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Specific Outcome

•Understand hazard, risk & danger.

•Know types of hazard.

•Understand risk assessment.

•Understand risk control.
Hazard: Anything (e.g. condition, situation, practice,
behaviour) that has the potential to cause harm, including
injury, disease, death, environmental, property and
equipment damage. A hazard can be a thing or a situation.

Risk: The likelihood, or possibility, that harm (injury,

illness, death, damage etc) may occur from exposure
to a hazard.

Danger : Relative exposure to hazard.

Classification & Potential Sources of

Classification Example of Hazards

• Mechanical - Sharp points & edges, overload.
• Electrical - Insulation damaged or cover broken
• Biological - Exposed, airborne/blood borne
• microorganism.
• Chemical - Expose to carcinogens chemical
• Ergonomics - Expose to unnatural postures
• Psychological- Stress or violent at workplace.
Contoh Hazard di Tempat Kerja
Risk Assessment
• Is the process of evaluating the risk to safety &
health from hazards at work

- Qualitative
- Semi-quantitative
How To Assess Risk
1) Look for the Hazards

2) Decide who might be harmed & how

3) Evaluate the risk and check what is

done to prevent it from happening

4) Record finding

5) Review assessment and revise it if

Types of Risk Assessment

• Qualitative - (Use Risk Matrix)

-table scales for likelihood and severity
• Fatality
• Major injuries
• Minor injuries
• First aid or near misses
Types of Risk Assessment

• Based on statistic
• Very likely
• Likely
• Unlikely
• Highly Unlikely
Qualitative Risk Table
V/Likely Likely Unlikely H/Unlikely

Fatality High High High Medium

Major High High Medium Medium
Minor High Medium Medium Low
First Aid/ Medium Medium Low Low
Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment

• Severity Categories
1. First Aid
2. Less than 4 days M/C
3. More than 4 days M/C
4. Fatality & Permanent Disability
Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment

• Likelihood Occurrence

1. Yearly
2. Monthly
3. Weekly
4. Daily
Semi-Quantitative Risk Table
S Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily

E 1 2 3 4
First Aid 1 1 2 3 4
E < 4 Days MC 2 2 4 6 8
R > 4 Days MC 3 3 6 9 12
Fatality & 4 4 8 12 16
T Permanent
y Disability
Risk Control
• Risk Control: Taking actions to eliminate health
and safety risks so far as is reasonably
• Where risks cannot be eliminated, then
implementation of control measures is required,
to minimize risks so far as is reasonably

• Monitoring and Review: This involves ongoing

monitoring of the hazards identified, risks
assessed and risk control processes and reviewing
them to make sure they are working effectively.
Hierarchy of Control
• Level 1 Control Measures –
Eliminate the Hazard
• The most effective control
measures eliminate the hazard
and associated risks.

• This can be achieved through

removing the hazard or
selecting alternate products or
equipment to eliminate the risk.

• If a hazard cannot be eliminated

then risks can be minimized by
lower control measures.
Level 2 Control Measures - These are used
to minimize the risks and involve on or a combination of the following;

Substitute the hazard

• substitute a substance, method or material to reduce the risk or the hazard.

Isolate the hazard

• separate the hazard from the workplace or people.
• Example: Chemical store room, or a laboratory kept locked except to
unauthorized person ; Lock out procedures on faulty equipment; Appropriate
guarding for machinery.

Use engineering control

• modify existing machinery or plant or purchase different machinery or plant to
provide a physical solution.
• Example : Trolleys, hoists or cranes; Guard rails.
Level 3 Control Measures
• These are control options which should be considered last as they do not
control the source of the hazard but rely on human behavior or
supervision and are therefore less effective. They include;

• Develop work methods or procedures to reduce the

conditions of risk.
Administrative • Example : Written Safe Operating Procedures; Job rotation
Procedure to restrict hours worked on difficult jobs; Staff trained in
the correct operating procedures.

• Offer the lowest level of protection and should only be

Personal used as a last resort to deal with the hazard, where the
Protective hazard cannot be removed or reduced by any other means.
Equipment • Example : Handling of chemicals – gloves, safety glasses,
aprons; Protecting eyes from flying particles; Protecting
(PPE) feet – safety boots.
• Consultation with workers is required in the
selection and implementation of control measure
in the workplace. Controls may need to be
trialled to determine effectiveness and workers
should be involved in the feedback process.

• Each measure must have a designated person and

date assigned for the implementation of controls.
This ensures that all required safety measures will
be completed and documented.
Senario 1 : Proses memotong panel
Senario 2 : Kerja melepa dinding luar

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