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Heaven Official’s Blessing Chapter 9:

Mountain lock ancient temple upside down

dead forest
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I waved to notice that there was a small swell in the crowd, frowning: "How come
there is a woman here?"

Although his tone was not hot, but he was not very kind, Xiaoying listened and
bowed his head. Thanks, "She is afraid of something, come up and see."

Helping others to ask: "Are you coming up with her?"

The people first hesitated, and later said: "I don't remember." "I can't tell." "No, we
didn't have her when we came up!" "I didn't see it anyway." "I didn't see it."

Xiaoying said: "Because I was secretly coming..." Xiao Pengtou immediately said:
"Why are you secretly following up? Are you guilty? Are you a ghost groom posing?"

As soon as this statement came out, Xiaoying had a large space around her time.
She waved her hand and said: "No... No, I am Xiaoying, I am true!" She said to her:
"The son, we are only I have seen it! I will give you rouge and dress it up..."

Thanks: "..."

Everyone stared at him and someone started to whisper. He heard the words
"likes", "different from ordinary people" and "can't believe". He coughed twice and
said: "This, mission demand. Mission demand. South wind Shake, you..."

As soon as he turned his head, he realized that the south wind and the swaying had
been staring at him with gaze, and his feet were restrained to pull a little away from

Thanks to the gaze of their eyes, they said: "...Do you have anything to say?"

Where did he know that the girl's point-and-shoot pen was a fascinating workman,
and he taught him to use eyebrows and eyebrows. If you don't speak, it is a
beautiful girl who is gentle and twirling. The two men looked at him and they were
shocked, unbelievable, doubtful about life, and uncomfortable. The face is still that
face, but I don’t know exactly who I am talking to. Helping the south wind: "What do
you want to say."

The south wind shook his head immediately: "I have nothing to say."
"..." Thanks, "You still say something."

At this time, the crowd said: "Hey? Is this a Mingguang Temple?" "There is still a
Mingguang Temple in this mountain? It's rare, I have never seen it."

Everyone has seen the strangeness. Xie pity but suddenly said: "Yes, Mingguang

Nanfeng heard that his tone was different and said: "What happened?"

Thanks to pity: "The northern Mingming is the site of General Mingguang. His
incense is not not prosperous, nor is the mana strong, but why is there only
Nanyang Temple under the Junshan Mountain?"

The official lord prayed to the Emperor Wu of the gods, but it is a very good
understanding, because the Emperor Wu of the gods is the first **** of the
millennium, the status is higher than the generals of Mingguang, naturally the more
you go to the top to seek insurance. General Mingguang and General Nanyang are
equal in status. It is true that this Mingguang general has nine thousand palace
views, and one thousand more than Nanyang. I really can’t think of it. Why do you
have to go far. He said again: "It is reasonable to say that even if this Mingguang
Temple in Junshan is occupied by the ghost groom, the others can't find it, but it is
obvious that another Mingguang Temple can be built. Why do you want to build
another Valkyrie? temple?"

Raising the awareness, said: "There must be other reasons."

Thanks to pity: "Yes, there must be other reasons. Let the people in the area of
Junshan choose not to build Mingguang Temple again. Whoever borrows me from
me, I am afraid I have to ask..."

At this time, someone shouted: "A lot of brides!"

As soon as the sound came from the temple, Xie pity turned and turned. He let the
group stay in the open space in front of the temple. They turned a deaf ear and ran
into the temple!

Nanfeng shouted: "The situation is dangerous, don't run around!"

That Xiao Peng’s head said: “The big guys don’t listen to them. They don’t dare to
move them! We are good people. Do they dare to kill them? Everyone gets up and
gets up!”

He was actually sure that the three people wouldn’t really take them to the waist
and discount them. The south wind knuckles creaking and it looks like it is
smashing. As a military officer in the temple of Nanyang Temple, he really can't
arbitrarily discount which mortal's hands and feet, and teach the supervising officer
to find a slogan, but it is not fun. Xiao Pengtou sneered again: "Don't think that I
can't see what you guys are trying to do. Don't just want to lie to us not to move, to
monopolize the merits, to get a reward for yourself?"

He was so incited that half of the people were eager to move and followed him into
the temple. The swaying sleeves are indifferent: "Let them go. This group of
people." It was disgusting and I didn't want to take care of it. In the Temple of Light,
there is another scream: "These are dead!"

Xiao Pengtou was also shocked and said: "All are dead?!" "All are dead!" "The evil
door is gone, how is this like death for decades? Not yet bad?" No two, he
immediately thought Opened: "It’s okay to die. Let the bride’s body be carried down
the mountain. Do they still have money to buy?”

The blessing of the eyes gradually sank. And everyone thinks, this is the truth. Some
people are jealous, some are jealous, and some are happy again. Xie pity stood at
the entrance of the temple and said: "You should come out first. After the temple,
there is no wind and smoldering all the year round, and ordinary people inhaling
the body is going to have an accident."

This sounds very reasonable. Everyone doesn't know whether to listen or not.
Xiaoying whispered: "Don't you like this? It's so dangerous here, or you should
listen to this son first, go out and sit..."

But this group of people don’t even listen to a few words, but where will they listen
to her? No one cares. Xiaoying was not discouraged and said it several times. Xiao
Pengtou also taught them: "The big guy picks up the fresh corpse, the old corpse,
and their family members don't know that they are not in the world, so don't
bother to go down." There are still a few people who praise him. Smart and
capable. Thank you for listening to it. I saw someone crying and laughing. I saw
someone moving his hands and feet. "Don't expose the hijab! The hijab can block
the corpse and yang. You are too yang, if you **** them in, it's hard to keep
something going. ""

However, in order to pick a fresh body, a group of people had already smashed the
hijab seven or seven. Thanks to the south wind that came to the door, he shook his
head and knew that he couldn’t stop the group. After all, they couldn’t beat them to
the blood. So what if there is something to do later is not teaching. They can't
escape? It is also very helpless. At this time, a big man opened a bride's hijab and
said: "My mother, this little girl is really beautiful!"

Everyone gathered around and said: "There has been no such thing, it is a pity to
die like this." "The clothes are broken, but the most beautiful!"
This bride is probably a long-term death, and the skin on his face is quite elastic.
Someone said: "Don't dare to touch two?" Xiao Peng said: "What is it?" It was on the
face of the body. Twisted two, only to feel slippery and irritating, still waiting to
touch again, thank you for not seeing it, just want to stop, Xiaoying has already
rushed over, said: "Don't do this!"

Xiao Pengtou’s backhand is a push, saying: “Don’t hinder the big men from doing

Xiaoying climbed up again and said, "You really want to be condemned!"

Xiao Peng’s head was on fire, saying: “Fucking, you’re so ugly and really ugly!”

When he was squatting, he was going to swear. He thanked him for carrying a small
phoenix collar and gently opened her. Who knows, just listening to the "咚", Xiao
Pengtou shouted, said: "Who is jealous of me!"

Xie pity looked back, he was actually a **** head, a big hole was pulled out of his
head, and a blood-stained stone fell on the ground. Xiaoying a glimpse, busy said:
"I'm sorry, sorry, I... I am afraid, accidentally lost..."

However, even if she rushes to admit it, no one will believe it. Because the direction
is not right at all. The stone was thrown in from a window behind Xiao Peng’s head.
Fang Xiaopeng’s head was called, and everyone looked in that direction, just to see
a figure swaying through the window.

Xiao Peng’s head yelled: “It’s him! It’s the ugly monster with a bandage on his face!”

Thanks for the small firefly to the south wind, a two-step step, the right hand gently
on the window sill, turned over and chased in the woods. In addition, there are also
a few daring who want to get a reward and follow him out of the window. Can catch
up to the edge of the woods, thank you for suddenly smelling a **** gas, not aware
of it, the heart is alert, slammed, said: "Don't go in!"

He has already reminded him that the few people are thinking that you are not
chasing me, and that they are constantly rushing into the woods. The people who
had gathered in the temple also came out, watching Xie pity stop at the edge of the
woods, and the courage was not so big, they followed. Not long after, just listening
to a few screams, the woods stumbled out of a few black shadows, it was just a few
people who took the lead. These black shadows went down the woods and walked
under the moonlight. When everyone saw it, they flew away.

When I entered, I was still a living person. When I came out, I became a blood man.

These people from the face to the clothes on the body, all are bloodstained, blood
is like a spring. If a person has left so much blood, it is a decision not to live.
However, they are still coming over here step by step, everyone frightened and
brushed back, and after retreating to the pity, thanked and raised their hands, said:
"Stable. Blood is not theirs."

Sure enough, those few people said: "Yes! Blood is not ours, is... is..."

The blood on his face could not cover the horror of their faces, and a group of
people looked at them in the woods. Black lacquered, I don’t know what is inside
the woods. Thanks for taking a torch and walking a few steps forward, holding it
forward. In the darkness, something dripped onto the torch and made a "sweet"
sound. He glanced at the torch and looked up, set a moment, and raised his hand
to throw the torch.

Although the torch that was thrown up only illumined the sky for a moment,
everyone saw it clearly, what was above the woods.

Long black hair, pale face, broken military uniforms, and arms that hang back and
forth in the air.

The bodies of more than forty men, high and low, swinging and swinging, hanging
upside down on the tree. The blood didn't know how long it had flowed. It was not
dried up yet, and it was a horror scene of a dead body and **** rain.

Although this group of people outside are strong and strong, but where have you
seen such a battle? It was all scared to stay, and the birds were silent. The south
wind and the swaying over saw this scene, all of which was a condensate look.

For a moment, the South Wind Road: "Green Ghost."

He swayed: "It is indeed his favorite trick."

The south wind thanked the pray: "Don't go. It's his words, it's a little troublesome."

Thanks to pity and ask: "Who are you talking about?"

South Wind Road: "One ‘near'.”

Thanks for the pity: "What is close, is it close?"

Fudao said: "Yes. The near-green" is a fierce object in the Temple of the Spirit, which
is evaluated as a realm close to 'definite'. He likes this kind of game of upside down
corpse, which is famous. ”

Thanks to pity: "This is really unnecessary. It is absolutely perfect, not it is. Just like
there is only 'flying up' and 'no flying up', there is no 'close to flying' and 'fast to fly'.
It’s a 'near' word, but it’s a bit tricky.”
He remembered that when the teenager took him all the way, there was a rain and
a voice of umbrella. Could it be that he is holding an umbrella, is it to stop him from
this **** rain? At the moment, I sighed a little. The two immediately asked: "What

He took a teenager on the sedan chair, and the boy said how to bring him here. At
the end, Fu Zhi will be suspicious: "I was aware of this mountain when I came up,
and I was very savage. He just broke it?"

Thanks for thinking: "It’s not at all. He just stepped on his foot and put it in his
eyes." Road: "Yes. You said this 'nearly' green ghost, will it be? he?"

The south wind thought a little and said: "I have never seen a green ghost, I can't
say it. What characteristics do you see in this boy?"

Thanks to the pity: "Silver Butterfly."

When the South Wind and the Awakening saw the scene of the hanging corpse, the
performance was completely calm. When this statement came out, thankfulness
clearly saw that the look on their faces changed instantly.

Shake unbelievable: "What do you say? Silver Butterfly? What kind of silver

Thanks to pity, he probably said something different, saying: "It looks like silver and
crystal, not like a living thing. However, it is pretty."

He saw the south wind swaying the two people and looking at each other. His face
was extremely ugly and almost blue.

Half a sigh, the swaying of the sighs: "Go. Go now."

Thanks to the pity: "The ghost and groom here have not been resolved, how can I

Fudao: "Resolve?"

He turned back and sneered: "It seems that you have been in the world for too
long. This ghost groom is just a 'fierce'; even if this is a green ghost, it is a headache,
but it is It’s a 'nearby'."

After another meal, he screamed sharply: "But you know, what is the owner of the
silver butterfly?"

Thanks for being honest: "I don't know."

"..." swayed hard and said: "I don't know if I can't talk about it now. In short, you
can't deal with it. You should go back to heaven to rescue the soldiers first."

Thanks for your pity: "Then go back first."


Thanks to the pity: "The owner of the silver butterfly did not reveal maliciousness.
And if he is malicious, it is as terrible as you said, and I am afraid that it will be
difficult to escape with Junshan. Stay here. So why not go back first and see if you
can help me move a rescue."

He saw that he did not want to stay here to deal with many troubles. If so, then it
must not be reluctant. It’s very easy to shake this person, and I’m going to go away.
Xie pity turned to the south wind, but also to openly ask the young things, but the
crowd was a commotion, some people said: "Catch! Catch!"

Thanks to this, I have no time to ask, "What have you caught?"

Two **** figures came out of the woods. One was a big man. He was the first to
rush into the woods. He was not scared away by the blood of the corpse. It was
really bold. The other is that he was dragging a boy in his hand, and he was
shackled in his hand, his face was covered with messy bandages.

Xie pity still remembers that Dr. Tea said in a small shop before, "It is said that the
ghost groom is a ugly monster with a bandage on his face. It is because it is too
ugly, no woman likes it, so it is impossible to see others become good things." At
that time, they also thought that it was very likely that it was a rumor, but it was
actually such a person.

It can be owned, is it the ghost groom, it is another matter. He just wanted to look
at the bandage boy carefully, but Xiaoyan rushed over and said: "You got it wrong!
This is not a ghost groom, he is not!"

Xiao Pengtou said: "I was caught on the spot, you still said no? I..." A card, he
suddenly realized what suddenly, said: "Oh, I said why you are always strange, A
little 'not' is not, is it that you are colluding with this ghost groom?!"

Xiaoying was shocked and waved again and again: "No, I don't, he doesn't. He really
hasn't done anything. He's just ordinary... ordinary..."

Xiao Pengtou is aggressive: "What is ordinary? Ordinary ugly?" He smashed two on

the bandaged boy's head and said: "Would you like to take a look, this ordinary
ghost groom is long, Only love to grab someone else's woman!"
He messed up a few bandages, and the screaming teenager screamed in his head,
and the voice was filled with fear, very fierce, and very poor. Thanks for holding a
small Peng head arm, said: "Enough."

Xiaoying heard the screams of the boy, tears falling, seeing Xie pity to stop, as if to
see hope, quickly grabbed his sleeve and said: "Pub, ... Gongzi, help me, help him."

Thanks to see her, Xiaoyan released his sleeves as if he was afraid that he would
dislike his own hands and did not want to help her. Thanks to pity: "Nothing." Look
at the bandaged boy who is full of blood. He found that the boy was wearing a pair
of bloodshot eyes, leaking from the gap in the bandage under his arm, and also
peeking at him, only peeking. After a moment, I immediately hanged down and was
busy wrapping the bandage again. Although he did not show his face, but revealed
a little skin on his face, this is extremely horrible, as if it had been burnt by the fire,
it is not difficult to imagine, under the bandage, what a terrible face, attracting
others to pour Cold air, and he is shrinking even more.

Thanks for the pity, the two people's state of squeezing, like a glimpse, as if they did
not dare to see the light all the year round, did not dare to see people, and sighed
in their hearts. Xiao Pengtou was a little vigilant: "What do you want to do? The
ghost groom is what we caught."

Thanks to let him go, said: "I am afraid that it will not be so simple will be caught by
you. Only then my friend searched around a circle, did not find him. This boy may
only come later. Real Ghost and groom, it should still be here."

Xiaoying also braved the courage: "You want to reward... but you can't mess with
people to make up..."

Xiao Pengtou listened and wanted to start. Since he was only a genius, he has been
adding chaos. Thanks for finally, he can't bear it anymore. He waved his hand. If the
evil spirits came out, the sound of "啪" was a little bit of a head, and the south wind
seemed to reach the limit. One foot, finally fell to the ground. This person is a
special task. When he does not move, the crowd does not know who to follow, and
he has become very honest. He has been screaming a few times and can’t make
trouble. Thank you for your pity: "You can finally do something." He looked at the
boy for a moment and asked: "Is it yours to stone people at the window?"

His voice was mild, and the bandaged teenager shook like a sieve, and secretly
looked at him and nodded. Xiao Huidao: "He doesn't want to hurt people. He just
looks at Xiao Pengtou and seems to be hitting me. I want to help me..."

Thanks and asked the boy: "The corpse hanging in the woods, do you know what is
going on?"

Xiao Huidao: "I don't know what happened, but it is definitely not what he hangs..."
The bandage boy shook and shook his head. The south wind stared at him,
suddenly said: "Who is the green ghost?"

Hearing this name, thank you for your slightest glimpse. The bandaged boy was
obviously a stunned person, and he did not respond to the name he said, nor did
he dare to return to the south wind. Xiao Huidao: "He... he is afraid, can't talk..."

She has been trying to protect this weird boy, thank you for your kindness: "Little
girl, this kid is going on, what do you know, let me talk about it first."

Seeing the pity, Xiaoying seems to have a little courage. The fire shone brightly on
her face, and she did not hide. She twisted her hands and said: "He really didn't do
bad things. The child just lived in Junshan, sometimes hungry, and ran down the
mountain to steal. I just stole my home... I saw that he didn’t speak very much, and
there were injuries on his face. He found some cloth bags for him, and sometimes
he gave him some food to eat...”

Xie Li originally thought that they might be a pair, but now it seems that Xiaoying is
more like a sister to the boy, even like an elder who takes care of him. She said
again: "There were many people who thought that he was a ghost groom. I couldn't
say it. I just hoped that I could catch the real evil." I want you to be a big man, you
have to be a bride. Ghost and groom, that will at least not catch the wrong person,
because he will definitely not rob the sedan chair. Who knows that when I go out, I
heard that Xiao Pengtou also wants to search the mountain today. I am really
worried, but I will secretly keep up. Look."

She guarded the boy in front of him, as if he was afraid of hitting him again, and he
argued: "He is really not a ghost groom. You see him, only a few people will be like
this. Where have you played so many escorts for the bride's sedan? military

Xie pity and the south wind look at each other, they feel very headache.

If it is as she said, isn’t this teenager completely irrelevant to this matter?

Bandage boy, "fierce" ghost groom, "nearly" green ghost, and the head of the silver
butterfly that is not small, the heavenly gods talk about the color change, a small
and Junshan, is actually a stranger, it is really teaching People can't cope. Who is
who? What is the relationship between who and who? Thanks for feeling a lot of

He stunned his eyebrows. For the time being, he didn't think about Xiaoying. There
was a bit of true and false in his words. Suddenly he thought that there was
something he wanted to ask, saying: "Little Xiaoyan, have you always lived near
Xiaoblao: "Yes. I have been living here. I can guarantee that he has not done
anything bad here."

Thanks to the pity: "No, I want to ask you another question. With the Junshan area,
has there been any other Mingguang Temple in addition to one on this mountain?"

Xiaoying a glimpse: "This..." She thought for a moment, "I should have built it."

Listening to her saying this, thankful pity suddenly felt that he had seized
something important.

He said: "Why do you only see Nanyang Temple under the mountain, but you can't
see the Temple of Light?"

Xiaoying scratched his head and said: "Building was built, but I heard that it seems
because every time I want to build a Mingguang Temple, I will always have no fire
for no reason during the construction. Some people say that there is no reason why
General Mingguang has a town. Staying here, I changed to General Nanyang..."

The south wind noticed that the praying eyes were condensed and said: "What
happened to you?"

Xie pity suddenly found that it was too simple.

The unsmilable bride, the temple that had no fire for no reason, was fascinated by
the Mingguang Temple in the mountains, the imperial martial arts statue of the
martial arts, and the ghost groom who disappeared from the air after being injured
by the evil spirits.

too easy!

It’s just that there’s something else that is disturbing the line of sight, so that he
doesn’t realize such simple facts from the beginning!

He slammed the south wind and said: "Take me a mana!"

The south wind grabbed him a glimpse and hurriedly hit him in the air, saying:

Thanks to pity, he ran and said: "I will explain it later, first try to keep the bodies of
the eighteen brides!"

Nanfeng Road: "You are confused? There are only the bodies of seventeen brides,
plus you are the eighteenth!"
Thanks to the pity: "No, no, there are only seventeen before, but now there are
eighteen. In the body of eighteen brides, one is fake - the ghost groom is mixed

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