Fit To Work SOP V2-1-3-2022

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Document Title: Fit to Work

Document No.: Version No.: 01 Page Number: 1 of 8

DC Stamp
Issue Date: Effective Date: Review Date:

Contents List
1. Abbreviations /Definitions
2. Forms/Attachments/Templates Objective
3. Related Documents
4. Objective
5. Scope
6. Responsibilities
7. HSE Consideration
8. Procedures
9. References
10. List of Tables and Figures
11. Appendices
12. Others
13. SOP History

1. Abbreviations /Definitions:

Term Definitions & Abbreviations

HSE Health, Safety and Environment
N/A Not Applicable
OSHA Occupational safety and health administration
Is a medical assessment done when an employer wishes to be sure an
Fitness To Work employee can safely do a specific job or task.
Are the harmful physical and emotional responses that can happen when
Occupational there is a conflict between job demands on the employee and the amount of
stress control an employee has over meeting these demands.
Assessments are done to determine medical fitness after an illness or injury,
Fit Assessment but are sometimes done after employment has been offered

2. Forms/Attachments/Templates Objective:

Document Title: Fit to Work
Document No.: Version No.: 01 Page Number: 2 of 8
DC Stamp
Issue Date: Effective Date: Review Date:

3. Related Documents


4. Objective:
4.1. To determine if medically the employee can perform the job or task under the
working conditions.

5. Scope:
5.1. This procedure applies to those coming to work in the Pharco corporate or
workers returning to work after an injury or illness.

6. Responsibilities:
6.1. Company’s HSE Managers are responsible for:

 Ask for fit assessment to any worker who is injured inside or outside work.
 Ask for fit assessment When anyone comes to work in Pharco Corporate.

5.2. Company’s Workers are responsible for:

 The worker must be medically and physically fit to safely and sustainably carry out
their duties
 Do not work under the effect of drugs.
 Reporting to their supervisor if in their opinion any other worker may be unfit
for work

7. HSE Considerations


8. Procedures:
Document Title: Fit to Work
Document No.: Version No.: 01 Page Number: 3 of 8
DC Stamp
Issue Date: Effective Date: Review Date:

8.1. At first the employee should make an initial medical examination and a health
certificate prior to employment, the examination should be appropriate to the
worker’s suitability for the job, which includes examination of the eyes, color
blindness and other infectious diseases
8.2. If a person is found unfit for the job or has an infectious disease, he/she may
not employed.
8.3. The company make a periodic medical examination and health certificate
once a year to ensure the health of the workers in the place are fit to work, the
records shall be maintained by HSE department.
8.4. In case a person found affected by any infectious disease, the patient notified
to stay home and return until full recovery.
8.5. If it is confirmed that a person has an occupational disease related to the
nature of his work, or discovering the beginnings of an occupational disease
during the periodic medical examination his department shall be notified and
his exclusion from his place of work to another place that does not negatively
affect him after the approval by the Occupational Safety and Health
(In the event of serious accidents, the safety committee is meeting within a
week at the latest to take the necessary measures and precautions to prevent
their occurrence and not to occur again.)

8.6. In case of work injuries inside the company, the necessary first aid is done
until the case goes to the health insurance or any hospital, and the evidence
of a complete recovery is brought, with a percentage of disability then the
case is evaluated and on the basis of which the case is placed in the
appropriate place for fit to work (in the event of serious accidents, the safety
committee is meeting within a week at the latest to take the necessary
measures and precautions to prevent their occurrence and not to occur
again )
Document Title: Fit to Work
Document No.: Version No.: 01 Page Number: 4 of 8
DC Stamp
Issue Date: Effective Date: Review Date:

8.7. In the event that one of the workers suffers from a mental illness, whether it is
permanent or temporary, the medical reports of the case are studied by the
safety department and the appropriate action is taken for the case by
transferring the patient to another place that suits the health condition

8.8. In the event that one of the workers is infected with one of the infectious
diseases (Covid 19), the direct manager is informed and the worker does not
attend the company and go to the health insurance or any private hospital and
bring information about the case after complete recovery and return to the

8.9. In the event that a worker with a disease (Covid 19) comes to the company,
he goes to the clinic, and through it he is taken by ambulance to the health
insurance hospitals, and he brings information about the case after returning
to the company from full recovery.

8.10. HSE department shall keep the required records medical fitness certificate by
the physician and submit them upon the request through the concerned

8.11. Necessary examinations for employees for example:

Production employees
 Chest x-ray
 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Sight detection

Engineering employees
 Chest x-ray
 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Sight detection
Document Title: Fit to Work
Document No.: Version No.: 01 Page Number: 5 of 8
DC Stamp
Issue Date: Effective Date: Review Date:

Warehouse employees
 Chest x-ray
 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Internal examination
 Sight detection
 Forklift drivers should have Audiometry examination in addition to other

HSE employees
 Chest x-ray
 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Sight detection

Restaurant workers and buffets in the Administrative Affairs Department

 Typhoid
 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Urine and stool analysis

Service workers in the laboratories and production department:

 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Internal examination

Laboratories employees
 Chest x-ray
 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Sight detection

Drivers in the Transportation Department

 chest x-ray
 Glucose measurement
 Pressure measurement
 Liver and kidney function analysis
 Sight detection
 Drugs analysis
Document Title: Fit to Work
Document No.: Version No.: 01 Page Number: 6 of 8
DC Stamp
Issue Date: Effective Date: Review Date:

9. References:
9.1. The Egyptian Labor Law of 2003 and the ministerial decisions implementing it.
9.2. OSHA Standard.

10. List of tables & figures:


11. Appendices:

12. Others

13. SOP History:

Version No. Issue Date Effective Date Page No. Amendment Summary

01 First Document Issuance

Document Title: Fit to Work
Document No.: Version No.: 01 Page Number: 7 of 8
DC Stamp
Issue Date: Effective Date: Review Date:

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