Judicial Affidavit

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First Judicial Region
Branch 1
San Carlos City, Pangasinan


- versus - CIVIL CASE NO. 2022-01-05





Par. 1. Petitioner, WILMA SINLAO-LIQUIRAN (Wilma for

brevity) is of legal age, Filipino and presently residing at #38
Brgy. Perez Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan;

Respondent, MARKO A. LIQUIRAN (Marko for brevity) is

likewise of legal age, Filipino and is last known by the Petitioner
to be residing at #55 Brgy. Turac, San Carlos City, Pangasinan,
where he may be served by notices, orders and processes of the
Honorable Court.

Par. 2. In this present Petition, the Petitioner prays of this

Honorable Court to declare as null and void her marriage to
Respondent on the ground of the latter’s psychological incapacity.

The following pertinent and relevant Family Code provisions

are the bases in the treatise of this Petition:

Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the

time of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated
to comply with the essential marital obligations of
marriage, shall likewise be void and even if such incapacity
becomes manifest only after its solemnization.

Art. 68. The husband and wife are obliged to live together,
observe mutual love, respect and fidelity, and render
mutual help and support.

Art. 72. When one of the spouses neglects his or her duties
to the conjugal union or commits acts, which tend to bring
danger, dishonor or injury to the other or the Family, the
aggrieved party may apply to the court for relief.


Par. 3. Petitioner is a young lady of 25 years old during that

time who works under the Human Resources Department of Sony
Philippines. Petitioner graduated Bachelor of Psychology in Virgen
Milagrosa University Foundation, San Carlos City. Respondent, on
the other hand, is a Production Engineer under the same

Par. 4. Petitioner is currently employed at Land Bank of the

Philippines, San Carlos City under the Human Resources
Department. Respondent, as of today, remains working in the
Sony Philippines.

Par. 5. The classic love affair between Mr. Marko Liquiran

and Ms. Wilma Liquiran started when the latter was introduced to
the petitioner through her cousin Zenia. She and Marko were
workmates in Sony Philippines. What started as a simple
acquaintance was followed by an intense courtship; Marko was
immediately attracted to her that soon enough he was deeply
engrossed with her. Marko would often bring Wilma to and from
in her place of work; he visited her in their house almost on a
daily basis. These adorable actuations of Marko eventually led to
a romantic affair between him and the respondent.

Par. 6. They after then decided that they will get married
because they have both found the “right one” for them. Both
families agreed that since Marko and Wilma are gainfully
employed, they should now tie the knot. Most members of their
respective families attended the marital ceremony.

Attached as “Annex A” is the Certificate of Marriage.

The first stages of their married life were full of happiness

and excitement. She and Marko lived with her family after the
wedding and her family was cordial towards him.

Par. 7. As time passed, they eventually moved in to a new

house. It was a smooth sailing for the newly-weds at first. But a
gradual changed in what seemed to be a happy union loomed in
the horizon.

Par. 8. Their marriage, however short-lived, blessed them

with two children.

Attached as “Annex B-1” and “Annex B-2” are the Certificate

of Live Birth of both children.

Par. 9. At the time of their marital union Marko continued

working in Sony Philippines whiles his now wife Marta worked in
the Land Bank of the Philippines. As earlier pointed out, the
marriage seemed happy in the beginning until one day she
noticed Marko became cold towards her. She observed her
husband and his actions towards her and affirmed that he,
indeed, became indifferent. She tried talking to him for several
attempts, but respondent kept on shuting her out and then
leaving. It was like Marko was avoiding her. She also noticed that
he was always on the phone talking to someone she doesn’t
know, but she noticed that her husband was always smiling while
talking, and he was using his sweet tone. Marko would often close
the door of the room whenever he was talking on the phone with
the said person. But when her husband would talk to her, he was
not as sweet as he was before and would use a cold tone of voice.
Her husband became inaffectionate, cold, and distant. It was like
he was not the same person she loves.

Par. 10. Then one faithful day came when Marko left her and
their two children. She later on found out that the reason why he
left was because of a woman named Jolene. She also found out
that the said woman was the one her husband was always talking
over the phone.

Par. 11. That they met on Sony Philippines, the same

company where she and Marko met. But when she left the said
company and started working at a different company, which is
when Jolene was hired on Sony Philippines and was aside under
the same department as Marko. They became acquaintances and
friendly with one another, then eventually, their affair started.

Par. 12. After finding out the main reason why her husband
left her and their children, Wilma suffered sleepless nights,
anxiety, depression, mental anguish, and kept asking herself
what she did wrong to lose her husband to some other woman.
She kept on asking herself what that woman have that she and
their children cannot give to her husband.

Par. 13. Nonetheless, Wilma moved on with her life. Marko,

on the other hand, continued living with Jolene and begot two
children with her.

Attached as “Annex C-1” and “Annex C-2” are the Certificate

of Live Birth of the children.

Attached as “Annex D” is the Affidavit of Acknowledgment of


She even sometimes see them inside a mall, having fun with
his other family, while Wilma was with her two children. Marko
even failed to support them, as he did not even give her
allowance for their expenses and in support of their children’s
studies. Wilma, then, has no choice but to ask help from her
parents and siblings for her meager salary in Land Bank cannot
support the studies of her two children, plus with the expenses
she has to pay for their house and other loans. She can, however,
see that his second family is well-provided by Marko as his two
children with Jolene even studies in a private school. Despite the
said turn of events in their lives, Wilma was able to move on and
work in order to support their children, which obviously were also
forgotten by Marko, as he is deeply engrossed to his new family.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed that

after trial, judgment be rendered by this Honorable Court
declaring the marriage between the Petitioner and the
Respondent VOID AB INITIO by reason of the psychological
incapacity of the petitioner and respondent, citing Art. 36 of the
Family Code.

Other reliefs just and equitable are prayed for.

January 5, 2022

San Carlos City, Pangasinan

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set hereunto my hand this

January 5th, 2022, San Carlos City, Pangasinan.

Wilma Sinlao-Liquiran

SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me, in the city of San Carlos,

this 5th day of January 2022.

Doc.No.; _____
Page No.; _____
Book No.; _____
Series of 2020.
Garcia, Sinlao and Associates Law Offices
Counsel for Petitioner
145 Tandang Sora,
San Carlos City, Pangasinan
IBP No. 764814 dtd. 01-07-21 San Carlos
PTR No. 5448574 /01/14/09/ San Carlos
MCLE Compliance II – 0009328
Dtd. March 27, 2021

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