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We Do Not Rise to the Level of Our Expectations, We Fall to the Level of Our Training!

Track & Field - Hurdlers

Off-Season | Strength Accumulation Wks 1-4

Day 1 Medium (Deload)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Warmup Jumping Jacks, Seal Jacks, Lateral Lunges, Gate Swings, Squat Thrust - x10/each
Movement Prep Move Prep #1
ABS Hollow Hold - 3x30sec Hollow Hold - 4x30sec Hollow Hold w/ Rock - 3x30sec Hollow Hold w/ Rock - 4x30sec
Pistol Squat Progression 3 x6 3 x7 3 x8 2 x6
Incline Bench Y-T-W 3 x10/ea 3 x12/ea 3 x15/ea 2 x10/ea
Lateral Hop to Stick 3 x5/ea 3 x6/ea 3 x8/ea 2 x5/ea
Hang Clean w/ Front Squat 3x6-8 70 3x7-9 70 4x8-10 70 2x6-8 65
Week 1 & 2 - 70,70,75% 70 70 75 65
Week 3 - 70,75,75,80% 75 75 75
Week 4 - 65,65% 80
Single Leg Broad Jump 2x2/ea 2x3/ea 2x4/ea 2x2/ea

Goblet Squat 2x10 2x12 3x10 2x8

Single Leg Hip Raise 2x8/ea 2x10/ea 2x12/ea 2x8/ea

DB Bench Press 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x8

TRX Row 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x8

Hanging Leg Raise 2x15 2x20 2x20 2x10

Stir-the-Pot (Physioball) x20/ea x20/ea x20/ea x10/ea
Day 2 High 6-1 6-8 6-15 6-22 (Deload)
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Movement Prep Move Prep #2
ABS Plank Series Plank Series Plank Series Plank Series
Partner GHR 3 x5 3 x7 3 x10 3 x5
Cuban Press 3 x12 3 x15 3 x15 3 x10
Calf Raises 3 x20 3 x25 3 x30 3 x20
1/2 Turkish Get-Up 3 x3/side 3 x4/side 3 x5/side 3 x3/side
Deadlift 3x3-5 75 3x4-6 75 4x3-5 75 2x6-8 65
Week 1&2 - 75,80,85% 80 80 80 70
Week 3 - 75,80,85,90% 85 85 85
Week 4 - 65,70% 90
Max Vertical Jump 3x2 3x3 3x4 3x2

Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8/ea 3x10/ea 3x12/ea 2x8/ea

NG Pull-Up 3x6 3x7 3x8 2x6

Plyometric Push-Up 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x8

Reverse Hyperextension 2x15 2x15 2x15 2x15

Pallof Press (Hold) 2x30s 2x35s 2x40s 2x30s

Ab-Wheel Roll-Out x10 x10 x10 x10

Day 3 Low 6-2 6-9 6-16 6-23 (Deload)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Movement Prep Move Prep #3
ABS Deadbug Series Deadbug Series Deadbug Series Deadbug Series
Band Pull Apart 3 x20 3 x25 3 x30 3 x15
OH Squat (Med Ball) 3 x8 3 x10 3 x12 3 x6
Lateral Hurdle Step-Unders 3 x6 3 x7 3 x8 3 x4
1-Arm DB Overhead Press 2x8/ea 2x10/ea 2x12/ea 2x6/ea

Hammer Row 2x12 2x12 2x15 2x10

Farmer's Carry 2x20y 2x30y 2x40y 2x15y

Forward Hurdle Hop (Low) 3x2 3x3 3x4 3x2

Sprinter Sit-Ups 3x8/ea 3x10/ea 3x12/ea 3x6/ea

Slider Hamstring Curl 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x6

Slider Lateral Lunge 2x6/ea 2x8/ea 2x10/ea 2x4/ea

Extra 2x40y 2x40y 2x40y 2x40y

Slider Wheelbarrow

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