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Subordinating and


Thursday 25th, 2021. Vanessa Meléndez, Elián García, Andrea Huichapa.

Subordinating conjunctions

What is? -Independent clause: is a group of

words that contains both a subject
Is a word that connects an and a predicate. It expresses a
independent clause to a dependent complete thought and can stand
clause. An independent clause can alone as a sentence.
stand alone as a sentence. In other -Dependent clause: is a group of
words, it doesn’t need any additional words with a subject and a verb. It
information to operate as a sentence. doesn’t express a complete thought
so it’s not a sentence and can't stand
In English, there are a lot of subordinating conjunctions.
● After - “Your heart will break like mine, and you’ll want only me after you’ve
● If - “If you leave me now, you’ll take away the biggest part of me”
● Since - “I guess I’ll never be the same since I fell for you”
● Until - “I’ll keep on dreaming until my dreams come true.”
● When - “When I see you smile, I can face the world”
● Because - “I’m everything I am because you loved me”
● As - “As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my
life and realize there’s nothing left”
Coordinating conjunctions
● Robin and Russel went the beach.
What is? ● This present is for you
● You can eat your cake with a spoon or
A coordinating conjunction is a word fork.
that joins two elements of equal ● Bill refuses to eat peas, nor will he touch
grammatical rank and syntactic carrots.
● My dog enjoys being bathed but hates
importance. They can join two verbs,
getting his nails trimmed
two nouns, two adjectives, two ● His favorite sports are football and
phrases, or two independent clauses. tennis.
The seven coordinating conjunctions ● Michael likes New York, yet he can’t
afford a house there.
are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
● She enjoys going to Salamanca, so she
is moving to Salamanca this month.
Activity: You need to underline the conjunction in each sentence and put if it is
subordinating or coordinating conjunction.

1.- Harry painted the bathroom and 4.- He didn’t study well because he was lazy.
the bedroom. Subordinating or Coordinating.
Subordinating or Coordinating. 5.- You can use a pen or pencil.

2.- I did my homework while my Subordinating or Coordinating.

sister made the dinner.
6.- We were sad when we received the first
Subordinating or Coordinating. homework.

3.- Marla loves to read, but it’s hard Subordinating or Coordinating.

for her. 7.- Call me after you arrive at home.

Subordinating or Coordinating. Subordinating or Coordinating

- Your dictionary, “Subordinating Conjunctions”, your dictionary, acceso el 25
de Agosto de 2021,
- Traffis , Catherine. “What Is a Coordinating Conjunction?” Grammarly,
December 23, 2020.

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