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Today, i will tell you a story.

Even though it's been quite a few years, but when I recall it,
I still blush from embarrassment. In the summer of 8th grade, I had a trip to Da Nang,
which was my parents' reward for me when I won the title of excellent student. While
bathing at the beach, I met a person who looked like my friend. I immediately ran over
and blindfolded that person and said "Do you know who I am?". The person stammered:
Who is that? I get even more excited when my friend doesn't know who I am. I
immediately replied: Vu. I slowly withdrew my hand, when the person turned around, I
was stunned. Turns out it wasn't my friend. I apologized and ran towards my family with
my face covered. Even now when I think about it, I still feel embarrassed.

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