Managerial Economics Lesson 1

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Manager - a person responsible for controlling or economics is also a science of making decisions with

administering all or part of a company or similar regard to scarce resources with alternative
organization. applications. It is a body of knowledge that
Manager - a person responsible for supervising and determines or observes the internal and external
motivating employees and for directing the progress environment for decision making.
of an organization.
• In science any conclusion is arrived at after
Economics - a social science concerned with the continuous experimentation. In Managerial economics
production, distribution, and consumption of goods also policies are made after persistent testing and
and services. It is a science that studies the human trailing. Though economic environment consists of
behaviour as a relation between unlimited ends and
human variable, which is unpredictable, thus the
the limited means.
policies made are not rigid. Managerial economist
Managers and Economics takes decisions by utilizing his valuable past
experience and observations.
Ends = the human needs/wants
• Science principles are universally applicable.
Means = resources
Similarly policies of Managerial economics are also
Hence, Economics helps us to fulfill the unlimited universally applicable partially if not fully. The policies
human needs by using the limited and scarce need to be changed from time to time depending on
resources. the situation and attitude of individuals to those
particular situations. Policies are applicable
Now these needs and means can vary according to
the situation and from person to person. universally but modifications are required periodically.

For an individual consumer like me: Managerial Economics as an Art

● I may wish to buy a novel, buy some stationary and • Managerial economist is required to have an art of
some chocolates - ends utilising his capability, knowledge and understanding
to achieve the organizational objective. Managerial
● But my income, say pocket money is limited - my
means.. economist should have an art to put in practice his
theoretical knowledge regarding elements of
Similarly, for a factory owner (producer) : economic environment.

● He wishes to earn maximum profit - ends. Managerial Economics has components of micro
● He has to use his plant, machinery etc to produce
goods and services - these resources are his means
§ Managers study and manage the internal
to achieve the ends.
environment of the organization and work for the
Macroeconomics - branch of Economics that profitable and long-term functioning of the
focuses on the overall level of economic activity, organization. This aspect refers to the micro
changes in the price level and the amount of economics study. The managerial economics deals
unemployment by analyzing group or aggregate with the problems faced by the individual organization
behavior in different sectors of the economy. such as main objective of the organization, demand
for its product, price and output determination of the
Microeconomics - branch of Economics that organization, available substitute and complimentary
analyzes the decisions that individual consumers, goods, supply of inputs and raw material, target or
firms and industries make as they produce, buy and prospective consumers of its products etc.
sell goods and services.
Managerial Economics has components of macro
Managerial Economics as a Science § None of the organization works in isolation. They
are affected by the external environment of the
• Science is a Systematic body of Knowledge. It is
economy in which it operates such as government
based on the methodical observation. Managerial
policies, general price level, income and employment
levels in the economy, stage of business cycle in with a more favorable exchange for the customer, the
which economy is operating, exchange rate, balance customer will shift to the other supplier. Put another
of payment, general expenditure, saving and way, the organization must create value for their
investment patterns of the consumers, market customers, which is the difference between what they
conditions etc. These aspects are related to macro acquire and what they produce. Applying economics
economics. to management has a competitive advantage in
creating value.
Importance of Managerial Economics to Managers
Managerial Economics has a more narrow scope - it
is actually solving managerial issues using micro- ● helps managers arrive at a set of operating rules
economics. Wherever there are scarce resources, that aid in the efficient use of scarce human and
managerial economics ensures that managers make capital resources.
effective and efficient decisions concerning
customers, suppliers, competitors as well as within an ● offers a comprehensive application of economic
organization. The fact of scarcity of resources gives theory and methodology to management decision
rise to three fundamental questions- making.

• What to produce? MANAGERIAL ECONOMIST - a person who

manages business efficiently using various economic
• How to produce? theories and methodologies. He supports the
management team in better decision making through
• For whom to produce? his analytical skills and specialized techniques.
To answer these questions, a firm makes use of A Managerial Economist is also termed as an
managerial economics principles. economic advisor or business economist. He is
responsible for analyzing various internal and external
Managerial Economics
environmental forces that influence the functioning of
● In general, it is a Microeconomics applied to business organizations. Managerial economist makes
business decision making. several successful business forecasts and updates
the management team regarding the economic trends
● Applies economic tools and techniques to business from time to time.
and administrative decision making.
Managerial Economist always remains in touch with
● Helps managers recognize how economic forces all the latest economic developments and
affect organizations and describes the economic environmental changes for informing the
consequences of managerial behavior. management. He has an efficient role in earning
reasonable profits on invested capital as it supplies all
● Links economic concepts and quantitative methods
relevant information which helps in making proper
to develop vital tools for managerial decision making.
plans and strategies. Managerial economist has three
Importance of Managerial Economics to Managers important roles in every business organization:
Demand analysis and forecasting, capital
We live in a world with scarce resources, which is why management and profit management.
economics is a practical science. We cannot have
everything we want. Further, others want the same ROLES OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMIST
scarce resources we want. Organizations that provide
1. He studies the economic patterns at macro-level
goods and services will survive and thrive only if they
and analysis it’s significance to the specific firm he is
meet the needs for which they were created and do
working in.
so effectively. Since the organization’s customers also
have limited resources, they will not allocate their 2. He has to consistently examine the probabilities of
scarce resources to acquire something of little or no transforming an ever-changing economic environment
value. And even if the goods or services are of value, into profitable business avenues.
when another organization can meet the same need
3. He assists the business planning process of a firm.

4. He also carries cost-benefit analysis.

5. He assists the management in the decisions

pertaining to internal functioning of a firm such as
changes in price, investment plans, type of goods
/services to be produced, inputs to be used,
techniques of production to be employed, expansion/
contraction of firm, allocation of capital, location of
new plants, quantity of output to be produced,
replacement of plant equipment, sales forecasting,
inventory forecasting, etc.

6. In addition, a managerial economist has to analyze

changes in macro- economic indicators such as
national income, population, business cycles, and
their possible effect on the firm’s functioning

7. He is also involved in advicing the management on

public relations, foreign exchange, and trade. He
guides the firm on the likely impact of changes in
monetary and fiscal policy on the firm’s functioning.

8. He also makes an economic analysis of the firms

in competition. He has to collect economic data and
examine all crucial information about the environment
in which the firm operates.

9. The most significant function of a managerial

economist is to conduct a detailed research on
industrial market.

10. In order to perform all these roles, a managerial

economist has to conduct an elaborate statistical

11. He must be vigilant and must have ability to cope

up with the pressures.

12. He also provides management with economic

information such as tax rates, competitor’s price and
product, etc. They give their valuable advice to
government authorities as well.

13. At times, a managerial economist has to prepare

speeches for top management.

Importance of Managerial Economics

 Business Planning and Forecasting

 Analyze Cost and Production Level
 Formulate pricing policies
 Manage Profit
 Capital Management

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