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| [INDIAN INCOME TAX RETURN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assessment Year | SS | 2020-21 cs |S es eee ia Corrent Year business loss, if any 1 0 3 | Toattncome i 536560 Eels [coeroarpsascca NaS 2 o} | [ete Toto utr AT; wrap 5 B0| | Nettax payable 4 20604 | EeSeees : c aa (+)Tax Payable (-)Refundable (6-7) 8 156110 Seo eer 7 5; aa i mez BS Saran z a | 8 (+)Tax Payable (-)Refundable (11-12) 3 0 OB | secteted income sper seton 1150 4 0 le Additional Tax payable w/s 11STD 15 o 2 | Imerst payable ws 15TE 16 0 23 | Adtionat Tax and tnveren payable 17 0 ? ‘Tax und interest paid Bw 0 ee eee eras a eas Bee sass having PAN __BIMPK69S8D on 08-11-2020 16:35:16 from IP address using: a 0, ee ee ae \ FORM NO.3CB [See rule 6GCD(O)) jon 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in the case of a person referred fo in Aut report under sect clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 6G Live hve examined the balance shect as at 31st March 2020 andthe Profitand Jax: account forthe period beginning from ‘Lpagots to ending on 3103/2020 attached herewith, of Siman_Kalyan_Karan Suman Kalyan Karan, Kalida, Kapasrin, Moisndal, Puri Mediniput, WEST BENGAL, 721628 BIMPK69S8D,, -2.We certify that the balance sheet and the Pref Joss account are in agreement with the books of account maintained a the tad office at Barba Median, and @ branches. 3. (@) Wereport the following observations/comments/dserepancies/inconsstences; if any (0) Subject o above, (A).We have obtained all the information and explanations which, tothe best of Our knowledge and belief; were necessary fo the purposes ofthe audit (Byinour opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the head office and branches of the assessee so far as appea from Our knowledge and belief, were necessary forthe examination ofthe books. (©hlnour opinion and to the best of Our information ond according tothe explanations given to Us the said accounts, read with notes thereon, if any, give a true and fir vie (inthe case ofthe balance sheet, ofthe state of the affairs ofthe assesseeas at 31st March, 2020 and (iin the case ofthe Profitand loss account of the Profit ofthe assess forthe year ended on that date 4. The statement of particulars required 1o be furnished wndersection 44AB is annexed herewith in Form No. 3CD. 5.inQur opinion and to the Best of Ox information an aéeordng to explanations given to Usthe particulars given inthe sd Form No, 3CD andthe Annexure thet are re and coret subject following abservationsqal cations if ny 5 eaeton Tne S [Obsecvations/Oualifcations ] fed I mA BASUDEB_ADHYA O Place KOLKATA Name Date osa2020 Membership Number oslist FRN (Firm Registration Number) 3221528 3 Address S6E.Lala_Lajpat Ral Sarank.3Rd Floors, ‘Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, 700020 FORM NO.3CD_ [See rule 6G(2)) ‘Statement of particulars required tobe furnished under section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 ‘Suman Kalyan Karan | Sumnam Kalyan Karan, Kalkurda, Kapasoria, Matisada,, Pare ‘1 Medinipur, WEST BENGAL, 721628, [| Penmanent Account Number (PANY BTMPK69S8D 5] Whether the assessee is lable to pay indirect tax The excise]No uty, service tax, sales ta, goods and services taxcustoms| | |adutysete.ifyes, please furnish the registration number or,GST| ‘number or any other identification number allotted for the| same | Name ofthe aves Padres Assessment Year niente the relevant clause OF section 44AB under which the audit has Been conducted IST ]Relevant cause of section 44AB under whieh tv audit has Been conducted No. | Chause @AB(a)- Proviso where aggregate cash receipts and cash payment of Daviess exceeding oped Tinie IS [a] Whether the assesee has opted for taxation under section 11SHAIIISBAAIISBAB [Section under which option exereised Ia [If firm or Association of Persons, indicae names of parnersmembers and their profit sharing ratios, In ease] lof AOP, whether shares of members are indeterminate or unknown ? ST [Tp Regisation Number INo._| | 5 [Sie navidad 1 16 [Previous year From [ro z0r9 w@ 310572020 1 rr 302021 5 Name [Profit Sharing Rat) %) | i I9-]b [lf there is any change ip the parmers of members or in Ger profit sharing ratio ince the last date ofthe) preceding year, the particulars of svc c [Date ofchange [Name of ParinenMember |Type of[O1d profi] New Remarks ] | change sharing profi | ratio Sharing . ss Ratio | 3 TO [a Nate of buts or profession GTamore than one Business or profession cased on daring te previous pear HATE lof every business oe profession). [Secor Sub Seca Cade [AGRICUCTURE, ANINIRE HUSBANDRY and FORESTRY | Reang of sheep and produation af weal TOs Tol — [Wf there is ny change inthe nafure of business or profession, the-paticulars of such change’ TN Bisness [Sector [SubSexior [eae i Ti |_| Whether books oF acounts ae rested under seston HAA, Vea Ist of Books So pSeTbeT Ne Boks prescribed T1]B ]Listof books of account maintained and the address at whish the books of accounts are Reps (incase books af ascount are maintained in a computer system, mention the books of acount generated by such computer sytem IF the books of} account arenot kept a one location, please furnish the addresses of lations along withthe details of books of accounts uinained et each oetion) Same a 1a) above [Books maintained [AditessLine | [addess ine? ]Ciy or Towa ar] Sate [RCO District, Babar Suman Kalan Kara, Farha Neaiaipar | WEST BE] Ta16E7 Katkurd, Kaper, mr Neat Matisada, I coms Saran Rajan Kaan, Farka Medgar —] WEST BETTER Kathurds, Kaper, NGAL, Mahinda | Hoarar Sanan Kapa Kaa, Para Meainipar — [WEST BETTE Xatkard, Kapaserlay NGAL Mabisada, Baran Rajan Rea Parba Mednipar | WEST BE 721677 alkard Ky CAL Manisada, Suman Kalan Kava, Parka Meainipor WEST BETTE Katkurda Kasse, ad (GAL watt 5 Parka Medinipar [WEST BE NGAL Sales rege Parba Medinipur Siok register Kalkurda, Kapasera, Mabisadal tissu sant and natare of relevant documenis examined. Same as 11(6) above = [om oF books of 220 [Cash book [Books Examined [Bank book 1 es register ‘Stack register Whether profitand Toss account includes any profits and gains assessable on presumptive basis, ies, indicate te] No 7 Haeesns ge elevant section /4AD, A4AE, 44AF, 440, 4BB, 448BA, 448BB, Chapter XILG, Fist Sched jor any other relevant section). Sesion [amount Sa Ts aad faccounting employed ne pov year Were tem a 1 ’> [Whether there has Been any change in the method of accounting employed vis-a-vis the method employed the immediately preceding previous yest is f= answer © (above in the afrmatv, give dtalls such change, and he eect tere othe prot or Toss feu [Toeease i pofit(Rs [Decrease in prowi(Rs) | jd] Whether any adjustment is required to be nade tothe profits or Toss for complying with the provisions of/No income computation and disclosure standands notified under section 145(2). [answer to (above iin the affirmative, give deals of such adjustments Increase in profi(Rs)_[Deereare ta profidRs.) [Net effeet(R5) c Ir If_ [Disclosure as per ICDS. ICDs [Disclosure [Method of valuation of eosTag sock employed ih the previous year, T [b [Incase of deviation from the method of valuation prescribed under section 143A, and the eect thereot on]No the profit loss, please furnish Tiersen promt) awrase ie provmtRs | Pariculrs 15) Give ie Foowing parila of te apie wie comer ito nockoivinde fa) Dessipon feapra asset, TG) Dae of] Cost on] Amount at] acquisition acquisition [which the asse:| 48 converted int stocks rade NI | Amounts rok redid wo the pri and Toss accour,Deng= Tela [The ems illig within the cope of seston 28 [Description [amount TSB | Te prorma creis, drawback, refund of duty of customs or exc or service ax, or reTund of ales x or valu added ax, where such eet, drawbacks o refund are admitted as due by the autores concermed [Description [amount Tee | calation claims assepied during the previous year [Deserption TRimount Nit Tod [Any oer tem oF meame Deseripion [Amun 7 z 4 Tele [Capra receipe any a [Amount [17] Where any and or balling or Both Ts wansterred daring th ing the previous year Tor a consideration Tess than value adopted OF assessed ot assessable by any authority ofa State Government referred to in section 43CA of S0C, please fur (Address Line]CiiyTown [State Pincode [Consideration | Value alopied 2 leceived oor assessed or lacerued___fassessable ee ee is, asthe eae] ceo ac ae x lo OT TBST Tr reaper Teach asset OF Bock of 585 33 foe aT TOE PTS CS ray beste ae se a Be Ee OR [cm [RE [NOD ae a eat fom. [Down fo flee py | wOV fren] VAT Janel Fo of] [Allowable | Value st kf Ce) Y IY [awe [ae fo) fo BIO? eset “D) te ed mf) woakene | fee] |. rte ets a fae ex | | ae. | | lc-D) _|| Se ae oe 3] | |& Fittings) | | laws | Fi ae aa ect lai |r ac re a a Der Dea ls i Eno zi [79/Amounts admissible under sections No [Sato so RR STE re pos oT TSO AOS amen et ion ny pened wd ele Po earer ik fa he ona x Rule 962 ran oe Bienes eta sued in hs beh. si a mw cn eT ee We HWE SRST a ys Fos ote, Seon 3D) Bescon [Emount I a aca ed To ele Or a i ered one Te awe ind ae x Tne stall Toe eal sna lpmmnent amour paid [of payment fron the concerned espe rare PbS me cas i a en TTS Oa eT Fg TRIE oT ATL, PEN] Rveument expendi Capital expenditure =F [PPancutrs [amount Ta Rs, reset ean I 4 I Paneer [Amount in Rs. ] : paves aE LS ‘brochure, Fact pamplilet Or the Tike published by a political party | = [Amount in Rs._ ae ee COS Ba aS Tw EHTS : = ee I Tae Epos crea bs beng ct Tor cl sree and ees wed meaneieiesy I pas [Amount in Rs. } Tre by way af peal oxi Tor lan of any law or he ie Being | See Sa Expenditnre by way of any oiler penally or fie not covered above mount in Rs aes —— ExpendTure ered Toray purpose which san offence or which — aioe is ORE aw (6 Arun nadie under section 400) [aveauatin vas payment fo nonresident refered io in sub-eause () (a) Details of payment on which ax isnot deducted: [Date of[Amount of] Nature IName of the] Pi : SPAN on] Ries — [RI 5 Bae a is ae payment [pam lpyee fe myelin) fun? melee [B) Dera oF payment on which tax fas Been es Distr on whi Teducted but as not been ce tr eee pT Te I STI base Aun of] Nate ot Name —o] PANO ROE [A lpaymen [payment payment |the payee the {Line 1 ass [eyo Pasion] : ie? [reve liao ee let sei | Distt ea Ea ne TTY | [(@) Detail of payment on which ates deducted = [CiyorTows]Pincode —[] PAN of] Address Line Address of Name of] the Line2 or District I Dare of Amount Narre lpayment | of |payment — | payee: | yen ayeeyit |e) ae valde || | a Da Fp TN as ath Getile tas wo Ben aT ono Bf ie Sie dae specie | SE eal |___|nbesion tse 5 ap PAN RES [ARTE [Oa PRe [mono oa Pa aero [perme [te payer|the [Line JLine2 [Town or or taxfor (vi i payment payeeit Distict deducted | deposited, if Ae |e rae aay aa RED } Fn oy a SEED —— ee rae|PAN Oy Aion ne eas —[CiyorTova| Fined een ee eee ca Eee Ee Ee eae =| ay DICT STA am ey Tas Ber dod a as wa een pid ono Before ed dt speci Beene sa scion (1) of ton 9 canes [Ran [OW OPO [AOE [ARIAT ol Pas aon Nee alia, emt [ue [Town oy fot, kvlot = a nae Stel Soenes | etnbe | ee Li ngs Bnei a under ou aan 1 fea perce ee pe aries oe a TD) | ee ee anger erdened TS ae nara OD Se SEAR wfadieteT [adaes (CH Pre eee ea eaters ee ] ] avatial | | | i) parent oF other Fad under sub clase Gap by employer for perquisites under sub-elaise) [c} Amounts died to profit and Toss account being, inter, sly, Ponts, commission or remuneration inadmissible unr] Section 40(0)40(b) and computation thereof | Parcs, Section Amon debTeT| AOE [Amount Temas ] J foe AC, [Admissible [inadmissible Disa pwareTocemed come under eeTON4OAGY- = Tay Or the bans af the examination of BOOK of account and oer relevant dowamentvevidence, whether the] Ves \cpendiure covered under section 40A(3) ead with rule 6DD were made by aeeount payee cheque drawn on a bak| ‘or socount payes bank draftlf nor, please furnish the detail: [Bate OF Payment [Nature Of[Amourt in Rs Name ofthe payee [Femmanent Recount Payment | Number of the payee, if] |available [By On the basis ofthe examination of books of account and oer relevant documenisevidene, whether the payment] Ves ee ae ea eee ees eee eee el ee ce miatinoaincre eee es Oe porn pas ea [profession under section 40A(3A) [Date OF Payment [Nature [Amount in Rs [Name of the payee Permanent Account] Ree ae rae CO rest posta Sa AT) — La ar aaa capa ToC Uae AY = y praca fa ots (ee Raa OF La Tene [ij Amount of deduction inadmisibe in terms oF secion 1¥A va rspeat of he expenditure incurted a vetion Ane fn int pee OTe expenditure inured a elaon To ncome WHC [Nature OF Liab [Amount ia Re (0) Amount nadie under he proviso To seoton SECT) P2famoon of tert ems nde seion 25 of he Ms, Sand Neon Expos Deepen’ AS] a 5 Parcs of any payment made to persons pened under vexion TOA. of Rested Person PAN of Related Person [Reaion Ralure ol] Payment Made7Amoun) trasaction jon S2AC oF S2AD oF SUAB or STAC or SSABA. [Arnounts deemed tobe profits and pains [Sexton [asain [Emount 1 / ‘it 55] Any amount of OTH chargeable To tax under section 47 and computation hereof TRaneofFeson —_[Amountofincome [Section [Desernton of Transaction TODO oF (@) of sation 43B the Tab Tor whieh [In respect of any sum refered wom cause a ar but was no allowed in the assessment oF any preceding previous Year| preexisted onthe frst day ofthe previous end was a Fe] CANA) [Pad daring te previous year a Se I [Rature of ability [Amount] i eA) [Not pd ring he previo yer secon aie oF TAT nuat | Ni CeO | as mere he previo year and Was = el NBNa) [Pid ono before the du dt for Taine eum eons of Wie previous yar under ssn THQ) [Section [Nature of lability [Amount] i 1 EERE) [rot aid oo bere ie foes ae Secon [Rae of HI ranean | Nr [(State whether sales tax, goods & service Tax, customs]No- uy, excnedty or any oer indict ney, cen impost, etc., is passed through the peofit and loss accom) [27] [Amount of Central Value Added Tax Credits Input Tax Credit(ITC) availed of or utilised during the previous| No yearandteteatmentinpoitand los accunt and weatent of outstanding Cental Valve Added Tax Credits) | fina Tax Cre) ascouns [CENVATATC TAmount Treatment ta Profit and] Loss/Accounts [Opening Balance J [Creat Availea (Credit Vlized [ClosingiOuisanding Bal [DUE | Pantculars of icone or expenditure of PHOT period ereied or debied 1 he prof and loss account = | [Tape Paricuars -AROUN Prior period whic itelates(Year in yyvy \yyformat) IN [2B] Whether during the previous year the aeisee has received any propery, being share ofa company not beng | company in which the public are substantially interested, without consideration or for inadequate consideration as referred o in section 56(2)(via) [Name of _the[PAN of the]Name of the|CIN ofthe company JNo. of Shares]Amount _of]Fair Markel person from|person, _if}company rom IReceived consideration value of the which sharesfavalable whieh shares paid shares received received a 79] Whether daring the previous year the assessee received any consideration Tor isue of shares which exceeds the a] market value ofthe shares as referred to in section S6(2\vib). If yes, please furnish the details ofthe same [Name of the person from whom|PAN ofthe person, iffNo, of Shares [Amount ol Fair — Markel consideration received for issue of available consideration alue of the shares received shares i (3) Wheter any amount Yo be aude a income chargeable unr The Wed Tesame om oer ours No {efred to in lase (x) of subseton (2 of section $6? (fy, please fumish the following deta SIN TNs of come Tamount Ni B(@)__ | Whether any amount fs tobe included as Income chargeable under the ead Income fom other rourees as]No referred to inciause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 562(YevNo) (b) lfyes, please furnish he following detail: (sik TRature of icome ~ [Amount [0] Detals of any aroun borrowed on Run or ay aunt deren (naling est on te aout Boros] No mide than though an acount payee cheque Section 69D) z| [Name of]PAN off Adare] Adaress[City_or|Siae Pincodd Amount [Date of]Amvount [Amount ]Date of] te fine Line 1 [Line 2. [Town or borowed| Borrowingdue —|repeid _|Repayment person _|person, i} District including from available interest whom borrowed | or repaid | lon hundi | IN Rey Whether primary asian oWansTr pie, zfs a wb reton (1 of secon S2CE, fas been made] No uring the previous year (yes, please fumish the flowing dew IST [Under which{Amount —(in] Whether the excess] yes, whether If no, the amount (nJExpeced de INo, clause of sub-[Rs) ofmoney available|the _excess|Rs) of imputed interest|of repatriation section (1) offprimary with the associated|money has income on such excess|of money | section 92CE adjustment enterprise is|been repatriated |money which has not} primary Jequiced to be|within _the|been repatriated within} adjustment | lepatiated to India prescribed time. |the prescribed time made ? las per the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 92CE. ‘Ni Bay Whether the assessee Tas incurred expenditare during the previous year by way ofinferestor of similar nature] No exceeding one crore rupees as refered on sub-section (I) of section 4B, | () Ifyes, please fish the following dials ISIN. [Amount (in Rs]]Eamings before]Amount (im _Re)_of]Detaile of interes Detils of interest Jofexpendinurby interest, tay lexpenditure by way of|expenditure trought/expenditure caried lway ofinterestor| depreciation andlimerest or of similar} forward as per sub-|forward as per sub-| lof similar nature|amorizacign _|nature as per (i) above] section (4) of section section (4) of section lincured | (EBITDA) diting wich exceeds 20% of|94B. 948: the previous:year|EBITDA as. per_(i)/Assessment] Amount [Assessment] Amount IGoRs), above [Year tin Rs.) [Year __|(in Rs.) IN [Cer Weir the assesSbe fas entered Ino an imperisibfe avoidance arrangement, a referred fo in section 96, during the previous year (This Clause is kept in abeyance tll 31st March, 2021) (@ Iyes, please Furnish the folowing details 1 STN. [Nature ofthe impermissible avoldance arrangement Amount (ia Rs) of tax benefit im te) previous year arising, in aggregate, to] al the partes to the arrangement aT] Paritelars of each Toamor deposit in an amount exceeding tie limit apecified in section 2695S taken or accepted during] te pevious year ISNo_ [Name of the[Address of] Permanent |Amoun] Whethe}Maximum ——]Whether —the]In case the lender or|the lender or{Account fof loan}the | amount Hoan or depost|toan or deposit depositor [depositor |Number(if or loan orloutstanding in|was taken|was taken. or| evailable |deposit| deposit/the account atlor accepted accepted by with the}taken was any time during|by cheque|cheque or bank: sssessee) Jor |squared the previous|or bank draf{ draft, whether the’ lof theacceptefup | year lor use offsame was taken| lender or using leletronie Jor accepted by! the the lelesring _|an account payee depositor previou} system cheque or an year through alaccount payee’ hank account. [bank draft Ni SI] Paria ofeach pee sm aan aroun cosa Tn SPST a Seon TSS We oF RTH TA |the previous year: % ae “| SNe [Name OF Te|Adies of he petson fom Permanent Amount ]Whtier tien _case te Person from|whom specified sum is|Account lof specified sum|specifed sum wa [whom specified received [Number (if/specified |was taken oF taken or accepted Javailable sum tken|accepted _by/by cheque or bank bvith —the|or cheque or bank] raf, whether the lassessee) of accepted draft or use|same was taken| H the person lot _electronicJor accepted by {rom whom clearing system|an account payee specified trough a bark|cheque or an Jim is account account payee received nik raft co [By ree na be given re cave ofa Government company banking company ora corporation evablahed by a Cental, Stator Provincial Act) I Ba) Panicle of each ccc n a amount exceeding We Tt specified in scion 2095, in agrees Fema person i atmo in sespct ofa single transaction orn respect of transactions relating 10 one event of occasion from person, ag the previous year, where sch recipi oterwise than by a cheque or bank draft or use of eletone clearing sytem through bank aceount [Hse Name of the] Adares of he Payer ——]Patmanent [Nature offAmourt—_offDate Ofreceip | Payer Ypecount transaction receipt Number (i available vith the assesses) of the Payer xe TT |Aby | Pacts of cach resi an amount exceeding he Timi speed tn section DEDST, in agareeate from a pean in] a day ori respect ofa single transaction or in respet of transaction relating to one event or oecason from a peso received by a cheque or bank draft, not being an account payee cheque or an account payee bank da, during the previous year» ISNo- Name of he Payer [AUKesv oie Payer Permanent Account] Amount of ecipt Number (if availabe with the asesice) ofthe Payer St I]t Parca of cach payin made nan ani exceeding the Tit specie Ta section 269ST, in aggregate to «person ina day or in respect of single tasactios akin fspect of transactions relating to one event or ooasiono perso otherwise than By achegue or bank daft orus of elecronic clearing system through abank acount during the previous year | No Name of He] Addres ofthe Payer Permanent [Narre of] Amount of Dele OF Fayment Payer ‘Account [transaction Payment [Number (i) valle withthe asciee) of the Payer bo [By [ParteuareoFeach payment Inan-amount exceeding ihe imi Specified in section 269ST, a aBegate to w person ina day on in respect of single transaction orn respect of tansactions relating to one evento ozasin oa peson, made ty cheaue or bank dal rot being an account payee cheque oan account payes bank draft daring the previous yea" ISNo-|Name ofthe Payee Address of he Payee Permanent Account] Amount of Payment [Number Gf available with tne assessce) ofthe Payee NT (Particulars a () (0) (bs) and (8) ned ot be ven nthe case of ect by Ibunking Compan, a pest oie savings bunk, ceopratve bank or inthe ease of or inthe case of peraons referred ton Notification No 0. 206(E) dated duly, 2017)” ISTJE [Particulars ofeach payment of loan or deposit or any specified advance in an amount exceeding the mit spec in section 267 made during the previous yer~ ISNo, Name of the) Address of the|PemanenjAmoun|wiaximum Whether the]in cae Ge pay! payee payee Jaccount [of thelanount repayment vas made by cheque ct Numberifrepaymfauistanding in|was -made|bank drat, whether the avaiable the account at{by cheque|same was repaid by an with the| any time during}or bank | account payee cheat or lassesseelof the previous|draft or use an account payee bank the payee year lof electronic drat. clearing Iystem through | [bank account, TParicalars of repayment of Toan or depositor any specified advance in an amount execeding ihe limit specified section 2607 received otherwise than by a cheque of bank draft of use of electronic clearing system through a bank account [during the previous year-— SSNGNne of the Tender Adare of We Tender, or Permancal Account Number (iAmount_of repayment tr dxpoitor or peson| deposioe or person ffom|avlabie withthe assesseea tel of loan or deposit or | ffom whom spesifed|whom specified advance|lender, or depositor or person|any specified advance dvance i received — |isreceived fiom whom speciied advance is|received otherwise. than| received by cheque of bank deaf or use of eletonic clearing stem through a Joanie account dri the previous year f= — [Partealars of repayment of oan or depositor ay specified advance in an amount exceeding the limit peciied in section '268T received by a cheque or bank draft which fs nat an account payee cheque or account payee bank draft during the [previous year-— [SNqName of the Tender Address of the lender, or] Permanent Account Number (Amount oF repayment lor depositor or person| depositor or person from available with the assessec)of the| of loan or depositor from whom specifed| whom specified advance|lender, or depositor of person|any specified advance sdvanceis received — |is received ftom whom specified advance is|received otherwise than| received lby a cheque. or bank daft or use of electronic | clearing system through a bank account during the| previous year IN Nat ak lor Provinial Act) 55 Patculare ), (0) ad] weed not Be even We ease Fa repayment of any loan or depositor any specified advance enor accepted from Government, Goverament company, barking company o «corporation established by a Central, State 32] [Deus of brought forward los or depretarion allowance, nthe following manner to extent available ISNo|AssessmenfNatute of loswallowanes [Amount [All [Amount [AmounfOrder [Remarks ‘Year ss losses’ fas as. [U's returned |allowanchadjusted |assesseand i GS Inot by “Date allowed | withdeowal funder lof section |adlitions} TISBAA| depreciaton Is 216 ira change Tn shareholding of he company Fas Taken place the previous year due Towhieh]NokAppisble | ne losses incurred prior to the previous year cannot be allowed to be carried forward in terms o section 79, Te assesee Has Tncured any speculation Tok reterred to i section 73 during the previous year. [NO Tye, please furnish the details below Jf Whether the asesee fas incured ay Toss reTened oi seolon T9A i respect oF any spesed busines] No during he previous year | ——_ forthe same | Tye, please furnish details Teac aT cp RS ae al wert company ie deed Be aig on aspen Bune P as refered in explanation fo section 73 TT es lease frais the deta of spesalatan los any incarred daring the previows ear : 5] SSI aes dele of Gctons if ay admanbTe under Chaplet VIA or Chapter (Seeton 108, Seaton TOAA)|Yes J |SNo_ [Section TAmount [ane isi20 TTA a Sit Whether Te waveceTs Tquird To Uedutor cael ax as per the provisions of Chapter XVIEB of Chaper|No XVI-BB, ifyes plese furnish ISNo|Tax [Sesion |Naure of Toa —_ Total —yToal Amount |Toal Amount” Amount ol eduction payment famount offamount [aroun fof taxfamount of taxliax and payment fon which|on which|deducted Jon which|deducted [deducted collection or receipt|iax was|tax waslor tax waslor lor /Account of thelrequired [deducted |coleced |deducted Jcllected collected ‘Number ature to. befor foutof 6) for onc) _frot an) | - specified |dedueted feolected collected deposited in colamalor at lat les othe J) [collected |specitied than credit of out of (4 [rate out of specified | the Central Is) te outo | overme o out of (6) and (8) Ni a]b | Whether te assesses required io fash We statement of tax deducted or ax colecied. yes, please Furnish] No Line dca: L ISNo]Tax deductigp|Type [Due is “for[Date of] Whether the saement of[IF not, plete ‘and collection|of [furnishing furnishing, |tax deducted or collested|furish listo ‘Account Number Form it fumished| ntains information about| details! (TAN) Sy all. detailransactions| transactions | which are required to belwhich are not ut reported reported ® [Sa]e | Whether the assessce i Table To pay intrest under scaion 2D1(TAY or seston 208C(7) I yes, plese furnish | Not E Applicable ISNe FTaxdeduaionand]Amount of] Amount Bates of payment Jcoleson Account interest under [Number(PAN) ——|section . 2o1(ayzo6ccn) 2 payable i 5] in the case ofa ting concem give quanTatve deals of prniipal ems of goods waded ISNo]llem Name [Unit [Opening Purchas-[Sales [Closing stock Shor Isoek les (during excess, during ifeny the [previous previous |year year 5] Inthe case ofa manufacturing concer, give quantaive deals of te pincpal tems of raw materials, Haished products sn by-products = rinepal ems of raw material, fished prod 35|BA_|Raw materials ISNo [Item Name [Unit JOpeninfPurciaser [Closing] VIE Percent] Shor stock uring the stock of Jase offexces, previous year inished|yield |ifany Prod 35|6B [Finished produc SNe Name [Unit [Opening PurchaefQuantiy —|Sales_during the] Closing ook Shortage] Jauring | mamufacur-|previous year leer Ine ed during iteny previous |the previous year year Tcase ofa company plcase date that whether he corapany is deemed o Be carrying on a speculation busiest] as refered in explanation to section 73 Ton any Ts, please furnish the dtl of specu incurred during the previous STSCI deals of de otions, if any admis under Chaplet VIA or Chapter I (Section 10A, Section UAT] Ves j- [SNe [Section [Amount ioc Tsim worTA 38 as of Chapter KVII-B or Chapter] No or TheSSGSnS required Wo deduc or collec ax as per the pro vib yes please ish SOE ne ee Naum offToal [Toul — Toul Amount foal — [Amount amour decoction Pa, Jamun offamount amount of txjamoun Jor texan end ismcne [on aick|onwhich|deduted on whic deduced deduced election eeveit|ixwas|isnwaslor [tax waslor, or Account Sr required deduced |clleced |deduced [coleted |eoleced Number Jrare on belor loutof(6 Jor fonts) {not (TAN) specified [deduced [collected collected deposed coca st tes fe the (3) [etetd |spexted than eet of out of [rate out of speciied ie Cental 3) [ine outof Goverme lon) aw oF 6 | 0d 8) st Say] WH Ti eae GUESTS vee oT ATT oF wx TED Tyee plese sh NO | ie ait No [Tax deduce] Type Date — of] Wether te sateen off ot Tease and collet ot Famishing [x deducted or collected furish sto ‘Account Numer] Fm it fumisedeptains information abou deals (TAN) ft deasansctions transactions eich are required to be|which ace noi] | | pore pore. Nu SJE] Whee asesoe Table To pay ret nde etn 2OICTAY or setian ZO6CT) yes, pease Turish Noe Applicable Ko Trac aeon and] oust alam [Dues oT payee election Accoul|inerest unde Number (TAN) [econ : 20114206007) . ispayebe 5S ica a a ng ONC EAT of pica of good waded ISNo-]lem Name [Unit [Opening [Parcs |Sales [Closing ck | Shor eck es [ang exces, ving lie Fey the | previous previous year Ix F5]0 Inti car oa manuf once, Ve URBAN ACTS One pcp es OT aw Hale, TAR RO nd by-products 35|SA Raw ater IS lem Narié [Un OpeningPrcases | Consump STe [Toning [WUT Pere] Sora ee eee cme eae se ee previous year ihe (ihe finished) yield any previous |previouy | produt eee Se 3565 ned produce ea [fee at 5 | Uitt| Openina| PurehaeeFOvantity The] Closing stock] Shortage] sock daring. manufactur previous year exces, ftw led dig litany previous te prevca aa year [year te, Pe — —E—————— ee ae ae emer A gurng manufactur [previous Year neat tne fed ducing itany P previous [the previous S camer ion 115-0 a te flowing Forms = techn case ofa domesie company. dt aT ax on Tribute profits under set i [35 Foal amount] @) Amount of70) | Ao Sed) Taal ax) Tot ix pid eee fe) Fer ed|redoin siren aid thereon Amount profits Hfewed to infreferred toi payment eaion 115-O(1A)[section 115-014) | | lo io bi — tty tia se oni ay amo Faden a TTETeA TO Te subesTase (6 FN ete eto 2 yen pease fish ne following deta + IsTNo. Amount received (in Rs) [Date of exept we Not [5 tierany Sa oi was cared ok ie jag Be GT any oT aun ain oF ESE Fs ge quant sma be eporiedentifed yh cost aie — Let was conducted under dhe Central Excise Ack, 1944 Noi af ais any audit was condoted under the Central Excise A come TFS Ge eels any of agaTeton oF serch 2 es Be walelquantty as may be reported enified By the avd eae edited onder sna 2A te Fiance 56994 —alaion To valuation of taxable] Not jeatified by the auditor |Applicatte ary of dequalifiaton or disagreement on 987 te reportedidentified by the auditor a Fe Tare previous year and preceding previous Yer Si Paniculars [Previous Year receding previous Year Ne a [Foal rover TERTOTAO| TO54088) "4 ofthe asesee eros pati 7] To STOSTIB]___ TRRTOTIOTSSH® S35 TSAO] ] LTurnowee A, i - Ne par 7] SSLGTA|__ 10270770)3.02 T5315 TOADS] OD Turnover . i |Sioek-a- 1028590] TRTOTTO] 5.65% 525830) TOSA0E8 | 15% Itmde | HTumover = | Material - | consumed! Finished goods Sa ruled Toe led for prepa Wem of goods ded or manufactured or serviess rendered) soy sed or refund Tsued during the previous year under any tax laws otfer than Tnsome-| [ApPiease furnish the details of demar rae 961 and Wealth tx Act, 1937 alongwith deals of relevant proceedings Tindal yearto]Name of other] Type (Demand) Dae of demand]Amount [Remarks lwhich demand Tax law nised/Refund |raised/refund refund relates to received) _|received ‘an Nal or Form No. GTA oF Forth No. 615? If] No Ni tag] Whether the assess is roqured To furs satement in F yes, please fumish ST]income-tex [Type otFonn [Due date for[Date ‘of Whether the Form nor, please furish eee Hurmishing furnishing, _if{contains ist of the detail! soning Furnished information about transactions which] ae alt details fare not reported ‘umber ransactions which are required 10 be| reported. 4 ee a eee ay Whetier Te ssessce OFWs parent elt alierate reporing ent Is Tablet Furish the reportas referred] No to in sub-section (2) of section 286 AO ISI] Whether report has] Name of parent enaly Name of allerate[Date of fumishing] — 1 INo. [been furnished by reporting entity (if/of report, the assessee or its spplicabie) [perent entity or an alternate reporting) [entity IF NOU ae please enter expected date of furishing Te report ia i Break-up of total expenditure of entifies registered or not registered under the GST(This Clause is Kept ih abeyance) il 31st March, 2021) SI] Total — emount| Expenditure ih respect of eniies registered wider OST, TExpendinore Ndof Expenditure Relatng%o goods] Relat To[Relaing to other] Total payment to) relating to entities incured during|or —_services|entities falling registred entities registered entities not registered under the year lexempt —from|under ost \cst |compesition scheme emit Place Date ISL KOLKATA, Name ‘Address Benoaus bile osnua020 Membership Number astioi FERN (Firm Registration Number) S22152E Saran. 3Rd Far, ‘6EsLala Laat Ral: Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, 700020, (Fon Filing Detail E vision Original ginal § z “Adaiion Deais(Fram Point Nox) Description of[SLNO[Date__ofjDate put tofAmount ‘Adjustment‘on secount of | Total Amount Block of Assets Purchase use (ODVAT [Exchange Subsidy | Rate |Grant [Change | Famamare Fittings @ 10% [Total of Furnitures & Ftings @ 10% 7 Plane 4] Machinery @ 15%| [Total of Plant & Machinery @ 15% 7 [Deduton Detat¢F rom Point No. 18) [Description of Block of Assets No Date of Sale 6 [Amount 5 [Furnitures & Ftings 0% z Total of [Fowl of Furnitures & Fittings @ 10% a Pia & Machinery @ 1%

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