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The ultimate guide to the

entertainment industry.
Agents | Casting Directors | Managers

Spring / Summer 2021

Nationwide Production Companies
Hundreds of Casting Directors, Agents, and Managers
Professional Organizations You Should Know
you can

spring/summer 2021




6 Simple Steps: How to Use this List
7 New York Production Companies
14 California Production Companies
74 Regional Production Companies


Simple Steps: How to Use This List
New York Casting Directors
California Casting Directors
143 Regional Casting Directors


165 Simple Steps: How to Use this List
166 New York Talent Agents
179 California Talent Agents
203 Regional Talent Agents


234 Simple Steps: How to Use this List
235 New York Managers
246 California Managers
283 Regional Managers




Vice President & Chief Executive Officer

National Casting Editor Joshua Ellstein
Luke Crowe
Chief Financial Officer
Editor Michael Felman
Rebecca Welch
Corporate Controller & Vice President,
Managing Editor Finance
Melinda Loewenstein Michael Madia

ART & PRODUCTION Chief Technology & Product Officer

Production Manager James G. Reynolds
Mark Stinson
Chief Marketing Officer
Executive Director, Media
Kasey Howe
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CALL SHEET by BACKSTAGE VOL. 72, NO. 1 (ISSN# 1948-1241 USPS# 017-018) is published twice a year in March and September by Backstage
LLC, 45 Main Street, Suite 416, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Subscription price is $40 per year, $20 per issue. Postage paid at New York, NY and additional
mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Call Sheet by Backstage, 45 Main St., Ste. 416, Brooklyn, NY 11201. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
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Despite the pandemic limiting the tra-

ditional filmmaking process, creative film-
makers Corinne Jayaweera and Kayona
Ebony Brown are finding ways to tell their
stories and make an impact. From virtual
documentary shoots to small, in-person
guerrilla filmmaking, these producers have
found effective ways to create quality work.
Kayona Ebony Brown has found success
in every avenue she’s tried. Her creativ-
ity and entrepreneurial spirit have served Caption: Filmmakers Corinne Jayaweera
her well. Brown began her career working and Kayona Ebony Brown
in the recording industry in Washington,
D.C., eventually creating her own record make an impact on the world around her.
company LLC and then her own podcast, Documented America focuses on public
“Of Music and Men.” She’s also written service announcements and documenta-
and self-published books (“Of Music and ries. Jayaweera has also shared her skills
Men,” “Tenth Letter”). Her directing start to support Women in Film’s PSA program
came when she wrote a music video for by producing or assisting in the produc-
a friend and ended up taking on direct- tion of PSAs for organizations like A New
ing to keep the shoot running smoothly. Way of Life, Habitat for Humanity ReStores,
The writer-director-producer hasn’t let and a four-part miniseries for Women in
the pandemic slow her down. Adapting Film on gender parity. Her recent project
to the times, she cast remotely for the for Documented America, “Why I Vote,”
first time using Backstage. Brown’s cur- tackles topics related to voting. “My focus
rent project is a short film that will be part is on telling meaningful stories with heart
of a larger anthology, with the working and impact…so I enjoy bringing to life the
title “00:08:46.” The film will be produced human stories behind societal and political
by Heartfelt Pictures in association with topics,” she says.
Dawn Aneada Entertainment. Brown was
approached by her filmmaker friend ADAPTING TO THE TIMES
Denton Adams with the idea to put togeth- Brown’s 10-minute short film focuses on
er an anthology of short films to support voting. “[It is] set against the backdrop of
the Black Lives Matter movement in a time social and civil unrest in D.C., where two
when many people did not feel comfort- ambitious friends want to do their part to
able gathering in crowds to protest. In change the world. But during a high-octane
addition to Brown’s piece, the anthology debate, they realize that neither knows
also includes work from 11 other filmmak- where to start. When events hit closer to
ers. She also wrote the short film “Before home and change both of their lives, vot-
Jackie,” which aired on CBS prior to the ing becomes more than just one way to
Super Bowl. change things—it becomes the only way,”
Documented America founder Corinne Brown says. The film only includes two
Jayaweera is using her expertise in film- actors and one set, and will be shot on an
making and in telling real human stories to iPhone. Brown says she chose the topic


of voting because she felt it would best fit role, but when the producers decided to go
with her storytelling skills. “I’m more of an nonunion because of the budget, she had
independent thinker, so it tells both sides, to rethink her choice, as the actor she had
or multiple sides, I’ll say. And being more of in mind was a SAG member. Brown didn’t
a dialogue-driven, character-driven kind of let that throw her, though; she quickly
person when I’m telling my stories, I just felt turned to Backstage to widen her actor
like that topic could speak more for me and search. “Normally, with such productions,
my strengths,” she says. Ironically, the actor I will cast from within the pool of actors
she cast in the male role wasn’t registered that I know personally, but I was looking for
to vote before reading the script—but he non-Black, non-white actors, with my pref-
registered after reading the project. erence being Latinx—especially because of
Jayaweera’s “Why I Vote” required a the significant Latinx community in D.C. So
quick turnaround, both in casting and I needed to do auditions in order to meet
production, since the project was aimed some new faces, and it paid off,” she said.
at encouraging people to vote. Adding to Although each project has specific crite-
this challenge was the fact that the remote ria, in general, Jayaweera says that having
production required actors to play two the fundamentals taken care of is a good
roles: actor and crew. “I quickly learned first step for making the cut. Each submis-
that I needed to communicate differently sion should have the actor’s current info
with the talent, as they were not only the and be up to date. “The reels must contain
talent, but also the film crew. Fortunately, photo and contact info, and focus on the
actors are accustomed to submitting virtual scenes of the applicant.” For self-tapes,
auditions—so working remotely was not as it’s also important that the actor have a
challenging as it may have been even a year general understanding of good lighting and
ago, as all of our mindsets and experiences video capture.
have been adapted,” Jayaweera says.
WORK WITH WHAT YOU HAVE “We had the freedom to do the casting,
Brown had an actor in mind for the lead and the casting is very diverse, because we
wanted these different voices and different
perspectives to be seen in the film,” Brown
says. Even though her preference was

Latinx performers, she auditioned all types
of actors in case someone made her see
the role differently. Brown also encourages
filmmakers to stay open in the casting pro-
cess because you never know who might
impress you. “My advice would be to stay
open, question why a character is male [or]
female, Black or white, American, and then
ask if they absolutely have to be. This will
enable you to let people—actors—surprise
you. Audition some people who don’t look
like how you imagined the character some-


times.” For this project, she had initially the freedom to spend more time on them,
thought she’d go with two female actors, devoting 20 to 25 minutes to each.
but realized that she didn’t need that to tell Jayaweera notes the importance of get-
her story, and chose the best actors for the ting a better sense of the actor’s personal-
roles. ity and energy through phone interviews.
Jayaweera agrees that it’s important to “The best way for applicants to stand out is
stay open to types other than what you with personalization and thoughtful com-
initially envision for a role. Even if an actor munication.” She was looking for good
doesn’t work for that particular role, they positive energy and clear enunciation. An
might be right for something else. “It is true actor’s responsiveness was also important.
that just because an actor was not right for Since the project was remote, she says that
the particular project doesn’t mean they “it was important to find people who were
did not make an imprint on me…. I have cer- up for self-filming and following direction
tainly cast applicants for later projects, even remotely.”
when they originally auditioned for an ear-
lier project and were not cast,” Jayaweera RISE TO THE CHALLENGES
says. For Brown’s film, she also had to adapt to
Zoom read-throughs, which she says have
TAKE TIME WITH THE ACTORS worked out well. The only concern is block-
Brown thoroughly reviewed and ing, but Brown says that “the good thing is
researched every applicant, watching all the I didn’t write it in a way where both of the
videos that actors submitted and visiting characters are moving around a lot. The
their websites if they provided them. The main character is moving around the most.”
pandemic has led filmmakers to adapt the It’s also a short film, so there aren’t a whole
traditional ways of doing things. Because lot of scenes. Additionally, Brown set the
in-person auditions aren’t an option, most whole film in the same house, so there is
productions are casting virtually. Auditions only one location. The dialogue- and char-
typically move very quickly, and actors are acter-driven nature of the piece, along with
given a short amount of time to audition. its brevity, aid in addressing the challenges
Brown said an important part of her pro- of filming during the pandemic with limited
cess was spending a little more time with locations and staff.
the actors to make them comfortable and Whether it’s a documentary-style web
give them the opportunity to give their best series filmed remotely by the talent them-
performance. “I spent a little more time in selves or a short film with limited crew and
the beginning loosening them up with small locations, Brown and Jayaweera have prov-
talk about who they are, then told them a en that if you have a story to tell, you can
little about the project and me, and then always find a creative way to tell no matter
gave them all two strikes at it,” she explains. the circumstances.
Holding the auditions virtually gave her



STEP ONE: Narrow down which companies may be interested in your work. Look through the
Production Types listed under each company to see what type of work they typically do. For example,
if you have an idea or script for a new film, you might not want to send it to 495 Productions, since
they typically produce animation, TV series, and reality TV. Find a company that primarily produces
feature films instead. Zero in on the companies that would be the best fit for your project.
STEP TWO: Find the company that fits your project’s style and medium. Look through the
Credits listed under each company to see what style of work they typically produce. For example, let’s
say that one of the companies on your list is Thunder Road Pictures. In their list of credits, they have
films such as “Wrath of the Titans” (the ancient Greek story of Perseus and his journey to the treach-
erous underworld to rescue his father, Zeus), “The Town” (a film about a bank thief who attempts to
rectify his feelings for a bank manager and his need to dodge the FBI), and “Brooklyn’s Finest” (the
story of three unconnected Brooklyn cops who end up at the same deadly location after following
vastly different paths in their careers). If the film you are pitching is a romantic comedy about a
female librarian, this company might not be for you.
STEP THREE: Pay attention to how the company wants you to submit your work. Carefully read
the Submission Policy. Take note of the following details: Do they prefer full scripts or treatments?
Do they prefer digital submissions or hard copies? Do they accept unsolicited scripts? Do they only
accept submissions from agents? Do they allow you to drop off your submission in person? Make sure
you follow their policies exactly, as submitting your script in the wrong format may result in it never
getting read! Also, make sure that if email submissions are preferred, you are sending your work to
the correct address. Some companies list more than one email address, so take note if there is one
specifically set aside to receive submissions.
STEP FOUR: Browse the company’s website. If you are having trouble determining any of the infor-
mation above from just the list, visit the company’s website and look around. Learn more about the
history of the company. Find out how long they have been in business and how often they produce.
Visit their Facebook page or start following them on Twitter. You never know what you might find that
could give you the edge over someone else when sitting down to your first meeting.
STEP FIVE: Study the company’s list of personnel. Look at the names listed under Staff to
become familiar with the people you may be dealing with. That way, if you do get to speak with any-
one, you will know their names and the names of the people they may be referring to. It may behoove
you to send your submission to the email address of an assistant. If an assistant likes your script, he
or she may move it to the top of the stack on the VP’s desk! We recommend only sending your work to
the executives of the company as a last resort. While there is a small chance something might catch
their eye, an actor’s time is valuable, and you want to make sure that your hard work is being read by
someone, instead of getting shuffled aside right away.
STEP SIX: Send out thank-you emails. Use the Email addresses listed to drop a note to anyone
you’ve met along the way, thanking them for taking the time, and asking if there is anything else you
can send along.


new york

4th Row Films Policy: Through agents and managers only.

27 W. 20th St., Ste. 1006
New York, NY 10011 212-974-0082 Apostle Pictures
Fax: 212-627-3090 568 Broadway, Ste. 601
email: New York, NY 10012 212-541-4323
website: 9696 Culver Blvd., Ste. 108
Credits: Brewmaster - Bisbee ‘17 - Kate Plays Christine - Drunk Culver City, CA 90232 310-945-2991
Stoned Brilliant Dead - Hey Bartender - Actress - Fake It So Real - All website:
In - The Poker Movie - Making the Boys - Kati with an I - An Omar Credits: Maron - Sirens - Benders - Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll -
Broadway Film Burn - Blow - Monument Avenue; TV: Rescue Me (FX) - The Job
Staff: Douglas Tirola (President/Producer), Susan Bedusa (Senior (ABC) - Canterbury’s Law (FOX)
VP, Production & Development), Danielle Rosen (VP, Production), Staff: Jim Serpico (President, Motion Pictures & TV), Denis Leary
Danny Dorst (Post Production Supervisor) (Principal/Producer), Tom Sellitti (Senior VP, Production), Sawyer
Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Williams (Associate), Leslie Fradkin (Assistant)
- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: 4th Row Films specializes in feature documentaries.
Their creative content division produces marketing films for various Archer Gray
brands and their advertising agencies. 142 Greene St., Fourth Fl.
New York, NY 10012 212-203-4955
Above Average email:
26 Broadway, Third Fl. website:
New York, NY 10004 212-265-7600 Credits: The Strange Ones - 20th Century Women - Mr Holmes
212-713-1535 - The Diary of a Teenage Girl - Ten Thousand Saints - Little
email: Accidents - Lost Girls - The Day Shall Come - The Operative - Can
website: You Ever Forgive Me
Staff: Marc Lieberman (President), Ally Engelberg (Director of Staff: Amy Nauiokas (Founder/CEO), Vinay Singh (Partner),
Development), Melanie Greene (Director of Finance & Accounting) Anne Carey (President, Production), Rebecca Choi (Director of
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV Development)
Policy: Inquiries by email. Production Types: Film
Policy: No unsolicited material.
Al Roker Entertainment, Inc.
429 W. 53 St., Third Fl. Beech Hill Films
New York, NY 10019 212-757-8500 330 W. 38th St., Ste. 1004
Fax: 212-757-8513 New York, NY 10018
email: Credits: Untitled Terry Donahue Doc. Project - This Is Where We
website: Live - Helena from the Wedding - Run, Fatboy, Run - Jimmy Blue - A
Credits: DEA - Uncovered: Hidden Lives of Miss USA - Roker on Hole in One - Face - Our Song - Charming Billy
the Road - Al Roker Investigates - Recipe for Success - An Honor Staff: Alexa Fogel (Casting Director/Producer), Brendan Mason
Deferred (History Channel) - Celebrity Food Fight (Producer), Kathryn Zamora-Benson (Casting Associate)
Staff: Al Roker (CEO), Tracie Brennan (VP, Operations), Dan Pine Production Types: Film - Documentaries - Scripted TV
(Manager, Development & Production) Policy: Accepts susbmissions through agents and managers
Production Types: Scripted TV only. No drop-offs.
Policy: See website for production services.
Big Beach
Amy Robinson Productions 648 Broadway, Ste. Seventh Fl.
101 Broadway, Ste. 405 New York, NY 10012 212-473-5803
Brooklyn, NY 11211 625 Mildred Ave.
Fax: 718-408-9553 Venice, CA 90291 310-230-3999
website: Fax: 212-208-4503
Credits: Julie & Julia - Game 6 - When Zachary Beaver Came to email:
Town - Chilly Scenes of Winter - With Honors - Once Around - Running
on Empty - Drive Me Crazy - For Love of the Game - Autumn in New website:
York - From Hell - White Palace - Baby It’s You - After Hours
Staff: Amy Robinson (Producer) Credits: Jack Goes Boating - Sunshine Cleaning - Sherrybaby -
Production Types: Film Little Miss Sunshine - Everything Is Illuminated - Duane Hopwood


Staff: Marc Turtletaub (Partner), Peter Saraf (Partner), Michael Content+
Clark (Creative Executive), Erin Keating (Executive, Television 3 World Trade Center
(LA)), Daniele Melia (Production Executive), John Hodges (Head, 175 Greenwich St.
Development), Mike Phillips (Head, Finance), Molly Breeskin New York, NY 10006 212-297-7510
(Assistant to Peter Saraf) 212-297-7000
Production Types: Film website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: Unilever Vignettes: Smith Winter Mitchel - Klondike
Everyman Challenges - I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter: Turn the
Black Bear Pictures Tub Around; Internet Series: In the Motherhood; Webisodes: The
185 Franklin St., Fourth Fl. Rookie - 24 - Dove Calming Night - Dove Go Fresh Webisodes - Breyers
New York, NY 10013 212-931-5714 Smooth & Dreamy - Sprint’s Create Your Hero - Bertolli Into the
1739 Berkeley St. Heart of Italy - Poise: Whoopi 1 in 3 Like Me
Santa Monica, CA 90404 424-291-6000 Staff: David Lang (Chief Content Officer), Greg Manago (President)
email: Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Commercials -
website: Documentaries - Music Videos - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality
Credits: The Happytime Murders - Light of My Life - Villain - Ben TV - Scripted TV
is Back - The Marsh King’s Daughter Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Michael Heimler (VP, Production & Operations), Kitty
Kaletsky (VP, Television), Teddy Schwarzman (Principal), Ben Stillman Double Nickel Entertainment
(Creative Executive) 234 W. 138th St.
Production Types: Film New York, NY 10030 646-435-4390
Policy: No unsolicted submissions. email:
Boy Wonder Productions Credits: The Flock - Gran Torino
68 Jay St., Ste. 423 Staff: Jenette Kahn (Producer/Partner, NY/LA), Adam Richman
Brooklyn, NY 11201 347-632-2961 (Producer/Partner, NY/LA)
Fax: 347-630-2037 Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV
email: - Scripted TV - Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Under Construction (DIY Network) - Mom’s Cooking
(Lifetime) - Daycare Divas (TLC) - First Time Flippers (DIY Network) Flow Production and Post
- Nashville Flipped (DIY Network) 1410 Broadway
Staff: Michael Morrissey (President/Executive Producer), Sarah New York, NY 10018 877-851-9313
Pelkey (Production Manager) 646-480-7668
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film email:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Credits: The Wall Street Journal - Interactive Brokers - Denny’s
Broadway Video - ESPN - Aquafina
1619 Broadway, Brill Bldg., Tenth Fl. Staff: John Webb (New Business Director)
New York, NY 10019 212-265-7600 Production Types: Animation - Commercials - Film - Scripted TV
9401 Wilshire Blvd. Policy: Submissions by email only. Actors only respond to
Beverly Hills, CA 90038 212-664-5700 casting calls.
Credits: Fun House/Taliban Shuffle - Saturday Night Live - Kids The Foxboro Company, Inc.
in the Hall - Night Music - Late Night with Conan O’Brien - Late 234 W. 44th St., Ste. 1005
Night with Jimmy Fallon New York, NY 10036 212-768-7970
Staff: Lorne Michaels (Chairman), Jack Sullivan (CEO), Christina Fax: 212-768-7977
McGinnis (CCO), Rob Steffens (COO/CFO) email:
Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Scripted TV - Film website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: In the Presence of Mine Enemies - A Town Has Turned
Comments: Audio/video post production, graphics, duplication, to Dust - Jane Doe - After the Storm
and distribution. Staff: Nelle Nugent (President/CEO), Kenneth Teaton (Sr. VP,
Creative Affairs & Production), Mike Poblete (Executive/Creative
CBS Corporation Assistant)
51 W. 52nd St., Fifth Fl. Production Types: Theater - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV &
New York, NY 10019 212-975-4321 Cable Movies - Reality TV - Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries - Gigantic Pictures
Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality 164 W. 25th St., Ste. 4M
TV - Scripted TV - Film New York, NY 10001 212-925-5075
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Fax: 212-925-5061


email: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Boarding School - Blood Kin - Finding 52 - Frank I Ain’t Playin’ Films
Serpico - Night School - Heartworn Highways Revisited - The Killing P.O. Box 20164
Season - We’re Still Here: Johnny Cash’s Bitter Tears Revisited - Killer New York, NY 10011
Legends - The Great Invisible - Night Catches Us - Dare - Plastic email:
Bag - Goodbye Solo website:
Staff: Brian Devine (Founder/Producer), Brooke Devine (Founder/
Producer), Jason Orans (Producer), Joshua Zeman (Director/ Credits: Zugzwang - CoProducer: - Barrio Boy - Advantageous - The
Executive Producer), Pamela Ryan (Producer), Jeff Spivack (Office Bravest, The Boldest - Crazy Beats Strong Every Time - And... Scene,
Manager/Production Coordinator) A Woman’s Journey to Walk Again - Act Your Age - Off Track Betty
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film Staff: Liz Ortiz (Producer/Casting Director)
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Loglines are accepted by email Production Types: Film
only. Policy: Through agents and managers only.

Gotham Entertainment Group IFC (The Independent Film Channel)

Church Street Station, P.O. Box 2617 11 Penn Plaza, 18th Fl.
New York, NY 10008 646-481-8608 New York, NY 10001 212-324-8500
310-574-2532 2425 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 5050W
email: Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-998-9300
website: email:
Credits: Goodbye Lover (Warner Bros.) - The Blood Oranges website:
(Lionsgate) Credits: Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings - Todd Margaret -
Staff: Joel Roodman (Partner), Eric Kopeloff (Partner) Portlandia - The IT Crowd - The Grid - Food Party - Dinner with
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Animation - the Band - Bollywood Hero - Ideal - Modern Toss - The Kids in the
Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Hall - The Whitest Kids U’Know - IFC Media Project - The Jon Dore
Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Television Show - Wrong Door - Z Rock - From the Basement -
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Wilfred - Greg the Bunny
Comments: Also produces streaming video/content. Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries
- Scripted TV
History Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
235 E. 45th St.
New York, NY 10017 212-210-1400 Jax Media
Fax: 212-907-9481 495 Broadway
website: New York, NY 10012 212-524-7191
Credits: Scripted: - Vikings - Six - Knightfall - Project Blue Book email:
- Unscripted: - Alone - Ancient Aliens - The Curse of Oak Island - website:
Forged in Fire - Forged in Fire: Knife or Death - In Search Of - The Credits: The Rundown with Robin Thede - Roseanne - Full Frontal
Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen - Mountain Men - American with Samantha Bee - Inside Amy Schumer - Broad City - Younger - The
Pickers - Pawn Stars - Swamp People - Truck Night in America Jim Gaffigan Show - Difficult People
Staff: Abbe Raven (Acting Chairman), Paul Buccieri (President, Staff: Tony Hernandez (President), John Skidmore (VP/Head,
A+E Studios and A+E Networks Portfolio Group), Rob Sharenow Production), Lilly Burns (VP/Head, Development)
(President, Programming, A+E Networks) Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries - Policy: Through agents and managers only.
Documentaries - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. K2 Pictures, Inc.
Comments: Additional genres include History, Archaeology, Pop 19 W. 21st St., Ste. 1203
Culture, and Exploration New York, NY 10010 212-741-1900
Fax: 212-741-9101
Hock Films, Inc. email:
133 W. 19th St., 10th Fl. website:
New York, NY 10011 212-337-3292 Credits: The Angie Martinez Show (BET) - Major League Eating
Fax: 212-337-8522 (Spike) - Get Together with John Legend (TV One) - Classic Now
email: (ESPN Classic) - Same Sex America (Showtime) - NCAA Town Hall
website: Special (ESPN) - Pete Rose on Trial (ESPN) - Festival Dailies 2005
Credits: Off the Rez (Documentary) - The Best That Never Was (Sundance) - Big Green Lies (Fine Living Network) - Life After
(Documentary) - The Lost Son of Havana (Documentary) - The (TVOne) - Essence Music Festival 2009 (TVOne)
Streak (Documentary) - Through the Fire (Documentary) - Streetball Staff: Robert F. Katz (President and Founder)
(ESPN/TV) Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries
Staff: Jonathan Hock (President/Producer/Director), Philip - Music Videos - Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality
Aromando (Producer) TV - Scripted TV
Production Types: Documentaries - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.


Lee Daniels Entertainment (Head of Physical Production)
315 W. 36th St., Ste. 1002 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
New York, NY 10014 212-334-8110 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Fax: 212-334-8290
email: Lucamar Productions 584 Broadway, Ste. 1003
website: New York, NY 10012
Credits: Star - Empire - Precious - Tennessee - Monster’s Ball - The Credits: Into the Woods - Nine
Woodsman - Shadowboxer Staff: Rob Marshall (Producer), John DeLuca (Producer), Michael
Staff: Lee Daniels (Producer/Director/CEO), Lisa Cortés (Senior Zimmer (Director, Development)
VP, Production), Asger Hussain (VP, Production) Production Types: Film
Production Types: Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: No submissions without signed company release form.
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia,
Leftfield Pictures Inc.
460 W. 34th St., 16th Fl. 601 W. 26th St., Ninth Fl.
New York, NY 10001 212-564-2607 New York, NY 10001 212-827-8000
7083 Hollywood Blvd. Fax: 212-827-8204
Los Angeles, CA 90028 website:
Fax: 212-967-7573 Credits: The Martha Stewart Show
email: Production Types: Scripted TV
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Queer Eye (Netflix) - Fixer Upper (HGTV) - Hell’s Kitchen Merchant-Ivory Productions
(Fox) - The First 48 (A&E) - Real Housewives of New Jersey (Bravo) 1500 Hudson St., Unit 2K
- The Four (Fox) - Pawn Stars (History) - Duck Dynasty (A&E) - Alone Hoboken, NJ 07030 212-582-8049
(History) - Forged in Fire (History) - American Grit (Fox) - Book of website:
John Gray (OWN) - Girls, Inc. (Netflix) - Tiny House Nation (FYI) - Credits: The White Countess - Heights - Le Divorce - The Mystic
Killing Fields (Discovery) - Cake Boss (TLC) - 30 for 30: Year of the Masseur - The Golden Bowl - Cotton Mary - A Soldier’s Daughter
Scab (ESPN) - Mama June: From Hot to Not (WEtv) - Big Star’s Little Never Cries - The Proprietary - Jefferson in Paris - Slaves of New
Sister (USA) - Counting Cars (History) York - Maurice - Howards End - A Room with a View - Surviving
Staff: David George (CEO Picasso - The Remains of the Day - The Bostonians - Merci Dr. Rey
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Reality TV - Staff: James Ivory (President/Director), Neil Jesuele (Executive
Scripted TV VP/Producer (Europe))
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
No calls. No drop-offs. - Interactive & Digital Media - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
The Levinson/Fontana Company
251 W. 13th St. Michael Mailer Films
New York, NY 10011 212-206-3585 81 Worth St.
Fax: 212-206-3581 New York, NY 10013 212-966-9494
website: 43 Clark St. Brooklyn, NY 11201
Credits: The Philanthropist - The Bedford Diaries (WB) - Homicide: Fax: 212-966-9490
Life on the Street - Oz - The Beat - The Jury - Strip Search (HBO) - email:
Shot in the Heart (HBO) website:
Staff: Barry Levinson (Executive Producer/Director/Writer)
Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Credits: The Ledge - Kettle of Fish - Loverboy - Devour - The
- Scripted TV Money Shot - Black and White - Two Girls and a Guy - Giving It Up
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. - Harvard Man - Empire - The Last Producer - Lost Junction - The
Golden Boys - The Lodger - Blood & Bone
Likely Story Staff: Michael Mailer (President), Kit MacLean (Creative Executive)
175 Varick St., Second Fl. Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
New York, NY 10014 646-568-3268 - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
email: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: In the Heights - Indignation - American Ultra - Begin MSNBC
Again - Foxcatcher - Please Give - Carriers - Synecdoche, New 30 Rockefeller Plaza
York - Sleepdealer New York, NY 10112 212-664-4444
Staff: Anthony Bregman (Founder/Producer), Stefanie 212-664-3653 (Media Relations)
Azpiazu (Executive VP, Development & Production), Peter Cron Fax: 212-703-8578
(VP, Production), Miriam Mintz (VP, Scripted Television), Greg Zuk website:


Credits: Martin Bashir - The Dylan Ratigan Show - News Nation - New York, NY 10036 212-869-4161
Jansing & Co. - The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell - The Rachel Fax: 212-869-4541
Maddow Show - The Ed Show - MSNBC Live - Hardball with Chris email:
Matthews - MSNBC Investigates - MSNBC Special Presentations - website:
Way Too Early with Willie Geist - Morning Joe Staff: Bob Pomann (CWO Creative Director), Josh Moyer (Studio
Staff: Phil Griffin (President), Chris Berend (Executive VP, NBC Manager/Producer), Justin Kaupp (Mixer/Sound Designer), Max
News & MSNBC Digital), Yvette Miley (Senior VP) Conklin (Mixer/Sound Designer), Allen Alexander (Spanish Voice
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries Director/Casting), Diana “Dee” David (Engineer), Gavin Rosenberg
- Scripted TV (Senior Colorist)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No mail. Production Types: Commercials - Animation - Interactive &
Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
MTV Networks Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036 212-258-8000 Pretty Matches Productions
2600 Colorado Ave. 1114 Avenue of the Americas
Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-752-8000 G26, Ste. 32
website: New York, NY 10036 212-512-5755
Credits: 10 on Top - 16 and Pregnant - America’s Best Dance Fax: 212-512-5716
Crew - Awkward - Bully Beatdown - The Buried Life - The Challenge: Credits: Sex and the City - Washingtonienne
Cutthroat - Cribs - Disaster Date - Good Vibes - The Hard Times Staff: Sarah Jessica Parker (President), Alison Benson (Producer),
Of RJ Berger Benjamin Stark (Director, Development), Matt Nathanson (Assistant
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV to Producer)
- Scripted TV Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Made-for-TV
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film

My Damn Channel Robert Ahrens Productions

630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 1012 1650 Broadway, Ste. 609
New York, NY 10036 212-582-2199 New York, NY 10019 212-682-8202
3605 Long Beach Blvd., Ste. 300-B Fax: 212-599-3040
Long Beach, CA 90807 310-734-6500 email:
email: Credits: Book of Love - WTC View - Boys Life 4
website: Staff: Robert Ahrens (Producer), Ilya Khodosh (Assistant)
Staff: Rob Barnett (Founder/CEO), Warren Chao (Co-Founder/ Production Types: Film
COO) Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: See website for submission details. Scholastic Entertainment
557 Broadway
North Brooklyn Productions New York, NY 10012-3999 888-314-1555
279 Starr St. 212-343-6100
Brooklyn, NY 11237 973-963-7663 website:
email: Credits: The Golden Compass - Goosebumps - Indian in the
website: Cupboard - The Magic School Bus - Clifford the Big Red Dog - Dear
Credits: Wyclef Jeans - University of Tampere - Bild - The Guardian America - Horrible Histories - Clifford’s Really Big Movie - Maya and
- El Pais - Gruppo Espresso - Migrationsrat Berlin-Brandenburg Miguel - Clifford: Puppy Days
Staff: Ryan Novas (CEO/Executive Director), Giorgio Savona Staff: Richard Robinson (CEO), Caitlin Friedman (VP, Film &
(Creative Director), Riccardo Valsecchi (Creative Director) TV Development), Deborah Forte (President), Jef Kaminsky (VP,
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries - TV Development)
Music Videos - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Industrials Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: By email only. Policy: Through agents and managers only.

Pitch to Screen Starry Night Entertainment

25 Broadway, Ninth Fl. 1070 Park Ave., Ste. 1M
New York, NY 10004 646-491-9060 New York, NY 10128 212-717-2750
email: 16931 Dearborn St.
website: Los Angeles, CA 91343 818-885-9202
Staff: Al Hallak (Executive Director) Fax: 212-794-6150
Production Types: Film website:
Policy: See website for submission details. Backstage subscribers Credits: Sherman’s Way - White People - Mistakes Were Made
receive a 20% discount. - Rhapsody in Bloom - At First Sight - Two Guys Talkin’ About Girls -
Closer and Closer - The Last Ship - Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Lucky
Pomann Sound Guy - The Cripple of Inishmaan - After Midnight - Mistakes Were
2 W. 46th St., PH Made - Hit The Wall - Peter and Alice - Henry V - The


Staff: Craig M. Saavedra (Partner (LA)), Michael Shulman Staff: Robert De Niro (Co-Founder), Jane Rosenthal (Co-Founder),
(Partner (NY)) Berry Welsh (VP, Production & Development)
Production Types: Theater - Commercials - Reality TV - Scripted Production Types: Theater - Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable
TV - Film Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Stick Figure Productions
134 Charles St., First Fl. TV Dinner Productions
New York, NY 10014 Headquarters
436 W. 45th St. 50 W. 127th St., Ste. 6D
New York, NY 10036 New York, NY 10027 646-808-3437
email: Production Offices
website: 432 W. 45th St., Second Fl., Ste. D
Credits: LoudQUIETLoud - What Remains - James Blunt: Return New York, NY 10036 646-808-3437
to Kosovo - The Fabulous Life Presents: Really Rich Real Estate - The email:
Biz (AOL) - #1 Single - Amish in the City - Devil’s Playground - Family
Bonds - Slasher - The Cult of Cindy website:
Staff: Steven Cantor (Founder), Jamie Schutz (President) Credits: People’s Sexiest Man Alive 2015 - Christmas Through
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos The Decades
- Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Staff: Karla Hidalgo (Owner/Executive Producer), Chris Martin
Policy: Does not any consider unsolicited materials without (Owner/Executive Producer)
a signed submission release form. All submitted materials must Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Reality TV
attach a signed copy of the form. Policy: Through agents and managers only.

Bert Stratford Productions, Inc. Vice Media

662 Millbrook Rd. 99 N. 10th St.
River Edge, NJ 07661 201-265-0963 Brooklyn, NY 11211 718-599-3101
Fax: 201-265-0963 589 Venice Blvd.
email: Venice, CA 90291 310-786-4721
Credits: 12 Days of Christmas - White Fang - Bingo & Molly - Noel email:
- Peppermint Rose - The Christmas Secret website:
Staff: Bert Stratford (Producer/Owner), Aura Sujaritchan Staff: Suroosh Alvi (Principal), Shane Smith (CEO), Eddy Moretti
(Director, Development) (CCO), Andrew Freston (Director of Content Strategy), Danny Gabal
Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & (Executive Creative Director), Andrew Courtien (Project Manager),
Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Shannon Kelly (Ad Sales)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
30 Rockefeller Center, 21st Fl.
New York, NY 10112 212-664-4444 Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures
100 Universal City Plaza 1325 Avenue of the Americas
Bldg. 1440, 14th Fl. New York, NY 10019 212-506-4151
Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-1000 website:
Fax: 212-703-8533 Staff: Mark Kaufman (Executive VP, Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures
website: (NY)), Carrie Frymer (Director, Creative Development), Kathryn Pellegrini (Assistant to Mark Kaufman)
Credits: Channel Zero - Deadly Class - Happy! - Killjoys - Krypton Production Types: Theater
- The Magicians - Nightflyers Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Production Types: Miniseries -Animation - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. WGN America
220 W. 42nd St.
Tribeca Productions New York, NY 10017 212-210-5900
375 Greenwich St. 2501 W. Bradley Place
New York, NY 10013 212-941-4000 Chicago, IL 60618-4718 424-276-7900
email: 2029 Century Park E., Ste. 2080
website: Los Angeles, CA 90067
Credits: Film: - All We Had - The Wizard of Lies - Being Flynn - Fax: 424-702-4449
Little Fockers - Public Enemies - The Good Shepherd - What Just website:
Happened? - A Bronx Tale - Wag the Dog - Analyze This - Marvin’s Staff: Peter Liguori (CEO,Tribune Media/President), Matt Cherniss
Room - Thunderheart - Rocky & Bullwinkle - Meet the Parents - About (President/General Manager)
a Boy - Showtime - Analyze That - House of D - Meet the Fockers - Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV
Stage Beauty - Rent - TV: About a Boy Policy: No unsolicited submissions.


Whoop Inc./Lil’ Whoop Productions
333 W. 52nd St., Ste. 602
New York, NY 10019 212-245-6900
Fax: 212-245-6944
Credits: Just for Kicks - Whoopi’s Littleburg - Hollywood Squares
- Strong Medicine - Ruby’s Bucket of Blood - Call Me Claus - What
Makes a Family - Whoopi (NBC) - Head Games
Staff: Whoopi Goldberg (Executive Producer), Tom Leonardis
(President/Executive Producer)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Theater - Animation
- Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.



100% Terry Cloth, Inc. Roddy (Sr. VP, Business & Legal Affairs), Ellen Richardson (Manager,
421 Waterview St. Business & Legal Affairs), Shay Weiner (Creative Executive,
Playa del Rey, CA 90293 917-737-2368 Development), Jessie Long (Assistant)
Fax: 424-354-4041 Production Types: Film
email: Policy: See website.
website: 3 Arts Entertainment, Inc.
Credits: Auction Hunters (Spike TV) - Bubba’s World (Fuel) - I 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Fl.
Can’t Believe I’m Still Single (Showtime) - M.I.L.F. (Showtime) Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-888-3200
- Never Again (Universal/Focus) - If Lucy Fell (TriStar) - Chill Factor Fax: 310-888-3210
(Warner) - 100 Girls (Lionsgate) - The Pact (Lifetime) - Going Greek website:
(Showtime) - Duets (MTV) - Road to Ironman (NBC) - The Skateboard Credits: Water for Elephants - 30 Rock - Bored to Death - Chelsea
Show (WB) - According to Spencer (Lionsgate) Lately - The Day the Earth Stood Still - Everybody Hates Chris -
Staff: Erik Adams (Staff), Jennifer Hutchins (Staff), Dawn Wolfrom Extract - The Goode Family - It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - King
(Staff), Terence Michael (Producer) of the Hill - Kings - Maneater - The Office - Parks & Recreation - The
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Starter Wife - The Extra Man
Policy: Accepts query letters by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
11am calls. No drop-offs.
292 S. La Cienega Blvd., Ste. 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-340-2646 40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks
email: 75 S. Elliot Pl.
website: Brooklyn, NY 11217 718-624-3703
Staff: Jonathan Avigdori (Partner/Producer), Ido Mor (Partner/ website:
Producer) Credits: Chiraq - She’s Gotta Have It - Miracle at St. Anna - When
Production Types: Commercials - Scripted TV - Film the Levees Broke (HBO) - Inside Man - She Hate Me - 25th Hour - 3
Policy: Inquire by email. A.M. - Bamboozled - The Original Kings of Comedy - Love and
Comments: 11AM Entertainment LLC is an independent TV and Basketball - The Best Man - Summer of Sam - He Got Game - 4
movie production company with offices in Los Angeles and New Little Girls - Get on the Bus - Girl 6 - Clockers - Crooklyn - Malcolm
York. The company develops and produces TV shows and films. X - Do the Right Thing
Staff: Spike Lee (Chairman)
21 Laps Entertainment Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 41, Ste. 400 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-369-7170
Fax: 310-969-0809 44 Blue Productions, Inc.
Credits: The Watch - Reel Steel - Date Night - Night at the Museum: 3900 W. Alameda Ave., Ste. 700
Battle of the Smithsonian - The Rocker - Night at the Museum - Burbank, CA 91505 818-760-4442
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 - Pepper Dennis - What Happens in Vegas... Fax: 818-760-1509
Staff: Shawn Levy (Principal), Dan Levine (President of Features), email:
Jeff Barry (President of TV), Dan Cohen (EVP), Emily Morris (Director website:
of Development), Becca Edelman (Creative Executive) Credits: Breaking Down the Bars: Rockville (OWN) - Pit Bulls and
Production Types: Film Parolees (Animal Planet) - Deadliest Warrior (Spike) - Family Court
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. with Judge Penny - A Place of Our Own (PBS) - Split Ends (Style)
No calls. No drop-offs. - Peter Perfect (Style) - Caesars 247 (A&E) - MSNBC Investigates -
Investigative Reports (A&E) - Lock Up (MSNBC) - Lock Up: World Tour
2929 Productions (MSNBC) - Lock Up: Raw (MSNBC) - Headliners & Legends (MSNBC)
1437 Seventh St., Ste. 250 Staff: Rasha Drachkovitch (Co-Founder/CEO), Stephanie
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-309-5200 Drachkovitch (Co-Founder/President)
Fax: 310-309-5716 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries
website: - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Credits: The Road - Quid Pro Quo - The Burning Plain - Two Lovers
- What Just Happened? - The Ex - The Life Before Her Eyes - We Own 495 Productions
the Night - Akeelah and the Bee - Black Christmas - Herbie Hancock: 4222 Burbank Blvd., Second Fl.
Possibilities - One Last Thing - Good Night, and Good Luck - The Burbank, CA 91505 818-840-2750
Jacket - Godsend - Criminal Fax: 818-840-7083
Staff: Todd Wagner (Principal), Mark Cuban (Principal), Jessica website:




Credits: Tattoo Nightmares (Spike TV) - Viral Video Showdown & the Aftermath - Born This Way - 60 Days In - Wahlburgers - Ozzy
(SyFy) - Snooki & JWoww (MTV) - Love Handles (Lifetime) - Jersey and Jack’s World Detour - A&E Investigates - Nightwatch Nation -
Shore (MTV) - More to Love (Fox) - Disaster Date (MTV) - Dance Intervention - Hoarders - The First 48 - Biography - Storage Wars
Your Ass Off (Oxygen) - The Tool Academy (VH1) - A Shot at Love Staff: Abbe Raven (Acting Chairman, A+E Networks), Melvin
with Tila Tequila - HGTV’s Design Star - That’s Amore! - HGTV’s Berning (President, Chief Revenue Officer), Paul Buccieri (President,
$250,000 Challenge A+E Studi
Staff: Sally Ann Salsano (President) Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries
Production Types: Animation - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Reality TV
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Includes Bio Channel.

8790 Pictures, Inc. A. Smith & Co. Productions

Los Angeles, CA 90064 4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Ste. 315
email: Toluca Lake, CA 91602 818-432-2900
Credits: Because of Winn-Dixie Fax: 310-551-3085
Staff: Joan Singleton (Writer/Producer), Ralph Singleton email:
(Producer) website:
Production Types: Film Credits: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (Tru TV) - Full
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Email query letters only. Throttle Saloon (Tru TV) - American Ninja Warrior (G4) - The World
No drop-offs. According to Paris (Oxygen) - Ultimate Car Build Off (Discovery) - The
Streets of America: The Search for America’s Worst Driver (Travel
900 Films Channel) - Pros vs. Joes (Spike)
1611A S. Melrose Dr., #362 Staff: Arthur Smith (CEO)
Vista, CA 92081 760-477-2470 Production Types: Reality TV
Fax: 760-477-2474 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. See website for additional
email: information.
Credits: HuckJam Bikes (National Spot) - Hawk Clothing Promo ABC Entertainment Group
(Kohl’s) - Drillbit Taylor (Paramount /Webisode) - Tony Hawk’s Project 500 S. Buena Vista St.
8 (Activision/Commercial)- T-Mobile (Video Internet Campaign) - Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-1000 (Internet Content Site) - Tony Hawk’s Project 8 website:
Tour (FUSE TV) - Who’s Under The Darth Vader Mask? (Mattel/ Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV
Commercial) - Tony Hawk’s Secret Skatepark Tour Vols. 1-3 - Grind - Scripted TV
(Warner Bros.) - King of Skate (Pay-per-view) - Tony Hawk: Gigantic Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Skatepark Tour (ESPN)
Staff: Tony Hawk (Principal/Professional Skateboarder) ABC Studios
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Direct-to- 500 S. Buena Vista St.,
Video - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-1000
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Staff: Patrick Moran (President)
A-Films Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV
105 Barringer Court Policy: Through agents and managers only. No unsolicited
West Orange, NJ 07052 973-325-2045 materials.
Fax: 973-325-9668
email: Aberration Films
Credits: Murder in Coweta County (CBS) - The Gift of Love: 1425 N. Crescent Heights Blvd., #203
A Christmas Story (CBS) - The Dinner Set Gang - Forced March West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-656-1830
(feature) - Don’t Ask Tiffany (In Development) - Asunder - Trapped email:
in Silence - Murder in Coweta County - The Gift of Love: A Christmas website:
Story - Born Beautiful - Christmas in America - Shocktrauma Credits: Brick (Focus Features) - Punk’s Not Dead - After Porn
Staff: Dick Atkins (Producer/Manager) Ends - Free Ride - Code Blue: A Love Story
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Miniseries Staff: Susan Dynner (Director/Producer)
- Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Documentaries - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Submissions and queries by email only. Policy: Email loglines/synopsis only. No unsolicited screenplays.
Comments: Not interested in horror, westerns, or science fiction.
A&E Network
235 E. 45th St. Act III Productions
New York, NY 10017 212-210-1400 100 N. Crescent Dr., Ste. 120
Fax: 212-983-4370 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-385-4111
website: Fax: 310-385-4148 email:
Credits: Live PD - Live PD Police Patrol - Leah Remini: Scientology website:


TALENT AGENTS california


Credits: One Day At A Time - The Princess Bride - Stand By Me - email:
Breaking In - Fried Green Tomatoes - 704 Hauser - The Powers That Be website:
Staff: Norman Lear (Founder/CEO), Julia Dyer (CFO), Brent Credits: The Search for Michael Rockefeller - Ben Hur - Mother
Miller (Head of Development & Production), Michal Beaumont Lode - Treasure Island - The Crucifer of Blood - A Man for All
(Manager of Development) Seasons - Mother Lode - Antony and Cleopatra - Alaska - Needful
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film Things - The Bible - Ben Hur (Animated Feature)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Fraser C. Heston (President/Director)
Comments: Also Act III Licensing. Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Made-for-TV
& Cable Movies - Film
Adelstein Entertainment Policy: No unsolicited submissions or queries.
c/o Fox
144 S. Beverly Dr., Fifth Fl. Airmont Pictures
Beverly HIlls, CA 90212 310-270-4570 1115 Berkeley St.
Credits: Teen Wolf - Hanna - Black Christmas - Prison Break - Tru Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-985-3896
Calling - Point Pleasant Credits: Girl with a Pearl Earring - Dear Frankie - In the Crease -
Staff: Marty Adelstein (Executive Producer/Principal) Jonas Brothers: Band in a Bus - The Good Men Project
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Staff: Matt Gannon (Producer)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Film
Aegis Film Group Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
7190 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 818-588-3545 Alchemy Entertainment
Fax: 818-588-3141 5900 Wilshire Blvd., Fl. 18
email: Los Angeles, CA 90036 310-893-6289 website:
website: Credits: 17 Again (New Line/Warner Bros.)
Credits: Jemiyah Jones & The Kingdom of Nir (Feature Film) - Staff: Kelly Summers (CEO), Scott Guthrie (CEO/COO)
Jemiyah Jones & The Oracle of The Dead (Feature Film) - Art of the Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Warrior (Feature Film) - Katie’s Story (Feature Film) - Pendragon Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
(TV) - The Queen’s Daughter (TV) - Pimp My Project (TV) - The
California Table (TV) - My Life is Heading South (TV) Alcide Bava
Staff: Arianna Eisenberg (Writer/Producer/Owner), Steve Shultz 4000 Warner Blvd.
(Sr. VP, Production), Hasan Dalakli (Sr. VP, Finance/Investment), Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-6000
Marlon Ollivierre (Sr. EVP, Acquisitions/Production), Soraya Shah Staff: Johnny Galecki (Principal), Andrew Haas (VP/Partner),
(CFO) Cory Wood (Coordinator)
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

After Dark Films Alcon Entertainment, LLC

10203 Santa Monica Blvd., Third Fl. 10390 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 250
Century City, CA 90067 310-270-4260 Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-789-3040
844 Seward St. Fax: 310-789-3060
Los Angeles, CA 90038 email:
Fax: 310-270-4262 website:
email: Credits: What To Expect When You’re Expecting - Joyful Noise
website: - Dolphin Tale - Something Borrowed - Lottery Ticket - The Book of Eli - The Blind Side - One Missed Called - The Sisterhood of the
Credits: Getaway - Dark Circles - Asylum - El Gringo - Stash Traveling Pants 1&2 - P.S. I Love You - Racing Stripes - Chasing
House - The Philly Kid - Dragon Eyes - Transit - Husk - Fertile Liberty - Love Don’t Cost a Thing - The Affair of the Necklace - My
Ground - Re-Kill - Prowl - The Task - How to Lose Friends and Dog Skip - Dude Where’s My Car - Lost & Found
Alienate People - Frontieres - Fierce People - Wristcutters: A Love Staff: Broderick Johnson (Co-CEO/Co-Founder), Andrew Kosove
Story - Captivity - Skinwalkers (Co-CEO/Co-Founder)
Staff: Allan Zeman (Partner), Courtney Solomon (CEO/Partner), Production Types: Film
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Comments: Includes production/distribution division Alianza Films International, Ltd.
Autonomous Films. 11941 Weddington St., Ste. #106
Studio City, CA 91607 310-933-6250
Agamemnon Films Fax: 559-380-2755
650 N. Bronson Ave., Ste. B225 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-960-4066 website:
Fax: 323-960-4067




Credits: Australia - Knowing - Tomorrow Is Today - Bone Dry - Credits: Alpha House - Betas - Bosch - Hysteria - Hand of God
Unnoticed - The Unit - Employee of the Month - Hidalgo - Mission - The Temple - Burma Rising - Gideon’s Law - In Search of Walter
Impossible 3 - The Patriot Staff: Vernon Sanders (Co-Head, Television)
Staff: Trevor Richardson (CEO), Greg Clayton (CEO, Spirit Horse Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Australia), Jason Essex (CEO, World Premier Entertainment), Marcus Policy: Through website. Information through website.
Bovee III (Founder/CEO, Vetflicks),
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Theater - Miniseries Amblin Entertainment
- Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos - Animation - Direct- 100 Universal Plaza, Bldg. 5121
to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media Universal City, CA 91608 818-733-7000
- Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Fax: 818-509-1433
Policy: Query first by email only, no attachments. No unsolicited email:
submissions. website:
Credits: Minority Report - Falling Skies - The Whispers - Extant
Allegheny Image Factory - Under The Dome - The Americans - Public Morals
115 Hoffman Ave. Staff: Steven Spielberg (Principal Partner/Chairman)
Morgantown, WV 26505 304-808-1243 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
484-459-0246 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
website: AMC
Credits: Back Fork - Seven Fishes - Shades of Gray 11 Penn Plaza, 15th Fl.
Staff: Robert Tinnell (Director/Producer), Jeffrey Tinnell New York, NY 10001 212-324-4748
(Producer), John C. Daldin (Production/Digital/Development), 2425 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 5050W
Karl Nickoley (Producer/Director) Santa Monica, CA 90404
Production Types: Commercials - Film website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: Miniseries: Broken Trail - The Prisoner; Original Series:
The Killing - The Walking Dead - Mad Men - Breaking Bad - Rubicon
Alloy Entertainment - AMC News
4000 Warner Blvd. Production Types: Miniseries - Interactive & Digital Media -
Bldg. 146, Room 203 Scripted TV
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-3074 Policy: No unsolicited materials.
1700 Broadway, Fourth Fl.
New York, NY 10019 212-506-4905 Andrew Lauren Productions
Fax: 818-954-3508 36 E. 23rd St., Ste. 6F
website: New York, NY 10010 212-475-1600
Credits: The Lying Game - The Vampire Diaries - Pretty Little Liars 8931 Ellis Ave.
- Gossip Girl - 666 Park Ave. - The Secret Circle - How to Rock - The Los Angeles, CA 90034 323-822-1343
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1&2 - Sex Drive - Privileged - The Fax: 212-529-1095
Clique - Samurai Girl - email:
Staff: Leslie Morgenstein (President) website:
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Credits: Mateo - The Spectacular Now - This is Not a Robbery - Life
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 2.0 - The Squid and the Whale - G - Alp General
No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Andrew Lauren (Chairman), Michelle Krumm (President
of Production), Joshua Deal (Story Editor), David Platt (Creative
Aloe Entertainment Executive), D.J. Gugenheim (President), Aaron Himmel (Director,
433 N. Camden Dr., Ste. 600 Production & Finance), Oliver Monday (Creative Executive)
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-288-1886 Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 310-288-1801 Policy: Acquires feature-length scripts, plays, television pilots,
email: and the dramatic rights to original source material, including books,
website: graphic novels, and newspaper and magazine articles.
Credits: Features: - Disturbing the Peace - Beast of Burden Comments: Focused on the development and production of
- Killerman - MARA - Just Heloise - Dear Dictator - The Brawler - documentaries, feature films, and television series that are sty-
Mothers and Daughters - 55 Steps - Mary Mother of Christ - 10,000 listically groundbreaking without sacrificing commercial viability.
Saints - Wild Oats - Punjab Tiger - Timothy Hill Ranch Actively involved in all aspects of projects from development through
Staff: Mary L. Aloe (Producer/Executive Producer/President) distribution. Also maintains a West Coast office, but all inquiries
Production Types: Commercials - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies should be directed to the New York office.
- Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Animus Films
914 Hauser Blvd.
Amazon Studios Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-988-5557
1620 26th St., Ste. 4000N Fax: 323-571-3361
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-573-2300 email:
website: website:


TALENT AGENTS california


Credits: The Man Who Knew Infinity - Life of a King - Lovelace TV: Girls (HBO) - Undeclared - Freaks and Geeks
- The Words - Don McKay - Homecoming - Year of the Bull - Don Staff: Judd Apatow (Writer/Director/Producer)
McKay - Homecoming - Year of the Bull Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Staff: Jim Young (Producer) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Through agents and managers only.
Appian Way
Annapurna Productions 9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 615
7060 Hollywood Blvd., Eighth Fl. West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-300-1390
Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-724-5678 Fax: 310-300-1388
Fax: 3110-724-8111 Credits: The Ides of March - Red Riding Hood - The Aviator - The
website: Assassination of Richard Nixon - Shutter Island - Public Enemies
Credits: Foxcatcher - Her - American Hustle - The Grandmaster - Orphan - Greensburg
- Spring Breakers - Zero Dark Thirty - Killing Them Softly - The Staff: Leonardo DiCaprio (Principal), Jennifer Davisson Killoran
Master - Lawless - Catch .44 - Passion Play (President, Production), Michael Hampton (Co-Vice President),
Staff: Megan Ellison (Producer), Paul Hanson (COO), Kimberly Nathaniel Posey (Co-Vice President), Spencer Beighley (Creative
Fox (President, Annapurna International), Jon Gordon (President, Executive), James Ward (Creative Executive)
Production) Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Submissions through agents and managers only. No
calls. No drop-offs. Apple TV+
1 Infinite Loop
Anonymous Content Cupertino, CA 95014 408-996-1010
3532 Hayden Ave. website:
Culver City, CA 90232 310-558-6000 Staff: Tim Cook (Chairman/CEO)
155 Spring St., Third Fl. Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
New York, NY 10012 212-925-0055 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Fax: 310-558-2724
website: Arenas Entertainment
Staff: Steve Golin (Chairman), Paul Green (President) 3375 Barham Blvd.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-785-5555
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Fax: 323-785-5560
AOL website:
770 Broadway, Credits: Mary Poppins Returns - Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
New York, NY 10003 212-652-6400 - Alita: Battle Angel - Ralph Breaks the Internet - Solo: A Star Wars
310-285-4000 Story - Avengers: Infinity War - Ferdinand - Blade Runner 2049 -
website: Empire - Imagining Argentina - Nicotina - The Three Wise Men - Goal 2 Staff: Santiago Pozo (CEO), Larry Gleason (President,
Credits: Outside the Box (AOL TV) - AOL Music Sessions - Distribution), Leyla Fletcher (VP, Marketing Media), Gonzalo Martin
Moviefone Unscripted (VP, Espana), Sergio Gonzalez (VP, Publicity & Promotions), Charles
Staff: Bob Lord (CEO, AOL Networks) Vasquez (VP, Communications Planning), Katherine Borda (Executive,
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Interactive & Creative & Production)
Digital Media Production Types: Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Apartment 3B Productions Comments: Marketing, production, distribution, finance.
3000 Olympic Blvd., Ste. 2363
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-264-4264 Ars Nova Entertainment
Staff: Jennifer Klein (Producer), Jo Light (Assistant to Jennifer 511 W. 54th St.
Klein/Production Executive) New York, NY 10019 212-586-4200
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Fax: 212-489-1908
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. email:
Credits: Black Dynamite - We Are Freestyle Love Supreme
Apatow Productions (Documentary - Hulu) - Freestyle Love Supreme (Broadway) - Mean
11788 W. Pico Blvd. Girls (Broadway)
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-943-4400 Staff: Jon Steingart (Producer/Partner), Jenny Steingart
Fax: 310-479-0750 (Producer/Partner), Ross Yoder (Producer)
Credits: Features: This is 40 - The Five-Year Engagement - Production Types: Theater - Animation - Interactive & Digital
Wanderlust - Bridesmaids - Get Him to the Greek - Funny People Media - Scripted TV - Film
- Year One - Pineapple Express - Stepbrothers - Forgetting Sarah Policy: Through email only.
Marshall - Drillbit Taylor - Walk Hard - Superbad - Knocked Up -
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - The 40 Year-Old Virgin;




Artists First Fax: 310-777-2185
9465 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900 website:
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-274-4474 Credits: Suicide Squad - Wonder Woman - Scooby-Doo - Warcraft
Fax: 310-274-4108 - The Great Wall - American Hustle - Season of the Witch - The
Credits: Features: - Let’s Go to Prison - Wet Hot American Summer; International - The Dark Knight - Get Smart - The Bank Job -
TV: Campus Ladies (Oxygen) - Reno 911! (Comedy Central) - Do Idlewild - Batman Begins - The Brothers Grimm - 12 Monkeys - City
Not Disturb (Fox) of Angels - Three Kings - Scooby Doo 1&2 - Fallen - Angus - Cadillac
Staff: Peter Principato (Partner), Tucker Voorhees (Partner), Man - Final Analysis
Nick Callari (Comedy Coordinator) Staff: Charles Roven (Co-Founder/Producer), Ted MacKinney
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film (CFO), William Green (Head, Atlas Independent), Jake Kurily
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. (VP, Production), Andy Horwitz (VP, Production), Yesenia Cruz
(VP, Finance), Alex Gartner (Producer/Partner), Richard Suckle
Artists, Inc. (President), Aaron Ginsburg (Manager), Patrick Blood (Vice
121 W. Lexington Dr., V100 President of Legal and Business Affairs), Topher Rhys-Lawrence
Glendale, CA 91203 323-960-1111 (Creative Executive), Rebecca Roven Oakley (Creative Executive), Dan
email: Wiedenhaupt (Creative Executive), Curt Kanemoto (VP, Production ),
website: Madison Weireter (Executive), Melinda Whitaker (Executive), Robert
Credits: Gift of the Hoopoe - Don Bluth Director - The Rugrats Amidon (Executive), Elise Iglesias (Executive)
Movie - Rugrats Go Wild! - The Wild Thornberrys Movie - Rugrats in Production Types: Film
Paris - We’re Back - UPN Blockbuster Shockwave Theater Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Thad Weinlein (Executive Producer), Andrea Eisen (Staff), Comments: Also operates as a management company.
Beth Fraikorn (Staff)
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Animation - Avenue Pictures
Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV - Film 1112 Montana Ave., Ste. 710
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-292-7400
Asylum Entertainment Fax: 310-744-0002
15503 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 240 email:
Encino, CA 91436 310-696-4600 website:
Fax: 310-696-4891 Credits: Lullaby - Closer - Angels in America - Short Cuts - The
email: Player - Restoration - Drugstore Cowboy - Wit - Path to War - Normal
website: - The Merchant of Venice
Credits: Being Mike Tyson (FOX) - Small Time (Asylum Films) - Staff: Cary Brokaw (President/CEO), Ohad Amram (Director of
Ring of Fire (Lifetime) - Happy Valley (A&E Indie Films) - Addicted Development), Evan Scott (Creative Executive)
(TLC) - The Locator (WE) - The Kennedys (History) - Purgatory Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
(A&E) - 30 for 30King’s Ransom (ESPN) - 30 for 30Jordan Rides Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
the Bus (ESPN) - Sing: The Real Glee (E!) - Kick-Off Cook Off (TLC)
Staff: Steve Michaels (President/CEO), Jonathan Koch (President/ Back Lot Pictures
Chief Creative Officer) 1351 N. Genesee Ave.
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-876-1057
- Commercials - Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Credits: Happythankyoumoreplease - Sunshine Cleaning -
Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV Wonderful World - Push - Hollywoodland - The Omen - Eternal
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - The Ice Harvest
No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Glenn Williamson (Producer)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
The Asylum Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
440 W. Los Feliz Rd.
Glendale, CA 91204 323-850-1214 Bad Hat Harry Productions
Fax: 818-260-9811 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 50
website: Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-369-2080
Credits: The Hitchhiker - The Legend of Bloody Jack - Dragon - King email:
of the Lost World - Shapeshifter - Dead Men Walking - Frankenstein Credits: Features: X-Men: Days of Future Past - Jack the Giant
- Beast of Bray Road - H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds - Bram Stoker’s Killer - U Want Me 2 Kill Him? - X-Men: First Class - Trick ‘R Treat
Way of the Vampire - King of the Ants - Death Valley: The Revenge - Valkyrie - Superman Returns - X-Men 1&2 - Apt Pupil - The Usual
of Bloody Bill - Evil Eyes Suspects - Burn - Public Access; TV: House - Dirty Sexy Money - The
Production Types: Direct-to-Video Triangle (SCI FI)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Bryan Singer (Director/Producer), Chris Lee (CEO)
Comments: International sales and distribution. Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Direct-to-
Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media
Atlas Entertainment - Scripted TV - Film
9200 W. Sunset Blvd., 10th Fl. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-786-8900 No calls. No drop-offs.


TALENT AGENTS california


Bad Robot Productions Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
1221 Olympic Blvd. Policy: By agent or manager only.
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-664-3456
Fax: 310-664-3457 Barbara Lieberman Productions
website: 113 N. Orange Dr.
Credits: Film: Mission: Impossible, Ghost Protocol - Super 8 - Los Angeles, CA 90036 310-600-5989
Morning Glory - Star Trek - Cloverfield - Joy Ride; TV: Revolution Fax: 818-591-5960
- Alcatraz - Person of Interest - Fringe - Undercovers - Six Degrees email:
- What About Brian - Lost - Alias Credits: An Amish Murder - I Am Elizabeth Smart - The 19th
Staff: J.J. Abrams (Chairman/CEO) Wife - Seven Deadly Sins - Lying to be Perfect -True Confessions
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film of a Hollywood Starlet - Matters of Life & Dating - Trump
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Unauthorized - Murder in the Hamptons - The Dead Will Tell - Ann
No calls. No drop-offs. Rule Presents The Stranger Beside Me - Gleason - Obsessed -
Fever - And Never Let Her Go - Til Death Us Do Part - The House
The Badham Company Next Door - The Money
23622 Calabasas Rd., Ste. 107 Staff: Barbara Lieberman (President)
Calabasas, CA 91302 Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
email: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Saturday Night Fever - Short Circuit - Psych - Criminal Barnholtz Entertainment
Minds - Blind Justice - Nick of Time - Stakeout 1&2 - War Games - The 23679 Calabasas Rd., Ste. 978
Jack Bull - Crossing Jordan; MOW: Evel Knievel (TNT) Calabasas, CA 91302 818-591-1900
Staff: John Badham (Director/Producer), Aif Hewitt (VP, Fax: 818-591-5960
Development) email:
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV
Policy: Through registered agents only. Credits: Santa Baby - Alien Invasion Arizona - Ed Gein - Red Neck
Comments: Feature representation: Bill Douglas, Paradigm, Comedy Round Up - Mangler Reborn - Paranoid - The Off Season
phone: 310-288-8000; Manager: Jonathan Baruch, phone: 310- - Ghostwatcher 1&2 - The Rebel Rousers - Ball and Chain - Little
481-9800; PR: or kelleyhuffines@ Boy Blue - High Noon - Legend of Butch and Sundance - Dead Man’s Bounty - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - Dead of Winter - All
She Wants for Christmas
Bang Zoom! Entertainment Staff: Barry Barnholtz (President/CEO), Kate Barnholtz (CFO),
1100 N. Hollywood Way Matthew Fladell (Sr. VP, Business Affairs), Anthony King (Director,
Burbank, CA 91505 818-295-3939, ext. 118 Acquisitions), Diane Healey (Director, Operations), Polina Herrera
Fax: 818-295-3999 (Executive Assistant)
email: Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries -
website: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: Anime: - B: The Beginning - Berserk - Blue Exorcist - Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Doraemon - Dragon Ball Super - Erased - Fate/Apocrypha - Hunter × Comments: Has deal with Gaiam & Magnolia Pictures; Also
Hunter - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust distributes
Crusaders - Kakegurui - March Comes in Like a Lion - Mob Psycho
100 - One-Punch Man - Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World - Basra Entertainment
Sword Art Online - The Seven Deadly Sins - Animation: - Guardians 68444 Perez Rd., Ste. O
of the Galaxy (Disney XD) - Lost in Oz (Amazon) - Rick and Morty Cathedral City, CA 92234 760-324-9855
(Cartoon Network) - Spider-Man (2017 TV series) Fax: 760-324-9035
Staff: Eric P. Sherman (President), Kaeko Sakamoto (VP), Joan email:
Thompson (Human Resources/Accounting), Jonathan Sherman (VP, website:
New Business Development), Mami Okada (Director of Operations/ Credits: Bart Got a Room - Vlad
Casting Director), Mio Moroe (Project Manager/Assistant Producer), Staff: Tony Shawkat (President), Dina Burke (Producer), Alia
Victor Sgroi (Video Lead), Luke Stone (Video/Animator), Patrick Shawkat (Producer)
Rodman (Chief Engineer) Production Types: Film
Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to- Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Video - Scripted TV - Film Comments: Simple Eye productions.
Policy: No unsolicied submissions.
Bayonne Entertainment
Bankable Productions 11200 Chalon Rd.
1950 Sawtelle Blvd., Ste. 200 Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-889-9222
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-500-1140 Fax: 310-889-9323
Credits: America’s Next Top Model - The Tyra Banks Show Credits: TV: America’s Best Dance Crew (MTV) - Millionaire
Staff: Tyra Banks (President), Patrick Vien (COO), Bradford Sisk Matchmaker (Bravo) - Simply Irresistible (VH1) - Minding the Store
(VP, Development & Production), Ashley Deaton (Development - Blow Out (Bravo) - Brave New Girl (ABC Family) - House of Carters
Assistant) (E!) - Power Houses (VH1); Feature: Crossroads; MOW: Dancing at




the Harvest Moon - Dean Koontz’s Black River only to Connie Orlando.
Staff: Rob Lee (Producer) Comments: Also produces Music/Special Programming, Scripted,
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Public Affairs & News; East Coast office: 1540 Broadway, 27th Fl.,
Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film New York, NY 10036, phone: 212-205-3000.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Beth Grossbard Productions
Beacon Pictures 5168 Otis Ave.
2900 W. Olympic Blvd., Second Fl. Tarzana, CA 91356 818-758-2500
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-260-7000 email:
Fax: 310-260-7050 Credits: The Christmas Secret (Hallmark) - The Christmas Hope
email: (Lifetime) - Black Widower (Lifetime) - The Christmas Blessing
website: (CBS) - Mind Over Murder (Lifetime) - Meltdown (FX Networks) -
Credits: Agent X - Castle (ABC) - PU-239 - The Water Horse - The The Christmas Shoes (CBS) - Passion & Prejudice (USA) - Range of
Guardian - Firewall - For Love of the Game - The Commitments - Air Motion (Lifetime) - No One Could Protect Her (ABC)
Force One - A Thousand Acres - End of Days - The Hurricane - Bring Staff: Beth Grossbard (Executive Producer)
It On - Family Man - Thirteen Days - Spy Game - The Emperor’s Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
Club - Tuck Everlasting - Open Range - Raising Helen - Ladder - Scripted TV - Film
49 - A Lot Like Love Policy: Query with treatment. Currently accepting literary mate-
Staff: Armyan Bernstein (Chairman/CEO) rial, true stories, dramas, holiday related, and family fare.
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
- Scripted TV - Film Big Boy Films
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 7119 W. Sunset Blvd., #404
West Hollywood, CA 90046 424-281-7979
Bell-Phillip Television Productions, email:
Inc. website:
7800 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 3371 Credits: The First Grader - The Green Prince - The Translator - The
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-575-4138 Man Who Sued God - Althea and Nobody
Credits: The Bold and the Beautiful Staff: Sam Feuer (Producer), Jagoda Zaczynska (Creative
Staff: Bradley Bell (Executive Producer and Head Writer) Executive)
Production Types: Scripted TV Production Types: Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Berlanti Productions Blair Silver & Company Entertainment

4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 142 Management and Productions
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-2929 P.O. Box 3188
Credits: The Flash - Legends of Tomorrow - Supergirl - Blindspot - Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-546-4669
Riverdale - Pan - Tomorrow People - Arrow - Political Animals - Golden email:
Boy - Green Lantern - No Ordinary Family - Life As We Know It - Eli website:
Stone - Brothers & Sisters - Dirty Sexy Money - The Broken Hearts Staff: Blair Silver (Owner/Operator/Media Consultant)
Club - Everwood - Jack & Bobby Production Types: Miniseries - Music Videos - Direct-to-Video
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Policy: Email with brief intro and open media links, no attach-
No calls. No drop-offs. ments. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents athletes, fine artists, MC’s, video
BET Networks game designers, and multi-talented entertainment professionals.
10635 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-481-3700 Blind Wink Productions
One BET Plaza Universal City, CA 91608 626-600-4100
1235 W. St. N.E. email:
Washington, DC 20018 202-608-2000 website:
website: Staff: Gore Verbinski (Producer), Sarah Sommers (Office of
Credits: Born to Dance: LaurieAnne Gibson - TOYA: A Family Affair Gore Verbinki)
- BET 30: Moments and Movements - Let’s Stay Together - A Very Production Types: Film
BET Christmas - The Game - The Mo’Nique Show - 106 & Park - Bobby Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Jones Gospel - BET Awards - BET Hip Hop Awards - Celebration of
Gospel - The BET Honors - Rip the Runway - The Family Crews - Being Blossom Films
Terry Kennedy - Black Girls Rock! 10736 Jefferson Blvd., Ste. 503
Staff: Debra L. Lee (Chairman/CEO) Culver City, CA 90230 310-425-8007
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries Credits: Rabbit Hole - The Family Fang - Big Little Liars - Spectre
- Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - The Silent Wife
Policy: West coast agency referrals only to Austyn Biggers for Staff: Nicole Kidman (Producer), Per Saari (Producer), Gemma
reality, and Tamara Gregory for scripted. East coast agency referrals O’Neill (Creative Executive), Valerie Bodrey (Assistant)


TALENT AGENTS california


Production Types: Theater - Documentaries - Film No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Bogner Entertainment, Inc.
Blue Rider Pictures 269 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 8
Los Angeles, CA Beverly Hills, CA 90212 818-480-7142
email: 310-765-4300
website: Fax: 310-553-0300
Credits: Replicas - Imprisioned - Cigarettes (aka Speed Kills) - email:
Ana - Driven - Primal - Shergar - Silverwolf - Call of the Wild - Hide website:
and Seek - Behind the Red Door - Around the World in 80 Days Credits: Fox: Supercross - Motocross Kids - Red Riding Hood;
- Witchboard - The Incredible Mrs. Ritchie - Asylum - Back in the Animal Planet: Miracle Dogs - The Retrievers; The Santa Trap (PAX)
Day - The Groomsmen - Rescue Dawn - Heart of the Earth - Captain - Hansel and Gretel (WB) - Conan Red Nails (Swordplay/Paradox)
Kidd - Give ‘Em Hell Malone - Not Forgotten - Big Bang - Season Tickets - Popstar (New Line) - Ace of Hearts (Peace Arch/Fox) - Trailer
Staff: Walter Josten (COO/Producer), Patrick Josten (Partner/ Park of Terror (Summit) - Soccer Mom (Anchor Bay) - Monster
Producer) Mutt (Green Pictures)
Production Types: Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV Staff: Jonathan Bogner (Head of Production/Executive Producer),
& Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Cox (Associate Producer), Andrew Graham (Development Associate)
Policy: Submissions through email only. Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Film
Blue Sky Studios Policy: See website to download a submission release form.
1 American Lane
Greenwich, CT 06831 203-992-6360 Boku Films
website: 9560 Wilshire Blvd.
Credits: Ferdinand - Ice Age: Collision Course - The Peanuts Beverly Hills, CA 90212 323-332-6225
Movie - Horton Hears a Who! - Ice Age 1-3 - Robots - Rio 1 & 2 Credits: The Newsroom - The Back-Up Plan - Swingtown - Six Feet
Staff: Andrea Miloro (Co-President), Rob Baird (Co-President), Under - Woman on Top - Further Tales of the City - More Tales of
Brian Keane (CFO), Lisa Fragner (VP, Production & Development), the City - Tales of the City - Thursday - My So-Called Life - The Eddy
Jonathan Smith (Development Associate) Staff: Alan Poul (Producer), Sam Champtaloup (Director of
Production Types: Animation - Film Development), Seth Hauer (Development Assistant)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Bluegrass Films No calls. No drop-offs.
100 Universal City Plaza
Bungalow 4171 Bold Films
Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-3200 6555 Barton Ave. Ste. 500
Credits: Identity Thief - Ted - Battleship - Safe House - Your Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-769-8900
Highness - Love & Other Drugs - Couples Retreat - Role Models - You, Fax: 323-769-8954
Me and Dupree - The Kingdom - Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins - The website:
Wolfman - Love Happens - Repo Men Credits: No Escape - Drive - Whiplash - Nightcrawler - Stronger -
Staff: Scott Stuber (Principal), Dylan Clark (Partner), Sharon Legion - Middle of Nowhere - Slingshot - Bobby - Come Early Morning
Beckman (Executive VP, Operations & Administration), Beau - Mini’s First Time - Starship Troopers 3: Marauders
Bauman (Senior VP), Alexa Faigen (Sr. VP), Nicholas Nesbitt (VP, Staff: Michel Litvak (Chairman), Gary Michael Walters (CEO),
Film Production & Development), Michael Clear (VP, Film Production David Litvak (Vice Chairman), Robert Mitchell (CFO), Jon Oakes
& Development) (SVP, Production and Development)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Bona Fide Productions
Blumhouse Productions 8899 W. Beverly Blvd., Ste. 804
2323 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-558-6255
Los Angeles, CA 90057 213-835-1000 Credits: The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman - Nebraska
website: - Ruby Sparks - The Switch - Ain’t in It for My Health - Hamlet 2 -
Credits: Get Out - The Purge - Split - Truth or Dare - Happy Little Children - Little Miss Sunshine - Bee Season - Cold Mountain
Death Day - The Gift - Dark Skies - Sinister - Insidious - Tooth Fairy - Election - King of the Hill - Crumb - The Wood - Jack the Bear - I Am
- Paranormal Activity 1-4 - The Accidental Husband Trying to Break Your Heart - Pumpkin - The Ice Harvest
Staff: Jason Blum (CEO/Producer), Charles Layton (President), Staff: Albert Berger (Producer), Ron Yerxa (Producer), Boon Fox
Couper Samuelson (President of Production), Bea Sequeria (VP of (Development Assistant)
Production & Development), Ryan Turek (VP of Development), Jeremy Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Gold (Co-President, Blumhouse TV), Marci Wiseman (Co-President, Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Blumhouse TV), Jeanette Volturno (Head, Physical Production)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Boxing Cat Films
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 11500 Hart St.




North Hollywood , CA 91605 818-765-4870 Broad Green Pictures
Fax: 818-765-4975 1040 N. Las Palmas Ave., Bldg. 1
website: Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-860-2470
Credits: Crazy on the Outside - Joe Somebody - The Santa Clause website:
1-3 - Jungle 2 Jungle - The Shaggy Dog Credits: Just Getting Started - Wish Upon
Staff: Tim Allen (Producer/Actor), Anastasia Stanecki (Producer) Production Types: Film
Production Types: Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Broken Lizard Industries
c/o United Talent Agency
Brainstorm Media P.O. Box 642809
280 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 208 Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-451-0500
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-285-0812 website:
Fax: 310-285-0772 Credits: Freeloaders - The Slammin’ Salmon - Beerfest - Club
email: Dread - Puddle Cruiser - Super Troopers
website: Staff: Jay Chandrasekhar (Producer), Kevin Heffernan (Producer),
Credits: Let Freedom Sing: How Music Inspired the Civil Rights Steve Lemme (Producer), Paul Soter (Producer), Erik Stolhanske
Movement - Beyond Sherwood Forest - Bridge to Terabithia (Producer), Richard Perello (Producer)
Staff: Michelle Shwarzstein (Staff), Meyer Shwarzstein Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
(President), Susan Kahn (Controller), Dave Bryant (Internet Guru), Ari Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Rutenberg (Director, Digital Distribution), Ayal Miodovnik (No Title) No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Theater - Documentaries - Made-for-TV &
Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV Brooksfilms Limited
Policy: No submissions without written or verbal approval. c/o Culver Studios
9336 W. Washington Blvd.
Braun Entertainment Group Culver City, CA 90232 310-202-3292
280 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 500 Fax: 310-202-3225
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-888-7727 Credits: Robin Hood: Men In Tights - The Fly 1&2 - Frances - The
310–877-8618 Elephant Man - My Favorite Year - The Producers (Feature); Theatre:
Fax: 310-888-7726 The Producers - Young Frankenstein: The Musical - Spaceballs: The
email: Animated Series
website: Staff: Mel Brooks (President), Shelby Van Vliet (Assistant to
Credits: Before You Say ‘I Do’ - A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Mel Brooks)
Story - Amber Frey: Witness for the Prosecution - Edges of the Lord Production Types: Theater - Scripted TV - Film
- Tour of Duty - Lethal Vows - Abducted: A Father’s Love Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Zev Braun (President/Executive Producer), Philip M. Krupp
(Executive VP/Producer), Michael Swidler (Development Executive) Brookwell McNamara Entertainment,
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Inc.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 1600 Rosecrans Ave.
Bldg. 7, Fourth Fl.
Brillstein Entertainment Partners Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-321-7887
9150 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 350 Fax: 310-321-7810
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-275-6135 website:
Fax: 310-275-6180 Credits: Mighty Oak - Loopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk - Orphan
Credits: According to Jim (ABC) - Samantha Who? (ABC) - The Horse - Loopers - Hoovey - Soul Surfer - Bring It On: Fight to the
Showbiz Show with David Spade (Comedy Central) - Real Time Fini5h - Legally Blondes - Into the Blue 2: The Reef - The Cutting
with Bill Maher (HBO) Edge: Going for the Gold - Raise Your Voice - That’s So Raven - Even
Staff: Jon Liebman (CEO/Partner) Stevens - The Even Stevens Movie - Race to Space - The Trial of Old
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Drum - Beyond the Break - Cake - Dance Revolution - Secret Slumber
Party - Out of Jimmy’s Head
Bristol Bay Productions Staff: Sean McNamara (Producer/Writer/Director), David
1888 Century Park E., Ste. 1400 Brookwell (Producer/Writer/Director), Lisha Kim (Assistant)
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-887-1000 Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
Fax: 310-887-1001 - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: Amazing Grace - Sahara - Swimming Upstream - Danny Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Deckchair - Ray - The Game of Their Lives - The Great Buck Howard
Staff: David Weil (CEO, Anschutz Film Group) Brownstone Productions
Production Types: Film 100 Universal City Plaza
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-7653
Comments: Parent company is Anschutz Film Group. Credits: Charlie’s Angels - Pitch Perfect 2 - Heist Society - Tink -
White Girl Problems - Pitch Perfect - The Greater Good - Dream House
Staff: Elizabeth Banks (Principal), Max Handelman (Principal),


TALENT AGENTS california


Renate Radford (Senior VP, TV), Alison Small (Senior VP, Film) Madea Goes To Jail - Wargames 2 - Wifey - Beethoven’s Big Break - The
Production Types: Film Family That Preys - Perfect Holiday - The Eye - Razortooth - War -
Policy: No unsolicited materials. No calls. Rogue - Peaceful Warrior - Happy Endings - American Pie: Band Camp
Staff: Rob Kerchner (Partner), Mike Elliott (Partner), Joe Genier
Bunim/Murray Productions, Inc. (Partner)
1015 Grandview Ave. Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable
Glendale, CA 91201 818-756-5100 Movies - Film
Fax: 818-756-5140 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Keeping up with the Kardashians - Ball in the Family - Carousel Productions
Living Lohan - Supreme Court of Comedy - The Scholar - The Simple 12925 Riverside Dr., Fourth Fl.
Life - Born to Diva - The Real Cancun - The Real World - Road Rules - The Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-849-3900
Real World/Road Rules Challenge - Making the Band - Love Cruise: Credits: TV: - Angie Tribeca - Film: - The Incredible Burt
The Maiden Voyage - The Rebel Billionaire: Branson’s Quest for the Wonderstone - Crazy Stupid Love
Best - One Ocean View (ABC) - Bad Girls Club - Murder - Autism: Staff: Steve Carell (Principal), Vance DeGeneres (Co-President),
The Musical - Dr. Steve-O Charlie Hartsock (Co-President), Drew Worobow (Director,
Staff: Jonathan Murray (Founder and Executive Consultant) Development)
Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.

Burrud Productions Carson Daly Productions

468 N. Camden Dr., Second Fl. 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Bungalow 1600
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-860-5158 Burbank, CA 91523 818-260-5183
3620 Long Beach Blvd., Ste. C1 Fax: 818-260-5080
Long Beach, CA 90807 Credits: Last Call with Carson Daly
Fax: 562-595-5986 Staff: Carson Daly (Principal), Marianne Hayden (VP)
email: Production Types: Scripted TV
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Black Widow Women - Munchausen Moms - Phone
Sex Operators - Weird Worlds - Beyond Bizarre - Strange Travels Carson Signature Films
- Mysteries Within - Yoga for Kids - Vegas Cops - Vegas Challenge 2219 W. Olive Ave., #109
- Mutter Museum - Shark Chasers - Mostly True Stories - Vegas Burbank, CA 91506 310-497-7722
Dealers - Mardi Gras Cops - Multiples, Multiples - Whales Tales - Million email:
Dollar Blackjack - Other Side of the Cell - Women on Death Row 1-5 website:
Staff: John Burrud (President/CEO), Stanley H. Green (Executive Credits: Dissonance - The Fast Money Club - Wild Sound - Mattie
VP, Business Affairs), Shannon Mead (VP, Administration), Richard Harrington - The Tempest - Smart Parts - ESPN2 Special - In the
Swindell (Co-Executive Producer/Director) Company of Spies
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV Staff: Beaux Carson (President), Rebecca Dominguez (VP of
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Development)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries
Busboy Productions - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
375 Greenwich St., Fifth Fl. Policy: Query only. No unsolicited submissions.
New York, NY 10013 212-965-4700
Fax: 212-965-4770 The Carter Creative
Credits: The Colbert Report - Important Things with Demetri Los Angeles, CA 310-446-4498
Martin - Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear - The Jon Stewart Show Fax: 310-446-9950
Staff: Jon Stewart (Executive Producer), Richard Korson (Head, website:
Production & Development) Staff: Kathy L. Carter (Owner), Josh Del Rosso (Manager), Gordon
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Loney (Digital Media)
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Production Types: Scripted TV - Film - Commercials
No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Capital Arts Entertainment
23315 Clifton Plaza Cartoon Network
Santa Clarita, CA 91354 818-698-6260 1050 Techwood Dr. N.W.
20525 Nordhoff St., Ste. 100 Atlanta, GA 30318 404-885-2263
Chatsworth, CA 91311 300 N. Third St., Sixth Fl.
email: Burbank, CA 91502 404-827-1700
website: Fax: 404-885-4312
Credits: Cut to the Chase - The Secrets of Emily Blair - American website:
Pie: Book of Love - Halloween 2 - Smokin’ Aces 2 - Outrighteous - Credits: New Series: The Problem Solverz - Secret Mountain




Fort Awesome - The Amazing World of Gumball - The Looney Tunes Charlotte Street Films
Show - Level Up - New Ben 10 Series (Title TBD) - ThunderCats - 1925 Century Park E., 17th Fl.
Green Lantern: The Animated Series - DC Nation - How to Train Your Los Angeles, CA 90067 212-352-3060
Dragon - Total Drama: Revenge of the Island; Specials & Movies: Credits: Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark - Tim Burton’s Corpse
Cartoon Network HALL OF GAME Awards - Level Up; Returning Bride - Nightbreaker - A Chance of Snow - Mortal Sins - Marilyn
Series: Adventure Time - Regular Show - MAD - Dude, What Would & Bobby - Da - Judgment in Berlin - No Means No - Babies Having
Happen - Destroy Build Destroy - Hole in the Wall - Star Wars: Babies - Slacker Cats - Boyer Bros.
The Clone Wars - Generator Rex - Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Young Staff: Jeffrey Auerbach (Producer), Juliet Burton (Administrative
Justice - Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Scooby-Doo, Mystery Affairs)
Inc. - Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 Production Types: Theater - Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable
Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Chernin Entertainment
Castle Rock Entertainment 1733 Ocean Ave., Ste. 300
335 N. Maple Dr. Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-633-2900
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-967-6828 Credits: Film: Oblivion – The Heat – Animal Rescue - Parental
Fax: 310-285-2345 Guidance - Rise of the Planet of the Apes TV: Touch - New Girl - Ben
Credits: The First Time - The Magic of Belle Isle - Bernie - Damsels & Kate - Allen Gregory - Terra Nova - Breakout Kings
in Distress - The First Time - Michael Clayton - Music and Lyrics - The Staff: Peter Chernin (CEO)
Polar Express - Miss Congeniality 1&2 - Two Weeks Notice Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Made-for-TV
Staff: Martin Shafer (Chairman/CEO), Rob Reiner (Director/ & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted
Producer/Writer), Andrew Scheinman (Producer/Director/Writer), TV - Film
Alan Greisman (Producer), Liz Glotzer (President), Gregory Paul Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
(COO) No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through Writer’s Guild signatory Chestnut Ridge Productions
agents only. No calls. No drop-offs. 8899 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 800
Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-285-7011
CBS Films Staff: Paula Wagner (Producer/Owner), Molly McCurdy (Creative
1100 Glendon Ave. Executive)
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-575-7700 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Theater - Made-
Fax: 310-575-7498 for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Beastly - The Mechanic - Faster - Back-Up Plan -
Extraordinary Measures Chiodo Bros. Productions, Inc.
Production Types: Film 511 Fifth St., Ste. A
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. San Fernando, CA 91340 818-842-5656
Fax: 818-925-3080
CBS Studios International email:
CBS Television City, 7800 Beverly Blvd. website:
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-575-5460 Credits: Mikki and Lola - La Reina - Omakase Killer Sushi - Stop
Fax: 323-575-5469 Motion Animation for The Simpsons - Team America (Paramount
email: Pictures) - Killer Klowns from Outer Space - The Crayon Box - The
website: Amazing Live Sea Monkeys - Clay (Disney Channel) - Elf (Animation)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Dinner for Schmucks (Mice)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Stephen Chiodo (Director/Development), Edward Chiodo
(Producer/Development), Charles Chiodo (Designer/Development),
Centropolis Entertainment Gillian Kane (Development Assistant)
1445 N. Stanley Ave., Third Fl. Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to-
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-850-1212 Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media
Fax: 323-850-1201 - Scripted TV - Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Independence Day 2 - White House Down - 2012 - 10,000 Comments: Main title and stop motion animation.
B.C. - Universal Soldier - Stargate - Independence Day - Godzilla - The
Patriot - The Visitor - The 13th Floor - The Day After Tomorrow - Trade Chotzen/Jenner Productions
Staff: Roland Emmerich (Partner), Ute Emmerich (Partner), Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Marco Shepherd (Producer/Production), Kirstin Winkler (Executive Fax: 916-467-7182
VP, Production), Aaron Boyd (Director, Development) website:
Production Types: Film Credits: I Am Somebody’s Child: The Regina Louise Story -
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Innocent!-The John Guica Story - Home is Where the Heart Is
- Unstoppable!-The Julie Krone Story - Jane Doe No More-The


TALENT AGENTS california


Donna Palomba Story - A Matter of Justice - Prison of Secrets - My Policy: See website.
Father’s Shadow - The Rosa Parks Story - Lies He Told - Prison of Closed on Mondays Entertainment
Secrets - Matter of Justice - Murder in the Mirror 4024 Radford Ave., CBS Bungalow 1
Staff: William Jenner (Producer/Partner), Yvonne Chotzen Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-7450
(CEO), Dominique Azusa (Development), Aurora Klein (Assistant Credits: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
to Producers) Staff: Eric Gitter (No Title), Lisa Gitter Roberts (No Title), Marshall
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film Gitter (No Title), Joe Nozemack (No Title), Steven V. Scavelli (No
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Title), Peter Schwerin (No Title)
Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable
ChubbCo FilmCo Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
751 N. Fairfax Ave., #10 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 310-729-5858 No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: The Dinner - Eve’s Bayou - Believe in Me - Dark Blue - Comments: Controls the rights to Oni Press publications, sub-
Pootie Tang - Hoffa - To Sleep with Anger - Cherry 2000 - Unthinkable sidiary of Chickie the Cop Entertainment.
Staff: Caldecot Chubb (Producer)
Production Types: Film Code Entertainment
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 280 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 513
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-772-0008
Cinematek Film & Television Fax: 310-772-0006
2636 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 325 email:
Dallas, TX 75229 214-744-4447 website:
Fax: 972-939-4614 Credits: The Forger - Kill The Irishman - The Gravedancers -
email: Spring Breakdown -The Gravedancers - Behind the Mask - You Kill
website: Me - Edmond - Bigger Than the Sky - Noel - 50 First Dates - Debs
Credits: Night of the Headless Horseman (Fox MOW) - Race - Barbershop - Scorched - Drowning Mona - Cowboy Up - Palmetto - A
Car Driver (WGN) - Speedzone IRL (Syndicated) - Cowboy Action Brother’s Kiss - The L Word (TV) - The Boy in the Box
Shooting (Syndicated) - Hot New Boating Toys (Syndicated) - Behind Staff: Bart Rosenblatt (Producer), Al Corley (Producer), Rick
the Scenes of Golf (Syndicated) Berg (Literary Management), Rich Freeman (Literary Management),
Staff: Jay Gillian (Executive Producer) Robert Dimitri (Literary Management Assistant), Jonathan Dana
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos (Marketing/Sales), Adrienne Allen (Producer Assistant)
- Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
TV - Film Policy: Submissions by agents only.
Policy: Inquiries through website.
Comments: Video post production, graphics, compose, and Colleen Camp Productions
record original symphony scores and contemporary soundtracks, 6464 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 800
and provide lead and extras casting services Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-463-1434
Fax: 323-463-4379
Cinemax email:
2500 Broadway, Ste. 400 Credits: An American Rhapsody - HBO Creature Features
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-382-3000 Staff: Colleen Camp (Producer), Kyle Scully (Assistant)
1100 Ave. of the Americas Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
New York, NY 10036 212-512-1000 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Kary Antholis (President, HBO Miniseries), Susan Ennis Color Force
(Executive VP, HBO/Cinemax), Scott Nemes (VP), Julie Moss 1524 Cloverfield Blvd., Ste. C
(Director, Scheduling, Cinemax) Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-828-0600
Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Credits: The Hunger Games 1&2 - One Day - Diary of a Wimpy
- Scripted TV - Film Kid 1&2
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Staff: Nina Jacobson (Producer/Principal), Brad Simpson
(Partner), Bryan Unkeless (Sr. VP, Production), Allison Friedman
Circle of Confusion (Creative Executive)
8931 Ellis Ave. Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-691-7000 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
270 Lafayette St., Ste. 402 No calls. No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10012 212-343-0069
Fax: 310-691-7099 Colossal Entertainment
website: P.O. Box 461010
Credits: Coco - Mudbound - St. John of Las Vegas (IndieVest) Los Angeles, CA 90046 310-657-4277
- S&Man (HDNet) - Weapons (Fried Films) - Senseless (Matador) email:
- Them (FBC/Pilot) - Ultra (CBS/Pilot) - The Walking Dead (AMC) Credits: Tangled - The Good Times are Killing Me - She Drives
Production Types: Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Me Crazy - In God’s Country - The Condemned (Lionsgate/WWE
Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film Films) - Eight Days to Live - The Call of the Wild - Anya’s Bell - Child




Star - The Riverbank Conaco Productions
Staff: Graham Ludlow (Producer), Art Hamilton (Development 4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg 34, Second Fl.
Assistant) Burbank, CA 91505 818-977-3700
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV Fax: 818-977-9723
- Scripted TV - Film website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: People of Earth - Final Space - Late Night with Conan
O’Brien - Andy Barker, P.I. - The Group
Colucci Films Staff: Conan O’Brien (Principal), Jeff Ross (Principal), David
2995 Woodside Rd. Kissinger (President), Laurence Sullivan (VP, Development), Drew
Woodside, CA 94062 Shane (Director, Publicity), RJ Thieneman (Coordinator)
Credits: Las Vegas Constables (Pilot) - The Skulls 2 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Interactive &
Staff: Michele Colucci (Producer) Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Production Types: Animation - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Comments: In partnership with Massimo Cristaldi for their 250+ Concept Entertainment
titles in the Italian Film Library 334-12 N. Sierra Bonita Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-937-5700
Columbia Pictures email:
10202 W. Washington Blvd. website:
Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-4000 Credits: Material Girls - The Big White
Fax: 310-244-2626 Staff: David Faigenblum (Producer/Manager)
website: Production Types: Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
Staff: Michael Lynton (CEO/Co-Chairman), Tom Rothman - Reality TV - Film
(Chairman), Doug Belgrad (President), David Hendler (CFO), Policy: Submissions via email.
Kristine Belson (President, Sony Pictures Animation), Steven
Bersch (President, Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions), Rory Conundrum Entertainment
Bruer (President, Worldwide Distribution), Dwight Caines (President, 2001 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 250
Theatrical Marketing), Andrew Z. Davis (President, Production Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-319-2800
Administration), Josh Greenstein (President, Worldwide Marketing Fax: 310-319-2808
& Distribution), Andrew Gumpert (President, Worldwide Business Credits: The Three Stooges - Hall Pass - The Heartbreak Kid - The
Affairs & Operations), Michael Horn (President, International Ringer - Fever Pitch - Stuck on You - Shallow Hal - Osmosis Jones
Marketing), Sanford Panitch (President, International TV & Film), - Me, Myself & Irene - There’s Something About Mary - Dumb &
Lia Vollack (Executive VP, Theatrical), David Beaubaire (Executive VP, Dumber - Kingpin; TV: Unhitched - The Rules for Starting Over (Fox)
Production), Aodan Coburn (Executive VP, Commercial & Operations), Staff: Kris Meyer (Producer), Peter Farrelly (President), Bobby
Andrea Giannetti (Executive VP, Production), John Naveira (Executive Farrelly (President), Kevin Barnett (Producer/Writer), Ellen
VP, Post Production), Palak Patel (Executive VP, Production), Sara Dumouchel (Producer), Mark Charpentier (Producer)
Spring (Executive VP, Physical Production) Production Types: Documentaries - Interactive & Digital Media
Production Types: Film - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No unsolicited Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
materials. No calls. No drop-offs. No calls. No drop-offs.

The Combine Cosgrove-Meurer Productions

Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-961-4110 4303 W. Verdugo Ave.
website: Burbank, CA 91505 818-843-5600
Staff: Jeremy Renner (Principal), Don Handfield (Principal) Fax: 818-843-8585
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film Credits: Caffeine - Unsolved Mysteries - The Inheritance - Karroll’s
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Christmas - Buffalo Dreams - Yesterday’s Children - Ball in the House
Staff: John Cosgrove (CEO), Terry Meurer (President), Stuart
Comedy Central Schwartz (VP, Reality Development), Nicki Marshall (Assistant
2600 Colorado Ave., Fourth Fl. to Terry Meurer & John Cosgrove), Courtney Ennis (Development
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-407-4700 Assistant)
345 Hudson St., Ninth Fl. Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV
New York, NY 10019 212-767-8600
Fax: 212-767-8592 Craig Anderson Productions
website: 213 N. Irving Blvd.
Credits: Workaholics - Jon Benjamin Has a Van - Futurama Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-463-2000
- Pretend Time with Nick Swardson - Ugly Americans - Live at Fax: 323-463-2022
Gotham - Tosh.0 - The Colbert Report - The Daily Show with Jon email:
Stewart - South Park - Comedy Central Presents website:
Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Credits: Moonlight and Mistletoe - Bangs in the Night - On Golden
Scripted TV Pond - Songs in Ordinary Time - The Piano Lesson - The Ballad of
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Lucy Whipple - Midwives - True Women - The Christmas Shoes - O


TALENT AGENTS california


Pioneers! - Sally Hemings - Wilder Days - Meltdown - For the Love West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-461-3490
of a Child - The Christmas Blessing Fax: 310-461-3491
Staff: Craig Anderson (Executive Producer), David Markus (VP, website:
Development), Jake Galler (Creative/Development) Credits: Janky Promoters - The Lottery Ticket - Are We There
Production Types: Theater - Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Yet? (TV) - Friday (Animated) - The Longshots (Dimension) - First
Movies - Scripted TV - Film Sunday - Are We Done Yet? - Black.White. (FX) - Barbershop: The
Policy: See website for submission details. Series - Friday 1-3 - Barbershop 1&2 - All About the Benjamins - Are
We There Yet? - ESPN 3030: Straight Out of LA
Creative Capers Entertainment Staff: Ice Cube (Partner), David Hebenstreit (VP), Ron Muhammad
2233 Honolulu Ave., Second Fl. (Executive Producer)
Montrose, CA 91020 818-658-7120 Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
711 W. Woodbury Rd., Ste. D Policy: All submissions through agents and managers.
Altadena, CA 91001 626-389-1590
Fax: 818-658-7123 Current Entertainment
email: 9200 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 600
website: West Hollywood, CA 90069 424-253-1079
Credits: Bionicle: Web of Shadows - Nightmare Ned (ABC) - Credits: Wild Card - Parker - Killer Elite - Blitz - The Bank Job -
Sitting Ducks (Cartoon Network) - Bionicle: Mask of Light (Lego/ Chaos - DOA: Dead or Alive - Unleashed - Kiss of the Dragon - The
Miramax) - Bionicle: Legends of Metru-Nui One - Invincible - The Transporter 1-3 - War
Staff: Sue Shakespeare (Producer/Partner), Terry Shakespeare Staff: Steven Chasman (CEO/Producer/Manager), David Shojai
(Producer/Director/Partner), David Molina (Producer/Director/ (Associate Producer), Lisa Katz (Assistant)
Partner) Production Types: Film
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Animation Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
- Direct-to-Video - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. The CW Television Network
3300 W. Olive Ave., Third Fl.
Crest Animation Productions Burbank, CA 91505 818-977-2500
333 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Ste. 300 Fax: 818-977-7019
Burbank, CA 91502 818-846-0166 website:
Fax: 818-846-6074 Credits: The 100 - All American - Arrow - Black Lightning - Charmed
email: - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - DC’s Legends of Tomorrow - Dynasty - In the
Credits: Alpha & Omega - Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Dark - iZombie - Jane The Virgin - Legacies - Masters of Illusion - The
Staff: Noah Fogelson (CEO), Richard Rich (President, Production) Originals - Penn & Teller: Fool Us - Riverdale - Roswell, New Mexico
Production Types: Animation - Supergirl - Supernatural - Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Production Types: Scripted TV
Crown Media Family Networks Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
12700 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91604 818-755-24002 The Dan Jinks Company
1325 Ave. of the Americas, 22nd Fl. 4024 Radford Ave., Bungalow 9
New York, NY 10019 212-445-6600 Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-7256
website: Credits: Emily Owens, M.D. Staff: Dan Jinks (Producer), Nick Nantell (VP, Development),
Staff: William J. Abbott (President) Tim Rogier (Creative Executive)
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Crystal Lake Entertainment
4420 Hayvenhurst Ave. Dapper Bird Entertainment
Encino, CA 91436 818-995-1585 2219 W. Olive Ave., #127
email: Burbank, CA 91506
Credits: The Nurse with the Purple Hair (2017) - Last House email:
on the Left - Friday the 13th (2009) - His Name Was Jason (DVD/
Documentary) - Freddy vs. Jason - Terminal Invasion - Deep Star website:
Six - My Boyfriend’s Back - House - Friday the 13th (1980) - Jason Staff: Peter Mark (CEO/Producer), Olga Aldama (Talent Manager/
X - Extreme Close-Up Producer), Debbie Grant (Talent Manager (UK))
Staff: Sean S. Cunningham (Founder/CEO), Noel Cunningham Production Types: Miniseries - Commercials - Music Videos - Film
(VP, Production), Christine M. Torres (VP, Development) Policy: Currently not accepting talent. No unsolicited submissions.
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Dave Bell Associates
Cube Vision 3211 W. Cahuenga Blvd.
9000 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-851-7801




Fax: 323-851-9349 Credits: Dose Of Reality - Perfect Tenant - The Perfect Nanny -
email: Serving Santino - Psych 9 - My Run (Documentary)
website: Staff: Mark Castaldo (Producer/Founder), Christine Redlin
Credits: Long Walk Home - Do You Remember Love - Deep Red (Marketing and Production Executive)
- Nadia - Just a Dream - Asylum - Skinheads Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
Staff: Dave Bell (President), Ted Weiant (Director, Motion - Scripted TV - Film
Pictures), Fred Putman (Director, TV), Kitty Stallings (Creative Policy: Email queries only.
Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Deuce Three Productions
- Scripted TV - Film 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Ste. E
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-850-2443
Credits: Chasing Mavericks - The Big Year - Lucky You - In Her
Davis Entertainment Shoes - Too Big To Fail (HBO) - 8 Mile - Wonder Boys - LA Confidential
150 S. Barrington Pl. Staff: Carol Fenelon (CEO/President), Curtis Hanson (Partner)
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-556-3550 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 310-556-3688 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Credits: Chronicle - Mr. Popper’s Penguins - Gulliver’s Travels - No calls. No drop-offs.
Marmaduke - Alien vs. Predator !&2 - Eragon - When a Stranger Calls
- Flight of the Phoenix - Fat Albert - I, Robot - Garfield 1&2 - Daddy Deviant Films
Day Care - Behind Enemy Lines - Dr. Dolittle 1-3 - Grumpy Old Men 6715 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 103
1&2 - Out to Sea - Predator 1&2 - The Chamber - Waterworld - The Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-839-1345
Firm - Asteroid - Heartbreakers
Staff: John Davis (Chairman), Derek Dauchy (President, Credits: London Fields - The Clapper - The Interpreter - Dear
Production), John Fox (President, Production), Ira Napoliello (Sr. Eleanor - CAMP! - Chaser - Yellow - Small Apartments - The Chosen
VP), Alex Mace (VP), Brittany Morrissey (VP), Patton Valentine (VP, One - The Last Word - Red Sands - Big Stan - Dirty - London - Spun -
Television), Mike Stein (Coordinator, Development) Dead Birds - This Girl’s Life - I Love Your Work - Love Liza - Frankenfish
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film - Bully - Xtreme Couture - The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: David Hillary (Writer/Producer), Tim Peternel (Writer/
No calls. No drop-offs. Producer), Ron Fernandez (Writer/Producer), Josh Hunt (Creative
DC Entertainment Production Types: Documentaries - Music Videos - Animation -
4000 Warner Blvd. Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-6000 Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
818-977-5400 Policy: Submit query letters only to
Staff: Diane Nelson (President, DC Entertainment & President, Di Novi Pictures
Warner Bros. Consumer Products), Geoff Johns (President & Chief 720 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 300
Creative Officer, DC Entertainment), Dan DiDio (Publisher), Jim Lee Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-458-7200
(Publisher), Amit DeSai (EVP, Business & Marketing Strategy, Direct Fax: 310-458-7211
to Consumer, & Global Franchise Management) Credits: Unforgettable - Beaches (TV Movie) - Danny Collins -
Production Types: Film Focus - If I Stay - The Best of Me - You’re Not You - The Lucky One
Policy: No unsolicited materials. No calls. No drop-offs. - Monte Carlo - Crazy, Stupid, Love - Ramona & Beezus - Nights in
Rodanthe - Lucky You - The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1&2
De Line Pictures - Practical Magic - Little Women - Ed Wood - Edward Scissorhands
4000 Warner Blvd. - Batman Returns - A Walk to Remember - The District - What a Girl
Bldg. 66, Ste. 147 Wants - Message in a Bottle - Catwoman - New York Minute - Eloise
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-5200 at the Plaza - Eloise at Christmas Time
Fax: 818-954-5430 Staff: Denise Di Novi (CEO), Margaret French Isaac (President)
Credits: Ready Player One - Going in Style - Wayward Pines - Pain Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
and Gain - Green Lantern - Yogi Bear - Burlesque - Legend of the Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Guardians - Observe & Report - I Love You, Man - The Italian Job - No calls. No drop-offs.
Body of Lies - Fool’s Gold - Without a Paddle - Domestic Disturbance
Staff: Donald De Line (President), Michael Milberg (VP), Shawn dick clark productions, inc.
Goehl (Assistant to Donald De Line) 2900 Olympic Blvd.
Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-255-4600
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Fax: 310-255-4601
No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Destiny Pictures Staff: Allen Shapiro (Chairman), Michael Mahan (CEO)
Los Angeles, CA 310-656-1034 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Made-for-TV &
email: Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.


TALENT AGENTS california


Discovery Channel website:
c/o Discovery Communications
10100 Santa Monica Blvd. 15th Fl. Production Types: Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
Los Angeles, CA 90067 240-662-2000 - Scripted TV
Fax: 240-662-1845 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
email: Comments: Additional Web sites:, www.
Credits: Sons of Guns - Swamp Brothers - One Man Army - Life on
a Wire - American Chopper: Senior Vs. Junior - Auction Kings - Cash DKZ Films
Cab - Deadliest Catch - Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe - Dual Survival 641 Kingman Ave.
- Flying Wild Alaska - Gold Rush: Alaska - Life - Man vs. Wild - Man, Santa Monica, CA 90402 310-459-5196
Woman, Wild - MythBusters - Shark Week - Storm Chasers - Surviving email:
the Cut - Swamp Loggers - Swords: Life on the Line
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries Credits: Strictly Sexual - All I Want for Christmas - Chump
- Scripted TV Change - Caught in the Act
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: David Kohner Zuckerman (Producer), Nevada Grey (Director,
Discovery Life Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film
c/o Discovery Communications
One Discovery Pl. Doozer Productions
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3354 240-662-2000 4000 Warner Blvd.
Fax: 240-662-1845 Burbank, CA 91522 310-202-3525
website: Credits: Cougar Town - Scrubs - Spin City - Clone High
Credits: I’m Pregnant And... - Facing Trauma - Dr. G Medical Staff: Bill Lawrence (Executive Producer/Creator), Jeff Ingold
Examiner - I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant - Unlocking Autism - Baby (President), Liza Katzer (Manager), Laura Johnson (Development
Week - Namaste Yoga - Body Sculpt with Gilad Assistant)
Staff: Howard Lee (President/General Manager), Rita Mullin Production Types: Scripted TV
(Sr. VP, Content Strategy), Chris Finnegan (VP, Communications), Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Laura Giacalone (VP, Marketing), Matt Butler (VP, Programming
& Development), Lynn Sadofsky (Executive Producer), Fay Yu Double Feature Films
(Executive Producer) 630 S. Flower St.
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV Burbank, CA 91502 310-697-7193
Disney/ABC Television Group Staff: Stacey Sher (Co-Chair), Michael Shamberg (Co-Chair),
500 S. Buena Vista St. Carla Santos Shamberg (Executive VP)
Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-1000 Production Types: Film
website: Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
DreamWorks Studios
Disney Television Animation 100 Universal City Plaza
500 S. Buena Vista St., Frank G. Wells Bldg. Universal City, CA 91608 818-733-7000
Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-0560 website:
website: Credits: Cowboys & Aliens - The Help - Dinner for Schmucks - I
Credits: Phineas and Ferb - Kick Buttowski - Suburban Daredevil Am Number Four
- Fish Hooks - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - Jake and the Never Land Production Types: Film
Pirates - Tron: Uprising - Motorcity Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Duly Noted Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Disney Television Studios email:
Burbank, CA 310-369-1000 website:
Staff: Craig Hunegs (President (Disney Television Studios)), Credits: We Real Cool 9 - Zombies (Disney Channel) - Dear White
Jonathan Davis (President, Creative Affairs), Howard Kurtzman People - Star, Season 1 - HBO’s Project Greenlight, Season 4 - Rocket
(President, Business Affairs), Shannon Ryan (President, Market), Science - Real Women Have Curves
Sharon Klein (Executive VP, Casting) Staff: Effie Brown (Producer)
Production Types: Television Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive &
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Consultations available
Disney-ABC Television Group by appointment.
3800 W. Alameda Ave.
Burbank, CA 91505 818-569-7500




E! Entertainment Psycho - Thank You For Smoking - Badlands - Reversal of Fortune
5750 Wilshire Blvd. Staff: Edward R. Pressman (CEO/Chairman), Jon Katz (COO),
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-954-2400 Kelly McKee (Director of Development), Nick Niesser (Creative
30 Rockefeller Plaza Asssociate), Annie Pressman (Communications & Special Projects),
New York, NY 10112 212-664-4444 Sam Pressman (Creative Executive)
Fax: 323-954-2500 Production Types: Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Suzanne Kolb (President) Edward Saxon Productions (ESP)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries 1526 14th St., Ste. 105
- Reality TV - Scripted TV Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-893-0903
Policy: E! only accepts solicited pitches from producers and/ email:
or production companies that work with their agents to set up a Credits: Away We Go - Fast Food Nation - Adaptation - The Truth
meeting or submit a project for feedback. No unsolicited pitches. About Charlie - Beloved - Mandela - That Thing You Do! - Philadelphia
- The Silence of the Lambs - Married to the Mob - Ulee’s Gold
Earthview Inc. Staff: Ed Saxon (Producer)
200 N. Continental Blvd., Second Fl. Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Made-for-TV
El Segundo, CA 90245 310-775-8100 & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: The Amazing Race Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Bertram van Munster (Executive Producer/Director/
Co-Creator), Elise Doganieri (Executive Producer/Co-Creator) Edwards/Skerbelis Productions
Production Types: Reality TV 8549 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1052
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Echo Lake Entertainment website:
421 S. Beverly Dr., Sixth Fl. Staff: Rona Edwards (Producer/Screenplay & Film Consultant),
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-789-4790 Monika Skerbelis (Author/Development Consultant)
9696 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 300 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Policy: Film workshops and script/marketing consultations.
Fax: 310-789-4791 Feedback, Skype consultations, proofreading and copyediting,
email: and general career advice.
website: Comments: Also produces. Member of ATAS and PGA.
Credits: The Joneses - Before the Rains - You Kill Me - Away
from Her - Dreamland - Water - Tsotsi - Twelve & Holding - The Big Electric Avenue
Empty - Things Behind the Sun - Thirteen Conversations About One 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 900
Thing - Levity - La Ciudad Beverly Hills, CA 90212 818-655-5070
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Will Arnett (Principal), Marc Forman (President), Evan
Thompson (Director, Development), Courtney Cilman (Assistant)
Edmonds Entertainment Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV
1635 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Sixth Fl. Policy: No unsolicited materials.
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-860-1550
Fax: 323-860-1537 Electric Entertainment
Credits: TV: DMX: Soul of a Man - Lil’ Kim - David E. Talbert 940 N. Highland Ave., Ste. A
Presents Stage Black - Countdown to Lockdown - Soul Food - College Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-817-1300
Hill (BET) - College Hill Interns (BET); Features: Hav Plenty - Light Fax: 323-467-7155
It Up - Punks - Maniac Magee - Soul Food website:
Staff: Tracey E. Edmonds (President/CEO), Sheila Ducksworth (Sr. Credits: The Librarians - Blank Slate -Leverage - Flyboys - Who
VP, TV & Film), Amy Ficken (Executive Assistant to Tracey E. Edmonds) Killed the Electric Car? - Universal Soldier - Stargate - Eight Legged
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Freaks - Independence Day - Godzilla - The Patriot - The Visitor -
Policy: No unsolicited submissions Cellular - The Librarian 1-3 (TNT) - The Triangle (SCI FI)
Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Animation -
Edward R. Pressman Film Corporation Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted
312 Arizona Ave., #208 TV - Film
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-450-9692 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
460 Park Ave. S., 12th Fl. Comments: Distribution deal with MGM
New York, NY 10016
Fax: 212-489-2103 Electric Shepherd Productions
website: 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 406
Credits: The Man Who Knew Infinity (2016) - The Moth Diaries Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-389-9225
(2011) - Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010) - Bad Lieutenant: email:
Port of Call New Orleans (2009) - Wall Street - The Crow - American Credits: The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick’s Electric


TALENT AGENTS california


Dreams - The Adjustment Bureau (Producer/Co-Chair), Tim Sullivan (President, Development &
Staff: Isa Dick Hackett (CEO/President, Electric Shepherd Production), Alex Eckert (Creative Executive)
Productions), Kalen Egan (Development Executive), Brien Hegy Production Types: Film
(Office Coordinator) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - No calls. No drop-offs.
Scripted TV - Film
Endemol Shine Studios
Electus 9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1100
8800 W. Sunset Blvd., Seventh Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-860-9914
West Hollywood , CA 90069 310-360-3422 5161 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 400
Fax: 310-360-3408 North Hollywood, CA 91601 747-529-8000
website: email:
Staff: Ben Silverman (Founder/Chairman), Christopher Grant website:
(CEO), Drew Buckley (COO/Head, Digital), John Pollak (President, Credits: Big Brother - Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - Wipeout
Electus International), Corie Henson (Executive VP, Unscripted - Deal or No Deal - Fear Factor - 1 vs. 100 - Jerseylicious - Love in the
Television), Josh Sussman (Executive VP, Business Affairs) Wild - 101 Ways to Leave a Gameshow - Ryan and Tatum: The O’Neals
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV -
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Scripted TV
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Elias Entertainment Comments: Includes newly launched Endemol Studios;
321 N. Orange St. Unit 420 Entertainment multi-platform programming for unscripted and
Glendale, CA 91203 323-899-2465 scripted TV, digital and mobile content.
website: Entertainment One
Credits: Zevo 3 (Nicktoons) - Twinkle Toes DVD (Universal Studios) 150 S. El Camino Dr.
Staff: Elizabeth Daro (Executive Producer), Danielle Mentzer Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-407-0960
(Writer/Executive Producer) 134 Peter St., Ste. 700
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV Toronto, ON M5V 2H2 416-646-2400
45 Warren St.
Elixir Films London, England W1T 6AG
8033 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 867 Fax: 310-407-0961
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-517-7525 Credits: Hell On Wheels (AMC) - Hung (HBO) - Testees (FX,
website: Showcase) - Kenny Vs. Spenny 5 (Comedy) - Revamped (Sliced) -
Credits: Long Way Down - Long Way Round - Wake Up and Smell Exes & Ohs 2 (LOGO, Showcase) - Da Kink In My Hair 2 (Showcase)
the Coffee - The Good Thief - Where the Red Fern Grows - The Way - Celine (CBC) - Bikers Gangs 3 (Nat Geo, History) - Mega Builders
Staff: David Alexanian (Producer), Alexis Alexanian (Producer), (Discovery) - The Gambler, The Girl and The Gunslinger (Hallmark/
Joe Brinkmann (Assistant to Producer) Superchannel) - The Best Years 2 (The N/Canwest) ) - The Turning
Production Types: Film Points of History (History
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable
Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Embassy Row LLC Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
8231 Marmont Lane No calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA 90069 323-417-6560
325 Hudson St., Ste. 601 Entertainment Studios, Inc.
New York, NY 10013 212-507-9700 9903 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 418
Fax: 212-507-9701 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-277-3500
email: Fax: 310-277-3511
website: website:
Credits: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - Who Wants to be a Credits: The Gossip Queens - Comics Unleashed - The American
Millionaire? - Power of 10 - The Newlywed Game - World Series of Pop Athlete - AutomotiveVision.TV - Beautiful Homes & Great Estates -
Culture - Watch What Happens Live - Grand Slam - Chain Reaction Designers, Fashions & Runways - Destination Stardom - Entertainers
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - with Byron Allen - - Every Woman - Global
Scripted TV - Film Business People - Kickin’ It with Byron Allen - Latin Lifestyles - Recipe
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. TV Featuring the World’s Greatest Chefs
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Direct-to-Video
Emmett/Furla/Oasis Films - Scripted TV
8200 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl. Comments: Magazine format shows
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-213-4650
Fax: 323-327-9198 Epiphany Pictures, Inc.
Credits: FILM: - Gotti - The Irishman - Lone survivor - 2 guns - End 2253 Glendon Ave.
of watch - Broken city - Silence - TV: - Power Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-740-2726
Staff: Randall Emmett (Producer/Co-Chair), George Furla email:



california | PRODUCTION COMPANIES Exile Entertainment
website: 732 El Medio Ave.
Credits: Phenomenon: The Lost Archives (PBS) - Picture Windows Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-573-1523
(Showtime) - Road Kings (Lionsgate) - Mrs. Weatherby’s Treasure Fax: 310-573-0109
- Dear Grandmother - Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Gift of Love Credits: Babylon A.D. (Fox) - Modigliani - Gothika
- Chicken Soup: Conversations for the Golfer’s Soul (Echo Bridge) Staff: Gary Ungar (Producer)
- Rosemary - Two Nudes Bathing Production Types: Theater - Documentaries - Film
Staff: Scott JT Frank (Producer), Dan Halperin (Producer) Policy: Does not accept submissions at this time.
Production Types: Documentaries - Music Videos - Animation -
Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Eyeboogie, Inc.
Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film 2443 Moreno Dr.
Policy: Release on website must be signed and sent with submis- Los Angeles, CA 90039 323-533-5097
sion. See website. email:
Comments: Emmy nominated and winner, Ace Award Winner. PGA. website:
Credits: Pop Up Video (VH1) - Horneytown USA (Travel Channel)
Escape Artists - Appetite For Life With Andrew Zimmern (MSN) - DIY Nation (DIY)
10202 W. Washington Blvd. - The Frontrunners (Fandango)
Astaire Bldg., Third Fl. Staff: Woody Thompson (President)
Culver City, CA 90232 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Music Videos -
Fax: 310-204-2713 Scripted TV - Reality TV - Interactive & Digital Media
Credits: Equalizer 2 - The Upside - The Magnificent Seven - Sex Fabrik Entertainment
Tape - The Equalizer - Southpaw - Unfinished Business - Hope 6161 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 208
Springs - The Back-Up Plan - The Taking of Pelham 123 - Knowing - The Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-5600
Weather Man - Antwone Fisher - A Knight’s Tale - Alex and Emma website:
- The Pursuit of Happyness - The Great Debaters - Seven Pounds Credits: Bosch - Burn Notice - The Good Guys - The Killing
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Staff: Mikkel Bondesen (Principal), Henrik Bastin (CEO), Melissa
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Aouate (VP, Development), Rachel Rusch (Director, Development)
No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited materials, including inquiries regarding
EuropaCorp Films the submission of unsolicited material.
Cité du Cinema, 20, Rue Ampère
Saint-Denis Cedex, 93200 33-1-55-99-50-00 FactoryMade Ventures
(France)/310-205-0255 (US) 1657 12th St.
345 N. Maple Dr., Ste. 123 Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-664-1600
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-205-0255 (US) email:
website: website:
Credits: The Circle - Their Finest - Miss Sloane - Shut In - Nine Staff: John Fogelman (CEO), Cristina Patwa (Co-CEO), Douglas
Lives - The Transporter Refueled - Taken 3 - Lucy - Brick Mansions Gardner (CFO), Aaron Telch (VP, Strategy), Shane Norman (Chief
- 3 Days to Kill - Mobius - The Family - Taken 2 - Columbiana - From Digital Officer), Houman Hasid (Controller), Michael Francis (Venture
Paris With Love - I Love you Phillip Morris - Taken - Transporter Partner)
3 - Taxi 4 - Arthur and the Invisibles - The Transporter 2 - Taxi Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV
3 - The Transporter Policy: Through agents and managers only.

Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Scripted TV - Film Fake Empire

Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 5555 Melrose Ave.
Marx Bros. Bldg., Ste. 207
Everyman Pictures Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-956-8766
212 26th St., Ste. 269 Credits: TV: Cult - The Carrie Diaries - Hart of Dixie - Chuck - Gossip
Santa Monica, CA 90402 310-460-7080 Girl - The O.C.; Features: Fun Size
Credits: Game Change - All The Way - The Campaign - Little Staff: Josh Schwartz (Principal), Stephanie Savage (Principal),
Fockers - Dinner for Schmucks - Brüno - Smother - Charlie Bartlett - Leonard Goldstein (President, Television), Lis Rowinski (President,
Borat - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Meet the Fockers - Fifty Features), Lynley Byrd (Creative Executive)
First Dates - Mystery, Alaska - Meet the Parents - Austin Powers 1-3; Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
TV: Game Change - Recount - The American Candidate Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Staff: Jay Roach (Chairman/CEO), Michelle Graham (Head, No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Film Family Room Entertainment Corp.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 10061 Riverside Dr., Ste. 300
No calls. No drop-offs. Toluca Lake, CA 91602 818-802-0060
Fax: 818-301-0410


TALENT AGENTS california


Credits: Conan the Barbarian - Righteous Kill - 88 Minutes - Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-549-4343
Rambo - Home of the Brave - Borderland - The Contract - The Rin Fax: 323-549-9824
Tin Tin Story - King of California - The Wicker Man - 16 Blocks - The email:
Tenants - Edison - The Amityville Horror - A Love Song for Bobby Credits: Time Being - Paper Man - Killshot - The Nanny Diaries
Long - Wonderland - Narc - Half Past Dead - Good Advice - Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium - Journey to the End of the
Staff: Randall Emmett (Producer/Co-Chair), George Furla Night - Finding Neverland - Levity - The Bourne Identity - The Cider
(Producer/Co-Chair), Stanley Tapper (CEO/President/Exec Finance), House Rules - She’s All That - Hurlyburly - Jackie Brown - Pulp
Dan Wattson (VP, Development/Producer) Fiction - Reservoir Dogs
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Staff: Richard Gladstein (President/Producer), Melanie Donkers
- Reality TV - Film (Production Executive)
Policy: Submissions by email only. Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Far Hills Pictures, LLC No calls. No drop-offs.
432 Caroll Canal
Venice, CA 90211 310-827-9100 FishBowl Worldwide Media
Fax: 310-827-9101 12233 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 170
email: Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-826-4912
website: email:
Credits: Spin - Barry Munday website:
Staff: Stone Douglass (Partner), Taylor Materne (Partner), Leigh Staff: Vin Di Bona (Chairman), Paul LaPointe (Executive VP/
Stephenson (Creative Executive) COO), Lisa Black (Executive VP, Content & Business Development),
Production Types: Film Kevin Bloom (Head of Production), Jamie Goldstein (Development
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Producer), Rob Katz (Executive Producer)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Animation -
Fedora Films Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
2049 Century Park E., Ninth Fl. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-407-6213
Credits: The Client List - Ghost Whisperer - If Only Flashbox Films
Staff: Jennifer Love Hewitt (President), Jeanie Bradley (Head, 5240 Lankershim Blvd.
Dedvelopment & Production), A.J. Rinella (Executive VP/Producer) North Hollywood, CA 91601 323-379-2225
Production Types: Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - email:
Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Staff: William Kamp III (DP/Producer), Ran Jones (Casting
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Director/Producer/Editor), David Franklin (Sound Recordist/Sound
No calls. No drop-offs. Mixer/Sound Design), Chase Alexander (Writer/Producer/Rental
Film 44 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries -
1526 Cloverfield Blvd., Ste. D Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos - Made-for-TV & Cable
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-586-4949 Movies - Reality TV - Industrials - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 310-586-4959 Policy: No unsolicited submissions at this time.
Credits: Features: - Battleship - The Losers - Lars and the Real
Girl - PU-239 - The Rundown - The Kingdom - Bad Santa - Friday Flavor Unit Entertainment
Night Lights - Very Bad Things; TV: Trauma - Friday Night Lights Culver City, CA 305-938-2060
Staff: Peter Berg (Partner), Sarah Aubrey (Partner), Braden Staff: Shakim Compere (CEO), Queen Latifah (CEO)
Aftergood (Sr. VP, Features) Production Types: Music Videos - Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Flower Films, Inc.
2000 Avenue of the Stars
Film Rites Los Angeles, CA 90067 323-876-7400
159 S. Beverly Dr. 7360 Santa Monica Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-276-4200 West Hollywood, CA 90046
Fax: 310-276-4201 Fax: 323-876-7401
Credits: Extraterrestrial - The Cold Light of Day - The Girl with Credits: Freak Show - Tough Love Couples (VH1) - Whip It! - Tough
the Dragon Tatoo - Welcome to the Rileys Love (VH1) - He’s Just Not That Into You - Fever Pitch - Fifty First
Staff: Steve Zaillian (Principal), Garrett Basch (President), Jeff Dates - Duplex - Never Been Kissed - Charlie’s Angels 1&2 - Olive,
Olson (Creative Executive) the Other Reindeer - Donnie Darko - Music and Lyrics
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Staff: Nancy Juvonen (Partner), Drew Barrymore (Partner),
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Ember Truesdell (Co-President), Chris Miller (Co-President), Brent
No calls. No drop-offs. Kyle (Creative Director), Josh Murphy (Director, Development)
Production Types: Reality TV - Film
FilmColony Policy: By agent or manager only. No unsolicited submissions.
4751 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl.




Fly on the Wall Entertainment Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-5240
12030 Riverside Dr. email:
Valley Village, CA 91607 818-325-6900 website:
Fax: 818-379-4721 Credits: Moms’ Night Out - Amazing Grace - The Bituminous
email: Coal Queens of Pennsylvania (Netflix) - The Engagement Ring
website: (TNT) - Versailles - And So to Bedlam - This is Our Youth
Credits: This is Life Live (TLC) - Katy Perry: Witness World Wide Staff: David Hunt (Partner), Patricia Heaton-Hunt (Partner),
(YouTube Red) - Katy Perry: Will You Be My Witness? (YouTube) Rebecca Stay (President, Television), Gareth West (President of
- Flip or Flop Atlanta (HGTV) - Kid Tycoons (TLC) - Virtually In Production), Glynis Crawford (Assistant)
Love (Oxygen) - Battle of the Ex-Besties (Oxygen) - Celebrity Big Production Types: Theater - Documentaries - Animation - Made-
Brother - Flip or Flop Atlanta - Kid Tycoons (TLC) - Virtually In Love for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
(Oxygen) - Battle of the Ex-Besties (Oxygen) - Big Brother: Over Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
The Top (CBS All Access) - Big Rich Texas Comments: Representation: UTA, Skryzniarz & Mallean
Staff: Allison Grodner (Co-CEO/Founder), Rich Meehan (Co-CEO/
Founder) Fox 2000 Pictures
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 78
- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-2000
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Fax: 310-369-4258
No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief -
Focus Features Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Ramona and Beezus - Love and Other Drugs
1540 Second St., Ste. 200 - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Water
Santa Monica, CA 90401 424-214-6360 for Elephants - Monte Carlo - Glee: The 3D Concert Movie
212-539-4000 Production Types: Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: The Theory of Everything - Self/Less - Insidious: Chapter
3 - Admission - Promised Land - Hyde Park on the Hudson - Anna Fox 21 Television Studios
Karenina - For a Good Time - Call… - ParaNorman - Seeking a Friend 10351 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 300
for the End of the World - Moonrise Kingdom - Being Flynn - Tinker, Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-295-3401
Tailor, Soldier, Spy - The Debt - Pariah - Hanna - Beginners - One Fax: 310-295-3512
Day - The Eagle - Jane Eyre - Somewhere Credits: American Crime Story - Feud! - The Americans -
Production Types: Film Chance - Dice - Homeland - Queen of the South - Genius - Seven
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Seconds - The Chi
No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Scripted TV
Policy: Submissions accepted through agents or managers only.
Foresight Unlimited
9903 Santa Monica Blvd, #3000 Fox Broadcasting Company
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-275-5222 10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Fax: 310-275-5202 Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-1000
email: 212-556-2400
Credits: The Last Full Measure - The Hurricane Heist - Two Guns website:
- Lone Survivor - We Die Young - Blind - And So it Goes - Captivity Production Types: Scripted TV
- Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Mark Damon (CEO), Tamara Birkemoe (President/COO),
Talia Goldman (Executive Director, Operations & Distribution), Kyle FoxxKing Entertainment
Bellinger (Director, Sales & Development) c/o King Management
Production Types: Film 9229 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 830
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-205-2800
Comments: Production, development, financing, and distribution. Fax: 310-205-2820
Credits: All-Star Weekend - In the Flow with Affion Crockett -
Fountainhead Pictures From Gs to Gents
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-913-1353 Staff: Jaime Rucker King (Partner/Manager/Producer), Marcus
email: King (Partner/Manager/Producer), Jamie Foxx (Partner), Todd
Credits: The Bank Job - Pictures at the Beach - Straight and Narrow Yasui (Executive Producer)
Staff: Aaron Shuster (Producer/Writer/Director), John Stein (VP), Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Kimberly Shuster (Manager), Morgan Daniels (Executive Assistant) Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Frederator Studios
2829 N. Glenoaks Blvd., #206
FourBoys Entertainment Burbank, CA 91504 818-848-8348
c/o Warner Bros. Studios 22 W. 21st St.
4024 Radford Ave. New York, NY 10010 212-779-4133


TALENT AGENTS california


email: website:
website: Credits: The Girl in the Park - The Numbers Station - Daybreakers
Credits: Castlevania - Bee and PuppyCat - Bravest Warriors - - First Snow - The Matador - The Cooler - Owning Mahowny - Blue
Adventure Time - The Fairly OddParents - ChalkZone - My Life as a Ridge Fall - Everything Put Together
Teenage Robot - Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Staff: Bryan Furst (Principal), Sean Furst (Principal), Stephanie
Staff: Fred Seibert (Founder/CEO), Eric Homan (VP, Development), Bitterman (Executive Assistant)
Kevin Kolbe (VP, Production), Kelsey Calaitges (Manager, Production Types: Miniseries - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Development), Cooper Nelson (Coordinator, Development) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Email for more information.
Genrebend Productions, Inc.
Free Association 233 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 323-892-2995 Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-860-0878
Staff: Channing Tatum (Principal), Reid Carolin (Principal), Peter Credits: Arrow (The CW) - Game of Thrones (HBO) - The
Kiernan (Partner), Andrew Schneider (VP, Television), Michael Pacific (Playtone/HBO) - The Mentalist (WB TV/CBS) - Entourage
Parets (CE, Film) - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Supernatural - Band
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film of Brothers - Smallville - Millennium - The X-Files
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Staff: David Nutter (Director/President), Tom Lavagnino (Writer/
VP, Creative Affairs)
Freeform Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
3800 W. Alameda Ave. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only;
Burbank, CA 91505 818-560-1000 No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 818-840-1973
website: George Schlatter Productions
Credits: The Nine Lives of Chloe King - Switched at Birth - The Lying 8300 Beverly Blvd.
Game - The Great State of Georgia - Melissa & Joey - Pretty Little Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-655-1400
Liars - Make It or Break It - The Secret Life of the American Teenager; Fax: 323-852-1640
Original Movies: Cyberbully - My Future Boyfriend - Teen Spirit email:
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries Credits: 15 Years of the American Comedy Awards - Laugh In -
- Animation - Direct-to-Video - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality Real People - Sinatra: 80 Years My Way - AFI Life Achievement in
TV - Scripted TV Honor of Dustin Hoffman - AFI Life Achievement in Honor of Harrison
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Ford - Muhammad Ali 60th Birthday Celebration - HBO Tribute to
No calls. No drop-offs. Las Vegas Founders of Comedy
Staff: George Schlatter (Executive Producer), Maria S. Schlatter
Fullscreen (Co-Producer), Gary Necessary (Executive in Charge of Production),
9336 Washington Blvd., Bldg. K Marta Lee (Assistant to George Schlatter)
Culver City, CA 90232 310-202-3333 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries
email: - Direct-to-Video - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media Gerber Pictures
Policy: Submissions through agents or managers only. 4000 Warner Blvd.
Bldg. 138, Ste. 1202
Funny or Die, Inc. Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-3046
1041 N. Formosa Ave., Formosa Bldg. S. Credits: The Last Face - Grudge Match - Gran Torino - Major Movie
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-460-7007 Star - Beerfest - A Very Long Engagement - Juwanna Man - James
Fax: 323-460-7065 Dean - Queen of the Damned - What a Girl Wants - The In-Laws -
website: Grind - The Dukes of Hazzard
Credits: Funny Or Die Presents (HBO) - Jon Benjamin Has a Van Staff: Bill Gerber (President)
(CC) - The Spoils of Babylon (IFC) - Brody Stevens: Enjoy It! - Spoils Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to-Video
Before Dying (IFC) - Billy on The Street (Season 1-5) (Fuse, truTV) - @ - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
midnight (Season 1 - 4) (CC) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Staff: Mike Farah (President/CEO), Will Ferrell (Founder/Partner), No calls. No drop-offs.
Adam McKay (Founder/Partner), Chris Henchy (Founder/Partner),
Production Types: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media Ghost Robot
- Scripted TV - Film 346 Grand St.
Policy: Through agents or managers only. No unsolicited materials. Brooklyn, NY 11211 212-343-0900
Furst Films website:
8954 W. Pico Blvd., Second Fl. Credits: Film/Documentary: - Creative Control - The Sucklord - A
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-278-6468 Love Letter For You - Thanksgiving - Choking Man - Dr. Bronner’s
Fax: 310-278-7401 Magic Soapbox - Road - Hell House - Federation of Black Cowboys
email: - Against the Current - Cropsey - Music Videos: - Fools Gold - I’m




In Love - Metronomy Gold Circle Films
Staff: Zach Mortensen (Executive Producer/Partner), Mark 233 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 450
De Pace (Executive Producer/Partner), Kacie Barton (Head of Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-278-4800
Production), Sarah Nadeau (Production Manager), Lauren Rosen Fax: 310-278-0885
(Studio Manager) email:
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos website:
- Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Film Credits: Pitch Perfect - ATM - Life As We Know It - The Fourth
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Kind - The Haunting in Connecticut 1&2 - New in Town - Over My
Dead Body - Griffin and Phoenix - Whisper - Because I Said So -
Gilbert Films Slither - My Big Fat Greek Wedding
8409 Santa Monica Blvd. Staff: Paul Brooks (President/CEO), Scott Niemeyer (COO),
West Hollywood, CA 90069 323-650-6800 Courtney Colman (CFO), Guy Danella (Executive VP, Production),
Fax: 323-650-6810 Jeff Levine (Head, Production), Rayne Roberts (Creative Executive)
email: Production Types: Film
Credits: Meet Monica Velour - From Prada to Nada - The Kids are Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
All Right - Henry Poole is Here - Garden State No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Gary Gilbert (President/CEO), Zachary Levine (Assistant)
Production Types: Film Goldenring Productions
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd., #570
Valley Village, CA 91607 818-508-7425
Gitlin Productions email:
11661 San Vicente Blvd., Ste. 609 website:
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-209-8443 Credits: Fatal Desire - Pizza My Heart - On the Second Day of
email: Christmas - My First Mister - Widows - Heart of a Stranger - I Do,
Credits: The Chateau Marmont Documentary - The Breadwinner But I Don’t - Growing the Big One - $5 a Day
- Trapped - White Squall - Thelma & Louise - The Browning Version Staff: Jane Goldenring (President), Jon King (Development)
- 1492: Conquest of Paradise - Monkey Trouble Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable
Staff: Mimi Polk Gitlin (Producer/President), Casey Minella Movies - Scripted TV - Film
(Assistant) Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film Comments: Mailings must be addressed to Robert Fort.

GK Films The Goldstein Company

1540 Second St., Ste. 200 2800 Neilson Way, #508
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-315-1722 Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-418-5656
1221 Second St., Ste. #200 Fax: 775-637-6684
Santa Monica, CA 90401 website:
Fax: 310-315-1723 Credits: The Mothman Prophecies - Ringmaster - Under Siege
email: - Pretty Woman - The Hunted
website: Staff: Gary W. Goldstein (Producer), Josh Grossman (Associate
Credits: World War Z - Argo - Dark Shadows - In the Land of Blood Producer), Catherine Wachter (Development)
and Honey - Hugo - The Rum Diary - London Boulevard - Camelot Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Film
(TV) - Rango - The Tourist - The Town - Edge of Darkness - The Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Young Victoria - Bangkok Dangerous - Next - Blood Diamond - The
Departed - The Ballad of Jack and Rose Good Universe
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film 9777 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 400
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-623-9840
No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 310-255-5747
Goff Productions website:
8491 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1000 Credits: Hope Springs - Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-666-9082 - Young Adult - A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas - 5050- The Switch - Peacock - Whip It - Drag Me to Hell - Nick & Norah’s Infinite
website: Playlist - Passengers - Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo
Credits: Untold - Saved! - Kartenspieler - Children of the Struggle Bay - Juno - Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium - 30 Days of Night
- Roberta Loved - Seventy - Heavy Put-Away - Girl Play - Dropped - Stranger Than Fiction
- Out at the Wedding Production Types: Film
Staff: Gina G. Goff (Producer), Maria L. Morrison (Creative Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Executive), Sean McVity (Business Advisor) No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Gorilla Pictures
2000 W. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506 818-848-2198


TALENT AGENTS california


email: of Development), Tom Russo (Head of Television), Xochitl L. Olivas
website: (Production Manager)
Credits: White Swan - Jungle Master - Hatched - The Last of Production Types: Theater - Animation - Reality TV - Scripted
the Cowboys - White Tiger - The Legend of Sasquatch - Shadows TV - Film
In Paradise - Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four - Sherlock Holmes: Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
The Hound of Baskervilles - Charlie Valentine - The Last Sentinel No calls. No drop-offs.
- Soft Target - X-Treme Fighter - The Legend of Sasquatch - Kickin’
Back in the USSR Gran Via Productions
Production Types: Animation - Film 1660 Euclid St.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Santa Monica, CA 90404
Credits: Features: - Breath - Downsizing - Lucky Logan - Not
Gracie Films Fade Away - Won’t Back Down - Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark - The
10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 41-42 Chronicles of Narnia 1-3 - Ballast - My Sister’s Keeper - The Hunting
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-7222 Party - The Wendell Baker Story - The Notebook - The Alamo - The
Fax: 310-969-0402 Rookie - Moonlight Mile - Dragonfly - The Banger Sisters - Galaxy
website: Quest - My Dog Skip - Donnie Brasco - A Little Princess - Bugsy -
Credits: How Do You Know - The Simpsons Movie - Spanglish - Rain Man - Good Morning, Vietnam - How to Eat Fried Worms; TV:
Riding in Cars with Boys - What About Joan - As Good as It Gets - Big Halt and Catch Fire - Better Call Saul - Rectify - Breaking Bad - Love
- Bottle Rocket - Broadcast News - Jerry Maguire - The Simpsons Monkey - The Guardian - DIGITAL: - Shut Eye
Staff: James L. Brooks (Principal/Producer), Richard Sakai Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
(President), Julie Ansell (President, Motion Pictures), Denise Sirkot Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
(Executive VP) No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Grand Productions, Inc.
No calls. No drop-offs. West Hollywood, CA 90046 310-385-5959
Grade A Entertainment Credits: The Glades (A&E) - Saving Grace (TNT) - Any Day
149 S. Barrington Ave., Ste. 719 Now - Beauty - A Song from the Heart - The Round Table - Leaving
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-358-8600 L.A. - Adventure, Inc. - An Unexpected Love - John Grisham’s The
Fax: 310-919-2998 Street Lawyer - A Little Thing Called Murder
email: Staff: Gary A. Randall (President/Owner)
Credits: Gifted - Untraceable - Captain Ron - It Takes Two - A Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Chance of Snow Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Staff: Andy Cohen (Producer/Manager) No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Gray Angel Productions
69 Windward Ave.
Graisland Entertainment Venice, CA 90291 310-581-0010
321 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. M Fax: 310-396-0551
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-613-1563 Credits: Bastard Out of Carolina - Agnes Browne
213-709-8808 Staff: Anjelica Huston (CEO/Producer), Jaclyn Bashoff (President/
website: Manager)
Credits: The Promised Land ( - Behind the Wall - Death Production Types: Film
Hunt - Poltergeist 1&2 - Cool World - Great Balls of Fire - Sleepwalkers Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
- Marked for Death - Christina’s House - Who Killed Atlanta’s Children?
(TV Movie) - The Immortal (TV) Greenwood Avenue Entertainment
Staff: Michael Grais (Writer/Producer) 2004 Palisades Dr.
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-454-9984
- Scripted TV - Film Fax: 310-454-9984
Policy: In house development only. email:
Comments: Represented by Chris Barrett/Metropolitan Talent
Agency Credits: Deep Diver: Tiger Shark Odyssey - Baywatch - Thunder
in Paradise - Avalon: Beyond the Abyss
Grammnet Productions Staff: David W. Hagar (Executive Producer/Director), Cathy
2461 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 521 Dwyer (Executive Producer)
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-317-4231 Production Types: Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV
Fax: 310-317-4260 & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Credits: Light as a Feather (Hulu) - Boss (Starz) - Hank (ABC) - Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Medium (NBC) - The Game (BET) - Kelsey Grammer Salutes Jack
Benny - Fired Up - The Innocent - Girlfriends - Gary the Rat - In-Laws Gross Entertainment
- World Cup Comedy - The Sketch Show (FOX) 500 S. Buena Vista St.
Staff: Kelsey Grammer (Partner/CEO), Jordan McMahon (Director Old Animation Bldg., Ste. 3B-8




Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-8117 website:
Fax: 818-560-8180 Credits: The Week Of - Sandy - The Do Over - Ridiculous Six
Credits: Features: Across the Universe - Joe Somebody - Bronx - Pixels - Blended - Here Comes the Boom - That’s My Boy - Jack
Cheers - Fired Up!; TV: Body of Proof (ABC) - Dirty Sexy Money and Jill - Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star - The Zookeeper - Just Go
(ABC) - Day Break (ABC) - Neighbors (ABC) - Sherman’s March With It - Grown Ups - Funny People - Paul Blart: Mall Cop - Bedtime
(ABC) - Twenty Questions (ABC) - See Kate Run (ABC) Stories - The House Bunny - You Don’t Mess with the Zohan - Click
Staff: Matthew Gross (President), Brian Taylor (Director, - The Benchwarmers - Grandma’s Boy
Development) Staff: Adam Sandler (Principal), Allen Covert (Partner)
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Production Types:
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Harpo Films
Gross-Weston Productions 1041 N. Formosa Ave.,
10560 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 801 West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-602-5500
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-777-0010 Credits: Queen Sugar - Greenleaf - The Immortal Life of Henrietta
Fax: 310-777-0016 Lacks - The Hundred-Foot Journey - Selma - The Great Debaters
email: - Mitch Albom’s For One More Day - Their Eyes Were Watching
Credits: The Sweetest Heart (Hallmark) - Appetite for Love God - Beloved - Before Women Had Wings - The Wedding - David &
(Hallmark) - My Boyfiends - Dogs - Fired Up (Screen Gems) - All Lisa - Tuesdays with Morrie - Amy & Isabelle
the Good Ones Are Married (Lifetime) - Stranger Game (Lifetime) Staff: Oprah Winfrey (Chairman/CEO)
- Encrypt (SCI FI) - Decoy (Hearst) - Little John (CBS) - Hallmark Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Billionaire Boys Club (NBC) - Children of Times Square (ABC) - Have Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls.
You Seen My Son (ABC) -
Staff: Ann Weston (Executive Producer), Marcy Gross (Executive Hazy Mills Productions
Producer) 100 Universal City Plaza
Production Types: Theater - Miniseries - Direct-to-Video - Made- Bungalow 4131
for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Los Angeles, CA 90068 818-733-3547
Policy: From agent, lawyer, or with a release form. website:
Credits: Grimm (NBC) - The Soul Man (TV Land) - Hot in Cleveland
Groundswell Productions (TV Land) - Crowded (NBC) - The History of Comedy (CNN)
11925 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 310 Staff: Sean Hayes (Partner), Todd Milliner (Partner), Kameron
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-385-7540 Tarlow (Manager of Development, Comedy)
12100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1530 Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable
Los Angeles, CA 90025 Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 310-385-7541 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
email: No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Trumbo - All Good Things - Win Win - The Mysteries of HBO
Pittsburgh - The Marc Pease Experience - Appaloosa - Milk - The 2500 Broadway, Ste. 400
Visitor - Smart People - The Illusionist - The Family Stone - Sideways Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-382-3000
- House of Sand and Fog - Thirteen - The Guru - 40 Days and 40 1100 Avenue of the Americas
Nights - The Informant New York, NY 10036 212-512-1000
Production Types: Theater - Scripted TV - Film Fax: 310-201-9293
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Credits: Game of Thrones - Boardwalk Empire - The Ricky Gervais
Hannibal Pictures/Classics Show - Funny or Die Presents - Treme - How To Make It In America
8265 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 107 - Entourage - Hung - Curb Your Enthusiasm - Bored to Death - Big
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-848-2945 Love - Eastbound & Down - True Blood - The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective
Fax: 323-848-2946 Agency - In Treatment - Flight of the Conchords - The Life & Times of
email: Tim - Summer Heights High - Little Britain USA - Extras - Rome - John
Credits: Crime Spree - Absolon - Partners in Action - The Flying From Cincinnati - The Comeback - Deadwood - Carnivàle - Six Feet
Dutchman (aka Frozen in Fear) - Masked and Anonymous - Yellow Under - Sex and the City - The Sopranos - The Wire - Lucky Louie
- Adrift in Manhattan - Give’em Hell Malone - Giallo - Bagman (aka Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Scripted TV
Casino Jack) - The Big Bang - Things Fall Apart - Gun Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Production Types: Film Comments: East Coast office: 1100 Avenue of the Americas,
Policy: Through agents and managers only. New York, NY 10036

Happy Madison Heel & Toe Films

10202 W. Washington Blvd. 9100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1000W
Judy Garland Bldg. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-369-3466
Culver City, CA 310-244-3100 Fax: 310-969-1100
Fax: 310-244-0074 Credits: House - Gideon’s Crossing - Courtroom K


TALENT AGENTS california


Staff: Paul Attanasio (Writer/Executive Producer), Katie Jacobs (Production & Post Production Supervisor), William Meringoff
(Executive Producer), Josh Krauss (Director, Development), Jessica (Marketing), China Winston (Creative Executive)
Young (Executive Assistant to Katie Jacobs) Production Types: Film
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Policy: Company develops their own screenplays. No submissions
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. directly or by agents and managers.

High Noon Entertainment Hulu

15303 Ventura Blvd., Ste. C1100 2500 Broadway, Second Fl.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-646-2300 Santa Monica, CA 90048 310-571-4700
3035 S. Parker Rd., Ste. 500 email:
Denver, CO 80014 303-872-8700 website:
100 Sixth Ave., 10th Fl. Production Types: Documentaries - Reality TV - Scripted TV
New York, NY 10013 Policy: No unsolicited materials.
website: Hyde Park Entertainment
Credits: History: Warriors; VH1: Tough Love - Tough Love Couples 14958 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 100
- Secrets of Aspen; HGTV: HGTV’d - Professional Grade - My Big Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-783-6060
Amazing Renovation - My First Place - House Hunters - Carter Can Fax: 818-783-6319
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV Credits: Careful What You Wish For - Midnight Sun - Ghost Rider:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Spirit of Vengeance - Dylan Dog: Dead of Night - Street Fighter: The
Legend of Chun-Li - The Other End of the Line - Premonition - Shopgirl
Hollywood Film Office - Dreamer - Bringing Down the House - Raising Helen - Walking Tall
201 N. Occidental Blvd., Bungalow 8 - Moonlight Mile - Bandits - Original Sin - AntiTrust - Death Sentence
Hollywood, CA 90026 213-235-1777 Staff: Ashok Amritraj (Chairman/CEO)
Fax: 213-235-1778 Production Types: Film
email: Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
website: No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Trucker - Columbus Day - Commuter Confidential -
Music Within - Orangelove - Baadasssss! - What We Do is Secret Iconomy, LLC
- Standing Still 1048 Irvine Ave., #617
Staff: Bruce Wayne Gillies (Executive Producer), Mimi Gillies Newport Beach, CA 92660 310-762-1041
(Production Manager) Fax: 310-639-2055
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Direct-to-Video Staff: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (President), Deborah Morales
- Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality (Business Manager)
TV - Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Theater - Documentaries - Interactive &
Comments: Full-service domestic and international motion Digital Media - Film
picture service production company. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Hollywood Gang Productions, LLC Identity Media

4000 Warner Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 323-654-3000
Bldg. 139, Room 201
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-4999 website:
Fax: 818-954-4448 Staff: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (President), Deborah Morales
Credits: Immortals - Shutter Island - Everybody’s Fine - 300 - The (Business Manager)
Departed - Alexander - From Dusk Till Dawn - Seven Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Staff: Gianni Nunnari (President), Jacqueline Aphimova Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Submissions only accepted
(Development Executive) through recognized representatives.
Production Types: Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Illumination Entertainment
No calls. No drop-offs. 2230 Broadway St.
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-593-8800
Hollywood West Entertainment Fax: 310-593-8850
1437 Rising Glen Rd. website:
Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-652-6263 Credits: Dr. Suess’ The Lorax - Hop - Despicable Me
email: Production Types: Animation - Film
website: Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Credits: Grizzly Adams and the Legend of Dark Mountain - Secrets No calls. No drop-offs.
of a Small Town - Sheba Baby - Grizzly - Just Before Dawn - The
Guardian - Predator - Lovely But Deadly - The Manitou - Day of the Imagine Entertainment/Imagine
Animals - Abby - Project Kill Television
Staff: David Sheldon (Producer), Joan McCall (Producer), Boyd 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Fl.
Aug (VP, Business Affairs), Ed Roberts (Development), Gary Adelman Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-858-2000




Fax: 310-858-2020 Horror - 25th Hour - The Player - sex, lies, and videotape - Drugstore
website: Cowboy - The Yards - Fifteen Minutes - Requiem for a Dream - Quills
Credits: Features: Rush - Tower Heist - J. Edgar - Cowboys & - Becker (CBS) - Live from Baghdad (HBO) - War Stories (NBC)
Aliens - Angels & Demons - Frost/Nixon - American Gangster - The Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Da Vinci Code - Inside Man - A Beautiful Mind - 8 Mile; TV: How to
Live with Your Parents for the Rest of Your Life - Parenthood - Lie Infinity Films Holdings, LLC
to Me - 24 - Friday Night Lights - Arrested Development 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Ste. 100
Staff: Brian Grazer (Chairman), Ron Howard (Chairman), Michael Studio City, CA 91604 323-848-8966
Rosenberg (President, Imagine Entertainment), Francie Calfo Fax: 323-656-2002
(President, Imagine Television) website:
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Credits: Jeepers Creepers 3 - Back Roads - Insomnia - Siberia -
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. Operation: Endgame - Just Friends - Capote - The Cave - The Devil’s
Rejects - Saved! - Confidence - Evelyn - Dead Heat - Frailty - The
Imperative Entertainment Human Stain - The Snow Walker - The Final Cut - Bug - Pride
1663 18th St. Staff: Michael Ohoven (Producer), Rob Baker (VP, Operations)
Santa Monica, CA 90404 424-278-6700 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Credits: TV: - Beyond - - Film: - Hot Summer Nights - Atlantic Wall Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Dan Friedkin (Principal), Bradley Thomas (Partner), Jillian
Apfelbaum (VP, Content), Jasmine Daghighian (Coordinator) Informant Media, Inc.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film 10866 Wilshire Blvd.
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Fourth Fl., Ste. 422
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-440-8587
In Cahoots 9190 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 440
4024 Radford Ave. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-413-7747
Editorial Bldg. 2, Ste. 7 Fax: 310-440-8903
Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-6482 email:
Fax: 818-655-8472 website:
Credits: He’s Just Not That Into You - The Bernie Mac Show - The Credits: Tenderness (Lionsgate) - The Brooke Ellison Story -
Office - Malcolm in the Middle - Sexual Life Witness Protection - The Pentagon Wars - Remember WENN - Hell
Staff: Ken Kwapis (Director/Producer), Alex Beattie (Producer), on Heels: The Battle of Mary Kay (CBS)
Reynolds Anderson (Creative Executive) Staff: Howard Meltzer (Producer/Partner), Michael A. Simpson
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film (Partner/Executive Producer/President/CEO)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: Miniseries - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV &
Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Indian Paintbrush Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
1660 Euclid St.
Santa Monica, CA 310-566-0160 Inphenate
Fax: 310-566-0161 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Fl.
Credits: The Fantastic Mr. Fox - Darjeeling Limited - Jeff Who Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-601-7117
Lives at Home - Like Crazy - Moonrise Kingdom - Seeking a Friend Fax: 310-712-0717
for the End of the World - Trance - Stoker - Not Fade Away - Labor website:
Day - Breathe In - The Grand Budapest Hotel - Me and Earl and the Credits: You Don’t Know Jack
Dying Girl - Isle of Dogs Staff: Glenn Rigberg (President/Manager), Elizabeth Uhl (Vice
Production Types: Film President)
Policy: No unsolicted material accepted. Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries -
Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Indie Rights Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
825 S. Hill St., Ste. 604 calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-613-1587 Interscope/Shady/Aftermath Films
website: 5555 Melrose Ave.
Credits: *NSYNC Bigger Than Live - Shifted - Delivered Los Angeles, CA 90035 323-956-5989
Staff: Linda Nelson (Executive Producer/Co-founder), Michael Fax: 323-862-2169
Madison (Executive Producer/Co-founder) Credits: Get Rich or Die Tryin’ - 8 Mile
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Staff: Jimmy Iovine (Producer), Paul Rosenberg (Producer),
Movies - Film Stuart Parr (Producer), Gene Kirkwood (Producer), Rick Heller
(Director, Development)
Industry Entertainment Partners Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
955 S. Carrillo Dr., Third Fl. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-954-9000
Fax: 323-954-9009 Intrigue
Credits: Fear Itself - Masters of Science Fiction - Masters of 1559 Seventh St.


TALENT AGENTS california


Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-598-7000 Credits: Better Luck Tomorrow - Neil Young’s Heart of Gold
email: - Ocean of Pearls - Back Home - FernGully: The Last Rainforest -
website: Zebrahead - The Last Game
Credits: Playing Dead (CW/CBS; Pilot) - Hail Mary (ABC/Sony; Staff: Jeff Dowd (President), Alex Kirkwood (Assistant to Jeff
Pilot) - Game of Silence (NBC/Sony; 1 season on NBC) - First Lady Dowd)
(CW/Warner Bros; Dev) - All In (CBS/Sony; Dev) - Braunschlag Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Film
(Fox/20th; Dev/Put pilot) - Ellen More or Less (NBC/UniTV. Pilot Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
for 2014; teminated) - Only Human (CBS/CBSS Pilot for 2014; Comments: Producer’s representative
terminated) - Marmaduke (Fox) - Intrusion (feature in preproduc-
tion) - Operation Repo (truTV) Jeff Morton Productions
Production Types: Film - Scripted TV - Reality TV 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 226
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Los Angeles, CA 90035
Credits: LA to Vegas - Modern Family - Life In Pieces - The
Irish DreamTime Winner - Kitchen Confidental - Jake in Progress - Elizabeth Smart
3000 W. Olympic Blvd. Story - Oliver Beene - Caracara - Second Skin - Don’t Look Under
Bldg. 3, Ste. 2331 the Bed - Double Jeopardy
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-449-4081 Staff: Jeff Morton (Producer)
Credits: The Matador - Laws of Attraction - Evelyn - The Thomas Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Crown Affair - The Match - The Nephew - The Greatest Policy: Through agents or managers only. No unsolicited submis-
Staff: Pierce Brosnan (Producer/Partner), Keith Arnold (Head, sions. No calls. No emails.
Development), Andrew Jameson (Head, Television)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Jerry Bruckheimer Films & Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 1631 Tenth St.
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-664-6260
It’s a Laugh Productions Fax: 310-664-6261
Hollywood Center Studios website:
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave. Credits: Features: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - G-Force -
Los Angeles, CA 90038 818-860-3330 Confessions of a Shopaholic - National Treasure 1&2 - Deja Vu - Glory
Credits: Bizaardvark - Andi Mack - Raven’s Home - Coop and Road - King Arthur - Veronica Guerin - Pirates of the Caribbean
Cami Ask the World - Fast Layne - Bunk’d - Stuck in the Middle 1-4 - Bad Boys 1&2 - Kangaroo Jack - Pearl Harbor - Remember
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film the Titans; TV: Chase - The Whole Truth - Dark Blue - The Amazing
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Race - CSI - CSI:NY - CSI:Miami - Cold Case - Without a Trace - Close
to Home - Justice - Eleventh Hour - The Forgotten - Miami Medical
Jaffilms, LLC - The Whole Truth - Chase
2 Sackett Landing Staff: Jerry Bruckheimer (Producer/Chairman/CEO)
Rye, NY 10580 212-262-4700 Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 914-921-0552 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
email: No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Goodbye, Columbus - School Ties - Bad Company - Four
Feathers - I Dreamed of Africa - Madeline - The Accused - Fatal Jersey Films
Attraction - Kramer vs. Kramer - Taps - The Bad News Bears P.O. Box 491246
Staff: Stanley R. Jaffe (Producer), Bob Jaffe (Producer), Alcira Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-477-7704
Villegas (Assistant to Stanley R. Jaffe) Credits: Freedom Writers - Along Came Polly - Erin Brockovich -
Production Types: Film Man on the Moon - Living Out Loud - Out of Sight - Gattaca - Feeling
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Minnesota - Sunset Park - Get Shorty - Reality Bites - Pulp Fiction
- Hoffa - 8 Seconds
Jay Silverman Productions Staff: Danny DeVito (No Title), Nikki Allyn Grosso (Business
1541 N. Cahuenga Blvd. Manager)
Hollywood, CA 90028 323-466-6030 Production Types: Film
Fax: 323-466-7139 Policy: Through agents and managers only.
Credits: Off the Menu - Girl on the Edge - The Cleaner The Jim Henson Company
Staff: Jay Silverman (President), Bethany Cerrona (Producer), 1416 N. La Brea Ave.
Joe Gamache (Writer/Producer) Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-802-1500
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film 37-18 Northern Blvd.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Long Island City, NY 11101 212-794-2400
Fax: 323-802-1829
Jeff Dowd & Associates website:
2208 Navy St. Credits: The Pajanimals - MirrorMask - Farscape: The Peacekeeper
Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-581-7900 Wars - Good Boy! - Mopatop’s Shop - Jim Henson’s The Hoobs - Jim
Fax: 310-581-7900 Henson’s Animal Jam - Five Children & It - The Muppets’ Wizard
email: of Oz - Puppet Up! Uncensored - The Skrumps - Farscape (TV) -




Unstable Fables - Sid the Science Kid - Dinosaur Train - Wilson & No calls. No drop-offs.
Ditch: Digging America - The Possibility Shop
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Theater - Jon Eskenas Productions
Commercials - Music Videos - Animation - Direct-to-Video - Made- Beverly Hills, CA
for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV website:
- Scripted TV - Film Credits: Good Witch - Hello It’s Me - Choking Game -
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: Jonathan Eskenas (President)
No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Scripted TV - Miniseries
Policy: Not accepting unsolicited materials. Speaks with writers,
Joel Schumacher Productions producers, and all other creative personnel to meet and to develop
10960 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1900 material. Contact through website for info.
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-472-7602
Credits: Batman & Robin - A Time to Kill - Batman Forever - 8mm - Josephson Entertainment
Flawless - Tigerland - Bad Company - Phone Booth - Veronica Guerin 11900 W Olympic Blvd., Ste. 620
- Phantom of the Opera - The Number 23 - Blood Creek - Twelve Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-906-2921
Staff: Joel Schumacher (Principal), Aaron Cooley (Co-Producer), Credits: Turn - Features: Life as We Know It - Aliens in the
Yotam Tubul (Assistant to Joel Schumacher) Attic - Enchanted - Hide and Seek - The Ladykillers - Like Mike - TV:
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Scripted Bones - Head Cases - Nurses - The Tick
TV - Film Staff: Barry Josephson (Principal), Matt Geller (Head, Features),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Dan Tischler (Head, TV)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Joel Stevens Entertainment Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Glendale, CA 91203 818-787-5700
Fax: 818-787-5776 Junction Entertainment
Credits: Elvis & Me (ABC/Miniseries) 500 S. Buena Vista St.
Staff: Joel Stevens (President/CEO), John Will (Director, Animation Bldg., Ste. 1B
Development), Matt Clifton (Office Manager/Assistant) Burbank, CA 91521-1616
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Credits: National Treasure 1&2 - Instinct - Phenomenon - While
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. You Were Sleeping - The Kid - Jericho - Harper’s Island
Staff: Jon Turteltaub (Principal/Producer)
John Goldwyn Productions Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
5555 Melrose Ave. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-956-5054
Fax: 323-862-0055 K/O Paper Products
Credits: I’m Not There - Dexter 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 5138
Staff: John Goldwyn (Principal), Erin David (VP, Features), Hilary Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-6868
Marx (VP, Features) Credits: Film: People Like Us - Cowboys & Aliens - Transformers
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film 1-3 - The Proposal - Star Trek - Eagle Eye; TV: Hawaii Five-O - Fringe
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: Alex Kurtzman (Principal)
No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
John Wells Productions No calls. No drop-offs.
5707 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-203-1444 Kapital Entertainment
1325 Avenue of the Americas, Ste. 3241 11846 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 300
New York, NY 10016 Studio City, CA 91604 818-643-2260
Credits: Film: August: Osage County - The Company Men - Staff: Aaron Kaplan (Manager/Producer), Dana Honor (Executive
Motherhood - I’m Not There - Infamous - Nearing Grace - Doom Producer), Sheri Hernandez (Casting Executive)
- Duma - The Good Thief - White Oleander - Far From Heaven - Burnt; Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV
TV: Shameless - Animal Kingdom - SouthLAnd - Mildred Pierce - E.R. Policy: No unsolicited material.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. Ken Gross Management
12135 Stanwood Dr.
Joint Effort Los Angeles, CA 90066 310-391-2999
4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 90 Fax: 310-391-2990
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-3210 email:
Credits: Project X - The Hangover 1&2 - Due Date - School for Credits: When Angels Come to Town - Murder at Midnight - A
Scoundrels -Starsky & Hutch - Old School - Road Trip Town Without Christmas - Stealing Sinatra - Finding John Christmas
Staff: Bradley Cooper (Principal), Todd Phillips (Director/ Staff: Kenneth H. Gross (President/Producer/Manager), Daryl
President), Joseph Garner (Executive Assistant to Todd Phillips) DePollo (VP, Development)
Production Types: Film Production Types: Theater - Miniseries - Direct-to-Video - Made-
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film


TALENT AGENTS california


Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Lancaster Gate Entertainment
Comments: Also manages writers, directors and producers. P.O. Box 2052
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 818-995-6000
The Kennedy/Marshall Company Credits: Sumo Mouse - Secret Cutting - December - Grumpy Old
619 Arizona Ave., Second Fl. Men - Grumpier Old Men - Angel Flight Down - The Four Chaplains:
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-656-8400 Sacrifice at Sea
Fax: 310-656-8430 Staff: Richard C. Berman (Producer), Brian K. Schlichter
Credits: Lincoln - The Bourne Legacy - War Horse - The Adventures (Executive VP, Development & Production)
of Tin Tin - Hereafter - The Last Airbender - Crossing Over - The Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Made-for-TV
Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
of the Crystal Skull - The Spiderwick Chronicles - Persepolis - The Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Diving Bell and the Butterfly - The Bourne Ultimatum
Production Types: Film Langley Park Pictures
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 144
No calls. No drop-offs. Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-2930
Credits: Gangster Squad - Arthur (Remake)
Key Creatives, LLC Staff: Kevin McCormick (Producer), Rory Koslow (VP), Aaron
9800 Wilshire Blvd. Schmidt (Creative Executive), Brewster McCann (Creative Executive)
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 323-785-7959 Production Types: Theater - Film
Fax: 323-785-7901 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Staff: Ken Kamins (Chairman/CEO), Melissa Stephens (Assistant) No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Larco Productions, Inc.
Comments: Also management company. 2111 Coldwater Canyon Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 323-350-5455
KeyLight Productions Credits: Messages Deleted - XIS - Masters of Horror - Cellular
2015 S Beverly Glen Blvd., Ste. 402 - Phone Booth - Invasion of Privacy - Original Gangstas - Guilty as
Los Angeles, CA 90025 Sin - Body Snatchers - Best Seller - Q - Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover
email: - It’s Alive - The Stuff - God Told Me to - Bone - The Invaders (TV)
Credits: Finding Neverland (Miramax) - Miss Pettigrew Lives for Staff: Larry Cohen (Writer/Producer/Director), Jill Gatsby (VP,
a Day (Focus Features) - Development: - Road to Oz - The Bologna Development/Producer)
Rainbow Highway Production Types: Theater - Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Staff: Nellie Bellflower (President/Producer), Michael Mislove (VP, Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Production/Producer), Natalie Altshuler (Development/Producer)
Production Types: Film Larger Than Life Productions
Policy: Screenwriters send log lines only. Scripts not accepted 12429 Ventura Ct.
without request and release form. Studio City, CA 91608 818-761-1068
11444 W. Olympic Blvd., 11th Fl.
KoMut Entertainment Los Angeles, CA 90064
4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 140, Ste. 201 Credits: Oceans 8 - The Tale of Despereaux - Pleasantville -
Burbank, CA 91505 818-954-7631 Seabiscuit
Credits: Bleep My Dad Says (CBS) - Twins - Four Kings - Will Staff: Gary Ross (Writer/Director/Principal), Diana Alvarez
& Grace - Good Morning, Miami - The Stones - Boston Common (Director, Development & Production), Allison Thomas (Producer),
Staff: Max Mutchnick (Producer), David Kohan (Producer), Robin Bissell (Production Executive), Casey Crowe (Creative
Melissa Strauss (No Title) Executive)
Production Types: Scripted TV Production Types: Animation - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.

Kopelson Entertainment Latin World Entertainment

901 N. Roxbury Dr. 9777 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 915
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 818-817-7170 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-275-5757
Credits: Don’t Say a Word - A Perfect Murder - U.S. Marshals - 3470 N.W. 82nd Ave., Ste. 670
Devil’s Advocate - Eraser - Seven - Outbreak - The Fugitive - Falling Miami, FL 33122 305-572-1515
Down - Platoon - Twisted Fax: 305-572-1510
Staff: Arnold Kopelson (Producer/Co-Chairperson/President), website:
Anne Kopelson (Producer/Co-Chairperson), Shannon O’Hehir Staff: Sofia Vergara (Partner/Founder), Luis Balaguer (CEO),
(Executive Assistant) Rod Lundgren (Head of Development)
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
- Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Comments: Also serves as a management company.




Launchpad Productions No calls. No drop-offs.
4335 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. 339
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-788-4998 Lemon Oak Tree
email: 4109 Effie St.
Credits: The Damned - Disfigured - Hard Candy - Big Momma’s Los Angeles, CA 90029 323-920-5510
House 1&2 - Here on Earth - Burning Bright email:
Staff: Angelique Higgins (Producer), David W. Higgins (Producer) website:
Production Types: Miniseries - Scripted TV - Film Staff: Memo Macalpin (Founder/Producer), Naomi Kyle (Founder/
Policy: Query for completed scripts only, by email, no attachments. Producer)
Production Types: Documentaries - Interactive & Digital Media
Laura Ziskin Productions - Scripted TV - Film
Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-7373 Policy: By mail or referral only.
Fax: 310-244-0073
Credits: The Butler - The Amazing Spider-Man - Stand Up To Lifetime Networks
Cancer - Spider-Man 1-3 - Dinner with Friends - 74th & 79th Annual 2049 Century Park E., Ste. 1000
Academy Awards - Pretty Woman - To Die For - As Good as It Gets - Fail Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-556-7500
Safe - Hero - What About Bob? - Murphy’s Romance - 235 E. 45th St.
Staff: Pam Oas Williams (President), David Jacobson (Director New York, NY 10017 212-210-1400
of Development) website:
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries - Made- Credits: Patsy & Loretta - Marrying Millions - Supernanny - Stolen
for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film by My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley Story - Chris Watts: Confessions
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. of a Killer - Poisoned Love: The Stacy Castor Story - The Clark Sisters
No calls. No drop-offs. - Married at First Sight - Little Women: LA - Little Women: Atlanta
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies -
Laurence Mark Productions Reality TV - Scripted TV
10202 W. Washington Blvd. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Poitier Bldg., Ste. 3111
Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-5239 Lighthouse Entertainment
Fax: 310-244-0055 9229 Sunset Blvd. Ste 630
Credits: The Greatest Showman - Flatliners - Julie & Julia - West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-246-0499
Dreamgirls - Last Vegas - The Lookout - Last Holiday - Riding in Fax: 310-246-0899
Cars with Boys - I, Robot - Finding Forrester - Center Stage - As email:
Good as It Gets - Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion - Jerry
Maguire - Anywhere But Here - The Object of My Affection - Working Credits: The Darwin Awards - A Good Woman (Lionsgate) - Bigger
Girl - Black Widow - TV: - When We Rise - Political Animals Than the Sky (MGM) - Cherish (Fine Line) - Gridlock’d - Fun - The
Production Types: Theater - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Rookie (Warner Bros.)
Scripted TV - Film Staff: Steven Siebert (Producer/Manager), Dale Neuringer
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. (Executive Assistant)
No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents or managers only.
Le Grisbi Productions
8733 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 101 Lightstream Pictures
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-652-6120 1639 11th St., Ste. 260
Credits: Blood Ties - End of Watch Santa Monica, CA 90404 424-901-1260
Staff: John Lesher (Principal), Sean Murphy (Director of Fax: 310-943-0442
Development) website:
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Credits: Max Rose - The King’s Daughter - 2:22 - Rampart
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Paul Currie (Co-Founder/Director), Garrett Kelleher (Non-
Executive Director), Maureen Murphy (Business Affairs Coordniator)
Legendary Pictures/TV Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Commercials -
2900 W. Alameda Ave., Ste. 1500 Documentaries - Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Burbank, CA 91505 818-688-7003 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Fax: 818-954-3884
website: The Linson Company
Credits: Jack The Giant Killer - Wrath of the Titans - Sucker 8569 Burton Way, Ste. 309
Punch - The Town - Due Date - Inception - Jonah Hex - Clash of the Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-310-8237
Titans - Where the Wild Things Are - The Hangover 1&2 - Watchmen website:
- Observe & Report - The Dark Knight - Superman Returns - Batman Credits: American Hot Wax - The Black Dahlia - The Runaways
Begins - 10,000 B.C. - 300 - We Are Marshall - What Just Happened? - Lords of Dogtown - Fight Club - Pushing
Staff: Thomas Tull (Chairman/CEO), Emily Castel (CMO), Jon J Tin - The Edge - Casualties of War - TV: - Sons of Anarchy
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Staff: Art Linson (Producer), John Linson (Producer), Brian
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Bennett (Associate)


TALENT AGENTS california


Production Types: Scripted TV - Film website:
Credits: Anderson Falls - Fear, Inc. - Painkillers - Captain Karl’s
Lion Rock Productions Institute for the Abnormally Bizarre - Dycktator - Loitering with
5100 Goldleaf Circle, Ste. 230 Intent - Funny or Die
Los Angeles, CA 90056 323-293-8833 Staff: Luke Barnett (Owner/Producer), Vincent Masciale (Owner/
Fax: 323-293-8883 Producer)
Credits: Reign of Assassins - Color Me Love - Red Cliff - Appleseed Production Types: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media
Saga: Ex Machina - Blood Brothers - Paycheck - Windtalkers - Mission: - Scripted TV - Film
Impossible 2 - Face/Off - Broken Arrow - The Big Hit - Bulletproof Monk Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: John Woo (Director/Producer), Terence Chang (Producer), Comments: A boutique production company dedicated to the
Lori Tilkin (Sr. VP), Geoff Chang (Financial Controller), Angeles Woo development, packaging, and production of film, television, and
(Assistant to Mr. Woo) digital projects.
Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Interactive &
Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film Lonetree Entertainment
Comments: Also produces transmedia 22603 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 741
Malibu, CA 90265 310-589-6016
Lionsgate email:
2700 Colorado Ave. Credits: The Equalizer 2 - Joe Ledger - Animal - Krewe of Hunters
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-449-9200 - The Black Stiletto - The War Magician - The Equalizer - Ghost - Code
Fax: 310-255-3870 of the Dragon - The Naked Truth
website: Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to-Video
Credits: Features: Conan the Barbarian - Abduction - Warrior - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality
- Safe - The Possession - Good Deeds - The Hunger Games - The TV - Scripted TV - Film
Expendables 2 - What To Expect When You’re Expecting - Texas Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Chainsaw Massacre 3D - Cabin in the Woods - The Last Stand - We
the Peeples - One for the Money - Saving Private Perez Lord Miller
Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to-Video 10201 W. Pico Blvd.
- Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Bldg. 3, Room 101
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-969-5594
Credits: The Last Man On Earth - Lego Batman - 23 Jump Street
The Littlefield Company Staff: Phil Lord (Producer), Chris Miller (Producer), Seth Cohen
300 W. Olympic Blvd. (President, TV), Will Allegra (Director, Development)
Bldg. 2, Room 1302 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-264-3924 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No-drop-offs.
Credits: The Handmaid’s Tale - Fargo - My Generation - Keen Eddie
Staff: Warren Littlefield (Principal), Ann Johnson (Executive Lynda Obst Productions
VP, Development), Patty Mann (Director of Operations), Graham 10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Littlefield (VP, Development), Vivien Mao (Assistant) Astaire Bldg., Ste. 1000
Production Types: Scripted TV Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-6112
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Fax: 310- 244-0092
No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: Film: The Invention of Lying - How to Lose a Guy in 10
Logo Days - Sleepless in Seattle - The Fisher King - One Fine Day - Contact
2600 Colorado Ave. - Hope Floats - The Siege - Someone Like You - Abandon - Heartbreak
Santa Monica, CA 90404 2310-752-8000 Hotel - This is my Life - Bad Girls - Flashdance; TV: Hot in Cleveland
1540 Broadway, 31st Fl. (TV) - The ‘60s - Adventures in Babysitting
New York, NY 10036 212-654-60313 Staff: Katarina Hicks (Creative and Production Executive), Lynda
Fax: 212-654-4362 Obst (Principal/Producer), Jason Lubin (Head of Development)
website: Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable
Credits: RuPaul’s Drag Race - The A-List: New York - Setup Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Squad - Pretty Hurts - The Arrangement - Beautiful People - Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
NewNowNext Awards - The Jaquie Brown Diaries - NewNowNext No calls. No drop-offs.
Music - NewNowNext PopLab - Jeffery and Cole Casserole - The
Decorating Adventures of Ambrose Price - Logo Docs Machinima
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries 8441 Santa Monica Blvd.
- Music Videos - Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality Los Angeles, CA 90069 323-872-5300
TV - Scripted TV email:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Staff: Allen DeBevoise (Chairman/Co-Founder), Phillip DeBevoise
Lone Suspect (President/Co-Founder), Chad Gutstein (CEO), Daniel Murray (CFO/
Los Angeles, CA Executive VP, Business Intelligence), Nanea Reeves (COO)
email: Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media




Policy: Submissions through agents and managers only. Fax: 310-272-0070
Macro Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
6255 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-859-4024 Mandalay Pictures
email: 4751 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-549-4300
Staff: Charles King (Founder/CEO) Fax: 323-549-9824
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film website:
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Unrepresented Credits: Features: Amateur - Paul, Apostle of Christ - Mark Felt:
writers may submit queries through website.. The Man Who Brought Down the White House - Little Evil - Sniper:
Ultimate Kill - Burning Sands - The Birth of a Nation - Never Back
Mad Chance Down: No Surrender
4000 Warner Blvd. Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
Bldg. 81, Room 208 - Scripted TV - Film
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-3500 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Fax: 818-954-3586 No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: 10 Things I Hate About You - Assassins - The Astronaut’s Comments: Includes Mandalay Vision division.
Wife - Bound - Catch that Kid - Cats & Dogs - Cats & Dogs Revenge
of Kitty Galore - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - Death to Mandalay Television
Smoochy - Get Smart - I Love You Phillip Morris - Jonah Hex - Lucky 4751 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl.
Numbers - Panic - Space Cowboys Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-549-4300
Staff: Andrew Lazar (Producer), Miri Yoon (VP, Production & Fax: 323-549-9832
Development), Beatriz Chahin (Covering Assistant) email:
Production Types: Film website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: Brotherhood (TV) - RPM (TV) - Nora Roberts’ Carolina
Moon - Angels Fall - Blue Smoke - Montana Sky (TV) - Midnight
Magnet Management Bayou - Northern Lights - Tribute (TV) - High Noon
11755 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1770 Staff: Peter Guber (Chairman/CEO)
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-893-8551 Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV
Fax: 424-208-7196 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Bob Sobhani (Partner/Producer/Manager), Jennie Frankel
(Partner/Producer/Manager), Zach Tann (Partner/Producer/ Mandeville Films
Manager), Chris Emerson (Producer/Manager), Mitch Solomon 500 S. Buena Vista St.
(Producer), Chris Mills (Manager, TV) Animation Bldg., Ste. 2G
Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Interactive & Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-4332
Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Fax: 818-842-2937
Policy: Through agents and managers only. website:
Credits: The Fighter - Detroit 1-8-7 (ABC) - Surrogates - The
MakeMagic Productions Proposal - Beverly Hills Chihuahua - Traitor - Eight Below (Disney)
Los Angeles, CA - Shaggy Dog - Mr. Wrong - The Other Sister - George of the Jungle -
email: The Negotiator - Ryan Caufield - Bandits - Bringing Down the House
website: - Antitrust - What’s the Worst That Could Happen? - Monk - Raising
Credits: John Mack (Writer/Producer) - A Good American (writer/ Helen - The Last Shot - Walking Tall - Beauty Shop
stage play) - Oscar Divo (Producer) - Bite Me...A Love Story - My Staff: David Hoberman (Partner/CEO), Todd Lieberman (Partner/
Dinner With Ovitz President), Laurie Zaks (President, Television), Alex Young (Senior
Staff: Denise David Williams (President/Producer/Writer), Sallie VP, Film), Naomi Funabashi (Director, Film Development), Lea Cuello
Groo (VP Development), Sandra Corcoran (Consultant) (Manager, TV Development)
Production Types: Theater - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Policy: Submissions through agents and managers only. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Maker Studios
3562 Eastham Dr. Mark Burnett Productions
Culver City, CA 90232 310-606-2182 640 N. Sepulveda Blvd.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-903-5400
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media Credits: How Did You Get So Rich - StarMaker - Shark Tank - Rock
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Band - Amne$ia - Combat Missions - Gold Rush! - Rock Star Inxs -
Comments: Digital production company. Rock Star Supernova - The Contender - Survivor - The Apprentice
- The Apprentice Martha Stewart - The Celebrity Apprentice - The
Management 360 Restaurant - The Casino - Commando Nanny - On the Lot - Are You
9111 Wilshire Blvd. Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-272-7000 Staff: Mark Burnett (CEO)


TALENT AGENTS california


Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. MarVista Entertainment
10277 W. Olympic Blvd., Third Fl.
The Mark Gordon Company Los Angeles, CA 90067 424-274-3000
12200 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 250 10877 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-943-6401 Los Angeles, CA 90024 424-274-3000
Fax: 310-943-6402 Fax: 424-274-3050
Credits: Features: Murder on the Orient Express - Molly’s Game - email:
The Details - Source Code - The Messenger - 2012 - 10,000 BC - The website:
Hoax - Talk to Me - The Day After Tomorrow - The Patriot - Saving Credits: 16 Wishes (Disney Channel) - Meteor Storm (Syfy) - Super
Private Ryan - Speed - Casanova; TV: Designated Survivor - The Eruption (Syfy) - Deadly Honeymoon (Lifetime) - Before You Say I
Rookie - Criminal Minds - Grey’s Anatomy - Army Wives - Private Do (Hallmark) - Beyond the Break (TeenNick)
Practice - Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries - Direct-
Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Made-for-TV to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV
& Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited materials.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Mayhem Pictures
725 Arizona Ave., Ste. 402
Mark Yellen Productions Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-393-5005
183 S. Orange Dr. Fax: 310-393-5017
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-935-5525 Credits: Secretariat - Tooth Fairy - The Game Plan - Invincible - The
email: New Guy - The Rookie - Miracle
Credits: Montana - Shiloh - Where the Rivers Flow North - Shiloh Staff: Gordon Gray (Principal/Producer), Brad Butler (VP,
Season - Fist of the North Star - Blast - The Big Squeeze - One Good Development), Todd Murata (VP, Development & Production),
Turn - Puerto Vallarta Squeeze - Amityville - Dollhouse - Guncrazy Kaitlyn Taaffee (Creative Executive )
Staff: Mark Yellen (Producer), Brook Philips (Director, Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Development), Liz Reed (Assistant) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Direct-to-Video No calls. No drop-offs.
- Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Media Talent Group
9200 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 550
Martin Chase Productions West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-275-7900
500 S. Buena Vista St. Fax: 310-275-7910
Burbank, CA 91521 818-526-4252 Credits: Features: - .45 - School for Scoundrels - Bad News
Credits: Sparkle (Sony/Stage 6) - An American Girl: McKenna Bears - Beyond Borders; TV: Going to California - Hope & Faith
Shoots For the Stars (Universal Home Entertainment) - Lemonade Staff: Geyer Kosinski (Chairman/CEO), Chris Davey (Manager/
Mouth (Disney Channel) - Just Wright (Fox Searchlight) - The Producer)
Cheetah Girls: One World (Disney Channel) - The Sisterhood of Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
the Traveling Pants 1&2 (Warner Bros.) - The Princess Diaries Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
1&2 (Disney) - Missing (Lifetime) - The Cheetah Girls 1&2 (Disney
Channel) - Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella (ABC) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc.
Staff: Debra Martin Chase (President/Producer), Charles Pugliese (MGM)
(VP), Augustus Ceccucci (Executive Assistant) 245 N. Beverly Dr.
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-449-3000
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. website:
No calls. No drop-offs. Credits: Handmaid’s Tale
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
Marvel Studios, Inc. - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
c/o Raleigh Studios Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
1600 Rosecrans Ave., Bldg 7A, Ste. 110
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-220-8900 Midd Kid Productions
Fax: 310-536-0415 10202 W. Washington Blvd.
website: Astaire Bldg., Ste. 2010
Credits: Features: - The Avengers - Captain America: The First Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-2688
Avenger - X-Men: First Class - Thor - The Incredible Hulk - Iron Man Fax: 310-244-2603
1&2 - Ghost Rider - Fantastic Four 1&2 - Daredevil - Spider-Man Credits: Last Resort (ABC) - The Chicago Code (Fox) - Terriers
1-3 - X-Men 1-3 - The Punisher - Blade 1-3 - Hulk - Elektra; TV: X-Men (FX) - Lie to Me (Fox) - The Unit (CBS) - The Shield (FX)
Evolution - Blade - Wolverine and the X-Men; DVD: Marvel Knights Staff: Shawn Ryan (Principal), Marney Hochman-Nash (President)
Iron Man Extremis - Marvel Knights Astonishing X-Men Production Types: Scripted TV
Production Types: Theater - Animation - Direct-to-Video - Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Scripted TV - Film No calls. No drop-offs.




Mike Lobell Productions Fligelman (Development Coordinator )
Los Angeles, CA 90024 323-822-2910 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Credits: Dreamer - Chances Are - Gambit - So Fine - Striptease - It Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Could Happen to You - The Freshman - Honeymoon in Vegas - White No calls. No drop-offs.
Fang - Journey of Natty Gann - Tears of the Sun
Staff: Mike Lobell (Producer), Janet Chiarabaglio (Assistant Montecito Pictures
to Mike Lobell) 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 920
Production Types: Film Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-247-9880
Policy: By agents or managers only. 1482 E. Valley Rd., Ste. 477
Montecito, CA 93108 805-565-8590
Millar/Gough Ink Fax: 310-247-9498
6565 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 290 Credits: Hitchcock - No Strings Attached - Chloe - Up in the
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-203-0319 Air - I Love You, Man - Hotel for Dogs - Ghostbusters - Beethoven
Fax: 818-560-4216 - Dave - Space Jam - Six Days Seven Nights - Private Parts - Road
Credits: Into the Badlands - The Shannara Chronicles - Hannah Trip - Evolution - Old School - Killing Me Softly - Eurotrip - The Pink
Montana: The Movie - Smallville Panther (2006) - Disturbia -
Staff: Miles Millar (Principal), Alfred Gough (Principal), Kimberly Production Types: Film
Boyd (Producer/VP), Taylor Brogan (Assistant to Alfred Gough & Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Miles Millar) No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Montivagus Productions
MilMar Pictures 13930 Burbank Blvd., Ste. 100
Raleigh Studios Sherman Oaks, CA 91401 818-782-1212
300 Melrose Ave. email:
Los Angeles, CA 90038 website:
227 Broadway Credits: I’m No Dummy 2 (2018) - The Second Room (1995) - Along
Santa Monica, CA 90401 for the Ride (2000 & 2019) - Jay Johnson: The Two & Only! (2014)
Credits: Castle Staff: Marjorie Engesser (Producer), Timothy T. Miller (Producer),
Staff: Andrew Marlowe (Principal), Terri Edda Miller (Principal) Bryan W. Simon (Director)
Production Types: Scripted TV Production Types: Documentaries - Film
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Policy: No email or fax submissions.

Miramax Moonstone Entertainment

2450 Colorado Ave., Ste. 100 E. P.O. Box 1599
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-409-4321 Studio City, CA 91614 818-985-3003
Fax: 310-828-8819 Fax: 818-985-3009
website: website:
Credits: Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark - The Debt - Last Night Credits: Ray Meets Helen - Falcon Rising - Together - Hotel -
Production Types: Film Dancing at the Blue Iguana - Pandaemonium - Miss Julie - Cookie’s
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Fortune - Afterglow - Digging to China - Toolbox Murders - The Promise
Staff: Ernst ‘Etchie’ Stroh (CEO), Yael Stroh (President), Luz
Mode of 8 Moretti (Executive VP), Greg Majerus (VP, Finance), Michael
Yorba Linda, CA 92886 714-993-7004 Grant (Director, Production & Marketing), Shahar Stroh (Director,
email: Development & Acquisitions)
Credits: Outperformer Series - Magnaflow #withauthority - Production Types: Film
Hearthstone: FlowrStompr’s Heroes - Defending Jesus - Sorority Policy: All inquiry letters should be addressed to: submissions@
Life 1-3 - Fraternity Life 1-2 - Tripped Out: Ultimate Guy Vacation
(Spike TV) - Soulmates - Instant Comedy with the Groundlings - The
Outer Limits Phenomenon - Hollywood Digital Diaries Morgan Creek Productions
Staff: Catherine Finn Gudvangen (Executive Producer) 10351 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 200
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Interactive Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-432-4848
& Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Fax: 310-432-4844
Policy: Through agents and managers only. website:
Credits: Dream House - Sydney White - Georgia Rule - The Good
Mojo Films Shepherd - Man of the Year - Two for the Money - Robin Hood: Prince
2874 Colorado Ave. of Thieves - Ace Ventura 1&2 - Major League 1-3 - Diabolique - Wild
Santa Monica, CA 90404 424-229-5033 America - American Outlaws - True Romance - Young Guns 1&2
Credits: Life Unexpected (CW) - The Express (Universal) - October Production Types: Film
Road (ABC) - Runaway Jury - Don’t Say a Word - Impostor - Kiss the Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Girls - Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Gary Fleder (President), Brie Neimand (Head of Content,
TV, Digital), Jenna Klatchko (VP, Development & Production), Sofi


TALENT AGENTS california


Morningstar Entertainment of Tears - Dark Matter - Little Fish -Trauma - The Deal - Kinsey -
350 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Ste. 300 Eulogy - Jeeper Creepers 2 - The Good Girl - National Lampoon’s
Burbank, CA 91502 818-559-7255 Van Wilder - Pepole I Know - Imagining Argentina
Fax: 818-559-7551 Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to-Video
email: - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film
Credits: Mysteries Decoded - Monster in My Family - Deadliest Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Warrior - Signs of the Apocalypse - Statue of Liberty - Stealth Secrets No calls. No drop-offs.
- Sports Century - Operation Thunderbolt - Super Surgery - Fire
at Sea - I Survived! - The Texas Seven - The Enforcers - Chicago’s The Nacelle Company
Lifeline - Billy the Kid Unmasked - Theme Park Secrets - 160 lb. 2660 W. Olive Ave.
Tumor - 200 lb. Tumor - Crash Burbank, CA 91505 818-295-5000
Staff: Gary Tarpinian (President/CEO), Paninee Theeranuntawat 35 W. 36th St., Tenth Fl.
(VP/Executive Producer), Christian Robinson (Director, Development) New York, NY 10018
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries - Fax: 818-295-5099
Documentaries - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV website:
Policy: Submission release required. No unsolicited submissions. Credits: Erik Griffin: Amerikan Warrior - Demetri Martin: The
Comments: Specializes in high profile HD non-fiction reality and Overthinker - Tom Arnold: Past & Present Imperfectly - Whitney
documentary TV series and specials. Cummings: Money Shot (Comedy Central) - Eddie Griffin: You
Can Tell ‘Em I Said It (Comedy Central) - Pretty Wild (E!) - Frank
Mountainair Films, Inc. TV (TBS) - Next Best Thing (ABC) - NESN Comedy All Stars - Jeff
P.O. Box 4097 Ross Special (Comedy Central) - U.S. of ANT (Logo) - Tourgasm
Santa Fe, NM 87502 505-471-9293 (HBO) - Last Comic Standing (NBC)
email: Production Types: Theater - Direct-to-Video - Interactive &
website: Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: War on Everyone - Blood Father - Beyond the Reach - Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Funny Farm - The Far Side of Jericho - Wildfire - Rx Sin Receta - Blind No calls. No drop-offs.
Horizon - Winter Break - Unspeakable - Baraka - Hand of Fate - The
Tao of Steve - Tortilla Heaven - Passion in the Desert - Soundman - NBCUniversal/NBC Entertainment
Nokia Listen (Industrial) - Crazy Heart - The Book of Eli - Jane Got 10 Universal City Plaza
A Gun - The Reach Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-1000
Staff: Alton Walpole (President) 3000 W. Alameda Ave.
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film Burbank, CA 91523 818-840-4444
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Inquiries by email. 30 Rockefeller Plaza
Comments: Full service production service, scheduling, budgets, New York, NY 10112
and consultation company. New Mexico Media Coorporation. website:
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive &
MWM Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV
1999 Avenue of the Stars, Ste. 3000 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-652-0999
424-777-0137 Netflix
Fax: 310-652-0718 100 Winchester Circle
email: Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-540-3700
website: 345 N. Maple Dr., Ste. 300
Credits: Ender’s Game - The Way, Way Back - Drive - From Prada Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-734-2900
to Nada - Rabbit Hole - From Prada to Nada - Green Street Hooligans Fax: 408-540-3737
- Mean Creek - The Wedding Planner - Ricochet River - Simple website:
Justice - Undead or Alive - Living Hell - Buried Alive - Suburban Credits: Arrested Development - House of Cards - Orange is
Girl - The Spirit - Green Street 2: Stand Your Ground - The Open the New Black - Bojack Horseman - Camp Takota - Derek - Happy
Road - Hostile Intent Valley - Hemlock Grove
Production Types: Film Production Types: Miniseries - Interactive & Digital Media -
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Scripted TV - Film
No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Through agents and managers only.

Myriad Pictures New Generation Films, Inc.

11845 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 850W 304 N. Edinburgh Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90064 424-372-3803 Los Angeles, CA 90048 424-272-1207
Fax: 424-372-3801 323-655-7705
email: email:
website: website:
Credits: Support the Girls - #Roxy - Shadow Girl - Goon - Margin Credits: Oy Vey, My Son Is Gay! - Crime & Punishment - Death
Call - Good Neighbors - Textuality - happythankyoumoreplease - Every Game - Days of Love - The Return from India - Open Heart
Day - Nice Guy Johnny - Alabama Moon - Elektra Luxx - Mother Staff: Evgeny Afineevsky (Co-Chairman/President/Producer),




Alexander Walker III (VP, Legal Affairs/General Counsel), Victor Doo: The Mystery Begins (Warner Premiere/CN) - Skinwalkers
Freilich (VP, Production/Producer) (Lionsgate) - Borderland (Lionsgate) - The Deaths of Ian Stone
Production Types: Theater - Music Videos - Animation - Interactive (Lionsgate) - Tamara (Lionsgate) - The Amityville Horror (MGM/
& Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Dimension) - Scooby Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster (Warner
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Premiere/CN)
Comments: Also distributes. Staff: Brian J. Gilbert (Partner), Andrew Trapani (Partner)
Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV
New Line Cinema & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 76 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. All materials must be submit-
Burbank, CA 91522 818-977-6400 ted through an agent who is signatory to the WGA.
Credits: Tag - Game Night - It - The Disaster Artist - Horrible Nuyorican
Bosses - The Rite - Hall Pass - Sex and the City 2 - Nightmare 1100 Glendon Ave., Ste. 920
on Elm Street - Valentine’s Day - The Time Traveler’s Wife - The Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-943-6600
Final Destination 3D - My Sister’s Keeper - Ghosts of Girlfriends Fax: 310-943-6609
Past - 17 Again - Friday the 13th - He’s Just Not That Into You - Four Credits: Shades of Blue - World of Dance - The Fosters - South
Christmases - Pride & Glory - Sex and the City Beach Tow - Bordertown - El Cantante - Beyond the Runway (MTV)
Production Types: Film - Borrow My Crew (MTV) - South Beach (UPN) - Dance Life (MTV)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Jennifer Lopez (Principal), Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas
(Producing Partner), Kristel Laiblin (Head of Development), Simon
New Regency Productions Fields (Producer), Aida Bernal (Director, Production), Jonathan
10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 12 Barry (Assistant to Simon Fields)
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-8300 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Reality TV -
email: Scripted TV - Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited material.
Credits: Runner, Runner - Broken City - The Darkest Hour - In
Time - What’s Your Number? - Monte Carlo - Big Mommas: Like Father O’Malley Productions
Like Son - Love and Other Drugs - Vampires Suck - Marmaduke - 21820 Burbank Blvd. #155
Fantastic Mr. Fox - They Came From Upstairs - Bride Wars - Marley Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818-884-7012
& Me - Mirrors - Meet Dave - Street Kings - What Happens in Vegas Fax: 818-884-7031
- Jumper - Alvin and the Chipmunks 1-3 - Mr. & Mrs. Smith email:
Production Types: Film website:
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Credits: Fats Domino: Walkin’ Back to New Orleans (PBS) - The
No calls. No drop-offs. Hungry Detective (Food Network) - Cocktails with Tony Essentials
(Fine Living) - Raising the Bar: America’s Best Bar Chefs - (Fine
Nick Wechsler Productions Living) - Russian Roswell (History) - Freakiest Festivals (Fire
Santa Monica, CA 90401 Living) - Extreme Sweets (Food Network) - Freakiest Foods (Fire
website: Living) - Freakiest Vacations (Fine Living) - Kid in a Candystore
Credits: The Host - Magic Mike - Last Night - Time Traveler’s (Food Network)
Wife - We Own the Night - The Road - Reservation Road - North Staff: Sean O’Malley (Principal)
Country - Requiem for a Dream - The Rapture - Drugstore Cowboy Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries
- Sex, Lies & Videotape - Reality TV
Staff: Nick Wechsler (Producer) Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Odenkirk Provissiero Entertainment
No calls. No drop-offs. 1936 N. Bronson Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-785-7700
Night & Day Pictures Fax: 323-785-7701
1601 Vine St., Sixth fl. email:
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-930-2212 website:
website: Staff: Naomi Odenkirk (Manager), Marc Provissiero (Manager),
Credits: Ball Don’t Lie - Serious Moonlight - Waitress - American Brooke Pobjoy (Manager), Eva Dickerman (Manager), Tiffany
Son Schloesser (Manager)
Staff: Michael Roiff (Producer) Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Comments: Boutique production and management company
Nine/8 Entertainment specializing in comedy.
8931 Ellis Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-253-5300 Offspring Entertainment
email: 8755 Colgate Ave.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-247-0019
Credits: The Haunting in Connecticut (Lionsgate) - Scooby Fax: 310-550-6908


TALENT AGENTS california


Credits: Rock of Ages - Going the Distance - The Last Song - 17 Credits: The Ugly Truth - Leatherheads - 27 Dresses - Breach
Again - Bedtime Stories - Hairspray - Step Up 1-4 - The Wedding - Phat Girlz - The Santa Clause 1-3 - National Security - Training
Planner - Bringing Down the House - A Walk to Remember - The Day - Gossip - Ready to Rumble - Three to Tango - Addicted to
Pacifier - Cheaper by the Dozen 2 - Premonition Love - Don Juan DeMarco - sex, lies and videotape - The Opposite
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Sex - The Thing About My Folks
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: Deb Newmyer (Producer)
No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Oops Doughnuts Productions No calls. No drop-offs.
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1507
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-936-9811 Overbrook Entertainment
Fax: 323-937-4355 Culver City, CA 90232 310-432-2400
Credits: Kevin Can Wait - Liv and Maddie - Scouts Guide to the Fax: 310-432-2401
Zombie Apocalypse - You Again - Race to Witch Mountain - The Game website:
Plan - She’s the Man - Reefer Madness - Who’s Your Daddy? - Anaconda Credits: Hala - Life in a Year - Collateral Beauty - Annie - After Earth
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film - This Means War - The Karate Kid - Seven Pounds - Lakeview Terrace
- Welcome to the Sticks - The Secret Life of Bees - Hancock - I Am
Open Road Films Legend - The Pursuit of Happyness - ATL - Ali - I, Robot - Hitch - Saving
12301 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 600 Face - Television: - The Queen Latifah Show - Hawthorne - All of Us
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-696-7575 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Bold Native - Rock the Bells - Sanford Meisner Master
Class - Beef 1&2 - Thug Angel - The Freshest Kids - Spitfire with Overnight Productions
Kool Mo Dee - 15 Mercer St., Ste. 4
Staff: Tom Ortenberg (CEO), Alexa Platt (CFO), Jason Cassidy New York, NY 10013 212-625-0530
(CMO) Fax: 212-625-0533
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Music Credits: Monte Carlo (Fox 2000New Regency) - The Lucky Ones
Videos - Direct-to-Video - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality (Lionsgate) - The Others - The Aviator - Gangs of New York - First
TV - Scripted TV - Film Born - The Departed
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Rick Schwartz (Chairman/CEO)
Production Types: Film
Original Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
11466 San Vicente Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-575-6950 OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network
Fax: 310-575-6990 1041 N. Formosa Ave.
Credits: Dead Man Down - R.I.P.D. - 21 Jump Street - Jack the West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-602-5500
Giant Slayer - Total Recall - The Change Up - Battle: Los Angeles - Fax: 323-602-5678
The Green Hornet- The Bounty Hunter - Fast and Furious 1-6 - I Am website:
Legend - Made of Honor - Prom Night - Vantage Point - Evan Almighty; Credits: Queen Sugar - Greenleaf - Love Is __ - The Haves and
TV: Save Me (NBC) - The Big C (Showtime) - Prison Break (Fox) the Have Nots - The Paynes - If Loving You is Wrong - Iyanla: Fix My
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV - Fil Life - The Book of John Gray - Ready to Love - Home Made Simple
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV
No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Original Productions Pacific Standard/Hello Sunshine

308 W. Verdugo Ave. 9720 Wilshire Blvd., Fourth Fl.
Burbank, CA 91502 818-295-6966 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-777-3119
Fax: 818-295-6923 Fax: 310-777-0150
Credits: American Hoggers - Money Barn - Are You Tougher Than email:
a Boy Scout? - Deadliest Catch - Ice Road Truckers - Ax Men - IRT: website:
Deadliest Roads - Storage Wars - Bering Sea Gold Staff: Reese Witherspoon (Producer), Jeanne Snow (Creative
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries Executive)
- Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Scripted TV
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Pandemonium
No calls. No drop-offs. 9777 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 700
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-550-9900
Outlaw Productions Fax: 310-550-9910
11054 Cashmere St. Credits: The Divide - Damascus - Rogue - 2:22 - Hacksaw Ridge
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-476-9891 - Dark Water - The New World - Coraline
email: Staff: Bill Mechanic (President/CEO), Suzanne Warren (VP,
website: Production), Madison Lee (Executive Assistant to Bill Mechanic)




Production Types: Film Credits: Material Girls - Lord of War - Sand and Sorrow
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Staff: Michael Mendelsohn (Chairman/CEO)
Production Types: Theater - Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
Pantheon Entertainment Corp. Policy: Submissions through website only.
4370 Tujunga Ave., Ste. 335
Studio City, CA 91604 818-766-6611 Paul Schiff Productions
Credits: Foster Boy - Crazy Kind of Love - The Divide - Any 9107 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 600
Day - Judy Moody & the Not Bummer Summer - Conviction - Love Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-696-2842
Kills - Working Trash - Kimberly - Basic Training - Payoff - Spiders Credits: Tenure - Solitary Man - The Air I Breathe - You Are
- Prozac Nation - Undisputed - Ballistic - Boat Trip - The Whole Ten Here - Numb - Epic Movie - Date Movie - Maid in Manhattan - My
Yards - Johnson Family Vacation - Shopgirl - Grilled - Premonition Cousin Vinny - Young Guns 1&2 - Rushmore - Black Knight - Mona
- Death Sentence Lisa Smile - Walking Tall
Staff: Andrew Sugerman (CEO), Lucy Vigil (Assistant), Jake Iorio Staff: Paul Schiff (President/Producer), Tai Duncan (VP,
(Assistant), Margot Newcomer (Assistant), Cameron Kostopoulos Production)
(Assistant), Tyler Bianchi (Assistant) Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: No unsolicited materials.
Comments: Paulist Productions
6430 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1220
Paramount Pictures Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-454-0688
5555 Melrose Ave. Fax: 310-459-6549
Los Angeles, CA 90038-3197 323-956-5000 email:
website: website:
Production Types: Film Credits: Miracle Maker - The Lost Valentine - Tyler’s Ride - A Future
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Brighter Than Any Past - Insight - Yoga Prayer - Let’s Go to Mass/
Let’s Go to Church - Saints Preserved - Stigmata - St. Peter - The
Parkes/MacDonald Productions Twelve Apostles - Romero - Healing & Prayer - The Fourth Wiseman
1663 Euclid St. - Juggler of Notre Dame - Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-581-5901 Story - Judas: Traitor or Friend - The Jesus Experience - Visions of
Fax: 310-581-5999 the Virgin - Joseph, the Silent Saint - The Apostle Paul - We Are the
Credits: Flight - Dinner for Schmucks - The Burning Plain - The Children - Prophecies of Iraq - Prophecies of Israel - James, Brother
Uninvited - Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - The of Jesus - The Big Question
Kite Runner - The Island - Time Machine Production Types: Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV
Staff: Walter Parkes (Producer), Laurie MacDonald (Producer), & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Evan Hayes (President, Production), Owen Shiflett (Head, Television), Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Carina Sposato (Story Editor), Leigh Kittay (VP, Development), Zack
Parker (Coordinator, TV) PBS
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film 2100 Crystal Dr.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Arlington, VA 22202-3785 703-739-5000
No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 703-739-0775
Participant Media Credits: American Experience - American Masters - Antiques
331 Foothill Rd., Third Fl. Roadshow - Austin City Limits - Bill Moyers Journal - History
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-550-5100 Detectives - Masterpiece Theatre - Frontline - Great Performances
Fax: 310-550-5106 - In Performance at the White House - Independent Lens - Kennedy
website: Center Presents - Live from Lincoln Center - Nature - The NewsHour
Credits: Spotlight - Contagion - Lincoln - The Help - Fair Game with Jim Lehrer - NOVA - Now - P.O.V. - Mystery! - Secrets of the
- Furry Vengeance - The Crazies - The Informant - The Cove - The Dead - Soundstage - Washington Week - Wide Angle; Children’s
Soloist - The Visitor - Standard Operating Procedure - Chicago 10 - The Programming: Arthur - Barney - Between the Lions - Clifford the Big
Kite Runner - Charlie Wilson’s War - Fast Food Nation - The World Red Dog - FETCH! - Maya and Miguel - Mister Roger’s Neighborhood
According to Sesame Street - An Inconvenient Truth - American Gun Production Types: Documentaries - Reality TV - Scripted TV
- Syriana - North Country - Good Night, and Good Luck Production
Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film Phoenix Pictures
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 10203 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste 400
No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90067 424-298-2788
Fax: 424-298-2688
Patriot Pictures, LLC website:
9065 Nemo St. Credits: Altered Carbon - The Long Road Home - The Promise -
West Hollywood, CA 90069 323-874-8850 The 33 - Black Swan - Shanghai - Shutter Island - Resurrecting the
Fax: 323-874-8851 Champ - License to Wed - Zodiac - Miss Potter - All the King’s Men
email: - Stealth - Basic - Holes - The Thin Red Line - The People vs. Larry
website: Flynt - Urban Legend - In My Country - Pathfinder - The 6th Day - Dick


TALENT AGENTS california


Staff: Mike Medavoy (Chairman/CEO), Arnold Messer (President/ Platinum Dunes
COO), Christopher Trunkey (Executive VP/CFO), Ben Anderson 631 Colorado Ave.
(Executive Vice President), Ed McGurn (VP, Production), Michael Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-394-9200
Peterson (Creative Executive) Fax: 310-319-6570
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Credits: A Quiet Place - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Friday
- Scripted TV - Film the 13th - Nightmare on Elm Street - The Unborn - The Hitcher - The
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning - The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre - The Amityville Horror
Pie Town Productions Staff: Michael Bay (Partner), Andrew Form (Partner), Brad
5433 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Fuller (Partner)
North Hollywood, CA 91607 818-255-9300 Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
818-205-0600 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Fax: 818-255-9333 No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Playtone
Credits: Chefs vs. City - Hammerheads - House Hunters - House P.O. Box 7340
Hunters International - Food Buddha Santa Monica, CA 90406 310-394-5700
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Fax: 310-394-4466
Credits: Olive Kitteridge - Game Change - Larry Crowne - The
Piller/Segan Pacific - Where the Wild Things Are - My Life in Ruins - The Great Buck
7025 Santa Monica Blvd. Howard - City of Ember - Mamma Mia! - John Adams (HBO) - Charlie
Hollywood, CA 90038 323-817-1100 Wilson’s War - The Ant Bully - Starter for Ten - Big Love - Band of
Fax: 323-817-1131 Brothers - Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3-D - The
Credits: TV: Haven (Syfy) - Greek (ABC Family) - The Dead Zone Polar Express - My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Neil Young: Heart of Gold
(USA) - Wildfire (ABC Family) - Legend - Star Trek: Voyager - Star Staff: Tom Hanks (Partner), Gary Goetzman (Partner)
Trek: Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: The Next Generation; Features: Production Types: Theater - Miniseries - Documentaries -
Sexy Evil Genius - The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day - Bickford Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Shmeckler’s Cool Ideas - Shark Tale - Swimfan - Bones - Star Trek: Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Insurrection - The Boondock Saints - The Bachelor - Saving Private No calls. No drop-offs.
Ryan - Broken Arrow - Speed
Staff: Lloyd Segan (Producer), Shawn Piller (Producer/Writer), Poor Boys Productions
AJ Mendez (Head of Development), Samantha Shipp (Associate) P.O. Box 30871
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Tucson, AZ 85751 818-445-2147
Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film email:
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Credits: The Fog
Staff: Shane Riches (Producer), Victor Riches (Creative Executive)
Pixar Animation Studios Production Types: Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
1200 Park Ave. - Scripted TV - Film
Emeryville, CA 94608 510-922-3000
Fax: 510-922-3151 POW! Entertainment
website: 9440 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 620
Credits: Cars 2 - Toy Story 1-3 - Up - WALL•E - Ratatouille - Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-275-9933
Cars - The Incredibles - Finding Nemo - Monsters, Inc. - A Bug’s Life Fax: 310-285-9955
Production Types: Animation - Film email:
Plan B Entertainment Credits: Harpies - Who Wants to Be a Superhero? - Fantastic
9150 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 350 Four - Spider-Man 2 - Mosaic - El Condor - Lightspeed - Stripperella
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-275-6135 - Time Jumper
Fax: 310-275-5234 Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV
Credits: Killing Them Softly - World War Z - 12 Years A Slave - The & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted
Tree of Life - Eat, Pray, Love - Kick-Ass - The Private Lives of Pippa TV - Film
Lee - The Time Traveler’s Wife - A Mighty Heart - Troy - Charlie Policy: Inquiries through website.
& the Chocolate Factory - Running with Scissors - Year of the
Dog - The Departed - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Pretty Pictures
Coward Robert Ford 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 500
Staff: Brad Pitt (Founder), Dede Gardner (Co-President), Jeremy Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-299-4109
Kleiner (Co-President) Credits: Show Me A Hero - The Danish Girl - Kinsey - The Shape
Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies of Things - Nurse Betty - Donnie Brasco - Quiz Show - Homicide:
- Scripted TV - Film Life on the Street
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: Gail Mutrux (Producer), Tore Schmidt (Head, Development
No calls. No drop-offs. & Productions)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film




Policy: Through agents and managers only. Credits: Turner & Hooch - Run - Snow Day - Maniac Magee - Code
of Silence - Petulia - Loving
Principal Entertainment Staff: Christine Wagner (President/Producer)
9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 500 Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-446-1466
Fax: 310-446-1566 Red Hen Productions
Credits: Five Fingers - The Last Time I Committed Suicide - The 13500 Crewe St.
Killing Yard - Monster Island (MTV) - The Hebrew Hammer - Death Van Nuys , CA 91405 818-904-0415
at a Funeral - Outreach (Pilot) Credits: Stuck - Edmond - King of the Ants - Deathbed - Dagon -
Production Types: Film Progeny - Space Truckers - The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit - Honey
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Appointments by referrals I Blew Up the Kid - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids - Fortress - Castle Freak
only. No calls. No drop-offs. - From Beyond - Dolls - The Pit and the Pendulum - Re-Animator
Staff: Stuart Gordon (Director/Writer/Producer)
Production LA Production Types: Theater - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV &
2222 N. Beachwood Dr., Ste 414 Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-701-2088 Policy: Send a brief synopsis.
email: Comments: Looking for low budget horror projects.
website: Red Om Films, Inc.
Staff: Sophie Meister (Manager & Senior Producer), Kerstin 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 500
Porter (Assistant Producer) Beverly Hills, CA 90211 347-329-2943
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Interactive Credits: Kit Kittredge: An American Girl - Samantha: An American
& Digital Media Girl Holiday - Felicity: An American Girl Adventure - Molly: An
Policy: Inquiries by mail or phone. American Girl - Mona Lisa Smile - Stepmom
Staff: Julia Roberts (Producer), Lisa Roberts Gillan (Producer),
Quadrant Pictures Marisa Yeres Gill (Producer)
8929 Rosewood Ave. Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
West Hollywood, CA 90048 424-244-1860 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Doug Davison (Producer), JV Lombardi (Creative Executive) Comments: Financed by Reliance BIG Entertainment.
Production Types: Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only. Reel World Management
5427 Villawood Circle
Radar Pictures Calabasas, CA 91302 818-880-8442
10900 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1400 website:
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-208-8525 Staff: Roma Roth (President), Chris Perry (COO)
Fax: 310-208-1764 Production Types: Film
Credits: The Box (Warner Bros.) - All About Steve (Fox 2000) - Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Writers: Email log line and
Everybody’s Fine (Miramax) - The Invention of Lying (Warner Bros.) one paragraph synopsis, along with release form on Web site,
- Swing Vote (Disney) - Twelve (Independent) - The Heartbreak Kid will contact if interested in reviewing the script. Directors: Send
(DreamWorks) - Waist Deep - Zathura - Amityville Horror - The Last demo reel and CV to mailing address along with release. Follow
Samurai - Pitch Black - Runaway Bride - Jumanji - Mr. Holland’s submission policy strictly.
Opus - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Staff: Ted W. Field (Chairman/CEO) Regent Entertainment
Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1600
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-806-4290
8411 Preston Rd., Ste. 650
RatPac Entertainment Dallas, TX 75225 214-373-3434
4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 95 Fax: 310-806-6351
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-1099 email:
Fax: 818-977-9262 website:
Credits: Horrible Bosses 2 - Hercules - Features: Tower Heist Credits: Little Ashes - Snowman’s Pass - Chupacabra: Dark
- Horrible Bosses - Codename: The Cleaner - X-Men: The Last Seas - Secret Lives - Pit Fighter - The Sisterhood - Witches of the
Stand - After the Sunset - Red Dragon - Rush Hour 1-3 - The Family Caribbean - Found - Third Man Out - Blind Injustice - Deadly Skies
Man - Money Talks; TV: Chaos - Prison Break - - Killer Bash - Tides of War - Fatal Reunion - Brittanic - Gen-Y Cops
Staff: James Packer (Chairman), Brett Ratner (CEO) - Gods & Monsters - I’ll Remember April - Nostradamus - Twilight of
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film the Golds - Kiss Me Deadly - Nuclear Hurricane - Solar Destruction
Policy: Submissions through agents and managers only. No - Ground Zero: The Deadly Shift - A Date with Murder - Total Eclipse
calls. No drop-offs. - City on Fire - Dark Skies - Something Evil Comes - Edgar Allan Poe’s
The Pit and the Pendulum - The Brotherhood 1-6
Raymond Wagner Productions Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
1801 Century Park E., Ste. 1080 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-278-1970


TALENT AGENTS california


Relativity Media, LLC Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
9242 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 300
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-724-7700 Revolution Studios
315 Park Ave. S., 18th Fl. 225 Santa Monica Blvd., Ninth Fl.
New York, NY 10010 Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-255-7000
Fax: 310-724-7701 email:
website: website:
Credits: 21 and Over - Safe Haven - Movie 43 - Immortals - Hop Credits: Rent - Hellboy - Maid in Manhattan - 13 Going on 30 - Daddy
- Limitless - Paul - Take Me Home Tonight - Sanctum - Season of Day Care - xXx: Return of Xander Cage - White Chicks - Christmas
the Witch - The Fighter - Skyline - Nanny McPhee Returns - Salt - With the Kranks - Black Hawk Down
Get Him to the Greek - MacGruber - Robin Hood - Repo Men - The Staff: Vince Totino (Chief Executive Officer), Scott Hemming
Bounty Hunter - The Wolfman - The Spy Next Door - Brothers - A (President & Chief Operating Officer), Marla Levine (General Counsel
Serious Man - Zombieland & Head of Business Affairs )
Staff: Ryan Kavanaugh (CEO), Tom Forman (CEO), Kenneth Production Types: Film
Halsband (COO), Dana Brunetti (President), Andrew Levin (President, Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Chief Legal Officers), Tamoor Shafi (Chief Digital Officer) Comments: For full credit list visit website.
Production Types: Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. River Road Entertainment
No calls. No drop-offs. 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Ste. 620N
Los Angeles, CA 90067 213-253-4610
Renee Missel Productions 4050 RBC Plaza
803 Bright Star St., Ste. A 60 S. Sixth St.,
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 310-463-0638 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-661-4050
Fax: 866-473-1313 Fax: 310-843-9551
email: website:
Credits: Resurrection - My Man Adam - Nell - Defenseless - The
Main Event - Guy - My Man Adam Credits: 12 Years a Slave - The Tree of Life - Fair Game - The
Staff: Renee Missel (Producer), Bridget Stone (Story Editor) Runaways - Food, Inc. - Into the Wild - Lust, Caution - Chicago
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film 10 - Fur - A Prairie Home Companion - Brokeback Mountain - I’m
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Going to Tell You a Secret
Staff: Bill Pohlad (Producer & CEO), Christa Zofcin Workman
Renfield Productions (COO),
c/o Sunset Gower Studios Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Film
1438 N. Gower St., #15 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only;
Hollywood, CA 90028 323-468-3940 No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 323-468-3945
email: RKO Pictures, LLC
website: 11301 W. Olympic Blvd., #510 Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-277-0707
Credits: The Hole 3D - Burying the Ex - The Howling - Gremlins 750 Lexington Ave., Ste. 2200
1&2 - Innerspace - The Burbs - Small Soldiers - Twilight Zone - New York, NY 10022 212-644-0600
Deceived - Newsies - Teaching Mrs. Tingle - Looney Tunes: Back in Fax: 310-566-8940
Action - Matinee - 2nd Civil War email:
Staff: Michael Finnell (Producer/President), Joe Dante (Director/ website:
Producer), Mark Alan (VP), T. L. Kittle (VP, Television), Danny Mears Credits: Barely Lethal - A Late Quartet - Top Hat - Are We Done
(Creative Executive), Chris Condon (Story Editor) Yet? - Mighty Joe Young - Beyond a Reasonable Doubt - Ritual
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Staff: Ted Hartley (Chairman/CEO), Steven Tolman (Assistant
- Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film to Ted Hartley)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Revelations Entertainment
2240 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 125 Robert Cort Productions
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-394-3131 The Lot
Fax: 310-394-3133 1041 N. Formosa Ave.
website: Santa Monica E. Bldg. #108
Credits: Through the Wormhole (Seasons 1-2) - 30 for 30 the West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-850-2644
Sixteenth Man - Invictus - The Maiden Heist - The Code - Feast of Credits: On the Basis of Sex - Mr. Holland’s Opus - Save the Last
Love - 10 Items or Less - Along Came a Spider - Bopha! - Mutiny - Dance 1 & 2 - Runaway Bride - Harlan County War - Against the
Under Suspicion - Levity Ropes - Something the Lord Made - Im Winter ein Jahr -
Staff: Morgan Freeman (President/Actor/Producer)Production Staff: Robert Cort (Producer), Carlen Palau (Creative Executive),
Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted Erin Larsen (Creative Executive)
TV - Film Production Types: Film




Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: Documentaries - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Resume/demo/links by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
The Robert Evans Company Comments: Unscripted projects from all genres.
5555 Melrose Ave.
Lubitsch Bldg., Ste. 117 Roth Films
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-956-8800 2900 W. Olympic Blvd., Third Fl.
Fax: 323-862-0070 Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-255-7000
Credits: Chinatown - The Cotton Club - The Saint - The Godfather Credits: Oz: The Great and Powerful - Snow White and the
1&2 - How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Sliver Huntsman - Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton)
Staff: Robert Evans (Chairman), Jennifer Howard (Producer), Staff: Joe Roth (Producer), Palak Patel (President, Production),
Henri M. Kessler (Producer), James Sikura (Director, Development) Dennis Stratton ( Vice President, Production), Jayme Carr (Assistant
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV - Film to Joe Roth)
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Production Types: Film
No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Roberts/David Films, Inc.
3371 Glendale Blvd., Ste. 301 Rough House
Los Angeles, CA 90039 323-574-1700 c/o Mandate Pictures
323-574-1800 1724 Whitley Ave.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-469-3161
Credits: Water & Power - My Ride Rules - The Car Chasers - The Staff: Brandon James (President), Danny McBride (Producer),
CoverUp - Ghostly Lovers - Danika - Dark Ride - Strangers with David Gordon Green (Producer), Jody Hill (Producer), Alexander
Candy - Extreme Dating - Outta Time - Poor White Trash - Eastside Uhlmann (VP, Production)
- Plump Fiction Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Staff: Lorena David (Partner), Mark Roberts (Partner), Max Velez Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
(Director, Development)
Production Types: Documentaries - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Route One Films
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 127 Broadway, Ste. 220
Santa Monica, CA 90401 424-274-4360
Rocket Entertainment website:
16 Fleet St., #2 Credits: The Circle - Colossal - Landline - Tallulah - Free State
Venice, CA 90292 310-612-6767 of Jones - Secret in Their Eyes - Equals - The Last Knights - A Walk
website: in the Woods
Credits: Boogeyman 1&2 - The Lather Effect - Terry Tate Office Line Staff: Russell Levine (Co-Founder & CEO), Jeffrey W. Ubben
Backer - Inside - George Lucas in Love - Peepshow - (Co-Founder & Chairman), Todd Traina (Partner/Producer), Rachel
Front to Back - List - Show Clair (Executive Assistant)
Staff: Gary Bryman (Producer) Production Types: Film - Scripted TV - Interactive & Digital Media
Production Types: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media Policy: We do not accept blind script submissions.
- Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Comments: Produces films in the $5-$30M range, television,
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. and games.

Ronald Suppa Productions, Inc. Rubicon Entertainment

32063 Canterhill Pl. 130 S. Beaudry Ave., Ste. D
Westlake Village, CA 91361-4817 818-879-1383 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-481-7400
email: Fax: 213-481-7474
Credits: Riding the Edge - Defense Play - Paradise Alley - Maui email:
Heat - Because He’s My Friend - Magee and the Lady - No Room to website:
Run - Puzzle - Shimmering Light - Barnaby and Me Credits: Rubicon Entertainment has developed formats for
Staff: Ronald Suppa (Writer/Producer), Josh Elbaum (Producer/ NBC, FOX, CBS, FX, Lifetime, Discovery, and Google. Rubicon’s TV
Foreign Sales), Eric Harrington (Development Executive) credits include Scrabble Showdown (The Hub), Starface (GSN),
Production Types: Film Instant Comedy with the Groundlings (FX), National Lampoon’s
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Funny Money (GSN), Rock Your World (MTV), Be Careful What You
Wish For (NBC), Amblush (Lifetime), Wed at First Sight (Universal
Rose and Lincoln Entertainment TV), The Outer Limits Phenomenon
269 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 441 Staff: Pat Finn (Executive Producer), Jana Morgan (VP,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-921-0665 Development), Stephanie Raye Finn (VP, Production), Greg Reimink
310-909-3036 (Editor)
email: Production Types: Commercials - Reality TV - Scripted TV Policy: No unsolicited materials.
Staff: Mary Donovan-Stawiarski (Executive Producer), Andrew Ryan Murphy Television
Stawiarski (Executive Producer) 5555 Melrose Ave., Chevalier Bldg.


TALENT AGENTS california


Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-956-5000 Fax: 323-871-4418
10201 W. Pico Blvd. Credits: Major Crimes (TNT) - Longmire (A&E) - Trust Me (TNT) -
Los Angeles, CA 90064 State of Mind (Lifetime) - The Closer (TNT) - Popular - Brutally Normal
Fax: 323-862-2121 - Bailey’s Mistake (ABC/MOW) - Nip/Tuck (FX) - The D.A. (ABC)
Credits: The New Normal (NBC) - American Horror Story (FX) - Glee Staff: Greer Shephard (Executive Producer/Owner), Michael
(Fox) - The Glee Project (Oxygen) - Nip/Tuck (FX) - Popular (The WB) Robin (Executive Producer/Owner)
Staff: Ryan Murphy (Principal), Dante Di Loreto (President), Production Types: Scripted TV
Thomas Kuehl (Producer), Garrett Greer (Manager, Development) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Scripted TV No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Shine America
1741 Ivar Ave.
The Sanitsky Company Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-790-8000
806 N. Elm Dr. Fax: 323-790-8399
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-274-0120 Credits: The Face - The Bridge (FX) - Breakthrough with Tony
Fax: 310-274-0049 Robbins - Losing It - Masterchef - Gigantic - Tabatha’s Salon
Credits: America (Lifetime) - Robert Ludlum’s The Hades Factor Takeover - The Buried Life - Kath and Kim - Do Not Disturb - Shear
(CBS) - The Pennsylvania Miners’ Story (ABC) - Blessings (CBS) - Genius - Identity - Ugly Betty - The Restaurant - Coupling - Nashville
Open House (CBS) - Riding the Bus with My Sister (CBS) - A Very Star - Blow Out - Adrenaline X - The Office - The Biggest Loser - 30
Married Christmas (CBS) Days - Date My Mom
Staff: Larry Sanitsky (President) Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media -
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Reality TV - Scripted TV
- Scripted TV Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: Through agents and managers only.
Shoe Money Productions
Scott Free Productions 3000 Olympic Blvd., Ste. 2325
634 N. La Peer Dr. Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-264-4271
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-360-2250 email:
310-659-1577 Credits: Manhattan - Pan Am - Mr. Sunshine - Invasion - Jack &
42-44 Beak St. Bobby - The West Wing - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Life on Mars
London, England W1F 9RH Staff: Thomas Schlamme (Principal/Producer), Julie DeJoie
Fax: 310-360-2251 (Head, Production)
Credits: Features: - Killing Jesus - Prometheus - The Grey - Cracks Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
- Unstoppable - Tell-Tale - Welcome to the Rileys - The Taking of Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Pelham 123 - The A-Team - Cyrus - Robin Hood - The Assassination No calls. No drop-offs.
of Jesse James - American Gangster - A Good Year - Domino - In
Her Shoes - Kingdom of Heaven - Man on Fire - Black Hawk Down Shondaland
Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Animation - Sunset Gower Studios
Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality 6040 Sunset Blvd.
TV - Scripted TV - Film Bldg. 1, Second Fl.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Hollywood, CA 90028 323-468-8103
Unsolicited scripts will be returned unread. Credits: Station 19 - For The People - Still Star-Crossed - The
Catch - How To Get Away With Murder - Scandal - Grey’s Anatomy
Scout Productions - Private Practice - Off the Map
175 E. Olive Ave. Ste. 200 Staff: Shonda Rhimes (Writer/Producer)
Burbank, CA 91502 323-933-6030 Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 323-933-6050 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
email: No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: The Antonio Treatment - Big Ideas for a Small Planet Shoreline Entertainment, Inc.
- Sordid Lives - Transsiberian - How to Get the Guy - The Fog of 400 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 210
War - Session 9 - Dead Dog - Private Lies - Mr. Death - Six Ways Beverly Hills, CA 90212
to Sunday - Home Before Dark - Never Met Picasso - First Person email:
(IFC/Bravo) - Queer Eye - Knock First - Queer Eye for the Straight website:
Girl - Ding Dong Feng Shui Credits: Glengarry Glen Ross - Price of Glory - The Visit - The Man
Production Types: Documentaries - Interactive & Digital Media from Elysian Fields - Marilyn Hotchkiss’ Ballroom Dancing & Charm
- Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film School - Weirdsville - The Signal - High Life - Master Harold & the Boys
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Morris Ruskin (CEO), Sam Eigen (EVP), Melody Djavadi
(VP, Acquisitions)
The Shephard/Robin Company Production Types: Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-
5300 Melrose Ave., Ste. 225E TV & Cable Movies - Film
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-871-4412 Policy: Does not accept unsolicited material unless majority of




the budget is in place. Staff: Joel Silver (Chairman), Hal Sadoff (CEO), Rodney Ferrell
(President), Ethan Erwin (Executive VP, Production), Aaron Auch
Sidney Kimmel Entertainment (Senior VP, Production), Sarah Meyer (Senior VP, Production),
1548 16th St. Stephen Bender (VP, Finance), Pam Martin (VP, Operations)
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-777-8818 Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 310-777-8892 Policy: No unsolicited materials.
website: SilverCreek Entertainment
Credits: Brad’s Status - The Book of Henry - Hell or High Water - Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 818-378-4278
The Age of Adeline - Sleeping with Other People - Walk of Shame - I, email:
Frankenstein - Last Love - All is Bright - Stand Up Guys - The Place website:
Beyond the Pines - Gone - Parker - Lincoln Lawyer - One for the
Money - Death at a Funeral (Remake) - Management - Adventureland Credits: 2020 - Like Mother/Like Son: The Strange Story of Sante
- Synecdoche, New York - Lars and the Real Girl - The Kite Runner - and Kenny Kimes - The Shield - Gideon’s Crossing - L.A. Doctors
Married Life - Charlie Bartlett - Neverwas - United 93 Staff: Larry Garrison (President)
Staff: Sidney Kimmel (Chairman/CEO), Richard Lewis (CFO) Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Made-for-TV
Production Types: Film & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Silvers/Koster Productions, LLC
Sigh Griffin Creative 353 S. Reeves Dr., PH
P.O. Box 17824 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-991-4736
Beverly Hills, CA 90208 Fax: 310-284-5797
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Sigh Griffin (President/Producer) Credits: Hugo Pool - Dead End - My Gardener - Meet Me in Miami
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film - Mustang Sally’s Horror House
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Staff: Tracey Silvers (Chairman), Iren Koster (President), Karen
calls. No drop-offs. Corcoran (VP, Development), Louis Koyatch (VP, Finance)
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Animation -
Signature Films Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital
Burbank, CA 818-645-5636 Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
website: Simon West Productions
Credits: Double Jeopardy - Payback - A Stolen Life - Your Chance 8942 Wilshire Blvd.
to Dance - Millennium Dance Complex Instructional Series Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-288-8000
Staff: Robert Baker (Owner/Producer), 5555 Melrose Ave.
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted Dressing Room Bldg., Ste. 109
TV - Film - Reality TV - Miniseries - Documentaries, Direct-to-Video Hollywood, CA 90038 323-956-8994
Policy: Concepts/Treatments by email or through agent. website:
Credits: The Mechanic - When a Stranger Calls - Black Hawk
Signature Pictures Down - Con Air - The General’s Daughter - Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
8285 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 7 - Human Target (Fox/Warner Bros.) - Revolution (Syfy) - Keen
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-848-9005 Eddie (Paramount/Fox) - Harry Green and Eugene (Paramount/
Fax: 323-848-9305 ABC) - Close to Home (Warner Bros. TV/CBS) - Split Decision
email: (Paramount/The CW)
website: Staff: Simon West (Director/Producer), Jib Polhemus (President,
Credits: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt - It’s Alive - Til Death - Production)
Tristan & Isolde - Imaginary Heroes - Hairy Tale - The Lords of Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Dogtown - Extreme Ops - The Musketeer - Maximum Risk - Time Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Cop - Double Team - The Body - Feardotcom - Spartan - Sound of
Thunder - The Black Dahlia Sixth Sense Productions
Staff: Moshe Diamant (Producer), Illana Diamant (Producer), 269 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 1297
James Portolese (Production Executive) Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-247-2790
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Film Fax: 310-247-2791
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. email:
Silver Pictures Entertainment website:
2434 Main St. Staff: Richard Harding (President/CEO)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-566-6100 Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Reality TV -
Fax: 310-566-6188 Scripted TV - Film


TALENT AGENTS california


Policy: Send logline and a one paragraph one page synopsis of Snowfall Film Inc.
script to scripts email. Burbank, CA 91506 818-516-9781
Skydance Productions
5555 Melrose Ave. Credits: Undertaking Betty - The Calling - Time Toys - Seance - The
Dean Martin Bldg., Second Fl. Chaperone - Candy Stripers - Jericho Mansions - Bailey’s Billions
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-956-9900 - The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things - Portal
1661 Lincoln Blvd. Staff: Suzanne Lyons (Producer)
Santa Monica, CA 90404 Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV &
Fax: 323-956-9001 Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: Jack Reacher - The Guilt Trip - Mission Impossible: Ghost Sonar Entertainment
Protocol - True Grit (remake) 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Ste. 2150
Production Types: Film Los Angeles, CA 90067 424-230-7140
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 212-977-9001
Fax: 212-977-9049
Smart Entertainment email:
9595 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900 website:
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-205-6090 Credits: Das Boot - Mr. Mercedes - Taboo - The Son - The Hunt -
Fax: 310-205-6093 Weird City - Lorena - Shannara - The Thirteenth Hour
email: Production Types: Miniseries - Scripted TV - Film
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Beverly Hills Chihuahua - Blades of Glory (DreamWorks/
Paramount) - The Ringer - First to Go - Married to It - Bingo - Anger Sony Pictures Entertainment
Management - My Boss’s Daughter 10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Staff: John Jacobs (President), Zac Unterman (Director, Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-4000
Development), James Krane (Executive Assistant) website:
Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
& Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted Policy: Through agents and managers only.
TV - Film
Comments: Comedy, thrillers and horror; Jacobs Entertainment: Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions
personal management for writers, directors and animators Group
A Sony Pictures Entertainment Company
Smokehouse Pictures 10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 818-432-0330 Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-4000
Fax: 818-432-0337 Fax: 310-244-2626
Credits: Suburbicon - Our Brand is Crisis - Money Monster website:
- Monuments Men - Ides of March - Memphis Beat (TNT) - The Staff: David Steinberg (Executive VP, Legal), Michael Helfand
American - Leatherheads - The Men Who Stare at Goats (Executive VP, Business Affairs), Steven Bersch (President), Lauren
Staff: George Clooney (Principal), Grant Heslov (Partner), Sarah Craniotes (VP, Production)
Shepard (President, Television), Kerry Foster (President, Features), Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Film
Michael Finfer (VP, Development), Hannah Fasick (Coordinator Film/ Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
TV), Alec Meacham (Development Assistant) Comments: Also distributes under the Stage 6 Films label.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Spacedog Entertainment
No calls. No drop-offs. 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 2110
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-775-6375
Sneak Preview Entertainment, Inc. Fax: 310-444-9384
6705 W. Sunset Blvd., Second Fl. Credits: The Covenant (Screen Gems)
Hollywood, CA 90028 323-962-0295 Staff: Mark Kauffman (Creative Executive), Heather Noonan
Fax: 323-962-0372 (Director, Marketing), Meredith Bunche (Director, Account
email: Management), Lauren Perry (Production Coordinator)
website: Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Credits: Baggage Claim- 500 Days of Summer - Our Family Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Wedding - The Secret Lives of Dorks - Beautiful Loser - The Civilization
of Maxwell Bright - A Dennis the Menace Christmas - Twin Falls Spyglass Entertainment
Idaho - Relax, it’s Just Sex! - Hellbent - Circuit 245 N. Beverly Dr.
Production Types: Film - Scripted TV - Direct-to-Video - Made- Beverly Hills, CA 90210
for-TV & Cable Movies website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: No Strings Attached - The Dilemma - The Tourist - Dinner
for Schmucks - Get Him to the Greek - Leap Year - Invictus - GI Joe:
Rise of the Cobra - Star Trek - Four Christmases - Wanted - The




Happening - The Love Guru - 27 Dresses - Welcome Home Roscoe Credits: Gardens of the Night - What Goes Up - Triple Dog
Jenkins - Underdog - Balls of Fury - Evan Almighty - The Invisible - The Staff: Edie Robb (President), R.D. Robb (Partner)
Lookout - 8 Below - Memoirs of a Geisha - The Legend of Zorro - The Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Gary Barber (Co-Chairman/Founder), Roger Birnbaum
(Co-Chairman/CEO), Jose Gutierrez (CEO/CFO) Stephen Pevner, Inc.
Production Types: Film 382 Lafayette St., Eighth Fl.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. New York, NY 10003 212-674-8403
Comments: Spyglass Entertainment has scaled back its opera- Fax: 212-529-3692
tions but still manages the library. email:
Credits: In the Company of Men - Your Friends & Neighbors -
St. Amos Productions Nurse Betty - Possession - Bash - Jennifer Hudson: Live in Concert
3480 Barham Blvd., Ste. 108 - Schwarzwald: The Movie You Can Dance to - Black Rose Tango
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-850-9872 Staff: Stephen Pevner (Producer), Mike Peyton (Co-Producer),
Credits: Jake in Progress (ABC) - The Beach Boys (ABC) - Grown Evan Ross Katz (Development Associate), Caryn Waechter (In-House
Ups - Thieves (ABC) - The Virgin Chronicles (MTV) - Martin & Lewis Video Production)
(CBS) - The Two Mr. Kissels (Lifetime) Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Theater -
Staff: John Stamos (Producer/Actor), Bret Slater (President Documentaries - Music Videos - Direct-to-Video - Interactive &
of Production), Marc Alexander (Producer/Writer/Development) Digital Media - Film
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
- Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Email query first. Storyline Entertainment
100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 9128, Ste. E
Starz, LLC Universal City, CA 91608
9242 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 200 Fax: 323-210-7263
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 424-204-4110 email:
2950 N. Hollywood Way website:
Third Fl., Credits: How To Succeed (Broadway) - Promises, Promises
Burbank, CA 91505 818-748-4000 (Broadway) - Drop Dead Diva (Lifetime) - The Bucket List - Hairspray
521 Fifth Ave., Ste. 1900 - Empire - Chicago - The Music Man (ABC) - Annie - Footloose - The
New York, NY 10175 212-905-4200 Beach Boys - The Three Stooges - Life with Judy Garland: Me and
8900 Liberty Circle My Shadows - Martin and Lewis (CBS) - Lucy (CBS)
Englewood, CO, 80112 720-852-7700 Staff: Craig Zadan (Executive Producer), Neil Meron (Executive
fax: 720-852-8555 Producer), Mark Nicholson (Head, Development)
website: Production Types: Theater - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies -
Credits: Spartacus: War of the Damned - Da Vinci’s Demons Scripted TV - Film
Black Sails - Magic City - Spartacus: Gods of the Arena - Spartacus: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Blood & Sand - Boss - Torchwood: Miracle Day - Camelot - Party
Down - Gravity - Crash Storyscape Entertainment
Production Types: Miniseries - Commercials - Documentaries - 345 N. Maple Dr., Ste. 140
Animation - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 323-688-1862
& Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film 323-688-1870
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: John Tucker Must Die - Sleepover - Medical Investigation
State Street Pictures - Mr. Woodcock
8075 W. Third St., Ste. 306 Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive &
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-556-2240 Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 323-556-2242 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Features: Beautyshop - Roll Bounce - Soul Food - Men
of Honor - Barbershop 1&2; TV: Barbershop - Soul Food Studio 71
Staff: Robert Teitel (Producer), George Tillman Jr. (Director), Ryan 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1050
Jones (Story Editor), Jason Veley (Assistant to George Tillman, Jr.), Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-370-1500
Michael Flavin (Assistant to Bob Teitel & Rene Rigal) Fax: 323-370-1555
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film email:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Staff: Dan Weinstein (Managing Partner), Scott Weller (Chief
Station 3 Revenue Officer), Tracey Tague (Vice President (Brand Marketing
1051 N. Cole Ave., Ste. B & Sponsorship)), Federico Blanco (Executive), Francis Ramsden
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-848-4334 (Project Manager (Digital)), Corey Crossfield (Digital Coordinator),
300 W. 55th St., Ste. 5L Jason Espiritu (Digital Coordinator)
New York, NY 10019 212-245-3250 Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media
Fax: 323-848-4161 Policy: Through agents and managers only.
website: Comments: Specializes in digital content creation and man-


TALENT AGENTS california


agement. Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Miniseries - Made-for-TV &
Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Studio Lambert Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
6060 Center Dr., Fourth Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 90045 424-732-6631 T’Keyah Crystal Keymáh, Inc.
1 Denmark St. 10061 Riverside Dr., Ste. 714
London, England WC2H 8LP +44 (0)20 3040 6800 Toluca Lake, CA 91602 818-745-5614
Fax: 424-732-6699 email:
email: website:
website: Credits: Some of My Best Friends - T’Keyah Live - Don’t Get
Credits: The Pitch - Undercover Boss - Diamond Divers - The Me Started - Sellout
Fairy Jobmother - Mel B: It’s a Scary World Staff: T’Keyah Crystal Keymah (President/CEO)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Theater - Scripted
- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Posts
will be made when talented is wanted.
STX Entertainment
1100 Glendon Ave. Tall Girls Productions
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-742-2300 500 S. Buena Vista St.
website: Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-5311
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Staff: Melissa Rosenberg (Principal), Kate Schumaecker
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. (President), Jenna Reback (Coordinator), Emmy Pickett (Assistant)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Suntaur Entertainment Policy: Through agents and managers only.
1581 N. Crescent Heights Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-656-3800 Talpa Media
email: 15000 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 202
Credits: Features: Skills Like This - A Force of One - The Octagon - Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 310-659-9377
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey - In Too Deep - Maxie; TV: Laurel Avenue Fax: 310-659-9527
(HBO) - Grand Avenue (HBO); Under One Roof (CBS) - Save the Dog email:
(Disney Channel) - Casebusters - On Thin Ice website:
Staff: Paul Aaron (President/CEO), Zac Sanford (VP, Development) Staff: Tim van Rongen (CEO), Stijn Bakkers (CEO)
Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Animation Production Types: Scripted TV
- Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Tamara Asseyev Productions, Inc.
Comments: Independent fund for movies under 5 million Santa Barbara, CA 805-570-3200
Symbolic Entertainment Credits: Norma Rae - Big Wednesday - I Wanna Hold Your Hans
233 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 100 - Drive In, Paddy - The Wild Racers - A Month by the Lake - TV:
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-899-1076 Penalty Phase
Fax: 866-844-8543 Staff: Tamara Asseyev (Producer), Constance Mead (Assistant
email: to Producer)
website: Production Types: Theater - Miniseries - Documentaries -
Credits: The Beat - Zerophilia - The Nickel Children - Drone Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Virus - Flourish - Cosmic Radio Policy: By email only.
Staff: Jason Peterson (Executive Producer), Logan Mulvey
(Development), Derek Stiller (Finance) Tami Lynn Productions
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Interactive 20411 Chapter Dr.
& Digital Media - Film Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-804-8264
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Fax: 818-888-8267
Symphony Pictures, Inc. Credits: Healing Heroes - Kiss of Fire - Claudine’s Return - Jesse
Los Angeles, CA 90303 310-656-9040 - Vibrations - Given a Chance... A Little Girl’s Journey - Given a
email: Chance... I’m Just Like You Staff: Tami Lynn (President/Producer)
Credits: Nearlyweds - Royally Ever After - National Lampoon’s Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
Pucked - Seduced by a Thief - Clover Bend - Da - Nightbreaker - Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Judgment in Berlin - She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal - Target Comments: Partnership with Prodigy Productions
Earth - Doomsday Man - Above Suspicion - Whacked! - Warbirds
- Home of the Giants The Tannenbaum Company
Staff: William R. Greenblatt (President), Kat Green (Producer) 4024 Radford Ave., Bungalow 16




Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-7181 Production Types: Scripted TV
Fax: 818-655-7193 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Young & Hungry - The Odd Couple - The OG - Rob! - Friend
Me - Running Wilde - Brothers - Sit Down, Shut Up - Notes from the Temple Hill Entertainment
Underbelly - Two and a Half Men 9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 801
Staff: Eric Tannenbaum (Producer), Kim Tannenbaum (Producer), West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-270-4383
Jason Wang (Creative Affairs), Mike Dussault (Development Fax: 310-270-4395
Manager), Amanda Tomasetti (Development Coordinator) Credits: Safe Haven - The Twilight Saga - 10 Years - Everything
Production Types: Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Must Go - Dear John - Management - The Nativity Story
Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film Staff: Marty Bowen (Partner), Wyck Godfrey (Partner), Larry
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Gilbert (Sr. VP, Television), Isaac Klausner (Senior VP, Production
No calls. No drop-offs. & Development), Jaclyn Klausner (Creative Executive)
Production Types: Film
Team Downey Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
1311 Abbott Kinney Blvd. No calls. No drop-offs.
Venice, CA 90291 310-450-5100
website: Ten Thirteen Productions
Credits: Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows - Sweet Tooth Santa Monica, CA
Staff: Robert Downey Jr. (Producer), Susan Downey (Producer), P.O. Box 900
David Gambino (President), Amanda Burrell (President, Production), Beverly Hills, CA 90213
Evan Moore (Creative Executive) Credits: The X-Files - The Lone Gunmen - Millennium - Harsh Realm
Production Types: Film Staff: Chris Carter (Executive Producer), Mary Astadourian (VP),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Gabe Rotter (Director, Development), Brad Follmer (Assistant to
Chris Carter)
Teddy Zee Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
P.O. Box 480322 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-666-1836
email: Thunder Road Pictures 1411 Fifth St., Ste. 400
Credits: Quantum Quest - Saving Face - West 32nd - Life or Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-573-8885
Something Like It - Asian Excellence Awards - Ivy Dreams - Pursuit Credits: John Wick - Wrath of the Titans - The Town - Lost
of Happyness - Hitch Boys 3 - The Expendables - Brooklyn’s Finest - Clash of the Titans
Staff: Teddy Zee (Producer) (Remake) - We Are Marshall - Firewall - Alexander the Great - Welcome
Production Types: Scripted TV to Mooseport - Basic - K-19
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Telemundo Network Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
100 Universal City Plaza No calls. No drop-offs.
City Walk Bldg. 4525, Ste. 2A,
Universal City, CA 91608 818-622-4055 (Marketing) Timberman/Beverly Productions
2470 W. Eighth Ave. Los Angeles, CA 91604 424-329-8470
Hialeah, FL 33010 305-884-8200 Credits: Unbelievable - SEAL Team - The Code - Masters of Sex -
800-688-8851 Hindsight - The Odd Couple - Elementary - Justified - Unforgettable
website: - A Gifted Man - Kidnapped
Credits: Primetime: El Corazon Insiste - La Reina Del Sur - Los Staff: Sarah Timberman (Principal), Carl Beverly (Principal), Chris
Herederos Del Monte - Aurora - Alguien te Mira - Caso Cerrado Leanza (EVP, Development & Current Programming)
Estellar - El Fantasma de Elena - Victorinos - Donde Esta Elisa - Perro Production Types: Scripted TV
Amor - Mas Sabe el Diablo - Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso - Rostro de Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Analia - Amores de Luna - 12 Corazones - La Traicion - Victoria - No calls. No drop-offs.
Pecados Ajenos; Daytime: Levantate
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Interactive & TLC
Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film c/o Discovery Communications
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 1500
Comments: Original Novelas, News, Entertainment, Sports, Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-551-1611
Variety. 850 Third Ave., 10th Fl.
New York, NY 10022
Telepictures Productions website:
3500 W. Olive Ave., Tenth Fl. Credits: 90 Day Fiancé - 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? - 90
Burbank, CA 91505 818-972-0777 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days - 90 Day Fiancé: What Now? - 90
website: Day Fiancé: The Other Way - Counting On - Seeking Sister Wife - My
Credits: Lopez Tonight - The Ellen DeGeneres Show - Extra - Judge Big Fat Fabulous Life - I Am Jazz - My 600-lb Life - Family by the
Mathis - The People’s Court - TMZ - Judge Jeanine Pirro Ton - Dr. Pimple Popper
Staff: Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries


TALENT AGENTS california


- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV Konrad (Producer), Adam Karasick (Executive, Features & TV),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Zak Salehipour (Assistant)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
TNT Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
3500 W. Olive Ave., 15th Fl. No calls. No drop-offs.
Burbank, CA 91505 818-729-7300
1050 Techwood Dr. N.W. Treehouse Films
Atlanta, GA 30318 404-827-1700 4450 Lakeside Dr., Ste. 225
website: Burbank, CA 91505 818-260-8707
Credits: Animal Kingdom - Good Behavior - Will - Claws - The Fax: 818-260-0440
Alienist - The Last Ship - The Librarians - Major Crimes - Screen Credits: Swing Vote - Mr. Brooks - Open Range - Thirteen Days
Actors Guild Awards - iHeart Radio Music Awards - Dances with Wolves - The Bodyguard - Wyatt Earp - Message in
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Scripted TV a Bottle - Head Above Water - Encore Presentation: 500 Nations
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Kevin Costner (Founder/Partner), Jasa Abreo (Creative
Tollin Productions Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries -
3702 Eureka Dr. Documentaries - Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted
Studio City, CA 91604 818-755-3000 TV - Film
Fax: 818-755-3056 Policy: Through agent or manager only.
Credits: TV: The Franchise - The Bronx Is Burning - Bonds on Comments: Includes Treehouse Films division
Bonds - Crumbs - Inconceivable - I’m with Her - One Tree Hill - What I
Like About You - Smallville - The Nick Cannon Show - The Nightmare TriCoast Studios
Room - The Amanda Show - Arli$$ - Kenan & Kel - All That; Film: 11124 W. Washington Blvd.
Wild Hogs - The Shaggy Dog - Dreamer - Coach Carter - The Perfect Culver City, CA 90232 310-458-7707
Score - Radio - Big Fat Liar - Hardball - Summer Catch - Varsity Fax: 310-204-2450
Blues - Good Burger email:
Staff: Mike Tollin (President), Laura Gleeson (Director,
Development) website:
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Credits: XCorps - South of Nowhere (TV); Features: The Pet - The
No calls. No drop-offs. Set Up - Escape from Atlantis - Madison - The Proposition - The Pact;
Direct-to-Video/DVD: Freestyle - Now That’s Funny - Art of Knitting
Tony Jonas Productions Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries -
2934-12 Beverly Glen Circle, Ste. 800 Commercials - Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV
Los Angeles, CA 90077 323-804-0970 & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: Empire - Queer as Folk - Leap Years - Lost at Home Policy: Through agent or attorney only; Looking for packaged
Staff: Tony Jonas (President) scripts that will work in the international marketplace
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Tricor Entertainment
1613 Chelsea Rd.
Top Cow Productions, Inc. San Marino, CA 91108 626-356-4646
3545 Motor Ave., Third Fl. Fax: 626-356-3646
Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-282-8062 email:
email: website:
Credits: Wanted - A-Team - Witchblade Credits: Shortcut to Happiness - The Bridge of San Luis Rey -
Staff: Bryan Rountree (Managing Editor), Marc Silvestri (CEO/ Extreme Days - The Amati Girls - Carlo’s Wake - The Homecoming
Founder), Matt Hawkins (President/COO) of Jimmy Whitecloud -
Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV - Film Staff: Craig Darian (Co-Chairman/CEO), Howard Kazanjian
Policy: No unsolicited submissions except for art by email. (Co-Chairman), Sally Austin (Executive VP, Business Affairs),
Comments: Interactive Games William E. Wegner Esq. (General Counsel), Jordan Darian (Director,
Tree Line Film Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
1708 Berkeley St. Policy: Submissions through major agencies or entertainment
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-883-7220 lawyers.
Fax: 310-883-7227
Credits: Film: Knight & Day - 3:10 to Yuma - Walk the Line - The Trillium Productions, Inc.
Sweetest Thing - Kate & Leopold - Girl, Interrupted - Things to Do P.O. Box 360
in Denver When You’re Dead - Beautiful Girls - Citizen Ruth - Kids Bedford Hills, NY 06840 914-244-0137
- Wide Awake - Scream 1-3 - Cop Land - Identity; TV: Vegas (CBS) Fax: 914-244-0197
- Men in Trees (ABC) Credits: South Pacific - Sarah Plain and Tall 1-3 - Serving in
Staff: James Mangold (Writer/Director/Producer), Cathy Silence - Journey - Ballad of Lucy Whipple - Baby - Do You Mean




There Are Still Real Cowboys? - Broken Hearts, Broken Homes - Donald J. Trump Presents The Ultimate Merger - Love That Girl
Staff: Glenn Close (President), Nancy Evans (Executive Assistant) - Unsung - Life After - The Black List: 100 Greatest Power Moves -
Production Types: Commercials - Film Murder in Black and White - Let Freedom Sing: How Music Inspired
Policy: No unsolicited submissions the Civil Rights Movement - Party Boyz - TV One Roast & Toast - The
Funny Spot - G. Garvin Road Tour - Baisden After Dark - Black Men
Trilogy Entertainment Group Revealed - Bill Bellamy’s Who’s Got Jokes
1207 Fourth St., Ste. 400 Staff: Bonnie Hammer (Chairman, NBCUniversal), Alfred Liggins
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-656-9733 (President/CEO), Brad Siegel (President), Jay Schneider (Executive
Fax: 310-424-5816 VP, Operations), Jody Drewer (Executive VP/CFO, TV One), Michelle
email: Rice (Executive VP, Affiliate Sales & Marketing), Peggy Byrd (Sr.
Credits: Features: - Just Buried - The Dangerous Lives of Altar VP, Integrated Marketing), Linda Finney (Sr. VP, Marketing (NY)),
Boys - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - Backdraft - Blown Away - Moll Rahsan Lindsay (Sr. VP, Advertising , Sales & Marketing), Monica Neal
Flanders - Larger Than Life - Tank Girl - The Kiss; TV: Outer Limits (Sr. VP, Public Relations), D’Angela Proctor (Sr. VP, Programming &
- The Magnificent Seven - The Twilight Zone - Carrie - Breaking Production (LA)), Renee Beck (VP, Creative Services), Paul Duong (VP,
News - Houdini Programming & Scheduling), Jeff Meza (VP, Integrated Marketing
Staff: John Watson (Partner), Pen Densham (Partner), Alex (NY)), Kinyette Newman (VP, Production Management ), Seeta Zieger
Daltas (President, Production), Nevin Densham (Creative Executive/ (VP, West Coast Advertising Sales), Robyn Arrington-Greene (Sr.
Head, Development, Project X), Howard Han (Creative Consultant) Director, Original Programming & Production), Craig Henry (Director,
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Original Programming & Production), Jubba Seyyid (Sr. Director,
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Original Programming & Production (LA)), Tia Smith (Director,
Original Programming & Production), Lamar Chase (Manager,
Troma Entertainment, Inc. Original Programming & Production)
36-40 11th St. Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Reality TV -
Long Island City, NY 11106 718-391-0110 Scripted TV
Fax: 718-391-0255 Policy: See website.
website: Twentieth Century Fox
Credits: Poultrygeist - Toxic Avenger Series - Citizen Toxie - 10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Terror Firmer - Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD - Tromeo & Juliet - Cannibal! Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-1000
The Musical - Rowdy Girls - Def by Temptation - Decampitated - website:
Bloodsucking Freaks - Tales from the Crapper - Suicide - Trailer Town Credits: Tooth Fairy - Date Night - Marmaduke - The A-Team
Staff: Lloyd Kaufman (President), Michael Herz (VP), Matt - Knight and Day - Predators - Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps -
Manjourides (DVD & TV Sales), Renzo Adler (Press & Public Relations) Machete - Unstoppable - Gulliver’s Travels - Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Production Types: Documentaries - Music Videos - Direct-to- - X-Men: First Class - Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Video - Interactive & Digital Media - Film Production Types: Film
Policy: Email for more information Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Tungsten Media Ventures Twentieth Century Fox - Fox

2355 Westwood Blvd., Ste. 117 Searchlight Pictures, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-441-1496 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 38
Credits: Point Break - Odd Thomas - Conan the Barbarian - Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-1000
Ultraviolet - The Mexican - Stark Raving Mad - Simon Birch - Deep website:
Rising - The Adventures of Huck Finn; TV: Oliver Twist Credits: My Name is Khan - Our Family Wedding - Just Wright -
Staff: John Baldecchi (CEO, Producer), Jay Judah (Creative Cyrus - Never Let Me Go - Conviction - 127 Hours - Black Swan - Win
Executive) Win - Cedar Rapids - The Tree of Life - The Art of Getting By - Snow
Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Made-for-TV & Cable Flower and the Secret Fan - Another Earth
Movies - Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Policy: No unsolicited materials.
No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: East Coast office: 1211 Sixth Ave., 16th Fl., New
York, NY 10036
Turner Entertainment Group
1050 Techwood Dr. N.W. Twentieth Century Fox Television
Atlanta, GA 30318-5604 404-827-1500 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 103
website: Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-369-1000
Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries - Animation - Made- Credits: Modern Family - Bones - Raising Hope - Bob’s Burgers -
for-TV & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV How I Met Your Mother - Family Guy - The Cleveland Show - American
Dad - Glee - Futurama - The Simpsons - Sons of Anarchy - The
TV One, LLC Glades - Burn Notice - White Collar- Allen Gregory - Napoleon
1010 Wayne Ave. Dynamite - Terra Nova - Breakout Kings
Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-755-0400 Staff: Dana Walden (Co-Chairmen, Fox Television Group), Gary
website: Newman (Co-Chairmen, Fox Television Group), Robert Barron (CFO/
Credits: Ki-Ci & Jojo...Come Clean - LisaRaye: The Real McCoy Executive VP), Howard Kurtzman (President, Business Operations,


TALENT AGENTS california


Twentieth Century Fox Television), Sharon Klein (Executive VP, Burbank, CA 91505 818-841-0243
Casting), Jim Sharp (Executive VP, TV Production), Jonathan Davis email:
(President, Creative Affairs), Steven Melnick (Sr. VP, Marketing), Marci Credits: Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 - Willing to Kill: The Texas
Proietto (Sr. VP, Animation Prod. & Development), Eileen Ige (Sr. VP, Cheerleader Story
Production Finance), Casey Kyber (VP, Drama Development), Mike Staff: Alan Stepp (Producer), James Allen Bradley (Producer)
Walsh (Sr. VP, Finance), Chris Alexander (EVP, Communications & Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable
Publicity), Mark Pearson (EVP, Brand Mgmt and Digital), Jonathan Movies - Film
Harris (Sr. VP, Legal Affairs), Vibiana Molina (EVP, Business & Legal Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Affairs), Craig Hill (Sr. VP, Production TCFTV), UnJu Paik (Sr. VP,
Intellectual Property), Michael Thorn (President, Entertainment Underground
FBC), Liz Paulson (Sr. VP, Casting), Steve Sicherman (Sr. VP, Current 1180 South Beverly Dr., Ste 509
Programming), Dana Sharpless (Sr. VP, Current Programming), Los Angeles, CA 90035 323-930-2588
Lisa Katz (Consultant), Ward Hake (VP, TV Creative Music), Carol 323-930-2569
Farhat (VP, TV Music & Feature AFM Advisertising), Sharon Merle- Fax: 323-930-2334
Lieberman (SVP, Marketing & Promotions), Nissa Diederich (Sr. VP, website:
Television Production), Carolyn Cassidy (EVP, Current Programming), Credits: Remember Me (Summit) - All About Steve (Fox 2000)
Chloe Dan (SVP, Drama Development), Shari Rosenblum (Sr. VP, - Zoom (Sony/Revolution) - Urban Legend 2 - Santa Baby (ABC
Publicity), Ron Partilla (Executive Director, Production Safety), Family) - License to Wed (Warner Bros.)
Mike Posey (VP, Production), Christine Walker (Executive Director, Staff: Trevor Engelson (Partner/Producer/Manager), Josh
Legal Affairs), Nathan Haga (Temporary VP, Production Finance), McGuire Turner (Manager/Producer), Noah Rothman (Manager/
Jan Kunesh (VP, Production Accounting), Ryan Keating (Executive Producer), Chris Dennis (Manager/Producer), Steven Fisher
Director, On-Air Planning), Jonathan Goldstein (VP, Production), (Manager/Producer), Chelsea Moore (Assistant/Trainee), Chris
Traci Colwell (Director, Finance Admin), Sally Badii (VP, Business Reid (Assistant/Trainee), Melisa Baloglu (Assistant/Trainee)
Affairs Administration), Kottie Kreischer (Director, Awards & Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Direct-to-Video -
Special Events), Lindsey C. Kasabian (VP, Casting), Terrence Carter Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
(EVP, Development), Cheryl Dolins (SVP, Comedy Development), Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Jeremy Summers (EVP, Television Music), Albert Page (VP Drama Comments: Also represents actors, directors and writers.
Production Types: Scripted TV Undertow Films
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 2010 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1000
Los Angeles, CA 90057 213-989-1800
Twentieth Television email:
2121 Avenue of the Stars Staff: Matt Renner (Co-CEO/Executive Producer), Dan Ilani
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-369-1000 (Co-CEO/Executive Producer), Ethan Prochnik (COO/Executive
212-556-2400 Producer), Kirby Williamson (VP, Production), Alex Durham
Fax: 310-369-1718 (Supervising Editor), Chris Kugelman (Co-Executive Producer)
website: Production Types: Documentaries - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Are You Smarter Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Than a 5th Grader? - Don’t Forget the Lyrics! - How I Met Your
Mother - Judge Alex - Divorce Court - Cops - King of the Hill - The Unified Pictures
Simpsons - Reba - Family Guy - Boston Legal - Bones - The Unit - My 19773 Bahama St.
Name is Earl - American Dad - Family Guy - Glee - Modern Family Northridge, CA 91324 818-576-1006
Staff: Marisa Fermin (Executive VP, Business & Legal Affairs/ Fax: 818-534-3347
Business Development), Paul Franklin (Executive VP/General Sales email:
Manager, Broadcast), Steve MacDonald (Executive VP/General Sales website:
Manager, Basic Cable), Joe Oulvey (Executive VP, Sales), Stephen Credits: Bob Funk - Don’t Move - Noah’s Ark - 55 Holly Star - XII
Brown (Sr. VP, Programming & Development), Lori Bernstein-Baker - The Perfect Sleep
(Sr. VP, Business & Legal Affairs, Business Development), Ken Doyle Staff: Keith Kjarval (Founder/President), Kurt Rauer (Founder/
(Sr. VP/National Sales Manager), Jerry Jameson (Sr. VP, Sales, President, Operations), Tim Montijo (Founder/President, Post
Western Region), Jodie Rea (Sr. VP, Credit & Sales Administration), Production), Lois Ungar (CFO), Larry Olmstead (SVP Business
Tannya Gast (Sr. VP, Sales, Southwest Region), Richard DuMont Development), Tyler Jackson (Development & Production), Ben
(Sr. VP, Advertising & New Media), Bruce Bower (VP/Controller, Ruffman (President, Production), Steve Goldstein (President,
Financial Reporting & Accounting), Shannon Keating (VP, Domestic Business Development), Shaun Clapham (Marketing & Creative
Distribution), Eileen O’Neill (VP, Station Relations), Scott Roth (VP, Director)
Sales, Northeast Region), Mark Granieri (VP, Planning) Production Types: Film
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Comments: East Coast office: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, 21st Universal Content Productions
Fl., New York, NY 10036 100 Universal City Plaza
Bldg. 1440, 14th Fl.
Two Stepp Productions Universal City, CA 91608 212-664-4444
2717 W. Clark Ave. 818-777-1000




Fax: 212-703-8533 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-288-3535 email:
Credits: Brairpatch (USA) - Brave New World (USA) - Dare Me website:
(USA) - Pearson (USA) - Queen of the South (USA) - Treadstone Credits: The Duff - The Choking Game -
(USA) - Resident Alien (SYFY) - Harmonquest (VRV) - Mr. Robot Staff: Lane Shefter Bishop (CEO), Gene Masse (CTO), Elizabeth
(USA) - The Sinner (USA) - The Purge (USA) - Suits (USA) - The Tichenor (Development Executive), Heidi Hilliker (Executive
Umbrella Academy (Netflix) Assistant)
Production Types: Miniseries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
- Scripted TV Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Comments: Specializes in Book-to-Screen adaptations. DGA,
Academy of Television Arts and Sciences affiliated.
Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza Vertigo Entertainment
Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-1000 1151 N. Highland Ave.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-5350 Fax: 310-278-5295
Production Types: Animation - Film Credits: Run All Night - The Boy - Lego Batman - Poltergeist
Policy: Through agents and managers only. (Remake) - The Uninvited - Possession - Quarantine - The Strangers
- Shutter - My Sassy Girl - The Eye - Invasion - The Grudge 1&2 - The
USA Network Departed - The Lake House - Eight Below - Dark Water - The Ring
100 Universal City Plaza, 14th Fl. 1&2 - MTV’s I’m with Rolling Stone
Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-6898 Staff: Roy Lee (Producer), Adam Stone (President, Production),
30 Rockefeller Plaza, 21st Fl. Michael Connolly (Head, Television)
New York, NY 10112 212-664-4444 Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 212-703-8533 Policy: No unsolicited materials.
website: A Very Good Production
Credits: Chrisley Knows Best - Colony - The Cromarties - Miz & c/o Warner Bros.
Mrs - Mr. Robot - The Purge - Queen of the South - Real Country 4000 Warner Blvd.
- Shooter - The Sinner - Suits - Suits Spinoff (untitled) - Unsolved Bldg. 19, Second Fl.
Production Types: Miniseries - Reality TV - Scripted TV Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-6700
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Ellen DeGeneres (Principal), Jeff Kleeman (President),
Rachel Abarbanell (VP, Development)
Valhalla Entertainment Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Animation - Reality
3201 Cahuenga Blvd., W. TV - Scripted TV - Film
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-850-3030 Policy: No unsolicited submission.
Fax: 323-850-3038
email: VH1
website: 2600 Colorado Ave.
Credits: The Walking Dead - The Punisher: War Zone - The Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-752-8000
Incredible Hulk - Aeon Flux - Hulk - Dick - Terminator 1&2 - Aliens 1515 Broadway
- Armageddon - Tremors - Dante’s Peak - Clockstoppers - Water New York, NY 10036 212-846-7800
Dance - No Escape - Abyss - Safe Passage - Virus - The Punisher - website:
The Wronged Man - Last Man Standing Credits: ep - Fantasia for Real 2 - Best Week Ever - Brooke Knows
Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies Best 2 - Charm School 3 - For the Love of Ray J 2 - New York Goes to
- Scripted TV - Film Work - Real & Chance: The Legend Hunters - Real Chance of Love
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 2 - Rock Docs - I Want to Work for Diddy 2 - My Antonio - The T.O.
Show - Tool Academy 3
Vantage Enterprises, Inc. Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
3724 Vantage Ave. - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Studio City, CA 91604 818-509-8967 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Brothers at War - Hollywood’s Best Kept Secrets - Convict
Cowboy - The Lazarus Man - Black Fox - Orleans - National Desk - Viacom Inc.
The Lot - Darkness at High Noon: The Carl Foreman Documents 1515 Broadway
- American Valor New York, NY 10036 212-258-6000
Staff: Norman S. Powell (Partner), Ellen Levine (Partner) website:
Production Types: Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV
& Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Staff: Sumner M. Redstone (Founder/Executive Chairman)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries -
Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital
Vast Entertainment Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
9903 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 145


TALENT AGENTS california


View Askew Productions, Inc. Rene Rigal (CCO), Rebecca Farrell (VP Business Management/
P.O. Box 93339 Artists Relations), Rob Walker (CFO), Sean Horvath (Chief Marketing
Los Angeles, CA 90093 323-969-9423 Officer), Jessica Carroll (Marketing Coordinator), Shawnna Earnest
Fax: 323-969-9008 (Human Resources), April Boulter (Controller), Judy Michael (Risk
email: Management), Suzanne Bowman (Business Affairs)
Credits: Zack and Miri Make a Porno - Jay and Silent Bob Strike Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality
Back - Dogma - Mallrats - Chasing Amy - Jersey Girl - Clerks 1&2 TV - Scripted TV - Film
Staff: Kevin Smith (President), Scott Moiser (VP), Meghan Quinlan Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
(Assistant to Kevin Smith)
Production Types: Film Virtual Matter
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Los Angeles, CA 310-283-7111
+31 (0) 61 61 21 976
Village Roadshow Pictures email:
10100 Santa Monica Blvd. website:
Ste. 200, Los Angeles Credits: 10 Things I Hate About You
Los Angeles, CA 90067 Staff: Seth Jaret (CEO/Producer), Matt Grenewetzki (Assistant
email: to Seth Jaret)
website: Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: Ocean’s 8 - Ready Player One - The 15:17 to Paris - The Policy: See website.
House - King Arthur - Going in Style - Fist Fight - Collateral Beauty - Comments: Also publishes authors.
The Magnificent Seven - Sully - The Legend of Tarzan - The Brothers
Grimsby - Concussion - In the Heart of the Sea - Goosebumps - San Voltage Pictures
Andreas - Mad Max: Fury Road - Jupiter Ascending - American 116 N. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 200
Sniper - Annie - The Judge - The Equalizer - Into the Storm - Edge Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-606-7630
of Tomorrow - Winter’s Tale - The LEGO Movie - The Great Gatsby - Fax: 323-315-7115
Gangster Squad - Dark Shadows - The Lucky One - Sherlock Holmes: email:
A Game of Shadows - Happy Feet Two - Life As We Know It - Legend website:
of the Guardians - Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore - Sex Credits: A Many Splintered Thing - The Necessary Death of
and the City 2 - Sherlock Holmes - Where the Wild Things Are - Yes Charlie Countryman - Don Jon - Thanks for Sharing - The Company
Man - Gran Torino - Nights In Rodanthe - Get Smart - Speed Racer - I You Keep - Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden - Killer
Am Legend - The Brave One - The Invasion - No Reservations - License Joe - The Hurt Locker
to Wed - Ocean’s Thirteen - Lucky You - The Reaping - Music and Staff: Alissa Phillips (Producer), Nicolas Chartier (CEO), Craig
Lyrics - Unaccompanied Minors - Happy Feet - The Lake House J. Flores (President, Voltage Productions), Corrie Rothbart (CFO),
- Firewall - Rumor Has It… - Dukes of Hazzard - Charlie and the Jonathan Deckter (President/COO), Zev Foreman (President,
Chocolate Factory - House of Wax - Miss Congeniality 2 - Constantine Production), John Fremes (President, International Sales &
- Ocean’s Twelve - Catwoman - Taking Lives - Torque - Matrix Distribution), Babacar Diene (VP, Acquisitions and Development),
Revolutions - Mystic River - Matrix Reloaded - Dreamcatcher - Two Scott Bedno (VP, International Sales & Distribution), Dom Rustam
Weeks Notice - Analyze That - Ghost Ship - Pluto Nash - Eight Legged (SVP of Production, Voltage Pictures), Michael Wickstrom (Manager,
Freaks - Showtime - Queen of the Damned - The Majestic - Ocean’s Royalties/Clip & Music Clearance), Katie Katz (International
Eleven - Training Day - Zoolander - Hearts in Atlantis - Don’t Say A Marketing & Publicity), James MacLean (International Operations),
Word - Cats & Dogs - Swordfish - Exit Wounds - See Spot Run - Down JJ Meyers (Coordinator, Development)
to Earth - Saving Silverman - Valentine - Miss Congeniality - Red Production Types: Film
Planet - Space Cowboys - Gossip - Three to Tango - Three Kings - Deep Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Blue Sea - The Matrix - Analyze This - Practical Magic No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Steve Mosko (CEO, Village Roadshow Entertainment Group),
Bruce Berman (Chairman/CEO, Village Roadshow Entertainment Walden Media
Pictures), Shannon Hawes Perry (Senior VP, Reality and Production 1888 Century Park E., Ste. 1400
Services, Village Roadshow Entertainment Group), Kevin Berg Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-887-1000
(General Counsel) Fax: 310-887-1001
Production Types: Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Credits: Wonder - The Star - A Dog’s Purpose - The Resurrection
of Gavin Stone - The BFG - Everest - The Giver - Parental Guidance
Virgin Produced - Chasing Mavericks - Won’t Back Down - Waiting for Superman -
12575 Beatrice St. Ramona & Beezus - Tooth Fairy - Bandslam - City of Ember - Journey
Playa Vista, CA 90066 310-941-7300 to the Center of the Earth 1&2 - The Chronicles of Narnia 1-3 - Nim’s
email: Island 1&2 - The Water Horse - Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium - The
website: Seeker - Bridge to Terabithia - Charlotte’s Web - Amazing Grace - How to Eat Fried Worms - Hoot - I Am David - Because of Winn-Dixie -
Credits: Limitless - Immortals - 21 and Over - That Awkward Aliens of The Deep - Around the World in 80 Days - Holes - Ghosts
Moment - Jobs - Movie 43 - Machine Gun Preacher of the Abyss - Pulse: A STOMP Odyssey
Staff: Jason Felts (CEO), Justin Berfield (Head, Programming), Staff: Frank Smith (CEO), Ryan Jones (CFO), Balazs Laszlo
Tobin Armbrust (President, Production & Worldwide Acquisitions), (SVP, Business & Legal), Ben Forrer (SVP, Physical Production),




Naia Cucukov (SVP, Development & Production), Debbie Kovacs Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
(SVP, Publishing), Andy Rackauskas (VP, Controller) 4000 Warner Blvd.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Burbank, CA 91522-0001 818-954-6000
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Comments: Parent company is Anschutz Film Group. Staff: Kevin Tsujihara (CEO), Edward A. Romano (Vice Chairman),
Sue Kroll (President, Worldwide Marketing & Distribution), Scott
The Walt Disney Company Phelan (Group Information Officer), Veronika Kwan Vandenberg
500 S. Buena Vista St. (President, Worldwide Distribution), Richard J. Fox (Executive VP,
Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-1000 International (Beijing)), Lynne Frank (Executive VP, International
website: Marketing), Thomas Gewecke (Chief Digital Officer/Executive VP,
Staff: Robert Iger (Chairman), Bob Chapek (President, Walt Disney Strategy & Business Development), Kim Williams (Executive VP/CFO),
Consumer Products), James Rasulo (Sr. Executive VP/CFO), Alan N. Juli Goodwin (Executive VP, Domestic Publicity), Reginald Harpur
Braverman (Sr. Executive VP/General Counsel/Secretary), Zenia (Executive VP, Operations & Planning), Mark Kaufman (Executive
Mucha (Executive VP, Corporate Communications), Jayne Parker VP, Theatre Ventures), Dee Dee Myers (Executive VP, Worldwide
(Executive VP/Chief Human Resources Officer), George Bodenheimer Corporate Communications & Public Affairs), Blair Rich (Executive VP,
(President, ESPN, Inc. & ABC Sports/Co-Chairman, Disney Media Worldwide Marketing), John Rogovin (Executive VP/General Counsel),
Networks), Anne Sweeney (Co-Chair, Disney Media Networks/ Jessica Schell (Executive VP/General Manager, Home Entertainmnet),
President, Disney-ABC Television Group), Andy Bird (Chairman, Walt Lance Volland (Executive VP, International Publicity), Kiko Washington
Disney International), Thomas O. Staggs (Chairman, Walt Disney (Executive VP, Worldwide Human Resources), Deborah Lincoln (Sr.
Parks & Resorts), James Pitaro (Co-President, Disney Interactive VP, International Corporate Communications (London))
Media Group), John Pleasants (Co-President, Disney Interactive Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to-
Media Group/General Manager, Playdom), John Lasseter (Chief Video - Scripted TV - Film
Creative Officer, Walt Disney & Pixar Animation Studios/Principal Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Creative Advisor, Walt Disney Imagineering)
Production Types: Film Warner Bros. Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522-0001 818-954-6000
Walt Disney Studios 1325 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd. Fl.
500 S. Buena Vista St. New York, NY 10019 212-636-5000
Burbank, CA 91521-0001 818-560-1000 Fax: 818-954-7367
website: website: Staff: Lisa Gregorian (Executive VP/CMO), Laura Valan (Executive
Credits: Winnie the Pooh - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger VP, Finance & Administration), Scott Rowe (Sr. VP, Worldwide
Tides - Cars 2 Communications), Jay Levine (VP, Business Planning), Peter Roth
Staff: Alan Horn (Chairman), Alan Bergman (President, The (President and Chief Content Officer)
Walt Disney Studios), Sean Bailey (President, Walt Disney Studios Production Types: Scripted TV
Motion Picture Production), John Lasseter (Chief Creative Officer, Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Walt Disney & Pixar Animation Studios/Principal Creative Advisor,
Walt Disney Imagineering), Jamie Voris (Chief Technology Officer), Weed Road Pictures
Dr. Ed Catmull (President, Walt Disney & Pixar Animation Studios), 4000 Warner Blvd., Bldg. 81, Ste. 115
Bob Cavallo (Chairman, Disney Music Group), Thomas Schumacher Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-3771
(President, Disney Theatrical Group), Bob Chapek (President, Fax: 818-954-3061
Walt Disney Consumer Products), Mitchell Leib (President, Music Credits: Fair Game - Jonah Hex - Hancock - I Am Legend - Mr. &
Soundtracks, The Walt Disney Studios), Chris Montan (President, Mrs. Smith - Constantine - Starsky & Hutch - Lost in Space - Deep
Walt Disney Music), Jeff Miller (President, Worldwide Post Production Blue Sea - The Losers - Fair Game - Paranormal Activity 2
& Operations, The Walt Disney Studios), Greg Brandeau (CTO/ Staff: Akiva Goldsman (Producer/Principal), Matt Schwartz
Executive VP, The Walt Disney Studios), Christine Cadena (Sr. VP, (VP, Film & Television)
Multicultural Initiatives, The Walt Disney Studios), Carolyn Wilson Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
(Sr. VP, Human Resources), Paul Roeder (VP, Global Communications) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Animation - Film No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Weller Productions
Warner Bros. Animation Beverly Hills, CA 90212 818-755-4800
411 N. Hollywood Way Fax: 818-755-4820
Burbank, CA 91505 818-977-8700 website:
website: Credits: Reality Binge (Fox Reality) - Your Reality Checked
Staff: Peter Roth (Chairman), Sam Register (President), Peter (Fine Living) - Beyond the Da Vinci Code (Documentary) - That’s
Girardi (Executive VP, Alternative Programming), Ed Adams Clever! - Bar-B-Que with Bobby Flay - Strictly Dr. Drew - Look What
(Executive VP), Jay Bastian (Senior VP, Series), Audrey Diehl I Did! (HGTV) - Hangar 18 (History Channel) - John Lithgow’s
(Senior VP, Series) Paloozaville - The TurnAround (CNN) - Chefography (Food Network)
Production Types: Animation - Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV - Film - The Talk with Amber Madison (Broadband)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Robb Weller (Executive Producer)


TALENT AGENTS california


Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries - Wake
- Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV Staff: Susan Landau Finch (Producer/Writer), Henry LeRoy
Policy: Contact via phone. No drop-offs. Finch (Director/Writer), Elissa James (Development/Assistant)
Production Types: Documentaries - Film
Wendy Finerman Productions Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
11812 San Vicente Blvd., Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-694-8088 Wildwood Enterprises, Inc.
Fax: 310-694-8088 725 Arizona Ave., Ste. 306
Credits: P.S. I Love You - The Devil Wears Prada - FairyTale: A Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-451-8050
True Story - Stepmom - Forrest Gump - The Fan - Sugar & Spice - Credits: Lions for Lambs - Quiz Show - A River Runs Through
Drumline - Surrender, Dorothy It - Ordinary People - The Horse Whisperer - The Legend of Bagger
Staff: Wendy Finerman (Producer), Lisa Zupan (VP) Vance - The Slums of Beverly Hills - The Motorcycle Diaries - The
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film Conspirator
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Robert Redford (Owner), Bill Holderman (Producer)
Production Types: Film
Whitewater Films Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
11264 La Grange Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-575-5800 Wind Dancer Films
Fax: 310-575-5802 6255 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 860
email: Hollywood, CA 90028 310-601-27202
website: 6255 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1100
Credits: Kabluey - Nearing Grace - Mean Creek - Halloween: Hollywood, CA 90028
Resurrection - Bad Boys - American Dreamer - Life Goes on - 200 W. 57th St., Ste. 60
According to Greta New York, NY 10019
Staff: Rick Rosenthal (President), Nick Morton (Producer), Bert 38 Commerce St.
Kern (Assistant), Max Lavine (Assistant) New York, NY 10014 212-765-4772
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Fax: 310-601-2725
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Credits: What Women Want - Where the Heart Is - Firelight - Home
Wild At Heart Films Improvement - Thunder Alley - Soul Man - Walker Payne
868 W. Knoll Dr., Ste. 9 Staff: Matt Williams (Principal), David McFadzean (Principal),
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-855-1538 Dete Meserve (President), Judd Payne (Head, Production), Rusty
Fax: 310-855-0177 Tracy (VP of Animation)
Credits: American Primitive - Kimjongilia - Angels in the Dust Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
(Participant Productions) - Jackpot - Northfork - In and Out Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: James Egan (CEO/Producer/Writer/Professor), Jess
Kreusler (Creative Executive, Motion Pictures & TV), Alison Winkler Films
Womby (Creative Executive, Documentaries & TV), Tammy Hirata 190 N. Canon Dr., Ste. 500
(Creative Executive, Documentaries), Jewell Sparks (Head, Strategic Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-858-5780
Development) Fax: 310-858-5799
Production Types: Documentaries - Animation - Made-for-TV website:
& Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted Credits: The Net 2.0 - Trespass - Home of the Brave - Rocky
TV - Film - Goodfellas - Raging Bull - The Right Stuff - The Net - At First
Policy: See website. Sight - Life as a House - The Shipping News - Enough - De-Lovely
Staff: Irwin Winkler (CEO), Jill Cutler (President), Charles Winkler
Wild West Picture Show Productions (Director/Producer), David Winkler (Producer)
c/o Universal Pictures Production Types: Miniseries - Scripted TV - Film
1210 N. La Brea Ave. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
West Hollywood, CA 90038 818-777-1000323-462-5400 No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Wolf Films, Inc.
Credits: TV: - Undeniable with Joe Buck - F is for Family - FILM: - 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 2252
The Internship - The Dilemma - Couples Retreat - Four Christmases Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-6969
Staff: Vince Vaughn (Producer), Victoria Vaughn (Producer), Fax: 818-866-1446
Sandra J. Smith (Executive) Credits: Chicago Fire - Chicago P.D. - Chicago Med - Chicago
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Scripted TV - Film Justice - Stars Earn Stripes - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Policy: Through agents and managers only. - When You’re Strange - Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - Law &
Order - Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Law & Order: Los Angeles
Wildwell Films Staff: Dick Wolf (Chairman/CEO), David Brownfield (Executive
4940 W. Melrose Hill St. VP, Programming), Peter Jankowski (President/COO), Arthur
Los Angeles, CA 90029 323-467-7515 Forney (Head, Postproduction), Rick Eid (Executive Producer), Matt
Credits: Spirit of ‘76 - Bram Stoker’s Dracula - Traveling Light Olmstead (Executive Producer), Derek Haas (Executive Producer),




Michael Brandt (Executive Producer), Tony Ganz (Development, Andrew Stearn (President, TV), Amelia Granger (Executive VP,
Features) Film), Sheeraz Shah (VP, Business & Legal Affairs), Christine Conley
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film (Director of Development), Lucas Webb (VP, Development), Sarah
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Jane Wright (Head, Physical Production)
No calls. No drop-offs. Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
The Wolper Organization No calls. No drop-offs.
4000 Warner Blvd.
Bldg. 28, Ste. 2300 World International Network
Burbank, CA 91522-0001 818-954-1421 1171 S. Robertson Blvd., #166
Fax: 818-954-1593 Los Angeles, CA 90035 323-549-9797
website: Fax: 323-549-9711
Credits: Bates Motel - Sybil - God or the Girl (A&E) - Penn & email:
Teller: Off the Deep End (NBC) - LA Confidential - Murder in the Credits: The Perfect Nanny - The Perfect Wife - Yesterday’s
1st - Surviving Picasso - Thornbirds - Roots - Mists of Avalon - Children - Blind Obsession - Rain - A Mother’s Testimony - She’s
Queen - Penn & Teller: Bullshit - Helter Skelter - Stephen King’s No Angel - Living with Fear - Seduced by a Thief - Redemption of
Salem’s Lot - North and South - Snow Wonder - Instant Beauty the Ghost - Cloverbend - Perilous - Spirit
Pageant (E!) - The Year Without a Santa Claus (NBC) - War on Drugs Staff: Larry Gershman (Chairman/CEO)
(Showtime) - Bait Car (truTV) Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film
Staff: Mark M. Wolper (President & Executive Producer), Kevin Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Nicklaus (Senior Vice President, Development), Michael Ewing
(Director, Development & Production) World of Wonder Productions
Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Made-for-TV 6650 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 400
& Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted Hollywood, CA 90028 323-603-6300
TV - Film Fax: 323-603-6301
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. email:
No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: TV: Million Dollar Listing - All the Right Moves - Being
Wonderland Sound and Vision Chaz - Tattoo School - Wishful Drinking - Tori & Dean - Fantasia for
8739 W. Sunset Blvd. Real - Man Shops Globe - The Fabulous Beekman Boys - Rupaul’s
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-659-4451 Drag Race - Rupaul’s Drag U - Heli-Loggers; Film: Becoming Chaz
Fax: 310-659-4482 - Inside Deep Throat - Party Monster - The Eyes of Tammy Faye
Credits: Features: - I Feel Pretty - The Babysitter - The Duff - Staff: Fenton Bailey (Executive Producer/Co-Director), Randy
Playing It Cool - Before We Go - Three Days to Kill - This Means Barbato (Executive Producer/Co-Director), Thomas Wolf (CFO),
War - Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins - We Are Marshall Chris Skura (Head, Production), Tom Campbell (Head, Development),
(Warner Bros.) - Stay Alive - Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle - TV: - Michelle Palmer (Production Manager), Theresa Sloweski (Controller)
Leathal Weapon (FOX) - Shadowhunters (Freeform) - Mysteries of Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries -
Laura (NBC) - Nikita (CW) - Human Target (FOX) - Chuck (NBC) - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Supernatural (The CW) - The O.C. (Fox) - The Mountain - Fastlane Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
(FOX) - The Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Pussycat No calls. No drop-offs.
Doll (CW) - The Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious (The CW)
Staff: McG (Principal), Mary Viola (President, Film & TV), Steven Worldwide Pants, Inc.
Bello (VP), Corey Marsh (Executive) 1697 Broadway
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - New York, NY 10019 212-975-5300
Scripted TV - Film 323-575-5600
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Fax: 212-975-4780
No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: The Knights of Prosperity - Strangers with Candy - The
Working Title Late Late Show - Everybody Loves Raymond - The Late Show with
9720 Wilshire Blvd., Fourth Fl. David Letterman - Ed
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-777-3100 Staff: Rob Burnett (President/CEO), David Letterman
26 Aybrook St. (Comptroller), Lee Gabler (Consultant (LA))
London, Uk W1U 4AN 310-777-3100 Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Fax: 310-777-5243 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Les Misérables - Anna Karenina - Big Miracle - Contraband WWE Studios
- A Serious Man - The Soloist - State of Play - Frost/Nixon - Burn 12424 Wilshire Blvd., #1400
After Reading - Definitely, Maybe - Atonement - Hot Fuzz - United 93 Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-481-9370
- Shaun of the Dead - Love Actually - Thirteen - About a Boy - Bridget Fax: 310-481-9369
Jones’s Diary - O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Billy Elliot - High Fidelity website:
Staff: Tim Bevan (Co-Chairman), Eric Fellner (Co-Chairman),
Angela Morrison (COO), Ali Loewy (President, Production (U.S.)), Credits: Brother’s Blood - That’s What I Am - The Chaperone


TALENT AGENTS california


- Legendary - Knucklehead - 12 Rounds - Behind Enemy Lines: Fax: 310-273-9217
Columbia - The Marine - The Condemmned - See No Evil Credits: Alice in Wonderland - Clash of the Titans - Sweeney
Staff: Michael Luisi (President), Bradley Buchanan (Senior Todd - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Big Fish - Road to
VP, Business & Legal Affairs), Jason Lieb (VP, Post Production), Perdition - Planet of the Apes - Deep Impact - The Verdict - Cocoon
Richard Lowell (VP, Development & Production), Deepa Krishna - The Sting - Driving Miss Daisy - Jaws - Rush - True Crime - Rules of
(Senior Director, Studio Operations & Business Development), Engagement - Academy Awards 2000 - Reign of Fire
Stephen Dorsey (Global Marketing Manager), Lori Lewis (Controller, Staff: Richard D. Zanuck (Producer), Lili Fini Zanuck (Producer/
Production Finance), Shawn Montgomery (Coordinator, Post Director), Brenda Berriford (Assistant to Richard D. Zanuck), Aubrie
Production & Distribution), Ramzi Essaid (Coordinator, Acquisitions Artiano (Assistant to Lili Zanuck)
& Development) Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Zodiak Americas
Yellow Brick Road, Inc. 520 Broadway, Ste. 500
1655 26th St., First Fl. Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-460-4490
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-401-5475 100 Sixth Ave., 12th Fl., Ste. 12-50
Fax: 310-401-5860 New York, NY 10013
Credits: Killing Lincoln - The Office - The Tudors - Ugly Betty Fax: 310-460-4494
- The Philanthropist website:
Staff: Teri Weinberg (Principal), Jordan Edelsetin (Assistant) Credits: Killer Karaoke - Celebrity Wife Swap - Being Human
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - - Lizard Lick Towing - Hardcore Pawn - Wife Swap - Real Deal -
Scripted TV Combat Pawn
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Jonny Slow (CEO), Mike Gamson (CEO, Zodiak New York),
Tony Yates (CEO, Zodiak Los Angeles), Shelia Cabano (COO, Zodiak
Your Face Goes Here New York), Joel Karsberg (CCO), Andy Lennon (COO/CFO), Juan
1041 N. Formosa Ave., SME 97 Maldonado (CCO, Latin America), Cem Yeter (CCO)
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-850-2433 Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries -
Credits: Banshee - True Blood - Towelhead Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital
Staff: Alan Ball (Writer/Producer), Christina Jokanovich Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV
(Executive), Peter Macdissi (Executive), Hilary Zaitz (Executive) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Production Types: Scripted TV No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Comments: Zodiak Americas is the North, Central and South
Zachary Feuer Films American operation for Zodiak Media. With offices in Los Angeles,
9348 Civic Center Dr., Third Fl. New York, Miami, Bogota, Sao Paolo, and Mexico City, the division’s
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-729-2110 production companies produce across all genres, including series
Fax: 310-820-7535 such as Secret Millionaire (ABC), Celebrity Wife Swap (ABC), Being
Credits: All the Queen’s Men - Texas Cheerleader Murdering Human (SyFy) Hardcore Pawn (truTV), Killer Karaoke (truTV),
Mom - All Ages Night Mexico’s Next Top Model (SET), and the Brazilian version of The
Staff: Zachary Feuer (Producer/President) Amazing Race.
Production Types: Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. East Coast office: 100 Ave. of the Americas, 12th Fl., Ste. 12-50,
New York, NY 10013, phone: 212-894-4000
Zane W. Levitt Productions/Zeta
Los Angeles, CA 90027 310-595-0494
email: American Zoetrope
website: 916 Kearny St.
Credits: Blast - Montana - Guncrazy - Shiloh - Amityville - Fist San Francisco, CA 94133 415-788-7500
of the North Star - Liquid Dreams - The Big Squeeze - One Good email:
Turn - Mortuary Academy - Out of the Dark - A Sea Apart - Puerto website:
Vallarta Squeeze Credits: The Bling Ring - Life After Beth - A Glimpse Inside the
Staff: Zane W. Levitt (Writer/Producer/Director), Rowena Murphy Mind of Charles Swan III - Paris Can Wait - Joshy - Last Days in the
(Executive/CFO) Desert - Beguiled - Fairyland - Searching for On the Road - Tetro
Production Types: Documentaries - Music Videos - Direct-to- - Youth Without Youth - The Good Shepherd - Marie Antoinette -
Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film Lost in Translation - Kinsey - CQ - Jeepers Creepers 1,2, & 3 - The
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Virgin Suicides - Sleepy Hollow - Wind - Jack - Don Juan DeMarco
- The Rain People - THX 1138 - Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s
The Zanuck Company Apocalypse - Bram Stoker’s Dracula - The Rainmaker - Apocalypse
16 Beverly Park Now - The Conversation
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-274-0261 Staff: Francis Ford Coppola (Emeritus), Eleanor Coppola




(Founder), Michael Zakin (VP, Film Production & Acquisition),
Anahid Nazarian (Producer), Ken Minami (Legal Counsel)
Production Types: Film
Policy: Accepts submissions by email only.

2415 Third St., Ste. 232
San Francisco, CA 94107 240-662-2000
Fax: 240-662-1845
Staff: Colin Decker (General Manager), Tom Lofthouse (Senior
VP, Programming), Philip DeFranco (Senior VP, DeFranco Networks),
Kaliel Roberts (Senior VP, Products & Technology), Matt Burruss
(VP, Finance), Jennifer Corbett (VP, Audience Development &
Marketing), Jeremy Azevedo (Head, DDN (LA))
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Lucasfilm Ltd.
P.O. Box 29901
San Francisco, CA 94129 415-623-1000
One Letterman Dr.
San Francisco, CA 94129
Staff: Kathleen Kennedy (President), Lynwen Brennan (EVP &
General Manager), Rob Bredow (SVP, Executive Creative Director
& Head of ILM), Kiri Hart (SVP, Development), Jason McGatlin
(SVP, Physical Production), Paul Southern (SVP, Licensing), Pippa
Anderson (VP, Post Production), Lori Aultman (VP, Finance &
Planning), Carrie Beck (VP, Animation and Live Series Development),
Vicki Dobbs Beck (Executive in Charge, ILMxLAB), Candice Campos
(VP, Physical Production), Mickey Capoferri (Senior Director, Online
Content & Programming), Blaire Chaput (Head of Human Resources),
Doug Chiang (VP & Executive Creative Director, Star Wars), Megan
Crumpacker (VP, Franchise Marketing & Integrated Planning),
Stephen Feder (VP, Film Development), Chris Furia (VP, Production
Finance), Lynne Hale (VP, Publicity & Communications), Rhonda Hjort
(Deputy Chief Counsel), John Knoll (Chief Creative Officer/Senior
Visual Effects Supervisor, Industrial Light & Magic), Janet Lewin
(VP, Production, Physical Effects), Jacqui Lopez (VP, Production,
Animation), Josh Lowden (VP & General Manager, Skywalker Sound),
Douglas Reilly (VP, LucasFilms Games), John Swartz (VP, Internal
Creative Producer), James Waugh (VP, Franchise Development,
Story Group), Rayne Roberts (Creative Executive)
Production Types: Film - Animation - Scripted TV
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Telling Pictures, Inc.

644 Broadway
San Francisco, CA 94133 415-864-6714
Credits: Crime and Punishment - Life 360 - The Celluloid
Closet - The Times of Harvey Milk - Common Thread: Stories from
the Quilt - Where Are We - Paragraph 175 - Xtreme: Sports to Die
for - 10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America - Sex in ‘69: The
Sexual Revolution in America - Howl
Staff: Rob Epstein (Producer/Director), Jeffrey Friedman
(Producer/Director), Kat Cole (Executive Assistant)
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Through agents and managers only.



ALASKA email:

SprocketHeads, LLC Credits: Winnie the Pooh’s 100 Acre Wood Downhill (Interactive
P.O. Box 221341 Game) - Baby Einstein 13 Original Titles - Muppet Spotlight (Disney) -
Anchorage, AK 99522 907-248-4829 Mymo’s Adventures - Ancient Secrets of Life - Winnie the Pooh/Book
Atlanta, GA of Pooh (Documentary) - ABC TGIF (ABC Specials) - NBC Specials
email: - Racing NayKid (Motorsports Reality Series) - World According
website: to Me (Disney Channel) - Xfinity Latino Entertainment Channel
Staff: Steven L. Rychetnik (Cinematographer), Marla Williams Staff: Jim Janicek (President/Chief Creative Officer), Julie
(Producer/Director/Writer), D.K. Johnston (Assistant Director/ Dorough (Producer/Creative)
Production Manager), Joshua Corbett (Still Photographer), Lauren Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Commercials -
W. Scott (Casting), Karen Tallent (Production Coordinator & Studio Documentaries - Animation - Direct-to-Video - Interactive & Digital
Teacher) Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos Policy: Only funded projects needing credited creative execution
- Industrials - Scripted TV - Film or projects with distribution deals in place are considered.
Policy: Inquiries by email or phone.
Comments: Alaska-based production company providing services Zuckerman Entertainment
that include cinematography, Red Epic-W 8K camera and cine lenses, c/o Donald Zuckerman
production management, post production, casting, location scout- 2500 Vine St.
ing/permits, and creative services. See website for APA Talent & Denver, CO 80205 310-508-9926
Literary Agency representation information. email:
Credits: Casino Jack - Not Forgotten - Beer for My Horses -
COLORADO Suffering Man’s Charity - Broken Bridges - Greenstreet Hooligans
- Mayor of Sunset Strip - The Man from Elysian Fields - Thick as
Aspen Production Services Thieves - Big Brass Ring - Beat - Say Nothing - Dogtown - The
P.O. Box 8862 Low Life - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Secret of the Code
Aspen, CO 81612 970-925-1031 (Documentary) - Dishdogz
533 E. Fifth St. Staff: Donald Zuckerman (Producer), Katy Cooper (Assistant)
New York, NY 10009 Production Types: Documentaries - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
P.O. Box 641554 - Reality TV - Film
San Francisco, CA 94164 Policy: Inquires by email.
Fax: 888-316-4686
Credits: Apple - Brooks Brothers - Hugo Boss - Crocs - St. Regis Nancy Tenenbaum Films
Hotels - New Balance - ESPN X Games - Bank of America (Crossroads) 43 Lyons Plain Rd.
- Hummer - Rocawear - Evian - Athleta - Suzuki - Victoria’s Secret Weston, CT 06883 203-221-6830
- Flying Tiger Films - State Farm - Visa Olympic Campaign - Pepsi Fax: 203-221-6832
- Harley Davidson - Lincoln Mercury - Comedy Central - Nissan email:
- Budweiser - Stetson - Lipitor - Chevrolet - Timberland- Athleta - Credits: Meet the Fockers - Meet the Parents - The Daytrippers
Rockport - Chase Bank - Nike - Mac - The Rapture - sex, lies and videotape
Staff: Liz Long (Owner/Executive Producer), Jere Laurence Staff: Nancy Tenenbaum (President), Meredith Hall (Director,
(Location Scout/Manager), Karla Gomez (Production Coordinator) Development), Lyndsy Celestino (Office Manager)
Production Types: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media Production Types: Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Film
- Industrials - Scripted TV - Film Policy: Email a synopsis.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email.
No calls. No drop-offs. FLORIDA
Comments: Production company that also does casting.
Specializes in print and television campaigns as well as locations 100% Entertainment
and real people casting. Also specializes in photoshoots. Miami, FL 323-630-0632
Janicek Media Creative website:
4100 E. Dry Creek Rd. Credits: Sometimes Lucky Is More Important Than Smart:
Studio Bldg. C-2 Conversations With Mace Neufeld - It’s Always About The Story:
Denver, CO 80122 720-510-3031 Conversations With Alan Ladd, Jr. (Documentary)​ - Tough Ain’t
720-891-6276 Enough: Conversations With Albert S. Ruddy (Documentary) -


Megalodon - Last Gasp - Within the Rock - Ravager - Raptor Island Pink Sneakers Productions
(SCI FI) 1000 Colour Pl.
Staff: Stanley Isaacs (President) Apopka, FL 32703 407-464-2080
Production Types: Documentaries - Scripted TV - Interactive Fax: 407-464-2081
& Digital Media - Film Credits: Miami Social (Bravo) - Truth Be Told (TLC) - My Big
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Redneck Wedding (CMT) - Brooke Knows Best (VH1) - Luke’s Parental
No calls. No drop-offs. Advisory (VH1) - My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding (VH1) - Tiara Girls
Comments: SAG/AFTRA, WGA, Television Academy affiliated. (MTV) - Hogan Knows Best (VH1) - Inside/Out (VH1) - I Want a
Famous Face (MTV) - Cribs (MTV) - True Life (MTV) - Ultrasound
Creative Entertainment Group (MTV) - Britney Spears: In the Zone (ABC)
5401 S. Kirkman Rd. Staff: Kimberly Cowin (President/Executive Producer), John
Second Fl. Reception 207 Ehrhard (VP/Co-Executive Producer), Susan Janis-Mashayekhi (VP,
Orlando, FL 32819 818-389-3294 Production/Executive in Charge), Shari Solomon (VP, Development),
email: Jennifer Dubasak (Director, Development), Lucia Soven (Production
Staff: Micheal Cushman (President/Owner) Coordinator)
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film Production Types: Documentaries - Reality TV - Scripted TV
Policy: Referral only. Seeking published and/or credited TV and Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
film writers. Actors with strong credentials, union or SAG eligible
submit headshot/resume/and clip or demo reel only by email. ThunderBall Films, S.R.L.
Comments: Only produces does not manage. Consults, coaches, 870 N. Miramar Ave.
and scouts for the LA market. Indiatlantic, FL 32903 786-619-1919
99 Wall St., #2377
Grinning Dog Pictures New York, NY 10005
9080 Spring Mountain Way email:
Fort Myers, Fl 33908 609-922-1960
239-590-9080 website:
email: Credits: Development: Harmless - A Study in Red Trilogy - Vatican
website: Intervention - The Devil Called Collect - Wurdilak - French Connection
Credits: Forensic Files - The Curse of Tutankhamun - Wolfman: Blues - Fifty Year Death Watch - JFK Assassination Theories: A New
Myth & Science - Jessica Savitch Bio - Medical Detectives - Science Perspective - - Films: - Pogo Joe: Fighting the Game - SubHysteria -
Frontiers - Women of Hope - Women of Hope: One Year Later - Shorts: Obama in NC: The Path to History - Frame 313: The JFK Assassination
Hold on Me - Map of the Missing - It Was a War - Breakthrough Theories - The Valley of Tears - Blood Chronicle - Ultraviolent - The
Staff: Connie Bottinelli (CEO/Executive Producer/Director), Real Zodiac Killer - Underdogs - Star Party
Gary Parker (Writer), Steve Cradic (Producer) Staff: Mario Domina (Chairman/CEO/Executive Producer)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries Production Types: Miniseries - Documentaries - Made-for-TV
- Documentaries - Direct-to-Video - Interactive & Digital Media - & Cable Movies - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Film
Reality TV - Scripted TV Policy: Initial contacts should be emailed through a one sheet
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. query overview. Does not accept attached scripts or packages
unless requested.
ION Television Comments: Produces high-profile film and TV productions for the
601 Clearwater Park Rd. global marketplace. Offers international co-production structures
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-659-4122 as the foundation to expand their global presence in an effort to
810 Seventh Ave., 31st Fl. entertain the world and create successful ventures for investors
New York, NY 10019 and partners. Providing the know-how to perfectly balance the
website: creative with the necessary business acumen through a team of
experts to achieve the company’s business plan.
Production Types: Miniseries - Animation - Made-for-TV &
Cable Movies - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV GEORGIA
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Comments: Flagship network of ION Media Networks, Inc. Adult Swim
1050 Techwood Dr. N.W.
MTV Networks Latin America Atlanta, GA 30318 404-885-2263
(MTVNLA) email:
1111 Lincoln Rd., Sixth Fl. website:
Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-535-3700 Credits: Childrens Hospital - Titan Maximum - Delocated! - The
website: Boondocks - Superjail! - Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! - Moral Orel - Metalocalypse - Mongo Wrestling Alliance - Robot
Staff: Juan Acosta (President, VIMN) Chicken - The Venture Bros. - Aqua Teen Hunger Force - 12 oz. Mouse
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries - Squidbillies - Xavier: Renegade Angel - Eagleheart - NTSF:SD:SUV::
- Animation - Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV - Tight Bros. - Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1
Comments: Additional Web sites:, www. Staff: Michael Ouweleen (CMO), Joe Hogan (Executive VP, Ad & Sales), Mike Lazzo (Executive VP/Creative Director)


Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV Production Types: Documentaries - Music Videos - Scripted
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. TV - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Kendrick Brothers
website: Kismetic Productions, Inc.
Credits: Fireproof - Courageous - War Room - Facing The 109 Old House Ct.
Giants - Flywheel Pikesville, MD 21208 917-848-7432
Staff: Alex Kendrick (Co-Founder), Stephen Kendrick 410-581-4318
(Co-Founder), Shannon Kendrick (Director of Operations), Kim email:
Sancinito (Administration), Brenda Harris (Communications website:
Associate) Credits: Music of Ireland: Welcome Home - Anuna: Christmas
Production Types: Film Memories - Mega Move Intrepid on the Move - Concorde Alpha-
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Delta: Intrepid
Comments: Produces Christian and faith-based films. Staff: Philip J. Marshall (President)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events
TBS Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
1050 Techwood Dr. N.W., Comments: Also does PSA spots.
Atlanta, GA 30318 404-827-1700
3500 W. Olive Ave., 15th Fl. NORTH CAROLINA
Burbank, CA 91505 818-729-7300
website: Groundcrew Sound
Credits: Full Frontal with Samantha Bee - Wrecked - People of 2127 Hawkins St.
Earth - Search Party - The Guest Book - Tarantula - The Cops - The Charlotte, NC 28203 704-342-9900
Detour - Angie Tribeca - Conan Fax: 704-342-2323
Staff: Sandra Dewey (President, TNT & TBS Productions & email:
Business Affairs), Kevin Reilly (President, Turner Entertainment website:
Networks (Atlanta)), David Beck (Chief Strategy & Ventures Officer, Staff: Lynda McCarrell (Producer)
TNT & TBS), Jesse Redniss (Chief Innovation Officer, TNT & TBS), Production Types: Animation - Scripted TV - Film
Jeff Gregor (Chief Catalyst Officer/Executive VP, Marketing, TBS, Policy: See website.
TNT & TCM/General Manager, TCM (Atlanta))
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Animation - Walter Latham Entertainment
Scripted TV Greensboro, NC 27408 336-315-1440
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Nashville, TN
Fax: 336-315-1450
Tyler Perry Studios/34th St. Films
315 Deshler St. S.W. email:
Atlanta, GA 30310 678-500-3710 Credits: The Original Kings of Comedy - The Queens of Comedy
website: - P. Diddy Presents the Bad Boys of Comedy - Shaken Not Stirred
Credits: Hahn - Too Close To Home - Boo: A Madea Halloween - Staff: Walter Latham (President/CEO), Yulonda Smith (VP/COO),
The Haves and Have Nots - We the Peeples - Precious: Based on the Robert Stein (Partner), Alvin Williams (Digital Media)
Novel “Push” by Sapphire - For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Scripted TV - Film - TV
Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf (Feature) Specials & Live Events - Interactive and Digital Media
Staff: Tyler Perry (Principal), Ozzie Areu (President/Producer Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
(Tyler Perry Studios)), Matt Moore (Executive VP (Tyler Perry Comments: Production Company specializing in the creation of
Studios)) multicultural comedy content for television and digital platforms.
Production Types: Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. OREGON
No calls. No drop-offs.
Alex Rose Productions
KENTUCKY 13941 N.W. Skyline Blvd.
Portland, OR 97231 213-507-6616
TGE (The Group Entertainment) email:
2509 Portland Ave.
Louisville, KY 40212 Credits: The Other Sister - Exit to Eden - Frankie & Johnny - Quigley
email: Down Under - Overboard - Nothing in Common - Norma Rae - Big Wednesday; TV: Nothing in Common - Just Us Kids
website: Staff: Alexandra Rose (President)
Credits: It Felt Like Love - SweetLand - Look and See: The Portrait Production Types: Miniseries - Scripted TV - Film
of Wendell Berry - Beauty Mark Policy: Accepts query letters by email only.
Staff: Gill Holland (Producer) Comments: Alexandra Rose is currently Professor and Chair of


Industry Initiatives and Special Projects at The Dodge College of email:
Film & Media Arts at Chapman University in Orange, CA.
Credits: Restaurant Impossible - Dinner Impossible - Food Feuds
LAIKA Inc. Staff: Ray Carballada (President), John Foy (Sr. VP), Natalie
22990 N.W. Bennett Feldman (VP, Development), Carrie Spott (Executive in Charge of
Hillsboro, OR 97124 503-615-3344 Production), Nicole Somers (Coordinator)
Fax: 503-615-3345 Production Types: Reality TV
email: Policy: Queries only. No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: The Boxtrolls - ParaNorman - Coraline SOUTH CAROLINA
Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Animation - Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Michael Meltzer Productions
528 Pritchards Point Dr.
PENNSYLVANIA Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 310-729-5206
Format Credits: Carnival of Souls - The Hidden - Up the Creek - Dead
3449 W. Indiana Ave. Heat - The Dread - Dark Honeymoon - Caught in the Act - Sometimes
Philadelphia, PA 19132 267-239-5686 They Come Back...Again - Kalamazoo
215-309-3799 Staff: Michael L. Meltzer (Producer)
email: Production Types: Direct-to-Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies
website: - Scripted TV - Film
Credits: US Army - UPenn, - Duke & Winston - IKEA - Under Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Armour - Brolik - 160over90 - Comcast - NBC Universal - CNN -
Heroes - One Simple Wish TENNESSEE
Staff: James Madison (CEO/Co-Owner), Nic Reader (Creative
Director/Co-Owner), Zac Rubino (Cinematographer/Co-Owner), Mike DIY Network
Gualtieri (COO/Senior Producer), Ziggy Gamble (Post Production 9721 Sherrill Blvd.
Supervisor/Lead Editor), Sarah Madison (Office Manager), John Knoxville, TN 37932 865-694-2700
Baumgartner (Technician), Chris White (Director-Editor), Daniel Fax: 865-342-3483
Haddaway (Motion Graphics Designer/Editor), Joe Leonard website:
(Associate Producer), Farah Fauzi (Graphic Designer) Credits: 10 Grand in Your Hand - Bath Crashers - BATHtastic! -
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos - Money Hunters - Desperate Landscapes - Kitchen Impossible - Turf
Interactive & Digital Media - Reality TV - Industrials - Scripted TV - Film War - Indoors Out - Yard Crashers - Garage Mahal - Renovation
Policy: Online links only. See website. Realities - Blog Cabin - Sweat Equity - Bathroom Renovations - Man
Comments: Creative professionals striving for the highest quality Caves - Cool Tools - Disaster House - House Crashers - King of Dirt
by utilizing resources and connections that span the world. With - I Hate Your House - This New House - Run My Renovation - DIY
personnel at all levels of production, a creative team with a proven Dominator - I Hate My Kitchen - Rescue Renovation - The Vanilla Ice
track record, and the area’s foremost production equipment supplier Project - Rehab Addict - Dream House - Mega Dens - Family Under
under the same roof, Expressway Productions has become a one-stop Construction - Renovation Rookies - DIY Nation - Yard Attack - Extra
shop for excellence in film and video production. Yardage - Hollywood Hi-Tech - Door Knockers
Staff: Ross Babbit (Sr. VP/General Manager), Peter Moore (VP,
Intercut Studios Creative Services), Julie Taylor (VP, Program Planning), Shannon
2019 S. Juniper St., Second Fl. Driver (VP, Brand & Consumer Marketing), Kent Takano (Executive
Philadelphia, PA 19148 215-313-0123 Producer, Branded Entertainment), Steven Lerner (Director,
email: Programming), Danny Tepper (Director, Programming), Dale Roy Robinson (Director, Programming), Brandii Toby-Leon (Director,
website: Press & Public Relations)
Staff: Dominick DeFino (Producer) Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Interactive &
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries Digital Media - Reality TV - Scripted TV
- Music Videos - Industrials - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Comments: DIY Network, from the makers of HGTV and Food
Comments: Script writing to project planning, shooting and edit- Network, is the go-to destination for rip-up, knock-out home improve-
ing, provided to create your video project. Web video, commercial, ment television; Programs and experts answer the most sought-after
in-house corporate video, training video, documentary project or questions and offer creative projects for do-it-yourself enthusiasts.
narrative film. Specialization in corporate video production, as well as
services for arts, cultural, community and non-profit organizations. Jupiter Entertainment
8923 Linksvue Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37922 865-588-2626
ShootersTV 7966 Beverly Blvd., First Fl.
601 Walnut St., Ste. 1050 Los Angeles, CA 90048
Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-861-0100 136 Madison Ave., Fourth Fl.
Fax: 215-861-0098 New York, NY 10016 212-897-2185


Fax: 865-588-2202 3 Or Less Productions
email: 501 E. Oltorf St.
website: Austin, TX 78704 512-897-7304
Credits: Murder Calls - American Murder Mystery - Vanished - email:
Captured - Human Weapon - City Confidential - Snapped - Relentless website:
- Modern Marvels - Biography - Hands on History - King of the Jungle Staff: Andy Gonzalez-Bendiksen (Co-Founder/Creative
- Roller Jam - Power, Privilege & Justice - Empires of Industry - Total Director), Liz Waters (Marketing Director), Chris Alvarenga (Head
Excess - Tools of the Trade - Live Through This - How Stuff Works of Photography Department)
- Celebulous - Extreme Weather Driving Challenge - Sin & Secrets Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Miniseries -
Staff: Stephen Land (CEO/Executive Producer), Allison Commercials - Documentaries - Music Videos - Direct-to-Video
Wallach (President), Robert Twilley (Senior VP/General Manager), - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Industrials - Film
Deborah Allen (VP, Programming/Executive Producer), Todd Policy: Submissions accepted by email or through website only.
Moss (VP, Programming/Executive Producer), Harrison Land (VP, Comments: 3 or Less Productions, a production company with
Development), Julie Dean (Director, Finance), Steven McGovern drive, spirit, grit, gumption, and a little bit of talent.
(Director, Production)
Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Documentaries 3rd Noel Films
- Reality TV - Scripted TV 127 Roy St.
Policy: See website. Houston, TX 77007 713-254-4317
TEXAS email:
1 And 4 Productions Staff: Mike Noel (CEO), Joel “Chap” Edmonson (Co-Founder/
Austin, TX 917-686-6625 Producer), Jessica Taylor (Co-Writer/Producer), Jonathan Gregory
New York, NY (Co-Founder/CFO)
email: Production Types: Film
website: Policy: See website for submission details.
Staff: Amy Whitehouse (Producer)
Production Types: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media Alonestar Films
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 11013 Pinehurst Dr.
Austin, TX 78747 512-704-7782
12 Gauge Films email:
Austin, TX 512-653-5048 website:
email: Staff: Andy Cope (Partner), Eric Hueber (Partner)
Staff: Mike Washlesky (Director) Production Types: Commercials - Music Videos - Interactive
Production Types: Film & Digital Media
Policy: Through email.
1820 Productions
400 E. Royal Lane, Bldg. 3, Ste. 200 AMS Pictures
Irving, TX 75039 972-869-7777 16986 N. Dallas Pkwy
972-869-7778 Dallas, TX 75248 972-818-7400
email: 512-330-9434 Fax: 972-818-1257
website: email:
Staff: Korey Miller (Director), Daniel Piatt (Director), Sara Madsen website:
(Executive Producer), Katelyn McCracken (Producer), Cesar Cedillo Staff: Andy Streitfeld (Founder/CEO), Andrew Rye (Production
(Graphics/VFX) Manager), Margaret Starnes (Project Manager), Chuck Brown (Senior
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Interactive Editor), Cliff Caldwell (Technical Manager)
& Digital Media - Film Production Types: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media
Policy: Inquiries by phone or email. - Industrials
Policy: Inquiries by email.
214 Media, LLC
718 W. Araphao Rd., Ste. 70 Arts+Labor
Richardson, TX 75080 214-377-1600 1000 E. 40th St.
214-662-4847 Austin, TX 78751 512-374-0000
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Russ Jolly (Owner/Producer/Director), Deborah Jolly Credits: Rogers Park - Richard Linklater: Dream is Destiny - The
(Owner/Producer/DIrector) Jones Family Will Make A Way - Sir Doug and the Genuine Texas
Production Types: Interactive & Digital Media Cosmic Groove - 6 Years - Entertainment - Uncle Kent 2 - The
Policy: Through email or phone. Retrieval - Hellion - No No: A Dockumentary - Person to Person - Rat
Pack Rat - Until We Could - The Curse & The Symphony - Good Night
- Saturday Morning Mystery - Outside Industry: The Story of SXSW


Staff: Aidan Murphy (Producer), Alan Berg (President/ Staff: Carrie Brewer Martinez (President)
Co-Founder/Principal), Amos David McKay (Executive Creative Production Types: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media
Director/Director), Beth Araya (Office Manager), Ceila Nogueras - Industrials
(Accountant), Craig Parks (Executive VP/Principal), Dylan Varella Policy: Inquire by phone or email.
(Editor), Jason Wehling (Senior Producer/Director), Jen Piper
(Motion Graphics Artist/Animator), Kristin Johansen-Berg (CEO/ Curiosity Shoppe
Co-Founder/Principal), Kyle Cockayne (Director of Photography/ 404 Baylor St. Ste. B
Editor), Cody Ground (Director/Editor/Composer) Austin, TX 78703 512-751-0669
Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Interactive email:
& Digital Media - Film website:
Policy: See website. Credits: AT&T - Dell - Harley-Davidson - Whole Foods - US
Air Force, - YETI Coolers Tequila Ambhar - Frost Bank Mobile -
BridgmanRock Films Cemetery Junction
3006 Cole Ave. Staff: Dan Brown (Director/ Co-Founder), Craig Denham
Dallas, TX 75204 214-744-4242 (Co-Founder)
Fax: 214-784-7625 Production Types: Film - Commercials - Animation - Interactive
email: & Digital Media - Documentaries
website: VERMONT
Credits: Language of a Broken Heart
Staff: Rocky Powell (Partner), Juddy Talt (Partner), Sharon Earnest Productions
Reinschmiedt (Executive) c/o Earnest Productions
Production Types: Commercials - Film 492 Tucker Rd.
Policy: By email. Plainfield, VT 05667 802-456-1123
Bright Shining City Productions
11209 Solitary Fawn Trail website:
Austin, TX 78735 917-952-6341 Credits: FILM: - Made in Vermont (Comedy) - Ethan Allen and
email: Green Mountain Boys (Development)
website: Staff: Jim Hogue (Casting Director/Owner)
Credits: Deeper and Deeper - Esther’s Diary - Forgiveness - Pola Production Types: TV Specials & Live Events - Theater - Music
Negri: Life is a Dream in Cinema Videos - Radio - Film
Staff: Mark Kotowski (Manager) Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume and
Production Types: Film - Documentaries - Theater projects by mail only or email. No calls. No drop-offs.

Brokedown Films WASHINGTON

Austin, TX 512-468-1724
email: North By Northwest Entertainment
website: 903 W. Broadway Ave.
Credits: Champ, The Steve Mitchell Story - Forward/Backward Spokane, WA 99201 509-324-2949
- Other Side of the Hill 10 W. Franklin St.
Staff: Elizabeth Spear (Owner) Boise, ID 83702 208-345-7870
Production Types: Film - Documentaries - Commercials - Music email:
Videos website:
Credits: Big Bad Wolf - F#CK - Mel - The Basket - Hangman’s
Champion Entertainment/RW Curse - Touched - The Big Empty - Whacked - The Choke - Shadow of
Productions Fear - The Making of the Passion of the Christ - End Game - The Cutter
10333 Harwin Dr., Ste. 680 Staff: Rich Cowan (CEO), Matt Jaime (Partner/Producer), David
Houston, TX 77036 713-522-4701 Tanner (Partner/Producer)
Fax: 713-522-0426 Production Types: Commercials - Documentaries - Direct-to-
email: Video - Made-for-TV & Cable Movies - Film
website: Policy: Through website only.
Staff: Bob Willems (Executive Producer)
Production Types: Commercials - Scripted TV - Film
Policy: Inquiries by email. No drop-offs.

CM Productions, Inc.
4228 N. Central Expressway, #340
Dallas, TX 75206 214-528-2700


CASTING DIRECTORS | simple steps

Step One: Find out who is casting the projects that are right for you. Read through the
“Production Listings” on to find the most up-to-date produc-
tion listings for your area. (Online listings also include theater, so make sure you click on the
appropriate links.) Highlight any productions you would be interested in, whether they are
currently shooting or not. Then, do a search of other casting opportunities at www.backstage.
com/casting to find more opportunities that might be right for you. Once you have a list of
productions you are interested in, make a list of the casting directors linked to each project.
Make note of any casting directors that are linked to more than one project that you find
interesting. Are there any casting directors that seem to be doing a lot of casting for a specific
network or director? Take note of any patterns or correlations that you see.

Step Two: Note the credits and who they represent. In addition to the list you made from
Step One, go through the Call Sheet list of casting directors, and look at each listing’s credits.
Are there any projects listed here that you are particularly interested in? If no credits are listed,
look at the types of performers they cast. Do you fit into this category? If you are interested in
both film and commercial work, it may be good to star the listings that cast both, as you may
discover more than one opportunity if you are able to audition for them. Note that many of the
listings have more than one casting director on staff. Make sure you know which casting direc-
tor casts the projects you are interested in. Also, it may be worth paying attention to who the
casting associates are, as they may be the people who initially bring you in for an audition.

Step Three: Follow the submission policy. Take note of each listing’s submission policy. It
is very important to follow this policy exactly when submitting for any project. If you found a
casting director through an online casting call, always follow the policy listed for the specific
project rather than the more general policy listed in our directory. If you have an agent or man-
ager, make sure they are aware of your interest in this specific casting director, and that he or
she knows how they would like to be approached as well. Submit a professional headshot and
résumé, along with a cover letter explaining why you are interested in working with them. You
can highlight why their work is of particular interest to you, and how your background lends
itself to similar projects. Make sure to invite them to any performances you have coming up, as
you never know when they might be available to attend.


new york

AAAVoice Casting email:

630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 415 website:
New York, NY 10036 917-363-9877/917-363-3130 Credits: The Broken Ones - Bully - Burn Country - Keep the Change
email: - Larchmont - Frat Star - I Can I Will I Did - Blowtorch - Yellow Fever -
website: The Eyes - Finding Her - A Good Dream - Emotional Rescue - Tragic
Staff: Carole Murray Duckworth (Casting Director), Dan Duckworth Fairytale - Anatomy of the Tide - Hellbenders - Bereavement - Don’t
(Casting Director), Jen Duckworth (Casting Director) Fade Away - The Mighty Macs - Play the Game - A Beautiful Life
Casts: Voiceovers Staff: Adrienne Stern (Casting Director)
Policy: Union and nonunion. Demo reel/resume by mail or email. Casts: Film - Television
Address ESL and preteen voice talent information to the attention of Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
Jen Duckworth. To be entered in active casting files, call to arrange
an appointment for interview. No drop-offs. Aibel/Holbrook Casting (CSA)
Comments: Casts for voice talent only. Particularly interested 12 W. 37th St., Third Fl.
in foreign-language voiceover/narrator talent. AAAVoiceCasting New York, NY 10018
is a division of VoiceOvers Unlimited, which provides training and 101 E. 15th St., Fourth Fl.
other voiceover services. New York, NY 10003
Florida office: 3105 12th St. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33704 Credits: Mozart In the Jungle - Frances Ha - At Any Price - Moonrise
Kingdom - Safe - My Best Friend - Devil - The Switch - The Last
ABC Entertainment Casting (CSA) Airbender - The Rebound - The Happening - Two Lovers - Margot
147 Columbus Ave. at the Wedding - We Own the Night - Lady in the Water
New York, NY 10023 Staff: Douglas Aibel (Casting Director), Stephanie Holbrook
Staff: Marci Phillips (Executive Director, Primetime Casting, East (Casting Director)
Coast), Laura Janeczko (Casting Coordinator, Primetime Casting, Casts: Theater - Film
East Coast), Blaine Johnston (Casting Coordinator, Primetime Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
Casting, East Coast) only. No drop-offs.
Casts: Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No drop-offs. Alan Filderman Casting
333 W. 39th St., Ste. 800
ABEL Intermedia New York, NY 10018 212-695-6200
137 Montague St., #190 Credits: Master Class - Once On This Island - A New Brain - A
Brooklyn, NY 11201 718-403-0200 Majority of One - Three Tall Women - From the Mississippi Delta -
32 Court St., Ste. 706 Song of Singapore - The Sum of Us - Naked Boys Singing - Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11201 718-403-0200 Damage - Anastasia - Out of the Box
email: Staff: Alan Filderman (Owner/Casting Director)
website: Casts: Theater - Film
Credits: Cast more than 100 unscripted/alternative and branded Policy: Accepts Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards
projects since launching in 2001 including “Queer Eye,” “Man vs and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Food,” “What Not To Wear,” Page Six TV + digital network Cheddar.
Staff: Barbara Barna Abel (Casting Director) Aleta Chappelle Casting (CSA)
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Documentaries & Reality 331 W. 57th St., #376
TV - Television New York, NY 10019
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail website:
or email. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Credits: Drumline - Godfather III - Nutty Professor - Somewhere
Comments: Specializes in nonfiction, alternative, reality, branded - Moozlum - Life Support - Trade - Material Girls - The Young Black
entertainment, and new media. For information on media training, Stallion - Introducing Dorothy Dandridge - The Gregory Hines
life/career coaching, personal branding and small classes visit www. Show - Boomerang - Rambling Rose or call (718) 403-2000. Staff: Aleta Chappelle (Casting Director/Director/Producer)
Casts: Theater - Film - Television
Adrienne Stern Casting Policy: Submit via form at No calls.
P.O. Box 1037 No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10028 212-229-2811 Comments: Aleta Chappelle Casting serves both studio and

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more companies are choosing to work

remotely, because of this some physical locations may have changed or
become obsolete from the point of publication.


independent films, and has over 25 feature film credits. In addition, - Film - Music Videos - Documentaries & Reality TV - Television
Miss Chappelle is the owner of Moon Shadow Films a film production Policy: By email or through website. No drop-offs.
company with multiple feature film credits.
Antonia Dauphin Casting (CSA)
Alexa L. Fogel Casting (CSA) 799 Washington St.
330 W. 38th St., Ste. 1004 New York, NY 10014
New York, NY 10018 email:
Credits: Atlanta - Ozark - Pose - Warrior - Chambers - Show Me Credits: Two Mothers - Nous York - My Last Day Without You
a Hero - The Deuce - Banshee - Quarry - Our Brand Is Crisis - The - The Music Never Stopped - Bitter Feast - Arranged - Elvis and
Divide - True Detective - Treme - Lights Out - Generation Kill - The Annabelle - The Treatment
Wire - The Black Donnellys - The Bedford Diaries - Stay - Prisoner Staff: Antonia Dauphin (Casting Director)
Staff: Alexa L. Fogel (Casting Director), Kathryn Zamora-Benson Casts: Film - Television
(Casting Associate), Elizabeth Berra (Casting Associate) Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Television - Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers Avy Kaufman Casting (CSA-AMPAS )
only. No drop-offs. 180 Varick St., Ste. 1604
Comments: Emmy and Artios award-winning casting director New York, NY 10014 212-620-4256
and producer. Founder of Beech Hill Films. Credits: TV: Billions - Crossbones - Sons of Liberty - Crime -
Film: The Company You Keep - Prometheus - Life of Pi - Thanks for
Amerifilm Casting and Media, LLC Sharing - Shame - The Beaver - The Conspirator - Let Me In - Land of
New York, NY 10003 917-715-4291 the Lost - American Gangster - 10 Items or Less - Syriana - Derailed
email: - Everything Is Illuminated - Brokeback Mountain - Capote; TV:
website: Empire Falls - Damages
Staff: Meredith Jacobson Marciano (Casting Director) Staff: Avy Kaufman (Casting Director/Owner), Leeba Zakharov
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials - Music (Casting Associate), Scotty Anderson (Casting Associate), Harrison
Videos - Print - Television Nesbit (Casting Associate), Brigitte Whitmire (Casting Assistant),
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume/demo reel by Iona Gordon (Casting Assistant), Caroline Collins (Casting Assistant)
email. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Amy Gossels Casting drop-offs.
175 E. 74th. St., Ste. 5F
New York, NY 10021 Background, Inc.
email: (Class and Workshop 11 Broadway, Ste. 420
correspondence only) New York, NY 10004 212-609-1103
website: Fax: 212-366-1101
Credits: Something’s Gotta Give - Last Week Tonight with John website:
Oliver - The Daily Show - Night of Too Many Stars - The Late Show Staff: Jennifer Feraday (Casting Director), Elliott Goodman
with Stephen Colbert - Visitors - Milk and Honey - Godsend - Zen (Casting Director)
and the Art of Landscaping - Mad Women - Love Hunter Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials
Staff: Amy Gossels (Casting Director) - Live Events - Industrials - Music Videos - Background Work/
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Live Events Extras - Documentaries & Reality TV - Promotional Events - Print
- Film - Print - Television Policy: Union and nonunion. No unsolicited submissions. No
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Union and nonunion. calls. No drop-offs.
No drop-offs. Comments: Casts primarily background. Casts nationwide.
Comments: Amy Gossels has more than 100 film and TV credits.
Barbara McNamara Casting
Andrea Kurzman Casts 459 Columbus Ave., Ste. #333
1066 Wittenberg Rd. New York, NY 10024 212-645-6051
Mt. Tremper, NY 12457 email:
email: website:
Staff: Andrea Kurzman (Casting Director) Credits: Aardvark - American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story -
Casts: Commercials - Film - Print How to be Single - Kingpin - Scorned: Love Kills - She’s Gotta Have
Policy: Accepts headshots/letters from unrepresented talent It - The Adderall Diaries - The Making of the Mob: New York - 30
by email. No drop-offs. Rock - Friends With Kids - The Daily Show - The Colbert Report
- Very Good Girls
Andrew Hecht Media Staff: Barbara McNamara (Casting Director), Rachel Musson
101 W. 12th St., #3F (Casting Associate)
New York, NY 10011 917-838-3571 Casts: Commercials - Infomercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
email: - Music Videos - Background Work/Extras - Print - Television
website: Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
Staff: Andrew Hecht (Casting Director) reel by mail or submit through website. Accepts postcards and
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.


Comments: Also casts foreign-language projects. email:
Credits: The Butler - The Paperboy - 30 Beats - We Need to Talk
Barden/Schnee Casting, Inc. (CSA) About Kevin - Monogamy - Multiple Sarcasms - Cayman Went -
150 W. 28th St., Ste. 402 Precious - Pineapple Express
New York, NY 10001 212-727-7600 Staff: Billy Hopkins (Casting Director), Ashley Ingram (Casting
Fax: 212-727-1900 Director), Michael D’Amato (Casting Assistant)
website: Casts: Film - Television
Credits: Film: Charlie Says - Queen America - Book Club - Pitch Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Perfect (1 and 2) - The Help - Love and Mercy - The Judge - Still No calls. No drop-offs.
Alice - The Iceman - The Three Stooges (Farrelly Brothers) - Mirror
Mirror - Nobody Walks - Dolphin Tale - Machine Gun Preacher - Conan Binder Casting (CSA)
the Barbarian (Remake) - The Help - The Son of No One - Meet 34-01 38th Ave., Ste. 302
Monica Velour - Winter’s Bone - Pineapple Express - Funny Games Long Island City, NY 10036 212-586-6777
(Remake) - TV: - Happy Valley - Jessica Jones - Neon Joe, Werewolf email:
Hunter - The Heart, She Holler - Important Things With Demetri website:
Martin - Sex and the City Credits: For a list of credits visit:
Staff: Paul Schnee (Casting Director), Rachel Goldman (Casting Staff: Jay Binder (Casting Director), Mark Brandon (Senior
Associate) Casting Director), Justin Bohon (Casting Director), Chad Eric
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Murnane (Casting Director), Kyle Coker (Casting Director), Anthony
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Pichette (Senior Casting Director), Katie Zanca (Casting Assistant)
Comments: (See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors) Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by email only.
Beke/White Casting No calls. No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10014 646-844-0900
Credits: Search Party - The Last OG - First Wives Club - Florida Blue Man Productions Casting
Girls The Characters - Jon Glaser Loves Gear - Full Frontal with 412 Broadway, Third Fl.
Samantha Bee - Broad City - Master of None - Difficult People - The New York, NY 10013 646-292-7814
Jim Gaffigan Show - One Bad Choice - Eugene! - The Onion News email:
Network - Onion SportsDome website:
Staff: Cody Beke (Casting Director), Seth White (Casting Director)
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Credits: Blue Man Group
Policy: No unsolicited materials. Staff: Tascha Van Auken (Director of Casting and Training)
Casts: Theater
Bess Fifer Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. Accepts show-
New York, NY case invitations. Indicate height, weight, and musical instruments
Credits: Broadway - Film - TV played on resume. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Beth Fifer (Casting Director), Aaron Schoonover (Casting Comments: Casts for regional productions of Blue Man Group.
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television Bob Cline Casting
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 2214 Frederick Douglas Blvd., Ste. 327
New York, NY 10026 917-405-8081
Beth Melsky Casting Staff: Bob Cline (Casting Director), Lucy Lavely (Casting Assistant)
60 Madison Ave., Ste. 600 Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
New York, NY 10010 212-505-5000 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
email: only. Attends showcases. Union and nonunion.
Credits: Commercials: - HBO Go - Swiffer - State Farm - AT&T - Bowling/Miscia Casting (CSA)
Esurance - Crest - New York Lottery - Nextel 11 Broadway, Ste. 334
Staff: Trish O’Toole (Studio Manager), Beth Melsky (Owner), New York, NY 10004 646-762-8014
Shadd Sutton (Casting Director), Ashley Marshall (Casting Director), Credits: Mr. Robot - The Enemy Within - Happy! - Blue Bloods
David Bellantoni (Casting Director), Megan Heon (Casting Director), - Gotham
Molly Makowiec (Casting Assistant), Joe Testa (Studio Manager) Staff: Beth Bowling (Casting Director), Kim Miscia (Casting
Casts: Commercials - Industrials - Interactive & Digital Media - Director), Michael Rios (Casting Associate), Freya Krasnow (Casting
Film - Television - Voiceovers Associate), Josy Rodriguez (Casting Associate), Lindsay Dennis
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. (Casting Assistant), John Weicher (Casting Assistant)
Comments: Specializes in union and nonunion casting, including Casts: Film - Television
casting commercials with real people, comedy and improv perform- Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
ers, Spanish talent, and models. Winner of a Cannes Gold Lion in No calls. No drop-offs.
Production Craft award for casting.
Bradley Baron
Billy Hopkins Casting P.O. Box 1023
New York, NY 10002 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-805-3404


Staff: Pamela S. Kramer (Casting Director/Owner) Staff: Rebecca Gushin (Casting Associate), James Calleri (Casting
Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Industrials - Voiceovers Director), Paul Davis (Casting Director), Erica Jensen (Casting
- Interactive & Digital Media Director), Matthew Wise (Casting Associate)
Policy: Union and nonunion. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Theater - Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
BreakThrough Casting
New York, NY Caparelliotis Casting (CSA)
Austin, TX 260 W. 44th St., Third Fl.
email: New York, NY 10036 212-575-1987
website: Fax: 212-575-5423
Staff: Patricia Gallio (Founder/Casting Director) email:
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials Credits: Broadway: A Doll House Part 2 - The Glass Menagerie
- Voiceovers - Music Videos - Print - Television - The Little Foxes, Jitney - An Act of God - Fish in the Dark - The
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. Front Page - Les Liaisons Dangereuses - Blackbird - The Father -
Comments: Additional locations in Austin, TX, Brooklyn, NY, Our Mother’s Brief Affair - Airline Highway - Disgraced - It’s Only
and Poughkeepsie, NY. a Play - The Country House - Holler If Ya Hear Me - Orphans - The
Trip to Bountiful - Grace - Dead Accounts - Seminar - Stick Fly - The
Brette Goldstein Casting (CSA) House of Blue Leaves - Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo - Lend Me
New York, NY 10036 646-431-5244 a Tenor - Everyday Rapture - Death of a Salesman (Revival, Tony
email: Award) - Fences (Revival, Tony Award) - TV/film: - New Amsterdam
website: - American Odyssey - How To Get Away With Murder (ABC pilot) -
Credits: Reaching Home - Crazy Famous - Hedgehog - I Love You... Ironside (NBC) - Steel Magnolias (Lifetime) - HairBrained - The War
But I Lied (LMN) - The Untitled Affair Project (LMN) - Donny! (USA) - I, Boys - A Home at the End of the World - Gossip Girl - Brotherhood
Witness - Adfirm - Untitled Micah Sherman Project - Houston We Have Staff: David Caparelliotis (Casting Director), Lauren Port (Casting
a Problem (Netflix) - Sharknado 2 - Ceresia - Engram - Deal Travis Director), Joseph Gery (Casting Associate)
In - The Karate Tortoise - No Hookups Please - Small Miracles - Odd Casts: Theater - Film - Television
Mom Out - My Bad Trip - Ten-One
Staff: Brette Goldstein (Casting Director), Fiona McIntyre (Casting Carol Hanzel Casting
Associate) 244 Fifth Ave., #2067, Second Fl.
Casts: Television - Film - Commercials - Industrials New York, NY 10001 212-242-6113
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No mail. No calls. No email:
drop-offs. website:
Comments: Brette casts for TV, film and commercials. She Credits: Theater: Desperate Measures - Cagney - Shadowlands
has cast several television series, over 50 independent films, 200 - Martin Luther on Trial - Premiere Stages - Abingdon Theatre Co.
commercials, 100 plays, seven pilot presentations and various - Goodspeed Musicals - Swing! (B’way) - The Cleveland Playhouse
new media projects. Brette was the resident casting director at - York Theatre Co. - TV: Pinkalicious and Peteriffic - Peg + Cat - The
Washington, DC’s Folger Elizabethan Theatre for nine seasons. Wonder Pets - Hi-5 - History Channel - Hasbro - Over 2000 com-
Films have won awards and been official selections at most of the mercials - Film: A Very Serious Person
major film festivals, including Sundance, Tribeca, and Cannes. Staff: Carol Hanzel (Owner/Casting Director), Colleen Piquette
(Casting Associate)
Brooke Thomas Casting Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
New York, NY 646-543-0493 Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
email: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
website: drop-offs.
Staff: Brooke Thomas (Casting Director) Comments: Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theater. Over
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials 3000 television and radio commercials cast.
- Voiceovers
Policy: Headshot/resume/and links to reels accepted by email Caroline Sinclair Casting (CSA)
only. 720 Greenwich Street, 7J
Comments: Veteran commercial casting director in New York New York, NY 10014 347-886-4294
City. Personalized casting services that leverage a vast network email:
of actor connections. Formerly worked at Liz Lewis Casting, and website:
House Casting. Cast well over 2,000 commercials for brands such Credits: Son of the South - Gotti - The Garden Left Behind - Bad
as ETrade, Hummer, NY Lottery, Red Lobster, Pizza Hut, Charles Hurt - Friends and Romans - Zerosome - One Fall - Somebody’s
Schwab, and Huggies. Hero - State & Church - The 6th Family - The Living Wake - The
House Is Burning - The Dig - 2BPerfectlyHonest - Mr. Smith Gets
Calleri Jensen Davis (CSA) a Hustler - Particles of Truth - Music - Si’ Laraby - The Killing Zone
234 Fifth Ave., Second Fl. - Bomb the System
New York, NY 10001 212-488-2190 Staff: Caroline Sinclair (Casting Director), Bettina Bilger (Casting
website: Associate)
Credits: Dickinson (Apple) - The Path - Army Wives - Lipstick Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
Jungle - Ed - Z Rock Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No drop-offs.


917-484-9840 (Union job info)
CK Casting 917-484-9850 (Nonunion job info)
New York, NY 10065 website:
Credits: Gossip Girl - Breach - There Will Be Blood - The Elephant Credits: Film: Salt - Date Night - Eat Pray Love - Just Wright -
King - Art School Confidential - Spartan - Ghost World - Punch-Drunk Going the Distance - When In Rome - TV: Broad City - Girls - Law &
Love - Magnolia Order - Law & Order: SVU - Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Fringe
Staff: Cassandra Kulukundis (Casting Director) - Gossip Girl - Nurse Jackie - How to Make It in America - White Collar
Casts: Film Staff: Brad Kenny (Vice President), George Moss (Sr. Manager),
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Jeni Vargas (Sr. Manager), Alex Cragg (Casting Director), Anne
No calls. No drop-offs. Reeves (Casting Director), Brittany Gischner (Casting Director),
Chad Krementz (Casting Director), Jeff Woolf (Casting Director),
Casting by Eve Josh Ginsburg (Casting Director), Lindsay Drucker (Casting Director),
346 E. 81st St., Apt. 1B Yancy Evans (Casting Director), Andrew Brown (Casting Director),
New York, NY 10028 917-952-3819 Genevieve Martin (Casting Director)
website: Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television
Credits: Film: Son of The South - June - Remember Me - As Good Policy: Union and nonunion. Register in person at office Monday-
As Dead - Festival of Light - O Joao - Tim Maia - TV: - Dante: The Thursday. See website for times.
Divine Comedy - Pigrims - Theater: Miranda - The Good Book - To Comments: (See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors)
Kill a Mockingbird - Hamlet - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are
Dead - Kiss Me Kate - Sinners - Annie Get Your Gun - Charlie Brown Chantiles Vigneault Casting, Inc.
Staff: Eve Pomerance (Casting Director/Producer) 163 Amsterdam Ave., Ste. 1107
Casts: Theater - Film - Background Work/Extras - Dancers New York, NY 10023 212-924-2278
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Former Agent at ICM (UK). Also co-founded Major website:
Motion Pictures with her partner, Jonathan Mossek, in order to Staff: Jeffrey Vigneault (Partner/Casting Director), Sharon
produce multiple films including, “As Good as Dead.” Pomerance Chantiles (Partner/Casting Director)
also previously cast video games for Supermassive Games/Sony. Casts: Commercials - Theater - Interactive & Digital Media -
Note: Casts principals and supporting roles in movies and theater. Infomercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Documentaries &
Reality TV - Print - Television - Radio
Casting By Laine Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards
New York, NY 646-536-5021 and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Also casts hosts.
website: Chrystie Street Casting
Credits: Advertising (selected credits): - Absolut Vodka - Godiva 195 Chrystie St., Ste. 402F
- Abercrombie & Fitch - Clairol - Eucerin - Gap Kids - Kodak - Kraft New York, NY 10002 212-966-6000
Lunchables - Levi’s - Little Marc Jacobs - LOGO - ShopBop - White Credits: TV: Blindspot - Outlander - The Black List - Zero Hour - Pan
House | Black Market - Editorial (selected credits): - Departures Am - Sex and the City - Mercy - Roseanne; Film: Lola Versus - Liberal
- Esquire - GQ - Gravure - New York Times - Teen Vogue - Vogue Arts - Young Adult - Trespass - Brooklyn’s Finest
Nippon - W Magazine - Commercials (selected credits): - Arrow - Staff: Suzanne Smith Crowley (Casting Director), Jessica Kelly
Gillette - Macy’s I.N.C. - McDonald’s - Tucker - Uniqlo (Casting Director), Rebecca Dealy (Casting Director)
Staff: Laine Rosenberg (Owner/Casting Director) Casts: Film - Television
Casts: Print - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Fashion Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Shows & Runway - Film - Live Events No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: See website.
Comments: Casts models, actors, dancers, kids, and real people Cindi Rush Casting, Ltd.
in print advertising, editorial, commercial, runway, and digital film 5 Penn Plaza, 19th Fl.
projects. Specializes in real people/street scouting for unique New York, NY 10001
character types. email:
Staff: Cindi Rush (Casting Director)
CBS Television Casting Casts: Theater - Film
51 W. 52nd St., Fifth Fl. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10019
Credits: Criminal Minds - NCIS - Angel From Hell - The Odd Couple Cindy Tolan Casting (CSA)
Staff: Eric Goldberg (Talent Coordinator, East Coast) 27 W. 20th St., Sixth Fl.
Casts: Television New York, NY 10011 212-219-5094
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Credits: West Side Story - Happyish - Deadbeat - The Reluctant
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors. Fundamentalist - Letters to Juliet - The Private Lives of Pippa
Lee - Kinsey - The Ballad of Jack and Rose - Some Kind of Heaven
Central Casting Staff: Cindy Tolan (Casting Director), Adam Caldwell (Casting
5 Penn Plaza, 10th Fl. Associate), Anne Davison (Casting Associate), Nick Petrovich
New York, NY 10001 646-205-8244 (Casting Assistant)


Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television Staff: Daryl Eisenberg, CSA (Casting Director), Ally Beans, CSA
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Accepts (Casting Director)
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Theater - Film - Television - Musicals
Policy: Self-submissions on all projects through email or to the
Comedy Central email on the individual breakdown. Accepts invitations. No calls.
345 Hudson St., Ninth Fl.
New York, NY 10019 212-767-8600 Discovery Networks Talent & Casting
website: 850 Third Ave., Fifth Fl.
Staff: Christian McLaughlin (SVP, Talent and Development), Anne New York, NY 10022 212-548-5238
Harris (VP, Talent and Development), Bill McGrath (Coordinator, Staff: Jennifer Williams (EVP, Talent Management Strategy)
Talent and Development), Miriam Mintz (Dept. Assistant) Casts: Television
Casts: Television Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail, contact through
agents preferred. Attends standup shows and showcases. No Donald Case Casting, Inc.
calls. No drop-offs. 192 Lexington Ave., Ste. 1004
Comments: Casts standup comedians. See also listing under New York, NY 10016 212-889-6555
Los Angeles Casting Directors. Fax: 212-889-4074
Comer Casting, Inc. website:
262 W. 38th St., Ste. 1706 Staff: Donald Case (Owner/Casting Director), Rachel Silver
New York, NY 10018 212-695-0115 Damanti (Casting Director), Aaron Steinbauer (Casting Assistant)
email: Casts: Radio - Television - Print - Singers & Musicians - Promotional
Credits: TV: - Evil - Rise - Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Wizard Events - Dancers - Documentaries & Reality TV - Background
of Lies with Robert Deniro - Madam Secretary - The Good Fight Work/Extras - Music Videos - Theater - Voiceovers - Industrials -
- Braindead - The Following - Blindspot Season 1 - Michael J Fox Film - Live Events - Animation - Infomercials - Interactive & Digital
Show - Bored to Death - Ugly Betty - The Good Wife - Film: When Media - Commercials
They See Us - Crime - The Humbling - A Most Violent Year - Ricki Policy: Headshots/resumes through agents and managers only.
and the Flash - Confessions of a Shopaholic - Up 3D - Last Night - Accepts postcards and invitations by mail.
You Don’t Know Jack - It’s Kind of a Funny Story - The Miraculous
Year - The Unusuals - Fame - The Smurfs Donna DeSeta Casting (CSA)
Staff: Heather Comer (Casting Director), D. Comer (Manager), New York, NY 10038 212-274-9696
Michael Allen (Casting Director), Emily Ash (Casting Director), Emily email:
Harmon (Casting Assistant) website:
Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Television Staff: Donna DeSeta (Owner/Casting Director), Kyle Coker
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email to register@comer- (Casting Director), Marie LaDuca (Casting Director) No drop-offs. Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film
- Industrials - Voiceovers - Radio - Music Videos - Motion Capture
Dale Brown Casting (CSA) - Dancers - Fashion Shows & Runway - Print - Television - Musicals
New York, NY 917-459-2485 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. Submissions through
email: agents and managers preferred. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Dale Brown (Casting Director) Donna Grossman Casting, Inc.
Casts: Theater - Film - Television 12 W. 27th St., 10th Fl.
Policy: See website or email submissions to dbcastsubmis- New York, NY 10001 212-598-2344 email:
Damian Bao Casting Staff: Donna Grossman (Casting Director/CEO), Paul Bernstein
New York, NY (EP/COO), Sara Rachel (Casting Producer)
email: Casts: Theater - Print - Documentaries & Reality TV - Motion Capture - Music Videos - Voiceovers - Industrials - Film - Live Events
website: - Infomercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Commercials - Television
Staff: Damian Bao (Casting Director) Policy: By email for specific projects only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Fashion Shows & Comments: Casting for directors, photographers, producers,
Runway - Print - Television and advertising agencies.
Policy: Submit through website or email headshot and resume.
No calls. No drop-offs. Donna McKenna Casting (CSA)
New York, NY 11772 631-363-5060
Eisenberg/Beans Casting email:
New York, NY 10001 Credits: Leaves of the Tree - Night Sweats - Cry from Within -
Los Angeles, CA Exiled out East - Honor - Oiled Up - Confidence Game - Coach of the
email: Year - 79 Parts - West End - Excuse Me For Living - Dark - Landlocked
website: - The Big Shot Caller - A Merry Little Christmas - The Drum Beats


Twice - Wannabes - Home Invaders - Mattie Fresno and the Holoflux Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
Universe - The Signs of the Cross - Rose Woes and Joe’s - 5th reel, postcards, and invitations via email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Borough - Chronicles of A Serial Killer - Clinton Road - Alter Ego Comments: Specializes in comedy, challenging casting searches,
Staff: Donna McKenna, CSA (Casting Director) and indie film casting. Also provides career counseling for a fee.
Casts: Film - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
Infomercials - Animation - Industrials - Music Videos - Documentaries Estrin/Bergstein Casting
& Reality TV - Television 100 E. 4th St., 2nd fl.
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. Calls accepted. New York, NY 10003 212-354-1794
No drop-offs. Credits: Dominion - The Cobbler - Still Alice - Z For Zachariah
Comments: McKenna is an established award winning casting Staff: Allison Estrin (Casting Director), Henry Russell Bergstein
director/producer and educator, she is known for her ability to bring (Casting Director), Jenn Gaw (Associate), Satchel Buck Jones
strong, diverse, innovative, new, and unexpected talent choices to (Assistant)
a director. She has extensive experience casting features and short Casts: Film - Television
films as well as television pilots and web series. She has strong Policy: Referral by agents and managers.
working relationships with agents and managers on both coasts.
Donna is a member of the Casting Society of America and an elected Eve Battaglia Casting (CSA)
Suffolk County Film Commission-Board Member. 17A Stuyvesant Oval
New York, NY 10009
Ellen Chenoweth Casting (CSA) email:
161 Sixth Ave., 11th Fl. Credits: Professor Marston and The Wonder Women -
New York, NY 10013 212-627-1662 Transamerica - Blue Caprice - Lilyhammer (Netflix)
Credits: Hap and Leonard - The Bourne Legacy - Men in Black Staff: Eve Battaglia (Casting Director), Karin Sibrava (Casting
3 - The Ides of March - True Grit - It’s Complicated - A Serious Man Associate), Lindsey Roberts (Casting Associate)
- Duplicity - Gran Torino - Doubt - Burn After Reading - Changeling Casts: Film
- Leatherheads - Michael Clayton - No Country for Old Men Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred.
Staff: Ellen Chenoweth (Owner), Susanne Scheel (Casting No drop-offs.
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Voiceovers - Television Extra Extra Casting, Inc.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. New York, NY 10024 212-327-4685
No calls. No drop-offs. email: (Production Only)
Ellen Lewis Casting (CSA) Staff: Alison Watters (Casting Director)
161 Avenue of the Americas, 11th Fl. Casts: Commercials - Background Work/Extras
New York, NY 10013 323-463-1925 Policy: Headshot/resume by email at submissions@extraext-
Credits: The Leftovers - Hyde Park on the Hudson - Extremely Loud No calls. No drop-offs.
& Incredibly Close - Hugo - Morning Glory - Letters to Juliet - Shutter Comments: Casts for background only. (See also listing under
Island - Revolutionary Road - Mamma Mia! - Charlie Wilson’s War Los Angeles Casting Directors)
Staff: Ellen Lewis (Casting Director), Kate Sprance (Casting
Associate) Finnegan/Jacobs Casting (CSA)
Casts: Film - Television c/o Woodridge Productions
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Chelsea Piers, Pier 62, Ste. 305
No calls. No drop-offs. New York, NY 10011
Credits: The Blacklist - Younger - Royal Pains - Life on Mars
Erica Palgon Casting & Beyond (CSA) - Spin City
NY 11375 347-454-9966 Staff: Bonnie Finnegan (Casting Director), Steven Jacobs (Casting
email: Director), Zoe Rotter (Casting Director)
website: Casts: Film - Television
Credits: TV: A&E - Lifetime - History - Sesame Street - TruTV Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
- HGTV - Full Frontal with Samantha Bee - Blank Meets Blank - only. No drop-offs.
Unlocked World of Games Revealed - Comedy Central Promos for
: - The Daily Show - The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore - South FOX Entertainment
Park - Tosh.0 - Amy Schumer Show - Shorty Awards 2014 - Booking. 1211 Ave. of the Americas, 28th Fl.
com ad - ESPY’S Award video - Commercial: Geico - Panera Bread New York, NY 10036
- HGTV - Google - Sobe - Target - Voiceover: TJ Maxx - Homegoods - Credits: Thin Ice - Empire - The Grinder - Lucifer - Minority
Boar’s Head - Citibank - Film: C Street - Dark - Hudson Tribes - Visit Report - Scream Queens - Rosewood
57 - Murphy Crib - Just Like the Son - Great World of Sound - The Staff: Clint Alexander (Director, East Coast Casting)
Project - Julia - Doomsdays - Hannah Has a Ho Phase - Mean Girls Casts: Television
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Shortbus Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No drop-offs.
Staff: Erica Palgon (Owner/Casting Director) Comments: (See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Radio -
Television - Interactive & Digital Media - Print - Industrials - Music Garrin-Teed Talent
Videos - Animation 322 W. 57th St., Ste. 29-S


New York, NY 10019 Credits: Background: Billions - The Deuce - Gotham - The
email: Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Mr. Robot - Succession
Credits: Sunday Night Live with Joey Reynolds - Little Steven’s Staff: Grant Wilfley (Owner), Melissa Braun (Casting Director),
Underground Garage Concert Tours and Videos - Aristocrats - Make Alex Cody (Casting Associate), Nikita Dolese (Casting Associate),
‘Em Laugh - Big Apple - Committed - Shoe Store Romeo - Behind the Allison Hall (Casting Director), Belle Jiao (Casting Associate), Sabel
Scenes: George Benson’s Absolute Benson - Behind the Scenes: Diana (Casting Director), Jackie Snyder Benz (Casting Associate), Katherine
Krall With the London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios Hurt (Casting Associate)
Staff: Steve Garrin (President), Emily DeGrasse (Casting Director), Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Television
Louise Moore (Casting Director) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only for extra work.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television Accepts submissions through agents and managers only for principal
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No drop-offs. roles. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also offers virtual voiceover lessons.
Harriet Bass Casting
Gayle Keller Casting (CSA) 112 W. 34th St., 17th Fl.
246 Fifth Ave., Ste. 413 New York, New York 10120 212-598-9032
New York, NY 10001 email:
Credits: Hustlers - Louie - Bored to Death website:
Staff: Gayle Keller (Casting Director) Credits: Partial List of Theatre projects include: - Gem of
Casts: Television The Ocean (Broadway) - Jitney (Off-Broadway) - Radio Golf (Off-
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Broadway) - Secret Order (Off-Broadway) - Alliance Theatre - Arizona
Theatre - Baltimore Center Stage - Denver Center for the Performing
GENUINE Arts - Hartford Stage - Humana Festival at Actor’s Theatre of Louisville
164 W. 25th St., 4F - Merrimack Repertory Theatre - Portland Center Stage - Syracuse
New York, NY 10001 212-966-3211 Stage - Virginia Stage Company
email: Staff: Harriet Bass (Casting Director), Gama Valle (Casting
Staff: Jill Strickman (Founder/President/CEO), Jennifer Associate)
Kitchin (Executive Producer), Angelique Von Thun (Operations Casts: Theater - Musicals - Film
Manager), Sara Conte (Business Development Manager), Meg Miller Policy: Union Only. Accepts headshots/resumes by mail only
(Coordinating Producer), Gina Boyer (Casting Director), Lucy Locke on a per-project basis. Accepts postcards and invitations. Attends
(Casting Director), Brandon Salerno (Casting Associate), Luciana Showcases. No calls. No drop-offs.
Berger (Graphic Designer) Comments: Casts primarily theater.
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Print
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Hart Casting
No calls. No drop-offs. New York, NY
Comments: Specializes in market research and commercial Staff: Erica Hart (Casting Director), Daniel Frankel (Casting
casting. Associate)
Casts: Television
Gotham Casting
122 W. 26th St. Henry Russell Bergstein Casting
New York, NY 10018 212-596-4061 c/o Vineyard Theatre
Fax: 212-333-5900 108 E. 15th St.
email: New York, NY 10003
website: Staff: Henry Russell Bergstein (Casting Director)
Staff: Michael Petolino (Owner/Casting Director), Mike Fortino Casts: Theater - Film
(Casting Director) Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Casts: Commercials - Background Work/Extras - Television
Herman & Lipson Casting, Inc.
Grande/Morris Casting New York, NY 10036 212-807-7706
60 Madison Ave., Ste. 601 email:
New York, NY 10010 646-415-8223 Staff: Barry Shapiro (President)
email: Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
website: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. Accepts postcards
Staff: Fay Shumsey Grande (Casting Director), David Morris and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
(Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers Stephanie Holbrook Casting (CSA)
Policy: See website for submission details. 101 E. 15th St., Fourth Fl.
New York, NY 10003 212-624-5863
Grant Wilfley Casting email:
241 W. 30th St., Fourth Fl. Credits: TV: The Sinner - Film: The Grudge - The Wolf Hour - John
New York, NY 10001 212-685-3537 Wick 3 (NY casting) - Human Capital - Madeline’s Madeline - The
212-685-3168 (Hotline) Kindergarten Teacher - My Friend Dahmer - Catfight - One Percent
website: More Humid - Thoroughbred - Landline - Culling Hens - Supporting


Characters - Backwards - Spaz - WildLike - The Lifeguard - A Novel
Romance - Margaret - Private Romeo - Harvest - The Happening Ilene Starger Casting (CSA-AMPAS )
Staff: Stephanie Holbrook (Casting Director) P.O. Box 246, FDR Station
Casts: Film New York, NY 10150
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: Film: - Custody - Good Friday - The Rewrite - Did You Hear
House Casting (SAG-AFTRA) About the Morgans? - Night at the Museum - Music & Lyrics - Two
450 W. 15th St., Ste. 202 Weeks’ Notice - The Pink Panther 1 & 2 - School of Rock - The First
New York, NY 10011 917-757-1491 Wives Club - Sleepy Hollow - Marvin’s Room - The Parent Trap - No
Fax: 212-929-5350 Way Out - A Simple Plan - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - Broadway: -
email: Waiting for Godot - No Man’s Land - Closer - Diary of Anne Frank - The
website: Elephant Man - Dance of Death - Dirty Blonde - Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Credits: Mentos - Target - Honda - Time Warner Cable - Lexus - West End: - Venus in Fur - The Libertine - Breakfast at Tiffany’s
- Chevrolet - AT&T - 5 Gum - Bratz - Nike - Clorox - GAP - Powerade Staff: Ilene Starger (Casting Director)
- Lancome - Vonage - Sony - Bud Light - Grey Goose - Allegra - Casts: Film - Theater - Television
Citibank - H&M Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Staff: Neil Myer (Partner/Casting Director), Mary Egan-Callahan drop-offs.
(Partner/Casting Director), Rebecca Yarsin (Casting Director), Nef
Jones (Casting Director, Real People) Impossible Studios
Casts: Commercials - Television - Film - Voiceovers - Music 50-12 Vernon Blvd. (rear)
Videos - Interactive & Digital Media - Industrials - Animation - Queens, NY 11101 212-255-3029
Documentaries & Reality TV - Industrials - Infomercials - Live email:
Events - Radio - Theater - Voiceover website:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No Credits: Smirnoff - GNC - WalMart - Nintendo Wii - Disney -
drop-offs. Target - Coppertone - The Pickup Artist (Season 2) - BMW - Proto
Comments: Union and nonunion casting. Additional specialties Magazine - Swiss Army
in comedy and improv performers, real people, and models. Staff: Craig Lechner (Owner/Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
The House That Casting Built - Voiceovers - Television
413 W. 14th St., Second Fl. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email on a per-project
New York, NY 10014 basis. Register for email blasts by website. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Irene Stockton Casting (CSA) 261 Broadway, Ste. 2B
Credits: Netflix - Bravo - AMC - TLC - HSN - A&E - Lifetime - FYI New York, NY 10007 212-964-9445
Staff: Risa Tanania (Founder/Casting Director), Anthony Lucente email:
(Founder/Casting Director) Staff: Irene Stockton (Owner/Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials Casts: Theater - Film
- Film - Industrials - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by email. No calls.
Reality TV - Television No drop-offs.
Policy: By email only. Private coaching also available.
Comments: Media trains those who are interested in appearing Jaderlund Casting (ATAS-SAG-AFTRA)
as experts/hosts on television. A House for talent. A House for 1501 Broadway, 12th Fl.
stories. Advises actors on their reels as well as edits them. Cast New York, NY 10036-5601 757-813-4300 (producers only)
nationwide series to experts/hosts to commercials. Specializes in 505-55-ACTOR (talent only)
unscripted development. website:
Credits: Washington 2020 (History) - The Food That Built
Howard Cherpakov Casting (CSA) America (History) - The Gateway - Frontiersmen (History) - The
325 W. 100th St., Ste. C West (AMC) - NASCAR: The Rise of American Speed - American
New York, NY 10025 212-643-2602 Genius - Field of Lost Shoes - Captain Phillips - To Have and to
email: Hold - The Watermen - Transformers - Outliers - John Adams - Evan
website: Almighty - WalMart - Pizza Hut - NIA - NASA
Credits: Broadway: - Benny & Joon - Bright Star - Next Fall - Staff: Henry Jäderlund (Casting Director), David Brantley (Casting
The Seafarer - Coram Boy - Chicago - Annie Get Your Gun - - Off Director)
Broadway/Regional: - Atlantic Theatre Company - The Old Globe Casts: Musicals - Television - Singers & Musicians - Variety
Theatre - Lincoln Center Theatre - New York Stage & Film - Naked Shows & Specialty Acts - Fashion Shows & Runway - Promotional
Angels - Irish Arts Center - Pittsburgh Public Theatre, Pasadena Events - Dancers - Documentaries & Reality TV - Background Work/
Playhouse - NYMF - Magic Theatre, Soho Theatre (London) Extras - Motion Capture - Theater - Music Videos - Radio - Voiceovers
Staff: Howie Cherpakov (Casting Director) - Industrials - Film - Live Events - Animation - Infomercials - Interactive
Casts: Theater - Film - Dancers - Television - Musicals & Digital Media - Commercials
Policy: Union only. Accepts headshot/resume by email only. Policy: Submissions accepted by website only. Mailed submissions
Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. not accepted. No drop-offs.


Polish - The Pink House - The Pirates of Central Park - Something
Jamibeth Margolis Casting (CSA) Sweet - Whipped - Endsville - The Curse - Kill by Inches - Girl Go
888C Eighth Ave., Ste. 556 Boom - One Man’s Castle
New York, NY 10019 212-330-8608 Staff: Jodi Collins (Casting Director), Jodi Lieberman (Partner,
email: JLC)
Staff: Jamibeth Margolis (Casting Director) Casts: Theater - Film - Voiceovers - Television
Casts: Theater - Animation - Film - Television Policy: Accepts headshot/resume, postcards, and invitations by
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts email only. Absolutely no hard-copy mailings of any kind. No drop-offs.
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Emphasis on talent adept in mockumentary style,
with solidly trained legit and/or improv-based abilities.
Jen Rudin Casting, LLC (CSA)
New York, NY 10023 646-801-0474 Jonathan Strauss Casting (CSA-ATAS)
email: 62 Chelsea Piers, Room 304
website: New York, NY 10019 212-414-0575
Credits: Chicken Little - The Princess and the Frog - The 212-414-2949
Incredibles - Brother Bear - “Can you hear me now?” campaign email:
for Verizon - Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie - Peter Bogdanovich’s Credits: FBI Most Wanted - Law & Order: Organized Crime -
Squirrels to the Nuts - The American Side - Peter Rabbit on Nick FBI - Law & Order: SVU - Chicago Fire - Chicago PD - Chicago Med
Jr. - Rock Dog - Free Birds Staff: Jonathan K. Strauss (Casting Director), Philip Huffman
Staff: Jen Rudin (Casting Director) (Casting Director), Jenny Ravitz (Casting Director), Liz Fraser
Casts: Film - Television - Animation - Voiceovers (Casting Associate), Rebecca Gushin (Casting Associate), Reilly
Policy: Email submissions by project only. Hickey (Casting Associate), Taylla Smith (Casting Assistant), Shira
Comments: CSA, Member of 399 Union. Steiner (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Film - Television
Jennifer Ajemian Casting Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
New York, NY 10023 Comments: PGA
Credits: For full credits visit Judy Bowman Casting
Staff: Jennifer Peralta-Ajemian (Owner/Casting Director) NJ 07052 917-673-2655
Casts: Film - Commercials - Television website:
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Credits: For full credits see Facebook or website.
No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Judy Bowman (Owner/Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Film - Television
Jennifer Euston Casting (CSA) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, or by message on the Judy
New York, NY Bowman Casting Facebook page. No emails. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Film: Adult World - Bachelorette - Scott Pilgrim vs. the
World - The Other Guys - Furry Vengeance - Cop Out - TV: Girls - Judy Henderson & Associates Casting
Orange is the New Black (CSA)
Staff: Jennifer Euston (Casting Director), S.J. Allocco (Casting 330 W. 89th St.
Associate), Ashley Diane Long (Casting Assistant) New York, NY 10024 212-877-0225
Casts: Film - Television Credits: Homeland - Before Midnight - L.I.E. Roadie - Before
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Sunrise
Staff: Judy Henderson (Owner/Casting Director), Nick Peciaro
Joan Lynn Casting (Casting Associate)
90 John St. Casts: Theater - Film - Television
New York, NY 10038 212-535-5305 Policy: Union only. Accepts submissions through agents and
Credits: Chase Bank - Verizon - Macy’s - Charles Schwab managers only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Joan Lynn (Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Voiceovers Judy Keller Casting, Inc.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 230 E. 48th St., PHS
Comments: Specializes in commercials and voiceovers. New York, NY 10017 917-446-7677
Jodi Collins Casting/JLC website:
Entertainment Group Staff: Judy Keller (Owner/Casting Director)
77 E. 12th St., Ste. 7G Casts: Television - Film - Voiceovers - Commercials - Interactive
New York, NY 10003 & Digital Media - Print - Documentaries & Reality TV - Infomercials
email: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
website: No drop-offs.
Credits: TV: Gurland on Gurland (pilot) - Delocated - Sherri - TV
Funhouse - Strangers With Candy - Viva Variety - The Big Gay Julie Schubert Casting
Sketch Show - The Chris Rock Show - Film: Virginity Hit - Awake New York, NY 10018
(Casting Consultant) - Gabriel y Gato - Sweet Little Lies - Nail Staff: Julie Schubert (Casting Director)


Casts: Film - Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Kee Casting (SAG-AFTRA)
New York, NY 10010 212-725-3775
JZ Casting (CSA) website:
226 W. 37th St., Ste. 604 Credits: Film: - Otherhood (Netflix) - Two Against Nature - Holiday
New York, NY 10018 347-812-0935 Rush - Human Capital - Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always - Topside
email: - Chemical Hearts (Amazon) - Thanks for Sharing - Shame - Young
website: Adult - We Need to Talk About Kevin - The Messenger - Fighting - Music
Staff: Geoff Josselson (Casting Director), Katja Zarolinski & Lyrics - The Savages - Garden State - As Good as It Gets - TV: - The
(Casting Director) Good Wife - Bar Karma - The Kindergarten Teacher - Ramy Youssef
Casts: Theater - Film - Television Pilot - Cafe Society
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Karen E. Etcoff (Casting Director), Bill Tripician (Casting
Associate), Josephine Ronga (Casting Associate), Katy Carpineli
K2 Casting (SAG-AFTRA) (Casting Associate), Diana Blue (Casting Associate)
P.O. Box 20174 Casts: Background Work/Extras - Commercials - Dancers -
London Terrace Station Documentaries & Reality TV
New York, NY 10011 917-518-8858 Policy: See website. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Specializes in background and day players.
Staff: Kevin Kennison (Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Ken Lazer Casting Company
Film - Television - Documentaries - Industrials - Infomercials - Live 347 Fifth Ave., #1402
Events - Musicals New York, NY 10016 646-205-8060
Policy: Union and nonunion. Absolutely no unsolicited submis- email:
sions. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Audition coach and consultant with university pro- Credits: MTV “White Squad” - Kay Jewelers - Univision - Laneige
grams and showcases. Consultant with Metropolis Artists Agency. - Sony - Seamless - Footlocker - Wendy’s - Verizon - Comcast -
Also casts for developmental plays and musicals. Forevermark Jewelry - Crayola - Charter Cable
Staff: Ken Lazer (Casting Director), Brittany (Casting Assistant)
Kate Geller Casting (CSA) Casts: Commercials - Voiceovers - Industrials - Documentaries
New York, NY & Reality TV - Film - Television
email: Policy: See website for submission details. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Kate Gellar (Casting Director), David O’Hara (Casting
Assistant) Kipperman Casting, Inc.
Casts: Film - Television - Interactive & Digital Media 12 W. 37th St., Third Fl.
Policy: Emails only. No phone calls or drop-offs. No postcards. New York, NY 10018 212-736-3663
Comments: Teamster. email:
Kate Mack Casting website:
New York, NY Staff: Jodi Kipperman (Owner/Casting Director), Kelly Gerson
email: (Casting Director), Tisha Ioli (Casting Director)
website: Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
Staff: Kate Mack (Casting Director) - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Television
Casts: Commercials - Music Videos - Fashion Shows & Runway Policy: Headshot/resume by email to submissions email only.
- Print - Television Include project name on subject line if submitting for a specific
Policy: Submit headshot or recent photo, resume or a brief project. Indicate union status on photos. No calls. No drop-offs.
description of talents, occupation, etc. by email along with any
relevant links. No calls. No drop-offs. Kromer Casting
222 W. 37th St., Ste. 1504
Kathleen Chopin (CSA) New York, NY 10018
1 Union Square W., Ste. 902 Credits: Power - Raising Dion - Cloak & Dagger - The First Purge
New York, NY 10003 212-358-9346 - Better Off Single - Red Tails
Credits: Bull - Tommy - Emergence - Reprisal - The Secret - Asher Staff: Christine Kromer (Casting Director)
- Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (NY) - Florence Foster Jenkins - Casts: Film - Television
Room - The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Alpha House - Divorce - Tower Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Heist - Mr. Popper’s Penguins - Arthur (Remake) - Wall Street:
Money Never Sleeps Laura Rosenthal Casting (CSA)
Staff: Kathleen Chopin (Casting Director), John Ort (Casting 225 Broadway, Ste. 200
Director), Caroline Allegrante (Casting Associate), Deanna Greif New York, NY 10007 212-431-2611
(Casting Assistant) Credits: A Quiet Place - Sweetbitter (TV) - Wonderstruck - The
Casts: Film - Television Young Pope (TV) - Norman - 20th Century Women - Carol - Youth
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. - Louder Than Bombs - Olive Kitteridge - Laughs Unlimited - Kill
No calls. No drop-offs. Your Darlings - Mildred Pierce - Adult Children of Divorce - Meek’s


Cutoff - The Kids Are All Right - The Company Men - Motherhood - Associate)
Wendy and Lucy - Far From Heaven - Goodfellas Casts: Theater
Staff: Laura Rosenthal (Casting Director), Maribeth Fox (Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards
Director), Jodi Angstreich (Casting Director), Kim Guzman (Casting and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Lisa Tiso Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited 1 Broadway Plaza
demos. No calls. No drop-offs. Elmsford, NY 10523 914-592-2268 ext. 850
Laura Stanczyk Productions & Brick Staff: Lisa Tiso (Casting Director)
Wall Theatrical LLC (CSA) Casts: Theater
124 W. 30th St., Unit 204 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
New York, NY 10001 212-757-9456
Credits: Side Show (Broadway Revival) - After Midnight - A Night Liz Lewis Casting Partners (CSA)
With Janis Joplin - Dirty Dancing (US Tour) - Follies (Broadway Revival) 151 W. 19th St., Third Fl.
- Lombardi - Coram Boy - Impressionism - Translations - Ragtime New York, NY 10011 212-645-1500
- Cotton Club Parade at New York City Center - Ghost Brothers of email:
Darkland County (The Alliance Theatre) - Damn Yankees (New York website:
City Center) - Dirty Dancing (Boston Opera House) Staff: Liz Lewis (Casting Director), Angela Mickey (Casting
Staff: Laura Stanczyk (Casting Director), Mary Baynard (Casting Director), Lynn Taylor (Managing Director of LLCP), Rachel Reiss
Associate) (Casting Director), Ashley-Lauren Elrod (Casting Director), Rebecca
Casts: Theater - Film LaGore (Casting Associate), Delphine Lewis (Casting Assistant)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. Casts: Film - Television - Animation - Commercials - Radio -
No drop-offs. Musicals - Print - Singers & Musicians - Promotional Events - Dancers
- Documentaries & Reality TV - Motion Capture - Music Videos
Lee Genick/Sylvia Fay & Associates - Voiceovers - Industrials - Live Events - Infomercials - Interactive
Casting & Digital Media - Theater
420 West End Ave., Ground D Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Accepts
New York, NY 10024 212-889-2626 postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors.
Credits: Luke Cage - Iron Fist - The Punisher - The Defenders - Liz Woodman Casting
Daredevil - Jessica Jones - Alpha House - Deadbeat - Wall Street 245 W. 107th St., Ste. 8F
- Raging Bull - Silent House - Goodfellas - Tootsie - You’ve Got Mail New York, NY 10025 212-787-3782
- Captain America - A Bronx Tale - Solitary Man - Doubt - Brooklyn’s Credits: The Full Monty - Ford’s Theatre
Finest - The Hours - Jack Goes Boating - Glengarry Glen Ross Staff: Liz Woodman (Casting Director)
Staff: Lee Genick (Casting Director) Casts: Theater
Casts: Background Work/Extras - Film - Television - Interactive Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
& Digital Media - Commercials - Industrials - Infomercials No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Union and nonunion. Register/submit headshot/resume
by website. Lois Drabkin Casting (CSA)
Comments: Primarily casts background and extras on film and TV. New York, NY 10018
Lewis & Fox Casting (CSA) Staff: Lois Drabkin (Casting Director)
224 W. 29th St., 10th Fl. Casts: Film - Television
New York, NY 10001 646-395-0584 Policy: By email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Lynn Kressel Casting (CSA)
website: New York, NY
Staff: Kristine Lewis (Casting Director), Jamie Fox (Casting email:
Director) Credits: TV: - Law & Order - Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Law &
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Music Videos Order: SVU - Law & Order: Los Angeles - Bag of Bones - Riverworld -
- Television Loving Leah - The Last Templar - Comanche Moon - Flash Gordon - Tin
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail Man - Film: Nights in Rodanthe - Eat Pray Love - The Invention of Lying
or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Lynn Kressel (Casting Director)
Comments: Casts all types for all areas for New York/Philadelphia. Casts: Film - Television
Expertise in choreography. Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also produces film and TV. Member of PGA.
Lincoln Center Theater Casting (CSA)
150 W. 65th St. Manhattan Theatre Club Casting/
New York, NY 10023 212-501-3230 Nancy Piccione Casting (CSA)
Staff: Daniel Swee (Casting Director), Camille Hickman (Casting 311 W. 43rd St., Eighth Fl.


New York, NY 10036 212-399-3000 McCorkle Casting, Ltd. (CSA)
Fax: 212-399-4329 575 Eighth Ave., 18th Fl.
email: New York, NY 10018 212-244-3899
website: Fax: 212-244-3638
Staff: Nancy Piccione (Director, Casting), Kelly Gillespie (Casting email:
Director), Nicole Van Denburg (Casting Assistant) website:
Casts: Theater Credits: Film: Eternal Buzz - Winter House - Conversations with
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or drop off at recep- Max - Potato Dreams - Fair Market Value - Year by the Sea - Premium
tion. No calls. Rush - Ghost Town - Secret Window - Basic - Rollerball (Remake) -
Rare Birds - I Dreamed of Africa - TV - The Electric Company - The
Hirschfeld/Flood Casting (CSA) L Word - Californication - Human Giant - 3 lbs. - Chappelle’s Show
New York, NY 10013 - Sesame Street - Broadway, Off-Broadway - Amazing Grace - On
CBS Studio Center, 4024 N. Radford Ave. the Town - Becoming Dr. Ruth - Shear Madness - Tribes - End of the
Studio City, CA 91604 Rainbow - Our Town - High - Freud’s Last Session - Regional Theater
Credits: Mark Hirschfeld: Bobcat Goldthwait’s Misfits and - George Street Playhouse - Barrington Stage - Guthrie - CATF - St.
Monsters (TruTV) - Man With a Plan (CBS) - Kevin Can Wait (CBS) Louis Repertory Theatre - Pittsburgh Public - Olney Theatre
(season 1) - Somewhere Between (ABC) - Ash vs. Evil Dead (Starz) Staff: Patricia McCorkle (Casting Director), Jeffrey Dreisbach
- Marco Polo (Netflix) - Hannibal (NBC) - Black Sails (Starz) - Friend (Partner), Nathan Francis (Casting Assistant), Katie Catano (Casting
Me - See Dad Run - Happily Divorced - Last Man Standing - The Assistant)
Whole Truth - Seinfeld - The Larry Sanders Show - 3rd Rock from Casts: Theater - Film - Television - Commercials
the Sun - That ‘70s Show - Newsradio - The Nanny - Married... Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No unsolicited demos.
with Children - Party of Five - The Wonder Years - The Drew Carey No calls. No drop-offs.
Show - Geralyn Flood: Man with a Plan - Live in Front of a Studio
Audience:... - Jury Duty (pilot) - To Whom it May Concern (pilot) Meredith Tucker Casting
Staff: Marc Hirschfeld (Casting Director), Geralyn Flood (Casting New York, NY 10018 347-221-0433
Director), Alexandra Niedt (Casting Associate (LA)) email:
Casts: Television - Theater - Interactive & Digital Media - Film Credits: Defending Jacob - Irresistible - 8th Grade - Brad’s Status -
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Ray Donovan - Vinyl - Boardwalk Empire - In the Loop - Year of the Dog
No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Meredith Tucker (Casting Director), Erica Hart (Casting
Comments: Mark is a casting consultant for BBC America, Associate)
Sundance, eOne and AMC Network. Former Executive VP Casting Casts: Film - Television
for NBC Universal TV (1999-2008). Casting out of Los Angeles Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
and New York.
Michael Cassara Casting (CSA)
Mark Saks Casting (CSA) 333 W. 39th St., Ste. 800
26 Broadway, Ste. 950 New York, NY 10018 212-564-6700
New York, NY 10004 646-613-6047 email:
Credits: Mercy Street - Madam Secretary - Elementary - Ringer website:
- The Good Wife - Person of Interest - Numb3rs - Medium - Dirt Credits: Spamilton - Hangar Theatre - New York Musical Festival
Staff: Mark Saks (Casting Director), John Andrews (Casting (NYMF) - National Alliance for Musical Theatre (NAMT) - Gulfshore
Associate), Zak Kahn (Casting Associate), Jack Bowdan (Casting Playhouse - Forbidden Broadway - National Asian Artists Project
Associate) Staff: Michael Cassara (Owner/Casting Director), Stephanie
Casts: Film - Television Cowan (Casting Associate)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Theater - Film - Industrials - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
Matthew Maisto Casting (CSA) reel by mail or email. Attends showcases. No calls. No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10001
Credits: The Walk - St. Vincent - The Tale - Diamond Soles Michele Pulice Casting
Staff: Matthew Maisto (Casting Director), David O’Hara (Casting New York, NY 914-494-9304
Assistant) Credits: Pop City Tour “Pop Stars To Watch Tour” - ABC - CNBC
Casts: Film - Xbox - Disney - American Express - Bongo Jeans - Citi - Dio
Policy: By agent or manager. Productions - Coupon Bug - Hellmans - Kelloggs - AT&T - Old El Paso
- McDonalds - Wisk - The View - TV 411 - A Cup Of Coffee - National
Matthew Messinger Casting Guard - Michael Apted - Lewis Roth - Ray Zarro - Santiago Suarez - Dik
244 W. 72nd St. Haddad - Jim Nikodemski - Don Regensberger - Rebecca Karst - Bob
New York, NY 10023 Dio - Gerard De Theme - Monarchy Films - Picture This Television
website: - Marcia Mule - Bryan Scott - Ron Marrazzo - Camm Productions
Staff: Matthew Messinger (Casting Director) Staff: Michele Pulice (Casting Director)
Casts: Film - Television - Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Casts: Music Videos - Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials
Digital Media - Voiceovers - Animation - Voiceovers - Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No drop-offs. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
only. No calls.


Comments: Specializes in casting Music Videos and Musical Tours. website:
Credits: Matilda the musical, Broadway & Nat’l Tour (Children’s
Moss Kale Anastasi Casting (MKA casting director) - The Audience, Broadway (Children’s casting
Casting) (CSA) director) - Billy Elliot, Broadway and National Tours (Children’s
602 Tenth Ave., Ste. 4FN casting director) - Bag Man - Short Film, directed by TWiN (Jon
New York, NY 10036 and Josh Baker) - Casting Director - Resident casting director of
website: Transport Group - Selected credits: - Three Days to See - Queen of
Staff: Bob Kale (Casting Director, CSA), John Anastasi (Casting the Mist - Hello Again - All the Way Home - Crossing Brooklyn - Dark
Director) at the Top of the Stairs - Bury the Dead - The Audience - And Away
Casts: Theater - Film - Television We Go by Terrance McNally - Pearl Theatre - Casting Director - West
Policy: Headshot/resume, postcards, and invitations by mail Side Story - La Scala Opera House in Milan and Tour
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Nora Brennan (Casting Director)
Comments: Formerly known as Barry Moss Casting and Hughes Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film
Moss Casting. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email or mail. No calls.
No drop-offs.
MTV Talent & Casting
1515 Broadway, Casting Dept., 23rd Fl. Paladino Casting
New York, NY 10036 212-258-8000 313 Church St., Fl. 2
Staff: Jessica Zalkind (Sr. VP, Talent & Series Development), New York, NY 10013 212-741-2224
Lauren Zins (Director, East Coast Talent & Casting), Stephanie 7700 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 200
Palumbo (Assistant to Jessica Zalkind) Los Angeles, CA 90046 212-741-2224
Casts: Television email:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors. Staff: Kristen Paladino (Founder/Casting Director), Lori Malkin
(Casting Director), Michelle Xinyi Zhang (Casting Assistant)
Mungioli Theatricals, Inc. (CSA) Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film
1501 Broadway, Ste. 2006 - Voiceovers - Motion Capture - Print - Television
New York, NY 10036 212-337-8832 Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail
email: or email, email preferred. Accepts postcards and invitations. No
website: calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Arnold J. Mungioli (Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Film - Television Paul Russell Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited 22 Saint Luke’s Place, Ste. 43
demos. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Montclair, NJ 07042
188 Pompton Ave., Ste. B
NBC Entertainment Casting Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
30 Rockefeller Plaza, Ste. 1116W email:
New York, NY 10112 212-664-5517 website:
Staff: Grace Wu (Executive VP, Casting), Jennifer McNamara Credits: Following Bliss (Indie Feature) - Barter Theatre (NYC
Shroff (SVP, Casting), Trey Lawson (Director of Casting), Erica casting office) - Cobb - Disney’s Beauty and The Beast – Civil War
Silverman (Office of Grace Wu) Voices (National Tour) – Diary of Anne Frank (National Tour) –
Casts: Television Keep on the Sunny Side (National Tour) – Of Mice & Men (National
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Tour) - Woody Guthrie’s American Song - Pera Palas - The Good
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors. Doctor - The New Living Room
Staff: Paul Russell (Casting Director), Mark Tyler (Casting
Nickelodeon Casting (CSA) Assistant)
1515 Broadway, 37th Fl. Casts: Theater - Film - Television
New York, NY 10036 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. For email,
Staff: Paula Kaplan (Executive VP, Talent & Development, do not attach files, paste headshot/resume into body of email. No
Viacom Digital Studios & Talent, Nickelodeon), Julie Rose (VP, calls. No drop-offs.
Casting), Danielle Pretsfelder (Director, Casting), Samantha Steele Comments: Cast principals only.
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Television Playwrights Horizons (CSA)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 416 W. 42nd St., Third Fl.
Comments: Casts scripted and unscripted, animated and live New York, NY 10036 212-564-1235
action. Fax: 212-594-0296
Nora Brennan Casting (CSA) website:
752 West End Ave. Ste. MC Staff: Alaine Alldaffer (Casting Director), Lisa Donadio (Associate
New York, NY 10025 212-706-0221 Casting Director), Gail Quintos (Casting Fellow)
email: Casts: Theater - Film - Television Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. Drop-offs okay.


No calls. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Public Theater Casting Comments: Former VP, Casting for ABC Television.
425 Lafayette St.
New York, NY 10003 212-539-8550 Roundabout Theatre Company (CSA)
website: 231 W. 39th, Ste. 1200
Staff: Jordan Thaler (Director of Casting), Heidi Griffiths (Director New York, NY 10018 212-719-1073
of Casting), Kate Murray (Casting Director), Chalin Tulyathan Fax: 212-642-9622
(Casting Associate), Elizabeth Hay (Casting Assistant), Danica website:
Rodriguez (Casting Assistant) Staff: Jim Carnahan (Casting Director), Carrie Gardner (Casting
Casts: Theater Director), Stephen Kopel (Casting Director), Jillian Cimini (Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail (attn: Casting). No Associate), Peter Van Dam (Casting Assistant)
emails. No calls. No drop offs. Casts: Theater
Comments: Casts for public theater productions. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards
and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Rich Cole Casting Comments: Casts for Roundabout Theatre. Casting for “Book of
60-30 Madison St. d4 Mormon” and other independent projects is also done from this office.
Ridgewood, NY 11385 917-544-2854
Staff: Rich Cole (Casting Director) Roz Clancy Casting & Productions
Casts: Theater 206 Scotch Rd.
Policy: Not accepting unsolicited submissions at this time. Glen Roc Plaza
Comments: SSDC. Ewing Township, NJ 08628 609-737-6955
917-528-1225/609-882-4747 (Tues. & Wed. afternoons only)
Rick Pagano Casting (CSA) (SAG-AFTRA) email:
New York, NY 424-322-9033 Staff: Roz Clancy (Casting Director/Producer), Joseph M. Clancy
email: (Executive Producer, Projects), Dottie Hunt (Special Assistant),
Staff: Rick Pagano (Casting Director) Doreen Reeves (Special Assistant)
Casts: Film - Television - Theater Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
Policy: Headshots and resumes by email. No calls. Drop-offs Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
accepted. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only unless contacted
personally. Glue, don’t staple, headshot to resume. Indicate union
Rita Powers Casting Group status on envelope. Indicate “New Jersey” or “Pennsylvania” on
38 Fulton Ave. envelope if you reside in those states. Indicate if you have a passport
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 212-965-1683 on envelope. Provide return address on envelope. Clear envelopes
917-576-9478 preferred. No postcards. No mail accepted in November or December.
email: Accepts invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Casts all types for all areas except theater. Writes
Staff: Rita Powers (Casting Director), Sean Powers (Casting individual monologues for actors. Has full camera crew and hair
Director) and makeup department. Specializes in trailers. Additional offices
Casts: Commercials - Infomercials - Animation - Film - Industrials in Central Jersey, Philadelphia NYC, and LA.
- Voiceovers - Music Videos - Print - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail Rubenstein Casting and Production,
or email. No calls. No drop-offs. LLC
Comments: Also casts for foreign-language projects. Endeavor Studios, 90 John St., Ste. 301
New York, NY 10038 212-988-2303
Robin Carus Casting email:
New York, NY 212-861-6359 website:
email: Credits: Film: Starting Out - I Don’t Make the Rules - What
Staff: Robin Carus (Owner/Casting Director) Cheer? - All the Beautiful Things - Space Cadet - Fishbowl - Codger -
Casts: Theater - Film - Industrials - Interactive & Digital Media Commercial: Google - Samsung - Lipton - Hefty - GE - Ford - AT&T - Bud
Policy: Submissions accepted on a per-project basis by email. Light - Walmart - LG - Voiceover: Denny’s - Lowe’s - DKNY - The UPS
Attends showcases. No calls. Store - Califia - L.L. Bean - Huntington Bank - Juicy - Swarovski - Tide
Staff: Lisa Rubenstein (Owner/Casting Director)
Rosalie Joseph Casting (CSA) Casts: Commercials - Voiceovers - Film
609 Greenwich St., Sixth Fl. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls.
New York, NY 10014
51 W. 52nd St., Fifth Fl. RWS Entertainment Group
New York, NY 10019 34-01 38th Ave., Ste. 302
Credits: The Mysteries of Laura - Blindspot - Golden Boy - Body Long Island City, NY 11101 212-391-1795
of Proof - Sheri email:
Staff: Rosalie Joseph (Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Film - Television website:


Staff: Franklyn Warfield (Senior Casting Director), Katie Proctor Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
(Casting Director), Ian Subsara (Casting Director), Elizabeth Sauter
(Casting Director) Sound Lounge Casting
Casts: Dancers - Industrials - Live Events - Singers & Musicians 149 Fifth Ave., 12th Fl.
- Theater - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts New York, NY 10010 212-388-1212
Policy: Email auditions to request an audition appointment. Full email:
listing of auditions can be found on website. website:
Comments: RWS Entertainment Group has produced innovative Credits: IHOB - Amstel Light - - Wendy’s - Almay -
productions and brand experiences for top resorts, cruise lines, Microsoft Office - Virgin Mobile - Puma - Dunkin’ Donuts - Snickers
theme parks, and NYC fashion events while sustaining a roster of - Levi’s - Verizon - IBM - Puma - Xerox
clients that include Hard Rock Resorts, Hershey Entertainment and Staff: Alexa Magnotto (Casting Director)
Resorts, Westfield, Mattel, Holland America Line, and Viking Ocean Casts: Commercials - Voiceovers
Cruises. Always seeking performers for files. Year-round casting Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshots/resumes/demo
for ongoing projects including singers, dancers, actors, musicians, reels by email or mail. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls.
stunt performers, and specialty acts, such as jugglers, magicians, No drop-offs.
and cirque performers. Comments: Sound Lounge is an audio post-production and
casting company that provides creative services for TV and radio
S2 Casting commercials, feature films, television series, digital campaigns,
33-41 Newark St., Ste. 4A gaming, and other emerging media. Virtual Booth (Sound Lounge’s
Hoboken, NJ 07030 646-863-1040 Online VO Casting with Alexa).
Staff: Stephen Vincent (Casting Director), Sig De Miguel (Casting
Director) Stark Naked Productions (Elsie Stark
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Casting)
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 99-32 66th Rd., #5N
No calls. No drop-offs. Rego Park, NY 11374 212-366-1903
Sabrina Hyman (CSA) website:
New York, NY Credits: Film: Adrift - Ilegales - The Final Patient - All Night
Credits: Mrs. Fletcher - Interpretation of Dream Bodega - The Blue Diner - What’s Your Sign? - Because of You -
Staff: Sabrina Hyman (Casting Director) Theater: Manuel vs. The Statue of Liberty - Children of Salt - Four
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Guys Named Jose. . . and Una Mujer Named Maria - Latin Heat
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. - Latinologues (Broadway) - TV: - In Pursuit with John Walsh (ID
Channel) - Breaking Vegas - Sensing Murder
Sean De Simone Casting Staff: Elsie Stark (Owner/Casting Director)
New York, NY 10009 917-261-4996 Casts: Commercials - Television - Film - Theater - Interactive &
email: Digital Media - Animation - Live Events - Industrials - Voiceovers
website: - Radio - Motion Capture - Promotional Events - Print - Musicals
Credits: TV Shopping Host (QVC) - America Says (Pilot) - The Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by email
Amazing taste (Food Network) - Mind Your Manners (TLC) - Product or mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Experts (QVC) - Kate Somerville Skin Care (QVC) - Ellen DeGeneres Comments: Also casts Spanish-language projects and translations
(QVC) - Isaac Mizrahi Live! (QVC) - Tatcha Skin Care (QVC) - Living for the Hispanic/Latino market. Member of NYWIFT.
Proof Hair (QVC) - Lori Goldstein (QVC) - StriVectin (QVC) - Building
Detroit (Esquire) - Exploriosity (NatGeo) - How Not to Die (Animal Stephanie Klapper Casting (CSA)
Pint) - VJ Search 2008 (Fuse) - Selling Out (History) - Splurge and 330 W. 38th St., Ste. 1402
Save (TLC) - Heavy News ( - Attack of The Stunt (G4) New York, NY 10011 646-486-1337
- Crazy Love (Oxygen) - Guy Jinx (MTV2) - Roccos Dinner Party email:
(Bravo) - Just Dance (Fuse) - You Rock Lets Roll (Fuse) - Chopped Credits: Days to Come- Mint Theatre - The Price of Thomas
(Pilot) (Food) - Midnight Rocks (IFC) - Spree X Three (TLC) - Epic Scott- Mint Theatre - Final Follies- Primary Stages - Actually We’re
Adventure (History) - Singularity (History) - Facing Trauma (OWN) F**ked- Cherry Lane Theatre - Candide- SPECIAL THEATRICAL
- Jesus Resurrects (History) - Celeb Ghost Stories (Bio) - Rich and PERFORMANCE- Kimmel Center. Philadelphia PA - You’re A Good
Reckless (Tru) Man Charlie Brown- Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park - The Hope
Staff: Sean De Simone (Owner) Hypothesis- The Voyage Theatre Company - 24 Hour Plays Gala
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film on Broadway - Chekhov/Tolstoy- The Mint Theatre Company -
- Voiceovers - Television Grace- Actors Theatre of Louisville - Once On This Island- Cincinatti
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. Calls okay. Playhouse/Actors Theatre of Louisville - Cabaret- Bristol Riverside
Comments: Also casts TV Hosts. - Candide - Special Theatrical Performance- Kimmel Center - New
York Classical Theatre - Hudson Valley Shakespeare Company -
Shayna Marokowitz Casting Conflict- Mint Theatre - The Suitcase Under the Bed- Mint Theatre
New York, NY - Hindle Wakes- Mint Theatre - Pride and Prejudice- (co-pro Hudson
Staff: Shayna Markowitz (Casting Director), Betsy Fippinger Valley Shakespeare Festival and Primary Stages) - A Letter to
(Casting Associate) Harvey Milk- Acorn Theater - Red Roses Green Gold- Minetta Lane
Casts: Film - Television Theater - Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime!- Kansas City


Rep - Treasure Island- Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park - Shakespeare - Enchanted - The Holiday - Mean Girls
in Love- (Co-pro with Cleveland Play House and Cincinnati Playhouse Staff: Susan Shopmaker (Casting Director), Emily Fleischer
in the Park) - Marie and Rosetta- (Co proà Cleveland Play House and (Casting Associate), Randi Glass (P.T. Associate)
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park) - West Side Story- Special Theatrical Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
Performance- Kimmel Center. Philadelphia, PA - - Broadway: Bronx Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
Bombers - A Christmas Story, The Musical - Dividing the Estate - No drop-offs.
Bells Are Ringing - It Ain’t Nothin’ But the Blues - Off-Broadway:
Fuerza Bruta - The Tribute Artist - All That Fall - Ensler’s Emotional Suzanne Ryan Casting (CSA-ATAS)
Creature - Daisy Foote’s HIM - Horton Foote’s Harrison, Texas - 12 West 37th St., 3rd fl.
Twelfth Night - Karen O’s Stop the Virgens - Cactus Flower - The New York, NY 10018
Temperamentals - Film: Alice Jacobs Is Dead - Roberta - The Feast email:
of the Goat - Altamont Now - Sidewalk Stories Credits: God Friended Me - Blindspot - The Tick - Mysteries
Staff: Stephanie Klapper (Casting Director), Lacey Davies of Laura - Forever - Unforgettable - 666 Park Ave. - Law & Order
(Casting Assistant), Leah Shapiro (Casting Assistant), Caitelin Staff: Suzanne Ryan (Casting Director), Lisa Kitay (Casting
McCoy (Assistant to the Casting Director) Associate), Olivia Hayhurst (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Theater - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Singers & Casts: Film - Television
Musicians - Television Policy: Varies by project. Accepts submissions through agents
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. and managers only. No drop-offs.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Resident casting director for Primary Stages, New Tara Rubin Casting (CSA)
York Classical Theatre Company, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, 200 W. 41st St., Ste. 401
and Adirondack Theatre Festival. New York, NY 10036 212-302-3011
Staff: Tara Rubin (Casting Director), Merri Sugarman (Casting
Stewart/Whitley Casting (CSA) Director), Claire Burke (Casting Director), Peter Van Dam (Casting
213 W. 35th St., Ste. 804 Director), Felicia Rudolph (Casting Associate), Xavier Rubiano
New York, NY 10001 212-635-2153 (Casting Associate), Kevin Metzger-Timson (Casting Associate), Louis
email: DiPaolo (Casting Assistant), Juliet Auwaerter (Casting Assistant)
website: Casts: Theater
Credits: Broadway: - The Lightning Thief - Hadestown (interna- Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or via tararubincasting.
tional) - Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 - Chicago The only on a per-project basis. No calls. No drop-offs.
Musical - On The Town - Pippin - La Cage Aux Folles - The Radio City
Christmas Spectacular - The Band Wagon - Carnegie Hall Sings - New York Theatre Workshop/Taylor
Pageant - West End/UK: - Hadestown - Thriller Live - Menier Chocolate Williams
Factory - Touring: - Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - The 83 E. Fourth St.
Lightning Thief - The Bodyguard - Dirty Dancing - Finding Neverland New York, NY 10003 212-780-9037
(National Tour) - Into The Woods (National Tour) - Once (National Fax: 212-460-8996
Tour) - Elf The Musical (National Tour) - Flashdance - Anything email:
Goes - Bullets Over Broadway - Elf - We Will Rock You - La Cage
Aux Folles - Shrek The Musical (International) - Regional: - Paradise website:
Square (Berkley Rep) - August Rush (Paramount) - Berkeley Repertory Staff: Taylor Williams (Casting Director)
Theater - Paramount Theater - Bay Street Theater - Alley Theatre Casts: Theater - Film
- Theatre Under the Stars - Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines - For The Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts
Record Live - Aida Cruise Lines - American Repertory Theater - postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Philadelphia Theatre Company
Staff: Duncan Stewart, CSA (Casting Director), Benton Whitley, Telsey + Company (CSA)
CSA (Casting Director), Joey Montenarello, CSA (Casting Director), 1501 Broadway, Ste. 510
Luke Schaffer (Casting Assistant), Micah Johnson-Levy (Casting New York, NY 10036 212-868-1260
Assistant), Joseph Hayes (Casting Assistant) 280 South Beverly Dr., Ste. 412
Casts: Theater - Musicals - Live Events - Variety Shows & Beverly Hills, CA 90212 212-868-1260
Specialty Acts - Singers & Musicians - Dancers - Commercials - website:
Film - Industrials - Television Credits: Film: Mary Poppins Returns - The Greatest Showman
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No on Earth - Guys and Dolls - Miss Sloane - Ricky and The Flash - The
drop-offs. Intern - Ithaca - Focus - The Last Five Years - A Most Violent Year -
Into The Woods - Stage Fright - The Odd Life of Timothy Green - TV:
Susan Shopmaker Casting (CSA) Billy & Billie - Peter Pan Live! - The Sound of Music Live! - Masters
545 Eighth Ave., 5th Fl. of Sex - Looking - Penny Dreadful - Smash - The Big C - Musicals:
New York, NY 10018 212-686-5502 - Come From Away - War Paint - Hello Dolly - Gotta Dance - On
email: Your Feet! - The Color Purple - Allegiance - Hamilton - Spring
website: Awakening - Fiddler on the Roof - Plays: Present Laughter - China
Credits: Random Acts of Flyness - First Reformed - Where Doll - Misery - Sylvia - Hand to God
is Kyra? - Beach Rats - Goat - Martha Marcy May Marlene - The Staff: Bernie Telsey, CSA (Owner), Will Cantler, CSA (NY Office),
Undying - The Maiden Heist - The Exploding Girl - American Violet David Vaccari, CSA (NY Office), Bethany Knox, CSA (NY Office), Craig


Burns, CSA (NY Office), Tiffany Little Canfield, CSA (LA Office), ming for MTV for nearly a decade before launching VPEtalent’s
Rachel Hoffman, CSA (NY Office), Patrick Goodwin, CSA (NY Office), original series department. He also consults with talent to create
Karyn Casl, CSA (NY Office), Kristina Bramhall (Company Manager; sustainable talent brands.
NY Office), Adam Caldwell, CSA (NY Office), Josh Einsohn, CSA (LA
Office), Rachel Nadler (NY Office), Rachel Minow (NY Office), Rikki Vitamin Enriched
Gimelstob (NY Office), Rachel Dill, CSA (LA Office), Ryan Bernard 5 Penn Plaza, Ste. 2325
Tymensky, CSA (LA Office), Rebecca Scholl (NY Office), Scott New York, NY 10001 347-454-9597
Galina (NY Office), Madison Sylvester (NY Office), Lauren Harris email:
(NY Office), Laura Wade (NY Office), Ally Kiley (NY Office), Kristian website:
Charbonier (NY Office), Destiny Lilly (NY Office), Leigh Ann Smith Staff: Katherine Foronjy (Casting Director/Producer), Joseph
(LA Office), Lily Schneider (NY Office), Meghan Ryan (NY Office), Coburn (Casting Director), Mary Anne Driscoll (Casting Director),
Yoonji Jang (NY Office) Janelle Ryan (Casting Associate), Evadne Fulton (Casting Associate)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Live Events - Film - Industrials Casts: Commercials - Film - Print - Television
- Voiceovers - Dancers - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Singers Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email, email pre-
& Musicians - Television - Musicals ferred. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Additional submis- Comments: Specializes in real-people casting.
sion options may be available on a project to project basis. Accepts
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Walt Disney Television and FX
Entertainment Casting (CSA)
Todd Thaler Casting New York, NY
New York, NY website:
email: Credits: The Orville - The Dropout - Magic Motor Inn - Genius: Aretha - The Mysterious Benedict Society - Ordinary Joe - Southern
website: Pop
Credits: Film: Leon: The Professional - Little Children - Maid in Staff: Jessica Daniels (VP, Walt Disney Television Studios (NY)),
Manhattan - Billy Madison - TV: Are We There Yet? - Ed Samantha Sylte (Casting Assistant (NY))
Staff: Todd Thaler (Casting Director) Casts: Film - Television
Casts: Film - Television Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
drop-offs. Warner Bros. Television Casting
New York, NY 10019 212-636-5145
Tucker/Meyerson Casting (CSA) Fax: 212-636-5157
11 Broadway, Ste. 415 Staff: Findley Davidson (VP, Casting), Stephen Sanders (Casting
New York, NY 10004 212-334-1167 Administrator), Matthew Wise (Manager of Casting)
Credits: Broke - The Affair - Made in New Jersey - The Following - Casts: Television
The 2-2 - The Big C - Fringe - Nurse Jackie - Rescue Me - The Book of Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Daniel - Dexter (pilot) - Love Monkey - White Collar - Damages - Law Comments: (See also listing under Los Angeles Casting Directors)
and Order: SVU - America (MOW) - 12 Men of Christmas (MOW) -
Warehouse 13 - Army Wives (Season 3) Wendy Litwack Casting (ATAS)
Staff: Julie Tucker (Casting Director), Ross Meyerson (Casting 300 E. 40th St., Ste. 23E
Director), CJ Molidor (Casting Associate), Kim Krakauer (Casting New York, NY 10016 212-686-0014
Associate) email:
Casts: Film - Television website:
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel Credits: Animation: - Gaspard & Lisa - Paper Girls - Yes Virginia
by mail only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. - Doug - Paper Girls - Lazytown - Gaspard & Lisa - Cyberchase - A
Little Curious - The Wrong Coast - Live Action: - Imagination Movers
Vinnie Potestivo Entertainment, Inc. - Personal Seargent - Smoke Alarm - Commercial: - American
New York, NY Express - AT&T - HBO - Cadillac - Microsoft Outlook - PNC Bank -
email: Rolex - Verizon - Wendy’s - Corona Radio
website: Staff: Wendy Litwack (Casting Director), Rachael Klein (Casting Assistant)
Credits: TRL: Total Request Live - The Real Housewives of New Casts: Television - Commercials - Animation - Infomercials - Film
Jersey - House of DVF - Freedom Writers - Super Sweet 16: The - Voiceovers - Radio - Motion Capture - Dancers
Movie - Total Request Live (TV) - Pimp My Ride (TV) Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Vinnie Potestivo (Owner/Casting Director), Amy Jackson Comments: Casting for all forms of entertainment. Specializing
(Casting Producer) in television commercials (both on-camera & voiceover), animation,
Casts: Documentaries & Reality TV - Commercials - Film - and children’s programming. Member of the National Academy of
Industrials - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Television Television Arts & Sciences.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume through websites. Does not
accept unsolicited pitches. No postcards. No calls. No drop-offs. Wojcik/Seay Casting
Comments: Vinnie Potestivo has been casting unscripted pro- 247 W. 38th St., 10th Fl.
gramming since 1998. He began his career casting original program- New York, NY 10018 212-929-2339


Staff: Scott Wojcik (Casting Director), Gayle Seay (Casting
Director), Holly Buczek (Casting Director), Courtney Hammond
(Casting Director), Nick Ferrao (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Print - Film - Television -
Industrials - Voiceovers
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail
only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.

World Casting
216 Crown St., Fifth Fl.
New Haven, CT 06510 203-781-3427
Fax: 203-781-3429
Staff: Charles Esposito (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Industrials
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited
demos. No calls. No drop-offs.

Wulf Casting
New York, NY 646-926-4383
Staff: Matthew Wulf (Owner)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Print - Television
Policy: Electronically to submissions email only, include name
and current photos.



Aaron Griffith Casting (CSA) Aisha Coley Casting

6330 San Vicente Blvd., Ste. 550 Hollywood, CA 90036
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-654-0033 Credits: Shots Fired - Queen Sugar - For Justice - A Wrinkle
Credits: StartUp - No God, No Master - The Take - Jeepers Creepers In Time - Selma - Blackbird - Book of the Year - Home Again - To
2 - Pavilion of Women - Speedway Junky - George B. Redemption - Middle of Nowhere - Open Gate - I Will Follow - Soul
Staff: Aaron Griffith (Casting Director), Lana Shackelford (Casting Men - The Secret Life of Bees - Welcome Home, Roscoe Jenkins -
Associate) All You’ve Got - Akeelah and the Bee - Honey - American Cousins
Casts: Film - Television - 25th Hour - Carmen: A Hip Hopera - Perfume - Stranger Inside -
Policy: Union only. No calls. No calls. Drop-offs accepted. Bamboozled - Love & Basketball - In Too Deep - Summer of Sam - He
Got Game - Cosby (TV Series) - Girl 6 - Men of War
ABC Entertainment Network Casting Staff: Aisha Coley (Casting Director), Robyn Owen Silvestri,
(Los Angeles) (CSA) CSA (Associate Casting Director), Vanessa Toll (Casting Assistant)
500 S. Buena Vista St. Casts: Film - Television
Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-1000 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Fax: 818-460-6903
Staff: Ayo Davis (EVP, Talent & Casting), John Villacorta (SVP, Alice Ellis Casting (SAG-AFTRA)
Talent & Casting), Brenda Kelly (VP, Casting), Emily DesHotel Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-314-1488
(Executive Director, Casting), Kendra Patterson Heintz (Director, Fax: 310-314-2649
Casting), Patricia Yuen (Director, Casting), Aaron Testa (Manager, email:
Casting), Alexandra Safavi (Coordinator, Casting), Margaret Kelly website:
(Assistant to Emily DesHotel & Patricia Yuen), Shareena Young Staff: Alice Ellis (Casting Director)
(Coordinator, Casting), Tselané Prescott (Assistant to John Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Television
Villacorta), Byron Williams (Assistant to Brenda Kelly Grant), Policy: See website for submission information. Union talent.
Janelle Junio (Assistant to Kendra Patterson Heintz), Samantha Comments: Background and commercial casting.
Miller (Assistant to Emily DesHotel and Patricia Yuen), Lhani Jamison
(Executive Assistant to Ayo Davis) Allison Jones Casting
Casts: Television 1725 Silver Lake Blvd.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90026 323-461-0705
Credits: TV: The Good Place - Arrested Development - Curb
Freeform Talent & Casting Your Enthusiasm
3800 W. Alameda Ave. Staff: Allison Jones (Casting Director), Ben Harris (Casting
Burbank, CA 91505 818-973-4366 Director), Emily Buntyn (Casting Assistant)
Staff: Elizabeth Boykewich (Sr. VP, Talent & Casting), Vanessa Casts: Film - Television
Aagaard (Executive Director, Talent & Casting), Marlo Tiede (Manager, Policy: Accepts Headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Talent & Casting), Bridget Cohen (Coordinator, Talent & Casting),
Matt Kuhl (Assistant, Talent & Casting) Allyson Bosch (CSA)
Casts: Film - Television c/o Casting Society of America
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Los Angeles, CA 90038
AHC Casting (fka Alyson Horn Credits: Film: Rideshare - Time Toys - Nex Gen - TV and Digital:
Casting) Chicken Squad - Mira, Royal Detective - The Stinky & Dirty Show
1020 N. Sycamore Ave. - Pound Puppies - Private - Sheriff Callie’s Wild West - Puppy Dog
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-874-8764 Pals - Wizards of Waverly Place - According to Jim - The Marine -
Fax: 323-874-6330 Ghost Whisperer - Recess: School’s Out
email: Staff: Allyson Bosch (Casting Director)
website: Casts: Film - Television
Credits: AT&T - UPS - Samsung - Kia - Adidas - Allstate - Miller
Lite - Target - Old Spice - McDonald’s - Verizon - Visa - 7–Eleven - Alyssa Weisberg Casting (CSA-ATAS)
Dodge - Coors - Old Navy - Kashi - Hanes - Pepsi 4024 Radford Ave.
Staff: Alyson Horn (Casting Director), Maya Adrabi (Casting Studio City, CA 91604
Director), Lindsay Bronson (Casting Director), Jamie Baer (Casting Credits: Happy Together - No Activity - X Men: Dark Phoenix
Assistant) - Game Over, Man - Son of Zorn - Star Wars - The Force Awakens
Casts: Commercials - Voiceovers - Tomorrowland - Star Trek Into Darkness - The Watch - Mission
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Impossible: Ghost Protocol - Cloverfield - Workaholics - The Carrie
Staff: Alyssa Weisberg (Casting Director)




Casts: Film - Television Miller - It Takes Two
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or through agents/manag- Staff: Amy Lieberman (Casting Director)
ers only. Casts: Theater - Television
Policy: Headshot/resume by email or mail.
Amazon Studios Casting Comments: Amy Lieberman, CSA, is a multiple Artios Award win-
1620 26th St., Ste. 4000N ner. She cast for Center Theatre Group, 1985–89 and 1999–2006.
Santa Monica, CA 90404 She has cast for Broadway (“The Dinner Party,” “Flower Drum Song,”
website: “Big River”) and has worked with Reprise Theatre Company, Ensemble
Staff: Donna Rosenstein (Head of Casting), Yolanda Guillen Theatre Company of Santa Barbara, La Jolla Playhouse, Manhattan
(Executive of Casting), Ashley Banks (Casting Executive), Lisa Theatre Club, Goodman Theatre, ACT, Denver Center, Berkeley Rep,
Soltau (Casting Executive), Peachy Pascual (Casting Executive), Seattle Rep, Pasadena Playhouse, Rubicon, Chicago Shakespeare
Molly Ronis (Casting Coordinator) Theatre, Actors Theatre of Phoenix, Actors Theatre of Louisville,
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television and L.A. Theatre Works’ The Play’s the Thing series. She was also
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. a visiting associate professor at UCLA’s MFA third-year program.

Amber Horn and Danielle Aufiero (CSA) Amy Lippens Casting (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 90004 c/o Casting Society of America
Credits: TV: - Raven’s Home - On My Block - Five Points - Andi Mack 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
- The 100 - Walk the Prank - Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, & Dawn - Awkward Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-1011
- Film: A Frog in Winter - An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn - Killing Credits: Wakefield - House - Keeping Up With the Steins - Nine
Winston Jones - Battlecreek - Sound of my Voice - Cheap Thrills - The Lives - Once and Again - Saw 1 & 2
Greasy Strangler - Teenage Cocktail - Babysitter - Bottom of the Staff: Amy Lippens (Casting Director)
World - Battlecreek - Live Cargo - Dead Man’s Burden Casts: Film - Television
Staff: Amber Horn (Casting Director), Danielle Aufiero (Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Director), Brandon Henry Rodriguez (Casting Associate)
Casts: Film - Television Annie Egian Casting
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Los Angeles, CA 90046 213-308-5535
No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Amblin Partners Casting Staff: Annie Egian (Casting Director)
100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 5135 Casts: Commercials - Music Videos - Dancers - Documentaries &
Universal City, CA 91608 Reality TV - Fashion Shows & Runway - Film - Industrials - Infomercials
website: - Interactive & Digital Media - Live Events - Print, Promotional
Staff: Leslee Feldman (Head of Casting), Mollie Gamo (Manager Events - Radio - Television
of Casting), Kristen Kiasaleh (Casting Assistant) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Casts: Film - Television drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Established in 2004.

Amey René Casting (CSA) April Webster & Associates (CSA)

1050 W. Alameda Ave., Ste. 473 1666 Euclid St.
Burbank, CA 91506 Santa Monica, CA 90404
email: 3000 Olympic Blvd., Bldg. 4, Ste. 2464
website: Santa Monica, CA 90404 Credits: Bates Motel - Revolution - Fringe - Alias - Lost - Criminal
Staff: Amey René (Casting Director) Minds - Leverage - Dark Blue
Casts: Film - Television Staff: April Webster (Casting Director), Erica Silverman (Casting
Policy: No unsolicited submissions at this time. No calls. No Director), Jessica Sherman (Casting Associate), Angela Young
drop-offs. (Casting Associate), Ramani Leah (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Theater - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television
Amy Lieberman Casting (CSA) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
P.O. Box 4805 No calls. No drop-offs.
Valley Village, CA 91617
Credits: Center Theatre Group - Ensemble Theatre Co., Santa Aquila/Wood Casting (CSA)
Barbara - Center Theatre Group - Mark Taper Forum - La Jolla 1680 Vine St., Ste. 806
Playhouse - Manhattan Theatre Club - Goodman Theatre - ACT Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-460-6292
(S.F.) - Denver Center - Berkeley Rep - Seattle Rep - Pasadena Credits: Film: - Wonder - Stronger - La La Land - American
Playhouse - Rubicon - Chicago Shakespeare Theatre - Actors Theatre Pastoral - The Shack - Eye in the Sky - San Andreas - Woman in
of Phoenix - Actors Theatre of Louisville - LA Theatre Works - The Gold - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Horns - The Congress - My Week
Granada - Sundance Theatre Lab - Deaf West - Theatre@Boston with Marilyn - Red - The Lincoln Lawyer - The Ugly Truth - Disturbia
Court - Falcon Theatre - Hollywood Theatre of the Ear - Perfect - Fracture - House of Sand and Fog - Underworld - Twilight; TV: The
Game - Mad Dog Time - Member of the Wedding - Dear John - Live Black Box - Dexter - The Shield
Shot - Hull High - Living in the USA - Snoops - Benson - Barney Staff: Deborah Aquila (Casting Director), Tricia Wood (Casting


TALENT AGENTS california


Director), Jennifer Smith (Casting Director), Lisa Zagoria (Casting for commercials, television, web-based and new media content,
Associate), Meghan Schuman (Casting Assistant) and real people.
Casts: Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No AYC Casting, LLC
drop-offs. 2234 Virginia Ave., Ste. 4
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-314-7664
Arbusto Casting (CSA-ATAS) Fax: 310-452-3315
P.O. Box 27668 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90027 website:
email: Credits: Mattel Commercial - The TD Jakes Show - Deal With It
Credits: Film: French Exit - The Lovers - 31 - Terri - TV: Room 104 (Seasons 1,2, and 3) - Prank It Forward - My Black is Beautiful - Date
- Animals - Doll & Em - Theater: - Ojai Playwrights Conference My House - Give Back Glam- Bobbi Brown - Catch It Keep It - The Ricki
Staff: Nicole Arbusto (Casting Director) Lake Show - Undercover Boss - Anger Trap - Haters - My Momma
Casts: Theater - Film - Television - Animation - Television Throws Down - Before I Do - Scariest Places on Earth - Property
Policy: By mail only. Postcards preferred over headshots. No Ladder - How Clean Is Your House - Iron Chef - Todd TV - Monster
calls. No drop-offs. House - Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty - Trash to Cash - My
Comments: Also affiliated with Teamsters 399. Black Is Beautiful - Stager Invasion - Dress My Nest - Companies:
Defy Media - Own - The Collective - A & E
asg casting, inc. (CCDA) Staff: Alesia Cook (Casting Director)
Southpaw Studios, 4200 Lankershim Blvd. Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials
North Hollywood, CA 91602 818-762-0200 - Live Events - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality
Fax: 818-753-9322 TV - Dancers - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Television
email: Policy: Inquires by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Specializing in all facets of talent development: actors, hosts, experts, real people, families, models, and contestants.
Credits: Untitled Jerry O’Connell Project - Meet the Beckers - The
Owners - Sons & Daughters - Sesame Street - Endless Summer - Bad Girls Casting
Queer Eye for the Straight Girl - The Mole c/o Silver Lane Studios
Staff: Arlene Schuster-Goss (Casting Director), Justin Radley 6660 Santa Monica Blvd., First Fl.
(Casting Director) Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-468-6888
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Television Fax: 323-468-8811
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts submissions through agents website:
and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. Credits: Home Depot - Powerade - Kleenex - Holiday Inn - Lexus
Comments: Also a member of The Television Academy. - Bud Light - Burger King
Staff: Tori Silvera-Bush (Casting Director)
Automatic Sweat (CSA) Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
2656 S. La Cienega Blvd. - Music Videos - Television
Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-839-3100 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: The Dark Knight - Gangster Squad - Oz: The Great and Barbara Bersell Casting
Powerful - Colombiana - Burlesque - Inception - The Informers - 2698 Greenfield Ave.
Batman Begins - Carnivale - Lackawanna Blues Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-470-1670
Staff: John Papsidera (Casting Director), Kim Winther (Casting email:
Associate), Emily Bohbrink (Casting Assistant) website:
Casts: Film - Television Credits: Gap - Levi’s - Tommy Hilfiger - J Crew - Donna Karan -
Policy: Union only. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail Nike - Adidas - Nautica - Ralph Lauren - Abercrombie & Fitch - Banana
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Republic - Calvin Klein
Staff: Barbara Bersell (Casting Director), Donna Jacobs (Casting
Ava Shevitt Casting (CCDA) Assistant)
12301 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 110 Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-656-4600 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
email: No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Ava Shevitt (Casting Director), Troy Shevitt (Studio Barbara Fiorentino Casting (CSA)
Manager) 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 678
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Print - Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-954-3600
Television - Dancers - Documentaries & Reality TV - Infomercials email:
- Interactive & Digital Media - Live Events - Music Videos, Radio Credits: Awkward - The Six Wives of Henry Lefay - Dead Silence
- Singers & Musicians - Theater - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Factory Girl - Employee of the Month - Down in the Valley
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. All ages. No Staff: Barbara Fiorentino (Casting Director), Terese Classen
calls. Drop-offs accepted. (Casting Associate), Ron Pennywell (Casting Assistant)
Comments: Ava Shevitt provides a full service casting company Casts: Film - Television




Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-980-9803
No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Hulu Head of Casting. website:
Credits: Feature Films: El Camino Christmas - Making Babies
Barbara McCarthy Casting - Nowhere, Michigan - Framed - Prettyface - Rounding Third -
5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 400 Commercials: AT&T - Honda - Burger King - Kellogg’s - Keebler - Fruit
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-937-4493 of the Loom - Kaplan - Mini Cooper
Credits: Feel the Beat - Tall Girl - The Last Summer - Five Staff: Beth Holmes (Casting Director), Lindsay Bellock Lieber
Feet Apart - The Christmas Chronicles - Papi Chulo - Summer of (Casting Associate), Monica Eisenbeis (Casting Coordinator)
84 - Happy Anniversary - I Kill Giants - Girlfriend’s Day - What’s Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film
The Point? - Pixels - The Stanford Prison Experiment - Madtown - - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
Operator - Finding Carter (TV) - The DUFF - Mother’s Day - Electric Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Slide - The Spectacular Now - Two Night Stand - Mall - Caroline and
Jackie - For a Good Time, Call - Celeste and Jesse Forever Beth Lipari Casting
Staff: Barbara McCarthy (Casting Director), Alice Merlin (Casting 606 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 311
Associate) Los Angeles, CA 90004
Casts: Film - Television Staff: Beth Lipari (Casting Director)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Theater - Film - Television - Musicals
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No drop-offs.
Barden/Schnee Casting, Inc. (CSA)
5068 Packard St. Betty Mae, Inc. (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 90019 323-938-1040 10718 McCune Ave.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-396-6100
Credits: Film: Charlie Says - Queen America - Book Club - Pitch Credits: Bright - Snowden - Jackie - Suicide Squad - The
Perfect (1 and 2) - The Help - Love and Mercy - The Judge - Still Magnificent Seven - Barbershop: The Next Cut - Divergent - The Birth
Alice - The Iceman - The Three Stooges (Farrelly Brothers) - Mirror of a Nation - Concussion - Silver Linings Playbook - The Equalizer
Mirror - Nobody Walks - Dolphin Tale - Machine Gun Preacher - Conan - Machete 1&2 - Black Swan - Predators - Crazy Heart - Brooklyn’s
the Barbarian (Remake) - The Help - The Son of No One - Meet Finest - Spy Kids 1-4
Monica Velour - Winter’s Bone - Pineapple Express - Funny Games Staff: Mary Vernieu CSA (Casting Director), Lindsay Graham-
(Remake); TV: The Heart, She Holler - Important Things With Demetri Ahanonu (Casting Director), Michelle Wade Byrd (Casting Director),
Martin - Sex and the City Bret Howe (Casting Associate), Raylin Sabo (Casting Associate), Patty
Staff: Kerry Barden (Casting Director), Roya Semnanian (Casting Rhinehart (Casting Assistant), Geena Dioquino (Casting Assistant),
Associate) Jaceson Mann (Editor), Karrie Martin (Casting Assistant), Ngoc Anh
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Ha (Casting Assistant), Stacey Rice (Casting Assistant), Chelsea
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Jeffords (Casting Assistant), Grace McCarthy (Assistant Editor)
Comments: See also listing under New York Casting Directors. Casts: Film
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Bass Casting (CSA) No calls. No drop-offs.
Auditions, 11440 Ventura Blvd., Unit 200
Studio City, CA 91604 323-744-1028 Beverly Hills Casting Studios
email: Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-999-2844
website: email:
Staff: Lauren Bass (Casting Director), Jordan Bass (Casting Staff: Cherin Perelman (Casting Director)
Director) Casts: Film - Theater - Commercials
Casts: Film - Television - Interactive & Digital Media - Theater Policy: No unsolicited emails or submissions.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
only. No calls. Beverly Holloway Casting (CSA)
5721 W. Slauson Ave., Ste. 110
Beach/Katzman Casting (CSA) Culver City, CA 90230 310-410-9405, ext. 303
606 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 311 Credits: I Can Only Imagine - Moms’ Night Out - Trade of Innocents
Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-468-6633 - The Ultimate Gift - Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius
Credits: Film: Horrible Bosses - The Change-Up - Knight and Staff: Beverly Holloway (Casting Director), Jack Kelly (Casting
Day - Hannah Montana: The Movie - 17 Again - Role Models - Sex Associate)
Drive - Fred Claus - The Brothers Solomon - 3:10 to Yuma; TV: Casts: Film - Television
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - V - Hung - Men in Trees Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards
Staff: Lisa Beach (Casting Director), Sarah Katzman (Casting and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Film Bialy/Thomas & Associates (CSA)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Beth Holmes Casting, Inc. (CCDA) Credits: The Handmaid’s Tale - Vice Principals - Here Now - The
20058 Ventura Blvd., #231 Last Tycoon - Barry - The Son - The Walking Dead - Halt & Catch


TALENT AGENTS california


Fire - Better Call Saul - Gotham - Battle Creek - Breaking Bad - The Dresden Files
Unit - Lie to Me - Jericho - Detroit 187 Staff: Susan Bluestein (Casting Director), Jason Kennedy (Casting
Staff: Sharon Bialy (Casting Director), Sherry Thomas (Casting Director), Meredith Goble (Casting Associate), Krysti Baxter (Casting
Director), Russell Scott (Casting Director), Gohar Gazazyan (Casting Associate), Roland Wood (Casting Assistant)
Director), Stacia Kimler (Casting Associate), Alyssa Morris (Casting Casts: Television
Associate), Beth Ryne (Casting Asssociate), Katey Rampey (Casting Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Assistant), Keertana Sastry (Casting Assistant), Jeffrey Todd (Casting No calls. No drop-offs.
Assistant), Heather Fox (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Film - Television - Theater Bluewater Ranch/Casting Artists, Inc.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No drop-offs. (CSA-ATAS-AMPAS )
c/o Casting Artists, Inc./Bluewater Ranch
Big House Casting 1610 Broadway, Ste. 101
4055 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 401 Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-395-1882
Studio City, CA 91604 323-464-0990 email:
773-772-9539 (Chicago) website:
email: Credits: See website.
website: Staff: Mindy Marin (Casting Director), Kara Lipson (Casting
Credits: Select Commercial Credits: - Honda - IBM - CHASE - Sprint Associate)
- McDonald’s - Wachovia - Best Buy - JC Penney - Select Film casting Casts: Film
& ADR: - The Violent Kind - Standpoint - Emma - THEM - Derek Smoky Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Kate McClanaghan (Casting Director/Producer), Jeff
Finney (Casting Director/Producer), Travis Dunsmuir (Associate Blyth Nailling Casting
Producer/Engineer) West Hollywood, CA
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Animation - Staff: Blyth Nailling (Casting Director)
Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television Casts: Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. For voiceover, Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
email commercial and/or narrative MP3 demo. No calls. No drop-offs.
Bill Dance Casting 6380 Wilshire Blvd., #100
4605 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 219 Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-497-0996
N. Hollywood, CA 91602 818-754-6634 (Talent) email:
818-754-6639 (Production Only)
email: website:
website: Credits: For full credits visit the website.
Credits: Westworld - Project X - Alice in Wonderland - Angels & Staff: Chad Ritterbach (Casting Director), Tarek Kik (Casting
Demons - Frost/Nixon - Yes Man - Hangover 2 Director/Talent Producer)
Staff: Bill Dance (Owner/Casting Director), Terence Harris (Casting Casts: Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Documentaries &
Director), Florence Chung (Casting Associate), Darren Shepherd Reality TV - Print - Television
(Casting Associate), Carleen Sbordone (Office Manager) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Background Work/Extras
Policy: Register in person Tuesdays and Wednesdays only Bonnie Pietila
starting promptly at noon. 6230 Wilshire Blvd., #160
Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-369-3632
Blanca Valdez Casting Credits: The Simpsons
1001 N. Poinsettia Place Staff: Bonnie Pietila (Casting Director)
W. Hollywood, CA 90046 323-876-5700 Casts: Animation - Voiceovers - Television
email: Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: ESPN - Y & R Miami - Y & R S.F. - Fox Sports - Leo Burnet Bonnie Zane Casting
Chicago - Leo Burnet L.A. - Bravo Group - Telemundo 5724 W. Third St., Ste. 509
Staff: Blanca Valdez (Casting Director) Los Angeles, CA 90036
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television Casts: Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
drop-offs. Pam Bouvier Casting
Comments: Casts projects in English and Spanish. Specializes Los Angeles, CA 818-370-0344
in bilingual projects. email:
Bluestein/Kennedy Casting (CSA) Credits: Book Smart - Blood Oranges - Silent Retreat - Desire
5555 Melrose Ave., Bldg. 213, Ste. 210 Dream - Elegy for a Revolutionary - Spiders - The Ghastly Love of
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Johnny X - Americano - The Backup Bride - Good Intentions - Killer
Credits: NCIS: Los Angeles - Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal by Nature - Magic - The Revenant - Within - The Butcher - The
Investigative Service - Natalee Holloway - House of Saddam - The Way of War - Shark in Venice - Train - Hero Wanted - Resurrection




Mary - The Blue Hour - Bloodlines - The Metrosexual - El Mascarado Staff: Michelle Gabriel (Casting Director), Susan Turner (Casting
Massacre - Getno - Tequila Body Shots - Backtime Director)
Staff: Pam Bouvier (President/Casting Director), Brandon Kappan Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
(Assistant on Call) - Background Work/Extras - Print - Television
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media Policy: By email only. Not accepting new talent.
- Infomercials - Film - Industrials - Music Videos - Dancers -
Documentaries & Reality TV - Musicals - Print - Voiceovers - Television Burrows/Boland Casting
Policy: Accepts one headshot, one resume, one show reel link, 333 W. Washington Blvd., Ste. 309
and 3 sentences by email only. Include the number of years you’ve Marina del Rey, CA 90292 424-218-6702
been acting in the subject line. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Union and nonunion. Pam Bouvier has 30 years of website:
casting behind her in all media forms. Credits: Welcome to Marwen - Flight - The Hobbit - The Adventures
of Tintin - The Lovely Bones - Resident Evil: Extinction - A Christmas
Brad Gilmore Casting LLC (CSA) Carol - Cast Away - Hostage - The Muse - Monster House - The Lord
646 N. Beachwood Dr. of the Rings - The Polar Express - King Kong
Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-464-2278 Staff: Victoria Burrows (Casting Director), Scot Boland (Casting
email: Director)
Credits: Burying the Ex - A Bag of Hammers - Finishing the Casts: Film - Television
Game - White Frog - Acting Like Adults - Default - Born to Race - Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail. Occasionally
Cooler - Girlfriend - Vampire attends showcases. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Brad Gilmore (Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Film - Television Cami Patton Casting (CSA-ATAS)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 4640 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 511
North Hollywood, CA 91602 818-509-5779
Bright/Daniels Casting Credits: TV: The Sinner - The Long Road Home - Tell Me a Story
6464 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 800 - Reverie - Jean Claude Van Johnson - One Mississippi - Goliath
Los Angeles, CA 90028 - Pure Genius - Minority Report - Hannibal - Enlightened - Terra
5225 Wilshire Blvd. Nova - Parenthood - United States of Tara - Justified - Past Life - The
Los Angeles, CA 90036 Pacific - Pushing Daisies - Band of Brothers - Invasion - A Wrinkle in
Staff: Courtney Bright (Casting Director), Nicole Daniels (Casting Time - Medium - Las Vegas - King of Queens - Into the West; Film:
Director) Firehouse Dog - Euro Trip - Straight-Jacket - My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Casts: Film - Television Staff: Cami Patton (Casting Director), Lauren Richer (Casting
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Associate), Burke Louis (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Film - Television
Brittani Ward Casting Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Los Angeles, CA No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Also a member of the PGA.
Credits: Back Fork - American Wrestler: The Wizard - Pray for
Rain - Ride - Dirt - Drive Share - The Hotwives of Las Vegas - Running Canvas Casting (CCDA)
Wild - Filthy Preppy Teen$ 7700 W. Sunset Blvd.
Staff: Brittani Ward (Casting Director) Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-969-8200 ext. 209
Casts: Film - Television email:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Accepts submissions through website:
agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Karen Ryan (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Music
Bullock & Snow Casting (CSA) Videos
3000 W. Alameda, Box #111 Policy: By mail or email.
Burbank, CA 91523 323-468-5010 Comments: Also casts short films, web series, and promos.
Credits: Game Shakers - Henry Danger - Sam & Cat - Victorious -
iCarly - Zoey 101 - Drake & Josh - Alice - Kenan & Kel - All That - The Carla Hool Casting (CSA)
Amanda Show - Contempt - Above & Beyond - Baby Huey’s Great 13517 Ventura Blvd. Suite 6
Easter Adventure Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Staff: Krisha Bullock (Casting Director), Jamie Snow (Casting email:
Director) Credits: Coco - Narcos: Mexico - Rambo V: Last Blood - Citizen -
Casts: Film - Television Sky - Narcos - East Los High - The 33 - The Bridge - Eastbound and
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Down - Sin Nombre - Apocalypto
Staff: Carla Hool (Casting Director), Natalie Ballesteros (Casting
Burbank Casting Associate), Eliseo Ruiz (Casting Assistant)
P.O. Box 7106 Casts: Film - Television
Burbank, CA 91510 818-559-2446 Policy: No calls. Drop-offs okay.
email: Comments: Specializes in Latin and international projects.


TALENT AGENTS california


Carmen Aiello Casting Carol Lefko Casting
Los Angeles, CA 100 South Doheny Dr. #406
website: Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-888-0007
Credits: Aliens Clowns and Geeks - Corbin Nash - Adi Shankar’s Credits: Game On: Battle of the Sexes - The Same Sky - Soul
Gods and Secrets - Mere et Fille: California Dream (Disney, France) Drought - Pineapple Inn - Lawrence of Suburbia - The Klansman -
- Espionage TV - Gutshot Straight - Armed Response - The Employer Indigo Woman - The Last Laugh - Kosmic Stallions - Shakespeare
- The Monkey’s Paw - Venom: Truth in Journalism, Adi Shankar’s Meets Moses - The Absinthe Drinkers - A Christmas Too Many - Malibu
Bootleg Universe - James Bond: In Service of Nothing, Adi Shankar’s Spring Break - Smile - Exhibit A - The Drop - Downward Angel - Danny
Bootleg Universe Hustle - Dark Heart
Staff: Carmen Aiello (Casting Director/Co-Producer/Associate Staff: Carol Lefko (Casting Director)
Producer) Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Policy: Union only. Accepts headshot/resume by mail only.
Policy: Through website. No calls. No drop-offs. No calls.

Carmen Cuba Casting (CSA) Caroline Liem, CSA (CSA)

846 N. Cahuenga Blvd. c/o the Village
Bldg. A, Ste. 200 213 N. Victory Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-993-5469 Burbank, CA 91502
Credits: Red Oaks - Behind the Candelabra - The Bitter Pill - website:
Contagion - Haywire - Butter - The Sitter - The Informant - The Staff: Caroline Liem (Casting Director)
Girlfriend Experience - Bubble - The Butterfly Effect Casts: Film - Television
Staff: Carmen Cuba (Casting Director/Producer), Charley Policy: Submissions through agent or manager only.
Medigovich (Casting Associate), Judith Sunga (Casting Associate),
McKezie Brodnick (Casting Assistant), Katie Feigenbaum (Casting Casting Associates
Assistant) 1301 Crenshaw Blvd.
Casts: Film - Television Torrance, CA 90501 310-755-6200
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 310-364-0233
No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Staff: Tracy Dixon (Casting Director), Joseph Hicks (Casting
Carol Goldwasser Casting (CSA) Director), David Kramer (Casting Director)
Los Angeles, CA 323-785-1011 Casts: Background Work/Extras - Film - Television
email: Policy: Through registration line.
Credits: TV: - Freaky Friday - Cousins for Life - Dog With a Blog - Comments: Background casting for film and TV.
Austin & Ally - Hannah Montana - I’m in the Band - The Hughleys - Out
of Jimmy’s Head - The Boy Who Cried Werewolf - The Troop - Inside Casting Brothers (ATAS)
Schwartz (pilot); TV Hosts: Wipeout - Deal or No Deal; Film: - Diary c/o 5th Street Studios
of a Wimpy Kid; Theater: Standing on Ceremony: The Gay Marriage 1216 Fifth St.
Plays - The Last Night of Ballyhoo Santa Monica, CA 90401 818-763-1361
Staff: Carol Goldwasser (Casting Director) 310-458-1100, ext. 106
Casts: Television email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Indicate union member- website:
ship on photos. Accepts postcards and showcase invitations. No Staff: Joshua Rappaport (Partner), Alan Kaminsky (Partner)
calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials
- Live Events - Industrials - Voiceovers - Print
Carol Grant Casting Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
Orange County, CA 92262 323-419-0202 (Talent) reel by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
714-878-9670 (Production only)
email: Casting by Dea Vise
website: 13425 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 200
Credits: The Good Lord Bird - Harriet - A Bad Mom’s Christmas Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-634-0505
- Wakefield - The Young Pope - The 40–Year–Old Virgin (Extras email:
Casting) - Wedding Crashers (Extras Casting) - Dodgeball: A True Staff: Dea Vise (Casting Director)
Underdog Story (Extras Casting) - Land of the Lost - Larry Crowne Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Music Videos
- Alvin & the Chipmunks - Hop - Little Fockers Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, email, or facebook.
Staff: Carol Grant (Casting Director)
Casts: Film - Television - Background Work/Extras Casting by Patrick Baca(CSA-SAG-AFTRA-ATAS)
Policy: Open call and free casting registration sessions occa- c/o Casting Society of America
sionally available, depending on the project. Open call and free 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
casting registration sessions occasionally available, depending Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-683-9020
on the project. Credits: E.M.T. - A Christmas Melody - The Adventure Club -
Offer and Compromise - Signed, Sealed, Delivered #3 - Marilyn
- Visions - Eat With Me - Moontrap: Target Earth - Little Rascals




Save the Day - Atlas Shrugged II - Alligator Point - Strip Mall - Rest Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Accepts submissions through
Stop - Mercenary for Justice - Halloween: Resurrection - Fashion agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs.
House - Desire - L.A. Law - Gentle Ben
Staff: Patrick Baca, CSA (Casting Director) Center Theatre Group Casting (CSA)
Casts: Theater - Film - Television 601 W. Temple St.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume through agents and managers. Los Angeles, CA 90012
Also accepts project specific submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Also casts short films and comedy. website:
Staff: Michael Donovan Casting (Casting Consultant), Suzanne
Castleberry/Murphy Casting Hee Mayberry (Casting Coordinator)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Casts: Theater
Credits: Limetown (Facebook Watch) - Take Two (ABC) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. CTG holds monthly
Staff: Kendra Castleberry (Casting Director), Billy Murphy AEA open calls; check CTG website for info. Accepts postcards and
(Casting Director) invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Film - Television Comments: Casts for Mark Taper Forum, Ahmanson Theatre,
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. and Kirk Douglas Theatre.

Cathi Carlton (CCDA) Central Casting

c/o Ocean Park Casting 300 E. Magnolia Blvd., Ste. 600
2701 Ocean Park Blvd., Ste. 250 Burbank, CA 91502 818-562-2700
Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-581-3010 818-562-2755 (registration info)
website: website:
Credits: For a full credit list visit Staff: Jennifer Bender (EVP), Chris Bustard (Vice President),
Staff: Cathi Carlton (Casting Director), Derek Smith (Casting Mandy Glasser (Vice President), Jeff Paal (Manager), Ajay Dass
Associate), Ryan Lagod (Casting Associate) (Casting Director), Alexandra Hannant (Casting Director), Brad
Casts: Commercials - Industrials Bittner (Casting Director), Claire Benjamin (Casting Director),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Daniel Bramlage (Casting Director), Elana Staehli (Casting Director),
Erica Ellingson (Casting Director), Inbal Kadim (Casting Director),
CBS Television Casting (CSA) Jessica De La Cruz (Casting Director), Jimmy Mackay (Casting
4024 Radford Ave. Director), Josh Engler (Casting Director), Karen Vargas (Casting
Broadcast Center Director), Kate Conley (Casting Director), Kristan Berona (Casting
Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-1515 Director), Lauren Parker (Casting Director), Miranda Einy (Casting
Staff: Claudia Lyon (EVP Talent and Casting), Dana Pine (VP, Director), Monique Burke (Casting Director), Nia Johnson (Casting
Casting), Karen Church (Sr. VP, Casting), Natalie Ballesteros (Director, Director), Sara Vincenti (Casting Director), Nikki Hoffmann (Casting
Talent and Casting), Dorey Poder (VP, Casting), Alexandra Bolognini Director), Sarah Otteman (Casting Director), Shannon Avalos (Casting
(Manager, Casting), Stephanie Schramm (Administrator), Caitlin Director), Summer Wesson (Casting Director), Tiffany Caprine
Wissner (Assistant to Dorey Poder & Karen Church), Jennifer Kaplan (Casting Director), Waleed Alim (Casting Director)
(Assistant to Lucy Cavallo) Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Casts: Television Policy: Union and nonunion. Register in person at office. Check
Policy: No unsolicited submissions accepted. No calls. No website for times.
drop-offs. Comments: Casts background for TV, film, commercials, industri-
als, and print. (See also listing under New York Casting Directors,
CBS Television Studios Casting (CSA) Georgia Casting Directors, and Louisiana Casting Directors)
4024 Radford Ave.
Administration Bldg., Ste. 340 Champion/Lieblein Casting (CSA)
Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-7100 c/o Think Factory Media
Fax: 818-655-8697 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Staff: Meg Liberman (Sr. VP, Talent and Casting), Matthew Credits: Sun Records (CMT) - Greenhouse Academy (Netflix)
Skrobalak (VP, Talent and Casting), Erin Weintraub (VP, Talent and - Beaches (Lifetime) - Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart (Lifetime)
Casting), Kristin Thomas (VP, Casting), Lori Erickson (Director of - Surviving Compton (Lifetime) - Hatfields and McCoys (History
Casting), Jeremiah Krickhahn (Assistant to Meg Liberman), Riley Channel) - Fatal Honeymoon (Lifetime) - Blue Eyed Butcher (Lifetime)
Mostrom (Assistant to Erin Weintraub & Matt Skrobalak), Abby - The Mask - Beverly Hills, 90210 - Babylon 5 - Mortal Kombat - Naked
Zeltser (Assistant) Gun - Police Academy 1–6
Casts: Television Staff: Fern Champion (Casting Director), Sharon Lieblein (Casting
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Director)
Casts: Film - Television
Cecelia Pleva Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail for specific roles only.
6834 Hollywood Blvd., Sixth Fl. No calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Credits: Jimmy Kimmel Live Chelsea Bloch Casting
Staff: Cecelia Pleva (Casting Director) 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 602
Casts: Television Los Angeles, CA 90036


TALENT AGENTS california


Staff: Chelsea Bloch (Casting Director) Comedy Central Talent
Casts: Film - Television 2600 Colorado Ave., Fourth Fl.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-752-8000
Christine Sheaks Casting Staff: Jonas Larsen (Sr. VP, Talent/Events/Specials), Jordan
4221 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 155 Ellner (VP Talent & Development), Ryan Moran (Executive Assistant),
Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-443-2453 Carol Bang (Dept. Assistant)
Credits: Dramaworld (web series) - My Divorce - Married Young Casts: Television
- Lucky Bastard - Femme Fatales - Water and Power - The Last Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail, submission through
Godfather - Dragon Wars: D-War - Thir13en Ghosts - Deep Blue agents and managers preferred. Attends standup shows and accepts
Sea - Boogie Nights invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Christine Sheaks (Producer/Casting Director) Comments: Casts standup comedians. (See also listing under
Casts: Film - Television New York Casting Directors)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
drop-offs. Corbin Bronson Casting (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA
Christopher Gray Casting Credits: Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger - Lucifer - Revenge - Eureka
8271 Melrose Ave. - Monk
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-761-2012 Staff: Corbin Bronson (Casting Director)
email: Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Policy: Agent and manager submissions only. No calls. No
website: drop-offs.
Staff: Christopher Gray (Casting Director), Chris Gonzalez (Casting Comments: Also affiliated with Teamsters #399.
Associate), Rafael Fleming (Casting Associate), Amanda Gray
(Casting Assistant), Robin Campbell (Casting Associate) Cornwell Casting
Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television 16200 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 414
Policy: Email headshot/full name/weight/height/cell phone Encino, CA 91436 310-691-9165
number to email:
Comments: Additional offices in Atlanta, New York, New Orleans, website:
and Florida. Staff: Jason Cornwell (Casting Director), Damon Collazo (Casting
Director), Sandra Petko (Casting Director), Tina Eisner (Casting
Christy Dooley Casting Manager)
7800 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 3371 Casts: Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-575-4501 TV - Television
Credits: The Bold and the Beautiful Policy: By email only.
Staff: Christy Dooley (Casting Director), Rachel Rose Oginsky
(Casting Associate) Craig Campobasso Casting (CSA)
Casts: Television P.O. Box 800735
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Santa Clarita, CA 91380 818-503-2474
Credits: Starbright - The Adventures of Velvet Prozak (TV
Cindy Estada Casting Series) - There Will Always be Christmas - Alienated - American
6103 Melrose Ave. Desert - The Anachrist’s Convention - The Reckoning of Darkness
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-4110 - Heavenly Deposit - PAZ - Win, Place, Show (TV Series) - Lifestyle
email: Magazine (TV Talk Show) - Trade - Heavenly Deposit - Reckoning
Staff: Cindy Estada (Casting Director) of Darkness - Teleios - LA Cougars - The Oracle - American Desert
Casts: Commercials - Documentaries & Reality TV - Don’t Come Back From the Moon - The Wandering Day - Teleois
Policy: By email only. - Bashar: First Contact - Maximum Impact - Don Quixote - The
Comments: Casts Spanish language commercials and real people. Kiss - Stranger at the Pentagon - Golden Shoes - Starbright - Hell
and Mr. Fudge - The Perfect Host - Magic Man - Redline - Pizza with
Colloff/Nicolo Casting (CSA) Bullets - Badland - Treasure Raiders
4322 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 220 Staff: Craig Campobasso (Casting Director), Adele Jones
Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-372-1250 (Associate)
Credits: TV: Fresh Off The Boat - Veronica Mars - Weird City Casts: Film - Documentaries & Reality TV - Television
- Medical Police - iZombie - The New Girl - Mad Love - Children’s Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Hospital - Monk - Boston Public - True Love - Hung; Film: Music Comments: Also affiliated with the TV Academy.
Within - The Wild - Sex Tape
Staff: Anya Colloff (Casting Director/Partner), Michael Nicolo Craig Colvin Casting (CCDA)
(Casting Director/Partner), Jessica Munks (Casting Director), Village Studio, 12301 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 110
Michelle Seamon (Casting Director), Sean Bryan (Casting Assistant) Los Angeles, CA 90025 323-848-8285
Casts: Film - Television website:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Craig Colvin (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Live Events - Print - Infomercials




- Music Videos - Interactive & Digital Media - Television - Theater - Staff: Marie Malyszek (Casting Director/Executive Producer),
Industrials - Voiceovers - Documentaries & Reality TV Naomi Pacheco (Casting Director/Executive Producer), Bailee
Policy: No direct submissions. Nicole (Casting Associate)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
Creative Extras Casting Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Documentaries &
2461 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 501 Reality TV - Television
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-391-9041 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email to naomi@damle-
email: No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Vanessa Portillo Walsh (Casting Director), Sasha Adkinson Damn Good Casting
(Casting Director) 6860 Camrose Dr.
Casts: Background Work/Extras - Film - Television - Commercials Los Angeles, CA 90068 310-666-3664
- Interactive & Digital Media email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. Staff: Alicia Good (Casting Director)
No-drop-offs. Casts: Documentaries & Reality TV
Comments: Casts background, stand-ins, photo doubles, and Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
specialty roles for all projects.
Dan Bell Casting
Cricket Feet Casting 723 W. Broadway
P.O. Box 1417 Glendale, CA 91204 818-844-8900
Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-395-9540 website:
website: Staff: Dan Bell (Casting Director)
Credits: Film: Another Harvest Moon - Broken Windows - The Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras
Mikado Project - Teenage Dirtbag - Chandler Hall - A New Tomorrow - Policy: See website for inquiries. No calls. No drop-offs.
The Masquerade - Queen of Cactus Cove - Salvation Texas - The Moor; Comments: Production sector is Seeker Studios.
TV: Firefall - Bite Me - Ham Sandwich - Kitty Landers Show - Lily Did It
Staff: Bonnie Gillespie (Owner) Danielle Eskinazi Casting (CCDA)
Casts: Theater - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television 7700 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 200
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-969-8200
Comments: Specializes in low-budget SAG-AFTRA indie films email:
and web series. website:
Credits: Dasani Water - Old Spice - McDonald’s - Walgreens - Sprint
Crown Media Family Networks - Nintendo - VW - Prius - K-Swiss - Pillsbury - Crest - KFC - Burger
Casting (fka Perry/Reece Casting) King - PlayStation 3 - Microsoft - Coca-Cola - Chevy
12700 Ventura Blvd. Staff: Danielle Eskinazi (President), Summer Watson (Casting
Studio City, CA 91604 818-755-2400 Coordinator), Becca Cuellar (Casting Assistant)
Fax: 310-889-1670 Casts: Commercials - Theater - Interactive & Digital Media -
Credits: Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe - Reunited at Christmas - Film - Industrials
Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa - I Spit On Your Grave - The Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Velveteen Rabbit - Prairie Forever - Saving Angelo - Jane Doe: How to
Fire Your Boss - Love’s Abiding Joy - Fear X - Extreme Ops - Second Davis/Baddeley Casting (CSA)
to Dier - FeardotCom - The Musketeer - Big Bad Love - Dial 9 for Love Fancy Film, 4212 Santa Monica Blvd.
Staff: Penny Perry (SVP, Casting), Amy Reece (Casting Director), Los Angeles, CA 90029
Molly Urquhart (Associate), Christine Babayans (Associate), Brooke Credits: Battle of the Sexes - Ruby Sparks - Here Comes the
Davis (Associate), Cat Hardy (Associate) Boom - This Means War - Hesher - The Zookeeper - The Hangover:
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Television Part II - Whip It - Adaptation - Where the Wild Things Are - Fever
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Pitch - He’s Just Not That Into You - How to Lose Friends and Alienate
People - Little Miss Sunshine - Locked In - Made of Honor
The CW Casting Staff: Justine Arteta (Casting Director), Kim Davis-Wagner
3300 W. Olive Ave., Third Fl. (Casting Director), Faryn Einhorn (Casting Associate)
Burbank, CA 91505 818-977-2500/ Casts: Commercials - Film
Staff: Lori Openden (Executive VP, Talent and Casting), Dana Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
Theodoratos (Senior VP, Talent and Casting), Samantha Miller only. No drop-offs.
(Coordinator, Casting)
Casts: Television Dawn Hershey (CSA)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. c/o Casting Society of America
1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
DaM Legacy Entertainment Los Angeles, CA 90038 213-321-8213
Atlas Digital, 3425 Cahuenga Blvd West, Pod A email:
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-839-3821 website:
email: Credits: For a full list of credits see Dawn’s IMDB. https://www.


TALENT AGENTS california

CASTING DIRECTORS | california 310-535-1325 (Background Hotline)
Staff: Dawn Hershey (Casting Director) Fax: 818-506-1776
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Animation - email:
Film - Voiceovers - Television Staff: Debe Waisman (Casting Director)
Policy: Does not accept headshot/resume but accepts demo Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television
reel by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. Call hotline for back-
Comments: Specializes in voiceover casting. ground casting info. No drop-offs.

Day & Page Casting (CSA) Deborah Kurtz Casting (CCDA)

Los Angeles, CA Castaway Studios, 6380 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 100
Credits: Gone Hollywood (pilot) - Four Stars (pilot) - Dead Girls Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-980-0878
Detective Agency (series) - Denton’s Death Date (series) - Motive - Credits: Papa Francesco - American Wedding - Malibu Express
Seal Team - Grey’s Anatomy - Scandal - Dead Inside - M.F.A. - Now is - Modern Romance
Everything - American Exit - To Leslie - Untitled Gregg Araki Project Staff: Deborah Kurtz (Casting Director)
Staff: Arlie Day (Casting Director), Mike Page (Casting Director), Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Christina Blevins (Casting Assistant) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail. No calls.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television No drop-offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Through agents and man-
agers only. Deedee Bradley Casting (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 818-980-9803, ext. 2
DD Casting Credits: Switched at Birth - Being Human - Smallville - Veronica
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-474-6506 Mars
323-807-5825 Staff: Deedee Bradley (Casting Director), Darya Balyura (Casting
website: Associate)
Credits: Fast & Furious 9 (Los Angeles) - Dog Days - Insecure Casts: Television
(Seasons 1-4) - The House - The Huntsman: Winter’s War - Snow Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
White and the Huntsman - Red State- The Last Airbender - Valkyrie No calls. No drop-offs.
- Tropic Thunder - The Great Buck Howard - Walk Hard: The Dewey
Cox Story - Charlie Wilson’s War DeLancy Casting
Staff: Deedra Ricketts (Casting Director) P.O. Box 6623
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Burbank, CA 91505 818-510-1122
Policy: See website for submission details. email:
Deanna Brigidi/5th House Casting (CSA) Staff: Richard DeLancy (Casting Director)
2681 Glendale Blvd. Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
Los Angeles, CA 90039 - Voiceovers - Print - Television
Credits: The Deleted - Jacob’s Ladder - Casual - The Devil’s Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Hand - In Secret - Disconnect - Eye of the Hurricane drop-offs.
Staff: Deanna Brigidi (Casting Director) Comments: Also a personal manager.
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. DeLisi Creative Casting
No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 212-330-9357
Debbie Sheridan Casting website:
13547 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 311 Staff: Debbie DeLisi (Casting Director), Adam DeLisi (Casting
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 323-377-6570 Director)
email: Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries &
website: Reality TV - Television
Credits: Motorola - Toshiba - LG - WD40 - Western Digital - Panera Policy: See website for submission information.
Bread - BMW - Subaru - Nissan Altima - Panasonic - Logitech - Experian
- AAA - UPS - Thermador - First 5 California - FedEx - Vanity Fair - Deming Casting
Subway - GM - Axe Body Spray - Nescafe - Pacific Theaters - Arclight 200 South, 200 S. LaBrea Ave.
- Tomb Raider - Headgame - Abbey Grace - Ghetto Physics - The Los Angeles, CA 90036 213-505-2025
Factory - Nic and Tristan go Mega Dega - Martha and Snoop’s Potluck email:
Dinner - The Wedding Band - Party Down - Fly Girls - True Beauty
Staff: Debbie Sheridan (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television Staff: Susan Deming (Casting Director), Amanda Coles (Casting
Policy: Not accepting submissions at this time. Associate)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television
Debe Waisman Casting Policy: Headshot/resume by email or website.
11684 Ventura Blvd., PMB 415 Comments: Specializes in comedy.
Studio City, CA 91604 818-752-7052




Denise Chamian Casting (CSA) Talent Relations)
606 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 202 Casts: Television
Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-378-6093 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Bumblebee - Red Sparrow - Simon Vs. The Homo
Sapiens Agenda - God Particle - Mr. Mercedes - The Man In The High Disney Parks Talent Casting
Castle - The Maze Runner: The Death Cure - Transformers: The Last T.D.A. 329R, P.O. Box 3232
Knight - Frontier - 13 Hours - The Lone Ranger - 47 Ronin - Welcome Anaheim, CA 92803-3232
to People - A Little Game - Brother’s Keeper - Rango - Unstoppable email:
- Knucklehead - The Rum Diary website:
Staff: Denise Chamian (Casting Director), Beth Day (Casting Staff: Aimee Berkeley (Casting Director), Robby Armitage (Casting
Associate), Liz Ludwitzke (Casting Associate), Jordana Sapiurka Director), Joy Dewing (Casting Director)
(Casting Associate), Gracie Raymond (Casting Assistant), Zarah Casts: Live Events
Kulczycki (Casting Assistant) Policy: Check website for list of auditions.
Casts: Film Comments: Casts for all Disney parks and associated properties.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Disney Television Animation Casting
811 Sonora Ave.
Digital Dogs Casting (CCDA-SAG-AFTRA-DGA) Glendale, CA 91201 818-409-7999
P.O. Box 48229 500 S. Buena Vista St.
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-651-0888 Burbank, CA 91521 818-409-7999
13425 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 200 Staff: David Wright (VP, Casting & Talent Relations), Aaron
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 323-314-1317 Drown (Executive Director, Casting), Brian Mathias (Director,
email: Casting), Jennifer Trujillo (Manager, Casting & Talent Relations),
website: Julia Pleasants (Manager, Casting & Talent Relations), Kristin Paiva (Supervisor, Talent Relations & Casting), Tatiana Bull (Casting
Credits: Cheeze It’s Campaign - Apple Product launches Coordinator), Colleen O’Donnell (Casting Coordinator), Jennifer
Campaign - American Express - Ice Breakers - US Cellular - Bud Klocki (Casting Assistant)
Light - Capital One Casts: Animation - Voiceovers
Staff: Robert B. Martin, Jr. (Casting Director) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials No calls. No drop-offs.
- Film - Industrials - Music Videos - Dancers - Television Comments: Casts for Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards XD animated shows
and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also offers classes. Robert Jr. is responsible for Divisek Casting
providing specialized entertainment services helping guide entre- c/o On Your Mark Studios
preneurs and entertainment creatives to take decisive actions and 13425 Ventura Blvd.
make creative choices, so they can put their greatest work into the Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-726-5805
world. Martin began casting feature films primarily for Oliver Stone, Atlanta Acting Arts, 4200 Northside Pkwy. NW, Bldg. 4
Steven Spielberg, and Ron Howard, but after crossing paths with Atlanta, GA 30327 404-948-2111 (Atlanta)
Steve Jobs in the film world, he began casting Apple’s high profile email:
global product launches including the first iMac, iBook, Power Mac, website:
Mac operating systems, and iPod campaigns. Casting thousands Staff: Barbara Divisek (Casting Director), Karen Divisek (Casting
of various projects. Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
Discovery Networks Talent & Casting Policy: See website for details.
10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 1500
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-975-5906 Dixie Casting
One Discovery Pl., 4924 Balboa Blvd., Ste. 431
Silver Spring, MD 20910 310-975-5906 Encino, CA 91316 818-920-9900
Staff: Joy Johnson-Williams (Manager, Voiceover Casting, MD), email:
Cindy Mori (VP, Global Talent Management) website:
Casts: Television Credits: A Wrinkle in Time - Dunkirk - The Revenant - Interstellar
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. - Nightcrawler - All The Way - Rules Don’t Apply - Dreamgirls - The
Dark Knight Rises - Letters from Iwo Jima - Hitchcock - A Better Life
Disney Channels Worldwide Casting Staff: Dixie Webster-Davis (Casting Director)
(CSA) Casts: Background Work/Extras
3800 W. Alameda Ave., 21st Fl. Policy: Through website.
Burbank, CA 91505 818-973-4086 Comments: Background and extras casting.
Fax: 818-973-4039
website: DK Casting (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Judy Taylor (Sr. VP, Casting and Talent Relations), Cornelia 816 S. La Brea Ave.
Frame (VP, Casting and Talent Relations), Andrew Hinshaw (Manager Los Angeles, CA 90036


TALENT AGENTS california


email:, Casts: Television
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Music Videos: Black Eyed Peas - Bob Dylan - Britney
Spears - David Bowie - Enrique Iglesias - Justin Bieber - Justin Dorian & Sibby Casting (CSA)
Timberlake - Katy Perry - Lady Gaga - Mariah Carey - Pink - Rod Los Angeles, CA 90036
Stewart - Taylor Swift - Usher - Commercials: - Verizon - Turkish Credits: Single Parents - Grand Hotel - Veep - Baskets - Future
Air - Fruit of the Loom - Reebok - KFC - HTC - ESPN - Jell-O - Lays Man - One Mississippi - Idiotsitter - Alex, Inc. - Maron - Curb Your
- Intel - Dove - T-Mobile - Hyundai - Sprite - Target - Old Navy - Fox Enthusiasm - Parks and Recreation - Eagleheart - NTSF:SD:SUV::
Sports - UFC - Nascar - Ciroc - Yahoo - Toyota - JC Penney - GAP Staff: Dorian Frankel (Casting Director), Sibby Kirchgessner
- Bud Light - Nike (Casting Director), Marlise Gunzenhauser (Casting Director)
Staff: Judy Cook (Executive Director), Brent Henry (Casting Casts: Television
Director), Felix Martinsson (Casting Director), Gabriel Crux (Jr. Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No drop-offs.
Casting Director), Carmireli Tran (Assistant Casting), Sello Lyons
(Casting Assistant) Doro/Sherwood Casting (CSA)
Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Music Videos - Infomercials Los Angeles, CA
- Industrials - Voiceovers - Background Work/Extras - Dancers - Print email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No Credits: Nickelodeon’s All That - The Off Season (ABC Digital) - This
drop-offs. Isn’t Working (ABC Digital) - Re: Date - Cassandra French’s Finishing
Comments: Additional office in Las Vegas, New York, Mesa (AZ), School For Boys - Woman/Child - Uprising - Daddy Issues - The Sun
and Miami. After serving four years in the US Marine Corps, David at Night - School Spirits - Hope Springs Eternal - The Robinsons (for
began his business career in the entertainment industry in 1997. Nickelodeon) - Dirty Thirty - Internet Famous
He has been in the entertainment industry for 19 years. Staff: Nickole Doro (Casting Director), Shayna Sherwood (Casting
Director), Jeremy Gordon (Casting Associate)
DMC Casting/Paul Dinh-McCrillis, Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
CSA (CSA) - Television
Los Angeles, CA Policy: Submissions by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Operates in Los Angeles, New England, the Midwest,
Staff: Paul Dinh-McCrillis (Casting Director) and Canada.
Casts: Film - Television - Theater - Commercials - Interactive &
Digital Media - Industrials Doron Ofir Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. Accepts postcards 6207 Santa Monica Blvd.
and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-203-1331
Comments: Also teaches on-camera audition technique. 323-871-2588
Fax: 310-943-1598
Donna Isaacson Casting website:
Los Angeles, CA Credits: American Idol (AB) - Florabama Shore - Date Night
Staff: Donna Isaacson (Casting Director) Live - Super Sweet Sixteen - Promposal - Make Up or Breakup
Casts: Film - Television - Make Over My Bae - Hotel Hell Season 3 - First Dates - Jersey
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Shore - Millionaire Matchmaker - Design Star - Wedding Wars - Ru
Paul’s Drag Race - Tool Academy - Disaster Date - Private Chefs of
Donna Morong Casting (CSA - ICDN) Beverly Hills - Chef vs. City - Dance Your Ass Off
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Staff: Doron Ofir (Casting Director)
email: Casts: Commercials - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV -
website: Television
Credits: Princess Diaries - Gone Baby Gone - Ten Things I Hate Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
About You - Rubber - Anywhere With You - Sophie and the Rising
Sun - Wrong Dowd/Roman Casting
Staff: Donna Morong (Casting Director), Alicia Fusting c/o 200 South
(Administrator) 200 S. La Brea Ave., Second fl.
Casts: Film - Television - Theater Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. 323-665-1776
No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Casting Director specializing in independent films Credits: Dave Laden - Fred Savage - Scott Vincent - Hank Perlman
In the US and Europe. Endeavors to support artists to produce - Lance Dotty - Brian Beletic - Ellen Von Underwerth - Roger Mitchell
work that opens new possibilities and is authentic to their vision. - Andrew Jenkins - Sam Bayer - David Ramser - Greg Cerny - Ellen
Von Underwerth - Michael Rowles - James Rouse - John Adams -
Dori Zuckerman Casting Jonathan David - Kinka Usher
c/o Casting Society of America Staff: Mick Dowd (Casting Director), Michael Roman (Casting
1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110 Director)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Industrials -
Credits: Director’s Cut - Wilfred - Granite Flats Voiceovers - Dancers - Print
Staff: Dori Zuckerman (Casting Director) Policy: See website for submission details. No calls. No drop-offs.




Doyle/Fiorilli Casting (CSA) 15760 Ventura Blvd., Seventh Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 323-723-2021 Encino, CA 91436 323-469-8773
email: email:
website: website:
Credits: TV: Wayne - Timeline - Zac & Mia (AwesomenessTV) - Staff: Elaine Craig (Executive Casting Director)
Troopers - Precious Plum - The House - Skyward (Amazon) - Unt. Casts: Commercials - Animation - Film - Voiceovers
Rev Run pilot (ABC) - After Birth (feature) - The Earliest Show (FoD) Policy: Submit Mp3 VO demo by email. Include agent info. No
- Tales of Titans (FoD) - Blackish (ABC, season 2) - The Muppets calls. No drop-offs.
(ABC) - Just Add Magic (Amazon) - Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Comments: Casts for voice talent only.
Street (Amazon) - The Thundermans (Nickelodeon, Seasons 3 &4)
- The Britishes (College Humor) - Adam Ruins Everything (original Elizabeth Barnes Casting (CSA-SAG-AFTRA)
version) - Film: One Woman’s War - The Turkey Bowl - The Bruce - Burbank, CA 91505
After Birth - Big Brother Volcano - Sailboat - Psyched The Musical email:
Staff: Amanda Lenker Doyle (Casting Director), Chrissy Fiorilli- Staff: Elizabeth Barnes (Casting Director), Seth Caskey (Casting
Ellington (Casting Director) Associate), Elizabeth Ayoob (Casting Associate)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Casts: Theater - Film - Television
Film - Television Policy: Headshot/resume through agents and managers.
Policy: Agent and manager submissions only. No calls. No
drop-offs. Emily Schweber Casting (CSA)
Comments: Amanda Lenker Doyle is also the CSA treasurer and 10642 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 207
a member of Teamsters - Local 399. Chrissy Fiorilli-Ellington is also Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-470-9444
CSA and Teamsters - Local 399. Staff: Emily Schweber (Casting Director), M’saada Nia (Casting
DreamWorks Animation Casting (CSA) Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film
1000 Flower St. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No
Glendale, CA 91201 818-695-9854 calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Also casts video games.
Staff: Christi Soper Hilt (Head of Casting), Nadia Sheen (Casting
Associate) Engine Casting
Casts: Animation - Film - Voiceovers - Television Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-306-9366
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 310-306-9374
Credits: Crave - Insidious - Tucker and Dale vs Evil - Old Dogs - A
E! Casting Perfect Getaway - Blood: The Last Vampire - Crossing Over - My
100 Universal City Plaza Best Friend’s Girl
Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-1000 Staff: Anne McCarthy (Casting Director), Kellie Roy (Casting
website: Director), Morgan Robbins (Casting Associate), Michelle Pak
Staff: Annie Roberts (VP, Talent Development and Casting), Joel (Casting Assistant)
Porter (Senior Manager, Talent Development & Casting), Kyle Rose Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
(Coordinator, Talent Development & Casting) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Casts: Live Events - Voiceovers - Documentaries & Reality No calls. No drop-offs.
TV - Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Eric Souliere Casting
Comments: 24-hour entertainment network. E! Entertainment Los Angeles, CA
TV. E! International. Also casts Comedians, Hosts, Entertainment Credits: 911: Lone Star - Midnight Texas - Famous in Love - The
Correspondents. Arrangement - Scream - State of Affairs - Legends - The Mentalist
Staff: Eric Souliere (Casting Director), Brent Hagata (Casting
Eastside Studios Associate), Rick Moreno (Casting Assistant)
6380 Wilshire Blvd. Casts: Theater - Film - Television
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-660-7874 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
website: Extra Extra Casting, Inc.
Credits: Production Companies: 3 Star Productions (Jill Roy) Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-552-1888
- Activision - Apostrophe - Arpen Productions, LLC (Rebecca email:
Schatten) - Biscuit Films - Bobby Kopp - Cary Melcher Productions (Production Only)
- Casey Hendriks - Catherine Hannon Productions - Caylyn Morris website:
Productions - Christine Kantner (Producer) - Clinique Staff: Kris Hutchinson (Owner/Casting Director), Fiona Cooke
Staff: Doug Mangskau (Casting Director), Trevor David (Casting (Casting Director), Ali Watters (Casting Director (New York &
Director) Chicago)), Samantha Kelly (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Print Casts: Background Work/Extras
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/contact info by email only at submissions@ No calls.
Elaine Craig Voice Casting, Inc. (CCDA) Comments: Also casts productions in Chicago and New York.


TALENT AGENTS california


(See also listing under New York Casting Directors) Flores Casting
1613 Chelsea Rd., #292
Eyde Belasco Casting (CSA) San Marino, CA 91108 626-796-7143
3780 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Fl. email:
Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-388-1475 website:
Credits: Transparent - Like Crazy - 500 Days of Summer Credits: Theater: McCoy Rigby Entertainment and La Mirada
Staff: Eyde Belasco (Casting Director) Theatre for the Performing Arts: The Little Mermid - Peter Pan -
Casts: Film - Television Camelot - Jesus Christ Superstar - American Idiot - Spring Awakening
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No - Various productions for: McCoy Rigby Entertainment, Boston Court
drop-offs. Theatre, The Rev Theatre Co., Ensemble Theatre Company, Syracuse
Stage, TheatreWorks, Denver Center Theatre, A Noise Within, The
Farrah West Casting Pasadena Playhouse, Portland Center Stage and B Street Theatre.
North Hollywood, CA Staff: Julia Flores (Casting Director), Kelley Dorney (Casting
Credits: The Color of Flesh - Kick, Push - Bachelor Lions - Undgodly Assistant), Emma Fassler (Casting Assistant)
- The Ride - The Ninth Passenger - The Chariot - The Apologist - 7 Casts: Theater - Dancers - Musicals - Singers & Musicians
Days as a Kingpin - Destination Nowhere - Ladies Night - Soul Policy: By email. List the project on the front of envelope. Calls
Survivor - 5th Passenger - Tell Me How I Die (Associate) - When accepted. No drop-offs.
The Starlight Ends - Soul Survivor Comments: Flores Casting is an independent and minority owned
Staff: Farrrah West (Casting Director) boutique casting company based in Los Angeles. A proud part of
Casts: Film - Television the theater community in Los Angeles and regionally for over 25
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. years. Work has garnered Academy Award, Emmy, Los Angeles
Drama Critics ,and Ovation awards and nominations.
Felicia Fasano Casting (CSA)
CSA, 1149 N Gower St., Ste. 110 Foley/Marra Casting (CCDA)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 11240 W. Magnolia Blvd., Ste. 102
Credits: I’m Sorry - Better Things - Crazy Ex Girlfriend - Heathers North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-216-9350
- House of Lies - Californication - Eleventh Hour - The Beast - The website:
Defenders Credits: Film: - Rock Paper Dead - Killing Happy - Nursie - Blakes
Staff: Felicia Fasano (Casting Director), Angela Scaletta (Casting Ballad - Angel Camouflaged - My Apocalypse - Purple Rose - Just Add
Director/Casting Associate), Brent Hagata (Casting Associate), Kyle Water - Problem Child 3; Commercials: Chrysler - Advair - Claritin - Old
McCormick (Casting Assistant) Spice - Coors Light - AT&T - McDonald’s - Coca-Cola - RadioShack
Casts: Television Staff: Megan Foley (Casting Director), Chuck Marra (Casting
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Director)
No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Print
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Ferne Cassel (CSA) drop-offs.
c/o Casting Society of America
1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110 FOX Entertainment (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-463-1925 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 100
323-785-1011 (CSA) Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-2609
Credits: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D - Fireflies in the Garden - Staff: Tess Sanchez (EVP, Casting), Brittainy Roberts (VP,
Taken - Monster - Demolition Man - Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Casting), Daniel Cabeza (Director, Casting), Erin Johnson (Manager,
Staff: Ferne Cassel (Casting Director) Casting), Taylor Armstrong (Assistant to Brittainy Roberts)
Casts: Film Casts: Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Firefly Casting (CSA) Comments: See also listing under New York Casting Directors.
6333 W. Third St., Ste. 902
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-954-1555 Francene Selkirk Casting (CCDA)
Credits: Film: Trumbo - Wild - Gravity - Yes Man - Harold & South Paw Studios
Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay - Lars and the Real Girl - 4200 Lankershim Blvd.
Hairspray - The Talented Mr. Ripley - Men In Black - My Best Friend’s North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-506-0613
Wedding - The English Patient - Romeo + Juliet - The English Patient email:
- Four Weddings and a Funeral - The Addams Family - Fried Green website:
Tomatoes - Spaceballs - The Big Easy -TV: Big Little Lies - All The Credits: The Wanda Sykes Show - The Spike Feresten Show - The
Way - Wayward Pines - The Brink - Political Animals - Game Change Naked Trucker & T-Bones - Significant Others - Free Ride - Hollywood
- Temple Grandin - Recount Vice - Good Girl, Bad Girl - The Night Writer
Staff: Brittany Williams (Casting Assistant), David Rubin (Casting Staff: Francene Selkirk (Casting Director), Bobby Bolton (Casting
Director), Matt Lander (Casting Associate) Associate), Daley Ackerman (Assistant)
Casts: Film - Television Casts: Commercials
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail. No calls. Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel
No drop-offs. by mail only. Submitted materials will not be returned. Occasionally
attends showcases and improv shows. No calls. No drop-offs.




Francine Maisler Casting (CSA) Credits: Film: Cursed - TV: Roswell - Legacies - Younger -
100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 9128 Containment - The Following - The Originals - Secret Circle - Vampire
Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-3202 Diaries - Better With You - Surviving Suburbia - Roommates - Reba
Fax: 818-733-1805 - Hidden Palms - Runaway - Romy & Michele: In the Beginning - Run
Credits: Genius - Elysium - The Wettest County in the World - of the House - Shacking Up - Miss Match - Dawson’s Creek - Glory
Spider-Man 2.0 - Nine - This Side of the Truth - Tree of Life - The Days - Grosse Pointe - Son of the Beach
Soloist - The Road - Milk - Tropic Thunder - Hancock - 21 - Rendition Staff: Greg Orson (Casting Director), Lesli Gelles-Raymond
- Into the Wild - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Stranger Than (Casting Director), Ashley Dunsing (Casting Associate)
Fiction - Miami Vice - Babel - The New World - Memoirs of a Geisha Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
- Meet the Fockers - Collateral - 21 Grams - Down with Love - Red Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
Dragon - Spider-Man 1&3 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Francine Maisler (Casting Director), Kathleen Driscoll-
Mohler (Casting Director), Molly Rose (Casting Associate) Good People Casting
Casts: Film - Television 6103 Melrose Ave.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-4110
No calls. No drop-offs. 512-878-9290 (Austin)
Comments: For full credits visit email:
G. Charles Wright Casting Staff: Lyle Dohl (Casting Director, Los Angeles), Cindy Estada
210 N. Pass Ave., Ste. 203 (Casting Director, Los Angeles), Zachary Dixon (Casting Associate,
Burbank, CA 91505 818-977-5699 Austin), Hayley Laske (Casting Associate, Los Angeles)
Credits: Diary of a Future President - Anger Management - The Casts: Commercials
Middle - State of Romance - Overkill - Sid the Science Kid Policy: Not accepting unsolicited submissions.
Staff: G. Charles Wright (Casting Director) Comments: Good People Casting works with directors to find
Casts: Television the best talent based on a person’s specific talent, story, skill, or
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. look. Specializes in real people talent.

Geffen Playhouse Casting (CSA) Grand Cru Entertainment, Inc. (ATAS)

10886 Le Conte Ave. 19807 Mariposa Pines Way
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-208-6500 Porter Ranch, CA 91326 818-366-1689
website: email:
Staff: Phyllis Schuringa (Casting Director/Artistic Associate), Staff: Christy L. Pokarney (Casting Director), Perri Smith (Casting
Kristopher Karcher (Literary & Casting Assistant) Assistant)
Casts: Theater Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Union and non-union.
drop-offs. No calls. No drop-offs.

Gennette Tondino Casting Greenstein/Daniel Casting (CSA)

Fax: 818-843-1897 1030 Cole Ave.
email: Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-461-5100
Staff: Gennette Tondino (Casting Director) Credits: Shrill - Punky Brewster - Outmatched - Never Have I
Casts: Film - Industrials Ever - The Guest Book - Superstore - American Housewife - Ghosted
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs. - Champions - Chasing Life - The Odd Couple - Retired at 35 - Hot in
Comments: Casts primarily independent features. Cleveland - Free Agents - Knight Rider - Melrose Place
Staff: Brett Greenstein (Casting Director), Collin Daniel (Casting
Gillian O’Neill Casting (CSA) Director), Shannon Malecki (Casting Assistant), Jeremy O’Keefe
121 W. Lexington Dr., Ste. 218 (Casting Assistant)
Glendale, CA 91203 Casts: Film - Television
Credits: United We Fall - The Crew - Santa Clarita Diet - Forever Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
- Detroiters - AP Bio - The Sackett Sisters (pilot) - The Real O’Neals
- What Goes Around/Comes around (pilot) - My Time/Your Time GSC (CCDA)
(pilot) - Truth Be Told - Manhattan Love Story - Growing Up Fisher 5th Street Studios
- Super Fun Night - Bunheads - Reign - Alphas 1216 Fifth St.
Staff: Gillian O’Neill (Casting Director) Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-450-0835
Casts: Film - Television email: (for talent contact)
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: Products: Honda - Altoids - Amana - AT&T - Disney -
GO Casting (CSA) Ameriquest - Duracell - US Army - Nike - Applebees - Dunkin Donuts
6464 Sunset Blvd., PH Ste. 1170 Staff: Gabrielle Schary (Casting Director), Shawn Ryan (Studio
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-469-6464 Manager)


TALENT AGENTS california


Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials of Development), Marin Hope (Casting Associate), Lucy Ordaz
- Voiceovers - Television (Assistant)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
drop-offs. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Hampton Casting (SAG-AFTRA)
P.O. Box 600916 Helen McCready Casting (CSA)
San Diego, CA 92160 Los Angeles, CA 310-651-0637
11440 Ventura Blvd., Unit 200 email:
Studio City, CA 91604 website:
email: Credits: Film: Land of No Return - Wish Man - Dude, the Movie
Credits: The Last Full Measure - Phantom - Reach Me - Deadtime - Tekken: Kazuya’s Revenge - Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret (MOW
Stories - Power Rangers on Lifetime) - $elfie Shootout - Kiss The Sky - Bombshell - Speak
Staff: Iris Hampton (Casting Director) No Evil - Grief - Lighthouse - Vampire Road Trip - Five Hour Friends -
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television Sleeping Around - Just Crazy Enough - Den of Darkness - Margarine
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Wars - Zombie Drugs - It’s a Living - Suspicion - TV: The Jodi Arias
Story - The Resolve - Callback - Liquid Extremes - Acting for Action
Harlowe Casting - Forensic Files/Medical Detectives
Los Angeles, CA 323-347-1267 Staff: Helen McCready (Casting Director), Will Leon (Casting
323-207-8379 (Text Only) Associate)
email: Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
website: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. Accepts postcards
Credits: FILM: - The Lost - Hell Shocked - COMMERCIAL: - Athos and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fitness - Splat Hair Dye - Pampers - California Almonds - Budweiser
- COMMERCIAL/PRINT: Ole Smokey Moonshine - Baxter of California Helgoth & Associates Casting (CSA-SAG-
- Glamour Magazine - Disney - Star Wars - Nature Made - Natrol AFTRA)
Staff: Kasia Szarek (Casting Director) 1308 N. Wilton Place
Casts: Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Print Hollywood, CA 90028 323-464-5413
Policy: Submissions accepted by email only. Links only, no email:
attachments. website:
Credits: Hesperia - JOB’s Daughter - Game of Truth - Close
Harriet Greenspan Casting (CSA-ATAS) Call - West Bank Story - Are You Scared - Lost Lake - To Protect
Los Angeles, CA 90404 818-266-6698 and Serve - Let’s Shoot This - Diary of a Serial Killer - Child Invisible Staff: Steve Helgoth (Casting Director), Janet Campbell (Casting
Credits: Features: - Alex and Me (TV movie) - Woodstock or Bust Assistant), Craig Victor (Casting Assistant)
(indie) - Deep Blue Sea 2 (tv movie) - Max 2 (tv movie) - Cinderella, Casts: Film - Television - Theater
If the Shoe Fits (tv movie) - Thunderstruck - Christian Mingle - TV: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No
- Knight Squad - Every Witch Way - Talia in the Kitchen - Every Witch calls. No drop-offs.
Way - Bucket and Skinner’s Epic Adventures - True Jackson, VP - Drake
& Josh - Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide - Unfabulous Hispanic Talent Casting of Hollywood
Staff: Harriet Greenspan (Casting Director) P.O. Box 46123
Casts: Television - Film - Animation - Motion Capture - Theater Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-934-6465
- Voiceover Staff: Bill Hooey (Owner)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Headquarters Casting Comments: Mostly casts national commercials. Associated with
Burbank, CA 91505 Email Casting Network, which is open to all ethnicities.
Credits: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - You’re the Worst - Hoffman | Bernstein Casting (CSA)
Modern Family - Life in Pieces - Fresh off the Boat Studio City, CA 310-985-5239
Staff: Carla Lewis (Casting Director) email:
Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television Staff: Miriam Hoffman (Casting Director), Candice Bernstein
Policy: Submissions accepted by website. No drop-offs. (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Documentaries
Heidi Levitt Casting (CSA) & Reality TV - Television
c/o Three Chapeau Productions Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
7201 Melrose Ave., Ste. 203 Comments: Candice Bernstein and Miriam Hoffman have suc-
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-525-0800 cessfully cast hundreds of scripted, non-scripted, commercial, and
website: corporate projects between them, and are as enthusiastic about
Credits: The Artist - Mother and Child - Nurse Betty - The Rock working with well-known actors as discovering fresh new talent.
- Natural Born Killers - The Joy Luck Club - JFK - Nixon With an enduring passion for the entertainment industry and a
Staff: Heidi Levitt (Casting Director), Lauren Fernandes (Director keen eye for talent of all stripes, Candice and Miriam make it their




mission to bring a creative vision to life. (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
House Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only.
855 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-769-0200 Ivy Isenberg Casting (CSA)
Fax: 310-469-8901 Isenberg Casting, 444 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 204
email: Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-652-0625
website: email:
Credits: Mentos - Target - Honda - Time Warner Cable - Lexus Credits: Robot Chicken - Annoying Orange - Call of Duty: Black
- Chevrolet - AT&T - 5 Gum - Bratz - Nike - Clorox - GAP - Powerade Ops - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - FarCry - Curse of Chucky -
- Lancome - Vonage - Sony - Bud Light - Grey Goose - Allegra - Stargate SG-1 - Stargate Atlantis
Citibank - H&M Staff: Ivy Isenberg (Casting Director), Shannon Taylor (Casting
Staff: Chadrian McKnight (Casting Director), Rachel Williams Assistant)
(Casting Associate), Grace Acker (Casting Coordinator) Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Animation - Film - Voiceovers
Casts: Commercials - Television - Film - Voiceovers - Music - Television
Videos - Industrials - Interactive & Digital Media Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No
drop-offs. JADA Casting
Comments: Union and nonunion casting. Additional specialties 5020 Klump Ave., Penthouse 621
in comedy and improv performers, real people, and models. North Hollywood, CA 91601 310-601-0395
Casting by Howard Meltzer (CSA) website:
4024 Radford Ave., Stage 5, West Door Staff: Jay Brown (Founder)
Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-4670 Casts: Film - Commercials - Theater - Documentaries & Reality
Credits: TV: Team Kaylie (Netflix) - Coop & Cami Ask The World TV - Background Work/Extras - Music Videos - Promotional Events
(Disney Channel) - Raven’s Home (Disney Channel) - Bunk’d (Disney - Fashion Shows & Runway
Channel) - Best Friends Whenever (Disney Channel) - Girl Meets Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs.
World - Lab Rats (Disney Channel) - Shake It Up (Disney Channel) Comments: Casts principals and extras, both union and nonunion,
- Hannah Montana (Disney Channel) - Big Time Rush (Nickelodeon) for feature and independent films, television, commercials, music
- Film: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Fox) - Broadway: The Graduate - Gore videos, industrials, voiceovers, print work, live events, and much
Vidal’s The Best Man - Chicago - Annie - Fosse - Fortune’s Fool more. JADA Casting uses the principals of sociology and psychology
Staff: Howard Meltzer (Casting Director), Morgan Zenith Rudner to accurately cast talent based on the project’s desired audience
(Casting Associate), Biz Urban (Casting Associate) and its character objectives.
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
Animation - Film - Voiceovers - Television Jaimie Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 323-252-4716
Idell James Casting website:
15332 Antioch St., Ste. 117 Staff: Jaimie Beebe (Casting Director)
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-230-9344 (LA Extras) Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
411 Lafayette St., Sixth Fl. Policy: See website for submission details.
New York, NY 10003 212-731-4562 (NY Extras)
email: Jan Glaser Casting (CSA) 11124 W. Washington Blvd.
website: Culver City, CA 90232 310-458-7707
Staff: Idell James (Casting Director) Fax: 310-204-2450
Casts: Background Work/Extras Credits: Beethoven’s Big Break - Pledge This! - Prince and Me II:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. The Royal Wedding - Beethoven’s 5th: Big Paw - The Shore - American
Comments: Background and extras casting. Los Angeles produc- Pie: Book of Love - The Christmas Hope - Smitty - Sinbad & the
tion line 310-230-9986. New York production line 212-731-9954. Minotaur - Death Race 2 - Behind Your Eyes
Staff: Jan Glaser (Casting Director)
In the Twink of an Eye Casting Casts: Film - Television
10850 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 350 Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Los Angeles, CA 90024 818-203-3008 No calls. No drop-offs.
email: ​
website: Janelle Scuderi Casting (CSA)
Credits: TV: Being Mary Jane - MEDIA (TV One) - Raven’s Home - Los Angeles, CA
Film: Southside with You - When the Bough Breaks - Fruitvale Station Credits: Roseanne - Tremors - House M.D.
- Sparkle - Planet B-Boy - Jumping the Broom - Stomp the Yard 1&2 Staff: Janelle Scuderi (Casting Director)
- Blood and Bone - Notorious - King’s Ransom - Commercials: TGI Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television
Fridays - Reebok - Champs Sports - Boston Globe - Home Depot - IKEA Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Tracy “Twinkie” Byrd (Casting Director), German Lagerreta


TALENT AGENTS california


Jeanie Bacharach Casting Credits: Escaping My Stalker (TV Movie) - Sleeping with My
Los Angeles, CA Student - Stalked by My Doctor: A Sleepwalker’s Nightmare - Am
Credits: Feature: Little Chenier; TV: Nashville - Bunheads - Alphas I a Serial Killer? - Suburban Swingers Club (TV Movie) - A Bride’s
- Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea - Brothers & Sisters - The Revenge (TV Movie) - My Daughter’s Ransom (TV Movie) - Riley’s
Philanthropist - Wanted - Judging Amy - The Guardian - Close to Peak - The Ghost Beyond - Pursued - Behind The Mask - Crossing
Home - Ally McBeal The Line - Bad Sister - The Arrangement - Billy The Kid - 1000 to
Staff: Jeanie Bacharach (Casting Director), Mark Rutman (Casting 1 - Sugar Daddies - A Remarkable Life - The Perfect Boyfriend - The
Director), Maggie Bacharach (Casting Associate) Surrogate - Death Clique - Deceit - Cheating Pact - Missing - Walking
Casts: Television the Halls - Stalked at 17 - Carriers
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: Jeff Hardwick (Casting Director)
No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
- Voiceovers - Television
Jeff Gerrard Casting (CCDA) Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
13425 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. reel by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-782-9900
website: Jeff Meshel Casting (CSA)
Credits: Film: Jarhead 4: Law of Return - The Scorpion King: c/o Casting Society of America
Book of Souls - For the Love of Jessee - Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
of the 4th Reich - Sniper: Ghost Shooter - Jarhead 3: The Siege - Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-463-1925
Special Unit - The Little Rascals: Save The Day - Kindergarten Cop Credits: Life Unexpected - The Cleaner - Sordid Lives: The Series
2 - The Father and the Bear - Jarhead 2: Field of Fire - Tremors 5: Staff: Jeffrey A. Meshel (Casting Director)
Bloodlines - Atlas Shrugged - Dead in Tombstone - Werewolf: The Casts: Film - Television
Beast Among Us - Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure - Half Past Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Dead - Black Dawn - Critical Mass - TV: Lake Placid vs Anaconda -
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter - Gillian in Georgia - Anacondas: Trail Jeff Olan Casting (CSA-SAG-AFTRA)
of Blood - A Father’s Homecoming - Anaconda: The Offspring - Our 14044 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 209
Time - Top of the Tops - Thunderbirds - My Manny Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-285-5462
Staff: Jeff Gerrard (Casting Director), Bonnie Hellman (Casting 818-377-4475 (new talent registration line)
Associate), Marsha Van Winkle (Casting Assistant), Larry Boyle Fax: 818-285-5470
(Session Operator) email:
Casts: Music Videos - Musicals - Television - Print - Singers & website:
Musicians - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Fashion Shows & Credits: Grey’s Anatomy - How To Get Away With Murder -
Runway - Promotional Events - Dancers - Documentaries & Reality Secrets & Lies - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - George “Lopez” - Comedy
TV - Motion Capture - Radio - Voiceovers - Industrials - Film - Live Get Down - Pulp Fiction
Events - Animation - Infomercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Staff: Jeff Olan (Executive Casting Director), Milton Herdoiza
Commercials - Theater (Casting Director), Silawn Lewis (Casting Director), Leeann Quiones
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. (Casting Associates)
Comments: President of the Commercial Casting Directors Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials
Association Los Angeles or CCDA (1995-2016). Nominated five - Film - Industrials - Music Videos - Background Work/Extras -
consecutive years (2005 - 2009) for Commercial Casting Director Documentaries & Reality TV - Promotional Events - Print - Television
of The Year From The Talent Manager’s Association. Recipient of Policy: Submissions on request only. See website for additional
award in 2009. details. No walk-ins. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Comments: Must be 18 or older to register. Additional offices in
Jeff Greenberg Casting (CSA) San Diego. Working with all studios, networks, and independents
10201 W. Pico Blvd. productions following Covid-19 protocols. Jeff Olan Casting was
Bldg. 226, Room 116 established in 2001. Jeff has been in the casting business for 25
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-8363 years. His agency is full service dealing with extras, day players,
Credits: Superior Donuts - How to Live With Your Parents for the and some principle talent.
Rest of Your Life - Modern Family - Up All Night - Out of Practice - It’s
All Relative - I’m With Her - Frasier - Cheers - My So-Called Life - Eli Jennifer Cooper Casting (CSA)
Stone - Early Edition - NewsRadio - Wings 8940 Ellis Ave.
Staff: Jeff Greenberg (Casting Director), Allen Hooper (Casting Culver City, CA 90034
Associate) Credits: Kiss and Cry - Whiskey Cavalier - Magnum PI - Scorpion
Casts: Theater - Film - Television - Macgyver - CSI: Cyber - Hawaii Five–O
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Staff: Jennifer Cooper (Casting Director), Lindsay Jameyson
drop-offs. (Casting Director), Mia Cascio (Casting Associate), Isabella Bolognini
(Casting Associate)
Jeff Hardwick Casting (CCDA-CSA) Casts: Film - Television
3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Ste. 1158 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Studio City, CA 91604 818-752-9898
email: Jeremy Gordon Casting (CSA)
website: 8581 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 4




West Hollywood, CA 323-639-0823 John McCarthy Casting (CCDA)
Staff: Jeremy Gordon (Casting Director) 1234 S. Gramercy Place
Casts: Film - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Television Los Angeles, CA 90019 323-732-8118
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: Interns - South of Nowhere - Romeo - 100 Deeds for
Jill Anthony Thomas (CSA) Eddie McDowd - The Jersey - The Journey of Allan Strange - The
Los Angeles, CA Secret World of Alex Mack
Credits: Santa Clarita Diet - The Real O’Neals - Detroiters - Gilmore Staff: John McCarthy (Casting Director)
Girls - Better Off Ted - Futurama Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Industrials
Staff: Jill Anthony Thomas (Casting Director), Anthony Kraus - Voiceovers - Television
(Casting Associate) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Casts: Film - Television drop-offs.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Judith Bouley Casting (CSA)
5850 W. Third St., Ste. 326
Joe Blake Casting Los Angeles, CA 90036 831-252-7733
c/o Ocean Park Casting email:
2701 Ocean Park Blvd., Ste. 250 Credits: Jurassic World - Oblivion - Perfect Storm - Master &
Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-581-3009 Commander - Battleship - The Way Back - The Polar Express - Road
website: to Perdition
Staff: Joe Blake (Casting Director), Rosemary Boyce (Casting Staff: Judith Bouley, CSA (Casting Director)
Director) Casts: Film - Television
Casts: Commercials Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also specializes in on location casting. Also coaches
Joey Paul Casting (CSA) actors.
1600 Rosecranz Ave.
Bldg. 7, Fourth Fl. Judy Blye Wilson Casting (CSA)
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 c/o CSA, 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
email: Los Angeles, CA 90038
website: Credits: The Young and the Restless - All My Children
Credits: Mighty Oak - Untogether - Orphan Horse - Soul Surfer Staff: Judy Blye Wilson (Casting Director), Greg Salmon (Casting
- The Red Machine - Twelve Dogs of Christmas - Cory in the House Associate)
- Cake - Dance Revolution - That’s So Raven - Witch - Phil of the Casts: Television
Future - Raise Your Voice Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Joey Paul Jensen (Casting Director), Niner Parikh (Casting
Director) Judy Cook Casting
Casts: Film - Television 701 1/2 Lorraine Blvd.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Los Angeles, CA 90005 323-547-4694
No calls. No drop-offs. 8262 Woodshill Trail
Comments: Also President Of Omnia Entertainment. West Hollywood, CA 90069 323-547-4694
John Jackson (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA website:
email: Credits: Bodied - Between Worlds - Detention - The Other Woman
Credits: Nebraska - The Descendants - Sideways - Reservations - My Sister’s Keeper - Good Luck Chuck - Rent - Reno 911 - Intolerable
- The Objective - Alien Raiders Cruelty - Rush Hour 2 - Never Been Kissed - Pleasantville
Staff: John Jackson (Casting Director) Staff: Judy Cook (Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Television
- Television Policy: See project specific casting notices. Inquiries by email.
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by email.
No calls. No drop-offs. Juel Bestrop Casting (CSA)
4024 Radford Ave., Tucker House, Second Fl.
John McAlary Casting Studio City, CA 91604
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Credits: Film: Due Date - The Hangover - The Heartbreak Kid -
Credits: The L Word: Generation Q - Trinkets - Them That The Invisible - The Break-Up - Kicking & Screaming - Are We There
Follow - Unfriended - Nocturne - Black Box - Evil Eye - Into the Dark Yet? - Surviving Christmas - I, Robot - Anchorman - Dodgeball - The
Staff: John McAlary (Casting Director), Matthew Nelson (Casting Stranger - Kiss the Bride - Blades of Glory - Fool’s Gold - Four
Associate), Toula Scordilis (Casting Associate) Christmases - TV: Community - Up All Night - The Inbetweeners
Casts: Film - Television Staff: Juel Bestrop (Casting Director), Stephanie Rabinowitz
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. (Casting Associate), Julie Berger (Casting Associate)
Casts: Film - Television


TALENT AGENTS california


Policy: No drop-offs. Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Kassting, Inc.
Accepts postcards and invitations. 6380 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1015
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-297-7100
Julie Ashton Casting (CSA) Fax: 323-297-7101
6253 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 505 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-856-9000 website:
Credits: The Mick - 2 Broke Girls - Kickin’ It - Sullivan & Son - Nick Staff: Robyn Kass (President/CEO/Casting Director), Gordon
Swardson’s Pretend Time - Psych - Important Things with Demetri Patterson (Executive in Charge of Production)
Martin - Worst Week - Chocolate News - Reno 911! - The Rocker Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Documentaries & Reality
Staff: Julie Ashton (Casting Director), Joey Cee (Casting TV - Television
Associate), James Kim (Casting Associate) Policy: Submissions accepted by website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Film - Television Comments: Specializes in real-people casting for reality TV.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Kathy Knowles Casting
c/o 5th Street Studios
Julie Hutchinson Casting 1216 Fifth St.
Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-458-1100 ext. 3
email: Fax: 310-458-7878
website: email:
Staff: Julie Hutchinson (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Film - Television Credits: Directors: - Bryan Buckley - Jim Jenkins - Brian Billows
Policy: No unsolicited materials. - Stephens Pearson - Wayne McClammy - Marcos Siega - Production
Companies: Hungry Man - O Positive Films - Supply & Demand - RSA
Kalmenson & Kalmenson Voice Films - Station Films
Casting and Education Staff: Kathy Knowles (Casting Director), Kate Enggren (Casting
P.O. Box 260207 Associate)
Encino, CA 91426 818-377-3600 Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
105 South Sparks St. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Burbank, CA 91506 818-377-3600 drop-offs.
Santa Monica, CA 818-377-3600
Fax: 818-377-3636 Kelli Lerner Casting (CSA)
email: 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900
website: Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-492-5987
Staff: Cathy Kalmenson (President, Director of Casting), Harvey 212-459-9293
Kalmenson (CEO, Director of Auditions), Katrina Parker (Senior website:
Casting Director), Wendy Sheridan (Education Administrator), Credits: Film: Loverboy - Dark Water - Fat Girls - Slingshot - The
Kevin Brantner (Education Coordinator) Other Side of the Tracks - The Big Bad Swim
Casts: Voiceovers - Animation - Commercials - Documentaries Staff: Kelli Lerner (President/Casting Director)
& Reality TV - Film - Industrials - Infomercials - Interactive & Digital Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
Media - Live Events - Radio - Television Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Print
Policy: Voiceover only. Union and nonunion. Resume/VO demo - Television
preferred by emailed link. Accepts postcards and invitations. No Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts submissions through agents
drop-offs. and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Casts for voiceover talent only. See also listing under
Acting Schools and Coaches. Kids in the Spotlight
145 S. Glenoaks Blvd., Ste. 124
Kara Sullivan Casting Burbank, CA 91502 818-945-2009
Hollywood Casting and Film, 6900 Santa Monica Blvd. email:
Los Angeles, CA 90038 (323) 394-5272 Staff: Tige Charity (Casting Director), Kimberly Sparks (Casting
email: Director)
website: Casts: Theater - Commercials - Infomercials - Film - Voiceovers
Staff: Kara Sullivan (Casting Director) - Music Videos - Print - Television
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by email
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. only. No calls.

Karmic Casting Kim Coleman Casting

Los Angeles, CA 90028 818-856-0420 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 415
email: Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-939-9002
Staff: Victoria Denk (Casting Director) Credits: Film: Love in Black and White - Friendship Day - Miracle
Casts: Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Television at St. Anna - The Secret Life of Bees - Public Enemies - Inside Man
Policy: By online form. - Akeelah and the Bee - Santa’s Slay - All the Invisible Children -
Comments: Also casts DJs and performance artists. Beauty Shop - She Hate Me - Time Out - Head of State - TV: Sleeper




Cell - Everybody Hates Chris - Sucker Free City - Double Bill - The Credits: Extinct - Angry Birds 2 - Tuca & Bertie - Undone - Invincible
Cheetah Girls - The Last Kids on Earth - Stubby: An American Hero - Motown
Staff: Kim Coleman (Casting Director), Anna McCarthy (Casting Magic - Household Pests - Magic School Bus - Supermansion -
Associate), Ryan Maharaj (Casting Assistant) Cartoon Network - TinyCo - Angry Birds - Robot Chicken - BoJack
Casts: Film - Television Horseman - Supermansion - The Nut Job 2 - The Nut Job 3 - Family
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Guy - American Dad - The Cleveland Show - Roseanne - Astro Boy
No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Linda Lamontagne (Casting Director)
Casts: Animation - Film - Voiceovers - Television
Kimberly Hardin Casting Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Hollywood Production Center, 121 W. Lexington Dr., Ste. 515
Glendale, CA 91203 Lauren Grey Casting (CSA)
email: c/o Casting Society of America
Credits: Blindspotting - Little Monsters - If Not Now, When? - Peril 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
of a Godsend - Freeway Rick - Vengeance - Rebel - Snowfall - Love Los Angeles, CA 90038
Jacked - Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland - Traffik - Think Credits: Knight of Cups - Corporate (Comedy Central) - Nancy
Like a Man - Madea Goes to Jail - Not Easily Broken - Cadillac Records - Spoils Before Dying (IFC)
- First Sunday - This Christmas - Black Snake Moan - ATL - Four Staff: Lauren Grey (Casting Director), Hannah Hellekson
Brothers - Hustle & Flow - 2 Fast 2 Furious - Biker Boyz (Associate)
Staff: Kim Hardin (Casting Director), Whitney Valcin (Casting Casts: Film - Television
Assistant) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
Casts: Film - Television only. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Laurie Records Casting (CCDA)
Koczara/Shevchenko Casting 200 S. La Brea
Disney Lot, 500 S. Buena Vista St., Stage 6/7 Room 225 Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020
Burbank, CA 91521 email:
Credits: Malibu Rescue - Blackish - Fuller House - Angie Tribeca - website:
Grown-ish - Cobra Kai (YouTube Red/Sony) - Now We’re Talking (New Staff: Laurie Records (Casting Director), Siobhan Blake (Casting
Media Web Series) - The Muppets - Just Add Magic - The Thundermans Associate)
Staff: Alexis Frank Koczara (Casting Director (CSA)), Christine Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
Smith Shevchenko (Casting Director (CSA)), Gianna Butler (Casting Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Associate (CSA)) Comments: Laurie Records has been working in the commercial
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television realm since 2004. In 2009, Laurie launched her own company. While
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No she casts all types of commercials, she has broadened her horizons
drop-offs. to include casting web content for network television, television
hosts, industrials, and film from time to time. Recent commercial
La Padura and Hart Casting (CSA) jobs include: Clorox, Toyota, Frito-Lay, DIRECTV, Smithfield, and
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Google. She also cast the new Movie Surfers for seasons 16-18, as
Credits: Julie and the Phantoms - Sulphur Springs - The Get - well as online content for The Muppets. Laurie teaches a 4-week
Salvation - Descendants 1-3 - Code Black - Flock of Four - Heroes commercial class almost every month and attends Los Angeles
Reborn - Body of Proof - Touch - The Event - Cane - Heroes - High theater regularly.
School Musical 1-3 - Summerland - American Dreams - Crossing
Jordan - Camp Rock - Lipstick Jungle LDB Casting
Staff: Jason La Padura (Casting Director), Natalie Hart (Casting Sunset Gower Studios
Director), Hilary Wheeless (Casting Assistant) 1438 N. Gower St.
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Bldg. 35, Ste. 376
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers Hollywood, CA 90028 818-538-6163
only. No drop-offs. email:
Lambert/McGee Casting (ATAS-AMPAS ) Credits: Film: Brian Banks - Honey 4 - Surprise Me! - Grow
250 E. Olive Ave. House - Charlie, Trevor and a Girl Savannah - A Girl Like Grace - For
Burbank, CA 91502 the Love of Ruth - Lee Daniels’ The Butler - Fatherhood 101 - The
Credits: Ben 10: Alien Swarm - Sit Down Shut Up - Wizards of Paperboy - Boogie Town - Precious - Tennessee - The Perfect
Waverly Place - Planet 51 - Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie Holiday - ATL - Phat Girlz - Shadowboxer - The Cookout - TV: - All
Staff: Robert McGee (Casting Director), Ruth Lambert (Casting American - For Love (Pilot) - Dinner for Two (TV Movie) - Down for
Director) Whatever (TV Movie) - Behind the Movement (TV Movie) - Bobbi
Casts: Film - Television Kristina (TV Movie) - Empire - Star - The Quad - Tales - Being Mary
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Jane - The Comedy Get Down - When Love Kills: The Falicia Blakely
Story (TV Movie) - Surviving Compton: Dre, Suge & Michel’le (TV
Lamontagne Casting (CSA) Movie) - Ringside (TV Movie) - The Secret She Kept (TV)Movie -
10100 Ventura Blvd. Chasing Waterfalls (TV Movie) - Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart
Studio City, CA 91604 424-222-8081 (TV Movie) - Welcome to the Family (TV Movie) - To Hell and Back


TALENT AGENTS california


(TV Movie) - Family Time - Love That Girl - Doggy Fizzle Televizzle Linda Berger Casting (CSA)
- Recipe for Disaster 9157 Sunset Blvd.
Staff: Leah Daniels-Butler (Casting Director) West Hollywood, CA 90069
Casts: Film - Television email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email only. No Credits: Project Viper - The Month of August - Highway 395 -
calls. No drop-offs. Diamond Men - Cipher - The Perfect Surrogate - Look Again
Staff: Linda Berger (Casting Director)
Leslie Litt Casting (CSA) Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
10202 W. Washington Blvd. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No drop-offs.
Gable Bldg., Room 126
Culver City, CA 90232 Linda Lowy Casting (CSA)
Credits: Indebted - Schooled - Imaginary Mary - The Goldbergs 1800 Talmadge St.
- Rules of Engagement - Kitchen Confidential - Friends - Listen Up Los Angeles, CA 90027 323-671-5438
Staff: Leslie Litt (Casting Director), Tawny Dicce (Casting Credits: Scandal - How To Get Away With Murder - The Catch
Associate), Sarah Steiker (Casting Assistant) - Private Practice - Grey’s Anatomy - Friday Night Lights - Lone
Casts: Television Survivor - Battleship - Under the Tuscan Sun - Happy Endings - Prize
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No drop-offs. Winner of Defiance Ohio
Staff: Linda Lowy (Casting Director), John Brace (Casting
Lessall Casting (CSA) Director), Jamie Castro (Casting Director), Lily Trotter (Casting
Los Angeles, CA 323-965-2104 Associate), Lauren Shaw (Casting Associate), Morgan Smith (Casting
email: Associate)
website: Casts: Film - Television
Credits: Frank & Lola - Maya Dardel - Chronic - Miss Stevens Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
- Rocket Science - Saving Lincoln - The Healer - Paradise - Mean
Creek - After Life - Rocket Science - Labor Pains - Deadgirl Lisa Fields Casting (CSA)
Staff: Matthew Lessall (Casting Director) Envision Studios - LA
Casts: Film - Television 4201 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 204
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-500-0420
No calls. No drop-offs. 60 Madison Ave., #601
New York, NY 10010 424-272-1756
Levey Casting (CSA-SAG-AFTRA) email:
4000 Warner Blvd., B223 website:
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-4080 Credits: Film: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Magnum Opus
Credits: The Brave - Animal Kingdom - Shameless - ER - West - North - The Veil - Loom - The Purdge - Maniac - A Nightmare on
Wing - Torchwood Elm Street (Remake) - The Bad Penny - Friday the 13th (Remake)
Staff: John Levey (Casting Director), Tawni Tamietti (Casting - Cabin Fever 2 - The Hitcher - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The
Associate), Kim Wong (Casting Associate) Beginning - The Amityville Horror - Fearless - Blind Horizon - The
Casts: Film - Television Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Follow - Ambush
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by agents and managers. Staff: Lisa Fields (Casting Director, CSA), Elizabeth Vitale (Casting
No calls. No drop-offs. Associate)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
Levy/Gruer Casting (CSA) - Voiceovers - Television
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume, in PDF form by email. No
Credits: Bleed - Dark Summer - Vampire Academy - Play Date - calls. No drop-offs.
Detention of the Dead - In the Belly of the Whale
Staff: Elisha Gruer (Casting Director), Michelle Levy (Casting Lisa Miller Katz Casting (CSA)
Director) 10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Casts: Theater - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television Bldg. 214, First Fl.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents/managers only. Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-969-5190
No calls. No drop-offs. Credits: 24: Legacy - Uncle Buck - Animal Practice (NBC) -
Don’t Trust the B---- in Apt. 23 (ABC) - The Wedding Band (TBS)
Lila Selik Casting (CCDA) - Accidentally on Purpose - According to Jim - The King of Queens
4117 McLaughlin Ave., Ste. 9 - Freddie - Everybody Loves Raymond
Los Angeles, CA 90066 310-391-9986 Staff: Lisa Miller Katz (Casting Director), Stacey Levy (Casting
Staff: Lila Selik (Casting Director), Lourdes Regala (Casting Associate)
Associate) Casts: Film - Television
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No drop-offs.
- Voiceovers - Music Videos - Print - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts submissions through agents Lisa Ystrom Casting (CSA)
and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA
Comments: Also casts for DGA Directors Workshops. email:
Credits: Powerless - Young and Hungry - A to Z - Suburgatory - The




Lying Game - Emily’s Reasons Why Not - Huff Lowry-Johnson/Goldstein Casting (CSA)
Staff: Lisa Ystrom (Casting Director) 1041 N. Formosa Ave.
Casts: Television Formosa Bldg., Room 94
Policy: Accepts agent and manager submissions only. No calls. Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-850-3171
No drop-offs. Credits: Revenge - Deadwood - Six Feet Under - Getting On - True
Detective - Queen of the South - Six - - Homeland (Pilot) - The Affair
Liz Jereski Casting (Pilot) - Dig - Cooper Barret - My So Called Wife - The Red Road -
2737 Coolidge Ave. Murder In The First - Rectify - Rogue - True Blood - Longmire - Good
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-393-3141 Christian Belles - The Killing - Raising the Bar - In Treatment - Prison
email: Break - Desperate Housewives - Big Love
Credits: The Trial of Ben Barry - It’s Different - Man from Earth Staff: Junie Lowry-Johnson (Casting Director), Libby Goldstein
- Jake’s Closet - Horrible Flowers - My Tiny Universe - Cyxork (Casting Director), Josh Ropiequet (Casting Associate), Samantha
VII - Undoing Garrabrant (Casting Associate)
Staff: Liz Jereski (Casting Director) Casts: Film - Television
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. Submissions through drop-offs.
agents and managers preferred. Accepts postcards and invitations. Comments: Additional office: 100 Universal City Plaza, Trailer
No calls. No drop-offs. 6157, Universal City, CA 91608, phone: 818-733-2337
Comments: Specializes in low budget independent films.
Luis Canete Casting (CSA)
Liz Lewis Casting Partners (CSA) 57 W. 57th St., 3rd Fl.
6671 Sunset, Ste. 1527 New York, NY 10019 212-381-0908
Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-779-4860 10880 Wilshire Blvd. #1101
email: Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-295-1034
website: email: (Producers/Diretors/Ad Agencies)
Credits: Levi’s - Claritin - Pepsi - Truvia - Verizon - Samsung - (Actors/Models/Performers)
Guinness - Trix - Google - Chase - Target - NickMom website:
Staff: Liz Lewis (Casting Director), Angela Mickey (Casting Credits: Select Credits: - Glow & Darkness
Director), Lynn Taylor (Managing Director of LLCP), Rachel Reiss (TV Series, currently filming) Remember Me, (feature film) - Queens
(Casting Director), Ashley-Lauren Elrod (Casting Director), Rebecca (Mini Series on Amazon Prime) - Duck Butter (feature on Netflix) - Six
LaGore (Casting Associate), Delphine Lewis (Casting Assistant) Wives (Mini Series for BBC/PBS)
Casts: Film - Television - Animation - Commercials - Dancers - Staff: Luis S. Canete, CSA (Casting Director), Molly Dedham
Documentaries & Reality TV - Industrials - Infomercials - Interactive (Casting Director, NY), Diego Dias (Casting Associate), Maria
& Digital Media - Live Events - Motion Capture - Music Videos - Platero (Casting Assistant)
Print - Promotional Events - Radio - Singers & Musicians - Theater Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television
- Voiceovers Policy: Submissions via email or mail. Mailed submissions should
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Accepts be marked “c/o Bonachia Films, LLC.” No drop-offs.
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: See also listing under New York Casting Directors. Lynne Quirion Casting (CCDA-CSA)
5th Street Studios, 1216 Fifth St.
London/Stroud Casting (CSA) Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-492-6520 (Client Line)
Altadena, CA 323-788-4998 818-606-4533 (cell)
email: On Your Mark Studios, 13425 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 310-492-6520 (Client Line)
website: 818-606-4533 (cell)
Credits: Freaks - Eat Wheaties - Poison Rose - Trading Paint - The email:
Mustard Seed - Delinquents - Woody Woodpecker - Sandy Wexler - A website:
History of Radness (Pilot) - Hit the Floor - Mr. Box Office - The First Credits: Adidas - Activision- Albertsons - Arizona Lottery -
Family - Hit the Floor - Supah Ninjas - Roseanne - House of Anubis - Bacardi - Blockbuster - Boflex - Buick - Busch Gardens - Cadbury
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody - Hannah Montana (Pilot) - Arli$$ - Carbonite - Chase - Chrysler - Cisco - Clairol - Clorox - ComCast
- Mostly Ghostly 1 & 2 - Film: The House Bunny - Stepfather - From - Cox Business - Dacor - DirecTV - Disney - DTS - Eggo - El Pollo
The Rough - Born to Be a Star - Grandma’s Boy Loco - Electrolux - Enablex - ERA - Express Copy - FOX - Fox Sports
Staff: Lisa London (Casting Director), Catherine Stroud (Casting - Gatorade - Gottschalks - Guiness - Halls - Head and Shoulders -
Director) Honda - Hyperion - Ikea - Imetec - iRobot - Jeep - Jell-o
Casts: Film - Television Staff: Lynne Quirion (Casting Director)
Policy: Union and non-union talent submit headshot/resume Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Print - Voiceovers
through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Not accepting unsolicited submissions.
Comments: Lisa and Catherine go that extra mile to get the
perfect actor for a project. Have cast numerous TV shows and films M-O Casting (CSA)
for such companies as Happy Madison Productions, HBO, ABC, CBS, Los Angeles, CA
NBC, FOX, Sony Pictures, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Screen email:
Gems, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, and Amazon among others. Staff: Rosalinda Morales (Partner/Casting Director), Pauline


TALENT AGENTS california


O’con, CSA (Partner/Casting Director) Marci Liroff Casting
Casts: Theater - Film - Television 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. Los Angeles, CA 90038 818-784-5434
Mackey/Sandrich Casting (CSA) Credits: Magic Camp - Myrna - The Sublime and Beautiful - Mr.
292 S. La Cienega Blvd., Ste. 219 Popper’s Penguins - The Paul Reiser Show - Ghosts of Girlfriends
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 424-666-8952 Past - The Spiderwick Chronicles - Just Like Heaven - Mean Girls
Credits: Film: The Men Who Stare at Goats - The Good Shepherd - Freaky Friday - Gothika - Insomnia - Hard Ball - Iron Giant - The
- Hide and Seek - The Cooler - Holes - The Fugitive - Collateral Spitfire Grill - Pretty in Pink - Untamed Heart - The Crush - St. Elmo’s
Damage - Unscripted - The Women - 27 Dresses - The Proposal - TV: Fire - Footloose - E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial - Poltergeist - Blade Runner
Memphis Beat - How to Make It in America Staff: Marci Liroff (Casting Director)
Staff: Cathy Sandrich Gelfond (Casting Director), Amanda Mackey Casts: Film - Television
(Casting Director), Jenn Presser (Casting Associate) Policy: Agent and manager submissions only. Accepts postcards
Casts: Theater - Film - Television and invitations. No calls.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
drop-offs. Margery Simkin (CSA)
Comments: Also cast out of New York, but address for submis- c/o Casting Society of America
sions is located in Los Angeles. 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Mambo Casting Credits: Pacific Rim - The Big Year - Extraordinary Measures -
Los Angeles, CA 310-592-7993 Avatar - The Last Mimzy
email: Staff: Margery Simkin (Casting Director)
website: Casts: Film - Television
Credits: Menopause the Musical - Green Leaf Productions - NY Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
- Loco Love - Fernando Sariñana - Mexico Revolución - Rodrigo
Garcia, U.S. Mark Bennett (CSA)
Staff: Orlette Ruiz (Casting Director), Conrad C. Caldwell (Casting 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 302
Director), Vanessa Herrera (Casting Associate), Maria Hinojosa Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-857-1699
(Casting Associate), Isabel Menchaca (Casting Director, Mexico) 323-549-9507
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Voiceovers email:
- Television Credits: Zero Dark Thirty - Gigantic - The Hurt Locker - Pretty
Policy: By request only. Bird - P2 - Careless - The Hills Have Eyes 1&2 - Stay Alive - A History
Comments: Also casts for Spanish-language projects. 20 years of Violence - Junebug - Cursed - Alexander - In the Cut
of experience in the Hispanic and general market for commercials, Staff: Mark Bennett (Casting Director), Eddy Hewitt (Casting
film, TV, new media, and radio. Assistant)
Casts: Film
Mandy Sherman Casting (CSA-ATAS) Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 323-655-4000 Comments: Receives mail at Richard Hicks’ office.
Credits: Fan Girl - Mars - What About Brian - Lost - Alias - Brenda Mark Paladini Casting (CSA)
Forever (pilot) - Beauty and the Beast (the CW) - Evil Dead (Remake) c/o CSA, 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
- So Undercover - Something Borrowed - Day One - Secret Girlfriend Los Angeles, CA 90038 818-613-3982
Staff: Mandy Sherman (Casting Director) Credits: If I Were You - A Previous Engagement - Beverly Hills
Casts: Film - Television 90210 - Babylon 5 - The Mask
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: Mark Paladini (Casting Director)
No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Film
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Manwiller/Boast Casting (CSA) Comments: Casts primarily independent features.
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-822-7302
Credits: TV: Chance - Insatiable - Blacklist - Human Target - Mark Randall Casting (SAG-AFTRA)
Franklin & Bash - 24 - Chicago Hope - The Positively True Adventures... 7700 Sunset Blvd.
- Picket Fences - Film: The Tribe - Bottle Shock - Hotel Rwanda - X Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-533-0572
Men 3 - Alien Resurrection - Rudy - Drugstore Cowboy - Gas Food website:
Lodging - Very Bad Things - Point Break Credits: Capital - Swiffer - Mattel - Guitar Center - Volvo - Google
Staff: Debi Manwiller (Casting Director), Russell Boast (Casting - McDonald’s - Adidas - Audi - BMW - Budget - Burger King - CA Lotto
Director), Anna Mayworm (Casting Associate), Anna P. McCarthy - Caduet - Campbell’s Soup - Carl’s Jr. - Che Banca - Coca-Cola - CO
(Casting Associate) Lotto - Disney Channel - Ford
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Staff: Mark Randall (Casting Director)
Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials
Policy: No unsolicited submissions at this time. No calls. No - Film - Industrials - Music Videos
drop-offs. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Comments: Russell Boast is the current CSA president. No calls. No drop-offs.




Mark Sikes Casting Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail
Los Angeles, CA 90039 or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Doomed: The Untold Story of Roger Corman’s The Mary Jo Slater (CSA)
Fantastic Four - Tales of Halloween - Clown Town - Loyalty - Burning c/o CSA, 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Dead - Assassin’s Code - Brother’s Sinclair - Snow Queen - Is It Just Los Angeles, CA 90038
Me? - Fuel - She Allen - Found - The Rage - Pirate Camp - Pretty Cool Credits: Perception - Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost - Defying Gravity
Too - Street 16 - Quiet Kill - Commander-in-Chief - Eureka - Underfunded - The Redeeming
Staff: Mark Sikes (Casting Director) Season - Red & Blue Marbles - Gideon’s Gift
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Staff: Mary Jo Slater (Casting Director)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. No Casts: Film - Television
calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
only. No drop-offs.
Mark Teschner Casting (CSA-ATAS)
4151 Prospect Ave., Stage 4, Fifth Fl. Maryclaire Sweeters/A Face in the
Los Angeles, CA 90027 323-671-5542 Crowd Casting (CCDA)
Fax: 323-671-4440 c/o 5th Street Studios
website: 1216 Fifth St.
Credits: General Hospital Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-720-3117
Staff: Mark Teschner (Casting Director), Lisa Snedeker Booth Staff: Maryclaire Sweeters (Casting Director)
(Casting Associate) Casts: Commercials - Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
Casts: Film - Television - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No
drop-offs. calls; No drop-offs.
Comments: Specializes in daytime dramas.
Massalas/Digman Casting (CSA)
Mark Tillman-Briggle CSA (CSA) c/o CSA, 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
9434 Gregory Way Los Angeles, CA 90038
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-279-6594 Credits: Film: The Wedding Ringer - About Last Night - American
Credits: Film: - The Taking of Deborah Logan - The Gnashing Romance - Family Weekend - Expecting Mary - Walking Madison -
- The Prophecy II - Dark Desire - Fortress - TV: - Saving My Baby Obsessed - TV: The Client List
(Lifetime) - 12 Pups of Christmas - Party Mom (Lifetime) - The Staff: Ron Digman (Casting Director), Valorie Massalas (Casting
Andy Dick Show - Undressed - Robocop: The Series - Highlander: Director)
The Series - MacGyver - Stephen King’s “It” Casts: Film - Television
Staff: Mark Tillman-Briggle (Casting Director) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No drop-offs.
Casts: Film - Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Matthew Barry Casting
14930 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 220
Marnie Saitta Casting (CSA) Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
3400 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 315 Staff: Matthew Barry (Casting Director), Julie Gale (Casting
Burbank, CA 91505 818-295-2831 Associate)
Credits: Days of Our Lives Casts: Film - Television
Staff: Marnie Saitta (Casting Director), Bob Lambert (Casting Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Casts: Television Maureen Arata Casting (CSA)
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. c/o Casting Society of America
No calls. No drop-offs. 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-1011
Mary Downey Productions email:
705 N. Kenwood St. Credits: Last Rampage - Chesapeake Shores - The Color of
Burbank, CA 91505 818-563-1200 Rain - Profile for Murder - The Trainer - Love at the Thanksgiving
email: Day Parade - Gone - Battle of the Bulbs - Safe Harbor - Dead in a
Credits: Minor League Baseball - 2018 LOS Angeles Greek Film Heartbeat - 919 Fifth Avenue - By Dawn’s Early Light - Lethal Vows
Festival - Battle of the Network Stars (ABC) - 2017 Los Angeles - Best Friends for Life
Greek Film Festival - Hollywood Teen Medium - The 35th Razzie Staff: Maureen A. Arata (Casting Director)
Awards - All Things Jersey - NFL Network - Hollywood House Calls Casts: Film - Television
with Cat Deeley - Prince Harry’s South Pole Heroes (NBC Special) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by email only.
- Los Angeles Greek Film Festival - Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew
- HGTV - Best Damn Sports Show Period McBride Casting (CCDA)
Staff: Mary Downey (Casting Director/Talent Producer) c/o Ocean Park Casting
Casts: Commercials - Industrials - Documentaries & Reality 2701 Ocean Park Blvd., Ste. 250
TV - Television Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-581-3011


TALENT AGENTS california


email: Man - China Bigfoot: The Legend of Yeren - The Perfect Wave - The
website: Men’s Room - All Kids Count - The Pool Boys - Mail Order Bride -
Staff: Brigid McBride (Casting Director), Kelsey Harper Adams Autopsy - JAG Series
(Casting Associate) Staff: Melissa Skoff (Casting Director), Karen Harris (Casting
Casts: Commercials Associate)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Film - Television - Theater - Commercials - Interactive &
Digital Media - Animation - Industrials - Voiceovers
McCarthy/Abellera Casting (CSA) Policy: Submissions through agents and managers preferred.
1750 Ocean Park Blvd., Ste. 208 Unrepresented actors may submit headshot/resume/demo reel by
Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-396-1501 mail only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 310-396-8885 Comments: Teaches ongoing professional level cold reading
Credits: Film: The House with a Clock in Its Walls - The Happytime classes for adults, & teens, & kids. Private coaching including Skype
Murders - Solo: A Star Wars Story - 21 Jump Street - Seeking a and Taped Audition Coaching available.
Friend for the End of the World - Dinner for Schmucks - Five–Year
Engagement - Get Him to the Greek - Gulliver’s Travels - My Idiot Melissa Wulfemeyer–Valenzuela
Brother; TV: Rel - The League - Sarah Silverman Program - Little Casting
Britain USA - Traffic Light Los Angeles, CA
Staff: Jeanne McCarthy (Casting Director), Nicole Abellera San Diego, CA
(Casting Director), Cara Chute (Casting Associate) email:
Casts: Film - Television Credits: The Orphan Train - The Great Alaskan Race - USS
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Indianapolis: Men of Courage - Rage - Five Minutes to Live
drop-offs. Staff: Melissa Wulfemeyer–Valenzuela (Casting Director)
Casts: Film
Mel and Liz Casting Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
c/o 200 South
200 S. La Brea Ave., Second Fl. Michael Donovan Casting (CCDA-CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020 P.O. Box 349
Fax: 323-954-0933 Los Angeles, CA 90078 323-876-9020
email: Fax: 323-876-9021
website: website:
Staff: Liz Paulson (Casting Director), Mel O’Neil (Casting Director) Credits: Theaters: Ahmanson - Hollywood Bowl - Pasadena
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials Playhouse - I.C.T. - Laguna Playhouse
- Voiceovers - Television Staff: Michael Donovan (Casting Director), Richie Ferris (Casting
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Associate)
No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. No calls. No drop-offs.
Melissa DeLizia Casting (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Michael Sanford Casting (CCDA-CSA)
Credits: Pen15 - Drunk History - Listen To Your Vegetables And 6380 Wilshire Blvd. #100
Eat Your Parents - Have A Good Trip - Historical Roasts - Alone Los Angeles, CA 90048 424-281-6323
Together - A Christmas Prince - Another Period - Ryan Hansen Solves email:
Crimes on Television - Those Who Can’t - Mary + Jane website:
Staff: Melissa DeLizia (Casting Director) Credits: Film: A Reason - California Solo - Mosquita y Mari -
Casts: Film - Television Commercials: Bud Light - Miller Lite - Viagra - Wendy’s - Home Depot
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Staff: Michael Sanford (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film
Melissa Feliciano Casting (CCDA) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
c/o Exclusive Casting Studios No drop-offs.
7700 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 310-925-2155 Testa/Ystrom Casting
email: Los Angeles, CA Credits: Falling Inn Love (Netflix) - Like a House on Fire - Powerless
Staff: Melissa Feliciano (Casting Director) - Living Biblically (pilot) - Stitchers - Con Man
Casts: Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Print Staff: Michael Testa (Casting Director), Lisa Ystrom (Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Director)
drop-offs. Casts: Film - Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Melissa Skoff Casting
11684 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 514 Michelle Lewitt Casting (CSA)
Studio City, CA 91604 818-760-2058 Glendale, CA
website: Credits: Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief - The
Credits: Mirkwood - Into The Rainbow - Forever China - Elf Holiday - Angels & Demons - Transformers - Poseidon - Supercross




Staff: Michelle Lewitt (Casting Director) drop-offs.
Casts: Film Comments: Teamsters
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
MTV Talent & Casting
Michelle Morris-Gertz (CSA) 1575 N Gower St.
Los Angeles, CA 90038 Hollywood, CA 90028 310-752-8000
email: Staff: Dena Qashqai (Manager, Talent & Casting), Joel Porter
Credits: Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Donnie Darko (Coordinator, Talent & Casting)
Staff: Michelle Morris-Gertz (Casting Director) Casts: Film - Voiceovers - Television
Casts: Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Comments: (See also listing under New York Casting Directors)

Middleton Casting (CSA) MysticArt Pictures (CSA)

5555 Melrose Ave. 3450 Cahuenga Blvd. West, Loft 101
Sturges Bldg., Room 203 Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-536-9999
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-956-5588 website:
Credits: Another Bullshit Night in Suck City - American Pie - The Credits: TV: - Mega Miniature Golf - Child Support - The Price
Bourne Supremacy - Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Nick and Norah’s Infinite is Right - The Gong Show - Queer Eye - How to Get the Guy - Top
Playlist - New Moon - Fair Game - Little Fockers - Immortals Design - The Entertainer - Paradise Hotel - Mr. Personality - How
Staff: Joseph Middleton (Casting Director) to Look Good Naked - Wipeout - Dating in the Dark - Million Dollar
Casts: Film Money Drop - Shedding for the Wedding - Fairy Jobmother - 101
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Ways to Leave a Gameshow - Film: Prankstar - Finder’s Fee - Pucked
Interviews by appointment only. - Where the Red Fern Grows - Outta Time - Christmas in the Clouds
- Trumpet of the Swan
Monroe Casting & Production (EIC-CCDA- Staff: Katy Wallin (President/CEO), Jack Marash (Director of
ATAS) Operations), Allie Stone (Director of Development)
P.O. Box 2041 Casts: Commercials - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV -
Thousand Oaks, CA 91358 818-640-4770 Television
email: Policy: Submissions accepted by website. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Casting facilities for rent by day, week, or month.
Credits: YA Series - The Call - Holly Day - Letters rom the Heart Nancy Nayor Casting (CSA)
Feature - Theater: - Tommy - Ricardo Montalban Theatre - Chess 6320 Commodore Sloat Dr., Second Fl.
- Benefit LA at Ford Amphitheater- Slightly Single in LA - Medical Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-857-0151
Mishaps - National Middle School Program - From Punk to Pastor Fax: 323-954-9794
- Chess Benefit (LA) - Tommy - Features: Weird Al’s Brain - Orange Credits: Frozen - Drive Angry - Nim’s Island - American Girl - The
County Fair - Doesn’t Texas Ever End - ‘07’ - Cries from Ramah - Echo - When a Stranger Calls - The Grudge 1&2 - The Moguls - The
Black Leather Soles - Corpses - Jekyll - Flipside - Malibu Spring Exorcism of Emily Rose - Rise - Midnight Meat Train - Middle Men -
Break - Karma Police - TV: Magic Castle After Dark - Print: Booty Scream 4 - Road Trip - Last House on the Left - The Whole Nine Yards
Boys Album - Commercials/Video: ATT/ Trevor Project - Superfund Staff: Nancy Nayor (Casting Director), Andy Henry (Casting
- Daft Punk - Sheri - Divine Brown - Justin Nozuka - N’Dambi-Agnes Director), Dominika Posseren (Casting Associate)
Carlson - Film: 186 Dollars to Freedom - Devil May Call - Mothers Rage Casts: Film - Television
Staff: Pixie Monroe (Casting Director) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Casts: Television - Print - Singers & Musicians - Documentaries & No calls. No drop-offs.
Reality TV - Background Work/Extras - Music Videos - Voiceovers
- Industrials - Live Events - Infomercials - Commercials NBC Entertainment Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail. No calls. 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 1320, Ste. 1D
No drop-offs. Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-1000
Comments: Previous Board of Directors, American Women in Staff: Grace Wu (Executive VP, Casting), Jennifer McNamara
Radio & Television (SVP, Casting (NY)), Brian Dorfman (SVP, Casting), Teri Dean
(SVP, Casting), Trey Lawson (Director of Scripted Casting), Erica
Morman Boling Casting (CSA) Silverman (Coordinator, Casting/Assistant to Grace Wu), Skyler
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1610 Wahl (Coordinator to Brian Dorfman & Teri Dean)
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-933-4057 Casts: Television
323-933-4056 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: See also listing under New York Casting Directors.
Credits: Hello, My Name is Doris - The Ballad of Lefty Brown
- Unlovable - Hunter Gatherer - Relationship Status - Waitress Nick Anderson Casting (CSA)
Staff: Meg Morman (Casting Director), Sunday “Sunny” Boling 2705 W. Olive Ave.
(Casting Director) Burbank, CA 90505
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Credits: Off the Menu - Cyril - Top of the Rock - Girl on Edge


TALENT AGENTS california


Staff: Nick Anderson (Casting Director), Nick Cotton (Casting website:
Associate) Credits: Film: Independence Day: Resurgence - Everybody Wants
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television Some - Revolution - Nashville - Big Rich Texas - The Bridge - All
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. Worked Up - In Plain Sight - Friday Night Lights - We’re the Millers - 2
No drop-offs. Guns - Lemonade Mouth - Crazy Heart - Titanic - Pearl Harbor - Three
Kings - Enemy Way - The Host - Fame - Gridiron Gang - Commercial:
Nickelodeon Casting (CSA) Nike - Skoal - Pepsi - AT&T/Nokia - New Mexico Tourism - Lexus -
231 W. Olive Ave. Chevy/CMA Awards
Burbank, CA 90502 Staff: Tina Kerr (Casting Director), Alejandro Rodriguez (Casting
Staff: Paula Kaplan (Executive VP, Talent & Development, Viacom Associate), Scott Blasko (Casting Assistant), Michelle Barnett
Digital Studios & Talent, Nickelodeon), Julie Rose (VP, Casting), (Casting Assistant), Michael Garcia (Casting Assistant)
Ann Maney (Senior Director, Casting), Lindsay Fuerst (Manager, Casts: Television - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV -
Casting), Elizabeth Benge (Coordinator, Casting), Courtney Woltjen Commercials - Print - Promotional Events - Music Videos - Motion
(Executive Assistant to Paula Kaplan), Griffin Garland (Assistant to Capture
Julie Rose), Danielle Pretsfelder (Director, Casting- NY), Samantha Policy: Union and nonunion. Online registration by website.
Steele (Coordinator- NY) Comments: Casts background and principal talent for Film, TV,
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Television Commercial and Music Video.
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail
only. No unsolicited demos. Accepts postcards and invitations. No On Your Mark Studios
calls. No drop-offs. 13425 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl.
Comments: See also listing under New York Casting Directors. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-817-4300
Fax: 818-728-6785
Nikki Casting email:
Los Angeles, CA 787-608-8816 website:
email: Staff: Vicki Goggin (Casting Director), Lynne Quirion (Casting Director), Burbank Casting/Susan Turner (Casting Director), Billy
website: DaMota/Dea Vise Casting (Casting Director), Jeff Gerrard (Casting
Credits: Hatfields & McCoys - Short Films: Sexless - The ABC’s Director), Jeff Hardwick (Casting Director), Marisa Pearson (Casting
of Death 2/segment “E is for Equilibrium “ - The Recipient - My Director), Tracy Evans (Casting Director), Christina Perdigao (Casting
Backyard was a Mountain - Features: - In prep Ashes & Snow - La Director), James Levine/Action Casting (Casting Director), Renita
Granja, - Party Time - Amistad - Contact - Commercials: - Axe - Visa Casting (Casting Director), Jenny O’Haver (Casting Director), Brian
- Master Card - American Express - Home Depot - Macys - JC Penney Scott (COO), Michelle Metzner (Casting Director), Sue Nelseon/
- Coca-Cola - Rums of PR - Coors Light - Corona Extra - Heineken - Super People (Casting Director), Digital Dogs/Robert Martin Jr.
Bacardi - Verizon - Comcast - AT&T - T-Mobile - Toyota - Volkswagon (Casting Director)
- Mercedes Benz - Toyota - Honda - Mazda - McDonald’s - Taco Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music
Bell - Subway - California Lottery - Always - Music Video: - Jesse Videos - Print - Television
& Joy “Un Besito Mas” Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Nikki Dalmau (Casting Director) Comments: Large casting facility with several in-house casting
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Voiceovers directors.
- Music Videos - Print - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. Accepts postcards Oneiric Asylum (Rich Mento) (CSA)
and invitations. Los Angeles, CA
Comments: Also casts for Spanish-language projects. 20 years email:
of experience in market, for commercials, films, new media. With Staff: Rich Mento (Casting Director)
offices in Los Angeles & San Juan, PR Casts: Film - Television - Theater - Interactive & Digital Media -
Animation - Music Videos
O’Haver + Company (CCDA) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only.
13425 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. Comments: Also operates as a production company for film,
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-817-4313 TV, theater, and new media. Vice President of the CSA and part of
818-817-4320 Teamsters Local 399.
Credits: Breaking Pattern - Malachance Orly Sitowitz Casting
Staff: Jenny O’Haver (Casting Director) 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television Los Angeles, CA 90038
Policy: Union and nonunion. Credits: Star Trek: Discovery (CBS) (With Margie Simkin) -
Comments: SAG-AFTRA and real people casting. Also casts American Gods (With Margie Simkin) - Into the Badlands
Spanish-language commercials. Staff: Orly Sitowitz (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
On Location Casting Policy: No unsolicited materials. No calls. No drop-offs.
1223 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 409
Santa Monica, CA 90403 800-241-0076 Paley/Hempe Casting
email: 6671 Sunset Blvd., Bldg. 1509, Ste. 104




Los Angeles, CA 90028 Paramount Pictures Casting
Credits: Ballers - You Can Choose Your Family - Fat Camp - Miracle 5555 Melrose Ave., Sturges Bldg., Room 203
Season - Dinner in America - True Memoirs of an International Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-956-5000
Assassin - Entourage - Skinny Dip Staff: Monika Mikkelsen (VP, Casting, Features & Animation),
Staff: Susan Paley Abramson (Casting Director), Justine Hempe Ebony Williams (Executive Assistant, Features & Animation),
(Casting Director) Geraldine Leder (Senior VP, Casting, TV), Chris Redondo (Senior
Casts: Film - Television Manager, Casting, TV), Angeline Navarro (Executive Assistant, TV),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Janelle Scuderi (Director, Casting, Features & Animation)
Casts: Animation - Film - Television
Pam Dixon Casting (CSA) Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
P.O. Box 672
Beverly Hills, CA 90213 323-463-4475 Patrick J. Rush Casting (CSA)
Credits: Best Sellers - Possessor - Disappearance at Clifton 500 S. Buena Vista St., Stage 6, Ste. 116
Hill - Ideal Home - Ray Meets Helen - Sensitive Skin - All I See Is Burbank, CA 91521 818-953-5129
You - Zoom - Goldeneye - K-11 - Green Lantern - The Ward - Edge of 5555 Melrose Ave., Lucy Bungalow, Room 107
Darkness - The Joneses - The Cry of the Owl Los Angeles, CA 90038 818-953-5129
Staff: Pam Dixon (Casting Director), Jennifer Flint (Casting CBS Radford Studios, Bungalow 22
Assistant) Studio City, CA 91604 818-953-5129
Casts: Film - Television Credits: Dallas - Chuck - Supernatural - The O.C. - Men in Trees
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. - Privileged - Bounce
Staff: Patrick J. Rush (Casting Director), Jeffrey Drew (Casting
Pamela Rack Guest (CSA-ATAS-SAG-AFTRA) Associate)
P.O. Box 2388 Casts: Film - Television
Toluca Lake, CA 91610 818-760-8239 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
c/o Casting Society of America
1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110 Pemrick/Fronk Casting (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 818-760-8239 23480 Park Sorrento #217a
Staff: Pamela Rack Guest (Casting Director) Calabasas, CA 91302 747-888-4674
Casts: Film website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Credits: Motion Capture Video Games:NBA 2K - MAFIA 111 -
Animated Films: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and the Island
Pamela Shae/ 2Shae Casting (CSA-SAG- of Misfit Toys - Film: The Lodger - Beneath the Darkness - House
AFTRA) of 1,000 Corpses - Echelon Conspiracy - Game of Death - Left
P.O. Box 1833 Behind - A Warrior’s Heart - TV: Chemistry - Kamen Rider Dragon
Los Angeles, CA 90078 Knights - Nite Tales: The Series - A Tale of Two Coreys - Deadly
email: Honeymoon - One Hot Summer - Little Girl Lost - The Dog Who
website: Saved Christmas Vacation - One Angry Juror - Swamp Shark - Jersey
Credits: Burguesinha - Charmed - Summerland - Beverly Hills Shore Shark Attack
90210 - Seventh Heaven - Kingpin - Stefano Formaggio - Marza - Staff: Donald Paul Pemrick (Casting Director), Dean E. Fronk
Glory Days - Pick n’ Roll - Neowolf/Band from Hell - The Ghostmaker (Casting Director), Nichole Lennstrom (Casting Assistant)
- Juiced - Red Gold. Casts: Film - Television
Staff: Pamela Shae (Casting Director/Producer/Acting Coach) Policy: Union only. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail
Casts: Commercials - Live Events - Documentaries & Reality only. No calls. No drop-offs.
TV - Promotional Events - Fashion Shows & Runway - Variety Shows
& Specialty Acts - Singers & Musicians - Print - Television Peter Wise Casting (CCDA)
Policy: Submissions accepted by email only. 18034 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 403
Comments: Pamela Shae is the former Executive in Charge Encino, CA 91316 818-623-7339
of Talent and Casting SR V.P. for Spelling Television Inc. where 818-343-8936
she was responsible for over 50 Productions. Pamela is currently Credits: When it Comes Around - Falling in Love Again - Smokey
producing, developing and casting films.Also holds acting classes Joe’s Cafe - Soul Ties - Christmas in Compton - Chain Letter -
and private lessons. Steppin’: The Movie
Staff: Peter Wise (Casting Director)
Pamela Starks Casting Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
c/o 200 South Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
200 S. La Brea Ave., Second Fl. drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020
email: Petite, A Casting Company
Staff: Pamela Starks (Casting Director) 200 S. La Brea Ave., 2nd Fl.
Casts: Commercials - Film Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No email:
drop-offs. website:
Credits: Delta Dental - Days Inn - Wendy’s


TALENT AGENTS california


Staff: Sara Stanton (Casting Director) - Roast of Justin Bieber - Workaholics - The Jeselnik Offensive
Casts: Commercials Staff: Karen Maseng (Casting Director)
Policy: Inquire by email. Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Comments: Formerly operated Real-Casting as well. Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Accepts postcards and
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Phaedra Harris Casting
5807 Topanga Cyn Blvd., Ste. K208 Presser/Well Casting (CSA)
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Los Angeles, CA
website: Staff: Jenn Presser (Casting Director), Caitlin Well (Casting
Credits: Illicit - Sister Code - Haunting of Cellblock 11 - The Los Director)
Coast Tapes - In The Cut - Family Time - Donnie - Hillbilly Highway - Casts: Film - Television
Dysfunctional Friends - Hopelessly in June - The Preacher’s Family
- The Confidant - Preacher’s Kid - Busted - Kings of the Evening - Who Prime Casting
Made the Potato Salad? - Still ‘Bout It - Vegas Vampires 201 N. Hollywood Way, Ste. 208
Staff: Phaedra Harris (Casting Director) Burbank, CA 91505 818-558-1200
Casts: Film - Television email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No website:
drop-offs. Credits: FX - Disney - Adidas - Nike - LG - Samsung - Ralph
Lauren - ZARA - UNIQLO - North Face - Peloton - Cadillac - Ford - Silk
Pitch Casting - Mitsubishi - Honda - Suzuki - Fox - Kate Spade - Toyota - Walgreens
200 South La Brea Ave. - Just for Men - Comcast - Google - Men’s Health - Hallmark - Diet
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-868-0528/323-969-8200, ext. 207 Pepsi - Acura - Samsung - Lifetime - FOX - L’Oreal - Yamaha - Nissan
email: - Lexus - Yoplait - DirecTV Staff: Heather Lynn (Casting Director), Andrew Stubblefield
Staff: Jeff Hightower (Casting Director) (Casting Director), Vikki Tonge (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Television Casts: Commercials - Print - Interactive & Digital Media -
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. Infomercials - Film - Industrials - Music Videos - Background
Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality TV - Dancers - Promotional
Pitman Casting, Inc. Events - Television
210 N. Pass Ave., Ste. 101 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Follow
Burbank, CA 91505 818-666-3606 directions on posted listings on how to best submit per project.
Fax: 818-287-8307 Comments: Casts Principals and Extras. Casting Facilities avail-
email: able. We cast all types of people (models/actors and real people)
website: for all types of projects large and small.
Staff: John Kennamann (SVP of Pitman Casting), Jacqui Pitman
(Casting Director), J.R. Pitman (Co-Casting Director), Jerry W. Michael Hothorn Casting (CSA)
Artukovich (Co-Casting Director), Mike Forest (Casting Producer), Los Angeles, CA
Russell Berman (Associate Casting Producer), Valerie Pitman Credits: Bonded - Code 404 - World on Fire - Catastrophe - 4
(Casting Associate) Minute Mile
Casts: Commercials - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries Staff: Michael Hothorn (Casting Director)
& Reality TV Casts: Film - Television
Policy: See website for information. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Plaster Casting Rachel Tenner Casting (CSA)

Filter, 5908 Barton Ave. 5657 Wilshire Blvd. #220
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-488-7210 Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-489-6679
email: Credits: Maid - Why Him - Fargo - The Secret Life of Walter
website: Mitty - Rampart - A Serious Man
Staff: Hayley Marcus Simpson (Casting Director) Staff: Rachel Tenner (Casting Director), Charlene Lee (Casting
Casts: Commercials Associate), Danny Gordon (Casting Assistant)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Film - Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Pogo Casting
Los Angeles, CA 323-474-1408 Rapaport/Baldasare Casting (CSA)
email: Burbank, CA 91505
website: email:
Credits: Commercials: - CA Lottery - VW Passat - Comcast XFinity Credits: TV: - YOU - Batwoman - Riverdale - Titans - Doom
- Walgreens, Hallmark - Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes - Coors Light - Verizon Patrol - The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Legends of Tomorrow
- Buick - Canon - Marshalls - Assassin’s Creed 2 - Sprint - Rock Band - Supergirl - The Flash - Arrow - Gossip Girl - 90210 - Fear Itself - My
2 - Dunkin’ Donuts - Tyson - Walmart - Ford - Honda - Nissan - Best Generation - The Tomorrow People - FILM: - 300 - Final Destination 4
Buy; TV: Tosh.0 - It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Charlie Sheen’s Staff: David Rapaport (Casting Director), Lyndsey Baldasare
Crazy Train - Sheenpocalypse Now - TV PROMOS: - Another Period (Casting Director), Amy Masterson (Casting Associate), Haley




Peveto (Casting Associate), Lauren Corry (Casting Associate), Content: Numerous and usually sign NDA to cast them
Kara Olsavsky (Casting Associate), Isabella Bolognini (Casting Staff: Renita Gale Swaekauski (Casting Director)
Associate), Rosie Kirschenbaum (Casting Assistant), Dan Leahy Casts: Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Television
(Casting Assistant), Ashley Sides (Casting Assistant), Katherine Policy: Accepts headshot/resume, postcards, and updates by
McCown (Casting Assistant) email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Rich Delia Casting
drop-offs. 8581 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 575
Comments: Casting Director who got his start working for West Hollywood, CA 90069
casting director Mali Finn (Titanic, Terminator 2). Together they Staff: Rich Delia (Casting Director), Coco Kleppinger (Casting
collaborated on more than 50 films and television series, including Associate), Adam Richards (Casting Associate)
8 Mile, 61*, All The Real Girls, Last Days, The Matrix Reloaded, The Casts: Film
Matrix Revolutions, and Running with Scissors. At Mali Finn’s, David Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
learned from such distinguished directors as David Gordon Greene,
James Cameron, Gus Van Sant, and Ryan Murphy. Rich King Casting
6671 West Sunset Blvd.
Rebecca Mangieri Casting Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-993-0186 (Talent)
4000 Warner Blvd., Trailer 255R Mailing Address: P.O. Box 93506
Burbank, CA 91505 Los Angeles, CA 90093 323-993-0186 (Talent)
Staff: Rebecca Mangieri (Casting Director), Samantha Rood email:
(Casting Associate) website:
Casts: Film - Television Staff: Rich King (Casting Director), Rob Swanson (Casting
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Director), Lou Verdi (Casting Associate)
Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television
Reel Talent/Reel Kids Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
100 Miramar Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA 93108 805-969-2222 Richard Hicks Casting (CSA)
Fax: 805-969-9595 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 736
email: Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-857-1699
website: Credits: Zero Dark Thirty - Lars and the Real Girl - Hairspray -
Credits: Nike - Claritin - O Magazine - Sony - Polo - Pottery Charlie Bartlett - Game Change - Temple Grandin - Recount - Curb Your
Barn - Harpo - Undercovers - Frontgate Enthusiasm - The L Word - For Your Consideration - The 4400 - Shall
Staff: Ronnie Haran Mellen (Owner/Casting Director) We Dance - A Mighty Wind - Igby Goes Down - Dude, Where’s My Car?
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media Staff: Richard Hicks (Casting Director)
- Animation - Live Events - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Print Casts: Film - Television
- Television Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Union and nonunion. Register/submit headshot/resume Comments: Former President of the CSA.
by website. Submit photos no more than a month old. Must be able
to work as a local hire. No calls. No drop-offs. Rick Millikan Casting (CSA)
Comments: Casting for tricounty areas (Ventura, Santa Barbara, 1999 S. Bundy Dr., Ste. 3-25
San Luis Obispo). Casts real people, dogs, cats, and horses. Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-584-2068
Credits: The X–Files - Backstrom - Melissa & Joey - The Finder -
Rene Haynes Casting (CSA) Bones - Shark - The Guardian - Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
Los Angeles, CA Staff: Rick Millikan (Casting Director)
Credits: Yellowstone - Monkey Beach - The Revenant - Blood Casts: Television
Quantum - Indian Horse - Woman Walks Ahead - Bury My Heart Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
at Wounded Knee - The New World - Into the West - Twilight Saga:
New Moon - Twilight Saga: Eclipse Rick Montgomery Casting
Staff: Rene Haynes (Casting Director), Elise Buedel (Casting Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-474-5703
Associate) Credits: Green Book - The Now - There’s Something about Mary
Casts: Film - Television - Hachi: A Dog’s Tale - Dumb and Dumber
Policy: Submissions through agent or manager only. No drop-ins. Staff: Rick Montgomery (Casting Director)
Comments: Specializes in Native American and First Nations Casts: Film - Television - Commercials
casting, but casts all types of projects. Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Renita Casting (CCDA)
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 323-939-5992 Ricki G. Maslar Casting (CSA)
email: 5020 Alcove Ave.
website: Valley Village, CA 91607 818-433-6023
Credits: Film: Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic - Spun Commercials email:
(General and Hispanic Market): - Sudafed - T–Mobile - Publix - Oscar website:
Meyer - Blue Shield - McDonald’s - Volkswagen - Amica - - Branded Credits: The Bronx Bull - Munger Road - Dahmer - In My Pocket


TALENT AGENTS california


- All Together Now - Christmas Mail - A Golden Christmas - Toxic
- You’re so Cupid - The Far Side of Jericho - The Devil’s Tomb - The Robin Lippin Casting (CSA)
Line - Return to Sender c/o Casting Society of America
Staff: Ricki G. Maslar (Casting Director), Betsy Hume (Casting 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Associate) Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-463-1925
Casts: Film - Television email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. Credits: Film: Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer (TV Film) -
No drop-offs. Escaping the NXIVM Cult: A Mother’s Fight to Save Her Daughter
(TV Film) - I’m Charlie Walker - Believe Me - Death of a cheerleader
Risa Bramon Garcia Casting (CSA-DGA-DGC) - Affairs of state - Flowers In The Attic - Petals in the Wind - Leah To
Risa Bramon Garcia / RisaBG Casting, c/o The BGB Studio, 10950 The Rescue - Game Day - Ricochet - Series: Life Unexpected - The
Burbank Blvd. Beautiful Life: (pilot) - TBL -Lizzie McGuire - Saved By The Bell -
North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-755-9500 Happy Family - State Of Grace - Valemont (web series) - Woke Up
email: Dead (web series) - Atilla (miniseries)
website: Staff: Robin Lippin (Casting Director)
Credits: TV: The Affair - Masters of Sex - Roseanne/The Connors Casts: Film - Television
- CSI:NY - The Cape - A Gifted Man - SEAL Team - FILM: - JFK - True Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Romance - The Joy Luck Club - Flirting with Disaster - Natural Born
Killers - Fatal Attraction - Desperately Seeking Susan - Something Rodeo Casting
Wild - Speed - Born on the Fourth of July - Twister - Angel Heart - Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-969-9125
Jacob’s Ladder - The Doors - Christmas Vacation - Uncle Buck - Benny Fax: 323-874-7729
& Joon - At Close Range - Talk Radio - Wall Street - Sneakers - SLC website:
Punk! - How to Make an American Quilt - Inventing the Abbotts Credits: Bose - Westin - Amana - AT&T - Best Buy - Coca-Cola -
Staff: Risa Bramon Garcia (Casting Director) Delta - DHL - Discover - Disney - Duracell - Four Seasons - Goodman
Casts: Film - Television - Goodyear - HP - Ikea - IBM - Johnson & Johnson - Kool–Aid - LG
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. - Mercedes - MetLife - Miller - Pacifico - P&G - Purina - Rubbermaid -
Secret - Stride-Rite - The Ritz-Carlton - Target - Travelers Insurance
Rising Phoenix (CSA) - Union Bank - United Airlines - Verizon - Visa - Volvo - Walmart
350 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 200 - Wells Fargo
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-601-2371 Staff: Britt Enggren (Casting Director)
Credits: The Way - Safety Not Guaranteed - Machete - Spy Kids Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Industrials
4: All the Time in the World - Predators - The Killer Inside Me - Che - Print
Staff: JC Cantu (Casting Director), Travis Zahodnik (Casting Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Does not accept headshots.
Director) No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Roger Mussenden (CSA)
drop-offs. c/o Casting Society of America
1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Robi Reed Entertainment (BET Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-463-1925
Talent)/Robi Reed VP of Talent & Credits: Second Act - The Do-Over - X-Men: Apocalypse - X-Men:
Casting (CSA-ATAS-SAG-AFTRA-AMPAS ) Days of Future Past - Jack the Giant Killer - Kung Fu - Grown Ups
The Viacom Building, BET Networks, 1575 N. Gower St., Fourth Fl. 1&2 - Spring Breakdown - Valkyrie - Get Smart
Hollywood, CA 90028 Staff: Roger Mussenden (Casting Director)
email: Casts: Film - Television
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: The Bobby Brown Story - American Soul - The New
Edition Story - Being Mary Jane - Zoe Ever After - The Quad - Madiba Romano/Benner Casting (CSA)
- Music Moguls - F In Fabulous - Ink Paper Scissors - Being - Street 4024 Radford Ave., Bungalow 25
Dreams - Tales - Let the Church Say Amen - Second Generation Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-6730
Wayans - Young Man on Campus - For Colored Girls - Let’s Stay Credits: The Kids Are Alright - Famous In Love - Cougar Town
Together - Reed Between the Lines - The Game - Waist Deep - - Last Man Standing - Scrubs - Committed - One Tree Hill - What I
Antwone Fisher - Girlfriends - Toyota - K-Mart - Soul Food - Do the Like About You - Psych - Notes from the Underbelly
Right Thing - Malcolm X - The Tracy Morgan Show - Roc - Tuskegee Staff: Debby Romano (Casting Director), Brett Benner (Casting
Airmen - Love Jones - Gridlock’d - The Fighting Temptations - Set Director), Becca Burgess (Casting Associate), Erin Rose Kelly (Casting
It Off - Barbershop Associate), Jenny McIlraith (Casting Assistant)
Staff: Robi Reed (VP, Talent and Casting, Original Programming), Casts: Animation - Television
Andrea Reed Elmore (Director, Talent and Casting, Original Policy: Accepts postcards by mail. No unsolicited headshots/
Programming), TyKecia Hayes (Coordinator, Talent and Casting, resumes. No calls. No drop-offs.
Original Programming), A. Doran Reed (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Ron Blair Casting
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel accepted by email only. 9028 Lindblade St.
No calls. No drop-offs. Culver City, CA 90232 310-204-5600, ext. 4




email: Casts: Theater - Commercials - Live Events - Film - Industrials
website: - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Television
Staff: Ron Blair (Casting Director) Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television reel by mail to the San Diego address only. Accepts postcards and
Policy: See website. invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Specializes in foreign talent for work in San Diego,
Ronna Kress Casting (CSA) L.A., and Orange County. Currently seeking bilingual and multi-
280 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 412 lingual talent, especially Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-788-5581 German, and French.
Fax: 310-788-0060
Credits: The Get Down - Frankenweenie - The Lucky One - Chronicle Sande Alessi Casting (CSA)
- Red Riding Hood - The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - Diary of a Wimpy Kid Los Angeles, CA 818-201-0466
1&2 - The Blind Side - G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - G–Force - Australia email:
Staff: Ronna Kress (Casting Director), Hannah d’Angerio (Casting
Associate), Chelsea Bloch (Casting Associate), Emma Sands-Milsom website:
(Casting Assistant) Credits: The Lone Ranger - Grownups 2 - American Horror Story
Casts: Film - Glee - Entourage - Curb Your Enthusiasm - Six Feet Under - Pirates
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. of the Caribbean 1–3 - Zodiac - Beowulf - The Terminal - War of the
No calls. No drop-offs. Worlds - Austin Powers in Goldmember - Fight Club - The Curious
Case of Benjamin Button
Rosenman Casting Staff: Sande Alessi (Casting Director), Mike Passine (Casting
c/o 200 South Director)
200 S. La Brea Ave. Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Music Videos -
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020 Background Work/Extras - Print
email: Policy: Union and nonunion. Submit headshot/resume for specific
website: projects only. See website for more info. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: True Blood - - Lunchables - Liberty Mutual - Comments: Casts primarily background.
Southern Comfort - AT&T - Budweiser - ESPN - Special K - Cingular
- Guinness - Nike - Miller Lite - Snapple - KIA Sandi Logan Casting (CSA-ATAS)
Staff: Jeff Rosenman (Casting Director) 14144 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 110
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Credits: Nancy Drew - Mr. Iglesias - Dynasty - Notorious - Unveiled
- Cristela - Jennifer Falls
Ross Lacy Casting (CCDA) Staff: Sandi Logan (Casting Director), Joanne Bloom (Casting
c/o 200 South, 200 S. La Brea Ave., 2nd fl. Associate)
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020 Casts: Theater - Television
15332 Antioch St. #720 Policy: Through agents and managers only.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 323-330-1020
email: The Sarah Finn Company (CSA)
website: 588 N. Larchmont Blvd., First Fl.
Credits: 7–UP - Adidas - Aetna - AT&T - Budweiser - Butterfinger - Los Angeles, CA 90004
Campbell’s Soup - Capri Sun - Carl’s Jr. - Cellular One - Chevy - Coors 606 Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 100
- Dannon Yogurt - Dell - Denny’s - Diet Dr. Pepper - Disney - Dunkin’ Los Angeles, CA 90004
Donuts - Dupont - ESPN - FOX - Frito Lay - Gatorade - GE - Gillette - Got Credits: The Lion King - Spider-Man: Far From Home - Captain
Milk? - H & R Block - Honda - Jeep - KFC - Kelloggs - Kia - Lowes - Long Marvel - Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Savages - Crash - Seven
John Silvers - Macy’s - Mead - Mercedes - Met Life - Motorola - MTV Psychopaths - The Avengers - Captain America: The First Avenger -
- Nabisco - Nickelodeon - Nike - OFF! - Payless - Pizza Hut - Planet Beastly - Thor 1&2 - Cowboys & Aliens - Iron Man 1-3 - Tron: Legacy
Hollywood - Powerade - Purina - Safe House - Couples Retreat - Case 39 - Fast & Furious - Race to
Staff: Ross Lacy (Casting Director), Shane Springer (Casting Witch Mountain - Hotel for Dogs
Director) Staff: Sarah Halley Finn (Casting Director), Jason B. Stamey
Casts: Commercials (Associate Casting Director), Nicholas Mudd (Associate Casting
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Director), Molly Doyle (Casting Assistant), Molly Pinto (Casting
No calls. No drop-offs. Assistant), Djinous Rowling (Casting Assistant), Tara Doustar
(Casting Assistant (Sarah Finn))
Samuel Warren & Associates Casts: Film - Television
International Casting Service (CSA) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Ste. 207 drop-offs.
San Diego, CA 92111 619-264-4135 Comments: Finn covers Marvel Studios, Legendary, Disney, etc.
619-823-2378 while Cooper covers Agents of SHEILD and Locke & Key.
website: Schiff/Audino Casting
Staff: Samuel Warren, CSA (Casting Director) 6210 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 200


TALENT AGENTS california


Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-475-8010 Campaign - Crown Royal - Verizon - Pepsi - Levi’s - Coke - Campbell’s
Credits: The Terror - The Passage - The Romanoffs - The - Kellogg’s - Visa - AT&T - Hallmark - Dunkin’ Donuts - Burger King
Magicians - Shut Eye - Aquarius - Bosch - Turn - Mad Men - The - Disney - Budweiser - Home Depot - Blue Cross
West Wing - Boston Public Staff: Shane Liem (Casting Director)
Staff: Laura Schiff (Partner), Carrie Audino (Partner), Martha Casts: Commercials - Film - Music Videos - Television
Dietsche (Casting Associate), Tara David (Casting Associate), Adam Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Goodell (Casting Associate)
Casts: Film - Television Sheila Guthrie Casting
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No 4024 Radford Ave., Bungalow 7
drop-offs. Studio City, CA 91604 323-860-2487
c/o Young & the Restless, 7800 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 3305
Scott David Casting (CSA) Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-860-2487
Los Angeles, CA Credits: Young & the Restless - Ex Men
email: Staff: Sheila Guthrie (Casting Director), Greg Salmon (Casting
Credits: Painkillers - Freshwater - Intruder - Serial Daters Associate)
Anonymous - 2 Bedroom 1 Bath - San Patricios - A Chance of Casts: Television
Rain - Blind Pass - The Fourth Noble Truth - The Last Session - The Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Wine of Summer - Icky: An American Dog Story - The Ugly Life of A Comments: Former Senior VP Casting for CBS Television Studios
Beautiful Girl - Things Never Said
Staff: Scott David (Casting Director) Sheila Jaffe Casting (CSA)
Casts: Theater - Film - Television 6671 Sunset Blvd., Bldg. 1509, Ste. 104
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Los Angeles, CA 90028
Credits: Mile 22 - Beruit - The Miracle Season - Ted - Sinister -
Scott Genkinger Casting Contraband - The Fighter - Observe and Report - Secretariat - TV:
4024 Radford Ave., Editorial Bldg. 2, Room 5 The Crossing - The Orville - When We Rise
Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-4720 Staff: Sheila Jaffe (Casting Director), Gail Goldberg (Co-Casting
Credits: The Resident - Good Trouble - Why Women Kill - The Director), Bryan Riley (Casting Associate), Lorna Johnson (Casting
Fosters - Prison Break - Rosewood Associate), Jake Warnecke (Casting Assistant)
Staff: Scott Genkinger (Casting Director), Deborah George Casts: Film - Television
(Casting Director), Becky Silverman (Casting Director), Mary Aldana Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
(Casting Associate), Jonathan Aldana (Casting Associate)
Casts: Film - Television Sherrie Henderson & Associates
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Casting (CCDA-CSA)
950 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
Scott Muller Casting Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-463-4554
10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 1, Room 146 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-1095
Credits: Murder Police - Napoleon Dynamite (Animated) - Credits: TV: Don’t Watch This - Overdue (Artios Nominated) -
Futurama - King of the Hill Single by 30 (Artios Nominated) - The Birthday Boys - Jon Benjamin
Staff: Scott Muller (Casting Director), Nick Conti (Casting Has a Van - FILM: Starfish - The Jury - A Christmas in New York - A
Associate) Haunting in Cawdor - Shock Value
Casts: Animation - Voiceovers - Television Staff: Sherrie Henderson, CSA (Casting Director), Alex Amsellem
Policy: Accepts resume/demo reel by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. (Casting Associate), Allison Kennedy (Casting Assistant)
Comments: Casts for Fox animation projects. Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Interactive & Digital
Media - Animation - Industrials - Voiceovers
Seth Yanklewitz Casting Policy: Accepts invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA
Credits: Eastbound & Down - The Inbetweeners - Blue Mountain Sheryl Levine Casting (CSA)
State 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Stage 9, Unit 111
Staff: Seth Yanklewitz (Casting Director) Burbank, CA 91505 818-531-9233
Casts: Film - Television Credits: Stuck in the Middle - Bizaardvark - Mighty Med - Supah
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Ninjas - Fred TV - Jessie - Pair of Kings - Drake and Josh - Blue
Mountain State - All That - Sonny With a Chance: So Random
Shane. A Casting Company Staff: Sheryl Levine (Casting Director), Rose Marziale (Casting
Silver Layne Studios, 6660 Santa Monica Blvd., First Fl. Associate)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-468-6888 Casts: Television
Fax: 323-927-1510 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Also works with AwesomenessTV on projects for
website: Hulu, YouTube Red, Verizon Go90, and Netflix under the SAG New
Credits: Progressive Campaigns - Capital One - Verizon - Nike Media Contract.
Google - Pier 1 - Subaru - JC Penney - EBay “It” Campaign - Barclays
- Slim Jim Campaign - Sears Campaign - Adidas - Hummer - AOL




Showtime Networks Talent & Casting Los Angeles, CA 90019 323-692-1800 ext. 107
(CSA) email:
1041 N. Formosa Ave., Ste. 300 website:
West Hollywood, CA 90046 310-234-5237 Staff: Jodi Sonnenberg (Casting Director)
Staff: Amy Britt (SVP, Talent & Casting), Trisha Debski (VP, Talent Casts: Commercials - Infomercials - Film
& Casting), Brittney dela Calzada (Casting Assistant, Offices of Amy Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Britt & Trisha Debski)
Casts: Film - Television Sony Pictures Television Casting (CSA)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Harry Cohn Bldg. 432
Culver City, CA 90232
Silverberg | Harris Casting (CSA) Staff: Dawn Steinberg (Executive VP, Casting), Delia Frankel
CBS Radford, 4024 Radford Ave., Editorial Bldg. 2, Ste. 2 (SVP, Casting), Randi Chugerman (SVP, Casting), Amanda Richards
Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-7976 (Manager, Casting), Emily Love (Assistant to Dawn Steinberg)
Credits: Jane The Virgin - Charmed - Another Life - ShadowHunters Casts: Television
- Faking It - Baby Daddy - The Nine Lives of Chloe King - Greek Policy: By mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Alyson Silverberg (Casting Director), Jonathan Clay Harris
(Casting Director), Ally Bader (Casting Associate) Spitfire Casting (CCDA-SAG-AFTRA)
Casts: Film - Television 200 S. La Brea Ave.
Policy: Accepts Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020
drop-offs. email:
Simkin/Sitowitz Casting (CSA) Staff: Johanna Weirauch (Casting Director), Chanelle Desautels
Los Angeles, CA (Casting Director)
Credits: Star Trek: Discovery - Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Casts: Commercials - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV -
- Adolescence Television - Animation - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Dancers - Print
Staff: Orly Sitowitz (Casting Director), Margery Simkin (Casting Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Agent submissions accepted.
Director) Comments: A cutting-edge casting company specializing in
Casts: Film - Television commercials, film, TV, new media, web content, and real people
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. casting. With over 30 combined years in casting this team is com-
mitted to finding new talent, as well as supporting the hard working
Sobo Casting (CCDA) seasoned veterans. Also does real people casting.
7700 Sunset Blvd., 2nd FL.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 Spot Casting (CCDA)
website: c/o 200 South
Credits: Heinz “Meet The Ketchups” - L’Oreal Magic Retouch 200 S. La Brea Ave., Second Fl.
(“Demand”, “The Sports Ctr”, “The Supermarket”, “The Office”) - Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-330-1020
Urban Cone “Old School” - Nuxe (Nuxellence fragranced Body Oils) Fax: 323-954-0933
“The Awakening” aka “Instinctive Beauty” - AT&T Fiber Business email:
Network - Northwestern Mutual - Disney Jr Dance Party - America’s website:
Next Top Model/Pantene - Ram 1500 - PetSmart Natl Adoption Credits: ESPN - T-Mobile - Volvo - Volkswagen - Dish Network -
Week “Adopt Love” - VH1 TV Promo for Love ’n Hip Hop/Geico McDonald’s - NFL Network
- Kohl’s Summer 2018 - PetSmart “Pets Are a Journey” - MTV Staff: Jacob Klempner (Casting Director)
Wild ’n Out Rap Battle/McDonald’s - PetSmart Grooming “Pets Casts: Commercials
Are a Journey 2” - Garnier Whole Blends “Whole Blends Makes Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Us Better” - Westside Project/Erica Gluck “Be-You-TiFul” - Franz
Ferdinand “Feel The Love Go” Stiner/Block Casting (CSA)
Staff: Amy Sobo (Owner/Casting Director), Jane Sobo (Owner/ 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 203-1
Casting Director) Hollywood, CA 90038
Casts: Commercials - Television - Film - Print - Interactive & Credits: Alexa & Katie - Girl Meets World - Gamers Guide - Kirby
Digital Media Buckets - Anger Management - Good Luck Charlie - Underdog
Policy: No unsolicited headshots or resumes between projects. Kids - Zeke & Luther - Jonas - The Bill Engvall Show - Princess
No emails. No drop-offs. Protection Program
Staff: Sally Stiner (Casting Director), Barbie Block (Casting
Solve Casting/Romy Stutman Casting Director), Samantha Marzec (Casting Assistant)
616 Hampton Dr. Casts: Film - Television
Venice, CA 90291 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Staff: Romy Stutman (Head of Talent, Solve) drop-offs.
Casts: Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Stordahl/Terry Casting (CSA)
16530 Ventura Blvd. #625
Sonnenberg Casting Encino, CA 91436
1035 S. La Brea Ave. Credits: In the Dark - The Outcast - The Librarians - Marvin,


TALENT AGENTS california


Marvin - Wendell & Jane by Design - Leverage - Lincoln Heights - The Staff: Susie Farris (Casting Director), Melanie Crescenz (Casting
O.C. - Jake in Progress - North Shore - Wonderfalls Associate)
Staff: Angela Terry (Casting Director), Barbara Stordahl (Casting Casts: Film - Television
Director), Lisa Loia Bourne (Casting Director), Jason Crow (Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Associate) drop-offs.
Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Voiceovers - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No Suzanne Goddard-Smythe Casting
calls. No drop-offs. (CSA-SAG-AFTRA)
Sunset Las Palmas Studios, 1040 N. Las Palmas Ave., Bldg. 33
Stuart Stone Casting (CCDA) Los Angeles, CA 90038
c/o Castaway Studios, 6380 Wilshire Blvd #100 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90048 Credits: Raven’s Home - Prince of Peoria - No Good Nick - K.C.
Credits: Progressive - Doritos - Neosporin - MGD - Outback Undercover - Liv & Maddie - School of Rock - Warehouse 13 - The Game
Steakhouse - Arco - Gillette - Honda - Pringles - Xerox - Pepsi - Staff: Suzanne Goddard-Smythe (Casting Director), Tyler B.
Nike - J.C. Penney - Clearasil - Kodak - Dove - Visa - KFC - Sony Jones (Casting Associate)
Playstation - Texaco - Gatorade - Volkswagen - GNC - Nestlé - Coors Casts: Theater - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Motion
Light - Maybeline Capture - Television
Staff: Stuart Stone (Casting Director) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Casts: Commercials - Documentaries & Reality TV - Film - drop-offs.
Industrials - Live Events - Print - Television - Infomercials
Policy: No unsolicited emails. No calls. No drop-offs. Telsey + Company (LA Office) (CSA)
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1000
Susan Edelman Casting (CSA) Los Angeles, CA 90036 310-788-0060
CA 91604 818-905-6200 1501 Broadway, Ste. 510
Credits: Patsy & Loretta - Flint - Reckless - The Glades - The New York, NY 10036
Reagans - Drop Dead Diva - The Little Mermaid - The Rescuers website:
Down Under Credits: Film: Mary Poppins Returns - The Greatest Showman
Staff: Susan Edelman (Casting Director) on Earth - Guys and Dolls - Miss Sloane - Ricky and The Flash - The
Casts: Film - Television Intern - Ithaca - Focus - The Last Five Years - A Most Violent
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Year - Into The Woods - Stage Fright - The Odd Life of Timothy
Green - TV: - Billy & Billie - Peter Pan Live! - The Sound of Music
Susan Johnston Casting (SAG-AFTRA-BMI-EIC- Live! - Masters of Sex - Looking - Penny Dreadful - Smash - The Big
Caucus) C - Musicals: - Come From Away - War Paint - Hello Dolly - Gotta
2355 Westwood Blvd., #381 Dance - On Your Feet! - The Color Purple - Allegiance - Hamilton -
Los Angeles, CA 90064 323-969-4800 Spring Awakening - Fiddler on the Roof - Plays: - Present Laughter
email: - China Doll - Misery - Sylvia - Hand to God
website: Staff: Bernie Telsey, CSA (Owner), Tiffany Little Canfield, CSA
Credits: Niemand - Simon Says - Street - Junction - High School, I (LA Office), Josh Einsohn, CSA (LA Office), Rachel Dill, CSA (LA
Hate You - Mad World - Stacy’s Mom - Eternity - Stan Lee Los Angeles Office), Ryan Bernard Tymensky, CSA (LA Office), Rose Bochner
Comic Con Panels - Select Quote Insurance - Corona Commercial (LA Office), Leigh Ann Smith (LA Office)
Staff: Susan Johnston (Casting Director) Casts: Theater - Commercials - Live Events - Film - Industrials
Casts: Film - Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Voiceovers - Dancers - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Singers
- Industrials - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Television & Musicians - Television - Musicals
Policy: Through submission link. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. Additional submis-
Comments: Casting in Hollywood since 2000. Real-people sion options may be available on a project to project basis. Accepts
casting and professional and talented actors for stage and screen. postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Commercials, music videos, and web series. Comments: For a full staff listing, see the listing in New York
Casting Directors.
Susan Vash Casting
Burbank, CA Terri Taylor Casting (CSA)
Credits: Pitch - Grandfathered - Happy Endings - Neighbors Los Angeles, CA 90057
Staff: Susan Vash (Casting Director), Alexandra Niedt (Casting Credits: Get Out - Viral - Stephanie - Jem and the Holograms -
Associate) Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension - Sinister 2 - The Gift - 6
Casts: Television Miranda Drive - In a Valley of Violence - Curve - Amityville: The
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Reawakening - Insidious: Chapter 3 - Always Watching: A Marble
Hornets Story - Mockingbird - The Purge: Anarchy - Not Safe for
Susie Farris Casting Work - Cooties - Devil’s Due - Whiplash - Max Rose - Hitchcock -
5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 522 Paranormal Activity 4 - Chernobyl Diaries - Paranormal Activity
Los Angeles, CA 90036 3 - Paranormal Activity 2 - How to Make Love to a Woman - Step
Credits: Mr. Robot - Superstore - Wet Hot American Summer Up 2: The Streets - War of the Worlds - 13 Going on 30 - Seabiscuit
- Speechless - Dr. Ken - Covert Affairs - The New Normal - Go Staff: Ally Conover (Casting Associate), Terri Taylor (Casting
On - Whitney Director), Sarah Domeier (Casting Associate)




Casts: Film website:
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Staff: Andrew Strauser (VP, Talent Development & Casting)
No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Documentaries & Reality TV - Television
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Terry Berland Casting (CCDA-CSA)
c/o Castaway Studios, 6380 Wilshire Blvd. #100 TLN Casting/Tamara-Lee Notcutt (CSA)
Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-275-0601 Hollywood, CA 90038
website: Staff: Tamara Lee Notcutt (Casting Director), Alexis Allen
Credits: iPod Nano - Ford - Chrysler/Golden Globes Promo - NY (Associate)
Life - Hyundai - Doritos - Lincoln - CA Lottery - Anderson Windows Casts: Film
- Parenthood/Clorox - Sunsweet - Health Net - Crest - Project Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Runway - Pediasure - Sunny D - Special K - Oust - Mazda - Six Flags
- Sony - Gillette - Pepsi - New York Stock Exchange - Verizon - Caress Tolley Casparis Casting
Soap - Gain Detergent - Pepcid AC - Burger King - Ruffles - Harrah’s Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-738-7635
- Hewlet Packard - Trident - Dodge - Honda - Rotory Club/Worldwide website:
Polio Fund - Ford - Panasonic - Dirt Devil - Dunkin’ Donuts - Visa - Staff: Tolley Casparis (Casting Director)
Del Taco - Time Warner - Discover Card - Directtv - Disney Theme Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Park - Drug Free America - Suzuki - Nortel - Michelob - Jeopardy Policy: By email or through website.
Game Show - Vaseline Intensive Care
Staff: Terry Berland (Casting Director) Tracy Lilienfield (CSA)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - c/o Casting Society of America
Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90038
Staff: Tracy Lilienfield (Casting Director)
Tiffany Company Casting Casts: Television
4040 Glencoe Ave. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 310-266-9223
email: Treadwell/Kelly Casting
website: Los Angeles, CA
Staff: Tiffany Persons (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Commercials - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV Credits: Heaven - Kim Hushable - RL Stine’s Monsterville: Cabinet
Policy: Headshot/resume by email or apply through website. of Souls - Cop and a Half 2 - Date My Dad - Temps - Open House
Staff: Jennifer K.M. Treadwell (Casting Director), Monica Kelly
Tim Payne Casting (CSA) (Casting Director)
4000 W. Warner Blvd., Bldg. 261 Casts: Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television
Burbank, CA 91522 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Credits: Suburgatory - The Lying Game - 10 Items or Less - Emily’s
Reasons Why Not - Huff - Las Vegas - Grounded for Life Tribute Productions
Staff: Tim Payne (Casting Director) 17552 Lemay Pl.
Casts: Television Van Nuys, CA 91406 818-903-7158
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Fax: 819-343-1698
No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Tina Real Casting website:
P.O. Box 152092 Staff: Denise Bella Vlasis (Casting Director)
San Diego, CA 92195 619-298-0544 Casts: Theater - Commercials - Live Events - Film - Industrials
email: - Voiceovers - Television
website: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Monk - Ordinary Miracles (Hallmark) - Antwone Fisher Comments: Cast celebrity look-alikes, specialty actors and
(Extras) - Proud American - San Diego Zoo/Safari Park - Head & performers, 1940s cigar girls, big-band orchestra, musicians,
Shoulders Shampoo - Toyota dancers, and choreographers.
Staff: Tina Real (Casting Director), Chris Real (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Animation - Triple Threat Casting
Film - Industrials - Background Work/Extras - Television Los Angeles, CA 310-880-8671
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No email:
drop-offs. Staff: Susan Salgado (Casting Director)
Comments: Casts day players, under fives, principals, and extras. Casts: Commercials - Live Events - Music Videos - Documentaries
& Reality TV
TLC Casting Policy: Submit for specific roles only. No calls. No drop-offs.
10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 1500 Comments: Specializes in reality TV casting.
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-975-1699


TALENT AGENTS california


Twentieth Century Fox Feature Universal Pictures Feature Film
Casting (CSA) Casting (CSA)
10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 12, Room 201 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 2160, Ste. 8A
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-1000 Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-8285
Fax: 310-369-1496 Fax: 818-866-1403
Staff: Yesi Ramirez (VP, Feature Casting), Hallie Rossin (Manager, Staff: Damien McKay (Head of Casting), Kam Wilson (Casting
Casting), Jean Johnston (Coordinator, Casting), Lacey Nussbaum Associate)
(Coordinator, Casting) Casts: Film
Casts: Animation - Film Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop offs.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also casts for TCF, Fox 2000, Fox Searchlight, and Universal Studios Hollywood Casting
Fox Animation. 100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
Twentieth Century Fox Television email:
Casting website:
10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 103 Casts: Theater - Live Events
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-2121 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 310-969-0367 Comments: Casts actors, dancers, stilt walkers, costume charac-
Staff: Sharon Klein (Executive VP, Talent and Casting), Liz Paulson ter performers, puppeteers, etc. for Universal Studios theme park.
(Sr. VP, Talent and Casting), Stephanie Levinson (Sr. VP, Casting),
Lindsey Kasabian (VP Casting), Jordan Moblo (Manager, Casting), Universal Television Casting
Skyler Zurn (Assistant to Sharon Klein), Michelle Homerin (Assistant 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 1320, Second Fl.
to Liz Paulson), Anjela Latcheva (Assistant to Stephanie Levinson), Universal City, CA 91608 818-777-6573
Megan Dickerman (Assistant to Lindsey Kasabian) Staff: Beth Klein (EVP of Talent and Casting), Kristi Oken (Manager
Casts: Television of Talent and Casting), Jessie Murray (VP of Talent and Casting),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Alexa Bergman (Coordinator of Talent and Casting), Chelsea Jeffords
(Coordinator of Talent and Casting)
Ulrich/Dawson/Kritzer Casting (CSA) Casts: Television
4705 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Ste. 204 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Valley Village, CA 91607 818-623-1818
Credits: The Boys (Amazon) - Big Sky (ABC) - Grey’s Anatomy Valerie McCaffrey Casting
(ABC) - American Horror Story (FX) - Supernatural (CW) - Zoey’s 4924 Balboa Blvd., Ste. 172
Extraordinary Playlist (NBC) - All Rise (CBS) - Station 19 (ABC) - 9-1-1 Encino, CA 91316 818-785-1886
(FOX) - The Rookie (ABC) - Tiny Pretty Things (Netflix) - Generation email: (casting)
(HBO) - Shooter (USA) - Major Crimes (TNT) - The Exorcist (FOX) - (talent)
Glee (FOX) - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CBS) - Nip/Tuck (FX) Credits: The Little Mermaid - The World Without You - Chasing
Staff: Robert J. Ulrich (Casting Director), Eric Dawson (Casting Shakespeare - Run - Hard Candy - What the Bleep Do We Know? -
Director), Carol Kritzer (Casting Director), Shawn Dawson (Casting American History X - Babe - Dark City - Detroit Rock City - Money Talks
Director), Alex Newman (Casting Director), Rory Schleifstein (Casting Staff: Valerie McCaffrey (Casting Director), Vanessa McCaffrey
Associate), Jackie Davies (Casting Associate), Rachel Imbriglio (Talent Manager Associate)
(Casting Associate), Brenden Rodriguez (Casting Associate), Walter Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
Ware (Casting Associate), Audrey Loeb (Casting Associate), Hunter Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
McCormick (Casting Associate), Austin Andres (Casting Assistant), drop-offs.
Kymberli McKanna (Casting Assistant), Daniel Schwab (Casting
Assistant), Shelby Grossman (Casting Assistant), Alexis Sissac Valko/Miller Casting (CSA)
(Casting Assistant) 3500 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 690
Casts: Film - Television Burbank, CA 91505 818-953-7743
Policy: Union only. Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No Credits: Mike & Molly - The Secret Life of the American Teenager -
drop-offs. No calls. Harry’s Law - The Big Bang Theory - Two and a Half Men - Boston Legal
Staff: Ken Miller (Casting Director), Nikki Valko (Casting Director),
NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment Peter Pappas (Casting Director), Tara Treacy (Casting Associate),
Casting Lori Gottlieb (Casting Associate)
100 Universal City Plaza Casts: Television
Universal City, CA 91608 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Steven O’Neill (Executive VP, Scripted Casting), Brad
DeLima (VP, Casting), Felicia Davis (Manager, Casting), Reed Tsuda Venus Kanani Casting (CSA)
(Assistant to Steven O’Neill), David Rapley (Assistant to Brad DeLima) Los Angeles, CA
Casts: Television Staff: Venus Kanani (Casting Director), Amy Costa (Casting
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Assistant)
Comments: Also casts for USA, SyFy, Bravo, E!, and Universal Casts: Film - Television
Cable Productions. Policy: Submissions through agents/managers only unless a
role is released.




Veronica Collins Rooney (CSA) all areas of voiceover including commercials, animation, narration,
Los Angeles, CA industrial, and more.
Credits: Dead of Summer - Once Upon a Time - Once Upon a
Time in Wonderland - Undercovers - Dark Blue - Lost Walt Disney Animation Studios
Staff: Veronica C. Collins Rooney (Casting Director), Christina Casting (CSA)
Conover Tongue (Casting Associate) 500 S. Buena Vista St., Animation Bldg. 91521
Casts: Television Burbank, CA 91521 818-460-9690
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Jamie Sparer Roberts (Head, Features Casting), Grace
Kim (Casting Associate), Mallory Horncastle (Casting Assistant)
Vicki Goggin & Associates Casting Casts: Animation - Voiceovers
c/o On Your Mark Studios Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
13425 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
website: Group Feature Casting (CSA)
Credits: McDonalds - Etsy - BMW - The Venetian - Taco Bell - Lance 500 S. Buena Vista St., Team Disney Bldg., Second Fl.
Crackers - Toyota - Audi - Microsoft Office 365 - Sketchers - eHarmony Burbank, CA 91521
Staff: Vicki Goggin (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Commercials Staff: Randi Hiller (VP, Casting), Brittany Grooms (Manager,
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Casting), Jennifer Shapiro (Talent Relations Manager), Lauren
drop-offs. Gentile (Assistant to Randi Hiller)
Casts: Film
Vicki Huff Casting (CSA-ATAS) Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers
137 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 472 only. No unsolicited submissions. Attends showcases. No calls.
Los Angeles, CA 90004 310-493-6619 No drop-offs.
Credits: Montana Beach Productions - Invitation Entertainment -
Charmed - SeaQuest 2032 - Seventh Heaven - Wiseguy - Tales from Warner Bros. Animation Casting
the Crypt - Beverly Hills, 90210 - Fat Actress - 20,000 Leagues Warner Bros. Animation Casting, 411 N. Hollywood Way
Under the Sea - Aces: Iron Eagle - Return to Two Moon Junction - The Burbank, CA 91505 818-977-8700
Hidden - Raven Hawk - The Absolute Truth - The Substitute Wife - Lily website:
in Winter - Dead Air - Without a Kiss Goodbye - 2000 Malibu Road Staff: Sarah Noonan (VP of Casting), Agnes Kim (Manager of
Staff: Vicki Huff (Casting Director), Maria Perricone (Casting Casting), Maria Millage (Casting Administrator), Liz Carroll (Senior
Associate), Michael Kurtz (Casting Assistant) Casting Contract Administrator)
Casts: Film - Documentaries & Reality TV - Television Casts: Animation
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No drop-offs. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Vickie Thomas Casting Warner Bros. Feature Film Casting

8500 Wilshire Blvd. 4000 Warner Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-274-5932 Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-6000
Credits: The Player - 42 - Django Unchained - Lay the Favorite - Staff: Kristy Carlson (Senior VP, Feature Casting), Jeanette Benzie
Hemingway & Gellhorn - Buddha - Mission Street Rhapsody (Casting Manager), Jenna Keehn (Casting Assistant)
Staff: Vickie Thomas (Casting Director), Andrew Hadzopoulos Casts: Film
(Casting Associate) Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Film - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email through agents and Warner Bros. Television Casting (CSA)
managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. 300 Television Plaza, Bldg. 140, First Fl.
Burbank, CA 91522 818-954-6000
The Voicecaster Staff: Tom Burke (EVP/Head, Casting), Tony Sepulveda (Sr.
1832 W. Burbank Blvd. VP, Casting), John Power (Sr. VP, Casting), Kimberly Hope (VP,
Burbank, CA 91506 818-841-5300 Casting), Mele Nagler (VP, Casting), Rachel Dill (Manager, Casting),
Fax: 818-841-2085 Debra Neckanoff (Casting Liaison), Richard Parkinson (Assistant to
email: Tom Burke), Michael Curran (Assistant to Tony Sepulveda), Claire
website: Patterson (Assistant to Mele Nagler), Allison Roberti (Assistant to
Staff: Kelly L. Moscinski (Owner/Head of Casting), Kathryn Horan Mele Nagler), David Standish (Assistant to John Power)
(Senior Casting Director), Natalie Jonah (Casting Associate), Brooke Casts: Television
Anderson (Casting Assistant) Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Voiceovers - Animation - Commercials - Industrials -
Infomercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Radio - Television WarnerMedia Casting (CSA)
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts resume/demo reel sub- 3500 W. Olive Ave., 9th Fl.
missions by email only (MP3). Interviews by appointment only. Burbank, CA 91505 818-729-7483
No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Linda Lowy (Head of Casting), Henry Russell Bergstein
Comments: The top voiceover casting house for over 45 years. (Director, Casting), Aari Reich (Coordinator, Casting), Morgan Smith
Cast all ages union, nonunion, celebrity, and foreign language in (Director of Casting), Lily Trotter (Manager of Casting)


TALENT AGENTS california


Casts: Television Autumn - Bunraku - Ninja 1&2 - Human Centipede - Letters from
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Iwo Jima - Gaijin 2 - Haunted Highway - Death Ride - Movie Surfer
Comments: Casting for HBO MAX, TNT, TBS, and TRUTV. Staff: Yumi Takada (Casting Director)
Casts: Print - Music Videos - Voiceovers - Industrials - Film -
Weber & Associates Casting (CSA) Infomercials - Commercials - Television
8981 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 204 Policy: Union and nonunion.
West Hollywood, CA 90069 323-380-8850 Comments: Casting in major cities in the US, and in Tokyo, Japan.
website: Zambetti Casting
Credits: The Detail (series) - Pure - Seed - Spartacus: Vengeance - Los Angeles, CA 90039
Spartacus: Gods of the Arena - The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Credits: Criminal Minds - Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Woodman - Jeremiah - The Outer Limits - Dead Like Me - Stargate Staff: Lisa Zambetti (Casting Director)
Atlantis - Stargate SG-1 - She Spies - To Live and Die - Legally Casts: Television
Blonde - Stargate Universe Policy: Through agents and managers only. No drop-offs.
Staff: Paul Weber (Casting Director (CSA))
Casts: Film - Television Zane/Pillsbury Casting (CSA)
Policy: Union only. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel and 585 N. Larchmont Blvd.
postcards by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-769-9191
Credits: Suits Spin-off - Suits - Sneaky Pete - Pretty Little Liars:
Wendy O’Brien Casting (CSA) The Perfectionists - Dare Me - Nightflyers - 12 Monkeys - Linda
2233 Barry Ave., Second Fl. From HR - Real Life - Ravenswood - Graceland - Fairly Legal - Men
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-473-0400 at Work - Burn Notice - Pretty Little Liars - State of Georgia - Good
Credits: Mayans M.C. - Brooklyn Animal Control - The Lying Luck Charlie - Gary Unmarried - Terminator: The Sarah Connor
Game - Sons of Anarchy - It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Men Chronicles - The George Lopez Show - In Justice - Rodney - According
of a Certain Age - Teen Wolf to Jim - The Drew Carrey Show
Staff: Wendy O’Brien (Casting Director), Jeffrey Gafner (Casting Staff: Bonnie Zane (Casting Director), Gayle Pillsbury (Casting
Director) Director), Brian Alan Hill (Casting Associate), Chelsea Egozi (Casting
Casts: Film - Television Assistant)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Casts: Television
Policy: Union only; Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail
Wendy Weidman Casting (CSA) only. No calls. No drop-offs.
14945 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 310
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Zuckerbrod/Thomas Casting (CSA)
Credits: Damien - Mad Dogs - Lucifer - The Bridge - Last Resort 411 N. Hollywood Way, Bldg. 255R
- The Good Guys - Luck - Nikita - Factory Girl - CSI: NY - Broken Trail Burbank, CA 91505
- Close to Home - E-Ring - Cold Case - The Shield - Down in the Valley Credits: Frequency - The Last Ship - Monday Mornings - Rizzoli &
- Pretty Persuasion - My Baby’s Daddy - Wonderland - The Riches Isles - Night and Day - Without a Trace - Sex and Lies in Sin City - The
Staff: Wendy Weidman (Casting Director), Suzanne Yavuz (Casting Nine - The Ron Clark Story
Associate), Kayla Hamblin (Casting Assistant) Staff: Gary M. Zuckerbrod (Casting Director), Kamala A. Thomas
Casts: Film - Television (Casting Director)
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only. Casts: Television
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Yeskel & Green-Keyes Casting (CSA- No calls. No drop-offs.
1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Los Angeles, CA 90038 310-365-8174 (Ronnie Yeskel) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
213-280-3638 (Nancy Green-Keyes)
email: American Conservatory Theater Casting (CSA)
Credits: The Sessions - Pulp Fiction - Reservoir Dogs - Return to 30 Grant Avenue, Sixth Fl.
Zero - Rudderless - Orphan - Igby Goes Down - Curb Your Enthusiasm San Francisco, CA 94108 415-439-2443
Staff: Ronnie Yeskel (Casting Director), Nancy Green-Keyes email:
(Casting Director) website:
Casts: Film - Television Staff: Janet Foster (Director of Casting/Artistic Associate)
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Casts: Theater
Policy: Accepts Headshot/resume by mail or email, email pre-
Yumi Takada Casting (CCDA) ferred. No calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA
email: Beau Bonneau Casting
Credits: Film: - Suicide Squad (Japanese casting consultant) San Francisco, CA 94105
- Sophie and a Rising Sun (Japanese casting consultant) - Karate website:
Kill - Red Skies at Night - Masterless - Judge! - R100 - Hayabusa - Late Staff: Theresa Benavidez (Casting Director), Kristen Beck (Casting




Director), Nicholas Alvarez (Casting Director) Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
- Background Work/Extras - Print - Television Kristen Beck Casting
Policy: Union and nonunion. See website for submission details. San Francisco, CA 415-225-6179
No drop-offs. Fax: 415-621-0209
Casting Valdes/Mexico Casting Staff: Kristen Beck (Casting Director)
Sacramento, CA Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
Credits: Everything, Everything - Hands of Stone - Sundown - Media Casting Group (SAG-AFTRA)
Limitless - Fast and Furious - You Don’t Mess With the Zohan - Beverly PO Box 1142
Hills Chihuahua - The Heartbreak Kid - The Hunting Party - Vantage Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1142 916-588-2699
Point - Nacho Libre - Puerto Vallarta Squeeze - Zapata: Sueno del email:
Heroe - Deadly Swarm website:
Staff: Jorge Valdes Garcia (Casting Director), Sara Bachelder Credits: Ruby Ridge (Miniseries) - A Work of Giants (BBC
(Casting Director), Stefan Anderson (Casting Assistant), Gabrielle Series) - Mad City - Life - Path to War (HBO) - Twelve Hallmark
Hinz (Casting Assistant) Channel films - Independent Films: Isolated - 7eventy 5ive - Her
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television Minor Thing - The Hustle - Chain Letter
Policy: See website for submission details. Interviews by appoint- Staff: Charlie Holliday (Casting Director/ Acting Coach)
ment only. No calls. Casts: Background Work/Extras - Film - Television - Commercials
Comments: On location casting in Mexico and within the United - Documentaries & Reality TV - Industrials - Infomercials - Interactive
States. & Digital Media - Music Videos - Print - Radio - Theater - Voiceovers
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
Diversity Casting reel by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
250 Columbus Ave., Ste. 204 Comments: Covering all of Northern California. Full casting
San Francisco, CA 94133 415-781-2278 facilities and sound stage in Sacramento, California. Founded in
Fax: 415-434-2278 1991, Media Casting Group provides principals and extras casting
email: services for film, television, and commercial projects in Northern
website: California. With over 400 different projects to our credit, we have
Staff: Sarah Kliban (Casting Director) the experience and contacts to make your project a success.
Casts: Commercials - Live Events - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
- Television Nina Henninger Casting, CSA (CSA)
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail 5214-F Diamond Heights Blvd., Box 626
to P.O. Box 330104, San Francisco, CA 94133. No calls. No drop-offs. San Francisco, CA 94131-2175 415-837-0847
Comments: Formerly known as International Talent Casting. email:
GrantAve Productions & Casting Credits: Blue Jasmine - Fruitvale Station - Sorry to Bother You -
1153 Sierra Vista Way Sense8 - Hemingway & Gellhorn - Swiss Army Man - Big Sur - Alcatraz
Lafayette, CA 94549 (Fox) - Contagion - Knife Fight - Trauma (NBC) - Milk - Parenthood
email: (Pilot) - The Kite Runner - The Pursuit of Happyness - Memoirs of
website: a Geisha - What Dreams May Come - Serendipity - Nash Bridges
Credits: Black August - Chaw - The Village Barbershop - Fresh Staff: Nina Henninger (Casting Director)
Film - The Full Picture - Kung Phooey - Fifth Form - The Prankster Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Print - Television
Staff: Michael Ching (Executive Producer and Casting Director), Policy: Headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Kay Robinson (Producer/Administration)
Casts: Industrials - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV - Television Toni Staniewicz Casting (SAG-AFTRA)
- Commercials - Theater - Interactive & Digital Media - Animation 388 Market St., Ste. 1300
- Live Events - Voiceovers - Print San Francisco, CA 94111 707-208-5657
Policy: Submit headshot/resume through website. Los Angeles, CA
Comments: Specializes in diversity casting. Sacramento, CA 707-208-5657
Katie Cronin Casting website:
San Francisco, CA 415-437-9147 Credits: Lady Bird - Wives with Knives - I (Almost) Got Away With
email: It - The Day I Almost Died - Behind the Screams - My Strange Criminal
Credits: Quiznos - Anderson Windows - Coca–Cola - California Addiction - Smosh - See IMDB for additional credits
Tourism - Sunrise Health - NASDAQ - Nissan - Miller Light - Sprint Staff: Toni Staniewicz (Casting Director)
- Tiaa-Cref - Sprint - Castrol Oil - Charles Schwab - Apple Switch - Casts: Music Videos - Musicals - Television - Singers & Musicians
Monterey Bay Aquarium - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Promotional Events - Dancers
Staff: Katie Cronin (Casting Director) - Motion Capture - Theater - Voiceovers - Industrials - Film - Live
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television - Print - Music Videos - Events - Infomercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Commercials
Documentaries & Reality TV Policy: Headshots/reel/resume and IMDB or Backstage (or


TALENT AGENTS california


applicable sites) profile. Facebook page is also acceptable. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Serving premiere markets of San Francisco, Los
Angeles, and Sacramento.



ALABAMA website:
Credits: Film: On the Road - Goats - Piranha 3D - Middle Men;
ClassA Casting Miniseries: Maneater - TV: My Boys
5295 Vaughn Rd., Ste. #7 Staff: Faith Hibbs-Clark, CSA (Casting Director), Bella Hibbs
Montgomery, AL 36116 334-318-9552 (Casting Director)
website: Casts: Commercials - Film - Print - Television
Staff: Renee Williams (President and Director), Darius Williams Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. Put new talent
(Vice President and Chief Financial Officer) in subject line. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Background Work/ Comments: Good Faith Casting casts for film, television, and
Extras - Television commercials in the southwest with multiple casting offices.
Policy: Submissions accepted through website. No calls. No
drop-offs. COLORADO
Comments: Casts primarily background, formerly Alabama
Casting Service. Hamilton Casting (CSA)
2828 N. Speer Blvd., Ste. 140
Colleen Harrison Casting Denver, CO 80211 970-227-2544
6005 Vogel Court email:
Mobile, AL 36693 website:
email: Credits: Virtually Funny - The Mole - Super Nanny - America’s Most
Staff: Colleen Harrison (Casting Director) Wanted - Nike - Coca Cola - Sears - Adidas - IBM - Wendy’s - Best
Casts: Commercials - Film Buy - Colgate - Pepsi - AAA - Gain - Burger King
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No Staff: Annie Hamilton-Null (Owner/Casting Director), Brian
drop-offs. McCulley (Casting Director/ Theatrical Division), John Crockett
Comments: Casts primarily background. (Associate Casting Director), Ashley Poole (Production Manager)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
Tahiera Monique Brown Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. Accepts postcards
270 Doug Baker Blvd., Ste. 700-316 and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Birmingham, AL 35242 205-218-7678
email: Sylvia Gregory Casting (CSA)
Staff: Tahiera Monique Brown (Casting Director) 54 S. Sherman St.
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers Denver, CO 80209 720-331-1456
- Television email:
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo website:
reel by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Sylvia Gregory (Owner/Casting Director), Rebecca Tourino
Collinsworth (Casting Associate), Allen McLain (Technical Director),
ARIZONA James Elmore (Social Media Manager), Lauren Bahlman (Casting
Conklin Casting/Celebrity Event Casts: Commercials - Theater - Interactive & Digital Media -
Promotions Infomercials - Live Events - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Motion
P.O. Box 65722 Capture - Background Work/Extras - Print - Television - Musicals
Tucson, AZ 85728 520-248-2668 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Do not submit reels or
email: videos. Child submissions through agents only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Entering Karman County - Lost Son - Confessions of Comments: Sylvia Gregory Casting finds the most unique and
a Dangerous Mind unexpected talent and tailors castings to the needs of clients,
Staff: Catherine Conklin (Casting Director) whether it be traditional or outside-the box. Talent pool is both
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television local to Colorado and nationwide. Staff creates an audition environ-
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo ment that ensures excellence from the acting pool by encouraging
reel by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. performers to feel comfortable and free to play. Committed to
Comments: Also celebrity coordinator for charity and corporate ensuring that clients see the talent’s full potential. With a belief
events. that if someone can think of it, SGC can cast it!  From commercials
to independent films, web-based projects to print work, to stage or
Good Faith Casting (CSA-ATAS) video games, SG Casting does it all. Offers on-location services if
14362 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd., Ste. 1000 needed. Cast both Union and non-Union jobs for principals, extras,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 602-218-5051 and everything in between.
Albuquerque, NM 505-633-8044


FLORIDA DiPrima Casting
Miami, FL 33129 305-672-9232
Bobbi Hill Casting website:
7934 Orangewood Dr. Credits: Commercials: Coke - Mastercard - IBM - Burger King -
Tampa, FL 34653 727-848-3709 (Clients) McDonalds - Visa - Sony - Disney - NFL - NBA - American Express
email: - Budweiser - Miller Lite - 3-M Products - Banana Boat - TV: America’s Most Wanted - America’s Top Model
website: Staff: Barbara DiPrima (Casting Director)
Credits: Cold Case (Television) - Walk on Water (Television) - Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers -
America’s Most Fit (Reality Television) - Sophie Hates Me (Film) Documentaries & Reality TV - Television
- Hostage (Film) - Pembroke Circle (Film) - Murder for the Birds Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Union and nonunion. No mail
(Voiceover) - Life of Joey (Documentary) - Burt’s Bees (Commercial) or email submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
- Kash N Karry (Commercial) - International Beer (Commercial) - Blue
Jays (International Commercial) - Ybor City, Segway (Commercial) Ed Arenas Casting
Staff: Bobbi Hill (Casting Director) 2700 N. Miami Ave., Ste. 611
Casts: Film - Television - Documentaries & Reality TV - Miami, FL 33127 786-256-9806
Commercials 59 N.W. 36th St.
Policy: Accepting headshot/resume/reel by email. Any age/ Miami, FL 33127 305-814-8049
ethnicity for upcoming projects in Florida. email:
Comments: Casts A-list actors to extras and babies. This includes
feature films, independent films, television, documentaries, com- website:
mercials, industrials, infomercials, voiceovers, theater, and music Staff: Ed Arenas (Casting Director)
videos. Union or nonunion. Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Music Videos -
Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality TV - Print
Casting by Rose Rosen (CSA) - Television
8870 N. Himes Ave., Ste. 160 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
Tampa, FL 33614 813-932-9932 Comments: Based in Miami, but has also worked in casting in New
email: York, Los Angeles, and Georgia.Helps build projects using his time
website: earned relationships. Recently he has been working to quickly build
Credits: Film: - Not Alone - Edward Scissorhands - She Could Be package and help produce cost effective quality films using private
You - McKinsey’s Island - Reality TV: - Bridezillas - ElimiDate - Cowboy equity which have quick turnaround in distribution.
U - Commercials: - Busch Gardens - Century 21 - Solarcaine - Alpine
Lace - Publisher’s Clearing House - Visit St. Pete Clearwater - Ritz Ellen Jacoby Casting International (CSA)
Carlton - Norwegian Cruise Line - Hilton, Busch Beer - American 900 Bay Drive, Ste. 624
Cancer Society - Children’s Miracle Network - University of South Miami Beach, FL 33141 305-531-5300
Florida - John Deere - WWE - Verizon email:
Staff: Rose Rosen, CSA (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials Credits: Ricke & The Flash - Power - Burn Notice - Chef - Rock
- Live Events - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music Videos - of Ages - Charlie’s Angels - I Am Number 4 - Confessions of a
Documentaries & Reality TV - Print - Television Shopaholic - Old Dogs - South Beach - The Notorious Bettie Page
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. - The L Word - The O.C. - CSI: Miami - Snow Dogs
No drop-offs. Staff: Ellen Jacoby (Casting Director), Michael Dock (Casting
Director), Clare Coco (Casting Associate)
Casting Partners Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
2640 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 217 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Miami, FL 33020 305-397-8709 drop-offs.
855-554-4035 Comments: Also member of ATAS amd FFPC.
email: Frontrunner Casting
website: Mailing Address, 5036 Dr. Phillips Lane, Ste. 326
Credits: Confessions of a Shopaholic - Son of Mourning - Che: Orlando, FL 32819 407-883-5390 (Orlando)
Part One - Reno 911: Miami - Three Days to Vegas Main Office, 8601 Commodity Circle
Staff: George Grafas (Casting Director), Benay Sinaikin (Casting Orlando, FL 32819 786-449-0020 (Miami)
Director), Joe Zapert (Casting Director), Jeff Meshel (Casting email:
Director, Film & TV), Robert Keshishian (Photography), Karla Osella website:
(Casting Assistant) Credits: Film: The Comedian - Testament - Step Up 4 (casting
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television for principle dancers) - Recount - Never Back Down - Beethoven:
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by email The Reel Story - Ace Ventura III - Bring It On: In It to Win It - Sydney
or through website. Include project name, name, ethnicity and/or age White - The Year of Getting to Know Us - Lonely Hearts - Pirates of
range in the subject line in capital letters. In the body of the email the Caribbean II–III - Monster - Celestine Prophecy - The Hawk Is
include contact information, agent’s name, a brief introduction, and Dying - Hatchet - This Man’s Life - TV: Blackish - Bloodline - The
photos attached, not pasted. No calls. No drop-offs. Glades (A&E Network) - Magic City (Episode 1) - The Inbetweeners


(Pilot) - Caminhos do Corçåo - Music Videos: One Republic - Built Staff: John Peros (Casting Director)
To Be Broken Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
Staff: Melanie Moreno (Casting Director), Milena DeVincenzo Infomercials - Animation - Live Events - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
(Casting Director), Chris Moreno (Casting Director), Noelle Finelli - Music Videos - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality
(Casting Director), Paula Pierce (Casting Director), Pam Kavanaugh TV - Print - Television
(Casting Director) Policy: Agency submissions only unless casting for “real people.”
Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Background Work/Extras
Policy: See website and Facebook for submission details. Lori Wyman Casting (CSA)
16499 N.E. 19th Ave., Ste. 203
George Ortiz Casting N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 305-354-3901
P.O. Box 14-4682 Fax: 305-354-3970
Coral Gables, FL 33114 305-567-0720 email:
email: website:
website: Credits: Bloodline - Ballers - Magic City - The Glades - Burn Notice - Graceland - Every Witch Way - Pain & Gain - Away We Go - Up
Credits: AT&T - Advil - Alka Seltzer - Aqua Ciel (Mexico) - Arby’s - in the Air - Men Who Stare at Goats - I Love You Phillip Morris - New
Brita Water Filters - Bellsouth - Blue Cross Blue Shield - Buick - Babies In Town - Marley and Me - Dolphin Tale
R Us - Burger King - Chapstick - Cablevision - Clorets - GM - KIA Staff: Lori Wyman (Casting Director), Erin Fragetta (Casting
- OnStar - Pledge - Robitussin - Sears - Taco Bell - Toyota - Unicef Associate)
- Tide - Visa - Walt Disney World - Windex - Wendy’s Casts: Film - Television
Staff: George Ortiz (Casting Director) Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail
Casts: Commercials - Voiceovers - Film - Documentaries & or email. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Reality TV - Print
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No Marinella Hume Casting
calls. No drop-offs. Miami, FL
Comments: Specializes in Spanish-language projects, but also Atlanta, GA
casts English-speaking roles. Baltimore, MD
Credits: Chicago PD - Drop Dead Diva - Rings - Sleep Hollow
Independent Castings by Kathy (Season 3) - Ride Along 2 - Million Dollar Arm - Change-Up - Contagion
Laughlin (CSA-SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Bill Marinella (Casting Director), Andrea Hume (Owner/
8313 W. Hillsborough Ave., Ste. 250 President), Chris Bowe (Executive Casting Director), Andrea
Tampa, FL 33615 813-884-8335 Craven (Executive Casting Director), Connie Redd (Director of
813-886-3344 Marketing), Jenna Devitt (Casting Associate), Robb Pendleton
email: (Casting Associate), Dashia Wathen (Casting Associate), Elise
website: Weisengoff (Casting Associate)
Credits: Film: Killroy - The Steam Experiment - Great Expectations Casts: Television - Film - Background Work/Extras
- The Belly of the Beast - Blood Brothers - Out-of-Body - Stranded - Policy: Register for free on website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Scouts Honor - H20 - Blindpass - Free Ride - Amateur Night - Phantom
of the Ritz - Jupiter’s Harvest - The Code - Hallows Point - Carjacked Mark Mullen & Associates Casting,
- Grace is Gone - Chu & Blossom - Wormkiller’s Last Spring; TV: Inc. (CSA)
America’s Most Wanted - The Cure - Family Matters - Guiding Light 3417 Lake Breeze Dr.
- Gregory Harrison Show - It’s a Miracle - Unsolved Mysteries - Boy Orlando, FL 32803 407-234-9672
Meets World - All My Children 310-283-7320 (L.A.)
Staff: Kathryn Laughlin (Casting Director), Kristin Wollett (Casting email:
Associate), Margaret Brammell (Casting Assistant) website:
Casts: Film - Television Credits: Miami Vice - Pirates of the Caribbean - Monster - South
Beach - The Road - Rudo y Cursi - Babel - Sydney White - Never
John Peros Casting Back Down
c/o John Peros Staff: Mark Mullen (Casting Director), Chloe Gordon (Casting
999 S. Orlando Ave. Director), Jenny Conrader (Casting Director)
Winter Park, FL 32789 407-897-0825 (Orlando) Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
Main Office, 1011 North Thornton Ave. - Voiceovers - Television
Orlando, FL 32803 323-515-5721 (Los Angeles) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Fax: 321-697-7076 drop-offs.
email: Comments: Also affiliated with Women in Film and Film Florida.
website: Marquee Entertainment Casting
Credits: Choice Hotels - McDonald’s - Krystal - MetLife - SeaWorld 520 N.W. 165 Street Rd., Ste.103
- Busch Gardens - Universal Studios - Walt Disney World Resorts Miami, FL 33169 305-945-1000
- Valencia College - Pepsi - Gatorade - Wheaties - BlueCross/ 9028 Lindblade St.
BlueShield - Delta Dental - Brighthouse Networks - Time Warner Culver City, CA 90232 310-552-7900
Cable - Purina - etc. email:


website: website:
Credits: The Year of Getting to Know Us - Big City Blues Credits: Film: If You Only Knew - Repo Men - Promises TV:
Staff: Brad Davis (Casting Director), Crystal Schainuck (Casting Christmas in Paradise - Break-In - Vanished - Stranded
Director) Staff: Carlos Rojas (Casting Director/Partner), Eva Edlund-Borges
Casts: Commercials - Infomercials - Film - Documentaries & (Casting Coordinator/Partner), Ginger Wortley (Casting Coordinator/
Reality TV - Print Partner), CJ Bornacelli (Casting Director)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
drop-offs. Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo
reel, postcards, and showcase invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Martini Shot Casting, Ltd. Co.
P.O. Box 23263 GEORGIA
Jacksonville, FL 32241 904-910-3625
email: Alpha Tyler Casting (CSA)
website: 1270 Caroline St.. Ste. D120-455
Credits: Recount - Red Dirt Rising - The Gainesville Ripper - Atlanta, GA 30307 470-222-5142
Haberdash - The Assassin’s Wife - A Swiftly Fading Spirit - Easter email:
Bunny Super Hero - F2f - Automaton Transfusion - Wanted Justice: Credits: BET, Comedy Central, HBO, Oprah Winfrey Network,
Johnnie Mae Chappell - Recount Tyler Perry Studios
Staff: Rita Manyette (Casting Director/President) Staff: Alpha Tyler (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Casts: Television - Film - Interactive & Digital Media - Print -
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email, but email Commercials
preferred. Do not send multiple copies. No calls. Comments: Also teaches at Savannah College of Art and Design.
Comments: Audition taping and coaching (with all COVID protocols
and a temperature check before entry) available for a fee. Annette Stilwell Casting (CSA)
565 Dutch Valley Rd. N.E.
Reel Kasting Productions, LLC Atlanta, GA 30324 404-233-2278
Orlando, FL 386-690-2237 Fax: 404-266-0261
Atlanta, GA email:
email: (production) (talent) website:
website: Credits: AT&T - BMW - Chick-fil-A - Converse - Delta Airlines -
Credits: Let’ - Couples Casting, MTV and VPE Home Depot - EA Sports - Samsung - Smirnoff
- Bass Pro Shop - Hillbillies for Hire (Special Castings) - Waves of Staff: Annette Stilwell (Casting Director), Brian Beegle (Casting
Grace (Feature Film starring Annika Marks from “The Sessions”) - Director), Sara Eckman (Casting Producer), Jeremiah Stephenson
La Voz Kidz, La Mundo (Orlando Leads ) - Happy Feet Commercial (Casting Associate)
- Lego Friends National Commercial - Archivo Cero (Voiceover) - Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music
Department of Defense (Dantes Website Corporate Video; Columbus, Videos - Television
GA) - Department of Defense (Dantes Website Corporate Video; Policy: Submissions through agent or manager only. No calls.
Montgomery, AL) - Department of Defense (Dantes Website Corporate Comments: Full payroll services for cast and crew.
Video; Norfolk, VA) - Venom One (TV Series) - Space Brothers
(Feature Film) - Raising The Dead (Corporate Video) - Traitor In The Atlanta Casting, LLC/The Atlanta
Mist (Corporate Video) - Big Break (Webseries) - World’s Strictest Casting Director
Parents, CMT (Reality Series) - The Father Project, CMT (Reality 3162 Johnson Ferry Rd., Ste. 260-242
Series) - America’s Super Nanny, Lifetime (Reality Series) - - Food Marietta, GA 30062 424-245-5458
Saver, HSN (Infomercial) - Spring Fashion Runway (Runway) - NASA 770-617-4193
Visitors Center (Corporate Video) email:
Staff: Nancy McBride (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Motion Capture - Musicals - Television - Print - Singers Credits: True Memoirs of an International Assassin - Somewhere
& Musicians - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Fashion Shows & to Sit - YES - TV: - Miami Vice - 21 Jump Street - Wiseguy - South
Runway - Promotional Events - Dancers - Documentaries & Reality Beach - Film: - Yes - Mach III - Mr. Nanny - Pronto - Tollbooth - The
TV - Background Work/Extras - Theater - Music Videos - Radio - Last P.O.W? The Bobby Garwood Story
Voiceovers - Industrials - Film - Live Events - Animation - Infomercials Staff: Cheryl Louden-Kubin (Casting Director (CSA))
- Interactive & Digital Media - Commercials Casts: Commercials - Infomercials - Film - Industrials - Music
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. Sign up for Videos - Background Work/Extras - Television
newsletter to find out about projects. No calls.
Comments: Also offers producing services. Background Artists Casting
Atlanta, GA
Universal Casting, LLC email:
6454 N.E. Fourth Ave. Casts: Background Work/Extras
Miami, FL 33138 305-674-1703 Policy: Headshot/full body shot along with name, age, phone
Fax: 305-397-8906 number, city/state, email, height, weight, clothing and shoe size by
email: email only. Men include dress shirt and jacket size along with other


clothing sizes. Women include measurements along with clothing Central Casting (Georgia)
sizes. For cars include model, year, and color. 235 Peachtree St. N.E., Ste. 217
Comments: Casts extras for CW shows. Atlanta, GA 30303 404-920-8011
Big Picture Casting (CSA) Staff: Adam Hochfeld (Vice President), Toni Avalos (Manager),
1026 Atlanta Ave., Ste. C Alyssa Jacobson (Casting Director), Alexandra DiGiacomo (Casting
Decatur, GA 30030 404-919-9293 Director), Brandi Hawkins (Casting Director), Tina Kerr (Casting
email: Director)
website: Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Print
Staff: Jen Kelley (Co-Founder/Casting Director), Rita Harrell - Television
(Co-Founder/Casting Director), Kimberly Thomas (Assistant) Policy: Union and Non-Union. Register in person at office. Check
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television website for times.
Comments: Casts background for TV and film. (See also listing
Carolyn Jenkins Casting under New York Casting Directors, Los Angeles Casting Directors
Atlanta, GA 30318 213-373-1275 and Louisiana Casting Directors)
email: Cherrix Casting (CSA)
Staff: Carolyn Jenkins (Casting Director) P.O. Box 15496
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials Asheville, NC 28813
- Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Background Work/Extras - email:
Documentaries & Reality TV - Print - Television website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Credits: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri - Addicted - The
Originals (2012-2017) - The Vampire Diaries (2010-2013) - Life as We
Casting TaylorMade Know It - Hail Mary (pilot) - All the King’s Men - Domestic Disturbance
Atlanta, GA - The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood - Cassandra French’s
Miami, FL Finishing School for Boys (Pilot) - Into the Wild - The Guardian - The
email: Reaping - Idlewild - Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
website: Staff: Marty Cherrix (Casting Director)
Staff: Heather Taylor (Casting Director/Owner) Casts: Film - Television
Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television Policy: Accepts headshot/resume through agents only.
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Chez Casting (CSA)
Cathy Reinking (CSA) 2221 Peachtree Rd. N.E.
Atlanta, GA Ste. D, Box 335
email: Atlanta, GA 30309 404-603-8755
website: Fax: 404-352-9328
Credits: Frasier - Arrested Development - The British Invasion email:
- Jeff and Ravi Fail History - Frat House Musical website:
Staff: Cathy Reinking (Casting Director) Credits: Candy Jar - Gemini Man - The Land - The 15:17 To Paris
Casts: Commercials - Film - Interactive & Digital Media - Musicals - Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk - Sully - Flight - Kill the Messenger
- Television - Theater - The Joneses - Conjurer - One Missed Call - Madea’s Family Reunion
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/reel by email only. - Blue Collar TV - Diary of a Mad Black Woman - The Price of a Broken
Comments: Casting director, acting coach, and teacher. Heart - How I Spent My Summer Vacation - Savannah - The Vampire
Diaries - Acceptance - Van Wilder: Freshman Year - Stomp the
Catrett-Locke Casting (aka CL Yard - A Perfect Day - We Are Marshall - The Fighting Temptations
Casting) - The Gift - Remember the Titans - Road Trip - 28 Days - A Lesson
Atlanta, GA Before Dying - In the Heat of the Night - Scarlett - Oldest Living
email: Confederate Widow Tells All - Getting Out - Kalifornia - RoboCop
Credits: Film: - The Good Lie - Getaway - Anchorman: The Legend 3 - I’ll Fly Away - Love Potion No. 9 - Consenting Adults - The Gun in
Continues - Crazy Sexy Cool: The TLC Story - Last Vegas - The Hunger Betty Lou’s Handbag - With Murder in Mind - My Cousin Vinny - Glory
Games: Catching Fire - The Internship - 42 - The Watch - My Super Staff: Shay Bentley-Griffin, CSA (Casting Director-CEO), Kyle
Psycho Sweet 16: Part 3 - Papa - TV: - Single Ladies (season 2-3) - Allen Nichols (Casting Associate)
Necessary Roughness (season 2-3) - Witches of East End: Season Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Background Work/Extras
1 (2012 pilot episode) - Local/Principle Casting: - Angry White Men Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Staff: Jennifer Rose Locke (Owner/Casting Director), Jamie drop-offs.
Lynn Catrett (Owner/Casting Director), Kelli Wilcoxen (Assistant) Comments: Emmy-nominated, Atlanta-based, casting director,
Casts: Film - Television and producer. The Chez Group also offers classes and workshops
Policy: See Facebook for specific postings. at Chez Studio.
Comments: Hand selects and calls all talent. No one booked
by email. Available at all times, day or night. No charge for pre- Cynthia Stillwell Casting
production. 245 N. Highland Ave., N.E.
Ste. 230-232


Atlanta, GA 30307 323-972-7975 Hughes Casting Group
email: Duluth, GA 30097
website: email:
Staff: Cynthia Stillwell (Casting Director/Owner)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Television Staff: LaShawna Fitzpatrick-Hughes (Casting Director)
Policy: By mail or email. Casts: Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality
Comments: Casts principals and extras. TV - Television
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel and any links by email only.
Extras Casting Atlanta
Atlanta, GA 404-865-3330 Hylton Casting
email: Atlanta, GA 404-963-1105
website: Fax: 404-600-8196
Credits: The Walking Dead - Scary Movie 5 - Ten - The Watsons website:
Go to Birmingham - Devil’s Knot - The Collection - The Reluctant Credits: Extras Casting: - Survivor’s Remorse, Season 1, 2, and
Fundamentalist - Wanderlust - Joyful Noise - Whitney Brown - 3 - True Memoirs of an International Assassin - Being Mary Jane,
Field of Vision - X–Men: First Class - Hall Pass - Big Mommas: Like Season 1, 2, and 3 - Lila and Eve - The Game, Season 6 and 7 - Being
Father, Like Son - The Lost Valentine - Quarantine 2:Terminal - Life Mary Jane, Season 1 - The Start Up (aka Diggy Simmons Movie) -
As We Know It - Lottery Ticket - The Last Song - The Crazies - The Reed Between the Lines, Season 2 - Plus One - Second Generation
Blind Side - Not Since You - Zombieland - The Joneses - Get Low - Wayans Pilot - Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection - Temptation:
Halloween II (Remake) - My Fake Fiance - One MIssed Call - October Confessions of a Marriage Counselor - House of Payne, Season 1-4,
Road - Stomp the Yard - Revenge of the Nerds (Remake) - We Are 6 - For Better or Worse, Season 1 - Good Deeds - Teen Wolf, Season
Marshall - Broken Bridges - ATL - The Gospel - Warm Springs - Bobby 1 - Madea’s Big Happy Family - I Can Do Bad All By Myself - The Family
Jones: Stroke of Genius That Preys - Madea Goes To Jail - Meet the Browns, Film - Meet the
Staff: Patrick Ingram (Casting Director), Janel Bersabal Browns Pilot - Why Did I Get Married - Reality Casting: - Southern
(Co-Casting Director), Nathan Wright (Associate Casting Director) Fried Lovin (Kinetic Content) - Party at Tiffany’s (OWN) - Flavor of
Casts: Background Work/Extras - Film - Television Love, Season 1 (VH1) - Yo Momma (MTV)
Policy: See website. Staff: Heather H. Bivens (Creative Director/Owner)
Casts: Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality TV
Feldstein | Paris Casting (CSA) - Fashion Shows & Runway - Film - Television - Commercials - Music
Atlanta, GA 910-591-2278 Videos - Print - Industrials - Interactive & Digital Media
Credits: Film: The Leisure Seeker - The Vault - Office Christmas Policy: Register through website.
Party - One Last Thing - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - TV: Stan
Against Evil - Ozark - Brockmire - Making History - The Death of Eva KBA Casting
Sofia Valdez - When the Street Lights Go On - Stranger Things - Good 95 Lake Point Ct.
Behavior - Under the Dome Jefferson, GA 30549 678-871-0672
Staff: Tara Feldstein Bennett (Casting Director), Chase Paris email:
(Casting Director) website:
Casts: Film - Television Credits: Principals: Photo Shoot for Dekalb General (2016) - Print
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. Work for Mizkan (2015) - Spring Break (2014) - Extras: Hospital
Comments: Casts projects for southeastern markets, including Project/Web Ad - Voice Over/Video
Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. Staff: Kimberly Braud (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film -
Fox Casting Background Work/Extras
245 N. Highland Ave., Ste. 230-345 Policy: See Facebook for job specific requests.
Atlanta, GA 30307 404-500-6655
email: Kris Redding Casting Inc. (CSA)
website: P.O. Box 14896
Credits: Front Row Killer - Room for Murder - Simran - Denial - Atlanta, GA 30324 323-313-6318
Your Worst Nightmare - Dead Silent - Swamp Murders - To Catch email:
a Killer - Divorce: A Journey Through Kid’s Eyes - Raleigh Ritchie: website:
Never Better - Commercials/Industrials Credits: Super Intelligence - Pitch Perfect 3 - Life of The Party
Staff: Jessica Fox-Thigpen (Casting Director), Susan G. Reid - The Boss - Anchorman 2 - Kill The Messenger - Let’s be Cops
(Casting Director-Special Projects), Mitchell Moran (Casting Staff: Kris Redding (Casting Director)
Assistant), Bailey Coffer (Casting Assistant) Casts: Commercials - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV -
Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Television
Media - Industrials Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No phone calls.
Policy: Through agents and managers only. No calls. No drop-offs. No drop-offs.
Comments: Fox Casting is an Atlanta-based firm specializing in
principal casting for film, television, commercials, new media and Lindsay Chag Casting (CSA)
industrials throughout the Southeast. 169 Watson Circle S.E.
Atlanta, GA 30317 818-501-0260
Credits: Some Girls - Blood Shot - Ripple Effect


Staff: Lindsay Chag (Casting Director) email:
Casts: Film - Television website:
Policy: Union only. Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No Staff: Laura Bolinger (Casting Director), Maggie Dudeck (Casting
calls. No drop-offs. Assistant)
Casts: Film - Television - Background Work/Extras - Commercials
New Life Casting - Print - Documentaries & Reality TV - Music Videos - Industrials
Atlanta, GA Policy: Accepts headshot, stats, and contact info by email. Phone
email: calls okay. No drop-offs.
Staff: Ann Wittenberg (Casting Director), Tracy Rose (Casting Comments: For over 35 years, and in association with EncoreTalent
Associate) Agency, Laura Bollinger has provided Hawaii Island’s top actor,
Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Television extra, model, stand-in, voiceover, athletic and water sport talent
Policy: Apply through website. of all ethnicities for film, print, commercial, web, and multi-media
productions on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Sky Casting House
Atlanta, GA Ohana Casting (fka Rachel Sutton
email: Casting) (CSA)
Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television 510 18th Ave.
Policy: Background and stand–in submissions by email submit full Honolulu, HI 96816 808-535-4940
body photo/face shot/recent snapshot include full name, your height, email:
full contact info, and city/state. Principal actors by email submit website:
headshot/resume and contact information. State if SAG or SAGe. Credits: Magnum PI - Inhumans - Hawaii Five–0 - Lost
Staff: Rachel Sutton (Casting Director), Brent Anbe (Casting
Tammy Smith Casting Associate)
2870 Peachtree Rd., Ste. 818 Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Atlanta, GA 30305 404-433-7616 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email to actors@rachelsut-
email: for principal roles. Keep in mind you have to live
website: in Hawaii or be a local hire to Hawaii to submit for work. No calls.
Credits: Ozark (Netflix) - Black Panther - The Originals (CW TV No drop-offs.
series) - Get On Up (Universal Pictures) - Barely Lethal (RKO Pictures) Comments: Also belongs to Local 996. CSA Member since 2011.
- Blended (Warner Bros.) - Endless Love (Universal Pictures) - Need
For Speed (Dreamworks) - The Homesman (Briggs and Cuddy Inc.) IDAHO
- Prisoners (Alcon Entertainment) - The Last of Robin Hood (T.B.G.
Productions) - LG Commercial (Caviar) - Anna Nicole Smith (Sony Flannel Background
Pictures/Lifetime) - The Middle (T.B.G. Productions) - Identity Thief Post Falls, ID 83854 509-631-9157
(Universal Pictures) - Rise (Warner Bros.) - Revolution (pilot, NBC) email:
Staff: Tammy Smith (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Background Work/Extras - Film - Television Credits: Z Nation - Knights of Badassdom - River Murders - The
Policy: Register on website. No calls. Ward - Oy Vey My Son is Gay - Camilla Dickinson - The Hit List
Staff: Lance Mitchell (Owner/Agent)
Winsome Sinclair & Associates (WSA Casts: Background Work/Extras
International) Policy: Visit the website and follow the instructions under the
5713 Wellborn Creek Dr. ‘Join’ tab.
Lithonia, GA 30058 347-985-0089 Comments: Founded in 2008 as LLL Talent, Flannel Background
email: is an inland, northwest background actors agency. Providing back- ground for film, commercial, and TV projects.
Credits: TV: Nappily Ever After - Being Mary Jane - Bessie - Michelle’s Talent
Film: All - Luv Tale - All Eyes on Me - Barbershop 3 - Respect the 808 Green Dr.
Jux - Seasons of Love - Peeples (Extras Casting) - Sparkle (Extras Pocatello, ID 83204 208-251-4953
Casting) - Abduction (Extras Casting) - Precious (Extras Casting) - 2 Fax: 208-234-4035
Fast 2 Furious (Extras Casting) email:
Staff: Winsome Sinclair (Casting Director) Credits: Puppy Love - Breakfast of Champions - New Detectives
Casts: Film - Television - The Largest Horse in the World - Into the West - The Hay Field -
Policy: Submit through website. Ship Rock - Commercials: Cactus Pete’s Casino - Simplot - Farm
Comments: Produces, Casts principals. Entertainment consulting Bureau - Syringa Wireless - Idaho State University - Portneuf
company. Also offers workshops. Medical - Bingham Memorial - Idaho Central Credit Union
Staff: Michelle Betty (Casting Director/Makeup Artist)
HAWAII Casts: Commercials - Infomercials - Live Events - Film - Industrials
- Voiceovers - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality
Big Island Casting TV - Dancers - Television
Kona, HI 96740 808-990-7848 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel, postcards, and
Hawaii Island, HI showcase invitations by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.


Comments: Also provides talent. Staff: Claire Simon (Casting Director), Catlyne Lasser (Casting
Associate), Tanisha Tyler (Junior Casting Associate), Cassidy Morey
ILLINOIS (Casting Associate), Clayton Joyner (Casting Assistant)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television - Musicals
4 Star Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Chicago, IL 224-377-8271 drop-offs.
Credits: Feature: The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Chicago Unit) - Compass Casting (CSA)
Candyman aka Say My Name - Beats - The Last Summer (Chicago 4312 N. Lincoln Ave.
Unit) - Proud Mary (Chicago Unit) - Rampage (Chicago Unit) - Gringo Chicago, IL 60618 312-339-5198
(Chicago Unit) - Widows - How It Ends (Chicago Unit) - The Book of website:
Leah - Hala - Teacher - What They Had - When Jeff Tried to Save the Staff: Sarah Clark (Casting Director (CSA)), Eve Rosenthal
World - Soul Sessions - The Perfect Christmas Present - Death Wish (Casting Assistant)
(Chicago Unit) - Office Christmas Party (Chicago Unit) - Chi-Raq Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
- The Boss (Chicago Unit) - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Policy: Inquiries through website.
(Chicago Unit) - Divergent - Television: Empire, Seasons 2-6 - Fargo,
Season 4 - Station Eleven, Season 1 - Next, Season 1 - Utopia, Season ExtraOrdinary Casting
1 - Soundtrack, Season 1 - Work in Progress, Season 1, Episode Chicago, IL 312-656-4211
#103, #104, #105, #107, #108 - Batwoman, Season 1, Episode #101 email:
(Chicago Unit) - Arrow, Season 7, Episode 709 (Chicago Unit) - Run,
Season 1, Episode #103 (Chicago Unit) - Tiny Pretty Things, Season website:
1 (Chicago Unit) - Lovecraft, Season 1 (Chicago Unit) - Easy, Seasons Credits: Film: The Aftermath Short - Prank’d - Bad Johnson -
2-3 - Red Line, Season 1 - Proven Innocent, Season 1 - Gone Baby Drinking Buddies - Station to Station - Freudian Slip - Dhoom 3 - One
Gone, Pilot - No Apologies, Pilot - Southside, Pilot - The Chi, Seasons Small Hitch - The Return of Joe Rich - What’s Your Raashee? - Public
1-3 - Shameless, Episodes #6, #8, #9, #10 (Chicago Unit) - American Enemies - The Unborn - Horsemen - The Strip - The Time Traveler’s
Crime Story, #203 - Chicago P.D., Season 5, Episode #501, #502 Wife - Traitor - Nothing Like The Holidays - Baby on Board - The
- Electric Dreams, Season 1 - The Exorcist, Season 1 - APB, Season Express - The Lucky Ones - Samaritan - Meet the Browns - Witless
1 - Patriot, Season 1 - Ozark, Season 1 (Chicago Unit) - Zoobiquity, Protection - Friday Night Fever - TV: - Randy To The Rescue (TLC
Pilot - The Girlfriend Experience, Season 1, (Chicago Unit) - Runner, Productions) - Pizza Wars (The Food Channel) - Burger Wars
Pilot - Sirens, Season 2 - Crisis, Season 1 (The Food Channel) - Food War: Chicago (CMT) - Doubt (ABC
Staff: Jess Gisin Needham (Casting Director), Erin E. Stewart pilot and series) - Betrayal (ABC pilot and series) - Sirens” (USA
Tiedje (Casting Director), Amanda Bolger (Casting Director), Alicia pilot and series) - Mob Doctor (Woodridge Productions) - ESPN
Samaan (Casting Director), Rebecca Martin (Casting Director), Lexi Promo (Bisquit Filmworks) - Untitled Josh Berman/Rob Wright Pilot
Marman Cowden (Casting Los Angeles) (20th Century Fox Television) - VH1 Promo (Story Productions) -
Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television Underemployed (MTV Productions) - Shameless (Pilot & Ep.#s 1-6,
Policy: See website for submission details. Sterling Films) - The Chicago Code (entire first season, 20th Century
Comments: Casts union and nonunion extras from Chicago Fox Television) - Ellen’s Somewhat Special Special (Telepictures
and surrounding areas. Productions) - Martin Lawrence Presents:1st Amendment Stand
Up (Starz Entertainment) - Ride Along aka The Chicago Code
Atmosphere Casting of Chicago (pilot, 20th Century Fox Television) - ATF aka The Line (pilot, Sony
Chicago, IL 312-380-9872 Pictures Television) - Shameless (pilot, Sterling Films) - America’s
email: Got Talent (season 5 Chicago Casting Call, Fremantle Media) - The
website: Oprah Winfrey Show (24th season kick-off flash mob, Partizan) -
Credits: Boss - The Dilemma - Shameless - Jupiter Ascending Blackboards and Bullies (Discovery Channel - UK) - The Forgotten
Staff: Jon Kinnas (Owner/Casting Director) (pilot, ABC/Bonanza Productions) - State of Romance (pilot, NBC
Casts: Background Work/Extras - Film - Television Universal Television) - The ‘O’ Mission (pilot, Octane Rich Media)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. - The Beast (entire first season, Sony Pictures Television) - Night
Comments: Casts primarily background. Moves (pilot, Sound Image Productions) - Family Practice (pilot,
Sony Pictures Television) - ER (Chicago Scenes/Seasons 13–15,
Claire Simon Casting (CSA-ATAS) Warner Bros. Television) - Prison Break (entire first season, 20th
2558 W. 16th St., Fifth Fl. Century Fox Television)
Chicago, IL 60608 312-202-0124 Staff: Darlene Hunt (President/Co-Founder), Rachel Komar
website: (Co-Founder), Sara Plano (Casting Assistant)
Credits: Chicago Fire - Seasons 1-7 - Chicago PD - Seasons 1-6 - Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Print - Promotional
Easy Season 2-3 - Hot Date Season 1 - Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams Events - Background Work/Extras
Season 1 - Empire - Season 1-5 - Sense8 - Season 1, 2 - The Girlfriend Policy: ExtraOrdinary Casting no longer accepts physical submis-
Experience - Season 1 - Jupiter Ascending - Unexpected - Man of sions. To register, email headshot, resume, name, phone number,
Steel - Divergent - Contagion - Save the Last Dance - High Fidelity - A email address, zip code, age, ethnicity, languages spoken, height,
Home at the End of the World - The Last Rites of Joe May - Chicago weight, hair color, eye color, tattoo/body piercings (be specific),
Fire - Mob Doctor - Boss - The Beast - Family Practice - What About special talents/abilities, if you own a bike, skate board, roller skates,
Joan - Prison Break (pilot and first season) - Ride Along - Matadors - etc., animals, military experience, occupation (i.e. waiter/cop/
ATF - Pleading Guilty - Shameless - Detroit 1-8-7 - The Chicago Code nurse/paramedic, etc), and emergency contact.


Joan Philo Casting email:
1816 S. Racine website:
Chicago, IL 60608 773-350-1730 Credits: Film: Transformers 4 - Slice - A Very Harold & Kumar
website: Christmas - Public Enemies - Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party - The Dilemma - The Weather Man - Stranger Than Fiction - TV: Patriot
Credits: Boss - The Playboy Club - Colombiana - Transformers 3 – - Easy - Shameless - Shrink
Establishing shot, - April test shoot only! (not Chicago shoot!) - Firsts Staff: Mickie Paskal (Casting Director), Jennifer Rudnicke (Casting
– Vince Vaughn pilot - Little Fockers (Chicago Casting) - Nightmare Director), Alexis Jade Links (Casting Associate)
on Elm Street 2010 - Couples Retreat - Public Enemies – Chicago, Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
IL, Madison, Oshkosh, & Little Bohemia WI, Crown Point, IN - The - Television
Dark Knight - Fred Claus - The Grudge 2 (2nd Unit) - License to Wed Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Attends
(visual shots) - British Telecom (world-wide print ad) - The Break showcases. No calls. No drop-offs.
Up (additional photography) - Flags of Our Fathers - Stranger than
Fiction - Prison Break – Joliet, IL - Quarter Life - Derailed - Batman Steppenwolf Theatre Company
Begins - Wicker Park - Surviving Christmas - The Inlaws - The Mind Casting (CSA)
Of The Married Man - ER - Ali - New Port South – Libertyville, IL - 1700 N. Halsted St.
High Fidelity - The Straight Story – Laurens, Iowa - Chain Reaction Chicago, IL 60614 312-335-1888
– Madison & Lake Geneva, WI - Soul Food - Steal Big/Steal Little website:
– Santa Barbara, CA - Richie Rich - Stuart Saves His Family - I Love Staff: JC Clementz (Casting Director)
Trouble – Wisconsin Dells, WI - Little Big League - Blue Chips - The Casts: Theater
Fugitive - Judgement Night - Dennis The Menace - Groundhog Day Policy: Accepts headshots/resume by email only. Submission
– Woodstock, IL - Dutch - Home Alone 2 - Angel Street - Watch It! - guidelines available on website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Mad Dog & Glory - Prelude To A Kiss - Candyman - V.I. Warshawski Comments: Casts for Steppenwolf Theatre productions.
- Backdraft (2nd Unit)
Staff: Joan Philo (Casting Director) Trap Door Casting
Casts: Background Work/Extras 1655 W. Cortland Ave.
Policy: See website. Chicago, IL 60622 773-384-0494
Karge Ross Casting (CSA) website:
c/o IO Theater, 1501 N. Kingsbury St. Staff: Beata Pilch (Casting Director)
Chicago, IL 60642 312-888-9567 Casts: Theater
774-722-8675 Policy: Headshot/resume/reel or postcards and showcase invita-
email: tions by mail or email. Union and non-union. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Also casts independent films.
Credits: The Chi - Chicago Med - Next - Empire - Captive State INDIANA
- Canal Street - Hala
Staff: Marisa Ross (Casting Director), Christal Karge (Casting Artistic Enterprises, Inc.
Director), Jenn Noyes (Casting Associate), Hunter McCormick 4455 McCoy St., #300
(Casting Associate) Indianapolis, IN 46226 317-722-1717
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or drop-offs. website:
Credits: Hard Rain - The Babe - Roommates - Blue Chips - Soul of
O’Connor Casting Company (CSA) the Game - Best of the Best, Part III - Now & Then - The Late Show
1219 W. Madison St. with David Letterman - Rescue 911 - The Men of Monford Point
Chicago, IL 60607 312-226-9112 Staff: Michelle Moore (Casting Director)
email: Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
website: Policy: See website for open call information. No drop -offs.
Credits: U.S. Bank - FedEx - Wendy’s - AT&T - McDonald’s -
Playstation - ESPN - Walmart - M&Ms - Ford - GM - Buick KENTUCKY
Staff: David O’Connor (Casting Director), Joan O’Connor (Casting
Director), Virginia Anello (Casting Director), Jessica Lyons (Session Academy Arts Entertainment (SAG-AFTRA)
Director), Jessica “JK” Kirstein (Casting Coordinator) P.O. Box 31
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Animation - Prospect, KY 40059 502-608-3364
Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Print - Television email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail, submissions through website:
agents and managers preferred. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Vin Morreale Jr. (Casting Director), Mandy Michelle (Casting
Paskal Rudnicke Casting (CSA) Casts: Film - Television - Background Work/Extras - Theater
10 W. Hubbard St., Ste. 2N - Commercials - Industrials - Live Events - Radio - Promotional
Chicago, IL 60654 312-527-0665 Events - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Print
Fax: 312-527-9085 Policy: Union and nonunion. Submissions accepted by email.


No calls. No drop-offs. 12a Lake Dr.
Comments: Largest independent casting service in the Greater Round Rock, Texas 78665
Kentucky area, stretching into Southern Indiana, Southern Ohio, email:
and Tennessee. Maintains a database of both represented and website:
unrepresented talent across 19 states. Credits: First Man(regional casting assistant) - The Killing of a
Sacred Deer - The Shadow People - Fashionista - Real Food Kids - Stage
LOUISIANA V - American Honey - Midnight Special - Chupacabra - The Last Word
- Bigfoot Wars - Adventures of Pepper and Paula - Tedesky - Lucas
Anne Massey Casting Cain - Open Windows - Rebellious Children of the Unconscious -
3100 Division St., First Fl. Voyage of Time - Weightless - My Dog The Champion - Far Marfa
Metairie, LA 70002 888-810-9060 Staff: Karen Hallford (Casting Director), Ashley Hallford (Casting
email: Director, Extras Casting), Alexis Mavromatis (Office Manager)
website: Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Live Events -
Credits: Film: Hidden Worlds 3D for IMAX. - TV: True Blood - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Background Work/
The Biggest Loser - Next Action Star - elimiDATE. - Commercials: Extras - Documentaries & Reality TV - Promotional Events - Print
Capital One - Bing - Television
Staff: Anne Massey (Casting Director) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Casts: Commercials - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV - drop-offs.
Television Comments: Family run casting team providing both principal
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No and extras casting, fulfilling all of a production’s casting needs.
calls. No drop-offs. With combined experience in front of and behind the camera, the
team creates a well-rounded and seasoned approach to bring the
Caballero Casting (CSA) casting vision to life. Offers casting services in the Southwest,
9522 Brookline Dr. internationally, and travels wherever needed in order to find the
Baton Rouge, LA 70809 504-342-4945 best talent for any projects.
Fax: 225-610-1669
email: Central Casting (Louisiana)
website: 1450 Poydras St., Ste. 2280
Credits: Pitch Perfect 2 - True Detective - 12 Years a Slave - New Orleans, LA 70112 504-648-8739
Treme - Homefront - Killer Joe - Transit - Brotherhood - Pitch Perfect website:
Staff: Brent Caballero (Owner/Casting Director), Hank Langlois Staff: Adam Hochfeld (Vice President), Mary Huber (Manager),
(Casting Director) Blossom Peters (Casting Director)
Casts: Film - Television - Background Work/Extras - Commercials Casts: Commercials - Film - Background Work/Extras - Print
- Industrials - Television
Policy: Casts union and nonunion. No unsolicited submissions. Policy: Union and Non-Union. Register in person at office. Check
No calls. No drop-offs. website for times.
Comments: Maintains offices in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Comments: Casts background for TV and film. (See also listing
under New York Casting Directors, Los Angeles Casting Directors,
The Casting Office, Inc. (CSA-ATAS) and Georgia Casting Directors)
5860 Citrus Blvd., Ste. D 166
New Orleans, LA 70123 504-812-5552 (NOLA) Coulon Casting, Inc. (CSA)
1523 Constance St., Ste. 2D
Atlanta, GA 404-228-7046 (Atlanta) New Orleans, LA 70130 504-569-0683
email: email:
Credits: Venom - Avalanche - American Animals - The Highwaymen website:
- Words on Bathroom Walls - Five Feet Apart - Mr. Mercedes (Season Credits: Logan - Get Out - The Magnificent Seven - 10 Cloverfield
2) - Queen Sugar (Seasons 2 & 3) - Hap & Leonard (Seasons 2 & Lane - Terminator: Genysis - Jack Reacher: Never Go Back - 21 Jump
3) - Cloak & Dagger (Season 1) Street - 22 Jump Street - 2 Guns - The East - Bullet to the Head - On
Staff: Tracy Kilpatrick, CSA (Casting Director), Blair Foster, CSA the Road - Welcome to the Rileys - Jeff, Who Lives at Home
(Casting Associate) Staff: Elizabeth Coulon (Casting Director), Amelia Chen-Miley
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television (Casting Associate)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume through an agent or by email. Casts: Film - Television
No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. See website for
Comments: Casts film/television in the New Orleans, Atlanta, details. No calls. No drop-offs.
and North Carolina markets.
Glorioso Casting, LLC (CSA)
Casting Works LA 1523 Constance St., Ste. D
2851 Joe DiMaggio Blvd., Bldg. 7 New Orleans, LA 70130 504-265-1850
Austin, TX 78665 512-686-1352 (Texas) email:
2803 Phillips St. website:
New Orleans, LA 70119 504-324-2269 (Louisiana) Credits: Looking for Alaska - 13 Reasons Why - On Becoming
Atlanta, GA a God in Central Florida - The Lovebirds - The Purge (Season 2) -


Unhinged - The Dirt - Preacher Staff: Kimberly Skyrme (Casting Director)
Staff: Ryan Glorioso (Casting Director), Justin Coulter (Casting Casts: Film - Television - Background Work/Extras
Associate) Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Headshot added to
Casts: Film - Television internal database.
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers by
request only. Extras can submit through website. No drop-offs. Pat Moran Casting (CSA)
3500 Boston St., Ste. 425
Rick Landry Casting Baltimore, MD 21224 410-558-0400
4020 Newton St. email:
Metairie, LA 70001 504-454-8000 website:
Credits: Film: Monster’s Ball - Tightrope - Hard Target - Pelican Credits: Discover This! - The Washingtonienne - My One &
Brief - Heaven’s Prisoner - Angel Heart - TV Series: - In the Heat Only - State of Play - Step Up II: The Streets - The Wire - Syriana - A
of the Night - The Big Easy - Sweet Justice - Miniseries: The Long Dirty Shame - Wedding Crashers - VEEP - Homicide: Life on the
Hot Summer Streets - Hairspray - Game Change
Staff: Rick Landry (Casting Director) Staff: Pat Moran (Casting Director), Nick Charles (Casting
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television Associate), Scott Philip Goergens (Casting Associate), Jonah
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail. No calls. Wortman (Casting Assistant), Emily Sienicki (Casting Assistant)
No drop-offs. Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
- Television
RPM Casting (CSA) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
800 Richard St. No drop-offs.
New Orleans, LA 70130 504-224-2278 Comments: Member of the ATAS.
Credits: Film: First Man - The Butler - 12 Years a Slave - Beautiful Taylor Royall | Betsy Royall Casting
Creatures - Django Unchained - The Host - Battleship - Colombiana (CSA)
- The Social Network - Grown Ups - Surrogates - TV: - NCIS: New 1304 Smith Ave., Ste. 200
Orleans - Treme - Memphis Beat - The Wire Baltimore, MD 21209 410-828-6900
Staff: Meagan Lewis (Casting Director) Fax: 410-828-1281
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television email:
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No
drop-offs. website:
MARYLAND Credits: National and regional commercials.
Staff: Scott Goodhue (Casting Director)
Historical Extras Cast and Crew Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
25450 Highfield Rd. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Cascade, MD 21719 301-800-6553 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
9099 Highway 51 N. Comments: Parent company of Betsy Royall Casting.
Southaven, MS 38671 901-831-8108
email: Taylor Royall | Betsy Royall Casting (CSA)
website: 1304 Smith Ave., Ste. 200
Credits: Gettysburg - Gods and Generals - Cold Mountain - National Baltimore, MD 21209 410-493-7322
Treasure 2 - CSI:Las Vegas - History Channel Discovery Channel - email:
NatGeo - Smithsonian TV - MTV
Staff: Russ 5. Richards (CEO) website:
Casts: Commercials - Live Events - Film - Music Videos -
Documentaries & Reality TV - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts Credits: A Modest Suggestion - Twenty Questions - The West
- Television Wing - National and regional commercials
Policy: See website. Staff: Betsy Royall (Casting Director), Scott Goodhue (Casting
Comments: Providing the very best in Historical Cast and Crew Director)
since 2000. Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
Kimberly Skyrme Casting No drop-offs.
4313 Sheridan St.
University Park, MD 20782 646-242-0929 (cell) MASSACHUSETTS
244 Fifth Ave., Ste. 2966
New York, NY 10001 212-576-8868 (NY) Boston Casting (CSA)
1200 S. Conkling St., Ste. 427 129 Braintree St., Ste. 107
Baltimore, MD 21224 646-242-0929 (cell) Boston, MA 02134 617-254-1001
email: Motion Cyc Studio, 162 Columbus Ave.
website: Boston, MA 617-254-1001


Fax: 617-254-3003
website: MICHIGAN
Credits: Patriot’s Day - R.I.P.D. - Here Comes the Boom - Ted - The
Fighter - Knight and Day - Furry Vengeance - Edge of Darkness - The Carrie Ray Casting
Lightkeepers - The Proposal - Knowing 1012 S. Washington Ave.
Staff: Angela Peri (Casting Director, Founder, and Co-Owner), Royal Oak, MI 48067
Lisa Lobel (Casting Director and Co-Owner), Ann Baker (Casting email:
Director), Hilary Missan (Casting Director), Jennifer Dwyer (Casting website:
Associate), Sara Otteman (Extras Casting Director), Elise Wine Credits: Up in the Air - Real Steel - This Must Be the Place -
(Office Manager/Casting Assistant), Jerry Dwyer Jr. (Extras Casting Conviction - Flipped
Director), Anthony Kanaley (Extras Casting), Mike Clifford (Extras Staff: Carrie Ray (Casting Director)
Casting), Heather Whitty (Extras Casting) Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls.
Policy: Submissions accepted by website. No calls. No drop-offs. No drop-offs.
Comments: Services include live video feed of casting sessions,
field casting for real people, on-set talent wrangling, online video Detroit Casting Company (CSA)
casting, online searchable database, and personalized service.
Detroit, MI 248-336-9885
CP Casting, LLC (CSA) email:
King Terminal Building, 110 K St., Ste. 340
Boston, MA 02127 617-451-0996 website:
email: Credits: The End of the Tour - Into the Storm - Alex Cross - Love
website: and Honor
Credits: Little Women - Hubie Halloween - Jungleland - American Staff: Dayna Polehanki (Casting Director)
WomanCastle Rock - X-Men:The New Mutants - Detroit - Daddy’s Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
Home 2 - Live By Night - Manchester-by-the-Sea - Spotlight - Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only. No calls.
November Criminals - Black Mass - The Devil You Know - American Comments: Casts projects for all of Michigan/Midwest.
Odyssey - Olive Kitteridge - Irrational Man - Infinitely Polar Bear - The
Company Men - The Town - Clear History - The Heat - The Way, Way Pound & Mooney Casting
Back - Moonrise Kingdom Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Staff: Carolyn Pickman (Casting Director), Matt Bouldry (Casting email:
Director), Kyle Crand (Casting Director) website:
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Credits: Film: Batman v. Superman Dawn of Justice - Sparkle -
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Attach resume Freaky Deaky - A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas - The Ides of
to back of head shot on all four corners. No calls. No drop-offs. March - Salvation Boulevard - Cedar Rapids - Gran Torino - Whip
It - Youth in Revolt - Jumper - Killshot - Grosse Pointe Blank - TV:
Paradice Casting Hung - Last Man Standing
1354 Hancock St., Ste. 205 Staff: Janet Pound (Casting Director), Kathy Mooney (Casting
Qunincy, MA 02169 617-424-6805 Director)
email: Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
website: Policy: No hard copies. Submit headshots and resumes to
Staff: Melissa Paradice (Owner/Casting Director) No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Print - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. Envelope Rossa Casting (FKA Fahey-Dreher
on door for headshot drop-offs. Voiceover demos accepted digitally/ Casting)
electronically. 233 Fulton St. E., Ste. 102
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Slate Casting email:
162 Columbus Ave. website:
Boston, MA 02116 617-932-7576 Credits: Film: 30 Minutes or Less - Setup - Playback - Things
617-932-7590 Fall Apart - The Christmas Bunny - The Gun - What If ... - Hopeful
email: Notes - Steam Experiment - Cherry - Offspring - COMMERCIAL: - Lake; Michigan Credit Union - Meijer - Steelcase Inc. - AMWAY Corp. - West
website: Elm/William Sonoma - Gore Medical
Staff: Ashley Skomurski (Casting Director), Julie Arvedon Staff: Tracey Walker (Casting Director), Ellie Frances (Casting
Knowlton (Casting Director), Aaron Kahl (Casting Director), Molly Director)
Oliver (Casting), Marina Paolino (Casting) Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - - Print - Television
Industrials - Voiceovers - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries Policy: Union/nonunion. Headshot/resume email submissions
& Reality TV - Television only. See website for additional instructions. No drop-offs. No calls.
Policy: By mail. Joining mailing list through website. Comments: Tracey Walker and Ellie Frances took over the
company in 2014 from Maureen Fahey-Dreher.


Staff: Terry Vanderwier (Casting Director)
Lynn Blumenthal Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
401 N. Third St., Ste. 660 Policy: Not accepting headshot/resume at this time. No calls.
Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-338-0369
Fax: 612-338-7873 Wright/Laird Casting
email: 1636 Broadway
website: Kansas City, MO 64108 816-531-0331
Credits: Lady Dynamite - Wilson - In an Instant - Dear White People email:
- Kumiko: The Treasure Hunter - Stay Then Go - Best Man Down - The website:
Convincer - Cedar Rapids - Ticket Out - Factotum - Joe Somebody
Staff: Lynn Blumenthal (Casting Director) Credits: American Honey - All Creatures Here Below - The Good
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television Lie - Winter’s Bone - COMMERCIAL: - Sprint - NASCAR - Kelloggs
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail. - Metlife - Walmart - Garmin - McDonald - Google - Applebee’s -
Accepts showcase invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Verizon - Capitol One - Gillette - Budweiser - Gatorade - Citibank
- AMC - Wingstop - American Century - Wendy’s
MISSOURI Staff: Heather Laird (Casting Director), Chad Crenshaw (Casting
Carrie Houk Casting (CSA) Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Print - Television
6334 Alamo Ave. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/comp cards/composites by
St. Louis, MO 63105-3104 314-517-5253 email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: The Game of Their Lives - Election - King of the Hill - White MONTANA
Palace - Saving Shiloh
Staff: Carrie Houk (Casting Director) Tina Buckingham Casting
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers 719 S. Seventh Ave.
- Television Bozeman, MT 59715 406-539-9758
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail email:
only. Attends showcases. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Wildlife - The Ballad of Lefty Brown - Don’t Come Knocking
Hanson Entertainment Industries, - A Fork in the Road - Taking Chance - A Plumm Summer - Northfork
Inc. (CSA) Staff: Tina Buckingham (Casting Director)
1332 Strassner Dr. Casts: Commercials - Film
St. Louis, MO 63144 Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail.
website: Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Television: Evil Things - My Haunted House - My Crazy Comments: Also works with Montana Actors Studio.
Sex - DJ5 - The Profit - The Weight - Film: Ultra Guys - Headless - Solo
- Fishing - Tiger Jake - Jacob’s Room - A Fall from Grace - National NEBRASKA
Commercials: AT&T - Build–A–Bear - Budweiser - Colgate - NFL -
Motorola - Sea World - NASCAR - Nike - Miller Light Actors Etc. Limited
Staff: Kim Marie Swanson (Casting Director) 9773 Lafayette Plaza
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers Omaha, NE 68114 402-391-3153
- Print - Television email:
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail website:
only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Randy Nogg (Casting Director)
Comments: Member of the Academy of Televison Arts & Sciences. Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel,
Joni Tackette Casting (CSA) postcards, and showcase invitations by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
103 W. Lockwood Ave., Ste. 217
St. Louis, MO 63119 314-962-2001 NEVADA
website: Barbara Lauren Casting
Credits: Film/TV and Commercial credits listed on website. Las Vegas, NV
Staff: Joni Tackette (Casting Director) email:
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Background Work/ website:
Extras - Television Credits: 24 Hour Fitness - ABC Primetime - All State - AMC -
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No Americas Most Wanted - Anema Cellular - Applebees - Axe - Bud
drop-offs. Light - Cannon - Capital One - Caesars Palace - Century Link - Chips
Comments: Principals and background casting. Ahoy - Coke - Coors
Staff: Barbara Lauren (Casting Director)
Terry Vanderwier Casting Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
St. Louis, MO 904-610-5960 - Voiceovers - Documentaries & Reality TV - Print - Television


Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. Michael Billings Casting
840 S. Rancho Dr., Ste. 4-628
David Anthony Casting Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-332-2003
2151 Citrus Hills Ave., #1099 email:
Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-266-5500 website:
2039 Gabriel Dr. Staff: Michael Billings (Casting Director)
Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-266-5500 Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
email: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Staff: David Anthony (Owner) drop-offs.
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film
- Industrials - Voiceovers - Television NEW MEXICO
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by email or mail.
No out-of-state submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Jo Edna Boldin Casting (CSA)
Comments: Casts primarily background. 3901 Georgia N.E., Ste. E3
Albuquerque, NM 87110 505-884-3455
Goldman & Associates email:
170 South Green Valley Pkwy, Ste. 300 Credits: Godless - Hell or High Water - Only the Brave - Sicario -
Henderson, NV 89074 702-990-3210 Midnight, Texas - Waco - Get Shorty - The Last Stand - No Country
9680 W. Tropicana Ave., Ste.126 for Old Men - True Grit - Crazy Heart - The Book of Eli
Las Vegas, Nevada 89147 702-485-5673 Staff: Jo Edna Boldin (Casting Director), Marie McMaster (Casting
Fax: 702-837-3418 Associate)
email: Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Television
website: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Accepts
Staff: Julie Goldman (Owner/Casting Director) postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Print - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo Kathryn Brink Casting (CSA)
reel by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. 721 Solano Dr. N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87110 505-266-6211
Marilee Lear Casting, CSA (CSA) email:
1414 N. Hollywood Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89101 702 235-7876 website:
Fax: 702-453-6601 Credits: Burning Bodhi - Hellbent - Transpecos - At the End of the
email: Santa Fe Trail - Odd Thomas - Lemonade Mouth - Easy Money - In
Credits: Film: Puppies For Christmas - Death In The Desert - Lost Plain Sight - MacGruber - Wild Hogs - The Burning Plain
In Las Vegas - Rich In A Flash - $200,000 Dirty - A.R.T. in Las Vegas Staff: Kathryn Brink (Casting Director)
- Venus & Vegas - Supercross - Blackcloud - Road Trip - Rush Hour Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
II - 3,000 Miles to Graceland - Dr. T and the Women - Luckytown - A Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Leonard Cohen Afterworld/ High Way - Closer to Twilight - Hearts drop-offs.
and Bones - Speedway Junkie - Go - Lethal Weapon IV - Entropy - L.A.
Without a Map - Very Bad Things - Crocodile Tears - My Giant - Dance Latham Casting
With Me - Arlette - Con Air - Vegas Vacation - Breakdown - For Which Albuquerque, NM 505-604-2642
He Stands - Fools Rush In - Mars Attacks - Get Shorty - The Great email:
White Hype - Feeling Minnesota - Bogus - The Raven’s Kiss - Casino - website:
Showgirls - Sister Act II - Road Killers - The Good Son - Best of the Best Credits: Extras Casting: - Sicario - Lone Survivor - The Lone
II - Honeymoon in Vegas - TV: Royal Pains - The Ellen Degeneres Show Ranger - Cowboys & Aliens
- America’s Most Wanted - Dreamboat - Crime Scene Investigations Staff: Lorrie Latham (Casting Director)
- Deuces Wild - Women of Wrestling - The Pretender - 7 Days - The Casts: Background Work/Extras
Strip - X Files - V.I.P. - The Net - Coronation Street - The Last Don Policy: See website for submission details.
(MOW) - Desert Breeze (Pilot) - Fresh Prince of Bel Air - The Watcher Comments: Hires background actors for all types of non-speaking
(Series) - Saved By the Bell IV Wedding - Treasure Island - McShane roles in movies, television and commercials in the Albuquerque, New
(two MOWs) - Man of the People (two episodes) - The Entertainers - Mexico area. Latham Casting also provides fee-based professional
Jack of Hearts (Pilot) - Unsolved Mysteries (eight episodes) - Reality photography services.
TV: American Host Family - Pokerstars Challenge - The List - World
Series Blackjack - American Dream Derby - Temptation Island - SPY Midthunder Casting, LLC (CSA-ATAS)
TV - Make My Day - Taxi Cab Confessions P.O. Box 4452
Staff: Marilee Lear (Casting Director), Ally Lear (Casting Assistant) Santa Fe, NM 87502 818-613-9208
Casts: Television - Film - Commercials - Theater - Industrials email:
- Voiceovers website:
Policy: By email or mail. Credits: Blood Father - Captain Fantastic - Shot Caller - Dirty
Comments: An experienced team in all phases of production. Weekend - Big Sky - Longmire (Season 1) - Drunktown’s Finest - The
Night Shift (Pilot) - Georgia O’Keeffe - Comanche Moon - CocaCola
- Dolce & Gabbana - Phillips 66


Staff: Angelique Midthunder, CSA (Casting Director), Jennifer Associate (Atlanta))
Schwalenberg, CSA (Casting Associate) Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television
Casts: Film - Television - Commercials Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Policy: Agency submissions only unless casting for “real people.” No calls. No drop-offs.
Actors must be based in New Mexico.
Comments: Angelique Midthunder, CSA: Emmy nominated for Jackie Burch Casting (CSA)
“Georgia O’Keeffe”. Atlanta, GA 310-569-3201
White Turtle Casting website:
6100 Fourth St. Credits: Hidden Figures - Die Hard - The Breakfast Club - Sixteen
Albuquerque, NM 87107 505-316-6101 Candles - Dick Tracy - Three Amigos - Coming to America - Iron
email: Man 3 - 42 - The Hunger Games - The Hunger Games: Catching
website: Fire - Tammy - Million Dollar Arm
Credits: Better Call Saul - The Night Shift Staff: Jackie Burch (Casting Director), Brad Clark (Casting
Staff: Kathryn Wamego (Casting Director) Associate)
Casts: Background Work/Extras Casts: Film - Television
Policy: Email a photo, contact number, height, weight, where Policy: Through agents only. No calls. No drop-offs.
you live, and availability.
Marty Siu Casting
6640-I Old Monroe Rd., Ste. 200
NORTH CAROLINA Indian Trail, NC 28079-5360 704-910-9626
Altair Casting & Production Services, website:
LLC Credits: Film and TV: The Third Miracle - Me & You, Us Forever - The
703 Coliseum Plaza Court Chronicles of the Order - Commercials and Industrials: - Carowinds
Winston Salem, NC 27106 336-816-6025 - Wachovia Bank - First Union Bank - Soft Play – McDonald’s Play
email: Land - Wachovia Voiceovers
website: Staff: Marty Siu (Casting Director)
Staff: Phil Newsome (Casting Director) Casts: Film - Background Work/Extras - Television
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Music Videos - Policy: Submission instructions are project specific and can be
Background Work/Extras - Print - Television found on the Marty Sui Casting Facebook page.
Policy: By mail or email.
Tona B. Dahlquist & Associates
Corrigan & Johnston Casting Casting
3006 N. Davidson St. Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC 28205 704-374-9400 email:
email: website:
website: Credits: Legacy of the White Tail Deer Hunter - Paper Towns
Staff: Mitzi Corrigan CSA (Casting Director), Tonya Bludsworth - Masterminds
(Casting Director), Jeremy DeCarlos (Casting Director), Johanna Staff: Tona B. Dahlquist (Owner/Casting Director)
Jowett (Casting Director) Casts: Background Work/Extras
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television Policy: See website or Facebook page for submission details.
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. Attends showcases.
No calls. No drop-offs. OHIO
Fincannon & Associates (CSA) D. Lynn Meyers Casting (CSA)
695 Pylant St. N.E., Ste. 111 c/o Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati
Atlanta, GA 30306 404-370-1999 1127 Vine St.
1560 Point Harbor Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-421-3555
Wilmington, NC 28401 910-251-1500 email:
Metairie, LA 70002 Staff: D. Lynn Meyers (Casting Director)
Fax: 910-251-9325 Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
email: Comments: Casts for feature film, independent films, and theatre.
Credits: The Walking Dead - Six - Halt & Catch Fire - Nashville - Vice Linda Phillips Palo Casting (CSA)
Principals - Devious Maids - Homeland - One Tree Hill - Dawson’s 785 Mill St.
Creek - Triple 9 - Birth of a Nation - Insurgent - We Are The Millers Conneaut, OH 44030 440-265-2408
- Glory Road - Ray email:
Staff: Craig Fincannon (Casting Director), Lisa Mae Wells website:
Fincannon (Casting Director), Mark Fincannon (Casting Director Credits: Ten Thousand Miles - Resurrecting McGinns - The
(Atlanta)), Meredith Petty Hughes (Casting Associate), Kimberly Seventh Moon - Midlife - Happiness Runs - Me and You and Everyone
Wistedt (Casting Associate (Atlanta)), Rebecca Carfagna (Casting We Know - Jeepers Creepers 2 - South of Heaven, West of Hell - The


Virgin Suicides - Zero Principal - Intellectual Property Joy Dickson
Staff: Linda Phillips Palo (Casting Director), Paul Palo (Casting Ashland, OR
Director) email:
Casts: Film - Television Staff: Joy Dickson (Casting Director)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. Casts: Theater
No drop-offs. Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email only.
Comments: Casts locally and regionally for Oregon Shakespeare
OKLAHOMA Festival.

Chris Freihofer Casting (CSA) Nike Imoru Casting (CSA)

3750 W. Main St., Five Park A 4040 26th Ave. S.W.
Norman, OK 73072 405-310-4391 Seattle, WA 98106
405-203-1999 (producers/filmmakers only) P.O. Box 81212
email: Seattle, WA 97242
website: email:
Credits: Film: Hellraiser: Judgment - Wildlife - Rudderless - August: website:
Osage County - The Jogger - TV: Funnel of Darkness - Steve Scott’s Credits: Z Nation (Seasons 1-5) - The Hit List - Middleton -
Outdoor Guide - Dream No Little Dream: The Legacy of Robert S. Knights of Baddassdom - The Big Bang - The Ward - Wrong Turn
Kerr - Saving Grace (Pilot Episode) - Days That Shook The World: at Tahoe - A Thousand Years of Good Prayers - Home of the Brave
The Oklahoma City Bombing - Commercial: Gatorade - Nike - ESPN - Thunderballs (Pilot)
- NCAA - Sprint Staff: Nike Imoru (Casting Director), Monika Holm (Assistant
Staff: Chris Freihofer (Casting Director), Tiffany Feese (Casting Casting Director)
Associate), Chantel Johnson (Director of Extras Casting), Bethany Casts: Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television
Bourland (Casting Assistant) Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel Simon Max Hill Casting
by mail. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. 1121 N. Loring St., Ste. 108
Portland, OR 97227 503-317-1309
OREGON email:
Cast Iron Studios (CSA-ATAS-ICDN-OMPA-PATA) Credits: Portlandia - Restless - Cold Weather
1430 S.E. Third Ave., Ste. 100 Staff: Simon Max Hill (Casting Director)
Portland, OR 97214 503-221-3090 Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Fax: 503-221-3092 Policy: Accepts headshot/resume through website. No calls.
email: No drop-offs.
Credits: Metal Lords - The Water Man - Trinkets - American Vandal PENNSYLVANIA
(S2) - Timmy Failure - Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists - Bad
Samaritan - Wild - Grimm - The Librarians - Leverage - Twilight Donna Belajac Casting (CSA)
- Paranoid Park - Gone - Extraordinary Measures - Untraceable 109 Market St., Second Fl.
Staff: Lana Veenker (Casting Director), Eryn Goodman (Casting Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-391-1005
Director) Fax: 412-560-1005
Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Industrials - Print email:
- Animation - Infomercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Music website:
Videos - Radion - Voiceovers Credits: TV: - Outsiders - Banshee - Mindhunter - Those Who
Policy: See website for submission details. No calls. No drop-offs. Kill - FILM: - Unstoppable - The Fault In Our Stars - Concussion - The
Comments: Seeking experienced, professional actors who are Silence of the Lambs - Flashdance
Oregon local hires, particularly diverse actors of all kinds, and talent Staff: Donna Belajac (Owner/Casting Director), Missy Finnell
highly adept at languages and dialects. (Casting Associate)
Casts: Television - Film - Commercials - Industrials
Danny Stoltz Casting Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No
Portland, OR 503-227-6055 calls. No drop-offs.
email: Heery Loftus Casting (fka Heery
website: Casting, LLC) (CSA)
Credits: Elephant - What the Bleep Do We Know!? - Down the 2618-22 E. Cumberland St.
Rabbit Hole - The Thin Horizon - Taking Asylum - Perfect Sport - Ring 2 Philadelphia, PA 19125 215-238-9240
Staff: Danny Stoltz (Casting Director) email:
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Credits: Silver Linings Playbook - Signs - Unbreakable - The Sixth
Sense - Lucky Numbers - Jersey Girl - National Treasure - Invincible -
Rocky Balboa - The Last Airbender - The Lovely Bones - Law Abiding


Citizen - Political Animals - Limitless website:
Staff: Diane Heery (Casting Director, CSA), Jason Loftus (Casting Credits: Downward Dog - American Pastoral - Love the Coopers -
Director, CSA) Fathers & Daughters - Kantemir - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - One
Casts: Film - Television - Background Work/Extras - Voiceovers Shot - The Dark Knight Rises - The Perks of Being a Wallflower - One
- Infomercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Commercials for the Money - The Next Three Days - Love and Other Drugs - My
Policy: Union and nonunion. See website for registration/open Bloody Valentine 3D - She’s Out of My League
call information. Do not submit headshot/resume unless willing and Staff: Nancy Mosser (Casting Director), Katie Shenot (Casting
able to travel to Philadelphia. No calls. No drop-offs. Director)
Comments: Artios Award-winning and Emmy-nominated casting Casts: Film - Industrials - Television
office that also offers classes in the Philadelphia area. Policy: Submissions accepted by website. No calls. No drop-offs.

Kathy Wickline Casting (CSA) The Philadelphia Casting Company,

Waterview Corporate Center Inc.
1080 N. Delaware Ave., Ste. 501 800 N. Second St., Ste. 179
Philadelphia, PA 19125 215-739-9952 Philadelphia, PA 19123 267-934-9000
email: email: (producers)
website: (actors)
Credits: Companies: PepsiCo - Comcast Xfinity - Pep Boys - Credits: Film: Philadelphia - Twelve Monkeys - Animal Factory -
DirecTV - Pennsylvania Lottery - Aramark - Johnson & Johnson No Boundaries - Commercial: Chevron - Walmart - Delaware Park
- AstraZeneca - ESPN - Janssen - Save-A-Lot - Optifast - Bristol Casino - QVC/Neutrogena - USA Networks/Subaru - Benjamin Moore
Myers Squibb - KraftMaid - Build A Bear - Hyundai - Moss Rehab Paints - PPL Energy - Longwood Gardens - Adventures Aquarium
- Sears - HSBC - The Melting Pot - Film: Witness - The Florentine Staff: Susan Gish (Casting Director), Sam Gish (Casting Director)
Staff: Kathy Wickline (Owner/Casting Director) Casts: Commercials - Industrials - Film - Voiceovers - Theater
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Live Events - Infomercials - Live Events - Radio - Print
- Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Print - Television Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No
Policy: Accepts submissions primarily through agents. Headshot/ drop-offs.
resume by mail only. Refer to website for open call and agent’s
showcase information. No calls. No drop-offs. SOUTH CAROLINA
Comments: Casting in the Philadelphia, New York, Atlantic City,
and Baltimore/D.C. areas. Must be willing to travel to Philadelphia for chc associates casting and services ™
auditions and bookings. Also offers one-on-one Private Consultations Gaffney, SC 29340
for actors. email:
Staff: Christopher H. Cline (Owner/Casting Director), Gretchen
Mike Lemon Casting (CSA) Kelsey (Production Office Manager/Casting Coordinator), Tad
860 First Ave., Ste. 7A Brandon (Casting Director)
King of Prussia, PA 19406 484-685-7000 Casts: Background Work/Extras - Musicals - Television - Print
Fax: 484-270-6090 - Singers & Musicians - Variety Shows & Specialty Acts - Fashion
email: Shows & Runway - Promotional Events - Dancers - Documentaries &
website: Reality TV - Theater - Music Videos - Radio - Voiceovers - Industrials
Credits: The Sixth Sense - Unbreakable - The Village - Snake - Film - Live Events - Interactive & Digital Media - Commercials
Eyes - NBCUniversal - Land O’Lakes - Aetna - Petco - Diet Coke Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by email. No calls.
- Tylenol - Wyeth - (over 12,000 projects - see website for more) No drop-offs.
Staff: Melanie Forchetti (Casting Director), Mike Lemon, CSA Comments: 40+ years casting and production office personnel
(Casting Consultant), Daniel Agosta (Casting Associate) for all venues
Casts: Film - Television - Voiceovers - Commercials - Interactive
& Digital Media - Theater - Industrials TENNESSEE
Policy: Union and nonunion. Register on website to get on file.
Upload two headshots, your resume, and contact info. Once you Jimmy Kup Casting
are registered, come to open calls (dates listed on website). No P.O. Box 150943
walk-ins. No drop-offs. By appointment only. Nashville, TN 37215 615-327-0181
Comments: Casting talent for feature films, television shows, email:
commercials, voiceovers, interactive, and digital media, infomer- website:
cials, and industrials in Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey, and Credits: Film/TV: Forrest Gump (Young Forrest) - The Thing
surrounding areas for over 30 years. Casts all ages. Called Love (Add.) - The Specialist (Photo–Doubles) - Love Field
(Photo–Doubles) - CMA Awards (Trophy Presenters) - Music Videos:
Nancy Mosser Casting (CSA) Carrie Underwood - Kid Rock - Faith Hill - Lonestar - Vince Gill - Reba
3583 Butler St. - Johnny Cash - Rascal Flatts
Pittsburgh, PA 15201 412-621-1160 Staff: Jimmy Kup (Casting Director), Terri Minton (Key Casting
1536 St. Clair Ave. Assistant)
Cleveland, OH 44114 216-600-8755 Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Infomercials
Fax: 412-621-1165 - Animation - Live Events - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music
email: Videos - Print - Television


Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Chevy/CMA Awards
Staff: Tina Kerr (Casting Director), Scott Blasko (Casting
Kim Petrosky Casting Assistant), Kathleen Kendrick (Casting Administrator), Alejandro
Nashville, TN 615-385-5981 Rodriguez (Casting Associate), Michelle Barnett (Casting Assistant),
email: Michael Garcia (Casting Assistant)
website: Casts: Television - Film - Documentaries & Reality TV -
Credits: The Help - Nashville (TV) - Country Strong - Percy Jackson Commercials - Print - Promotional Events - Music Videos - Motion
and the Lightning Thief - Hannah Montana: The Movie - American Capture
Violet - False Prophets - The Second Chance - Elizabethtown Policy: Union and nonunion. Apply through website.
Staff: Kim Petrosky (Casting Director) Comments: Casts background and principal talent for Film, TV,
Casts: Commercials - Film - Television Commercial and Music Video.
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by
email. No calls. TEXAS
Linda Dotson A Casting Place (CSA)
P.O. Box 2124 P.O. Box 1211
Hendersonville, TN 37077 615-824-1947 Georgetown, TX 78627 512-587-7687
615-230-1875 (office) website:
email: Credits: Recent commercials include: Hampton Inns - Ford
Credits: The Alan Page Story (music supervisor) - The Unbreakable Truck Stampede Month - - Sleek Machine - Harbinger
Kimmy Schmitt (music supervisor) - The Joseph Mengle Story (music Gym Products - Lone Star Success - Rooms To Go - United Explorer
supervisor) - Maersk Alabama - Contact - Monsters vs. Aliens - The Card - American Airlines - Toyota - Charles Schwab - Walmart - Oscar
Gleaning - Cold Tracker - Music City Rocks - Chris Golden Show Mayer - Television: - Carpool Karaoke - So You Wanna Make a Movie
Staff: Linda Dotson (Casting Director), Shauna Dotson (Casting (Pilot) - Apprentice - Bartleby - The Jamie Kennedy Experiment - Mind
Director) of Its Own - Cake: A Wedding Story - Rain - Jumping Off Bridges - The
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Voiceovers - Television Californians -Entire resume is available at:
Policy: Union and nonunion. Call or email before submitting Staff: Donise L. Hardy (Casting Director)
headshot/resume. Casts: Commercials - Television - Film - Industrials
Policy: Accepts submissions through agents and managers only.
Moore Casting No calls. No drop-offs.
c/o Skyway Studios
3201 Dickerson Pike Ambrize Casting Services
Nashville, TN 37207 615-831-0039 Austin, TX 78747 (210) 573-4418
1100 Peachtree St., N.E., Ste. 200 Fax: (512) 551-8260
Atlanta, GA 30309 470-344-4578 email:
email: Staff: Brenda J. Ambrize (Casting Director)
website: Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
Credits: I Can Only Image - Individible - Still The King - The Song - Voiceovers - Television
- Into The Wild - The Green Mile - Welcome to Inspiration - Nexium - Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel to
Taco Bell - Good Morning America - Walmart - Geico - Verizon - NFL Comments: 20+ years experience providing casting and produc-
Staff: Regina Moore (Casting Director) tion services in all Texas markets. Ensures your casting project
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - receives the attention and detail necessary to get the right people.
Documentaries & Reality TV - Print - Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. Andrew Aguilar Casting
No-drop-offs. San Antonio, TX
Comments: Workshops also available. Los Angeles, CA 310-401-4036
New York City, NY
On Location Casting email:
565 Brick Church Park Dr. Staff: Andrew Aguilar (Casting Director)
Nashville, TN 37221 615-663-3621 Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Voiceovers
Austin, TX 78745 615-663-3621 - Documentaries & Reality TV - Print - Television
McKinney, TX 75070 615-663-3621 Policy: Headshot, resume, and reel by email.
Albuquerque, NM 87109 615-663-3621
email: Atomic Casting 207 Yosemite Rd.
website: Georgetown, TX 78633 214-683-5354
Credits: Film: Independence Day Resurgence - Revolution - email: ATOMIC.INFO@MAC.COM
Nashville - Sun Records - Big Rich Texas - The Bridge - All Worked website:
Up - In Plain Sight - Friday Night Lights - We’re the Millers - 2 Guns Credits: Apple - Applebees - AT&T - Ballpark Franks - Blue Cross of
- Lemonade Mouth - Crazy Heart - Titanic - Pearl Harbor - Three Alabama - Budweiser - Burger King - Busch - Buttoni Pasta - Carnival
Kings - Enemy Way - The Host - Fame - Gridiron Gang - Commercial: Cruise Line - Cellular One - Chevy
Nike - Skoal - Pepsi - AT&T/Nokia - New Mexico Tourism - Lexus - Staff: Shannon Pinkston (Casting Director)


Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Industrials Dallas, TX
- Voiceovers Houston, TX
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No email:
calls. No drop-offs.
Beth Sepko Casting/Third Coast
Extras (CSA) Staff: Brad Burton (Casting Director), Kim Burton (Casting
Austin Film Studios, Red Bldg., 1901 E. 51st St., Box 6 Director)
Austin, TX 78723 512-472-5385 Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Television
email: Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. Accepts calls.
website: Comments: Located in Austin, casts projects throughout the
Credits: Film: Bernie - Seven Days In Utopia - Bandslam - Temple entire state. With a combined 20 years of casting experience, Casting
Grandin - Machete - Shorts - Grindhouse - Idiocracy - A Scanner Directors Brad Burton, CSA and Kimberly Williams Burton, CSA
Darkly - Sin City - Spy Kids 1-4 - The New Guy - Miss Congeniality - have cast everything from Super Bowl Commercials to independent
Office Space; TV: The Lying Game (ABC Family) - Dallas (TNT) - The films, television and print campaigns. Casts actors, “real” people,
Good Guys (Fox) - Chase (NBC) - Friday Night Lights (NBC) - The cowboys, skateboarders, models, kiddos, and everything in between.
Deep End (ABC)
Staff: Beth Sepko (Owner) Cast-O-Matic
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Voiceovers P.O. Box 190926
- Music Videos - Print - Television Dallas, TX 75219 214-766-1615
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No email:
calls. No drop-offs. website:
Credits: Baylor Scott and White Hospital - Goodyear - Marlboro
Brock/Allen Casting - Wonder Crew - Raising Cane’s - US Army - - Unequal
78 San Marcos St. - Chevy - Rug Doctor - Varidesk - Gatti’s Pizza - Bass Pro Shops
Austin, TX 78702 512-992-1956 - Smoothie King - MoneyGram - Nike - Eyemart Express - Fed Ex -
1350 Manufacturing St., Ste. 200 Jaigermeister - Walmart - American Heart Association - Home Depot
Dallas, TX 75207 512-992-1956 - Blue Jeans Video Conferencing - Home Depot - Service Masters
126 S. Olympia St., Ste. A - Mary Kay - Zaxby’s - Tempurpedic - Susan G. Komen Foundation
New Orleans, LA 70119 512-992-1956 - Secret - Quaker Chewy - AMC Theaters - McDonald’s - Sam’s Club
5311 S Congress Ave. Staff: Kina Bale-Reed (Owner), Rina Bale (Casting Associate)
Austin, Texas 512-992-1956 Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
email: - Voiceovers - Television
website: Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Film: Hurricane Season - There Will Be Blood - Invincible;
TV: Breaking Bad - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Danette Goss Alberts
Prison Break Arlington, TX 214-536-0025
Staff: Toni Cobb Brock (Casting Director), Sally Allen (Casting email:
Director) Staff: Danette Goss Alberts (Casting Director)
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television Casts: Commercials - Film
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Accepts headshots/resumes/demo reel video clips or
links by email. Attends showcases. No calls. No drop-offs.
Buffalo Casting Comments: A Texas Casting Director (works primarily in the
P.O. Box 141230 Dallas Fort Worth Film/TV market) genre includes feature films,
Dallas, TX 75214 214-220-9991 TV spots, industrials, documentaries, some print and live stage
1380 River Bend Dr., No. 127 productions. Often conducts “Real People” Talent searches for
Dallas, TX 75247 214-220-9991 clients. Also works as a Location Scout/Manager throughout Texas,
email: Oklahoma, Louisiana, Colorado and New Mexico.
Credits: American Airlines - Apple - AT&T - Chase - Coca-Cola - Grasshopper Casting (CCDA)
FedEx - Ford - Frito Lay - Gatorade - HBO - NBA - NFL - Nike - Papa Austin, TX
Johns - Samsung - Snickers - Southwest Airlines - United Way - Verizon Venice, CA 310-913-8778
Staff: Tisha Blood (Casting Director), Matthew Taylor (Casting New York, NY
Director) email:
Casts: Commercials - Print - Fashion Shows & Runway - Film
Policy: Sign up for casting newsletter by website in order to website:
submit for projects. No calls. Staff: Lexi M. Coerver (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries
Burton Casting (CSA) & Reality TV - Film - Television
5114 Balcones Woods Dr., Ste. 307-437 Policy: See website or social media for specific casting infor-
Austin, TX 78759 512-201-0474 mation.


Comments: Primarily casts commercials. Also works in reality (Casting Director) - People Food (Short) (Casting Director) - Red
casting. Winds (Short) (Casting Director) - Campus Radio (Casting Director)
- Weight of the World (Short) (Casting Director) - Buttercup (Short)
Katz Kasting (Casting Director) - Untitled Terrence Malick Project (local casting)
P.O. Box 8945 - Open Windows (extras casting: Texas) - Love & Air Sex (extras
Greenville, TX 75404 casting) - Abel’s Field (extras casting director) - Mud (ADR voice
email: casting) - The Girl (extras casting: Texas) - The Gym (TV Movie)
website: (extras casting) - Seven Days in Utopia (extras casting) - The Tree
Staff: Katrina Cook (Owner) of Life (casting assistant: local) - Scenes from the Suburbs (Short)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television (extras casting) - Beatdown (extras casting) - Whip It (extras cast-
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail. ing: Texas) - Play Land (Short) (extras casting) - ExTerminators
(extras casting) - Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach (local casting
Lynn Ambrose Casting assistant) - I’ll Come Running (casting coordinator) - Adventures
Dallas, TX 214-457-2128 in Appletown (video) (extras casting assistant) - The Pickup Artist
email: (TV series) (casting coordinator - 2007)
Staff: Lynn Ambrose (Casting Director) Staff: Sarah Dowling (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Background Work/Extras
- Television Policy: Headshot (if you have one) or recent photo and best
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. contact phone number by email only.

Maisel Casting (CSA) Southwest Casting

641 Cinnamon Teal Lane Houston, TX 713-931-2709
Leander, TX 78641 323-377-3240 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Joe Grisaffi (Casting Director)
Staff: Steve Maisel (Casting Director) Casts: Commercials - Film - Television
Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Policy: By email. No Calls.
Animation - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Music Videos - Dancers
- Singers & Musicians - Television - Musicals The Cast Station
Policy: Through agents or managers only include headshots, 130 Pedernales St., Ste. 318
résumé, and dramatic and comedy reel. No calls No drop-offs. Austin, TX 78702
Comments: Steve has worked in a variety of casting positions 6660 Santa Monica Blvd.
over the last 15 years for scripted and reality TV, short and feature Hollywood, CA 90038 310-617-0974 (John)
films, as well as TV commercials, web series, and music videos. 323-788-4424 (Karmen)
Additional areas of service in Austin, Dallas, Houson, and Los Angeles. 2810 W Addison St.
Chicago, IL 60618
Michael Druck Casting 500 Bishop St. NW
Austin, TX 210-535-7448 Atlanta, GA 30318
email: 3818 Tulane Ave.
Staff: Michael Druck (Casting Director) New Orleans, LA 70119
Casts: Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality TV email:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Mimi Webb Miller Casting Staff: John Williams (Casting Director), Karmen Leech (Casting
TX 310-452-0863 Director), Skylar Rote (Casting Director)
email: Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
Credits: CDC “Tips from Former Smokers” - - Heal the - Voiceovers - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality
World - Pepsi - Progressive - GE - PizzaHut - Sears TV - Television
Staff: Mimi Webb Miller (Casting Director), Naomi Jones (Casting Policy: Through website.
Casts: Commercials Vicky Boone Casting
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Austin Studios. Red Bldg., 1901 E. 51st St., Ste. 106
Comments: Specializes in large-scale research and casting for Austin, TX 78723 512-786-6271
production, agency, client. Team approach if needed for different email:
markets. SAG-AFTRA, real people, and location casting/research. website:
Also casts for Spanish-language projects. Credits: Film: Everybody Wants Some!! - Men, Women and
Children - Dark Places - Hellion - Parkland - The Sideways Light -
Sarah Dowling Casting Lovers Crossing - Ain’t Them Bodies Saints - Untitled Terrence Malick
Austin, TX Project - Honor Farm - The Girl - Fourplay - Goodnight - The Tree of
email: Life - Scenes from the Suburbs - Abel’s Field - The Fickle - Austin
Credits: Weightless (Local principal casting) - Midnight Special High - Possession - Five Time Champion - Asternauts - Lovers of
(Regional Casting) - Mud (Regional Casting) - Voyage of Time Hate - Ultimate’s Guide to Flight - Esther’s Diary - The Overbrook


Brothers - I’ll Come Running - Remains - Gretchen - Fall to Grace Staff: Carlyn Davis CSA (Casting Director), Lillian Burch CSA
Staff: Vicky Boone (Casting Director) (Casting Director), Suzanne Kang (Casting Director), Jen Katz
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Television (Casting Assistant)
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
calls. No drop-offs. - Voiceovers - Television
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail
UTAH only. Accepts showcase invitations. No calls. No drop offs.
Comments: Covers the DC/MD/VA market.
Jeff Johnson Casting
360 West 300 South, #202 Kendall Cooper Casting
Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-541-3494 Richmond, VA 804-404-5312
email: email:
Credits: Yellowstone (TV series) - Andi Mack (TV Series) -
Hereditary (Film) - Darling Companion - Age of Dragons - High School website:
Musical 1-3 - The Cell 2 - Beau Jest - The World’s Fastest Indian Credits: Extras Casting: - Homeland (season 7) - Turn - Loving
Staff: Jeff Johnson (Casting Director), Robert Andrus (Casting - Mercy Street
Associate) Staff: Kendall Cooper (Casting Director)
Casts: Commercials - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers - Television Casts: Background Work/Extras
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email to submissions@ Policy: Inquiries through website. No calls. No calls. No drop-offs.
Aaron Jacobs Casting
arvold. (CSA) OMH Creative, 700 Court A
944 Glenwood Station Lane, Ste. 202 Tacoma, WA 98402
Charlottesville, VA 22901 434-529-8442 email:
650 Hamilton Ave. S.E., Ste. H Rear website:
Atlanta, GA 30312 434-529-8442 Staff: Aaron Jacobs (Casting Director)
email: Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
website: - Voiceovers - Background Work/Extras - Television
Credits: Loving - House of Cards - Josephine - TURN: Washington’s Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by email as PDF to headshots@
Spies - Big Stone Gap - Permanent - Ithaca - Badge of Faith - Hot from WA and OR residents only. Indicate union
Air - Coming through the Rye - Texas Rein - Killing Kennedy - status in the subject line. No calls. No drop-offs. Extras, visit www.
Lincoln - Killing Lincoln - Lake Effects - House Hunting - Wish You for submission instructions.
Well - Ralph’s World: Time Machine Guitar - Pizza Hut - Geico - Publix
- Sleepy’s - VA Lottery Foreground Background LLC
Staff: Erica Arvold (CSA, Casting Director/Producer), Christian Seattle, WA 425-246-2725
Trew (Assistant to Erica Arvold), Meghan Apostoles (Casting email:
Associate), Madison Landis (Casting Associate), Jasmine Pfingsten website:
(Casting Associate), Dustin Presley (Casting Associate), Jessy Credits: Twin Peaks - Captain Fantastic - The Man in the High
Alfonso (Casting Assistant) Castle - 21 and Over - Safety Not Guaranteed - World’s Greatest
Casts: Film - Television - Commercials - Print - Interactive & Dad - Laggies - Microsoft - Amazon - Starbucks - General Electric
Digital Media - USPS - Best Western - Bank of America - Capitol One - Pay Pal -
Policy: Accepts headshots/resumes and projects by mail or Costco - AT&T - Big Fish Games - Toyota - Chevy - Ford - Adidas
online. No calls. No drop-offs. - Nike - Levi’s - American Family Insurance - Johnson & Johnson
Comments: Raising the bar of filmmaking through collabora- - PetSmart - Campbell’s Soup - Major League Baseball
tion, creativity and expertise in the fields of casting, production Staff: Denise Gibbs (Casting Director)
and education Casts: Theater - Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media -
Infomercials - Animation - Live Events - Film - Industrials - Voiceovers
Carlyn Davis Casting (CSA-ATAS) - Music Videos - Background Work/Extras - Documentaries & Reality
124 E. Broad St., Unit C2 TV - Print - Television
Falls Church, VA 22046 703-532-1900 Policy: Local Seattle casting only. No unsolicited phone calls or
Fax: 703-532-1950 emails from out of area talent. Seattle and Portland only. Email only.
website: Kalles/Levine Casting (CSA)
Credits: The Enemy Within (Pilot-DC Casting) - Handmaid’s Tale P.O. Box 33807
(Extras Casting) - Men Who Built America (8 part mini- series) Ruan Seattle, WA 98133 206-522-2660
Magan (History Channel) - At The Top Of The Pyramid - Fair Game 206-383-9001
- Imagine That - Step Up - Argo - National Treasure 1&2 - The Good email:
Shepherd - xXx: State of the Union - K Street (HBO) website:


Credits: Something Like Summer - Man In High Castle - Judas
Kiss - Superman Returns - Babel - Memoirs of a Geisha - Bad News
Bears - The School of Rock - Northern Exposure
Staff: Patti Kalles (Casting Director), Laurie Levine (Casting
Casts: Commercials - Interactive & Digital Media - Film - Industrials
- Television
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel by mail. No calls.
No drop-offs.


simple steps | TALENT AGENTS

STEP ONE: Determine what kind of agent you want. Different agencies specialize in differ-
ent things. Some agencies cast a lot of commercials, some work in television, and others focus
on modeling. Highlight the agents that specialize in your chosen field(s). Also take note of the
age range they represent to make sure you fit within their specifications.
STEP TWO: Go to their website. Read about the history of the agency. How long have they
been in business? Do they have offices in multiple cities or countries? Some of them have sec-
tions spotlighting their clients. See if these people are at a similar place in their career. Many
of the websites also have a section that lists their recent bookings. This tells you with whom
they are connected and where their clients are getting work.
STEP THREE: Take note of their union and organization affiliations. If they are SAG-
AFTRA franchised, this means that they comply with SAG-AFTRA guidelines, and you can
contact the union with any inquiries. Also take note of any trade organizations they are a
part of, such as the Association of Talent Agents (ATA) and the National Association of Talent
Representatives (NATR). Members of such organizations may be licensed and regulated by
state and local agencies, or have agreements with actor unions such as the Actors’ Equity
Association. Research any affiliations with which you are unfamiliar.
STEP FOUR: Scan their list of personnel to zero in on the specific agent with whom
you would want to meet. Many agencies have a few different departments, so make sure
you are talking to the person in your desired field. Once you have a short list of agencies and
names, do additional research on the individual agents. Many of them write blogs, have been
interviewed, or have been featured in articles. Read anything the agent has said regarding their
work and whom they like to represent. These resources may include tips as to what the agent
is looking for in a submission.
STEP FIVE: Read the submission policy carefully. After making sure your headshot and
résumé are professionally generated and up-to-date, take special note of the agency’s submis-
sion policy. While some agencies ask for online submissions, others still prefer hard copies to
be mailed in. Follow the instructions carefully. Do not call or visit the agency if their policy asks
you not to. Also take note of which agents accept postcards and invitations. Put their name
and address on a list, and invite them to your next live performance or screening.
STEP SIX: Send out your materials. After finding out how the agent would like to receive
communications, print out a cover letter asking for a meeting. Make sure this letter is specific
to the individual agent. Let them know why you are perfect for their agency in particular, and
what details about their work interest you. If at all possible, invite them to see your next perfor-
mance, and offer them free tickets to the event. Make sure that they know that you are actively
searching for and creating opportunities yourself (giving examples if possible), but would wel-
come their help in booking additional auditions and jobs in the industry. Thank them for their
time, and attach your professional headshot and résumé.
new york

About Artists Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA-NATR) email:

1650 Broadway, Ste. 1406 website:
New York, NY 10019 212-581-1857 Staff: Jim Gosnell (CEO-CA, NY, Nashville, Atlanta & UK)
email: Represents: Comedians - Singers & Musicians - Film & TV Actors Policy: Industry referral only. Accepts postcards and invitations.
website: No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Renee Glicker (Owner/Agent), Joe Kokofsky (Agent),
Caroline Collins (Assistant), Vickie Wong (Assistant) ACT - All Coast Talent
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater 242 11th St.
Performers - Commercial Actors - Comedians Brooklyn, NY 11215 716-836-4339
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Accepts email:
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Antonia Silveri (Agent)
Represents: Voiceover Artists
A3 (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-NATR-ATA-WGA) Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
350 Fifth Ave., 38th Fl.
New York, NY 10118 646-486-4600 Ann Steele Agency (NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Fax: 646-486-0100 330 W. 42nd St., 18th Fl.
email: New York, NY 10036 212-629-9112 website:
website: Staff: Ann Steele (Owner)
Staff: Robert Attermann (CEO), Brian Cho (COO), Neal Altman Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Theater Actors - Film
(Chief Managing Officer) & TV Actors
Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors Policy: Industry referral only. Does not open unsolicited submis-
- Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Dancers & sions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Choreographers - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Editors - Directors -
Production Designers - Sports Personalities - Martial Artists & Stunt Ann Wright Representatives (EQUITY-SAG-
Actors - Fashion & Runway Models - Book Authors - Screenwriters - AFTRA)
Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Broadcast 165 W. 46th St., Ste. 1210
Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models - Speakers New York, NY 10036
& Lecturers - Playwrights - Composers Fax: 860-364-0147
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Through agents and manag- Staff: Ann Wright (Owner), Susan Wright (Head, Legit)
ers only. No calls. No drop-offs. See also listing under Los Angeles Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Talent Agencies. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also affiliated with NCOPM. Comments: Dramatists Guild.

Access Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Arcieri & Associates, Inc. (NATR-SAG-AFTRA)

630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 415 6 E. 39th St., Ste. 1202
New York, NY 10036 212-331-9600 New York, NY 10016 212-286-1700
email: Fax: 212-286-1110
website: email:
Staff: Linda Weaver (Co-Owner), Chas Cowing (Co-Owner), website:
Melissa McGee-Johnson (Agent) Staff: Steven Arcieri (President), Ed Batchelor (Agent), Roswitha
Represents: Voiceover Artists Cole (Director, Business Affairs), Matt Brody (Agent)
Policy: Resume/demo reel by email (MP3). No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Voiceover Artists - Animation Artists - Commercial
Comments: Represents voice talent only. Actors
Policy: Resume/demo reel by email only. Accepts postcards and
Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc. invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
(AFM-DGA-WGA-ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Comments: Arcieri & Associates Talent Agency represents celeb-
135 W. 50th St., 17th Fl. rity and non-celebrity voiceover artists in all areas of commercials,
New York, NY 10020 212-205-4320 documentaries, network promos, video games, theatrical trailers,
Fax: 212-245-5062 industrials, audio books, animation digital, and new media. Also

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more companies are choosing to work

remotely, because of this some physical locations may have changed or
become obsolete from the point of publication.


new york | TALENT AGENTS
represent celebrity artists in all areas of celebrity endorsements. Represents: Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Theater
Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
The Artists Group, East Inc. (EQUITY-SAG- Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail, or apply for repre-
AFTRA) sentation through website. Include performance footage if possible.
1650 Broadway, Ste. 1105 Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10019 212-586-1452 Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Talent Agencies.
Staff: Robert Malcolm (Owner/Agent, Theatrical)
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors BMG Models
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. 45 W. 29th St., Fourth Fl.
New York, NY 10001 212-279-6800
Atlas Talent Agency (ATA-NATR-SAG-AFTRA) email:
15 E. 32nd St., Sixth Fl. website:
New York, NY 10016 212-730-4500 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Fax: 212-730-5820 Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Apply for representation through website, or high-fashion
Staff: Lisa Marber-Rich (Partner/Promo Agent), Jonn Wasser models can attend open call every Thursday from 4-4:30 p.m.
(Partner/Promo Agent (NY & LA)), Ricky Meyer (Promo Agent),
Tim Walsh (Commercial Agent), Mike Milmore (Commercial Agent) Boals, Winnett & Associates (NATR-EQUITY-
Represents: Print Models - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters SAG-AFTRA)
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors 262 W. 38th St., Ste. 1207
- Promotional & Event Models New York, NY 10018 212-500-1424
Policy: See website. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 212-500-1426
Comments: Represents: An extensive client roster in the promo- email:
tion, commercial, narration, broadcasting, and animation markets. website:
Staff: Judy Boals (Agent), Jenna Winnett (Managing Agent),
Avalon Artists Group (ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Katie Lynch (Agent)
45 W. 29th St., Ste. 403 Represents: Playwrights - Comedians - Musical Theater
New York, NY 10001 212-868-3200 Performers - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Also affiliated with the Dramatists Guild.
Staff: Craig Holzberg (Owner/President/Legit Agent), Ellery
Sandhu (Legit Agent), Eric Leiggi (Senior Assistant) Bona Fide Artists
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians 315 W. 36th St., 10th Fl.
- Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Martial Artists New York, NY 10018 917-723-6992
& Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers email:
- Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater website:
Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Traci Lynn Luthy (Founder/CEO/Talent Agent), Amanda
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Rae Burke (Assistant)
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
Bella Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater
270 Lafayette St., Ste. 802 Actors - Film & TV Actors
New York, NY 10012 212-965-9200 Policy: By email only, include name, age range, resume, current
email: headshots or photos, audio or video clips/reel, website, social media
website: links, and any current representation. Additional information on
Staff: Ray Volant (President), Tom Winslow (Agent, Men), Courtney website. 18 and over. No calls. No drop-offs.
Nelson (Agent, Women/Lifestyle Men & Women), Caitlyn Dowdy Comments: BFA represents professional actors, models, and tal-
(Agent, Women), Jen Beck (Agent, Lifestyle Men and Women) ent in New York City and the surrounding area, ages 18 and older, for
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors TV/film, commercials, voiceovers, print, theater, hosting, and more. 
Policy: Submit photos on website. Photos will not be returned.
No calls. No drop-offs. Bret Adams, Ltd. (WGA-ATA-NATR-EQUITY-SAG-
Comments: Minimum height for women: 5’6. Minimum height AFTRA)
for men: 5’10. See also listing under LA Talent Agencies. 448 W. 44th St.
New York, NY 10036 212-765-5630
Bloc NYC (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Fax: 212-265-2212
630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 702 email:
New York, NY 10036 212-924-6200 website:
Fax: 212-924-6280 Staff: Bruce Ostler (Partner, Literary), Ken Melamed (Partner,
email: Acting Department), Mark Orsini (Agent, Literary), Alexis Williams
website: (Agent, Literary), Cody Jarrell (Associate, Acting Department),
Staff: Jim Daly (Theatrical Agent), Lauren McLaughlin (Theatrical Helen Schultz (Literary Assistant), Kate Bussert (Literary Assistant)
Agent), Fatima Wilson (Commercial Agent), Sean Webb (Commercial Represents: Playwrights - Directors - Musical Theater Performers
Agent), Taylor Tranfaglia (Staff), Shauna Mitchell (Staff) - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors


TALENT AGENTS | new york
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos. Represents: Comedians - Singers & Musicians - Musical Theater
Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Performers - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Snapshots acceptable
BRS/Gage (ATA-NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) for children. No calls.
1650 Broadway, Ste. 1410
New York, NY 10019 212-757-0098 CESD (New York) (WGA-ATA-NATR-EQUITY)
Fax: 212-489-8531 333 Seventh Ave., Ste. 1102
Staff: Mark Redanty (Partner), Steven Unger (Partner), Charles New York, NY 10001 212-477-1666
Bodner (Agent), Erika Karnell (Agent), Justin Noga (Agent), Chris Fax: 212-979-2011
Foster (Agent) email:
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers website:
- Theater Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Staff: Ken Slevin (President/CEO)
calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
- Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Voiceover
Buchwald (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-ATA-WGA) Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Theater Actors - Film &
10 E. 44th St. TV Actors
New York, NY 10017 212-867-1200 Policy: Headshot/resume by email or drop-off. Dance depart-
Fax: 212-867-2434 ment accepts choreography and dance reels by mail or email only.
email: Accepts voiceover demos by email. Do not attach demo as a file,
website: include link only.
Staff: Don Buchwald (President/CEO/Agent, All Areas), Richard Comments: Also represents Influencers & Comedy.
Basch (COO, Business Affairs, Film/TV/Theater)
Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Clear Talent Group (ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Performers - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists 264 W. 40th St., St. 203
- Directors - Sports Personalities - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - New York, NY 10018 212-840-4100
Book Authors - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Broadcast Fax: 212-967-4567
Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models - Playwrights email:
Policy: Industry referral preferred at this time. Headshot/ website:
Resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. Staff: Jamie Harris (Director, TV/Film/Theater), Julianna Lichtman
No drop-offs. (Dance/Choreography Agent), Justin Busch (TV/Film/Theater
Agent), Chase Renouf (Agent, Theater Dance & Young People), Chloe
Carlton, Goddard, and Freer Talent Brumfield (Assistant, Theatrical), Valerie Maybaum (Assistant,
(NATR-EQUITY) Young People/Dance)
352 Seventh Ave., Ste. 1501 Represents: Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Theater
New York, NY 10001 212-379-6822 Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email or through website. No
website: calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Christopher Freer (Partner), Joel Carlton (Partner), Michael
Goddard (Partner), Brett Rigby (Agent), Leah Wedge (Assistant), Click Models – New York
Nicholas Baldasare (Assistant) 129 W. 27th St., PH
Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Theater Actors - Film New York, NY 10001 212-206-1616 (Women)
& TV Actors 212-206-1717 (Men)
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs. 212-206-1414 (Plus/Fit Divisions)
Fax: 212-206-6228
Carry Company (WGA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) email:
20 W. 20th St., Second Fl.
New York, NY 10011 212-768-2793 website:
website: Staff: Carmelo Pizzuto (Director)
Staff: Sharon Carry (Agent), Amanda Keith (Assistant) Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Represents: Comedians - Musical Theater Performers - Policy: Submit photos by mail or apply for representation through
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors website. Print and Runway models can attend open call every
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Wednesday from 11 a.m.-noon. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Talent Agencies.
Cornerstone Talent Agency (NATR-EQUITY-
Carson-Adler Agency, Inc. (NATR-EQUITY- SAG-AFTRA)
SAG-AFTRA) 37 W. 20th St., Ste. 1007
250 W. 57th St., Ste. 2128 New York, NY 10011 212-807-8344
New York, NY 10107 212-307-1882 Fax: 212-807-8662
website: email:
Staff: Nancy Carson (Company Owner), Shirley Faison (Agent), Staff: Steve Stone (Agent), Shannon Kelly (Assistant)
Bonnie Deroski (Agent) Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors


new york | TALENT AGENTS
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Specializes in dance and choreography talent.

Creative Artists Agency (CAA) (SAG- DGRW Talent (Douglas, Gorman,

405 Lexington Ave., 19th Fl. AFTRA)
New York, NY 10174 212-277-9000 353 W. 48th St., Ste. 335.
Fax: 212-277-9099 New York, NY 10036 646-214-2096, ext. 335
website: Fax: 212-719-2878
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors - Musical email:
Theater Performers - Music Editors & Producers - Voiceover Artists website:
- Directors - Sports Personalities - Book Authors - Producers - Staff: Matt Redmond (Owner/Senior Agent), Kat Hargrave (Senior
Screenwriters - TV Writers - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters Agent), Kaitlin Schreiner (Agent Coordinator)
- Comedians - Speakers & Lecturers - Playwrights - Composers Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No - Theater Actors
calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email only. 18 years and
older. No calls. No drop-offs.
Creative Entertainment Connections
125 Sheridan Blvd. DNA Models Management
Inwood, NY 11096 212-643-1736 555 W. 25th St., Sixth Fl.
4045 Thessa Cove New York, NY 10001 212-226-0080, ext. 9001
Roswell, GA 30075 email:
Fax: 212-643-1802
website: website:
Staff: Laura Siegel (President/Talent Manager), Courtney Staff: Gene Kogan (Agent, Men’s), Matthew Trust (Agent, Men’s),
Cordero (Assistant) Ebony Simmons (Agent, Men’s), Carlotta Sironi (Agent, Men’s),
Represents: Production Designers - Film & TV Editors Kadeem Johnson (Agent, Men’s), Craig Lock (Agent, Women’s),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Marguerite Franklin-Beltrano (Agent, Women’s), Valerie Bullen
Comments: CEC also represents Directors, First ADs, Producers, (Agent, Women’s), Akeem Rasool (Agent, Women’s), Richie Keo
Line Producers, UPMs, Cinematographers, Steadicam Operators, (Agent, Women’s), Butterfly Cayley (Agent, Women’s)
Casting Directors, Location Managers, Production Designers, Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Costume Designers, Hair and Make-up Artists, Editors, and Script Policy: Submit photos by mail or email. No open calls. No calls.
Supervisors. No drop-offs.

Daniel Hoff Agency (AFM-ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Dorothy Palmer Talent and Literary

1370 Broadway. Ste. 536 Agency, Inc. and Val Management/
New York, NY 10018 347-620-4633 Val Records (WGA-NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1100 18 Monroe St., Ste. K-L8
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-932-2500 New York, NY 10002 917-675-6385
website: Fax: 917-675-6386
Staff: Dave Secor (Agent), Jeremy Sickles (Agent) email:
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians -
Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Staff: Virginia Ann Lomnicki (President and CEO (DPT&LA and Val
Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Management/Val Records)), Dorothy Palmer (Talent and Literary
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Find appropriate Agent (Val Management/Val Records)), Fred Caruso (Partner/
agent through website. No calls. No drop-offs. Producer)
Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Singers & Musicians -
DDO Artists Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Screenwriters - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater Performers
175 Varick St., Ste. 268 - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Promotional & Event
New York, NY 10014 212-379-6314 Models - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 646-519-4279 Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. TV hosts
email: should send demos. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Seeking character types of all ages all ethnicities.
Staff: Gina Manfredi (Agent, Adult Commercial), Irene Cabrera Nonunion and AEA. Also represents major record labels, independent
(Agent, Theatrical, Film, & Television), Mallory Levy (Agent, Kids records labels, sound scores for motion pictures.
Theatrical & Commercial), Eileen Schellhorn (Head of Voiceover),
Marissa Robinson-Marino (Agent, Voiceover), Allie Silber (Junior Dulcina Eisen Associates (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Agent) 154 E. 61st St.
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover New York, NY 10065 212-355-6617
Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Staff: Dulcina Eisen (Owner), Barry Katz (Agent)
Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume along with a flyer detailing any upcom-


TALENT AGENTS | new york
ing performances by mail only. Industry referral preferred. Accepts siblings, and real families. See also listing under Los Angeles
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Talent Agencies.

Elaine Gordon Model Management Flaunt Model Management, Inc.

2942 Harbor Rd. 35 W. 35th St., Ste. 901
Merrick, NY 11566 516-623-7736 New York, NY 10001 212-679-9011
212-936-1001 email:
Fax: 516-623-8863
email: website:
Staff: Elaine Gordon (Owner) Staff: Gene Roseman (President), Leah Cohen (Head Booker),
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Winnie Riheldaffer (Talent Coordinator)
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Policy: Submit photos by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Submit photos by mail or email. No open calls. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Elite Model Management
245 Fifth Ave., 24th Fl. Ford Models
New York, NY 10016 212-529-9700 11 E. 26th St., 14th Fl.
Fax: 212-475-0572 New York, NY 10010 212-219-6500
email: email:
website: website:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Policy: Apply for representation through email only. Open Call Policy: Apply for representation through website. No open calls.
every Wednesday 2:00-4:00 P.M. No mailed submissions. No open No calls. No drop-offs.
calls. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fresh Faces Agency, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Emerging Talent, LLC (NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) 2911 Carnation Ave.
500 Seventh Ave., Eighth Fl. Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-0034
New York, NY 10018 Fax: 516-379-0353
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Albert Bramante (Owner/Agent) Staff: Aggie Gold (President)
Represents: Playwrights - Print Models - TV Writers - Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Film & TV Actors
Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Production Designers Policy: Not accepting new clients. Headshot/resume by mail
- Directors - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater Performers - only. Include SASE for a reply. No calls. No drop-offs.
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts postcards Frontier Booking International, Inc.
and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
1441 Broadway, Ste. 5001
Entourage Talent Associates (AFM) New York, NY 10018 212-221-0220
New York, NY 10001 212-633-2600 website:
email: Staff: John Shea (Department Head, Theatrical/Commercial),
website: Christopher Cooper (Associate)
Staff: Wayne Forte (President), Julia Sepulveda (Director of Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians
Operations/Personal Assistant to the President), Nathaniel Marro - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Film & TV Actors
(Agent), Jill Sinno (Contract Administrator), Miranda Forte (Social Policy: Headshot/resume accepted by mail only. No voiceover
Media/Website Administrator) demos accepted. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Singers & Musicians
Policy: Submissions by email or fill out form on website. Calls Funnyface Today Model & Talent
accepted. No drop-offs. Agency
381 Park Ave. S., Ste. 821
Expecting Models East (SAG-AFTRA) New York, NY 10016 212-686-4343
470 Seventh Ave., Ste. 404 email:
New York, NY 10018 212-473-5152 website:
Fax: 917-591-6744 Staff: Jane Blum (President), Charlie Winfield (Managing Partner/
website: Director of Operations), Ceilidh Morgan (Head of Children’s Division),
Staff: Traci Jackson (Director, East Coast) Doris Stinga (Kids Division)
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
Policy: Apply for representation through website. Label submis- & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Dancers &
sions “Out of Town” if not submitting from New York, California, or Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Promotional
Florida. No calls. No drop-offs. & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Look-alikes & Impersonators
Comments: Expecting Models represents real professional - Fit Models
pregnant models and nursing moms, expecting dads, expecting Policy: Apply for representation through website. Submit one


new york | TALENT AGENTS
smiling headshot and one full-body shot. Accepts calls and drop-offs. Jennifer Berman (Assistant Booker)
Comments: Representing infants through adults for film, TV, and Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater
modeling. Always looking for great looking talent with personality. Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Actors - Fit Models
Garber Talent Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Policy: Headshot/resume through website. Models send 2 to
521 Fifth Ave., Ste. 1700 3 photos with stats.
New York, NY 10175 212-292-4910
email: Gotham Talent Agency (NATR-EQUITY-SAG-
Staff: Karen S. Garber (Owner) AFTRA)
Represents: Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Hosts 200 W. 41st St., Ste. 1001
& Spokespersons - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & New York, NY 10036 212-944-8898
Choreographers - Musical Theater Performers - Film & TV Actors Fax: 212-944-8899
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Mail without email:
return addresses will not be opened. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Staff: Cynthia Katz (Agent)
Generation TV (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
20 W. 20th St., Ste. 1008 Actors
New York, NY 10011 212-727-7219 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. No
Fax: 212-727-7147 calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Represents talent ages 16 and up.
website: Gurman Agency, LLC (WGA-Theater -WGA East-
Staff: Patti Fleischer (Owner), Dina Torre (Commercial and SDC)
Theatrical Agent), Mallory Levy (Theatrical Agent) New York, NY 10122 212-749-4618
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover email:
Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email at gen- Staff: Susan Gurman (Principal/Agent), Lily Jane (Royalty or Manager), Julian (Assistant)
No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Composers - Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters
Comments: Represents children and teens only. Submissions - Directors - Dancers & Choreographers
for theatrical clients up to 25 years old and for actors below 20 for Policy: Referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
all other departments. Comments: Theatre and streaming as well as page-to-stage
rights only: playwrights, composers, lyricists, librettists, direc-
Gersh (New York) (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-WGA) tors, and designers.
41 Madison Ave., 29rd Fl.
New York, NY 10010 212-997-1818 Hanns Wolters International, Inc.
Fax: 212-997-1978 (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
email: 353 W. 48th St., Ste. 312
website: New York, NY 10036 212-714-0100
Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - email:
Musical Theater Performers - Dancers & Choreographers - Film website:
& TV Editors - Directors - Production Designers - Book Authors Staff: Oliver Mahrdt (Senior Agent/President), Bill Duey (Executive
- Screenwriters - TV Writers - Cinematographers - Comedians - Assistant)
Speakers & Lecturers - Playwrights - Composers Represents: Screenwriters - Producers - Voiceover Artists -
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume/YouTube or Vimeo video by email only.
No attachments. No unsolicited demos, scripts, or screenplays.
Ginger Dicce Talent Agency No calls. No drop-offs.
P.O. Box 6674 Comments: Also has an attached voice-over department,
New York, NY 10150 212-869-9650 specializing in all foreign languages. The Agency also represents
Staff: Ginger Dicce (Owner) writers, producers, and directors, as well as corporations. The
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Voiceover agency does not represent models or children.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited CDs. Film Harden Curtis Kirsten Riley Agency
actors with credits. No calls. No drop-offs. (HCKR Agency) (NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
214 W. 29th St., Ste. 1203
Glitter Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) New York, NY 10001 212-977-8502
400 60th St. Fax: 212-977-8420
West New York, NJ 07093 201-758-7272 website:
email: Staff: Mary Harden (Owner), Nancy Curtis (Owner), Diane Riley
website: (Agent), Michael Kirsten (Agent), Hannah Gordon (Agent), Shelby
Staff: Hilda Morfi (Agent), Conor Schulz (Assistant Booker), Hoehne (Assistant), Harrison Post (Assistant), Kerleen Sanon


TALENT AGENTS | new york
(Assistant), Jamie Anderson (Assistant), William Gfeller (Assistant) Images Model Management
Represents: Composers - Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters 900 Broadway, Ste. 605
- Directors - Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Theater Performers New York, NY 10003 212-228-0300
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Fax: 212-228-0438
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos. email:
No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Staff: Kathy Geraghty (President), Gary Bertalovitz (Agent,
The Hart Agency Women’s Division), Christian Paris (Agent, Women’s Division),
1201 Broadway, Ste. 409 Marielle Cardone (Agent, Runway/Showroom), Dani Bongiorno
New York, NY 10001 212-989-4288 (Agent, Men’s Division)
1233 Walt Whitman Rd. Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Melville, NY 11747 631-752-1053 Policy: Digital comp card or headshot by mail or email at images@
Fax: 212-481-2839 Open call every Wednesday at 3 p.m.
website: Comments: Minimum height for women: 5’8”. Men: 5’11”.
Staff: Keith Hart (Owner/President), Larry Golus (VP), Leah
Guidarelli (Division Director/General Manager) IMG Models
Represents: Promotional & Event Models 304 Park Ave. S., PH N.
Policy: Submissions accepted via website or email. New York, NY 10010 212-253-8884
Comments: Represents talent for promotional marketing/ Fax: 212-253-8883
modeling only. website:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports
Headline Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Personalities - Commercial Actors
27-01 Queens Plaza N., Fl. 13 Policy: Submit photos by mail or apply for representation through
Long Island City, NY 11101 212-257-6110 website. No open calls. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Ingber & Associates (NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Erica Bines (Director of Talent (NY/LA)/Partner), Ben 1140 Broadway, Ste. 907
Jordan (Talent Agent (NY/LA), Partner) New York, NY 10001 212-889-9450
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Carole R. Ingber (Agent), Blake M. Lowell (Agent)
Policy: Industry referral only. Referral must come from the Represents: Comedians - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors
industry professional. No unsolicited submissions or emails. No Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Submitted materials will
calls. No drop-offs. not be returned. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents talent for commercials, voiceovers,
Henderson/Hogan Agency (NATR-EQUITY- and industrials only.
850 Seventh Ave., Ste. 1003 Innovative Artists (New York) (ATA-EQUITY-
New York, NY 10019 212-765-5190 SAG-AFTRA)
Fax: 212-586-2855 235 Park Ave. S., Tenth Fl.
email: New York, NY 10003 212-253-6900
website: Fax: 212-253-1198
Staff: Alex Butler (Agent), Chad Pisetsky (Agent), Alexandra website:
Porterfield (Assistant) Staff: Gary Gersh (VP, Talent)
Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Theater Actors - Film Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Voiceover Artists
& TV Actors Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No unsolicited demos. Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Talent Agencies.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Hard-copy submissions only. JC William Agency, Inc. (EQUITY)
157 Columbus Ave., Fourth Fl.
ICM Partners (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-ATA-WGA) New York, NY 10023
65 E. 55th St. 10929 Vanowen St., Ste. 116
New York, NY 10022 212-556-5600 North Hollywood, CA 91605
Fax: 212-556-5665 website:
website: Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors - Musical Actors - Film & TV Actors
Theater Performers - Music Editors & Producers - Variety Artists & Policy: Currently excepting triple threat submissions; actors
Specialty Acts - Directors - Book Authors - Producers - Screenwriters who sing, act, and dance proficiently.
- Interactive Game Developers - Singers & Musicians - TV Writers
- Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Cinematographers - Jordan, Gill & Dornbaum Talent
Comedians - Playwrights - Composers Agency Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No 1370 Broadway, Fifth fl.
calls. No drop-offs. New York, NY 10018 212-463-8455
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Talent Agencies. website:


new york | TALENT AGENTS
Staff: Robin Dornbaum (Owner/Commercial Agent (Children to No calls. No drop-offs.
Young Teens)), Jeffrey Gill (Owner/Commercial Agent (Children
to Young Adults)), David McDermott (Commercial Agent (Over 18 Leading Artists, Inc. (ATA-NATR-EQUITY)
and Specialties)) 145 W. 45th St., Ste. 1000
Represents: Comedians - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - New York, NY 10036 212-391-4545
Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Fax: 212-354-4941
Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Dianne Busch (Agent/Owner), Michael Kelly Boone (Agent),
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Diana Doussant (Agent), Jaime Wilhelm (Assistant), Danny Laraway
Comments: Specializes in commercial talent for 4 year olds up (Assistant)
to seniors. Theatrical for children to young adults only. Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos.
Kazarian/Measures/Ruskin & No emails. No calls. No drop-offs.
Associates (ATA-NATR-EQUITY) Comments: Sister agency in Los Angeles: SMS Talent. Actors only.
110 W. 40th St., Ste. 2506
New York, NY 10018 212-582-7572 Light & Salt Model and Talent Agency
Fax: 212-582-7448 (SAG-AFTRA)
website: 708 Third Ave.
Staff: Mark Measures (Owner/President), Jed Abrahams (VP, New York, NY 10017 646-767-3757
New York Office), Ashley Landay (Agent, Film/TV/Theater), Barrett Fax: 646-767-3758
Bischoff (Agent, Film/TV/Theater), Dianne Fallucca (Assistant),
Taylla Smith (Assistant) email:
Represents: Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Film
& TV Actors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers Staff: Nurisha Harvey (Agent), Fay Hill (Agent), Emily Blake
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls. (Agent), Kevin L. (Agent)
No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists &
Newscasters - Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
The Krasny Office, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Film & TV
1501 Broadway, Ste. 1507 Actors - Book Authors - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Editors - Fit
New York, NY 10036 212-730-8160 Models - Look-alikes & Impersonators - Musical Theater Performers
Fax: 212-768-9379 - Promotional & Event Models - Speakers & Lecturers - Theater
Staff: Gary Krasny (Owner), B. Lynne Jebens (Agent), Mikey Variety Artists & Specialty Acts
Nagy (Agent) Policy: Headshot/resume through website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors Comments: Light & Salt Model and Talent Agency is licensed
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors in NY, GA, and NJ.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
The Luedtke Agency (EQUITY-SDC-SAG-AFTRA-
La Creme Modeling & Acting AGVA-AGMA-AFM-ATA-WGA)
P.O. Box 131 4528 St., Second Fl.
Union, NJ 07083 908-264-8076 Long Island, NY 11101 212-765-9564
1136 US Highway 22 W. 4528 21st St., Second Fl.
Mountainside, NJ 07092 908-688-4411 Long Island, NY 11101
Fax: 908-272-4085 Staff: Penny Luedtke (Owner), Meghan Manahan (Junior Agent)
email: Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Dancers &
website: Choreographers - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Directors -
Staff: Celina Herrera (Agent), Patricia Pinto (Agent) Producers - Playwrights - Composers - Screenwriters - TV Writers
Represents: Print Models - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
- Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Comments: Represents all ages.
Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial
Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Made Worldwide Agency
Policy: Headshot/resume accepted by mail or email. Open calls 116 W. 23rd St. Fifth Fl.
on Friday from 7–9 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.–3 p.m. New York, NY 10011 646-470-0398
Comments: Additional Offices in Miami, FL. Classes offered to 811 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1700
represented talent. Los Angeles, CA 90017
Lally Talent Agency (LTA) (NATR-AGVA-EQUITY- website:
SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Katherine Mesa (CEO/Agent)
1776 Broadway, Ste. 1400 Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians
New York, NY 10019 212-974-8718 - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models
Staff: Dale R. Lally (Owner), Stephen Laviska (Owner), Barry - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Theater
Axelrod (Assistant) Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Actors - Fit Models
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos. Policy: Submissions through website. Calls and drop-offs


TALENT AGENTS | new york
accepted. New York, NY 10016 212-779-0814
Comments: Non-union freelance agency. email:
Major Model Management Staff: Marius Bargielski (Owner), Patricia Roman (Assistant)
341 W. 38th St., Second Fl. Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors
New York, NY 10018 212-685-1200 - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. Accepts
website: postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Katia Sherman (President)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models The Mine (ATA-NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: Submit photos by mail, email, through website, or attend 420 Lexington Ave., Ste. 628
open call the first Wednesday of every month from 3 to 4 p.m. New York, NY 10170 212-612-3200
Fax: 212-612-3201
Marilyn Model Management email:
32 Union Square E., PH website:
New York, NY 10003 212-260-6500 Staff: David Crombie (Owner/Agent (NY)), Dustin Flores (Agent
email: (LA/NY)), Madison Roberts (NY)
website: Represents: Musical Theater Performers - Theater Actors - Film
Staff: Angela Shatashwili (Office Manager) & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Submit photos by email only. No open calls. No calls.
No drop-offs. Model Management Group (MMG)
1024 Sixth Ave., Second Fl.
Mary Therese Friel, LLC New York, NY 10018 212-253-8353
20-102 Assembly Dr. Fax: 212-731-0246
Mendon, NY 14506 585-624-5510 email:
1251 Pittsford Mendon Rd. website:
Mendon, NY 14506
Fax: 585-582-1268 Staff: Jeff Cohen (President), Aviva Skall (VP), Simona Sheinkman
email: (VP & Head Booker), Abie Shippee (Booker), Talia Sperandio (Head
website: Talent Manager), Jordan Molloy (Senior Talent Manager/Head of
Staff: Mary Therese Friel (Owner), Kent Friel (Owner) Creative Development & Branding), Jolie Bergeron (Talent Manager),
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Maura MacDonald (Talent Manager)
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports Personalities
- Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Promotional & Event Models
MC2 Model Management - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
6 W. 14th St., Second Fl. Policy: By email or through website. No open calls. Ages 3 and
New York, NY 10011 646-638-3330 up. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 646-638-2123 Models On The Move Model & Talent
website: Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models P.O.Box 4037
Policy: Submit photos by mail, email, or attend open calls Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 856-667-1060
Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs. 856-428-7667
Comments: Represents talent ages 14 and up; Minimum height email:
for women: 5’9”. Staff: Lucy King (Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
The Meg Pantera Agency, Inc. (AGVA- Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Policy: Headshot/resume and all updated information by mail
138 W. 15th St. or email. Include SASE. No calls. No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10011 212-219-9330 Comments: New as well as established actor/models. Looking
email: for all ethnicities; especially seeking more children, Asian, and
Staff: Meg Pantera (Agent), Katie Murphy (Sub-Agent) mature talent. Works with SAG-AFTRA and nonunion models, actors,
Represents: Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Theater and entertainers for TV Pilots, episodic industrials, feature film,
Performers - Film & TV Actors VO, spokes, stage, theatre, live events, promotional, catalogues,
Policy: Headshot/resume to submissions email. No unsolicited commercial print.
demos. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Myers International Management,
Metropolis Artists Agency (EQUITY-SAG- Inc. (EQUITY-AGMA)
AFTRA) 1238 Puritan Ave.
208 E. 30th St., Second Fl. Bronx, NY 10461 718-239-2517


new york | TALENT AGENTS
167 Christie St., Second Fl. Fax: 212-431-1723
New York, NY 10002 email:
Staff: John Myers (Agent), Maria Monetta (Contracting) website:
Represents: Composers - Cinematographers - Singers & Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Musicians - Screenwriters - Directors - Music Editors & Producers Policy: Submit photos by email only. No open calls. No calls.
- Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater No drop-offs.
Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Resumes by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Orb Model Management
Comments: Specializes in concerts, opera spectaculars, film, 130 W. 56th St., Ste. 703
documentaries and cultural projects, events, and funding. New York, NY 10019 212-957-2862
Fax: 212-957-3015
New York Model Management email:
596 Broadway, Ste. 701 website:
New York, NY 10012 212-539-1700 Staff: Tony Iuffredo (Owner)
Fax: 212-539-1775 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
email: Policy: Submit photos by email, or attend open call every Thursday
website: from 11 a.m. to noon. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Cory Bautista (Women’s Division), Jeffrey Gold (Women’s Comments: Women 16–22 with a height of 5’9’–5’11”. Men 18–28
Division), Marion Smith (Women’s Division), Dana Cullen (NYM2 with a height of 6’–6’3”.
Women), John Bass (NYM2 Women), Erin S. (Scouting/New
Faces), Megan Klein (Children’s Division), Blake Woods (Men’s Paradigm (DGA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Division), Aracelis Perez (Accounting/Administrative), Chris Marino 140 Broadway, 26th Fl.
(Accounting/Administrative), Nick Karathomas (Accounting/ New York, NY 10005 212-897-6400
Administrative), Sarah Burns (Accounting/Administrative) Fax: 212-764-8941
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models website:
Policy: Submit photos by mail or email, or attend open call (women Staff: Sam Gores (Chairman)
only) every Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Represents: Playwrights - Singers & Musicians - Screenwriters
Comments: Minimum height for women: 5’9”; men: 6’1”. - Book Authors - Production Designers - Directors - Voiceover
Artists - Film & TV Actors
Next Management Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No unsolicited demos. No
15 Watts St., Sixth Fl. calls. No drop-offs.
New York, NY 10013 212-925-5100
Fax: 212-925-5931 Parts Models
email: P.O. Box 7529 FDR Station
website: New York, NY 10150 212-744-6123
Staff: Faith Kates (President), Joel Wilkenfeld (President), Leigh email:
Crystal (Head, Women’s Division)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models website:
Policy: Submit photos by mail, apply for representation through Staff: Dani Korwin (Agent)
website. No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Comments: Height requirement of 5’9’’ or taller for women, Policy: Send parts pictures by mail or email. No drop-offs.
6’0’’ or taller for men. Comments: Specializes in models for hand, legs, feet, etc.

Nicolosi & Co., Inc. (ATA-NATR-EQUITY) Phoenix Artists, Inc. (ATA-NATR-EQUITY-SAG-

150 W. 25th St., Ste. 1200 AFTRA)
New York, NY 10001 212-633-1010 330 W. 38th St., Ste. 607
email: New York, NY 10018 212-586-9110 Fax: 212-586-8019
website: Staff: Gary Epstein (Agent), Randi Ross (Agent), Delores Williams
Staff: Jeanne Nicolosi (Agent/Owner), Jeremy Leiner (Agent), (Agent)
David Cash (Agent), Steve Meyers (Agent Assistant), Jacqueline Represents: Composers - Playwrights - Comedians - Directors -
Wheeler (Agent Assistant) Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Theater Performers - Theater
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Musical Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Performers - Comedians - Directors - Dancers & Choreographers Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos. No drop-offs.
Industry referral preferred. No calls. No drop-offs.
Plaza 7 NYC Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
One Model Management 1350 Avenue of the Americas, Ste. 336
42 Bond St., Second Fl. New York, NY 10019 212-653-0849
New York, NY 10012 212-505-5545 email:


TALENT AGENTS | new york
website: Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Film
Staff: Francesca Francois-Grimaldi (CEO), Cassia Valuikas & TV Actors
(Agent), RJ Murphy (Agent), Chrystine Tyson-DeJesus (Agent), Policy: Submit photos by email, or attend open call every Thursday
PK Parks (Agent) from 10–11 a.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors Comments: See website for age/body requirements.
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation Ramona’s Model & Talent, LLC
through website. Interviews by appointment only call for open call 15 Park Ave., Third Fl.
information. No drop-offs. Rutherford, NJ 07070 646-330-4507 (Models/Talent)
646-330-4705 (Clients)
Posche Models & Talent (SAG-AFTRA) email:
5 W. 37th St., Ste. 531 website:
New York, NY 10018 646-205-3023 Staff: Ramona Pitera (Partner/Agent), Michelle Kilic (Partner/
1350 E. Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 107 Marketing and Finance)
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-524-2743 Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
Fax: 954-206-2175 Artists - Commercial Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by email or apply for representation
website: through website. No calls.
Staff: Tyler Molinari (Owner/USA Director/Agent, Models),
Florance Kirilova (Agent, SAG-AFTRA Talent), Michael Alvarez Red Entertainment Agency
(Manager, Models) 205 E. 42nd St., 20th Fl.
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover New York, NY 10017 212-563-7575
Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film Fax: 212-563-9393
& TV Actors - Fit Models email:
Policy: Accepted through website. website:
Staff: Carlos Keyes (President)
The Price Group (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Singers & Musicians - Theater Actors - Film &
33 W. 19th St., Fourth Fl. TV Actors
New York, NY 10011 212-725-1980 Policy: Resume/reel by email only. Phone calls okay. No drop-offs.
email: Red Model Management 302 W. 37th St., Third Fl.
website: New York, NY 10018 212-785-1999
Staff: Lisa Price (Agent), Joshua Roach (First Assistant), Andrew email:
Barikmo (Second Assistant) website:
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Singers & Staff: Kristin Mautone (Agent, Women), Jamaal Clowers (Agent,
Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Dancers & Choreographers Women), Jason Sobe (Agent, Women), John Babin W (Agent, Men),
- Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Comedians Carly Greenberg (Agent, Men/Citizen Men), George Brown (Agent,
- Print Models Citizen Men), Dave Fothergill (Agent, Citizen Men), Eileen Kim
Policy: 17 years and older submit headshot/resume by mail or (Editorial), Bronson Vajda (Mens Division/Creative Director), John
email. Industry referral preferred. No calls. Crawford (Agent, Men & Women’s Divisions), Pierre Ellis (Agent,
Woman & Imaging Divisions), Alexandra Mautone (Agent, Men)
Professional Artists (WGA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 207 Policy: Submit photos by email, or attend open calls every
New York, NY 10036 212-247-8770 Wednesday from 3 to 5 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 212-977-5686 Comments: Men should be 6’1”-6’3”; Women should be 5’9”-5’11”
Staff: Sheldon Lubliner (Agent), Marilynn Scott Murphy (Agent), Roster Agency (NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Jackie Gubow (Agent), Andrew Martini (Agent Assistant) 247 W. 38th St., 10th Fl.
Represents: Directors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors New York, NY 10018 212-725-8459
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Attends showcases and Fax: 212-869-4707
accept showcase invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Represents directors for stage only. website:
Staff: Michael W. Rodriguez (Owner/Agent)
Q Model Management (SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
354 Broadway Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and
New York, NY 10013 212-807-6777 (Women) invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
212-807-6111 (Men)
Fax: 212-807-8999 State Artist Management
email: 200 W. 41st St., Ste. 1000
website: New York, NY 10036 212-944-8896
Staff: Jeffrey Kolsrud (Owner/Women’s Booking Agent) Fax: 212-944-8899


new york | TALENT AGENTS
email: Take 3 Talent Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) 1460 Broadway, Eighth fl.
website: New York, NY 10036 646-289-3915
Staff: William Ivers (CEO), Zachary Smith (Director, Lifestyle email:
Division), Hannah Lyman (Lifestyle Division) website:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Staff: Natasha Matallana (President/Agent, Film & TV), Eddie
Commercial Actors - Fit Models Rabon (Agent, Theater, Film, & TV), Shoshana Cantwell (Agent, Adult
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls. Commercial & Print), Dave Marken (COO/Agent, Comedy, Packaging,
No drop-offs. Creative), Catherine Melillo (Agent, Voiceover & Commercial),
Amanda Morales (Agent, Youth Print & Commercial), Ren Wilkins
Stewart Talent (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) (Assistant, Legit), Elizabeth Mulligan (Assistant to Agents), Jenna
1430 Broadway, Ste. 1513 Castle (Commercial Assistant), Connor Howlett (Social Media
New York, NY 10018 212-315-5505 & Press)
email: (Voiceover Only) Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
website: Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Jane Stewart (Owner), Don Birge (Owner, Theatrical Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Agent), Tim Marshall (Theatrical Agent/Managing Director), Jordan No drop-offs.
Parente (Theatrical Agent), Jay Schachter (Agent/Head of Film &
TV), Nicole Wichinsky (Agent), Jason Sasportas (Agent, Voiceover), Talent House Agency (NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Marla Weber-Green (Agent, Voiceover & Influencers), Jonathan Saul 325 W. 38th St., Ste. 605
(Agent, Voiceover Promo & Narration Agent), Phil Cassese (Agent, New York, NY 10018 212-957-5220
On-Camera Commercial & Comedy), Alison Quartin (Agent, On email:
Camera Commercial & Comedy), Bonnie Shumofsky Bloom (Agent, Staff: Peter Kaiser (Agent), Zachary Durand (Agent), Kirsten
Children/Young Adult), Joe Webster (Commercial Assistant), Kevin Sweeney (Assistant)
Koulopoulos (Commercial Assistant), Oana Tudorache (Theatrical Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Assistant), Lucius Robinson (Children/Young Adult Assistant), Policy: Headshot/Resume/Demo Reel by mail (preferred). No
Samuel Adelman (Children/Young Adult Assistant), Nick Damiano calls; No drop-offs.
(Children/Young Adult Assistant), Franca Palumbo (Agent, Distinct Comments: Also has office in Toronto.
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Talent Representatives, Inc. (DGA-WGA-
Actors - Film & TV Actors NATR-EQUITY)
Policy: By email only. Email MP3 no longer than three minutes 1040 First Ave., Ste. 307
for voiceover. No calls. No drop-offs. New York, NY 10022 212-752-1835
Stone Manners Salners Agency (ATA- Staff: Honey Raider (President)
EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Composers - Print Models - TV Writers - Producers
900 Broadway, Ste. 910 - Directors - Film & TV Actors
New York, NY 10003 212-505-1400 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited manu-
Fax: 212-898-9060 scripts. No sealed envelopes. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: TalentWorks (NATR-EQUITY)
Staff: Tim Stone (Partner/Talent Agent), Ben Sands (Talent 505 Eighth Ave., Ste. 603
Agent), Remy Saint Denis (Talent Agent) New York, NY 10018 212-889-0800
Represents: Comedians - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Fax: 646-503-2299
Policy: Headshot/resume by email preferred. Accepts postcards email:
and invitations. No drop-offs. website:
Staff: Jay Kane (Legit Agent), Danielle Ippolito (Legit Agent),
SW Artists (EQUITY) Kyle Bosley (Legit Agent), Robert Solis (Assistant)
888-C Eighth Ave., No. 247 Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
New York, NY 10019 646-246-8853 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos.
718-812-5070 Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Does not handle youth or commercials.
Staff: Sue Winik (Owner/Agent), Margaret Emory (Agent), Valerie UIA Talent Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Adami (Agent, Youth Department), Dorothy Bitetto (Administrative 250 W. 57th St., Ste. 1832
Assistant) New York, NY 10107 212-969-1797
Represents: Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Film email:
& TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Voiceover Artists website:
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls.
No drop-offs. Staff: Vanessa Uzan (Director), Aaron Sanko (Managing Director),
Amy O’Connell (Associate Agent/Booking), Heather DeAngelo
(Associate Agent)


TALENT AGENTS | new york
Represents: Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Policy: Submit photos by email or drop-off. Dropped-off photos
Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors will not be returned.
Policy: Accepted by email only. Comments: Represents talent ages 16–25. Minimum height
for women is 5’9”.
United Talent Agency (UTA) (SAG-AFTRA-
888 Seventh Ave., Ninth Fl.
New York, NY 10106 212-659-2600
Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Voiceover Artists - Film
& TV Editors - Directors - Production Designers - Sports Personalities
- Book Authors - Screenwriters - Interactive Game Developers -
Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Cinematographers - Playwrights
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs.

Wilhelmina Models
300 Park Avenue S., Second Fl.
New York, NY 10010 212-473-0700
Fax: 212-271-1641
Staff: Bobbi Gutierrez (Celebrity Agent, Development)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Policy: Submit photos by mail only. Submissions also accepted
through website. See site for guidelines. No calls.
Comments: Athletes, top models, and music artists for endorse-
ments and personal appearances.


11 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10010 212-586-5100
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors - Musical
Theater Performers - Dancers & Choreographers - Variety Artists &
Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists - Directors - Sports Personalities
- Book Authors - Producers - Screenwriters - TV Writers - Broadcast
Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Speakers & Lecturers -
Playwrights - Composers
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions of any
kind. No calls. No drop-offs.

Wolf Talent Group (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)

165 W. 46th St., Ste. 910
New York, NY 10036 212-840-6787
Fax: 212-840-6769
Staff: Teresa Wolf (Owner/Agent, Theatrical/Equity), Emily
Morgan (Agent, Theatrical/Equity), Kym Smith (Agent, Theatrical/
Equity), Lizzy Cook (Assistant)
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. 18 years and older. No
calls. No drop-offs.

Women Model Management/

Supreme Management
199 Lafayette St., Seventh Fl., Ste. 7
New York, NY 10012 212-334-7480
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models



90210 Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-878-0800

16430 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 200 Fax: 323-903-0319
Encino, CA 91436 323-903-7217 email:
25 Broadway, Ninth Fl. website:
New York, NY 10004 Staff: Anna Chudoba Womack (Owner/Agent), Larry Wiedemann
Fax: 310-203-8412 (Commercial Agent)
email: Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
website: - Fashion & Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Promotional &
Staff: Theo Caesar (Sr. Agent, Head of Theatrical), Lisa Martel (Sr. Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Agent, Head of Voiceover), Alan Coto (Agent, Head of Commercial) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts postcards
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
TV Actors Comments: Represents all ages.
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. Visit website prior
to submitting any materials. No calls. No drop-offs. Across The Board Talent Agency (EQUITY-
Comments: Where hustle meets opportunity. SAG-AFTRA)
14542 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 201
A3 Artists Agency (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-NATR- Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 323-761-02829
ATA-WGA) 149 Madison Ave., 11th Fl.
750 N. San Vicente Blvd. New York, NY 10016 917-397-0282
E. Tower, 11th Fl. website:
Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-859-0625 Staff: Guy Kochlani (CEO/Founder/Agent, TV & Film), Todd Eskin
Fax: 310-276-6193 (Head of Theater Department), Frankie Fronte (Head of Commercial
email: contactLA@a3artistsagency Department), Robert Miller Jr. (Agent, Theater), Cindy Schoonover (Agent, Youth), Armand Vaughn (Agent, Tv & Film), Preston
website: Vanderfinch (Agent, TV & Film), Joy Dewing (Agent, Theatrical)
Staff: Harry Abrams (Chairman/CEO), Neal Altman (COO), Adam Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
Bold (President and COO), Robert Attermann (CEO) - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only to LA office for all submis-
Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Music Editors sions. Mark “New Faces” on envelope. No phone calls. No drop-offs.
& Producers - Dancers & Choreographers - Voiceover Artists
- Film & TV Editors - Directors - Production Designers - Sports Affinity Artists Agency/Affinity
Personalities - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Fashion & Runway Models & Talent Agency (AFM-DGA-WGA-
Models - Book Authors - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
- Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Broadcast Journalists & 5455 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Fl., Ste. 1010
Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models - Speakers & Lecturers Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-525-12212
- Playwrights - Composers 67 W. St., Fourth Fl., Ste. 32
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Through agents and managers Brooklyn, NY 11222 212-390-1221
only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Also affiliated with NCOPM. See also listing under
New York Talent Agencies. website:
AB2 Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Ross Grossman (Agency Director/Talent Agent, Film and TV,
11601 Wilshire Blvd., Fifth Fl., Ste. 500 Comedy, Live Events/Personal Appearances), Lynne Grossman (NY
Los, Angeles 90025 310-235-1446 Talent Agent, Film and TV), Patrick Whitehead (Junior Talent Agent,
email: Film and TV), Christopher Holler (Talent Agent, Commercial and Print)
website: Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Fashion & Runway
Staff: Andrea Beane (Owner/Agent), Angelina Bruno (Owner/ Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Agent) Policy: Headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Voiceover Artists
Policy: Email commercial voiceover demo reel/voiceover resume/ Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc.
current audition sample recorded in your home studio by email. All (Los Angeles) (SAG-AFTRA-AFM-EQUITY-ATA-WGA-DGA)
ages. Require home studio, demo, and professional experience. 405 S. Beverly Dr.
Calls accepted. No drop-offs. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-888-4200
Fax: 310-888-4242
AC Talent Agency, LLC (SAG-AFTRA) email:
8447 Wilshire Blvd., PH website:


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Represents: Singers & Musicians - Film & TV Actors - Music Editors Amatruda Benson & Associates (ABA)
& Producers - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Directors - Book (SAG-AFTRA)
Authors - Producers - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons - TV 433 N. Camden Dr., Fourth Fl.
Writers - Comedians - Playwrights - Composers Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-276-1851
Policy: Industry referral only. Accepts postcards and invitations. Fax: 310-276-3517
No calls. No drop-offs. email:
AKA Talent Agency (ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) website:
6310 San Vicente Blvd., Ste. 200 Staff: Kimberley Gola (Owner/Agent, Print/Commercial), Tim
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-965-5600 Le (Agent, Adult Commercial), Joseph Le (Agent, Feature Film/TV)
Fax: 323-965-5601 Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts postcards
Staff: Doug Ely (Owner/Agent, Commercial), Mike Abrams and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
(Owner/Agent, Commercial), Pamela Porter (Owner/Agent, Comments: Specializes in children, teens, and young adults.
Commercial), Gregg A. Klein (President, Theatrical), Chip Hooley
(Agent, Theatrical), Jeremy Jones (Director, Business & Affairs), Amsel, Eisenstadt, Frazier & Hinojosa
David Stieve (Agent, Personal Appearances), Julie Fulop (Agent, Inc. (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
Youth Theatrical Department Head), Kristin Malecki (Agent, Youth 5055 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 865
Commercial Department Head, Voiceover), Tiffany Treibel (Assistant, Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-939-1188
Youth Department), Courtney Washington (Assistant, Theatrical), Fax: 323-939-0630
Christopher Fierros (Assistant, Hosting/Personal Appearance), website:
Noreen Konkle (Assistant, Commerical), Frank Smarba (Coordinator, Staff: Mike Eisenstadt (Partner/President/Agent, Motion
Submissions), Gracie Mandel (Reception), Kerri Boyd (Agent, PIcture & TV), Gloria Hinojosa (Partner/Agent, Motion Picture
Hosting/Broadcasting) & TV, Commercial Adults), Nicole Jolley (Agent, Youth), Milton
Represents: Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Hosts & Perea (Theatrical and Commercial Youth), Indra Rose (Jr. Agent,
Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Commercial Adults), Katelyn Mauriello (Jr. Agent, Commercial Youth)
Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Comedians - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral preferred. Unsolicited materials by mail Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and
only, will not be returned. No calls. No drop-offs. invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.

All Crew Agency (DGA) Angel City Talent (SAG-AFTRA-WGA-EQUITY-ATA)

2920 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 201 Los Angeles, CA 323-656-5489
Burbank, CA 91505 818-206-0144 email: website:
website: Staff: Mimi Mayer (Owner, MP/TV/Legit Agent), Sarah Dunn
Staff: Brian Ellis (Managing Partner (U.S.)), James Little (UK (Commercial Agent)
Affiliate) Represents: Magicians - Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors -
Represents: Cinematographers - Producers - Production Commercial Actors - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover
Designers - Film & TV Editors Artists - Sports Personalities - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Hosts
Policy: Below the line talent only. We do not represent actors. & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - Comedians - Print Models
Comments: Currently looking for below the line talent for - Speakers & Lecturers
worldwide representation for motion pictures, TV, commercials, Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Attends showcases and
and music videos. plays, locally, regionally, and nationally. No calls.

The Alvarado Rey Agency (ATA-EQUITY-SAG- Aperture Talent

AFTRA) 9378 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 310
7906 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 205 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-601-2532
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-656-2277 300 Park Ave. S., Second Fl.
Fax: 323-656-2299 New York, NY 10010
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Nikkolas Rey (Owner/Agent), Cinthia Becks (Agent), Alex Staff: Carlos Garcia (Agency Director), Brandie Ilsen (Talent
Lara (Sub-Agent, Commercial), Aaron Leider (Agent), Philippe Agent), Robin Shockley (Talent Agent), Yma Dandridge (Assistant)
Macridis (Print/TV Hosting Associate) Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Voiceover
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Commercial Actors - Artists - Print Models
Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail and email. No calls. No
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts demos by drop-offs.
email. Do not attach files, include links only. Accepts postcards and Comments: Represents all ages.
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Currently seeking talent with improv background. AQUA Talent Agency (ATA-AGVA-EQUITY-SAG-
9000 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 700



california | TALENT AGENTS

West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-859-8889 website:
Fax: 310-859-8898 Staff: Toni Asterino (Founder), Sydney Asterino (Talent Scout),
email: Paris Asterino (Talent Scout), London Asterino (Talent Scout) (commercial) Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
website: Spokespersons - Producers - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports
Staff: Lawrence Har (Owner/Agent, Celebrity Endorsements/ Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV
Spokesperson Campaigns), Courtney Peldon (Agent, Theatrical), Actors - Fit Models
Blake Viglione (Agent, Print/Commercial), Tom Eun (Commercial Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Actors include link to reel,
Assistant) resume, and two headshots. Models include various head and full body
Represents: Print Models - Musical Theater Performers - shots with resume. Los Angeles talent only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Comments: Currently accepting submissions from actors, models,
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by email. Accepts and voiceover artists.
postcards. No calls. No drop-offs.
Atlas Talent Agency (ATA-NATR-SAG-AFTRA)
Arlene Thornton & Associates (SAG-AFTRA) 8721 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 205
12711 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 490 West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-324-9800
Studio City, CA 91604 818-760-6688 website:
Fax: 818-760-1165 Staff: Jonn Wasser (Partner/Promo Agent (NY & LA)), Heather
email: Vergo (Promo Agent), Leah Swetsky (Commercial Agent) Represents: Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Animation
website: Artists - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional &
Staff: Arlene Thornton (President/Voiceover Agent), John Lohr Event Models
(Voiceover Agent), Larry Riess (Voiceover Agent), Janet Tscha Policy: See website. No calls. No drop-offs.
(On-Camera Agent), Myrna Valenzuela (Voiceover Assistant) Comments: Represents an extensive client roster in the promo-
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors tion, commercial, narration, broadcasting, and animation markets.
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email to voiceover@ or No calls. Avalon Artists Group (ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
No drop-offs. 5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900
Comments: Represents both kids and adults. Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-692-1700
Artist Management Agency website:
3960 West Point Loma Blvd., Ste. H-341 Staff: Craig Holzberg (Owner/President/Legit Agent), Elmer
San Diego, CA 92110 619-233-6655 Blanco (Agent, Theatrical), Stephany Burns (Agent, Commercial),
714-558-7373 Ted Maier (Agent, Youth Division, Theatrical, Commercial), Adelle
website: Perez (Senior Assistant)
Staff: Nanci Washburn (President) Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover - Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Martial Artists
Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No open calls. Accepts - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater
voiceover demos only. No on-camera demos. Include SASE to Actors - Film & TV Actors
have materials returned. Accepts postcards and invitations. No Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email only. All ages. No
calls. No drop-offs. calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents talent ages 5 and up for San Diego and Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
Orange County markets exclusively. Avalon Artists Group is a talent agency representing actors across
the United States with an additional office located in New York
ASAP Talent Agency (WGA-SAG-AFTRA) and representatives in Chicago, Atlanta, and Miami. Established
27955 Smyth Dr., Ste. 103 in 2005, Avalon Artists Group prides itself on offering hands-on,
Valencia, CA 91355 personalized attention, and guidance to all clients, making every
235 Peachtree St., Ste. 400 actor feel as if they are the only one represented.
Atlanta, GA 30303
website: Avant Artists (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Print Models - Screenwriters - Commercial Actors 21300 Victory Blvd., Ste. #505
- Film & TV Actors Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818-609-1556
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Literary submissions website:
can mail or email resume/synopsis. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Cyrus Ruiz (Agent)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater
Actors - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Martial Artists &
Asterino Entertainment Agency, LLC Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists - Print Models
(SAG-AFTRA) Policy: Submissions via the website only.
9595 Wilshire Blvd., Ninth Fl.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 909-552-9913 AVO Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
email: 5670 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1930


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Los Angeles, CA 90036 310-360-7680 Los Angeles, CA 90025 818-559-5600
Fax: 310-360-7681 Fax: 818-559-7485
email: email:
website: Staff: Robert Depp (Owner/Theatrical Agent), Kristen Flores
Staff: Sandie Schnarr (Owner/Partner/Animation/Celebrity), (Commercial Department/Kids)
Peter Varano (Owner/Partner/Commercial/Celebrity), Rebecca Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater
Hargrove (Agent, Video Games/Animation), Jeffrey Jones (Agent, Actors
Promo/Trailer/Narration), James Boyle (Agent Assistant, Policy: Headshots/resumes by email to assistant@beverly-
Commercial), Tracy Wynne (Voice Director)
Represents: Voiceover Artists Comments: Represents all ages.
Policy: Accepts voiceover submissions through Facebook only.
No calls. No drop-offs. Bicoastal Talent & Literary Agency
Baron Entertainment (SAG-AFTRA) 2600 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 500
13848 Ventura Blvd., Ste. A Burbank, CA 91505 818-845-0150
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 323-969-1000 email:
Fax: 818-933-0798 website:
website: Staff: Liz Hanley (Agent, Film/TV/Literary), Greta Hanley (Agent,
Staff: Rod Baron (Owner), Martin Herrera (Executive Director/ Commercial), Niche Martin (Agent, Print & Fashion)
Lead Agent) Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Commercial Actors
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Theater - Film & TV Actors
Actors - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No unsolicited
- Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers manuscripts. Meetings by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
& Choreographers - Fashion & Runway Models - Print Models - Comments: Also represents writer/directors and writers for
Comedians - Singers & Musicians new media.
Policy: Hard- copy headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Bloc Talent Agency, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
1680 Vine St., Ste. 600
BBA Talent (ATA-SAG-AFTRA) Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-954-7730
4100 W. Alameda Ave., Ste. 203 630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 702
Burbank, CA 91505 818-506-8188 New York, NY 10036
Fax: 818-230-0457 email:
website: website:
Staff: Renee Howard (CEO), Christine Tarallo (Agent, Adult Staff: Brendan Filuk (Head of Agency/Agent), Laney Filuk (Head of
Commercial/Print), Mike O’Dell (Agent, Kids Commercial/Theatrical Agency/Agent), Tanisha Whiting (Talent Representative), Steve Gaeto
& Voiceover), Lyle Skosey (Agent, Adult Theatrical), Denise Barrett (Talent Representative), Jennie LaCovey (Talent Representative),
(Print and Kids Commercial), Turquoise Washington (Assistant) Jennifer Musgrove (Talent Representative), Shayna Brouillard (Talent
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Representative), Heidi Plemens (Staff), Havi Schlecker (Staff),
Actors - Film & TV Actors Eileen Marek (Staff), James Coons (Staff)
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only with relevant links. No Represents: Dancers & Choreographers - Musical Theater
calls. No drop-offs. Performers
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Bella Agency (Los Angeles) (SAG-AFTRA) No drop-offs.
The Taft Building Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
1680 N. Vine St., Ste. 714
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-462-9191 BMG Models (SAG-AFTRA)
Fax: 323-210-7101 5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900
email: Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-692-0900
website: Fax: 323-692-1722
Staff: Ray Volant (President), Hillary Maloney (Agent, Women/ email:
Lifestyle Men & Women), Jessica Olson (Kids Agent, On-Camera website:
& Theatrical), Hillary Maloney (Agent, On-Camera/ Print Men & Staff: Annie Marshall (Agency Director), Kiana Thompson (Agent),
Women), Ryan Young (Agent, On-Camera Men & Women), Lindsey Daniel Ditch (Junior Agent)
Wirkus (Agent, Print Men & Women) Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Submit photos on our website. Photos will not be returned. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, or models bring
No calls. No drop-offs. photo and attend an open call every Wednesday from 3 to 3:30 p.m.
Comments: Minimum height for women: 5’6”. Minimum height Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
for men: 5’10”. See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
Brady, Brannon & Rich (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
Beverly Hecht Agency (ATA-SAG-AFTRA) 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 275
12100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 800 Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-852-9559



california | TALENT AGENTS

email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Pat Brannon (Partner/Commercial), Stuart K. Robinson Staff: Julia Buchwald (President, West Coast), Tim Weissman
(CEO/Partner), Daniel Mullenix (COO), Gary Bornstein (Talent (Talent Agent, Youth), Angelo Padilla (Talent Agent), Gordon
Payment), Laura Bowman (Agent, Print & On-Camera Commercial), MacDonald (Talent Agent), Ben Gorman (Talent Agent), Michael
Tany Novoa (Assistant, On-Camera), Alexandrew Recore (Front Carr (Talent Agent), David Swift (Broadcast Agent), Hannah Roth
Desk), Sydney Rose Walker (Assistant) (Talent Agent), Julian Cain (Director of Operations, West Coast), Ty
Represents: Commercial Actors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Allen (Talent Agent), Casey Rabin (Agent, Comedy & TV Packaging/
Print Models Broadcast Divisions), Delsey Attardi (Agent, Social Media Division)
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Accepts postcards and Represents: Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Hosts &
invitations. 18 and older. No calls. No drop-offs. Spokespersons - Producers - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists
Comments: Personal appearances and public speaking also - Musical Theater Performers - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
represented. Policy: Industry referral preferred at this time. Headshot/
Resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls.
Brand Model and Talent Agency, Inc. No drop-offs.
(SAG-AFTRA) Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
601 N. Baker St.
Santa Ana, CA 92703 714-850-1158 C Talent, LLC
Fax: 714-850-0806 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 251B
email: Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-2403
website: email:
Staff: Craig Brand (Director of Creative and Client Relations),
Patty Brand (President/Head of Print Division), Cheyenne Clark website:
(Print Division), Corry Shaffer (LA Casting Division), Dylan Brand Staff: Martell Martin (VP/Agent), Ryan Westbrook (Agent)
(Development, Plus Size & e-Commerce Division), Sara Ciro (New Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater
Face & Development Division), Casey Starr (Print Division), Paula Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Schmidt (Kids Print Division), Tatum Dumont (Kids Theatrical & Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. No calls. No drop-
Commercial Division), Monique Bertignoli (Sport/Fashion Runway/ offs.
Fittings Division), Crystal Anderson (Trade Show Division), Cameron Comments: Get In Sight. Get Seen, Be Seen, #OnTheScreen.
Shaffer (Print Creative Department), LisaMarie Denham (Marketing
Division), Phyllis Brand (Accounting Department), Taylor Beacher Cassell-Levy, Inc. (CLinc) (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
(Assistant) Hollywood, CA 818-760-3971
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Fashion & email:
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Promotional & Event Models Staff: Leanna Levy (President/Commercials/Voiceover)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and Represents: Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters -
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors
Comments: Also represents plus-sized models. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. Do not attach
files, include links only. No calls.
BrickHouse Talent
555 W. Fifth St., 35th Fl. Castle Hill Talent Agency (AFM-EQUITY-SAG-
Los Angeles, CA 90013 818-784-2000 AFTRA)
website: 1101 S. Orlando Ave.
Staff: Aurora Lizardi (Commercial Agent), Nelson Henderson Los Angeles, CA 90035 323-653-3535
(Commercial Agent) email:
Represents: Commercial Actors - Print Models website:
Policy: See website. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Leigh Castle (Owner/Agent), Lisa Castle (Agent Assistant)
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Animals - Voiceover
BRS/Gage (ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors -
6300 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1430 Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-857-6666 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: David Shaul (Partner), Martin Gage (Consultant), Sarabeth
Schedeen (Agent), Amy Abell–Rosenfield (Agent), Craig Feblowitz Cavaleri & Associates Talent Agency
(Agent), Michael Chiaverini (Assistant), Ronick Lavingia (Assistant) (DGA-WGA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors 3500 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 300
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Burbank, CA 91505 818-955-9300
calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
Staff: Ray Cavaleri (Owner/Agent), Renae Bell (Agent,
Buchwald (DGA-WGA-ATA-NATR-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Commercials and Children), Al Choi (Agent, Literary)
5900 Wilshire Blvd., #3100 Represents: Comedians - Screenwriters - Producers - Martial
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-655-7400 Artists & Stunt Actors - Directors - Commercial Actors - Theater
Fax: 323-655-7470 Actors - Film & TV Actors


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts postcards TV Actors
and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Comments: Seeking established talent only. calls. No drop-offs.

Central Artists ChezChic Talent

1023 N. Hollywood Way, #102 9663 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 5000
Burbank, CA 91505 818-557-8284 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 888-989-2442
Fax: 818-557-8348 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Brett Vance (Owner/Agent)
Staff: Jean-Marc Carre (Commercial/Print), Laura Walsh (TV/ Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Film), Melony Begakis (TV/Film), Nicole Connor (Youth Division), Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Promotional
Vincent Carre (Office Manager) & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Sports Personalities - Variety No drop-offs.
Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. No calls. Chic Models & Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
No drop-offs. 5150 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Ste. 200
Comments: Represents established guest star, recurring, and Long Beach, CA 90804 562-433-8097
series regulars for TV, as well as film actors. Also little people, 714-895-7604 (O.C.)
Native Americans, and East Indians. Considers newer talent with Fax: 562-433-2224
a special interest in character and ethnic actors. email:
CESD Talent Agency (WGA-ATA-NATR-EQUITY) Staff: Patty Mezin (Agent)
10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Stes. 130, 135, 140 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-475-2111 Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models
310-475-7573 Policy: Headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 310-475-1929 Comments: Represents: Fashion print, commercial print, hair
email: models, and commercial actors. Especially seeking male and
website: female seniors.
Staff: Ken Slevin (President/Partner), Paul Doherty (Partner/ Cindy Romano Modeling & Talent
Head of LA Office), Carol Scott (Sr. VP, Print/Fashion Division), David Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Ziff (Sr. VP, On-Camera Commercials), Mitchell Gossett (Sr. VP, P.O. Box 1951
Theatrical Dept.), Katie Mack (Adult Print/Fashion), Melissa Berger- Palm Desert, CA 92261 760-323-3333
Brennan (TV Film Agent, Vice-President Youth Voiceover), Cathey website:
Lizzio (Voiceover/Animation Agent), Dedra Galiher (On-Camera Staff: Cindy Romano (President), Charis Romano McFarlane (VP)
Agent), Carol Lynn Sher (Director Young Talent Commercial/ Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
Print), Sumeet Iyengar (Voiceover/Commercial Agent), Pat Brady - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt
(Voiceover/Animation/Puppetry Agent/VP New Business), Beau Actors - Sports Personalities - Animals - Voiceover Artists - Dancers
Berdahl (Voiceover/Commercial Agent), Vinnie Biunno (Voiceover/ & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event
Director Promo-Trailer-Narration Division), Pedro Tapia (TV Film Models - Film & TV Actors
Agent/Vice President Theatrical Dept.), Sami Housman (TV Film Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Accepts
Digital Agent), Scott Forbes (Booth Director), Matt Shepley (Booth postcards and invitations. Accepts phone calls. No drop-offs.
Director), Sari Knight (Theatrical Agent) Comments: Also represents fitness models, precision drivers,
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists and bodybuilders.
& Newscasters - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists &
Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Variety Circle Talent Associates (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial 401 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Fl. PH
Actors - Film & TV Actors Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-496-4501
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Do not attach demo email:
as a file, email link only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No website:
calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Jennifer Lee Garland (Principal/Theatrical/Commercial
Comments: Also represents Digital Influencers. See also listing Agent)
under New York Talent Agencies. Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
The Chasin Agency (DGA-WGA-SAG-AFTRA)
8899 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 714 Clear Talent Group (ATA-NATR-EQUITY-SAG-
Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-278-7505 AFTRA)
Staff: Tom Chasin (President/Talent, Directors, Producers, 10950 Ventura Blvd.
Writers), Rachel Urban (Assistant) Studio City, CA 91604 818-509-0121
Represents: Screenwriters - Producers - Directors - Film & Fax: 818-509-7729



california | TALENT AGENTS

email: Owner), Sarah Angeli (Nonunion Print Agent), Paul Barrutia (Hosting Agent), Alicia Beekman (Voiceover/Youth Agent), Arlene
website: Glucksman (Voiceover/Celebrity Endorsements Agent), Nathan
Staff: Tim O’Brien (Owner/President, Creative & Choreography Higgins (Voiceover Agent), Becca Thomas (Assistant), Lauren
Agent), Brianna Ancel (Vice President, Director of Theatrical Rosen (Assistant), Danielle McKelvey (Assistant)
Department), Peter Engle (Vice President of Operations, Creative Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
& Choreography Agent), Bonnie Ventis (Co-Director, Young People’s & Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Producers - Sports
Department), Jody Alexander (Co-Director, Young People’s Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
Department), Philip Marcus (Agent, Young People’s Department), TV Actors
Brandon Sierra (Director/Agent, Dance Department), Allison Sweeney Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
(Director/Agent, Commercial & Print Department), Scot Reynolds
(Agent, Theatrical & Digital Department), Tiffany Tahan (Agent, Creative Artists Agency (CAA) (SAG-
Dance Department), Jessica Gil (Agent, Commercial & Digital AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-ATA-WGA)
Department), Meisha Goetz (Agent, Dance Department), Matthew 2000 Avenue of the Stars
Logsdon (Agent, Creative & Choreography Department) Los Angeles, CA 90067 424-288-2000
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Dancers Fax: 424-288-2900
& Choreographers - Comedians - Directors - Musical Theater website:
Performers - Print Models - Production Designers - Promotional Represents: Screenwriters - Film & TV Actors - Commercial
& Event Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Variety Artists & Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Music Editors & Producers
Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists - Directors - Sports Personalities - Book Authors
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls. - Producers - Hosts & Spokespersons - TV Writers - Broadcast
No drop-offs. Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Speakers & Lecturers -
Comments: Also represents Influencers, Content Creators & Playwrights - Composers
Digital Performers. Additional office in New York. See also listing Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
under New York Talent Agencies. calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
Coast to Coast Talent Group, Inc. (ATA-
SAG-AFTRA) The Criterion Group, Inc. (AFM-DGA-WGA-ATA-
3350 Barham Blvd. SAG-AFTRA)
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-845-9200 4842 Sylmar Ave.
Fax: 323-845-9212 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-995-1485
website: Fax: 818-995-1085
Staff: Portia Scott (Voice-Over Division), Jeremiah Doryon email:
(President), Elyah Doryon (VP/Agent, TV & Film Division), Hugh website:
Leon (Director, Commercial Division), Meredith Fine (Director, Youth Staff: Susan Wright (Partner/CEO, Literary/Below-the-Line),
Division), Dana Fletcher (Agent, Youth Division), Reagan Wallace Alicia DeAnda (Marketing Director)
(Theatrical, Children), Reagan Wallace (Agent, Youth Division), Sydel Represents: Cinematographers - Film & TV Editors - Screenwriters
Lisi (Agent, Youth Commercial), Wendy Bogdan (Print & Modeling Policy: Accepts solicited submissions by email or by referral. No
Division), Rachel Flores (Agent, Commercial Division) unsolicited material accepted.
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons Comments: Also represents make-up artists, hair artists, and
- Producers - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities costume designers. Affiliated with IATSE, ACE, Costume Guild,
- Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Make-up and Hair Guilds, and AFI.
Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and The Culbertson Group, LLC (ATA-SAG-
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. AFTRA)
Comments: Also represents social media influencers. 9100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 725 E.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 323-650-9454
Colleen Cler Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) email:
178 S. Victory Blvd., Ste. 108 Staff: Lorri Herman (Partner/Commercial), Eddie Culbertson
Burbank, CA 91502 818-841-7943 (Partner/Theatrical)
email: Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. No unsolicited
Staff: Colleen Cler (Owner/Agent), Judith Santillan (Agent) demos. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. D2 Models
11693 San Vicente Blvd., #823
Commercial Talent, Inc. (ATA-EQUITY-SAG- Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-820-1020
AFTRA) Fax: 323-372-3948
12711 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 285 email:
Studio City, CA 91604 818-505-1431 website:
website: Staff: Skeets London (Agency Director), Patrick Lennon (Booking
Staff: Sheila Di Marco (Agent/Owner), Neil Kreppel (Agent/ Coordinator)


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Represents: Commercial Actors - Print Models - Promotional &
Event Models - Fashion & Runway Models Disrupt The Game
Policy: Submit online application form on website. 332 S. Peck Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-625-8785
Daniel Hoff Agency (AFM-ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Fax: 310-553-8782
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1100 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-932-2500 website:
1370 Broadway, Ste. 536 Staff: Allison Galer (Founder)
New York, NY 10018 347-620-4633 Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Sports Personalities -
Fax: 323-932-2501 Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Submissions by email only.
Staff: Daniel Hoff (Owner/Commercial and Print Agent), Jessica Comments: WNBA and overseas contract negotiations, on-screen
Franklin (Commercial and Print Agent), Laura Lacombe (Commercial opportunities, marketing and endorsement deals, speaking engage-
and Print Agent), Garrett Hershey (Commercial and Print Agent), ments, public relations, and social media strategy.
Dana Lewis (Commercial/Print), Renee Banks (Commercial/Print),
Marta Parrillo (Commercial/Print), Dave Secor (TV/Film/Equity DPN Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Agent (NY)), Kevin Turner (TV/Film Agent), Jeremy Sickles (TV/ 9201 W. Olympic Blvd.
Film/Equity Agent (NY)) Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-432-7800
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians - Fax: 310-432-7801
Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers & Choreographers - Musical email:
Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Find appropriate Staff: Jeff Danis (President/Agent ), Kama Nist (Partner/Head,
agent through website. No calls. No drop-offs. Trailer Dept.), Trish Ryan (Partner/Co-Head), Natanya Rose (Senior
Comments: See also New York Agents listing. VP, Animation/Interactive), Amy Grant (Talent Payments), Brooke
Barnett (Agent, Animation/Interactive), Mike Shalbetter (Executive
David Davinci Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) VP, Promo, Trailer & Narration), Jennifer York (Agent, On-Camera
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 657-274-3812 Commercial), Lindsay Mass (Agent, On Camera Commercial),
email: David Salazar (Agent, Commercial Voiceover), Vince LeBica (Agent,
website: Voiceover Commercials), Taylor Fogarty (Jr. Agent, Commercial),
Staff: David Davinci (Owner) Kelsey Mendenhall (Assistant to Natanya Rose), Kevin Borow
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Composers - Print Models - (Assistant to Jeff Danis)
Magicians - Screenwriters - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors
Actors - Theater Actors - Fit Models Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Digital submissions only. All ages. No calls. No drop-offs.
Dramatic Artists Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
DDO Artists Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) 103 W. Alameda Ave., Ste. 139
4605 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 340 Burbank, CA 91502
North Hollywood, CA 91602 323-462-8000 email:
Fax: 323-462-0100 website:
email: Staff: Carlyne Grager (President/Theatrical Agent), Michele
website: Zarr (Commercial Agent)
Staff: Abigail Girvin (President/Partner), Bill Bohl (Partner, Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Voiceover Artists -
Dance), Marlene Sutton (Partner, Commercials), Julie Gudz (Agent, Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Adult Commercials), Laura Thede (Partner/Kids Theatrical), Anthony Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No drop-offs.
Boyer (Agent, Adult Theatrical), Bri Curtis (Agent, Kids Commercials),
Joe Orcutt (Accounting), Cassie Gelfand (Assistant, Commercial & Elegance Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Voiceover), Sheridan March (Kids Assistant), McKenna Murdock (Kids 2763 State St.
Assistant), Mallory Smith (Adult Theatrical Assistant) Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-3397
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Musical email:
Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film website:
& TV Actors Staff: Pam Pahnke (Owner/Agent)
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email, email Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Hosts
preferred. No calls. No drop-offs. & Spokespersons - Print Models - Promotional & Event Models -
Comments: See also listing in New York Agents. Voiceover Artists
Policy: Headshot/resume by drop off or postal mail only. Include
Defining Artists SASE if you would like materials returned.
8721 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 209 Comments: Represents talent ages 2 and up. SAG-AFTRA talent
West Hollywood, CA 90069 424-274-3114 agency handling all areas of show business in the San Diego area.
Staff: Dede Binder (Partner), Gwenn Pepper (Partner) Elite Model Management (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Film & TV Actors 518 N. La Cienega Blvd.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-274-9395



california | TALENT AGENTS

Fax: 310-278-7520
email: Esprit Talent Agency
website: 11620 Wilshire Blvd., Ninth Fl.
Staff: Victor Del Toro (Talent Agent), Tia Talbott (Talent Agent), Los Angeles, CA 90025 888-405-8901
Johnny Beyer (Jr. Agent) email:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models website:
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No mailed Staff: Mike Gerard (Agent)
submissions. No open calls. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Film & TV Actors - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors -
Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies. Theater Actors - Commercial Actors - Dancers & Choreographers -
Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists - Directors - Sports
Ellis Talent Group (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Personalities - Composers - Book Authors - Screenwriters - Hosts
4705 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Ste. 300 & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Broadcast
Valley Village, CA 91607 818-980-8072 Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Speakers & Lecturers
website: Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Pamala Ellis-Evenas (President/Agent), Gabrielle Allabashi
(Agent), Lauren LaSalle (Assistant) Esteemed Artists Talent Agency
Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors 4150 W. Riverside Dr., #206
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Burbank, CA 91505 818-387-8812
calls. No drop-offs. website:
The Envy Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Amy Howard (President/Theatrical Agent)
489 S. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 104A Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-694-8567 Policy: Currently not accepting new submissions. No calls.
Fax: 310-598-5619 No drop-offs.
Staff: Daniel Mahan (President/Owner/Agent, Kids Theatrical), Expecting Models West (SAG-AFTRA)
Kelly Russo (Agent, Director), Edgar Alvarez (Agent, Commercials 21243 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 128
& Feature Film (Adults)), Branden Pitcher (Agent, Fashion, Print, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-264-4047
Commercials, Theatrical), Russel Frank (Agent, Fashion, Print, Fax: 917-591-6744
Runway) email:
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians website:
- Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Staff: Liza Elliott-Ramirez (CEO/Founder), Eric Ramirez (VP),
Actors - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists Rhyanne Clark (Booking Agent)
& Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Music Editors & Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors
Producers - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Policy: Headshot/Resume by email or apply for representation
Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors through website. Label submissions “Out of Town” if not submit-
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by mail or email. ting from New York, California, or Florida. No calls. No drop-offs.
For women’s and men’s runway/print submit photos to bigd@ Comments: Represents real professional pregnant models and For adult and kids theatrical, submit nursing moms, expecting dads, expecting siblings, babies, toddlers,
headshot/resume by email to For and real families. See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.
commercial, all ages submit photos headshot/resume to edgar@ Accepts postcards and invitations. No open Fame Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
calls. No calls. No drop-offs. 1441 N. McCadden Place
Comments: For runway: Minimum height for women: 5’8”; men: Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-240-5566
5’11”. See also listing under New York Talent Agencies. 3525 Hessmer Ave., Ste. 305
Metairie, LA 70002
Envy Model & Talent-Los Angeles (SAG- Fax: 323-461-8284
AFTRA) email:
489 S. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 104A website:
Los Angeles, CA 90211 310-694-8567 Staff: Whami Hwang (Owner/Agent), Lavell Gunnels (Co-Owner)
3790 Paradise Rd., Ste. 115 Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Las Vegas, NY 89169 702-878-7368 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Film Artists Associates (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Daniel Mahan (Owner), Kelly Russo (Agency Director) 21044 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 215
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Commercial Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-883-5008
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models website:
Policy: For promo modeling and print/runway submit photos by Staff: Cris Dennis (CEO/Commercial Agent)
email. No open calls. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Comedians - Commercial Actors
Comments: For runway: Minimum runway height for women: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos.
5’9”, men: 5’11”. For Commercial/Theatrical division: All ages, Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
ethnicity, and sizes.


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Firestarter Entertainment
21550 Oxnard St., Ste. 300 Global Artists Agency (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 213-531-0547 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 508
email: Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-836-0320
website: Fax: 323-836-0325
Staff: Nicole Pryor Dernersesian (Owner/Agent) email:
Represents: Playwrights - Screenwriters - Musical Theater website:
Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: April Lim (Agent), Monica Barkett (Agent), Todd Maginn
Policy: Apply through website. No emails, calls, or drop-ins. (Agent), Saskia Delp-Kullock (Agent), Randal Gaines (Agent)
Represents: Comedians - Cinematographers - TV Writers - Hosts
Flick East-West Talents, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) & Spokespersons - Screenwriters - Production Designers - Directors
9057 Nemo St., Ste. A - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-271-9111 Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Fax: 310-858-1701 calls. No drop-offs.
website: Go 2 Talent Agency, Inc. (ATA-AGVA-EQUITY-
Staff: Tina Kiratsoulis (Agency Director), Chris Bonk (Staff) AGMA-SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Commercial Actors 2825 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Burbank, CA 91505 818-843-9800
Fax: 818-843-9801
Ford Models email:
9200 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 817 website:
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-276-8100 Staff: Terry Lindholm (President), Lisa Lindholm (VP)
Fax: 888-616-3379 Represents: Dancers & Choreographers
email: Policy: Headshot/resume/links to dance or choreography reel
website: through website only. See website for a complete list of submission
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models requirements. Aged 8 and older. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, apply for representation
through website, or attend open call for women every Thursday Green and Green Talent Group
from 4-5 p.m. Open call No calls. No drop-offs. 6363 Wilshire Blvd., #400
Comments: Minimum height for women: 5’8”. Men: 6’0”. See Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-720-9169
also listing under New York Talent Agencies. email:
The Gar Lester Agency Staff: Lauren Green (Agent, Theatrical/Commercial)
Bakersfield, CA 93312 818-769-1400 Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Fax: 818-769-1404 Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Gar Lester (Co-Found/Agent), Curtis Hayes (Co-Founder/ Comments: Lauren Green was previously the Director of The
Agent), David Lester (Assistant) Green Agency in Miami before opening the agency in Los Angeles.
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Specializes in theatrical representation with an emphasis on com-
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. mercial voiceover and theater.

Gersh (Los Angeles) (SAG-AFTRA-AFM-EQUITY- GVA Talent Agency (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)

ATA-WGA-DGA) 193 N. Robertson Blvd.
9465 Wilshire Blvd., Sixth Fl. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-278-1310
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-274-6611 email:
Fax: 310-274-3923 website:
email: Staff: Geneva Bray (Owner/Agent), Gary Reichman (Agent),
website: Morgan Sobotka (Executive Assistant), David Lyman (Executive Assistant)
Staff: Bob Gersh (Co-President/Talent), David Gersh Represents: Film & TV Actors
(Co-President/Literary) Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Book Authors - Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Comments: Combined entity of GVA Talent Agency, Defining
Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Music Editors & Artists, and David Shapira & Associates.
Producers - Dancers & Choreographers - Variety Artists & Specialty
Acts - Sound Editors - Film & TV Editors - Directors - Production H. David Moss & Associates (DGA-WGA-AGVA-
Designers - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Producers - Screenwriters EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
- Hosts & Spokespersons - TV Writers - Cinematographers - 6063 Vineland Ave., Ste. B
Comedians - Speakers & Lecturers - Playwrights North Hollywood, CA 91606 818-752-1234
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Staff: H. David Moss (President/Owner), Ryan Angel (Assistant),
calls. No drop-offs. Laura Buckles (Assistant)
Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies. Represents: Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters



california | TALENT AGENTS

- Musical Theater Performers - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors & Musicians - TV Writers - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and - Cinematographers - Comedians - Playwrights - Composers
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Harmony Artists Comments: (See also listing under New York Talent Agents)
3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., #560
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-655-5007 Idiom Worldwide
Fax: 323-655-5154 5137 Clareton Dr., Unit 120
email: Agoura Hills, CA 91301 888-800-8070
website: email:
Staff: Jerry Ross (President/Agent), Adrienne Crane-Ross website:
(Agent), Kerrie Cason (Agent), Jocelyn Tizabgar (Agent), AJ Staff: Shane Cormier (CEO)
Tizabgar (Agent) Represents: Print Models - Animation Artists - Fashion & Runway
Represents: Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities -
- Magicians - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors
Choreographers - Musical Theater Performers Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. No calls.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No drop-offs.
Comments: Specializes in voice talent, commercial talent, and
Henderson Represents, Inc. (HRI celebrity endorsements. Also has offices in Mumbai, Bangkok, and
Talent) (SAG-AFTRA) Honolulu. If signed, voice talent will be responsible for hosting their
11846 Ventura Blvd., #302 own demo reels on which has monthly or yearly fees
Studio City, CA 91604 310-295-0775 ranging from $14.99mo.-$134.91year.
Staff: Michelle J. Henderson (Owner/On-Camera Commercial
Agent), Tanya Kleckner (Director, Theatrical), Lisa Reider (On-Camera Imperium 7 Talent Agency (i7) (ATA-SAG-
Commercial), Denni Romo (Director of Youth), Jessica Olson AFTRA)
(Assistant, Youth), Mary Clifford (Assistant, Theatrical) 5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1706
Represents: Comedians - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-931-9099
- Film & TV Actors - Interactive Game Developers Fax: 323-931-9084
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Hollander Talent Group (SAG-AFTRA) website:
14011 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 202W Staff: Steven Neibert (Theatrical Agent), Tracy Mapes
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-382-9800 (Commercial Agent), Marni Anhalt (Voiceover Agent), Doug Landers
email: (Booth Director), Wilson Kung (Theatrical/Commercial Assistant),
website: Jonathan Zoerb (Voiceover Assistant)
Staff: Vivian Hollander (Agent) Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Broadcast
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & Journalists & Newscasters - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
TV Actors Spokespersons - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Musical
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No unsolicited demos. Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. Do not
Comments: Only represents newborn to 18 (looking younger). attach files, include links only. Accepts postcards and invitations.
No adults. No calls. No drop-offs.

Hyperion Talent Agency Innovative Artists (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-ATA-

8383 Wilshire Blvd. WGA)
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 1505 10th St.
Staff: Ryan Bartlett (Owner/Agent), Austin Leshay (Agent), Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-656-0400
Anthony Hillsberg (President of Branding), Veronica Brown (Agent), Fax: 310-656-0456
Brian Wittenstein (Agent) website:
Represents: Film & TV Actors Represents: Screenwriters - Film & TV Actors - Commercial
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Actors - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Editors - Directors - Production
Designers - Producers - TV Writers - Broadcast Journalists &
ICM Partners (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-ATA-WGA) Newscasters - Cinematographers - Comedians - Speakers & Lecturers
10250 Constellation Blvd. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-550-4000 calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 310-550-4100 Comments: Below-the-Line Agents office: 1617 Broadway, Third
website: Fl., Santa Monica, CA 90404, phone: 310-656-5152, fax: 310-656-
Represents: Screenwriters - Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors 5156. (See also listing under New York Talent Agents)
- Musical Theater Performers - Music Editors & Producers - Variety
Artists & Specialty Acts - Film & TV Editors - Directors - Production It Model Management (SAG-AFTRA)
Designers - Sports Personalities - Book Authors - Producers - Los Angeles, CA 949-825-7009
Interactive Game Developers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers email:


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

website: and theatrical agency. Represents adults and children in the areas of
Staff: Linda Robirds (Owner/Director), Marlyn Klaarmond (Owner/ on-camera commercial, print commercial, TV, and motion pictures.
Agent), David Schmitt (Commercial Director)
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & JFA/Jaime Ferrar Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors 11333 Moorpark St., #431
Policy: Models, commercial print, and commercial talent submit Studio City, CA 91602 818-506-8311
photos by email. email:
Comments: Professional and genuine interaction with loyal website:
clients and personal interested in building rewarding careers. Staff: Jaime Ferrar (CEO), Joey Robson (Commericals)
agency founders Linda Robirds and Marlyn Klaarmond have a Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
combined 30 years in business. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email, but
email preferred. Do not attach files, include links only. No calls.
Jack Scagnetti Agency (WGA-SAG-AFTRA) No drop-offs.
5136 Vineland Ave. Comments: Specializes in Latin and bilingual talent, but reps all
North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-761-0580 types. Represents talent ages 6 and up.
Staff: Craig Scagnetti (Principal, Commercial/Theatrical Agent) Johnson Talent Agency
Represents: Print Models - Screenwriters - Commercial Actors 655 N. Central Ave, 17th Fl.
- Film & TV Actors Glendale, CA 91203 310-270-8453
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Query letters by mail 111 Deerwood Dr., Ste. 200
only. All ages. No calls. No drop-offs. San Ramon, CA 94583
Jana Luker Agency (WGA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
20501 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 115 website:
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 310-441-2822 Staff: Teri Johnson (Owner), Morgan Johnson (Owner), Haley
Fax: 310-441-2823 Johnson (Owner), Katie Moffitt (Agent), Lottie Drake (Jr. Agent)
Staff: Jana Luker (Owner/Agent), Kathy Keeley (Agent), Amy Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Luker (Agent) Policy: Headshot/resume by email to submissions email. New
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors talent auditions are held twice a year in both offices (4 times total).
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Use clasp envelope. If selected, talent is required to attend a 4-hour introductory meet-
Accepts postcards and invitations. No unsolicited demos. No ing to go over expectations and company information. No phone
calls. No drop-offs. calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Mission is to construct an energized, inspired,
Janet Tscha Talent (JTT) (SAG-AFTRA) and trusted backdrop where creativity and imagination flourish.
Los Angeles, CA
email: JS Represents (SAG-AFTRA)
website: P.O. Box 480000
Staff: Janet Tscha (Founder) Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-462-3246
Represents: Animals - Fit Models - Look-alikes & Impersonators email:
- Film & TV Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Theater Actors website:
- Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Dancers & Staff: Paul Jon Strotheide (Owner/Agent), MK Viakley (Agent)
Choreographers - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists Represents: Commercial Actors
- Speakers & Lecturers - Sports Personalities - Martial Artists & Stunt Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Actors - Fashion & Runway Models - Animation Artists - Magicians -
Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Broadcast JVC Talent Agency
Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models email:
Policy: Submissions accepted by email. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Janet Tscha has been nominated three times for Staff: Yuliya Rodriguez (Agent)
the Seymour Heller Award for Agent of the Year By the Talent Represents:
Managers Association.
The Kaplan-Stahler Agency (DGA-WGA-SAG-
Jenny Stricklin Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) AFTRA)
1438 N. Gower St., Box 87 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 923
Hollywood, CA 90028 323-468-3430 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-653-4483
email: Fax: 323-653-4506
website: website:
Staff: Jenny Stricklin (Owner/Agent) Staff: Mitch Kaplan (Partner/Owner), Elliot Stahler (Partner/
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Comedians Owner), Michael Kolodny (Agent, Literary), Dino Carlaftes (TV
- Print Models - Sports Personalities - Variety Artists & Specialty Literary), Katherine Riley (TV Literary), Cindy Mintz (TV Literary),
Acts - Voiceover Artists Peter Jarvis (TV Literary), Heather Budman (Reality), Tahira
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel submissions digitally by email only. Martemucci (TV Literary), Alex Banyasz (Reality), Kristin Peace
Comments: Jenny Stricklin Talent Agency (JSTA) is a commercial (Reality), Zack Siddiqui (TV Lit Coordinator), Kendall King (Reception



california | TALENT AGENTS

Desk/Asst. to Dino Carlaftes) calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: TV Writers - Producers - Directors
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. L&L Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Comments: Reality 416 Malaga Lane, Ste. C
Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
Kazarian/Measures/Ruskin & email:
Associates (ATA-NATR-EQUITY) website:
11969 Ventura Blvd., Third Fl., Box 7409
Studio City, CA 91604 818-769-9111 Staff: Melody Lomboy (Agent/Owner), Mandy Jezin (Commercials)
Fax: 818-769-1824 Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Comedians
website: - Hosts & Spokespersons - Dancers & Choreographers - Voiceover
Staff: Mark Measures (Owner/President) Artists - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Singers & Musicians -
Represents: Theater Actors - Commercial Actors - Voiceover Print Models
Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Martial Artists & Stunt Policy: Email submissions only. No phone calls. No drop-offs.
Actors - Film & TV Actors - Hosts & Spokespersons
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No unsolicited demos. L.A. Talent (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
No calls. No drop-offs. 7700 W. Sunset Blvd.
Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agents. Also Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-436-7777 (L.A. Talent)
represents actors with disabilities. 323-436-7700 (L.A. Models)
Fax: 323-436-7755
Ken Lindner & Associates, Inc. (SAG- email:
AFTRA) website:
2029 Century Park E., Ste. 1000 Staff: Ashley Partington (VP/Agent, Commercial & Endorsements),
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-277-9223 Tracy Dwyer (Agent, Children Commercial & Print), Natalie Kolar
Fax: 310-277-5806 (Agent, Head of Adult Theatrical), Tal Weinstein (Assistant, Adult
email: Commercial & Endorsements)
website: Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Staff: Ken Lindner (CEO), Karen Wang-Lavelle (Co-President/ Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Talent Representative), Susan Levin (Executive VP), Melissa Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email only. Models
Van Fleet (VP/Talent Representative), Rob Jordan (Talent can attend open call every Monday through Wednesday from 3-4
Representative), Shari Freis (Executive Assistant to Ken Lindner), p.m. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Michelle Grant Schenecker (Talent Representative), Ashley Taylor
(Talent Coordinator), Kristin Irwin (Chief Corporate Counsel), Nick Le Paws
Goeringer (Editor) Los Angeles, CA 818-437-1153
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Broadcast Journalists website:
& Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Producers - Sports Staff: Michelle Zahn (Owner/Booking Agent), Addison Witt
Personalities (Celebrity Division)
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. No calls. Represents: Animals
No drop-offs. Policy: See website.
Comments: Focus on broadcasting and programming. Comments: Works with studio trained dogs only.

Kismet Talent Agency The Levin Agency (TLA) (SAG-AFTRA)

3435 Ocean Park Blvd., Ste. 107 8484 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 750
Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-729-2900 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-653-7073
email: Fax: 323-653-0280
website: email:
Staff: Vicki Roberts (Agent/Partner), Arthur Andelson (Agent/ website:
Partner) Staff: Sid Levin (Owner/Agent), Patricia Levin (Partner/Agent),
Represents: Producers - Directors - Film & TV Actors Marcus Poon (Assistant)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
Comments: Company does not represent unfunded projects. & Newscasters - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Variety
Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial
The Kohner Agency (DGA-WGA-ATA-EQUITY-SAG- Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
AFTRA) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
9300 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 555 Comments: Specialize in character and ethnic actors.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-550-1060
Fax: 310-276-1083 Linda McAlister Talent (Los Angeles)
website: (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Pearl Wexler (President), Stephen Moore (Head, Literary), North Hollywood, CA 626-529-5739
Samantha Crisp (Agent), Amanda Glazer (Agent), John Coffey (Agent) Fax: 866-816-3042
Represents: Screenwriters - Book Authors - Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No website:


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Staff: Linda McAlister (Owner/Agent), Molly McAlister (Agent, Ted Maier (Agent), Jack Maiden (Agent), Philippe Poezach (Agent)
Commercial, Industrial, Print (Texas)), Becky Turner (Assistant, Film Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians - TV
& TV (Texas)), Patrick McAlister (Assistant, Voiceover), Hunter Eden Writers - Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
(Social Media/Webmaster), Jacki Von (Assistant) Runway Models - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Variety
Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event
- Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Models - Film & TV Actors
Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Attends show-
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel or video links by email cases and accepts showcase invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
only. Do not attach demo as a file, include link only. Calls accepted.
No drop-offs. McDonald/Selznick Associates (MSA
Comments: Represents all ages. Agency) (ATA-EQUITY-SDC-SAG-AFTRA)
3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Ste. 390
Littman Talent Group Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-957-6680
Los Angeles, CA 818-853-9400 1115 Broadway, Ste. 1056
Atlanta, GA 30319 New York, NY 10010 646-237-6928
email: Fax: 323-856-0049
website: email:
Staff: Hayley Littman (President; Division Head Adult Theatrical),
Erica Hunton (Division Head for Youth and Young Adults (Commercial website:
and Theatrical)), Danita Florance (Director of Talent LA/SE) Staff: Julie McDonald (Founder/Senior Agent), Tony Selznick
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors (Founder/Senior Agent)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Musical
Theater Performers - Directors - Production Designers - Singers
The Livingston Agency & Musicians - Dancers & Choreographers
730 Arizona Ave. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-849-5472 Comments: Also represents stage directors and body doubles.
email: Affiliated with SSDC.
website: Media Artists Group (DGA-WGA-EQUITY-SAG-
Staff: Lisa Christensen (Agent/Owner) AFTRA)
Represents: Commercial Actors 8222 Melrose Ave., Ste. 304
Policy: Submissions accepted at the “talent” email only. No Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-658-5050
calls. No drop-offs. 15 W. 36th St., Eighth Fl.
Comments: Agency represents actors of all ages for on camera New York, NY 10018 212-920-9568
commercial work in the Los Angeles area. The agency is headed by Fax: 866-805-8621
Lisa Christensen. Lisa has 25 years of experience in the commercial email:
industry working in commercial production as well as working as a website:
script supervisor on hundreds of commercials. Staff: Raphael Berko (President/Principal, Theatrical), Barbara
Alexander (President/Principal, Literary), Sherry D-Agostino (Agent),
Mademoiselle Talent & Modeling Dan Sheldon (Agent), Alicia Bravatti (Agent), Gary Reichman (Agent),
Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Fred Coleman (Agent), Michael Pellegrino (Agent), Sheila Legette
24328 Vermont Ave., Ste. 309 (Agent), Robin Nassif (Agent), Steven Erdek (Commercial Agent),
Harbor City, CA 90710 310-530-9994 Amber Thomas (Commercial Agent), Ruby Martin (Agent/Assistant
email: to Raphael Berko)
Staff: Won Lee (Owner), Alan Siegel (Agent) Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Voiceover
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Newscasters - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Policy: Headshot/resume by email or mail. Industry referral
Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors preferred. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Metropolitan Talent Agency (MTA)/
Mavrick Artists Agency, Inc. (DGA-ATA-SAG- MTA Interactive (DGA-WGA-ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
AFTRA) 5405 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 218
8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 330 Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-857-4500
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-931-5555 Fax: 323-857-4599
Fax: 323-931-5554 Staff: Christopher Barrett (President/Talent and Literary Agent),
email: Cary Kozlov (Literary Agent), Tom Markley (Talent Agent), Lauren
website: Gibson (Talent Agent), Sasha Neboga (Assistant);; www. Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Directors - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial
Staff: Mike Wilson (Agent), Bobby Moses (Agent), Heather Actors - Film & TV Actors
Martin (Agent), Brad Diffley (Agent), Erick Negri (Agent), Samantha Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Daniels (Agent), Mindy Treitel (Agent), Penny Middlemiss (Agent),



california | TALENT AGENTS

Minc Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
c/o 7083 Hollywood Blvd., First Fl. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail, or apply for rep-
7083 Hollywood Blvd., Fourth Fl. resentation through website. Industry referral preferred. Accepts
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-320-4116 postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: The Movement Talent Agency
website: 4605 Lankershim Blvd., #340
Staff: Melissa Mangum (Commercial/Print Agent), Mariko North Hollywood, CA 91602 323-462-5300
Ballentine (Theatrical Agent), Emily Parsons (Commercial/Print Fax: 323-395-0758
Assistant) email:
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only with any pertinent website:
links. Staff: Jim Keith (President /Partner/Agent), Lyndsay Farias
(Partner/Agent), Bill Bohl (Partner), Abby Girvin (Partner), Kim
Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates (DGA- Hale (Agent), Anabel Juco (Agent, Kid’s Division), Annie Ishimoto
WGA-ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) (Executive Assistant), Traci Swartz (Assistant), Alexandra Randazzo
8695 W. Washington Blvd., Ste. 204 (Assistant), Lauren Santos (Assistant)
Culver City, CA 90232 310-838-1200 Represents: Dancers & Choreographers - Print Models - Martial
Fax: 310-838-1245 Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Directors - Musical
email: Theater Performers - Commercial Actors
website: Policy: By email or through website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Mitchell K. Stubbs (President/Owner), Judy Page (VP), Comments: Specializes in maximizing opportunities across
Maria Walker (Commercial Agent), James Wenn (Accounting), the board for actor-dancers & actor-athletes, with a strong on
Peter Edwards (Theatrical Assistant) camera presence.
Represents: Directors - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Nancy Chaidez Agency & Associates
calls. No drop-offs. (WGA-SAG-AFTRA)
6340 Coldwater Canyon Ave., Ste. 214
Mix Models North Hollywood, CA 91606 323-467-8954
2660 Townsgate Rd., Ste. 400 Fax: 323-467-8963
Westlake Village, CA 91361 818-655-0141 email:
website: website:
Staff: Evelyn Virula (Commercial Agent), Briana Dougherty Staff: Nancy Chaidez (Director, General Talent), Maria Chaidez
(Booking Agent) (Agent)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Hosts & Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers & & Newscasters - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Fashion &
Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Fit Models Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities
Policy: Submissions through website. 18 years and older. Phone - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers &
calls accepted. No to drop-offs. Choreographers - Film & TV Actors
Comments: Representing a roster of established actors and Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. No
fashion and lifestyle models in print and commercials. Other divi- calls. No drop-offs.
sions within print and commercials include e-commerce, showroom,
runway, catalog, trade shows, video, new media, music videos, Napoli Management Group
infomercials, and hosting. The fit model division requires models 8844 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 100
to assist fashion designers in the production stages of garment Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-385-8222
making, acting as a live mannequin and providing feedback on fit, Fax: 310-385-8242
functionality, and comfort. Full-spectrum sizing including, missy, email:
petite, junior, full-figured, and athletic. Offers a non-exclusive website:
contract for all divisions. Staff: Mendes J. Napoli (President), Kathy Lieske-Peterson
(VP, Business Affairs), David Ahrendts (Representative), Liz
Momentum Talent & Literary Agency Sherwin (Representative), Laurie Jacoby (Representative), Jean
(ATA-SAG-AFTRA) Sage (Representative), Sue McInerney (Representative), Al Corral
3500 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 300 (Representative), Shelly Locks (Executive Assistant to Mendes
Burbank, CA 91505 310-858-6655 J. Napoli), Nic de Soto-Foley (Agent Assistant), Mike Bothwell
Fax: 310-858-6651 (Representative), Mike Isenberg (Representative)
website: Represents: Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
Staff: Garry Purdy (Owner/Agent), Mike Baldridge (Theatrical), Policy: Submissions accepted by email only.
Jake Charpentier (Assistant), Stephanie Turrini (Commercial), Patti
Townsend (Youth Division), Rochelle Rossman (Commercial), Melanie Next Management
Raymundo (Theatrical/Commercial), Carol Oleesky (Theatrical/ 8447 Wilshire Blvd., PH
Commercial) Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-782-0010


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Fax: 323-782-0035 Policy: Submissions accepted by email. See website for specific
email: submission policies. No drop-offs. No open calls.
website: Comments: Representing an international board of male and
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Fashion & female models in California, with an emphasis in Los Angeles, Orange
Runway Models County, and San Diego. The agency negotiates contracts for work
Policy: Submit photos by mail or apply for representation through on major campaigns, print shoots, runway, editorial, music videos,
website. No open call. No calls. No drop-offs. commercials, and films. Agency is dedicated to uniquely representing
Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agents. models and carefully safeguarding them with personal support.

NTA Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) P+ Los Angeles (SAG-AFTRA)

1445 N. Stanley Ave., Second Fl. 909 Electric Ave., Ste. 204
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-969-0113 Seal Beach, CA 90740 800-437-9815
Fax: 323-969-0115 248-644-4877
email: Fax: 310-324-5524
website: website:
Staff: Nick Terzian (President/Agent), James Delio (Agent, Staff: Margery Krevsky (CEO), Hedy Popson (President), Halie
Commercial), Michelle Clifton (Agent, Commerical), Joshua Rosenberg (Agent)
Teagarden (Agent, Theatrical), Marcia Daly (Agent, Print), Stephanie Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models
Murillo (Agent, Print), Gabrielle Terzian (Jr. Agent), Marlon Pineda - Voiceover Artists - Music Editors & Producers - Commercial Actors
(Accounting), Lynzy Ferrari (Assistant), Schyler Martin (Assistant) - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians - Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports No drop-offs.
Personalities - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors Comments: Specializes in talent for trade shows, auto shows,
- Film & TV Actors promotional events, etc.
Policy: By mail or email only. Open call every Tuesday from
12-12:30 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs. Paradigm (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY-WGA)
8941 Wilshire Boulevard
O’Neill Talent Group, LLC (SAG-AFTRA) Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-288-8000
4150 Riverside Dr., Ste. 212 404 W. Franklin St.
Burbank, CA 91505 818-566-7717 Monterey, CA 93940 831-375-4889
website: 222 Second Ave. S., Ste. 1600
Staff: Sheila Ellis (Agent), Maddy Harvey (Assistant) Nashville, TN 37201
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 46 Shattuck Square, Ste. 17
Policy: Industry referral only. Accepts postcards and invitations. Berkeley, CA 94704
Unsolicited headshots not accepted. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 310-288-2000
Osbrink Talent Agency (ATA-SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Sam Gores (Chairman), Todd Quinn (CFO)
2222 W. Olive Ave. Represents: Book Authors - Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors -
Burbank, CA 91506 818-760-2488 Musical Theater Performers - Music Editors & Producers - Dancers
Fax: 818-760-0991 & Choreographers - Sound Editors - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV
email: Editors - Directors - Production Designers - Producers - Screenwriters
website: - Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - TV Writers -
Staff: Cindy Osbrink (Owner/Head of Theatrical/Agent), Dawn Cinematographers - Comedians - Speakers & Lecturers - Playwrights
Osbrink (VP/Agent, Youth Commercial & Print), Angela Strange (VP, Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No unsolicited demos. No
Operations), Emily Urbani (VP, Theatrical Department), Maureen calls. No drop-offs.
Rose (VP/Agent, Voiceover & Adult Commercial), Robert Saulog
(Agent, Voiceover), Olivia Reed (Associate, Adult Theatrical), Brooke Peak Models & Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Kolisar (Agent, Voiceover Animation Department) 280 N. Westlake Blvd., Ste. 110
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Fashion & Runway Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-889-8800
Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Fax: 818-889-8850
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation email:
through website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Otto Models Staff: Natasha Duswalt (Owner, Commercials/Print Agent), Lacy
2901 W. Coast Hwy., Ste. 350 Serraro (Accounts), Sabrina Chu Hurd (Bookings)
Newport Beach, CA 92663 323-608-7667 Represents: Print Models - Book Authors - Fashion & Runway
email: Models - Commercial Actors - Speakers & Lecturers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Sports Personalities - Dancers & Choreographers
website: - Fit Models
Staff: Jason Otto (Owner), Tereza Otto (Owner) Policy: Resume/reel, two photos, height, and clothing sizes by
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - email only. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Promotional & Event Models - Fit Models Comments: Unites clients with reliable talent and creates a



california | TALENT AGENTS

lasting relationship between the agency, clients, and talent while Actors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial
giving back to community and local causes. Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
Policy: Currently seeking submissions. See website for details.
Photogenics Media Comments: Talent agency specializing in representing Asian,
Blackwelder Creative Campus multi-ethnic, and ethnic models, actors, and talents. Primarily
3103A S. La Cienega Blvd. works SAG and Non Union commercial, print, TV and film in Los
Los Angeles, CA 90016 310-733-2550 Angeles, New York City, and Asia.
305 Broadway, Seventh Fl.
New York, NY 10007 Privilege at Momentum (SAG-AFTRA)
Fax: 310-287-2001 9401 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 501
email: Beverly Hills, CA 90212 818-386-2377
website: 310-858-6655 website:
Staff: Nicole Bordeaux (CEO), Phira Luon (Agency Director), Staff: Carol Oleesky (Owner/President/Theatrical/Commercial),
Jasmin Oh (Art Department), Melanie De Jesus (Creative Director/ Melanie Allen (Print Agent)
Social Media Department), Marcus Murguia (Senior Agent), Emily Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists &
Detomaso (Senior Agent), Anna Rossi (Commercial Director), Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models
Brooke Wolinsky (Commercial Agent), Alexis Renson (New Faces), - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Dancers &
Enrique Robles (New Faces), Jeffrey Klein (Influencers), Zak Frio Choreographers - Film & TV Actors
(Influencers), Armando Daniel (Photogenics Army Beauty Director), Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Jamie Wade (Photogenics Army Beauty Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Progressive Artists Agency (ATA-EQUITY-
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: Through online submission form on website. Open call 9696 Culver Blvd., Ste. 110
every Thursday from 3–4 p.m. Culver CIty, CA 90232 310-559-9700
Pinnacle Commercial Talent (ATA-SAG- Staff: Bernard Carneol (Theatrical), Belle Zwerdling (Theatrical),
AFTRA) Jillana Devine-Knickel (Youth Division, Theatrical and Commercial)
5055 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 865 Represents: Film & TV Actors
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-939-5440 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 323-939-0630
Staff: Mike Eisenstadt (Owner), Gloria Hinojosa (Partner), Joan PTI Talent Agency, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
Messinger (Agent, Commerical), Tony Ferrar (Agent, Commercial/ 1710 N. Moorpark Rd., Ste. 215
Theatrical) Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 818-386-1310
Represents: Commercial Actors email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and Staff: Danie Wulff (Owner/Agent)
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians
- Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Dancers & Choreographers -
Players Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Commercial Actors
16130 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 235 Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. No calls.
Encino, CA 91436 818-990-9577 No drop-offs.
Fax: 323-297-2877 Comments: Represents all ages for on-camera commercial
Staff: Joe Kolkowitz (Owner/Agent) and print
Represents: Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Sports Personalities - Commercial Q Model Management (SAG-AFTRA)
Actors - Film & TV Actors 8618 W. Third St.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 18 years and older. No Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-205-2888
calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 310-205-6920
Comments: A division of Player Talent, dealing with teens, Latin email:
celebrities, professional athletes, and top collegiate athletes. Also website:
places a high value on comedic talent and large individuals. Staff: Shelly Kolsrud (Print/Commercial/Talent), Cynthia Cheng
(Print), Chris Saavedra (Print), Jennifer Chandler (Talent Agent)
Prestigious Models (SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Film
11101 Condor Ave. & TV Actors
Fountain Valley, CA 92708 323-451-5929 Policy: Headshot/resume by email, or attend open call every
313 W. 37th St., Room 806 Tuesday from 10-11 a.m.
New York, NY 10018 323-451-5929 Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agents.
website: Rage Models & Talent (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Kim Loan Duong (Owner/Agent) 23679 Calabasas Rd., Ste. 501
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Interactive Calabasas, CA 91302 818-225-0526
Game Developers - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Fax: 818-225-1736


TALENT AGENTS california

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email: Packages talent for voiceover, on-camera, and print campaigns. Capability to provide in-house services from proof of concept all
website: the way to post-production.
Staff: Elaine Parker (President/Agent), Allison Delgado
(Bookkeeping/Accounting), Faith Lorenzen (Agent), Joann Smolen RPM Talent (WGA-SAG-AFTRA)
(Talent/Agent), Michelle Lemasters (Talent/Agent), Faith Lorenzen 2600 W. Olive Ave., Fifth Fl.
(Agent/Scout) Burbank, CA 91505 818-333-5150
Represents: Fit Models - Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film Fax: 818-333-5304
& TV Actors - Fashion & Runway Models email:
Policy: Submit photos by mail, or apply for representation through website:
website. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Tiffany Atwood (CEO/Agent), Jennifer Sims (Partner/
Comments: Also represents tradeshow & showroom models. Agent), Shawn Barry (Extreme Sports), Ray Thorton (Voiceover)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians -
Rebel Entertainment Partners, Inc. Hosts & Spokespersons - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports
(DGA-WGA-ATA-SAG-AFTRA) Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers
5700 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 456 - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-935-1700 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Industry referrals pre-
Fax: 323-932-9901 ferred. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Saint Agency Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
website: 925 N. La Brea Ave., Fourth Fl.
Staff: Richard Lawrence (President), Joyce Goertzen (CFO), Los Angeles, CA 90038 424-251-8409
Debra Goldfarb (Executive VP), Philip Irven (Sr. VP), Cal Boyington email:
(Vice President Digital & TV), Jared Thompson (Agent), Felesha website:
Anderson (Office Manager), William McNeal (Talent Payments), Staff: Chris Saavedra (Owner/Agent)
April Yuan (Agent), Nicolette Kelegian (Agent) Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - TV Writers - Fashion & Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Screenwriters - Producers - Sports Actors - Fit Models
Personalities - Directors Policy: Updated headshot/resume by mail or email. No drop-
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No offs. Phone calls okay.
calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Talent agency based in Los Angeles dedicated to
Comments: FKA Abrams-Rubaloff and Lawrence. Celebrities and servicing actors, models, and influencers across all commercial
talent for reality TV, news, game shows. Strong focus on packaging. and print platforms.
There is no theatrical department.
San Diego Model Management (SAG-
400 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. #250 438 Camino del Rio S., Ste. 116
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-396-6462 San Diego, CA 92108 619-296-1018
Fax: 310-396-6415 Fax: 619-296-3422
website: email:
Staff: Laura Soo Hoo (President/Union Commercial), Gerard Ells website:
(Head of Theatrical/Youth Commercial & Theatrical), Liz Pellegrino Staff: Fred Sweet (President), Linda Comer (Agency Director,
(Assistant), Casey Horst (Assistant), Stephen Acevedo (Assistant), Print/Talent/Runway), Jennifer Fite (Kids/Promo), Sarah Canton
Roger Pirrone (Assistant) (Office Manager)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. See website for
submissions guidelines. No calls. No drop-offs.
Rockstar Entertainment
11130 Otsego St., Ste. 412 Sanger Talent Agency
North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-875-5511 121 N. Harbor Blvd., Ste. A
email: Fullerton, CA 92832 800-828-8582
website: email:
Staff: Lena Morgan (Founder), J. Howard (On-Camera Talent)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons website:
- Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Karl B. Sanger (Owner/Talent Agent)
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by mail or email. Union an non- Represents: Animation Artists - Film & TV Actors - Theater
union. Send best work. Do not exceed three clips. Only send one Actors - Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Music
headshot. No calls. No drop-offs. Editors & Producers - Dancers & Choreographers - Variety Artists
Comments: Expanding presence in on camera and print media. & Specialty Acts - Sports Personalities - Composers - Screenwriters
Currently seeking experienced, highly trained acting talents with - Magicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - TV
memorable and unique looks across all demographics and ages. Writers - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians



california | TALENT AGENTS

Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel or query letters by mail or Shamon Freitas Model & Talent
email. Accepts postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
3916 Oregon St.
The Savage Agency (ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) San Diego, CA 92104 619-325-1180
1041 N. Formosa Ave. email:
Santa Monica E. Bldg., #103 website:
West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-461-8316 Staff: Caroline Raedeker-Freitas (Agent), Carol Shamon (Owner/
Fax: 323-461-2417 Agent), Katie` Anastas (Agent)
email: Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
website: & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
Staff: Judy Savage (Owner), Stella Alex (Partner/Theatrical & TV Actors
Agent), Jason Barias (Theatrical Agent), Mark Smith (Theatrical Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. Do not
Agent), Jennifer Boyce (Commercial Agent), A.J. Harris (Literary attach files, include links only. Accepts postcards and invitations.
Coordinator) No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No emails. Accepts Siona Entertainment (SAG-AFTRA)
postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. 14724 Ventura Blvd., PH
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 310-634-5050
Screen Artists Agency, LLC (SAG-AFTRA)
16505 Arminta St. Staff: Ron Terme (Sr. Agent)
Van Nuys, CA 91406 818-487-8880 Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians
email: - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover
Staff: Laurie Johnson (Owner/Talent Agent) Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Theater
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. No calls. No Policy: Headshot/resume and include instagram name by email
drop-offs. only. Models for print, runway, high fashion, lifestyle, and catalogue
can submit photos to modeling email. Actors can submit to agents
SDB Partners, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) email. No calls. No drop-offs. Attends showcases.
315 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 411 Comments: Youtube, Instagram, and all social media representa-
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-785-0060 tion. Users with a strong following can send their social media link
Fax: 310-785-0071 to
Staff: Louis Bershad (President), Ro Diamond (Partner), Susie Smith & Hervey/Grimes Talent
Schwarz (Partner), Steven Jang (Partner), Jennifer Burns (Assistant), Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Danielle Mica (Assistant) 3002 Midvale Ave., Ste. 206
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Los Angeles, CA 90034
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No email:
calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: No children. Staff: Pam Grimes (Agent), Julie Smith (Executive/Retired),
Evan Rogerson (Assistant)
SESLER Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
113 N. Vicente Blvd., Second Fl. Actors
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-966-4005 Policy: Only taking meetings by industry referral at this time. No
416-504-1223 unsolicited demos. Accepts postcards and invitations. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Founded in the 1980’s by Marsha Hervey and Pam Grimes (now retired). Julie Smith (current owner) continues to build
website: upon and expand those relationships. Formerly known as Hervey/
Staff: Dora Sesler (Owner/Agent), Michael Pepper (Agent), Grimes Talent Agency.
Karen Cohen (Agent), Emily Nieves (Agent), Jessie Forrest (Agent)
Represents: Cinematographers - Production Designers SMS Talent, Inc. (ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 230
Comments: SESLER is an international management agency with Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-289-0909
operations in Los Angeles and Toronto representing Directors of Fax: 310-289-0990
Photography and Production Designers worldwide in the entertain- website:
ment, advertising, and production industries. Working across the Staff: Donna Massetti (Partner), Charles Silver (Partner), Gregg
spectrum of film, commercials, TV, documentaries, music videos, Mehlman (Partner), Ian Roumain (Partner), Rob Black (Assistant),
and branded/web content. Represented Cinematographers and Sarah de Leon (Assistant)
Production Designers are among the most recognized and sought Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
after in the business. Toronto office: 171 E. Liberty St., Ste. 274, Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Toronto ON M6K 3P6 calls. No drop-offs.


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Solid Talent, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) website:
11012 Ventura Blvd., #G Staff: Paula McAfee (Agent)
Studio City, CA 91604 818-710-9904 Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
email: - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Accepts
Staff: Mike Soliday (Agent), Vanessa Gilbert (Agent) postcards and invitations. Union preferred. Nonunion for under
Represents: Voiceover Artists 13. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Resume/demo reel by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Seniors welcome.
Comments: Represents voice talent only.
Stewart Talent
Sonja Warren Brandon’s Commercials 1800 Vine St.
Unlimited, Inc. (ATA) Los Angeles, CA 90028 213-943-2970
8500 Wilshire Blvd., #700A website:
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-278-5123 Staff: Don Birge (Director), Mark Park (Commercial), Sam
Fax: 310-278-4665 Samuelson (Director), Spencer Willis (Theatrical), Ellen Drantch-Billet
Staff: Sonja Warren Brandon (Agent), Randi Rubenstein (Agent), (Theatrical), Daniel Ortega (Theatrical), Alexandra Kirshenbaaum
Dave Mendez (Kids Agent), Nora Zilz (Agent), Paul Williams (Agent), (Assistant)
Sheran Burke (Assistant) Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Comedians - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. Stone Manners Salners Agency (ATA-
Special Artists Agency (SAG-AFTRA) 6100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1500
9465 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 820 Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-655-1313
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-859-9688 Fax: 323-389-1577
Fax: 310-859-1842 email:
email: website: Staff: Scott Manners (Partner/Talent Agent), Glenn Salners
website: (Partner/Talent Agent), Adrian Pellereau (Partner/Talent Agenct),
Staff: Alix Gucovsky (Celebrity), Elizabeth Dalling (CEO/Agent), Joy Adam Lazarus (Talent Agent), Michael Place (Talent Agent), Regan
Kelly (Agent, Commercial & Voiceover), Christopher Smith (Business Frisby (Talent Agent), Samantha Huff (Talent Agent)
Affairs/Production), Clark Eglinton (Department Coordinator) Represents: Comedians - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No invitations. No drop-offs.
calls. No drop-offs. Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agents.

The Stander Group, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA-EQUITY) Suite A Management Talent &

4533 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. 401 Literary Agency (DGA-WGA-ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-905-7000 170 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 310
Fax: 818-905-6813 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-278-0801
email: email:
website: Staff: Lloyd D. Robinson (Agent/Principal)
Staff: Scott Stander (President), Jacqueline Stander (Agent) Represents: Screenwriters - Playwrights - Producers - Book
Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors Authors - Directors - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Speakers
- Musical Theater Performers - Dancers & Choreographers - Variety & Lecturers - TV Writers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians
Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists - Martial Artists & Policy: Short bio/resume/synopsis of current project by email
Stunt Actors - Fashion & Runway Models - Magicians - Hosts & only. No drop-offs.
Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - Broadcast Journalists & Comments: For writers: Lloyd specializes in the representation
Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models - Speakers & Lecturers of screenplays for development as made for television movies and
- Playwrights - Composers low- to mid-budget features with special focus on novels and stage
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Accepts postcards plays for adaptation to film or television. He also represents writers
and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. for hire or attachment. For producers and directors: Lloyd assists
Comments: Seeking kids 5 to 21 years old. Commercial moms, with the option, license, and sale of screenplays and with producer
dads, and seniors. Also 4 to 80 years old for film, TV, commercials, and and director submission to studios, networks, and production
theater. Looking for celebrities who want more personal attention. companies for attachment or hire. Lloyd also represents completed
Concert division for artists that have track record and presence. films for distribution. For actors: Lloyd represents actors for option
of screenplays and attachment to projects by producers and direc-
Starcraft Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) tors. He also represents actors for hire by companies developing
27525 Newhall Ranch Rd. film and television projects.
Ste. 7-D, Second. Fl.
Valencia, CA 91355 818-403-1105 Susan Nathe & Associates, CPC (ATA-
email: SAG-AFTRA)



california | TALENT AGENTS

9903 Santa Monica Blvd. Fax: 323-850-7340
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 424-279-9195 email:
Staff: Susan Nathe (Principal) website:
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Hosts & Staff: Randi Rubenstein (Agent, On-Camera Commercials), Kevin
Spokespersons - Print Models Motley (President/Agent, Voiceover & On-Camera), Sally Kadison
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls. (Agent, On-Camera Commercials), Jazmin Rangel (Voiceover Agent,
No drop-offs. Spanish Voiceover Department), Luanne Regis (Agent, Voiceover
Sutton, Barth & Vennari, Inc. (ATA-SAG- Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors
AFTRA) Policy: Union only. Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail, attn:
5900 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 700 Voiceover Department, or email Accepts
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-938-6000 postcards and invitations. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 323-935-8671
email: The Wayne Agency, LLC (SAG-AFTRA)
website: 3255 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1534
Staff: Rita Vennari (President/Agent, Voiceover/Celebrity), Los Angeles, CA 90010 310-492-5994
Robin Lamel Adler (Voiceover/Celebrity Agent), Mary Ellen Lord 1616 Westgate Circle
(Voiceover), Cynthia McLean (Voiceover), Jessica Bulavsky Nashville, TN 97027 615-844-4148
(Voiceover), Rachele Fink Richardson (On-Camera), Ferenc Laczko email:
(Agent, Voiceover)
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls. Staff: Terrece Lynn (Owner/CEO), Shawn West (Director,
No drop-offs. Theatrical), Zana Scott (Director, Literary), Aaron Hammond (Adult
Theatrical), Fay Guilian (Director of Wayne Kids), Dianne Romero
TalentWorks (DGA-WGA-ATA-EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) (Head of Wayne Babies and Toddlers), Amy Khachatryan (Co-Director
3500 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 1400 Adult Commercial), KC Michelson (Director of International Talent/
Burbank, CA 91505 818-972-4300 Co-Director Adult Commercial), Elyzabeth Pham (Director of Wayne
505 Eighth Ave., Ste. 603 Models)
New York, NY 10018 212-889-0800 Represents: Fashion & Runway Models - Fit Models - Film & TV
Fax: 818-955-6411 Actors - Commercial Actors - Dancers & Choreographers - Voiceover
website: Artists - Film & TV Editors - Directors - Martial Artists & Stunt
Staff: Harry Gold (President/Theatrical Agent), Suzanne Wohl Actors - Speakers & Lecturers - Book Authors - Animation Artists
(VP, Talent/Theatrical Agent), Marina Cook (CFO), Brandy Gold - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons - TV Writers - Broadcast
(Theatrical Agent), Jason Hyman (Theatrical Agent), August Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models
Kammer (Theatrical Agent), Marion Kammer (Theatrical Agent), Policy: Professional headshots/resumes. See website for submis-
Brian Duensing (Head, Commercial), Mandy Karns (Commercial sion details. All ages. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Agent), Matt Fletcher (Youth Agent), Lindsay Whittaker (Agent) Comments: Represents infants to seniors. Demonstrates care
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors and attention to clients and while protecting relationships with
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs. industry partners.
Comments: H.W.A. and TalentWorks have formed a strategic
alliance in Los Angeles under the TalentWorks banner. See also United Talent Agency (UTA) (SAG-AFTRA-
listing under New York Talent Agents. DGA-EQUITY-WGA)
9336 Civic Center Dr.
Taylor Talent Services (ATA) Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-273-6700
14622 Ventura Blvd., #400 Fax: 310-247-1111
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 website:
email: Staff: Jeremy Zimmer (CEO), James Berkus (Chairman/Board
website: of Directors/Partner/Agent)
Staff: Blair Taylor (Agent, Hosting & Celebrity Endorsement), Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Voiceover Artists - Film
Shannon O’Dowd (Agent, Commercial & Branding) & TV Editors - Directors - Production Designers - Sports Personalities
Represents: Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Hosts & - Book Authors - Screenwriters - Interactive Game Developers -
Spokespersons - Sports Personalities - Commercial Actors Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Cinematographers - Playwrights
Policy: Email resume/2-3 headshots/reel (if applicable)/ and a Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
short bio. Always seeking bilingual people, talent over 50, multi-ethnic calls. No drop-offs.
actors, and strong hosting/spokespeople. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: (See also listing under New York Talent Agents)
Comments: Founded by Blair Taylor, the agency represents
adult talent in the areas of commercials, industrials, infomercials, Vision Los Angeles/Vision Talent (ATA-
celebrity endorsements, and hosting. SAG-AFTRA)
8631 Washington Blvd.
TGMD Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Culver City, CA 90232 310-733-4440
6767 Forest Lawn Dr., Ste. 206 Fax: 310-733-4441
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-850-6767 email:


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california Represents: Screenwriters - Producers - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Actors submit headshot/resume by mail at Attn: New
Staff: Francine Champagne (President), Pam Lyles (Commercial Talent or email with the subject line “New Talent Submission.”
Division Director), Kerri Krusinski (Accounts & Office Manager), Include all relevant links. No drop-offs. Writers submit log line/
Meg Day (Women’s Board Director), Nina Smidt (Women’s Board query letter by mail at Attn: Literary or email with the subject line,
Agent), Martin Uy (Commercial Division Agent), Marco Servetti “Writer Submission.” No drop-offs.
(Men’s Board Director), Rhiannon Webb (Women’s Board Senior
Agent), Sydney Curtis (Women’s Development Editorial & Imaging) Wilson & Associates (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors 5482 Wilshire Blvd., #175
Policy: Headshot/resume through website only. No calls. No Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-857-6977
drop-offs. Staff: Shirley Wilson (Principal Agent), La Shawn Howard
Voices Talent Group Represents: Comedians - Musical Theater Performers -
Los Angeles, CA 310-962-4900 Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Anthony Kotan (Agent) WME (Los Angeles) (SAG-AFTRA-AFM-EQUITY-ATA-
Represents: Voiceover Artists WGA-DGA)
Policy: See website. 9601 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-285-9000
Vox, Inc. (ATA-SAG-AFTRA) 9560 Wilshire Blvd
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1080 Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-655-8699 131 S Rodeo Dr., Second Fl.
Fax: 323-852-1472 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
website: email:
Staff: Wes Stevens (CEO/Founder), Tom Lawless (President), Staff: Jason Lublin (COO)
Micaela HIcks (Agent, Animation & Gaming/Promo), Jason Merrell Represents: Interactive Game Developers - Film & TV Actors
(Audio Director), Nathan Brandt (Chief Business Development - Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Dancers &
Officer/Endorsement Agent), Franny Klapac (Associate), Ivy Xiao Choreographers - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover
(Associate) Artists - Directors - Sports Personalities - Book Authors - Producers
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians -
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. TV Writers - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians
Comments: Represents voiceover artists and celebrities/social - Speakers & Lecturers - Playwrights - Composers
influencers for endorsements. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions of any
kind. No calls. No drop-offs.
The Wallis Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agents.
2146 Victory Blvd., # 616
Burbank, CA 91506 818-953-4848 World Class Sports (SAG-AFTRA)
website: 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1070
Staff: Kristene Wallis (Owner) Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-665-9400
Represents: Fax: 310-665-9844
Policy: Submissions by website only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Wild Models Talent Agency Staff: Don Franken (Agent), Andrew Woolf (Agent)
Los Angeles, CA Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Sports
website: Personalities - Commercial Actors
Staff: Kurt Clements (CEO/President) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Commercial Comments: Represents athletic talent for commercials and print.
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models Sports celebrities for endorsements, personal appearances, and
Policy: Through website. No calls. No drop-offs. ,speaking engagements.
Comments: Locations in Los Angeles, New York, and San
Francisco. Xpose Entertainment Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Fifth Fl.
William Kerwin Agency (DGA-WGA-ATA-EQUITY- Pasadena, CA 91106 626-240-4674
SAG-AFTRA) Fax: 626-240-4699
1605 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Ste. 202 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-469-5155 Staff: Norman Hopson (Agent)
Fax: 310-652-3645 Represents: TV Writers - Producers - Directors - Musical Theater
email: Performers - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: William Kerwin (President/Theatrical & Literary), Tina
Hunt (Children), Chrissy Joy (Commercial)



california | TALENT AGENTS

Zephyr Talent Agency Ella Marie Model & Talent Agency
418 Bamboo Lane, Ste. A 388 Market St., Ste. 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90012 323-486-0123 San Francisco, CA 94111 415-843-9085
email: Los Angeles, CA email:
Staff: Kim Van Vliet (Owner/Agent), Jamie Lynn Reid (Partner), website:
Mickie Vasquez (Senior Executive Assistant), Nikki Donin (Assistant) Staff: Gina Corsi (Agent), Alexandrea Gutierrez (Agent)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
Zuri Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Policy: By mail or email at attn: Submissions. 3-5 color photos,
115 W. 30th St., Ste. 905 see website for specific instructions on photos and submission
New York, NY 10001 646-462-3422 materials. All ages. All levels. Union and nonunion. Must live within
1355 N.W. Everett St., Ste. 100 2 hours of San Francisco. Calls and drop-offs accepted.
Portland, OR 97209 503-606-6257 Comments: Agents previously spent 12 years on film, commercial,
email: and print sets along with fit modeling and voice-over for radio.
website: Focused on advancing clients careers and branding by representing
Staff: Lindsay Stewart (President), David Gilbert (Kids Director a vast variety of talent in various fields of entertainment.
(NYC)), Zoe Burkett (Kids Commercial Agent), Kathy Bolde (Babies/
Toddlers Agent), Tina Randolph (Theatrical Agent), Leticia Asher JE Talent, LLC/JE Model Management,
(Assistant to Kathy Bolde), Lily Willert (Adult Commercials), Julie Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Lasry (Youth Print LA), Abrielle Roman (Junior Agent (NYC)) 155 Montgomery St., Ste. 805
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors San Francisco, CA 94104 415-395-9475 (Talent)
- Film & TV Actors 415-395-4777 (Model)
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 415-395-9301
Boom Models & Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Staff: John Erlendson (Owner, JE Talent), Phillip Gums (Director, JE
2339 Third St., Ste. 49 Model), Paul Nelson (Agency Director, JE Model), Tiffany Southwick
San Francisco, CA 94107 415-626-6591 (Men/Women), Shannon Escoto (Kids), Tom Celia (Voiceover/
Fax: 415-626-6594 Commercial)
email: Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
website: - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Staff: John E. Hutcheson (Owner) Actors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email to jetalent@jetalent.
Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models com for talent or for models. Models can attend
- Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Voiceover open call every Monday from 3-4 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers Comments: Also reps stylists and hair and makeup artists
- Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. Submitted Kit International Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
materials will not be returned. Attends showcases. No calls. No 201 Riverside Ave., #1
drop-offs. Roseville, CA 95678 916-209-5019
Cast Images Talent Agency website:
2530 J St., Ste. 203 Staff: Tabitha Kit (Owner/President), Trevor Beeby (Staffing
Sacramento, CA 95816 916-444-9720 Assistant)
email: Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshots/resume/contact information/demo reel by
Staff: Chandra Bourne (Owner/Agent), Dena Martinez (Agent), email only. Interviews are by appointment only. No calls. No drop-ins.
Chelsea Kirkpatrick (Administrator)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Look Talent (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 333 Bryant St., Ste. 370
Policy: See website for submitting. 2 years and older. No calls. San Francisco, CA 94107 415-781-2841
No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Offers a personal, hands-on approach to talent, website:
that fosters growth and success in clients’ careers. The agency Staff: Joan Spangler (President/Agent)
keeps focus firmly on what is best for each individual, personally Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
and professionally. Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Film
& TV Actors


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT AGENTS | california

Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and Talent+Plus/Los Latinos Agency (SAG-
invitations. No calls. No drop-offs. AFTRA)
318 Rhine Court
MDT Agency, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) Salinas, CA 93906 831-443-5542
2124 Union St., Ste. C email:
San Francisco, CA 94123 415-563-9213 website:
Fax: 415-563-8734 Staff: Gail Jones (Director), Richmond Brock (Co-Director),
email: Grady Jones (Assistant)
website: Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Promotional & Event Models
Staff: Michelle Mokalla (President/Agent, Fit Modeling), Rosemary Policy: Headshots/Resume/Demo reels by mail only. No emails.
Anderson (Agent, On-Camera & Voiceover), Valisity Simmons (Print Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Agent), Sage Sibaja (Fit Agent) Comments: Los Latinos Agency is the Hispanic division of the
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons company. SAG/AFTRA and non-union work. Emphasis on real people.
- Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event
Models - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Through website only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents fit models and real families.

San Francisco Top Models & Talent

Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
2261 Market St., Ste. 295
San Francisco, CA 94114 415-391-1800
Staff: Belinda Irons (Owner/Agent)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Sports
Personalities - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Hosts & Spokespersons
- Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only (include only one head-
shot). No calls. No drop-offs.

Shortlist Talent
100 Shoreline Highway, Bldg. B, Ste. 100
Mill Valley, CA 94941 415-484-9935
Staff: Lana Barkhordarian-Burstein (Co-founder/Agent),
Catherine Brett-Wold (Co-founder/Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists
Policy: Submit info through website.


23 Grant Ave., Fourth Fl.
San Francisco, CA 94108 415-421-6272
Fax: 415-421-7620
Staff: Lynn Claxon (CEO), Kristin Claxon Stinnett (President,
Talent), Scott Claxon (President, Model Management)
Represents: Fashion & Runway Models - Film & TV Actors - Theater
Actors - Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Dancers
& Choreographers - Voiceover Artists - Sports Personalities -
Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Broadcast Journalists
& Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models - Speakers & Lecturers
- Promotional & Event Models
Policy: See website for submission details. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Los Angeles Division: 323-962-1800. Also repre-
sents artists.



ALABAMA Laura Model & Talent Agency

300 E. Dimond Blvd., Ste. 201
Barefoot Models & Talent Agency Anchorage, AK 99516 907-344-8088
750 Downtowner Loop W., Ste. D email:
Mobile, AL 36609 251-344-5554 website:
email: Staff: Laura Dagon (General Manager)
website: Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover
Staff: Suzanne Massingill (Agency Director) Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & TV Actors
& Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Commercial Policy: Call to set up interview.
Actors - Film & TV Actors Comments: Training is required for all talent.
Policy: Headshot/resume through website. Aged 3 and older.
Does not represent babies or talent outside of the Southeast market. ARIZONA
Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward- The Agency Arizona
robe stylists. 3840 N. 30th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85016 480-947-5588
Rare Quality Models & Talent Fax: 480-947-5589
P.O. Box 1545 email:
Dothan, AL 36302 334-671-2200 website:
website: Staff: Terri Camberlango (Owner)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors Actors - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
Policy: Union and nonunion. Apply for representation through Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by mail only
website. No calls. No drop-offs. (attn: New Faces) or apply for representation through website.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Real People Models & Talent
(Alabama) Dani’s Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
1025 23rd St. S., Ste. 370 434 E. Southern Ave.
Birmingham, AL 35205 205-323-5437 Tempe, AZ 85282 602-263-1918
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Jay Brackin (Owner), Lisa Causey (Agent) Staff: Dani Green (Owner/Agent), Misti Wagner (Talent
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Print Models Coordinator)
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers & Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
Choreographers - Fit Models TV Actors
Policy: Submissions through website. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. See website
Comments: Established in 1987, a full service professional talent for specifics. No calls. No drop-offs.
agency with superior representation for 30 + years.
FORD/Robert Black Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Red Models, LLC 9300 E. Raintree Dr., Ste. 115
2329 First Ave. N, Loft 301 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-966-2537
Birmingham, AL 35203 205-529-7620 Fax: 480-967-5424
205-266-0918 email:
email: website:
Staff: Chuck St. John (Owner/CEO), Janie Martin (Co-Owner) Staff: Sheree Hartwell (Owner/Director/Runway/Fashion/
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Print/Editorial/Catalog/Promotions), Matt Englehart (TV/Film/
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Commercials/Voice-Over/Commercial Print)
Policy: Actors: headshot/resume and reel (if you have one) by Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
email. Models: recent fashion/lifestyle images with stats to Chuck. & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
No calls. No drop-offs. & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by website. No calls. No drop-offs.
ALASKA Comments: Represents talent ages 5 and up.


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Leighton Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
10049 E. Dynamite Blvd., Ste. D125
Scottsdale, AZ 85262 480-704-8800 Aspen Models & Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
email: P.O. Box 8862
website: Aspen, CO 81612 970-925-2022
Staff: Ruth Leighton (Owner/Agent) email:
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
& Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film website:
& TV Actors Staff: Angela Cunniffe (Owner/Director), Liz Long (Owner/
Policy: Not accepting new clients until June 2017. No calls. Director), Karla Gomez (Talent Manager)
No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial
Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Animals - Dancers &
MediaStars Worldwide (ATAS-SAG-AFTRA) Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
515 E. Carefree Highway, Ste. 1471 Policy: Apply through website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Phoenix, AZ 85085 480-588-0944 Comments: Only represents local talent in Colorado.
email: Donna Baldwin Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
website: 925 W. Seventh Ave.
Staff: Micah Johnson (Founder/CEO), Steve Kraycik (Agent, TV), Denver, CO 80204 303-561-1199
Beth Johnson (Agent, TV Editioral, Producers, Executives), Jenni email:
Hogan (Advisor), Cameron Harper (Agent) website:
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Broadcast Journalists & Staff: Donna Baldwin (Owner/Agent, Fashion), Brad Baldwin
Newscasters - TV Writers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Producers - Book (Agent, Acting)
Authors - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Policy: Headshot/resume/link by email only. No drop-offs. Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional
Comments: Additional offices in Seattle, Orlando, State College, & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
Philadelphia, and Honolulu: 808-664-0462. Policy: Headshot/resume/video demo by email. No calls. No
Signature Models and Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward-
5743 E. ThomasRd., Ste. 1 robe stylists.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251 480-966-1102
Fax: 480-223-6444 Go Voices (SAG-AFTRA)
email: 240 Saint Paul St., Ste. 300
website: Denver, CO 80206 303-623-2723
Staff: Terri Hoffmann (Owner/President) email:
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion website:
& Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers Staff: Carol Rathe (Owner/Agent, Voiceover), Josh Miller (Agent,
- Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Voiceover), Laura Adducci (Agent, Voiceover)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, email, or through website Represents: Voiceover Artists
(under the submissions tab). No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Through website only.
Comments: Develops personal and professional relationships
ARKANSAS with both talent and clients. Represents union and non-union
voices from all over the world in a dozen languages. Can tailor any
The Agency, Inc. audition to specific needs.
802 W. Eighth St.
Little Rock, AR 72201 501-374-6447 Mattas Talent Agency (M.T.A.) (WGA-SAG-
email: AFTRA) 332 W. Bijou St., Ste. 108
website: Colorado Springs, CO 80905 719-577-4704
Staff: Sarah Tackett (President/Casting Director), Yancey Prosser Fax: 719-520-1952
(Agency Director), Joan Crews (Director, Fashion Division), Josh email:
Whalen (Fashion Booker) website:
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Staff: Lucy Mattas (Agent), Dan Mattas (Agent), Adam Mattas
Actors - Film & TV Actors (Agent)
Policy: Apply through website. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward- - Magicians - Screenwriters - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
robe stylists. Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Specializes in talent for live events.


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Maximum Talent Agency Capital Talent Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
6000 E. Evans Ave., Bldg. 1, Ste. 341 419 S. Washington St.
Denver, CO 80222 303-691-2344 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-349-1649
Fax: 303-691-2488 website:
email: Staff: Roger Yoerges (CEO/Lead On Camera/Voiceover Agent),
website: Cynthia Kane (Literary Agent), Michelle Muntifering (Agent, Theater
Staff: Paula Block (Owner/Children’s Agent), Rob Lail (Owner/ & TV/Film), J. Fred Shiffman (Lead Theatrical Agent)
Fashion Agent), Carol Kaye (Print & Fashion Agent), Dick Fulton Represents: Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers -
(Media Agent) Book Authors - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Dancers &
Represents: Print Models - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Choreographers - Directors - Voiceover Artists
Models - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail at Attn: Submissions.
Actors - Film & TV Actors Electronic submissions to actor.submissions@capitaltalentagency.
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by mail or email. com not preferred but accepted after a hardcopy is submitted. No
Calls and drop-offs welcome. emails accepted directly to agents. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents bilingual actors, hair and makeup Comments: Represents theater professionals based in Virginia,
artists, and wardrobe stylists. Maryland, and Washington, D.C. who work nationally in theater, film,
TV, and voiceovers. Capital Talent Agency also represents authors
Mile High Models & Talent Agency in all genres of fiction and nonfiction, as well as playwrights and
Colorado Springs, CO 719-428-0528 screenwriters. Built around the personal and professional needs of
662-291-1849 (Mississippi) clients, not only providing representation, but also career planning,
email: financial guidance, and travel support.
Staff: Ishmael Evans (Agent), Katherine Holm (Office Manager) FLORIDA
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Alexa Model & Talent Management,
Promotional & Event Models - Fit Models Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: Submissions through website. Accepts phone calls and 550 N. Reo St., Ste. 300
drop-offs. Tampa, FL 33609 813-289-8020
Comments: Mile High Model Management strives for excellence Fax: 813-261-5194
in all their field. Test shoots are conducted and may require a fee. email:
Radical Artists Agency Staff: Susan Schwabinger (President/Booker), Kimberly
6870 W. 52nd Ave., Ste. 212 Lakus (Director/Booker), Alexis Morabih (Director/Booker), Keith
Arvada, CO 80002 303-477-4777 Schwabinger (Director/Booker), Asia East (Director/Booker), Carol
Fax: 303-433-5999 Matlock (Director New Faces)
email: Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
website: & TV Actors
Staff: Kathey True (Agent), Kathleen Ham (Agent) Policy: Through website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
TV Actors Applegate Agency Models & Talent
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by mail or email. (SAG-AFTRA)
No calls. No drop-offs. 2734 Polk St.
Hollywood, FL 33020 305-619-0124
The Artist Agency Staff: Susan Applegate (Director)
1207 Potomac St. N.W. Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
Washington, DC 20007 202-342-0933 Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film
Fax: 202-342-6471 & TV Actors - Fit Models
email: Policy: Headshot/resume through website only. No calls. No
website: drop-offs.
Staff: Lynda Erkiletian (President), Elizabeth Centenari Comments: Dedicated to serving the needs of performers,
(Director/VP), Sondra Hoffman (Booking Agent), Mary Svensson casting directors, and productions, while representing clients in
(Administrative Director) TV, film, print, and corporate or team building events. Maintains a
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models worldwide base. Committed to helping artists develop a blueprint
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls. for career success, while striving to create solid relationships with
No drop-offs. talent and clients.
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists, wardrobe
stylists, and prop masters. Azureé Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
279 W. Crogan St., Ste. 300
Atlanta, GA 30364 404-537-3654 (GA)


TALENT AGENTS | regional
201 17th St., Ste. 300 Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Atlanta, GA 30363 Policy: Submit photos by mail. No open calls. See website for
424 E. Central Blvd. #312 submission guidelines.
Orlando, FL 32801 407-629-5025 (Orlando) Comments: See also listings under Illinois, New York, and Los
Fax: 407-629-5025 Angeles Agencies.
email: BMG Models & Talent - Orlando (SAG-
website: AFTRA) 2020 E. Robinson St.
Staff: Andrea Taylor (Owner/President), Hector Santos (Sub Orlando, FL 32803 407-894-1910
Agent Film/TV & Commercials), Tonja Brooks (Assistant) Fax: 407-894-9939
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians - email:
Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Martial website:
Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists -
Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
- Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Apply for representation through website. Downloadable Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by mail, or print
App for Iphone, Ipad, and Android. Accepts postcards and invitations. models can attend open call every Thursday from 2–4 p.m., and
No calls. No drop-offs. talent can attend open call every Wednesday from 2–4 p.m. See
Comments: Dedicated to working with clients by providing them website for submission guidelines.
with a variety of qualified actors, models, voiceover artists, as well Comments: See also listings under Illinois, New York, and Los
as a professional group of corporate entertainers. Angeles Agencies.

Baileys Entertainment Group (SAG-AFTRA) Bohemian Sound Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)

1991 Longwood Lake Mary Rd. 216 Catalonia Ave., Ste. 100
Longwood, FL 32750 407-617-2661 Coral Gables, FL 33134 305-774-1001
email: Miami, FL 305-774-1001 Fax: 305-774-3435
website: email:
Staff: Doug Bailey (Sr. Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail and email only. No calls. Staff: Aidita Urra-Alamo (Owner), Juan Sanmartin (Studio
No drop-offs. Manager), Juan K. Jurado (Production)
Represents: Singers & Musicians - Producers - Voiceover Artists
Benz Model & Talent (SAG-AFTRA) - Sound Editors - Music Editors & Producers - Commercial Actors
2211 E. Seventh Ave. - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Tampa, FL 33605 813-242-4400 Policy: MP3 audio files for voiceover demos email to info@
Fax: 813-241-4500 6 years and older.
email: Comments: Focuses mainly on Spanish and bilingual talent. Offers
website: voiceover talent actors in the Hispanic market, as well as English pieces. Offers two audio studios with phone patch and/or ISDN.
Staff: Juliet Reeves (Agent), Steve Benz (Agent), Ryan Marshall
(VP/Print Agent), Natasha Correia (Agent), Allison Kindle (Agent), Brevard Talent Group, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-
Shelby McIntyre (Talent Coordinator/New Faces), Karlie Loland AFTRA)
(Agent), Christine Ponthieux (Office Manager) 100 S. Eola Dr., Ste. 200
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion Orlando, FL 32801 407-841-7775
& Runway Models - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - email:
Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email or website. No Staff: Traci Danielle (President)
open calls. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Comments: Provides models and actors as well as helps clients Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls.
locate photographers, cinematographers, production coordinators, No drop-offs.
makeup artists, and stylists for any project. Routinely places talent
throughout the world. Burton & Robinson Agency (WGA-SAG-
BMG Models & Talent (SAG-AFTRA) 10051 McGregor Blvd., Ste. 108
2020 E. Robinson Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-645-6870
Orlando, FL 32803 305-673-1232 Fax: 239-275-6464
email: email:
website: Staff: Glenn Burton (Agent), Lisa Absher (Agent, Children’s Department), Susan Chaddock (Agent), Stephane Shaffer (Agent,
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Model & Print), Nancy Boling (Assistant)


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Represents: Print Models - TV Writers - Singers & Musicians - Partner), Rojas Nora (Miami Director)
Screenwriters - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists -
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Photos to No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and wardrobe
Central Florida Talent, Inc. (CFT) (SAG- stylists. Additional Office in New York.
5400 International Dr. Denise Carol Models
Orlando, FL 32819 407-370-2790 12620 Beach Blvd., Ste. 168
Fax: 407-370-2793 Jacksonville, FL 32246 904-398-6306
email: 4630 S. Kirkman Rd., Ste. 455
website: Orlando, FL 32811 407-222-3806
Staff: Jacqueline Hazen-Levine (President), Daniel Snyder (Lead email:
Agent), Jessica Lee Koons (Children’s Division), Stephanie Bowen website:
(Talent Scout) Staff: Ashley Luxenberg (Owner/Talent Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports Personalities Promotional & Event Models
- Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Policy: To submit, go to: http://denisecarolmodels.syngency.
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors com/apply
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation Comments: Modeling agency that books professional models
through website. No calls. No drop-offs. in the following divisions: Lifestyle, Commercial, Fashion, Fitness,
Children, and Mature.
Coconut Grove Talent Agency (WGA-
3525 Vista Court 160 International Pkwy., Ste. 150
Miami, FL 33133 305-858-3002 Heathrow, FL 32746 407-830-4040
email: Fax: 407-830-0021 website:
website: Staff: Lacee (Accounting), Marsha McMorrough (Agent), Ted D.
Staff: Cathy Tully (Owner/Director), Angela Toffoli (Assistant) McMorrough (Agent), Kelly Rogers (Agent), Donnette Leffler (Agent),
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater Danielle Miller (Agent), Ana (Picture Updates), Natalie New (Agent)
Actors - Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Screenwriters Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Dancers
- Voiceover Artists & Choreographers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Print Models -
Policy: Send query letters first by mail only. Experienced modesl/ Promotional & Event Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover
actors only. No unsolicited manuscripts. No calls. No drop-offs. Artists
Comments: Established in April of 1980 by prize-winning play- Policy: Submit through website or by mail. Headshot/resume
wright. or current snapshots.

Creative Management Group (CMG) Elite Model Management (SAG-AFTRA)

(SAG-AFTRA) 119 Washington Ave., Ste. 501
1142 Pelican Bay Dr. Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-674-9500
Daytona Beach, FL 32119 386-760-3790 Fax: 305-674-9600
Fax: 386-760-3961 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Penny Lee (Staff), Suzy Schwartz (Model Manager)
Staff: Robin Ruenheck-Faber (CEO), Marnie Van der Burt (Talent Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Agent), Wendy Bentley (Vice President of Models & Talent) Policy: Apply for representation through email only. Open Call
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians - every Wednesday 2:00-3:00 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
Hosts & Spokespersons - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Comments: See also listing under New York and Los Angeles
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors Talent Agencies.
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. No calls.
No drop-offs. Famous Faces Entertainment and
Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Deco Models (SAG-AFTRA) 210 N. University Dr., Ste. 204
Renaissance Beach Resort & Spa, 429 Lenox Ave. Coral Springs, FL 33071 954-341-0588
Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-673-1900 Fax: 954-341-9061
Fax: 305-673-1978 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Paul Levine (Owner), Dona Kay (Main Talent Coordinator),
Staff: Noemi Rojas (President), Kamenko Vladimir (Managing Alan Rose (Office Manager), Amy Barbera (Assistant Talent


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Coordinator) & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Commercial Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Actors - Look-alikes & Impersonators - Dancers & Choreographers
- Print Models - Comedians - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Louise’s People Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Voiceover Artists - Sports Personalities - Martial Artists & Stunt 863 13th Ave. N.
Actors - Singers & Musicians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 727 954 3083
- Speakers & Lecturers email:
Policy: In person preferred or by email. website:
Comments: Also handles nonunion talent, special events, product Staff: Louise Kahle (Agent)
demonstrations, and meeting planning. Licensed, bonded, and Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - Film
insured. Representing talent for over 35 years. & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot(no comps)/resume by email or apply for
Gilla Roos Miami (SAG-AFTRA) representation through website. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
1000 Fifth St., #200 Comments: Small agency with over 35 years in business. Directs
Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-357-0601 personal attention to each client with a mission to give back and
email: advance the careers of their performers.
Staff: Samantha H. Roos (President) Martin & Donalds Talent Agency, Inc.
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial (SAG-AFTRA)
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors 2131 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 306
Policy: Submit headshot/resume by email, apply for representa- Hollywood, FL 33020 305-582-0801
tion through website. No open calls. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
The Green Agency, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Sharon Martin (President), Kristie Martin (VP)
800 W. Ave., PH-34 Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Fashion & Runway
Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-532-9225 Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Musical
P.O. Box 398303 Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Miami, FL 33239 305-532-9225 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email; email preferred. No
email: calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Tammy Green (President/Director (Miami)), Cristina MC2 Model Management
Nevarez (Booking Agent (Miami)), Emile Sobel (Social Media) 900 Biscayne Blvd., Ste. 601B
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Miami, FL 33132 305-672-8300
Actors - Film & TV Actors Fax: 305-531-8330
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls. No email:
drop-offs. No walk-ins.
Comments: Spanish-language talent accepted. Also specializes website:
in social media. Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Policy: Submit photos by mail or email, or attend open calls
The Hurt Agency (WGA-SAG-AFTRA) every Tuesday & Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
400 N. New York Ave., Ste. 207 Comments: See also listing under New York Agencies.
Winter Park, FL 32789 407-740-5700
P.O. Box 1056 Michele & Group
Winter Park, FL 32789 330 Lincoln Ave.
Fax: 407-740-0929 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-676-1702
email: 3140 W. Kennedy Blvd.
website: Tampa, FL 33609
Staff: Melanie Hurt (Owner/President) Fax: 386-265-6385
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & email:
TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Michele P. Connors (President), Eva Connors McMullin (VP),
Shea Davis Williams (Executive Director), Erin McKinnon (National
Level Talent Group (SAG-AFTRA) Talent Booker), Jessica Bent (National Talent Booker), Jessica
4919 S. W. Shore Blvd. Holland (National Talent Booker), Stephanie Metzger (Executive
Tampa, FL 33611 813-814-4944 Assistant), Sarah Clark (Assistant)
3214 W Kennedy Blvd., , Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial
Tampa, FL 33609 Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 813-814-4456 Policy: Request submission form by phone or email. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Specializes in spokesmodels and trade shows.
Staff: Kelly Paige (President), Darcy Britton-Kant (Director) MP Mega Miami
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers 420 Lincoln Rd., Ste. 406


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-6342 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. TV/film submissions
Fax: 305-672-1749 include reel. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Centrally located with a roster of professional union and nonunion actors from South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana,
website: and Florida.
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Commercial Actors Runways/The Talent Group (SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, email, or attend open calls every 2751 N. Miami Ave. #9B
Tuesday and Thursday from 3 to 3:30 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs. Miami, FL 33127 305-573-1212
Comments: Also represents sports/fitness models, big-and-tall Fax: 305-573-1708
male models, and plus-sized female models. email:
Next Management Staff: Beverly Sage (Principal), Vicky R. Parker (Runways Director),
1688 Meridian Ave., Ste. 800 Peggi McKinley (Talent Group Director), Ana Mateo (Assistant Booker)
Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-531-5100 Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater
website: Actors - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Print Models - Fashion
Staff: David Santos (Agent) & Runway Models - Promotional & Event Models - Voiceover Artists
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models Policy: Email submissions through website. 18 years and older.
Policy: Submit photos by mail, apply for representation through Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and
website, or attend open calls every Tuesday and Thursday from 3 wardrobe stylists.
to 4 p.m. No drop-offs.
Comments: See also listing under New York and Los Angeles Stellar Model and Talent Agency (SAG-
Agents. AFTRA)
3001 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Ste. 303
Novy Talent Group Pembroke Park, FL 33009 954-241-7376
100 E. Granada Blvd., Ste. 217 Fax: 954-241-7381
Ormond Beach, FL 32176 386-310-7619 email:
email: website: Staff: Cindy Schirmer (President/Commercial Division), Barbara
website: Agozzino (Kids/Teens Division), Britt Maluty (Print Division)
Staff: Melanie Novy (Owner) Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial & Newscasters - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists
Actors - Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by email or through website. Policy: Headshot/resume through website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Florida based talent agency that works nationwide.
Also represents talent in Georgia, New York, and California. Vicki Foley Talent & Models, Inc. (SAG-
Premier Models and Talent Inc 533 N. NovaRd., Ste. 111A
10752 Deerwood Park Blvd. Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-383-1771
S. Waterview II, Ste. 100 386-679-4077
Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-373-8070 email:
website: website:
Staff: Maria Pulliam (Owner/Agent), Gerra Avery (TV/Film Agent), Staff: Vicki Foley (President)
Cheryl Kaleda (Talent Agent) Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, email, or drop off.
Policy: Email headshot/resume (if professional headshot/resume
are unavailable send a current picture with name, email, location. Viera Models Agency
and any experience/training). No calls. No drop-offs. 3600 N. Wickham Rd., Ste. 102
Melbourne, FL 32935 321-305-4615
Premier-Talent LLC (SAG-AFTRA) 954-243-5984
10752 Deerwood Park Blvd., S. Waterview II, Ste. 100 email:
Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-373-8070 website:
P.O. Box 16753 Staff: Maggie Marte-Romero (Founder/Talent Director), Carlos
Jacksonville, FL 32245 Marte (Owner & CEO), Charles White (General Manager, Agent,
email: Director of Acting & Co-Owner), Nancy Kenney (Talent Coordinator,
website: Director’s Personal Assistant)
Staff: Maria Pulliam (Owner/Agent), Gerra Avery (Agent, TV/ Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Film), Cheryl Kaleda (Agent, Voiceover) Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Print Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Models - Voiceover Artists Policy: Walk-ins, mail or email.


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Comments: Represents talent ages 4–30. email:
WME (Miami) (SAG-AFTRA-DGA-EQUITY) Staff: Paul White (Principal), Alexander White (Owner/Agent),
1500 S. Douglas Rd., Ste. 230 Taylor DeThomas (Commercial Department)
Coral Gables, FL 33134 305-938-2000 Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshot/resume by online submission form.
Staff: Michel Vega (Personal Appearance), Maria Lanao (Agent,
Personal Appearances) Aligned Stars Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Producers - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater 4046 Wetherburn Way, Ste. 5
Performers - Music Editors & Producers - Variety Artists & Specialty Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 404-804-6229
Acts - Voiceover Artists - Directors - Sports Personalities - Book email:
Authors - Screenwriters - Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Broadcast website:
Journalists & Newscasters - Cinematographers - Comedians -
Speakers & Lecturers - Playwrights Staff: Patrick Ryan (Theatrical Agent), Jessica Dockery-Talley
Policy: See website for submission details. (Commercial Agent)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Commercial
World of Kids, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Voiceover Artists
1460 Ocean Dr., Ste. 205 Policy: Submissions through website.
Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-5437 Comments: Part of Georgia Production Partnership (GPP)
Fax: 305-672-1989
email: Atlanta Models & Talent, Inc. (WIFTA-GPP-
website: SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Debra Cozzo (Agent) 3098 Piedmont Rd., Ste. 102
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Atlanta, GA 30305 404-261-9627
Actors - Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Represents talent ages 0 to 18. Staff: Sarah Carpenter (Owner), Jason Lockhart (TV & Film
Department Head), Melodi Erdogan (TV & Film Agent), Mason
GEORGIA Thurman (Commercial, Industrial & Print Agent), Kelly Nehmen
(TV & Film Associate), Caila Cordwell (Commercial, Industrial, &
411 South (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Print Associate), Tracy Nguyen (Commercial & Voiceover Associate)
475 Moreland Ave. S.E. Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Atlanta, GA 30316 404-622-4116 Actors - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 404-622-4118 Policy: Electronic submissions only. See website for submis-
email: sion details.
website: Comments: Established in 1959, to provide talent in Atlanta, the
Staff: Sindy Schneider (Talent Representative), Nefertiti Robinson southeast region, and nationally.
(Talent Representative), Marquez Jones (Talent Representative),
Ruby Watkis (Talent Representative) The Bell Agency
Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Dancers & 884 Monroe Dr.
Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Atlanta, GA 30308 404-642-1082
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or apply for repre- email:
sentation through website. Include cued tape or DVD of performance website:
footage if possible. Attends showcases. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Shanon Bell (Owner/Agent)
Comments: See also listings under Los Angeles and New York Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Talent Agencies. Actors
Policy: Apply through website or email a headshot/resume/
Actors LA Agency (SAG-AFTRA) reel or taped monologue or audition for film, TV, or theater. See
Atlanta, GA individual guidelines on website. 18 years and under.
Staff: Sharon Morris (Owner/Agent) BMG Models - Atlanta (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons 1755 The Exchange, Ste. 350
- Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Atlanta, GA 30339 404-800-6600
Actors - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 404-953-6301
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
No drop-ins. website:
Alexander White Agency Staff: Julie Martin (Agency Director), Justine Martin (On Camera
2144 Hills Ave., Ste. D2 Director), Kayln Doward (Junior Agent)
Atlanta, GA 30318 404-609-4752 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Los Angeles, CA 323-577-3811 Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
London, UK +44 020-3289-3714 Policy: Submit photos by mail.


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Comments: See also listings under Florida, Chicago, New York, website:
and Los Angeles Agencies. BMG Talent is a theatrical agency not a Staff: Will Curtis (Voiceover Agent), Mystie Buice (Agency
print agency. See BMG Models for print. Director/Theatrical Agent), Anna Singleton (Commercial Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Magicians - Voiceover
The Burns Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers
1760 Lakes Parkway, Ste. 2404 - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Lawrenceville, GA 30043 404-303-8995 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Also affiliated with AFTRA and ACVB.
website: J Pervis Talent Agency (ATA-SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Rona L. Burns (President), Carrie Miller (Assistant) 3050 Amwiler Rd., Ste. 200-C
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & Atlanta, GA 30360 404-688 9700
TV Actors Fax: 404-688-9705
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. No calls. email:
No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Represents talent ages 18+. Exclusive representa- Staff: Jayme Pervis (Owner/Head, Broadcast), Joy Pervis (Head,
tion only. See also listing under North Carolina Talent Agencies. Theatrical), Jaron Matthews (Theatrical), Gwenn McGuire (Assistant
to Jayme Pervis)
Classic Talent Agency, LLC Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors
2190 Brandon Trail, Ste. #8 - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film
Alpharetta, GA 30004 661-993-8350 & TV Actors
email: Policy: See website for details.
website: Comments: Represents ages 3 and up.
Staff: Lora Vinson (Agent)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater The Jana VanDyke Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Actors - Comedians 4461 Bretton Ct. NW, Ste. 500
Policy: Professional headshot/resume/demo reel by email. Acworth, GA 30101 770-529-0655
Comments: Serving the Southeast. email:
Click Models - Atlanta Staff: Jana VanDyke (Agent), Chris Young (Agent)
949 Image Ave., Ste. C Represents: Film & TV Actors
Atlanta, GA 30318 404-688-9700 Policy: Headshot/resume/reel (if possible) by mail to ATTN
Fax: 404-688-9705 New Talent. No calls.
website: Kiddin’ Around/Real People
Staff: Julie Martin-Coppola (Agency Director), Julie Martin 1876 DeFoor Ave., Bldg. 7
(Assistant) Atlanta, GA 30318 404-350-4145 ext. 115
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Fax: 404-350-9997
Commercial Actors email:
Policy: Images/measurements/location/age by email. High-
fashion models can attend open call every Wednesday at 3p.m. website:
Female minimum of 5’8”. Male minimum of 5’11”.;
Staff: Eva Stancil-Murray (President), Margo Gabriel (Vice
Convention Models and Talent (CMT) President), Jimmy Meisenzahl (VP)
1417 Dutch Valley Place, Ste. A Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Atlanta, GA 30324 404-233-4644 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Talent 13 and older
866-238-9349 submit to; talent 12 and under submit
email: to No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Associated with Real People Models and Talent and
Staff: Shelly Justice (Chief Executive Officer), John McNamara Real People Latino Model and Talent located in Birmingham, AL.
(Chief Operating Officer), Jennifer Stephen (Client Services Manager),
Gina Perez (Client Services Representative) MP Atlanta LLC
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion 500 Bishop St. N.W., Ste. A-2
& Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Atlanta, GA 30318 404-872-7444
Models - Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls. website:
No drop-offs. Staff: Lois Thigpen (VP/Director, Women, Hair & Makeup Artists,
Stylists), Jason Wallace (Director, Men & Runway/Agent, Women),
Houghton Talent (ATA-WIFTA-GPP) Marion Webb (Agent, Scouting & Development), Tim Roberts
919 Collier Rd. N.W. (Assistant), Stephanie Albanese (Agent, Women’s Board)
Atlanta, GA 30318 404-603-9454 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Fax: 404-603-9456 Policy: Submit through website or attend open call every


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. sharp. Staff: Christy Clark (Agent, Film/TV/Commercial/Industrial),
Comments: Also represents editorial and commercial print Carley Traynor (Agent, TV/Film/Commercial/Industrial)
models, celebrity endorsements, hair and makeup artists, and Represents: Print Models - Directors - Commercial Actors -
stylists. Associated with MP Factor in Chicago, MP Los Angeles, Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
and MP Miami. See also listing under Illinois Agencies. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email. See website
for additional submission requirements. No calls. No drop-offs.
People Store (ATA-SAG-AFTRA) Comments: See also listings under New York and Illinois Talent
645 Lambert Dr. Agencies.
Atlanta, GA 30324 404-874-6448
1523 Constance St., Ste. 200 TDH Talent Unlimited
New Orleans, LA 70130 504-324-2812 (New Orleans) 333 Swanson Dr.. Ste. 120
Fax: 404-874-6330 Lawrenceville, GA 30043
email: Fax: 770-277-9057
website: email:
Staff: Rebecca Shrager (President), Brenda Pauley (Head, website:
Film/TV Agent), Victoria Temple (Agent, Film/TV), Jessy Alfonso Staff: Tonya Hensley (Owner/Agent)
(Agent, Film/TV), Thom Milam (Agent, Film/TV), Kristina Sutton Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
(Agent, Film/TV (New Orleans)), Melissa James (Jr. Agent (New Actors
Orleans)), Rick Estimond (VP/Head, Commercial), Alex Ballew (Agent, Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel (if available) by email only.
Commercial), Allyssa Barley (Commercial Assistant), Lavon Lacey Comments: Offers new talent a start in becoming a working pro-
(Agent, Live Events), Andrew Rodriguez (Commercial Assistant), Kay fessional in the entertainment industry. Roster of talent has worked
Butler (Accounting), Jennifer Hummel (Office Manager) as extras, featured performers, and in starring roles in TV and film.
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Actors - Film & TV Actors Umberger Agency
Policy: Headshot/resume through website only. No hard copies. 1562 Steele Dr. N.W.
No calls. No drop-offs. Atlanta, GA 30309 404-372-1680
Comments: Additional office in New Orleans. email:
Richard Hutchison Management Staff: Jeffrey Umberger (Owner)
1266 W. Paces Ferry Rd. N.W., #439 Represents: Voiceover Artists
Atlanta, GA 30327 404-261-7824 Policy: Not currently accepting submissions. Check website for
323-810-3622 updates to submission policy.
email: Comments: Voiceover agency representing talent in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Spain, and Italy.
Staff: Richard Hutchison (Agent) Ursula Wiedmann Models and Talent
Represents: Voiceover Artists (SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: 60 second audio clip by email only. 115-A New St.
Comments: Voice talent representation. Decatur, GA 30030 404-378-1804
Smith Young Talent (SAG-AFTRA) website:
1720 Peachtree St. N.W., Ste. 915 Staff: Ursula Wiedmann (Owner/Agent), Kristen Lombard (Model/
Atlanta, GA 30309 470-440-1500 Booker), Laura Magner (TV/Film/Commercial Agent), Jackson
1620 Centinela Ave., Ste. 208C Armor (Jr. Booker)
Inglewood, CA 90302 310-526-3030 Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
email: & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Voiceover
website: Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater
Staff: Christopher Young (Partner/Agent), Tay Smith (Partner/ Actors - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
Agent), Maria Turner (Agent), Robert Walker (Agent) Policy: Submissions through website, virtual open call, or through
Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Screenwriters industry referral. Calls and drop-offs accepted.
- Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Comments: A small and selective agency that specializes in
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Calls accepted. No drop-offs. developing models and actors. Books models locally, nationally,
Comments: Previously known as BYSB Talent Agency LLC. and internationally. Plus size and street models.
Inclusive, diverse, and innovative, representing actors across the
board in TV, film, and commercials. Bicoastal offices. William Reynolds Agency
2751 Buford Highway, Ste. 285
Stewart Talent (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Atlanta, GA 30324 404-636-1974
500 Bishop St. N.W., Ste. A-2 email:
Atlanta, GA 30318 404-952-2214 website:
Fax: 404-874-1526 Staff: William Reynolds (Agent), Sabrina Cazeau (Casting
email: Director), Janet Jackson (Casting Associate)
website: Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Post Falls, ID 83854 206-249-9051
Policy: Call to set up an appointment or submit via website. email:
Comments: Represents commercial models only; no runway website:
models. Staff: Anne Lillian Mitchell (Owner), Lance Mitchell (Accounts
Department), Dustin Wilsor (Booking Agent), Steph Cureton (Booking
HAWAII Agent), Jeffrey Rocco (Booking Agent), Vanessa Ventresco (Voiceover
Chameleon Talent Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
P.O. Box 959 Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists
Kihei, HI 96753 808-879-7817 - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater
email: Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
website: Policy: Follow the submission instructions on website under the
Staff: Cynthia Clark (Owner) “Join” tab. Headshot and resume required. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Comments: Seattle and Spokane talent agency, booking actors,
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. models, and, voiceover artists in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward-
robe stylists Urban Talent Management (SAG-AFTRA)
802 W. Bannock St., Ste. LP 109
Kathy Muller Talent & Modeling Boise, ID 83702 208-424-0799
Agency (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) email:
619 Kapahulu Ave., PH website:
Honolulu, HI 96815 808-737-7917 Staff: Jennifer Levy (Boise Director/Booking Agent), Jamie
Fax: 808-734-3026 Bingham (Boise Office Manager, Director of Scouting)
email: Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
website: & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
Staff: Kathy Muller (Owner/President), Joy Kam (Agency Director/ & TV Actors
Booker), Tania de Jesus (Director of Education), Sharon Cavin Policy: Appointments scheduled Monday through Friday from
(International Division), Janet Maduli (Booker), Jade Gonzalez 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Resumes by mail or email, phone calls accepted.
(Locations/Agency Booker) Comments: See also listing under Utah Talent Agencies.
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors ILLINOIS
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also does location scouting. Actors Talent Group, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-
Niche Models and Talent 410 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 733
3452 Waialae Ave., Ste. 2 Chicago, IL 60605 312-588-1309
Honolulu, HI 96816 808-734-4941 email:
Fax: 808-734-4948 website:
email: Staff: Maryann Ziesch (President), Jean Louis Ziesch (Agent) Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Voiceover Artists
website: - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
Staff: Shawna Erickson (Owner) Policy: Submissions by mail or email through website. 18 years
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Film and older. Union and nonunion. No calls. No drop-offs.
& TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Ambassador Talent Agents, Inc. (SAG-
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward- AFTRA)
robe stylists. 180 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 533
Chicago, IL 60601 312-641-3491
Woodhall Talent Agency 221 S. Gale Dr., Ste. 407
411 Hobron Lane, Ste. 3306 Beverly Hills , CA 90211
Honolulu, HI 96815 website:
Staff: Ruth Woodhall (Owner/Agent) Staff: Robert Vandal (On-Camera Agent ), John Greenberg
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Commercial Actors (Literary Division ), Susan A. Sherman (Director), Ed Cox (On-Camera
- Film & TV Actors Agent)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Film & TV Actors - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors -
Theater Actors - Commercial Actors - Dancers & Choreographers
IDAHO - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists - Animals
- Speakers & Lecturers - Fashion & Runway Models - Interactive
MAM (SAG-AFTRA) Game Developers - Magicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Broadcast
3250 Airport Way S., Ste. 221 Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models
Seattle, WA 98134 509-720-8312 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
1120 N. Spokane St. Comments: Represents talent ages 2 months old and up.


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Babes ‘N Beaus website:
104 S. Washington St., Second Fl. Staff: Gregory Brown (President)
Hinsdale, IL 60521 630-794-9774 Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Martial Artists
Fax: 630-455-1154 & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater Performers -
email: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only to appropriate office.
Staff: Don Underwood (Owner/Director), Joanna Underwood Union talent. 4 years and older. Drop-offs accepted. No phone calls.
(Owner/Director), Barb Mueller (Assistant)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Charlie’s Talent Management (SAG-AFTRA)
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 3148 W. Lake Ave., Ste D
Policy: Headshot/resume or comp card/resume by email or Glenview, IL 60025 224-542-0640
mail only. email:
Bass/Schuler Entertainment Staff: Chad Oliver (Owner/Agent)
4055 W. Peterson Ave., Ste. 206 Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Voiceover
Chicago, IL 60646 773-481-2600 Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 773-481-2601 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: See also listing under Michigan Talent Agencies.
Staff: Scott Bass (Agent), Chris Schuler (Agent), Drew Korb DeSanti Talents (SAG-AFTRA)
(Agent), Jenny Holden (Agent), Mia Bass (CFO), Rachel Wolfson 4241 W. 63rd St.
(Office Manager), Sharon Sellers (Accounting Assistant), Quentin Chicago, IL 60629 773-585-5843
Egan (Marketing Guru) email:
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Singers & website:
Musicians - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts Staff: Sylvia Martinez-Johnson (Agent), Susana DeSantiago
Policy: Submissions through website. (President/Agent), Martha Flores (Sub-Agent), Martha Favela (On
Camera Assistant), Martha Favela (Voiceover Assistant)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
Big Mouth Talent (ATA-EQUITY) - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt
5100 N. Ravenswood Ave., Ste. 102 Actors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Musical
Chicago, IL 60640 312-421-4400 Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 312-421-4403 Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel and/or voice demo by email
email: only. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Additional services include creative translations
Staff: Brooke Tonneman (Owner/Agent), Kelly Wilkening (Owner/ from English to Spanish.
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Ford Models
Actors - Film & TV Actors 850 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 410
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email to attn: New Talent. Chicago, IL 60607 312-243-9400
No calls. No drop-offs. email:
BMG Models (SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Chris Twarowski (General Manager)
456 N. May St. Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Chicago, IL 60642 312-829-9100 Policy: Apply for representation through website or talent ages
email: 14 and up can attend open call every weekday from 2 to 4 p.m. No
website: calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Minimum height for women: 5’8”, men: 6’0”. See
Staff: Greg Brown (President), Daniel Tower (Agency Director), also listings under New York, Los Angeles, and Florida Agencies.
Rachel Mitchell (New Faces), Kalena Schubert (On Camera), Claire
Rennard (Agent Assistant) Gray Talent Group (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - 727 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 312
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Chicago, IL 60605 312-663-1659
Policy: Submit photos by mail or attend open call Mon.-Fri. 116 N. Maryland Ave., Ste. 140
at 4 p.m. Glendale, CA 91206
Comments: See also listings under Florida, New York, and Los Fax: 312-663-1797
Angeles Agencies. email:
BMG Talent Group (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Dawn Gray (President), Kiki Kapral (Agent), Zach Gray
456 North May St. (Agent), Mike Theisen (Agent), Maggie McCoy (Agent), Kieran
Chicago, Il 60642 312-829-9100 Champion (Agent), Brittainy Barattia (Agent), Noelle Humbert (Agent)
Fax: 312-829-6698 Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Chicago, IL 60607 312-664-1107
Actors - Film & TV Actors Fax: 312-733-9824
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only (include SASE.) 5 years email:
and older. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Exclusive representation for talent 5 years and older. Staff: Trent Raffaelli (Chicago Branch Manager), Ginny Zerang
(Talent Manager)
Grossman & Jack Talent, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG- Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians
AFTRA) - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models -
33 W. Grand Ave., Ste. 402 Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Chicago, IL 60654 312-587-1155 Policy: Headshot/resume and cover letter by mail only. See
Fax: 312-587-2122 website for details. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: See also listing under Wisconsin Talent Agencies.
Staff: Linda Jack (Owner/Director, Voiceover Department), MP Factor LLC
Robert Schroeder (Director, On-Camera/Theatrical Department), The Wrigley Building, 400 Michigan Ave., Ste. 700
Katherine Tenerowicz (Director, G&J Models, Print Department), Chicago, IL 60611 312-943-3226
Donna Simon Dunn (On-Camera Agent), Jess Jones (On-Camera Fax: 312-943-3226
Agent), Vanessa Lanier (Voiceover Agent), Susan Farlik (Voiceover email:
Agent), Heather Olofson (Voiceover Agent) website:
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Voiceover Artists - Staff: Jan Berendsen (President), Stephen Hall (Director, Women),
Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Jessie Sardina (Scouting & Development), Bridget Halanski (VP of
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Do not attach files, Runway), Meghan Wanserski (Booking Agent, Men), Nicholas Butts
links only. No open calls. 4 years and older for voiceover. 18 years and (Booking Agent, Runway), Katie Massey (Booking Agent, Men)
older for on camera and theatrical. No calls. No drop-offs. On camera Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
submissions to Voiceover to voice- Policy: Submit through website or attend open call every weekday Print to at 2 p.m. sharp. No drop-offs.
Comments: Print division is called G&J Models. Comments: Women’s Fashion division of Stewart Talent. See
also listing under Georgia Agencies.
Kimberly Katz Talent (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA)
4422 N. Ravenswood Ave. NV Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Chicago, IL 60613 708-250-1970 900 N. Franklin St., Ste. 709
email: Chicago, IL 60610 312-563-0136
website: email:
Staff: Kimberly Katz (Agent/Owner), Ken Payne (Agent) website:
Represents: Playwrights - Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models
- Comedians - Screenwriters - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Staff: Debby Kotzen (Agent, Voiceover & On Camera), Brett
Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors Sechrist (Agent, On Camera), Mary Kay O’Connor (Agent, Voiceover)
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
Policy: Email headshot/resume/cover letter and a one minute Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater
comedy monologue in MP4 or MOV format with age and address to Actors - Film & TV Actors Include any agencies you Policy: Submissions via U.S. mail or through website. No calls.
are currently employed by. 6 years and older. No walk ins or drop-offs. Interview by appointment.
Comments: Represents voice and on camera talent.
Lily’s Talent Agency, Inc. (AFM-WGA-EQUITY-
SAG-AFTRA) One Magnificent Model
1017 W. Washington Blvd., Ste. 2C 333 W. North Ave., Ste. 411
Chicago, IL 60607 312-601-2345 Chicago, IL 60610 773-477-9515
Fax: 312-601-2353 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Stephanie Svec (Staff)
Staff: Lily Liu (President/Agent), Oliver Al (Agency Director/Print Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Director), Courtney A. Stump (Jr. Agent, Film/TV/Commercial), Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Joe Dougherty (Executive Assistant), Lania Rosengren (Talent Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Payment/Account Manager) Comments: Specializes in talent for trade shows.
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, or apply for representation Paonessa Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
through website. No calls. No drop-offs. 1512 N. Fremont St., Ste. 105
Comments: LTA is certified with the Minority Business Enterprise. Chicago, IL 60642 773-360-8749
Lori Lins Ltd. Talent Management (SAG- website:
AFTRA) Staff: Marisa Paonessa (President/Agent), Siobhan Reddy-Best
1101 W. Adams St., Ste. C (Agent), Kelly Hovsepian (Agent), Chloe Schneider (Agent), Colleen


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Claes (Agent Associate), Hillary Sigale (Agent Assistant) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Actors - Film & TV Actors KANSAS
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by mail only.
Include SASE. No calls. No drop-offs. Exposure, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
8400 W. 110th St., Ste. 630
Shirley Hamilton Talent (AGVA-EQUITY-SAG- Overland Park, KS 66210 913-317-8801
AFTRA) email:
333 E. Ontario St., Ste. 302B
Chicago, IL 60611 312-787-4700 website:
email: Staff: Jennifer Barnes Mangan (President/Print Director/
website: International Placement Agent), Shawn Mullane (VP/Broadcast
Staff: Lynne Hamilton (Co-Owner, Agency Director), Laurie Director), Terre’ Capers (Agent), W. Dave Keith (Agent)
Hamilton (Co-Owner, Print Agent), Adam Patla (Theatre Agent), Represents: Print Models - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
Laurie Freeman-Erbin (Voiceover Agent, Accounts Manage), Brian - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater
Canchola (Jr. Commercial Agent), Nora Manz (Jr. TV & Film Agent)) Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Voiceover Artists - Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No open calls. No calls.
Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
The Gregory Agency
Stewart Talent (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) 2915 E. Douglas St., Ste. C
400 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 700 Wichita, KS 67211 316-687-5666
Chicago, IL 60611 212-315-5505 11313 Oxnard St., #223
email: (voiceover only) North Hollywood, CA 91606
website: email:
Staff: Jane Stewart (President), Joan Sparks (Voiceover), Kathi website:
Gardner (Print, Kids), Sam Samuelson (TV/Film/Theater, Adults), Staff: Greg Boaldin (President)
Jenn Hall (Commercial Print, Adults/Kids), Jenny Wilson (TV/Film, Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
Adults/Kids), Todd Turina (TV/Film, Adults/Kids), Kim Valkenberg & Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event
(Business Manager/Voiceover/Promo), Jim McCaffrey (Theater/ Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
Film/TV), Dana Diederich (Commercial/TV/Film), Casey Janney Policy: Headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
(Industrial/Commercial), Sandra Wee Tom (Commercial Print)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Sports Personalities - KENTUCKY
Directors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Musical
Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Heyman Talent
Policy: Headshot/resume or snapshots that include: height, 1205 E. Washington St., Ste. 107
weight, hair color, eye color, how the agency was referred, and also Louisville, KY 40206 502-589-2540
a contact number and/or email by email. For voiceover, voiceover Fax: 502-589-2545
demo in MP3 format with a short bio or website link. See website email:
for additional categories and submission requirements. No calls. website:
No drop-offs. Staff: Megan Massie (New Faces), Kathy Campbell (Owner/Agency
Comments: See also listings under New York and Georgia Director), Devin Bundrent (Agent), Abi Van Andel (Administrative
Talent Agencies. Assistant)
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
INDIANA & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty
Acts - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Helen Wells Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Policy: Union and nonunion. Apply for representation through
12721 Meeting House Rd. website, or send headshot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Carmel, IN 46032 317-843-5363 Comments: See also listings under Ohio Talent Agencies.
10585 N. Meridian St., Ste. 110
Indianapolis, IN 46290 LOUISIANA
120 Webster St., Ste. 223
Louisville, KY 40206 502-632-6323 (KY) Fame Agency
Fax: 317-843-5364 3100 Division St., Ste. 2
email: Metairie, LA 70002 504-883-2001
website: 800-458-9112
Staff: Helen Wells (President), Lisa Burns (Agency Director), Beth Fax: 504-883-9109
Hall (Talent Scout), Dennis Erwin (Chief Operating Officer, Partner), email:
Danielle Wilson (Administration), Lori Fetter (Talent Casting), website:
Lauren Weghorst (New Talent Development), Nan Bastian (Manager) Staff: Lee MacKenzie (Owner/Agent), Anne Massey (Agent/
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Casting Director), Curla Courville (Talent Coordinator/Head Scout)
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Variety


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists
Policy: Apply for representation through website. Union and Policy: See website for open calls.
nonunion. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Additional office in Providence, R.I.
Comments: New Orleans indigenous types and jazz bands.
The Kurland Agency
Images Model & Talent 173 Brighton Ave.
305 Rue Chavaniac Boston, MA 02134 617-254-0007
Lafayette, LA 70508 337-406-2219 Fax: 617-782-3577
337-406-2219 (submissions) email:
email: website:
Staff: Simone Foreman (Agent) Staff: Ted Kurland (CEO)
Represents: Print Models - Film & TV Actors - Fashion & Runway Represents: Singers & Musicians
Models - Promotional & Event Models Policy: No unsolicited material.
Policy: By email or phone.
Comments: 38 years in business. MICHIGAN
S.A.M. Agency The I Group Model & Talent
6424 Caldwell Dr. Management (SAG-AFTRA)
New Orleans, LA 70122 504-427-3835 29540 Southfield Rd., Ste. 200
email: Southfield, MI 48076 248-552-8842
Staff: Ken del Corral (Owner/Agent), Judy Pinter (Staff) Fax: 248-552-9866
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Commercial email:
Actors - Theater Actors website:
Policy: Apply for representation by email only. No calls. No Staff: Tony DiMambro (Owner), Teresa Melone (Agent), Meghan
drop-offs. York (Agent), Rob Winkworth (Agent), Danielle Goike (Agent), Kathy
Reason (Agent), Heather Woolweaver (Agent)
MARYLAND Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
& Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion &
Kids International Talent Agency Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities
(EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
938 E. Swan Creek Rd., Box 152 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Ft. Washington, MD 20744 301-292-6094
email: P+ Detroit (SAG-AFTRA)
website: 30600 TelegraphRd., Ste. 2156
Staff: Samuel Love (Owner/Agent), Barbara Love (Owner/Agent) Bingham Farms, MI 48025 248-644-5566
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial 444 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 1200
Actors - Film & TV Actors Chicago, IL 60611 800-437-9815
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. 4 years and older. No Fax: 248-644-6072
calls. No drop-offs. email:
MASSACHUSETTS Staff: Margery Krevsky (CEO), Hedy Popson (President), Olga
Denysenko (Director, Theatrical Department/Film Agent), Suzanne
Maggie Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) Regan (Agent, Commercial & Voiceover), Neil Willoughby (Audio/
35 Newbury St. Video Tech), Marsha Bassi (Agent, Print & Live Fashion)
Boston, MA 02116 617-536-2639 Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Fax: 617-536-0651 Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional
email: & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Apply for representation through website. No drop-offs.
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Print Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles and Illinois
Models - Fashion & Runway Models Talent Agencies.
Policy: Submissions through form on website. No calls. No
drop-offs. Unique Models & Talent
77 Monroe Center, Ste. 500
Model Club, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-827-8420
132 Boylston St. #2 2855 44th St., Ste. 165
Boston, MA 02116 617-247-9020 Grandville, MI 49418
email: Fax: 616-827-8424
website: email:
Staff: Tim Ayers (Agency Director/Agent, Kids), Andrew P.
Wilson (Agent, Adults) website:
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Hosts & Staff: Vonda Muller (Owner/Agency Director)
Spokespersons - Print Models - Promotional & Event Models - Fashion Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Runway Models - Commercial Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Madelyn Mark (Director)
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists. Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Fashion &
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
Policy: Headshot/resume/full body photos through website.
Agency Models & Talent Photos do not need to be professional. No open calls.
700 Washington Ave. N., Ste. 210
Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-664-1174 Moore Creative Talent, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
email: 3130 Excelsior Blvd.
website: Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-827-3823
Staff: Kari Larson (Owner), Maria Ojile (Owner), Amber McEnery email:
(Agent), Charles Hubbell (Agent), Lindsay Phillips (Agent), Steve
Voegeli (New Talent Director) website:
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Staff: Andrea Hjelm (President), Haley Jacobsen (On-Camera
Actors - Film & TV Actors Agent), Alycya Cardwell (Print Agent), Kate Baker (Voiceover Agent),
Policy: Headshot/resume online through website. No calls. Tom Larson (New Talent)
No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film
Allensworth Entertainment (SAG-AFTRA) & TV Actors - Fit Models
8120 Penn Ave. S., Ste. 100H Policy: Headshot/resume through website. Voiceover apply
Bloomington, MN 55431 323-333-5493 through email. Union and nonunion. No calls. No drop-offs. $50
Fax: 952-402-1226 website fee every 2 years
email: Comments: $50 website fee every 2 years. Formerly Eleanor
website: Moore, MCT is a family owned agency established in 1958.
Staff: Sandy Kaye (Agent, Commercial), Stephanie Allensworth
(Owner/Agent) Nuts LTD
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 2112 Broadway St. N.E., Ste. 230
Policy: Submissions through website. No calls. No drop-offs. Minneapolis, MN 55413 763-529-0330
1500 Jackson St. N.E., Studio 218
Caryn Model & Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Minneapolis, MN 55413
4229 Excelsior Blvd. email:
Minneapolis, MN 55416 952-945-6600 website:
Fax: 952-945-6601 Staff: Laura M M Johnson (Owner/CEO/Agent), Reid Harmsen
email: (Agent), Kirby Trymucha-Duresky (Agent), Maureen Davis
website: (Bookkeeper)
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Fashion & Represents: Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film Policy: Through website. Nonunion. Twin Cities actors only.
& TV Actors Comments: Representing Twin Cities actors for local, regional,
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail and email only. No calls. national and international companies and clients.
No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward- Wehmann Models & Talent (EQUITY-SAG-
robe stylists. AFTRA)
1128 Harmon Place, Ste. 202
Ignite Models, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-333-6393
945 Broadway St. N.E., Ste. 275 email:
Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-339-2117 website:
email: Staff: Susan Wehmann (President) Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
website: - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Staff: Allison Vaillancourt (President, Men and Women’s Division, Actors - Theater Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV
Placements), Taylor O’Brien (Model Development, New Faces) Actors - Fit Models
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models Policy: Submit composites/headshots/resumes/portfolios/other
Policy: Submit photos to submissions email or attend open call video or voice demos by mail or through website. Candid color
every Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. Minimum height for women: 5’8”, photos no smaller than 4x6 if professional shots are unavailable.
men: 5’10”. No calls. No drop-offs. All ages, looks, and experience levels. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists. Represents
Meredith Model & Talent Agency all ages.
1209 Tyler Street NE #110
Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-345-5827


regional | TALENT AGENTS
MISSISSIPPI Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Accepted by email only, include all contact information.
Action Talent Agency No calls. Actors: Submit headshot/resume and statistics. Models:
P.O. Box 321085 Submit current photos with statistics (snapshots or digital with mini-
Flowood, MS 39232 mal makeup preferred). Voiceover: Submit demo as WAV or MP3 file.
email: Comments: Represents infants to seniors.
website: Talent Unlimited, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Angie Moncrief (Agent/Owner) 222 W. Gregory Blvd., Ste. 238
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Voiceover Kansas City, MO 64114 816-561-9040
Artists Fax: 816-756-3950
Policy: Referral only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
MISSOURI Staff: Jean Liebau (Owner/Broadcast & Print Agent), Clinton
Irey (Broadcast & Print Agent), Tracey Turner (Broadcast & Print
Azalea Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Agent), Mary Bosch (Account Manager)
PO Box 1623 Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
O’Fallon, MO 63366-1623 314-421-9000 & Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion &
email: Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty
website: Acts - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Mandi Morris (Agent) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional TalentPlus, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
& Event Models - Film & TV Actors 8008 Carondelet Ave., Ste. 301
Policy: Submissions through website. 4 years and older. St. Louis, MO 63105 314-421-9400
I & I Agency (SAG-AFTRA) website:
Kansas City, MO 64111 816-410-9950 Staff: Sharon Tucci (President/Owner/Agent), Mary Kruse (VP/
email: COO), Mary Kruse (Office/Accounting Manager), Caitlin Tadlock
website: (Casting Coordinator), Rachel Duke (Print/Show Agent), Kim Kerper
Staff: Mark Anthony Jones (President/CEO), Clark Cordova (Contract Manager), Ciara Brewer (Entertainment Specialist), Jodi
(Agency Director), Carrie Leonas (New Faces) Gilbert (Entertainment Specialist), Amy Palmer (Agent Associate),
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Fashion & Elizabeth McCaughan (Agent Assistant)
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
& TV Actors Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Open call every Policy: Apply for representation through website.
Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m. 4 years and older. No calls. No drop-offs.
The Agency Models & Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Images Agency Models & Actors 14463 N. US 169
711 Old Frontenac Square Smithville, MO 64089 816-523-2237
St. Louis, MO 63131 314-372-0500 email:
Fax: 314-993-2303 website:
email: Staff: Janis Kliethermes (Owner/Agent), Becky Grover (Owner)
website: Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Sports Personalities -
Staff: Tracey Loder (Director), Sharon Pfitzinger (VP, Marketing Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Director), Stacy Caudle (Booking Agent) Policy: Mail or email current photos and stats.
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Theater Comments: Established in 1979.
Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: See website for submission details. Open calls typically Voices & Models and Talent Agency
Saturday’s at 10am, see website. Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs. (SAG-AFTRA)
Comments: Prospective clients must have headshots or may 2009 Baltimore Ave.
be required to obtain them for representation. Kansas City, MO 64108
NOW Talent Management, LLC (SAG-
AFTRA) website:
P.O. Box 762 Staff: Wendy Buono (Agent), Vicki Evans (Agent)
O’Fallon, MO 63366 636-290-0875 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover
Fax: 636-898-4533 Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: By email only.
website: Comments: Agents have been in the industry for 15+ years.
Staff: April Schroeder (Owner/Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Las Vegas Talent Agency
Actors Etc. Limited 8275 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. 200
9773 Lafayette Plaza Las Vegas, NV 89123 702-733-8540
Omaha, NE 68114 402-391-3153 Fax: 702-989-4584
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Randy Nogg (Owner) Staff: Paul Sanders (Agent), Steve Kaplan (Agent), Donald F. Glut
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV (Agent), Melanie Kramer (Agent), Saturn Reyes (Agent)
Actors Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Magicians -
Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume/demo reel, Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists &
postcards, and showcase invitations by mail. No calls. No drop-offs. Specialty Acts - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors
Comments: Also casts local projects. - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
NEVADA No drop-offs.

Baskow & Associates, Inc. (AFM-The Author’s Platinum Models

Guild-SAG-AFTRA) 2831 St. Rose Parkway, Ste. 261
8275 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. 215 Henderson, NV 89052 877-900-1264
Las Vegas, NV 89124 702-547-5119 Fax: 702-818-1198
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Jaki Baskow (Owner), Kelly Thomas (Talent Department)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - TV Writers - Hosts & Staff: Laura Diane (CEO), Jay Rebholz (President)
Spokespersons - Magicians - Book Authors - Fashion & Runway Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians
Models - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists &
& Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors
- Film & TV Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Look-alikes &
Policy: Headshot/resume/contact information by email or through Impersonators - Fit Models
website. Age 5 and over. Calls and drop-offs accepted. Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Comments: Provided talent for over 45 years. Also sells TV No drop-offs.
projects. Comments: In business since 2007. Also operates out of Los
Angeles, San Diego, and Phoenix.
Best Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
5801 S. Decatur Blvd, Ste. 110 NEW JERSEY
Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-889-2900
Fax: 702-889-2901 Cleri Model Management
email: 145 Talmadge Rd., Ste. 11
website: Edison, NJ 08817 732-650-9630
Staff: Gwen Lloyd-Hughes (Sr. VP, Entertainment), Tiffany 212-721-6900
Singleton (Executive Booking Agent), Michael Pulido (Executive email:
Booking Agent), Tara Graeber (HR) website:
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians Staff: Naomi Alves (Booking Agent)
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
- Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Choreographers Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation
through website. No calls. No drop-offs. McCullough Models (SAG-AFTRA)
Comments: Specializes in providing talent for conventions and 8 S. Hanover Ave.
trade shows. Also has an event production division. Margate, NJ 08402 609-822-2222
Fax: 609-823-3333
Las Vegas Models (EQUITY-SAG-AFTRA) email:
1591 E. Desert Inn Rd., Door 1
Las Vegas, NV 89169 702-733-6888 website:
website: Staff: Bill McCullough (Booking Agent)
Staff: Sarah Bauer (President/Agent), Richard Weber (CEO/ Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
CFO), Jayne Krashin (Theatrical Agent) Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. 18 years and older.
& Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Apply for representation through website, or attend
open call every Thursday from 3 to 4 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs. Meredith Models
Comments: Formerly the Lenz Agency. West Milford, NJ 201-560-9992


regional | TALENT AGENTS
email: website: Staff: Lynette O’Connor (Owner/Agent)
website: Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover
Staff: Ashley Schmerling (Owner/Agent) Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls.
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional
& Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models NORTH CAROLINA
Policy: See website for submission details. No calls. No drop-
offs. No open calls. The Brock Agency
329 13th Ave. N.W.
NEW MEXICO Hickory, NC 28601 828-322-8553
10 21st Ave. N.W., Ste. 252 B (No mail to this address)
Mitchell & Associates Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Hickory, NC 28601
320 Gold Ave. S.W., Ste. 1016 Fax: 828-322-3224
Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-262-9733 (NM) email:
18356 Oxnard St., Ste. 7 website:
Tarzana, CA 91356 818-856-0355 (CA) Staff: Beverly Brock (Agent), Beth Bright (Assistant)
email: Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Fashion & Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
website: Policy: Headshot/resume/location by email. Infants and older.
Staff: Carissa Mitchell (Owner/Agent) No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Singers & Musicians - Hosts
& Spokespersons - Screenwriters - Producers - Martial Artists & Stunt The Burns Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Actors - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty 1255 Marlborough Lane
Acts - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Winston-Salem, NC 27105 336-682-5301
Policy: See website for submission form. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Phirgun Mair Worldwide (SAG-AFTRA) website:
830 Tarpon Ave. S.E. Staff: Rona L. Burns (President), Carrie Miller (Assistant)
Rio Rancho, NM 87124 575-418-1037 Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists -
email: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. 18 years and
Staff: Peter K. Yanke (Owner/Agent) older. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Fashion & Runway Models - Fit Comments: Exclusive representation only. See also listing under
Models - Look-alikes & Impersonators - Promotional & Event Models Georgia Talent Agencies.
- Theater Actors - Commercial Actors - Musical Theater Performers
- Music Editors & Producers - Dancers & Choreographers - Variety Carolina Talent
Artists & Specialty Acts - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Composers 1230 W. Morehead St., Ste. 210
- Book Authors - Animation Artists - Screenwriters - Magicians - Hosts Charlotte, NC 28208 704-332-3218
& Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - TV Writers - Broadcast Fax: 704-343-2593
Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models - Speakers email:
& Lecturers - Playwrights website:
Policy: Representation requests by email only. Industry recom- Staff: Marc S. Soper (Agency Director), Charlotte Soper (Lead
mendation preferred. No drop-offs. Booker), Shelly Fearer (Voiceover Director), Stephen Soper (Fashion
Print Booker)
Presley Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
1258 Ortiz Dr. S.E., Ste. 301 & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers
Albuquerque, NM 87108 505-610-9273 - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: See website for submission information.
Staff: Tina Borek (Owner/Agent) Connections Modeling & Talent
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Singers & Agency
Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Martial Artists & 110 Third St. N.W.
Stunt Actors - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Hickory, NC 28601 828-327-3349
Choreographers - Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors 926 Second. St. N.E. , Ste. 103
- Theater Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors Hickory, NC 28601
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 828-327-3310
The O’Agency (SAG-AFTRA) website:
P.O. Box 6887 Staff: Dorothy Houston (President)
Albuquerque, NM 87197 505-344-3149 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers
email: & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail to P.O. Box only or by email.
Directions USA Staff: Jan O’Neill (President), Kecia Michelle (Agency Director),
3922 W. Market St. Mary Kay Farley (Sr. Booking Agent), Janet Lee (Submissions/
Greensboro, NC 27407 336-292-2800 New Talent)
Fax: 336-292-2855 Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by electronic submission on website only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Adrienne Tolbert (Agent) KNOWN Management Group (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial 1000 NC Music Factory Blvd., Ste. C6
Actors - Film & TV Actors Charlotte, NC 28206 704-412-4014
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. See website for submis- email:
sion guidelines. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward- Staff: Matthew Gonzales (Owner/Talent Agent)
robe stylists. Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports
Personalities - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models
Evolution Talent Agency - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
3205 N. Davidson St., Unit 103 Policy: Submissions by mail, email, or through website. See
Charlotte, NC 28205 704-375-9797 website for open call information. Phone calls and drop-offs accepted.
Fax: 704-375-9796 Comments: Represents talent in the southeast market with
email: placements in New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Milan, and more.
Staff: Amber Brooke (Placements Director/Booking Agent), Marilyn’s Agency
Beth Saunders (Booking Agent), Matthew Gonzales (New Faces 601 Norwalk St.
Director), Scott Cooper (Payroll) Greensboro, NC 27407 336-292-5950
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater Fax: 336-294-9178
Actors - Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers website:
Policy: Union members can email materials to shawn@evolu- Staff: Marilyn Green (Owner), Scottie Seaver (Agency Director), Nonunion talent can attend an open call audition. Michael Defosse (Print), Pam Warner (Print), Cheri Van Loon
See website for details. (TV/Film)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater
Fuse Talent Actors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Print Models - Promotional & Event
P.O. Box 61244 Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists
Raleigh, NC 27661 919-623-4433 Policy: See website for submission instructions. All ages.
1621 Midtown Place (No mail to this address) Comments: Also represents stylists of all types.
Raleigh, NC 27609
email: Maultsby Talent Agent
website: 4441 Sixforks Rd.,
Staff: Anjanette Roman (Executive Director) Ste. 106, PMB# 204
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Raleigh, NC 27609 646-357-0842
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 80 Broad St., Fifth Fl., PMB# 247
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. New York, NY 10004
ICE Models and Talent website:
1872 Polk St. (Radius Dr.) Staff: Victor Joyner (Senior Booking Agent (LA/NY)), Tisha
Hollywood, FL 33020 866-923-9348 Joyner (Talent Scout/Booking Agent (SE))
email: Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Apply for representation through website (under the
website: submissions tab). No unsolicited demos. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: meg a. h. (Agency Director)
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Talent One
Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 1100 Logger Court, B-103
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Raleigh, NC 27609 919-872-4828
Comments: Toronto Office: 140 Yorkville, Ave., Toronto, ON Fax: 919-872-6721
M5R1C2. Phone: 416-866-8000 email:
JTA Talent Agency website:
820 E. Blvd. Staff: Anne Greene (Owner/Agent), Rudy Greene (Owner/Agent)
Charlotte, NC 28203 704-377-5987 Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
Fax: 704-377-5854 TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or gmail email. Parents must


regional | TALENT AGENTS
enclose a letter stating they are seeking representation for their
child. 4 years and older. No calls. No drop-offs. Heyman Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
772 N. High St., Ste. 207
NORTH DAKOTA Columbus, OH 43215 614-291-8200
Academie Agencie website:
21100 19th Ave., No #J180 Staff: Lynne Heyman (Owner), Laura VonHolle (Director), Kenny
Fargo, ND 58102 701-235-8132 Packer (Talent Agent), Christa Ford (Talent Agent), Arri Allen (Talent
email: Coordinator), Havilland Maxwell (Audition Coordinator)
website: Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
Staff: Stacey Lentz (Owner) & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Fit & TV Actors
Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - Promotional Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
& Event Models - Film & TV Actors No drop-offs.
Policy: Apply for representation through website. Interviews by Comments: See also listings under Kentucky Talent Agencies.
invitation and appointment. Calls accepted.
Comments: Established in 1979 with a current roster of 350, Heyman Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
ages 5-75, in North Dakota and western Minnesota. 700 W. Pete Rose Way, Ste. 434
Cincinnati, OH 45203 513-533-3113
OHIO Fax: 513-533-3135
CAM Talent Agency, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) website:
1350 W. Fifth Ave., Ste. 25 Staff: Lynne Heyman (Owner/Director), Laura VonHolle (Director
Columbus, OH 43212 614-488-1122 (Columbus) of Operations/Talent Agent), Brittany Kirby (Talent Agent), Richard
513-421-1795 (Cincinnati) Hagerman (Audition Coordinator), Sam Wright (New Talent Director)
email: Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
website: Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Staff: Carol Mosic (Director), Cindi Buell (Associate Director), Actors - Film & TV Actors
Chris Butts (Finance Manager) Policy: Apply for representation through website, or send head-
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Voiceover Artists - shot/resume by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Comments: See also listings under Kentucky Talent Agencies.
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
No drop-offs. PCG Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
10948 ReadingRd., Ste.312
The CleKidz Model & Talent Group, Cincinnati, OH 45241
LLC 4700 Reed Rd., Ste. M
27801 Euclid Ave., Ste. 455 Columbus, OH 43220 614-459-3582 (Columbus)
Euclid, OH 44132 216-307-7217 1000 E. Second St., Ste. 2005
646-598-3881 (East Coast) Dayton, OH 45402 513-262-0404 (Peter Condopoulos)
email: email: website:
website: Staff: Peter Condopoulos (Owner/Agent), Peggy Berry (Business
Staff: Shawna Jones (CEO/Talent Agent), Tynika Jones (CFO/ Manager/Agent (Dayton))
Executive Assistant) Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Fashion & & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
Runway Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists & TV Actors
- Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
- Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors Comments: Dayton office: 937-586-0799.
Policy: Online through website.
The Talent Group (SAG-AFTRA)
Docherty Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) 2530 Superior Ave., Ste. 602
2044 Euclid Ave., Ste. 500 Cleveland, OH 44114 216-622-8011
Cleveland, OH 44115 216-522-1300 Fax: 216-622-7551
Fax: 216-522-0520 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Stephen Black (Owner), Douglas Snyder (Agency Director),
Staff: Deb Docherty (Owner/Agent), Joan Scholz (Director) Richard Kohn (Head, Print Dept.), Kate Fraser (Assistant Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation & TV Actors
through website. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Comments: See also listing under Pennsylvania Talent Agencies. No drop-offs.


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Comments: See also listing under Pennsylvania Talent Agencies. Pulse Management
305 N.E. Sixth St., #86
Wings Model Management Grants Pass, OR 97526 888-727-6569
602 Main St., Ste. 485 email:
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-929-9464 Staff: Stacey Eastman (President), Vikki Leza (Scout, Nevada),
Fax: 513-929-9444 Lacey Hevern (Scout, Oregon), Shayna Eastman (Scout, Hawaii),
email: Lisa Hong (PR & Social Media, California), Tammera Muth King
website: (Photographer & Scout, California), Bree Hannama (Scout, Hawaiian
Staff: Jake Lang (CEO) Islands), Nancy Skogland (Scout, Minnesota), Lisamarie Radogna
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Fashion & (Scout, Arizona), Abby England (Scout, Utah), Jenn McMoo (Scout,
Runway Models - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors Utah), Bri Rachell (Scout, Utah), Natalie Kyser (Scout, Oregon),
- Film & TV Actors Melinda Wood (Executive Assistant)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Q6 Model & Artist Management (SAG-
Actors in Action (SAG-AFTRA) AFTRA)
323 N.E. Wygant St., Ste. 203 1028 S.E. Water Ave., Ste. 280
Portland, OR 97211 503-780-7555 Portland, OR 97214 503-274-8555
email: Fax: 503-274-4615
website: email:
Staff: Damon Jones (Owner/Agent) website:
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Staff: Jonny Shultz (Co-Owner/Model Board), Crystal Walen
Actors - Film & TV Actors (Commercial/TV/Film Board), Dorianne Palmer (Co-Owner/
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Accounting)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Arthouse Talent (SAG-AFTRA) Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
107 S.E. Washington St., Ste. 156 Policy:Headshot/resume through website or by email. Open
Portland, OR 97214 503-546-8862 Modeling call Thursday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Ryan Artists, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Jason Jeffords (Commerical/Theatrical Agent; Owner) 1122 N.W. Marshall St.
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Portland, OR 97209 503-274-1005
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, or apply for representation Fax: 503-274-0907
through website. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Staff: Cholee Thompson (Agency Owner/Agent), Taylor Harris
In Both Ears (Agent), Jennifer Arndt (Talent Relations)
3115 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Ste. 224 Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians
Portland, OR 97232 503-892-8833 - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers &
email: Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Submissions via the form on the website. Open call held
Staff: Stacey Stahl (Owner), Sam Roberts (Lead Agent), Ashley the first Wednesday of every month from 3-4 p.m. 14 years and
Mason (Talent Liaison), Donna Butler (Operations & Accounting) older. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Voiceover Artists
Policy: Represents voice talent only. See guidelines on website PENNSYLVANIA
for email submissions. Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Comments: Manages a roster of around 250 professional voice Actors, Models, Artists Talent Agency
talent located in the US, Canada, and UK. Also includes youth and (AMA) (SAG-AFTRA)
foreign language talent rosters. 93 Old York Rd., Ste. 1 #515
Jenkintown, PA 19046 215-885-7711
The Option Agency (SAG-AFTRA) email:
4815 S.W. Macadam Ave. website:
Portland, OR 97239 Staff: James Lennon (Head, Commercial & Print), Roe Lennon
email: (on camera) (Head, Commercial & Print), Mary Lennon (Talent & Model Division)
website: Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Singers &
Staff: Kit Garrett (Agent, Print/Show), Dennis Troutman (Agent, Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion & Runway
TV /Film/Video/Commercial/Voiceover) Models - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Animals - Voiceover Artists
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Voiceover - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers -
Artists Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
Policy: All submissions for actors, models, and kids accepted - Film & TV Actors
through website. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No drop-offs.


regional | TALENT AGENTS
The Bowman Agency King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-337-2693
P.O. Box 4071 Fax: 610-337-4762
Lancaster, PA 17604 717-898-7716 website:
Fax: 717-898-6084 Staff: Linda Wisch (President), Cassia Valuikas (Agent)
email: Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
website: Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Mary Bowman (Owner/Director) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - through website. Interviews by appointment only call for open call
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors information. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. Comments: See also listing under New York Talent Agencies.

Click Models – Philadelphia Reinhard Talent Agency, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-

Westchester, PA 610-399-0700 AFTRA)
Fax: 610-399-3004 2021 Arch St., Ste. 400
email: Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-567-2000
website: Fax: 215-567-6322
Staff: Renee Lauren (Agent) email:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Virginia B. Doyle (Owner), Jenna Adams (Agent), Lauren
Comments: See also listings under New York, Los Angeles, Giarrocco (Agent), Sarah Howell (Agent), Nicole Allman (QVC
Massachusetts, and Georgia Talent Agencies. Coordinator)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Docherty Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
109 Market St. Policy: Headshot/resume by email or mail.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-765-1400 Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward-
Fax: 412-765-0403 robe stylists.
website: The Talent Group (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Deb Docherty (Owner/Agent) 2820 Smallman St.
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Fashion & Runway Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-471-8011
Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Fax: 412-471-0875
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation email:
through website. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: See also listing under Ohio Talent Agencies. Staff: Stephen Black (Owner/Agent), Richard Kohn (Agency
Expressions Model & Talent Represents: Print Models - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
860 First Ave., Ste. 7B - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports
King of Prussia, PA 19406 484-318-8776 Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
email: TV Actors
website: Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Staff: Diana Juliano (Agent), Greer Lange (Agent) No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion Comments: See also listing under Ohio Talent Agencies.
& Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
No drop-offs. Showcase Talent, Inc.
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 843-267-8009
MMA / Model Management Agency email:
106 S. Bellevue Ave., Ste. 212
Langhorne, PA 19047 215-752-8603 website:
Fax: 215-752-8604 Staff: Marsha McCollum (Owner/Agent)
email: Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
website: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Ellen Wasser-Hrin (Founder/Director), Lindsy G. Ray Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Send four pictures maximum.
(Booking Agent), Candace Cihocki (Booking Agent) No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Sunshine Gantt Talent Agency
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only (attn: New Faces.) Open P.O. Box 223
calls by invitation only. No calls. No drop-offs. Easley, SC 29641 864-674-7744
Plaza 7 Talent - Pennsylvania (SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Sunshine Gantt (Manager)
234 Mall Blvd., Ste. 110 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -


TALENT AGENTS | regional
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors The Avenue Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: See website for submission information. 1209 Fourth Ave. N., Ste. B
Nashville, TN 37208 470-236-9622
TENNESSEE 1372 Peachtree St. N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309
180 Talent email:
Franklin, TN 37064 615-790-5001 website:
email: Staff: Melinda Eisnaugle (Director), Jabe Holloway (Office
website: Manager)
Staff: Kimberly Keen (Agent) Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Martial Artists &
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers -
Policy: Photos/resume (if available), include age, height, and Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
location by email or apply for representation through website. - Comedians - Fit Models - Interactive Game Developers - Look-
Aged 3 and older. No calls. No drop-offs. alikes & Impersonators - Magicians - Variety Artists & Specialty
Comments: Represents talent ages 3 and up. Acts - Film & TV Actors
Policy: See website for submission details.
Acture Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Comments: Boutique agency focused on personal relation-
1550 N. Mt. Juliet Rd., Ste. 208 ships with talent who work across all the Southeastern US states.
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 615-878-3090 Additional office in Georgia.
website: The Cannon Group (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Misty Pyburn (Owner/Agent) 639 E. Main St., Ste. 103B
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-297-0608
Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Promotional & Event email:
Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Jimmi McCarter (Owner/Agent)
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Advantage Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA) Actors - Film & TV Actors
4219 Hillsboro Pike, Ste. 340 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email.
Nashville, TN 37215 615-953-2486 Comments: Represents ages 4 and up.
website: Cumberland Music Collective
Staff: Misty Griggs (Owner/Booker) Nashville, TN 37209 615-627-2243
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover website:
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Lee Olsen (Owner/Agent), Andrew Bestick (Senior Agent),
Policy: Submission by email only. Chase Decraene (Agent)
Comments: Represents ages 4 and up. Represents: Singers & Musicians
Policy: Submissions by email only. Talent responsible for overnight
Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc. packages and wire transfer costs. No calls. No drop-offs.
150 Fourth Ave. N., Ste. 2300 DAN Talent Group, Inc.
Nashville, TN 37219 615-297-0100 725 Cool Springs Blvd., Ste. 600
Fax: 615-297-5434 Franklin, TN 37067 615-591-7064
email: email:
Represents: Singers & Musicians website:
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Stephanie Beck Williams (Agent)
Comments: Affiliated with IAFE, NATD, IEBA, CMA, ACM, NARAS, Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Hosts &
GMA, WFA, APAP. Nashville office handles musical talent only. Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists -
Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Ambiance Models & Talent, Inc. Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. All ages. No calls.
6918 Shallowford Rd., Ste. 320 No drop-offs.
Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-265-2121
email: Entertainment Artists Nashville/BAM
website: Mgmt
Staff: J. Marti Raymond (Founder), Jana Lynn (Agency Director), P.O. Box 120324
Wendi Tourigny (Office Manager), Kate Smith (Assistant Director) Nashville, TN 37212 615-283-8483
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Fax: 615-691-7575
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Fit Models email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Calls accepted. No website:
drop-offs. Staff: Bobby Bessone (Co-Owner/President), Margaret Bessone


regional | TALENT AGENTS
(Co-Owner/Sr. VP) website:
Represents: Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons Staff: Bob Kinkead (CEO), Julie Devereux (President), Gregory
Policy: See website for submission information. Scott (VP), Paige Zuidema (Executive Assistant), Caylee Mizzell-
Smith (Executive Assistant), Art Benson (Agent), Dennis Kurtz
Eye Model Management (Agent)
90 Oceanside Dr. Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - TV Writers
Nashville, TN 37204 615-594-1976 - Singers & Musicians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Variety Artists
Oklahoma City, OK 615-594-1976 & Specialty Acts - Musical Theater Performers - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: See website. Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Staff: Amy M. Philips (Co-Owner), Fairlight Hubbard (Co-Owner), McCray Agency LLC (SAG-AFTRA)
Tyler Minor (Booking Director) P.O. Box 23109
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models Nashville, TN 37202 615-742-4277
Policy: Submit photos by mail or email. Phone calls okay. No email:
drop-offs. Minimum height for women: 5’8”; men: 6’1.”
Flair Talent Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
P.O. Box 17372 & Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists -
Nashville, TN 37217 615-361-3737 Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Send professional headshot/resume/reel to “newtalent”
Staff: Carl J. Stasiunas (President) email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & Comments: Serves the southeastern United States and beyond.
Runway Models - Commercial Actors
Policy: Headshot or full-length pictures (doesn’t have to be Talent Trek Agency (SAG-AFTRA-Women in Film)
professional) by email. Auditions are monthly invitation-only. 200 Prosperity Dr.
Comments: Established in 1972. Also represents live music Knoxville, TN 37923 865-977-8735
groups. Models division provides talent for promotions (conventions, 825-C Merrimon Ave., PMB 356
trade shows, special events), music videos, print, fashion shows, Asheville, NC 28804
hair shows, and beauty pageant judging. 2021 21st Ave., S., Ste. 102
Nashville, TN 37212 615-279-0010
Gage Models & Talent Agency email:
408 N. Cedar Bluff Rd., Ste. 100 (Nashville)
Knoxville, TN 37923 865-588-8815 (Chattanooga)
email: (NC)
website: (GA)
Staff: Jaime Hemsley (President), Rachele Bailey (Agency website:
Director) Staff: Juanell Walker (Owner/Agent), Charlotte Dennison (Owner/
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion Agent), Evelyn Foster (Nashville Office Manager/Agent)
& Runway Models - Animals - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Represents: Print Models - Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors
Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models - Dancers & Choreographers - Voiceover Artists - Martial Artists &
Policy: Submissions accepted by email or through website. All Stunt Actors - Fashion & Runway Models - Hosts & Spokespersons -
ages. Calls and drop-offs accepted. Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Comedians - Promotional &
Comments: Additional services may be performed for a fee. Event Models - Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Variety
Southeast booking. Artists & Specialty Acts - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Apply for representation through website only. One time
The Hurd Agency fee to set up a page on company website. 2 years and older. Calls
500 Eversholt Court accepted. No drop-offs.
Antioch, TN 37013 615-399-9901 Comments: One time fee to set up a page on company website.
website: TEXAS
Staff: Terrance A. Hurd (Agency Director)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Acclaim Talent
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 1516 S. Lamar St., Ste. 113
Policy: Headshot/resume by email or call for appointment. Austin, TX 78704 512-416-9222
No drop-offs. email:
The Kinkead Entertainment Agency Staff: Jason Wasner (Managing Partner), Jeffrey Nightbyrd
(SAG-AFTRA) (Partner)
253 Jackson Meadows Dr. Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians
Hermitage, TN 37076 615-499-5115 - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial
Fax: 615-470-2265 Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. No


TALENT AGENTS | regional
calls. No drop-offs. BLVD. Talent
Comments: See also listing under Louisiana Talent Agencies. 4855 Twin Valley Dr.
Austin, TX 78731 512-458-2583
Agence Talent Fax: 512-323-2583
908 E. Fifth St., Ste. 202 email:
Austin, TX 78702 512-493-0939
email: website:
website: Staff: Cynthia Robbins (Owner/CEO/Agent)
Staff: Erin Franklin (Owner) Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Variety Artists
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Voiceover & Specialty Acts - Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Voiceover
Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors - Artists - Theater Actors
Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. No calls.
No drop-offs. The Boysen Agency
16635 Spring Cypress Rd., P.O. Box 2134
Anderson Model & Talent Agency Cypress, TX 77410 361-652-0633
2722 W. Sixth St. 13359 N.Highway 183, Ste. 406-593
Amarillo, TX 79106 806-374-1159 Austin, TX 78750
Fax: 806-374-2420 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Patricia Boysen (Owner), Michelle Hill (Agent)
Staff: Sheryl Anderson (Agent) Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion &
Represents: Print Models - Singers & Musicians - Fashion Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater Performers -
& Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
Models - Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail to either address or submit
Policy: Submissions accepted by mail or email. Calls accepted. through website. Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs.

Austin Models & Talent Agency Callidus Agency, LLC. (SAG-AFTRA)

Austin, TX 512-826-5394 400 N. St. Paul St., Ste. 499
Fax: 512-275-3821 Dallas, TX 75201 214-432-6122 (Dallas)
email: 401 Congress Ave., Ste. 1540
website: Austin, TX 78701 512-514-0022 (Austin)
Staff: Jeff Curley (Booking Agent), Allison Sargent (Agent), Fax: 214-969-9984
Josh Sargent (Agent) email:
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Animals -
Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: See website for submission details. Staff: John Kolinofsky (Owner/Talent Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
Bennett Connection - Fashion & Runway Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
12160 W. Parmer Lane, Ste. 130-823 Policy: Headshot/resume by email or mail. Indicate On-Camera
Cedar Park, TX 78613 737-710-8005 Broadcast or Commercial Print on hard copy submissions. Fashion
email: and Runway submissions by email to submissions@callidusagency.
website: com with your full name and Model Submission. Include full name,
Staff: Angela Bennett (Founder/Agent) phone number, location, age, height, measurements (chest, waist,
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial hips), eye color, hair color, and shoe size, one headshot with no
Actors - Film & TV Actors makeup and one full body picture in form fitting clothing. Open
Policy: See website for submission details. Union and nonunion. call every Tues. 3-5 p.m. 4 years and older. No calls.
No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Over 20 years of professional experience as an The Campbell Agency
actress. 3838 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste. 900
Dallas, TX 75219 214-522-8991
The Blanco Agency 214-559-6989 (Info)
4833 Saratoga Blvd., Ste. 261 Fax: 214-522-8997
Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-271-6966 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Nancy Campbell (President/Director, Fashion & Commercial
Staff: Lydia Garza (CEO/Agent) Print), Peter John (Fashion & Commercial Print), Marcela Aubrey
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - (Fashion & Commercial Pring), Sharon Howell (Agent, Voiceover &
Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors On-Camera), Bridgette Poe (Agent, Film/TV & On-Camera), Diana
Policy: See website to submit. Union and nonunion. 4 years and Dyer (Co-Director, Children’s Division), Shannon McHale-Horan
older. No calls. No drop-offs. (Co-Director, Children’s Division), Teresa Fabos (Business Manager in
Accountant Department), Kate Wagner (Runway Division, Campbell-


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Wagner Runway), Shelby Taylor (Assistant, TV Department) DMG Management
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Promotional Dallas, TX 75234 972-980-7647
& Event Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - website:
Theater Actors Staff: Stephan Beakey (Director)
Policy: Accepts mailed submissions only. Or call info line. All ages. Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors
Policy: Photo submissions online only.
The Clutts Agency, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) Comments: Represents fashion and commercial print as well
1825 Market Center Blvd., Ste. 380 as commercial actors.
Dallas, TX 75207 214-761-1400
Fax: 214-761-1402 DVA Talent
email: 2291 Sikes Dr.
website: Kempner, TX 76539 512-535-0380
Staff: John Clutts (Owner/President), Regan Ballmer (Agency email:
Director), Christopher Porter (Creative Director), Edward Winkler
(Agent, Adult Broadcast), Anne Welch (Agent, Kids Models/ Staff: Veronica Kelley-Albiez (Agent)
Broadcast) Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Calls accepted. Policy: Headshot/resume and/or comp card/resume by email
No drop-offs. only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Founded in 1997 by former Neiman Marcus fashion
and product creative John Clutts. Also represents hair and make-up First Models and Talent Agency
artists, stylists, and locations professionals. 1095 Evergreen Circle, Ste. 213
The Woodlands, TX 77380 81-210-0012
Collier Talent Agency email:
1001 S. Capital of Texas Hwy., Bldg. L, Ste. 200A website:
Austin, TX 78746 512-236-0500 Staff: Colleen Cole (Agency Director)
Fax: 800-952-0598 Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
website: Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Heather Collier (CEO, Adult On-Camera Division), Jessica Policy: Apply through website.
Sloan (Voiceover Division/Adult On-Camera Division), Laura Maxwell-
Scott (Young Talent Division) Gritt Talent Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater 1409 S. Lamar St., Ste. 204
Actors - Film & TV Actors Dallas, TX 75215 214-485-7200
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls. Fax: 214-485-7270
No drop-offs. email:
Core Talent website:
P.O. Box 6080 Staff: Sooze Johnson (Owner/Agent), Victoria Helling (Head,
Frisco, TX 75035 214-274-8687 Business Development/Legal Counsel), James Casarez (Agent,
email: Commercial & Print), Sarah Johnson (CFO, Head of Administration),
website: Gwen Moores (Head of Development)
Staff: Teresa Natera (Agent) Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Include a link to a
brief video telling a little bit about yourself, as well as any demos The Horne Agency, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
or performance videos. Voiceover talent must also be willing to 12740 Hillcrest Rd., Ste. 285
consider on-camera work and must include a headshot/resume. Dallas, TX 75230 214-350-9220
Include a contact phone number and email address. All submissions email:
become the property of the agency. No calls. website:
Staff: Suzanne Horne (Owner), Gillian DeGennaro (Booking Agent)
DB Talent Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
10606 Londonshire Ln. Actors - Film & TV Actors
Austin, TX 78739 512-292-1030 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Kim Dawson Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Voiceover Artists 1645 N. Stemmons Fwy., Ste. B
Policy: VO demo reel in an mp3 by email. 18 years and older. Dallas, TX 75207 214-638-2414
No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 214-638-7567
Comments: Specializes in voiceover. Not signing on-camera email:
actors. website:
Staff: Dee Ann Vernon (Agent, Children), Melissa McQueen


TALENT AGENTS | regional
(Agent, Adults), Julie Holman (Agent, Voiceover) Page Parkes Talent (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover 1130 Silber Rd., Ste. 200
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Houston, TX 77055 713-807-8222
Policy: Email marketing materials to talentsubmission@kimdaw- Fax: 713-807-0055 Only emailed submissions will be accepted. No calls, email:
mail, or drop-offs. Agency will contact if interested. website:
Comments: Also represent hair & makeup artists and wardrobe Staff: Tabitha Garcia (VP), Erica Worzel (Fashion New Faces),
stylists. Addie Eckert (Talent Agent)
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Linda McAlister Talent (Texas) (SAG-AFTRA) Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX 972-938-2433
email: Pastorini-Bosby Talent, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA)
website: 14825 St. Mary’s Lane, Ste. 100
Staff: Linda McAlister (Owner/Agent), Molly McAlister (Agent, Houston, TX 77079 713-266-4488
Commercial/Print/Industrial), Becky Turner (Assistant, Film/TV), Fax: 713-266-3314
Patrick McAlister (Assistant, Voiceover), Jacki Von Preysing (Los website:
Angeles Assistant), Hunter Eden (Social Media/Webmaster) Staff: Jenny Bosby (Owner/Agent), Beverly Pastorini (Owner/
Represents: Commercial Actors - Voiceover Artists - Hosts & Agent), Cindi Davis-Andress (Owner/Agent), Cat Hardy-Romanelli
Spokespersons - Comedians - Film & TV Actors - Magicians - Martial (Agent), Mitzi Trevino (Agent), Coralee Young (Agents’ Assistant)
Artists & Stunt Actors Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel or video links by email - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons -
only. Do not attach demo as a file, include link only. All ages. Calls Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film
accepted. No drop-offs. & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. See website for submission
Mary Collins Agency (SAG-AFTRA) details. No calls. No drop-offs.
2909 Cole Ave., Ste. 250 Comments: Also represents makeup artists and stylist.
Dallas, TX 75204 214-871-8900
Fax: 214-871-8945 Rainmaker Talent Group
email: 8127 Mesa Dr., Ste. B206-174
website: Austin, TX 78759 512-485-3170
Staff: Mary Collins (Owner/Agent), Kim Trusty (Talent Director/ email:
Agent), Alice Galipp (Operations Manager/Agent), Sara Rhodes Staff: Ken Lahanas (General Partner/CEO)
(Agent) Represents: Singers & Musicians - Variety Artists & Specialty
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Acts - Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Dancers & Choreographers
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Voiceover Artists - Sports Personalities - Theater Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail with referral only. No calls. Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail only. No calls.
No drop-offs. No drop-offs.
Comments: Actors also do extensive work in political advertising, Comments: Mostly represents live performance categories includ-
anime dubbing, and print media, including consumer and trade ing: Singers & Musicians, Disc Jockeys, Variety Artists & Specialty
ads, point-of-purchase materials, billboards, etc. Company also Acts, Keynote Speakers & Lecturers, Comedians, Impersonators,
represents several groups of “Specialty Talent,” including Spanish Clowns, Dance Troupes, Masters of Ceremony, Voice-Over Artists,
performers, media personalities, and performers with comedy/ Sports Personalities, Theater Actors, and Prop performers.
improv experience.
Rome Talent Agency
Neal Hamil Agency (SAG-AFTRA) P.O. Box 561
7887 San Felipe St., Ste. 110 Helotes, TX 78249
Houston, TX 77063 713-789-1335 Fax: 866-400-1213
Fax: 713-789-6163 email:
email: Staff: Annette Romo Schaefer (Agent) Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
website: Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Jeff Shell (Director), Andrea Williams (Model Booker), Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel (if you have one), full
Jasmine Long (Talent Agent), Chris Zimmerman (New Faces) body shot and a 30 second “all about you” video by email only. No
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion & calls. No drop-offs.
Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models Spark Talent Agency (WIFTA)
Policy: Headshot/resume by email, through website, or attend 550 Country Club Dr.
open call every Wednesday from 3 to 5 p.m. Calls okay. No drop-offs. Conroe, TX 77320 323-547-4694
Comments: Books models and talent for the Southwest region as email:
well as internationally. Places models and talent with top agencies in website:
New York, Los Angeles, Miami, London, Paris, Milan, Japan, and more. Staff: Sara Preisler (Owner/Talent Agent), Hillary Moore (Talent


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Represents: Print Models - TV Writers - Voiceover Artists - Policy: Headshot/resume by email or mail 3-5 hard copies.
Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors Quarterly meet and greet, email for appointment, put meet and
- Film & TV Actors greet on subject line to reserve spot. Union and nonunion. No
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email or through website. calls. No drop-offs.
Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs. Comments: Trained and experienced performers. Also represents
talent fluent in Spanish, as well as other foreign languages.
Tory Christopher Group (SAG-AFTRA)
830 N. Blvd., Ste. 2561 Modelogic
Universal City, TX 78148 323-497-6906 2501 E. Broad St.
email: Richmond, VA 23223 804-644-1000
website: 312 N. May St., Ste. 2F
Staff: Tory Christopher (Owner), Tony Hannagan (Agent) Chicago, IL 60607 804-644-1000
Represents: Print Models - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Fax: 414-435-3191
Artists - Commercial Actors - Promotional & Event Models - Film email:
& TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
Comments: Founded in 1996 in Hollywood. Staff: Stacie Vanchieri (Owner), Julia Rabin (Agent), Emily Moser-
Wright (Agent), Todd Wright (Director, New Faces)
Wallflower Management Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
3809 Perry Ave. #105 Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Dallas, TX 75226 214-559-4300 Policy: Apply through website submission form. Open calls every
website: third Wednesday of every month from 10 a.m. to noon (ages 16 and
Staff: Brenda Gomez (Agency Director), Courtney Laddimore up.) No calls. No drop-offs.
(Creative Assistant), Meghan Malanio (Booker) Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists and ward-
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Fit Models robe stylists.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail.
The Actors Group (SAG-AFTRA)
Urban Talent Management (SAG-AFTRA) 9703 SW 264th St.
718 N. 300 W. Vashon, WA 98070 206-427-7449
Salt Lake City, UT 84103 801-539-0800 206-300-6080
email: email: website:
website: Staff: Jamie Lopez (Partner), Erin Bryn Fetridge (Partner)
Staff: Bret Udy (CEO), Tina Bullen (President and Senior Booking Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Broadcast
Agent), Camilla Larsen (Salt Lake City Booking Agent), Jennifer Journalists & Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Sports
Levy (Boise Director/Booking Agent), Jamie Bingham (Boise Office Personalities - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists
Manager/Director of Scouting), Alexandra Walker (Salt Lake City Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Booking Agent), Ariel Graham (Director of Scouting), Alina West Comments: Also represents auctioneers.
(Booking Assistant), Jordan Stevens (Accounting), Kendall Tate
(Office Manager) Big Fish NW Talent
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion 217 N. Ninth St.
& Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film Cheney, WA 99004 877-424-4347
& TV Actors email:
Policy: Appointments scheduled Monday through Friday from website:
11 a.m.–5 p.m. Resumes by mail or email, phone calls accepted. Staff: Dawn Taylor Reinhardt (Agent), Melissa Baldauf (Agency
Comments: See also listing under Idaho Talent Agencies. Director), Becky Reilly (Owner), Gordon Adams (Owner)
Represents: Voiceover Artists
VIRGINIA Policy: See website for details.
Comments: Also serves the Seattle and Spokane regions.
Hutson Talent Agency, Inc. (EQUITY-SAG-
AFTRA) Colleen Bell Modeling & Talent
35 Burtis St. Agency (SAG-AFTRA)
Portsmouth, VA 23702 757-673-6436 (Casting Directors Only) 14205 S.E. 36th St., Ste. 100
email: Bellevue, WA 98006 425-649-1111
website: Portland, OR 425-649-1111
Staff: Sylvia Hutson (Agent/Owner) email:
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Hosts & website:
Spokespersons - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Artists Staff: Colleen Bell (Owner/Booker), Debbie Willenborg (Talent
- Musical Theater Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors Director)
- Promotional & Event Models - Film & TV Actors Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians


TALENT AGENTS | regional
- Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial from 3–4 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
Actors - Film & TV Actors Comments: Also represents plus-size and maternity models,
Policy: Submissions by email only. Must include name, resume (if hair and makeup artists.
you have one), and 2-3 photos. Open calls for actors on the second
and fourth Friday of each month. Details on website. No calls. All Navo Talent
ages. No drop-offs. 10624 S.W. 39th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98146 206-713-1185
Dramatic Artists Agency, Inc. (SAG-AFTRA) email:
5400 Carollon Point, Ste. 141 website:
Kirkland, WA 98033 425-220-1167 Staff: Steph Huske (Agent)
email: Represents: Voiceover Artists
website: Policy: See website.
Staff: Carlyne Grager (Agent, Theatrical/President), Toni Posey
(Operations Director, NW Office) TCM Models & Talent
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Singers & Musicians - 2200 Sixth Ave., Ste. 1225 PH
Hosts & Spokespersons - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Voiceover Seattle, WA 98121 206-728-4826
Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film Fax: 206-728-1814
& TV Actors email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents hair and makeup artists. See also website:
listing under Los Angeles Talent Agencies. Staff: Terri C. Morgan (Owner)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Heffner Management Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
80 Vine St., Ste. 203 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, email, or apply for representa-
Seattle, WA 98121 206-622-2211 tion through website. Models can attend open calls every Monday,
Fax: 206-622-0308 Tuesday, and Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Topo Swope Talent, LLC (SAG-AFTRA)
Staff: Natalie Bross (Booker), Alicia Best (Booker), Tyler Wesley 2540 First Ave. W.
(Scouter/Assistant Director of Development), Erin McCutcheon Seattle, WA 98119 206-443-2021
(Assistant), Sophie Sturdevant (Booker), Alicia Best (Booker), email:
Louisa Meng (Assistant) website:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Staff: Topo Swope (Owner), Tim Crist (Agent)
Commercial Actors Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Policy: Submit photos by mail or email, or attend open call every Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Fit Models
weekday from 2 to 2:30 p.m. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Currently only accepting submissions from actors with
Comments: Represents talent ages 12 and up. Minimum height a specialty in voiceover. Submit current headshot/resume/cover
for women: 5’7”, men: 5’11”. Plus-size models should be 5’7” to 5’11” letter by mail or email. Only accepts actors with training and/or
and wear a size 10 to 16. experience. Does not represent children or out-of-state talent. No
calls. No drop-offs.
LUX Talent Comments: Also handles live events and motion capture.
2522 N. Proctor St., PMB 44 WISCONSIN
Tacoma, WA 98406
email: First Choice Talent & Modeling
website: Agency Inc.
Staff: Noreen Hobson (Casting Director) 1838 Greenfield Ave.
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Green Bay, WI 54313 920-497-9609
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: See website for application. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Staff: Bev Bodart (Agency Director)
Seattle Models Guild (SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Hosts &
1264 Eastlake Ave. E. Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models - Animals -
Seattle, WA 98102 206-622-1406 Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Musical Theater
Fax: 206-622-8276 Performers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Promotional &
email: Event Models - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Apply for representation through website. No calls.
Staff: Kristy Petersen (Owner) No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Comments: Licensed with the state of Wisconsin over 20 years.
Commercial Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, or apply for representation Forte’ Modeling & Talent, LLC
through website. Attend open calls every Tuesday and Thursday 2050 Riverside Dr.


regional | TALENT AGENTS
Green Bay, WI 54301 920-432-1137 SRO Artists, Inc.
email: 6629 University Ave., Ste. 206
website: Middleton, WI 53562 608-664-8160
Staff: Dave V. (Agent), Janie Denis-Strutt (Agent), Theresa Fax: 608-664-8161
Sincoular (Agent) email:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Animals website:
- Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Jeff Laramie (President), Annemarie Martins (Vice
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. No President), John Schimmelman (Artist Representative), Shawn
calls. No drop-offs. Werner (Artist Representative), Toni Ziemer (Contracts/Sales
Administrator), Jef Pertzborn (Operations/Projects Manager),
Jennifer’s Talent Unlimited, Inc. (SAG- Maggie Swensen (Sales/Operations Assistant), Ann Schmidt
AFTRA) (Bookkeeper)
740 N. Plankinton Ave., Ste. 300 Represents: Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Singers & Musicians
Milwaukee, WI 53203 414-277-9440 - Comedians
Fax: 414-277-0918 Policy: Through website/email only. Do not include attach-
email: ments. Include official website and social media links, recording
website: discography, and sales figures. Also include audio samples (links
Staff: Jennifer Berg (President/Agent), Stacy Hofman (Agent), only), live performance video (youtube, vimeo, etc.), gig history,
Lisa Mooney (Agent) management, awards, and any additional information.
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Comments: Booking agency, exclusively representing artists
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors and attractions from the US and abroad. Since 1980, SRO has
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. No email submissions served promoters, performing arts centers, clubs, festivals, casino,
for voiceover talent or children. No calls. universities, and corporate buyers.

Lori Lins Ltd. Talent Management (SAG-

223 N. Water St., Ste. 450
Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-282-3500
608-274-8100 (Madison)
Fax: 414-282-3404
Staff: Lori Lins (Owner/Agent), Kalah Spaude (VP of Talent
Management), Holly Schlintz (CFO), Shannon Gavin (VP Marketing),
Christina Flister (Management Assistant/Voice Desk)
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Print Models - Comedians
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Magicians - Fashion & Runway Models -
Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume and cover letter by mail only. See
website for details. No calls.
Comments: See also listing under Illinois Talent Agencies.

The Rock Agency

6312 Monona Dr.
Madison, WI 53716 608-238-6372
159 N. Sangamon St.
Chicago, IL 60607 312-741-3883
Fax: 608-238-6325
Staff: Raquel Repka (Owner), Tricia Offerdahl (New Faces
Director), Andrea Dunham (Agent, Print), Kaitlynn Paul (Agent,
Influencers), Nancy Tennicott (Agent, Runway), Kendra Gassner
(Agent, Artists Division), Alfonso Doucette (Agent, On-Camera),
Viktoria Hasselhof (European Scout), Laura Alexander (Director,
Kids & On Camera)
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Fashion
& Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Actors - Fit Models
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email to submission@therock- 6 months and older. Calls and drop-offs accepted.


TALENT MANAGERS | simple steps

Step One: Find out who each manager represents. Once you have narrowed down your list
to managers in your area, highlight those who represent your desired medium. Many manag-
ers represent both film and theater actors, but some specialize in a specific area. Make sure
they are familiar with the type of work you are interested in. Also note the ages represented
and any additional information in the comment sections, as some managers have listed a spe-
cific type of client they are seeking at this time.

Step Two: Take note of how each manager would like to receive submissions. While
some prefer materials to be emailed, other prefer hard copies. Do not call or visit the manage-
ment company if they do not wish you to do so. Instead, follow their submission policy exactly
to ensure that you make a good first impression.

Step Three: Send in your materials. Send each manager a professional cover letter, head-
shot, and résumé, and attach a demo reel if you have one. In the cover letter, make sure to
address which manager you are interested in working with and why, based on the research
that you have done. You may want to say why it is the right time in your career to begin work-
ing with a manager, and how you feel a manager would add to your growth and success. You
may also want to briefly address your strengths and personality as an artist. Make sure to
invite him or her to any upcoming projects.

Additional Tip: Prepare a list of questions for any meetings. A good manager is interested
in the overall trajectory of your career. They will want to know where you came from, what
your goals are, and how you are working to achieve those goals. A manager should be able to
evaluate your career not only by the work you get, but also by how your work is received, how
it is publicized, and how you can use it to leverage the next opportunity. Your manager should
be aware of any presence you have online, and how those who see it are interpreting that
presence. As a result, it is important for actors to have a list of questions prepared to ask the
manager with whom they are meeting. This ensures that they are finding the right person to
represent them publicly and professionally.


new york

1022M Fax: 212-925-5030

407 W. 43rd St., Third Fl. website:
New York, NY 10036 646-513-4800 Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors
Fax: 646-513-4801 - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Staff: Jodi Schoenbrun Carter (Managing Partner), Lisa Vest calls. No drop-offs.
(Client Coordinator) Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Actors Apollo Talent Management LLC
Policy: Accepts submissions via postal mail only. 12 W. 37th St., Third Fl.
Comments: Signatory to SAG-AFTRA Code of Ethics and Conduct. New York, NY 10018 310-208-9992
ACM (Alta Creative Management) website:
57 W. 57th St., Third Fl. Staff: Susan Barr (Owner/Manager), Ashley S. (Executive
New York, NY 10019 646-476-9200 Assistant)
323-345-6366 Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Commercial
email: Actors - Voiceover Artists - Print Models Policy: Mail headshot and resume or email to susan@apol-
Staff: Phil Sutfin (Manager), Marc Guss (Manager), Andrew Atkin Comments: Now accepting new clients, all ages union and
(Manager), Robyn Starr (Manager), Jeffrey Umberger (Manager), non-union.
Melanie Thomas (Talent Manager)
Represents: Voiceover Artists Arcos Management, LLC (NCOPM)
Policy: Resume/demo reel by email only. Interviews by appoint- 729 Walnut St.
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Roselle, NJ 07203 201-744-3199
Comments: Represents voice talent only. email:
Adele’s Kids & Adults Talent Staff: Katt Arcos (Talent Manager)
Management Represents: Screenwriters - Film & TV Editors - Voiceover
33 Rupert Ave. Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staten Island, NY 10314 718-494-5000 Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. Interviews by
email: appointment only. 1-2 minute monologue required if company is
website: interested. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Staff: Adele Sharf (Proprietor) Comments: Arcos Management was established in efforts to
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors give hope and motivation to upcoming and working talents that
- Film & TV Actors - Fit Models have a passion for breaking into the entertainment industry. Arcos
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Instructions on website. firmly believes that Hollywood should have more diverse talents and
Primary ages represented are 18 and younger. Interviews by wants to create a firm that will promote this. The company provide
appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. talent with all the resources they will need to become marketable
Comments: Representing primarily children in modeling, print, and successful in the industry.
TV, film, and Broadway since 1990.
Arline McGovern Theatrical Mgmt.
Alpha Centauri Management (NCOPM) (NCOPM)
432 Ebony Tree Ave. 164 Partition St., Ste. 2.
Galloway Township, NJ 08205 609-338-9588 Saugerties, NY 12477 516-316-1483
email: Staff: Lois Goodwin (Owner/Manager), Arline McGovern (Owner/
Staff: Al Caz (CEO), Jaqueline Coady (VP) Manager), Donna Pucci (Assistant)
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Magicians - Screenwriters Represents: Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial
- Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Variety Artists & Specialty Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Acts - Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- only. No calls. No drop-offs.
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Specializes in identical twins. Represents talent 4-16
for commercials, movies, theatre, TV series, voice overs, and print.
Anonymous Content (DGA) Represents physically challenged talent ages 3-16.
155 Spring St, Third Fl.
New York, NY 10012 212-925-0055 Avanti Talent Management (NCOPM)


330 W. 38th St., E13, Ste. 604 Entin (Manager)
New York, NY 10018 212-229-9841 Represents: Commercial Actors - Voiceover Artists - Film &
332 Bleecker St., #E13 TV Actors
New York, NY 10014 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. See L.A. listing for mailing
email: address.
website: Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.
Staff: Marissa Robinson (Talent Manager), Paul Marino (Associate
Talent Manager), Sandy Gunar (Manager/Legit/Film & TV) Brillstein Entertainment Partners
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 375 Greenwich St., Seventh Fl.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- New York, NY 10013 212-219-4580
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Staff: Brandon Stein (Manager), Stacy O’Neil (Manager), Cait
BAC Talent Taylor (Manager)
P.O. Box 141 Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Tennent, NJ 07763 - Book Authors - Directors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
website: calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Royal Pains - Blue Bloods - Money Monster - Limitless Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.
- The Blacklist - Boardwalk Empire - The Mysteries of Laura - High
5 Games - LG - LE Parker Meridien - Farm Rich - American Eagle Campbell Artists (Equity-SAG-AFTRA)
- Acura - Athletes Club - Verizon - Royal Pains - Law & Order SVU New York, NY 646-464-3969
- Conde Nast - Manhattan Love story - Remington - WWYD - Blue email:
Bloods - Celebrity Ghost Stories - NCIS - GAP - AIG website:
Staff: Brandon Adam Cohen (Manager) Staff: Arielle Campbell (Owner/Talent Manager)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Theater Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers &
Actors - Voiceover Artists Choreographers - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical
Policy: Accepts submissions from union and nonunion talent. Theater Performers
Comments: An entertainment talent management company Policy: Application form available on website. No calls. No
with offices located in New York and Los Angeles. Clients play lead drop-offs.
and day player roles in major motion pictures. Guides actors and Comments: Campbell Artists is a Talent Management service for
work to build a solid foundation for a career of success, putting the interdisciplinary creatives, focusing on models, actors, and dancers.
interest of the artist first. Also provides publicity and event services. With a background spanning two decades in the Entertainment
Industry, Campbell Artists offers a unique perspective and empathy
Barking Dog Entertainment, Inc. as a Management service built for artists by artists. Campbell Artists
New York, NY mission is to bring together a strong pool of multi-talented artists
email: for all entertainment services in one place.
Staff: Sue Leibman (President/Manager)
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Caroline’s Management (NCOPM)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 1626 Broadway
New York, NY 10019 212-956-0029
Barney Oldfield Management Fax: 212-956-0197
610 Fifth Ave., #4956 email:
New York, NY 10185 323-302-5426 website:
email: Staff: Louis Faranda (Manager), Andre Fox (Manager), Caroline
Credits: Brandon Ruckdashel- Co-Ed Confidential - Josh Emerson Hirsch (Manager)
-Jennifer’s Body - Jon Fleming – Will & Grace - Todd Tetreault - The Represents: Comedians - Screenwriters
Gambler - Peter Forde - The Reel Life - Chris Belant Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Staff: Barney Oldfield (Manager) only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Actors Charles Rapp Enterprises, Inc. (NCOPM)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appoint- 88 Pine St., Ste. 1701
ment only. No calls. New York, NY 10005 212-247-6646
Comments: Develops products around clients. 561-883-7760
Brilliant Talent Management
New York, NY 310-926-7771 website:
Staff: Mary Refvem (Manager), Amity Bryson (Manager), Debbie

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more companies are choosing to work

remotely, because of this some physical locations may have changed or
become obsolete from the point of publication.


Staff: Howard Rapp (Principal), Arnold Graham (Principal) Comments: Represents adults. Adult actors for theater and film/
Represents: Comedians - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Theater TV, submissions will be accepted from all performers, regardless
Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians of sex, ethnicity, disability, race, color, national origin, sexual
Policy: Inquiries through website. orientation, or gender identity.
Comments: Los Angeles Office: 310-275-7475.
The Cooper Company (DGA-Equity-SAG-AFTRA)
Cinetic Management 1185 Avenue of the Americas, Third Fl.
555 W. 25th St., Fourth Fl. New York, NY 10036 212-904-1000
New York, NY 10001 212-204-7979 website:
8800 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 200 Staff: Pamela Cooper (President), Chinyere Anyanwu (Manager),
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-870-7979 Victoria Steineck (Assistant Manager), Corbin McConnell (Assistant)
Fax: 212-627-9498 Represents: Playwrights - Speakers & Lecturers - Screenwriters
email: - Producers - Book Authors - Directors - Variety Artists & Specialty
website: Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: John Sloss (Founder), Dana O’Keefe (Manager), Maddie Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Buis (Manager), Devon Dolan (Manager), Steven Farneth (Manager), Comments: Also affiliated with SAG-AFTRA, SDC, and Equity.
Joshua Foster (Manager), Ross Fremer (Manager), Alexis Galfas
(Manager), Carroll Gelderman (Manager), Kate Hurwitz (Manager), CP Talent Management
Jason Ishikawa (Manager), Avi Lipski (Manager), Shane Riley Brick, NJ 08723 732-240-5885
(Manager), Alec Ring (Staff), Emily Selinger (Staff), Eric Sloss (Staff) Fax: 732-608-8458
Represents: Directors email:
Policy: Referral only. website:
Staff: Colette Palmerio (President/Talent Manager), Roisin
Circle of Confusion O’Dea (Associate Talent Manager)
270 Lafayette St., Ste. 402 Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
New York, NY 10012 212-343-0069 Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
8931 Ellis Ave. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-691-7000 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Represents newborns through young adults.
website: Represents talent in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and
Staff: David Alpert (Partner), Lawrence Mattis (Partner), Brad Pennsylvania.
Mendelsohn (Partner), Frank Frattaroli (Partner), Marnie Briskin
(Manager), Charles Mastropietro (Manager), Lucas Woods (Junior CPM Talent Management/Bruzzese-
Manager), Andrew Olson (Manager), Antonio D’Intino (Manager), Parker Management LLC. (Equity-SAG-AFTRA)
Samantha Starr (Manager) P.O. Box 1436
Represents: Playwrights - Screenwriters - Book Authors - Theater Voorhees, NJ 08043
Actors - Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No website:
calls. No drop-offs. Credits: Film - TV - Commercial - Broadway
Comments: Formerly D/F Management, which has merged with Staff: Georgeanne Bruzzese (Owner/Manager), Gabrielle Horvitz
Circle of Confusion. See also listing under Los Angeles Managers. (Associate / Theatre Department)
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Coastal Entertainment Productions Actors - Film & TV Actors
(NCOPM) Policy: Headshot/resume by email.
32-31 35th St.
Astoria, NY 11106 718-728-8581 Dan Cooper & Associates
Fax: 718-728-2638 333 Ovington Ave., Ste. B47
email: Brooklyn, NY 11209-1413
website: email:
Staff: Linda Rohe (Manager), Joe Carsella (Assistant) website:
Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Staff: Dan Cooper (Manager/Producer)
Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Film & TV Actors Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. calls. No drop-offs.

Cobalt Sky Entertainment (NCOPM) DCA Productions (NCOPM)

New York, NY 10013 212-614-6700 302A 12th St., Ste. 330
email: New York, NY 10014 212-245-2063
website: email:
Staff: Ted Brunson (Manager) website:
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Daniel Abrahamsen (President/Executive Director
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. National Conference of Personal Managers), Geraldine Abrahamsen


(Manager), Jack Rich (Manager) represents a vast array of international artists, including celebri-
Represents: Comedians - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - ties from stage, television, and film. FCE offers performing artist
Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians representation and personal management. FCE operates from its
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- headquarters on the East Coast (just outside of New York City) in
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Basking Ridge, New Jersey, but also operates branch offices in
New York and California, and with international branch offices in
Ellipsis Entertainment Group Canada and France.
261 Madison Ave., Ninth Fl.
New York, NY 10016 646-561-6791 Framework Entertainment
Staff: Stephen Gates (Founder/Partner), Sekka Scher (Talent 129 W. 27th St., PH
Manager), Dan Patack (Talent and Literary Manager) New York, NY 10001 212-206-0404
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film & Fax: 212-206-0409
TV Actors website:
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Staff: Peg Donegan (Manager), Jessica Rosenthal (Manager)
calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Encompass Arts, LLC (SAG-AFTRA) calls. No drop-offs.
119 W. 72nd St. Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.
New York, NY 10023 212-439-8055
email: G & G Talent 926 C Lincoln Ave.
website: Holbrook, NY 11741
Staff: Kathy Olsen (Founder/Artist Manager), Jennifer Olsen email:
(Artist Manager) website:
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Staff: Angela Gulizio (Owner/Manager), Theresa Bastien
Musicians - Composers - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & (Manager)
Choreographers - Commercial Actors Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons
Policy: Submissions by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Comments: Represents artists for film, TV, and live stage. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Personalized attention to clients. Hands on approach.
Esquire Entertainment, LLC (TMA)
130 W. 25th St., Ste. 5A GD3 Management (TMA)
New York, NY 10001 646-963-6091 127 W. 30th St.
Fax: 646-289-5201 New York, NY 10001 646-244-9440
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Rashad V. Chambers (Founder and President), Rene Staff: Greg Diaz (Talent Manager)
Ugarte (Producer) Represents: Film & TV Actors - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Actors - Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Print Models
Policy: Email your headshot/resume. Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. Interviews by
appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
First Class Entertainment, Inc. Comments: GD3 Management LLC, is a bi-coastal talent manage-
88 S. Finley Ave., Ste. B ment company for kids, teens and young adults. It offers personal
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 973-763-0591 management services in the entertainment industry and helps guide
Fax: 973-763-0570 the growth and development of committed talented actors in (T.V.,
email: Film, Commercial, Voiceover, Print, and Theatre).
Staff: Howard Beder (President & CEO), Irena Beder (Director of Goldstar Talent Management (NCOPM)
Entertainment), Richard Bono (Branch Office in France (Specialist, 240 Central Park S., Ste. 8R
EuropeanIntl. Artists)), Don Podolor (Specialist, Talent Acquisition New York, NY 10019 212-315-4429
& Development), Curtis Jonnie (Specialist, Intl. Booking & Indian Fax: 212-315-4574
Gaming), Ron Herron (Specialist, Stand-up Comedy), Dave Yablecki email:
(Specialist, Performing Arts Centers) website:
Represents: Comedians - Magicians - Producers - Variety Artists Staff: Sid Gold (Manager), Ariel Abergel (Talent Scout)
& Specialty Acts - Singers & Musicians Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Policy: EPK preferred with links for demo videos. Otherwise, mail Actors - Film & TV Actors
DVD (NTSC format), photo, and bio to Attn: New Talent Department. Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
Comments: Cruise ship entertainment specialists. Represents ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
and books headline entertainers and theatrical productions at Comments: Goldstar Talent Management is a Manhattan-based
performing arts centers, theaters, corporate, and special events, Talent Management Company representing adults, young adults
casinos, resorts, cruise lines, colleges, and country clubs. Regular and children. 2014 marks Goldstar’s 29th Anniversary in the busi-
suppliers of entertainment to all the major cruise lines. Also ness. Members of the National Conference of Personal Managers


(NCOPM), an exclusive organization recognized for outstanding Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
accomplishments in the entertainment industry. Striving to exceed Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
expectations of high standards, integrity, and ethical business only. No calls. No drop-offs.
practices with regard to every client.
Gonzalez Models 95 Mount Bethel Rd.
112 E. 23rd St., PH Warren, NJ 07059 908-546-7655
New York, NY 10010 212-982-5626 60 W. 23rd St., Ste. 1904
email: New York, NY 10010
website: email:
Staff: Rick Gonzalez (Owner)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Fashion & Runway Models - Print website:
Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors Staff: Patricia Stark (Agent), Jeff Curtin (Agent)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- Represents: Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons
Comments: Only interested in people who live in the Tri-State area. Policy: Submissions by email only. Attachments may include
headshot/bio/resume. All reels must be sent via link. No calls.
Green Key Management, LLC (NCOPM) No drop-offs.
251 W. 89th St., Ste. 4A Comments: IPZ is a full-service agency providing strategic and
New York, NY 10024 212-874-7373 tactical solutions for today’s professional athletes, broadcast,
email: digital media talent, and entertainment talent. Offers the experi-
website: ence to negotiate the best possible contracts, as well as providing
Staff: Seth Greenky (Manager), Susan Chia (Office Manager) marketing and media relations advice, public relations support,
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Theater and post-career planning for clients.
Actors - Comedians - Singers & Musicians - Print Models - Broadcast
Journalists & Newscasters - Fashion & Runway Models - Hosts & Ivy Rock Management
Spokespersons 245 W. 51st St., Ste. 411
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail (include SASE for return) or New York, NY 10019 646-418-5418
email (subject: Actor Submissions)l to with link email:
to your reel. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Ann Kelly (Owner)
Comments: Also affiliated with ASCAP. Also represents Reality Represents: Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Film & TV
TV personalities. Actors - Musical Theater Performers
Policy: Not accepting submissions at this time. No calls. No
Harvest Talent Management drop-offs.
127 W. 83rd St.
P.O. Box 887 Jago Ciro Entertainment (TMA-ATAS-Women
New York, NY 10024 212-721-5756 In Film)
website: 244 Fifth Ave., Ste. J-297
Staff: Donnalyn Carfi (Owner) New York, NY 10001 323-379-5309
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Sherman Oaks, CA 323-379-5309
Actors email:
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Actors all ages for film, TV, theater, and commercials. Staff: Fabio Ciro (Executive/Manager)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Theater
Herbosch Management (NCOPM) Actors
1035 Park Ave. Policy: Industry referral only. Highly selective. No calls. No
New York, NY 10028 212-534-6558 drop-offs.
Fax: 212-534-5944 Comments: Member of Children in Film. Bi-coastal talent man-
Staff: Jano Herbosch (Manager/Owner) agement company with industry relationships. Creates professional
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors and personal relationships with clients.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Jaime Baker Management
Comments: No children. 35-37 36th St., Second Fl.
Astoria, NY 11105 212-262-4234
Ingrid French Management Fax: 212-262-4235
928 Broadway, Ste. 302 email:
New York, NY 10010 646-602-0653 website:
Fax: 646-602-0720 Staff: Jamie Baker (Founder), Robert Graham (Talent Manager),
website: Jesse Salazar (Business Affairs)
Staff: Ingrid French (Owner), Alexander Driscoll (Associate) Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers


Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email only. Interviews by website:
appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Jeremy Katz (President), Clay Mills (Associate), Giselle
Byrd (Assistant)
Joe Flowers Management (TMA-Equity-SAG- Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Hosts &
AFTRA) Spokespersons - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater
75 Clinton St. Performers - Singers & Musicians
Staten Island, NY 10304 347-352-6865 Policy: Through website. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 718-256-9417 Comments: Founded in 2007, The Katz Company (TKC) is a
email: personal talent management company representing artists in all
website: areas of the entertainment industry. TKC clients are series regulars
Staff: Joe Flowers (Owner), Terrel Fraser (Director of Booking), and leads on TV as well as over a hundred guest spots. In Theater,
Moira Camarda (Assistant) TKC clients have been on Broadway, the West End, off-Broadway, and
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Composers - Print Models - various regional theaters. On Film, clients have appeared in Studio
Comedians - Fashion & Runway Models - Dancers & Choreographers and independent films as well as online content. In addition, TKC
- Music Editors & Producers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors clients have appeared in national commercials, perform in comedy
- Musical Theater Performers - Singers & Musicians - Promotional clubs in and solo concerts/symphony engagements throughout the
& Event Models world. TKC has produced hundreds of these live concerts.
Policy: By email only.
Comments: Additional Offices in Los Angeles and Miami. Joe KDMA & The Actors Studio
Flowers has been providing his clients with complete satisfaction 1840 Frontage Rd., Ste. 104
through organization, efficiency, and out of the box thinking to Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 856-482-9113
achieve maximum results with every campaign and client. Every email:
road to success is custom tailored to the specific needs and goals
of his client. Staff: BeLinda Pressley (Dierctor of Operations and National
Talent Scout), Kari Kramer (Agent, Kids & Teens), Karen S. Henry
Josselyne Herman & Associates (NCOPM) (Internet, Social Media and Marketing Consultant), Alfredia Lilly
345 E. 56th St., Ste. 3B (Modeling and Acting Teacher, Coach), PJ Close (Producer and
New York, NY 10022 212-355-3033 Studio Manager), Kathy Donahue (Founder/Business Consultant)
email: Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
website: Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Josselyne Herman (Owner), Shorey Walker (Associate Policy: Headshot/resume by mail, or call to set up appointment.
Manager) No drop-offs.
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Voiceover Comments: Specializes in children, but also represents adults.
Artists - Commercial Actors Also has a Plus size division. Also runs Actors Studio as of September
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- 2015 which offers services such as classes, seminars, workshop,
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. production services and recording services . Full recording studio.
Comments: Also provides 30 minute career consultations for
$200 and include a copy of “So You Wanna Be a New York Actor.” King N Queen Management
Mission is to create a team of people who are empowered and in P.O. Box 7843
action, fulfilling their dreams and making a real difference in the New York, NY 10116 347-450-8248
world. Values are passion, accountability, integrity, contribution, email:
communication, and responsibility. The basic philosophy of Josselyne website:
Herman & Associates is that clients and staff are like a family, all Staff: P.K. Harris (Owner/Talent Manager)
out for each other’s success and acting as a resource for each Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
other in any area of expertise that they may possess. This unique Actors - Film & TV Actors
method of working together towards making each others dreams Policy: Union and nonunion. Accepts headshot/resume by mail
come true, is what distinguishes the company from others in the or email. Interviews by appointment only. Attends showcases and
industry. One client’s win is everybody’s win. accepts showcase invitations.
Comments: Represents talent ages 5 and up.
Kanner Entertainment Inc. (NCOPM)
101 W. 80th St., Ste. 6A Lauren Singer Talent Management
New York, NY 10024 212-496-8175 (NCOPM-Equity-SAG-AFTRA-IATSE)
email: 157 Columbus Ave., #425
Staff: Cathy Kanner (Manager), Michael P. Bloom (Associate) New York, NY 10023 212-535-8000
Represents: TV Writers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors 150 Columbus Ave.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- New York, NY 10023
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
The Katz Company (TV Academy) Staff: Lauren Singer (Owner/Manager), Tom Sutherland
1560 Broadway, 12th Fl. (Associate)
New York, NY 10036 212-767-0189 Represents: Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by email, or apply for representation


through website. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No email:
drop-offs. website:
Comments: Youth and young adult management company. Staff: Joan C. Silverman Esq. (Manager), Annette E. Alvarez
Esq. (Manager)
Liebman Entertainment Represents: Film & TV Actors
29 W. 46th St., Fifth Fl. Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Include a fun or interest-
New York, NY 10036 212-982-6666 ing story about yourself. If interested a ‘phone call of interest’ will
Fax: 212-982-2133 be scheduled for the end of April. If a submission was made via the
email: email address during the year, resubmit with updated information.
website: No phone calls.
Staff: Brian Liebman (Manager), Cory Richman (Manager), Ellen Comments: Boutique firm representing ethnic talent, new
O’Leary (Assistant) media types.
Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Nani/Saperstein Management, Inc.
calls. No drop-offs. 1115 Broadway, #1236
New York, NY 10010 212-629-4388
Marilyn Zitner Management Staff: Terry Saperstein (Owner/Manager)
99 Madison Ave., Ste. 609 Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
New York, NY 10016 212-643-0111 Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Staff: Marilyn Zitner (Owner), Alyssa Lingardo (Assistant) only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Comments: Represents all ages. Currently seeking clients of
Actors - Film & TV Actors all ages.
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. No calls.
No drop-offs. Nouveaux Talent Mgmt (NCOPM)
200 Rector Place, Ste. 29N
Merging Artists Management (TMA-Women New York, NY 10280 516-295-2017
In Film-SAG-AFTRA-Equity) Fax: 516-792-1570
371 Springfield Ave., Third Fl. email:
Summit, NJ 07901 646-450-4458310-993-2314 (L.A. Office) website:
email: Staff: Robyn Acarino (Manager), Ashley Acarino (Manager)
Staff: Kate Dunn Kennedy (Owner/Manager) Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Submissions are accepted on the website www.nou- only. Interviews by appointment
Michael Katz Talent Management only. No calls. No drop-offs.
P.O. Box 1925 Comments: Represents print models, voiceover artists, com-
Cathedral Station mercial actors, theater actors, and film & TV actors.
New York, NY 10025 212-316-2492
email: Omnipop Talent Group
Staff: Michael Katz (Owner) 2 Quincy Ave.
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Musical Theater Bayville, NY 11709 516-937-6011
Performers - Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- Staff: Tom Ingegno (President, East Coast Theatrical Division),
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Barbara Klein (VP, Clubs, Corporate and Private Functions), Ralph
Asquino (President, East Coast Music)
MKSD (NCOPM) Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial
15 W. 28th St., Ninth Fl., Actors - Film & TV Actors
New York, NY 10001 212-679-3550 Policy: Industry referral only. Headshots/Resume/Reel by email.
email: Send links. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Talent Managers.
Staff: Jeff Mitchell (President), Elise Koseff (VP/Manager), Rachel
Maran (Manager), Victoria McNaughton (Assistant) One Entertainment
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV 347 Fifth Ave., Ste. 1404
Actors - Musical Theater Performers New York, NY 10016 212-974-3900
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. Do not attach 1321 Seventh St., Ste. 203
files, include links only. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. Santa Monica, CA 90401
No drop-offs. Fax: 212-974-3977
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers. Staff: Austin Aronson (Assistant), Heather Reynolds (Owner),
Chris Evans (Manager), Greg Weiss (Manager, LA), Anthony Aiello
Multi-Ethnic Talent & Promotion, Inc. (Manager)
New York, NY 10022 Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film &


TV Actors only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Redwood Entertainment, Inc. (TMA)
155 W. 68th St., Ste. 29D
Openly Unconventional New York, NY 10023 212-873-0475
305 Madison Ave. Fax: 212-874-9521
New York, NY 10165 718-644-7424 email:
email: website:
Staff: Ross Schwartz (Manager) Staff: Janet Castiel (Founder), Carol Green (CEO/President/
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Founder), Ian Bouras (Staff), Mary Seymour (Staff), Stephen
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. McConnaughey (Director of A&R, Producer, Writer), Taisa Hutchinson
(Manager, Social & Media)
Parseghian Planco, LLC Represents: Singers & Musicians
36 E. 23rd St., Eighth Fl. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
New York, NY 10010 212-777-7786
212-777-7886 RKS Management (NCOPM)
Staff: Barbra Korn (Manager) 975 Park Ave., Ste. 10C
Represents: Screenwriters - Directors - Film & TV Actors New York, NY 10028 212-717-2716
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No email:
calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Not accepting new clients at this time. Staff: Rochelle Shulman (Owner/Manager)
Represents: Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Film
Perennial Entertainment & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Dancers & Choreographers
157 Columbus Ave., Ste. 443 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
New York, NY 10023 646-755-8922 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Erica Tuchman (Owner/Manager) Comments: Represents triple threats ages 18–36.
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater
Performers Robyn Bluestone Management (TMA)
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No New York, NY 10001 973-379-3931
calls. No drop-offs. email:
Prestige Management Group (NCOPM) Staff: Robyn Bluestone (Manager)
143 W. 29th. St., Ste. 1102 Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
New York, NY 10001 212-239-6785 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
website: Serendipity Entertainment
Staff: Paula Curcuru (Owner), Jillian Hassett (Commercial/Print), 4000 W. Burbank Blvd.
Nicole Astell (Manager, Legit TV/Film/Theater) Burbank, CA 91505 213-761-7505
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors email:
- Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- Staff: Gabriella Messina (Owner), Matt Roberts (LA Office), Emily
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. (Manager), Ally (Manager), Kimberly (Manager)
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Producers - Hosts &
Principato-Young Entertainment (TMA) Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical
261 Madison Ave., Ninth Fl. Theater Performers - Singers & Musicians - Look-alikes &
New York, NY 10016 212-725-0010 Impersonators
website: Policy: By email only. Youth and adult divisions. No calls. No
Staff: Julia Woods (Assistant), Randi Michel (Head, New York drop-offs.
Office), Brian Steinberg (Manager), Emma Beren (Assistant) Comments: Represents babies, kids, teens, young adults, adults,
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers celebrities, recognizable names, and old Hollywood. Gabby is the
- Directors - Film & TV Actors Director of the kids division, celebrities, recognizable names and
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment old Hollywood. Represents talent nationwide.
only. No unsolicited submissions. calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers. Shirley Grant Management
P.O. Box 866
Ramos Management (NCOPM) Teaneck, NJ 07666 212-926-9082
337 E. 13th St., Ste. 6 201-692-1653
New York, NY 10003 212-473-2610 email:
email: website:
Staff: Sandra Erickson (Manager), Nora Grenfell (Assistant) Staff: Shirley Grant (Owner), Dave McKeown (Senior Manager),
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Stephanie Artuso (Senior Manager), Melanie Hinkle (Manager)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Dancers &


Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV (Assistant)
Actors - Singers & Musicians Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or apply for representation Actors
through website. Attends showcases. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshots and resumes by email only. No calls. No
SHOCKra Talent Comments: Documentaries & Reality TV, Film, Print, Promotional
114 E. 28th St. Events, Television, Theater. One of three management companies
New York, NY 10016 in NYC involved with SAG.
Staff: Jessica Hayden (Founder/Manager), Jay Dixit (Consultant)
Represents: Print Models - Animals - Dancers & Choreographers Steinberg Talent Management Group
- Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical (NCOPM)
Theater Performers 1650 Broadway, Ste. 714
Policy: Through referral or showcase. New York, NY 10019 212-843-3200
Comments: Offers a roster of handpicked individuals screened Fax: 212-843-3470
for market appeal, incredible talent, no-fault reliability, insatiable email:
drive, emotional balance, and those in touch with their unique website:
identity. Company thrives on discovering, fostering and facilitating Staff: Jason Steinberg (President), Sana Hanible (VP. talent)
success for rare finds in the entertainment industry. Referral and Represents: Comedians - Producers - Hosts & Spokespersons
invite-only management company. - Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Sinclair Management (NCOPM) ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
95 Christopher St., Ste. 6F Comments: Specializes in comedians and actors.
New York, NY 10014 212-366-9400
Fax: 212-242-3043 Sullivan Talent Group
email: 305 W. 105th St., Ste. 3B
website: New York, NY 10025 212-665-9516
Staff: Judith Lesley (Owner/Manager), Michele Sternberger Fax: 212-749-0689
(Manager) email:
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater website:
Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers Staff: Matthew Sullivan (Owner/Manager)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater
Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Performers
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
SirenSong Entertainment ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
c/o The Bond Collective
68 Third St. Suskin Management LLC
Brooklyn, NY 11231 3 Sheridan Square, Unit 7H
email: New York, NY 10014 212-242-2030
website: email:
Staff: Donna DeStefano (Talent Manager/Producer) website:
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: James Suskin (Manager), Roger Karshan (Manager), Daniel
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Industry referral pre- Bender Stern (Assistant)
ferred. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Comments: Represents all ages. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.

Stan Scottland Artists Suzelle Enterprises (NCOPM)

157 E. 57th St., #18-B 244 Fifth Ave., #C53
New York, NY 10022 212-421-5168 New York, NY 10001 212-397-2047
Fax: 212-421-5168 Fax: 212-397-2032
Credits: Productions: Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar - Clients: - John email:
Davidson - John Gabriel - Charles Grodin - Pat Boone - Rita Moreno website:
- Charo - Betty Buckley - Cab Calloway Orchestra Staff: Suzanne Schachter (President)
Staff: Stan Scottland (Agent (NY)) Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Sports Personalities
Represents: Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Theater Actors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Dancers &
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Comments: Also represents productions. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Stanulis And Associates (SAG-AFTRA)
411 Lafayette St. TalentInk LA Chicago NY
New York, NY 10013 New York, NY 10011
email: email:
Staff: Lisa Matousek-Stanulis (Manager), Alicia Ferraiolo website:


Staff: Arthur Massei (Manager), Jacob Schott (Manager) Runway Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Dancers
Represents: Film & TV Actors & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film &
Policy: Headshot/resume through website. Send headshot/ TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Singers & Musicians - Fit
resume. No calls. No drop-offs. Models - Promotional & Event Models
Comments: A boutique management company, focused on Policy: Submit 3-4 photos/headshots, videos, and a resume
career development, representing actors of SAG/AFTRA/AEA/ by mail or email. Interviews by appointment only. Yes to phone
AGVA in feature films, TV, and theater. calls. No to drop-offs.
Comments: Representing tots to adults from film to TV.
Tannen’s Talent and Model
Management Untitled Entertainment
77 Tarrytown Rd. 215 Park Ave. S., Eighth Fl.
White Plains, NY 10607 914-946-0900 New York, NY 10003 212-367-8903
email: Staff: Stephanie Simon (Partner), Jason Weinberg (Partner),
website: Elisa Konialian (VP), Meg Malinowski (Assistant)
Staff: Lynne Tannen (Owner) Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Theater
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors Actors - Film & TV Actors
- Film & TV Actors Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- calls. No drop-offs.
ment only. No drop-offs. Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.
Comments: Established in 1984. Represents children to young
adults. V & L International, LLC
521 Fifth Ave., Ste. 1700
Terrific Talent Associates, Inc. (NCOPM) New York, NY 10175 212-292-4228
401 E. 34th St., Ste. S17M Fax: 212-292-4229
New York, NY 10016 212-689-2800 email:
email: website:
Staff: Marianne Leone (Manager), Laure Pietropinto (Manager), Staff: Daniel L. Veitkus (Talent Manager (Europe & U.S.))
Simone Taylor (Assistant to Ms. Leone), Savvy Reuben (Assistant Represents: Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Directors
to Ms. Pietropinto) - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Music Editors &
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Producers - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Interviews by appointment ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
only. No drop-offs. Comments: Specializes in International talent, linguists, and
translators (250+ languages). See also listing under Los Angeles
The Seven Bridges Group, LLC (SAG- Managers.
800 Third Ave., 28th Fl. Vanguard Management Group (Equity)
New York, NY 10022 646-493-5985 220 Fifth Ave., PH West
Fax: 212-937-2417 New York, NY 10001 212-544-7700
email: Los Angeles, CA 90046
website: Fax: 212-544-7800
Staff: Travis Bell (J.D.) email:
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Look-alikes & website:
Impersonators - Fit Models - Singers & Musicians - Film & TV Staff: David Guc (Manager), Jesse Young (Manager), Michela
Actors - Commercial Actors - Music Editors & Producers - Voiceover Pantano (Assistant)
Artists - Film & TV Editors - Directors - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors
- Sports Personalities - Fashion & Runway Models - Book Authors - - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical
Producers - Animation Artists - Magicians - Broadcast Journalists Theater Performers
& Newscasters - Cinematographers - Comedians Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Policy: Submissions by email and online form. Phone calls calls. No drop-offs.
accepted. No drop-offs. Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.
Comments: See listing also under Los Angeles Managers.
Variado Talent (NCOPM)
TTA Models and Talent Management 458 W. 52nd St., 4C
DBA- TTA Models (NCOPM) New York, NY 10019 347-819-7091
295 Madison Ave. email:
New York, NY 10017 212-537-4792 website:
Fax: 646-843-7702 Staff: Luis Lizarazo (President)
email: Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - TV Writers -
Staff: Anna Estrada (President/CEO), Jamie Leboff (Director) Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons
Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Print Models - - Directors - Film & TV Editors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists
Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Fashion & & Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors


- Film & TV Actors Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors - Dancers &
Policy: See website for submission details. Phone calls accepted. Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Voiceover Artists - Print
No drop-offs. Models
Comments: With a mission to connect the best talent, across
a broad spectrum of interests and backgrounds, with the key to Zero Gravity Management
their craft. Company sees the world as diverse, dynamic, and full 205 West End Ave., Ste. 11G
of surprises and works to make art that reflects the modern world. New York, NY 10023 917-285-6102
15900 Riverside Dr. W., Ste. 4A
Viking Entertainment New York, NY 10032
445 W. 23rd St., Ste. 1A website:
New York, NY 10011 212-620-5100 Staff: Jeffrey Belkin (Manager/Producer)
Fax: 212-620-5421 Represents: Screenwriters
Staff: Lisa Loosemore (Manager), Julie Loosemore (Manager), Policy: Not accepting queries or new clients at this time. No
Rachel McAndrew (Assistant) calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs.

Washington Square Films

310 Bowery, Second Fl.
New York, NY 10012 212-253-0333
Fax: 212-253-0330
Staff: Jennifer Konawal (Talent Manager), Kathy Atkinson (Talent
Manager), Bruce Miller (Talent Manager), Melissa Breaux (Talent
Manager), Jonathan L. (Talent Manager)
Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: See also listing under Los Angeles Managers.

Whole Artist Management (TMA)

1460 Broadway, 10th Fl.
New York, NY 10036 646-513-3322
Staff: Rich Martino (Owner/ Talent Manager), Mike Cruz (Managing
Partner), Erin Burris (Manager)
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors -
Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume email only. Not accepting new clients
submit for future consideration only.
Comments: Personalized management for each individual client.

Wright Talent Management (TMA)

32 Yacht Club Rd., Lower Level
Babylon, NY 11702 631-321-0565
Staff: Charlie Wright (Manager)
Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Accepts headshots and resumes by email only. Specifically
interested in Musical Theatre performers

Zanee Entertainment (TMA)

116 W. 23rd St., Fifth Fl.
New York, NY 10011 646-926-3363
Fax: 888-508-6730
Staff: Christian Romano (Manager), Jackie Dixon (Manager)



3 Arts Entertainment, Inc. (DGA) - Dancers & Choreographers - Music Editors & Producers - Film &
9460 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Fl. TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-888-3200 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
16 W. 22nd St. No visits.
New York, NY 10010 Comments: Looking for established artists only.
Fax: 310-888-3210
website: A.C.T. Management
Staff: Howard Klein (Partner), Erwin Stoff (Partner, Chairman), 11684 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 441
Michael Rotenberg (Partner), Dave Becky (Partner, Talent & Literary Studio City, CA 91604 818-752-4664
Manager), Molly Madden (Partner, Talent Manager), David Miner email:
(Partner), Olivia Gerke (Talent Manager), Nick Frenkel (Talent
Manager), Mark Schulman (Talent & Literary Manager), Pam Kohl Staff: Carol Lynne Convey (Owner/Manager), Michelle Kirkhoff
(Talent Manager), Greg Walter (Talent Manager), Tom Lassally (Owner/Manager), Lenny Moore (Assistant to Carol Lynne Convey)
(Talent Manager/Producer), Josh Lieberman (Talent Manager), Represents: Playwrights - Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians
Richard Abate (Talent Manager (NY)), Avi Gilbert (Talent Manager - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Hosts & Spokespersons
(NY)), Sarah Shyn (Talent Manager), Kimberly Carver (Manager), - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts -
Jairo Alvarado (Talent Manager), Jonathan Berry (Talent Manager/ Dancers & Choreographers - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater
Producer), Oliver Obst (Talent Manager), Troy Zien (Talent Manager) Performers
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Book Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Authors - Directors - Film & TV Actors calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Comments: Not accepting new clients at this time.
calls. No drop-offs.
Active Management
5J Management 2219 W. Olive Ave., #126
10880 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1101 Burbank, CA 91506
Los Angeles, CA 90024 323-602-0609 email:
1177 Avenue of the Americas, Fifth Fl. website:
New York, NY 10036 Staff: Moira Goodwin (Founder/President)
website: Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Staff: Mala Lemnah (Owner), Lillian Williams (Manager), Nya’ Actors
Braxton (Manager/Music Manager (LA)), Manuel Ramires (Manager/ Policy: By email only. No calls.
Model Director (NY & LA)), Sarah Joy Gugel (NYC Director), Waahid Comments: Actors have been seen in 100’s of projects from major
Mohammad (Junior Manager (LA)) feature films, to series regular and recurring TV roles.
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
TV Actors A.D.S. Management (NCOPM)
Policy: Submit package including introduction, headshots, reel, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-909-3036
resume, and links to email only. See website for specific submission email:
emails. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Andrew Stawiarski (Owner/Manager/Producer)
Represents: Print Models - Sports Personalities - Voiceover
A Management Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Los Angeles, CA 402-614-0041 Policy: Headshot/resume/demo/links by email or mail. Interviews
Staff: Abe Hoch (Owner/Manager), Toni Shelby (Assistant/ by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Office Manager) Comments: Represents actors, fitness professionals including
Represents: Film & TV Actors CrossFit, wrestlers, fitness models and competitors, bodybuilders,
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No and MMA fighters for TV, film, commercials, and personal appear-
calls. No drop-offs. ances. Represents both Youth and ages 18+

ABC Management Group Advanced Management

11271 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 510 8033 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1069
Studio City, CA 91604 425-985-4176 Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-743-3630
email: email:
Staff: David Van Maren (Sr. Partner), Maureen Francisco website:
(Manager), Tami Wakasugi (Manager) Staff: Gary Ousdahl (Owner/Manager), Rafael Chavez (Partner),
Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Speakers & Lecturers Mark Stevens (Manager), Shyllon Melatti (Assistant)
- Print Models - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
- Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists Policy: By mail or email. No drop-offs.



california | TALENT MANAGERS

American Artists Group
Affirmative Entertainment & Management/Pr Management
Productions 13321 Ventura Blvd., Ste. C
6525 Sunset Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-501-8917
Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-858-3200 818-501-8918
Fax: 310-858-8999 email: (Submissions)
Staff: Peter Morris (COO), Melanie Greene (Partner), Nicholas (CDs/Bookings Only)
Bogner (Literary Manager), John Peitek (Office Manager/Assistant) Staff: Igor Koro (President/Manager), Donna Dandridge
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Voiceover (Associate Manager), Grazna Broucki (Consultant/Board), Mario
Artists - Film & TV Actors Prada (Unit PR Associate), Yves-Jean-Livi (PR Associate)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Represents: Composers - Comedians - TV Writers - Interactive
Game Developers - Producers - Book Authors - Sports Personalities
Alan David Management - Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors - Film & TV Editors - Music
8840 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 200 Editors & Producers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors -
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-358-3155 Singers & Musicians
Fax: 310-358-3256 Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel/EPK by email with “Attn:
email: Donna-Seeking Representation” in the subject box. Do not attach
Staff: Alan David (Owner) headshot and demo as a file, include link only. Files over 800kb will
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Producers - Voiceover Artists not be opened and will be deleted. Interviews by appointment only
- Commercial Actors requested by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Comments: American Artists Group Management is taking
calls. No drop-offs. submissions for Diversity Talent and its children/teen division.

Alchemy Entertainment Anonymous Content (DGA)

7024 Melrose Ave., Ste. 420 3532 Hayden Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-937-6100 Culver City, CA 90232 310-558-6000
Staff: Jason Barrett (Manager/Producer), Allan Grifka (Talent Fax: 310-558-2724
Manager), Angie Edgar (Talent Manager), Daniela Trejo (Junior website:
Talent Manager/Assistant) Staff: Steve Golin (CEO/Producer), Matthew Velkes (President/
Represents: Film & TV Actors COO), Michael Sugar (Partner), Ale Catanese (Manager), Alex
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Goldstone (Manager), Amar Hansen (Manager), Bard Dorros
calls. No drop-offs. (Manager), Brooke Ehrlich (Manager), Carolyn Govers (Manager),
Comments: Also a production company. Chad Hamilton (Manager), Charlie Scully (Manager), Dara Gordon
(Manager), David J. Kanter (Manager), Doreen Wilcox-Little
Aldamisa Talent Management (Manager), Doug Wald (Manager), Eli Selden (Manager), Geoffrey
c/o Aldamisa Entertainment, LLC Sanford (Manager), Heather Nunn (Manager), Jacob Perlin (Manager),
15760 Ventura Blvd. Ste. 1450 Jeff Okin (Manager), Kami Putnam-Heist (Manager), Keith Redmon
Encino, CA 91436 818-783-4084 (Manager), Kim Hodgert (Manager), Kristina Moore (Manager), Luke
747-241-4480 Rivett (Manager), Meredith Rothman (Manager), Nicole Romano
email: (Manager), Nina Soriano (Manager), Robyn Meisinger (Manager),
website: Rosalie Swedlin (Manager), Ryan Cunningham (Manager), Sandra
Staff: Marina Bespalov (President), Sarah Guiterrez Gutierrez Chang (Manager), Sarah Weichel (Manager), Stephen Simbari
(Talent Manager) (Manager), Tariq Merhab (Manager), Tony Lipp (Manager), Trevor
Represents: Film & TV Actors Adley (Manager)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film &
TV Actors
Allen Edelman Management (DGA-Equity) Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
8149 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 405 calls. No drop-offs.
West Hollywood, CA 90046 310-948-7473 Comments: (Also listing under New York Managers)
website: Apex Talent Group
Staff: Chi Lo (CEO), Allen Edelman (Manager), Kevin Dyett 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 800
(Manager), Joseph Lipkin (Administrative Director), Jessica Oberland Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-984-6704
(Assistant) Fax: 310-984-6705
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Comedians - website:
Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Directors - Commercial Staff: Richard Makarewicz (Owner), Emily Makarewicz (Partner)
Actors - Theater Actors Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Performers - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail and email only. Interviews
by appointment only. Attends showcases. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents children, teens, and young adults with


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

credits. Fax: 310-550-8714
Apollo Management Staff: Richard Arlook (President, Literary Manager), Laurie
1236 N. Sweetzer Ave., Unit 17 Zaifert (CFO), Kieran Maguire (Talent Manager), Jack Greenbaum
West Hollywood, CA 90069 (Literary Manager), Galit Mantell (Talent Manager), Madison Laughlin
email: (Assistant to Richard Arlook)
website: Represents: Screenwriters - Directors - Commercial Actors -
Staff: Greg Bekkers (Manager) Film & TV Actors
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Through agents and managers only. Interviews by appoint-
Policy: Accepted by mail or email. No open calls. ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.

Apostle Management Art/Work Entertainment

9696 Culver Blvd., Ste. 108 5670 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1900
Culver CIty, CA 90232 310-945-2991 Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-456-0333
568 Broadway, Ste. 601 website:
New York, NY 10012 212-541-4323 Staff: Cindy Ambers (Partner/Manager), Julie Bloom (Partner/
email: Manager), Spencer Robinson (Manager), David Chien (Manager)
website: Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Staff: Abbey Robertson (Manager), Chelsea Connors (Assistant) - Directors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
- Directors - Film & TV Actors calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs. Artistic Endeavors (TMA)
Comments: Apostle Pictures production division located in 1600 Rosecrans Ave.
New York. Media Center, Fourth Fl.
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-321-7819
Archer Entertainment Group email:
15303 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 900
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 website:
email: Staff: Annet McCroskey (Manager), Chelsea Streano (Manager)
website: Represents: Film & TV Actors
Credits: Down for Life - American Gun - Just One Night - Nina Policy: Industry referral only. Interviews by appointment only.
Takes a Lover No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Alan Jacobs (Managing Director), Deborah Alvarez (Talent Comments: Past president, TMA. Represents children, teens,
Management Associate) young adults, and adults with credits. Also produces.
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors
Policy: Submissions accepted through email and should include Arts & Letters Entertainment (TMA)
a brief writing sample, either as a video clip or in script form. 7715 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 100
Comments: Archer Entertainment is an integrated media company Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-806-1070
with deep experience in film production, talent management, and email:
emerging media (web content and mobile content). Represents Staff: Steven Nash (Manager)
writers, writer-directors, writer-actors, and stand-up comics. Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Print Models
Policy: Will accept hard copy or email. No original materials.
Archetype Scripts only by request.
7083 Hollywood Blvd., First Fl., Ste. 4092 Comments: Always interested in hearing about talented, market-
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-468-3600 able people. Also produces and casts.
P.O. Box 93021
Los Angeles, CA 90093 Avalon Management, Inc.
email: 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 320 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-424-1700
website: 104 W. 27th St., Fifth Fl.
Staff: Ray Miller (Owner/Manager/Producer), David Server New York, NY 10001 212-400-4822
(Manager/Producer), Desiree Middlebrook (Manager/Producer), 4A Exmoor St.
Shepard Smith (Manager/Producer) London, England W10 6BD
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors website:
- Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No attachments larger Staff: David Martin (CEO (U.S.)), Isaac Horne (Manager (LA)),
that 1 MB. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Kara Baker (Manager (LA)), Jakob Markovits (Manager (LA)), Sam
Saifer (Manager (LA)), Matt Sadeghian (Manager (LA)), Aaron
The Arlook Group Brown (Manager (LA)), Kelly Van Valkenburg (Manager (NY)),
205 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 210 Chenoa Estrada (Manager (NY)), Richard Allen-Turner (Manager/
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-550-5714 Co-Chairman (UK)), Jon Thoday (Manager/Co-Chairman (UK)),



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Jamie Isaacs (CEO, Avalon TV Factual (UK)), Kathy Welch (Senior The Beddingfield Company, Inc.
VP, TV), Whitney Berry (VP, TV), Rob Aslett (Manager (UK)), Katie 13636 Ventura Blvd., #615
Karas (Director, TV), Cath Gagon (Manager (UK)), Amy Beam Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-285-7411
(Manager, TV), James Taylor (Manager (UK)), Chloe Pisello (Director Staff: Ric Beddingfield (President)
of Development, TV) Represents: Film & TV Actors
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors - Variety Artists & Specialty only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Acts - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Bensky Entertainment (TV Academy)
calls. No drop-offs. 15021 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 343
Comments: All clients comedy-related. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-830-3912
Bamboo Management
17 Buccaneer St., Lower Level website:
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310-827-0930 Staff: Lynda Bensky (President), Kim Muir (Assistant)
email: Represents: Film & TV Actors - Screenwriters - TV Writers -
Staff: Heidi L. Ifft (President/Manager), Patrick Kelly (Executive Comedians - Book Authors - Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Hosts
VP/Manager), Fritz Werner (Literary Manager), Emma Kreiger-Kahn & Spokespersons - Musical Theater Performers - Variety Artists &
(Assistant to Heidi Ifft), Christy Block (Assistant to Patrick Kelly), Specialty Acts - Sports Personalities - Speakers & Lecturers - Martial
Lukas Miller (Assistant to Fritz Werner) Artists & Stunt Actors - Commercial Actors
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Voiceover Artists - Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Film & TV Actors calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Actors by industry referral only. Headshot/resume/demo Comments: Also works as a Talent Development Consultant
reel by mail only to attn: Christy. Writers mail cover letter/synopsis/ for National Lampoon.
bio/credits by mail only at attn: Fritz Werner. Accepts query letters
by mail (include SASE). No calls. No drop-offs. Max Bernard Management
c/o MyLena Entertainment LLC
Barry Bookin Management 13547 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 216
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-999-0622 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-235 1565
email: 323-806 9799
Staff: Barry Bookin (Owner) Fax: 323-284-5308
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Producers - Book email:
Authors - Directors - Singers & Musicians website:
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: A full service company. Credits: Warner Brothers International - BET Awards - BET
Sound Stage - Dick Clark Productions (DIC) - Enpoint Technologies
Barry Katz Entertainment - Clearwater Jazz Festival - Hollywood Bowl - Jazz Cafe - Playboy
30765 Pacific Coast Highway, #550 Jazz Festival - Pasadena Jazz Festival
Malibu, CA 90265 424-238-2300 Staff: Max Bernard (Owner/Manager)
Fax: 424-238-2301 Represents: Singers & Musicians
email: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Barry Katz (Owner/Manager) Berwick & Kovacik
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Comedians - TV Writers - 6230 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 2140
Screenwriters - Directors Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-859-1971
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Fax: 310-859-7250
calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Laura Berwick (Manager), Becca Kovacik (Manager)
Comments: Also produces TV-film and hosts the Industry Represents: Directors - Film & TV Actors
Standard podcast. Represents all ages. Also represent social Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
media influencers. calls. No drop-offs.

Barry Krost Management Betwixt Talent Management (NCOPM-TMA)

9663 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 291 1110 Rose Ave.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-278-8161 Venice, CA 90291 310-452-3157
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Barry Krost (Owner), Melanie Rose (Manager) Staff: Daniel Wojack (President)
Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Hosts &
- Book Authors - Directors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Spokespersons - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors
Policy: No unsolicited headshot/resume submissions. For liter- - Film & TV Actors
ary submissions, send query letters only. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume/demo reel by
mail or email, email preferred. Interviews by appointment only.


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Binder & Associates Staff: Anna Liza Recto (Partner), Michael Kaleda (Partner),
1465 Lindacrest Dr. Jason Kashiwagi (Talent Manager), Evan Anglin (Literary Manager)
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-274-9995 Represents: Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
1800 Century Park E., Ste. 400 Policy: By referral only, and legal 18 or 18+.
Los Angeles, CA 90067 Comments: Represents: 16+ year-olds who are legal 18, and
Staff: Chuck Binder (Manager/Producer) everyone 18+. In the Literary Area represents Directors, Writers
Represents: Film & TV Actors and Producers for Film & TV, Animation, Digital.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Bonnie Love Management
Balboa Ave.
Blain & Associates Encino, CA 91316 818-342-7100
8840 Wilshire Blvd. email:
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-358-3111 Staff: Bonnie Love (Owner)
Fax: 310-358-3181 Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
website: Actors
Staff: Tony Blain (Principal), Fran Blain (Principal, Manager) Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. SAG-AFTRA only.
Represents: Playwrights - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
- Producers - Book Authors - Sports Personalities - Hosts &
Spokespersons - Directors - Film & TV Editors - Commercial Actors Booh Schut Company
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers 11365 Sunshine Terrace
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only, industry referral pre- Studio City, CA 91604 818-760-6669
ferred. Accepts query letters. Interviews by appointment only. No Staff: Booh Schut (President/Owner/Talent Manager)
calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Comments: Also offers entertainment law services. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Bob Diamond & Associates
117 S. Kings Rd. Brad Waisbren Enterprises
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-655-9052 P.O. Box 1928
email: Studio City, CA 91614 818-506-3000
Staff: Bob Diamond (Owner/Manager), Lisa M. Diamond (VP/ Staff: Brad Waisbren (Manager/Producer), Marci Higer (Manager),
Manager), Charo Yu (VP, Talent), Nicole Rainy (Children’s Talent), Philip Kramer (Business Affairs)
Ethan Tyler (Soaps) Represents: Producers - Dancers & Choreographers - Film
Represents: Film & TV Actors & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Works with SAG-AFTRA and nonunion new talent,
Bohemia Group ingenues, and younger leading men.
1680 N. Vine St., Ste. 518
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-462-5800 Brian Funnagan Management
email: P.O. Box 931185
website: Los Angeles, CA 90093 323-602-7840
Staff: Susan Ferris (CEO, Los Angeles), Jerrold Rhee (Manager, email:
Los Angeles), Aaron Sacks (Manager, Los Angeles), Alison Buck Staff: Brian Funnagan (Manager/Producer), John Kiernan
(Manager, EVP International), Andras Jones (Manager, Los Angeles), (Manager/Producer)
Kat Seigworth (Manager, Los Angeles), Andrew Burrill (Manager, Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Film &
Los Angeles), Autumn Joiner (Executive Assistant), Jordan Prescott TV Actors
(Assistant), Samantha Martin Davis (Manager, Southeast), Naomi Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred.
Kolstein (Manager, NY), Stewart Craner (Manager, Los Angeles), Alex Attends showcases. Interviews by appointment only. No calls.
Surer (Manager, Los Angeles), Tom Cook (Manager, Los Angeles), No drop-offs.
Carlos Salomon (Manager, Los Angeles), Adreana Robbins (Director
of Lit, Los Angeles), Justin Ross (EVP of Development and Production, Bridgewater Artists Management
Los Angeles), Peter Hackman (EVP of Media Music), Thalia Buitron 3278 Wilshire Blvd., Sixth Fl.
(Manager, Los Angeles) Los Angeles, CA 90010 424-234-1005
Represents: Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Dee Dee Bridgewater (Producer), Tulani Bridgewater
Kowalski (Director/Manager)
BOLD MP Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
8228 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 106 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Los Angeles, CA 90046



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Brilliant Talent Management website:
23679 Calabasas Rd., Ste. 1078 Staff: Barb North (Owner/Manager), Steve North (Owner/
Calabasas, CA 91302 310-926-7771 Manager), Sarah Jane Irwin (Assistant Manager)
908-884-1688 Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors - Hosts &
email: Spokespersons - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Commercial Actors Policy: Commercial actors can send headshot/resume/video
Staff: Debbie Entin (Manager), Mary Refvem (Manager), Tracy link by email only.
Bobbit (Manager) Comments: Additional focus on stand-up comedians. Brook Forest
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - Film is owned and operated by Barb and Steve North and represents adult
& TV Actors comedians, actors, sketch players, hosts, writers.
Policy: No unsolicited material will be accepted. Interviews by
appointment only. No drop-offs. Buchanan Management and
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers. Consulting (TMA)
P.O. Box 361323
Brillstein Entertainment Partners Los Angeles, CA 90036 773-895-9345
9150 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 350 email:
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-275-6135 website:
Fax: 310-275-6180 Staff: Jamaal Buchanan (Chief Executive Officer)
Staff: Jon Liebman (Partner/CEO), Cynthia Pett (Partner/ Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Sports Personalities - Film
Co-President), Marc Gurvitz (Partner/Co-President), Sandy Wernick & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians - Fit Models
(Partner/Sr. Executive VP), Robin Schwartz (President, TV), David Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Zwarg (CFO), JoAnne Colonna (Sr. Executive/Manager), Amy Weiss
(Executive VP, Business and Legal Affairs), Geoff Cheddy (Manager), The Burstein Company
Andrea Pett-Joseph (Manager), Danny Sussman (Manager), Lee 15304 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 208
Kernis (Manager), Tim Sarkes (Manager), Jai Khanna (Manager), Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-454-9462
Colton Gramm (Manager), Margaret Riley (Manager), Naren Desai Fax: 310-454-9362
(Manager), Missy Malkin (Manager), David McIlvain (Manager), Brad Staff: Zach Liss (Associate), Joanna Burstein (Manager), Rebecca
Petrigala (Manager), Scott Wexler (Manager), Alex Murray (Manager), Miller (Manager), Andrew Besser (Business and Legal Affairs)
Kristen Del Pero (Manager, TV), Robert Atwood (Manager, TV), Jake Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Labow (Manager. Comedy), Todd Sellers (Manager), Sean White Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
(Manager), Sharon Higgins (Office Manager), George Heller (Manager) calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Producers - Book Authors Comments: Not accepting new clients at this time.
- Directors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Burt Shapiro Management (ATAS)
calls. No drop-offs. 2147 N. Beachwood Dr.
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers. Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-469-9452
British American Talent Staff: Burt Shapiro (Owner)
7083 Hollywood Blvd., First Fl. Represents: Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-394-9503 - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors
15 Greene St., Ground Fl. Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
New York, NY 10013 646-571-9497 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Calliope West Artist Management
Staff: Zach Copeland (Talent Manager), Anita Rogers (Talent 3406 W Burbank Blvd.
Manager) Burbank, CA 91505 310-955-5835
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email or through website. Staff: Jacob Gallagher (Senior Partner), Max Maulion (Talent
Comments: British American Talent is a management firm Manager), Tareena Woods (Junior Manager), Mia Eisendorf (Talent
based in New York, Los Angeles, and London. Representing a Coordinator)
roster of both established and up-and-coming British talent, as Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
well as select international and American actors. Highly selective Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No drop-offs.
firm, dedicated to giving specialized attention and care to each
individual represented. Caviar Entertainment Corp.
23371 Mulholland Dr., Ste. 246
Brook Forest Entertainment, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 310-402-2832
LLC, Comedy Management and email:
Development website:
22647 Ventura Blvd., #422 Staff: Wendy Peldon (President)
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-347-5098 Represents: Film & TV Actors - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors
Fax: 818-347-5099 - Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Singers
email: & Musicians


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Policy: Headshot/resume by email. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Caviar Entertainment Corp. is a talent management website:
firm based in Los Angeles, CA. The company was founded by Wendy Staff: Cheryl Martin (CEO), Troy Allen (Partner), Lori Kay
Peldon, who has over thirty years of experience in the entertainment (Producer/Manager), Lorna Tate (Manager), Denise Roman Dixon
industry. Caviar focuses on unique, quality talent. Caviar seeks (Manager), Carol Ann Shine (Producer)
talent dedicated to the craft, committed to spending the time and Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
energy it requires to define their careers. Caviar also represents TV Actors
a select group of established actors guiding them through career Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited screenplays.
transitions. Management firm also assists with coaching, head Interviews are by appointment only. Does attend showcases. No
shots, reels, resumes, and script analysis and maintains relation- calls. No drop-offs.
ships with many major talent agencies and casting director offices. Comments: Principal offices in the Los Angeles area with a
satellite office in New York City.
cc crown, mgt. (TMA)
Los Angeles, CA 90066 Cohesive Entertainment Group (TMA)
email: 4751 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl.
Staff: Claudia Crown (Owner) Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-990-4707
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Hosts & email:
Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists website:
Policy: Referrals only. Staff: Daryn Simons (Partner/Producer/Manager), David
Comments: Registered talent management company since Polemeni (Partner/Producer/Manager), Jenevieve Brewer (Manager),
January 2006. Kate Lindstrom (Junior Manager), Cassandra Pimental (Junior
Manager), Judi Rook (Scout)
CGEM Talent Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Print Models - TV
1880 Century Park E., Ste. 711 Writers - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-461-1323 Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Contact through email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Production and management company. Kids 2-18
website: years old represented as well.
Staff: Christopher Giovanni (CEO), Sade Kelly (Manager), JC
Gonzales (Manager), Frank Luvera (Manager), Amanda Anderson Consortium Entertainment (ATAS)
(Assistant) 5161 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 250
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Comedians - Fashion North Hollywood, CA 91601 424-284-8500
& Runway Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Variety Artists & email:
Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors - Singers & Musicians website:
Policy: Industry referrals preferred. Interviews by appointment Staff: John Tae Lee (President)
only. No calls. Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Hosts &
Comments: Los Angeles and New York City management firm. Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater
Nurtures growing roster of stars. Actors
Policy: Email submissions only to
Cheatham, Greene & Company (DGA- No calls. No drop-offs.
TMA-Equity-AGVA-League of NY Theater Women-SAG-AFTRA-
WGA) The Coppage Company
4470 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 469 Studio City, CA 818-980-8806
Los Angeles, CA 90027 323-665-0420 Fax: 818-980-8824
323-769-5561 (voicemail) email:
Fax: 817-549-9340 website:
email: Staff: Judy Coppage (Owner/Principal), Michael Rose (Associate)
website: Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Staff: Clearance Cheatham (Manager), Jeff R. Greene (Manager), - Book Authors - Directors - Voiceover Artists
Makeda Téne (Assistant), John Theelen (Assistant) Policy: Referral only.
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Book Authors - Commercial
Actors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors - Playwrights - Cordurouy
Singers & Musicians - Theater Actors - Voiceover Artists 2638 Huron St.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Los Angeles, CA 90254 918-289-7779
calls. No drop-offs. Hermosa Beach, CA
CMA Entertainment (TMA) website:
P.O. Box 372153 Staff: Nathan Pettijohn (Talent Manager)
Reseda, CA 91337 818-280-6325 Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - TV Writers
New York, NY 347-676-1375 - Screenwriters - Book Authors - Fashion & Runway Models -
Fax: 818-462-9002 Directors - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Film
email: & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians - Fit Models



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Policy: Headshot/resume by email.No calls. No drop-offs. by mail or email. Character driven action thrillers, unique horror,
Comments: “Nathan Pettijohn is a talent manager, producer, science fiction thrillers. No comedies. No drop-offs.
and growth hacker. In 2011, Nathan founded Cordurouy, where he
now serves as CEO. Cordurouy leads digital strategy for numerous Creative Room
brands and influencers. As a talent manager, Nathan represents Los Angeles, CA
business innovators such as Janice Bryant Howroyd (Founder and Staff: Adil Chamakh (Owner/Manager)
CEO, The ActOne Group). Nathan is a contributing writer for Forbes Represents: Film & TV Actors
on topics relating to what business leaders need to know about Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
innovations in media and digital strategy, and is the coauthor of calls. No drop-offs.
#1 Amazon Bestseller, Zen and the Art of Admin Tasks, a tactical
guide to outsourcing your administrative work so that you can Current Entertainment
focus on driving exponential value in your personal and work life.” 9200 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 600
West Hollywood, CA 90069 424-253-1079
Coronet Entertainment (Women In Film-PGA) Staff: Steven Chasman (CEO/Manager/Producer), David Shojai
4751 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl. (Associate Producer), Lisa Katz (Assistant)
Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-549-4315 Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Comedians - TV
email: Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Dancers & Choreographers
website: - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Deborah Del Prete (Manager, Producer), Cassandra Pimentel Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
(Junior Talent Manager) calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Directors - Screenwriters - Book Authors Comments: Also produces. Affiliated with PGA.
Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Cylence Media Management (NCOPM-SAG-
Craig Wyckoff & Associates, Inc. AFTRA-ATAS)
13952 Runnymede St. 8560 W. Sunset Blvd., 10th Fl.
Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-752-2300 West Hollywood, CA 90069 888-320-3933
email: email:
Staff: Craig Wyckoff (President), Jayne Kell (Children’s Division)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Directors - Producers - Playwrights website:
- TV Writers - Screenwriters - Theater Actors Staff: Mike Williams (Talent Manager), Hart (Theatrical
Policy: Written queries only. Development Manager/Assistant), Camden Wong (Publicity/Digital
Integrity Manager/Assistant)
Cranium Entertainment (DGA-TMA-Equity) Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial
9000 Sunset Blvd., 10th fl. Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-985-5459 Policy: Materials by email or mail. Links to professional pages or
67 W. St., Fourth Fl. attach headshots with a linked demo reel. Include Union Affiliation
Brooklyn, NY 11222 646-455-1310 (i.e SAG-AFTRA/Eligible) and location. Interviews by appointment
email: only. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Additional office: 3340 Peachtree Rd., Ste. 1800
Staff: Ash Christian (President), Melissa Doyle (Assistant), Atlanta, GA 30326
Rhiannon Cooper (Assistant)
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors D2 Management
- Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors 10351 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 210
Policy: By email only. Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-288-3040
Comments: Cranium represents actors, writers, and directors email:
for film, television, commercials, web, and theater. Staff: Didi Rea (Partner), Danielle Del (Partner), Quinn Yue
Creative Enterprises Management Represents: Film & TV Actors
(DGA) Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
310 S. Prospect Ave., Unit 29 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Redondo Beach, CA 90277 310-316-8652
310-920-5136 Darlene Kaplan Entertainment
email: 4450 Balboa Ave.
Staff: Anthony Ridio (Producer/Personal Literary Manager), Diana Encino, CA 91316 818-981-5114
Vance (Producer/Personal Literary Manager), Stephanie Nichols email:
(Personal Literary Manager), Phillip Georgious (Personal Literary Staff: Darlene Kaplan (Manager)
Manager), Nicholas Ridio (Personal Literary Manager), Aaron N. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Prejean (Personal Literary Manager), Michael O’Connor (Personal Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Literary Manager), Teresa Anfuso (Personal Literary Manager), Tony calls. No drop-offs.
Alviani (Literary Manager), Ian Rabin (Personal Literary Manager)
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters
Policy: Call and pitch. Summit log line, treatment, and screenplay


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

David Belenzon Management, Inc. Actors
(NCOPM-TMA) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
P.O. Box 5000, PMB 67 ment only.
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 858-832-8380
Fax: 858-832-8381 Denise Denny Talent Management (AFM-
email: DGA-AGVA-Equity-SAG-AFTRA) Los Angeles, CA
website: email:
Staff: David Belenzon (President) Staff: Denise Denny (Manager)
Represents: Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Singers & Musicians Represents: Composers - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
- Musical Theater Performers - Magicians - Speakers & Lecturers - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts -
- Comedians - Producers - Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical
- Film & TV Actors Theater Performers
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs. only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also affiliated with WAA, IEBA, the Symphony League, Comments: Affiliated with SAG-AFTRA artists.
and APAP. Specializes in variety entertainment, production shows,
Broadway artists, and musical prodigies. DePaz Management
2011 N. Vermont Ave.
David Martin Management (NCOPM) Los Angeles, CA 90027 323-663-3388
13849 Riverside Dr. email:
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-981-8686
email: website:
Staff: David Martin (President) Staff: Ivan de Paz (Manager)
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Broadcast Represents: Film & TV Actors
Journalists & Newscasters - Magicians - Sports Personalities - Variety Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Artists & Specialty Acts - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs. DeWalt Management
Comments: Seeking established talent only. 623 N. Parish Pl.
Burbank, CA 91506 818-562-7051
David Steinberg Entertainment Fax: 818-562-7151
P.O. Box 15006 email:
Beverly Hills, CA 90209 310-385-1730 Staff: Suzanne DeWalt (Manager)
email: Represents: Screenwriters - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Credits: Clients: Billy Crystal, Jon Macks, Marty Callner, Billy Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only, industry referral preferred.
Martin, Robin Williams Estate Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: David Steinberg (Manager), Tanner Gibson (Manager)
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Dino May Management
- Directors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians 1800 N. Vine St., Ste. 354
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Hollywood, CA 90028 323-917-8875
calls. No drop-offs. email:
DEB Talent Management (TMA) website:
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Staff: Dino May (President/Manager/Producer)
email: Represents: Print Models - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
website: Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Debi Kim (Owner/Talent Manager)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Comedians - Hosts & Discover Management
Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - Singers & Musicians - Voiceover 11425 Moorpark St.
Policy: Email only. Interviews by appointment only. All ages. Visit Studio City, CA 91602 818-754-6225
website for additional submission information. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 818-754-6226
Comments: Youth division: Asian-American ages 5+. Adult divi- email:
sion: 20+ with reels only. 40+ new actors accepted. website:
Staff: Debralynn Findon (Manager), Lisa Reed Tucker (Manager),
Debra Manners Talent Karen Fredrichs (Manager), Chad Broskey (Manager), Kathi Bond
4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd., #1087 (Commercial Agent), Yvette Gallegos (Ad Manager), Riley O’Connor
Valley Village, CA 91607 (Ad Manager)
email: Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial
website: Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Staff: Debra Manners (Talent Manager) Policy: Accepted by mail or email only. By email with the subject
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater line, “submission,” include headshot/resume, a small paragraph



california | TALENT MANAGERS

about yourself, and any relevant links. By mail at Attn Submissions, Staff: Richard Burkhart (CEO & President)
include headshot/resume, cover letter, type of representation you’re Represents: Comedians - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors
seeking, vital statistics. List referrals on the front of the envelope. - Music Editors & Producers - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
ment only. No calls.
DMG Entertainment
3431 Wesley St., Ste. E Echo Lake Management
Culver City, CA 90232 310-275-3750 9696 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl.
email: Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-789-4790
website: Fax: 310-789-4791
Staff: Chris Fenton (Partner), Chris Cowles (Partner), Tim Staff: Michael Marcus (Head, Management), Amotz Zakai
Gendron (Manager) (Partner/Literary Management), Graciella Sanchez (Partner/
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors Talent Manager), Brittany Kahan (Partner/Talent Manager), Peter
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No McGrath (Talent Manager), Iris Grossman (Talent Manager), Lauren
calls. No drop-offs. Williams (Talent Manager), Dave Brown (Partner/Literary Manager),
Zadoc Angell (Partner/Literary Manager), James Engle (Literary
Doss Talent Manager), Matthew Horwitz (Literary Manager), Chelsea Benson
Los Angeles, CA 323-863-3677 (Literary Manager), Adam Riback (Literary Manager), Amy Schiffman
email: (Literary Manager)
website: Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film &
Staff: Ashley Lane Doss (Owner/Manager) TV Actors
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
TV Actors calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Submissions accepted by referral, through email or
website. 4 years and older. No calls. No drop-offs. Elevate Entertainment
Comments: Talent management for young artists 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 807
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-634-0748
Douglas Management Group email:
P.O. Box 691763 website:
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-285-6090 Staff: Alex Cole (President/Manager), Jenny Wood (Partner/
Fax: 310-285-6097 Manager), Stephanie Moy (Manager), Raquelle David (Manager/
website: Producer)
Staff: Douglas Urbanski (Manager) Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Theater
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film & Actors - Film & TV Actors
TV Actors Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs. Elkins Entertainment Corporation
Dream Talent Management (TV Academy) 8306 Wilshire Blvd., PMB 3643
P.O. Box 50075 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-932-0400
Studio City, CA 91607 818-543-1512 email:
Fax: 818-244-1642 website:
email: Staff: Sandi Love (President), Ivan Rivas (Manager)
website: Represents: Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Staff: Karla Huff (Co-Owner/Director), Emelie Jimmo (Co-Owner/ Actors - Musical Theater Performers
Manager, Spanish Market), Joshua Revives (DTM Hollywood Manager), Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Kat Gordon (DTM South Manager) ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Comments: Also affiliated with AMPAS.
Specialty Acts - Dancers & Choreographers - Commercial Actors
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers Ellen Meyer Management
- Singers & Musicians 315 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 202
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-385-8100
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 310-385-8108
Comments: Karla Huff sits on the advisory board of the Actor’s Staff: Ellen Meyer (Owner/Manager)
Fund Looking Ahead program. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
DreaMakers, Inc. calls. No drop-offs.
P.O. Box 5359
Crestline, CA 92325 818-292-3090 Emagine Content
9220 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 310 8033 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 580
West Hollywood, CA 90069 Los Angeles, CA 90046 424-253-5621
Fax: 909-338-8560 218-91 Hempstead Ave.


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Queens, NY 11429 424-253-5621 Essential Talent Management
email: 7958 Beverly Blvd.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-469-0900
Staff: Ben Phelps (Founder/Producer), Lucinda Bruce (Senior email:
VP, Producer), Laura McCranie (VP, Manager), Josh Raymond (VP, Staff: Don Spradlin (Manager)
Producer), Bryan Robbins (Producer), Ashley Gold (Manager), Represents: Film & TV Actors
Ron Telford (Manager), Gia Gilliard (Manager), Christie Richards Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
(Manager), Lani West (Manager), Arus Motta (Manager), Alicia calls. No drop-offs.
Williams (Manger), Simmons Zhu (Manager)
Represents: Composers - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Print Exclusive Talent Management (TMA)
Models - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Fashion & Runway 4310 Ventura Cyn. Ave., Ste. 12A
Models - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-995-7707
- Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Singers email:
& Musicians - Fit Models Staff: Terry Luce (Owner)
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
calls. No drop-offs. Artists - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Emerald Talent Group ment only. No drop-offs.
3500 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 300 Comments: Also produces television and feature film projects.
Burbank, CA 91505 818-588-4818
email: Exponential Artists Group
Staff: Faras Rabadi (Owner/Manager) 21900 Burbank Blvd., Ste. 300
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818-992-2910
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Do not attach demo email:
as a file, include link only. Interviews by appointment only. No website:
calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Jennifer Reddeck (Manager)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Voiceover
Endorse Management Group (SAG-AFTRA- Artists - Print Models
TV Academy) Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
9854 National Blvd., #454
Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-614-6545 Farah Films & Management
email: 11640 Mayfield Ave., Ste. 208
Staff: Michael Greenwald (President/Manager), Youssif Kamal Brentwood, CA 90049
(Manager), Jessica Reed (Assistant), Summer Singh (Assistant) email:
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
- Film & TV Actors Staff: Dan Farah (Manager/Producer), Andrew Farah
Policy: Industry referral preferred. Headshot/resume without (Development Executive)
referral must include demo reel and be established talent. No Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Book Authors - Directors
calls. No drop-offs. - Film & TV Actors
Comments: Represents established talent and select develop- Policy: Headshot/resume and query letters by mail or email.
ment with industry referrals. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.

The ESI Network Fast Track Management

5670 Wilshire Blvd., 18th Fl. 736 N. Alta Vista Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036 310-888-1128 Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-857-1201
Fax: 310-888-1127 email:
email: Staff: Bradley R. Bernstein (Manager), Alisandra M. Rand
website: (Manager)
Staff: Nelson Paredez Parks (Manager), Garrett Lindsay Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Film
(Manager), Sydney Cupingood (Assistant) & TV Actors
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Policy: Picture/resume/demo reel by email or mail. Interviews calls. No drop-offs.
by appointment only. No calls.
Comments: Talent managers for over 25 years and very proac- Flutie Entertainment
tive boutique management firm. Seeking talent with a minimum 5171 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 400
of 4-5 co-star credits and at least one guest star role on resume. Los Angeles, CA 90601 310-247-1100
Will develop actors that are needing to get to next level of their 85 Fifth Ave., 12th Fl.
careers with more guest star roles, recurring, and series regular New York, NY 10003
roles. Accepting ages 3 and up and currently seeking any African website:
American, Asian, and Hispanic talent who speak fluent Spanish, Staff: Robert A. Flutie (CEO & President), Shab Azma (Partner),
really short or character types and off beat talent. Danielle Iturbe (Senior Talent Brand Manager), Maryann Flutie (COO
and Head of Business Affairs), Zach Chiprut (Talent Department),



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Joyce Cavitt (Junior Manager), Brooklyn Henderson (Assistant) Comments: Comedy consultant. Professional comedy for cor-
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - TV Writers - porate events.
Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Sports Personalities
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors Gateway Management Co., Inc.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- 860 Via de la Paz, Ste. F-10
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-459-6555
Comments: Talent branding, brand identity, and brand man- Staff: Amy Guenther (Manager)
agement. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Forward Entertainment
1880 Century Park E., #1405 GEF Entertainment
Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-278-6700 611 N. Cherokee Ave.
Staff: Connie Tavel (Partner), Vera Mihailovich (Partner), Adrianne Los Angeles, CA 90004 310-888-1800
Sandoval (Executive Assistant) website:
Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors Staff: Geordie Frey (Manager), Charlie Mosher (Assistant to
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Geordie Frey)
calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Foundation Media Partners only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Valencia, CA
website: Genetic Model Management
Staff: Bill Perlman (Manager), Darci Price (Manager) 1601 N. Gower St.
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-388-8532
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email. Include a link Fax: 310-361-7502
to reel or tape. Do not send tape as an attachment. Interviews by email:
appointment only. No calls. website:
Comments: Represents adults and youth. Staff: Shahin (Director), Sebastian (Talent Scout)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Fourward Policy: See website for specific agent requirements.
10250 Constellation Blvd., Ste. 2710
Los Angeles, CA 90067 424-303-5000 Gilbertson Management
email: 1334 Third St. Promenade, Ste. 207
Staff: Will Ward (Partner), Jon Levin (Film/TV/Literary Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-393-8585
Department), Trent Blacket (Managing Director, Melbourne/San email:
Francisco/Shanghai), Peter Sung (Head of Ventures (NY/Hong Staff: Gordon Gilbertson (Partner), Michael Borden (Manager),
Kong/Seoul)), Lindsay Taylor (Manager) Peter Clarkson (Assistant)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians Represents: Producers - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Film &
Policy: Inquiries by email only. TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Framework Entertainment calls. No drop-offs.
9057 Nemo St., Ste. C
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-858-0333 Gina Stoj Management (TMA-ATAS)
Fax: 310-858-1357 7095 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 737
website: Hollywood, CA 90028 310-564-2894
Staff: Steven Levy (Partner/Manager), Peg Donegan (Partner/ 954 Lexington Ave., # 137
Manager), Maryellen Mulcahy (Manager), Allan Mindel (Producer/ New York, NY 10021
Manager), Jonathan Rakower (Manager), Lexy Alvarez (Manager), 4 Bambara Close
Amalea Chininis (Manager), Kimberly Hines (Manager), Jessica Lambton Gardens, NSW, 2299 +61-2-4957-7771
Rosenthal (Manager, NY) Fax: Skype: Gina Stoj
Represents: Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers. Staff: Gina Stoj (Owner/Manager), Jason Stojanovski (Assistant)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Gail A. Stocker Presents (TV Academy) Policy: New talent must provide a taped audition. See website
1025 N. Kings Rd., Ste. 113 for details.
Los Angeles, CA 90069 323-654-4015 Comments: Sydney Address: 4 Bambara Close, Lambton Gardens,
website: NSW, 2299, Australia,
Staff: Gail A. Stocker (Owner)
Represents: Comedians Golan & Blumberg
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Interview required. Calls 7135 Hollywood Blvd. #910
accepted. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-350-3353


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

email: and Development), Brandon Millan (VP, Corporate Development),
Staff: Marianne Golan (Owner/Manager), Stefani Blumberg Merideth Bajana (Manager, Literary), Zac Frognowski (Manager,
(Owner/Manager) Literary), Josh Glick (Manager, Talent), Fred Berger (Principal),
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Priya Satiani (Manager, Talent), Will Douglas (Manager, Talent),
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Sandra Yee Ling (Manager), David Henning (VP of Unscripted),
Jeremy Platt (Partner, Manager), Ben Rowe (Partner, Manager)
Gold Standard Sports & Ent. (TMA) Represents: Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Film
565 Pier Ave., Ste. 899 & TV Actors
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-709-7630 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Carie Goldberg (Principal and Founder) The Green Room
Represents: Sports Personalities - Broadcast Journalists & 7080 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 1100
Newscasters - Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors - Dancers Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-285-0079
& Choreographers 5 Penn Plaza, 19th Fl.
Policy: By referral only. No unsolicited submissions. New York, NY 10001 212-835-1585
Gorgeous Media Group (TMA-Women In Film) Staff: Alex Czuleger (Founder/Owner, LA, NY), Patrick Havern
9663 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 913 (Partner/Manager, LA), Abby Johnson (Manager, LA), Sherry Kayne
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 323-782-9000 (Manager, NY, LA), Heather Bragg (Manager, LA), Tabitha Minchew
email: (Manager, Appearances & Cons, LA, ATL), Amanda Waldhoff (Junior
website: Manager/Intern Coordinator, LA), Erica Monroe Williams (Manager,
Staff: Versa Manos (CEO) LA), Anita Hawkins (Manager, LA), Lisa Guardado (Manager, LA),
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Playwrights - TV Writers - Carline Herresse (Manager, LA), Andrea Courtney (Manager, LA),
Screenwriters - Directors - Theater Actors - Singers & Musicians Ron Smith (Manager, LA/ATL)
Policy: SAG members submit headshot/resume by email. No Represents: Comedians - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
attachments, include all material in the body of the email. Referrals - Film & TV Actors
preferred. E-cards and e-newsletters accepted. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Headshot/resume by email only.
Comments: Also affiliated with the American Film Institute and
Independent Film. President of the TMA. Haber Entertainment
434 S. Canon Dr., Ste. 204
The Gotham Group, Inc. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-849-8574
1041 N. Formosa Ave. Fax: 866-817-1308
#200, Formosa W. Bldg. email:
West Hollywood, CA 90046 310-285-0001 website:
Fax: 310-285-0077 Credits: The Roloff Family - Antonio Bellatore - Jack Burkman - Don
email: Miguel Ruiz - Coolio - Tone Loc - Dave Ward - JD Roberto - Steven Lee
website: Hall - Kris Miller - Christina Giaquinto - Rania Mankarious - Andrea
Staff: Ellen Goldsmith-Vein (CEO/Manager/Producer), Julie Lance - Janice Dickinson - Chaz Bono - Frank Nicotero - Amy
Kane-Ritsch (Manager/Producer), Lindsay Williams (Manager/ Devers - Brooke Hogan
Producer), Peter McHugh (Manager/Producer), Lee Stollman Staff: Susan Haber (President)
(Manager/Producer), Jeremy Bell (Manager/Producer), Eric Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Speakers &
Robinson (Manager/Producer), Joey Villarreal (Business Affairs), Lecturers - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
Julie Nelson (Accounting) - Magicians - Interactive Game Developers - Producers - Book
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Animation Artists - Authors - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Variety
Producers - Book Authors - Directors Artists & Specialty Acts
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. Interviews
calls. No drop-offs. by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Does not represent actors. Specializes in talent
Grand View Management for unscripted programming that have expertise in their field: law,
578 Washington Blvd., Ste. 688 medicine, carpentry, etc. Packages and sells unscripted projects for
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310-396-2500 TV and the Internet (reality, docu-series, game shows, talk shows,
Staff: Kate Edwards (Owner/Manager) competition shows, and relationship shows).
Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No The Haeggstrom Office
calls. No drop-offs. 433 N. Camden Dr., Ste. 600
Comments: Also affiliated with BAFTA. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-887-1300
Grandview Staff: Anita Haeggstrom (Manager), Doug Robbins (Concert
7122 Beverly Blvd., Ste. F Producer)
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-297-3440 Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Staff: Matthew Rosen (Principal), Jeff Silver (Principal), Brian - Book Authors - Directors - Film & TV Actors
Kavanaugh-Jones (Principal), Chris Goble (Senior VP, TV Production Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No



california | TALENT MANAGERS

calls. No drop-offs. Betancur (CEO), Rachel Miller (Partner/Manager, Literary), Jesse
Hara (Partner/Manager, Literary), Brady McKay (Partner/Manager,
Hardin Bourke Entertainment (NCOPM) Talent), Amy Slomovits (Partner/Manager, Talent), Brendan Bragg
2615 W. Magnolia Blvd., Ste. 106 (Producer/Manager, Literary), Christopher Boyd (Head, Production),
Burbank, CA 91505 818-557-7566 Jennie Church-Cooper (Manager, Literary & Talent), Garrett Greer
Fax: 818-557-7298 (Manager, Literary)
email: Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Book
website: Authors - Directors - Film & TV Actors Policy: No unsolicited materials. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Chris Hardin (Owner/Manager), Brendan Bourke (Owner/ Comments: Also operates as a production company.
Manager), Kayla Koczian (Management Coordinator)
Represents: Music Editors & Producers - Singers & Musicians Heidi Rotbart Management (NCOPM-Equity-
Policy: By email only with links. SAG-AFTRA-TV Academy)
Comments: Boutique artist management company that provides Los Angeles, CA 90094 310-880-7656
a combined 50 years of expertise in the global music and entertain- email:
ment business. Also affiliated with the Music Managers Forum US. website:
Staff: Heidi Rotbart (Owner/President)
Harriet Sternberg Management Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater
4530 Gloria Ave. Actors - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists
Encino, CA 91436 818-906-9600 - Musical Theater Performers
email: Policy: By referral only. Inquiries by email. Aged 10 and older.
Staff: Harriet Sternberg (Manager)
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors Hines & Hunt Entertainment
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No 1213 W. Magnolia Blvd.
calls. No drop-offs. Burbank, CA 91506 818-557-7516
Comments: Not accepting new clients at this time. Also repre- email:
sents celebrity chefs. website:
Staff: Terrance Hines (Manager/Partner), Justine Hunt (Manager/
Harris Management Partner), Deby Barnes (Manager/Junior Partner)
633 W. Fifth St., Ste. 2800 Represents: TV Writers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Theater
Los Angeles, CA 90071 Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
website: ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Earnest Harris (Manager), Dianna Perales Harris (Manager/
Producer) Holmes Entertainment
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Directors 10061 Riverside Dr., #573
- Singers & Musicians - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Toluca Lake, CA 91602
Producers - Sports Personalities - Voiceover Artists email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email or mail. Interviews by appoint- website:
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Lara Holmes (Talent Manager/Owner)
Comments: Represents talent ages 18 and up. Talent must Represents: Film & TV Actors - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors
have TV guest star or noteworthy feature credits to be considered. - Print Models - Comedians - Voiceover Artists - Dancers &
Harris Management also creates, acquires, develops, produces, Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Singers & Musicians
and distributes entertainment products for the big screen, TV, Policy: Email submissions only. No phone calls. No drop-offs.
and DVD markets.
Howard Entertainment
Hassman Tolstonog Entertainment 16530 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 305
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-471-4546 Encino, CA 91436 310-441-2701
email: Fax: 310-441-2705
Staff: Neil Hassman (Partner), Fran Tolstonog (Partner) email:
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater Staff: Scott Howard (Manager/Principal)
Actors - Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Interviews by appointment - Directors - Film & TV Actors
only. No calls. No drop-offs. By request and/or referral only. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs.
Haven Entertainment
8111 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 201 Hughes Capital Entertainment
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-272-3433 22817 Ventura Blvd., #471
Fax: 323-424-3451 Woodland Hills, CA 91364
email: Fax: 818-484-3205
website: email:
Staff: Kevin Mann (Founding Partner/Producer), Mauricio Staff: Patrick Hughes (President/Producer), Karen Rabesa (Sr.


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

VP), Bryan O’Connell (Manager), Bob Cutarella (Music Manager) Represents: Screenwriters - Directors - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
- Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors - Music Editors calls. No drop-offs.
& Producers - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Insight
calls. No drop-offs. 5300 Melrose Ave., Ste. 303
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-992-6598
Immortal Artists email:
8581 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 243 Staff: Matthew Lesher (Manager/Producer), Nicole Cataldo
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-289-0477 (Manager/Producer), Katie Tygielski (Assistant)
email: Represents: Producers - Directors - Commercial Actors - Theater
website: Actors - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Marco Cuadros (Manager) Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Represents: Film & TV Actors calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Interviews by appointment Comments: Also a production company.
only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Inspire Entertainment
Impact Artists Group, LLC 2332 Cotner Ave., Ste. 302
244 N. California St., First Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-445-8700
Burbank, CA 91505 818-558-4040 200 Park Ave. S., Eighth Fl.
Fax: 818-558-4050 New York, NY 10003. 212-604-0100
email: Fax: 310-445-8755
website: email:
Staff: Peter Kluge (Manager/Partner), Terra Weiler (Manager/ Staff: Jason Spire (Manager), Daniel Mancini (Manager), Kanica
Partner), Kaelyn Caretto (Assistant) Suy (Manager)
Represents: Print Models - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Represents: Playwrights - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater
Artists & Specialty Acts - Film & TV Actors Performers
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents all ages. Integrate Entertainment, LLC
5330 Satsuma Ave., Unit 1
Industry Entertainment North Hollywood, CA 91601 202-640-3096
955 S. Carrillo Dr., Third Fl. email:
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-954-9000 website:
Fax: 323-954-9009 Staff: Luke McFarland (President), Leasvy Susan Gonzales (VP)
Staff: Michelle Kittrell (Talent Manager (NY)), Kyle Luker (Talent Represents: Film & TV Actors - Speakers & Lecturers - Print
Manager (NY)), Paul Brown (Talent Manager), Mark Rousso (Talent Models - TV Writers - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports Personalities
Manager), Micah Klatzker (Literary Manager), Matt Kniaz (Talent - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers &
Manager), Sarah Dodge (Literary Manager), Keith Addis (Partner/ Choreographers - Music Editors & Producers - Commercial Actors
Talent Manager), Helena Heyman (Partner/Literary Manager), Andrew - Theater Actors - Promotional & Event Models
Deane (Partner/Literary Manager), Dianne Fraser (Partner/Literary Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email.
Manager), Sara Bottfeld (Partner/Literary Manager), Dan Spilo
(Partner/Talent Manager), Bill Butler (Partner/Talent Manager (NY)), Interlink Management
Tracey Murray (Partner/Literary Manager), Michael Botti (Literary 19528 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 113
Manager), Laura Hersh (Talent Manager), Kim Callahan (Talent Tarzana, CA 91356 818-776-8686
Manager), Stephen Crawford (Literary Manager), Ava Jamshidi Staff: Tracy Samuels (Manager)
(Literary Manager), Adam Levine (Talent Manager), David Lillard Represents: Film & TV Actors
(Talent Manager), Mike Abrams (Talent Manager), Michael Hepburn Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
(Talent Manager), Josh Levy (Literary Manager) only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors
- Film & TV Actors International Artists PR & Talent
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Management
calls. No drop-offs. 3010 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 594
Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-804-8222
Inphenate email:
9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Fl. website:
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-601-7117 Staff: Oliver Carnay (President/Owner)
Fax: 310-601-7110 Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Comedians
website: - Dancers & Choreographers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers &
Staff: Glenn Rigberg (President/Manager), Elizabeth Uhl (Vice Musicians - Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Producers
President) - Voiceover Artists



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Policy: Submissions by email only with a cover letter. No phone website:
calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Jeff Goldberg (Manager/Producer)
Comments: Former TMA member (10 years). International Artists Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
PR & Talent Management is a talent management and publicity Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
marketing firm with a roster of multi-ethnic, strong tv-film-theatre
actors/singers/dancers, and celebrated personalities in the field of Jeff Sussman Management
film, television, music, stage, and concerts. Currently seeking New Los Angeles, CA 818-501-9400
York-based SAG actors (triple-threat, singers, dancers, bilingual or website:
multilingual, a plus), good-looking model/actors, character actors Staff: Jeff Sussman (Manager), Chandra Keyes (Manager)
(any ethnicity/age); Bilingual Chinese, Hispanic, Middle-Eastern Represents: Comedians
North African (MENA). Additional offices in New York, Florida, Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
ATL, Canada, and U.K. calls. No drop-offs.

J.C. Robbins Management JEP Entertainment Group, Inc.

865 S. Sherbourne Dr. 2083 Booth St.
Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-734-7914 Simi Valley, CA 93065 818-363-9153
email: Fax: 818-337-0471
website: email:
Staff: J.C. Robbins (President/Owner) website:
Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & Staff: Jorge Pinos (Agent), Judy Pinos (Accounting)
TV Actors Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment & Musicians
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Policy: Inquiries by mail only.
Comments: Seeking established talent only. Represents talent
ages 16 and up. Joanne Horowitz Management
1621 N. Doheny Dr.
JAG Talent Management (TMA) Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-271-0719
12079 Hoffman St. Fax: 310-271-2625
Studio City, CA 91604 Staff: Joanne Horowitz (President), Gunder Kehoe (Manager/
email: Associate), Mariah Dillard (Executive Assistant) Represents: Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Staff: Jeff Gorski (Owner/Manager) calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Directors - Singers & Musicians -
Print Models - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Joel Stevens Entertainment Company
- Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial (TMA)
Actors - Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Fit Models Los Angeles, CA 818-787-5700
Policy: Submissions and referrals by email only to submissions email:
email. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Staff: Joel Stevens (Chairman/CEO), Matt Clifton (Office Manager/
Jane Bloom & Associates Assistant)
77694 Calle Las Brisas N. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Palm Desert, CA 92211 760-200-1199
email: John Carrabino Management
Staff: Jane Bloom (Manager) 5900 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 740
Represents: Film & TV Actors Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-857-4650
Policy: Union only. Headshot/resume by mail only. No calls. Fax: 323-857-4659
No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Established actors only with major credits. Staff: John Carrabino (Manager), Gladys Gonzalez (Manager),
Reena Patton (Manager)
Jeff Gitlin Entertainment Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
1925 Century Park E., Ste. 620 Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310–428–8913 calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Jeff Gitlin (Manager)
Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors John Crosby Management
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment 1357 N. Spaulding Ave.
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-874-2400
Fax: 323-874-2500
Jeff Goldberg Management Staff: John Crosby (Manager/Owner), Patrick O’Brien (Literary
817 Monte Leon Dr. Manager)
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Represents: Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

calls. No drop-offs. Ortsheid (Assistant)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors
Jophiel Management Policy: Submissions by email only. No phone calls.
24355 Creekside Rd., 801594 Comments: Established in 1990.
Valencia, CA 91380 310-402-8014
email: 5737 Kanan Rd., #203
website: Agoura Hills, CA 91301 818-337-9772
Staff: Cheri Wells (Partner (All Ages)) email:
Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Broadcast
Journalists & Newscasters - Fashion & Runway Models - Sports website:
Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Dancers Credits: Grey’s Anatomy - NCIS - No Good Nick - Transparent -
& Choreographers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Transparent- The Movie - THE OA - UBER Eats - APPLE - COSENTYX
Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Singers & Musicians - Fit Models - McDonald’s - Frontier Fios - Blue Shield/Blue Cross - Criminal Minds
Policy: Resume, 2 photos, and reel/link of work to info@jophiel- - Modern Family - Westworld - Fear the Walking Dead - Shameless - email only. Also include the name of your agency. So You Think You Can Dance - American Idol - The Middle - Sons of
No calls. No drop-offs. Anarchy - Community - Perception - New Girl - Boston Legal - Ray
Donovan - Rules Of Engagement - Sam & Cat - That’s So Raven - Lost
Judy O Productions - Star Trek Voyager - Criminal Minds - CSI: LA - CSI: MIAMI - Veronica
6136 Glen Holly St. Mars - General Hospital - Hannah Montana - X-Factor - Days Of Our
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-462-7411 Lives - Seinfeld - Flashpoint - Hill Street Blues - Everybody Hates
website: Chris - Less Than Kind - The Bold And The Beautiful - The Doctors
Staff: Judy Orbach (Owner/Manager/Producer) - NFL Rush - Transformers 3 - Avalanche Sharks - Saw VI - My Name
Represents: Film & TV Actors Is Khan - Veronica Mars (2014 Film) - The Equalizer - Beethoven
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No - Kick Ass - Keyhole - The Little Rascals, - Kick Ass 2 - Ending
calls. No drop-offs. Up - Doritos - AT&T - Burger King - Toys R Us - Fuzzoodles - Disney
Comments: Not accepting new clients at this time. Cars - Keds - Purina Puppy Chow - Gerbers - K-Mart - Kwikset - Party
City - Whac A Mole
Juliet Green Management Staff: JoAnn Kepler (Managing Partner), Allen Kepler (Managing
9025 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. PH Partner)
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-277-9090 Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Singers &
Staff: Juliet Green (Owner/Manager) Musicians - Commercial Actors
Represents: Screenwriters - Film & TV Actors Policy: Submissions by email only.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited headshot/resume Comments: Kepler Entertainment, LLC is a talent manage-
submissions. Accepts query letters. No calls. No drop-offs. ment and consulting firm. Working with performance artists on
every level to assist in developing and maintaining their careers,
Justice & Ponder, Inc. including procuring agents when applicable. Approach is to work
P.O. Box 480033 side-by-side with the artist on all aspects of their career. Over 25
Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-850-2344 years in the entertainment business.
email: Kerner Management Associates
website: (KMA)
Staff: Todd Justice (CEO, Manager), Rodney Ponder (CFO, 311 N. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 288
Manager) Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-658-9180
Represents: Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Headshot/resume accepted by email. Staff: Richard Kerner (Owner/Manager/Producer)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Kaplan/Perrone Entertainment, Inc Actors
9171 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 400 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-285-0116 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Sean Perrone (Manager), Aaron Kaplan (Manager),
Alex Lerner (Manager), Josh Goldenberg (Manager), Tobin Babst Kersey Management
(Manager), Lindsay Perraud (Manager), Hannah Ozer (Manager), 7162 Beverly Blvd., #332
Michael Wilson (Manager), Cassie Duffy (Manager), Ben Neumann Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-850-8818
(Manager) email:
Represents: Screenwriters - Directors Staff: Andrew Kersey (Literary Manager)
Policy: Submit materials by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors
Policy: No unsolicited materials.
Karen Renna & Associates
Burbank, CA 91503 Kevin’s Entertainment (TMA)
email: 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 1100
Staff: Karen Renna (Manager), Lisa Collins (Manager), Kendra Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-820-8887



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Fax: 310-820-8889 LA Management
email: 154 S. Victory Blvd.
website: Burbank, CA 91502 818-230-2037
Staff: Hayato K. Mitsuishi (President/CEO) email:
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Staff: Anthony Topman (CEO), Trisanne Marin (Senior Talent
Comments: Company’s mission is to enhance the mutual under- Manager), Constance Tillotson (Manager, Youth & Teen), Addison
standing and relationship between Japan and the world through Witt (Manager. Adult Department), Carly Carapella (Assistant
entertainment. Specializes in international entertainment business. to Managers)
Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors
Kings Highway Entertainment Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or through website. Interviews
14538 Benefit St., Ste. 103 by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-981-2611
Staff: Barbara Price (Manager/Producer) Landis-Simon Productions & Talent
Represents: Film & TV Actors Management (SAG-AFTRA)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Industry referrals only. No 128 N. Swall Dr., 301
calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90048 213-215-2534
Kjar & Associates Staff: Judy Landis (President/Owner)
10153-12 Riverside Dr., Ste. 255 Represents: Film & TV Actors
Toluca Lake, CA 91602 818-760-0321 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
Staff: Brandon Kjar (TV/Film/Equity/Literary Manager), Victoria ment only. Calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Fisher (Partner/Manager), Christine James (Associate, Children’s Comments: In business since 1992. Represents kids, teens, young
Department & Commercials), Trevor Nystrom (Assistant) adults, and musical theater for all ages. Photos, with the photogra-
Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - TV Writers - pher chosen by the agency, may be required for prospective talent.
Screenwriters - Directors - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
- Singers & Musicians Lane Management Group
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment 3815 Ventura Canyon Ave.
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-200-3123
Fax: 818-475-5000
Knight Light Entertainment email:
10061 Riverside Dr., Ste. 710 website:
Toluca Lake, CA 91602 310-343-5553 Staff: Sharon Lane (Manager)
email: Represents: Film & TV Actors
Staff: Lori Noelker Knight (Owner/Manager) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Voiceover Artists - Singers & ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment Lang Talent
only. No calls. No drop-offs. 621 Via Colinas
Westlake Village, CA 91362 805-379-1371
KTA Talent Management Group (TMA) Fax: 818-478-9656
Los Angeles, CA 424-666-9606 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: De Lang King (Theatrical/Commercial), Ed Gorlitz
Staff: Kimberly Taylor (Manager) (Theatrical/Commercial)
Represents: Print Models - Film & TV Actors Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Voiceover
Policy: Apply through website and fill out the representation Artists - Print Models
form. Do not email or call regarding your submission. Company Policy: Headshot/resume by email (include reel if applicable)
will make contact if interested. or by mail. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents all ages.
Kyle Fritz Management
6325 Heather Dr. Lara Rosenstock Management, LLC
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-461-5800 813 Westbourne Dr., Ste. 8
Fax: 323-461-5808 West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-613-1078
email: email:
website: Staff: Lara Rosenstock (President)
Staff: Kyle Fritz (President), Joshua Steffes (Executive Assistant) Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors
Represents: Film & TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No only. No calls. No drop-offs.
calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents all ages. Laugh Factory Management
8001 Sunset Blvd.


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-848-2800 Staff: Memo Macalpin (Manager)
323-656-1336 Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 323-656-2563 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only, industry referral preferred.
website: Interviews by appointment only.
Staff: Jamie Masada (Founder/CEO), Mika Hamada-Ano (General Comments: Also represents new media talent with a specialty
Manager) in brand partnerships.
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Hosts
& Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Leslie Allan-Rice Management
Acts - Film & TV Actors 10100 Santa Monica Bvld., Ste. 346
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-247-1234
calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Leslie Allan-Rice (Manager), Sarah Rasmusson (Associate)
Represents: Film & TV Actors
Lawrence International Corporation Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
8981 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 312 only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-246-1727 Comments: Represents talent ages 10 and up.
Staff: Stan Lawrence (President/CEO), Tina Farris (Associate),
Mike Flood (Associate) Leverage Management
Represents: Comedians - Hosts & Spokespersons - Variety 3030 Pennsylvania Ave.
Artists & Specialty Acts - Singers & Musicians Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-526-0320
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Fax: 310-526-0321
calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Stephen Levinson (Owner/Manager), Michael Garnett
(Manager), Sarah Lum (Manager)
Lemack & Company Talent Represents: Screenwriters - Book Authors - Directors - Film
Management (AGVA-SAG-AFTRA-ATAS) & TV Actors
2275 Huntington Dr., Ste. 552 Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
San Marino, CA 91108 310-659-6300 calls. No drop-offs.
website: Levity Live
Credits: Betsy Mitchell - Eddie Albert - American Academy of 6701 Center Dr. W., Ste. 300
Dramatic Arts - Army Archerd - Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-417-4800
- Laura Bryan Birn - Susan Brown - Kerem Bursin - C.C.A.P. (Classic Fax: 310-410-1542
& Contemporary American Plays) - Center Theatre Group (Costume email:
Shop) - Joe Cisternelli - Concern Foundation for Cancer Research - website:
Jennifer Del Rosario - Andrea Evans - Bonnie Franklin - John Gabriel Staff: Judi Brown-Marmel (Partner/Manager), Robert Hartmann
- Galaxy Communications Corporation - Beverly Garland - Beverly (CEO), Stu Schreiberg (COO), Erin Von Schonfeldt (Executive VP,
Garland Hotels - Susie Garrett - Mara Getz - Marla Gibbs - Elliott Talent), John Bravakis (Partner), Steven Kroopnick (Executive VP,
Gould - David Graf - H2 Productions - Alaina Reed Hall - Kevin Peter Production), Reg Tigerman (Manager), Alex Goodman (Manager),
Hall - Sherman Hemsley - Basil Hoffman - Ingenuity Press USA - Jewish Nikki Fife (Manager), Yasmin F. Karimi (Director of Business &
Big Brothers of Los Angeles - ITB Cine Group - Regina King - Mike Legal), Stephanie Nese (Manager), Stephen Gordon Walker (Project
Korich - Kwanza Foundation - L.A. Design Company - Liberace - Lucas Manager), Rachel Williams (Manager), Eugene Young (CCO)
Theatre for the Arts - Olivia Mackenzie-Smith - Kelly Mantle - March Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Film
of Dime Birth Defects Foundation - Helen Martin - Ted McGinley - & TV Actors
Howard Morton - Amy Linker - NRaca - Betsy Palmer - Henry Polic Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
II - Eric Rollins - Greg Roman - Charles Randolph-Wright - RerunIt. calls. No drop-offs.
com - Rodeo Drive Block Party - Pamela Roylance - Isabel Sanford Comments: Formerly known as Levity Entertainment Group.
- Score Entertainment Group - Lancer Dean Shull - Shannon Shull Includes Triage Entertainment, Levity Management, Improv,
- Matthew Solari - Ernest Thomas - Russell Todd - Village People Molotov/E-Comic Branding.
- Virtual Channel Network - Gedde Watanabe - Harry Waters, Jr. -
Weezy Productions, Inc. - Matthew Ian Welch - Ned Wertimer - Hal LG Management (TMA)
Williams - George Wyner Sherman Oaks, CA 818-290-3190
Staff: Brad Lemack (President/CEO) email:
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Staff: Larry Goodman (Manager), Nicole Seymour (Manager)
Policy: Submissions from actors seeking management representa- Represents: Film & TV Actors
tion can be made either by email (to Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
or by U.S. mail to the office postal mailing address. Be sure to write
“Seeking Management” on the front of the envelope. Lighthouse Entertainment
9229 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 630
Lemon Oak Tree West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-246-0499
4109 Effie St. 9220 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90029 323-920-5510 West Hollywood, CA 90069
email: Fax: 310-246-0899
website: email:



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Staff: Steven Siebert (Personal Manager/Producer) Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film &
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Directors - Screenwriters - TV TV Actors
Writers Policy: No unsolicited materials.
Policy: Industry referral only. Comments: Also operates as a production company.
Comments: Looking for established talent only.
Lovett Management
Linda Reitman Management (TMA) Los Angeles, CA 310-451-2536
P.O. Box 7763 Staff: Steve Lovett (President), Jason Kim (Manager)
Van Nuys, CA 91409 818-778-6940 Represents: Film & TV Actors
Staff: Linda Reitman (Manager) Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Represents: Playwrights - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors calls. No drop-offs.
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts postcards and Luber Roklin Entertainment (AFM-DGA)
invitations. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. 5815 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 206
Los Angeles, CA 90028 310-289-1088
Link Entertainment Fax: 310-289-1288
11872 La Grange Ave., First Fl. Staff: Matt Luber (Co-Head), Lena Roklin (Co-Head), Larry
Los Angeles, CA 90025 424-208-7300 Schapiro (CFO), Katie Mason (Manager), Greg Wapnick (Manager),
Fax: 424-208-7301 Mara Santino (Manager), Tim Taylor (Manager), Danielle Lenniger
Staff: Andy Coleman (Manager), Brian Wilkins (Partner), Ben (Manager), Margot Menzel (Manager)
Levine (Partner), Erik Kritzer (Partner), Adam Griffin (Partner), Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Michael Nilon (Partner), Ryan Bundra (VP, Production), Lisa Wright - Directors - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Film & TV Actors -
(Manager), Matt Shelton (Manager), Samir Karar (Manager), Sean Singers & Musicians
Fay (Manager), David Katsman (Manager) Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers calls. No drop-offs.
- Sports Personalities - Directors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No LVL UP MANAGEMENT
calls. No drop-offs. 1601 Vine St.
Los Angeles, CA 90028 424-389-8898
LoLo Entertainment Co. email:
12021 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 365 website:
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-476-0476 Staff: Mia Cho (Owner/Manager)
Staff: LoEtte Loshak (Manager/Producer) Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
- Directors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians Policy: Inquiries by email. No drop-offs.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Lymberopoulos, Inc.
P.O. Box 803205
Looknow Management Los Angeles, CA 91380 661-297-8000
Los Angeles, CA 512-589-4989 email:
email: Staff: Kathy Lymberopoulos (President/Manager)
Credits: Chris Hahn - Romaine Royet - Dan Renalds - Caiden Represents: Film & TV Actors - Comedians - Broadcast Journalists
Vaughn (Get Out) - Gabe Aronson - Zara Majidpour & Newscasters - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons -
Staff: Carlos A. Samudio (Executive Talent Manager), Kyle Frels- Voiceover Artists
Henry (Co-Manager), Adrian Van DerValk (Talent Submissions), Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only. Industry
Trisha Davison (Executive Assistant) referral preferred. Interviews by appointment only. No-calls.
Represents: Comedians - Fashion & Runway Models - Commercial Comments: Also represents children and young adults.
Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. L’il Angels Unlimited
P.O. Box 2788
Lotus Management Toluca Lake, CA 91610 818-478-1833
1875 Century Park E., Ste. 2150 914-969-3051
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-836-2000 email:
9701 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 800 website:
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-623-4585 Credits: Film: - Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension - The
website: Veil - A Mother’s Ordeal - Believe - 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers
Staff: Lenny Beckerman (Producer/Head, Management), Bill of Benghazi - Funhouse Massacre - Boy Choir - Camp Takota - TV:
Johnson (Co-Founder, Lotus Entertainment), Jim Seibel (Co-Founder, - Blacklist - Blue Bloods - House of Cards - Gotham - Luke Cage -
Lotus Entertainment), Steve Glick (Producer/Manager), Daniel Master of None - Orange is the New Black - Theater: - Kinky Boots
Brandt (Manager), Marc Rosen (Manager/Producer), Jack Sheehan - School of Rock - Newsies - Matilda - The Lion King - Annie - King
(Vice President Sales & Acquisitions), Jeremie Guiraud (Director, and I - Les Miserables
Production & Business Development) Staff: Jackie Reid (Owner/Manager), Michael Reid (Manager),


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Steve Ronaldson (Coordinator of Communications and Operations), Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-272-7000
Douglas Ankele (Business Manager) Staff: Suzan Bymel (Partner), Guymon Casady (Partner), Eric
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Theater Kranzler (Partner), Evelyn O’Neill (Partner), Daniel Rappaport
Actors - Musical Theater Performers - Voiceover Artists - Hosts & (Partner), David Seltzer (Partner), William Choi (Partner), Darin
Spokespersons - Fashion & Runway Models Friedman (Partner), Nicole King (Partner), Gabriel Cohen (Partner),
Policy: Headshots/resumes by email only. Interviews by appoint- Chris Huvane (Partner), Eryn Brown (Partner), Justin Grey Stone
ment only. No calls. (Partner), Lainie Sorkin Becky (Partner), Charlie Gavshon (Manager),
Comments: Bi-Coastal: N.Y. & L.A. Over 25 years of service. Ben Forkner (Production Executive), Jill McElroy (Manager),
Works strictly on commission. Dean Schnider (Manager), Clifford Murray (Manager), Ambrosia
Harwood (Accounting/Human Resources Manager), Adam Marshall
M.P. Management (Manager), Evan Silverberg (Manager), Kelli Alick (Manager), Sam
11037 Warner Ave., #299 Grey (Manager), Jason Ellis (Manager), Ryan Tunick (Manager),
Fountain Valley, CA 92708 714-965-6771 Melissa Breaux (Manager), Geoff Shaevitz (Manager), Courtney
email: Tunney (Manager)
Staff: Marlene Peroutka (President and CFO), Carrie Cline (CEO), Represents: Screenwriters - Directors - Film & TV Actors
Kerry Lynne (Head of Youth Division), Dale Johnnie (Head of Dance Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
and Music Division), Ryan Evans (Manager), Seri Cass (Associate
Manager) Management Montage
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Musical Theater 303 Broadway, Ste. 104-32
Performers - Commercial Actors - Dancers & Choreographers - Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Voiceover Artists - Singers & Musicians - Print Models - Variety Moorpark, CA
Artists & Specialty Acts website:
Policy: Industry referrals only. Mailed submissions preferred. Staff: Kirsten Solem Germaine (Manager/Owner), Lysa Schuyler
Emailed submissions must contain no attachments. No other (Manager/Owner (Moorpark Office))
submissions will be considered. No drop-offs. Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Voiceover
Comments: Additional offices in Philadelphia, New York, and Artists - Hosts & Spokespersons
Toronto. Marlene Peroutka is currently in development with two Policy: Submit headshot/resume by mail or by email on the
television pilots. Works with ages 0–18. website.
Comments: Adults must be union or union eligible; kids may
Magnolia Entertainment be union or nonunion.
9595 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 601
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-247-0450 Management Production
Fax: 310-247-0451 Entertainment
Staff: Shelley Browning (President/CEO/Talent and Literary 9229 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 301
Manager), Stephanie Comer (Talent Manager), Ari Zudkewich Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-858-2989
(Literary Manager), Jared Ceizler (Talent Manager) Fax: 310-858-1841
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film & email:
TV Actors website:
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Staff: Oren Segal (Manager), Andrei Molchanov (Assistant)
calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Screenwriters - Directors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Main Title Entertainment calls. No drop-offs.
9701 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1111
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 424-355-0333 Managing Artistic Concepts
Staff: Tracy Steinsapir (Partner), Stewart Strunk (Partner), Nikki 645 W. Ninth St., Stes. 110-191
Griffin (Manager), Jon Giardiello (Coordinator) Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-514-0200
Represents: Film & TV Actors email:
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment website:
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Robert Tisdale (CEO), Sheri Marcus (Executive Vice
Management 101 Represents: Print Models - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
11271 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 102 - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Music Editors & Producers - Film &
Studio City, CA 91604 818-761-5200 TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Fax: 818-465-5378 Policy: Accepted in writing or by email only. No phone calls.
Staff: Frederick Levy (Manager/Producer) By referral only.
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters Comments: Also produces.
- Producers - Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors -
Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians The Marcelli Company (PGA-ATAS-NCOPM)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. 11333 Moorpark St., Ste. 411
Studio City, CA 91602 818-590-5333
Management 360 email:
9111 Wilshire Blvd. Staff: Rick Marcelli (Manager/Producer), Robin Bragg Marcelli



california | TALENT MANAGERS

(Manager) Alan Mills (Manager)
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - Film Represents: Playwrights - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters
& TV Actors - Music Editors & Producers - Dancers & Choreographers - Producers - Directors - Film & TV Actors
- Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Directors - Producers - Animation Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Artists - Magicians - TV Writers - Cinematographers - Comedians - only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Speakers & Lecturers - Composers Comments: Must have TV guest star or noteworthy feature
Policy: Accepted by email only. credits to be considered.
Comments: Affiliated with PGA, ATAS, and NCOPM. Also operates
as a production company. Marv Dauer Management
2236 The Terrace
Margrit Polak Management Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-739-5574
1920 Hillhurst Ave., Ste. 405 Staff: Marv Dauer (Owner/Personal Manager)
Los Angeles, CA 90027 213-482-0777 Represents: Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
Staff: Margrit Polak (Manager), Micki Caruso (Manager) ment only. No calls.
Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- Maxwell Garafolo Management
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. 135 E Olive Ave., #4229
Burbank, CA 91503 818-561-4680
Marilyn Atlas Management Staff: Dana Maxwell (Partner/Manager), Veronica Garafolo
132 S. Lasky Dr., Second Fl. (Partner/Manager)
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-278-5047 Represents: Film & TV Actors
Fax: 310-278-5289 Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. Interviews by
Credits: The Choking Game Lifetime MFT - Real Women Have appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Curves - Echoes - A Certain Desire Comments: Maxwell Garafolo Management is a talent manage-
Staff: Marilyn R. Atlas (Owner/President), S. Rosenthal (Literary), ment company based in Burbank CA, representing Film/TV actors.
Elizabeth Lopez (VP, Literary)
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons MC Talent Management
- Directors - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors 4821 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. F329
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. Attends North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-487-8781
showcases. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Small client list. Seeking established talent only, website:
must have current credits. Credits: Kevin McHale
Staff: Jamie Malone (Owner/Talent Manager), Marcia Roth (Talent
Mark Robert Management (NCOPM-TMA- Manager), Eddie Winkler (Manager), Liz Wyckoff (Manager), Melissa
ATAS) Ladiona (Public Relations)
10153 12 Riverside Dr., #658 Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Toluca Lake, CA 91602 747-214-7909 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
email: only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Mark Robert (Manager), Kit McLean (Manager) Comments: Represents talent ages 6 and up.
Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Calls accepted. No McGowan-Rodriguez
drop-offs. No visits. 170 S. Beverly Dr., #304
Comments: Represents kids, teens, and young adults 10-18. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-289-9157
Child Performer Service Permit. Director-at-Large for TMA board. Fax: 310-289-0765
Staff: Bob McGowan (Manager), Steve Rodriguez (Manager)
Marsh Entertainment Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
12444 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 203 TV Actors
Studio City, CA 91604 818-509-1135 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Staff: Sherry Marsh (President), Ashley Smith (Creative only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Executive), Josie Abdella (Executive Assistant)
Represents: Film & TV Actors McKeon/Myones Management
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No 3500 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 710
calls. No drop-offs. Burbank, CA 91505 818-953-7888
Staff: Mel McKeon (Partner), Laura Myones (Partner), Matt
The Marshak/Zachary Company Nelson (Manager), Kyle Dean (Manager), Eliseo Ruiz (Manager)
8840 Wilshire Blvd., Second Fl. Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-358-9500 Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 310-358-9532
email: More/Medavoy Management
Staff: Darryl Marshak (Manager/Producer/Partner), Susan 1800 Century Park E.
Zachary (Manager/Producer/Partner), Lauren Kaplan (Manager), 10th Fl., Ste. 1000


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Los Angeles, CA 90067 424-298-2302 MGMT. Entertainment
310-499-2866 9220 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 106
Fax: 424-298-2588 West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-558-2540
email: Fax: 310-558-2558
website: email:
Staff: Brian Medavoy (Partner/ Manager), Erwin More (Partner/ Staff: David Schiff (Founder/Partner/Talent Manager/Producer),
Manager), Stephen Belden (Manager), Eric Schulman (Assistant) Adam Isaacs (Talent Manager), Michael Diamond (Literary Manager),
Represents: Film & TV Actors Ken Stovitz (Talent/Literary Manager), Mark Morikawa (Talent
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Manager), Warren Binder (Talent Manager), Courtney Kivowitz
(Talent Manager/Partner), Christian Donatelli (Talent Manager/
Media Four Partner), Kristin Konig (Talent Manager), Cora Olson (Talent/
10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 2300 Literary Manager), Dianne McGunigle (Talent/Literary Manager)
Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-712-6470 Represents: TV Writers - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 310-201-5072 - Singers & Musicians
Staff: Steve Sauer (President/CEO), Jane McKnight (Manager) Policy: No unsolicited materials accepted.
Represents: Composers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors
- Film & TV Actors The Michael Abrams Group (TMA)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Ste. 1100
Comments: Not accepting new clients at this time. Century City, CA 90067 3210-498-6629
MEG Management (Miller website:
Entertainment Group) (AFM) Staff: Michael Abrams (Manager)
15303 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 900 Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 323-932-6500 Policy: Open to submissions, but highly selective. Accepts mailed
Fax: 323-932-6599 submissions only. Accepts calls and drop-offs.
email: Comments: The Michael Abrams Group represents a select
Staff: Lawrence Miller (President), Bill Goldberg (VP), D. White group of credited, established actors. And will consider career
(Manager) development of young adults and teens (13–25 years old) that are
Represents: Comedians - Magicians - Screenwriters - Producers up and coming and well trained.
- Directors - Music Editors & Producers - Film & TV Actors - Singers
& Musicians Michael Black Management, Inc. (TMA)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Fl.
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-651-3081
Comments: Currently seeking fresh talent under 30 years old,
as well as very established artists. Small client base. email:
Staff: Michael Black (Owner), Alexa Pagonas (Manager), James
Melissa Prophet Management Oxyer (Assistant)
4321 Matilija Ave., Ste. 21 Represents: Directors - Film & TV Actors
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 310-486-8229 Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
email: calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Melissa Prophet (CEO/Manager)
Represents: Film & TV Actors The Michael Bruno Group Los
Policy: No unsolicited material. No walk-ins. Angeles
13576 Cheltenham Dr.
Meridian Talent Management (TMA) Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-905-6168
3943 Veselich Ave., #171 Fax: 818-905-6169
Los Angeles, CA 90039 310-365-1344 email:
email: website:
Staff: Joseph Ruggieri (Manager) Staff: Michael Bruno (President)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Accepted by email only. Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Messina Baker Entertainment Comments: Specializes in and seeking model-type soap opera
Corporation talent. Represents actors on nighttime series as well. Currently
8033 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1080 looking for Canadian talent based in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-954-8600
Credits: Clients: - Tim Allen Michael Forman Management
Staff: Rick Messina (Manager), Richard Baker (Manager) P.O. Box 3981
Represents: Comedians Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-650-4144
Policy: Not accepting new clients at this time. email:
Staff: Michael J. Forman (Manager/Producer)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Comedians - TV



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Writers - Screenwriters - Book Authors - Directors Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Call before sending any calls. No drop-offs.
literary submissions. Interviews by appointment only. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also produces film and television. Monroe Talent Management Inc. (TMA-TV
Michael Wallach Management 31566 Railroad Canyon Rd., Ste. 2, #580
908 Granville Ave., Ste. 300 Canyon Lake, CA 92587 323-983-1375
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-820-9929 email:
email: website:
Staff: Michael J. Wallach (Manager) Staff: Victoria Mojica Monroe (CEO/Talent Manager)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Broadcast Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Hosts
Journalists & Newscasters - Producers - Book Authors - Fashion & & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers
Runway Models - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical
Dancers & Choreographers Theater Performers - Fit Models
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Do not attach files, include Policy: Submit through website or via UPS. All ages. No calls.
link only. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents casting directors. Represents all Comments: Victoria Mojica Monroe has over twenty years of
ages. experience in the entertainment industry. Her main mission is to
place her talent with the right agencies. Developing relationships
Midwest Talent Management, Inc. with her talent through trust, integrity, and disciplined work ethic
(TMA-ATAS) ensures the groundwork for a successful career in the entertain-
4821 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. F149 ment industry. CurrentlyFirst Vice President of the Talent Managers
North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-765-3785 Organization, member of the Television Academy and Hollywood
Fax: 818-484-3500 Radio & Television Society. Her clients have been seen on televisions
email: shows such as Modern Family, Insecure, Little Fires Everywhere,
website: The Purge, Truth Be Told, Mom, Marvel’s Runaways, SWAT, Brooklyn
Staff: Betty McCormick (President/Manager), Andy Rooney Nine-Nine, Ray Donovan, and Teachers. Feature Films include Vice,
(Manager), Mireille Wilson (Manager), Didi Mullins (Manager), Barbara The Con is On, and Take Point. Her stage actors credits include,
Milton (Manager), Judith Moose (Manager/In-House Publicist), Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer
Linda Winters (Manager) National Tour, Bluest Eyes and Pang.”
Represents: Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Print Models - Hosts
& Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors Monster Talent Management, Inc.
Policy: Headshot/resume/links through website. Interviews by 6333 W. Third St., Ste. 912
appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-965-9696
Comments: Works both the East and West Coast. Strives to website:
help actors do what they’re trained to do, act through guidance Staff: Robert Noll (President), Jessie Greene (Manager/Executive)
and encouragement. Works hard to ensure clients are seen by Represents: Film & TV Actors
industry professionals. Policy: Submissions through website.

MKSD Talent Management Mosaic

324 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 986 407 N. Maple Dr., Ste. 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 424-832-3272 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-786-4900
email: Staff: Jimmy Miller (Partner/Manager), Sam Hansen (President,
website: TV Production), Josh Rudnick (Manager), Paul Nelson (Manager),
Staff: Jeff Mitchell (Owner), Elise Koseff (VP/Manager), Anna Michael Lasker (Manager), Molly Mandel (Manager), Emily Rose
Fondiller (Assistant Manager) (Manager), Dawn Saltzman (Manager), Ashley Josephson (Manager),
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Anne Hong (Manager), Matt Riley (Production Executive), Peter
Actors - Musical Theater Performers Kousakis (Manager), Olivia Doud (Manager), Lisa Mierke (Manager),
Policy: Headshot/resume/website by email only. Interviews by Anjona Ghosh (Assistant to Jimmy Miller), Tiffany Kuzon (Manager),
appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Cullen Conly (Manager), Aubrey Morgan (Manager), Drew Shenfield
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers.MKS&D is (Manager), John Tynan (Manager), Jeremy Berney (Manager), Chelsea
a talent management firm with offices in Beverly Hills and New York Connors (Manager), Tovah Silbermann (Manager)
City. Representing actors and creative talent in the fields of motion Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
pictures, TV, and theater. With over three decades of experience in - Directors - Film & TV Actors
the entertainment industry, MKS&D is dedicated to achieving both Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
the professional and personal goals of clients. calls. No drop-offs.

Momentum Talent Management Myrna Lieberman Management (TMA)

13935 Burbank Blvd., Ste. 102 3001 Hollyridge Dr.
Valley Glen, CA 91401 818-789-2033 Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-463-8092
Staff: Lisa Evan Blumenthal (Owner/Manager) Fax: 323-469-2510
Represents: Film & TV Actors email:


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Staff: Myrna Lieberman (Owner/Manager) of expertise and goals to accomplish.
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & Comments: Specializes in managing chefs, cooks, authors,
TV Actors lifestyle gurus, and interior stylists. Current talent includes Mark
Policy: Union and nonunion. Headshot/resume by email or mail. Leslie (Food Network Star Finalist).
Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents talent ages 6–18. Seeking character-type Omnipop Talent Group
kids and ethnic talent. 4605 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 201
Toluca Lake, CA 91602 818-980-9267
The Nacelle Company Fax: 818-980-9371
2660 W. Olive Ave. website:
Burbank, CA 91505 818-295-5000 Staff: Bruce Smith (President, West Coast), Zack Freedman
Fax: 818-295-5099 (VP, Comedy), Jess Guinivan (Press Inquiries), Katherine Swope
email: (Director of Comedy)
website: Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Staff: Brian Volk-Weiss (CEO), Michael Pelmont (Executive VP - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors
& Co-Head Literary, Scripted Development and Packaging), Matt Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Ochacher (Co-Head Literary, Scripted Development and Packaging), Comments: See also listing under New York Managers.
Kieran Dotti (COO), Cisco Henson (President, Production), Gar Tate
(Executive Assistant, Management), Rachel Ungashick (Director Omnium Entertainment Group
of Development) LA Center Studios,
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers 1201 W. Fifth St., Ste. F180
- Book Authors - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Los Angeles, CA 90017 323-462-0444
Directors - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors 444 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 108
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Los Angeles, CA 90004
calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 323-462-0444
Nous Model Management website:
117 N. Robertson Blvd. Staff: Albert Giannelli (Owner/Manager), J.C. (Manager, Print
Los Angeles, CA 90048 310-385-6900 and Nonunion Commercial Division)
Fax: 310-385-6910 Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
email: Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
website: only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Kenya Knight (Owner)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models Ovation Management
Policy: Females 14-25 years old. 5’7-5’11 can submit photos/ 12028 National Blvd.
snap-shots with contact information through website. Open calls Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-489-7772
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3-4 P.M, bring snap-shots. Staff: Tony Chargin (Manager)
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film &
Odenkirk Provissiero Entertainment TV Actors
1936 N. Bronson Ave. Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Los Angeles, CA 90068 323-785-7700 Comments: Also a production company.
Fax: 323-785-7701
email: Pallas Management Group
website: 4705 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Ste. 209
Staff: Naomi Odenkirk (Manager), Marc Provissiero (Manager), Valley Village, CA 91607 818-358-3366
Brooke Pobjoy (Manager), Kevin Rowe (Manager), Tiffany Schloesser email:
(Manager) Staff: Laura Pallas (President), Christal Bodie (Executive
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Book Assistant)
Authors - Directors - Film & TV Actors Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs. Actors
Comments: Also a production company. Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Interviews by appointment
only. No calls. Accepts drop-offs.
Off Sunset Management, LLC
9401 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1250 Panacea Entertainment
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-871-3436 2021 Vista Alcedo
310-274-8281 Camarillo, CA 93012 805-491-9400
email: email:
website: Staff: Eric Gardner (Chairman/CEO), Paul Maloney (Assistant
Staff: Debbie Supnik (Manager) to Eric Gardner)
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons Represents: Composers - Comedians - Music Editors & Producers
Policy: Submit bio, talent reel, book, and cover letter with area - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Comments: Represents adults and youth.

Parallel Entertainment, Inc. The Phoenix Organization (AFM-DGA-AGVA-

9696 Culver Blvd., Ste. 308 NCOPM-TMA-Equity)
Culver City, CA 90232 310-279-1123 1990 S. Bundy Dr., Ste. 630
1505 16th Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-526-3134
South Nashville, TN 37212 615-750-2613 email:
Fax: 310-279-1147 Staff: Sean Davis (President), Kevin Demeritt (CFO), Ilse Baca
email: (Assistant), Victoria Makinen (Assistant), Stephanie White (Assistant)
website: Represents: Comedians - Cinematographers - TV Writers -
Staff: J.P. Williams (President), Tim Hunze (Head, Publishing), Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons
Jennifer Novak (VP, Development), Matt Van De Water (Manager), - Directors - Film & TV Editors - Film & TV Actors
Matt Harris (Music Management/A&R), Adam Palya (Assistant Policy: Query letters only. No unsolicited submissions.
to J.P. Williams), Liz Bartels (Director of Development), Hannah
Showmaker (Assistant to C.T. Wyatt (Nashville)), Ilyssa Walker Pink Hammer Entertainment (TMA-TV
(Development Assistant), Tim Hunze (Music Publishing), Marc Academy-Women In Film)
Rucker (Manager (Nashville)) 321 N. Pass Ave., Unit 89
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Comedians - Directors - Hosts & Burbank, CA 91505 323-391-3099
Spokespersons - Singers & Musicians - Screenwriters - TV Writers email:
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. website:
Staff: Britani Golden (President and Manager), Molly Sommer
The Partnership LA (Junior Talent Manager), Sharon Alsina (Manager)
9663 Santa Monica Blvd., #731 Represents: Playwrights - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 323 654-8800 - Producers - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists &
Fax: 323-337-8007 Specialty Acts - Music Editors & Producers - Commercial Actors
email: - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Sheri Anderson Thomas (Owner), Paul Cohen (Owner) Policy: By email only.
Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Actors - Singers
& Musicians The Pitt Group/Alton Road
Policy: Headshot/Resume by email only. No unsolicited demos. Productions (PGA)
No calls. No drop-offs. 275 Homewood Rd..
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-246-4800
Patino Management Company email:
10201 Riverside Dr., Ste. 206 Staff: Lou Pitt (President), Jeremy Conrady (Creative Executive)
Toluca Lake, CA 91602 818-486-1905 Represents: Screenwriters - Book Authors - Directors - Film
email: & TV Actors
website: Policy: No unsolicited material. No drop-offs.
Staff: Kurt Patino (Manager), Daphne Fischer (Assistant) Comments: Alton Road Productions affiliated with Motion
Represents: Film & TV Actors Picture Academy.
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Must already have demo
reel and theatrical agency representation. Also will consider referrals. Powerline Entertainment (TMA-Women In Film)
9615 Brighton Way, Ste. 426
PB Management (TMA) Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-472-7066
9660 Owensmouth Ave., Unit 21 Fax: 310-472-5092
Chatsworth, CA 91311 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Ronni Hart (President/Manager), David M. Hart (Executive/
Staff: Paul Caplan-Bennett (President) Manager), Ellen Watson (Executive Assistant), Victoria Morris (Staff)
Represents: Film & TV Actors Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Book Authors - Commercial
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater
Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Performers - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Referrals only. Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews
Perlman Management Group by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
P.O. Box 55155
Valencia, CA 91385 Priluck Company (NCOPM-SAG-AFTRA-ATAS-TV
email: Academy)
website: 11548 Sassari Lane
Staff: Bill Perlman (Manager), Darci Price (Manager) Porter Ranch, CA 91326 424-230-3008
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians email:
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by email. Include a link Staff: Jason Priluck (Talent Manager)
to reel or tape. Do not send tape as an attachment. Interviews by Represents: Film & TV Actors
appointment only. No calls. Policy: Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs.


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Primary Wave Staff: David Eisenberg (Owner, TV and Film), Gilbert Lopez
10850 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. #600 (Owner, Commercial, Voiceover and Print)
Los Angeles, CA 90024 424-239-1200 Represents: Film & TV Actors
116 E. 16th St., Ninth Fl. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
New York, NY 10003 212-661-6990 calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 310-247-8629 Comments: Represents ages 6–21.
Staff: Mike Chorny (Operations Manager/IT Coordinator), Pure Arts
Lawrence Mestel (Founder & Chief Executive Officer), Mark Burg Culver City, CA 90232 310-444-7383
(Vice Chairman), Jeff Gaspin (President), Jeff Morrone (Head, Film email:
& TV Management), Tiffany Kuzon (Talent Manager), Brad Kaplan
(Manager/Producer), Margot Menzel (Talent Manager), Samantha Staff: Alan Somers (Manager/Producer)
Starr (Talent Manager), Isabel Frost (Talent Manager), Andrew Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors
Topel (Coordinator), Brett Etre (Talent Manager), David Scoggin - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
(Talent Manager), Tatiana Sarah (Talent Manager), Brad Pence Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
(Talent Manager), Mike Gillespie (Talent Manager), Eric Skinner calls. No drop-offs.
(Talent Manager)
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film & Rain Management Group
TV Actors 11162 La Grange Ave.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-954-9520
calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 310-496-2769
Principal Entertainment (Los Angeles) Staff: Jonathan Baruch (Partner/Manager), Rick Lefitz (Partner/
9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 500 Manager), Rob Wolken (Partner/Manager), Anne Damato (Partner/
Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-446-1466 Manager), Beth Stine (Manager), Eileen Stringer (Manager), Garrett
Fax: 310-446-1566 Greer (Manager, Literary), John Tomko (Manager), Kevin Parker
website: (Manager), Dalip Sethi (Manager), Andrew Zuber (Assistant), Kelly
Staff: Marsha McManus (Principal/Manager), Larry Taube Ramsawak (Assistant), Anjela Latcheva (Executive Assistant),
(Principal/Manager), Liz York (Manager), Michael Smith (Manager), Sophia Lewis (Assistant)
Atil Singh (Manager), Jacob Hastad (Manager), Debbie Buderwitz Represents: Playwrights - Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians
(Accounting), Kaelyn Hutchins (Coordinator), Anthony Ippolito - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Hosts &
(Coordinator) Spokespersons - Directors - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Theater
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Actors - Film & TV Actors
- Directors - Film & TV Actors Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Appointments by referrals calls. No drop-offs.
only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Also represents casting directors and costume Randy James Management
designers. 12711 Ventura Blvd.,345
Studio City, CA 91604 818-955-7070
Principato-Young Entertainment (TMA) Fax: 818-955-7073
9465 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900 email:
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-274-4474 Staff: Randall C. James (Partner), Clarina Knowles (Manager/
Fax: 310-274-4108 Associate)
website: Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Peter Principato (Partner), Paul Young (Partner), E. Brian Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. Interviews
Dobbins (Partner), David Gardner (Partner), Allen Fischer (Partner), by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Maggie Haskins (Manager), Nils Larsen (Manager), Ted Bender
(Manager), Evan Cavic (Manager), Joel Zadak (Manager), Rebecca Red Baron Management (TMA)
Many Rosenberg (Manager), Tucker Voorhees (Manager), Bonnie c/o Raleigh Studios
Liedtke (Manager), Itay Reiss (Manager), Kevin Parker (Manager), 1600 Rosecrans Ave.
Courtney Tunney (Manager) Bldg. 7, Fourth Fl.
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-321-7828
- Directors - Film & TV Actors Fax: 310-321-7210
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment email:
only. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers. Staff: Robert Enriquez (Owner/Manager)
Represents: Print Models - Screenwriters - Producers - Fashion
Protégé Entertainment & Runway Models - Sports Personalities - Film & TV Actors
710 E. Angeleno Ave. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Burbank, CA 91501 818-842-2000 only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Fax: 818-526-0400



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Reel Talent Management Interviews by appointment only. No calls.
P.O. Box 491035 Comments: Seeking children and young-adult talent, up to age
Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-979-9191 25 to play younger. Affiliated with Children in Film.
Staff: Elissa Leeds (President), Michelle Broadus (Associate) ROAR
Represents: Film & TV Actors 9701 Wilshire Blvd., Eighth Fl.
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-424-7808
ment only. No calls. 1910 Acklen Ave.
South Nashville, TN 37212 615-610-6072
Renee Missel Management 379 W. Broadway, Ste. 347
803 Bright Star St. New York City, NY 10012
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 310-463-0638 50 Holland St., Penthouse A 1002
Fax: 866-473-1313 London, England SE1 9FU
email: Royal Bank Chambers,
Staff: Renee Missel (Manager), Monyque Rose (Assistant) Level 9, 287 Collins St.
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Book Authors Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- Fax: 310-424-7824
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Ria Pavia Management (TMA) Staff: Jay Froberg (CEO), Alex Gittelson (Manager), David Rosario
6 Coachman (Manager), Gavin Levinson (Manager), Jay Glazer (Manager), Ryan
Dove Canyon, CA 92679 949-713-2204 Moryl (Manager, Music Division), Nikita Chizov (Manager), Ryan
310-497-5827 O’Nan (Manager, Music Division)
Fax: 949-713-2205 Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
email: - Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Directors - Music Editors
Staff: Ria Pavia (Manager) & Producers - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Represents: Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Artists - Film & TV Actors calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs. Rob D’Avola & Associates (Equity-SAG-AFTRA)
9100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 725 E.
Richard DeLancy & Associates Beverly Hills, CA 90210
P.O. Box 6623 email:
Burbank, CA 91505 818-510-1122 Staff: Rob D’Avola (Owner)
email: Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models -
Staff: Richard DeLancy (Owner) Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Cinematographers Theater Performers
- Fashion & Runway Models - Animals - Hosts & Spokespersons - Policy: SAG actors preferred. Submit by mail or email. 10 years
Directors - Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians and older. Drop-offs accepted. No calls.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. No emails accepted. Comments: Adults must be SAG with network TV credits to
Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. be considered.
Comments: Currently seeking young talent to represent. Grooms
nonunion and new talent. Robert Barnes Management &
Consulting (TMA)
Richard Schwartz Management 7119 W. Sunset Blvd., #745
Malibu Lake, CA 91301 Los Angeles, CA 90046
email: email:
Staff: Richard Schwartz (Manager/Owner) website:
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Directors - Screenwriters - Staff: Robert Barnes (Talent Manager)
Composers - Print Models - Producers Represents: Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors - Fashion &
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. No calls. No drop-offs. Runway Models - Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV
Comments: Also represents artists and photographers. Editors - Voiceover Artists - Musical Theater Performers - Fit Models
Policy: Submissions by email only. Email detailed information
The Right Connection Entertainment including headshot/resume/education/social media/website/reels.
Group (TMA) All ages. No calls. No drop-offs.
P.O. Box 50492 Comments: Manager working with actors and singers who act in
Pasadena, CA 91115 626-818-4802 the areas of film, TV, and commercials. Open to evaluating new talent.
Staff: ElleJai (President/CEO) Robert Stein Management
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV P.O. Box 3797
Actors Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-550-2176
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. Fax: 310-550-2178


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

email: Variety artists only. No actors or models.
Staff: Robert Stein (Manager), Melissa Simock (Assistant) Comments: Represents variety acts for casinos, cruise ships, TV,
Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater theatrical tours, and corporate events. Do not submit any materials
Performers seeking representation if outside the above category.
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
ment only. No calls. Rugolo Entertainment
195 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 400
The Robert Thorne Company Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-550-1124
10940 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1600 email:
Los Angeles, CA 90024 Staff: Gina Rugolo (President)
email: Represents: Film & TV Actors
Staff: Robert Thorne (Manager), Greg Redlitz (Manager) Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Book Authors - Film calls. No drop-offs.
& TV Actor
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Sager Entertainment, Inc.
calls. No drop-offs. 260 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-274-4555
Rothman/Andrés Entertainment email:
4400 Coldwater Canyon Ave., Ste. 235 Staff: Felicia Sager (Manager)
Studio City, CA 91604 818-980-8081 Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Fax: 818-980-1637 Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment
Staff: Paulo Andrés (Partner/Manager), Rachel Rothman (Partner/ only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Manager), Lucia Chiao (Manager), Felipe Vergara (Assistant), Dana
Maxwell (Assistant) Schachter Entertainment
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV 1157 S. Beverly Dr.
Actors Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-712-3730
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No email:
calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Ted Schachter (Principal/Manager), Rachel Saltzman
Comments: Currently seeking all ethnicities with a focus on (Manager), Caleb Caudill (Assistant)
African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latinx ,and MENASA men Represents: Composers - Playwrights - Speakers & Lecturers -
and women 17–21, if older, must have substantial television guest Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Book Authors - Voiceover
star credits. Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers
Rough Diamond Management - Singers & Musicians
1424 N. Kings Rd. Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Los Angeles, CA 90069 323-848-2900 calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Also serves as a production company.
Staff: Julia F. Verdin (Owner), Bill Kravitz (Partner)
Represents: Film & TV Actors Schuller Talent - LA Kids
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- 8560 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 500
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Beverly Hills, CA 90069 310-927–9308 (LA)
Comments: Also a production company. Seeking established 212-532-6005 (NY)
talent only. email:
RPI Entertainment & Media Group Staff: Kim Matuka (Owner (Youth Theatrical/Motion Picture &
(AGVA) TV)), Margit Matuka (Manager (Youth Theatrical)), Carla Hayes
P.O. Box 1272 (Manager (Youth & Theatrical)), Juliette Osbrink (Manager), Nessa
Hollywood, CA 90078 323-960-9014 Hayes (Assistant)
Fax: 323-940-4747 Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
website: ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Attends showcases.
Staff: Samad Soomro (Partner/Head, Business Development), Comments: Represents youth and young adult talent for theatrical
Jeremy Vargus (Partner/Creative Director), Rebecca Galo representation in Los Angeles and NYC.
(Executive Account Representative), Alex Scooner (Executive
Talent Representative) Scott Carlson Entertainment, Inc.
Represents: Composers - Comedians - Magicians - Production 5328 Alhama Dr.
Designers - Hosts & Spokespersons - Film & TV Editors - Voiceover Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-232-7656
Artists - Sound Editors - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Dancers 75 Wanderers Lane
& Choreographers - Music Editors & Producers - Musical Theater Mount Buchanan, PE C0A 1A0 310-678-7040
Performers - Singers & Musicians email:
Policy: Submissions by email only. Include video links, EPK. Staff: Scott Carlson (Owner/President), Karen Spencer (Manager),



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Mary Mecher-Carlson (Manager) Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-278-8896
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors Fax: 310-278-7238
- Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers Staff: George Shapiro (Principal), Aimee Hyatt (Manager), Tami
& Musicians Armitage (Manager), Shellie Turner-Banks (Office Manager)
Policy: Accepted through email only. Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
- Directors - Film & TV Actors
Scott Copeland International Talent Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
1255 Coast Blvd. Sharp Talent
La Jolla, CA 92037 858-456-9189 5538 Willow Crest Ave.
email: North Hollywood, CA 91601 323-653-4104
Staff: Scott Copeland (Founder and President), Melinda Reis email:
(Special Projects), Andrew Taft (Director) Staff: Melanie Sharp (Manager)
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Represents: Film & TV Actors - Print Models - Voiceover Artists
Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Musical Theater Performers
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Accepts headshot/resume by mail or email with referral
Scott Hart Entertainment only. Submission Format: large files via email not accepted. No
14622 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 746 calls. No drop-offs.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-906-0750
Staff: Scott Hart (Manager), Michael Smith (Assistant) Sharyn Talent Management (SAG-AFTRA)
Represents: Directors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians P.O. Box 18033
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Encino, CA 91416 818-609-7463
calls. No drop-offs. email:
Staff: Sharyn Berg (Owner), Alexis Reusser (Manager)
7 Sails Management (TMA) Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film &
11333 Moorpark St., Ste. 239 TV Actors
Studio City, CA 91602 818-568-0325 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. 18 years and older.
Fax: 818-232-0311 Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Shelter Entertainment Group
Staff: Jody Orellana (Owner/Manager), Becky Levitt (Assistant) 9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 320
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Print Models Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-724-8900
- Fashion & Runway Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Fax: 310-724-8998
Artists - Singers & Musicians - Fit Models email:
Policy: Union or nonunion. Headshot/resume links, one-sheet website:
pitch, and three goals by email only. Skype/Zoom/Facetime meetings Staff: Alan Lezman (President/Manager), Ray McKigney
by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. (Manager), Deborah Miller (Manager), Andrew Howard (Manager),
Comments: 7 Sails Management is a boutique talent manage- Amanda Hendon (Manager), Tim Angle (Manager), Joey DePaolo
ment company based in Los Angeles with market coverage in NYC, (Manager)
Atlanta and Phoenix. Over 30 years experience working in film/tv Represents: Comedians - Film & TV Actors
(with network experience at HBO, Encore, Starz, Hallmark), public- Policy: Industry referral preferred. Headshot/resume submitted
ity campaigns (Nielsen TV Ratings, Six Flags, SF Giants, Rockies, without referrals must include reel and be established talent. No
Westfield), continuity/script supervising, and casting (BET, NBC). calls. No drop-offs.
Working to assist clients (“Sails”) in developing their “ship”, so that
each client “Sails smoothly to their dream destinations.” The Siegal Company/Siegal
Seven Summits Pictures & 9025 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse Ste.
Management Beverly Hills, CA 90211
8906 W. Olympic Blvd., Garden Level Staff: Sandra Siegal (President/Manager/Producer), Chad Israel
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-550-6777 (Director of Development)
Fax: 310-550-0606 Represents: Film & TV Actors
Staff: Sarah Jackson (Partner), Paul Canterna (Literary Manager), Policy: Referrals only. Interviews by appointment only. No
Kris Koller (Talent Manager) calls. No drop-offs.
Represents: Producers - Book Authors - Directors - Film &
TV Actors Silver J Management
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No 195 So. Beverly Dr., Ste. 400
calls. No drop-offs. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-860-6067
Shapiro/West & Associates, Inc. (DGA- website:
SAG-AFTRA) Staff: Josh Silver (Manager/Producer), Maxwell Rackley
141 El Camino Dr., Ste. 205 (Assistant)


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

Represents: Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
calls. No drop-offs. Sneak Preview Entertainment
P.O. Box 3238
Silvera Management Los Angeles, CA 90078 323-962-0295
603 N. Doheny Dr., Ste. 2A Fax: 323-962-0295
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 email:
email: website: Staff: Steven J. Wolfe (Chairman/CEO/Manager), Josh Silver
Staff: Justin Silvera (Manager) (Partner/Talent Manager), Nancy Scanlon (Partner/Talent
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors Manager), Kyle Dugan (Executive Assistant), Tyler Condon (Director,
- Film & TV Actors Development), Gints Krastins (VP Finance)
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, email preferred. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Simmons & Scott Entertainment, LLC calls. No drop-offs.
4110 W. Burbank Blvd. SPC Productions, LLC
Burbank, CA 91505 818-556-3345 25919 Tennyson Lane
Fax: 323-704-3529 Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381 818-606-1231
email: 323-229-5700
Staff: Jon Simmons (Partner/Manager), Peter Smith (Manager) Fax: 661-254-5225
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Voiceover email:
Artists - Theater Actors Staff: Stephanie Cambria (Manager/Owner), Loren Cobb
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. Interviews (Manager, Literary), Ben Feldman (Manager)
by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Film & TV Actors
Comments: Jon Simmons has an ongoing film and TV class. Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Email for more information. ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Especially seeking exceptionally talented children
SJV Enterprises & Associates and young adults ages 3-20 with experience and/or referrals. If
4025 Beethoven St. under 3, twins are preferred. For adults over 20, seeking seasoned
Los Angeles, CA 90066 310-305-0054 union only actors.
Staff: Steve Vieira (Manager), Patrick Shanahan (Assistant) Stage 19 Entertainment, LLC (DGA)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Print Models 15456 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 301
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-453-8250
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Fax: 818-386-6333
SLJ Management website:
833 N. Edinburgh Ave., Ste. 203 Staff: Stephen Bikoff (Chief Creative Officer), Brad Saltzman
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-782-8833 (President), Angela Miller (Senior Manager, Talent), Debra Vine
Fax: 323-782-3833 (Senior Manager Literary), Beth Cohen (Manager), Ali Cohn
email: (Manager), Amy Siegel (Assistant), Leslie Phillips (Assistant),
Staff: Sandra L. Joseph (Owner/Manager), Angelo Ajogo Chad Nickerson (Mailroom)
(Assistant) Represents: Playwrights - Comedians - Screenwriters - Hosts
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & & Spokespersons - Directors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only. Interviews by Policy: Resume/reel/headshots/support material via email only
appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. to: Amy Siegel:
WRITERS/DIRECTORS: Queries regarding screenplays for film
Smart Entertainment and television are accepted by email only. Queries must include
9595 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900 a log line of the prospective material in the body of the email - no
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-205-6090 attachments. Directors and writer/directors may send a query letter
Fax: 310-205-6093 by email with bio, links to reels and films, and any other supporting
email: material by email to Leslie Phillips: No
website: calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: John Jacobs (President/Manager/Producer), Austin Blank Comments: Stage 19 Entertainment is a vibrant and expanding
(Creative Executive), Ashley Devane (Assistant) agency based in Los Angeles and serving a list of clients on both
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - TV Writers - coasts. Founder Stephen Bikoff has helped 125 artists achieve
Interactive Game Developers - Screenwriters - Producers - Book their ambitions. With a team of highly experienced in the industry
Authors - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty professionals.
Policy: Headshot/resume/query letters by mail or email.



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Station 3 Entertainment Staff: Phil Brock (Owner/Manager), Kathryn Boole (VP/Literary,
1051 N. Cole Ave., Ste. B Celebrities)
Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-848-4334 Represents: Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters - Screenwriters
300 W. 55th St., Ste. 5L - Book Authors - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons -
New York, NY 10019 212-245-3250 Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 323-848-4161 Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
email: ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Edie Robb (Owner/ Manager), R.D. Robb (Managing Partner/ The Suchin Company (NCOPM-TMA)
Producer/Director (LA)), Stephanie “Stevie” Smith (Manager (NY)), 15315 Magnolia Blvd., Ste. 101
Chase Jennings (Manager (NY)), Tom Carter (Manager, Writers/ Sherman Oaks, CA 91436
Directors (LA)), Arthur Dutkanicz (Jr. Manager) email:
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors Credits: Shirley Jones - CariDee English - Michael Corbett - Pat
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers Boone - Susan Stafford - Elvis Presley, Jr. - Danny Musico - Rico
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Interviews by appointment Simonini - Ray Forchion - Sara Chana Silverstein - John Huddy
only. No calls. No drop-offs. Staff: Milton B. Suchin (Owner)
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Fashion & Runway
Stein Entertainment Group Models - Sports Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover
3900 W. Alameda, Ste. 1200 Artists - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors -
Burbank, CA 91505 323-822-1400 Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Promotional & Event Models
215 E. 68th St., Ste. 12A Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
New York, NY 10065 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Former ICM senior agent for 10 years. Former
website: President of the Talent Manager’s Association. “Hall of Fame” member
Staff: T.J. Stein (President), Colin Harp (Director of Talent), of the NCPM. Phyllis Diller’s manager for 33 years.
Felicia Stein (East Coast Talent Division), David Kohl (Manager),
April Stone (Manager, NY), Ivy Lundeen (Manager) Susan Graw and Associates
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors - Singers & 334 S. Bentley Ave., First Fl.
Musicians Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-471-1681
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- Fax: 310-472-0525
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. email:
Comments: Also represents Reality TV stars.
Staff: Susan Graw (Owner/President/Manager), Robert Milford
Stephany Hurkos (Manager), Anna B. Hausen (Executive Assistant)
San Diego, CA 818-652-7401 Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
email: - Book Authors - Sports Personalities - Directors - Variety Artists &
website: Specialty Acts - Film & TV Actors
Staff: Stephany Hurkos (President/Manager) Policy: Headshot/resume by mail only. Accepts query letters.
Represents: Film & TV Actors Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Union only. Headshot/resume/demo reel by email only.
Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Sweeney Entertainment
1601 Vine St., Sixth Fl.
Story Merchant Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-822-3000
400 S. Burnside Ave., PH #11B Staff: David Sweeney (Partner/Manager/Producer), Peter
Los Angeles, CA 90036 Edwards (Assistant)
email: Represents: Screenwriters - Film & TV Actors
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Credits: Features: - Hysteria - Erased - Joe Somebody - Life or
Something Like It - - TV: - The Kennedy Detail (Discovery) - The Symmetry Entertainment
Lost Valentine (Hallmark Hall of Fame), The Madams Family (CBS) P.O. Box 48890A
Staff: Ken Atchity (Manager/Producer), Lisa Cerasoli Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-472-5823
(Executive VP), Chelsea Mongird (Executive Director), Michael Neff email:
(Development Executive), Tobe Roberts (Associate Manager (NY))
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors Staff: Amy Macnow (Manager), Bri Franchot (Manager)
Policy: By referral only, writers submit by email. Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Studio Talent Group (NCOPM) Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
1328 12th St., Ste. 2 ment only. No calls.
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-393-8004
Fax: 310-872-5400 Synergy Management, Inc.
email: 11271 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 495
website: Studio City, CA 91406 323-397-3473


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

email: Scripts to be sent only if requested. Seeking episodic, indie film & tent pole stories of note.
website: Comments: Seeking actors and writers of color, LGBTQ, ethni-
Staff: Glen J. Clarkson (Partner/Manager), Cat Josell (Partner/ cally ambiguous, and fresh faces. Starbarn represents Writers,
Manager) Producers, Directors, Documentarians, Playwrights, and Podcasters.
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Hosts & Spokespersons
Policy: Submissions by email only. Teitelbaum Artists Group
8840 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl.
Talent Management Partners (Equity-SAG- Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-358-3250
AFTRA) Staff: Mark Teitelbaum (Owner), Claire Burgart (Executive
Attn: Maggie Kline Assistant)
President Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film &
P.O. Box 2744 TV Actors
Redondo Beach, CA 90278 310-318-8868 Policy: No unsolicited submissions. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Maggie Kline (President/General Manager) Ten 2 One Entertainment LLC
Represents: Film & TV Actors - TV Writers - Screenwriters - 5225 Wilshire Blvd.
Book Authors - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists & Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-937-3700
Specialty Acts 323-529-8524
Policy: Headshot/resume/query letters by email only. Interviews email:
by appointment only. No calls.
Staff: Phil Thornton (Partner/ Producer), Marcus Spence
TalentINK. LA-Chicago-NY (AGVA-Equity- (Partner/ Producer), Paul Coy Allen (Partner/ Producer)
SAG-AFTRA) Represents: Composers - Comedians - Cinematographers - TV
3500 W. Olive Ave., Ste. 300 Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors - Film & TV Editors
Burbank, CA 91505 818-846-5540 - Music Editors & Producers - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
116 W. 23rd St., Fifth Fl. - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
New York, NY 10011 212-677-0912 Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
500 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 600 Comments: Produce reality shows, scripted shows, and feature
Chicago, IL 60611 773-938-2411 films.
email: The Seven Bridges Group, LLC (SAG- AFTRA)
website: 10940 Wilshire Blvd., 16th Fl.
Staff: Terrie Snell (CEO - Head of Adult and Minor Division, LA Los Angeles, CA 90024 415-490-6184
Office), Arthur Massei (Head of Adult and Minor Division, NY Office), Fax: 310-775-4021
John Mills (Manager, Adults & Minors, Chicago), Gina Nicholson email:
(Commercials Department, Minors and Adults & Assistant Manager), website:
Jacob Schott (Manager, Adults and Minors, NY Office) Staff: Travis Bell (J.D.)
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Commercial Actors - Theater Represents: Hosts & Spokespersons - Look-alikes & Impersonators
Actors - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Fit Models - Singers & Musicians - Film & TV Actors - Commercial
Policy: Headshot/resume through website only. Interviews by Actors - Music Editors & Producers - Voiceover Artists - Film &
appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. TV Editors - Directors - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Sports
Comments: A boutique management company, focused on Personalities - Book Authors - Producers - Animation Artists -
career development, representing actors of SAG/AFTRA/AEA/ Screenwriters - Magicians - Broadcast Journalists & Newscasters
AGVA in feature films, television, and theater. - Cinematographers - Comedians - Print Models
Policy: Submissions by email and online form. Phone calls
The TBK Media Co. accepted. No drop-offs.
11304 Chandler Blvd., #382 Comments: See listing also under New York Managers. Additional
North Hollywood, CA 91603-0382 310-579-5401 office in Barcelona, Spain.
email: Think Tank Management and
Staff: Peter Santana (Head Talent Manager/ Starbarn 360 Production
Screenplay Coordinator & VP of Production), Jen Santana (Children’s 1416 N. La Brea Ave.
Department Manager), Alfredo Villangran (Adult Commercial Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-802-1614
Department), Carl Barbee (Chairman & Head of Production Staff: Tom Drumm (Owner)
(Starbarn 360)) Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film &
Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV TV Actors
Actors - Singers & Musicians Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Policy: Headshot/resume by email and mail. No calls. No drop- calls. No drop-offs.
offs. No walk-ins. For Starbarn 360 Entertainment: Log-Lines &
synopsis by email and mail. No calls. No drop-offs. No walk-ins.



california | TALENT MANAGERS

Thirdhill Entertainment (AFM-DGA-AGVA- Top Priority Group
NCOPM-TMA-Equity-SAG-AFTRA) 211 W. Emporia St., Ste. 201
195 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 400 Ontario, CA 91762 323-685-4075
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-786-1936 email:
Fax: 213-254-9049 website:
email: Staff: Thomas Ybarra (Executive Manager), Jonny E. Espinoza
Staff: Toni Benson (President/Manager), Laura Bartholomew (Senior Manager)
(Manager) Represents: Comedians - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
Represents: Comedians - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Film & TV Actors - Look-alikes & Impersonators
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Do not attach files, Policy: Headshot/resume/relevant links by email only. 18 years
include links only. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No and older. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Specializes in emerging careers. Torque Entertainment
2118 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 160
3R Entertainment Group Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-576-6025
8306 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1724 Fax: 310-882-6828
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-295-0111 email:
323-920-5058 website:
email: Staff: Peter Scott (Manager/Owner), Rachel Gelb (Youth Division Manager)
Staff: Rebekah (Associate/Manager and Consultant), Priscilla Represents: Playwrights - Print Models - Comedians - TV
Rifkin (Associate/Manager and Public Relations) Writers - Interactive Game Developers - Screenwriters - Hosts &
Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Cinematographers - Spokespersons - Directors - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors
Screenwriters - Book Authors - Directors - Film & TV Editors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers -
- Voiceover Artists - Sound Editors - Music Editors & Producers Singers & Musicians - Look-alikes & Impersonators
- Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
Policy: Headshot/resume/demo reel by mail or email. Interviews ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Comments: Torque Entertainment is a film production and
Comments: Entertainment company based in Los Angeles that boutique management company. Torque manages clients in motion
brings together a distinct expertise in the areas of talent representa- pictures and television, specifically writers, actors, and directors
tion, artist development, film, TV, and music production with a clear who embrace change and push the envelope. Artists with unique
understanding of brand strategy. voices who communicate by instinct, not by formula. Artists with
passion and craft. Torque Entertainment represents artists across
Thrive Entertainment (AFM-DGA) the board, in all stages and aspects of their careers.
1093 Broxton Ave., Ste. 228
Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-209-1500 Trademark Artists Management
Fax: 310-209-1544 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1600
email: Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-443-4135
Staff: Andrew Hersh (Manager) Fax: 310-557-2836
Represents: Producers - Directors Staff: Marc Waddell (President), Merri Chen (VP, Operations)
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. Represents: Print Models - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters
Comments: Full-service literary management company - Producers - Book Authors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint-
Thruline Entertainment ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
9250 Wilshire Blvd., Ground Fl.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-595-1500 Transgender Talent
Fax: 310-595-1505 Orange County, CA email:
Staff: Chris Henze (Partner/Manager), J.B. Roberts (Partner/ website:
Manager), Ron West (Partner/Manager), William Mercer (Partner/ Staff: Ann Thomas (Agent)
Manager), Marc Hamou (Partner/Manager), Steve Kavovit Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
(Partner/Manager), Josh Kesselman (Manager), Danny Sherman Policy: Email headshot (or photos from the waist up with a simple
(Manager), Ashley Franklin (Manager), Jayme Yarow (Manager), solid background) and resume to register.
Amy Zvi (Manager), Brandon Bisig (Manager), Christina Karakasidis Comments: Company connecting transgender talent to produc-
(Manager), Jeff Ciabattarri (Manager) ers, casting directors, directors, etc.
Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors
- Film & TV Actors Triniti Management
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs. 12400 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 668
Comments: Also operates as a production company. Studio City, CA 91604 747-201-7500
Fax: 818-301-2532


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

website: website:
Staff: Marissa Upchurch (Owner) Represents: Fashion & Runway Models - Promotional & Event
Represents: Print Models - Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Models - Singers & Musicians - Film & TV Actors - Commercial
Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Film & TV Actors Actors - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists -
Policy: Headshot/resume/reel by email only with subject: Directors - Sports Personalities - Speakers & Lecturers - Book
“Seeking Rep.” Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. Authors - Animation Artists - Screenwriters - Interactive Game
Developers - TV Writers - Comedians - Print Models
Trusik Talent Management (TMA-ATAS) Policy: By email or through website.
1155 N. La Cienega Blvd., Ste. 801 Comments: Talent management and the leading social media
West Hollywood, CA 90069-2440 310-659-7550 influencer management company. Additional offices in Toronto.
Fax: 310-659-7550
email: V & L International, LLC
Staff: Paul Trusik (Owner/Manager), Cydney Griggs-Cullen c/o Creative Talent Management Division
(Assistant) 4111 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 549
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Hosts & Spokespersons Los Angeles, CA 90029 310-822-1781
- Film & TV Actors Fax: 310-822-1761
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email. Interviews by appoint- email:
ment only. No calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: Past President (multiple terms) of TMA. Emmy voting Staff: Daniel L. Veitkus (Talent Manager (Europe & U.S.)), Kasia
member of ATAS and Spirit Award voting member of Film Independent. Nabialczyk (Talent Manager)
Represents: Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Directors
Underground - Voiceover Artists - Dancers & Choreographers - Music Editors &
1180 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 509 Producers - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Los Angeles, CA 90035 323-930-2588 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
Fax: 323-930-2334 ment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
website: Comments: Specializes in International talent, linguists, and
Staff: Trevor Engelson (Manager), Josh McGuire (Manager), translators (250+ languages). See also listing under New York
Chris Dennis (Manager), Noah Rothman (Manager (NY)), Steven Managers.
Fisher (Manager), Chris Reid (Manager), Chelsea Moore (Manager),
Melisa Baloglu (Manager) V2M
Represents: Playwrights - Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters 10008 National Blvd., #444
- Book Authors - Directors - Film & TV Actors Los Angeles, CA 90034 657-238-8212
Policy: No unsolicited submissions. email:
Unified Management Staff: Brandon Ross (Founding Partner)
4231 National Ave. Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors
Burbank, CA 91505 818-954-9944 - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 818-842-3419 Policy: Accepts unsolicited submissions from SAG-AFTRA actors
email: and writers and directors who belong to their prospective guilds.
Staff: Jessica Moresco (Partner), Al Onorato (Partner), Elle Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs.
Maney (Manager) Comments: A professional services company catering to cre-
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film & atives in the entertainment industry. The core focus is on talent
TV Actors management, investment advising, and business management.
Policy: Headshot/resume by email. Interviews by appointment With a mission to be a one-stop shop for those who want a team
only. No calls. No drop-offs. that shares a unified vision of their career goals, financial objectives,
and business ventures. Brandon Ross is the former owner of the
Untitled Entertainment talent management company - Temptation Management. Former
P.O. Box 5539 clients include Chelsey Crisp, Melvin Jackson Jr., and Kelly Frye.
Beverly Hills, CA 90209 310-601-2100 Company is also known as v2 Management llc. Also represents
Fax: 310-601-2344 below-the-line talent.
Staff: Elisa Konialian (VP), Jason Weinberg (Partner), Meg
Malinowski (Assistant), Stephanie Simon (Partner) Vanguard Management Group (Equity)
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film & 8060 Melrose Ave., Ste. 400
TV Actors Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-655-0400
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No Fax: 323-852-1777
calls. No drop-offs. website:
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers. Also Staff: David Guç (President), Tom Harrison (VP), Brianne Watson
operates as a production company. (Manager), Autumn Rayne Yancey-Estime (Assistant)
Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors
UPRISE Management - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical
Los Angeles, CA 90046 Theater Performers
email: Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No



california | TALENT MANAGERS

calls. No drop-offs. Warner Artist Management
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers. 312 S. Beverly Dr., #3687
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-828-2800
Velocity Entertainment Partners Staff: Douglas Warner (President)
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1502 Represents: Comedians - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-230-8850 - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
email: Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: John Baldasare (Partner/Manager), Kasra Ajir (Partner/ Washington Square Arts & Film
Manager), Nick Campbell (Partner/Manager), Scott Fish (Partner/ 509 12 N. Spaulding Ave.
Manager), Ben Morales (Manager), Ryan Thomson (Manager), Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-850-2760
Stephanie Nese (Manager) Fax: 323-850-2761
Represents: Playwrights - TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors website:
- Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors - Musical Theater Performers Staff: Debbie Maniscalco (Manager (West Coast))
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Accepts query letters by Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Producers - Directors
email only. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs. - Film & TV Actors
Open to foreign actors with American accents (proper immigration Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
paperwork required). calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: See also listing under New York Managers.
Victor Kruglov Management
6565 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 300 Water Street/Anthem Entertainment
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-962-7007 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 615
email: Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-939-6900
website: email:
Staff: Victor Kruglov (Owner) Staff: Michael Bircumshaw (Owner/Manager), Cynthia Campos-
Represents: Print Models - Comedians - Commercial Actors Greenberg (Owner/Manager), Daniel James Clark (Literary Manager)
- Film & TV Actors Represents: Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint- Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Do not attach demo
ment only. All ages. No calls. No drop-offs. as a file, include link only. Interviews by appointment only. No
Comments: Represents established actors only. Non-union calls. No drop-offs.
actors accepted for commercials.
WAW Entertainment
Visionary Entertainment 4821 Lankershim Blvd.
1558 N. Stanley Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-203-6080
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-874-4875 email:
Fax: 323-845-9722 website:
email: Staff: Wendy Alane Wright (Manager), Penny Morgan (Assistant),
Staff: Tom Parziale (President/Manager), Robert Fraser Corissa Baer (Jr. Manager), Tia Pucket Brown (Social Media Director)
(Executive Assistant) Represents: Print Models - Music Editors & Producers -
Represents: TV Writers - Screenwriters - Directors - Film & Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
TV Actors Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Submissions must also
Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited headshot/resume include a demo reel or acting clip. Interviews by appointment only.
submissions. Accepts query letters. No calls. No drop-offs. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents talent ages 6 and up.
Volition Management
7190 W. Sunset Blvd. #71C Whitaker Entertainment
Los Angeles, CA 90046 Santa Clarita, CA 818-766-4441
New York, NY 10001 website:
email: Staff: Dora Whitaker (President, Commercials/Packaging/
website: Theatrical/Adults/Production), Terrence Stone (VP/Partner, Adult
Staff: Ami Manning (Manager/Owner), Karen Canavan (Talent Theatrical/Commercial Manager/Casting), Stephen Gerzeli (VP/
Manager/Publicist (Atlanta)), Marylin (Talent Manager, Youth (LA, Partner, Commercial/Theatrical/Literary Manager)
NY, Atlanta)), Brianna (Talent Manager/Producer) Represents: Film & TV Actors - Comedians - Screenwriters - Hosts
Represents: Film & TV Actors - Comedians - TV Writers - & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors
Screenwriters - Producers - Book Authors - Sports Personalities Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No calls.
- Hosts & Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Variety Artists &
Specialty Acts - Commercial Actors - Singers & Musicians
Policy: Accepted by email only. William-Michael International Artist
Comments: Specializing in talent management, brand develop- Relations
ment, global product development, licensing, endorsements, creative 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Box 785
development, events and appearences, and direct marketing. Studio City, CA 91604 323-877-8300
646-345-8520 (NYC)


TALENT AGENTS california

TALENT MANAGERS | california

email: Comments: Additional office: 9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1010, Los Angeles, CA 90069. See also listing under New York Managers.
Staff: Paris Montgomery (Assistant), William-Michael Carpenter NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
Represents: Film & TV Actors Elliot Cahn Management
Policy: Headshot/ resume/reels by email only. No calls. No 1035 Seventh St.
drop-offs. Oakland, CA 94607 510-652-1615
Comments: Specializes in International Talent of all ages. 44 N. San Pedro Rd.
San Rafael, CA 94901
Williams Unlimited Fax: 510-550-2770
5010 Buffalo Ave. email:
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-905-1058 Staff: Elliot Cahn (Owner, Manager), Jeff Saltzman (Manager/
Fax: 818-995-1904 Lawyer)
email: Represents: Producers - Singers & Musicians
website: Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Staff: Holly Williams (President/Owner)
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Film & TV Actors Kaplan Productions
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs. San Francisco, CA 650-556-0055
Comments: Affiliated with NATAS. Seeking children and young email:
adult talent, up to age 25 to play younger. website:
Staff: Lori Kaplan (Owner/Manager)
Wright Entertainment, Inc. Represents: Speakers & Lecturers - Comedians - Sports
14724 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 1201 Personalities - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial Actors - Film
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 323-874-9898 & TV Actors
Fax: 323-874-9899 Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Interviews by appoint-
website: ment only. Age 18 and over. No calls. No drop-offs.
Staff: Christopher Wright (Manager/Owner), Matt Schwartz
(Manager), Emily Saex (Assistant), Ellen Sanitsky (Manager)
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Industry referral only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents talent ages 18 and up

Young Performers Management

13273 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 104
Studio City, CA 91604 818-335-5202
Fax: 818-783-6491
Staff: Donnajeanne Goheen (Talent Manager)
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by mail or email, industry referral
preferred. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Comments: Represents adults as well.

Zero Gravity Management

11110 Ohio Ave., Ste. 100
Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-694-3800
4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Ste. 113
Universal City, CA 91602
Staff: Mark Williams (Producer), Ryan Daly (Manager),
Fernando Buitrago (Manager), Eric Williams (Manager), Andrew
Wilson (Manager (L.A.)), Mark Holder (Manager (L.A.)), Christine
Holder (Manager (L.A.)), Sharon Vitro (Manager), Andrew Edwards
(Manager), Nathan Habben (Manager), Marc Manus (Manager),
Michael McConnell (Manager), Craig Baumgarten (Manager)
Represents: Screenwriters - Directors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Headshot/resume by email only. Query letters by email
only. Interviews by appointment only. No calls. No drop-offs.



COLORADO of many gold and platinum artists including Elvis Crespo, Quad City
DJ’s, Robin S., Cascada, and La Bouche.
Madison House Inc.
1401 Walnut St., Ste. 500 GEORGIA
Boulder, CO 80302
339 E. Liberty St., Ste. 320 Cylence Media Management (NCOPM-SAG-
Ann Arbor, MI 48104 303-544-9900 AFTRA-ATAS-TV Academy)
1604 Eigth Ave S, Main Fl. 3340 Peachtree Rd., Ste. 1800
Nashville, TN 37203 Atlanta, GA 30326 888-320-3933
644 40th St., Ste 201 email:
Oakland, CA 94609
Fax: 303-544-5879 website:
email: Staff: Mike Williams (Talent Manager), Hart (Theatrical
website: Development Manager/Assistant), Camden Wong (Publicity/Digital
Staff: Nadia Prescher (Co-Founder/Agent/Manager), Jeremy Stein Integrity Manager/Assistant)
(Partner/Agent/Manager), Jesse Aratow (Partner/Agent/Manager), Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Theater Actors
Adam Bauer (Agent), Jordan Burger (Agent), Tynan Conroy (Agent), - Film & TV Actors
Jordan Carriere (Agent), Cassie Siegel (Agent), Mary Allen (Agent), Policy: Materials by email or mail. Links to professional pages or
Hailey Phelps (Jr. Agent), Chelsea Boisen (Booking/Management attach headshots with a linked demo reel. Include Union Affiliation
Assistant), Zach Holman (Jr. Agent), Isabel Vandeventer (Booking/ (i.e SAG-AFTRA/Eligible) and location. Interviews by appointment
Management Assistant), Katie Clark (Booking Assistant), Kylee only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Phillips (Booking Assistant), Rob Achin (Booking Assistant), Jenn Comments: Additional office: 8560 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 500,
Wiemann (Booking Assistant), Harry Woosley (College Booking West Hollywood, CA 90069. See additional listing in Los Angeles
Coordinator), Shellie Stephens (Director of Finance & Accounting), Managers.
Emily Cadematori (Office Manager), Jon Bell (Agent), Sahil Mehta
(Agent), Allen Roper (Agent), Izzy Shere (Booking Assistant), Henry Five Star Talent Management (TMA)
Booth (Booking Assistant), Lindsey Oh (Assistant to Jesse Aratow), 3544 White Sands Way
Angela Jensen (Manager + Content Strategist), Eli Morgan (Visual Suwanee, GA 30024 678-777-2690
Arts Manager), Joan Baron Kopp (Accounting Analyst), Michael 213-291-8094 (California)
Sanders (Accounting), Emily Cadematori (Office Manager) email:
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors website:
Policy: See website. Staff: Tammy Wallace (Owner/Manager), Cindy Huffman (Youth
FLORIDA Represents:
Policy: Unsolicited submissions must include headshot, resume,
Nene Musik Productions, LLC and demo.
1406 S.W. Santiago Ave. Comments: Now with a satellite office in Los Angeles and NY. NY
Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 772-807-8306 number is 332-203-0644. Also a member of CIF and GPP.
website: K. Starr Management
Staff: Rubin Dario Martinez (CEO) 4279 Roswell Rd., N.E. 102, #11
Represents: Singers & Musicians - Composers - Sports Atlanta, GA 30342 404-954-1799
Personalities - Music Editors & Producers email:
Policy: Email links to professional website only. No MP3’s. Must website:
have national or international buzz. EPK’s should also include images Staff: Keela Starr (CEO), Jocelyn Riley (Administrative Assistant)
and bio. 18 years and older. No calls. No drop-offs. Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Fit Models
Comments: Nene Musik Productions, Llc. was established in 1989 Policy: Accepted via email and U.S. mail, photo submissions
as a boutique artist management/consultancy agency created by and resumes first.
Ruben D. Martinez to service acts that have been misrepresented by
other agencies or managers in their past. Experience and commit- RamFam Management (TMA)
ment to excellence have earned the company a spotless reputation. Lawrenceville, GA Cell: 678-517-3430
Mr. Martinez previously worked as an agent at Pyramid Entertainment email:
Group (under the guidance of CEO Sal Michaels) and at Artists
& Audience (under the guidance of CEO Alex Kochen) where he website:
was responsible for the Contemporary, Latin/Tropical and Sports Staff: Justina Ramdhanie (President/Manager), Randolph
Entertainment rosters. He was instrumental in the touring success Ramdhanie (Manager)


Represents: Film & TV Actors - Fit Models - Promotional & Event & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians
Models - Singers & Musicians Policy: No unsolicited materials.
Policy: Inquiries by email only Comments: Represents name acts only.

ILLINOIS Scott Heigelmann

60 State St.
G & J Models Boston, MA 02109
33 W. Grand Ave., Ste. 402 1325 Avenue of the Americas
Chicago, IL 60654 312-587-1155 New York, NY 10019
email: Staff: Scott Heigelmann (Manager)
website: Represents: Sports Personalities
Staff: Katherine Tenerowicz (Director) Policy: Industry referral only. No unsolicited submissions. No
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Hosts & calls. No drop-offs.
Spokespersons - Voiceover Artists - Commercial Actors Comments: A premier entertainment, hospitality, executive,
Policy: Headshot/resume accepted by email or mail. and talent brand manager. Clients include high-profile artists,
Comments: A division of Grossman and Jack Talent represent- athletes, restaurateurs, nightlife personalities, producers, corporate
ing models. executives, social media personalities, celebrity chefs, and other
entertainment, hospitality and talent brands. Voting Member of
Model Act Studios the GRAMMYs, and a member of the American Jewish Committee.
1750 E. Golf Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-230-4554 NEVADA
115 Stephen St.
Lemont, IL 60439 Evans Management (NCOPM)
email: Las Vegas, NV 89129 702-360-6016
website: Fax: 702-255-2256
Staff: Robert Masny (Owner) email:
Represents: Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Voiceover Staff: Stanley Evans (President)
Artists - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Singers & Musicians Represents: Book Authors - Commercial Actors - Singers &
- Fit Models Musicians
Policy: Apply through website. Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs. Policy: Accepted by email only. A name must be attached to
Comments: Model Act Studios is the only talent management submissions. Unsigned submissions will not be considered. No
agency in Schaumburg & Lemont, Illinois that works directly with calls. No drop-offs.
talent agencies, modeling agencies, and casting directors from
Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago. Providing the correct tools to Sam David International Management
succeed, such as confidence, interview skills, camera technique, (NCOPM)
acting ability, and experience, while presenting talent with the 2251 N. Rampart Blvd., Ste. 113
opportunities to meet the right people. Las Vegas, NV 89128
Fax: 855-518-0052
Linda Townsend Management Inc. Staff: Sam David (Managing Director)
MD 20735 301-297-7400 Represents: Screenwriters - TV Writers - Film & TV Actors
Fax: 301-297-7403 Policy: Email letter of introduction. No drop-offs.
email: Comments: Focus on film, TV, publishing. Specialties also include columnists, ghostwriters, lyricists, TV scriptwriters, and writers.
website: Also affiliated with NAPAMA and SCBWI.
Staff: Linda Townsend (President), Jerry Caesar (VP)
Represents: Print Models - Voiceover Artists - Commercial OHIO
Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: Email to Society Sports, LLC
Comments: Represents all ages. P.O. Box 11421
Cincinnati, OH 45211 424-666-9161
Staff: Adam Limle (Partner), Brian Goldberg (Partner), Brad
Mixed Media Entertainment Company Tilford (Partner), Ken Griffey Jr. (Partner)
(NCOPM) Represents: Sports Personalities
53 Everett St. Policy: No unsolicited submissions.
Waltham, MA 02453 781-647-7800 Comments: Professional sports agency.
Fax: 781-647-7870
Staff: Michael Glynn (Manager)
Represents: Magicians - Variety Artists & Specialty Acts - Film


Au Management Group entertainment industry. The company discovers, develops, and
326 Penn Ave. launches top talent, streamlining the process by utilizing time-saving
West Reading, PA 19610 484-509-2070 preparation.Navigating the industry, Discovery Spotlight also offers
email: ongoing career support. Additional offices in Charleston, Myrtle
website: Beach, and Greenville, South Carolina.
Staff: Karen Wittmeyer (Manager/Owner), Lisa Emkey (Manager/
Represents: Print Models - Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors
Policy: To be considered for a meeting email headshot and Shauna D & Company, LLC
resume. If an appointment is set prepare a two minute monologue 14545 Friar St., Ste. 103
and prepare for a cold read. Phone calls accepted. No drop-offs. Los Angeles, CA 91411 213-290-4517
No walk-ins outside set appointments. 704-727-4646 (Charlotte)
Comments: Talent manager with 15 years experience in the email:
entertainment industry. Represents actors in commercial, film, and website:
television. Au is dedicated to achieving professional and personal Staff: Shauna Balfour (Manager)
goals for each and every one of their clients. Represents: Book Authors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Commercial
Actors - Singers & Musicians
I.T.S. Models and Talent (NCOPM-Women In Policy: By email only.
313 W. Liberty St., Ste. 356 VIRGINIA
Lancaster, PA 17603 717-509-3890
Fax: 717-735-6889 G. Gardner Talent Management
email: 202 Mill St.
website: P.O. Box 927
Staff: Tara Graham (Owner/Manager) Occoquan, VA 22125 571-477-1855
Represents: Commercial Actors - Film & TV Actors - Theater email:
Actors - Comedians - Dancers & Choreographers - Hosts & website:
Spokespersons - Print Models - Fashion & Runway Models - Variety Staff: Gabrielle Gardner (Owner/Manager)
Artists & Specialty Acts - Voiceover Artists - Promotional & Event Represents: Commercial Actors - Theater Actors - Film & TV
Models - Look-alikes & Impersonators - Fit Models - Musical Theater Actors
Performers - Magicians - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors Policy: By email only. No calls. No drop-offs.
Policy: Pictures/resume/reels or clips along with contact infor- Comments: Company strives to grow and develop young and
mation by email only. New talent can submit pictures and contact emerging entertainers. Gardner works closely with families to ensure
information with a statement describing interest in the Entertainment a positive experience in the entertainment industry. Clients have
Industry. All ages. Calls accepted. No drop-offs. worked professionally in film, television, theater, and commercials.
Comments: Represents all ages and types of models and talent.
Divisions consist of actors (union/nonunion/principal/extra) and
models (high fashion/commercial/promotional), voiceovers, and
singers. Works in local, national, and international markets. Primary
markets include N.Y., D.C., Md., Va., and Pa. areas.

Discovery Spotlight
1240 Winnowing Way, Ste. 102
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466 843-849-2560
Staff: Cory Dueger (CEO), Rebecca Dueger (New Faces Director)
Represents: Voiceover Artists - Promotional & Event Models
- Look-alikes & Impersonators - Fit Models - Singers & Musicians
- Musical Theater Performers - Film & TV Actors - Theater Actors
- Commercial Actors - Dancers & Choreographers - Variety Artists
& Specialty Acts - Martial Artists & Stunt Actors - Film & TV
Editors - Hosts & Spokespersons - Sports Personalities - Fashion &
Runway Models - Screenwriters - Magicians - Broadcast Journalists
& Newscasters - Comedians - Print Models - Speakers & Lecturers
Policy: Submit with headshot through website. Calls and drop-
offs accepted.
Comments: Since 2006, Discovery Spotlight has been providing
aspiring models, actors, singers, and dancers exposure to some of
the most influential agents, recruiters, and casting directors in the


Academy of Motion Picture Arts and 5636 Tujunga Ave.
Sciences (AMPAS) North Hollywood, CA 91601 323-978-8080
8949 Wilshire Blvd. 557 W. Randolph St.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-247-3000 Chicago, IL 60661 2
Fax: 310-859-9619 10319 Orangewood Blvd.
email: Orlando, FL 32821
website: Fax: 212-719-9815
Staff: Cheryl Boone Isaacs (President) email:
Types: Associations website:
Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers - Staff: Nick Wyman (President), Mary McColl (Executive Director),
Writers - Below the Line - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers Adriana Douzos (Social Media/PR Manager)
Industry: Film Types: Unions & Guilds
Comments: Honorary organization of motion-picture profession- Supports: Actors & Performers
als founded to advance the arts and sciences of motion pictures. Industry: Theater
Comments: Labor union representing U.S. actors and stage
Academy of Television Arts & managers working in the professional theater.
5220 Lankershim Blvd. The Actors Fund
North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-754-2800 729 Seventh Ave., 10th Fl.
Fax: 818-761-2827 New York, NY 10019 888-825-0911
website: 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 400
Staff: Alan Perris (Chief Operating Officer), Frank Kohler Los Angeles, CA 90036 800-221-7303
(Chief Financial & Administrative Officer), John Leverence (Sr. 203 N. Wabash Ave., Ste. 2104
VP, Awards), Laurel Whitcomb (VP, Marketing), Norma Provencio Chicago, IL 60601
Pichardo (Executive Director, Television Academy Foundation), Fax: 212-764-0238
Victoria Smart (Director, Membership), Robert O’Donnell (Director, email:
Activities), Juan Morales (Director, Membership Publications/Editor- website:
in-Chief), Lisa Fike (Controller), Ava Surrena (Director, Corporate Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Relations), Barbara Chase (Exec. Producer, Special Events), Scott Supports: Actors & Performers
Buford (Art Director), Karalee Vint (Director, Board Relations), Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video
Stephen Laughlin (Director, Information Technology) Comments: Nonprofit organization providing for the social
Types: Associations welfare of entertainment professionals.
Supports: Actors & Performers
Industry: TV & Video Alliance for Women in Media
Comments: Nonprofit trade organization for the advancement 2365 Harrodsburg Rd., A325
of telecommunications arts and sciences. Lexington, KY 40504 202-750-3664
Fax: 703-506-3266
The Actors Centre email:
1A Tower St. website:
London, England WC2H 9NP 020-3841-6600
email: Staff: Erin M. Fuller CAE (President), Amy B. Lotz CAE (Executive
website: VP)
Staff: Matthew Keeler (Creative Producer), Michael John (Creative Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Programme Director), Humphrey Waterhouse (General Manager), Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers -
Hatty Evans (Marketing & Communications Manager) Writers - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers
Types: Networking & Support Industry: Film - TV & Video
Supports: Actors & Performers Comments: National organization supporting the advancement
Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video of women in the communications and media industries. AWM hosts
Comments: Offers workshops through a membership program. the Gracie Awards, an annual awards program honoring the best in
Also provides short term memberships for visiting American actors. programming for, by, and about women.

Actors’ Equity Association (AEA) Alliance of Motion Pictures &

165 W. 46th St., 15th Fl. Television Producers (AMPTP)
New York, NY 10036 212-869-8530 15301 Ventura Blvd., Bldg. E

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more companies are choosing to work

remotely, because of this some physical locations may have changed or
become obsolete from the point of publication.


Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-995-3600 email:
website: website:
Staff: Carol Lombardini (President) Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Types: Associations - Networking & Support Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers -
Supports: Producers Writers - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers
Industry: Film - TV & Video Industry: Film
Comments: Trade association involved with labor issues within Comments: Organization dedicated to preserving and advanc-
the motion picture and television industries. ing the art of the moving image through events, exhibitions, and
American Association of Independent
Music (A2IM) American Guild of Musical Artists
132 Delancey St. (AGMA)
New York, NY 10002 646-692-4877 1430 Broadway, 14th Fl.
email: New York, NY 10018 212-265-3687 Fax: 212-262-9088
website: email:
Staff: Richard James Burgess (President/CEO), Andrea Pagnanelli website:
(General Manager) Staff: Leonard Egert (National Executive Director), Deborah
Types: Associations Allton-Maher (Associate Executive Director)
Supports: Singers & Musicians - Producers Types: Unions & Guilds
Industry: Music Supports: Singers & Musicians - Producers
Comments: A2IM is an organization of independent music Industry: Music
labels that promotes business opportunity, provides advocacy Comments: Labor organization that represents the men and
and representation, as well as networking opportunities for the women who create America’s operatic, choral, and dance heritage.
independent label community.
American Guild of Variety Artists
American Cinema Editors, Inc. (ACE) (AGVA)
5555 Melrose Ave. 11712 Moorpark St., Ste. 110
Marx Brother’s Bldg., Room 108 Studio City, CA 91604 818-508-9984
Los Angeles, CA 90038 818-777-2900 363 Seventh Ave., 17th Fl.
Fax: 818-733-5023 New York, NY 10001 8212-675-1003
email: Fax: 818-508-3029
website: email:
Staff: Jenni McCormick (Executive Director)
Types: Associations - Networking & Support website:
Supports: Editors & Post Production Staff: Steve Rosen (West Coast Representative), Allison Donnelly
Industry: Film (West Coast Representative)
Comments: Honorary society made up of editors deemed to be Types: Unions & Guilds
outstanding in their field. Supports: Actors & Performers - Singers & Musicians
Industry: Theater - Music
American Cinematheque at the Comments: Labor union representing performers in Broadway,
Egyptian & Aero Theatres off-Broadway, and cabaret productions, as well as theme park and
6712 Hollywood Blvd. nightclub performers.
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-461-2020
323-466-FILM American Humane Association Film &
Fax: 323-461-9737 TV Unit
email: 12711 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 180
website: Studio City, CA 91604 818-501-0123 1400 16th St. N.W., Ste. 360
Staff: Margot Gerber (Marketing & Publicity Manager), Barbara Washington, DC 20036 800-227-4645
Smith (Executive Director) Fax: 818-762-0908
Types: Associations - Networking & Support email:
Supports: Actors & Performers - Directors - Cinematographers
Industry: Film website:
Comments: Nonprofit cultural arts organization programming Staff: Robin R. Ganzert (President/CEO), Jack Hubbard (COO),
specialty film series at the Egyptian and Aero Theatres. Theaters Clifford Rose (CFO), Karen Rosa (VP, Film & TV Unit)
also available for rent. Types: Associations
Supports: Below the Line
American Film Institute (AFI) Industry: Film - TV & Video
2021 N. Western Ave. Comments: Watchdog organization dedicated to preventing
Los Angeles, CA 90027 323-856-7600 cruelty to animal actors performing in films and television.
Fax: 323-467-4578


American Screenwriters Association Supports: Below the Line - Animators & Artists
(ASA) Industry: Film - TV & Video
269 S. Beverly Dr., Ste. 2600 Comments: Organization representing production designers,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212-3807 art directors, assistant art directors, and scenic, title, and graphic
email: designers.
Staff: Steve Kirwan (Executive Director) Association of Authors’
Types: Associations Representatives (AAR)
Supports: Writers 302A W. 12th St., Ste. 122
Industry: Film New York, NY 10014 212-840-5777
Comments: Mission is to help screenwriters hone their skills email:
and sell their screenplays.Dedicated to creating a dialog between website:
screenwriters, producers, filmmakers, actors, and industry to Staff: Gail Hochman (President)
foster mutual success. Types: Associations
American Society of Industry:
Cinematographers (ASC) Comments: Nonprofit organization of qualified literary agents
1782 N. Orange Dr. and dramatic representatives of authors, dramatists, and other
Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-969-4333 creators and owners of intellectual property.
P.O. Box 2230 The Association of Celebrity Personal
Los Angeles, CA 90028 Assistants
Fax: 323-952-2140 907 Westwood Blvd., #363
website: Los Angeles, CA 90024
Staff: Stephen Lighthill (President), Daryn Okada (VP) website:
Types: Associations - Networking & Support Staff: Drei Donnelly (President), Kimberly McFarland (VP), Kelly
Supports: Cinematographers Wade (Treasurer)
Industry: Film Types: Associations
Comments: Society representing professional cinematographers, Supports: Below the Line
dedicated to improving the quality of motion picture presentation. Industry: Film - TV & Video - Music
Comments: An organization of professionals who work with
American Society of Composers, celebrities, politicians, or dignitaries as assistants, estate manag-
Authors & Publishers (ASCAP) ers, and similar high-level positions within the elite community.
7920 W. Sunset Blvd., Third Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 323-883-1000 Association of Independent
250 W. 57th St. Commercial Producers (AICP)
New York, NY 10023 212-621-6000 650 N. Bronson Ave., Ste. 223B
2 Music Square W. Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-960-4763
Nashville, TN 37212 3 W. 18th St., Fifth Fl.
420 Lincoln Rd., Ste. 385 New York, NY 10011 212-929-3000
Miami Beach, FL 33139 Fax: 323-960-4766
Fax: 323-883-1049 email:
email: website:
website: Staff: Matt Miller (President/CEO), Ileana Montalvo (Director,
Staff: Randy Grimmett (Executive VP) Events)
Types: Unions & Guilds - Associations - Networking & Support Supports: Producers
Supports: Singers & Musicians - Writers - Producers Industry: Film - TV & Video
Industry: Music Comments: Organization representing interests of U.S. companies
Comments: Performing rights organization representing compos- that specialize in producing commercials in various media (film,
ers, lyricists, songwriters, and music publishers. Additional offices video, Internet, etc.) for advertisers and agencies.
in Atlanta, Puerto Rico, and London.
Association of Talent Agents (ATA)
Art Directors Guild & Scenic, Title, 9255 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 930
and Graphic Artists Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-274-0628
c/o Local 800 I.A.T.S.E. Fax: 310-274-5063
11969 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. email:
Studio City, CA 91604 818-762-9995 website:
Fax: 818-762-9997 Staff: Karen Stuart (Executive Director), Robin Noval
website: (Administrator)
Staff: Scott Roth (Executive Director), John Moffitt (Associate Types: Associations
Executive Director), Lydia Zimmer (Director, Operations) Supports: Actors & Performers - Below the Line
Types: Unions & Guilds Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video


Comments: Nonprofit trade association for talent agencies Supports: Actors & Performers - Singers & Musicians - Writers
representing clients in the motion picture and television industries, Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video - Music
as well as literary, theater, radio, and commercial clients. Comments: State organization encouraging artistic awareness,
expression, and participation reflecting California’s diverse cultures.
8730 Sunset Blvd., Third Fl., Camp Reel Stories
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-659-9109 838 Mandana Blvd.
7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St. Oakland, CA 94610
New York, NY 10007 212-220-3000 email:
10 Music Square E. website:
Nashville, TN 37203 Staff: Esther Pearl (Executive Director)
3340 Peachtree Rd., N.E., Ste. 570 Types: Associations
Atlanta, GA 30326 Supports: Actors & Performers - Writers - Directors - Children
Fax: 310-657-6947 Industry: Film - TV & Video
email: Comments: Camp Reel Stories is a nonprofit organization that believes when women and girls are better represented behind the
website: scenes in the media, they will be better reflected on the screen.
Staff: Doreen Ringer Ross (VP, Film & TV Relations), Barbara Organization empowers 13-18 year old young women with the skills
Cane (VP/General Manager, Writer & Publisher Relations), Delia to create their own media, view current media critically and thought-
Orjuela (VP, Writer & Publisher Relations, Latin Music), Tracie fully, and to aspire to lead in their field. Offers women of all ages the
Verlinde (Senior Director, Writer & Publisher Relations), Ray Yee opportunity to learn how to make films and tell their stories. This is
(Executive Director, Film & TV Relations), Michael Crepezzi (Executive done through workshops and camps aimed at teaching women and
Director, Performing Rights), Casey James Robinson (Director, girls how to make movies in the new digital era. By working in small,
Writer/Publisher Relations), Marissa Lopez (Director, Latin Writer/ collaborative groups, the camp gives campers the opportunity to
Publisher Relations), Anne Cecere (Director, Film & TV Relations) make and broadcast their own short films.
Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Supports: Singers & Musicians Casting Society of America (CSA)
Industry: Music 1149 N. Gower St., Ste. 110
Comments: Organization that collects license fees from busi- Los Angeles, CA 90038 323-785-1011
nesses that use music, which it distributes as royalties to songwriters, c/o Bernard Telsey
composers, and music publishers. 311 W. 43rd St., 10th Fl.
New York, NY 10036 212-868-1260
The British Academy of Film & email:
Television Arts (BAFTA) website:
195 Piccadilly Types: Associations - Networking & Support
London, England W1J 9LN Supports: Actors & Performers - Below the Line
8533 Melrose Ave., Second Fl. Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-652-4121 Comments: Trade organization of professional film and televi-
124 E. 55th St. sion casting directors.
New York, NY 10022 212-258-2651
Fax: 310-854-6002 CineStory
email: P.O. Box 661962
website: Los Angeles, CA 90066 323-900-0502
Types: Associations - Networking & Support email:
Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers - website:
Writers - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers Staff: Clea Frost (Executive Director)
Industry: Film - TV & Video Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Comments: Independent charity that supports, develops, and Supports: Writers
promotes the art of the moving image. Also helps identify and Industry: Film
reward excellent and inspirational practitioners. Headquarters Comments: Nonprofit organization for emerging screenwriters.
located in London.
Commercial Casting Directors
California Arts Council (CAC) Association (CCDA)
1300 I St., Ste. 930 13425 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814 916-322-6555 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-782-9900
800-201-6201 818-817-4322
Fax: 916-322-6575 Fax: 818-782-0030
email: email:
website: website:
Staff: Muriel Johnson (Director), Mary Beth Barber Staff: Jeff Gerard (President)
(Communications Director), Josie S. Talamantez (Chief of Programs) Types: Networking & Support
Types: Associations - Networking & Support Supports: Below the Line


Industry: Entertainment Industries Council,
Comments: Organization dedicated to providing a level of profes- Inc.
sionalism for casting directors within the commercial industry. 13400 Riverside Dr., Ste. 300
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-728-7600
Costume Designers Guild (CDG) 12020 Sunrise Valley Dr., Ste. 100
3919 W. Magnolia Blvd. Reston, VA 20191 703-481-1414
Burbank, CA 91505 818-848-2800 Fax: 818-840-2018
Fax: 818-752-2402 email:
website: website:
Staff: Salvador Perez (President), Cate Adair (VP), Ivy Thaide Types: Associations - Networking & Support
(Secretary), Nanrose Buchman (Treasurer), Rachael M. Stanley Supports: Actors & Performers - Below the Line
(Executive Director) Industry: Film - TV & Video
Types: Unions & Guilds Comments: Nonprofit organization founded in 1983 by leaders
Supports: Below the Line in the entertainment industry to provide information, awareness,
Industry: Film - TV & Video and understanding of major health and social issues among the
Comments: Union representing motion picture, television, and entertainment industries and to audiences at large. Producer of
commercial costume designers. Promotes research, artistry, and the annual PRISM Awards TV special.
technical expertise in the field of film and television costume design.
Film Festival Group
Directors Guild of America (DGA) 2245 India St., Ste. 201
7920 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90039 323-667-1714
Los Angeles, CA 90046 310-289-2000 Fax: 267-222-7777
110 W. 57th St. email:
New York, NY 10019 212-258-0800 website:
400 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 307 Staff: Mitch Levine (President)
Chicago, IL 60611 Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Fax: 310-289-2029 Supports: Writers - Directors
website: Industry:
Staff: Taylor Hackford (President) Comments: The Film Festival Group is a global consulting firm
Types: Unions & Guilds for film festivals, filmmakers, and distribution companies, special-
Supports: Directors izing in start-up strategies, operations, programming, sponsorship,
Industry: Film - TV & Video marketing, special events and technical production. Also provides
Comments: Labor union representing film and television directors, extensive editorial consulting to producers and filmmakers and
unit production managers, 1st assistant directors, 2nd assistant helps design festival, market, acquisition and distribution strate-
directors, technical coordinators, tape associate directors, stage gies for their films.
managers, and production associates.
Film Independent
Doculink 5670 Wilshire Blvd., 9 Ninth Fl.
Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-556-9300
website: Fax: 323-556-9303
Staff: Robert Bahar (Director & Co-Founder), Antonia Kao website:
(Co-Founder) Staff: Josh Welsh (President), Patti Davis (Executive), Michael
Types: Networking & Support Winchester (Managing Director), Jennifer Cochis (Director, Los
Supports: Producers - Directors - Cinematographers Angeles Film Festival), Maria Bozzi (Senior Director, Film Education),
Industry: Film Monique Coleman (Director, Human Resources & Administration),
Comments: An online community for documentary filmmakers Hasan Foster (Senior Manager, Inclusion & Discourse)
who share information, leads, ideas, and a commitment to support Types: Associations - Networking & Support
each other’s growth as nonfiction filmmakers. Supports: Actors & Performers - Writers - Producers - Directors
- Cinematographers
The Dramatists Guild of America, Inc. Industry: Film
1501 Broadway, Ste. 701 Comments: Nonprofit arts organization that nurtures independent
New York, NY 10036 212-398-9366 films and the artists who create them. Produces the Independent
Fax: 212-944-0420 Spirit Awards and Los Angeles Film Festival.
website: Film-News.Co.UK
Types: Unions & Guilds 27 Lothair Rd. S.
Supports: Singers & Musicians - Writers London, England N4 1EN 020-8347-9279 (Sale Inquiries)
Industry: Theater - Music email:
Comments: Professional association of playwrights, compos- website:
ers, and lyricists. Staff: Marco Gandolfi (Editor), Anthony Holdgate (Staff), Claudia
A (Staff), Martin Abbas (Staff), Simon Kennedy (Staff), Patrick


Kennedy (Staff), Chloe Billington (Staff), Cat Byers (Staff), Geoff Hollywood Radio & Television Society
Wytcherley (Staff), Cihan Narin (Staff), James Coplin (Staff), Oliver (HRTS)
Monty (Staff), Thea Ioannou (Staff), James Shohet (Staff), James 16530 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 411
Taylor (Staff), Melissa Hogenboom (Staff), Adrian (Staff), Max Encino, CA 91436 818-789-1182
Geraghty (Staff), Andy Snipper (Staff), Stephen Markley (Staff), Fax: 818-789-1210
Rich Banks (Staff), Stephen Parker (Staff), Jessica Dickinson (Staff) email:
Types: Networking & Support website:
Supports: Actors & Performers - Writers - Directors Staff: Sean Perry (President), Ian Moffitt (VP)
Industry: Film - TV & Video Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Comments: Aleading independent publisher featuring news, Supports: Editors & Post Production - Writers - Below the
reviews, interviews, competitions, the latest releases, and all the Line - Directors
gossip from the worldwide film and movie scene. Industry: TV & Video
Comments: Recognized as the entertainment industry’s premier
Filmmakers Alliance (FA) networking and information forum. Through the signature Newsmaker
1317 N. San Fernando Blvd., Ste. 366 Luncheon Series and other HRTS events, provides industry execu-
Burbank, CA 91504 310-568-0633 tives the opportunity to stay abreast of current trends while also
Fax: 818-301-2257 staying connected to other key entertainment industry leaders.
website: Horror Writers Association
Types: Associations - Networking & Support P.O. Box 56687
Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers - Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 818-220-3965
Writers - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers email:
Comments: Community of film artists bound by a commitment to
realize the full creative potential of independent film. Hosts monthly website:
meetings, screenings, seminars, discussion forums, writers groups, Staff: Lisa Morton (President)
and staged readings. Also fiscal sponsorship available. Types: Associations
Supports: Writers
Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors Industry: Film
(HOLA) Comments: Worldwide organization of horror and dark fantasy
107 Suffolk St., Ste. 302 writers and publishing professionals.
New York, NY 10002 212-253-1015
Fax: 212-253-9651 The HUMANITAS Prize
email: 5454 Beethoven St.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90066 310-454-8769
Staff: Manny Alfaro (Executive Director) Fax: 310-496-4306
Types: Associations - Networking & Support email:
Supports: Actors & Performers - Singers & Musicians - Writers website:
- Directors Staff: John Wells (President), Soozie Eastman (Director of
Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video - Music Programs), Cathleen Young (Executive Director)
Comments: Arts service organization committed to projecting Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Hispanic artists and their culture into the mainstream of Anglo- Supports: Writers
American industry and culture. Publishes an online photo and Industry: Film - TV & Video
résumé directory of Hispanic talent on website. Comments: Prestigious prizes awarded to film and television
writers whose produced scripts communicate values that most
Hollywood Foreign Press Association enrich the human person.
646 N. Robertson Blvd. Independent Film & Television
West Hollywood, CA 90069 310-657-1731 Alliance (IFTA)
Fax: 310-657-5576 10850 Wilshire Blvd., Ninth Fl.
website: Los Angeles, CA 90024-4321 310-446-1000
Staff: Ali Sar (President), Helen Hoehne (VP), Janet R. Napales Fax: 310-446-1600
(Treasurer) email:
Types: Associations - Networking & Support website:
Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers - Staff: Lloyd Kaufman (Chairman), Jean Prewitt (President/CEO),
Writers - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers Jonathan Wolf (Executive VP/Managing Director)
Industry: Film - TV & Video Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Comments: Nonprofit organization comprise of journalists seek- Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers -
ing to establish favorable relations between foreign countries and the Writers - Below the Line - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers
United States through the dissemination of information concerning Industry: Film - TV & Video
the American culture and traditions as depicted in motion pictures Comments: Nonprofit trade association for the independent film
and television. Presents the annual Golden Globe Awards. and television industries. IFTA also producers the annual American
Film Market event.


Independent Filmmaker’s Project Types: Associations - Networking & Support
(IFP) Supports: Writers - Below the Line
30 John St., Ground Fl. Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video
Brooklyn, NY 11201 212-465-8200 Comments: Association of professional entertainment journalists.
P.O. Box 3065
Chicago, IL 60654 312-506-4699 Location Managers Guild of America
P.O. Box 23159 8033 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1017
Seattle, WA 98102 Los Angeles, CA 90046 310-967-2007
2446 University Ave. W., Ste. 100 Fax: 310-967-2013
St. Paul, MN 55114 email:
Fax: 212-465-8525 website:
email: Staff: Lori Balton (President)
website: Types: Unions & Guilds
Staff: Joana Vicente (Executive Director) Supports: Below the Line
Types: Networking & Support Industry: Film - TV & Video - Music
Supports: Writers - Directors Comments: Professional association of location managers and
Industry: Film scouts in film, TV, commercials, music videos, and print advertising.
Comments: Not-for-profit organization designed to foster a more
sustainable infrastructure that supports independent filmmaking Motion Picture Association of
and ensures opportunities for the public to see films more accurately America (MPAA)
reflecting the full diversity of American culture. Presents the IFP 15301 Ventura Blvd., Bldg. E
Market, Gotham Awards, and Filmmaker Magazine. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-995-6600
Fax: 818-285-4403
International Alliance of Theatrical email:
Stage Employees (IATSE) website:
10045 Riverside Dr. Staff: Chris Dodd (CEO/Chairman)
Toluca Lake, CA 91602 818-980-34992 Types: Associations
207 W. 25th St., Fourth Fl. Supports: Below the Line
New York, NY 10001 212-730-1770 Industry: Film - TV & Video
Fax: 818-980-3496 Comments: Trade association for the U.S. motion-picture, home-
website: entertainment, and television industries.
Types: Unions & Guilds - Networking & Support
Supports: Below the Line - Animators & Artists Motion Picture Editors Guild
Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video 7715 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 200
Comments: Union representing technicians, artisans, and craft- Hollywood, CA 90046 323-876-4770
persons in the entertainment industry including live theatre, film 145 Hudson St., Ste. 201
and television production, and trade shows. New York, NY 10013 212-302-0700
Fax: 323-876-0861
International Documentary email:
3470 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 980 website:
Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-232-1660 Staff: Cathy Repola (National Executive Director)
Fax: 213-534-3610 Types: Unions & Guilds - Networking & Support
email: Supports: Editors & Post Production - Below the Line
website: Industry: Film - TV & Video
Staff: Michael Lumpkin (Executive Director) Comments: Union representing motion-picture, television, and
Types: Associations commercial editors, sound technicians, and story analysts.
Supports: Writers - Below the Line - Directors - Cinematographers
Industry: Film - TV & Video Multicultural Motion Picture
Comments: Dedicated to supporting the efforts of nonfiction Association (MMPA)
film and video makers throughout the United States and the world. 468 N. Camden Dr., Ste. 200
Promotes the documentary form, expands opportunities for the Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-497-4554
production, distribution, and exhibition of documentary. 310-358-8300
International Press Academy Staff: Jarvee Hutcherson (President)
15225 Weddington St. Types: Associations
Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 818-989-1589 Supports: Actors & Performers - Writers - Below the Line -
8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 260 Producers - Directors
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Industry: Film - TV & Video
Fax: 818-787-3627 Comments: Association promoting and encouraging diversity of
email: ideas, cultures, and perspectives in film and television; Sponsor of


the annual Diversity Awards and the MMPA Oscar Week Scholarship Staff: Steve Ross (President), Javad J. Ayala (VP), Cheryl L.
Luncheon Bacon (Secretary)
Types: Unions & Guilds
Music Video Production Association Supports: Below the Line
(MVPA) Industry: TV & Video
201 N. Occidental Blvd., Bldg. 7, Unit B Comments: Union representing employees in the television
Los Angeles, CA 90026 213-387-1590 broadcast and production industry including high definition and 24p
Fax: 213-385-9507 video. Currently represents workers at NBC, ABC, FOX, Univision,
email: Telemundo, and The National Captioning Institute.
Staff: Andrea Clark (Executive Director), Amy E (Administrative National Association of Broadcasters
Director) (NAB)
Types: Associations - Networking & Support 1771 N. St. N.W.
Supports: Editors & Post Production - Singers & Musicians - Below Washington, DC 20036 202-429-5300
the Line - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers Fax: 202-429-4199
Industry: TV & Video - Music email:
Comments: Nonprofit trade organization made up of music website:
video production and postproduction companies, as well as editors, Types: Associations
directors, producers, cinematographers, choreographers, script Supports: Actors & Performers
supervisors, computer animators, and makeup artists involved in Industry: TV & Video
the production of music videos. Comments: Full-service trade association representing the
interests of free, over-the-air radio, and television broadcasters.
Nashville Association of Talent
Directors (NATD) National Association of Latino
P.O. Box 23903 Independent Producers (NALIP)
Nashville, TN 37202 615-297-0100 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 1100
email: Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-470-1061
website: Fax: 310-470-1091
Types: Associations - Networking & Support email:
Supports: Actors & Performers - Singers & Musicians - Writers website:
- Below the Line - Directors Staff: Bienvenida Matias (Interim Executive Director), Octavio
Industry: Film - TV & Video - Music Marin (Signature Programs Director)
Comments: Professional entertainment organization comprised Types: Associations - Networking & Support
of industry professionals involved in all aspects of the music and Supports: Producers
entertainment industries. Industry: Film
Comments: Organization of Latino/Latina television and docu-
National Academy of Recording Arts mentary filmmakers.
& Sciences (NARAS)
The Recording Academy National Association of Talent
3030 Olympic Blvd. Representatives (NATR)
Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-392-3777 150 W. 25 St., #1200
Fax: 310-399-3090 New York, NY 10001
website: Fax: 212-633-0050
Staff: Neil Portnow (President/CEO) email:
Types: Associations - Networking & Support website:
Supports: Actors & Performers - Singers & Musicians - Producers Staff: Ken Slevin (President)
Industry: TV & Video - Music Types: Associations
Comments: Organization dedicated to improving the quality of life Supports: Actors & Performers - Below the Line
and cultural condition for musicians, producers, and other record- Industry:
ing professionals. Provides outreach, professional development, Comments: The National Association of Talent Representatives
cultural enrichment, education, and human services programs. (NATR) is a not-for-profit trade organization serving the various
Sponsors the Grammy Awards. needs of licensed talent agencies in the New York metropolitan
area, both as individual businesses and as members of the New York
National Association of Broadcast agent community. Representing the needs of members for over 30
Employees and Technicians (NABET- years, regardless of area of expertise or agency size.
c/o Nabet - CWA Local 59053 National Association of Television
1918 W. Burbank Blvd. Program Executives (NATPE)
Burbank, CA 91506 818-846-0490 5757 Wilshire Blvd., PH 10
Fax: 818-846-2306 Los Angeles, CA 90036 310-453-4440
email: Fax: 310-453-5258
website: email:


website: New York Women in Film & Television
Types: Associations 6 E. 39th St., Ste 1200
Supports: Below the Line New York, NY 10016 212-679-0870
Industry: TV & Video Fax: 212-679-0899
Comments: Global, nonprofit organization dedicated to the email:
creation, development and distribution of televised programming in website:
all forms, across all platforms. Develops and nurtures opportunities Staff: Alexandra Levi (President)
for the buying, selling and sharing of content and ideas. Types: Associations - Networking & Support
Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers -
National Association of Theatre Singers & Musicians - Writers - Below the Line - Producers - Directors
Owners (NATO) - Cinematographers
1705 N. St., N.W. Industry: Film - TV & Video
Washington, DC 20036 202-962-0054 Comments: A nonprofit membership organization for professional
3450 Cahuenga Blvd. W., #410 women in film, television, and digital media.
Los Angeles, CA 90068 818-506 -1778
Fax: 202-962-0370 The Norman Lear Center
email: USC Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism
website: Los Angeles, CA 90089 213-821-1343
Staff: John Fithian (President & CEO), Kathy Conroy (VP/COO), Fax: 213-821-1580
David Binet (Deputy Director of Membership), Esther Baruh (Director, email:
Government Relations), Phil Contrino (Director of Media & Research), website:
Cheryl Dickson (Executive Assistant/Office Manager), Alex Rich Types: Associations
(Manager of State Government Relations), Enid Palazzolo (Finance Supports:
Manager), Patrick Corcoran (VP/Chief Communications Officer (LA)) Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video - Music
Types: Associations Comments: A multidisciplinary research and public policy center
Supports: Below the Line exploring implications of the convergence of entertainment, com-
Industry: Film merce, and society.
Comments: The National Association of Theatre Owners is the
largest exhibition trade organization in the world, representing over The Organization of Black
32,000 movie screens in all 50 states, and additional cinemas in Screenwriters (OBS)
85 countries worldwide. 3010 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 269
Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-735-2050
National Conference of Personal Fax: 323-735-2051
Managers (NCOPM) website:
P. O. Box 50008 Staff: Jennifer Williams (President), Kimberly Allen (First Vice
Henderson, NV 89016 866-916-2676, ext. 1 President), Lisa Bolekaja (Second Vice President), Jasheika James
212-245-2063 (Executive Secretary), Angela T. Akins (Assistant Treasurer), Doug
Fax: 212-245-2367 Jackson (Production Committee), Randy Carey (Webmaster)
email: Types: Associations Supports: Writers
website: Industry: Film
Types: Associations Comments: Established in 1986 to address the lack of black
Supports: Below the Line writers represented within the entertainment industry. Assists
Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video screenwriters in the creation of works for film and television and
Comments: Association for the advancement of personal manag- helps them present their work to the industry.
ers and their clients.
National Council of La Raza (NCLR) 588 Broadway
c/o Raul Yzaguirre Bldg. New York, NY 10012-3225 212-334-1660
1126 16th St. N.W., Sixth Fl. 8444 Wilshire Blvd., Fourth Fl.
Washington, DC 20036 202-785-1670 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-424-4939
210-212-4454 1015 15th St. N.W., Ste. 600
Fax: 202-776-1792 Washington, DC 20005
email: Fax: 212-334-2181
website: email:
Types: Associations - Networking & Support website:
Supports: Actors & Performers - Singers & Musicians Types: Associations
Industry: Film - TV & Video - Music Supports: Editors & Post Production - Writers
Comments: Private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organiza- Industry: Theater - Film
tion dedicated, in part, to promoting fair, accurate, and balanced Comments: Nonprofit organization made up of poets, play-
portrayals of Latinos in film, television, and music. Sponsor of the wrights, essayists, novelists, television writers, screenwriters,
ALMA Awards. critics, historians, editors, journalists, and translators. Dedicated


to protecting the rights of writers around the world, to stimulate Staff: Cyd Wilson (Executive Director), Charlotte Wells (Managing
interest in the written word, and to foster a vital literary community. Director), Rochelle Rose (National Director of Actors Programs),
Adam Huss (National Director of Facilities/I.T.), Caroline O’Connor
Producers Guild of America (PGA) (Director of Communications), Michelle Shegda (National Director of
8530 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 400 Literacy Programs), Melissa Kakri Zareh (New York Program Director)
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-358-9020 Types: Associations - Networking & Support
116 W. 23rd St., Fifth Fl. Supports: Actors & Performers - Children
New York, NY 10011 Industry: Film - TV & Video
Fax: 310-358-9520 Comments: Nonprofit organization for SAG-AFTRA members
email: that provides free resources, services, and educational programs
website: including emergency assistance and scholarships; casting classes;
Staff: Gail Berman (President), Lucy Fisher (President), Vance reel editing and Photoshop classes; voiceover workshops and labs;
Van Petten (Executive Director), Susan Sprung (Executive Director) screenings, panels and Q&As; online educational videos; and
Supports: Producers volunteer children’s literacy programs. All SAG-AFTRA members
Comments: Organization representing the interests of all mem- can sign up for a user account to access all of the programs at
bers of the producing team.

Queer Women of Color Media Arts SAGindie

Project (QWOCMAP) 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Fl.
1041 Torney Ave., Ste. 111 Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-549-6064
San Francisco, CA 94129 415-752-0868 Fax: 323-549-6082
email: email: website:
website: Staff: Darrien Michele Gipson (Executive Director)
Staff: Madeleine Lim (Executive/Artistic Director), T. Kebo Drew Types: Networking & Support
(Managing Director), Christina Lang (Program Manager) Supports: Actors & Performers
Types: Networking & Support Industry: Film - TV & Video
Supports: Actors & Performers - Writers - Below the Line - Comments: Free resource for independent filmmakers interested
Directors - Cinematographers in hiring professional actors. Monthly low-budget film contract
Industry: Film workshops held in LA & NY.
Comments: Creates, exhibits, and distributes new films that
authentically reflect the lives of queer women of color (cisgender Scriptwriters Network
and trans), gender nonconforming, and transgender people of color 121 W. Lexington Dr., Ste. 254
(of any sexual orientation), and that address the vital, intersecting Glendale, CA 91203 888-796-9673
social justice issues that concern multiple communities. P.O. Box 642806
Los Angeles, CA 90064
SAG-AFTRA email:
5757 Wilshire Blvd. website:
Los Angeles, CA 90036 855-724-2387 Staff: Melessa Y. Sargent (President/CEO)
1900 Broadway, Fifth Fl. Types: Associations - Networking & Support
New York, NY 10023 212-944-1030 Supports: Writers
email: Comments: Organization providing information and career counseling for film and television writers.
Staff: Gabrielle Carteris (President), Rebecca Damon (Executive Society of Camera Operators (SOC)
VP), Clyde Kusatsu (VP, LA), Mike Hodge (VP, NY), David White P.O. Box 2006
(National Executive Director), Mathis Dunn (Associate National Toluca Lake, CA 91610 818-382-7070
Executive Director), Duncan Crabtree-Ireland (COO), Mary Cavallaro 2815 Winona Ave.
(Chief Broadcast Officer), Pam Greenwalt (Chief Communications Burbank, CA 91504 818-563-9110
& Marketing Officer) email:
Types: Unions & Guilds
Supports: Actors & Performers website:
Industry: Film - TV & Video Staff: George Billinger (President), Mitch Dubin (First VP), Dan
Comments: Union representing actors in feature films, short Turrett (Second VP)
films, and digital projects. Types: Associations
Supports: Below the Line
SAG-AFTRA Foundation Industry: Film - TV & Video
5757 Wilshire Blvd. Comments: Organization promoting excellence in the fields of
Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-549-6708 camera operation and the allied camera crafts.
1900 Broadway, Fifth Fl.
New York, NY 10023 212-827-1401


Stage Directors & Choreographers Types: Associations
Society (SDC) Supports: Writers
321 W. 44th St., Ste. 804 Industry: Theater - Film - TV & Video
New York, NY 10036 212-391-1070 Comments: Promotes progress of the arts and protection for
800-541-5204 the works of authors. Web site serves the copyright community of
Fax: 212-302-6195 creators and users, as well as the general public.
website: Women In Film (WIF)
Staff: Laura Penn (Executive Director), Maureen Fox (Executive 4221 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 130
Assistant) Los Angeles, CA 90010 323-935-2211
Types: Unions & Guilds Fax: 323-935-2212
Supports: Below the Line - Directors email:
Industry: Theater website:
Comments: Union representing directors and choreographers Staff: Kirsten Schaffer (Executive Director), Amy Guy (Director
of Broadway national tours, regional theater, dinner theater, and of Development)
summer stock, as well as choreographers for motion pictures, Types: Associations
television, and music videos. Supports: Editors & Post Production - Actors & Performers -
Writers - Below the Line - Producers - Directors - Cinematographers
Talent Managers Association (TMA) - Animators & Artists
4821 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. F 160 Industry: Film - TV & Video
North Hollywood, CA 91601 818-487-5556 Comments: Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women
email: achieve their highest potential within the global entertainment,
website: communications, and media industries, and to preserving the
Staff: Nikki Mincks (President), Ray Jimenez (First VP), Cheryl legacy of women within those industries.
Martin (Second VP), Betty McCormick (Corresponding Secretary)
Types: Associations Writers Guild of America (WGA)
Supports: Below the Line 7000 W. Third St.
Industry: Film - TV & Video Los Angeles, CA 90048-4329 323-951-4000
Comments: Nonprofit organization promoting and encouraging 250 Hudson St., Ste. 700
the highest standards of professionalism in the practice of talent New York, NY 10013 800-548-4532
management. Fax: 323-782-4800
The Black Filmmaker Foundation
(BFF) Staff: David A. Goodman (President), Majorie David (VP), Aaron
131 Varick St., Ste 937 Mendelsohn (Secretary/Treasurer)
New York, NY 10013 212-253-1690 Types: Unions & Guilds
email: Supports: Writers
Staff: Warrington Hudlin (President) Industry: Film - TV & Video
Types: Associations - Networking & Support Comments: Union representing writers in the motion-picture,
Supports: Writers - Below the Line - Producers - Directors - broadcast cable, and new-media industries.
Industry: Film - TV & Video Young Storytellers Foundation
Comments: Nonprofit organization which administers an online 923 E. Third St., Ste. 307
community of people of color who work in film, TV, and new media. Los Angeles, CA 90013 323-962-4500
323-843-9842 website:
27 Lothair Rd. S.
London, England N4 1EN 020-8347-9279 Staff: Bill Thompson (Executive Director), Pilar Alvarez (Education
email: Director), Lexi Notabartolo (Operations Manager), Jaylene Chung
website: (Development Manager), Netta Most (Script to Stage Director), Rachel
Staff: Chloe Billington (Editor) Fleischer (Movie Makers/P.O.V. Director), Pierre Pandy (Volunteer
Types: Networking & Support Outreach/Programs Coordinator), Jessica Alvarez (L.A. County Arts
Supports: Actors & Performers Commission Intern), Curtis Baxter (Interim Programs Director)
Industry: Theater Types: Associations
Comments: A leading independent publisher featuring news, Supports: Children - Writers - Below the Line - Producers -
reviews, interviews, competitions, the latest releases, and all the Actors & Performers
gossip from the theatre and performing arts industry. Industry: Film
Policy: Los Angeles-based foundation that serves both Los
U.S. Copyright Office Angeles and New York with programs for kids starting at the 5th
101 Independence Ave. S.E. grade and going through college. Semester-long and year long
Washington, D.C. 20559 202-707-3000 common core-aligned program where students write original scripts
website: and then see them performed by professional actors. Also has a


program that offers a pitch and screening of student-made films.
Comments: Inspires young people to discover the power of
their voice. Using one-on-one mentorship, low-income students
learn how to write original stories, and see them brought to life on
stage and film. Thanks to thousands of volunteer mentors, actors,
and professional teaching artists, Young Storytellers serves more
than 60 public schools in Los Angeles and New York City, reaching
1,200 students in elementary, middle, and high school each year.
As a result, young people learn that their voice matters.















For our readers’ ease of use, below is the

abbreviation key to some of the most
commonly used terms in our listings.

AAR: Association of Authors’ Representatives

AFM: American Federation of Musicians
AFTRA: American Federation of Television & Radio Artists
AGVA: American Guild of Variety Artists
ASCAP: American Society of Composers, Authors, and
ATA: Association of Talent Agents
ATAS: Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
CCDA: Commercial Casting Directors of America
CSA: Casting Society of America
DGA: Directors Guild of America
Equity (or AEA): Actors’ Equity Association
IATSE: International Alliance of Theatrical Stage
NATR: National Association of Talent Representatives
NCOPM: National Conference of Personal Managers
SAG: Screen Actors Guild
TMA: Talent Managers Association
WGA: Writers Guild of America
SASE: Self-addressed stamped envelope


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