5 Elementos Julio 2011-Ingls

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From essence to creative

with Rita Griesche

from 16 to 22 of ju ly 2011,
“ From essence to creative
expression with the 5 Elements “
Travelling from our creative The Shiatsu School of Murcia
SHIATSU LEVANTE will recognise
centre with the 5 Elements (5 this course as part of their 1st year
Movements - Wi Xing), re- Foundation Course in Shiatsu.
conecting and liberating Participants can continue their study
with the school and are allowed to
internal spaces with the healing take part in the monthly Shiatsu
touch of Shiatsu and other Practice Class for all students
artistic languages - Movement, without further cost. More
information on
Chi Gong, Dance, Colour and (www.shiatsu.levante.eu)
Sculptures in Nature, Rituals Workshop Place: Urbanización La Torre Golf
Resort, Murcia
and Music. (* no previous artistic knowledge
necesary for this course ! )
Day 1- Earth
9.30 Arrival

10.00 Do-it-Yourself-Diagnosis amd drawing

12.30 The Life of the Ameoba - movement from within

14.30 Lunch-Rest-Swimming Pool

18.00 With your feet touching the earth - chalk and clay workshop

20.30 Shiatsu for the Earth Element - touching with and on our feet in
prone position.
Day 2 - Metal
9.30 Do-In exercices and Chi Gong outside

11.00 Koto-Dama, creative healing via sounds

11.45 The expression of Metal- theory and


14.30Lunch-Rest-Swimming Pool

18.00 Earth is the Mother of Metal

20.00 Shiatsu for the Metal Element in supine

Day 3 - Water

9.30 The 5 Tibetan Exercices -

10.30 Workshop for the Water

Element - Shiatsu for Tonification and
Relaxation - Shiatsu for the Back, legs
and feet in prone position

14.30 Lunch-rest and Swimming Pool

18.00 The Messages of Water

21.00 Excursion to the Meditaranean

coast and workshop of labyrinth on
the beach
Day 4 - Wood
9.30 5 Animal - Chi Gong outside

10.30 Workshop on Mask-Making, Group dynamics

14.30 Lunch-Rest-Swimming Pool

18.00 Shiatsu for the Wood Element in lateral position

20.00 Dance and meditation

Day 5 - Fire
9.30 Exercices for the Fire Element

10.30 The 4 levels of Vibration - touch, self-massage, rythm and drawing

14.30 Lunch-Rest-Swimming Pool

18.00 Listening - the essence of touch

21.30 Meditation
Day 6
9.30 Streching and Chi Gong

10.30 Working with do-ít-yourself Diagnosis and prescribing an alternative

Shiatsu with revision of all secuencies

14.30 Lunch-rest-Swimming Pool

18.00 Preparation for exhibition

21.30 Excursion to the beach with end-of-course-party

Day 7

9.30 Do-in and Chi Gong

10.30 Group Dynamics and final


12.30 Hand-outs and diplomas.

This course is recognised by the Shiatsu Schol of
Murcia SHIATSU LEVANTE as a part of the 1st
Level in the 3year Shiatsu training. Participants
can incorporate themselves into monthly practice
class with all other shiatsu students without
further cost and can continue a shiatsu training
at the school.
This course includes materials, such as : clay,
chalk, paper. Every participants is asked to bring
his personal brushes, pens and colours together
with pieces of cloths and jars for water, as well as
a plastic bag full with little bits and pieces
collected during the week before the course, f.e.
bottle-tops, pearls, etc.anything that attracts you.
For the workshops: please bring loose fitting
clothes for the Shiatsu as well as some old
clothes for the artistic and crative workshops, as
well as bathing costumes, sun-hat and protective
cream for the sun and possible insects.

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