Managerial Communication - Design

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Managerial Communication
What does this mean to you?

The World of Work

WOW! Welcome to Corporate

Video Tutorial
Discussion Point

Perceivable Differences in Campus & Corporate life

Adjustment in Attitude
Cardinal Rules for navigating the World of Work

You are part of a team - All for one and One for all

You will be Observed and Evaluated at all times - on

Knowledge, Skill and Behaviour

Be an Astute Employee - Don’t wait for instructions,

figure things out for yourselves

Say YES First - A positive Can Do approach is

appreciated and noticed by all

Make the Best of all the Training - You are unlikely

to get paid for learning later in your career
Fine Tuning to Corporate Communication

Writing skills
Most of your day will include writing or responding
to emails
To be effective in the role, you will need to hone
your writing skills so that you can communicate
clearly to diverse audiences across many formats
Presentation and public speaking skills

Presentation skills have become more important in

recent years
In fact, some many recruiters, it’s in the top five
skills that companies look for when filling positions
The ability to clearly and confidently present your
ideas and information, whether in person or through
the aid of technology (such as a video or webinar) is
expected in all entry roles, these days
Fine Tuning to Corporate Communication

Communicating with data

Most organizations expect, employees to be
adept at interpreting data from a variety of
Irrespective of the disciplines, companies
expect their front-line executives to be well
well-versed in EXCEL, Google suite and of
course Ms Office
Dealing with Jargons

Workplace jargon is more than you think

It is important to learn some before entering

the corporate world
Quiz – Say what?

• Think outside the box

• The helicopter view
• Get our ducks in a row
• Drink our own champagne
• End-user perspective
• Pushing the envelope
• Moving forward
• Boil the ocean
• Heavy lifting
• Facetime
• No call, no show
• Win-win situation - A solution where
all parties are satisfied with the
Quiz – Answers (Pls do not publish to students)

• Think outside the box - This term means to not limit

your thinking; it encourages creativity with regards to
your job description

• The helicopter view - An overview of a job or a project

• Get our ducks in a row - Order and organize everything

efficiently and effectively

• End-user perspective - What the customer thinks

about a product or service. It also is an indicator of a
how a client would feel after having used the product
or service

• Pushing the envelope - This basically means to go

outside of what is seen as normal corporate
boundaries in order to attain a goal or secure a target

• Moving forward - Workplace jargon meaning getting

things accomplished or making progress
Quiz – Answers (Pls do not publish to students)

• Boil the ocean - To attempt to do something that

is impossible

• Heavy lifting - This refers to the most difficult

aspects of a project, as in, "Bill is doing all the
heavy lifting for us!“

• Face time - The time spent with a customer or

client in person as opposed to on the phone or

• No call, no show - An individual who neither

shows up for the day nor calls in with a reason

• Win-win situation - A solution where all parties

are satisfied with the results
Activity – Follow the Instructions

Individual activity

The trainer will give each one a page of

Wait for the trainer to start the activity

Start when the trainer says – Go

The participant who will be the first to finish

the instructions will be the winner !
Activity – Follow the
Reflective Discussion

So you Heard but did you Listen ?

• Listen

• Attention to detail

• Clarify when in doubt

Excelling @ work

Endeavoring to improve your performance is a

mindset that is not only positive but the only
way to be
Excelling @ work

Remember it’s one thing to be liked by the boss;

while quite another to be seen as an apple-

The trick lies in balancing between making a

good impression on your boss, being popular
with colleagues, and doing your job well
Excelling @ work

Positive body language

Positive body language can go a long way
in making a good impression on your boss
Be conscious of your body language.
Appear enthusiastic and eager to take on
new responsibilities
Be good at your job
The surest way of ensuring that your boss
likes you is to exceed expectations at work

Distinguish yourself at the workplace; the

boss will automatically take a shine to you
Excelling @ work

Always be on time
The value of punctuality is often underestimated,
especially in India
Reaching office on time and being punctual for
meetings and appointments is one of the basic
traits of an efficient worker
It reveals that you are professional and well
Be proactive
Being the first one to volunteer for tasks is a
sure-shot way of getting noticed
Take the initiative but ensure that you do a good
job of whatever you take on
Never take on more than you can handle simply
to make an impression
Excelling @ work

Avoid Gossip
Don’t talk ill about others
And never badmouth your boss in front of
other colleagues
Gossiping does not say a lot about the topic but
does say a lot about the character of gossiper
Don't Hold Grudges
In your relationship with your boss, you will
sometimes disagree and occasionally experience
an emotional reaction

But Don't hold grudges and Don't make threats

about leaving
You need to come to terms with the fact that
your boss has more authority and power than you
do and are unlikely to get your way
Say - Yes Boss!

As a fresher to the industry, it is highly unlikely

that you will be person in charge, hence decision
making too will be limited or not all

An employee, especially so a newcomer, who

says yes, can quickly catch the eye of all

It shows the management, that one is quick to

respond, eager to work and is committed to
his/her career

This can be a huge tactical advantage and

ultimately advance your career
Say - Yes Boss! Scenario

Here are two examples of how yes is better than no, even when you secretly know that you’re probably
not going to accomplish the task-
Say - Yes Boss! Scenario 1- The Naysayer

The Naysayer
• Boss: “Can we ship the assignment by Monday?”

• Naysayer Employee: “No, because it’s Friday

afternoon and I can’t get it done by that time, as
we are understaffed due to the rostering

(The Naysayer answers 'no' immediately without

thinking it through. Right about now the boss is
annoyed and probably thinks he is useless).
Say - Yes Boss! Scenario 1- The Naysayer

The Yaesayer
• Boss: “Can we ship the assignment by Monday?”
(The Yea-sayer takes a five-minute pause to
research a possible solution)
• The Yea-sayer Employee : “Yes! But I would need to
get a private courier service to deliver it. Are you
comfortable with me spending an extra 5000
rupees ?”
(Right now, the boss is impressed that the
employee researched a solution and is budget
• Boss: "Hmm, 5000 doesn’t seem worth it. Ok, let’s
get it done as soon as possible”
• In this scenario, the employee presented a
solution and ultimately steered her boss to say no
• But the difference is that the employee didn't
have to be the one to deliver a negative response.
She simply led her boss to the same conclusion
What NOT to say to your Boss !

"I am so bored right now”

• The last thing the supervisor wants to hear is that
their employee, whom they are paying to be
there, is bored.

• If you don't have something to do at work, you

should always

• Ask for something to do

• What you shouldn't do is tell your boss that

you're sitting idly on the company’s time and
What NOT to say to your Boss !

"That's not my fault”

• Mistakes can happen and can be made by

• However, when questioned about a problem

reign in the instinct of blaming someone else
for messing up

• Doing so makes will make you look like you'll

throw your coworkers under the bus at any
given chance—and nobody wants an
employee who's not a team player
What NOT to say to your Boss !

"That's not my job”

• There will be a lot of times that your boss is
going to assign things to you that aren't
necessarily in your job description, and that's
just the way it is

• It is imperative to do as your boss tells you to,

or you can complain about your assignments
and risk losing your job

• Remember to not make such comments to a

coworker as well, if your supervisor gets
wind of it, it could very well jeopardize your
What NOT to say to your Boss !

"I can't do that”

• If your boss gives you something to do and
you don't know how to do it, it's your job to
find someone who does who can teach you
or learn about it yourself

• Bottom line – Figure it out yourselves!!

• Telling your boss that you flat-out "can't"

do something tells them that you have no
drive or motivation to learn, and most of all
you are NOT cut out for the job!

• Remember, you are paid to make your

manager’s life easier ad not the other way
What NOT to say to your Boss !

"You look pretty/lovely today”

• This is true especially true is you are a male

reporting to a female supervisor

• This doesn't just go for your boss, either. In

no circumstances should you be
commenting on the appearance of a fellow

• In all likelihood, it could land you in a world

of trouble
What NOT to say to your Boss !

"Lol!“, Okie, What’s Up?? , LMAO, Whatever!,

Take a Chill Pill !, Tks, Waaoo, K

• The list is long and you may be used to

conversing in this manner with our friends

• FACT – Your boss is NOT your friend ! That

goes for a friendly boss as well, he/she may
be friendly but that does not mean he is a

• So even, if your supervisor uses the above

and is informal with you, it does not mean
you will do the same

• Keep your interactions with all senior

colleagues respectful and formal
What NOT to say to your Boss !

"I am never working on holidays”

• Nobody wants to work holidays, but a good
employee who is willing to grin and bear a
few extra hours for the sake of the team is
sure to win over the supervisor’s trust

• Never Say No to working on holidays. It may

not be a written clause but is expected
from all is a norm

• While the official hours may be 9. It

expected that the employee will work
according to priority and timelines
What NOT to say to your Boss !

“Perhaps it’s better if I speak to Archana

(your boss’s senior)?”

• This kind of behavior will undermine and

embarrass your boss

• Always be respectful and ensure you do not

overstep your mark

Your goal shouldn’t be to become best friends

with your boss

Instead, focus on establishing good

communication skills and building trust—and the
rewards will follow

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