The Merging of The New Technologies

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The Merging of the new Technologies

with the smart jacket using electronic devices

Guided by: Dr.Noha Gamal ElDin. Presented by: Esraa Ashraf , Najla Ahmed , Passant Refat ,Yara Hossam.

Ahram Canadian University , Electronics and Communication Engineering Department.

Abstract- When we go outside we should be prepared the wearable technology . It’s a jacket that communicates
to climate change as it can vary each second especially on with electronic devices to reach its vision, which is the
the days of season swings. Exposure our bodies to the cooling in the hot days and heating in the cold days .
extreme hot dry weather to the ultimate snowy cold
The idea came to life based on what was innovated by
weather can be very dangerous to our health; it can lead
Seebeck ; when he discovered the thermoelectric effect ,
to major health problems. The variance in such a single
then Peltier followed by individual scientists renovated
degree in the temperature can impact on the body
biochemistry [1] , it can be up to causing oddity in the seekbeck invention . It wasn’t just this studies who helped
body functions as the extreme hot can lead to hot stroke the jacket to come true ; It needed a life time studies and
on the other hand the ultimate cold can lead to researches had to be done before implementing the jacket
overcooling the body. You can’t just be wearing many to ensure that all the science needed to by known to invent
layers of clothes according to the chilly cold weather then the jacket was in hand . Peltier and seekbeck invention
the next second you feel the killing hot so you get rid of wasn’t useful in the wearble technology field only but also
some of the layers in the middle of where you are. We it was very efficient in the air conditioning industry
need one solution that can adapt with temperature
,refrigerators and other fields which benefit from heat and
swings and be suitable for you anywhere any time.
cooling effect .

Background- Smart jackets is the latest invention in

Overview-we can use this progress in the in other words, we control it by thermo devices which is
thermoelectric field and simulate it to invent various embedded in the jacket. In respect of none of the current
applications which can make our life easier and more systems can by controlled by IoT, existing systems are
efficient,as we can use the various of temperature of the manually controlled knobs or on and off switch which
two sides of a high efficiency semiconductor material allow us to adjust the internal temperature of it [3].
which occurs when a voltage is applied and we have a Current hot points- Currently the scientists is
flow of current through it the idea is shown in “Fig . 1,”, heading to merge the new technologies with old studies so
to make a thermoelectric cooling and heating jacket that in order to follow the advance wave, the intention of this
adapt with the weather around us, this jacket is an paper is to keep up with the technology and to merge the
efficient solution to the temperature swings which could new ones with this jacket; the desired target is to connect
cause serious disease and severe issues . mobile phones to the jacket by Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
module , shown in “Fig . 2,” a simulation of the merging .

“Fig . 2,” Smart jacket merged with Bluetooth module.

“Fig . 1,” The thermoelectric cooling and heating [2].
Displaying the data of the jacket in the mobile application
The idea of its function is to sense our body temperature and enable the user to manually and easily adjust the
and outside temperature and to adjust the jacket preferred temperature and to know the update of his
temperature according to the difference calculated. health.

Future plans- In terms of Surviving mankind
should always be updated to the requirements of life. History- In 1821 , By T.J Seebeck , the first

We should be ready for what life brings ; we must have Thermoelectric effects was discovered; He found out that
the motivation to continue our researches and an electromotive force can be generated by heating the
work. In order of this duty, the future of the smart jacket junction between two various electrical conductors.
with built in heater and cooler is bright and promising; The Seebeck’s action can be shown by making a link
we are just on the beginning of a long way of among wires of several metals and set the other part of
sophisticated technology which we should invest our the wires to the terminals of electromechanical instrument
time and money in. In this project the intended plan is to used for detecting and indicating electric current, when
comprise pressure by supplying the jacket with a the junction is heated a tiny voltage is recorded shown
pressure sensor so the jacket can observe temperature in “Fig. 3,” ; the wires have formed a thermocouple , the
and pressure at the same time [1], this modification is magnitude of thermoelectric voltage is symmetrical to the
very useful to the old and to the athletics. variance of temperature among the thermocouple junction
What is new- what concern the brains nowadays is and the links to the measuring instrument.
to make the jacket weightless, washable and affordable After 13 years , A French watchmaker called J.Peltier,
by the public and combine it with a GPS system [3], this
noticed the second thermoelectric effects; He observed that
will be a perfect trucker for kids and old people especially
the pathing of an electric current over a thermocouple
those with Alzheimer’s .It will include a phone charger,
produces a tiny heating or cooling influence reliant on
Anti-Theft , music player, iPad controller and auto-sos
its way. It’s hard to monitor using metallic thermocouples
caller; so while in danger the thought of fear can’t just
cross your mind; also there is the Google smart jacket as it’s constantly linked with the Joule heating impact.
hands on, with this device you can bookmark places you Occasionally it’s the best we can do to indicate that there is
pass in the app and get alert when your car or uber less heating when the current is passed in one path than
arrives. It’s really a life changing development. the other, from the Experiment shown in “Fig . 3,” , we

can notice it , in principle, by exchanging the see that they occur only among junctions of different
measuring instrument with a DC current source and conductors, it can inspire you to think that it’s an
by placing a small thermo measuring instrument on the interfacial tension case, but the bulk properties of
thermocouple junction. materials engaged. At the present time, we know that
electric current is electrons passes over a conductor, these
electrons can hold various of energy levels in various types
of materials. When a current flow from one material to
another , the energy produced by the electrons vary , the
variance is released as heating or cooling at the junction,
this shows the Peltier effect .
“Fig. 3, “ Experiment to monitor Seebeck and Peltier effects [4].
Thomoson clarified that a thermocouple is working as a
It wasn’t very obvious that the Seebeck and Peltier
heat engine and in the overall principle, it can be used as
incidents relying on each other, it wasn’t until
an electricity generator from heat or as a heat pump or
W.Thomson recognized it; He solve the mystery by
refrigerator but unfortunately, the reversible
applying the theory of thermodynamics to it. He
thermoelectric effects are always joined with irreversible
managed to establish a relevance among coefficients that
event of Joule heating and thermal condition ,
characterize the Seebeck and Peltier effects, he also
thermocouples are mostly consider inefficient.
showed that there must be a third thermoelectric effect
In 1911, Altenkirch, resolved the problems of energy
which he found in an identical conductor ; This is now
transformation using thermocouples, he cleared that we
known as the Thomason effect , it says that we can
evolve the performance of the thermocouples by rising the
convert heating or cooling when there is a flow of current
magnitude of the differential Seekbeck coefficient by
and temperature slope.
rising the electrical conductivities of the two sections and
When you think of Seebeck and Peltier effects, you can
decreasing their thermal conductivities.

Unluckily, back at that time, the availability of main idea is to bring the electronics and smart technology
thermocouples was rare. in the research field by controlling the jacket via a smart
In the nineteen-fifties, the preface of semiconductors as phone using Bluetooth module or Wi-Fi. The thermoelectric
thermoelectric materials permit practical Peltier jacket in general is a definition of Wearable Technology,
refrigerators to be made. The progress of it’s when the fabrics connect with the technology and the
semiconductors thermocouples drove us to discover the output is a jacket that can be worn on the body, it usually
construction of thermoelectric generators of a sufficient related with data linked to health and fitness. We will
efficiency for special implementations, it wasn’t as best embedded in electronics, digital components and thermal
conventional machine as expected. sensors into a jacket then we will program the sensors to

Luckily, a little progress is made in thermoelectric perform the desired task and get the output, using arduino
materials, in recent years, various new ideas for or zigbee module to execute a Bluetooth application to
applications of materials have been considered and this adjust and measure the heat and health data. The
is the future [4]. technology is safe hundred percent 100 % , as its chemical

Related work- There are many achievements in this free and doesn’t send bad signal will affect your heart or
particular application like the implement of solar brain, the thermal effect in this jacket can’t be harmful to
fridge and fast chilling under the spot of Peltier effect your body because it can’t overheating or overcooling if used
with temperature observing [5]. wisely. This upgrade will make it easier and more efficient
to use and wear the jacket as you can manage it by just
Research questions- The purpose of this paper is to one click on your smart phone , you can measure the heat
spot the light on a new technology which will help us to
by you preference .
have a better future, to make our lives easier and of a IV. PURPOSED SYSTEM
high quality of living. In this paper we will display a
Mathematical model- The purposed system is smart
technique to link the new technologies to this topic , the
jacket which vision is to help cooling and warming

the weather which we sense ,the model below discuss the System flowchart- The following flowchart is
required functionality of the jacket . explaining the implementation of the system and its

Framework-The aim of this simulation of the

architecture system is to show the required components
to implement the system , this is discussed in “Fig . 4,” .


Hardware- Our first step , we wanted to get a source of

heat and cool temperature to implement it to the jacket

and as the study should work we supposed to use the Peltier
plate to get both temperature ; However , when we started
to implement , we found out that the Peltier works very
well as a Thermoelectric refrigeration cooling system but
not as heating system, due to intense heat causing the
Fig. 4, “ The framework of the smart jacket. Peltier to burn down.

We continued with the cooling system , this cooler works Operating Temp [180°C] Min Operating Temp
fully as long as you remove the heat from the hot side ; as
[-50 oC].
after turning the device the hot side will heat up quickly
Next step is to get the heat effect , we searched a lot to find
and the cold side will refrigerate quickly . The solution is
a dc heater in markets could operate with 12 volt , but all
to remove the heat from the hot side using a heat sink (or
the heaters available in the markets operate with 220 volt
any other device), we recommend to use a heat sink from
and this is unsafely for human usage. We decided to
an old computer (CPU) or other block of metal to pull
home made a heater using a heat wires . After a lot of tries
the heat of the hot side. If you didn’t , the cooler will
and errors we found that the best diameter for a heating
quickly reach stasis and do nothing. We were able to use
wire is [6] mm and the number of rolls is inversely
a computer power supply and CPU heat sink to make the
proportional with heat temperature. By experience we
cold side so comfortable, shown in “Fig . 5,” the
found that if number of rolls is [35] rolls, the
implementation of this step.
temperature of the wire was roughly [110] degree; and if
number of rolls is [66] rolls , the temperature of the wire
was roughly [45] degree. By the following equation we
can easily calculate is :
Temperature = -21 x +183 where X IS the number of rolls
by this rule we managed to make a heating system using
heat coils and some isolating materials to make it safe for
human usage ,shown in “Fig . 6,” the implementation of this
“Fig . 5,” The Thermoelectric Peltier refrigeration cooling system
attached with a heat sink.

Features of the Peltier plate: [40 x 40 x 3 ]Gmm,

lmax [7A] , Umax[15AV] ,[127] thennocouples , max

SoftWAreseriAl Bluetooth (Bluetooth Tx

, Bluetooth Rx); Void setup () {

pinmode (Tempsensor,INPUT ); pinmode

(3,OUTPUT); pinmode (4,OUTPUT);

seriAl.begin(9600); // Serial communication begins

Bluetooth.begin(69600); //Bluetooth

communication begins

“Fig . 6,” The heat wires attached to the jacket. }

Void loop () {
We then connected the temperature sensor ( Lm 35 )
FloAt temp=ANAlogREAd(Tempsensor);
, shown in “Fig . 7,” , with the preveious form .
//Read temperature sensor voltage


//(5*1000)/1024=0.48828125 from sensor data sheet

seriAl.println(“ “ ) ;
seriAl.println(temp); //Watch the current
“Fig . 7,” temperature sensor ( Lm 35 ) temperature in serial monitor
Bluetooth.print(“ “ );
Software- The arduino programming is a way to
Bluetooth.println(temp); //send
connect the arduino so we used a simple temperature to blutooth device
programming code to express this relation in the DelAy(200);

following lines : }
#include <softw Areseri Al.h> If (temp <=15 ) { //If temperature is below 30 turn on
Const int temper Ature = A 0; //connect output pin of blue light
lm35 to A0 pin of arduino
Int Bluetooth Tx=10; //connect Tx of Bluetooth to 10th digitAlwrite(4,HIGH);

Int Bluetooth Rx=11; //connect Rx of Bluetooth to 11th else if (temp >15 && < = 34) {//If temperature is
above 30 and below 34 turn on green light


else if (temp >34) {//If temperature is above 36

turn on red light
“Fig . 10,” The programming of the application
in MIT app inventor.
Shown in “Fig . 8,” the combination of the arduino and
Bluetooth and relay module. The implementation is done and experimented using
mobile phone , Bluetooth module , Peltier kit , heating
wires and arduino shield. “Fig . 11,” is shown the 2 batteries
used to operate the system, “Fig . 12,” is shown the inside
part of the jacket which contain the rest of the hardware
components covered by the underlay of the jacket ,“Fig . 13,”
is shown the front of the jacket which contain in its pocket
“Fig . 8,” The relay and Bluetooth module connected
the batteries and the temperature sensor(LM35) appearing
with arduino shield.
, “Fig . 14,” is shown the back of the jacket with the Peltier
We are a step away from the end of the simulation , the
connected with the heat sink attached with fan.
final step is to make an application with which you can
control the Bluetooth module or we can say the
temperature. We made the application using MIT app
inventor by the following steps shown in “Fig . 9,10,”.

“Fig . 11,” The two batteries.

“Fig . 9,”

“Fig . 12,” The inside part of the jacket. “Fig . 14,” The back of the jacket.

The figures shows the whole system working together to

present the functionality of the smart jacket .

A wireless system controlling the smart jacket using

Bluetooth technology is the eventual result of the
experiment, A smart jacket self-adjusting its own
temperature to be useful in any weather. It’s also called
Smart Textiles , if this technology continued to be
developed , it can lead to a huge welfare and wealth in
both money and science to whom will adapt the idea
“Fig . 13,” The front of the jacket. and keep improve and evolve it until a new wearable
technology appear as a result of the deep search.


[1] Peltier integrated heating & cooling jacket – IEEE

Conference Publication <
[2] Cooling and Heating of Refrigerator Jacket by Using
Peltier Effect.<
[3] Battery powered heating and cooling suit – KSCST

[4] The Thermoelectric and Related Effects. <https://

[5] Implementation of Solar Fridge and Fast Chilling

using Peltier Effect with Temperature Monitoring.<htt
0with%20Temperature%20Monitorin g.pdf>


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