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Cretaceous Research (2001) 22, 243–257

doi:10.1006/cres.2001.0253, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Geochemical signature and related

climatic-oceanographic processes for early
Albian black shales: Site 417D, North Atlantic
Peter Hofmann, Werner Ricken, Lorenz Schwark and Detlev Leythaeuser
University of Cologne, Department of Geology, Zülpicher Str. 49a, 50674 Cologne, Germany

Revised manuscript accepted 24 January 2001

A sediment sequence which may contain the early Albian OAE 1b was investigated in a deep-water (3800 m) open-ocean
environment at Site 417D, western North Atlantic Ocean. Redox cycles, which contain black shale intervals and occur in the
early Albian M. gracilis radiolarian Biozone, were studied in order to show processes and climate-associated controlling
factors during the deposition of early Albian sediments. The black shale intervals are characterized by the enhanced
accumulation and preservation of marine-derived organic matter as determined by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and organic petrology.
The presence of laminated sediments, the relationships between organic carbon, iron and total sulfur, pyrite size analysis and
trace-metal enrichment indicate the periodic prevalence of anoxic conditions in the pore waters, which may at times have
extended to the sediment/water interface. Changes in the mineralogical composition throughout the black shale-dominated
interval, i.e., quartz content and clay-mineral assemblage, resulted in the variation of the major-element chemistry and
probably reflect cyclic climatic changes in northern Africa combined with flooding of coastal lowlands during an overall
transgressive phase in the early Albian. The geochemical signatures observed at different scales demonstrate a genetic link
between the climate system on land and processes in the deep ocean during the deposition of black shales in deep-water
environments of the western North Atlantic.  2001 Academic Press

K W: Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b; black shales; redox conditions; climate forcing; early Albian; North Atlantic.

1. Introduction demonstrate a relationship between OAE develop-

ment and the resulting ‘black shale’ deposition,
The recognition of isochronous, organic matter-rich radiolarian evolution patterns, and sea-level change.
black shales (total organic carbon >1%) in pelagic
They observed that OAEs occurred either during
Cretaceous intervals on a global scale resulted in the
transgressive periods at times of maximum flooding
concept of ‘Oceanic Anoxic Events’ (OAEs) charac-
and, hence, sea-level high stands (e.g., the OAEs 1a,
terized by enhanced burial of organic matter (e.g.,
1b, 1d and OAE 2) or during regressive periods at
Schlanger & Jenkyns, 1976; Arthur & Schlanger,
1979; Jenkyns, 1980). Initially two OAEs were intro- times of maximum sea-level fall (OAE 1c). OAEs
duced for the Cretaceous: the Aptian/Albian OAE 1 associated with transgressive periods are interpreted as
and the Cenomanian/Touronian OAE 2. Subsequent having been caused by the leaching of nutrients from
investigations led to the recognition of a third OAE in coastal lowlands, which led to increased fertilization
the Coniacian/Santonian (Arthur & Schlanger, 1979; and a rise in productivity in the adjacent ocean basins
Jenkyns, 1980) and to a further division of the exten- (e.g., Erbacher et al., 1996; Figure 1). As a result,
sive time period covered by the OAE 1 into four oxygen minimum zones expanded ocean-wide, and
distinct sub-events of ocean-wide dysoxia/anoxia high-productivity anoxia developed in the pelagic
separated by dominantly oxic oceanic conditions: depositional environment, which fostered the preser-
early Aptian OAE 1a, early Albian OAE 1b, and late vation of marine organic matter (Type II). Erbacher
Albian OAE 1c and 1d (Arthur et al., 1990; Jenkyns, et al. (1996) coined the term p-OAE (p=productivity)
1991; Bralower et al., 1993, 1994; Erbacher, 1994; for this type of OAE and noted a correlation with
Erbacher et al., 1996, 1999; Erbacher & Thurow, extinction of, and/or radiation events in radiolaria.
1997, 1998). Erbacher et al. (1996) were able to By contrast, OAEs that developed during regressive

0195–6671/01/020243+15 $35.00/0  2001 Academic Press

244 P. Hofmann et al.

1997). We studied black shale deposits at Site 417D

with a set of geochemical tools in order to achieve a
better understanding of the complex processes that
led to the deposition of black shales in the North
Atlantic Ocean. Of particular interest was the inter-
action of climate-forced processes on land and sea-
level change, as well as their links to processes that
control ocean fertility.
The p-OAE model of Erbacher et al. (1996) implies
several geochemical consequences that can be investi-
gated in more detail (Figure 1). According to this
Figure 1. Schematic model for the generation of model, p-OAEs were triggered by the leaching of
productivity-related Oceanic Anoxic Events (after
Erbacher et al., 1996). nutrients from coastal lowlands during periods of
maximum flooding, thus causing fertilization of the
ocean and an increase in productivity, which in turn
periods were caused by a high input of detrital organic resulted in a high flux of marine organic matter to the
matter (d-OAEs) and high sedimentation rates in sea floor. As a consequence, oxygen-minimum zones
the pelagic realm, which resulted in the preservation expanded and high-productivity anoxia developed on
of black shales containing mainly type III organic the sea floor even in the pelagic realm. High accumu-
matter. D-OAEs are characterized by high radiolarian lations of marine organic matter can be readily traced
diversities and radiation. by the determination of organic-carbon contents in
In contrast to other mid-Cretaceous OAEs (e.g., conjunction with pyrolysis techniques and kerogen
OAE 1a and OAE 2), there are few data on the early microscopy, both of which can be used to distinguish
Albian OAE 1b (Erbacher & Thurow 1998). This is the type of accumulated organic matter. The develop-
recorded in the Hedbergella planispira foraminiferal ment of anoxic bottom-water conditions in the sedi-
Zone and the Prediscosphaera columnata nannofossil mentary record can be recognized based on C/S ratios
Zone (Bralower et al., 1993). Dating based on calcar- (Leventhal, 1983; Berner, 1984; Raiswell & Berner,
eous plankton creates problems if the effects of this 1985), Fe/TOC/S relationships (Dean & Arthur,
OAE are investigated in deep-water environments 1989), framboidal pyrite size-distribution patterns
because the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) (Wilkin et al., 1996), and the enrichment of selected
was shallow during most of the Albian (e.g., Bralower redox-sensitive trace elements, as noted for other
et al. 1994). Deep-water environments were, however, OAEs (e.g., Brumsack, 1980, 1986; Arthur et al.,
sensitive monitors for the intensity of an OAE and the 1990; Rachold, 1994; Calvert & Pedersen, 1996).
processes which controlled it. Fluxes of marine and
terrestrial organic matter that survived transit through
an extensive water column are recorded in the sedi- 2. Material and methods
ments that were deposited and, thus, can be used to
Geological background for Site 417D
study the influence of climate-controlled processes on
the extent of the development of anoxia. The dating Site 417 is located to the south of Bermuda Rise
problem has been solved for the North Atlantic with immediately north of Vema Gap (Shipboard Scientific
the introduction of an improved mid-Cretaceous Party Leg 51, 1979). Erbacher et al. (1996) and
radiolarian zonation (Erbacher & Thurow, 1997, Erbacher & Thurow (1997) recognized the presence
1998), which is calibrated to the established foramin- of an organic matter-rich interval in core 19, which is
iferal and nannoplankton zones and now allows the located in the lowermost M. gracilis radiolarian Zone
investigation of the event in sub-CCD sites. OAE 1b and displays a radiolarian extinction/radiation pattern
was assigned to the lowermost M. gracilis radiolarian similar to those observed for the OAE 1b at other early
Zone by Erbacher & Thurow (1998). Albian sites (Figure 2). Erbacher & Thurow (1997)
Chemical investigations of the OAE 1b are pres- could only tentatively identify this interval as contain-
ently limited to determinations of organic-carbon con- ing OAE 1b. The exact identification of OAE 1b, is
tent (Bralower et al., 1993) and the documentation of however, still under discussion because of the lack of
positive shifts in the 13Ccarbonate curves that are calcareous fossils for cross-correlation and a poor
associated with most major OAEs (Scholle & Arthur, core-recovery record in the Aptian/Albian. Palaeo-
1980; Weissert, 1989; Weissert & Lini, 1991; bathymetric estimates by Sikora & Olsson (1991)
Erbacher et al., 1996, 1999; Erbacher & Thurow, yielded an Albian water depth of 3800 m for site
Geochemical signature and related climatic-oceanographic processes

Figure 2. Stratigraphy, lithology and palaeogeographic reconstruction of Site 417D, Leg 51, southern Bermuda Rise, northwest Atlantic, with emphasis on OAE 1b
(compiled from Erbacher & Thurow, 1998 and Hay et al., 1999). P. pseudomacro., Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala; M. gracilis, Mita gracilis; H. crassum,
Halesium crassum; R. tic., Rotalipora ticinensis; R. ang., Rhagodiscus angustus; C. lit., Chiastozygus litterarius.
246 P. Hofmann et al.

417D, which is in good agreement with the presence the center of the OAE, where the bioturbated intervals
of carbonate-free sediments, indicating a deep-water of the productivity cycles decrease in thickness. The
position below the CCD. Thus, Site 417D is, to our pale green and dark green claystones of the bedding
knowledge, so far the deepest dated record which may cycle contain chondrites or fucoid-type burrows with
contain OAE 1b in the deeper parts of the Albian black infillings (Shipboard Scientific Party Leg 51,
North Atlantic. 1979). Black shale intervals are, however, only occa-
sionally bioturbated, but still display a fine parallel
lamination. The core interval can be subdivided into
Analytical methods 23 bedding cycles based on sediment colour and
Core 19 was described in detail in order to document bioturbation/lamination patterns (Figure 2).
the dominant cycle pattern as expressed by lithology,
degree of lamination and bioturbation patterns.
Samples for geochemical analysis were chosen to Bulk sediment chemistry
cover all major lithologies. Total carbon and total
sulfur determinations were carried out with a LECO Based on XRD studies by Mann & Müller (1979) and
CS-225 instrument on ground samples. Total organic Brosse (1982), the mineralogical composition of the
carbon (TOC) measurements were conducted with sediments of core 19 consists mainly of quartz and
the same instrument after treatment with hot hydro- clay minerals. Feldspars, pyroxenes, barite and apatite
chloric acid. Rock Eval Pyrolysis was performed with occasionally occur in traces as accessory minerals. The
a Rock Eval plus instrument from Vinci Technologies clay fraction is composed of smectite, illite and mixed
according to the method described by Espitalié et al. layer minerals of the illite/smectite type (I/S-mixed
(1985) on powdered whole rock samples with a TOC- layer minerals). Semi-quantitative analysis of the clay
content of more than 0.3% following the suggestions mineral composition of the <2 m fraction of four
of Peters (1986). Maceral analysis was performed by samples from core 19 by Brosse (1982) yielded 30%
point counting, using ground sample powder embed- illite, 20–50% smectite and 20–50% I/S-mixed layer
ded in an epoxy resin, on polished surfaces with a minerals. Our microscopic studies revealed the
Zeiss Axioplan microscope under blue and white light ubiquitous presence of pyrite in varying amounts (see
excitation. Pyrite size determinations were conducted further discussion below), which was also noted by the
on the samples prepared for maceral analysis. Be- Shipboard Scientific Party Leg 51 (1979). The min-
tween 50 and 100 framboid diameters were deter- eralogical studies are in good agreement with the
mined per sample and subjected to statistical analysis. chemical data of this study. The silica content of
Inorganic sediment chemistry was determined by the sediments varies between 62.2 and 81.53% SiO2,
X-ray fluorescence analysis on powdered samples that the aluminum content between 4.39 and 10.25%
were heated for four hours at 105C. Fused discs were Al2O3 and the organic carbon content between 0.03
prepared and analyzed using a sequential X-ray spec- and 7.12% TOC, suggesting a sediment composition
trometer (Phillips PW2400) calibrated with natural controlled primarily by a three-component system
and synthetic standards. consisting of silica, aluminosilicates and organic
matter (Figure 3). The analysis of the data set in the
three-component system SiO2-Al2O3-TOC shows
3. Results that the SiO2/Al2O3 ratios are too high to be explained
by compositional variation of the aluminosilicate
phase (illite, smectite and I/S-mixed-layer minerals)
The investigated succession in core 19 consists of alone, and, hence, indicates the ubiquitous presence
alternating productivity/redox cycles of laminated of an additional SiO2 phase. Erbacher (1994) re-
black shales and bioturbated pale to dark green clay- corded a low content of radiolarian tests in the interval
stones. The thickness of the observed cycles increases studied, which may have caused some of the observed
towards the centre of the black shale interval that may variation but is unlikely to have controlled the overall
contain OAE 1b and is characterized by a successive trend. XRD data from Mann & Müller (1979),
increase in the organic-matter-rich parts of the cycles Brosse (1982) and our own data do not indicate the
(Figure 2). The gradual onset and termination of presence of opal C-T but do record quartz in high
‘black shale’ deposition is characterized by bedding abundance.
cycles that are dominated by bioturbated green clay The potassium, magnesium, titanium, iron and, to
members. Lamination in the black shale part of the a lesser extent, sodium concentrations correlate with
bedding cycles becomes more pronounced towards the aluminum content (Table 1) and are, therefore,
Geochemical signature and related climatic-oceanographic processes 247

layer-rich assemblage at the expense of illite. Lever &

McCave (1983), among others, argued that in regions
away from the action of ice rafting, the terrigenous
fraction of pelagic sediments was mainly transported
to the sea-surface by wind. Dust in the deep sea,
therefore, provides a record of the climatic develop-
ment of the source region (Rea, 1993).
In a comprehensive study of the clay-mineral as-
semblage of the Albian North Atlantic region, Robert
& Chamley (1982) were able to demonstrate that the
clay-mineral composition was a function of the pri-
mary source input, not a product of later diagenesis.
These authors came to the conclusion that the illite
was detrital in origin and identified the African margin
Figure 3. Ternary diagram SiO2-Al2O3-TOC showing the as the main source of illite in the Albian North
mixing relationships of the main sediment components Atlantic. Smectite is thought to indicate climate
of core 19. White stars indicate the average composition
of smectite and illite; the shaded field shows the conditions with a pronounced dry/humid contrast
naturally occurring compositional variation (based on (Robert & Chamley, 1982; Chamley, 1989). As dis-
data from Weaver & Pollard, 1975 and Weaver, 1989). cussed above, the good correlation of the Si/Al (proxy
for quartz content in clays) and K/Al ratios (proxy for
illite content) in core 19 suggests that quartz was also
related to compositional variations in the alumino- mainly derived from source areas in northern Africa.
silicate component. Calcium and phosphate are also Lever & McCave (1983) argued, on the basis of the
closely correlated, which conforms with a concen- distribution and composition of eolian components in
tration of these elements in apatite (Table 1). Cretaceous sediments, that eolian input into pelagic
Aluminum-normalized element ratios were used in realms was an important component in the North
order to investigate down-core variation in the com- Atlantic region starting at least in Early Cretaceous
position of the detrital fraction, thus eliminating dilu- times. Maximum eolian input occurred at latitudes
tion effects by other sediment components (e.g., from 20–30N. Palaeogeographic reconstructions for
organic matter and pyrite). The downhole logs of the Site 417D indicate a palaeolatitude between 15 and
Si/Al ratios display wide variation between 5.7 and 20N, hence, close to the belt of the assumed maxi-
16.6, and show a distinct drop, which coincides with mum eolian input (Philip et al., 1993). Numerical
the black shale-dominated part of the core. The shift simulations for mid-Cretaceous atmospheric circu-
in Si/Al ratios indicates an increase in the aluminosili- lation by Barron et al. (1995) and Poulsen et al.
cate component relative to the detrital quartz compo- (1998) yielded surface wind patterns similar to
nent. The clay mineral assemblage is dominantly illite present-day winds, indicating dominant eolian input
and, to a minor extent, I/S mixed-layer minerals from the African continent. These simulation results
(Weaver & Pollard, 1975; Weaver, 1989). Their are also supported by the palaeogeographic distri-
relative abundance can be traced by K/Al ratios. bution of palygorskite in Albian and Cenomanian
The downhole logs for the K/Al and Si/Al ratios deposits of the North Atlantic, as reported by Pletsch
show similar trends (Figure 4). K/Al ratios and Si/Al et al. (1996), which suggests airborne transport of this
ratios show a good correlation for the entire data set mineral from the centres of formation in northern
(Figure 5) and, hence, suggest a common source for Africa and southern Spain into central parts of the
the carrier phases of both elements (i.e., quartz and North Atlantic region. The most probable source for
illite). illite and quartz at site 417D appears, therefore, to be
The most significant shift in the bulk inorganic a region between 20 and 30N in northern Africa. The
chemistry of the sediments from core 19 occurs with observed stratigraphic variation of these sedimentary
the onset of ‘black shale’ deposition in the interval components may suggest temporal fluctuation of wind
from 316.2 to 317.4 m; other element ratios show intensities, which were probably climate-controlled,
only minor variation. This interval is characterized and provide a record of the northern African climate.
by a drop in the relative abundance of quartz, as Intervals dominated by quartz and illite may indicate
indicated by the shift in Si/Al ratios. In the same periods of intense physical erosion, while more
interval, the otherwise uniform clay-mineral assem- smectite-rich intervals represent climatic conditions
blage changes towards a more smectite- or I/S mixed- suitable for the neoformation of clay minerals, i.e.,

Table 1. Inter-element correlation matrix.

Al2O3 CaO Co Cr Fe2O3 K2O MgO MnO Na2O Ni P2O5 Stot SiO2 Sr TiO2 TOC V

Al2O3 1.00000
CaO 0.15730 1.00000
Co 0.07885 0.00200 1.00000
Cr 0.40167 0.12886 0.28466 1.00000
Fe2O3 0.67260 0.12654 0.14374 0.20053 1.00000
K 2O 0.95057 0.16215 0.04591 0.44007 0.63189 1.00000
MgO 0.94929 0.03018 0.14659 0.37483 0.74374 0.87324 1.00000
MnO 0.05959 0.46324 0.11251 0.37764 0.19531 0.00660 0.10838 1.00000
Na2O 0.58376 0.24554 0.14487 0.01648 0.59491 0.55107 0.62739 0.03930 1.00000
Ni 0.03803 0.15279 0.72465 0.63254 0.22096 0.12913 0.03070 0.15201 0.16512 1.00000
P. Hofmann et al.

P2O5 0.03129 0.77602 0.01184 0.26761 0.26961 0.03645 0.07511 0.18898 0.45201 0.21801 1.00000
Stot 0.38244 0.30519 0.05346 0.08419 0.73407 0.32102 0.38568 0.03327 0.59147 0.29549 0.36596 1.00000
SiO2 0.43281 0.39785 0.14806 0.21505 0.65936 0.36731 0.50563 0.01256 0.72452 0.41171 0.60402 0.76038 1.00000
Sr 0.53675 0.37070 0.18647 0.24208 0.62300 0.48867 0.63912 0.17803 0.49587 0.12957 0.44891 0.44483 0.54477 1.00000
TiO2 0.88008 0.26704 0.09842 0.30279 0.40027 0.87227 0.75745 0.15946 0.52196 0.15619 0.10263 0.28394 0.34960 0.25316 1.00000
TOC 0.37095 0.29013 0.15622 0.75331 0.02610 0.42551 0.31053 0.17195 0.17955 0.61440 0.46820 0.36020 0.53596 0.12063 0.26084 1.00000
V 0.14923 0.03951 0.15257 0.38131 0.16202 0.13080 0.12063 0.18588 0.40524 0.40438 0.19056 0.34638 0.51109 0.10476 0.26078 0.53756 1.00000
Geochemical signature and related climatic-oceanographic processes 249

Figure 4. Geochemical logs for Si/Al, K/Al, Na/Al, Mg/Al and Ti/Al ratios. Note the compositional variation in the interval
316.20–317.40 m, indicating fluctuation in quartz (Si/Al), illite (K/Al) and smectite (Na/Al) input. For discussion of the
processes that led to the variation, see text; for key to lithologies, see Figure 2. Black shale intervals are shaded.

with pronounced dry/humid contrast (Robert & potential for erosion on the surrounding landmasses
Chamley, 1982; Chamley, 1989). of a basin, thus diminishing the amount of detritus
OAE 1b took place during a period of assumed (e.g., quartz and illite) available for eolian transport to
sea-level rise (e.g., Erbacher et al., 1996; Price et al., more central parts of the basin (Haq, 1991).
1999), which may also have affected the composition Several authors have suggested a climate-controlled
of detrital sediments. The flooding of coastal lowlands origin of bedding rhythms containing interlayered
during a sea-level rise would have decreased the black shales for the Cretaceous and interpreted these
cycles as recording short-term climatic fluctuations of
the order of a few tens of thousands to 100 ky (e.g.,
Arthur, 1979; Arthur et al., 1984, 1990; Dean &
Arthur, 1986; Fischer, 1986, 1991; Bottjer et al.,
1986; Herbert et al., 1986; de Boer, 1991a; van
Buchem et al., 1995; Hofmann et al., 1999a) that were
related to the periodic modulation of the Earth’s
orbital parameters as described by Milankovitch
(1941). Even though sedimentation rates are only
poorly constrained for the Albian sediments of hole
417D, the influence of orbital fluctuations on the
composition of detrital sediment components can still
be tested. Ratios of spectral peaks revealed by time-
series analysis should correspond to those of the
frequencies predicted by Milankovitch. For this analy-
sis the mid-Cretaceous frequencies calculated by
Figure 5. Correlation of Si/Al (proxy for quartz content)
Berger & Loutre (1994) were used, i.e., 18.5 and
and K/Al ratios (proxy for illite content) suggesting a 22.3 ky for precession, 39 and 51 ky for obliquity, and
common detrital source for quartz and illite. 95, 123 and 413 ky for eccentricity. We analyzed the
250 P. Hofmann et al.

Si/Al and K/Al logs for the presence of orbital fre-

quencies with spectral techniques (Figure 6). Spectral
analysis of both the K/Al and Si/Al logs, used as
proxies for quartz and illite variation, yielded a major
frequency maximum with a wave length of 0.68 m.
Several spectral peaks of lower power and shorter
wave length are also observed (Figure 6). The ratios
for most of the major peaks of the time series analysis
are nearly identical to those predicted from orbital
theory, if it is assumed that the major peak with a wave
length of 0.68 m is an expression of the 123-ky-long
eccentricity cycle. This assumption is supported by
data from Herbert et al. (1986) and Rose et al. (1996),
who reported results of time-series analyses of Creta-
ceous sediment sequences which also showed a strong
eccentricity signal. The Si/Al log also yielded, in
addition to the spectral peaks that can be assigned to
orbital frequencies, a peak with a wave length of
0.41 m which, if our time assignment is correct,
corresponds to a 74.2 ky signal, as reported from
Cretaceous sediments elsewhere (e.g., Rose et al.,
1996). The only major peak that cannot be assigned
to known orbital frequencies, based on our initial
assumption, is that with a wave length of 0.18 m
(Figure 6) in the results of the time series analysis of Figure 6. Spectral analysis for the K/Al geochemical log
the Si/Al log. Our results make an orbital forcing- (illite proxy) and Si/Al geochemical log (quartz proxy).
The peaks with the highest power can be related to
controlled origin of the observed bedding cycles highly typical Milankovitch frequencies if a sedimentation rate
probable. of 5.53 m/my is assumed. The spectral analysis was
Bralower et al. (1994) reported a best estimate of performed with SPEC-LAB (unpublished shareware
0.6 my for the duration of the OAE 1b for the North program by Guido Port, University of Cologne, based
Atlantic Ocean. In a more recent study Ogg et al. on the Lomb-Scargle algorithm published by Press
et al., 1992).
(1999) estimated 30 ky for the duration of OAE 1b. If
we apply the sedimentation rates estimated by fre-
gen indices increase with organic richness, suggesting
quency analysis to the organic-matter-rich interval of
a higher proportion of marine-derived organic matter
core 19 (316.2–317.4 m), we arrive at 0.217 my
in the organic-matter-rich black shales. This con-
for the duration of the main interval of black shale
clusion is supported by the concurrent increase of the
deposition at Site 417D.
liptinite/inertine+vitrinite ratio with organic-carbon
content (Figure 8B). The liptinites mainly consist of
Organic-matter composition alginite (e.g., dinoflagellate cysts) and liptodetrinite of
uncertain origin. Inertinite and vitrinite phytoclasts
The organic-matter content of the early Albian inter-
are remnants of the terrestrial vegetation, which may
val at Site 417D is highly variable and fluctuates
have experienced several recycling phases prior to final
extensively on the scale of the bedding rhythms (Fig-
deposition. The abundance of dinoflagellate cysts is in
ure 7). TOC values range from 0.03 to 7.12%. The
good agreement with observations of Hochuli & Kelts
black shale intervals of the bedding cycles are enriched
(1979), who recorded dinoflagellate blooms in this
in organic matter, whereas the associated pale to dark
interval. On average, 90% of the observed phytoclasts
green claystones of the interbeds generally contain less
of the black shale members are liptinites. Even the
than 0.5% organic carbon. Most of the organic matter
green clay members contain an average of 45%
is restricted to the stratigraphic interval from 316.20
to 317.40 m, where most of the black shales are
concentrated. The organic matter consists of a mix-
C/S and Fe-TOC-S relationships
ture of marine and terrestrially derived components,
as indicated by hydrogen indices ranging from 22 to The total sulfur content of the sediments ranges from
266 mg HC/g TOC (Figure 8A). Generally the hydro- 0.05 to 1.27% (Figure 7). Microscopic observations
Geochemical signature and related climatic-oceanographic processes 251

Figure 7. Geochemical log for TOC content, total sulfur content, V/Al, Ni/Al, Cr/Al and Mn/Al ratios. Average shale values
are shown as solid lines (after Wedepohl, 1971). Note the enrichment for vanadium, chromium and nickel in the interval
between 316.20 and 317.40 m and the overall depletion of manganese; see text for discussion. P indicates samples
analyzed for size distribution of framboidal pyrite (see also Figure 10); for key to lithologies, see Figure 2. Black shale
intervals are shaded.

revealed that the main sulfur-containing mineral is the section are examined in a Fe-TOC-S diagram
pyrite. The presence of organic-sulfur components (Dean & Arthur, 1989; Figure 9B). The black shale
was not investigated and cannot be excluded. Pyrite samples generally plot along a line extending from the
occurs both as framboids and finely dispersed in the TOC corner of the diagram to the Fe-S line. This
mineral matrix. The occasional presence of sphalerite relationship is typical for sample populations where
noted by the Shipboard Scientific Party of Leg 51 pyrite formation is limited by the availability of re-
(1979) could not be substantiated for the 20 samples active iron (Dean & Arthur, 1989; Arthur & Sageman,
studied by microscopic techniques. The highest sulfur 1994; Hofmann et al., 1999a, b). Iron limitation
concentrations occur in the stratigraphic interval with usually occurs in euxinic environments such as
the highest concentration of black shale, but are not the Black Sea (Raiswell & Berner, 1985; Arthur &
completely restricted to these intervals (Figure 7). A Sageman, 1994), but has also been reported for
C/S cross-plot shows a deviation of both the green Albian organic-matter-rich strata off the coast of West
claystones and the black shales from the normal Africa (Hofmann et al., 1999b). Euxinic conditions
marine line characteristic for sediments deposited are in good agreement with the observed lack of
under oxic conditions as defined by Berner (1984; bioturbation. The high portion of marine organic
Figure 9A). Surprisingly, C/S ratios are lower for the matter still preserved in the black shales suggests that
bioturbated green claystones than for the laminated sulfate reduction continued even after the available
black shales, suggesting that sulfate reduction was reactive iron was used up for pyrite formation. Thus,
more intense in the former than in the shales. Such a it is probable that some of the H2S generated escaped
scenario is, however, unlikely because bacterial sulfate from the black shale beds and reacted with the avail-
reduction processes require extremely low oxygen able iron in the green claystones, leading to low C/S
levels to proceed (e.g., Berner, 1984; Raiswell & ratios for this lithofacies. The excess sulfur concen-
Berner, 1985), and the ubiquitous bioturbation indi- trations of this lithofacies are, therefore, thought to be
cates at least moderate oxygen supply to the green a function of hydrogen sulfide export from the black
claystone intervals. This apparent contradiction can shale intervals rather than of in situ sulfate reduction
be resolved if the limitations for pyrite formation in processes in the green claystone intervals. Vetö et al.
252 P. Hofmann et al.

Figure 8. A, relationship of hydrogen indices (HI) and

organic-carbon content of samples with a TOC content
>0.5%. Note the shift towards higher HIs with increas-
ing TOC content, indicating successively higher
amounts of marine-derived organic matter. B, liptinite/
vitrinite and inertinite ratio versus organic carbon con-
tent. Note the increase in marine-derived (liptinites) Figure 9. A, TOC-total sulfur cross-plot for black shales
over terrigenous-derived organic matter with increasing (stars) and interbedded bioturbated green claystones.
organic-carbon content. Note the deviation of both populations from the normal
marine line for oxic sediments (after Berner, 1984). B,
Fe-TOC-S ternary diagram after Dean & Arthur
(1989). The black shale population plots along a line
(1995) estimated that up to 25% of the hydrogen extending from the TOC corner to the Fe-S line,
sulfide produced in non-bioturbated black shales indicating formation under euxinic conditions with
escaped. We suspect, however, that the percentage limited iron. Symbols as in Figure 8A; for discussion,
may have been significantly higher in severely iron- see text.
limited systems.

bottom-water conditions can be recognized based on

Pyrite size analysis
the size distribution patterns of framboidal pyrites. In
Euxinic conditions may extend from a few centimetres euxinic environments characterized by free H2S in the
above the sediment water interface to more than a water column, pyrite formation begins therein. Pyrites
1000 m above, as is currently the case in the Black formed in the water column are, owing to hydro-
Sea. Wilkin et al. (1996) demonstrated that euxinic dynamic considerations, small and readily transferred
Geochemical signature and related climatic-oceanographic processes 253

Holland, 1979; Brumsack, 1986; Arthur et al., 1990).

Calvert & Pedersen (1993) demonstrated that the
enrichment of selected redox-sensitive trace elements
(e.g. nickel, vanadium, chromium, among others) can
be used to infer sedimentation under anoxic con-
ditions. Trace-element enrichment can occur either in
anoxic basins, where the surface sediments are in
contact with sulfidic waters, or by diffusion from sea
water to anoxic sediments that lie below thin oxic
horizons at the sediment/water interface. Because of
the ambiguity caused by the fact that the metals are
enriched in both situations, only the absence of en-
richment can be used as a reliable guide for oxygen-
ated bottom-water conditions during sedimentation.
Trace-element enrichments can be determined if
their aluminium-normalized concentrations are com-
pared to those encountered in average shale (e.g.,
Wedepohl, 1971), which is considered to be typical
for element patterns of oxic conditions. Element pro-
files for Cr/Al, V/Al, and Ni/Al in core 19 show a
Figure 10. Discrimination diagram for framboidal pyrite distinct enrichment relative to average shale values for
formed in a euxinic water column (after Wilkin et al., the black shales between 316.20 and 317.40 m (Fig-
1996). The stratigraphic position of the black shales ure 7), suggesting the episodic presence of anoxic
analyzed is indicated in Figure 7. bottom and/or pore waters. The trace-element enrich-
ment of the black shale intervals is, however, signifi-
cantly lower than that recorded for OAE 2 (e.g.,
to the underlying sediment. Framboidal pyrite popu- Arthur et al., 1990), suggesting an event of lower
lations that form in sediments with anoxic pore waters magnitude than the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary
tend to be larger as a result of prolonged periods of event. The core intervals above and below the main
time available for growth. Hence, pyrite framboids in interval of ‘black shale’ deposition display ratios simi-
sediments from euxinic basins are on average smaller lar to the average shale, including the black shales at
and less variable in size than those from sediments the top of the section and, therefore, show signatures
underlying dysoxic or oxic water columns. Pyrite typical for sediments deposited beneath oxic bottom
size-analysis for nine samples from laminated black waters. Cr, V and Ni concentrations correlate with
shale intervals in core 19 (Figure 7) show considerable TOC content but not with sulfur content (Table 1),
size variation (Figure 10). These results suggest suggesting either absorption or incorporation into the
that pyrite formation took place mainly in anoxic pore organic phase (Lewan & Maynard, 1982; Brumsack &
waters rather than in an extensive euxinic water- Gieske, 1983; Breint & Wanty, 1991) rather than an
column (Figure 10). Considering the preservation of accumulation controlled only by anoxia.
sediment lamination in the black shale facies, it seems In contrast to the trace metal enrichment reflected
probable that euxinic conditions may have extended by the Cr/Al, Ni/Al and V/Al ratios, the black shale
to the sediment/water interface; however, an extensive intervals generally have low Mn/Al ratios. Manganese
euxinic bottom-water mass appears to have been enrichment above the average shale value was only
unlikely. The periods of elevated productivity re- observed for two samples in the lowermost part of the
corded from the black shales were insufficient to profile (Figure 7). In oxic seawater, manganese (II) is
generate a cyclic expansion of the oxygen minimum oxidized to insoluble Mn (III) and Mn (IV) oxides,
zone to the sediment/water interface. leading to the accumulation of high manganese con-
centrations in oxic sediments. In sulfidic waters of
anoxic basins, manganese accumulates in its dissolved
Trace-element signature
state owing to the reduction of Mn (IV) oxides settling
Redox-sensitive trace elements are known to accumu- from the oxic waters above. Sediments deposited
late in concentrations above crustal abundance in under these conditions are characterized by low man-
black shales in general and specifically in those de- ganese concentrations. In systems with an oxygen/
posited during OAEs (e.g., Vine & Tourtelot, 1970; sulfide boundary, active manganese recycling occurs
254 P. Hofmann et al.

as a result of reductive solution of manganese oxides matter occurred in the thickest black shale intervals,
under sulphidic conditions, followed by diffusion suggesting that the intensity of productivity fluctu-
across the redox boundary and subsequent formation ations reached their peak during this period. The
of new manganese oxides (e.g., Calvert & Pedersen, black shales contain organic matter of marine deri-
1993, and references therein). If the cyclic recurrence vation that must have survived both transport through
of laminated black shales and green bioturbated clay- a deep water column (3800 m; Sikora & Olsen,
stones indicates significant variations in bottom-water 1991) and diagenetic degradation after deposition.
oxygenation, including the episodic presence of exten- The alteration of the organic matter is recorded by
sive euxinic bottom waters, then a high variability in fairly low hydrogen indices despite a high liptinite
Mn/Al ratios would be expected. The trace-metal- content. The accumulation rate of organic matter in
enriched black shale intervals, whose lamination pat- most of the black shale intervals was sufficient to cause
tern, C/S ratios and Fe/TOC/S relationships indicate severe oxygen depletion in the pore waters. This led to
deposition under euxinic conditions, should be de- the enrichment of selected redox-sensitive trace ele-
pleted in manganese. By contrast, the bioturbated ments above crustal concentrations and also inhibited
trace-element-poor intervals of the observed bedding the establishment of a bottom-dwelling fauna. Hence,
cycles that were deposited under normal marine con- productivity and preservation of organic matter
ditions should be enriched in manganese. This is were apparently directly linked. The position of the
obviously not the case (Figure 7). The Mn/Al ratios chemocline separating hydrogen sulfide- and oxygen-
are fairly low compared to average shale values for containing waters is, based on the data presented, still
most of the core interval studied, regardless of sedi- somewhat uncertain and may have either been at the
mentary facies and its inferred oxygenation level (Fig- sediment/water interface or only slightly above it dur-
ure 7). We believe that Mn-depletion was caused by a ing the deposition of the black shale members of the
low overall supply of manganese to the sea floor. The bedding cycles. An extensive anoxic, bottom-water
generally low Mn/Al ratios may indicate that manga- body, however, can probably be ruled out because,
nese was effectively removed from settling particles based on size analysis, most of the framboidal pyrite
elsewhere in the overlying water column. We specu- was formed in anoxic pore waters rather than in a
late that the presence of an oxygen minimum zone euxinic water column. Therefore, it is unlikely that
(OMZ) in shallower waters would have promoted the an oxygen-minimum zone extended to the sea floor
release of manganese from settling particles by reduc- during ‘black-shale’ deposition. The presence of an
tive dissolution and trapped the dissolved manganese, oxygen-minimum zone higher in the water column is,
thus causing an overall low Mn-flux to the sea floor. however, to be expected because of the fairly high
amounts of marine-derived organic matter that sur-
vived transit through the water column. The low
4. Discussion amounts of manganese, regardless of the inferred
degree of oxygen availability recorded in the sediment,
Climate and sea-level-controlled productivity model for
may indicate that manganese was stripped from
deposition of black shales
settling particles in an OMZ, higher in the water
Sediments recovered from core 19 of Site 417D column, by reductive dissolution.
correspond to the lower M. gracilis radiolarian Zone In contrast, the bioturbated claystone intervals dis-
and, hence, fall into a time period that has been play characteristics that indicate low productivity and
reported to be equivalent to the OAE 1b of the early deposition under normal marine conditions. They
Albian in the North Atlantic Ocean (Erbacher et al., contain low amounts of organic carbon with a higher
1996, 1999; Erbacher & Thurow, 1997, 1998). The terrigenous component, show trace-element patterns
sediments of this core are characterized by a distinct similar to the crustal average, and display C/S ratios
organic-matter-rich interval from 316.20 to 317.40 m and relationships for Fe, TOC and sulfur typical for
that may contain the OAE 1b. It is characterized by sediments deposited in oxic environments.
periodically occurring bedding cycles containing The presence of bedding cycles alternating from
organic-matter-rich black shale intervals. The bedding bioturbated claystones to laminated black shales sug-
cycle members reflect changing productivity and oxy- gests a dynamic system which periodically fluctuated
genation levels as indicated by organic-carbon con- from more oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions, with
tent, kerogen quality, bioturbation and trace element high productivity represented by the black shale inter-
patterns, C/S ratios and Fe-TOC-S relationships and vals, to more normal-marine conditions (oligotrophic)
are, therefore, interpreted as coupled productivity/ with fairly low productivity represented by the biotur-
redox cycles. The highest accumulation of organic bated claystone intervals. The intervals with higher
Geochemical signature and related climatic-oceanographic processes 255

nutrient supply and high productivity became more both mechanisms, a shift in the land-sea distribution
extensive during the most intense part of the ‘black caused by the overall sea-level rise and fall, as well as
shale’ deposition (e.g., Figure 7). However, even fluctuations of the global CO2 budget inflicted by the
during peak black shale development, the nutrient periodic burial of organic matter, were effective during
supply was insufficient to support a productivity the genesis of black shales at Site 417D.
level high enough to generate permanent eutrophic Because of the existing uncertainty in the dating of
conditions in the central North Atlantic. the early Albian black shale deposits at Site 417D,
A suitable model for ‘black shale’ deposition must the exact assignment of OAE 1b to the observed
consider this dynamic-productivity development. Our black shale interval is currently not possible. The
data show a distinct change in the chemical compo- black shales at Site 417D occur, however, in the
sition of the clastic fraction of the sediments that stratigraphic interval expected for OAE 1b; their de-
occurred during deposition of the organic-matter-rich velopment appears to have fallen within a period of
interval between 316.20 and 317.40 m. This chemical sea-level rise, and was a result of periods of enhanced
change is also reflected by changes in the mineralogi- productivity in an open ocean environment. The black
cal assemblage, i.e., the relative abundance of quartz shale deposits at Site 417D show, therefore, several of
and the composition of the clay-mineral assemblage. the characteristics predicted for OAE 1b. We suspect
During ‘black shale’ deposition, reduction of detrital that if OAE 1b is present at Site 417D and if the
quartz input took place accompanied by a shift from a duration of 30 ky for OAE 1b estimated by Ogg et al.
clay-mineral assemblage dominated by illite towards (1999) is correct, it is represented by one of the
one dominated more by smectite or I/S mixed-layer thicker black shale beds.
minerals. Periodic higher-frequency fluctuations in
the composition of the clastic source occur on the
5. Conclusions
scale of the bedding cycles and are reflected in the
Si/Al and K/Al ratios. As shown above, the results of The organic matter-rich interval in core 19 at site
the spectral analysis may suggest processes related to 417D displays a chemical signature that requires a
orbital forcing for these high-frequency cycles. We combination of processes to explain the genesis of
interpret the data set as resulting from the combined early Albian black shale deposits. The accumulation
effects of a longer term sea-level rise and subsequent of significant amounts of marine-derived organic mat-
fall superimposed on short-term climatic variations, as ter in deep-sea environments was probably triggered
documented by the Si/Al log. This shift in quartz by a shift in the overall ocean-wide nutrient balance
content in conjunction with the relative increase in caused by a combination of eustatic sea-level rise and
smectite may reflect the reduced potential for erosion climatic changes on the continents, which altered the
in flooded continental areas during a rise in sea level. input of nutrients into the North Atlantic Ocean. It
Short term climatic fluctuations are recorded on the appears that northern Africa and parts of southern
level of the bedding cycles (Si/Al, K/Al ratios). They Europe received higher amounts of precipitation dur-
are linked to the nutrient budget of the ocean via the ing this period, suggesting latitudinal shifts in the
net rate of precipitation and evaporation, which deter- major climate belts. This change in climate was prob-
mined the degree of weathering, and the transport rate ably caused by atmospheric adjustments in response
and transport mechanism of nutrients. In our view, a to sea-level rise and increasing pCO2. Orbital forcing
rise in sea level raised the overall nutrient supply to for the observed shorter-term climatic modulations is
central ocean areas, as predicted by the p-OAE model highly probable.
of Erbacher et al. (1996), to a point where moderate The black shale deposits at Site 417D show many
fluctuations in the nutrient balance inflicted by the characteristics expected for OAE 1b. However, con-
periodic variations in climate on the surrounding firmation of whether OAE 1b is present at Site 417D
continents were sufficient to generate productivity requires improved stratigraphic resolution.
pulses. These pulses are recorded in the black shale
intervals at Site 417D and appear to reflect changes in
climate in northern Africa.
Recent atmospheric general-circulation model ex- This work was supported by a grant of the Deutsche
periments have shown that shifts in the regional Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, ODP Schwerpunkt
precipitation patterns recorded for the early Albian at Programm). We thank Ms B. Stapper for technical
Site 417D are most effectively caused by a change in assistance and Ms K. Stone for editing several ver-
the land-sea distribution and elevated atmospheric sions of the manuscript. Reviews by Drs H. Jenkyns
CO2 levels (e.g., Poulsen et al., 1999). We believe that and J. Erbacher helped to improve the manuscript.
256 P. Hofmann et al.

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