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Name: Shubham Nazare

Roll no: 191060046

Review Questions:

1. Define a Symmetric key cipher.

- Symmetric key ciphers use a single key for both encryption and decryption.
- The encryption and decryption algorithms are inverse of each other.

2. Distinguish between a substitution cipher and transposition cipher.

- A substitution cipher replaces a character in plaintext with another character to
give the ciphertext.
- A transposition cipher simply changes the position of characters in plaintext to
give the ciphertext.

3. Distinguish between a Monoalphabetic cipher and Polyalphabetic cipher.

- Monoalphabetic ciphers have a one-to-one relationship of symbols in plaintext
and ciphertext. For e.g., additive cipher, multiplicative cipher, etc.
- Polyalphabetic ciphers have a one-to-many relationship of symbols in plaintext
and ciphertext. For e.g., Playfair cipher, Vigenere, etc.

4. Distinguish between a stream cipher and block cipher.

- In stream ciphers the encryption and decryption is one symbol at a time.
- In block ciphers the encryption and decryption occurs on a block of symbols.

5. Are all stream ciphers monoalphabetic? Explain

- No, all stream ciphers are not monoalphabetic.
Consider the Vigenere cipher which is a stream cipher. Vigenere ciphers are
polyalphabetic ciphers because the key definitely depends on the position of the
plaintext character.
6. Are all block ciphers polyalphabetic?
From the definition of the block cipher, it is clear that every block cipher is a
polyalphabetic cipher because each character in a ciphertext block depends on all
characters in the plaintext block.

7. List three monoalphabetic ciphers.

- Additive ciphers.
- Multiplicative ciphers.
- Affine ciphers.

8. List three polyalphabetic ciphers.

- Vigenere cipher.
- Hill cipher.
- Playfair cipher.

9. List two transposition ciphers.

- Keyed cipher.
- Keyless cipher.
- Double transposition cipher.

10. List four kinds of cryptanalysis attacks.

- Ciphertext only attack
- Known-plaintext attack
- Chosen-plaintext attack
- Chosen-ciphertext attack

12. In this example, the new script in unknown language is the Ciphertext. The
tablet with message in unknown and Greek language corresponds to Ciphertext and
Plaintext pair. This is an example of Known-Plaintext attack.
13. Once Alice has used additive cipher the plaintext has now been encrypted to
ciphertext. If double encryption is used, then double addition of keys will occur
along with mod 26 operation. This will just change the overall key to k1+k2 where
k1 & k2 are keys of additive cipher. Double Additive cipher will not make the
cipher more secure.

14. If Alice uses compression before encryption, the overall bit size of plaintext
will reduce which will make encryption easier as she will need to encrypt fewer
bits and will need lesser key space. So, Compression will help in this case.

18. For the following ciphers the maximum number of characters that will be
changed are:
a. Additive: Additive ciphers are monoalphabetic ciphers and they have a
one-to-one plaintext to ciphertext relationship. Hence, only one bit will be
b. Multiplicative: Multiplicative ciphers are monoalphabetic ciphers and they have
a one-to-one plaintext to ciphertext relationship. Hence, only one bit will be
c. Affine: Affine ciphers are monoalphabetic ciphers and they have a one-to one
plaintext to ciphertext relationship. Hence, only one bit will be changed.
d. Vigenere: Even though Vigenere is a polyalphabetic cipher but change in one
character in plaintext does not affect other characters in ciphertext. Hence, only
one ciphertext character will change.
e. Auto-Key: Auto-Key ciphers are Polyalphabetic ciphers and they have a
one-to-many plaintext to ciphertext relationship. When one character is changed in
plaintext then all the next corresponding characters in the ciphertext will also
change as the key depends on previous plaintext character.
f. One-time-Pad: In One-time pad, change in one character in plaintext does not
affect other characters in ciphertext. Hence, only one ciphertext character will
g. Rotor: In Rotor, change in one character in plaintext does not affect other
characters in ciphertext. Hence, only one ciphertext character will change.
h. Enigma: In Enigma, change in one character in plaintext does not affect other
characters in ciphertext. Hence, only one ciphertext character will change.
19. For the following ciphers the maximum number of characters that will be
changed are:
a. Single Transposition: Single transposition only changes the position of
characters. Hence, only one character will be changed.
b. Double Transposition: Double transposition only changes the position of
characters. Hence, only one character will be changed.
c. Playfair: In Playfair cipher, the cipher depends on 2 characters. Hence, one or
two characters will be changed.

20. a. Playfair: The cipher encrypts two characters so it’s a block cipher.
b. Auto-Key: Stream Cypher as encryption is one-to-one from plaintext to
c. One-Time pad: Stream Cypher as encryption is one-to-one from plaintext to
d. Rotor: Stream Cypher as encryption is one-to-one from plaintext to ciphertext.
e. Enigma: Stream Cypher as encryption is one-to-one from plaintext to ciphertext.

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