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CONTENTS For the purposes of this instruction, a short–term

Page storage period is considered to be less than three
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 months; a long–term storage period is considered to be
PLACING OFF–HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT three months or longer.
INTO STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
WHEN STORING A TRUCK THAT IS General Electric recommends a maximum storage
OPERATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 period of three years, with these storage procedures be-
WHEN STORING A TRUCK THAT IS ing repeated after each year. After a storage period of
NOT OPERATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 three years or more, the Motorized Wheels should be
WHEN STORING A MAJOR COMPONENT . . . . . 3 removed and sent to an overhaul facility for teardown
PERIODIC INSPECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
PLACING OFF–HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT and inspection of seals and bearings. These should be
INTO SERVICE AFTER STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 replaced if necessary.
WHEN A TRUCK IS OPERATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . 4
WHEN A TRUCK IS NOT OPERATIONAL . . . . . . 4 Periodic (every three months) inspections should be
FOR THE FIRST HOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 made to determine the lasting qualities of long–term
storage protection measures. Such inspections will indi-
cate the need for renewing protective measures when
necessary to prevent equipment deterioration.
This instruction provides the recommended proce-
dures for protecting General Electric Off–Highway Drive Proper storage of this equipment is vital to equip-
equipment from damage during both short–term and ment life. Bearings, gears and insulation may deterio-
long–term storage periods and for maintaining ade- rate unless adequate protective measures are taken to
quate protection while in storage. Also included are protect against the elements. For example, bearings
instructions for placing this equipment into service after and gears in the Motorized Wheel gear case are sus-
having been stored. ceptible to the formation of rust; insulation in rotating
electrical equipment can accumulate moisture; and
Precautions are taken at the factory to protect equip- bearings may become pitted.
ment during shipment. This instruction, therefore, is CAUTION: Do not, under any circumstances, ap-
only for use on Off–Highway equipment located outside ply any spray, coating or other protective materi-
of the immediate Erie General Electric factory area; that als to areas not specifically recommended in this
is, for use by the truck builder after its arrival at the truck publication.
builder’s property and for use by the user customer at It is also important to note that these instructions,
the customer’s property. while they are as complete as possible, cannot possibly
anticipate every type of storage condition and, there-
fore, cannot prevent all equipment deterioration prob-
lems caused by inadequate storage. However, it is rec-
Revisions are indicated by marginal bars. ommended that they be followed as a minimum to

ECopyright 1994 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. This copyrighted document may be reproduced free of charge by General
Electric Company customers (OEM’s) and their customers, if such reproduction is used exclusively in connection with equipment used in those
customers’ internal operations.

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or mainte-
nance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the user’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the General
Electric Company. Any applicable Federal, State or local regulations or company safety or operating rules must take precedence over any instructions given in this material. GE has no
obligation to keep the material up to date after the original publication.
Verify numbers for parts, tools, or material by using the Renewal Parts or Tool Catalogs, or contact your General Electric
representative for assistance.
Do not order from this publication.

achieve the best possible equipment life and the lowest When a fully operational truck is being placed into
operating cost when the equipment is returned to ser- storage for three months or longer, and the truck cannot
vice. be operated weekly throughout the storage period as in-
dicated above, perform the following instructions:
NOTE: Local conditions and/or experience may
dictate additional storage precautions. 1. Drain the oil from the gear case and install rust
inhibitor TARP–B** (or equivalent). Fill per Ser-
EQUIPMENT INTO STORAGE 2. Megger the wheels as indicated in the instruc-
Perform the following instructions when preparing tions above. Operate the truck for at least 30
General Electric Off–Highway equipment for storage. minutes to ensure that the rust inhibitor has been
There are three main equipment categories to consider: thoroughly circulated throughout the gear case.
Stop the truck and drain the rust inhibitor.
1. When storing a truck that is operational.
NOTE: Do not run a LOADED truck with rust in-
2. When storing a truck that is not operational. hibitor in Motorized Wheel gear cases.
3. When storing major components (Motorized CAUTION: Do not operate trucks without oil in
Wheel, alternator, etc.) the Motorized Wheel gear cases.

These three major categories are the basis for deter- 3. Perform a megohmmeter test. Refer to the
mining required protective measures. truck’s Vehicle Test Instructions for the correct
procedure. Record the Megger readings for fu-
NOTE: In addition to these instructions, refer to ture reference. They will be helpful in determin-
truck builder’s storage instructions. ing if deterioration is being experienced when
additional Megger tests are made as part of the
WHEN STORING A TRUCK periodic inspection.
4. Lift all brushes in the Motorized Wheels, blowers
When a fully operational truck is being placed into and the alternator. They must be removed from
storage for less than three months, the best protective the brush holder. Disconnecting brush pigtails is
measure which can be taken is to drive the truck once a not required.
week for at least 30 minutes. Prior to driving the truck, 5. Cover any open duct with screening material to
the rotating equipment should be Meggered* and: prevent rodents from entering. Then tape over
the screen to prevent the entry of water and dirt
1. If greater than 2 megohms, run normally.
(allow breathing).
2. If less than 2 megohms, isolate condition and
6. Examine all exposed machined surfaces for rust
correct before running.
or other dirt accumulation. Remove all dirt as
Driving the truck circulates oil in the gear case to necessary. Remove rust by using a fine abrasive
keep gears and bearings lubricated and free from rust. It paper. Old slushing compound can be removed
also prevents deterioration of the brushes, commuta- with mineral spirits (GE–D5B8). Methanol
tors and slip rings. should be used to remove all residue. When
clean, coat with TARP–B rust inhibitor.
If weekly operation of the truck is not practical for oth-
er reasons, proceed with the following storage instruc- 7. Loosen exciter drive belts (where applicable).
tions for long–term storage periods. 8. Open all switches in the control compartment.

9. Install a 500–watt heat source inside all control

*Trademark of James G. Biddle Co. groups which house electronic control equip-
**Product of Castrol Oil Co. ment. These heat sources are to be energized


below 0_C (32_F) and de–energized above 5_C 6. Perform Steps 3 through 11 under WHEN

10. Install a 500–watt heat source inside the com- WHEN STORING A MAJOR
mutator chamber of both Motorized Wheels and COMPONENT
inside the alternator slip ring chamber. This will
minimize the accumulation of moisture. A hole in When storing a Motorized Wheel, alternator, blower
the bottom of the hubcap will accommodate the or control group for a period of any length, always store it
electrical cord for the heat source in the Motor- inside a warm, climate–controlled environment. Do not
ized Wheels. These heat sources are to be ener- attempt to store individual components where they
gized continuously. would be exposed to inclement weather, climatic
changes, high humidity and/or temperature extremes.
11. Seal compartment doors with a weatherproof
tape to prevent entry of rain, snow and dirt (allow PERIODIC INSPECTIONS
It is important that periodic inspections (every three
WHEN STORING A TRUCK months) of stored equipment be performed to ensure
THAT IS NOT OPERATIONAL the continued serviceability of all protective measures
initially taken when the storage period began. Items
When a truck which is not fully operational is being which should be checked at each inspection interval are
stored for a period of any length, perform the following: listed as follows:

1. Drain the oil from the gear case and install rust 1. Remove the weatherproof tape from the
inhibitor TARP–B (or equivalent). Fill per service compartment doors and perform a Megger test
manual. as described in the Vehicle Test Instructions. Re-
cord the test results and compare them with the
2. Jack each side of the truck (one side at a time) recorded Megger readings taken when storage
enough to rotate the tires. first began, and those taken throughout the stor-
age period. Remove all test equipment and close
3. Connect a dc welder as described in the Vehicle
up the compartment. Reseal the compartment
Test Instructions.
doors with new weatherproof tape. If Megger
4. Rotate each Motorized Wheel (one at a time) for readings indicate a deterioration of insulation
at least 30 minutes to ensure that the rust inhibi- quality, to below 2.0 megohms, then consider-
tor has been thoroughly circulated throughout ation should be given to providing more protec-
the gear case. Disconnect the welder. Remove tion.
the jacks. Drain the gear case.
2. Check all other weatherproofing tape. Replace
5. If the truck is partially dismantled, pay careful any that has become loose or is missing com-
attention to ducts, blower shrouds, etc., which pletely.
may be exposed to weather conditions as a con-
3. Check all heat sources. Replace or repair any
sequence. These areas will require the same
units which have become inoperative.
sealing measures as in Step 5 under WHEN
STORING A TRUCK THAT IS OPERATIONAL, 4. Check all machine surfaces which were coated
which deals with protecting ducts. Cover ex- with slushing compound when storage began. If
posed blower housings to prevent entry of water compound appears to be deteriorating, it must
and dirt. be cleaned off and renewed.


PLACING OFF–HIGHWAY procedure. If Megger readings are less than 2.0

EQUIPMENT INTO SERVICE megohms, the problem could be an accumula-
tion of moisture in motor or alternator. If this is the
case, the faulty component will have to be iso-
When taking Off–Highway equipment out of storage, lated and dried out using procedures recom-
perform the following procedures: mended in the service manual.

WHEN A TRUCK IS 8. Perform a thorough inspection of the Motorized

OPERATIONAL Wheels, alternator, blowers and control
compartments. Look for:
If the truck has been operated weekly throughout the
a. Rust or dirt accumulation on machine sur-
storage period, perform a complete visual inspection of
the Motorized Wheels, blowers, alternator and control
compartments. Repair any defects found, then place b. Damaged insulation.
the truck directly into service.
c. An accumulation of moisture or debris.
WHEN A TRUCK IS NOT d. Loose wiring and cables.
OPERATIONAL e. Any rust on electrical connectors in the con-
If the truck was not operated weekly throughout the trol compartment.
storage period, perform the following procedures: f. Any loose cards in the card panels.

1. Remove all weatherproofing tape from control g. Any accumulation of moisture or debris in
compartment doors and ducts. ducts. Clean and make repairs as necessary.

2. Remove all screening material from ducts. 9. Check retarding grids and insulators for loose
connections and dirt accumulation. Clean and
3. Remove all heat sources from Motorized make corrections as necessary.
Wheels, control compartments and the alterna-
tor. 10. Where applicable, check exciter drive belts for
cracks and deterioration. If acceptable, set belt
4. Fill with the recommended oil. Refer to the Mo- tension to specification.
torized Wheel Service Manual for the type and
amount oil to be used. This oil should be drained 11. Before starting engine, turn on control power.
and new oil should be added after 500 hours of Check that contactors and relays pick up and
operation. drop out normally.

5. Clean all Motorized Wheel grease fittings in the 12. Perform a start–up procedure on the complete
axle box. Ensure that all grease lines are com- system to ensure maximum performance during
pletely full of grease. Then add the recom- service. Refer to the truck’s Vehicle Test Instruc-
mended amount of grease to all fittings. tions for the complete test procedure.

6. Reinstall brushes in the Motorized Wheels, blow- FOR THE FIRST HOUR
ers and the alternator. Make sure that brushes
move freely in their carbonways and that they After all storage protection has been removed, the
have enough length to serve until the truck’s next truck has been cleaned and inspected and repairs made
inspection period. Install new brushes if neces- as necessary, the Motorized Wheel gear case has been
sary. Ensure that all brush pigtail screws are filled with new oil, the dirt seals have been completely
purged with new grease and the system completely
checked, the truck can be placed into service. It is rec-
7. Perform a megohmmeter test. Refer to the ommended, however, that the truck be driven unloaded
truck’s Vehicle Test Instructions for the correct at a low speed (10 mph) for the first hour of operation.




GE Transportation
2901 East Lake Road
NEW 03–85, WLF Erie, Pennsylvania 16531
REV 07–94, KAP

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