Hum014 Final Literary Analysis Procedure and Sample Paper

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Literary Theory /Approach/Literature Discussion(Articles) and Dialogues

from Matrix Integrated in the Analysis

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COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (Change Program and Logo)

HUM014 - Section

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

(Title of the Analysis)

Submitted by
Surname , Name (All members of the group if it’s a group paper)
Course and Section (HUM014 -A01)

Submitted to
Professor Christine Joanne Librero-Desacado

A HUM014 Literary Paper / Final Exam Paper Submitted

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering(Change Program)

1.Introduction about Literature ( 1-2 paragraphs with 10 sentences or add

depending on the research you did)
(Sample Paper, you can use this as guide)


Literature serves some purpose. It is socially purposive activity that

supposed to serve specifiable role in the society and how it understands itself.

Literature is a common human behavior to all societies by a means of

communicating universally similar feelings and thoughts (Reiss, 1992). One can

of course produce any number of classifications of kinds of literature, or literary

periods, or devices used in literature. However, nothing is in the least inevitable

about any of them (Harris, 1996). Perhaps, literature is definable not according to

whether it is fictional or imaginative, but because it uses language in peculiar

way. Apparently, “literary means not only what is written but what is voiced, what

is expressed, what is invented, in whatever form” — in which case maps,

sermons, comic strips, cartoons, speeches, photographs, movies, war

memorials, and music all huddle beneath the literary umbrella. Books continue to

matter, of course, but not in the way that earlier generations took for granted. 
2. Introduce your novel in general (1 paragraph, 6-10 sentences, no


3. Materials for Criticism

The novel ________ (Title of your novel) is a contemporary Filipino

novel. in English written by Filipino authors. Secondary materials like

books, psychology, literary criticism and theories and philosophies of

literature and laws on the rights, privileges and protection of women

and children were also gathered and utilized for its relevance then used

as vital part of the paper in addition to downloaded documents from the

internet as secondary materials. Lastly, published articles, dissertation,

professional journals, and magazines were also utilized as additional

secondary materials that were then incorporated in the presentation of

this research study.

4. Part of No. 3 – Materials for Criticism

5. Write the novel chapters or number and write 3 paragraphs , by

following the sequence below :

6. Paragraph 1 – introduce the characters in your novel, describe

their characterization (role in the novel)

7. Paragraph 2 – write one paragraph summary (7-10sentences) of

the chapter/s assigned to you. Copy and Paste the Chapter

Summary of the Novel.

8. Paragraph 3 – write 2 paragraphs of the literary theory approach


approaches (Include a short background about the theory or

approach with citations) assigned to you. Explain why it fits your

novel (5 -8 sentences)

Novel devise (You can adapt this or add your according to your


The paper made use of literary approach specifically social alienation

approach in literary research as it aims to determine the different types of literary

approaches and writing techniques experienced by the characters in selected

Filipino contemporary novels written in English. Analyses were done through

coded texts and dialogues of characters in matrix as written by the novelists.

(You can edit this part depending on your research or adapt this).

Cohen et al., (2007) stated that content analysis is the process of summarizing

and interpreting written data and can be conducted with any written material,

from documents to interview transcriptions and can be applied to examine large

amounts of text. Reducing to smaller groups of information from the original vast
amount of written data is one of the fundamental features of content analysis.

In analyzing materials, step-by-step process should be followed devising material

into content analytical units. Following the questions, the aspects of text

interpretation are placed into categories. In the process of analysis, then the

categories are carefully written and revised. Krippendorff (1980), defines content

analysis as the use of replicable and valid method for making specific inferences

from text to other states or properties of its source, notes that much content

analysis research is motivated by the search for techniques to infer from

symbolic data what would be either too costly, no longer possible, or too

obtrusive by the use of other technique.


It involved a careful selection of the novels written by Filipino authors in

English and that the novel must contain events with your theory or approach

(sample :social alienation, psychological, or philosophical breadth).

Procedure :An objective and careful analysis of materials subjected to

and external criticism were done. Textual analysis comprised coding and

categorization based on cited theories in explaining studied experiences of

women characters. Passages and dialogues of characters from the novels

comprised the data for analyses. Under content analysis, the following were

pursued: sampling of the texts, defining words and sentences that comprise

units, and categorization.

Experiences of characters in the novel such as emotional, physical and financial well as its effects to these characters’ relative to mental, physical, social

and moral served as coded units under categorization. Part also of categorization

was the identification of abusive relationships women characters experienced like

physical abuse, emotional manipulation, sexual abuse, economic control,

domination, intimidation, and control as well as the critical approaches to


The following contemporary novel in English was analysed as they

presented the social alienation approach ,psychological and sociological realities

of the people of prevailing milieu: ___________ (title of novel).

Treatment of Novel

The major literary approaches/theory to literary criticism utilized to

analyze are social alienation, psychological and philosophical approaches. (Just

focus with your own novel here.)

Since the novel focused on relationships of people social alienation /

psychological approach the literary approach and analysis elaborate the content

here. Human behaviors manifested by characters in the novels understood like

that of the real people since their experiences are replica of human beings.

Novel as a form of literary work is based on human experiences and since it is

written by authors who are humans themselves, wide spectrums of emotional

problems are delved caused by these experiences. In the novels, women

experiencing abuses in their relationship are tackled most especially on the

mental and emotional effects of these abuses to women victims. The texts are

read psychologically to reveal individual and collective self of women characters,

their behaviors, desires, relations of their conscious and unconscious self, and

the stability of their personality. (You can include details of your novel here)

Social groups, relationships, and values manifested in literature are

examined in sociological approaches. The nature and effects of the social

forces that shape power relationships between groups of people are more

emphasized by these approaches. Social criticism recognized literature as

reflection of its environment and the social critics approve solutions to the

problems of the oppressed.

Sociological criticism is used in the analyses of the five novels. The

Literature is placed in a social context in feminist criticism that is also

considered another form of sociological approach. The sociopolitical purposes of

feminist criticism is to facilitate the explanation regarding images of women in

literature reflecting patriarchal social forces that prevent women’s efforts in

achieving equality with men. In the novels analyzed, misrepresentations of

women characters, as well as writers and issues are addressed in this approach

through utilization of broad range of disciplines like history, sociology, and

psychology. Status of women characters were also analyzed to make their lives

better. Reasons behind marginalization of women characters, and their being

seen as objects, which caused their denial of opportunity for self-realization, were

looked into in the analysis. Women not only experienced inequality with men.
They were also actively oppressed, subordinated and subjected to domestic



This section presents the analysis and critique of the following selected

contemporary Filipino novel ______________(title).

1. Copy and Paste the Literary Matrix with answers to questions here.
2. Include Related Literature about social alienation, psychological and

philosophical approaches here , from 2 sources only , use APA 7thth edition

in citing.

3. Analysis Part : Sample only: Recounting of Abuses Committed to

Women Victims in the Novel . Copy and Paste questions with

answers include citaions.

Notes : Just read and do analysis related with the chapter

of the novel assigned to you , this is just a sample but in a
way this will be how your output will look like in the literary
analysis paper/ final paper.The work has integrated the
theory, approaches and dialogues as used in the matrix.
Be able to integrate the dialogues or add if there are some
more , like;page no.from the book, paragraph no. and of
course situations or dialogues tagged in articles you

Woman characters in the novels understudy experienced varied abuses.

The authors of the novels understudy vividly picture these abuses. A woman is

said to be abused if forced to change her behavior out of fear of someone’s

reactions. To make the woman victim powerless, violence is used to intimidate,

humiliate or frightened her. Abuse comes in many forms and as a pattern of

behavior, it is used to gain and maintain power and control over victims. This is in

line with the idea of Smith et al., (2016) on domestic abuse which often escalates

from threats and verbal abuse to violence, and while physical injury may be

the most obvious danger, the emotional and psychological consequences of

severe asabuse
domestic emotionally abusive relationships can destroy a person’s self-
are also

worth, lead to anxiety and depression, and makes one feels helpless and alone.

In the novel Ermita by F. Sionil José abuses committed to women were

depicted in the different instances. As the novel was set during the chaotic years

of the Japanese occupation no one was out of danger during the invasion of the

Japanese soldiers to the Philippines. Conchita, the daughter of the affluent Rojo

family, was raped by a Japanese soldier who saw her hiding in the bathroom who

ripped away her dress, exposing her breast, rocked at her that causes her to fell

down, hitting her head against the wall and make her faint.
…It was then that the bathroom door was flung open and there, unkempt and
huge bearded, his eyes red with frenzy, a pistol in one hand and a bayonet in
the other. The crazed eyes blinked with disbelief, perhaps, then animal
hunger. He advanced and Conchita cringed, back against the wall. With one
swift motion, he tore away her dress, baring her breasts. The soldier swung
at her and she fell, banging her head against the wall, making her dizzy...The
beast bent over Conchita, tore away the remnant of her dress. She was
naked now but for her silk panty. With another swift grab, that, too, was torn
… Conchita closed her eyes, the pain searing between her legs as if a hot
iron rod was plunged into her.....She dared not to move; to do so would
interrupt the pleasure of the beast.

Victims of these abuses tend to be silent for fear of more harm inflicted to

them aside from shame. This conforms to the idea of Bergen (1999) that

victims of relationship like rape are less likely to disclose this form of assault to

friends, family or helping agencies as threats of violence are used to coerce

compliance of victim to the wishes and desires of perpetrator.

Marivi Soliven in her novel Mango Bride showed her woman victim of

abuse in the character of Beverly, the wife of Josiah. The husband who

frequently beat her warned her too not to talk to anybody. Forbidding a person

not to mingle with others and trying to isolate her to the rest of mankind is also

abusive. Josiah beat her wife when he learned that the later befriended the

Japanese woman Hitomi.

… With a slow deliberate movement, he folded the Sunday paper, rolling it into a club thick
as this forearm. Josiah’s cudgel slammed into Beverly’s cheek…the club

struck her neck. “I gave you a good life, you ungrateful bitch. Yanked out of the Third
World ghetto.Gave you a frickin’ green card.” He struck the end of his makeshift truncheon
under Beverly’s chin, leaning so close that she could feel his breath to her eyelids.
…“You owe me big-time. Is this the way you repay me?” The counter pressed into
Beverly’s spine as she tried to block a hailstorm of blows with thin forearms. She fought to
stay upright to avoid being kicked, and endured the assault in virtual silence, gasping only
when Josiah’s club rammed into her belly. A savage whack across the shoulder blades
brought Beverly to her knees; she crumpled to the floor, sobbing into scuffed linoleum.

Another abusive acts manifested in this novel is when Josiah would just

give small amount of money to Beverly and would always demand receipts for all

the purchase the wife would make and ensure that she will not spend money in

making long distance call to her parents. Josiah would check all of her spending.

…Josiah says, “it’s too expensive to call long- distance.… Don’t take more than a
couple of shots.” I can’t spend much money on film; he checked all receipts.

She does not have the freedom to decide what she will be buying. She is

restricted in her spending. She became dependent to Josiah in terms of her

needs. This conforms to the idea of Brewster (2003) that the act of the

perpetrator of restricting the victims in terms of material needs diminishes the

victim's capacity to support himself /herself and forceshim/her to depend on the

perpetrator financially.

In the novel Sweet Haven by Lakambini Sitoy woman abuse is depicted in

the character of Narita, the ugly maltreated daughter of Luth.

The mother would often abuse Narita by cursing and yelling at her that can be

heard by other people while her sister Antonia does the same. Her mother would

call her offending names that often times shame her and hurt her feelings. This

happens when her mother saw the drawings of naked pictures of women in her


… You are not to draw again, you man-hungry whore, she said.

Her mother will use the followings words as her reference of Narita:

… retobadawhen she defended herself; ingratawhen she insisted she had rights; and

simberguenza, or shameless summing up the entire package of her. Her sister on

the other hand would also call her monster and medusa.

This part shows how to tagged your cited

articles with the analysis part and dialogues.

These words and name calling affected Narita so

much. This conforms to the idea of Smith and Segal

(2017) about verbal abuse as form of emotional abuse

which include yelling, name-calling, blaming, and shaming

can destroy self-worth, lead to anxiety and depression,

and make one feel helpless and alone. The scars of verbal

abuse being an emotional abuse are very real and run


Remember you will only answer one question from the

analysis but it must be comprehensive and cited.

Moreover, Narita experienced also being hurt by her boyfriend

Zenon when she visited him in his boarding house, a place where they usually

have their sexual encounters. She informed her boyfriend that she

was pregnant and he was infuriated by the news that Zenon hit her.
… She had told her boyfriend the week before and had walloped her across the face so hard that she
toppled upon the dank bedspread in the rented room, her head hitting the plywood wall with a thud.

This action of Zenon caused Narita pain most especially when she hit

her head on the wall. This bodily harm experienced by her will also affect her

pregnancy. This situation finds relevant to Giardino’s (2008) idea of physical

abuse as any non- accidental acts or behavior causing injury or trauma, or other

physical suffering or bodily harm.Narita despite of what Zenon did to her

pretended that she is still having smooth relationship with him. It appears that

she has difficulty of breaking with this exhausting relationship as there are

times that she enjoys the sexual encounter with Zenon.

(Do not forget to include the dialogues as evidence of the discussed items)

… He dragged her across the sand to the rest house they had rented and he had her
hands up against one of the bamboo posts. The sex was explosives… and Narita said…”I
love these rape games.”

This behavior pattern manifested by Zenon toward Narita indicated that

abuse committed involves a combination of physical, sexual and psychological

behaviors. Zenon’s apologetic and loving behavior after the abuse make Narita

believes that her boyfriend’s abusive practice neverappears again. This is in

consonance with Harter’s (2014) idea that abuser then makes up excuses for his

own behavior to avoid taking responsibility


Include your Conclusion- Do your two page Analysis (1-2 paragraphs)

Explain the importance of Literature as a student and life in general. What
are some realizations/ learnings form the novel assigned to you.

Last page of your paper is the References Part. Adapt this format and style
in APA 7th edition.

Categorize and Label YOUR REFERENCES


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The Perspective of Abused Women in Malaysia.” Doctoral
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