Grp2 Chapter 1

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In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in English 10

Submitted by:

Fernandez, Stephen Charles B.

Gaviola, Nadine Regina M.

Gigante, Raphael Nicolai M.

Ison, Claire Adelene S.

Rosario, Carl Rovic M.

Sandigan, Jan Elijah D.C.

Velancio, Helliry Nichole D.

Grade 10 – Diocese of Malaybalay

Submitted to:

Mr. Carl Vincent Sereño

January, 2021



Education is a process of learning and knowing various information and essential skills to

be used daily, which can help us in our chosen career soon. This generation’s youth exerts the most

efforts to appreciate the importance of education since they are known to be the future’s hope. At

present, countless adjustments and policies have been enforced for the safety and welfare of people

due to the Coronavirus disease, more commonly known as the COVID-19 pandemic. This being

the case, Philippine educational institutions have proposed the implementation of online learning.

Online education is a term in which we communicate and study virtually which are then branched

into different modalities, i.e., Homeschooling, Blended Learning, Distance learning, and

Traditional Face-to-Face classes. These methods of learning were then evaluated which

culminated in the imposition of Blended and Distance Learning.

First is Blended Learning which refers to combining the administration of face-to-face

classes with any of the three proposed approaches for the Distance Learning. On the contrary,

Distance Learning refers to educational and instructional assistance that does not require physical

interactions. However, various issues and complications were encountered both in implementing

and pursuing these learning modalities for accessibility and convenience. This being said, a

common misconception has emerged, saying that Distance Learning only makes use of internet

access. As mentioned in the previous statement, the Department of Education has propounded

other approaches, i.e., Online Distance Learning (ODL), Modular Distance Learning (MDL), and

T.V./Radio-Based Instruction.

In this study, the researchers aim to analyze Grade 10 students’ educational capabilities

through Online Distance Learning and Blended Learning. The study also aims to provide

instructional assistance to students, school personnel, and parents in claiming the most suitable

modality for the students, depending on their own terms and conditions. Through this research,

they would be familiar with the government’s proposed modalities to improve their learning

capabilities and their interpersonal skills, as well.

Background of the Study

For the academic year 2020-2021, the Department of Education has proposed several

learning modalities due to the pandemic. These methods of learning were then bifurcated and

assessed which provided the population with two feasible options which are, Blended and Distance

Learning and this being the case, students have encountered major adjustments because of the

drastic transition from the traditional face-to-face classes to online learning. At the start of the

academic year, students were tasked to decide whether they would acquire Blended Learning or

Distance Learning, with some of them not having sufficient and objective information regarding

the given options. Due to this, students may not be fully aware of the possible repercussions

influenced with their choices. In compliance with Dr. Patricia Arinto’s study regarding Open and

Distance E-Learning (2016), pedagogical appeals for the e-learning system may still be considered

erroneous for most students, taking their accessibility to modern technology into account.

In Pasig Catholic College, blended learning permits students to take face-to-face classes

for a day per week, beginning in the second quarter until the fourth, allowing students and

educators to be more flexible in administering various teaching approaches. On the other hand,

online distance learning permits the students to obtain learning assistance within their homes to

assure students, parents, and educators their safety with the least possible physical contact. The

use of technology will also be maximized for both learning modalities for communication and

didactic interactions.

With the aforementioned statements, it is indeed evident that different factors were taken

into consideration by students in selecting their preferred learning modality for the academic year

2020-2021. To consider the strong and weak points of both modalities to be determined in the

process of analysis, the researchers decided to substantiate whether credible interconnections were

established. This led the researchers to further analyze and evaluate cogitable factors and

denouements in a more profound understanding.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impact of Pasig Catholic College’s Grade 10 students’

chosen learning modality on their educational capabilities for the academic year 2020-2021. This

study also seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the possible repercussions in choosing the students’ learning modalities in

terms of:

1.1 Behavior

1.2 Time Allotment

1.3 Academic Performance?

2. What were the different factors that were put into consideration upon choosing the

student’s learning modality in the school year 2020-2021?


3. To what extent can the possible repercussions be directly or inversely proportional to

each other depending on the students’ chosen learning modality?

Significance of the Study

This research study aims to benefit school administrators, educators, students, parents, and

future researchers by identifying the impact of the different learning modalities to the educational

capabilities of Grade 10 students of Pasig Catholic College in the School Year 2020 – 2021.

School Administrators. With the gathered data, the researchers would be able to provide

a clearer picture of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the currently

implemented learning modalities, that of which could be used by school administrators as a basis

for improvement and innovation, considering the uncertainty of the future of the Philippines’

educational system.

Educators. They would also be able to identify the different aspects that may affect their

students’ learning capabilities and align their educational plans accordingly. This study would also

be able to provide them a deeper understanding of the impacts of these learning modalities and

help construct a more effective approach in addressing the different concerns that are being and

will be experienced by their students.

Students. This research study would also benefit them in a way that would set expectations

on the learning modalities that have been implemented due to the pandemic and lockdown

measures and allow the upcoming Grade 10 students of Pasig Catholic College on a much more

seamless transition from the usual physical classroom learning to the new normal online learning


Parents. They can fully utilize the research in order to decide on the most suitable learning

modality for their children through knowing the viable outcomes which may take place during the

time of observation. Through this research, they may be able to focus on the most advisable option

in terms of safety, accessibility to resources, monetary support, and the like for the succeeding

academic years.

Future researchers. They would also be able to make use of this research study in

identifying more points for improvement on the learning modalities and possibly create better

versions of these modalities that would generally have a better impact on the educational

capabilities of future Grade 10 students. They could also use this study as a basis for the

development of better learning modalities that would be implemented in case similar situations

happen in the future.

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the different learning modalities on

the educational capabilities of Grade 10 students. A quantity of 5-10 students from the different

sections in the aforementioned grade level within Pasig Catholic College for the academic year

2020-2021 will be selected to answer an online survey prepared to support the research. The study

relies heavily on the integrity and sincerity of the respondents.

This study limits its coverage to Grade 10 students only. This study considers every aspect

of the students’ personal information that has an impact on their chosen learning modality such as

their home location, accessibility to resources, behavior, and the like. Identical questionnaires will

be given to each of the students to answer. This study focuses and aims to retrieve discreet and

individualistic responses on the current Grade 10 students of Pasig Catholic College for the

academic year 2020-2021.

Conceptual Framework

Since the research is focused on the Grade 10 students of Pasig Catholic College, a

questionnaire survey was chosen to be the testing platform for this study. Online surveys allow

respondents to maintain their anonymity; therefore, it would make the respondents more

comfortable in answering. It would also be more convenient for the respondents since answering

a survey only takes a few minutes. The researchers developed to parallel the learning modalities

in Pasig Catholic College and some of the possible factors that were considered by Grade 10

students in choosing a learning modality.

Online Survey
Via Google Forms

Grade 10 Respondents
5-10 Random Students

Factors that were considered in

choosing a learning modality.

Safety Transportation Location

Learning Modality

Distance Learning Blended Learning

Educational Capabilities

Figure 1 Research Paradigm

In Figure 1, the ones with a white background are the general components. Those in blue

are the specific components that the researchers have come up with in the course of doing this

study. The different factors that were considered by Grade 10 students are the determiner of their

learning modality. This would then be treated and correlated to the participants’ educational

capabilities in the hopes of finding if there is a significant difference between the learning

modalities on the educational capabilities of Grade 10 students.

Definition of Terms

Listed below are the words that were used throughout this research:

Modalities. It denotes a variety of logical propositions, methods, and measures depending on a


Pandemic. It refers to an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area.

Bifurcated. It is the process of dividing or sorting a general component into two branches or parts.

Repercussions. A reciprocal action or an unforeseen effect.


E-Learning. It deals with the type of learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the


Pedagogical. It emphasizes a description of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education.

Erroneous. Not in agreement with what is correct and authentic.

Didactic Interactions. It focuses on communicable lectures and approaches which are in relation

to teaching.

Cogitable. It refers to being able to grasp a thought by the mind.

Denouements. The final result of a process or a sequence of events.

Lockdown. It refers to the state of isolation within certain areas or restricted access instituted as a

security measure.

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