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Ranjit Kumar A

(Contact, 973-


C, C++, C#, .NET 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5, MVC, Senior accomplished .Net Developer around 10 years of
ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Visual Studio.NET experience in various levels of software engineering and in-depth
1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5/4/4.5, experience in Microsoft .NET technologies, Database systems
Web Services, WPF, REST
and SQL Server 2005/2008/2008 R2.
MS IIS 5.0/5.1/6.0/7.0/7.5
WSDL, SOAP, JSON, UML, ▪ Expertise in designing and developing web Application,
Use Cases, CRM 2011, Spark, Scala, custom controls, User Controls, Infragistics.
Workflow, SSRS, TFS, Microsoft Visio, ▪ Deep understanding of .NET Framework concepts and have
Windows 8, Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, working experience in .Net Framework 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
Windows 2003 Server, SQL Server Asp.Net, C#.Net, VB .Net, ADO.Net, AJAX & SQL server.
2000/2005/2008/2008 R2, ▪ Expertise in Object oriented programming Systems (OOPS)
DB2 Data Studio client, PostgreSQL, putty, concepts.
WinSCP, MS Access, HP-ALM  ▪ Experienced in working with Microsoft framework Asp.Net
MVC 4.
▪ Proficient in developing, deploying, and consuming web
services using WCF.
▪ Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages
Florida Blue - FL
using HTML, CSS, bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, and
State of Wisconsin (Datcp) -WI
LAM Research, Sunnyvale -CA
Samvidha techologies Pvt.Ltd. ▪ Expertise in Implementing Restful services using WCF and
Asp.Net Web API’s.
▪ Worked on client-side technologies JavaScript, jQuery,
▪ Worked on MS Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012 and have an
end-to-end knowledge in integration of TFS and VSS and
Master of Computer Science,
Northwestern Polytechnic University, USA.
▪ Good knowledge on WCF, WF, Generics, Silver light, Web
Parts and AJAX.
Master of Computer Application
▪ Experience in Unit Testing with Auto Test and Visual Studio
Osmania University, India.
and implement Unit Test Objects to test components and
writing Unit Test Cases.
Bachelor of Science
▪ Good knowledge in various design patterns like Singleton,
(Computer Science, Statistics)
MVC, and MVVM.
Osmania University, India.
▪ Expertise in Database Design and Database Programming
(Stored procedures, Triggers, SQL) using SQL Server.
▪ Experience working with automation/integration tools like
▪ Maintained Git workflows for version control (source code)
▪ Good knowledge on implementing Symmetric encryption in
SQL Server 2012.
▪ Experience in developing the business reports involved in
generating reports using SQL Server Reporting Services
▪ Experienced in Extracting, Transforming and Loading
ETL data from Excel, Flat file, SSIS services.
▪ Expertise in Unit Testing: Nunit and Integration testing.
▪ Experience with HP-ALM tool tracking for design,
development, and deployment phases.
▪ Used Agile methodologies, Waterfall model as software
development life cycle models.
▪ Writing a SparkSQL/Scala programs migrating data from
different sources like db2, SQL server and hive data into
postgres’s tables.


Senior .Net Developer

Florida Blue, FL July 2019 – Till date

Florida Blue, Blue BI consolidate portal for all Florida Blue business intelligence applications. Its providers a
platform to analyze data across the enterprise (Financial, Member, Providers, Claims/Rx, Care etc.).
▪ Work on coding and programming tasks, such as design and development of web front-end and middle tier
development of the application.
▪ Build interactive web pages using JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.
▪ Integrating and optimizing the raw data from different database sources, design and developing a data
warehouse to support individual SSRS reports, or reports embedded in web applications.
▪ Designed and developed stored procedures, queries, and views necessary to support SSRS reports.
▪ Designed, developed, and maintained high-quality, robust, and error-free Microsoft-based applications
using VB6 programming as well as wrote complex stored procedures, functions, queries, or views using
▪ Created ASP.NET User Controls to reduce the complexity of user interface design and Creating User input
validation for new & existing users.
▪ Handle ASP.NET Caching techniques such as page output caching and data caching to improve the
performance of the web application.
▪ Worked on .NET Security features such as Forms-based Authentication and Role-based Authorization.
▪ Support the development of virtualized APIs by creating sample API request/response messages.
▪ Write test cases covering all the possible scenarios perform unit testing. Involved in fixing bugs by
interacting with Business Analyst/Quality Analyst.
▪ Involved in database design on SQL Server 2008 and development of different database objects containing
functions, triggers, store procedures to manipulate database of the application.
▪ Developed Data Model Classes with LINQ to SQL and business rules that are implemented within model
layer using C#.
▪ Performing stored procedure or query table in SQL Server 2008, IBM Data Studio DB2.
▪ Designing and implementing spark framework architecture using Scala technology for migrating data from
Netezza to sailfish DB2/PostgreSQL environment thus enabling the smooth retirement of existing
▪ Maintained Git workflows for version control (source code) and maintain and manage Automation Build
Environments such as Jenkins.
▪ Writing a Scala programs migrating data from different sources like db2, SQL server and hive data into
postgres’s tables. These data are consumed by reports service (SSRS).

Environment: .NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET 4.0, ASP.NET 4.0, ADO.NET, Visualstudio.NET 2008, SQL Server
2008, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, LINQ, SSRS, WCF, SOAP, HTTP, XML, HTML, TFS, spark, Scala, DB2(data
studio client), PostgreSQL, putty, WinSCP, Jenkins.
Senior .Net Developer
State of Wisconsin (DATCP), WI February 2015 – July 2019

State of Wisconsin (DATCP), MyDATCP application which mainly engaged in the development and designing of
an application. The company has the blend of technology, communication expertise and data analysis for the better
project output. To perform globally in report generating, an enterprise data warehouse had been developed.

 Involved in Software development life cycle (SDLC) of application from design phase to implementation
phase, testing, Deployment, and maintenance phase.
 Designed the application using an MVC (Model View Control) Architecture that promotes a clear
separation of the presentation, business logic and data access tiers.
 Participated in daily Scrums with the whole team to discuss about the progress of the application
development, specks to be taken care and specks that already completed.
 Developed different User controls which inputs the data and display the data for the web applications using
C#.NET, and ASP.NET.
 Responsible for developing the UI pages using AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScriptand Bootstrap.
 Created Html Helpers to reduce the amount of tedious typing of HTML tags.
 Designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) using Layout Pages, HTML JavaScript, CSS classes and Custom
 Enhanced existing pages with different AJAX controls which provided responsive user interfaces to display
the data on the web page.
 Used Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) methodology to implement the web services and rest
 Used ADO.NET and strongly typed datasets to insert, update, delete, and retrieve data from a SQL Server
2008 database.
 Developed stored procedures, views, and triggers for data manipulation, ensuring set up relations includes
indexing, constraints, and foreign keys.
 Worked on Microsoft Team Foundation Server for version control, individual task status and Database
server project.
 Ensure all functions of enterprise systems that include MVC Website and CRM 2011 work effectively with
all other application and operating systems.
 Write test cases covering all the possible scenarios perform unit testing. Involved in fixing bugs by
interacting with Business Analyst/Quality Analyst.

Environment: .NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET 4.0, ASP.NET 4.0, ADO.NET, Visualstudio.NET 2008, SQL Server
2008, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, LINQ, MS CRM 2011, SSRS, WCF, SOAP, HTTP, XML, HTML, TFS.

.Net Developer
LAM Research, Sunnyvale, CA July2014 – January 2015

Lam Research Corporation is an American corporation that engages in the design, manufacture, marketing, and
service of semiconductor processing equipment used in the fabrication of integrated circuits.

 Involved in Software development life cycle (SDLC) of application from design phase to implementation
phase, testing, Deployment, and maintenance phase.
 Worked as a Developer in the team for designing and developing the application using Microsoft advanced
technologies Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2010, C#, ASP.NET 3.5, SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Team
Foundation Server (TFS) 2005 and MS Office XP.
 Build n-tier applications in with C#.NET, Agile Methodology, andSQLServer 2008
 Developed the classes using C#, which incorporate N -tier architecture and database connectivity.
 Performed Unit Testing for all units in developed pages using JunitTool.
 Created Repositories for CRUD operations.
 Implemented client-side validation using JavaScript.
 Created tables, stored procedures triggers and indexes in SQL Server.
 Error handling has been done and error logs are maintained in the database for logging purpose.
 Design and develop rich user interfaces with HTML/CSS/JavaScript
 Worked on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
 Intensive use of CSS, bootstrap,and XHTML to design look and feel of the web pages.
 Used ASP.NET AJAX and updated web pages to implement the AJAX functionality to enhance the
 Used Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) for integration, maintenance, and Security of code.
 Developed code using ASP.Net and C# using SQL Server 2012 as database
 Developed a communication layer that is used for consuming web services (SOAP, UDDI, WSDL) and this
layer was used while fetching the products.

Environment: Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET 3.5, C#, AJAX, SOAP, IIS 6.0, ADO.NET, CSS, SQL Server 2008,
WCF, Java script, IE, Agile (Scrum) methodology.

Software Engineer
Samvidha technologies Pvt. Ltd, India April 2011 - November 2013

A Windows based application for the complete banking financial solution which has Teller Transaction Module to
Prints customer receipts for deposits, credits, cash out, loan payments, etc., Provides real-time balances for the
customer, Easy access to Account Inquiry for customer information and many more. This application is designed to
provide customers with a complete in-house core data processing solution.
▪ Interacting with Client to gather requirements and document all the requirements.
▪ Involved in the Analysis, Design and Development of the enhancement system.
▪ Designed User Interface with HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
▪ Involved in creation of application setup and reports using ASP, HTML, DHTML, and Validations were
performed using VBScript and JavaScript.
▪ Used Firebug to debug JavaScript, to analyze DOM objects of the page and to change the page layout.
▪ Involved in Object Oriented Analysis and Graphic User Interface (GUI)
▪ Implemented Object oriented concepts effectively like inheritance, overloading, abstract class, etc.,
▪ Developed JavaScript files for client-side validations.
▪ Contributed significantly to the design of the object model in the middle tier.
▪ Created Common DATA Access Layer (DAL) Using Visual Basic 6.0 and ADO.NET
▪ Involved in Database Design using SQL Server 2005
▪ Creating Packages and Stored Procedures
▪ Held requirements review to get feedback on the requirements and committed on final requirements. 
Environment: ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Visual Basic 6.0, Window Forms, Web Services, SQL Server 2005,
JavaScript, Visual Source safe, HTML, DHTML, CSS, ASP

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