(또선생 2022 수능영어 유튜브) 7-3 순서 - 내용상 연결

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1. 명시적 단서 (지시어, 대명사)

1. 명시적 단서 (연결사)

2. 내용상 연결 (논리적 흐름)

푸는 법
1. (A), (B), (C) 첫 문장에서 명시적 단서를 찾는다.

2. 주어진 문장을 정확하게 독해한다. * 특히 뒷부분

3. 명시적 단서 or 내용상 연결을 활용하여 주어진 문장

다음에 올 문장을 연결한다.

4. 주어진 문장 다음 순서가 애매하면 나머지 확실한

문장부터 연결한다.

he, she, they, it, this, these, that, those

* it, this, that 단어뿐만 아니라 문장을 지칭할 수 있으

니 주의해야한다

지시 형용사 + 명사
- this N, these N, that N, such N, his N

* 명사가 같은 단어로 반복되는 경우도 있지만

뜻은 같지만 다른 단어로 반복되는 경우가 많다

- 1 -
역접 구체적 명사 -> 짧은 명사
- But, However, Yet, Nevertheless, Still, Even so, Though, - 어떤 명사를 처음 등장할 때 관계절, 형용사구, 분사 등을 사
Although, Rather, not A but B, no longer A but B 용하여 구체적으로 서술한다. 이후에 그 명사가 반복되면 간단
하게 서술한다.
접속사가 없어도 역접 구조
- a N -> the N
- / / / or -

conventional wisdom, common idea, since ~

질문 / 답변
in the past, before, now, some people ~ - 주어진 문장, (A), (B), (C) 마지막 문장이 질문으로 끝나는
경우. 또는 (A), (B), (C) 첫 문장이 답변으로 시작되는 경우.

예시 순서 잡기용으로 사용하자.

- For example, For instance, For an illustration

문제 / 해결
접속사가 없어도 예시 구조 - 문제를 제기한 다음에 해결책을 제시한다.

- , , , , ,
Consider, Imagine, Picture ( ) ( )
마지막 문장에 결론
- 순서상 마지막에 올 문장에 인과의 접속사를 삽입하여 글의
if~, when~
결론을 맺는다. 최근 평가원 문제는 주어진 문장 다음에 이어질
문장을 애매하게 주고 결론이 포함된 마지막 문장을 확실하게
인과 주는 경우가 많다.

- So, Therefore, Thus, Consequently, Hence,

As a result, Accordingly, For that[this] reason
요약 / 재진술
- In short, That it, In other words
* 요약/재진술 표현이 나오려면 비슷한 맥락의 내용을 앞에서
서술해야한다. 순서 잡기용으로 사용하자.

- On the other hand, On the contrary, While, Whereas, 2개 짜리
In contrast, Otherwise, Unlike, Compared to - 비교/대조의 전개 구조

열거 기타
- Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, Besides, nor : ~도 역시 아니다 (부정 표현 다음에)
Likewise, Plus, Also, And, Another N Rather : ~라기 보단 오히려 (부정 표현 다음에)

- 2 -
A sovereign state is usually defined as one whose Studies of people struggling with major health problems
citizens are free to determine their own affairs without show that the majority of respondents report they derived
interference from any agency beyond its territorial borders. benefits from their adversity. Stressful events sometimes
force people to develop new skills, reevaluate priorities,
learn new insights, and acquire new strengths.
(A) No citizen could be a full member of the community so
long as she was tied to ancestral traditions with which the
community might wish to break the problem of Antigone (A) High levels of adversity predicted poor mental health, as
in Sophocles’ tragedy. Sovereignty and citizenship thus expected, but people who had faced intermediate levels of
require not only borders in space, but also borders in time. adversity were healthier than those who experienced little
(B) Sovereignty and citizenship require freedom from the past adversity, suggesting that moderate amounts of stress can
at least as much as freedom from contemporary powers. foster resilience. A follow-up study found a similar link
between the amount of lifetime adversity and subjects’
No state could be sovereign if its inhabitants lacked the
responses to laboratory stressors.
ability to change a course of action adopted by their
forefathers in the past, or even one to which they once (B) Intermediate levels of adversity were predictive of the
committed themselves. greatest resilience. Thus, having to deal with a moderate
amount of stress may build resilience in the face of
(C) But freedom in space (and limits on its territorial extent) is
future stress.
merely one characteristic of sovereignty. Freedom in time
(and limits on its temporal extent) is equally important and (C) In other words, the adaptation process initiated by stress
probably more fundamental. [3 ] can lead to personal changes for the better. One study
that measured participants’ exposure to thirty-seven major
negative events found a curvilinear relationship between
(A) - (C) - (B) (B) - (A) - (C) lifetime adversity and mental health.
(B) - (C) - (A) (C) - (A) - (B)
(C) - (B) - (A)
(A) - (C) - (B) (B) - (A) - (C)
(B) - (C) - (A) (C) - (A) - (B)
(C) - (B) - (A)

respondent 응답자 derive ~ from ... ~을 …에서 얻다

interference 간섭, 방해 territorial 영토의 border 경계
adversity 역경 reevaluate 재평가하다 priority 우선순위 insight 통찰력
so long as ~하는 한 ancestral 조상의 acquire 얻다 intermediate 중간의 moderate 적당한 foster 촉진하다
contemporary 동시대의 inhabitant 거주자 adopt 채택하다 follow-up study 후속 연구 adaptation 적응
forefather 조상, 선조 extent 범위, 정도 fundamental 근본적인 curvilinear relationship 곡선 관계

- 3 -
Experts have identified a large number of measures that
In the fifth century B.C.E., the Greek philosopher
promote energy efficiency. Unfortunately many of them are
Protagoras pronounced, “Man is the measure of all things.”
not cost effective. This is a fundamental requirement for
In other words, we feel entitled to ask the world, “What energy efficiency investment from an economic perspective.
good are you?”

(A) And this has direct repercussions at the individual level:

(A) Abilities said to “make us human” empathy, households can reduce the cost of electricity and gas bills,
communication, grief, toolmaking, and so on all exist to and improve their health and comfort, while companies
varying degrees among other minds sharing the world with can increase their competitiveness and their productivity.
us. Animals with backbones (fishes, amphibians, reptiles,
birds, and mammals) all share the same basic skeleton, Finally, the market for energy efficiency could contribute
organs, nervous systems, hormones, and behaviors. to the economy through job and firms creation.
(B) We assume that we are the world’s standard, that all things (B) There are significant externalities to take into account and
should be compared to us. Such an assumption makes us there are also macroeconomic effects. For instance, at the
overlook a lot. aggregate level, improving the level of national energy
(C) Just as different models of automobiles each have an efficiency has positive effects on macroeconomic issues
engine, drive train, four wheels, doors, and seats, we such as energy dependence, climate change, health,
differ mainly in terms of our outside contours and a few national competitiveness and reducing fuel poverty.
internal tweaks. But like naive car buyers, most people (C) However, the calculation of such cost effectiveness is not
see only animals’ varied exteriors. easy: it is not simply a case of looking at private costs
and comparing them to the reductions achieved. [3 ]
* repercussion: , ** aggregate:
(A) - (C) - (B) (B) - (A) - (C)
(B) - (C) - (A) (C) - (A) - (B)
(A) - (C) - (B) (B) - (A) - (C)
(C) - (B) - (A)
(B) - (C) - (A) (C) - (A) - (B)
(C) - (B) - (A)

measure 대책, 조치 efficiency 효율 cost effective 비용 효율적인

fundamental 근본적인 perspective 관점 household 가정
gas bill 가스 요금 competitiveness 경쟁력 productivity 생산성
contribute to ~에 기여하다 externality 외부 효과
take ~ into account ~을 고려하다 macroeconomic 거시 경제의
dependence 의존 calculation 계산 reduction 절감(액), 감소(량)

- 정답

pronounce 선언하다 measure 척도 entitled to ~할 자격이 있는

empathy 공감 grief 슬픔 backbone 척추, 등뼈 amphibian 양서류
reptile 파충류 mammal 포유류 skeleton 골격 organ 장기
nervous system 신경계 standard 기준, 표준 overlook 간과하다
drive train 동력 전달 체계 naive 순진한 exterior 겉모습

- 4 -

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