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1 Complete the text with the correct form of the B: Well, if it wasn’t for the sporting activities,
verbs given. You may need to add not. I (2) ……………………………………………………………………..… my
Kelmscott Manor is a beautiful limestone house in the children to come here. They love doing all the water
Cotswolds. The designer William Morris spent his sports and things.
summers there between 1871 and 1896. On his death his A: Excellent. And do you like the food?
daughter, May, collected most of his work there. If she B: (3) ……………………………………………………………………… that
(1) ……………………………………………… (do) this, there wouldn’t the food was going to be this good, I would have
be such a great collection of his art today. When May booked the all-inclusive option!
died, she left the house to Oxford University, who then A: So you’re pleased you came?
gave it to the Society of Antiquaries, the current owners. B: Absolutely. If we (4) …………………………………………………
If the university (2) ……………………………………………… (keep) …………………… this deal, we would be staying in the
the manor, it would be in a terrible state today. As it is, same resort we’ve been to for the last five years.
the new owners have restored it to its former glory. If it I think it’s been good to have a change. In fact, we
weren’t for the refurbishment, it (3) ……………………………… (5) ……………………………………………………………………… more
………….… (open) to the public today. Morris’ fame as a adventurous sooner. There are so many places
designer has also helped the village. (4) …………………..… to see!
it ……………………………… (be) for his legacy, the village /5
wouldn’t have thought to host a weekly craft fair.
This helps bring extra income into the village. Had I 3 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
discovered Kelmscott sooner, I (5) ……………………………… text.
………….…… (visit) it again before now, because there was Looking back on it now, I (1) wish I’d planned/would have
so much to see. planned our trip to Washington in more detail. I know
/5 everyone (2) sooner would/would rather have seen the
inside of the Pentagon than just look at it from the
2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of outside, but I didn’t realise you had to book the tickets
these verbs. There are two extra verbs. months in advance. (3) If only/Had I’d thought about it
know • never persuade • not choose sooner. I would have reserved tickets to enter the White
not run • should be • take • try House as well. Instead, we had to be content with the
traditional photo from the outside. I (4) wish I looked/
A: Hi! Could I ask you some questions for a hotel should have looked into the logistics of going up the
survey? Washington Monument as well. It never occurred to me
B: Of course. What do you want to know? that that would be fully booked. We had a good time and
A: How did you come to book this hotel? saw pretty much everything, but I know the others
B: To be honest, if Turner Travel (1) …………………… (5) wish they would have gone/would sooner have gone
………………………………..…… such a big advertising inside the star attractions. Next time I’ll be more
campaign, we wouldn’t be here at all. We were organised.
planning on going to Spain, but we saw their adverts
and changed our mind. This hotel was part of the
A: I see. What do you think of the service here?
B: It’s very good. The staff are attentive.
A: What about the extra activities?

1 of 8
4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. You should use between two
and six words, including the word given.
1 I regret not taking the mosquito spray on our jungle 4 I was really disappointed that we finished the trek
walk today as I’m covered in bites now. SHOULD without seeing a single macaw. WISH
I ………………………………………………………………………………… I …………………………………………………………………………………
…………………… the mosquito spray on our jungle walk …………………… before we finished the trek.
today as I’m covered in bites now. 5 Jason said he didn’t enjoy the trek and would have
2 It was a shame we had to walk on the forest floor preferred to visit the Amazon tribe. RATHER
instead of on the high canopy bridges. SOONER Jason ……………………………………………………………………...…
I ………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… the Amazon tribe than go on the trek.
………………… the high canopy bridges than the forest
3 I can’t believe I was too busy using my phone and Total /
missed seeing the spider monkey. ONLY 2
……………………………………………………………………………………… 0
…………………… using my phone – then I wouldn’t have
missed seeing the spider monkey.

5 Complete the text with these words. There are 6 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
two extra words. text.

better off • detrimental • disregard • growth Puebla is an old colonial town in the centre of Mexico. In
hostile • troubled • unconcerned recent years the centre has undergone a transformation.
Buildings that were in (1) decay/slam/trouble have been
Tourism on the island of Busuanga in the Philippines is transformed into modern constructions. The traditional
growing fast, but is it good for the local population or is it buildings in the centre have been repainted to
(1) ……………………… to them? On the one hand, there is no (2) condone/enhance/better their beauty. Interesting new
doubt that tourism has increased employment in the area. structures have appeared on the skyline such as an
There’s been a rapid (2) ……………………… in the demand for enormous wheel rather like the London Eye. However,
boatmen, tourist guides and workers in hotels and some people feel that the local government has
restaurants. This influx of income should mean that the been (3) spending too much time/paying too much
people are (3) ………………………. On the other hand, the attention to/disregarding superficial changes and is
sharp rise in hotels, restaurants and shops in the area (4) unconcerned/troubled/inattentive about the deeper-
has occurred with complete (4) ……………………… for the rooted problems such as traffic congestion and pollution.
local area. The main town on the island is built on the These groups (5) praise/condone/slam the governor of
coast and it’s unclear whether all the necessary steps the city in particular and say he is disregarding the views
have been taken to protect the environment. At the of the majority.
moment the locals seem (5) ……………………… about this,
but in the long run if enough attention isn’t paid to this
issue, it could become a big problem.


2 of 8
7 Complete the text with the correct form of these 8 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
verbs. There are two extra verbs. text.

make out • miss out on • point out • run into It was 5.30 am and I was beginning to wonder if watching
run through • take on • turn out the sunrise at Machu Picchu was such a good idea.
I hadn’t (1) bargained for/taken on the early start. We
Last summer we went on a boat trip off the coast of should have been collected at 4.30 am, but the van got
Mexico to snorkel with whale sharks. I’d been snorkelling held up and didn’t reach us until 5.00, by which time we
before, but I have to say that this trip (1) …………………..… were all frustrated, (2) giving ourselves away/making
………………………………… to be quite different to what I ourselves out as a bunch of tourists on a tight schedule.
expected. On the way to where the whale sharks had On the journey up the mountain we (3) ran through/ran
been sighted, the guide (2) ………………………………………..… into a herd of llamas, which delayed us even more. The
the procedure because it’s quite different from a normal weather wasn’t helping either as it had been raining all
snorkelling trip. First of all, you don’t snorkel as a group. night and was still rather cloudy, so I didn’t think we were
You stay on the boat, grouped in pairs and try to going to see much. We finally made it into the site at
(3) ………………………………………………………… any fins on the about a quarter to six and miraculously things started to
surface of the water. When it’s your turn, you wait for the (4) pick up/grow on. As we wandered around the lower
guide to (4) ………………………………………………………… a whale elevation of the ruins, the clouds began to shift and the
shark approaching and you jump into the water. The first sun peeked through. By the time we reached the top, the
time I did this, I came face to face with one as I entered clouds had moved enough for the weak sun to light up
the water and I was so surprised by its size that I forgot to the entire site and it was magical. I was very glad I had
swim and it quickly disappeared. I realised that I’d (5) taken it on/seen it through and not gone back to bed.
(5) ………………………………………………………… something, so on Best of all, with hardly any other tourists on the site
the next attempt I swam like mad and stayed alongside we had the place pretty much to ourselves and our
the creature for a while, which was incredible. imaginations.
/5 /5

Total / 20

3 of 8
9 Read four holiday reviews. For each statement (1–6), choose the correct review (A–D). You may choose
each review more than once.

Learning on holiday
My friend and I went on a week’s holiday to Tuscany to learn the art of cooking the Italian way. I have to say
it wasn’t quite the holiday I’d bargained for, but we did have a good time. The first surprise was that our
accommodation was on a working farm. Had we known that we were going to be right out in the
countryside, we probably wouldn’t have chosen this school. We had been looking forward to spending the
evenings strolling round the town or enjoying coffee in a little square. However, the accommodation was
very good and the cookery classes were excellent. We spent every morning in the kitchen learning how to
make different types of pasta, sauces and desserts and we were much better at it by the end of the week. In
the afternoons we were taken on trips to see how the food was grown and processed: olive oil, cheese, wine
and so on. I would rather have been allowed a little free time to explore the area, but as we weren’t near a
town it didn’t really matter. In the evenings we all watched the chef put together a variety of different
dishes, which we then demolished while he regaled us with the history of the dishes and how they differed in
the various regions of the country. Alice
When my friend told me he’d booked us onto a riding holiday in Andorra, I initially said I would rather stay at
home. We both enjoyed riding when we were young, but we hadn’t done it for years and I wasn’t sure I
wanted to get back in the saddle. As it turns out, I wouldn’t have missed out on it for the world. The first day
was tough. We rode for about seven hours and my muscles ached by the end of the day. I wasn’t sure I would
be able to see it through to the end of the week. However, the next day was a little easier and the mountains
provided the most spectacular scenery. I have nothing but praise for our guide, who knew the area like the
back of his hand and provided us with entertaining tales of local history. Were it not for my friend taking
matters into his own hands, I wouldn’t have realised how much I still enjoy riding. We’re now planning our
next horseback adventure. Flor
I’ve just come back from a month in Oxford where I stayed with a host family and was immersed in the
English language. Every morning I had English lessons in one of the old colleges in the centre of Oxford.
Entering the college felt like stepping back in time as the building was from the 1700s and so beautiful. The
teacher was very young and enthusiastic and the classes were very entertaining. There weren’t any other
students from my country – they were all from Spain, Italy and Greece – so I had to speak English with them,
which was good. Some afternoons, the school organised trips to different places like Warwick Castle,
Stratford and Stonehenge, which were interesting. On the other days my host family entertained me. They
were lovely and their two children, who were a year older and a year younger than me, were great fun. We
went punting, visited the museums, saw Blenheim Palace and did some country walks. They didn’t speak any
German either, so I had to speak English all the time and by the end of the month I really felt I’d improved.
I think I learnt quite a lot about English customs, too. It was a great experience and well worth it. I wish I’d
gone when I was younger! Stefan
Last summer I spent a month in Zimbabwe somewhere near Victoria Falls. It was an amazing adventure.
I joined a group of 15 volunteers helping out in an orphanage. My duties included serving food at mealtimes,
assisting in the classes and entertaining the children at the end of the day. The accommodation was very
basic and I found the first week quite difficult. I was homesick and thought I was missing out on things back
home. Although the other volunteers were friendly, some of the orphans were a little hostile. However, the
place and the people grew on me and the children began to trust me and we built up a rapport. As the weeks
progressed I began to feel that I was accomplishing something. I learnt a lot about myself on that trip. I didn’t
know that teaching was so satisfying – I wish I could have done it for twice as long! I’m now certain that I
want to be a teacher. I just haven’t decided where I want to teach. Javier

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Which person could have said the following? 10 Read the reviews again and complete the notes.
1 ‘Had I known how I would feel at the start, I might have Write one word in each gap.
had second thoughts about booking the trip.’ ……………… Alice’s cooking holiday (1) ……………………… her cooking skills
2 ‘If I had known about the location, I wouldn’t have and taught her something about the (2) ………………………
booked that place.’ ……………… food.
3 ‘Were it not for my friend I wouldn’t have taken up this Flor’s riding holiday (3) ……………………… her how much she
activity again.’ ……………… enjoys riding.
4 ‘If only I’d gone on this holiday sooner. I would have Stefan’s experience of hearing and speaking English in
reached an even better level.’ ……………… class, on trips and while staying as a (4) ………………………
5 ‘If I had been able to have some time to myself, it would with an English family improved his language skills and he
have been better.’ ……………… also learnt about English (5) ……………………….
6 ‘Had I known how rewarding the trip was going to be, I Javier’s African adventure helped him to (6) ………………………
would have stayed longer.’ ……………… that he wants to be a teacher.
/6 /6

Total / 12

Use of English
11 Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each gap.
A: So that’s the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa!
B: Yes, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?
A: It is. It makes you think though. I mean, I’m sure the
tower builders would (1) ……………………… it was famous
for its architecture than the fact that it leans.
B: Probably! If (2) ……………………… they’d checked the
ground first! They could have prevented it.
A: True, but then you have a different problem.
(3) ……………………… they had stopped the tower leaning,
it probably wouldn’t be as famous today. The question
is what impact the tower’s fame has had on the town.
I think Pisa is probably better (4) ………………………
because of the tourism the tower has generated.
B: I’m sure it is. So an engineering mistake turns
(5) ……………………… to be advantageous. Oh look! I think
I can just (6) ……………………… out Tim at the top of the
tower. That’s him waving, isn’t it?


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12 Complete the second sentence so that it has a 4 If you’d gone after him straight away, you wouldn’t have
similar meaning to the first. You should use lost sight of him. HAD
between two and six words, including the word
away, you wouldn’t have lost sight of him.
1 Were it not for Jack going off on his own, we would be 5 I suppose it’s possible he met someone he knew and lost
at home now. HADN’T track of time. RAN
If ………………………………………………………………………………… Perhaps ……………………………………………………………….……
on his own, we would be at home now. of his and lost track of time.
2 I wish you hadn’t told him he’d made a mistake. He 6 If anyone is worried about us, they’ll probably call my
wouldn’t have got cross and walked off. POINTED mobile. SHOULD
If you ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… us,
he’d made a mistake, he wouldn’t have got cross and they’ll probably call my mobile.
walked off.
3 I don’t understand how you didn’t notice where he went.
ATTENTION Total / 12
I can’t believe ……………………………………………………………
………………………………… where he went.
13 Listen to a dialogue about a forthcoming 2 Why does Jenny want a change of destination?
holiday and complete the list. Write one word A She gets annoyed that she doesn’t know the local
from the listening in each gap.
Vietnam To-Do List B She finds the holidays in the Med too hot and
 Find out which is the best (1) ……………………… to go. boring.
 Research some (2) ……………………… words like ‘please’ C The holidays in the Med don’t live up to her
and ‘thank you’ in the guidebook. expectations.
 Reserve the (3) ……………………… trip around Halong 3 How does Jenny think they’ll communicate in Vietnam?
Bay. A She’s going to learn the local language beforehand.
 Look up the different kinds of fruit and vegetables. B She reckons most people will speak English.
 Book the (4) ……………………… flights: arrive in Hanoi C They’ll have to mix a few simple words with
and leave from Saigon. gestures.
 Check out internal flights. 4 Why does Tom not like the idea of Vietnam?
 Investigate the car with (5) ……………………… option. A He thinks he’d prefer a different adventure.
 Complete the visa application forms. B He believes holidays are for taking it easy.
 Get passport photos. C He likes to go to familiar places.
 (6) ……………………… the passports off to get visas. 5 What does Jenny say about the food?
A She has no idea what kind of food they eat.
B She’s seen pictures of fruit and vegetables that she
doesn’t recognise.
14 Listen again. Choose the correct answer, A, B C She thinks it will all be very tasty.
or C. 6 When will Jenny send off for the visas?
1 What does Tom say about the Mediterranean? A As soon as she’s completed the paperwork.
A It’s renowned for its beach holidays. B When they’ve got their passport photos.
B There are lots of contrasts between the countries. C When her father is no longer abroad.
C It’s a beautiful place for a beach holiday. /6

Total / 12

6 of 8
15 Write a review based on the following information. Make sure you organise your review appropriately and
include all the information that is asked for.

Your local paper is running a competition for the best holiday review. Write a review
of a holiday you went on recently and include information about the location, the
possible activities, who it would appeal to and whether you have any regrets or would
do anything differently, along with your final recommendation.

Write 250–275 words.

























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/ 12

16 Read the topic card below and prepare to talk about that topic for one to two minutes.

Describe an exciting activity that you did on holiday once.

You should say:
• what the activity was
• who else was with you
• what exactly you did
• why you found it exciting.
Explain whether you would do it again and why or why not.

Now tell your partner about your topic.

/ 12

Total / 100

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