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MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine

Mædica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020; 15(3): 288-296
S pecial R eview

Takotsubo Syndrome versus

Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium
Leonida Gherasim, MD, PhD
Professor, ”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Cardiology, University Hospital of Bucharest, Romania

INTRODUCTION diographic changes and cardiac markers shared

by patient groups.
nterrelations between heart and brain were The cardiological and neurological data as-
first described by anatomists and physiolo-
sembly led to the description of a special type of
gists and later by clinicians. In time, the
cardiomyopathy called stress cardiomyopathy
brain-heart interrelation became a major
(2). In the general acceptance, “stress cardiomy-
subject in both neurology and cardiology
opathy (SCMP)”, “Takotsubo syndrome (TTS)”
and in the newly derived specialty, neurocardio­
and “Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC)” have the
same meaning. Stress cardiomyopathy could be
The great neurosurgeon Cushing noted bra-
dycardia and hypotension in response to in- defined as a syndrome of acute transient left ven-
creased intracranial pressure during brain inter- tricular dysfunction (systolic and diastolic), as a
ventions, as a remarkable interaction between result of a myocardial injury, in most cases ac-
brain and cardiovascular system. companying an emotional or physical stress.
In 1990, in Japan, Suto et al. published a se- Apart from the aspects described for SCMP or
ries of similar cases with clinical features of acute TTS, there have been noticed a number of special
myocardial infarction, but normal coronary angi- cardiac aspects with reversible ventricular dys-
ography, reversible ventricular dysfunction but function and echocardiographic, electrocardio-
with a special echocardiographic aspect of “api- graphic, and cardiac markers changes, after neu-
cal ballooning” (1). Such cardiac observations rological events such as subarachnoid hemo­rrhage
were especially noticed in women aged 55-60, (SAH), cerebral trauma, ischemic or hemo­rrhagic
with important emotional stress. The pathologi- stroke. Cardiac manifestations are partly similar to
cal condition was initially named Takotsubo or TTC, with some particular features. This new
Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Numerous publica- pathological condition was named “neurogenic
tions on TTS described the etiologic conditions, stunned myocardium” (NSM), to emphasize the
various echocardiographic aspects, electrocar- essential physiological change (3).

Address for correspondence:


Article received on the 21st of September 2020 and accepted for publication on the 22nd of September 2020

288 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 15, No. 3, 2020

Takotsubo Syndrome versus Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

In the view of these new data on brain-heart Mayo diagnostic criteria, long used for dia­
interrelation, there is scientific debate regarding gnosing Takotsubo Syndrome, were relatively
the relationship between TTC and NSM, whether simple:
there are distinct entities or a single entity (stress 1. Systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle
cardiomyopathy), as a result of common and (LV) (almost specific localization) that exceeds
complex physiological changes, implying cere- the distribution area of an epicardial coronary
bral structures, sympathetic hyperactivity and vessel;
hypercatecholamines (3, 4). 2. Absence of obstructive coronary artery di­
This work is a synthetic presentation of the sease or absence of angiographic proof of an
current data on TTC (Takotsubo cardiomyopa- acutely ruptured plaque;
thy) and NSM (neurogenic stunned myocardi- 3. New electrocardiographic changes or
um), the common and specific traits, including modest rise in myocardial troponin;
evolution and prognostic, along with the physi- 4. Absence of pheochromocytoma or myo-
ological changes implicated in the brain-heart carditis.
Later, in 2006, the American College of Car-
diology and American Heart Association classi-
fied TTC as a primary cardiomyopathy and ESC
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or
elaborated different diagnostic criteria. To date,
Takotsubo syndrome
there is a consensus regarding the stress cardio-
The Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) or Takotsubo car- myopathy diagnostic criteria, “International Ta-
diomyopathy (TTC) is generically defined as a kotsubo Diagnostic Criteria” (Intern. TAK dia­
type of acute reversible myocardial injury, cha­ gnostic criteria) (7). The last detailed consensus
racterized by transient systolic dysfunction. In a document, which is largely used for the clinical
larger sense, TTC is a clinical syndrome charac- diagnostic, is concisely presented in Table 1.
terized by acute and transient left ventricular (LV) In summary, the current mentioned criteria
systolic (and diastolic) dysfunction, often in rela- signal the presence of a myocardial injury with
tion with an emotional stress in the preceding reversible left ventricular dysfunction, but with
days (2). Typically, the regional kinetic abnorma­ some elements from the secondary type of Ta-
lity that defines TTC is apical hypokine­ - kotsubo syndrome (neurologic events trigger or
sia/akinesia/dyskinesia (ballooning) with basal phochromocytoma).
hyper­ kinesia. Usually, TTC is suspected echo­ The main (but not the only) diagnostic criteria
cardiographically in a patient presenting with a for Takotsubo cardiomyopathy are echocardio-
graphic changes. The typical echocardiographic
clinical picture of acute myocardial infarction
aspect initially described in 75-89% of cases is
predominantly apical hypokinesia, akinesia, or
The exact incidence of Yakotsubo cardiomy-
dyskinesia (apical ballooning) and basal hyperki-
opathy is unknown, published data underesti-
nesia, occasionally associated with left ventricu-
mating the real incidence. It is frequently mis-
lar ejection tract obstruction (2, 8). Another
taken for acute coronary syndrome and it is
echocardiographic type is midventricular cir-
estimated to represent 1-3% of all STEMI pa- cumferential hypokinesia/akinesia (in 10-20% of
tients, 5-6% for women over 55-60 years of cases), with normal apical contractility (midven-
age (5). tricular ballooning), potentially leading to severe
Some works classify Takotsubo cardiomyopa- left ventricular dysfunction and acute heart fai­
thy into a primary and secondary form depen­ lure. There were described other echocardio-
ding on the occurrence of the clinical picture as graphic aspects: a basal type (inversed?
a primary event or in other critical conditions, Takotsubo), biventricular dysfunction or just right
mainly cerebral events (1, 2). ventricular dysfunction or focal dysfunction (9).
Definition criteria for stress cardiomyopathy In synthesis, five anatomical variants of stress
evolved in the last 10-15 years, as more scientific cardiomyopathy, with different prevalence, were
data gathered. At the beginning, Mayo criteria described: apical ballooning (75-80%), midven-
(2004-2005) were used, the last of which being tricular (10-20%), basal or reversed? (5%), biven-
revised (6). tricular (<5%) and focal dysfunction.

Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 15, No. 3, 2020 289

Takotsubo Syndrome versus Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

TABLE 1. International Takotsubo diagnostic criteria (Inter TAK to differentiate it from STEMI/non-STEMI or
diagnostic criteria) acute myocarditis. Troponins T and I are mode­
1. The patient has transient left ventricular dysfunction rately elevated (conventional or high sensitivity),
(hypokinesia, akinesia, or dyskinesia) with apical ballooning discordant with the magnitude of electrocardio-
aspect. The regional wall motion abnormality usually graphic and echocardiographic changes found in
extends beyond a single epicardial vascular distribution. studies (1, 2). The troponin dynamic does not
2. An emotional, physical, or combined trigger can precede show the relatively rapid rise and fall found in
the Takotsubo syndrome. acute myocardial infarction. The (systolic and
3. Neurologic disorders (e.g., subarachnoid haemorrhage, diastolic) ventricular dysfunction, always present
stroke/transient ischaemic attack, or seizures) as well in the Takotsubo syndrome, is accompanied by
as pheochromocytoma may serve as triggers for high levels of NTproBNP; the serum level corre-
Takotsubo syndrome. lates with the degree (extent) of ventricular mo-
4. New ECG abnormalities are present (ST-segment elevation, tion abnormalities (12). The level of BNP or
ST-segment depression, T-wave inversion, etc). NtproBNP reaches a peak at two days and re-
5. Levels of cardiac biomarkers are mode­ rately elevated; mains elevated up to three months (12), sugges­
significant elevation of brain natriuretic peptide is common. ting the persistence of physiological changes
6. Significant coronary artery disease is not a contradiction in present in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
Takotsubo syndrome. Seric catecholamines show high levels in the
7. Patients have no evidence of infectious myocarditis. first days, higher than for AMI. Seric and regio­
8. Postmenopausal women are predominan­tly affected. nal-myocardial catecholaminaemia plays an es-
sential role in the pathology of Takotsubo syn-
The different anatomical and echocardio- Other specific cardiology tests are unneces-
graphic variants could be explained by different sary, except for the coronary angiography, indi-
and high density of beta-adrenoreceptors in va­ cated in special emergency conditions to ex-
rious anatomic regions and thus, different effects clude an acute coronary syndrome.
of the hypercatecholaminaemia (1, 2). Among the first diagnostic criteria for Takotsubo
The electrocardiographic data show widely syndrome (Mayo criteria), the absence of either
distributed myocardial injury; in more than 90% an obstructive coronary artery disease or a rup-
of cases there are suggestive ECG changes. In the tured plaque is included, and in the present cri-
typical form, clinical manifestation are those of teria it is specified that the presence of a signifi-
myocardial infarction and on electrocardiogram cant coronary artery disease is not a contradiction
there is ST segment elevation in precordial leads in Takotsubo syndrome, as significant coronary
(9), followed – in 24-48 hours – by ischemic artery disease was found in 10-29% of
changes, with reversed T waves, often accompa- cases (8, 13), the presence of coronary artery di­
nied by prolonged QT interval, that could pro­ sease not being considered now an exclusion
gress beyond 500 ms, predisposing to polymor- criteria (1). The extent of motion abnormalities
phic ventricular tachycardia or ventricular that exceeds the territory of a single epicardial
fibrillation, both also potentially present in STEMI
vessel pleads for Takotsubo syndrome, especially
patients. The electrocardiographic characteristic
when coronary angiography did not find critical
almost specific for stress cardiomyopathy is the
coronary lesions.
ST segment elevation in aVR plus ST segment
ele­vation in anteroseptal leads (115). In such
Evolution and prognostic in
cases with severe left ventricular dysfunction,
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
coronary angiography and ventriculography is
recommended to confirm Takotsubo syndrome. In hospital and long term evolution of Takotsubo
The ST segment depression is rare (less than cardiomyopathy is related to the degree of ven-
10% of cases) and suggests an alternate diagno­ tricular dysfunction and the regression (in one to
stic: acute coronary syndrome, neurogenic three weeks) of motion abnormalities. In hospi-
stunned myocardium or acute myocarditis. tal, mortality is approximately 5%, similarly to
Cardiac biomarkers can also bring definitory that of STEMI. The complicated evolution is re-
elements to diagnose Takotsubo syndrome and lated to the arrhythmic risk, evolution towards

290 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 15, No. 3, 2020

Takotsubo Syndrome versus Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

acute heart failure, more rarely systemic embo- The possible mechanism affecting long term
lism (especially in the apical ballooning form) prognosis in TTC and stress cardiomyopathy in
and obstruction of the left ventricular ejection general is linked to the contractile dysfunction
tract (15). developed in time by an infiltrative process and
Arrhythmias may be present in up to 25% of the consecutive global myocardial fibrosis.
patients, especially atrial fibrillation in 5-15% of
cases and ventricular arrhythmias in 4-9% of ca­ses Neurogenic stunned myocardium
(16). High rate atrial fibrillation in the pre­sence of Neurogenic stunned myocardium (NSM) can be
severe left ventricular dysfunction leads to acute defined as an acute and reversible myocardial
heart failure or cardiogenic shock. Ventricular dysfunction, occurring after different types of
tachyarrhythmias, especially Torsades-de-Pointes, neurologic events, with participation of the auto-
complicate Takotsubo syndrome with more than nomic nervous system (ANS) (19). Unlike
500 ms QT interval prolongation, negative Takotsubo syndrome, that is mainly preceded by
T waves and low ejection fraction. a psychological (emotional) stress, especially in
Independent predictors of acute heart failure women over 55-60 years, NSM follows a defined
are, other than reduced left ventricular ejection neurological event, particularly subarachnoid
fraction on admission, high troponin levels, the hemorrhage (SAH). Essentially, NSM is a type of
echocardiographic type with medioventricular stress cardiomyopathy like Takotsubo syndrome,
dysfunction and right ventricle involvement (1). with similarities and differences. Some authors
Mortality for all types of stress cardiomyopathy is consider NSM as a Takotsubo-like or a secondary
up to 5% and is higher in hemodynamically un- Takotsubo (as in pheochromocytoma, for exam-
stable patients with cardiogenic shock or cardiac ple).
arrest (17). NSM incidence after an acute neurologic
Left ventricle dysfunction recovery – espe- event varies between 20% and 40%, depending
cially in the typical form (apical ballooning) in on the type of event; the incidence is higher in
gradual, usually in one to two weeks from the SAH (approximately 33% of cases) and cerebral
onset, but it is possible as soon as 48 hours or trauma (22%) and lower in other conditions such
delayed. ischemic stroke, encephalitis, epilepsy, metasta­
Stress cardiomyopathy recurrence has an an- tic tumors and reversible posterior encephalopa-
nual rate of 2-4%. After left ventricular ejection thy (3, 20).
fraction recovery, a degree of fatigue, dyspnoea The severity of NSM depends on the type
or low effort capacity may persist. and severity of the neurologic disease and on in-
Long-term evolution of Takotsubo patients volvement of some neurologic structures (insular
was initially considered benign, with a mortality cortex, hypothalamus, etc).
similar to that of normal subjects. Diagnostic criteria for NSM are not defined as
A systematic review and a meta-regression for Takotsubo syndrome, but include partly com-
study analyzed the long term evolution on a co- mon clinical and echocardiographic elements.
hort of >10 000 TTS patients from 54 studies The presentation prototype for NSM is that
(18) and found an in hospital mortality of 1.8%, found and described in SAH.
similar to that in ACS, a 3.5% mortality on a The majority of cases are detected by cardiac
28 months follow-up, mainly due to non-cardiac exploration (especially echocardiography) in a
causes and a recurrence rate of 1%. defined etiologic context and the demonstration
By using meta-regression analysis, the of a reversible heart motion abnormality and
above-mentioned study identified three factors possibly left ventricular dysfunction. Ventricular
which were significantly associated with dysfunction may be accompanied by signs and
long-term mortality: advanced age, TTC deve­ symptoms of heart failure, misinterpreted and
loped by physical stress and cardiac dysfunction assigned to neurological evolution.
not limited to apical ballooning (18). The diagnostic evaluation generally follows
The numbers for mortality and recurrence the exploration of the Takotsubo syndrome:
are, however, inferior to those found by a recent electrocardiography, echocardiography and car-
review (2). diac markers.

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Takotsubo Syndrome versus Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

The electrocardiographic examination finds rence had predictive value for NSM with a sensi-
electrical anomalies in about 90% of patients tivity of 100% and a specificity of 79% (28). High
with SAH, 60-70% of those with brain haemor- values of troponins would be associated with the
rhage and 15-30% of those with ischaemic stroke development of parietal motion anomalies and
(21). The most frequently encountered ECG would be an indicator of ventricular dysfunction
changes are as follows: reversed/negative T waves, (27). Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) can also in-
ST segment depression, QT interval prolonga- crease in NSM, correlated with regional motion
tion, large U waves (19). anomalies. Increased BNP values would be sig-
Arrhythmias may be present, especially in nificantly associated with diastolic dysfunction,
SAH (over 90% of cases) but also in ischaemic or pulmonary edema, troponinaemia and LVEF.
haemorrhagic stroke (20-40%) (19). The most
frequently encountered arrhythmias include bra- Evolution and prognosis
dycardia, atrial arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation,
The evolution and prognosis of cardiac anoma-
flutter) and multifocal ventricular tachycardia
(22). The highest prevalence is encountered for lies after neurologic events (injuries) are deter-
atrial fibrillation, frequently silent, in 14% of pa- mined by the severity of the neurologic event
tients and other supraventricular arrhythmias in and by the degree of ischemic injury of the heart.
5%. Arrhythmias occur between 2-3 days and NSM-type cardiac changes in SAH occur
one week and can be self-limited or controlled quickly, during the first two days. Wall motion
pharmacologically. disturbances and ECG changes diminish during
The ECG changes are not specific to NSM the next 7-8 days (29). In most patients, the
and their meaning can only be established in the stunned myocardium aspect disappears com-
clinical context, together with other investiga- pletely, especially when ventricular dysfunction
tions (echo, cardiac markers). Data suggest myo- was unimportant. In a meta-analysis on the im-
cardial injury and likely acute coronary syn- pact of cardiac changes on prognosis after SAH it
drome (2). was found that motion anomalies, troponin and
The echocardiographic exam in NSM detects BNP levels, ST segment depression and T wave
regional motion disturbances and possibly sys- anomalies were associated with adverse progno-
tolic ventricular dysfunction. Regional motion sis, higher mortality and delayed recovery after
disturbances are usually in the basal and mid- SAH (30).
ventricular segments of the anterior and antero- Also, the evolution of the neurologic event as
septal walls of the left ventricle (20, 21). well as the type and location of ischemic stroke
Systolic ventricular dysfunction (and/or dia- have a major influence on patient evolution. The
stolic), either global or regional, was found in risk of non-fatal AMI is of 3.3% in the first three
10-20% of SAH patients (21). Some works no- months and 8.2% at five years (31). Left insular
ticed a reduction of LVEF < 50% in 55-60% of stroke is associated with a higher risk of adverse
patients, but only 6.6% of patients had cardiac events compared with other sites (19).
LVEF < 40% (24, 25). Ventricular dysfunction is A direct comparison between clinical aspects,
reversible in a few weeks, but full recovery may ECG changes, location and type of parietal mo-
take longer. Ventricular dysfunction in NSM pa- tion changes, the LVEF, evolution and other pa-
tients can be accompanied by acute pulmonary rameters of the Takotsubo syndrome and NSM
edema and haemodynamic instability down to was achieved in two important studies (3, 32). A
cardiogenic shock (20); it represents a significant first study was performed in 61 patients with a
new risk factor in patients who experience an Takotsubo syndrome and 37 with NSM. The
acute neurological event. NSM patients were younger (by about 10 years),
Cardiac markers can be moderately increased the prevalence of acute pulmonary edema was
in NSM, as in the Takotsubo syndrome. The inci- higher at admission, while in Takotsubo syn-
dence of LcTnI and TnT troponin increase as an drome the initial manifestations were angina and
effect of myocardial injury ranges in SAH ST segment elevation. Motion anomalies were
between 20-37% and reaches the threshold level mostly apical in the Takotsubo syndrome, while
in 24-28 hours (26, 27). In one study, the LV dysfunction was global in NSM patients.
hsTnT > 89 ng/L at 24 hours since SAH occur- The natural evolution of the two groups was si­

292 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 15, No. 3, 2020

Takotsubo Syndrome versus Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

milar. The study arrived at the conclusion that ding to reversible myocardial injury and its com-
both conditions represent the same syndrome of ponents (32).
stress cardiomyopathy. There are multiple pieces of evidence of the
A different point of view results from the se­ central role of sympathetic activation in the
cond study, of 36 NSM patients and 22 with Takotsubo syndrome, arising from different
Takotsubo syndrome (3). Takotsubo syndrome fields.
patients presented with angina, while the NSM - In most patients with Takotsubo syndrome
one did not have signs and symptoms of cardiac (stress cardiomyopathy), an emotional (27%) or
ischaemia. About 60% of Takotsubo patients had physical (36%) initial stress factor is found, that
ST segment elevation, which was not present in results in a catecholamine storm. However, stress
any of the NSM patients. The majority of factors can also be minor and associated. In
Takotsubo patients (77%) had apical dysfunction about 30% of Takotsubo syndrome patients there
and in about 45% of them, the dysfunction in- is no identifiable trigger preceding the syndrome
volved also mid and basal segments. On the con- (8, 34).
trary, only 13% of the NSM patients had basal or - Pathological conditions due to hypercate-
myocardial dysfunction. cholaminaemia are accompanied of ECG and
In conclusion, it can be considered that echocardiographic changes similar to the
between the Takotsubo and neurogenic stunned Takotsubo syndrome. Pheochromocytoma were
myocardium syndromes there are more simili- noticed in 13% of the Takotsubo cases (35) that
tudes than differences. Both have an aspect of were thus considered secondary Takotsubo syn-
reversible myocardium injury with motion dromes. Some major neurological events like
anomalies at various sites and modest increases SAH, haemorrhagic or ischaemic stroke, brain
of cardiac markers, the broad picture suggesting trauma etc are accompanied by hypercatecho­
a common, neurogenic, pathophysiologic me­ laminaemia and NSM (Takotsubo like). Acute
cha­nism that has the features of a stress cardio- stroke that involves the insular cortex is associ-
myopathy with two subtypes: Takotsubo syn- ated with sympathetic hyperactivity, increased
drome and neurogenic stunned myocardium. level of plasma catecholamines, arrhythmias and
BNP (36).
Pathogenic mechanisms - Acute catecholamine administration (epi-
nephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine) men-
The pathogenic mechanisms of the Takotsubo tioned in research papers, could be a triggering
syndrome and of NSM are, in part, known from factor for the Takotsubo syndrome (1).
experimental data and clinical research. The - The plasmatic level of catecholamines is
many clinical and investigational elements, com- massively increased in most TTS lesions, as in
mon in the Takotsubo syndrome and NSM led to AMI as well as in patient with TTS and pheochro-
the idea of a similar pathogenic mechanism, mocitoma (37). When plasma catecholamines
with different stressor factors. are not increased, a proposed mechanism was
A simplified schematic of the pathogeny their myocardial increase through local sympa-
(Figure 1) indicates the emotional and physical thetic stimulation.
stress as inducing factors, followed by sympa- - More evidence on the sympathetic patho-
thetic overstimulation and the activation of spe- genesis of Takotsubo syndrome arise from histo-
cific brain regions (the hypothalamus) (33) and pathological exams. Endomyocardic biopsies in
the consecutive release of cathecholamines. TTS did identify lesions with contractions in
Depending on the specific nature of the acute bands of necrosis and inflammatory infiltrates
trigger, the dominant sympathetic response can with mononuclear cells, which is distinct from
be neural (local, myocardial release of epine­ polynuclear infiltrates seen in AMI (38). Lesions
phrine) or adrenal with increased release of ca- of the same type have been described in hyper-
thecolamines in the bloodstream. Sympathetic catecholaminaemia, for example in pheochro-
hyperstimulation and hypercatecholaminaemia mocytoma, SAH, brain trauma, elements that
results in myocardial cell involvement through suggest that catecholamines are an important
coronary spasm, endothelial dysfunction, in- link between stressor factors and myocardial in-
volvement of microcirculation, eventually lea­ jury.

Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 15, No. 3, 2020 293

Takotsubo Syndrome versus Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

In summary, sympathetic hyperstimulation Acute microvascular dysfunction could also

and hypercatecholaminaemia play a central role be a secondary factor, as proven by bioptic
in the myocardial injury or stress cardiomyopa- changes that displayed endothelial apopo­ -
thy. The effects of sympathetic stimulation at the tosis (42).
myocardial level would be produced at multiple In summary, endothelial and coronary micro-
levels: (1) coronary vasoconstrictions (variable circulation dysfunction, both influenced by neu-
spasm); (2) microvascular dysfunction; (3) direct ral activity and alpha and beta receptors, results
cardiotoxic effect of catecholamines at myocyte in conditions of myocardial stunning with vari-
level; (4) secondary involvement of an inflamma- ous types of parietal motility disturbances (43).
tory process (1, 32). The direct toxicity of catecholamines on the
Multivascular coronary vasoconstriction was myocardium could explain the transitory dys-
initially considered to be the main pathogenic function of cardiac motility. Cardiotoxic effects
mechanism. The endothelial dysfunction due to of excess catecholamines have been also found
adrenergic stimulation could determine multi- in pheochromocitoma, with local myocarditis le-
vascular coronary vasospasm, transitory ischae­ sions. In stress cardiomyopathy, bioptic exams
mia and myocardial dysfunction in multiple ter- demonstrated necrosis bands, a unique type of
ritories. Coronary vasoconstriction in epicardial myocardial injury that is associated with hyper-
vessels was proven however in only 20% of TTS catecholaminaemia states (44). The mechanism
patients (32). Moreover, there was no proof of through which hypercatecholaminaemia results
experimental coronary spasm with multiple in cell injury is the cyclic AMP, that leads to intra-
agents. cellular calcium overload (1).
The type of contractile dysfunction in TTS The role of systemic inflammation was also
would necessitate the presence of vasospasm claimed in the pathogenesis of stress
only on some coronary arteries, but actual con- cardiomyopathy. The role of systemic inflam­
tractile dysfunction extends beyond the area ir- mation in the reversibility of myocardial
rigated by a single vessel. With all these contra- dysfunction has been also described in sepsis
dictory data, the involvement of vasospasm can- cardiomyopathy (45). Also, a systemic inflam­
not be excluded in a subset of TTS patients, but matory response was correlated with NSM
it is unlikely that it represents the primary me­ following craniocerebral trauma (46). Some
chanism of myocardial stunning (1). studies showed increased inflammatory cytokines
Sympathetically mediated microvascular dys- (TNF2, interleukin in the sera of patients with
function, through adrenoreceptor and endothe- SAH and NSM) (47). q
line receptors type A, would represent an impor-
tant pathogenic mechanism, which is proven by CONCLUSIONS
the reduction of the coronary reserve coronary
flow both invasively and non-invasively (39). In
the acute phase of TTS, intravenous administra-
tion of adenosine improves myocardial perfu-
T akotsubo syndrome, or cardiomyopathy
(TTC) and NSM (neurogenic stunned myo-
cardium) are two types of neurocardiological in-
sion, regional motility and LVED (40). Microvas- tercorrelation pathologies. These pathological
cular dysfunction is transitory and its recovery is conditions are characterised by usually reversible
correlated with the improvement of contractile disturbances of cardiac wall motility, at various
function. locations, and systolic ventricular dysfunctions,
Microcirculatory dysfunction, which is un- usually due to physical or psychological stress
equal across the left ventricle, reflects local dif- and excess activation of the autonomic nervous
ferences in sympathetic innervation and adrenal system and other cerebral structures such as the
receptor distribution. Beta-receptors have a insular cortex.
higher density at the base of the heart compared The diagnostic criteria of TTC, as defined by
to the apex, and apex receptors are more res­ an international consensus, specify the elements
ponsive to sympathetic stimulation (41). This dis- that define this syndrome, beyond Mayo criteria.
tribution makes them more vulnerable to rapid The new criteria include the almost specific wall
catecholamine increase and the resulting apical mobility types, ballooning, the possible presence
ballooning. of common atherosclerotic lesions as well as car-

294 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 15, No. 3, 2020

Takotsubo Syndrome versus Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

diac changes due to pheochromocytoma (se­ catecholaminaemia through hyperactivation of

condary TTC). the autonomic nervous system; (2) transitory
Diagnostic criteria for NSM are incompletely coronary vasospasm in multiple vascular territo-
defined, but partially similar with TTC; diffe­ ries; (3) microcirculation involvement; (4) pro­
rences consist in triggering by a neurological bably an inflammatory process. In the end, these
event, such as SAH or stroke, different sites of elements result in myocardial injury of a peculiar
regional motility disturbances and prognosis type, followed by lower wall movement in vari-
ranging from benign to heart failure. ous regions and left ventricular systolic dysfunc-
Differences and similarities for the two myo- tion of variable duration.
cardial conditions raised the problem of whether The two subtypes of stress cardiomyopathy
they are two different types of pathologies or a regress quickly, in days or weeks, but can be
single syndrome with two subtypes of stress car- complicated with severe arrhythmias, heart fai­
diomyopathy. lure, thromboembolism or sudden death. q
The main elements that unite them are the
common pathophysiologic mechanisms: (1) re- Conflicts of interest: none declared.
cent physical or psychological stress and hyper- Financial support: none declared.

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