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Extract Based Questions

1. “It’s a slightly unusual request, Governor,

but I don’t see why we shouldn’t try to help.
Just the one fellow, you say?”

1. What was the unusual request?

Answer: To conduct an exam for a

2. The request was regarding how many
people. Name them.

Answer: Request was for one person only.

His name was Evans.

3. Who is speaker of the above extract?

Answer: Secretary of examinations Board.

4. Which word in abstract means ‘person’?

Answer: Fellow

2. At 8.30 the following morning, Evans had

a visitor. Two visitors, in fact. He tucked his
grubby string-vest into his equally grubby
trousers, and stood up from his bunk,
smiling cheerfully.

1. Name the visitors.

Answer: Jackson and Stephens

2. Who among the two visitors, addressed

Evans as Einstein?

Answer: Jackson

3. Where was Evans when two people

visited him?

Answer: He was in the cell of Oxford

4. Which word in the extract means ‘next’?

Answer: Following

3. D’you know, Mr. Jackson, it’s the only

thing that’s ever brought me any sort o’ luck
in life. Kind o’ lucky charm, if you know
what I mean.

1. Who is speaker of the above extract?

Answer: Evans.

2. What is being referred to as ‘lucky


Answer: A bobble hat of Evans

3. Apart from Jackson, who else was the
listener of above extract?

Answer: Stephens.

4. Which word in the extract is synonym of


Answer: Luck

4. “Can I ask you something, Mr. Jackson?

Why did they ’ave to bug me in this cell?”
He nodded his head vaguely to a point
above the door.
1. What had been installed above the

Answer: A receiver to transmit sounds.

2. Who is speaker of above extract?

Answer: Evans

3. Who was going to listen in?

Answer: The Governor

4. Which word in the extract mean an


Answer: Vaguely.
5. The examinee and the invigilator had
already been introduced by Stephens when
Jackson came back and shouted to
McLeery through the cell door. “Can you
come outside a minute, sir? You too,

1. Who was the invigilator?

Answer: McLeery

2. Why was McLeery being called out of

the cell?

Answer: To frisk McLeery and his briefcase.

3. Who had given orders to frisk McLeery?

Answer: Governor

4. Who was the examinee?

Answer: Evans

6. There was never any sun on this side of

the prison; no heating, either, during the
summer months, and it could get quite
chilly in some of the cells.

1. Whose thoughts are above extract?

Answer: Stephens’
2. What irregularity had the thinker of
above extract observed?

Answer: Evans had a blanket over his


3. Which word in the extract means ‘very


Answer: Chilly

4. How many people were there inside the

cell? Name them.

Answer: Two. McLeery and Evans

7. His Scots accent seemed broader than
ever, and his long black overcoat, reaching
almost to his knees, fostered the illusion
that he had suddenly grown slimmer.

1. Who is referred as ‘he’ in above extract?

Answer: McLeery

2. Who is the observer in the above


Answer: Stephens

3. From where was ‘he’ coming?

Answer: From the cell of Evans

4. Which word in the extract means

Answer: Grown.

8. “Take him with you, if you think he’ll be

all right. He’s the only one who seems to
know what’s happening.”

1. Who is referred to as ‘you’ in above


Answer: Detective Superintendent Carter

2. Who is speaker in the above extract?

Answer: Governor
3. Who is referred to as ‘him’ in above

Answer: Mc Leery. Actually he was Evans

4. Which word in the extract means


Answer: Seems

9. “And which one of you two morons was

it who took Evans for a nice little walk to
the main gates and waved him bye-bye?”

1. Who is speaker of above extract?

Answer: Governor
2. Name ‘two morons’ referred in above

Answer: Jackson and Stephens

3. Who had accompanied Evans to the

main gate?

Answer: Stephens

4. Which word in the extract means


Answer: Morons
10. He leaped the stairs to his office three
at a time, got Bell on the phone
immediately, and put the facts before him.

1. Who is referred to as ‘he’ in the above


Answer: Governor

2. What is the designation of Bell?

Answer: Detective Chief Inspector

3. What request you think ‘he’ made to


Answer: Governor requested Bell to arrest

4. Which word in the extract means

Answer: Leaped.

11. “Yes. He’s in the Radcliffe now. Really

groggy, he was, when we got to the
Examination offices, and they rang for the
ambulance from there.”

1. Who is referred to as ‘he’ in above


Answer: McLeery. Actually he was Evans

2. Who is speaker of the above extract?

Answer: Carter

3. Did ‘he’ really go the Redcliffe ?

Answer: No

4. Which word in the extract mean ‘weak’?

Answer: Groggy

12. A smart new hat concealed the

wreckage of his closely cropped hair, and he
kept it on as he walked up to the reception
desk of the Golden Lion.

1. Who is referred as ‘he’ in above extract?

Answer: Evans

2. What is ‘Golden Lion’?

Answer: It is a hotel

3. Who did ‘he’ find in his room?

Answer: Governor

4. Which word in the extract mean ‘hid’?

Answer: Concealed

13. They’d got that little problem worked

out all right, though: a pen stuck in the
mouth whenever the evil eye had appeared
at the peep-hole. Easy!

1. Who is referred as ‘they’ in above


Answer: Evans and McLeery (he was

actually a friend of Evan’s)

2. Who is referred as ‘the evil eye’ in the

above extract?

Answer: Stephens

3. At what interval of time the ‘evil eye’

Answer: Initially one minute and later two

4. Which word in the extract means


Answer: Appeared

14. He unlocked his bedroom door and

closed it quietly behind him — and then
stood frozen to the spot, like a man who has
just caught a glimpse of the Gorgon.

1. Who is referred as ‘he’ in above extract?

Answer: Evans
2. Who did ‘he’ see in his bedroom?

Answer: The Governor

3. Which phrase in the extract means


Answer: Caught a glimpse

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