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Oorsake van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog

Eylül1939'da hierdie oorlog het begin kort ná die Duitse inval van Pole Hitler begin uit
te brei na die begin van die besetting van die Wes 22 Junie 1941 Rusland se inval het
begin om te ontwikkel in all-out oorlog. Rusland was beskou as een van die draaipunte
van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog besetting van Duitsland na kalkışmasının BaskınıAmerika
op Pearl Harbor op 7 Desember 1941, Japan het die Verenigde State in die oorlog. Die
wêreld, wat byna elke aspek van die internasionale oorlog tussen 1939-1945 Duitsland
Italy en Japan was die Axis devletleriyleFransa Verenigde Koninkryk Verenigde
State 'N meer beperkte posisie van die USSR en China plaasgevind het tussen die
Geallieerde Magte.

In die winter van 1942-1943 het die rigting van die oorlog het die Russe weer klop die
Duitsers in die voorkant van Stalin was 'n verbetering. 1943 Julie Vrystelling van die
Brits-Amerikaanse troepe van Mussolini in Italië het van krag Italië onttrek uit die
oorlog. 6 Junie 1944, die Brits-Amerikaanse troepe met die Geallieerdes 'Normandië
plakker met die sukses van die oorlog was seker te wen. Hitler het selfmoord gepleeg
op April 30, 1945 Het en die Duitse hoogste in Berlyn op 9 Mei onderteken 'n oorgawe

6 Amerikaanse vliegtuie Ağustos1945'te gegooi in Hiroshima atoombomme en 9

AğustostaNagasaki'ye die uitkoms van die oorlog was seker. Eerste Minister Suzuki van
Japan tot oorgawe te aanvaar onvoorwaardelik 2 September 1945 Japan onderteken
die ooreenkoms beoog om die oordrag van beheer van Amerikaanse generaal Mac
Arthur. So, was die Tweede Wêreldoorlog voltooi.
Die balansstaat erken wanneer die oorlog was verskriklik. Agter die 54 miljoen dood
kreupel miljoene hawelose staatlose Meer as vyf miljoen mense het in die oorlog
verwoes menslike versameling houers gegee het onder marteling kan nie en nie omgee
die gaskamers.

Die oorsake van die oorlog

Adolf Hitler en Benito Mussolini

I. Aan die einde van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, was Duitsland het verslaan en gedwing
om 'n ding te doen met die swaar toestande. In 1919 het die Duitsers die
ondertekening van die Verdrag van Versailles onregverdig van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog
en moet die idee van stowwe soos vervat heroorweeg. Uitgedaag word met groot
ekonomiese probleme in die 1920's onder leiding van Adolf Hitler, die Nazi's aan bewind
gekom het in Duitsland in 1933. Hitler het probeer om getel te word aan die een kant
van die Verdrag van Versailles is ongeldig aan die ander kant weer vergader om sy
gewapende magte.
In 1919, was die Volkebond gestig dispute op te los en in stand te hou vrede nie oor
die krag wat nodig is om hierdie pligte, sanksie. Verenigde State bly buite van hierdie
organisasie, onder die ander lede nie voldoen aan die besluite teen bepaal dat 'n
konsensus bereik is oor hoe om te gebruik moeilik. Hierdie probleem Ignoreer die
protes in 1931, gevang Japan se Mantsjoerye streek van China het goed uit. Dwarsdeur
die 1930's, het toegeneem die krag van Japan. In 1935, Benito Mussolini, die Italianers
het gelei Ethiopië ingeval. Die Volkebond ontvang het nie doeltreffende voorkomende
maatreëls in hierdie tyd.
Uitgebuit hierdie swakheid in Duitsland se Ryn-rivier in Maart 1936 Adolf Hitler het
troepe gestuur wes van die gebied. Maar volgens die ooreenkoms tussen die Volkebond
in 1925, met Duitsland in die streek bulunduramayacaktı geen staat ruiter. Uit die
Volkebond sanksies uygulayamadı protes oor hierdie kwessie. Toe, in Italië en Duitsland
Republikeinse regering in Spanje teen die fascistiese generaal Franco in die
burgeroorlog wat het troepe gestuur om te veg in die geledere, sodat jy probeer om die
nuwe wapens en vliegtuie. Nuwe grondaankope en Duitsland vir die Wêreldbeker
oorheersing Italië en Japan Berlyn-Rome-Tokyo Axis 'n alliansie gevorm het.

In 1937, Japan China het 'n oorlog teen die bal som. 'N Jaar later, Duitsland
Oostenryk is beset, en dan in Czechoslovakia, die Duitse etniese meerderheid het die
reg om na vore te bring op Südet streek. Brittanje en Frankryk Czechoslovakia Hitler
oortuig dat dit sal voordelig wees eğmesinin nek te versoek en het Duitsland in
September 1938, die streek van die München Ooreenkoms. Na 6 maande van Hitler se
Duitsland, Tsjeggo-Slowakye, sodra die juk van intimidasie, sê die hoofstad, Praag
bombalayacağını insette.

Duitsland se volgende slagoffer hervestig as 'n onafhanklike staat na die Tweede

Wêreldoorlog I Polonya'ydı. Brittanje en Frankryk die versekering gegee dat sodra die
Duitse aanval op die pole. Duitsland Ekspedisie na Pole deur die bekendstelling van 'n
aanval in hierdie land II. Die Tweede Wêreldoorlog begin.

South African Bill of Rights

Rights. This Bill of Rights is a cornerstone of democracy in South Africa. It enshrines the
rights of all people in our country and affirms the democratic values of human dignity,
equality and freedom.

The state must respect, protect, promote and fulfill in the  Bill of Rights.

The rights in the Bill of Rights are subject to the limitations contained or referred to in
section 36, or elsewhere in the

Application. The Bill of Rights applies to all law, and binds the legislature, the executive,
the judiciary and all organs of state.

A provision of the Bill of Rights binds a natural or a juristic person if, and to the extent that,
it is applicable, taking into account the nature of the right and the nature of any duty
imposed by the right.

When applying a provision of the Bill of Rights to a natural or juristic person in terms of
subsection (2), a court — in order to give effect to a right in the Bill, must apply, or if
necessary develop, the common law to the extent that legislation does not give effect to
that right; and may develop rules of the common law to limit the right,
provided that the limitation is in accordance with section 36(1)

A juristic person is entitled to the rights in the Bill of Rights to the extent required by the
nature of the rights and the nature of that juristic person.

Equality. Everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit
of the law.

Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms To promote the
achievement of equality legislative and other measures designed to protect or advance
persons, or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination may be taken.

The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more
grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin,
colour, sexual orientation, age, disability religion conscience, belief, culture, language and

No person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more
grounds in terms of subsection. National legislation must be enacted to prevent or prohibit
unfair discrimination.

Discrimination on one or more of the grounds listed in subsection (3) is unfair unless it is
established that the discrimination is fair.

Human Dignity. Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity
respected and protected.


1. Everyone has the right to life.

2. Freedom and security of the person.
3. Everyone has the right to freedom and security of the person, which includes the
right: not to be deprived of freedom arbitrarily or without just cause; not to be
detained without trial; to be free from all forms of violence from either public or
private sources; not to be tortured in any way; and not to be treated or punished in
a cruel, inhuman or degrading way.
4. Everyone has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right:
to make decisions concerning reproduction; to security in and control over their
body; and not to be subjected to medical or scientific experiments without their
informed consent.

Slavery, servitude and forced labor. No one may be subjected to slavery, servitude or
forced labor.

Privacy. Everyone has the right to privacy, which includes the right not to have-

1. their person or home searched;

2. their property searched;
3. their possessions seized; or the privacy of their communications infringed.

Freedom of religion, belief and opinion. Everyone has the right to freedom of
conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion.

Religious observances may be conducted at state or state-aided institutions, provided that

those observances follow rules made by the appropriate public authorities, they are
conducted on an equitable

basis; and attendance at them is free and voluntary.

This section does not prevent legislation recognizing- marriages concluded under any
tradition, or a system of religious, personal or family law; or systems of personal and family
law under any tradition, or adhered to by persons professing a particular religion.

Freedom of expression. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes
— freedom of the press and other media; freedom to receive or impart information or idea's
freedom of artistic creativity; and academic freedom and freedom of scientific research. The
right in subsection (1) does not extend to propaganda for war; incitement of imminent
violence; or advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that
constitutes incitement to cause harm.

Assembly, demonstration, picket and petition. Everyone has the right, peacefully and
unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket and to present petitions; Freedom of
association. Everyone has the right to freedom of association.

Political rights. Every citizen is free to make political choices, which includes the right to
form a political party; to participate in the activities of, or recruit members for, a political
party, and to campaign for a political party or cause. Every citizen has the right to free, fair
and regular elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution. Every
adult citizen has the right to vote in elections for any legislative body established in terms of
the Constitution, and to do so in secret; and to stand for public office and, if elected, to hold

Citizenship. No citizen may be deprived of citizenship. Freedom of movement and

residence. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement. Everyone has the right to leave
the Republic. Every citizen has the right to enter, to remain in and to reside anywhere in,
the Republic. Every citizen has the right to a passport.

Freedom of trade, occupation and profession. Every citizen has the right to choose
their trade occupation or profession freely. The practice of a trade, occupation or profession
may be regulated by law.

Labor relations. Everyone has the right to fair labor practices. Every worker has the right
to form and join a trade union; to participate in the activities and

programs of a trade union; and to strike. Every employer has the right to form and join an
employers’ organization; and to participate in the activities and programs of an employers
organization. Every trade union and every employers’ organization has the right to
determine its own administration, programs and activities; to organize; and to form and join
a federation. Every trade union, employers’ organization and employer has the right to
engage in collective bargaining. National legislation may be enacted to regulate collective
bargaining. To the extent that the legislation may limit a right in this Chapter the limitation
must comply with section 36(1). National legislation may recognize union security
arrangements contained in collective agreements. To the extent that the legislation may
limit a right in this Chapter, the limitation must comply with section 36(1).

Environment. Everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health
or well-being; and to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future
generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that prevent pollution and
ecological degradation. promote conservation, and secure ecologically sustainable
development and use of natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social

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