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Under this section, we will discuss conformity and obedience, groupthink, group
polarization, social facilitation and social loafing in their relation to group behavior.


To conform means to act in accordance with expectations because of social pressure.

Conformity is driven by two main motivations: the desire to fit in and be liked and
the desire to gain accurate information from the group. There are therefore two
categories of social influence. These are normative and informational social
influence. When people conform to fit in, this is known as normative social
influence, and when they conform because they believe the group is competent with
correct information, it is known as informational social influence.

Authority figures also influence our behavior, which can lead to obedience from the
people despite their personal values at certain times.

Conformity can lead to groupthink, where members of the same group align to same
ideas and thought.

Groupthink is has some limitations however. One of disadvantages of groupthink is

that in the process of trying to maintain harmony by subscribing to specific ideas,
decision-making is highly likely to be faulty. This is because most of the individual
members of the group have to give up their own ideas to conform to the group’s way
of thinking.

So, what factors make one give in to group pressure? This is an important question
to answer so as to understand the group/ collective think. Below are some of the key
influences of the group think.
 The size of the majority- the greater the number of people in the majority, the
greater the chances of conformity. However, there is a ceiling t this. There is
a certain point where any further increase in the majority does not really bring
forth any influence in conformity.
 The presence of another dissenter- if there is at least one dissenter, conformity
is greatly reduced.
 The public or private nature of the responses- when responses are made in a
public setting, conformity is more likely as compared to when they are made
in a private setting.

Compliance is a form if conformity. It is simply going along with a request or a

demand even when you do not agree with the request or demand with the request.

The understanding on conformity was enhanced by various experiments that have

been carried out by different Social Psychologists.

(Reading assignment- go and read about the experiments by Solomon Asch and
Stanley Milgram on conformity).


Whenever we are in groups, our thoughts, actions and feelings are influenced by
those around us. Those in groups tend to exhibit the groupthink phenomenon. This
is the scenario where individual members of a group give up their individual beliefs
to align with the group consensus.

The group is able to make more extreme decisions as compared to those an

individual would ordinarily make.

Groups are however more likely to make faulty decisions because opposing thoughts
and ideas are hindered.
When a group is highly cohesive with a strong sense of connection, marinating
harmony in the group becomes more important than making sound decisions. When
a group is opposed to differing opinions, there is highly likely to have group think
in this scenario. When the leader of a group makes his or her views known, it is also
less likely that the members of a group will differ and disagree with him or her.

Some of the symptoms of groupthink are:

 Viewing the group as invincible, extremely powerful and believing it can do

no wrong
 Believing the group is morally correct
 Self-censorship by group members where they withhold information to avoid
disrupting the group consensus
 The quashing of dissenting group members’ opinions
 Shielding the group leader from dissenting views
 Perceiving an illusion of unanimity among group members
 Holding stereotypes or negative attitudes toward the out-group or others’ with
differing viewpoints

Explore- do you think that group think is a positive or negative phenomenon based
on what we have covered so far? If positive, how? If negative, how and how do yo
think it can be avoided?

Group polarization

This refers to the strengthening of an original point of view or attitude after

discussing the same with the group members.

If a group initially favored a certain idea or viewpoint, a discussion within the group
may help strengthen the very idea. This will be the same for an idea or viewpoint
that was initially opposed by the group. Further opposition may occur after
discussions with the group members.

Social facilitation

Being in a group does not always lead to negative outcomes. It sometimes results to
positive outcomes. Social facilitation occurs when an individual performs better
when an audience is watching in comparison to the individual performing the task
all alone. This is particularly so for roles in which the individual is skilled.

However, if an individual is less skilled or is nervous in the presence of an audience,

performance can actually be hindered.

Social loafing

Social loafing occurs where there is exertion of less effort by individuals when they
are working together with a group. It occurs where individual performance cannot
be evaluated separately from the group’s performance. When an individual’s effort
and contribution cannot be assessed in a group, they are less motivated to actually
give their respective input. Eventually, the work assigned to the group is actually
done, but individual effort and contribution cannot be determined. Social loafing
increases as the group becomes bigger.

Individual performance when in a group declines when performing easy tasks.

However, when the tasks are difficult, more people are likely to participate and social
loafing is less likely to occur. This is because people feel that their respective groups
need their input so as to perform in the challenging task.

Decision-making is one of the critical aspects of our lives that we have to daily face.
Making a decision and implementing one are two very distinct activities. Action to
specific decisions is possible with the presence of a detailed plan of action.

Before making a decision, there is a pre-decision phase that involves seeking

information on the possible outcomes of a decision, so as to make the best possible

Decisions can be made either by individuals or by groups. Examples of groups that

make decisions include bodies in the government, a jury, educational institutions,
religious groups etc. When making decisions in a group, the decisions require a
simple majority.

Explore- how do you think groupthink influences and affects decision-making?

Assignment- giving illustrations, research the positives and negatives of groupthink

towards decision-making

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