINGS Isha...................................................6:54pm
Fajr (Tomorrow).................... 5:30am


State Council discusses proposals to amend archives, securities laws

MUSCAT: The State Council existing productive units and new
on Monday held a meeting dur- investment units, providing alter-
ing which it studied proposals to native opportunities for investors
amend the Law on Records and other than traditional banking
Archives and the Securities Act in portfolios, allowing the owners of
preparation to submit the drafts small and medium enterprises to
of both to His Majesty Sultan become investors, contributing
Haitham Bin Tarik, along with the to the financing of development
opinions of the State Council and plans, consolidating internal and
the Shura Council. external credit and achieving effi-
The drafts of the Archives and ciency in channeling resources to
Records Law (promulgated under more profitable areas.
Royal Decree No. 60/2007) and The views of the Economic
the Securities Act were earlier Committee focused on ways to
forwarded to the two councils under Royal Decree No. 75/2020. enhance the power of financial se-
for discussion by the Council of Amendments were proposed to curities, augment employment op-
Ministers. be made to the 14th Article of the portunities funding, creating the
The deliberations took place as Records and Archives Law for- desired balance among stakehold-
part of the 3rd ordinary session warded to the State Council, said ers dealing with the stock market
of the State Council’s annual sit- Al Badi. and minimising risk factors, to
ting of the 7th Term held under In his turn, Sheikh Mohammed name a few.
the auspices of Sheikh Abdulmalik DISCUSSIONS: The deliberations took place as part of the 3rd ordinary session of the State Council’s Abdullah Al Harthi, Chairman of The meeting also discussed the
Abdullah Al Khalili, Chairman of annual sitting of the 7th Term held under the auspices of Sheikh Abdulmalik Abdullah Al Khalili, the Economic Committee, said reply of the Council of Ministers
the State Council. Chairman of the State Council. -ONA that the proposed amendments to about two proposals made earlier
Al Khalili said in a speech at the Securities Act assume signifi- by the State Council, one about a
the outset of the session that the cance due to the fact that the law study on the Law on Environment
meeting coincides with the start see the eradication of coronavi- Chairman of the Legal Committee Records and Archives Authority plays a great role in facilitating the Conservation (promulgated un-
of a new year which, he wished, rus and the recovery of the global at the State Council, said that the so that the implementation of the activities of the national economy. der Royal Decree No. 114/2001)
would be a year of bounty for economy from the negative im- proposed amendment of the first law would conform with the provi- Al Harthi explained that the and the other about the 2020
Oman and His Majesty the Sultan. pacts of the pandemic. draft law stems from a keenness to sions of the State’s Administrative draft law deals with many vital Annual Report of the State Audit
He also wished that 2022 would Then, Dr. Rashid Salim Al Badi, address the challenges facing the Apparatus’s System promulgated issues, including the funding of Institution. -ONA


Shura Committee discusses

job plan for Omanis at UTAS

Times News Service the members. The meeting pointed out that
The meeting also discussed re- UTAS is working with a number
MUSCAT: The Education and placement mechanisms, employ- of teams from the various enti-
Research Committee of Majlis ment plans and the training pro- ties including the private sectors
Al Shura met yesterday under Dr. grammes for Omanis for working as on development of academic pro-
Said bin Hamad Al Rubaie, Vice academics and technicians at UTAS. grammes for meeting the needs of
Chancellor of the University of The meeting discussed replace- the employment market.
Technology and Applied Sciences ment plans of academic cadres at The committee enquired about
(UTAS) and a number of UTAS the colleges of applied sciences of the capacity of UTAS colleges and
specialists. UTAS through the programmes of the possibility of introducing new
scholarships for masters degrees programmes and specialisations.
Training programmes besides appointments through The meeting also pointed to that
The meeting aimed to acquaint internal advertisements of vacan- UTAS is reviewing its academic

GCC health undersecretaries with the vision of UTAS and the

challenges it faces in supervis-
ing over the various colleges, the
cies in coordination with the Min-
istry of Labour.
The meeting also tackled re-
programmes and working on devel-
opment of a number of new special-
isations for diploma, bachelor and

discuss COVID strain Omicron Omanisation plan, employment

procedures, the training pro-
grammes and accreditation of the
placement plans at the colleges of
applied sciences through second-
ing of students for furthering post
masters degrees along with a pro-
ject for opening a new branch for
UTAS in Musandam Governorate.
programmes of the university. graduate studies in the various The committee also discussed
MUSCAT: The GCC Health Un- and the measures taken by GCC as their tangible contribution in The discussion was held at the specialisations and appointing a proposal for addressing the
dersecretaries today held their member states. It also touched on mitigating the spread of the virus. 4th regular meeting of the third them at the colleges. challenges associated with em-
20th meeting to discuss the latest proposals submitted for the next They urged citizens and resi- annual convening (2021-2022) The meeting also dealt with the ployment of graduates of the
developments of the new COV- period, among other topics. dents to adhere to preventive of the ninth term (2019-2023) of solutions adopted by UTAS for set- college of education in some spe-
ID-19 strain “Omicron”. The GCC health Undersecre- measures, such as wearing masks, Majlis Al Shura, chaired by Jamal tlement of the issues related to re- cialisations such as the Islamic
The meeting reviewed latest taries commended the significant avoiding gatherings and main- bin Ahmed Al Abri, Chairman of cruitment companies, and to hire Education and pre-school educa-
updates regarding coronavirus efforts of health workers, as well taining social distance. -ONA the Committee in the presence of Omanis as academics at UTAS. tion among others.

Meteorite detection devices installed

The project was
carried out in
cooperation with a
specialised scientific
team from the Natural
History Museum in
Berne in Switzerland

MUSCAT: The Ministry of Her-

itage and Tourism implemented
a project to install devices for
the detection of meteorites in
Omani skies.
The idea was to install four de-
vices in different locations in the
desert in order to detect and track
any new meteorite fall.
The project was carried out in
cooperation with a specialised
scientific team from the Natu-
ral History Museum in Berne
in Switzerland. Technical sup-
port for the project is provided
by Curtin University in Australia
and Oman Telecommunications
Company (Omantel).
The move comes within the
Ministry’s continuous endeav-
ours to nurture and develop re-
search related to meteorites and
use the latest technologies in
this field. -ONA
T U E S DAY, JAN UARY 4, 2 0 2 2 A3



Tasks and
Mixed feelings for parents as Indian schools

A1 goals to
begin to reopen with in-person learning help assess
Times News Service

MUSCAT: Parents of students at- A Ministry of Labour official had

tending Indian schools in Oman Classes, exams suspended previously explained how employ-
are divided over whether the ees would be evaluated under the
current measures employed by new system.
schools are enough to keep their Times News Service Aviation Authority on heavy “The measurement of an indi-
children safe from COVID-19, rains forecast between vidual’s performance is based only
especially in the light of the new MUSCAT: A decision has Monday night and Tuesday, on the extent to which they have
Omicron variant. been taken to suspend class- it was decided to suspend accomplished the tasks entrusted
Indian School Muscat reo- es and exams scheduled for studies and exams in schools by their employer during a specific
pened on Monday, 3 January, and Tuesday due to heavy rains on Tuesday, January 4, pre-determined period, accord-
other Indian schools are expected forecast in some governo- 2022 in the governorates ing to the goals or plans that was
to follow suit in the coming days. ing the older children was based friends. Staying away from social rates. of Musandam, North Al approved or drawn up to achieve
Children attending senior on guidelines issued by the Minis- interaction for so long is not good The directorates of educa- Batinah, South Al Batinah, them every year,” explained the
school (grades IX to XII), as well try of Education, because they are for their overall development. tion in the governorates of Al Buraimi, Al Dhahirah, Al ministry official. “Performance
as those in VIII, are expected to eligible to be double vaccinated,” “If the measures the schools Muscat, South Al Sharqiyah Dakhiliyah, Muscat, North evaluations will be done regardless
rejoin school at 100 percent occu- he added. “We are waiting for take are followed properly, includ- and Al-Batinah in a state- Al Sharqiyah, and South Al of existing parameters, such as at-
pancy, whereas those in the lower more instructions regarding in- ing the checking of temperatures ment, said: “With reference Sharqiyah for the safety of tendance, departure and behav-
divisions will still be learning in person attendance for them, and at the gate, proper mask man- to the statement of the Civil students and staff. iour at work at the beginning of ap-
hybrid mode featuring a blend of will issue an update as soon as we dates, regular sanitisation, and so plying this system,” he explained.
online and in-person education. receive one.” on, then I think it is okay to send “The numbers of years they have
“We have a lot of schools that are Joby Titus, whose children are our children to school,” he said. in terms of experience will not be
scheduled to reopen next week,” too young to attend 100 percent Of a similar opinion was Ni- considered, either in terms of in-
said an official from the Board of in-person learning, said the rules shad Mohammed, whose children However, Michelle Gonzalves’ the symptoms of COVID-19 and centives, promotions, rewards, or
Directors of Indian Schools in the in effect were adequate to ensure will also undergo hybrid learning. daughter is required to attend they spread it to others, it is a mat- job opportunities.”
Sultanate of Oman. “The reason their safety, provided they are ad- “My children are also excited to in-person lessons, and given the ter of concern for all of us. ” “What will be looked at is an em-
this subject was raised is because hered to properly. go back to school, and the schools crowded nature of Indian school Michelle was able to witness this ployee’s performance in terms of
ISM was the first of the schools “The children themselves say have assured us that they will take classes, she is concerned about first-hand during a recent parent- the excellent nature of their work,
to open. We have informed par- they are extremely keen to go the proper measures to keep them whether 100 percent attendance teacher meeting, when she saw their creativity, employee produc-
ents whose children are still not back to school, because they have safe,” he said. “If that is the case, is a good thing. that the procedures put in place tivity, and how they have achieved
eligible for vaccines that they can not been to school now for a good then they definitely must attend “In my daughter’s class, there are were just as they were before the the tasks entrusted to them,” he
continue to learn online, and don’t two years,” he said. “They are tired school, because there is a lot more easily about 40 children, so there is pandemic: people were clustered went on to say. “All promotions,
need to come to class. of staying at home for so long, to learning than just books and really no room for social distanc- together, and there was little effort bonuses, and incentives will be
“However, the decision regard- starved of interaction with their lessons.” ing,” she said. “If even one child has to maintain social distancing. based on these factors.”


13,500 claimants entitled


to other support as well
Al Shahi, however, said that peo- are impacted in this manner, and son,” he added.
ple in such a situation would also have submitted grievances. “This claim has been closed,
have their claims considered. “I personally communicated and the people in question are
“We have met with a number with a citizen when we realised entitled to support. Their claim
of people who are in this situa- his claim had been made public will be settled within two weeks.
tion,” he said in this context. “An through Shabiba FM, but then re- There are about 13,500 claimants
independent committee has been alised that the claim was not reg- who are entitled to other forms of
formed to consider people who istered in his name, but under his support as well.”



28,086 REACH

Story on GC denies rumours on

suspension of Friday prayers
A story on GC denies rumours
on suspension of Friday prayers
reached 28,086 people and had
2,381 engagements on Facebook.


424 VIEWS 2,600 VIEWS

Page 1 story video on 9-point Morning Minute video on France

agenda for Oman’s budget 2022 cuts Covid-19 isolation time
The Page 1 story video on 9-point The Morning Minute video on
agenda for Oman’s budget 2022 France cuts Covid-19 isolation
had 424 views and 22 likes on time had 2,600 views and reached
Instagram. 14,800 people on Facebook.



hawr Rawrī or Khor Ruri port, famously known as
Rori is a bar-built Samharam.
estuary (or river Nearby, there are important
mouth lagoon) at ruins that date back to prehis-
the mouth of Wādī toric times. The port was often
Darbāt in the Dhofar Governorate, mentioned in Greek, Hellenic and
Oman, near Taqah. It is a major Arabic historical scrolls, being the
breeding ground for birds and main port for the export of frank-
used to act as an important har- incense in Dhofar. Therefore the
bour for frankincense trade when khawr (lagoon) has gained special
it was an open estuary. status, as it is not only a nature
Khor Rori is best known for the reserve, but an important herit-
ruins of the ancient fortified port age reserve as well, and has been
city of Sumhuram on the eastern included in the World Heritage
bank. There are also archeologi- List. Before that, it was a natural
cal ruins on the two promonto- reserve helping to maintain the bi-
ries at the mouth of Khor Rori. It ological balance, where many fish,
is considered the most attractive birds and plants live. The lagoon is
to tourists as it contains Khawr connected to Wadi Darbat.
T U E S DAY, JAN UARY 4, 2 0 2 2 A5


Royal Office Minister meets Foreign Minister receives

Saudi Chief of General Staff credentials of Algerian envoy
MUSCAT: Gen. Sultan Moham- MUSCAT: Sayyid Badr Hamad Al
med Al Nu’amani, Minister of the Busaidi, Foreign Minister received
Royal Office received at his office here yesterday a copy of creden-
here on Monday Air Chief Mar- tials of Filali Guenni, Ambassador
shal Fayyadh Hamed Al Ruwaili, of the People’s Democratic Repub-
Chief of the General Staff of the lic of Algeria to the Sultanate of
Armed Forces in the Kingdom of Oman.
Saudi Arabia (KSA). Sayyid Badr welcomed the am-
The two sides reviewed the bassador, wishing him success in
joint cooperation fields and carrying out his duties, and the
discussed matters of common bilateral relations between the
interest. two countries further growth and
The meeting was attended by progress.
Vice Admiral Abdullah Khamis The meeting was attended by
Al Ra’eesi, Chief of Staff of the several officials at the Foreign
Sultan’s Armed Forces (SAF). -ONA Ministry. -ONA


SAF Chief of Staff meets with Saudi Chief of General Staff

MUSCAT: Vice Admiral Abdul- The guest was accompanied by
lah Khamis Al Ra’eesi, Chief of Vice Admiral Abdullah Khamis Al
Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces Raisi, Chief of Staff of the Sultan’s
(SAF) received in his office at Al Armed Forces (SAF).
Murtafa’a Garrison on Monday Air Upon the guest’s arrival, he was
Chief Marshal Fayyadh Hamed Al received by Rear Admiral Saif
Ruwaili, Chief of the General Staff Nasser Al Rahbi, Commander of
of the Armed Forces in the King- the Royal Navy of Oman (RNO),
dom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Head of the Maritime Security
The two sides exchanged views Committee and Commodore Mo-
and discussed military matters of hammed Hamoud Al Zedjali, Head
common concern. of the MSC.
The meeting was attended by The guest toured the centre’s
several senior SAF officers and the facilities and viewed its latest
Military Attaché at the Saudi em- equipment and technologies. He
bassy in Muscat. was also briefed on the tactical
Air Chief Marshal Fayyadh roles and tasks carried out by the
Hamed Al Ruwaili, Chief of the centre within its national duties,
General Staff of the Armed Forces as it coordinates with relevant
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia authorities in search and rescue
(KSA) visited the Maritime Secu- missions and the safety of the
rity Centre (MSC) at Al Murtafa’a maritime environment.
Garrison. -ONA


Ministry urges establishments

to follow COVID-19 guidelines

MUSCAT: The Ministry of their outlets by 50 percent of the ment issued today, noting that its
Commerce, Industry and Invest- total capacity of each outlet. teams will intensify checkups on
ment Promotion called upon The establishments are also re- commercial and industrial activi-
all commercial and industrial quired to see to their customers’ ties to ensure compliance.
establishments to abide by the compliance with all precaution- The Ministry encourages cus-
precautionary measures set to ary measures, including wear- tomers to benefit from electronic
curb the spread of coronavirus ing face masks and observing the apps provided by commercial
(COVID-19) pandemic and the 2-metre physical distance. outlets to avoid crowdedness. In
decisions issued by the Supreme Commercial outlets have to the meantime, the Ministry urges
Committee tasked with tackling sanitize shopping trolleys and the owners of commercial cen-
the developments resulting from surfaces, provide the customers tres, restaurants and workers in
COVID-19. with sterilizers and ask them to home delivery services to endorse
The Ministry urged all com- show the two-dose vaccination protective mechanisms to help
mercial establishments to cut certificate, among other precau- protect public health.
down the number of visitors to tions, said the Ministry in a state- -ONA


Nearly 2,000 flights cancelled in 24 hours in US

WASHINGTON: Around 2,000 According to The Hill, South- During the past 10 days, includ-
flights have been cancelled in the west recorded 264 cancellations ing Sunday and Christmas Eve,
United States as of Sunday morn- today, JetBlue reported 169 can- airlines have cancelled more than
ing, amid the spike in COVID-19 celled flights, and Delta followed 14,000 flights in the US, accord- Printed and published by: Founder: Essa bin Mohammed Al Zedjali
cases in the country. with 161 cancellations. ing to a CNN tally of FlightAware Muscat Media Group Chairman / Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali
Citing FlightAware, The Hill re- Americans Airlines cancelled statistics. The Hill reported that Post Box: 770, Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Anees bin Essa Al Zedjali
ported that a total of 1,956 flights 136 flights today, and United called the Federal Aviation Administra- Postal Code: 112 Chief Executive Officer: Ahmed Essa Al Zedjali
within, into or out of the US were off 94 trips, as per the media outlet. tion (FAA) warned on Thursday
EDITORIAL: Telephone: 24726666, Fax: 24813153, E-mail: editor@timesofoman.com
cancelled as of 8:30 am ET today. The US has seen a large number that more travel delays are likely
ADVERTISING: Telephone: 24726666, Fax: 24812624, E-mail: advertising@timesofoman.com
While another 870 flights within, of flight cancellations within re- in the coming days because of
CIRCULATION: Telephone: 24726666, Fax: 24818270, E-mail: circulation@timesofoman.com
into or out of the US had been de- cent days, driven largely by the na- COVID-19 infections among FAA
layed, it added. tionwide spike in COVID-19 cases. employees. ANI

US, allies will ‘respond


decisively’ if Russia
invades Ukraine
During a call with
Ukraine leader,
President Biden Brazilian President
expressed support
for diplomatic
Bolsonaro admitted
efforts, starting to hospital for checks
next week
BRASILIA: President Jair Bol- Bolsonaro went on to say it
sonaro was admitted to the Vila was his second hospital stay with
Nova Star hospital in Sao Paulo the same symptoms, “as a conse-
in the middle of the night for quence of the stabbing and four
WASHINGTON: US President treatment of a probable intestinal major surgeries.”
Joe Biden on Sunday told Ukrain- obstruction. Doctor Antonio Luiz Macedo,
ian President Volodymyr Zelen- TV Globo showed images of him who has operated on Bolsonaro
skyy that the United States and its DIPLOMATIC EFFORTS: The call comes days before Russian and US officials are set to meet in person in disembarking from the presiden- on other occasions, told Globo
allies will “respond decisively” if Geneva on January 10 amid a Russian military buildup on the Ukraine border. tial plane on foot with his entou- and news site UOL that the presi-
Russia invades Ukraine, according rage. He had been returning from dent would undergo several tests
to White House. a weekend break over New Year on his abdomen. Bolsonaro said
During a call with Ukraine lead- White House Press Secretary Jen United States’ commitment to continues to pressure Russia to in the south of the country. Globo Macedo would arrive, having re-
er, President Biden expressed sup- Psaki said on Sunday (local time). Ukraine’s sovereignty and territo- draw down its large military pres- said he was taken to the hospital turned from a holiday in the Car-
port for diplomatic efforts, starting The call comes days before rial integrity. ence near Ukraine’s borders. US after landing in Sao Paulo. ibbean, mid-afternoon.
next week with the bilateral Stra- Russian and US officials are set to He also expressed support for intelligence officials have warned Bolsonaro took to Twitter Bolsonaro, 66, has been hos-
tegic Stability Dialogue. meet in person in Geneva on Jan- confidence-building measures to Ukraine and its allies that Russia later on Monday, still early in pitalised several times since he
“President Biden made clear uary 10 amid a Russian military de-escalate tensions in Donbas could be planning to launch an at- the morning in Brazil, to provide was stabbed in the abdomen at
that the United States and its al- buildup on the Ukraine border and active diplomacy to advance tack as soon as January. some information on his condi- an election rally in 2018. Most re-
lies and partners will respond de- and ongoing tensions. Zelenskyy the implementation of the Minsk The US and NATO have voiced tion, including the insertion of a cently, he spent a few days receiv-
cisively if Russia further invades spoke with US Secretary of State Agreements, in support of the Nor- concerns over Russia’s alleged special tube designed to take food ing checks in July amid a bout of
Ukraine. Antony Blinken ahead of the call mandy Format,” Psaki said. preparations for invading Ukraine. to the stomach via the nose. persistent hiccups.
The leaders expressed support earlier this week. On Thursday, Biden held a tele- Moscow has repeatedly denied the “I started to feel sick after Sun- Bolsonaro intends to run for a
for diplomatic efforts, starting White House Press Secretary phone call with Russian President accusations, saying that Russia day lunch,” he wrote, saying he second term in presidential elec-
next week with the bilateral Stra- in the statement added that Biden Vladimir Putin, discussing the es- has the right to relocate the troops arrived at the hospital at around 3 tions in October, with his main
tegic Stability Dialogue, at NATO underscored Washington’s com- calating tensions over Ukraine and within its territory at its own dis- a.m.. “They inserted a nasogastric rival likely to be former President
through the NATO-Russia Coun- mitment to the principle of “noth- European security. cretion, while NATO’s military ac- tube. More tests will be done for Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, better
cil, and at the Organisation for Se- ing about you without you.” The call between Biden and Pu- tivity near Russian borders poses a possible surgery for internal ob- known simply as Lula, of the left-
curity and Cooperation in Europe,” Biden also “reaffirmed the tin comes at a time when the US threat to its security. ANI struction in the abdominal region.” wing Workers’ Party. ANI


Blaze at South African Sudan’s Prime Minister

Parliament ‘under control’ Abdalla Hamdok resigns
KHARTOUM: Sudan’s civilian
Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok
announced on Sunday that he
was stepping down from his role.
His resignation comes six
weeks after he was reinstated
as part of an agreement with the
military that originally overthrew
the government in October.
“I decided to give back the re-
sponsibility and announce my
resignation as prime minister,
and give a chance to another man
or woman of this noble country to
... help it pass through what’s left
of the transitional period to a ci-
vilian democratic country,” Ham-
dok said in a televised address.
Hours before the announce-
ment, thousands of protesters
took to the streets in the capital
calling on the military to stop in-
CAPE TOWN: Firefighters man- and smoke damaged,” Smith said. cutting directives. terfering in the transition.
aged to contain the fire at the
South African Parliament by Mon- Police launch criminal case Sprinkler system failed Why is Hamdok
day morning, but the blaze caused A man was detained in connec- The Parliament complex houses stepping down?
extensive damage and knocked tion with the blaze and the au- many unique historical artifacts, Hamdok’s decision comes amid
down the roof of the old assembly thorities have opened a criminal including rare books and the origi- stunted attempts to carry out a
building, authorities said. investigation, according to local nal copy of the former Afrikaans democratic transition in the coun- Hamdok had got the military as an official for the United Nations
“The fire was brought under media. However, the authorities national anthem. It is also the try. He has called for a roundtable to agree to elections in 2023, but and is trained as an economist.
control during the night,” spokes- did not immediately confirm that home of the 120-meter (roughly discussion to table a new agree- rumors of his possible resignation The military — under the lead-
man Jermaine Carelse told report- the blaze was caused by arson. 390-foot) Keiskamma tapestry ment on how this can be achieved. began to circulate after local me- ership of General Abdel Fattah al-
ers, adding that the fire was still The man was due to appear before which shows the history of South “I have tried my best to stop dia reported that he had not been Burhan — then conducted a coup
burning in the oldest wing of the court on Tuesday. Africa from the earliest indig- the country from sliding towards in his office for days. on October 25, sparking concern
complex, which was built in 1884. “It is alleged that he gained enous peoples to the end of the disaster,” he said, addressing for the state of the country’s
He warned that the current Na- entrance through the window in Apartheid era in 1994. Cape Town the nation. What is the situation struggling democratic transition.
tional Assembly chamber, located one of the offices,” spokesper- security commissioner Jean- “In view of the fragmentation of in Sudan? He was reinstated in November.
in one of the newer buildings, son Nomthandazo Mbambo told Pierre Smith said “nothing” was the political forces and conflicts The news of Hamdok’s plan to Despite the concession from the
“won’t be used for months.” eNCA television. He added that left of the section where the tapes- between the (military and civil- leave power throws the country military, protests continued. Pro-
City of Cape Town safety and authorities were looking into try was located. He also told news ian) components of the transi- into further uncertainty, three test organizers claimed that the
security official J.P. Smith said how the suspect had managed to channel eNCA that the electricity tion ... despite everything that has years after a popular uprising reinstatement of Hamdok was a
that the main chamber of the evade security. and ventilation systems failed to been done to reach a consensus ... toppled the long-time leader move by the military to legitimize
National Assembly was “com- A union representative also shut off during the fire. Separately, it has not happened,” he said. Omar al-Bashir. the coup. Police and security forces
pletely gutted.” claimed security guards were President Cyril Ramaphosa told Sudan “is crossing a dangerous Hamdok first became prime have responded in a heavy-handed
“The entire Parliament complex not on duty when the fire started reporters that the sprinkler sys- turning point that threatens its minister as part of a deal with the way against protesters leading to
is severely damaged, waterlogged early on Sunday, because of cost tem apparently failed. -DW whole survival”, he added. military. He had previously served scores of them being killed. DW

Elgar, Petersen steady

ship after South Africa

bowlers dominate Day 1
It was an enthralling
day of Test cricket as
11 wickets fell on
Day One of the
second Test
Lukaku dropped
can bowlers dominated Day One
from Chelsea’s
of the second Test against India
as the visitors were bowled out
for 202 in the first innings on
home fixture
At Stumps, South Africa score-
card read 35/1 with Dean Elgar
against Liverpool
(11*) and Keegan Petersen (14*)
at the crease. It was an enthralling LONDON: Romelu Lukaku has
day of Test cricket as 11 wickets been dropped from the Chelsea The marksman has since
fell on Day One of the second Test. FC squad which will face Liver-
After bundling India out for 202 in South Africa ended the day with fighting knock of 46 runs in just 50 gest surprise when Rahul walked pool on Sunday at the Stamford found himself amid the
the first innings, South Africa got nine wickets in hand. balls before India were bowled out in for the toss instead of Virat Bridge.
off to a bad start as they lost open- In the second session, South Af- for 202 in the first innings. Kohli as the Indian Test captain Lukaku, 28, has scored in his controversy after he said
ing batter Aiden Markram in the rican pacers had tightened screws In the first session, a disciplined did not take the field due to upper last two Premier League ap-
fourth over. against the visitors to leave them bowling performance from South back spasm. pearances since his return to the he is “not very happy
Mohammed Shami trapped tottering at 146 for 5 till Tea. The Africa kept India at bay as the Brief Scores: India 202/10 (KL Blues’ squad after testing positive
Markram in front of stumps to hosts’ bowlers kept up the pres- visitors lost three wickets in the Rahul 50, R Ashwin 46; Marco for COVID-19. with the situation” at
give India a breakthrough. But El- sure as they dimissed KL Rahul morning. Jansen 4-31) vs South Africa 35/1 But the marksman has since
gar and Petersen ensured the hosts and Hanuma Vihari post Tea. Earlier in the day, the second (Keegan Petersen 14, Mohammed found himself amid the con- Stamford Bridge
didn’t suffer any more hiccups as Ravichandran Ashwin played a Test match started with the big- Shami 1-15) ANI troversy after he said he is “not
very happy with the situation”
at Stamford Bridge, and com- have spoken twice and I have spo-
plained of Tuchel’s decision to ken to the main players.”
play “a different formation” in an “We have a big match to play

Mominul, Liton help Bangladesh take 73 runs lead interview that was broadcast this
Speaking to Sky Sports, Thom-
and we need full focus...It is, in
my opinion, easier if he is not in
the squad. For sure, it was a dif-
as Tuchel explained that the ficult decision to take but in my
MOUNT MAUNGANUI: Mo- The visitors have taken a lead Liton got together and kept on Later, Yasir Ali and Mehidy Romelu Lukaku issue became opinion it was the decision to
minul Haque and Liton Das’s fiery of 73 runs. Beginning the day sailing their boat to bring up the Hasan entered the crease and an- “too noisy” and so he made the take,” he added.
partnership of 158 runs put Bang- from 175/2, Bangladesh suffered fifth wicket partnership of 158 runs. chored the innings to provide their decision to drop the striker from Meanwhile, for visitors, Alis-
ladesh in a dominating position an early blow as the opener Mah- Both the batters brought up in- side with a lead of 73 runs and end- his squad. son, Roberto Firmino and Joel
on Day 3 of the ongoing first Test mudul Hasan Joy was dismissed dividual half-centuries and kept ed Day 3 with a total of 401/6. “The thing got too big, the thing Matip have been ruled out of trip
against Bangladesh here at Bay Oval by Neil Wagner after scoring 78 the scoreboard moving for Bang- Brief Score: New Zealand got too noisy so close to the match to Chelsea, after returning sus-
in Mount Maunganui on Monday. runs, which was then followed by ladesh. It was later Trent Boult, 258/5 (Devon Conway 122, Henry so I decided to protect the prepa- pected positive COVID-19 tests.
At the Stumps on Day 3, Bangla- Mushfiqur Rahim’s departure by who came for the rescue of the Ki- Nicholls 75; Shoriful Islam 3/269) ration of the match and that’s It follows news Jurgen Klopp will
desh’s score read 401/6 with Yasir Trent Boult. wis and dismissed Mominul and vs Bangladesh 175/2 (Mominul why he is out,” Tuchel said ahead not be present at the encounter
Ali (11*) and Mehidy Hasan (20*) But the Kiwi’s happiness was Liton for 86 and 88 runs respective- Haque 88, Liton Das 86; Trent of the match. after also registering a suspected
are currently standing at the crease. short-lived as Mominul and ly, leaving their side’s total at 370/6. Boult 3/61). ANI “Of course we have spoken. We positive test. ANI


Jatinder guides Qurum to victory, Hussnain hero of Ghubrah win

Times News Service Khan took 2 for 12. Munthir Al Balushi 40 – 5x4, Issa
Brief Scores (D20): Ghubrah Gi- Al Balushi 4-28, Younis AB 3-22,
MUSCAT: Oman opener Jatinder ants 96 all out in 16.5 overs (Azmat Samir Othman 2-31) beat Oct Seeb
Singh struck an elegant 55 off 39 Ullah 50 – 5x4, 3x6, Hassnain Ali 141 all out in 26.5 overs (Samir
including 4 sixes, steering Qurum 4-21, Sanuth Ebrahim 2-2) lost Othman 76 – 10x4, Munthir Al
Thunders to a 7-wicket win over to Ruwi Rangers 100 for 4 in 12.4 Balushi 3-20, Khalid Al Balushi
Bousher Busters in a D20 Cricket overs (Khalid Kail 37 – 5x4, 2x6, 2-26, Shaed Ali 2-22) by 34 runs.
League game at Oman Cricket Zohaib Amanat 25 – 3x4, 2x6, Aqil
Turf 1 in Amerat on Sunday. Khan 2-12) by 6 wickets. Rafique steers Khalsa to
Bousher’s total of 159 for 8 saw big win
59 by Abdul Rauf and 37 by Asif Munthir stars in OCT Mohammed Rafique’s magnificent
Khan. Munis Ansari and Sandeep Muscat win batting and bowling saw Khalsa
Goud took two wickets each. Excellent all-round performance United to a solid 49-run victory
Qurum openers Jatinder and by Munthir Al Balushi helped OCT against Nibrass Tech in a C Divi-
Kashyapkumar Prajapati (51 off Muscat to an easy 34-run win over sion T20 League game at Muscat
38) dominated the chase with an OCT Al Seeb in a 30-over B Divi- Municipality ground 2.
entertaining 94-run partnership sion League match at Muscat Mu- Khalsa’s 201 for 4 was powered
in less than 11 overs. Shoaib Khan nicipality ground 1 in Amerat on by Rafique’s 75 not out off 44 and
came on to complete the formali- Friday. Muscat scored 175 all out Majid Rafique’s 32 off 16. Waqas
ties with a solid 37 off 21 as Qurum in 29.3 overs thanks to top knocks Khalid claimed 2 for 28.
sealed the win in the 19th over, from Rashad Al Balushi (44) and Rafique bowled brilliantly
scoring 163 for 3. Asif Khan bagged Munthir (40). Issa Al Balushi was too, taking 3 for 22 whereas Mu-
2 for 23. the pick of Seeb bowlers, taking 4 hammed Asif picked up 3 for 24
Brief Scores (D20): Bousher for 28 whereas Younis Al Balushi as Khalsa was bundled out for 152
Busters 159 for 8 in 20 overs (Ab- claimed 3 for 22. in 20 overs, Tarun Bhaskaran top-
dul Rauf 59 – 3x4, 3x6, Asif Khan Struggling at 27 for 4 in 7 overs, scoring with 46.
37 – 1x4, 4x6, Munis Ansari 2-19, LEAGUE MATCH Excellent all-round performance by Munthir Al Balushi helped OCT Muscat to an easy OCT Seeb never really recovered Brief Scores (C Division):
Sandeep Goud 2-23) lost to Qurum 34-run win over OCT Al Seeb in a 30-over B Division League match. despite Samir Othman’s unbeaten Khalsa United CT 201 for 4 in 20
Thunders 163 for 3 in 18.4 overs 76 off 86, getting bowled out for 141 overs (Muhammed Rafiq 75 – 8x4,
(Jatinder Singh 55 – 3x4, 4x6, in the 27th over. Munthir excelled 1x6, Majid Rafique 32 – 5x4, 1x6,
Kashyapkumar Prajapati 51 – 5x4, In the day’s other game, Hussnain Ghubrah failed to post a fighting man to bat well, scoring a defiant with the ball too, taking 3 for 20 Waqas Khalid 2-28) beat Nibrass
2x6, Shoaib Khan 37 – 3x4, 2x6. Ali’s brilliant spell with the new total on the board, folding up for a 50 off 35. while Khalid Al Balushi and Shaed Tech 152 all out in 20 overs (Tarun
Asif Khan 2-23) by 7 wickets. ball in which he claimed 4 for 21 dismal 96 in 16.5 overs due largely Ruwi raced to the target in only Ali bagged two wickets each. Bhaskaran 46 – 6x4, 1x6, Mu-
was the highlight of Ruwi Rangers’ to Hussnain’s heroics and Sanuth 12.4 overs, scoring 100 for 4 thanks Brief Scores (B Division): OCT hammed Rafiq 3-22, Muhammed
Hussnain bowls Ghubrah thumping 6-wicket victory against Ebrahim’s 2 for 2 in 2 overs. Azmat to 37 off 20 by Khalid Kail and 25 Muscat 175 all out in 29.3 overs Asif 3-24, Harminder Singh 2-25)
to victory Ghubrah Giants. Ullah was the only Ghubrah bats- off 20 by Zohaib Amanat. Aqil (Rashad Al Balushi 44 – 8x4, by 49 runs


The price of Oman oil has increased,
with prices for delivery by March
2022 reaching $76.95, said Dubai
Mercantile Exchange (DME). The
DME statement said that the price of
Oman oil rose by 9 cents. - ONA
The MSX index closed at 4,172.14 points,
up 0.61 per cent from the previous close.
The Sharia Index ended down by 0.36 per
cent at 528.46 points. Ominvest up 4.58
per cent, was the top gainer while, Dhofar
Cattle Feed down 8.97 per cent, was the
top loser.


on positive note, www.facebook.com/timesofoman

Omicron impact
concerns ease

OPEC+ MEETING: Tightened supplies from Libya ahead of an Organization of the Petroleum Export-
ing Countries and allies (Opec+) meeting kept the market sentiments positive, said Abhishek Chau-
han, head of commodities at Swastika Investment Ltd. – BNA

or 0.76 per cent, to $78.37 a bar- school reopening following win-

rel, as of 0440 GMT. US West ter breaks.
Texas Intermediate crude futures Oil analysts have lowered their
Last year, oil prices gained 63 cents, or 0.84 per cent, price forecasts for 2022 as the
to $75.84 a barrel. Omicron coronavirus variant
rose around 50 per “Tightened supplies from Libya poses headwinds to recovering
ahead of an Organization of the fuel demand and risks a supply
cent, spurred by the Petroleum Exporting Countries glut as producers pump more oil,
and allies (Opec+) meeting kept a Reuters poll showed on Friday.
global economic the market sentiments positive,” A survey of 35 economists and
said Abhishek Chauhan, head of analysts forecast Brent crude
recovery from the commodities at Swastika Invest- would average $73.57 a barrel in
ment Ltd, according to Reuters. 2022, about 2 per cent lower than
COVID-19 pandemic Libya’s state oil firm said on the $75.33 consensus in Novem-
Saturday the country’s oil output ber. It is the first reduction in the
slump and producer would be reduced by 200,000 bar- 2022 price forecast since the Au-
rels per day for a week due to main- gust poll. US crude is projected to
restraint, even as tenance on a main pipeline be- average $71.38 per barrel in 2022,
tween the Samah and Dahra fields. versus the previous month’s
infections reached Meanwhile, Opec+ will prob- $73.31 consensus.
ably stick to their plan to add US energy firms added oil and
record highs 400,000 barrels per day of supply natural gas rigs for a record 17
in February, four sources said. months in a row as higher prices
worldwide Last year, oil prices rose around lured some drillers back to the
50 per cent, spurred by the global well pad after last year’s corona-
economic recovery from the COV- virus-driven decline in demand.
ID-19 pandemic slump and pro- US crude oil production rose
NEW DELHI: Oil prices firmed ducer restraint, even as infections to 11.47 million barrels per day
on Monday as the market kicked reached record highs worldwide. in October, up 6 per cent from a
off 2022 on a positive note with US health experts warned month earlier, as output soared
suppliers in focus ahead of Tues- Americans to prepare for severe in the Gulf of Mexico as the re-
day’s Opec+ meeting, although disruptions in coming weeks, gion recovered from hurricanes,
surging COVID-19 cases contin- with infection rates likely to according to a monthly report is-
ued to dent demand sentiment. worsen amid increased holiday sued on Thursday by the Energy
Brent crude added 59 cents, travel, New Year celebrations and Information Administration. -BNA


Tesla exceeds analyst

predictions with
record deliveries in
fourth quarter of 2021
NEW YORK: US electric car pany has signalled its intention
manufacturer Tesla has man- to maintain an annual increase in
aged a record number of vehicle deliveries of at least 50 per cent
deliveries in the past quarter, it in the long term.
announced on Sunday. Tesla’s new factories in Texas
A total of 308,600 vehicles and near the German capital
were delivered to customers Berlin will be essential in creat-
globally in the last three months ing the extra production capacity
of 2021, exceeding the expecta- needed to meet this goal.
tions of analysts, who had pre- Tesla’s Model 3 and Model
dicted delivery of just 263,000 Y compact cars continue to be
cars for the fourth quarter, it the bedrock of its business, with
said, Deutsche press agency the company delivering almost
(dpa) reported. 297,000 in the final quarter and
Over 2021 as a whole, Tesla de- 911,000 for the year as a whole.
livered a total of 936,000 vehicles The more expensive and larger
globally, an increase of 87 per cent Model S and Model X cars make
on the company’s 2020 figure. up the rest of the company’s total
Elon Musk’s pioneering com- deliveries. -BNA



Index .................................................High .................Low..................... Value ............... Prev . Value.......... Diff ...............Diff %
MSX 30 INDEX .....................................4,172.14 ...............4,146.81 ....................4,172.14 ................... 4,146.81................. 25.33 ................... 0.61
FINANCIAL INDEX ...........................6,653.47 ..............6,602.20 ................... 6,653.47 .................. 6,602.20..................51.27 ................... 0.78
ends higher EXCHANGE
Industry Index .......................................6,089.16 ...............6,051.80 ....................6,056.74 ...................6,083.95................ -27.21 .................. -0.45
Services Index .......................................1,635.09 ............... 1,630.16 .................... 1,631.79 ................... 1,628.65.................... 3.14 ................... 0.19
MSX Shariah Index................................. 530.77 ..................528.46 ...................... 528.46 ...................... 530.38...................-1.91 .................. -0.36
MSX TR INDEX................................... 5,020.57 .............. 4,990.08 ................... 5,020.57 .................. 4,990.08................. 30.48 ................... 0.61

Trading Summary
Volume ................Turnover ..........Trades .............. Market Cap............. Up............Down ............. Equal .........Sec. Traded
11,426,357 ..................3,256,042 ..................... 531 ............... 22,175,555,683 .................. 8 ......................16 ....................22 .........................46

Ominvest up 4.58 per cent, was the top gainer

while, Dhofar Cattle Feed down 8.97 per cent, ISIN...................................................SECURITY NAME ...................................................................................................VOLUME ...............TURNOVER ....................TRADES ............ OPEN PRICE ..............HIGH .....................LOW ................CLOSE PR. ............PREV. CLOSE............DIFF (RO) ..................DIFF % ......................LAST PR ................ LAST BID ..................... LAST OFFER......................PAR VALUE..........MARKET CAP

was the top loser REGULAR MARKET .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

OM0000001533 ............ OMINVEST.......................................................................6,000 ...............1,920........................ 1 ........... 0.320 ...........0.320 ...........0.320........... 0.320 .............0.306 ............0.014 ............. 4.575 ................0.320..............0.306...................0.320 ............... 0.100 ....213,876,936
OM0000002077 ........... AL OMANIYA FIN.S .................................................. 2,013,605 ......255,978....................113 ............0.124 ........... 0.130 ...........0.124............0.127 .............0.124 ........... 0.003............. 2.419 ................0.128 ..............0.128...................0.128................ 0.100 .......37,075,767
OM0000002796 ........... BANK MUSCAT .......................................................... 2,467,100 ...1,233,550..................... 64 ........... 0.500 ...........0.500 ...........0.500........... 0.500 .............0.494 ........... 0.006..............1.215.................0.500..............0.498...................0.500 ............... 0.100 .1,787,237,396
OM0000003026 ........... OMAN TELECOM...................................................... 625,455 .........475,392......................19 ............0.752 ........... 0.772 ...........0.752 ........... 0.760 ............. 0.752............ 0.008............. 1.064 ................0.768 ..............0.760...................0.768................ 0.100 ...570,000,000
OM0000003968 ........... OOREDOO ..................................................................... 431,280 ..........167,334......................14 ........... 0.384 ...........0.388 ...........0.384........... 0.388 .............0.384 ........... 0.004............. 1.042 ................0.388..............0.382...................0.394 ............... 0.100 ... 252,566,361
OM0000001749 ............ OMAN CEMENT ............................................................ 8,085 ...............2,021........................2 ........... 0.250 ...........0.250 ...........0.250........... 0.250 .............0.248 ........... 0.002.............0.806 ................0.250..............0.243...................0.250 ............... 0.100 .......82,718,178
MUSCAT: The MSX index ani investors were net buyers for OM0000003000 ........... Al MAHA MARKTING............................................... 48,930 .............34,147........................7 ........... 0.700 ........... 0.700 ...........0.692........... 0.696 .............0.692 ........... 0.004............. 0.578 ................0.692..............0.692...................0.700................ 0.100 .....48,024,000
OM0000001400 ........... OMAN FLOUR MILLS .................................................... 500 ..................390........................ 1 ............0.780 ........... 0.780 ...........0.780........... 0.784 .............0.784 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.780.............. 0.712...................0.796................ 0.100 ... 123,480,000
closed at 4,172.14 points, up 0.61 OMR202,000 followed by GCC & OM0000001772 ............ ALANWAR INVESTMENT ..................................... 40,000 ...............3,800........................3 ........... 0.095 ........... 0.095 ...........0.095........... 0.095 .............0.095 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.095..............0.093...................0.095................ 0.100 ......19,000,000
per cent from the previous close. Arab investors for OMR123,000 OM0000002176 ............ JAZEERA STEEL PROD ........................................... 32,260 .............11,880......................15 ........... 0.370 ........... 0.372 ...........0.366........... 0.368 .............0.368 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.366..............0.360...................0.370................ 0.100 ..... 45,962,449
OM0000002226 ........... ALJAZEERA SERVICES .............................................2,000 ..................700........................3 ........... 0.350 ...........0.350 ...........0.350........... 0.350 .............0.350 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.350............. 0.340...................0.350................ 0.100 ...... 21,421,496
The Sharia Index ended down worth of shares. OM0000003224 ........... RENAISSANCE SER. ................................................ 906,705 .........392,377.....................42 ........... 0.440...........0.440 ...........0.426........... 0.432 .............0.432 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.430..............0.428...................0.440 ............... 0.100 ....102,129,120
OM0000003398 ........... SOHAR INT. BANK .................................................... 753,093 ............87,215........................9 ............0.116 ........... 0.116............ 0.115 ............0.116 ............. 0.116 ............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.115 ...............0.113................... 0.115 ................ 0.100 ... 346,847,226
by 0.36 per cent at 528.46 points. Financial Index closed at OM0000001525 ............ OMAN INVST& FIN. ................................................... 31,563 ...............4,608........................2 ............0.146 ........... 0.146 ...........0.146 ........... 0.146 ............. 0.147............-0.001 ........... -0.680 ...............0.146 ..............0.142...................0.146................ 0.100 .....34,602,000
OM0000001418 ............ RAYSUT CEMENT .................................................... 410,614............ 98,607.....................22 ........... 0.242...........0.242 ...........0.240 .......... 0.240 .............0.242 ...........-0.002 ........... -0.826 ...............0.240 .............0.232...................0.240 ............... 0.100 .....48,000,000
Ominvest up 4.58 per cent, was 6,653.46 points, up 0.78 per cent. OM0000002200 ........... AHLI BANK .................................................................. 200,000...........23,000........................6 ............0.115 ........... 0.115............ 0.115 ............0.115 ............. 0.116 ............-0.001 ........... -0.862 ...............0.115 ...............0.115................... 0.119 ................ 0.100 ...224,210,609
OM0000005005 ........... ALMAHA CERAMICS ................................................86,325 .............37,977..................... 25 ........... 0.440...........0.448 ...........0.438........... 0.440 .............0.444 ...........-0.004 ........... -0.901 ...............0.440..............0.438...................0.440 ............... 0.100 .....24,200,000
the top gainer while, Dhofar Cat- Ominvest, Al Omaniya Finan- OM0000002440 ........... AL SHARQIA INV. ...................................................... 136,000 ............12,276........................8 ........... 0.092 ...........0.092 ...........0.090........... 0.090 ............. 0.091............-0.001 ........... -1.099................0.090..............0.088...................0.098................ 0.100 ........8,100,000
OM0000001590............ MUSCAT FINANCE .................................................... 37,450 ...............2,172........................2 ........... 0.058 ...........0.058 ...........0.058........... 0.058 .............0.059 ...........-0.001 ............-1.695................0.058..............0.056...................0.058................ 0.100 .......17,814,487
tle Feed down 8.97 per cent, was cial Services, Bank Dhofar and OM0000002168............ AL ANWAR CERAMIC ............................................ 465,500 ......... 199,572..................... 49 ........... 0.448 ...........0.448 ...........0.428........... 0.428 .............0.440 ...........-0.012 ........... -2.727 ...............0.428..............0.424...................0.428 ............... 0.100 ..... 94,160,000
Total ..................................20 ........................................................................................ 8,702,465 ...3,044,917...................407
the top loser. Bank Muscat were up 4.58 per
Shares of Bank Muscat were cent, 2.42 per cent, 2.40 per cent Parallel Market .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
the most active in terms of the and 1.21 per cent respectively. OM0000002549 ........... BANK DHOFAR............................................................ 50,000 ...............6,400........................1 ............0.128 ........... 0.128 ...........0.128........... 0.128 ............. 0.125............ 0.003.............2.400 ................0.128 ..............0.128...................0.130................ 0.100 ...383,532,984
OM0000001152 ............ OMAN NAT. ENG..........................................................76,947 ................7,156......................11 ........... 0.093 ...........0.093 ...........0.093........... 0.093 .............0.093 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.093..............0.093...................0.095................ 0.100 ..... 12,090,000
number of shares traded as well Takaful Oman, Taageer Finance, OM0000001483............ NATIONAL BANK OMAN .......................................... 3,007 .................. 589........................1 ............0.196 ........... 0.196 ...........0.196 ............0.196 ............. 0.196............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.196 ..............0.192...................0.200 ............... 0.100 ....318,685,486
OM0000001566 ............ OMAN FISHERIES......................................................28,085 ............... 1,629........................7 ........... 0.058 ........... 0.059 ...........0.058........... 0.058 .............0.058 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.058..............0.059...................0.058................ 0.100 ........7,250,000
as in terms of turnover. Muscat Finance, United Finance OM0000001681 ............ OMAN EMIRATES HO. ............................................ 25,000 ............... 1,625........................3 ........... 0.065 ........... 0.065 ...........0.065........... 0.065 .............0.065 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.065..............0.062...................0.070................ 0.100 .........7,921,875
OM0000002036 ........... Muscat Thread MILL........................................................ 486 .....................39........................ 1 ........... 0.080 ...........0.080 ...........0.080........... 0.075 .............0.075 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.080..............0.068...................0.080 ............... 0.100 ......... 1,193,514
A total number of 531 trades and Al Sharqia Investment were OM0000002275 ........... SHELL OMAN MRK. .......................................................1,111 ................1,013........................2 ............0.912 ........... 0.912 ...........0.912 ........... 0.920 .............0.920 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.912 ..............0.912...................0.912................ 0.100 ..... 87,400,000
OM0000003125 ............ GLOBAL INV. H ........................................................... 158,000 ..............9,954........................5 ........... 0.063 ...........0.063 ...........0.063........... 0.063 .............0.063 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.063..............0.063...................0.064 ............... 0.100 ..... 12,600,000
were executed during the day’s down 5.06 per cent, 2.70 per cent, OM0000003661 ............ VOLTAMP ENERGY......................................................... 408 .....................47........................ 1 ............0.115 ........... 0.115............ 0.115 ............0.115 ............. 0.115 ............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.115 .............. 0.110...................0.122................ 0.100 .........9,361,316
OM0000003711 ............ SOHAR POWER ...............................................................2,110 .....................80........................ 1 ........... 0.038 ...........0.038 ...........0.038........... 0.039 .............0.039 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.038..............0.038...................0.042 ............... 0.100 ........ 8,619,390
trading session, generating a 1.69 per cent, 1.69 per cent and OM0000004420 ........... BANK NIZWA .............................................................. 183,069 ............ 17,746......................13 ........... 0.097 ...........0.097 ...........0.096........... 0.097 .............0.097 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.097..............0.096...................0.097................ 0.100 ...216,984,444
OM0000004933 ........... AL SUWADI POWER ..................................................60,307 ...............2,955........................4 ........... 0.049 ...........0.049 ...........0.049........... 0.049 .............0.049 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.049..............0.049...................0.049 ............... 0.100 ...... 35,005,911
turnover of OMR3.25 million, 1.10 per cent respectively. OM0000005963 ........... PHOENIX POWER..................................................... 380,817.............19,041........................7 ........... 0.050 ...........0.050 ...........0.050........... 0.050 .............0.050 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.050..............0.048...................0.050 ............... 0.100 ...... 73,130,073
OM0000007084 ........... MCT DESALINATE ....................................................... 1,000 .....................85........................1 ........... 0.085 ........... 0.085 ...........0.085........... 0.090 .............0.090 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.085..............0.086...................0.090 ............... 0.100 ...... 13,999,536
with more than 11.43 million Industrial Index closed at OM0000008447 ........... OMAN REIT FUND ................................................... 436,200........... 38,329........................6 ........... 0.088 ...........0.088 ...........0.086........... 0.088 .............0.088 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.086..............0.080...................0.086................ 0.100 .......57,618,787
OM0000004768 ........... MADINA TAKAFUL .................................................... 10,541 ...............1,005........................5 ........... 0.095 ...........0.096 ...........0.095........... 0.095 .............0.096 ...........-0.001 ........... -1.042 ...............0.095..............0.095...................0.096................ 0.100 ......16,625,000
shares changing hands. Out of 6,056.74 points, down 0.45 per OM0000003521 ............ GALFAR ENGINEER. ............................................... 325,651............ 24,499........................9 ........... 0.076 ........... 0.076 ...........0.075........... 0.075 .............0.076 ...........-0.001 ............-1.316................0.075..............0.075...................0.075................ 0.100 ......15,223,983
OM0000002374............ UNITED FINANCE ................................................... 100,480 ..............5,828........................5 ........... 0.059 ........... 0.059 ...........0.058........... 0.058 .............0.059 ...........-0.001 ............-1.695................0.058..............0.058...................0.059................ 0.100 ......20,250,376
46 traded securities, 8 advanced, cent. Oman Cement was the only OM0000002804 ........... ASAFFA FOODS............................................................ 34,175 ...............5,905........................5 ............0.175 ........... 0.175............ 0.171 ............0.173 ............. 0.176............-0.003 ............-1.705................0.171 ..............0.166................... 0.171 ................ 0.100 ..... 20,760,000
OM0000004669 ........... SHARQIYAH DESALIN. ........................................... 45,000 ...............4,950........................ 1 ............0.110 ........... 0.110............0.110 ............0.110 ............. 0.112............-0.002 ............-1.786................0.110 ..............0.106...................0.110 ................ 0.100 ...... 10,758,238
16 declined and 22 remained gainer by 0.81 per cent. OM0000001319 ............ ALUMINIUM PROD. .................................................. 44,590 ...............6,129........................4 ............0.138 ........... 0.138 ...........0.137 ............0.137 .............0.140 ...........-0.003 ........... -2.143 ...............0.137 ..............0.132...................0.137 ................ 0.100 ........4,599,289
OM0000003281............ TAAGEER FINANCE ................................................ 101,817 ................7,331........................5 ........... 0.072 ...........0.072 ...........0.072........... 0.072 .............0.074 ...........-0.002 ........... -2.703 ...............0.072..............0.072...................0.075................ 0.100 ......18,258,480
unchanged. At the session close, Services Index was up by 0.19 OM0000004776 ........... TAKAFUL OMAN ....................................................... 627,467 ............46,768..................... 23 ........... 0.076 ........... 0.076 ...........0.074........... 0.075 .............0.079 ...........-0.004 ........... -5.063 ...............0.074..............0.074...................0.074................ 0.100 ........7,500,000
OM0000001301 ............ DHOFAR CATTLE........................................................15,000 ............... 1,065........................1 ............0.071 ........... 0.071 ...........0.071 ............0.071 .............0.078 ...........-0.007 ........... -8.974 ...............0.071 .............. 0.071...................0.078................ 0.100 ........ 5,740,350
foreign investors were net sell- per cent before closing at 1,631.78 Total ..................................24 ........................................................................................ 2,711,268 ...... 210,168...................122

ers for OMR325,000 while Om- points. — United Securities

S T E E L FA B 2 0 2 2

Event to showcase prominent

technologies of iron, steel sector
SHARJAH: The Expo Centre Over 150 local and internation- the iron and steel sector, the latest
Sharjah is gearing up to launch al exhibitors from 20 countries equipment and machinery for the
the 17th of Steel Fab 2022, Mena’s and 400 brands of the world’s steel industry, modern technolo-
premier trade show for the met- leading brands in the field of met- gies in the fields of metal forming,
alworking, metal manufacturing, alwork and related industries are low-cost laser systems for metal
and steel fabrication Industry, set to take part in the event. cutting, steel fabrication ma-
from January 10 to 13, with the The event will showcase the chines, AI-powered robots, and
support of the Sharjah Chamber most prominent technologies of other related engineering disci-
of Commerce and Industry. the fourth industrial revolution in plines. -WAM


Sensex surges
929 points
MUMBAI: The Indian equities
markets started the new cal-
endar year 2022 on a firm note
with the benchmark Sensex
surging 929 points despite ris-
ing COVID-19 related restric-
tions across the country.
The key indices of the Indi-
an equities markets including
Sensex and Nifty opened trad-
ing in the new year with sig-
nificant gains and surged more
than one-and-a-half per cent to-
wards the end of the day’s trade.
The 30 stock S&P Sensex of
the Bombay Stock Exchange
closed at 59,183.22 points, which
is 1.60 per cent or 929.40 points
higher from its previous ses-
sion’s close at 58,253.82 points.
Earlier the Sensex opened in
the positive at 58,310.09 points
and touched a high of 59,266.39
points in the intra-day. There
was strong buying support
throughout the day and the mo-
mentum picked up towards the
end of the trading session.
The broader Nifty 50 of the
National Stock Exchange closed
1.57 per cent or 271.65 points
higher at 17,625.70 points. Ear-
lier the Nifty opened in the
positive at 17,387.15 points and
touched a high of 17,646.65
points in the intra-day.
There was strong buying
support in banking and IT
stocks. The financial stocks of
Bajaj Group surged. Bajaj Fi-
nance soared 3.52 per cent to
Rs.7222.30. -ANI
W W W.T I M E S O F O M A N . C O M
T U E S DAY, JA N UA RY 4 , 2 0 2 2



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VAT Registrations, Quarterly Returns,
Taxation Consultancy & Audit
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Contact 92469602 / 93949235
SERVICES Offices at Muscat, Salalah, Sohar & Sur 1. Project Engineer/Civil Engineer – Minimum 10 years experience with B.E/B.Tech
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3 BHK Flat Al Ghubrah, Indian VAT Registration, VAT return filing, Pest Control Treatments - Cock-
Broadband WiFi, Security access School. Contact 99319880 audit, accounting services. roaches, Ants, etc. Ocean Centre LLC. 4. MEP Supervisor - Minimum 10 years experience
system, & Secured car park Contact 9753 8856. Contact 9932 9289 5. Document Controller – Minimum 5 years experience
Opposite Kims Hospital Al Falaj Room rent for Male executive Ruwi. Email: sales@oceancentre.co 6. Office Secretary – Minimum 5 years experience with letter drafting skills
Contact 99880157 Plumbing, Painting & Maintenance. 7. Safety Officer - Minimum 5 years experience with certification
Contact: 99657906 or 24702141
Contact 96191837, 98937266 Carpet & Sofa Shampooing, Gen-
eral Cleaning - Offices, Villas & Flats. Send CV/details to: hr.azatllc@gmail.com
Part Time, Accounting, VAT Returns Ocean Centre LLC. Contact 9932 9289
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ments. Ocean Centre LLC.
Cleaning & Pest Control services
Contact 93688051, 97178294


Email: sales@oceancentre.co Carpet Shampoo, marble & tile pol-
We are looking for a highly motivated, hardworking intelligent experienced individual to join with us as:
ishing, pest control & anti-termite
Testing and Inspection Engineer for lifting equipment: Certified Testing Engineer with experience (min.
treatment, general cleaning paint-
4 years) in same field and having deep knowledge in lifting equipments, scaffoldings, cranes and forklifts.
ing, Plumbing, Electrical, shifting. Courses - 1.LEEA part 1 (Foundation) 2. LEEA part II (Lifting Equipment General) 3. LEEA part II (Lifting Machine
Mundhir Al Rizaiqi Trading LLC. Manual) 4. NDT Level II in Magnetic Particle 5. Testing NDT Level II in Magnetic Particle Testing.
Contact 24810137, 99450130
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winter jackets and normal jackets including its fabric cutting and stitching (mini. 8 years).
*Classified Advertisement space booking with text, Interested candidate can send CV with credentials to jobs@gueoman.com, www.gueoman.com
should be done till 12.00 noon for next day’s publication.
* Subject to space availability
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Required for a reputed SALES/MARKETING MISCELLANEOUS Omani Statistical ACCOUNTS ADMIN Hygiene / Food Safety
Training Institute in Oman Accountant with 10 yrs experience in trading
Statistical (Omani), Graduated from Modern
College of Business & Science with Bachelor degree & contracting, oil & gas, building materials, / QC Specialist
Business Development Experienced sales executive re- Urgently required Stainless Steel in Statistics. Experience in Statistics in Ministry
of HigherEducation and Purchase Assistant sales
manufacturing, constructions & IT sectors.
Expertise in accounting, VAT, finalization, auditing,
4 yrs of experience in QC with
Executive (Male) quired for an Oil and Gas firm. Driving
license is a must. Kindly forward CV
Welder/Fabricator (Experience in SS
finishing works including cutting,
representative in hospital laboratory and chemicals budgeting, costing & payroll. HACCP Food safety & quality STD.
for pesticides (current work).
Qualification Criteria: to rafnida@alzawrak.com letter making and welding), ACP NOC / local release & driving license available. Looking for a suitable job.
A senior marketing professional with Contact +968 24481300 Worker and Sign Maker. Experience Email:Radhiyaalkharusi24@gmail.com CONTACT: 91183601
5 years of experience in the Sultanate`s of 3-5 Years in similar field. Phone No: 00968-93987544 E-MAIL: SUNEEL.SUNEEL@GMAIL.COM Contact 79015490
Training domain with sound knowledge Contact 99014231
of direct business development/marketing JOB WANTED Email: jayakrishnanapk@gmail.com
in related verticals. ENGINEER Quantity Surveyor RETAIL- ADMINISTRATION
Mechanical Engineer, & Graduate Marine Indian - 10 yrs of experience in retail, health care
Send CV to info@meiat.om ADMIN/HR Engineer Indian male, 36 year old, having
Srilankan Male Quantity Surveyor
& telecomm as Administration, Sales & Marketing.
(BSc QS (Hons) reading) with 4 years
an experience of 12 years. Presently in Work experience with: Joyalukkas India Pvt ltd,
Oman, having Oman D/L seeks suitable of Civil & ID experience in Oman. Aster DM Healthcare, Reliance JIO Infocomm ltd.
JOB WANTED Female 9 yrs exp as Cabin Crew
placement in Oman. Looking for a job. International License & Medical done.
Head/Supervisor 1 yr exp secretary
(Oman) currently Marketing Special- Contact: 95476011 Contact: 92187572 Contact no: 78621939
ADMINISTRATION ist, seeking job - Secretary /Manager JOB WANTED Email: noblesimon1985@gmail.com Email: sifathhasan1995@gmail.com E-mail: suhailkmuhammed00@gmail.com
etc can join ASAP. Contact 98190105.
Email: ashurobin215@gmail.com
Looking For Office Staff.
Contact 24709144 Indian male graduate Executive
Email: atf24704415@gmail.com Secretary with Stenography/Oman 10 years experienced Female Bachelor’s degree in BA BE Electronics & Communication Indian, 23, (B.E Mechanical),
driving license and 20years experi- Architect seeking for suitable job. Indian Male looking for fresher PG Diploma in Oil and Gas
ence in Muscat available with NOC Currenty in family visa (2 years). a suitable job in Oman. Piping and Pipeline, QA/QC, NDT,
for immediate joining. Contact 96146645 10 years experience in Presently in Oman. looking for suitable job.
ACCOUNTS/FINANCE Contact 79256679 HSE and O&M.
Contact 78644119 Contact: 79056363, 99501396
CA with 3.5 yrs Big4 experience in Sudanese legal consultant, Master Contact +968 95555865 E-mail: terancefranklin25@gmail.com Email: rejiakhil111@gmail.com
Audit & Taxation seeking suitable degree for international law with
placement. Contact 91142194 4 years experience seeks suitable
Email thenujose@gmail.com placement. Contact 93649411 Mechanical Engineer Senior Accountant Project Manager - Civil
Indian Male, 7 years working experi- Sudanese mechanical engineering Indian male M. Com with PG in computers, An Indian, Graduate Civil Engineer having 22+ yrs Exp.
Sr Accountant/Accountant. 10 years Indian Male, MBA, B.Com having ence in Oman as an AutoCAD Civil with 10 years experience, working as Senior Accountant in Oman in Construction Sector on Buildings, Infrastructure &
Oman experience. Knowledge of Tally’ 7 yr Oman & 4 yr India experience Draftsman cum Document Controller Firefighting & alarm system, with over 12 years with advanced knowledge Electro-Mechanical Projects with Project Management/
Focus. Contact 96678594 in HR / Administration & Accounts in various projects. Seeking suitable Seeking a position as in MS Dynamics, ODDO, Tally Erp/Prime Contracts Exp. looking for a Middle Management
looking for suitable placement. placement. Contact 95223019, Email: Mechanical engineer. (Tally customising with developer), Position in the Consulting/Contracting Firm. Valid
Indian, 13 years Accounts experi- Contact 97914340. prasanthnair2010@gmail.com
WhatsApp and direct phone call looking for suitable position. Engineer Visa & D/ L, NOC available/Transferable Visa.
ence in Oman seeks suitable posi- Email: sampathrajkv@gmail.com
tion. Contact 96496435 Freelancer 2D/3D_AutocaD/Revit +968 94044896 Contact on +96871551938 Contact No. 91996650
Indian HR-professional 8.5yrs (Civil / MEP). Contact 99506977
MBA with 7 yrs experience in Oman Exp (HR/SAP/Payroll/Admin-
Accounts, accounts receivable, overall 14year-Exp) with Oman DL ENGINEER FINANCE ADMIN/FINANCE
accounts payable, reconcilition, soft- & NOC. Seeking openings in Human DRIVER Indian Male, 42 yrs, B Tech Graduate, Sr Accountant/ Chief Accountant (Male). 15+ years
ware like Sage ERP50 & Tally ERP 9. Resource & Admin jobs. 15+ years gulf experience in Civil construction of experience in Oman. Having Good Experience in 33 year Female MBA with valid
Contact 79202456. Contact: +91 9544984757 field. In an excellent grade construction Finance and Supply Chain also have great knowl-
Email: shariffmunsk786@gmail.com (Whats App +968-94129291) Pakistani driver with 20 yrs experi- edge in Finalization ,Stock Audit , Various Accounts Omani D/L seeks placement in
and Trading Company with good Knowledge
Email: rkkambat@gmail.com ence seeks job. Contact 92091552 is looking for suitable opening. Packages, etc. Looking for Suitable Position. Admin/Finance or Marketing.
Accountant, MBA-Finance with Having Valid Oman D/L.
Valid D/L, NOC Available. Contact: 96711850
more than 4 yrs Experience .Good Graduate in Commerce, overall 11 Bangladeshi driver with 3 yrs expe- Contact +968 79830539
working Knowledge in SAP software years experience as construction rience seeks job. Contact 94256510 Contact 98032824, peer.ktr@gmail.com Email : justmailshaik75@gmail.com Email: snehalturn06@gmail.com
& Advanced Excel. Visa expires on 12 site admin in Oman. Seeking a suit-
Jan 2022 seeking suitable position. able placement in any department. Bangaladeshi driver with 10 yrs
Contact +968 92706965 Can handle small ,medium size or-
ganization. Contact +968 99072824
experience seeks job. FINANCE PROCUREMENT
Indian male, 20yrs exp. in supply Chain management,
Business Unit Head
Gmail: ranjuvettom@gmail.com Contact 93539260 15+ years of experience in Sales,Marketing and
Email: pratheeshcgnr85@gmail.com
B.Com ICWAI (Intermediate), 18+ years Import Vendor Management. Skilled & forecasted
Finance/Accounts/Reporting/Credit Control/ sourcing, Inherent negotiation & documentation Operations worked for a well renowned Trading
Senior Accountant, Indian male, 15 Bangladeshi driver with 5 yrs expe-
skill to benchmark, MIS, Inventory & Credit control, Company for ( ELV & Electrical Products) in
years experience in Oman with D/L Admin/HR Job having 24 years of rience seeks job. Contact 94531675 Finalisation, Expd in MFG/Retail/Service Ind,
dynamic in office software handling, GCC D/L, N.O.C Oman, experience in developing Product Market
& NOC. Contact : 9117 2545,Email experience in Oman with Valid DL Expd in ERP-Orion/Focus/JD Edwards/D/L, Available, immediate joining at Sr. Position. for Projects and Retail Business, looking for a
poovathanickal@gmail.com and NOC ready. Contact 99578192 NOC available, can join immediately.
Contact 78599071 suitable job change.
MEDICAL Mobile: 97634372 Email: sahaiv548@gmail.com Contact: 9364 3218
Accountant, with 10 years experi- Smart Indian, male, excellent Eng-
ence seeks placement.Presently in lish, Double Masters, Arabic speaker,
Oman. Contact 78075373 18years Oman-EPC, Media, Hospital, Medical representative seeks suit-
Airports. Contact 99283938 able job. Contact 93513927 SENIOR MANAGER SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCE ACCOUNTS
Young Indian Accountant, B.Com
graduate having 3 years experience Indian Male with +25 years of MBA, Mcom, ICWA (inter) 21 years Indian Male, 38yrs (age), 13 years
in Accounts looking for immediate Experience in Supply Chain, Purchase, experience in Oman working as Manager of experience in accounts in Oman,
ENGINEER in Business / Accounts / Finance / Having D/L, NOC is available,
placement. Contact 97092353
Sales & Distribution, MIS, Inventory & Operations. Looking for Senior positions Can join Immediately.
Graduate Senior accountant with 7 Operations and Maintenance En- Indian, 23, Civil Engineer, fresher Credit Control seeks placement. in Business / Finance and Operations.
years’ Oman experience looking for a gineer (Electrical), M.Tech qualified, with Oman D/L, looking for suitable Contact No: 95920740,
suitable position. Contact 91420128 with 2 years’ experience in KSEB, job. Contact 95257524 CONTACT 94619442 CONTACT: 96211885 Email ID: alhameed1527@gmail.com
India as Operations Engineer, with
Indian 23 yrs, B.Com,fresher looking experience in AutoCAD, looking for a Safety officer (engineer),5 years
for suitable job in accounts,office suitable placement. Contact 79926101 experience in GCC, two years in Oil
English Teacher Finance & Accounts OMANI HR/PRO
assistant or sales. Contact 72872847. Email: afroossahanaa@gmail.com field in Oman, nebosh IGC, valid D.L).
Indian Female (MBA Finance) having Omani, 15 yrs experience, PRO,
Email ruknuddintabish@gmail.com Contact 79318246 Experienced English Teacher
Master of Eng.(M.E) Structural En-
more than 15 years of Experience in Relation development, Labour &
Bachelor’s degree & Oman in Manufacturing and Trading Crime law, HR & Time Management.
Sr. Accountant Indian male B. Com 11 gineer with 2 + years of international Electrical Engineer with +10 years
years accounts experience in Oman. Exp. (U.K) as Structural Design Engr. of experience in electrical network
Academic IELTS with a 6.5 company seeks suitable Senior Position Fluent in English, Arabic & Hindi
can handle accounts independently seeks suitable position. (MT, LT) and project management. +4 years of experience. in Finance and Accounts. seeks Part Time job.
valid D/L immediate joining with Currently in Oman & ready to join. Contact 94446214
NOC or Transfer. Contact 7809 4016 Contact 99646892 Contact: +968 99022926 Contact # 94953826 / 92824146 Contact 97264447
Email: bilalsagh@gmail.com Email: musabshehzaar@gmail com B.Tech Civil Engineer, experienced
in construction of residential and
Indian male, BBA graduate with 24 year Civil engineer with drafts- commercial buildings, Quantity Senior Manager JOB WANTED
Oman D/L seeks appointment in Ac- man, 6 month experience in India Surveying and 3d designing. (HR/Administration/Operations)
counts/HR/Marketing, currently on looking for suitable job. On family Seeking for suitable placement. Indian male, 42, MBA, 12yrs’ experience
family visa. Contact 97217971, Email: visa contact.. 94212550 Contact 79038416 with international exposure. Having GCC
jobvacanciesof2021@yahoo.com experience. Also having Experience
in the Education Industry (India).
Approved DCRP protection engineer Structural Engr. of 14 years’ experi-
level 4, BSc of Electrical Engineering, ence expert in designing RCC/Steel Presently in Muscat. D/L Available.
EDUCATION seeks a full or part time job. structure, PT co-ordination, site Contact: 94326527 Indian, graduate, 6 years experi- Sales operations coordinator B-com
Contact 96670117 inspection, tender activities & others. Email: sreekanth.kerala987@gmail.com ence in Sales and Marketing having with E-commerce & Various other
Contact 968-98124095 valid Oman D/L, fluent in English, certifications,5 years of Dubai and
Indian Female (45) – B.Ed Graduate. HVAC Engineer/MEP coordinator, Email mukim0201004@gmail.com Hindi and Arabic. Presently in Oman, 2 years of Muscat experience, with
Primary, middle school teacher. BE Mechanical Engineering, having IT looking for immediate placement. refined skill set, Looking for new
Have 6 years exp. in CBSC School, 10+ years of experience includ- Indian Male MSc Civil Engineer, Contact 78699300, challenges. Contact +968 9676 6702
Kerala.Looking an opportunity in ing 7+ years in Oman. Efficient in having 5 years of Oman experience, Email: abidm0786@gmail.com E-mail: ilyas3299@gmail.com
Muscat Indian School. Contact Nos: design,BOQ, project follow up, valid seeks suitable position having D/L. Indian male MCA, 6+ yrs experei-
968-98378518 / 91 9495442210. Omani D/L. Seeking suitable place- Contact No. 968-93273239 nece IT admin, ERP admin, website 33 yrs Male, MBA & 11+ yrs experi- Indian Male PG in Biotech. with 4
Email: vkalluvilayil@hotmail.com ment, NOC available. whatsapp +447466266942 Email ID: application (NET/PHP). ence in Sales, Service, lead & Super- years experience in Insurance sales
Contact 78230713 mohammedamair.bin@gmail.com Contact 78668657 vision (Automobiles & FMCG). With total 8 year exp. Looking For Sales
Indian Female having Master De- D/L (UAE) Contact 7862 2687 Job, available in Oman.
gree in Physics looking for suitable Indian Civil Engineer with total 8.5 Indian male diploma in Civil Engi- Computer science bachelor’s degree Contact 79015490
Job. Contact 95256323 yrs. In Oman (2.5 years) seeks place- neering, presently in Oman, seeking holder with 1 year experience, look- Indian Male, MBA-Marketing, 6
ment. Contact & WhatsApp 79547717 for suitable job. Contact 92475396 ing for a job as a Frontend Developer years Oman experience as Sales & Indian male 30 B.com Having 7yrs on
Special Educator/Counsellor hav- Email vithunvithuec@gmail.com and Website Development. Marketing Executive. Seeking suit- field experience in Inventory, operation
ing 4 years experience in Special DCE 18years consultancy and Contact 78629566 able position. D/L available. assistant & Sales Executive DL & NOC
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Oman, looking for suitable positions. & EarthWork Trench Excavation holder,OQ approved, D/L, looking for Indian male experience in Sales and
Contact 92592342. AutoCad, MS Office, D/L. Contact job. Contact 71543379 Marketing for 12 years with D/L look-
96163786 ing for suitable placement.
B.E.Mechanical Engineer, 3yrs ex- Accounts/Finance Manager 29 Contact 92085257” *Classified Advertisement
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Having Oman d/l . Looking for suit- Whatsapp +918962292915 budgeting, auditing etc. for next day’s publication.
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Emai: joeljohn.om@gmail.com

M.E Chemical Engineer & Safety PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT

Professional 3yrs’ experience of HSE
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T U E S DAY, JAN UARY 4, 2 0 2 2 B5

geing brings about many changes. Beyond
greying hair and wrinkles, your brain is
also changing as you grow older and wiser.
According to McKnight Brain Research
Foundation, 87% of people 65 and older ex-

perience cognitive changes associated with
normal ageing. The good news is that these
changes don’t have to be a normal passage
of ageing. You may find that you can combat
some cognitive decline through exercise.
Beyond staying physically fit and healthy, exercise
can benefit your mental health. Physical activity
improves cognitive function as people age through
neuroplasticity, which allows the brain to compen-
sate for injury and disease and adjust in response to
new situations. Exercise also helps alleviate stress
and depression.

Here are three ways you can stay physically
active and reap the mental benefits.

Daily walks are incredibly beneficial and easy to in-
corporate into your routine. You can start small by
taking a walk around your block or going to a local
park for a short circuit. As you continue to build your
walking stamina, you may find that you can go farther
and farther.
While walking, you can also enjoy listening to an
audiobook or podcast. Learning about new subjects is
another excellent way to keep your mind healthy as you
age. You can also listen to music or simply enjoy the
ambient sounds of nature.
Walking doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. Ask a
friend or family member to come along on your daily
walk. Your neighbourhood may have local walking
groups. Joining a group allows you to stay active, pro-
vides community and allows you to make new friends.


Group exercise is a great way to stay active. Your local As you age, you tend to lose some muscle strength
gym or community centre is likely to have group fit- and elasticity and your joints weaken. A gentle way
ness classes for several days a week at various times, to incorporate movement into your life is to do daily
so you can easily find one that fits your schedule. stretches. Stretching provides several benefits, includ-
Whether you’re going back to a familiar activity like ing increased circulation and blood flow, enhanced
swimming and water aerobics or learning a new form muscle strength and improved range of motion and
of exercise like yoga and dance, a fitness class allows flexibility. You may also find that stretching relieves
you to have a repeating, consistent physical activity in lower back pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.
your weekly schedule. Low-intensity stretching — such as lunges, squats
“I encourage seniors who are new to exercise to try and shoulder circles — can also improve your mood
a class that is designed specifically for older adults,” and energy. You can incorporate these and other
said Richard Ashworth, president and CEO of Tivity stretches into your routine by starting your day with
Health based in the US. “We also have a wide variety of some light stretches after your morning cup of coffee
live virtual classes through SilverSneakers.com with or doing a few dynamic yoga stretches before turning
trainers who guide participants every step of the way. in for the night.
These classes are a great way to get moving from the No matter what type of physical activity you de-
comfort of your home.” cide to do, invest in your mind and body and get mov-
Keeping your mind as active as your body is vital ing today. - BPT
to healthy ageing. “Once you turn 65 or 85, it doesn’t
mean you can’t keep learning, trying new things and
sharing your passions with others,” said Lawrence
Kosick, Co-Founder and President of GetSetUp. “The
older adults who participate in GetSetUp classes are
eager to explore new topics and develop or deepen hob-
bies. Not only is it a lot of fun, but with brain health be-
ing as important as physical health as we age, learning
new skills or enjoying mentally stimulating activities
with peers all can lead to healthier ageing.”
These online classes allow older adults to learn new
skills, combat social isolation and unlock new life ex-
periences. The programme also encourages seniors to
become instructors and share their skills and knowl-
edge with their peers.


Asian football in particular has long had Fix” and “ The Insider’s Guide to Match- ly the AFC was taking this,” said Andreas versify to even lower-level football. Earlier
a problem with match fixing. While some Fixing in Football,” the circumstances in Krannich, managing director of integrity in 2021, Sportradar reported that 40% of
progress had been made in fighting the the region are virtually tailor-made for services at Sportradar. “They became the suspicious activities in football took place
crime in recent years, the arrival of COV- match fixing. global leaders in sports integrity. They had in third-tier leagues and below, including
ID-19 has made it easier for match fixers “There is corruption in league officials a zero-tolerance stance and numbers were youth matches.
to do business. and teams,” Hill told DW. “Then clubs going down.” In February 2020, Sportra- “In early 2020, there was no football,”
For years, Asia has been known around don’t pay players and there are systems of dar reported a drop of 21% in match fixing said Krannich. “For bookmakers, this
the world as a hot spot for match fixing in hierarchy, where senior players coach and since 2013. was a bizarre situation. Bookies were
football. Especially in Southeast Asia, a train young players to go along with it.” Then came the global pandemic. In the desperate to find new sports — and it
region of around 650 million people that It’s not just Southeast Asia, either. In a early days, it resulted in leagues being is the same with fixers. If there is no
stretches from India in the west to China 2011 scandal in South Korea’s K League (re- canceled or postponed and games taking sport, there is no fixing. They started to
in the East, there are few leagues that garded as one of the strongest and most pro- place in empty stadiums. look into sports they had never thought
haven’t had a scandal or two. fessional in Asia) that involved over 50 play- “COVID-19 is a game changer,” Krannich about before.”
Malaysia has been fighting to shake off ers and coaches, what was striking was the said. “It has poured gasoline on the fire.” Esports is one such field, as the pos-
the scourge of match fixing since football small sums — as little as €2,000 ($2,260) There is a business reason behind this. sibility of remote matches makes it rela-
was rocked by a major scandal in the early — that many players accepted to fix games. As the virus spread, clubs everywhere tively resilient to the effects of COVID-19.
1990s. In Laos in 2017, 22 players and of- Senior players who were working for the saw a reduction in revenues. As many In June, six professional gamers were
ficials received lifetime bans by the Asian fixers were adept at either recruiting team- tried to cut costs, they looked to reduce banned for time spans from six months to
Football Confederation (AFC). Just last mates or forcing others to be silent. their biggest expense: player salaries. five years for a tournament in 2020 when
month, the Football Association of Ma- “To put in a proper fix, the best players Stars at major European clubs agreed to a player bet against his own team and then
laysia confirmed it was investigating two have to be involved,” said Darby. a temporary cut in salaries in 2020 when paid off his own teammates.
games played in October. “They are usually leaders and senior, so COVID first hit and games were called off,
Low salaries that aren’t always reliably young players have very little chance to do but players further down the ladder were What does the future hold?
paid provide fertile ground for gambling anything.” hit harder by smaller salaries. In a more complex environment, Hill
gangs based in Southeast Asia and else- Darby also said he has come across “What the fixers quickly understood is would like to see police forces get involved
where to persuade players, coaches or of- coaches who have accepted money. that a lot of sports are now suffering fi- as much as possible.
ficials to help produce a specific outcome There are also numerous examples of nancially as a consequence of COVID-19,” “Fixing is still endemic in Asia. When
in a game. referees receiving bribes — such as top Hill said. “And where there is far less organisaations like Asian police forces
Chinese referee Gong Jianping, who was money, players, referees, coaches, presi- have investigated in the past, then there
Conditions ripe for fixing sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2003 dents are increasingly vulnerable.” have been arrests and convictions,” he
“Once clubs stop paying players, then the after he confessed to doing so. Krannich said criminals, already ex- said.
fixers will start hovering,” Steve Darby, perts at finding the vulnerabilities of Leagues, governing bodies and police
who has coached extensively in Southeast COVID-19 a game changer those involved in football, have made use forces around the world need to work to-
Asia with spells in Vietnam, Laos, Malay- The AFC has tried to stamp out the prob- of another universal COVID-19 effect: gether.
sia and Singapore, told DW. lem, and since 2013 has been working working remotely. “Match fixing is an international is-
“You have not been paid for three months, in partnership with Swiss-based sports “In the past, the organized crime groups sue,” said Krannich.
you have rent to pay and two children to feed, data company Sportradar to try to combat or lone wolves would have to physically “At Sportradar, we are an alerting and
then someone offers you six months’ wage match fixing. The multinational organiza- contact players on a one-to-one basis. investigation system, but we are not the
for one game. This, I believe, is the most tion has a large integrity services depart- But now, with digital reach, they shoot a police. If the authorities are not taking
common reason for fixing.” ment that analyzes international sports in thousand times and will hit one — and the action, we can detect as much as we
According to investigative journalist order to detect signs of fixing. messages are encrypted,” he said. want, but nothing will happen.
and academic Declan Hill, author of “The “I was deeply impressed by how serious- The pandemic also forced fixers to di- “It is a global threat.”
T U E S DAY, JAN UARY 4, 2 0 2 2 B7




THE MUMMY of Pharaoh disease or injury and researchers els and amulets after grave rob- cluding one in Karnak, close to
Amenhotep I was discovered in estimated his age to be 35 years. bers had injured the corpse. The Luxor.
1881 but has only now been “un- They attribute the fact that he 30 amulets that were supposed The young king initially
wrapped” digitally, revealing his was so well-preserved to a group to protect the pharaoh in the af- reigned by his father’s side, but
good teeth and amulets for the of Amun high priests. Around terlife are still well preserved, was soon joined by his mother,
afterlife. 1100 BC, they removed the dam- including the heart amulet and Ahmose Nefertari, who served
140 years ago, archaeologists aged mummy together with other two pieces of jewelry placed in as the pharaoh’s regent. Later,
discovered the mummy of Phar- sarcophagi from their original the abdomen. The amulets show Amenhotep married one of his
aoh Amenhotep I together with crypts and hid them in another motives such as the eye of Horus, six sisters, but his mother and he
other well-preserved corpses in place to keep them safe from scarabs, and snake heads. were worshipped as patron dei-
Deir el-Bahari in southern Egypt. grave robbers. Also preserved is a necklace ties for over 800 years. The em-
Because of the intact facial mask of 34 golden beads that the dead peror died in 1504 BCE.
and wrappings, they decided Restored after 3,000 years pharaoh wore looped across his The pharaoh had already made
to keep the pharaoh’s mummy Thieves plundering graves of- lower back. a magnificent public appear-
without further intervention or ten looked for ornaments and ance earlier this year. In April, he
examination. amulets. They did not handle the A peaceful pharaoh was carried through the streets
In the 1930s, a couple of x-rays mummies delicately and often left Amenhotep I ascended the of Cairo in a festive procession
were made of Amenhotep, but badly damaged relics. Scientists throne in the year 1525 BCE. with 21 other mummies in gild-
now, radiologist Sahar Saleem of Saleem and Hawass found post- This marked the beginning of a ed carriages specially made for
the University of Cairo and ar- mortem injuries in Amenhotep’s period of prosperity for Egypt, the parade. The 18 pharaohs and
chaeologist Zahi Hawass have corpse. During the pharaoh’s em- which had long been shaken four queens, including Amen-
learned more about the ancient balming, all the organs except the by wars. Smaller campaigns in hotep’s mother had been kept in
Egyptian pharaoh through com- heart and brain were removed and the border region had survived, the Egyptian Museum at Tahrir
puter tomography, and discovered replaced with amulets. but above all the army served to Square in Cairo for more than a
many details about his body. “He Saleem told the media that sci- keep segments of the population century. Their future home is the
was 1.69 meters tall, circumcized entists could show that the high — especially in Nubia — quiet. newly-constructed National Mu-
and had good teeth,” Saleem said. priests had “lovingly restored” the Amenhotep I used his peaceful seum of Egyptian Civilization in
He did not suffer from any fatal mummy to its old glory with jew- reign to build new temples, in- the south of Cairo. -DW

BankDhofar wins ‘Excellence in
Priority Banking Services’ award
of the Savings Account, and get the
chance to win in the special draws
for the Al Riadah segment.
BankDhofar is With Rewards Programme,
which is an exclusive and compre-
providing a hensive loyalty programme, credit
card holders, may enjoy a variety
world-class of privileges and benefits. Reward
points can be viewed through
experience to the BankDhofar’s flagship Mobile
Banking Application.
customers through The app enables customers to
conduct their banking transactions
Al Riadah Priority at their convenience 24/7. The
award-winning App offers a wide
Banking Services range of exclusive services includ-
ing; credit card Top-up for secured
payment during travel, instant
transfer to any bank in the Sultan-
MUSCAT: BankDhofar has re- ate, cardless cash, mobile top-up for
cently won the ‘Excellence in Pri- all telecom providers in the Sultan-
ority Banking Services’ award, at ate, increasing withdrawal limit to
the Red-Carpet Signature Luxury OMR 5,000, instant international
100 event. The award recognises a world-class experience to the customers. At BankDhofar, we have exclusive Al Riadah card, includ- in addition to other exclusive ser- money transfer service with West-
BankDhofar’s Al Riadah Prior- customers through Al Riadah Pri- designed services, products and fi- ing; Visa Infinite Debit Card, Visa vices. BankDhofar has tailor-made ern Union, among other services.
ity Banking Services for its ex- ority Banking Services. nancial solutions that cater to the Signature Debit Card, Visa Infi- financing solutions to meet the BankDhofar has dedicated Al
ceptional services, products and On receiving the award, Hani Ha- needs of our priority customers and nite Credit Card, and MasterCard needs of its priority banking cus- Riadah counters in most BankD-
financial solutions. bib Macki, AGM & Head of Priority exceed their expectations.” Platinum Credit Card. Custom- tomers with low insurance fees hofar branches and established
The high-profile event was at- Banking at BankDhofar, noted, “We Al Riadah Priority Banking ers can enjoy exceptional times and simple and fast procedures. specialised Al Riadah centres that
tended by a number of dignitaries are proud to have been recognized provides a unique range of bank- at restaurants, shops, as well as The bank also provides deposit provide a private and unique expe-
and corporate leaders, where the with this prestigious award, which ing products and services that are procurement protection, extended accounts at competitive interest rience in Muscat (Muscat Grand
distinguished brands were recog- is a testament of our ongoing ef- tailored to suit the unique lifestyle warranty, access to airport lounges rates and low insurance fees. Al Ri- Mall, Mall of Muscat, and Royal
nised for their excellence. forts to provide a top-notch bank- of priority customers, ranging around the world, travel insurance adah customers may benefit from Opera House), Batinah - North
BankDhofar has been providing ing experience to our Al Riadah from personalised cheque book, for cardholders and their families, the distinct monthly interest rate (Sohar), and Dhofar (Salalah).


Alizz Islamic Bank signs agreement

with Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah
MUSCAT: Alizz Islamic Bank has
signed an exclusive cooperation
agreement with Shangri-La Barr
Al Jissah, Muscat featuring a va-
riety of unique offers and special
benefits, designed for female cus-
tomers of the female banking seg-
ment ‘Hiyya’.
The agreement was signed by
Mohammed Al Ghassani, Chief
Consumer Banking Officer, Alizz
Qatar Airways launches
Islamic Bank and Rene D.Egle,
Area General Manager of Shangri-
La Resorts in Muscat in the pres-
Global Sales campaign
ence of a number of senior manage-
ment members from both sides.
Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah, Mus-
in celebration of
cat is offering the first 50 women
with ‘Hiyya’ Titanium Debit cards
50 complimentary vouchers for a
its 25th anniversary
one night stay with bed and break-
fast in Al Bandar for two adults. DOHA: Qatar Airways celebrates Anniversary and celebrates its
If the cardholder wishes to ex- its 25th anniversary by launching achievements by offering pas-
tend the stay for an additional a Global Sales campaign for pas- sengers around the world great
night, they will get 20 per cent dis- sengers in Oman, offering great savings on their next travel. The
count on the best available rate in savings of up to 25 per cent on award-winning airline was es-
addition to 20 per cent discount flight tickets. This is in addition tablished in 1997 by his High-
on food & beverage during the stay to special savings on seat selec- ness The Father Emir, Sheikh
and 20% discount on treatments tion, extra baggage allowance, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who
and massages (exclusively for hotel bookings and car rental, for outlined a vision to turn Qatar
women only) at Chi, The Spa dur- a seven-day campaign starting Airways into a leading interna-
ing the stay. from January 4, 2022. tional carrier with the highest
Hiyya cardholders can also book Passengers joining the air- standards of service and excel-
a deluxe room in (Al Bandar or Al line’s award-winning loyalty lence. Since then, Qatar Airways
Husn), for two nights where they programme, Privilege Club, us- has earned many awards and
can get the second night with 50 ing the enrolment promo code accolades and was recently an-
per cent discount on the best avail- ant account is based on the prin- pegged onto the account, which also documents/keys. FLYQR22, will instantly earn an nounced as the ‘Airline of the
able rate. The offer comes with a ciple of Mudaraba where you will includes priority express service at The only condition for availing additional 2,500 bonus Qmiles Year’ by the international air
20 per cent discount on food and be Rabb–ul mal, and the Bank will all Alizz Islamic Bank branches. the Takaful insurance scheme, in celebration of Qatar Airways transport rating organisation,
beverage during the stay and 20 be the Mudarib. Your funds will be Women who opt for the Hiyya which has some of the best offers 25th Anniversary. Skytrax, for the sixth time.
per cent discount on treatments invested in the common pool along account will also get free Takaful to meet all health needs of women Travellers can experience Privilege Club, the official Fre-
and massages (exclusively for with the other Mudaraba-based insurance services -this is de- and add value to their lifestyles, is Qatar Airways’ award-winning quent Flyer Programme of the
women only) at Chi, The Spa. accounts. The generated profit signed specifically for women, as it that the woman must not be less services and utilise the special FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022TM,
Alizz Islamic Bank’s Hiyya card- will be shared between you and the covers some of the most common than 18 years old and not more promotion with guaranteed flexi- has recently launched an ini-
holders can also book a 60-minute bank according to a profit-sharing cancers that affect women and will than 65 years old and that she be of bility* on Business and Economy tiative to continue honouring the
massage (exclusively for women ratio specified earlier. also include insurance cover to ob- Omani nationality or have a valid Class with savings of up to 25%* loyalty of its valued members by
only) and enjoy an instant upgrade Profits will be shared between tain a second medical opinion. Omani residency visa. on an expanding network of more extending their tier status.
to a 90-minute massage on select- customers and the bank according Additionally, it will also cover Recently, Alizz Islamic Bank than 140 destinations across This will benefit all Silver, Gold
ed spa treatments. Prior reserva- to the previously agreed distribu- insurance on hand luggage and had held a ceremony to launch the Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Platinum members whose
tion is required on all the offers, tion ratios. Instant debit cards will travel, the Takaful insurance pro- ‘Hiyya’ card at Shangri La Barr Al and the Americas. tier status is due for renewal be-
and it will be subject to availabil- be offered with exclusive benefits to vision also assures compensation Jissah, Muscat under the auspices The Global Sale 25th Anni- tween December 2021 and De-
ity at the time of booking and dis- ensure an open platform for women for the loss of hand luggage while of Asila Al Samsami, Undersecre- versary Campaign is valid on all cember 2022.
counts are only applicable by using to enjoy a host of discounts and travelling anywhere in the world. tary of the Ministry of Commerce Qatar Airways flights for travel Privilege Club has also
a Hiyya Card. special offers at spas, beauty salons It will also provide compensation & Industry and Investment Pro- until 31 October 2022 To take launched multiple partnerships
‘Hiyya’ is designed to meet all and beauty products while availing for the loss of personal documents motion for Investment Promotion advantage of this offer, passen- over the past year to provide
the investment, health and finan- deals from health clubs, fitness cen- or keys on account of the loss of and in the presence of Sulaiman Al gers must book on qatarairways. members with increased op-
cial needs of female customers and tres and perfume stores. Exclusive handbag; the onus will be on the Harthi, CEO of Alizz Islamic Bank com/25Years or visit any local portunities of earning Qmiles,
will provide customers with a tier- stores and branded outlets for cloth- insurance company to reimburse and this was the start of a blossom- Qatar Airways sales office or visit including the recent launch of re-
based savings account to enhance ing and accessories, home décor, the customer for the expense in- ing exclusive partnership between their preferred travel agents. ciprocal loyalty partnership with
their profits. The Sharia-compli- restaurants and flower shops are all curred in obtaining new personal both entities. Qatar Airways marks its 25th JetBlue.
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