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MADE by R E Poornitha

WAVE ENERGY is type of ocean based renewable energy source that

uses power of the waves to electricity . This energy , NOT THE
WATER , moves along the ocean surface .
Waves can travel long distances across the open with a little loss of
energy . It converts the movements of ocean waves into electricity
by placing equipments on the surface of the oceans .
➦AMPLITUDE of an ocean wave
depends on the weather conditions ,
the amplitude of a smooth wave or
swell , will be small in calm weather
but much larger in stormy weather .
➦The wave period (T) is the
distance between each successive
crest or trough . the period is the
time in seconds between each crest
of the wave .
➦The reciprocal of this time (1/T)
gives us the fundamental frequence
of the ocean wave
Depending on the distance between the
energy conversion device and the
shoreline , wave energy can be
classified as :-
➦Shoreline devices
➦Nearshore devices
➦Offshores devices
WAVE ENERGY is an abundant and renewable energy resource as the waves are generated by
the wind.

Pollution free as wave energy generates little or no pollution to the environment compared to
other green energies.

Reduces dependency on fossil fuels as wave energy consumes no fossil fuels during operation.

Wave energy is relatively consistent and predictable as waves can be accurately forecast several
days in advance.

Wave energy devices are modular and easily sited with additional wave energy devices added as

Dissipates the waves energy protecting the shoreline from coastal erosion.

Presents no barriers or difficulty to migrating fish and aquatic animals.

Visual impact of wave energy conversion devices on the shoreline and offshore floating buoys or

Wave energy conversion devices are location dependent requiring suitable sites were the waves are
consistently strong.

Intermittent power generation as the waves come in intervals and does not generate power during calm

Offshore wave energy devices can be a threat to navigation that cannot see or detect them by radar.
High power distribution costs to send the generated power from offshore
devices to the land using long underwater cables.

They must be able to withstand forces of nature resulting in high capital,

construction and maintenance costs.

The idea of harnessing the tremendous power of the oceans

waves is not new. Like other forms of hydro power, wave energy
does not require the burning of fossil fuels, which can pollute the
air, contributing to acid rain and global warming. The energy is
entirely clean and endlessly renewable. Wave power has many
advantages compared to other forms of renewable energy with its
main advantage being that it is predictable.
THANKS! CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics
& images by Freepik.
MADE BY R E Poornitha , 10 E , roll no 28

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