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Student Workbook EE-04306: Instrumentation & Measurements


Design and Implementation of an Instrument Using

Water Flow Sensor/Ultrasonic Sensor. (Open Ended Lab II)

16.1 Objective:
 To demonstrate the application of flow rate and water level measurement.

16.2 Pre – Lab Preparation:

 Sound knowledge about working of water flow sensor.

 Sound knowledge about working of Arduino.

16.3 Equipment:
i Arduino IDE.
ii Arduino Microcontroller.
iii Water flow sensor.
iv LCD (16x2)
v Connecting wires.
vi Pipe.

16.4 Procedure:
 Open Arduino IDE on PC.

 Write code according to the given specifications.

 Run the simulation.

 Now burn the code into Arduino microcontroller.

 Connect the water flow sensor and LCD with Arduino using connecting wires.

 Take screenshot of the code and picture of the hardware circuit.

 Write the answer of the questions asked at the end of the lab.

 Finally, write the learning outcome of the lab.

Student Workbook EE-04306: Instrumentation & Measurements

16.5 Observation and results:

Figure 16.1 Arduino Code

Student Workbook EE-04306: Instrumentation & Measurements

Water flow sensor pin Arduino Pins LCD Arduino Pin

Red wire 5V Vss GND
Black wire GND VDD 5V
Yellow wire A0 Rs 12
E 11
D7 9
D6 to D3 3 to 5
Figure 16.2 Circuit Diagram & Pin configuration

Figure 16.3 Hardware

Student Workbook EE-04306: Instrumentation & Measurements

16.6 Learning outcomes:

After doing this lab,

 Able to write code on Arduino IDE and burn code on microcontroller.

 Learn about working of water flow sensor.


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