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conservation in
sikkim and delhi
Made by Poornitha, 10 E
Groundwater conservation implies a scope
of measures aimed to prevent and
remedy the damage of water clogging
and depletion, maintain such quality and
quantity of groundwater that would allow
using it for national economy's
needs.Many conduction of other
water-protection activities for conservation
of groundwater is practiced in both sikkim
and delhi.
They will be discussed in the following

Sikkim being a hilly state
has low storage capacity of
rain water due to quick run
off . In terms of net ground
water availability, Sikkim is
a niche higher than
Mizoram and Nagaland but
lower than Tripura. But,
Sikkim is considered to be
the highest in the sphere of
ground water development.

The State of delhi is covered by
diverse rock types of different
geological ages from
Pre-Cambrian to Recent. As
much as 89% of the State is
occupied by alluvium and
ground water is being tapped
mostly through tube wells.
Although the total annual
groundwater in delhi has been
over-exploited in terms of
ground water extraction .

In Sikkim
The Ground water extraction is very less compared to delhi,
Because the annual ground water extraction is very insignificant i.e., 0.000874 bcm. And this stage of
ground water extraction is 0.057% and hence sikkim falls in a safe category[ in 2017]. Although in
2020 , The Current Annual Ground Water Extraction for all uses has been estimated at 0.007 bcm,
which translates into a Stage of Ground Water Extraction at 0.86 %. So as a result, the Stage of Ground
Water Extraction marginally increased from 0.057 % to 0.86 %.
In Delhi
The Annual Ground water extraction for the state was around 0.36bcm and the Stage of Ground Water
Extraction was 120%[ in 2017]. There is a decrease in the Annual Ground Water Extraction for the
state from 0.36 bcm to 0.29 bcm and the Stage of Ground Water Extraction has decreased from 119.61
% to 101 %. But delhi is still over-exploited in terms of ground water extraction.


How we can prevent depletion of groundwater ?

As observed , in both the states there is overexploitation of groundwater . The most
effective way is find alternative resources of water. But that can be expensive and
extravagant . So there are few other ways we can conserve groundwater in the best
possible way 6
1. Go Native
Use native plants in your landscape. They look great, and don't need
much water or fertilizer. Also choose grass varieties for your lawn
that are adapted for your region's climate, reducing the need for
extensive watering or chemical applications.

2. Reduce Chemical Use

Use fewer chemicals around your home and yard, and make
sure to dispose of them properly - don't dump them on the

3. Manage Waste
Properly dispose of potentially toxic substances
like unused chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paint,
motor oil, and other substances. Many
communities hold household hazardous waste
collections or sites - contact your local health
department to find one near you.
4. Don't Let It Run and Fix the drips
Shut off the water when you brush your teeth or
shaving, and don't let it run while waiting for it to
get cold.
Check all the faucets, fixtures, toilets, and taps in
your home for leaks and fix them right away

5.Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Reduce the amount of "stuff you use and reuse what you
can. Recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, aluminum
and other materials.

6.Natural Alternatives

Use all natural/nontoxic household cleaners

whenever possible. Materials such as lemon juice,
baking soda, and vinegar make great cleaning
products, are inexpensive, and

Last point but not least
We should also get involved in water education! Learn more about
groundwater and share our knowledge with others.

THANKS! Submitted by Poornitha, 10E , 27


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