Process Paper

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The Service

Vanessa Sanchez, Marisol Padilla, Yadira Aquino

Group Website
Student composed words: 1,066 words
Multimedia: 1:13 Minutes
Process paper: 480 words
Process Paper

We decided on this topic after discussing what we liked and what we were interested in.

We went back and forth with two different topics. We chose this topic because of everything that

is going on with Roe V. Wade. Our topic relates to the annual theme because reproductive rights

have been a big part in the debate and diplomacy. The topic of pro-life and pro-choice

movements were involved in the debate, which pro-life emphasizes against abortions and

pro-choice is letting abortion be an option to women’s lives.

We did basic research at first. Afterwards we went to the Harold Washington Libary and

looked throught any abortion related books. We brought them home and read a lot more about

our topic. We then went more in depth with our research. We looked for primary sources and

were successful with that. We analyzed each primary source and we included it into our website.

We put together all of our effort and continued to improve our paper by adding Images (Primary

sources). Furthermore, we ended our design by providing each network we used in order to

strengthen our final work.

We created our project by making a website. The process of that was good. We decided to

wing it rather than making a layout on how we wanted it to look because we just wanted to get

right on it. Since we are 3 people working on this website, we brought together everyones

opinions so everyone agreed on what we were doing. Then, we shared the work so everyone
would have a section to do. We then would check each other’s work and give each other

feedback. After that we fixed things that were needed and added citations to images that were

used throughout our project.

Our historical argument included of the Jane Collective which means the abortion

counseling service women’s liberation. That created Roe V Wade which helped women get

abortions legally and with less health risk. Before women would try to get abortions illegally and

hidden which meant there was a higher risk for health problems to occur or end up being

punished by the police and government. Roe V Wade was a life changing decision for all women

in the U.S because it meant that they were finally able to have controls over their bodies like

taking decisions on abortions.

Our issue is significant in history since it began as a way to assist women with unplanned

pregnancies as a result of their decision not to have children. It also aids women in achieving

equality, whether they are running for government or operating companies in the same way that

men do. Women are now viewed in a positive light since some have the idea that they can get by

without a guy. Overall, the Jane Collective's effect gave hope and boldness to the lives of


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