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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:9, ISSUE:12(8), December:2020


Dr. S. Balraj and 2K.Senthilkumar
Assistant Professor and 2 Ph. D, Research Scholar
Department of Economics
Govt. Arts College, Ariyalur and 2Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu

Onion is an important commercial crop in India, It is widely grown is different parts of the country. At present, India stands
second larger producer of onion in the world, next only to China (FAO, Production Year Book). Indian onions are famous for their
pungency and are available round the year. At least 175 countries grow onions. There are estimated 6.7 million acres of onion is an
indispensable item in every kitchen as condiment and vegetable (UNF). It is used either in raw form and dehydrated form to add favor
and taste to Indian cousins. Since onion has medicinal value, it is used in some pharmaceutical preparation also. It has many uses as,
folk remedies and recent report suggests that onion play a part in preventing heart diseases and other ailments. Onion bulb is rich in
minerals like phosphorous, calcium and carbohydrate. It also contains proteins and vitamin C. China ranks first in area and second in
onion production in the world. this paper attempt to the problems of onion cultivation and marketing in perambalur district.

Keywords:Shallot, Fertilizers, Monsoon Condition, Cold Storage, Minimum Support Price and Market Information.

I. Introduction
The area of onion research has attracted considerable interest among the researchers across the world. Many academicians,
institutions and researchers in the country have conducted important studies in various dimensions of onion research, such as
production of onion production economics, marketing, breeding, products and price mechanisms, marketing channels etc. India is the
second largest producer of onion in the world, but far behind of many countries in terms of productivity.

II. Review of Literature

Illo et al (2016) his study that the problems limiting efficient onion marketing in the study area; Poor Transportation, Large
number of middle man, inadequate storage facilities, lack of farmer’s organizations and pest and diseases. Therefore, there is need to
rehabilitate roads, reduce fuel price and provide storage facilities by the government for the improvement of onion marketing in the

Baloch et al (2014) his studied that an economic analysis of onion production and marketing in district Awaran, Bulochistan. The
economic analysis review indicates the cost of onion production is in a continuous change due to inflation and the prices of input are
continuously changing. The main problem reported by the selected onion grower was on farm storage of irrigation, low quality of
seeds and pesticides, market distance, poor farm market road, costly inputs and exploitation by local traders.

III. Objectives
1. To study the Socio- Economic conditions of sample onion cultivators in the study area.
2. To analyze the cultivation and Marketing Problems of onion growers.

IV. Methodology
The study is based on primary data which have been from different farmer’s households by using interview schedule
methods. About 120 farmer’s households are interviewed for the study; therefore, multistage sampling technique is use in the
sampleselection process. In Tamil Nadu state, perambalur District, perambalur Block, one of the Major onion cultivation of district in
Tamil Nadu. Present study is list of village’s cultivation of onion from Taluk offices at perambalur Block, the total of six villages were
selected the random sample methods. For purpose of selection of the sample farmer’s small farmers, medium farmers, large formers
are considered.

A). Data Analysis

The collected data were, analysed with help of table percentages, average was used.
Table -1Distribution of sample
Sl. Name of the Village Number of Farmers
1. Kalarmpatti 20
2. Ammapalyam 20

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:9, ISSUE:12(8), December:2020

3. Kurumpalur 20
4. Melaipuliyur 20
5. Ladapuram 20
6. Eachampattai 20
Total 120

It is shows the table -1 that theSocio- Economic conditions of sample onion cultivators. Out of the 120 respondents are taken.
93.3 per cent of respondents are belonging to below 30 years age group of cultivator. 3.3 per cent of respondents are belonging to 30-
40 years age group. 48.3 per cent of respondents are most backward community. Moreover, 15.0 per cent of respondents are Schedule
Caste community. 79.23 per cent of respondents are Agriculture main occupation. 20.8 per cent of respondents are agriculture
subsidiary Occupation. Therefore, 83.4 per cent of respondents are Nuclear family. 41.7 per cent of respondents are Upper Primary
education. 29.2 per cent of respondents are Primary education. 18.2 per cent of respondents are illiterates. 7.5 per cent of respondents
are higher secondary education. 3.3 per cent of respondents are graduates. Therefore, 48.3 per cent of respondents are income group of
up to 1000 and 36.7 per cent of respondents are income group in 1000-2000.

Table-2 - Socio- Economic Conditions of Sample onion Cultivators

Sl. No Characteristics No. Respondents Percentage
1 Age of the respondents
<30 years 112 93.33
II 30-40 years 4 3.33
III. 40 and above 4 3.33

120 100%
2 Community
Most Backward Community 58 48.3
Backward Community 44 36.7
Schedule Caste 18 15.0
120 100%
3 Occupation
I. Agriculture mainOccupation 95 79.2
II.Agriculture subsidiary Occupation 25 20.8

120 100%
4 Land holding
Irrigated 20 16.6
Dry land 100 83.3

120 100%
5 Type of family
Nuclear family 80 66.6
Joint family 40 33.4

120 100%
6 Educational Status
Illiterate 22 18.3
Primary 35 29.2
Upper Primary 50 41.7
. HSC 9 7.5
Graduate 4 3.3
120 100%
7 Income per month
Up to 1000 58 48.3
1000 to 2000 44 36.7
2000 to 3000 18 15.0
Total 120 100%
Source: Primary data computed

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:9, ISSUE:12(8), December:2020

Table-2Problems of onion cultivation and Marketing in the study area

Sl. No Problems Frequency Percentage Rank

1. Disease, pest and weed infestation 25 20.83 I
2. High cost of quality seeds 17 14.16 III
3. High cost of fertilizers 20 16.66 II
4. Exploitation by market intermediaries 14 11.66 IV
High-input cost (diesel, fertilizers, agro
5. 9 7.05 VI
chemicals )
6. High wage rate 12 10.00 V
7. Heavy raining of damaged in onion 6 5.00 VIII
8. Non-availability of institutional credit 4 3.33 IX
9. High commission charges 7 5.83 VII
10. Absence of storage facilities 2 1.66 X
11. Non-availability Minimum support price 2 1.66 X
Lack of information about prices and
12. 2 1.66 X
Source: Primary data computed

IV. Findings and Suggestions

 Majority of the respondents are most backward community in the study area.
 4. 93.3 per cent of respondents’ belonging to below 30 years age group of cultivators.
 79.23 per cent of respondents depend and their agriculture main occupation.
 83.4 per cent of respondents are having nuclear family.
 41.7 per cent of respondents are upper Primary education.
 48.3 per cent of respondents are in the income group of up to Rs 1000.
 The most serious problem (Rank I) faced by 20.83 per cent of the respondentswas disease, pest and weed infestation.
 The second most (Rank II) impinging problem reported by 14.16 percent respondents was drought at critical stages of crop
 The third ranked problem was high cost of fertilizers expressed by 14.16 percent.
 The other problems perceived are at ranks IX, VII, and X, which are markets are far away, Non-availability of institutional
credit, High commission charges, absence of storage facilities are revealed by 5.00, 3.33, and 6.66 percent of the respondents
 A major issue reported in farmers was pest, weed and disease infestation in several crops. So, awareness should be created among
farmers for disease, pest and weed infestation and their management. For this, cost effective and organic pesticides should be
made popular in the villages via large scale demonstration in agricultural fairs and awareness campaign.
 Creating awareness among the farmers regarding the efficient utilization of resources particularly manures & cakes, irrigation,
plant protection chemicals and fertilizer which found to be underutilized will definitely help for better yield realization.

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3. Punit Kumar Agarwal and Manish Kumar, (2018) An Economic Analysis of Onion Cultivation in Giridih District of Jharkhand,
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