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English 12

Exercise 1. Complete each sentence by writing one word in each gap.
1. Mary refuses to allow anything to prevent her __________ becoming an actress.
2. We’re hoping to start __________the new training course next week.
3. We have a teacher at school who advises us __________careers and job opportunities.
4. People sometimes find they are forced to choose __________their career and their family.
5. The company accountant was accused __________stealing money from the bank account.
6. I’m thinking of applying __________a job at the new super market that’s just opened.
7. He’s generally regarded __________a very good teacher by his colleagues.
8. I’m sure you’ll succeed __________whatever career you choose to follow.
9. James is always complaining __________his job and his boss.
10. If Sam said he’d have the work down by Monday, you can rely __________him to do it.
11. It took many years of hard work before Diane was recognized __________a great singer.
12. Pat has to leave work early, complaining __________a headache.
13. The boss doesn’t approve __________us making personal calls at work.
14. We hope you’ll be able to take part __________our training weekend.
15. Whether you get the job or not depends __________your experience.
16. We would like to apologized __________the delay in dealing with your application.
17. The manager insisted __________interviewing each applicant personally.
Exercise 2. Write the correct preposition in each gap to complete the following passage.
Failing a job interview
When you first apply (1.)_______ a job, you might not succeed (2.) _______getting it. It’s always a good
idea to ask them to explain (3.) _______you what prevented you (4.) _______beating the other candidates.
Don’t complain (5.) _______the situation, but ask them to advise you (6.) _______what you can do better
next time. Perhaps the interviewer disapproved (7.) _______or disagreed (8.) _______something you said.
Perhaps they just glanced (9.) _______your application and saw something that made it easy to choose (10.)
_______you and another candidate. Don’t regard it (11.) _______a failure, but recognize it (12.) _______a
chance to learn more. As long as you don’t worry too much (13.) _______it and continue to believe (14.)
_______yourself, you’ll eventually find the chance you’ve been waiting (15.) _______. Then, your family
and friends will be able to congratulate you (16.) _______you success!
Exercise 3. Match to make complete sentences. Write the correct letter on the line provided.
1. Matt decided to become a vet because he was a. for dealing with complaints from
fond _____ customers.
2. You have no idea what you are capable _____ b. as a singer in the 1970s.
3. The manager is responsible _____ c. for the people whose job it is.
4. This whole area is short _____ d. in the media in some way.
5. Michael Jackson first became famous _____ e. for its farmers and the cheese they produce.
6. Emptying the bins in summer must be quite f. to freezing outside, so we kept warm by the
unpleasant_____ fire.
7. I’d like to be a musician, but I’m not really keen g. at the news that he’d been promoted.
8. My ambition is to be involved _____ h. of animals as a teenagers.
9. We couldn’t work because the temperature was i. in helping young children understand
close _____ things.
10. This part of the world is famous _____ j. of until you try.
11. Kate should make a good teacher since she’s k. on the long hours of practice.
always been interested _____
12. Dad was really happy _____ l. of good job opportunities.
Exercise 4. Complete these phrases by circling the correct preposition.
1. at/on six o’clock 16. on/in a bus/train/plane/bike
2. on/in the morning 17. on/in a car/taxi
3. on/in the evening 18. in/on the first floor
4. on/at midday 19. an influence at/on somebody
5. in/at night 20. an interest on/in something

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English 12
6. on/at Tuesday 21. on/at your way home
7. in/on Friday morning 22. respect for/on somebody
8. at/in July 23. 1,500m in/on height
9. at/on Christmas/Easter 24. the best of/in the world
10. on/at the airport/library 25. at/in a good/bad mood
11. at/in Brussels/the park 26. a talent in/for music/art
12. in/at a loud voice 27. at/in the end of a film
13. on/at this occasion 28. on account for/of
14. a demand for/on a product 29. an increase in/on price
15. at/in good health 30. an increase on/of 10%
Exercise 5. Write the correct word in each gap to complete the following passage.
A day (and night) in the life of a DJ
Pasty Collins is (1.)_______ her way home (2.) _______five in the morning after a long night,
exhausted but proud (3.) _______the job she’s done. Pasty works (4.) _______a DJ in the clubs (5.)
_______and around Manchester and has done (6.) _______the last three years. After relaxing on an hour and
then sleeping, she gets up (7.) _______around midday and a typical day begins. The first thing she has to do
is listen to any new CDs that have arrived (8.) _______the post. It’s very important for a DJ to keep up with
the latest trends (9.) _______music. With the use of computers to make music, there has been an enormous
increase (10.) _______the number of young people hoping that there is a demand (11.) _______what they
produce. After choosing the tracks she is going to use, her early evening is spent getting (12.) _______the
right mood. She arrives (13.) _______work (14.) _______about eleven and it’s her job to get the people
(15.) _______the dance floor. Six hours later, with the beat of the music still ringing (16.) _______her ears,
she leaves the club and her whole day starts again.
Exercise 6. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. There is
an example at the beginning.
Many people have seen the creations of Ernest. H. Shepard, (0.)______ few know the name. Generations
of children of (1.) ______ages have read Winnie the Pooh and The Wind in the Willows, and (2.) ______is
Shepard’s drawings that bring the stories to (3.) ______. Born in 1879, he was (4.) ______up in London and
had a happy childhood (5.) ______the death of his mother when he was nine. After leaving school, he
studied art at the Royal Academy and (6.) ______his first exhibition in 1901. After the First World War, he
took (7.) ______a career in illustration and (8.) ______some of the most memorable characters in children’s
In his autobiography, Drawn from Memory, he describes (9.) ______it was like to grow up in Victorian
Britain. He creates an excellent (10.) ______of life then, describing seaside visits to the (11.) ______and
journeys by horse-drawn cab. It (12.) ______his own drawings of scenes from his childhood, (13.)
______his family life and exciting visits he and his brothers and sisters (14.) ______. Times have (15.)
______since then, but people still enjoy Shepard’s beautiful illustrations.
0. A. although B. despite C. even D. whether
1. A. every B. all C. both D. several
2. A. it B. that C. which D. what
3. A. reality B. life C. creation D. force
4. A. grown B. brought C. put D. done
5. A. by B. though C. until D. unless
6. A. put on B. made out C. came by D. turned up
7. A. off B. out C. down D. up
8. A. caused B. discovered C. increased D. produced
9. A. how B. which C. what D. that
10. A. picture B. vision C. print D. sight
11. A. land B. coast C. edge D. border
12. A. consists B. comprises C. composes D. includes
13. A. demonstrating B. showing C. displaying D. offering
14. A. went B. did C. made D. took
15. A. moved B. turned C. gone D. changed
Exercise 7. Fill in:
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English 12
salary pay wages cash
1. The lawyer was paid a huge_____________ by the law firm.
2. Building workers receive their _____________every Friday.
3. Cleaners are often paid _____________in hand for the work they do.
4. The _____________at the factory wasn’t worth thinking about!
work profession trade occupation
5. People work long hours in the tourist _______________.
6. Being a racing driver is a dangerous _______________.
7. The organization’s _______________involves assisting those in need.
8. Apparently, he’s a doctor by _______________.
crew staff personnel team
9. Everyone in the typing pool works well together and tehre is a good __________ spirit.
10. Following an exhauting flight, the __________headed for the hotel to rest for a couple of hours.
11. On our holiday in Spain the hotel __________couldn’t have been more helpful.
12. All companies have a __________department which deals with issues concerning staff.
employer worker trainee employee
13. As a(n)__________________, the company has the best name in the market.
14. A(n) __________________at the factory was rushed to hospital following the accident.
15. The company had financial problems, but only one __________________was made redundant.
16. The __________________had to undergo three months of work experience before he was taken on
Execise 8. Underline the correct item.
1. As a freelance writer Peter sometimes finds it hard to find regular/usual/ordinary/typical work.
2. Following a long period of unemployement and casual work she eventually found a
permanent/fixed/lasting/constant position.
3. He found it difficult to make enough money to provide/support/assist/look for his family.
4. Arthur’s father worked as a touring/travelling/moving/journeying salesman for 25 years.
5. The unemployment situation helped me set/establish/form/create the opinion that I needed to
retrain if I ever hoped to find a good job.
Exercise 9. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences.
1. “We’ve seen a lovely house, but it’s too expensive.” – “Why don’t you take ______a mortgage on
A. away B. up C. out D. over
2. “Why don’t you stop work and concentrate on your golf?” – “I can’t afford _______ up work
A. giving B. to give C. to have given D. having given
3. “Why is Tim upset?” – “Brian accused him of having _______his computer.”
A. breaking B. break C. broke D. broken
4. “Why did Florence want to see you?” – “She wanted to apologize _______at me earlier on.”
A. for shouting B. to shout C. to shouting D. of shouting
5. “Why are you looking so pleased?” – “Steve has _______us out for a meal.”
A. offered B. invited C. admitted D. promised
6. “The company are threatening us with redundancies.”
A. to find B. finding C. having found D. to finding
7. “The meeting went very well, didn’t it?” – “Yes, they agreed _______ahead with our proposal.”
A. in going B. go C. have gone D. to go
8. “Is that a history book you’ve got there?” – “Yes, I’m very interested _______Spanish History.”
A. by B. at C. in D. for
9. “What was Thelma saying?” – “She was asking me what time _______work.”
A. was I starting B. do I start C. I started D. I have started
10. “I can _______remember having to use an old-fashioned typewriter.”
A. yet B. already C. still D. ever
11. There are only two ________ for the job.
A. customers B. candidates C. employees D. employers
12. We were ________for the electrical items we bought in sale.
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A. overcharged B. overpaid C. overdone D. overstated
13. I’m afraid I’ve ________out of ideas for the new advertising campaign.
A. gone B. run C. cleared D. emptied
14. What are you going to live ________after you retire?
A. from B. on C. for D. with
15. How much ________money do you get per week?
A. pocket B. pension C. pay D. perk
16. He was sacked from his job for being __________.
A. inconvenient B. unsure C. unreliable D. irrelevant
17. We checked around the market to find the bank with the highest rate of __________for our savings.
A. pay B. cash C. profit D. interest
18. I’m thinking of moving to the countryside when I __________from work at sixty-five.
A. resign B. retire C. leave D. depart
19. It should be easy to find _______ as a waiter.
A. work B. trade C. occupation D. profession
20. I’m sure this car _______a fortune.
A. bought B. sold C. cost D. paid
21. After three years as a(n) _______he became a fully-qualified electrician.
A. employee B. employer C. trainee D. worker
22. This car park is for the use of members of _______only.
A. crew B. staff C. personnel D. team
23. Mr Brown was an employee here for ten years before becoming one of the _______in the firm.
A. colleagues B. candidates C. customers D. partners
24. He recently applied for the ______ of Product Manager at Roundtree.
A. post B. vacancy C. niche D. situation
25. There have been no ______in our department for over a year.
A. pensions B. promotions C. perks D. permits
26. It was very ______of you to ask for a pay-rise.
A. courageous B. intelligent C. patient D. hardworking
27. I would like to congratulate you ______your recent promotion.
A. at B. for C. on D. to
28. Chris is poorly paid and he only just makes enough money to live ______.
A. on B. by C. from D. with
29. We are looking for self-motivated people who can ______the initiative.
A. do B. take C. get D. make
30. A Personnel Manager has to be experienced ________ dealing with people.
A. with B. for C. on D. in
31. Could you please cut ________the a mount of paper that you use?
A. down on B. out of C. out on D. into
32. When he retires at sixty, he’ll get a very good ________.
A. wage B. salary C. pension D. pay
33. A door-to-door ________has to do a great deal of walking.
A. executive B. salesperson C. driver D. guide
34. Ann doesn’t work _______ time; she works only 5 hours a day.
A. part B. full C. whole D. some
35. My brother _______ a lot of money from the sale of his house.
A. earned B. won C. made D. gained
36. He had to _______because of the poor working conditions.
A. resign B. fire C. sack D. dismiss
37. I wouldn’t say that he was very _______; he’s been late every day this week.
A. patient B. persuasive C. persistent D. punctual
38. She is highly-skilled _______making high-quality furniture.
A. to B. for C. in D. on

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