OK - Effect of Dietary Butyric Acid Supplementation

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Philipp J Vet Anim Sci 2011, 37 (1): 37-44 37



Edwin S. Luis, Marcela R. Batungbacal and Cisima P. Lavega


A study was conducted to assess the effect of butyric acid

supplementation of the diet on the performance of layers and to evaluate the
economics of using butyric acid in table egg production. A total of 210 thirty
week-old layers (Babcock strain) raised in individual cages were used in this
study. They were randomly assigned to three treatments following a
completely randomized design. The dietary treatments were as follows: 1)
basal layer diet without butyric acid; 2) basal layer diet with 0.025% butyric
acid; and 3) basal layer diet with 0.05% butyric acid. Results showed that
supplementation of the diet with butyric acid generally improved rate of egg
production, egg weight, feed efficiency, egg shell thickness and livability of
the layers relative to those fed the control diet. The income over feed cost
(IOFC) of the layers was markedly increased with 0.050 butyric acid
supplementation of the diet. This increase in IOFC could be attributed mainly
to the combined effect of nonsignificant but consistent improvement in
performance of the layer with butyric acid supplementation of the diet.

Keywords: butyric acid, diet supplement, layers, production performance


The increasing public concern over the possible risk to consumers of residue
of antibiotic growth promoters or performance enhancers in poultry meat and eggs,
and possible development of cross-resistance of these drugs to those also used in
human medicine ultimately led to the partial or total ban on their use in animal
production. These have, in recent years, stimulated the search for alternative
products. Particular attention is now being given to the potential use of organic acids
and medium chain fatty acids in animal diets because of their antimicrobial property
and positive effect on digestion and nutrient absorption (Van Khol, 2000).
This study was conducted to determine the effect of butyric acid
supplementation of the diet on the performance of layers and to evaluate the
economics of using butyric acid in table egg production.

Animal and Dairy Sciences Cluster, College of Agriculture, University of the

Philippines Los Baňos, College, Laguna 4031, Philippines (email:
cisimaplavega@yahoo.com.ph ).
38 Luis, Batungbacal and Lavega


Experimental design
A total of 210 thirty week-old layers (Bobcock strain) raised in individual
adjacent cages were randomly assigned to three treatments following a completely
randomized design. Each treatment was replicated 70 times with one layer per
replicate. The treatments were as follows:

Treatment Description
1 Basal layer diet (control)
2 Basal layer diet + 0.025% sodium butyrate
3 Basal layer diet + 0.050% sodium butyrate

The basal layer diet was formulated to contain 18% crude protein and 2800
kcal/kg of metabolizable energy (Table 1). The diet was supplemented with the
required vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Butyric acid, in the form of sodium
butyrate, was added to the diet in the amount recommended by the manufacturer of
the organic acid (0.025 and 0.050%). Mixing of butyric acid to the basal diet was
done every week to ensure freshness of the feed. Fresh water and feed were made
available to the layers at all times. They were fed their respective diets for four
months. Artificial light was also provided to meet the lighting requirement to
stimulate egg production.

Organic acid
The organic acid used in this study is butyric acid (Adimix® coated 30), a
short chain fatty acid. It is in the form of coated micro pearls that ensure slow
release of the sodium butyrate in the targeted location in the gastro intestinal tract.

Data gathered
Initial and final body weight
The initial and final body weights of each pullet were taken at the start and at
the end of the feeding trial, respectively.

Feed consumption
The feed consumption was monitored weekly. Average daily feed
consumption per bird was determined by dividing the total feed consumption by
seven days.

Egg production
The daily egg production of each layer was recorded and summarized on a
monthly basis. Percent hen-day egg production was computed using the formula:

% Hen-day egg production = number of eggs produced/hen-day x 100

Effect of dietary butyric acid supplementation on laying chickens 39

Table 1. Ingredients and calculated nutrient contents of basal layer diet used.
Ingredients %
Corn, yellow (local) 51.590
Soya, US Hi Pro 28.568
Rice bran D1 6.730
Limestone, fine 5.752
Limestone, grits 4.000
Biofos/TG 21 1.546
Coco oil, crude 1.000
Salt 0.300
Poultry, Vitamin premix 0.125
Dl-methionine 0.125
Poultry, Mineral premix 0.100
Choline chloride, 50% 0.100
Anti-mold 0.050
Anti-oxidant 0.013
TOTAL 100.00

Calculated analysis
Nutrients Analysis
% Crude protein 18.000
% Crude fat 3.770
% Crude fiber 2.890
% Calcium 3.750
% Phosphorus (avail) 0.450
ME Poultry, kcal/kg 2,800.000
% Lysine, total 1.033
% Met+Cys, total 0.750
% Threonine, total 0.702
% Tryptophan, total 0.228
% Linoleic Acid 1.226

Egg weight
Egg weights were determined by taking the weights of the pooled eggs
collected during the last three days of a 14-day period. The average egg weight
from each replicate or layer was computed by dividing the total weight by the
number of eggs weighed.

Feed efficiency (conversion ratio)

The amount of feed required to produce a kilogram eggs per replicate was
computed at the end of the experiment using the following formula:

F. E. = kg feed consumed/ kg eggs produced

40 Luis, Batungbacal and Lavega

Egg shell thickness and yolk color

Ten eggs per replicate were randomly picked from the pooled eggs during
the last three days of each two-week period and used to determine egg shell
thickness and yolk color. Shell thickness at the tip, middle and bottom of the egg
were measured using a micro-caliper. The average thickness of egg shell was then
computed and summarized on a monthly basis. The yolk color was determined
using the Roche yolk color standard.

The number of layers that died was recorded. The dead layers were then
subjected to necropsy and disposed of properly.

Chemical analysis
Proximate, calcium and phosphorus content of layer diet were analyzed
following the standard procedure of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists
(AOAC, 1993).

Economic analysis
Income over feed cost (IOFC) was determined using the prevailing prices of
feeds, butyric acid supplement and eggs during the conduct of the experiment. This
was obtained using the formula:

IOFC = Average sales of eggs - (Average feed cost + feed additive cost).

Statistical analysis
All data gathered were subjected to ANOVA in a completely randomized
design. Treatment means were compared using Duncan’s Multiple Range test
(DMRT). The level of significance was set at 5.0%.


Production performance
The average performance of layers fed diets supplemented with 0.025% or
0.050% butyric acid from 30 to 46 weeks of age are presented in Table 2. The
results showed that supplementation of the diet with butyric acid generally improved
rate of egg production, egg weight, feed efficiency, egg shell thickness and livability
of the layers relative to those fed the control diet (Figures 1 and 2).
The average egg production was lower than expected. The general decline
in egg production occurred on the 3rd week of the feeding trial due to a typhoon.
Before the layers could recover, another drop in egg production was recorded on
the 6th week of the trial due to power failure in the farm which lasted for seven days.
This abruptly reduced the light exposure of the layers which consequently
decreased egg production rate. However, in spite of the stressful conditions, the
layers fed with butyric acid supplemented diet maintained a 2.38 to 4.65% higher
egg production than those fed control diet. The results also showed that the benefit
from butyric acid supplementation of the layer diet was an improvement in egg
Effect of dietary butyric acid supplementation on laying chickens 41

Table 2. Average performance of layers fed diet supplemented with butyric acid
from 30 to 46 weeks of age.
Parameters T1 T2 T3
Average egg production, % 82.19 84.39 86.30
Average egg weight, g 57.87 59.08 58.78
Average feed consumption, g 109.06 109.22 109.50
Average feed efficiency 2.29 2.19 2.16
Average egg shell thickness, um 29.70 30.23 30.65
Average yolk color 6.05 6.19 5.97
Average livability, % 97.14 98.57 100.00
Average gain in weight, g -11.00 -1.10 -9.60

* T1 = basal diet; T2 = basal diet + 0.25 kg butyric acid/ton feed; T3 = basal diet +
0.50 kg butyric acid/ton feed.
No significant difference observed among all means (P>0.05)

Figure 1. Average biweekly egg production of layers fed diets supplemented with
butyric acid from 30 to 46 weeks of age.

weight and feed efficiency. By increasing the rate of egg production and egg weight,
supplementation with 0.025% or 0.05% butyric acid likewise improved the average
feed efficiency by 3.36% and 5.67%, respectively. This conforms with the report of
42 Luis, Batungbacal and Lavega

Figure 2. Average biweekly weights of eggs of layers fed diet supplemented with
butyric acid from 30 to 46 weeks of age.

Roth (2008), that addition of acidifier in poultry diet improved FCR by 5.0%. The
increase in FCR was due to the enhanced digestive enzyme activities in the
gastrointestinal tract brought by the energetic reaction of organic and inorganic
Supplementation of the layer diet with 0.05% butyric acid also improved egg
shell thickness by 3.1%. Dhawale (2005), likewise, reported that the addition of
organic acids as gut acidifiers improved egg shell quality of a broiler breeder flock
having poor hatchability problem due to thin-shelled eggs. The possible explanation
for this improvement in egg shell thickness lies in the finding that the presence of
volatile fatty acids in the diet increase calcium solubility, thus, improving calcium
digestibility (Coupel, 2001).
In the present study, layers fed diet without butyric acid incurred a 3.0%
mortality due to egg peritonitis. Layers that died showed gross lesions indicative of
colisepticemia. On the other hand, layers fed diet with 0.025% or 0.05% butyric acid
had 98.57% and 100% livability, respectively. This high livability could be attributed
partly to the known antimicrobial action of organic acids. Dhawale (2005) reported
that butyric acid is particularly effective against E. coli and Salmonella organisms.
This is brought by the presence of hydrophilic and lipophilic properties in sodium
butyrate which encouraged the growth of good bacteria and prevented the
proliferation of harmful ones in the gut.
The benefits of supplementing poultry as well as pig diets with organic acids
such as n-butyric acid, propionic, acetic and lactic acid alone or in combination are
well documented. The observed improvement in performance of animals fed diets
supplemented with gut acidifiers has been attributed to the ability of organic acids to
improve nutrient digestibility by maintaining an optimum pH in the stomach for
proper activation and function of proteolytic enzymes and by increasing pancreatic
enzyme secretion (Van Khol, 2000; Mellor, 2005; Luckstadt, 2005; Van Dam, 2006).
Effect of dietary butyric acid supplementation on laying chickens 43

In addition to the antimicrobial action, another positive effect ascribed to butyric acid
is its ability to help maintain small intestinal structure and stability by supplying 70%
of the energy needed for the proliferation of healthy enterocytes. This further adds to
better absorption of nutrients from the gut. Moreover, as a major nutrient source for
enterocytes, butyric acid is also important to intestinal mucus synthesis which, in
turn, is necessary for the protection and restoration of the physical and functional
integrity of the intestinal tissue from various types of damage (Coupel, 2001).
The income over feed cost (IOFC) of the layers was markedly increased with
butyric acid supplementation of the diet. Increased level of butyric acid
supplementation from 0.025 to 0.050% slightly increased IOFC (Table 3). This
increase in IOFC of layers could be attributed mainly to the combined effect of
nonsignificant but consistent improvement in performance of the layers with butyric
acid supplementation of the diet.

Table 3. Average income over feed cost (IOFC) of layers fed basal diet with or
without butyric acid supplementation from 30 to 46 weeks of age.
Parameters T1 T2 T3
Average feed consumed, kg 12.21 12.23 12.26
Average cost of feed consumed, PhP 222.92 223.25 223.82
Cost of butyric acid, PhP/g - 1.53 3.07
Average dozen standard size eggs 7.8 8.17 8.33
Average sales of eggs, PhP 45/dozen 351.71 367.83 374.67
IOFC, PhP 128.79 143.05 147.78
No significant difference.
Cost of butyric acid at PhP 500/kg.
No significant difference observed among all means (P>0.05).
Weight of standard size eggs, 680 grams.
Cost of feed, PhP18.25/kg.


Supplementation of the diet with 0.025 or 0.050% butyric acid improved, but not
to a significant extent, the performance of layers. Increased level of butyric acid
supplementation from 0.025 to 0.050% slightly improved the egg production and
feed efficiency of the layers. IOFC was markedly increased with butyric acid
supplementation of the diet, which was brought by the combined effect of
nonsignificant but consistent improvement in the performance of the layers.
Increasing the level of butyric acid supplementation of the diet from 0.025 to 0.050%
slightly increased IOFC of the layers. Within the conditions under which the study
was conducted, it could be concluded that butyric acid supplementation of the diet
did not significantly improve performance but markedly increased IOFC of the
44 Luis, Batungbacal and Lavega


This study was made possible through the support of Infarmco Group of
Companies – NBC Exim Corporation, 2/F Esquire Center, 412 Gomezville St.
Addition Hills, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila.


AOAC. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1993. Official Methods of

Analysis. (18th ed.). Washington DC: AOAC.
Coupel A. 2001. Acid feeds for sows has many advantages. Feed Mix 9 (6): 20-21.
Dhawale A. 2005. Keep bacteria under control – acidify. Feed Mix 12 (5): 30-34.
Luckstadt C. 2005. Synergistic acidifiers to fight Salmonella. Feed Mix 13 (1): 28-30.
Mellor S. 2004. Keep bacteria under control – acidify. Feed Mix 12 (5): 30-34.
Roth N. 2008. Reducing feed cost with acidifiers. Asian Poult July 26-27.
Van Dam H. 2006. Organic acids and their salts. Pig Progress 22 (8): 26-28.
Van Khol EMR. 2000. Organic acid application in feeds without antibiotics. Feed Mix
8 (2): 15-17.

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