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Good Day Sir! I’m Christian Jay S. Bartolome and I am 17 years old and will
turn 18 on April 23, 2021. I’m already grade 12 HUMSS student at ASIATECH and
will graduate this year. I was born in San Pedro Laguna but when I was 3 years old
my dad took me to my mom thats why I grow up here in Santa Rosa Laguna . I have
5 siblings, 4 girls, 1 boy and I am the younger of the boys or the fourth child.
I grow up with my dad and my two siblings thats why I saw how my dad
worked hard just to feed and to make sure that he provide our needs specially in
school. At the very young age I realized that I need to work hard on my studies for

me to pass and to give them the joy that they didn't experience during the times when
they were suffering and sacrificing for us. I have to pay for their hardships, even if
they don't ask me to do it I know they want it to happen, and I will do pursue and
fulfill it because since I started reaching my dream they are there to guide and support
me achieving it. Now that I will graduate as a senior high, I'm trying to do my best
specially in doing my activities, exam and quiz because when I pass my activities I
know I'll get high and good grades. I also need to graduate because I want to enter
PNPA (Philippine National Police Academy) because I want to help my family and i
think this is the only way that I can help them. To get in and pass PNPA is my goal
because to be a police officer is my ultimate dream. I work and study hard because I
know that when I don't graduate, they will be disappointed, because they are the one
who's hoping that I can graduate and me entering PNPA is also my family's ultimate
dream for me.

I am happy that I studied here at ASIATECH because there are many
beautiful and happy memories that happened and I experienced here and I am very
lucky with my teachers because they are all kind and attentive.

Like I said a lot of beautiful and happy memories happened in my two years
here at ASIATECH. But more memorable and I will never forget was grade 11,
because the friendship that developed in the classroom was so much fun and solid. I
will never forget the simple teasing, fun and wanderings we had.
Especially my section (Humss2), here I experienced the unity and no one
raises the grade, there are some who are not like that but you can approach almost
everyone and you can ask for help if you don't understand something in the lessons.
In this section, I also met those students who not choosing friends, smart or not they
will still approach you to be their friends.
I'm thankful that we have a teacher who's giving a big effort and doing all her

best to make sure we're doing our best to pass and this teacher was always reminds us
to talk to our subject teacher if we have a problem on his/her subject to fix our
problems. The teacher I referring to is the only Ma'am Cherry Rose Intia, Big shout
out to you ma'am thank you for teaching us.
I also had experiences that I had not experienced in other schools such as
when I became a player of our foundation, I was part of that for the first time and we
even became champions so it was very fun and memorable and in that short time I
met many other players and we formed a group that was like a family.


After 5-10 years, I see myself as already a licensed police officer in our
country. Because i want to catch all bad people espcially the murderer and rapist,
because these types of people are the scourge of society because they did nothing but
kill and rape people and those people who cling to the knife just to make money.
Since I was 7 years old I start dreaming to be a policeman, because my father is a
policeman and i saw how fun to be a policeman even though i know it is dangerous
because of operations and catching criminals but still i wondering to be like him.
Even though police have issues now a days, this issue will not stop me from
becoming a policeman because I want to prove to all of you that not all policemen are
as bad as you see and think and I still believe that there are still many good policemen

left that you just don't see because most of people are focuses on the wrong and bad
happening instead of the good and good happening here in our country.

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