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Who is Aristotle?

( Life)
-Aristotle is one of the most influential Philosopher that was born on 384 BCE in Macedonia in a
small town in Greece
-His father named Nicomachus, was a physician. His mother, Phaestics, came from a wealthy
-At the age of 17, he was sent to enroll in PLATO’S ACADEMY and spent 20 years as a student
and the teacher at the school. Also, he was a student of Plato
-His first job was tutoring Alexander the Great.
-He founded the school called Lyceum, French secondary schools that lycees are named honour
of this venture.
-He liked to walk about while teaching and discussing idea. His followers nicknamed
“PERIPATETICS” (the wanderers).
-Believed that the one thing that all people want is happiness.
-Believed that the two fundamental kinds of motion are natural motion
and violent motion. In which, the apparent movement of celestial objects is a
natural motion, whereas lifting an object is a violent motion

Here are the following written books or work of Aristotle: (WORKS)

1. Posterior Analytics
2. Rhetoric
3. Metaphysics
4. The Politics
5. The Poetic
6. The Generation of Animals
7. And, Nichomachean Ethics

Aristotle was fascinated by how many things actually work like, “What make a human life and
whole society go well.
For Aristotle, philosophy was a bout a practical wisdom


1. What makes people happy?
In Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle set himself the task identifying the factors that lead
people to have a good life or not. On the other hand, he suggested that good and successful
people all possess distinct VIRTUE OR A GOOD BEHAVIOUR.
But what is Virtous?
Aristotle defines virtue as the average or mean, between excess and deficiency. For
example, a coward will suffer undue fear in the face of danger, whereas a rash person will not
suffer sufficient fear. Aristotle lists the principle virtues along with their corresponding vices, as
represented in the following table. A virtuous person exhibits all of the virtues: they do not
properly exist as distinct qualities but rather as different aspects of a virtuous life.

2. What is art for?

Aristotle wrote “how to write a great plays manual: the PEOTIC, its pack with great
which make sure to use
PERIPETIA, a change in fortune, when for the hero things go from the
awful and
ANANORESIS, which moment of dramatic revelation when suddedly the
hero works out their life is a catastrople.
KATHARSIS, which greeek for Chatharsis- it is a kind of cleaning of bad
stuff (emotion and confusssion)
3. What are friends for?
In the book 89 of Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle identifies 3 different kinds of
1. friends for a reason and benefits
2. Acquaintances
3. True friend, whom care so much as you care about yourself, the best part of

4. How can ideas cut through in a busy world?

Aristotle state the facts that the best argument doesn’t always win the debate. Hence, he
wanted to know why this happens and what we can do about it.

In addition, Aristotle was more ambitious, he invented the art of what we still used today call
RHETORIC, the art of getting people to agree with you. These communications can be
persuasive in nature and can be made of text, images, video, or any other type of media.

Also, Aristotle had a life long interest in the study of nature. He investigated a variety of topics,
ranging from general issues like motion, place, and time, to systemetic explantion of natural

Aristotle categorized motion either natural motions or violent motions

1. Natural motion, it is an object does naturally, without being force
For example: Leaf fall on the ground naturally
: Smoke rises naturally
2. Violent motion, requires force
For example: pushing a door or lifting an objects

Hence, Aristotle view motion is that “ it requires a force to make an object move in an unnatured

Aristotle theories about motion was only base on his observation, not on experiment:
- Heavy object fall faster than lighter ones
- Object in the heaven move in a circular motion without any external force
- Object on Earth move straight lines, unless forced to move in a circular motion.

However, the theories was only accepted for about 2,000 year until Galelio Galilie contructed his
ideas. Wherein, he did not believed to the theories of Aristotle. Otherwise, he believed that an
object can only stop from moving because of external force such friction causes to stop

- He also imposed the theory of inertia, which state that the inertia of an object will
maintains its state of motion. The greater of inertia, is the greater of its tendency to
change its state of motion. In addition, inertia is a proportional to the mass of an

In overall, Aristotle made pioneering contributions to all fields of philosophy and science, an
invention of the field of formal logic, and the identified of the various scientific disciplines and
explored their relationships to each other.

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