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Ministry of Rural Development

Department of Rural Development

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments

Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

Amarjeet Sinha
Secretary (Rural Development)
One of the key focus areas of DoRD over the last year has been to ensure
timely and accurate DBT payments to beneficiaries under MGNREGA programme,
well within the timelines stipulated under various programme guidelines. In MGN-
REGA, the timely credit of wages to the accounts of daily wage earners has a major impact
in the sustenance of rural poor who depend on these payments for their livelihood. This col-
laborative exercise undertaken by DORD with all stakeholders to streamline the payments
process will have a significant impact in the public perception towards government pro-
grammes as this will enhance transparency and accountability in the system.

I sincerely acknowledge the significant contribution made by National Informatics Centre,

Office of CCA, PFMS team of the CGA, MGNREGA division, the Accredited and Sponsor Banks,
Dept of Post and NPCI for the commitment and the collaborative spirit they demonstrated in
identifying and resolving the teething issues that were causing delays in the payment of
MGNREGA wages. This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for MGNREGA wage payments
has been finalized based on the outcome of this collaborative journey between all above
stakeholders. The SoP has streamlined several inter-organizational processes that
will also benefit all other beneficiary-oriented payment schemes of Government.

Sanjeev Kumar
AS & FA (Rural Development)

Ministry of Rural Development

Government of India
Krishi Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,
New Delhi - 110001 INDIA
Telephone No.: 011-23384338
Ministry of Rural Development

1. Introduction 2. Document Overview

Mahatma Gandhi NREGA provides several legal entitle- This document defines the various steps to reduce the delays
ments to rural workers through a series of provisions in the in wage payments along the payment process and make the
law. While the Act makes provision for a hundred days work methodology as transparent as possible with the practitio-
per rural household in a Financial year, it is the strong legal ners’ approach. The main aim of the document is to highlight
framework of rights and entitlements that come together to the new payments monitoring dashboards (Annexure 1) put
make the hundred days of work per year possible. in place that analyses the gaps existing between the various
systems involved in payments management – NREGAsoft,
The Act also ensures that beneficiaries should receive their
PFMS, Programme Divisions, Accredited Bank, Sponsor Banks,
dues within 15 days of work completion. If this does not hap-
Postal Banks, NPCI and Destination banks.
pen for the beneficiary is entitled to delay payment at the
rate of 0.05% of unpaid wages per day of delay beyond the With this exercise the aim is to attain 100% timely payment to
sixteenth day of closure of muster roll. beneficiaries to attain the objective of the MGNREG Act along
with reducing the burden of delay payment on Government
Hon’ble Supreme Court’s Decision and other stakeholders.
In the year 2018 the Honorable Supreme Court passed an
order with regards to timely wage payments of MGNREGS - Key Stakeholders – Intended Audience
“The burden of compliance is on the State Governments and • Department of Rural Development
Union Territory Administrations as well as the Central Gov-
ernment. One entity cannot pass on the burden to another • MGNREGA Programme Division
and vice versa. • NIC-DRD
In view of the above, we direct the Central Government • PFMS
through the Ministry of Rural Development, in consultation • Banks – Accredited Bank, Sponsor Banks and Destination
with the States/UTs to prepare an urgent time bound manda- Banks
tory program to make the payment of wages and compensa- • Postal Bank
tion to the workers.”
In the spirit of adhering to the SC’s orders Ministry of Rural
Development, along with the various stakeholders involved Extending benefits to other beneficiary-
in the payments process – PFMS, Banks, Dept. of Post, NPCI oriented schemes
and State officers, have worked hard since April 2019 to bring This one-time extensive exercise has helped deep dive into
down the delay in timely payments (credit in the beneficiaries the system of various stakeholder and helped to mitigate
account within 15 days of muster closing) from 40.4% to 14.4% payment related challenges for DBT payments. These learn-
for 31 States. ings and resolutions can be extended/ applied to other bene-
ficiary-oriented schemes of Government of India.

3. Payment process and gaps

The National Electronic Fund Management System (NeFMS) Process for wage payments
The NeFMS Process for wage payments in MGNREGA.

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments 1

Ministry of Rural Development

Transaction Credit Response file format received from PFMS

Step Description Issues Resolutions Relevant Flags/Tags
Transaction Credit Response file format received from PFMS
Second signatory signs • For transmission errors, where there is gap
Missing FTO (gap
a FTO in NREGAsoft , between NREGA web and SFTP server, file would
between NREGA FTO File name
1 which is then placed be re-pushed to SFTP server once but if rejected
web and SFTP) FTO No.
on a SFTP server for second time the FTO would be considered rejected
Invalid FTO
PFMS to pull and would have to be reissued.
• NREGAsoft to scan error folder which has an XML
with details of FTOs with respective errors.
37 Error codes
• For files marked with error CMNE013, NREGAsoft
Invalid FTO (Description in separate
to repush once, but if in error again the FTO to be
section Annexure 2-$$)
rejected for regeneration.
PFMS scans and pulls • For other errors FTO would be sent for regeneration
2 FTOs from the SFTP • PFMS can use the webservices (pfmsservice.asmx)
server Missing FTO provided by NREGAsoft to re-pull missing FTOs. Missing Flag
This can be further be automated with SSIS
• DSC reconciliation webservice (pfmsservice.asmx),
DSC missing/ to pull DSC location wise can be used and further
CMNE013 error
mismatch SSIS would be used for reconciliation between
NREGAsoft and PFMS for DSC missing
• PFMS can use the webservices provided by
PFMS reconciles NREGAsoft to re-pull these missing FTOs.
37 Error codes
FTOs received with Missing FTO • For files marked with error CMNE013, NREGAsoft to
3 (Description in separate
name files shared by Error File re-push once, else need to regenerate.
section Annexure 2-$$)
NREGAsoft • SSIS would be used for reconciliation between
NREGAsoft and PFMS.
• If acknowledgment not received for an FTO, file
PFMS shares “pay.
would be re-pushed once but if rejected second RCVD, RHSC/RHSD,
xml” file with details of
time the FTO would be considered rejected and ACPT/RJCT, STB, ACK/
4.a FTOs received, sharing Missing FTO
would have to be reissued. NACK, SUCC/FAIL/
with banks and batch
• SSIS would be used for reconciliation between HOLD, RTD
NREGAsoft and PFMS.
PFMS shares “Fund.
• SSIS would be used for reconciliation between RVDh, PDH, RDH, PAAO,
9 xml” file with details of Missing files
fund sanctions
(Ref. Annexure 2 ##)
FLAG – Success/reject/
• SSIS would be used for reconciliation between
NREGAsoft and PFMS.
17 responses with Missing files CURRENCYAccount
• Along with this, NPCI API to be used to track the
NREGAsoft Number AsPerBank
last mile transaction status.
(Ref. Annexure 2 -@@)
Between PFMS and PD – on PFMS platform
PFMS creates batches
Large batch size,
– Group Id, State wise • PFMS to create batches twice a day to reduce the GPD
3 Delay in batch
for PD to sanction fund approval amount (Ref. Annexure 2 ##)
• Dashboard to be created for PD, DDO and PAO to
PD to approve
keep a track of delay in sanctions. Link Officers CRTD
4.c sanction every day Delay in approvals
shall be appointed to deal situations when (Ref. Annexure 2 ##)
before 10:30 am
designated officer is on leave.
PD approves the funds
• Dashboard to be created for PD, DDO and PAO to APRV
5 that are then send to -
keep a track of delay in sanctions (Ref. Annexure 2 ##)
DDO for approval

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments
Ministry of Rural Development

Step Description Issues Resolutions Relevant Flags/Tags

DDO approves and
• Dashboard to be created for PD, DDO and PAO to BGEN
6 sends files to PAO for -
keep a track of delay in sanctions (Ref. Annexure 2 ##)
PAO signs the
sanction, and
• SSIS facility is being put in place for syncing debit DGSL
7 instructions are sent -
responses between PFMS and NREGAsoft (Ref. Annexure 2 ##)
to accredited bank for
release of funds
Updating approval
8 - -
response in PFMS
Between PFMS and Sponsor Banks
• Dashboard has been created in NREGAsoft which
bank representatives can use to check pendency for
PFMS to share FTOs
Delay in sharing their bank and track FTOs/ files that are missing STB ACK/NACK
4.b with banks when
FTOs to banks • Banks and PFMS can create Ack/Nack facility (Ref. Annexure 2 **)
among them and automate re-pushing of files not
acknowledged by the Sponsor banks
• Dashboard has been created in NREGAsoft which
bank representatives can use to check pendency
Delay in response
Banks share credit for their bank and coordinate with PFMS to see no PROCESS_DT
15 sharing, Scroll
response with PFMS responses are missing (Ref. Annexure 2)
pending for long
• Also, SSIS facility is put in place for syncing credit
Between Accredited and Sponsor Bank
Post sanction order
from PAO accredited • Delays have been zeroed by building inter bank SSTB
10 -
bank releases money process (Ref. Annexure 2 ##)
to Sponsor bank
For rejected Scroll stays • NPCI to use the dashboard created in NREGAsoft to
transactions the funds pending for long if check for scroll pending transactions and check if
are sent back to the reconciliation with in actual the rejection response has been shared by
16 accredited bank, and funds returned the destination bank, along with fund transfer.
the scrolls for those and rejected • If both have been done NPCI to inform the
transactions are responses not concerned sponsor bank and the accredited bank to
shared with PFMS received make sure scroll does not remain pending.
Between Sponsor and Destination Bank through NPCI
Once funds and FTOs • Dashboard has been created in NREGAsoft which
Delay in file
are received the bank representatives can use to check if there
11 sharing between
Sponsor bank initiates are transactions against their bank for payment
PFMS and Banks
credit through NPCI pending
NPCI shares these
12 transactions with - -
destination bank
Not all responses • NPCI to use the dashboard created in NREGAsoft
Destination bank to are received in to keep a track of transactions pending response
respond to NPCI on same day or 2nd and make sure those transactions have been PROCESS_DT
the same day with day since NPCI completely processed at its end, and to follow up (Ref. Annexure 2)
transaction status allows extension with those destination banks that have not shared
if requested timely response
NPCI to share the
responses with
14 - -
Sponsor banks when

Steps that can be taken to bring NREGAsoft and PFMS in Sync and to reduce delays
1. Handling Error and Missing files between NREGAsoft and PFMS – The gap existing between the count of transactions sent
to PFMS from NREGAsoft and transactions received at PFMS can be segregated into three main categories:
a. Missing Files - Files lost in transmission
b. Error Files - Files received at PFMS but incomprehensible hence cannot be further processed
c. DSC missing - Digital signature file not received by PFMS

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments 3

Ministry of Rural Development

a. Missing files - FTO files can go missing during transmission and would not be present at
Issue Action Responsible Party SLA
• PFMS can use the Ack/ Nack facility in which the digest
having count of FTOs and FTO numbers sent during the
day is shared with PFMS at the end of the day. Next Working day of FTO
Missing FTO at PFMS PFMS
• The FTOs that have not been received at PFMS could generation
be marked such FTO through SSIS and these would be
respushed by NREGAsoft
• PFMS to share these FTO details with NREGAsoft team Next Working day of FTO
through email generation
FTO missing even • Once email is received from PFMS NREGAsoft team
2 working days post
after repushing to find the issue why the FTOs are missing and either
NIC DRD receiving information
repush the FTO to PFMS or get the FTO rejected for
from PFMS

b. Error files - There are 37 reasons due to which FTOs can be marked as “in error “by PFMS.
The detailed list is provided in Annexure 2.
Issue Action Responsible Party SLA
Next Working day of
Files having error to
• PFMS needs to mark files with the specific error PFMS FTO signing by second
be marked in error
Files which are
Next Working day of FTO
marked as in error • NREGAsoft to automatically repush these FTOs to PFMS NIC DRD
being marked in error
• NREGAsoft to reject such FTOs and be open for
Files which are
regeneration at field level.
marked as in error PFMS, NIC Next Working day of files
• Along with rejecting of such FTOs a warning message
CMNE013 by PFMS DRD, Field being marked 2nd time in
would be given to field level for regeneration of FTO.
and in error even Functionaries error
• PFMS to make sure no duplicate files are present at their
after being repushed
• Such FTOs to be rejected and opened for regeneration at
field functionary
Files with errors Next Working day of files
• Along with rejecting of such FTOs a warning message NIC DRD
other than CMNE013 being marked in error
would be given to field functionary for regeneration of

c. DSC Missing - This is the specific error CMNE014 and CMNE015

Issue Action Responsible Party SLA
Files which are
• NREGAsoft shares DSC files everyday with PFMS. Even if
marked as in error
still missing then PFMS can pull the missing DSC through Next Working day of FTO
CMNE014 and PFMS
webservice (pfmsservice) This to be moved to SSIS for being generated
better synchronization.
If even after using the • To be handled like other errors , i.e. Such FTOs to be PFMS, NIC Next Working day of FTO
webservice/SSIS the rejected and opened for regeneration at field functionary DRD, Field being marked in Error the
DSC is not found level Functionaries 2nd time
* PFMS needs to make sure that any of the file marked in error is not processed, so that double payment do not happen.

2. Gap between Files sent to PFMS and PAO signed - This can be due to the above stated 3 factors along with funds not be-
ing released by the Department. In the dashboard this category will be separated on the basis of the recon ciliation in RMS
(Release Monitoring System) for Mother sanction and sum of daily sanctions.
3. Need of a Standard timelines not just for forward activities, but also for response activities

Activity Responsible Party SLA

To be shared by PFMS with NREGAsoft on the same day when
Debit response PFMS
funds are released including holidays.
5 days from receiving of fund should be kept, such that banks
Credit response to PFMS Sponsor Bank would mandatorily share either success, failed, deemed
success/fail including holidays.
6 days post receiving of funds PFMS should share the credit
Credit response to NREGAsoft PFMS
response with NREGAsoft

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments
Ministry of Rural Development

The newly launched ACK/NACK facility should be used it makes sense for PFMS to create a dashboard along
to monitor these responses against each transaction, with a mobile app that can be used by the Program Di-
and warning emails and SMS should be sent to con- vision officers to keep a track of funds available and
cerned officers if these timelines are not being met. FTO sanctions to be given. This app would help de-
termine the root cause of delay in sanctions if any.
1. If debit response does not contain all required dates a
warning email would be send to the Technical Teams 2. Since many a times there are “x” funds available for
in PFMS and DoRD. On daily basis this would be moni- a given State but the FTO batch that is prepared is of
tored and the number of transactions missing any “x+y” amount, in this case sanction cannot be grant-
data in debit response with age should be shared. ed. Hence, it is requested that PFMS creates batched
of FTO keeping in mind the fund available under the
2. If credit response in not received within 5 days of
mother sanction on a particular day for a given State
the Fund release, another notification email/SMS
should go to the concerned Sponsor bank, NPCI, 3. Infrastructural revamp – with the increased load and
PFMS and DoRD Technical Team. This email would outdated technology issues of hardware and soft-
again have the count of pending responses with age ware malfunction have become frequent leading to
backlogs and intensive manual intervention. There is
Other Actions that can be taken a need to create more SFTP servers for sharing FTOs
with PFMS and separate response server to receive re-
1. Dashboard for sanctions versus funds available – Since
sponses from PFMS. Creation of these servers would
PFMS is the primary owner of these two data points,
reduce the errors of missing FTOs and response files.

Annexure 1 - Dashboard details

Link -
A payment tracking dashboard has been created for timeline these transactions should be completed within a day,
analysis of various transactions within the selected dates. since the IT system involved is of one bank only. (An-
Four separate reports can be viewed on the dashboard with nexure 1.a)
downloadable files for transactions having credit date of more b. A2 – SBI to any destination bank. This report provides
than 7 days, along with details of transactions that took the state wise distribution of transaction in which the
maximum days. combination of accredited bank, Sponsor bank and
Sections of the dashboard destination bank is SBI-SBI- Any other. (Annexure
1) Report type – This selectable section is for selecting which 1.b)
accredited bank, Sponsor bank and destination bank rela- c. A3 – Any other Sponsor bank. This report provides
tion are to be studied. There is 1 accredited bank – SBI, 4 state wise distribution of transaction in which the
Sponsor banks – State Bank of India (SBI), Central Bank combination of accredited bank, Sponsor bank and
of India (CBI), Indian Bank (IB) and Punjab National Bank destination bank is SBI- Any bank – Any bank. (An-
(PNB) and multiple destination banks. nexure 1.c)
a. A1 – SBI on us transactions. This report provides d. A4 – The collated for all Sponsor banks irrespective
state wise distribution of transaction in which the of the destination bank. This reports shows the com-
combination of accredited bank, Sponsor bank and plete response pendency of the Sponsor bank State
destination bank is SBI-SBI-SBI. In an ideal scenario wise.(Annexure 1.d)

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments 5

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2) State - The report can be viewed for the whole nation at Time analysis of credit transactions with respect to fund
one glance or separately for each State release (PAO sign date)
3) Period - The dashboard gives the viewer the flexibility to 12. Total credited
choose a time period for which one wants to analyse the 13. Credited within the same day as fund release from
transactions MoRD (T)
Columns of the reports 14. Within T+1 day
2. State – 25 States/UT using NeFMS for wage payment 15. Within T+2 days
3. Sponsor bank – there are 4 Sponsor banks for MGN- 16. Within T+3 days
REGA, State Bank of India, Central Bank of India, In- 17. Within T+4 days
dian Bank and Punjab National Bank 18. Within T+5 days
4. Transactions shared to PFMS 19. Within T+6 and T+7 days
5. PAO signed transactions 20. After T+7 days
Distribution of transaction responses with respect to PAO 21. Maximum number of days taken for a payment in
signed date each State
6. Total responses 22. Total transactions pending response
7. Rejected 23. Total transactions pending response for which the
8. Rejection % funds have been received
9. Scroll pending for number of transactions
Of the columns listed above, the complete data for column
10. On hold transactions numbers –7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 can be down-
11. Deemed Success transactions loaded by clicking on the value present in the cell.
Gap Analysis
# Gap between columns Reason for gap Actions to be taken
FTOs missing between PFMS Using Ack/ Nack facility provided PFMS marks the miss FTOs and pull
and NREGAsoft those FTOs from NREGAsoft
NREGAsoft to automatically re-share the FTOs marked with CMNE013
1. Column 4 and 5 FTOs placed in error by PFMS error once, if in error twice the FTO is resend to field for regeneration.
For any other error FTO is rejected and open for regeneration
This gap would be zeroed once the funds are sanctioned by the
Funds not available
The transactions for which the
2. Column 22 and 23 This gap would close once the funds are sanctioned by the Department
funds have not been released

Accessing the dashboard

The dashboard would be a restricted access page requiring user name and password. Access would be granted to members of
DoRD, PFMS, Sponsor Banks, NPCI, State Officers who can then use the dashboard to check for gaps if any in the data shared
by PFMS with NREGAsoft and as per their respective systems.
User Name – Mobile number of the user
Password – First time an OTP will be shared with the user who can then use the OTP to set their password.
Mobile number would have to be shared with the DoRD team to provide access.
Accessing and login screen:

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments
Ministry of Rural Development

This dashboard has been created to monitor performance of various stakeholders involved in the payment process with re-
gards to the guidelines issues by DoRD for phase 2 of payment cycle.
Each stakeholder is required to closely monitor the dashboard and in case of pendency for them the stakeholder involved
should be informed regularly, so that all measures shall be exercised to close the gap.
The various steps taken during the last quarters have helped raise the timely payments from 59.60% to 85.60% (Dec’2019).
a. A1 Report (SBI on-us)

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments 7

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b. A2 Report (SBI Sponsor and any other destination bank)

c. A3 Report (Sponsor Banks other than SBI)

d. A4 Report (All Sponsor Banks)

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments
Ministry of Rural Development

Annexure 2 - Abbreviations and Flags

FTO file format shared with PFMS # Tag Name Description
# Tag Description Date on which Bank credits the
amount into account of worker
1. Account_debit Debit account no.
2. Ifsc_code_debit IFSC CODE of debit A/c no. 8. Reason for rejection of transaction
Date on which FTO generated (dd/
3. WWTran_date 9. CURRENCY Rupees
AccountNumber Credit Account number, in case of
4. Reference_no Unique reference no 10.
AsPerBank ABP
5. Bank_name Credit Account’s Bank name
11. FavoringAsPerBank ABP bank Name, in case of ABP
6. Branch_code Credit Account’s Branch code
12. BankIINAsPerBank IIN Number, in case of ABP
7. Wg_branch_name Credit Account’s Branch name
8. Ifsc_code_credit Credit Account’s IFSC Code
FTO Debit (Pay & Fund) Response file
9. Account_credit Credit account no.
format received from PFMS
10. Name Account holder’s name **1. Pay File Status: Following short codes should
11. Job_card_no NREGA job card no. of account holder be assigned to the FTO stages: File Level Status
Aadhaar number of account holder, in # Short Code Description
12. Aadhaar_no
case of ABP only
Acknowledgment received from
13. Address Account holder’s address, if available 1. ACK/NACK
bank by PFMS
14. Currency Rupee or Paisa 2. ACPT/RJCT Accepted/rejected at PFMS
15. D_c Debit/credit 3. RCVD Receive at PFMS
16. narration Narration like wage, material 4. RHSC/RHSD DSC enrolment file pending
17. amount Amount in rupees 5. RTD FTO recalled by PFMS by Bank
18. email Email of 1st signatory, if available 6. STB Sent to bank by PFMS
Business Correspondent’s agency Debit Success/Fail/Hold received by
19. Bo_agency_code 7. SUCC/FAIL/HOLD
code PFMS
20. Csp_code CSP Code
21. Card_ref_no Card/reference no. of BC
## 2. Fund File Status: Following short codes
22. Applicant_no NREGA Applicant no.
should be assigned to the Sanction stages for
23. Old_fto_no Old FTO no. in rejected case
release of fund. Sanction Cycle Status
24. Old_reference_no Old Reference no. in rejected case
# Short Code Description
25. Rejected Rejected tag
1. APRV/CANC Sanction Approved/cancelled by PD
26. Nefms NeFMS tag whether ‘Y’ or ‘N’
2. BGEN Bill Generated by DDO
27. Liability Expenditure of previous year
3. CLSD Sanction Closed
4. CRTD Sanction created by PD
Transaction Credit Response file format 5. DGSL File digitally signed by PAO
received from PFMS 6. DRCV Sanction received by DDO
# Tag Name Description 7. DSBG Batch generated for digital signing by PAO
Date on which FTO Transaction has 8. GPD Group ID presentation to PD
been generated
Bill passed by AAO in PAO office of PAO
2. REF_NO Unique ID for each transaction 9. PAAO
3. CR_IFSC Credit account IFSC code Pending cancellation of sanction approval
10. PDCN
4. CR_ACCOUNT Credit account number at PD

5. AMOUNT Amount to be credited in rupees 11. PDH Bill passed by billing head in PAO office

6. FLAG Processed/Rejected/Hold/Deemed 12. PDRN Sanction/Bill returned by DDO/PrAO

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments 9

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# Short Code Description # Error Code Description

13. PPAO Sanction/Bill Passed by PAO Sum of Summary files is not matching with
24. CMNE024
detail file
14. PRCV Bill received by PAO
Credit records not having bank names as
15. PRTN Bill return by PAO 25. CMNE025 India Post for file type PoSummary and
16. RDH Bill return by billing head of PAO office NonAadhaar

17. RVDh Bill/Sanction received by billing head 26. CMNE026 File not having NeFMS data
Post Office FTO credit IFSC not match with
18. SBMT Payee details entered for sanction by PD 27. CMNE027
Branch code
19. SSTB Payment file sent to bank Post Office FTO credit IFSC fifth character
28. CMNE028
20. SSUC Debit status received from bank must be 0

Payment XML file generated to be digitally Post office branch is mapped with more
21. XLGN 29. CMNE029
signed by PAO than one a/c in InstitutionBankDetails
Post office branch accpount not validate in
30. CMNE030
$$ Error codes received from PFMS for 31. CMNE031
Post office all credit records not having
FTO/ Files CBC Data
Post office credit IFSC not match with
# Error Code Description 32. CMNE032
1. CMNE000 Enrolment issue in files Post office credit SOLID not exists in
33. CMNE033
2. CMNE001 Duplicate filename found tblBankBranch
Debit a/c is not valid from bank or not 34. CMNE034 FTO file Name format not as per standard
3. CMNE002
approved or not existing in PFMS FTO file Name/type is different from file
35. CMNE035
4. CMNE003 Debit IFSCode does not exist in PFMS data
Duplicate debit a/c number or IFSCode Beneficiary bank does not exists or invalid
5. CMNE004 36. CMNE036
found in file at PFMS
6. CMNE005 Mandatory field missing in the files 37. CMNE037 Rejected due to 90 days old FTO
7. CMNE006 Duplicate reference number found An invalid character was found in text
38. CMNE038
Beneficiary bank branch is not of 11
8. CMNE008
9. CMNE009 Applicant No is blank
PFMSservice.asmx webservice details
This webservice is used for reconciliation between
Details not available in
10. CMNE010
tblInstitutionBankerDetails PFMS and NREGAsoft, it is mainly used for the
Debit of PODetails in not matching with following 5 functions:
11. CMNE011
tblInstitutionBankerDetails # Function Description
Credit of into HPO/SO or Cooperative Bank
This will used for generating the digest
account does not match with beneficiary
12. CMNE012 for any given date for a State by taking
wise credit total amount i.e. P to P2W case
state code and date as input and returns
or C to C2W case 1. getFTOList
List of FTO name, FTO file type and no. of
13. CMNE013 File has been detected as tempered payment record exists in FTO file which are
PFMS has not received the DSC Enrolment sent on the date.
14. CMNE014
file for first Digital Signature In case of DSC mismatch/ missing PFMS
PFMS has not received the DSC Enrolment getMissing can download all the registered DSCs for a
15. CMNE015 2.
file for second Digital Signature Dsc given location by using this Method of the
16. CMNE016 Post Office Branch does not exist in PFMS
Used for reconciliation of credit response
Post Office Branch not mapped in files by generating the list of response file
17. CMNE017
InstitutionBankDetails getMissing which are missing in NREGASoft as per
File format error, could not be processed Response digest send by PFMS. With implementation
18. CMNE018 SSIS for credit responses this method
becomes redundant
19. CMNE019 Fifth Character of IFSCode is not zero
To sync State codes between PFMS and
20. CMNE020 IFSCode does not exist in PFMS 4. getstate
NREGAsoft, PFMS can use this method
21. CMNE021 Post office a/c number is not in PFMS By using this method PFMS can Mark FTO
Post office a/c number is not mapped with markFTOFor for download which are missing, and then
22. CMNE022 5.
branches given in payment file Download they would be re-pushed to PFMS from
23. CMNE023 Amount can not be 0

SOP on Streamlining MGNREGA Wage Payments

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