User Manual: Fire Control Panel Detect 3004 Plus

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Fire Control Panel detect 3004 Plus

Messages : 2567:
The LC display automatically shows up every incoming message, regardless of  89 ;<=>?@AB 9BAD9B<E; <? =F;E9GH99B <;B? A@AI; =AF9E;, I?J9;<IA A B;=AB.
message type. The alarm messages are always shown first (higher priority). The KAF9E;B? J9 9>9FD <?EA9M <? <A I9@;<AE =F;AF;B?B ; <? =F;E9GH99B =F;. KAF9E;B?
messages are displayed in the following format: <? =F;E9G9I; A < >?I;AB NAFD9B:
  g Type s of mess age: O;= I9 =AF9E9:
  a   9
  s   E
„Al“ alarm   9 „Al“ 9>9FD
  e   F
  m   g „Flt“ failure   A „Flt“ F?ME9=FAP>?D
   f   a   =
  o   s   9
  e   s
„FTA“ failure technical alarm (one)   I „FTA“ F?ME9 Q B?RI;SE; 9>9FD (E9@ JAI9)
  p   =
  y   m „No“ normal   ; „No“ IAFD9>I9 <A<BA@P9
   T    f
  o    O
„TA“ test alarm „TA“ B?<B 9>9FD
„PA“ pre!alarm „PA“ =F?!9>9FD
  n    ^
  o „!n"o“  informative message    8 „!n"o“  ;INAFD9B;I9 =AF9E9
   b    X
„#“ one     „#“  JAI9
Flt: #000[ $00\ %C '
  o „$“  detector num"er within the one Flt: #000[ $00\ %C ' „$“  PFA@ I9 ?B?EBAF (A ?I9 JAI9)
   t Types of failure :    
Types of failure :
   t „SC“  short circuit    X „SC“  EF9BAE <=A@ I9 ;I<B9>9;@9
  e    O
   +   r    
   t „%C“  "ro#en wire     „%C“  =F?E;I A ;I<B9>9;@9
  c    O
   t „P&“  pollution     „P&“  J99H9U?
  e    d
  e    +
The first message received will get at the end an ( ') as a mar#er. $ll following messages KF9B9 =AF9E9 EA@9 <? ?I?F;F9 ;D9 (V) JI9E. W;B? <>?I; =AF9E; DAG? 9 <?
   f can "e searched via cursor # eys “up% and “right% respectively. =F?P9FH99B
  D <A “I9AF?% ; “?<IA% <BF?>E;B?.
  o   e   ?
  r   >
  e   u
   l    P
  p    i   A
  y   a
Counters :
  o   9
   l There   e
are three three!digit counters in the "ottom. These counters are directly assigned KA<BA@9B
  I BF; BFA;NF?I; PFA@9S; I9 IABA A ;<=>?@AB. X;? PFA@9S; <? =AFJ9I; <A
  o   p   =
   " to the  y"uttons "elow the display and indicate the current num"er of messages that have
  ; =A <?EA@ PFA@9S ; ; =F;E9GH99B PAF@AB I9 =AF9E; AP;?I; A BA@ DAD?IB.
  m    O
  y "een   lreceived up to that point. 000 000 000 000
  e   o   9
  g      " 000 000 000 000   E
  (Alar( (Failure) (Test) ($isconnection)
  a   m   F
  s   y (Alar( (Failure) (Test* ($isconnection)   ;<;=>? @=B? D?  HIH ?I<JKJ;;
  s   s   A
  e   =
&y pressing one of these "uttons, the operator can call the respective messages onto WA =F;B;<E9U?
  9 I9 B9<B?F;B? <? =F?>?H99B =AF9E;B? A <AA?BI;B? AP>9<B;.
  m   g
   l   a   C
   i the display.
  s   F
   i   s   =
   3   e   9
  m   J
   l   >
?765O 77 Q6 LE$ 7957 67 :
LE$   i
indi cations :
   3   D
   W 'ains <?B; EA9 ? =F;E>HS?IA I9 DF?G?I I9=AI A YZ[\
'ains glows when lin#ed up to mains voltage  
glows when the panel is in stand!"y operation, <?B; EA9 =9I?>AB ? A <B?I!P9@,
peration peration
flashes when in service  programming BF?=E9 EA9 ? A <?F;<?I  =FAF9D<E; DA
glows as soon as an alarm has "een set off, <?B; EA9 ;D9 9>9FD J9 =AG9F,
 $larm  $larm
flashes to indicate a pre!alarm BF?=E9 EA9 ;D9 =F?!9>9FD
*ault flashes as soon as a failure occurs *ault <?B; J9 F?ME9=FAP>?D
+ is co nn ec tio n g lo ws con ti nu ou sly wh en a d ev ic e is swi tch ed of f   +i sc on ne ct ion < ?B; EA 9 ; D9 ; <E >HS ?I  ?B? EBA F ;> ; J AI 9
glows if a one is in revision mode, <?B; EA9 I?EA@9 JAI9 ? A <?F;<?I DA,
Test Test
flashes when info messages have "een received BF?=E9 EA9 ;D9 A<B9<9IA ;INAFD9B;I9 =AF9E9

glows as long as there is still a source of energy, <?B; EA9 ;D9 I9=A@H9U? (P9B?F;<EA ;>; YZ[\),
ower -upply ower -upply
flashes to indicate failure of the et. supply BF?=E9 =F; =FAP>?D <A ? E<B?FIA I9=A@H9U?
'ains flashes in case of a power failure 'ains BF?=E9 =F; =FAP>?D <A DF?G?I I9=AI
&attery Charging flashes to indicate a fault of the "attery charger  &attery Charging BF?=E9 =F; =FAP>?D <A P9B?F;<E;AB =A>I9S
-hort Cir cuit flashes to indicate shor t cir cuit at the "atter y -hort Circuit BF?=E9 =F; EH<9 F<E9 I9 P9B?F;@9B9
-ystem glows to indicate a fault at the C/ -ystem <?B; =F; =FAP>?D <A =FA?<AFAB
glows to indicate a disconnection, <?B; EA9 ;D9 ;<E>HSH9U?,
0t. 1arning nff  0t. 1arning nff 
flashes to indicate a fault in the sounder one. BF?=E9 =F; =FAP>?D <A JAI9B9 <A <;F?I;.
2evision n  ff glows after reaching the revision mode 2evision n  ff <?B; =F; <?F; <?I DA

!nternal  +u,, er : 25QQ  VQ 7W5 :

3n case of fault or alarm the internal "uer is switched to a continuous tone. &y pushing ]A <>HS9@ I9 =FAP>?DF?ME9 ;>; 9>9FD D9>A <;FS? A =9I?>AB ;<=HMB9 JHS?I
the “"uer off% "utton the "uer and the eternal sounders are switched off. This must <;I9>. WA =F;B;<E9U? I9 “"uer off% B9<B?FAB A9 <;FS? ; I9AF?MI;B?I9BF?MI;
authorised "y entering the correct password (4444). <;F?I; <? ;<E>HSH99B. X9 DAF9 9 <? 9BAF;J;F9 <A >AJ;IE9 ( 4444).

Collecti-e Reset : =Q QX :

&y pressing the "ottom “2eset% #ey the operator can effect a collective reset, i.e. all WA =F;B;<E9U? I9 “2eset% B9<B?FAB A=?F9BAFAB =F?;J;EH9 F?<B?B;F9U? I9
messages of the panel are deleted. 'odules of the system which were activated are 9>9FDI9B9 ?IBF9>9 <A MBA <;B? =AF9E; J9 F?ME; ;>; 9>9FD; <? PF;M9B.
also reset "y means of this function. Currently eisting failure messages emitted "y  ^EB;;F9I;B? DAH>; ?B?EBAF; ;<BA B9E9 <? F?<?B;F99B. W? PF;M9B ; =AF9E;B? EA; <?
detectorsones are also reset "y pressing this #ey, and they will, reappear immediately ?D;BH99B A ?B?EBAF;B?DAH>;B?, IA =9E _? <? =A@99B AEA>EH F9ME9B9 ;>;
if the fault still eists. $ccess must "e authorised "y entering the correct password 9>9FDAB <?HMB? <? =F;<HBI;. X9 DAF9 9 <? 9BAF;J;F9 <A >AJ;IE9 (4444) AEA>EH
(4444). =F=9B <? FM; A99 A=?F9;@9.

S.itc/ing on  o"" addressa+ le detectors  ,ones: ?6V 5YQ  V6V5YQ 5 5 Q7Z77 QXQ 6X7  7 :
The *C offers the option to switch on and off ones as well as single detectors from KAG9FI9B9 ?IBF9>9 AJA>H9 ;<E>HSH9U?E>HSH9U? I9 =A?;I; ?B?EBAF; ;>;
the control panel. ?>; JAI;.

-witching off: `<E>HSH9U?:

5 p re ss #e y “ +i sa "l e“ +etector off 
5 =F;B;<I?B? I9 “+isa"le“
+etector off 
bone off  5 enter password confirm "y pressing “6% bone off  5 ]I?<?B? >AJ;IE9 ; =ABF?B? <A “6%
utput off  5 press #ey “detector“ or “one% utput off  5 KF;B;<I?B? I9 “detector“ J9 ?B?EBAF; ;>; “one% J9 JAI9.
  ($)"ort   ($)"ort

*or detectors: 9 ?B?EBAF;:

bone : •  KFA I?<?B? A PFA@AB I9 JAI9B9 ; =ABF?B? <A “6%
bone : ]I?<?B? A PFA@AB I9 =F;AB ?B?EBAF EA@ <? ;<E>HSH9, ;
from+etec. :
•  first enter the one num"er and confirm with “6% from+etec. : • 

to +etec. : •  enter first detector address, and confirm with “6%  

to +etec. : =ABF?B? <A “6%
•  enter last detector address, and confirm with “6% •  ]I?<?B? A PF. I9 EF9@I;AB ?B?EBAF EA@ <? ;<E>HSH9, ;
=ABF?B? <A “6%
*or ones: 9 JAI;:

Zone: Zone:
•  enter starting one num"er and confirm with “6%  
from: _  •  ]I?<?B? @9 =F9B9 JAI9 EA@9 <? ;<E>HSH9 ; =AB. <A “6%
from: _ 
•  enter ending one num"er and confirm with “6% to : •  ]I?<?B? @9 EF9@I9B9 JAI9 EA@9 <? ;<E>HSH9 ; =AB. <A “6%
to :

The switched!off one  detectors will "e shown in the LC display in tet format and the `<E>HS?I;B? JAI; _? P;9B =F;E9G9I; I9 ;<=>?@AB A B?E<BH9>?I NAFD9B 9
yellow “+isconnection% L0+ will glow continuously. 3t is also possi"le to switch on and off  <;@9>;SE9B9 =F? “+isconnection% _? <?B;. 89@F9J>;SI; JAI;  ?B?EBAF; DAG? 9 <?
a various amount of ones. ;<E>HSH99B.

3n order to switch them 7 press “0na"le% as in first step and all further steps are 9 =ABAFIA E>HSH9U? I9 JAI;  ?B?EBAF; =F;B;<I?B? I9 “0na"le% B9<B?FAB 9 <;B?
carried out in the same way. =AI9B9DAMI; A=?F9;; <? ;J?H99B I9 ;<B I9S;I E9E A ; ;<E>HSH9U?BA.


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