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Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation Project

Follow the directions for each section. You may choose how to present your information
in each section using any combination of the following tools:
● Google Docs (include images)
● Google Slides
● Google Drawing
● Padlet - sign up with your Google account
● Google Sites
● If you have another tool you would like to use, please discuss it with me.

Part 1:
Create a presentation that explains three factors that contributed to or drove the cultural
change in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Reformation.
Some possible factors are:
● Black Death/Bubonic Plague
● Trade and travel
● Growth of towns
● Humanism
● Printing Press
● Magna Carta, Model Parliament, 100 Years’ War
● Important ideas of the Renaissance
● Important people of the Renaissance
● Corruption within the Church
● Other?

Include the following:

● Two or three pictures
● 4 or 5 key ideas per factor
● Explain how it caused change (key idea)
● Explain what changes were brought about (key idea)

Part 2:
Create a presentation on Leonardo da Vinci.
Include the following:
● Significant works of art
● Amazing inventions
● Work in Science
● Other?
Part 3:
Create a presentation on the Church from the Middle Ages to the Reformation.
Include 5 of the following:
● Growth of power and importance
● Architecture of churches and cathedrals
● Religious art
● Corruption in the Church
● Spanish Inquisition
● Heresy/heretics
● Political conflict
● Selling indulgences

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