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YEAR 12 CAMBRIDGE Mathematics 4 unit DENISE ARNOLD GRAHAM ARNOLD | CAMBRIDGE § UNIVERSITY PRESS Dedication To Mark, Clare, Paul and Helen PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. ‘The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom (CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK. 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA, 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, VIC 3166, Australia Ruiz de Alarcén 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Aftica http! www, © Cambridge University Press 2000 Notice to teachers Iti illegal to reproduce any part of this work in material form (including photocopying and electronic storage) except under the following circumstances: (j) where you are abiding by a licence granted to your school or institution by the Copyright Agency Limited that permits the copying of small parts ofthe text, in limited quantities, ‘within the conditions set out in the licence; ii) where no such licence exists, of where you wish to exceed the terms of the licence, and you have gained the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published by Hodder Education 1993 Reprinted by Cambridge University Press 2000 Printed in Australia by MePhersons Printing Group Typeface Times Roman 12/14pt System QuarkXpress 4.04® [ } ‘National Library of Australia Cataloguing in Publication data Amold, Denise Cambridge 4 unit mathematics year 12 ISBN 0 521 005477 | Mathematics 2. Mathematics - Problems, exercises, ete. 1.Amold, Graham (Graham Colin). Il Title Il. Title: ‘Cambridge four unit mathematics 510 ISBN 0 521 00547 7 Contents . Preface: 1 Graphs 11 Critical points on curves. 1.2. Reflecting graphs in the coordinate axes 13 Translation of graphs: addition and subtraction of ordinates 14 Multiplication of ordinates 15 Reciprocal functions and division of ordinates 1.6 Graphs of the form y = [ f(x)]” 17 Graphs of the form y= V#(x) 1.8 Graphs of composite functions 1,9 Implicit differentiation and curve sketching 1.10 Using graphs Diagnostic test 1 Further questions 1 2 Complex Numbers 24 22 23 24 25 The arithmetic of complex numbers and the solution of quadratic equations Geometrical representation of a complex number as a poit in an Argand diagram Geometrical representation of a complex number as a vector Powers and roots of complex numbers Curves and regions in the Argand diagram Diagnostic test 2 Further questions 2 wi 14 5 7 19 21 2 24 3 Conics 34 Focus/directrix definitions and Cartesian equations 3.2 Parametric equations for the ellipse and hyperbola 3.3 Tangents and normals to the ellipse and hyperbola 34 The rectangular hyperbola Diagnostic test 3 Further questions 3 4 Polynomials 4.1 Factors and zeros of polynomials 4.2. Factorisation of polynomials and the fundamental theorem of algebra 43 The relationship between the roots and coefficients of a polynomial ‘equation 44 Solutions of polynomial equations 45 Partial fractions Diagnostic test 4 Further questions 4 5 Integration 5A Using a table of standard integrals 5.2 Reduction to standard form by algebraic rearrangement of the integrand 5.3 Using substitution to reduce integrals to standard form 5.4 Integrals of trigonometric functions 55 Integration by parts 5.6 Further properties of definite integrals Diagnostic test 5 Further questions 5 15 75 104 113 115 417 417 122 127 192 137 142 143 145 145 150 156 160 163 170 174 175 6 Volumes 6:1 Volumes of solids of revolution by slicing 62 Volumes of solids of revolution by cylindrical shells 63 Volumes of solids with parallel cross-sections of similar shapes Diagnostic test 6 Further questions 6 7 Mechanics 7.1 Motion ofa patile in one dimension 7.2 Motion ofa paticle moving in a straight line ina resisting medium under gravity 7.3 Motion ofa paticle in two dimensions 74 Circular motion in a horizontal plane 75 The corical pendulum 7.8 Motion around a circular banked track Diagnostic test 7 Further questions 7 8 Harder 3 Unit Topics 8.1 Inequalities between real numbers 82 Mathematical induction 83 Geometry ofthe circle Diagnostic test 8 Further questions 8 Appendix 1 Specimen Papers 1-6 Appendix 2 Number Fields Answers 179 173 185 192 196 197 198 198 204 att 216 223, 228 232 235 237 237 244 251 252 253, 256 an 272 Preface This textbook has been written to follow the syllabus for the NSW Higher School Certificate course “4 Unit Mathematics’. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the content of the corresponding 2 Unit and 3 Unit Mathematics syllabuses. 1 Graphs In this chapter it is assumed that students are familiar with the graphs of basic curves, including the graphs of polynomial functions, the rectangular hyperbola xy = &, the circle, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. It is also expected that students can use calculus to find turning points and points of inflection on curves and understand the concepts of limiting values and asymptotes to curves. 1.1. Critical points on curves A critical point on the curve y = f(x) is one at which the derivative f’ (x) is not defined. Clearly the derivative is not defined at any point of discontinuity on the curve, nor at an endpoint of a finite domain, given the definition of f' (x) as a two-sided limit. Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 ya ya yax(LHvx) There is a discontinuity at (1,2) Domain {x:x > 0} d@ 3 and oy is not defined at (1,2) Em 1+5 Vex > 0. o sitas x0', ix -.y = x isa tangent line at the critical point (0.0). 2. 4 UNIT MATHEMATICS Figure 1.3 dy_[ 4x>1 a |-ha<1 Y asx it Y_,-1asxo1, a is not defined at x ei ined at x ©. (0,0) is a critical point. 2 > ~asx—>0, ~. the tangent line at (0,0) is vertical. . 2 is not defined at x = 1, and (1,0) is a critical point. ‘These examples illustrate four different types of critical point. For a to be defined at a point A(a, f(a)) on the curve, the function f must be continuous atx = a and the gradient of the tangent to the curve must have a limiting value which is the same, whether we trace the curve from right to left towards A(x —> a") or from left to right towards A(x > a). Exercise 1.1 Sketch (showing critical points) the graphs of 1a@y=xt () y=x'-2 2@ y=) @y=xt+2 3@) y=(|x4+ Il (b) y= |x +1 4(@)y=xG+Vx) (by y=xG- V2) 5 (a) y=xt |x (b) y =x? - |x| Note in (a) that y =x +x yex-x 6 (a) y = |x| + |x — 2| Note in (a) that y =x + (x — 2) x-(@-2) =x — (x -2) 2x ifx>0 ifx<0 @) y = |x| - [x - 2 x — 2, ifx > 2 a ifO0 —x is a reflection in the y-axis. Hence the graph y = f(-x) is a reflection of y = f(x) in the y-axis. Similarly, as y > —y is a reflection in the x-axis, the graph y = —f(x) is a reflection of y = f(x) in the x-axis. This is illustrated for the function f(x) = e* in figure 1.5. This reflection property can be used to sketch the graph y = |f(x)| from the graph of y = f(x). ~ | fd, fe F() 2 0) Feo [fe be: 70) <0} Hence those sections of y = f(x) which lie below the x-axis are reflected in the x-axis. Example 1 Sketch the graph of y = |(x — 1)(x + 3)]. Solution Figure 1.6 ya Note that this graph has critical Cl) points at (—3,0) and (1,0), since the yeloar3)| limiting tangents have different gradients depending on whether we approach these points by tracing the curve from the left or the right. 4 UNIT MATHEMATICS Exercise 1.2 1 For the function f(x) = x? (an even function) sketch the graphs of (a) y = f(x) (b) y = f(-x) © y= -f@) 2 For the function f(x) = x° (an odd function) sketch the graphs of (a) y = f(x) (b) y = f(-x) ©) y= —f(x) 3 Use the graph of y = In x to sketch the graphs of (a) y = In (—x) (b) y = —Inx 4 Use the graph of y = In x to sketch the graphs of @) y= [inx| (b) y = In |x| 5 Use the graph of f(x) = 4 — x? (an even function) to sketch (showing critical points) the graph of y = | f(x)|. Is this the graph of an even function? 6 Use the graph of f(x) = x° — 3x (an odd function) to sketch (showing critical points) the graph of y = | f(x)|. Is this the graph of an even function? 1.3. Translation of graphs: addition and subtraction of ordinates Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8 ‘These diagrams illustrate two equivalent methods of graphing y =cos~' x —z, We can subtract 7 from each y-value on the curve y = cos”! x, translating the curve 7 units downward. Alternatively we can leave the curve y = cos x in position and translate the x-axis 7 units upward. In general, the graph y = f(x) + c is obtained by translating the graph y = f(x) through c units up or down, or equivalently by translating the x-axis through c units in the opposite direction.

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